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UPHILLBATTLE CityCollegestudentslooktoformanMMAcluboncampus. Life, page7

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com

Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945

Volume69, Number 9 | March 10, 2015

It?s all according to plan Educational plans now mandatory for City Collegestudents By PHOENIXWEBB Ci ty Ti mes


Part-time pay, full-time frustration

Adjunct professor Ian Duckles addresses students and staff gathered at Gorton Quad on Feb. 25 to raise awareness about the ongoing struggle of part-time teachingstaff at communitycollegesanduniversitiesat thelocal andstatelevel. Shrinkingbudgetshavemadeit economicallybeneficial for schoolsto relyheavilyontheir adjunct faculty, whomakelessmoneyandreceivefewer benefitsthantheir full-timecounterparts. See storyonpage 3.

?Got an ed plan?? was a question seen on campus at the beginning of this semester in the for m of pins, pens, pamphlets, on the school website and on banner s. I t was a campaign designed to make San Diego City College students awar e that education plans exist and ar e now r equir ed. Education plans fit into the plan for incr eased success r ates because they establish a clear path of classes a student needs for their gener al

See PLAN, page 3

Basketball wraps in disappointment

Sexual battery reported at City By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD Ci ty Ti mes A San Diego City College student r epor ted an incident of sexual batter y while walking fr om campus Mar ch 3. Accor ding to a Safety Aler t r eleased by the San Diego Community College Distr ict, the incident occur r ed at appr oximately at 8:10 p.m. when

an unknown suspect pulled the victim behind a dumpster near the L ear ning Resour ce Center, placed the victim in a bear hug and gr abbed her gr oin. The suspect let the victim go but followed her towar ds the L building wher e the suspect assaulted the victim



See BATTERY, page 2

West L.A.


City College



With eight seconds ticking down on the clock, Knights sophomor e guar d Chr is Bur ton goes up fr om thr ee- point ter r itor y for a chance to tie the game at 74 against West L os Angeles College; the final seconds r un down to hit zer o, Bur ton?s fade- away thr ee misses the mar k as the final buzzer echoes thr ough the silence of the home cr owd. The scor eboar d r ead 74-71 and

in the second r ound of the Souther n Califor nia Regional Playoffs, the San Diego City College men?s basketball team?s season came to an abr upt end after losing to West L .A. on Feb. 27 at the Har r y West Gym. ?This was r eally tough ? A r eal tough way to go out like this. This one hur ts,? said sophomor e guar d Caleb Singleton. I t was an emotional scene in the

See BASKETBALL, page 9




News Voice Arts Life Sports

Apunkrockretrospectivetakesalookat somelegendaryartistsandtheir classic albums. Arts, page6

Thepopular bookandmovieseries givesskewedperspectiveson relationships. Voice, page5

Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 12


www.sdcitytimes.com | March 10, 2015


CALENDARMARCH Tuesday, March 10

Friday, March 13

Baseball: vs. Palomar College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

D eadline to petition for readmission for Fall 2015. UC Workshop: 11:30-12:30 a.m. at Tr ansfer Center. M en?s Volleyball: vs. Palomar College, 6-8:30 p.m. at Har r y West Gym. D ialogues, Poster Art of the Soviet Union: Opening r eception, 6-9 p.m. at City Galler y. Exhibition r uns until Apr il 13.

M en?s Tennis: vs. Victor Valley College, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts Jazz L ive: Joe Gar r ison and the Night People, 8 p.m. at the Saville Theatr e.

Wednesday, March 11 M en?s Tennis: vs. Case Wester n Rever se Univer sity, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts. Badmintion: vs. I r vine Valley College, 3-5 p.m. at Har r y West Gym. Softball: vs. Mesa College, 3-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Thursday, March 12 Coffee With A Cop: get to know some of the officer s at City College. 10-11:30 a.m. in AH/BT Quad. Women?s Tennis: vs. Mt. San Jacinto, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts.

Saturday, March 14 Baseball: vs. Palomar College, 12-3 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

Monday, March 16 ASG election packets due by 3 p.m. in M-200.

Tuesday, March 17 M en?s Tennis: vs. Palomar College, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts.

Wednesday, March 18 Cold War and Propaganda Posters: pr esented by Sofia L aur ein, 12:30 p.m. in AH-306.

Informationcompiledby AngelicaWallingford. Toget your event inthepaper, email calendar@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880

ASG election candidates?eligibility confir med and advertised, 3 p.m. in M-200.

M andator y Orientation for ASG


Candidates: 3-4 p.m.in M-202

Wednesday, March 25

Thursday, March 19 Baseball: vs. Southwester n College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field. Women?s Tennis: vs. Mesa College, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts.

D onate Blood: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Gor ton Quad. Softball: vs. Southwester n College, 2-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Thursday, March 26

Friday, March 20 Softball: vs. L .A. Mission College, 2:30-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Monday, March 23 M iko Peled, author of ?The Gener al?s Son,? 12:30-2:30 p.m. in V-101.

Social Justice and E ducation Conference: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., in V-101. Featur ed speaker Constance M. Car r oll and confer ence sessions. VAM P (Visual/Audio M onologue Per for mance) Writers' Showcase: 7-9 p.m.

Cosmetology Orientation: 1-2:30 p.m. in V-building.

Friday, March 27

E sthetician Orientation: 2:30-3:30 p.m. in V-101.

Tuesday, March 24

Social Justice and E ducation Conference: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. in V-101. Featur ed speaker Tyr one Howar d and confer ence sessions. Softball: vs. Palomar College, 3-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Baseball: vs. Mesa College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

M en?s Volleyball: vs. Golden West College, 6-8 p.m. at Har r y West Gym.

M andator y Orientation for ASG Candidates: 3-4 p.m. in M-202.

City College shows its Manpower San Diego City College was host to Manpower in Febr uar y to hir e students that was made possible by a r egionwide gr ant. The gr ant was explained by Rose L aMur aglia, who is the dean of business and technology at San Diego City College. ?I have a r egional gr ant to pr omote infor mation communication technologies r egionwide. I t?s a

statewide initiative to pr omote cur r iculum and help students align whatever class they take,? L aMur aglia said. Four City College faculty member s, L er oy Br ady, Shana and Ther ese Savar ese, and cosmetology students helped pr epar e the event. L aMur aglia shar ed the following statistics: ther e wer e two days of interviews among five Man-

power r ecr uiter s; 90 percent of all students who showed up wer e fr om City College; 211 r esumes wer e r eceived; 157 students wer e inter viewed; 104 inter viewed students r eceived second calls with an offer of a job assignment. Manpower will r etur n to City College Mar ch 11. I nter views will be conducted 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in BT-203.

She went into the cafeter ia and the suspect fled the ar ea. The suspect was deContinuedfrompage1 scr ibed as a mid 30- yearold Hispanic male, appr oximately 150 pounds wearagain and, this time, tr ied ing baggy black pants and to unzip her pants. The a blue shir t, accor ding to SDCCD Police suspect let the victim go. the

Depar tment. I f anyone has any information r egar ding the incident, contact San Diego Community College Police dispatch at (619) 388- 6405, the San Diego Police Depar tment at (619) 531-2000 or Cr ime Stopper s at (888) 580-TI PS.


? Phoeni x Webb

CORRECTION The following is a cor r ection of an er r or fr om the Feb. 24 issue of City Times. On the page 10 stor y ?Rackets r attle for Knights,? sophomor e men?s tennis player David L in and fr eshman women?s tennis player Kar en L opo

wer e misquoted. I t is the policy of City Times to clar ify content or cor r ect er r or s. Send them to the paper at info@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880.

March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com

assessment and counseling upon enr ollment and measur e a student?s sucContinuedfrompage1 cess post-enr ollment. L ocar dia Muzota is in education units and their the nur sing pr ogr am at specific classes towar ds City College and plans to cer tificate pr ogr ams and tr ansfer to UCL A or Penntr ansfer or associate sylvania State Univer sity this year. She completed degr ees. The purpose of an edu- an educational plan in orcation plan is to help stu- der to fulfill the r equir edents plan how to accom- ments of Extended Opporplish their educational tunity Pr ogr ams and Sergoals at San Diego City vices (EOPS). ?I only had to do it once. I College. Ed plans are part of State Bill 1456, the had help from the counselor Seymour-Campbell Student ? they do provide us with a Success Act of 2012, passed counselor so she was the by the California legisla- one helping me through ture in September of that ever ything,? Muzota exyear, that focuses on in- plained. ?I really didn?t have creasing the numbers of to do any paperwork at all. students that graduate or They did give me an estitransfer to four year mated time ? it was about three years.? universities. Rafael Alvar ez is the diAccor ding to California's official legislative in- r ector of the MESA pr ofor mation website, SB-1456 gr am, a tr ansfer tr ack pr odefined matr iculation as gr am at City College, an agr eement between which also r equir es educastudent ser vices pr ovided tional plans be completed by a community college by students. ?Goal focus is one of the and students that com10 impor tant factor s for plete their fulfillment of those ser vices. The act college r eadiness and sucspecified ser vices commu- cess. They need to have a nity colleges must include goal. They need to focus on for matr iculation: pr ocess it. They need to have a applications for admis- plan for achieving that sion, give or ientation/pr e- goal, so the education plan or ientation ser vices, offer is cr itical,? Alvar ez said.



Kelli Tur pin is a counselor in the Student Counseling Center on campus who helps students cr eate educational plans, and answer s questions about classes to take and whether tr ansfer r ing, or seeking a cer tificate or as- By PHOENIXWEBB sociate?s is appr opr iate for Ci ty Ti mes a student. Mor e than 100 adjunct ?We?r e not gonna tell you what to do, but we?r e instr uctor s and their supgonna give you the tools por ter s took another stand that you need to figur e out against inequality with a r ally Feb. 25 at San Diego how you want to live your City College. life,? Tur pin said. The r ally was or ganized Getting an educational plan is also impor tant to by I an Duckles on behalf of pr eser ve r egistr ation pr i- Associated Feder ation of or ity. I nside the 2014- 2015 Teacher s in San Diego, City College Catalog is a known as The Guild 1931; list of r egistr ation pr ior ity Jessica Thompson, pr ofesgr oups in or der and a de- sor at City College; and scr iption of each popula- Geoff Johnson and John tion. Without a completed Hoskins, both adjuncts at educational plan, a stu- Mesa College, in or der to dent?s pr ior ity of r egistr a- br ing mor e awar eness to the plight of adjunct intion dr ops. The Student Counseling str uctor s at community Center r ecommends mak- colleges locally, statewide ing an appointment for an and nationally. Rallies wer e also held educational plan one week in advance and students the same day at Mesa College, Gr ossmont College, should allow for one hour. To schedule an appoint- Palomar College, SouthCollege and ment to get an ed plan, call wester n UCSD. (619) 388-3135. ?The whole Souther n For mor e infor mation about the counseling cen- Califor nia fr om the bor der ter and what it offer s, visit to Nor th County, ther e?s www.sdcity.edu/Counseling. gonna be stuff going on in


Part-time professors rally for full-time equality honor of this event,? Duckles said. Duckles is also adjunct instr uctor of philosophy and r eligious studies at Mesa College, San Diego Mir amar College, Cuyamaca College and University of San Diego. Duckles is an example of a ?fr eeway flier ? ? a ter m used for adjunct instr uctor s who have to teach at multiple campuses to get enough hour s to make a living wage. National Adjunct Action Day was Feb. 25. The plan was for adjuncts to walk out. ?I know they ar e doing walkouts in other places. I n Califor nia, we?r e not r eally focusing on so much on the walkout and we?r e doing mor e infor mational stuff: tabling, teach-ins and things like that just because we feel that might be a better way to get the message out to our students r ather than just kind of disappear ing for the day,? Duckles said.

San Diego City College students L aur a Baeza and Mazyar Alamdar i, community outr each inter ns for AFT Guild 1931, manned a table with letter s of suppor t for passer sby to sign that would be sent to Gov. Jer r y Br own. Baeza said they had collected over 400 signed letter s over two days. ?Anything that has to do with social and economic justice, we?r e always out ther e,? Baeza said. ?...We?r e tabling to get just as many letter s as possible to Gover nor Br own to let him know that students r eally car e about their pr ofessor s and them not having full time jobs and benefits and office hour s and stuff like that affects us,? Alamdar i said. Duckles was emcee and a speaker for the event. A few students spoke at the r ally about their feelings about how adjuncts ar e tr eated and the impact it

See ADJUNCTS, page 10


www.sdcitytimes.com | March 10, 2015

CITYVOICE Security in question Safety on campus continues to be tr oublesome. On Mar ch 3, a student was r epor ted victim to a sexual batter y incident behind a dumpster on the west side of L ear ning Resour ce Center, which occur r ed late in the evening. Making students wonder about police pr esence at night. I s campus police paying gr eater attention dur ing peak hour s and not sur veying as much when campus tr affic slows down? Campus police offices in the cafeter ia, which usually ser ves as a station wher e par king per mits can be pur chased in the fir st weeks of the semester, has r emained closed. The move means shining a br ighter light in the dir ection of campus police offices at the distant cor ner V building location. The gap between City College attendees and patr olling has been an issue due to such r epor ted incidences ? mostly because the existence of lag time for cer tain situations that need instant attention. To settle any confusion on to what to do in an emer gency, let?s r eview your options. Staff, students and faculty, when it comes to emer gencies, City Times Editorial Board pr ogr am dispatch (619- 3886405) on your cell phone. I t links dir ectly if you need police assistance. Safety call boxes ar e another option. They ar e scatter ed all over campus: one on ever y elevator and on each level of the par king gar age, the cafeter ia, libr ar y and many mor e. I f you ar e among those who question campus safety show some inter est to addr ess these holes in communication. I t is encouraged for ever yone on campus to call dispatch if you have any suspicion or concer n when in the moment; let campus police determine the validity of your emer gency. Campus police also offer s r ides to your car dur ing night classes if anyone ever feels unsafe. Nights like the r epor ted sexual batter y can be avoided with knowing these options ar e available. Sometimes that isn?t the case. Ther e ar e some students who ar en?t awar e of how to handle themselves in tr oubling situations and it begs a question: I s ther e r oom for impr ovement and how can ther e be consistent secur ity ar ound the clock? Will we have to depend on sur veillance camer as? You see them in gr ocer y stor es, banks and liquor stor es. This could assur e a 24-hour pr esence and could wor k in pr ime spots of the campus. Using it effectively can identify possible tr oublemaker s and give a sense of pr otection. What these camer as could also suggest is flaws in the cur r ent system, an over bear ing for staff, students and faculty. Ther e ar e possible outcomes to this answer that sound beneficial: the camer as go up and it deter s cr ime or ever ything stays the same. Soon you?ll have a solution to a pr oblem that has spir aled, and gr eater dependency on campus police. The idea to have mor e pr esence is clear ; to which way we choose to go about doing it is not.



CityTimes www.sdcitytimes.com

Broadcastersshould stick to newsand not storytelling The public looks to jour nalists to r epor t the news. Journalists, especially news br oadcaster s, ar e taken ser iously. What is r epor ted is accepted as tr uth and when a jour nalist is discover ed to have cr eated their own tr uth it cr eates bad pr ess and distr ust among viewer s. Amer ica watched Br ian Williams on NBC for over 20 year s until this month when a stor y was published in Star s and Str ipes newspaper. Accor ding to cbsnews.com, Williams r epor ted in 2003 that he was on a r epor ting tr ip in I r aq and was in one of a gr oup of helicopter s and that the one in fr ont of his was fir ed at. I n 2008 Williams wr ote in

March 10, 2015 Volume 69, Number 9 PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks




Edi tor i n Chi ef

Photogr aphy Edi tor



Managi ng Edi tor Spor ts Edi tor

Copy Edi tor

Dane Allen, Edgar Inda-Lar es, Issa Lozano, Antoni o Mar quez, Todd Mata, Aldo Rami r ez, Cher elle Rober ts, Tor r ey Spoer er, Phoeni x Webb


Contr i buti ng Edi tor

New s Edi tor

RICHARDLOMIBAO Opi ni on Edi tor



CORRESPONDENTS Mar k Elli ott, Dar i an Spencer

Calendar Edi tor


ROMANS. KOENIG Jour nali sm Advi ser

his blog that his helicopter was fir ed at and the helicopter in fr ont of his was hit. Finally, in 2013 Williams was on the L ate Show with Dave L etter man

PERSPECTIVE Phoenix Webb and told L etter man that the helicopter he was in got hit as well as the one in fr ont of his. The Star s and Str ipes published an ar ticle Feb. 9 wr itten by Tr avis J. Tr itten that called Williams out for lying about his exper ience in I r aq dur ing a r epor ting tr ip in 2003. Under standably, active militar y per sonnel and veter ans

City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthe semester. Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot necessarily represent thoseof the entirenewspaper staff, City Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethe soleresponsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot be interpretedtobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficers or employees. Letters to the editor: LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. The staff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.

ar e angr y about this. Being fir ed at is tr aumatic and to live thr ough it is something of a mir acle. I t cannot be taken lightly, it should not be fabr icated under any cir cumstance and cer tainly not by a jour nalist. News br oadcaster s used to r epor t the news matter- offactly ? without emotion and without per sonal anecdotes. Walter Cr onkite, Dan Rather and Tom Br okaw wer e br oadcast news anchor s people have watched r eligiously. They r epor ted the facts as they wer e given. They wer e pr ofessional, r eliable and r eassur ing as deliver er s of factual news.

See WILLIAMS, page 8

Howto reach us: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. SanDiego, CA92101 Newsroom: BT-101 Phone: (619) 388-3880 E-mail: info@sdcitytimes.com Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation

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March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



?Fifty Shades?casts gray area on relationships Women gr ow up being told that they cannot love or year n for sex in the same way men can, but the success of ?Fifty Shades of Gr ey? has helped change that conver sation. I t?s opened a door to discuss female sexuality and if the phenomenon segues into discussion about finally feeling okay in their skin as sexual beings than br avo. But it shouldn?t be applauded for what it's so clear ly not: a love stor y and an accur ate por tr ayal of a BDSM (bondage and and discipline, sadomasochism) r elationship. The r elationship between Chr istian Gr ey and Anastasia ?Ana? Steele is not abusive because it?s kinky or involves a power exchange with one par t-

ner as dominant and the other as a submissive. I t?s abusive because it outr ight uses those things as tools of abuse. The ser ies disr egar ds that it?s

PERSPECTIVE Jennifer Manalili completely fine to be into handcuffs, whips, and spanking- so as long as you?r e doing those things with a consenting par tner. I t?s however, not okay to bully, intimidate, and manipulate your par tner as a means of getting them into doing those things. I r ead ?Fifty Shades? thr ee year s ago, when it was bar ely being mentioned on television be-

tween whisper s of ?Mommy Por n,? a nod to how its popularity gained steam with subur ban housewives and soccer moms. I t?s a r ecycled stor yline. L ike bad boy vs. good gir l stor ies befor e them, the bar bed wir e ar ound Chr istian?s hear t is melted by Ana?s love, except her e ther e's a ?r ed r oom of pain? and a contr act. The wr iting is elementar y and neither char acter s have depth. The ser ies became incr easingly annoying and fr ustr ating. Chr istian?s dabbling in BDSM is explained as a r esult of child abuse. His possessiveness is excused because he?s beautiful and r ich. The er otic par t? Mor e tir esome and r edundant than sensual or dir ty.

VOX POPULI Voice of the People QuestionaskedbyAldoRamirez | PhotosbyJoeKendall

After therecent harassment incident at City College, how safedo you feel in campus? ?Not much especially at night because it?s downtown; it sucks that women have to go thr ough a lot of extr a stuff for their safety. Just pay attention to your sur r oundings, making sur e you?r e always looking over your shoulder s, you?r e always checking who?s ar ound you.? Rebecca Velazquez, 20, Psychology

?I have one night class and I don?t know, ther e?s a bunch of weir d people in downtown, we alr eady know all that though; I just kind of br ush them out.? Paul Valdez, 20, Envir onment

?Ther e should be maybe mor e policemen walking ar ound dur ing the day and dur ing the night. ? Dannia Molina, 18, Math

?I t seems to be police patr olling ar ound I don?t see them as much in the evening classes when it seems like they should be needed most, ?cause during the day ther e?s a lot of people walking ar ound, not many things happen; those emer gency callboxes can be useful in differ ent locations also. ? Omar Gonzalez, 25, Health Ser vices

On scr een is a mor e sleek, sophisticated pr oduct. With Jamie Dor nan?s handsome face and a BeyoncĂŠ soundtr ack, it?s easy to see why moviegoer s have gr own intr igued and the film's br oken r ecor ds. But the ser ies?success on paper and scr een can?t hide how it thr ows the BDSM community under a bus by painting them as tr oubled, abusive and insensitive instead of accur ately por tr aying a cr owd that pr ides itself on safety, comfor t, and consent to pr otect the people involved. Emma Gr een of The Atlantic, inter viewed exper ienced BDSM pr actitioner s and wr ites, ?Ther e ar e healthy, ethical ways to consensually combine sex and pain. All of them r equir e self-

knowledge, communication skills, and emotional matur ity in or der to make the sex safe and mutually gr atifying. The pr oblem is that ?Fifty Shades?casually associates hot sex with violence, but without any of this context.? Chr istian uses Ana?s sexual inexper ience to manipulate her, all while she?s left in the dar k and not told what?s going to happen. He uses alcohol to sway her consent. When she?s upset, he becomes angr y and makes no attempt to comfor t her. He ignor es her safe wor d in one scene ? or makes her feel guilty for using it. I n other instances thr oughout the ser ies, he thr eatens to hur t

See SHADES, page 8

Everybody plays A look at video games?most outspoken critic, why her arguments for changeof gender tropes aremisguided To advocate for an issue that your passionate about is admir able, however, to demonize an entir e gr oup of people in the name of the issue your advocating for is completely and utter ly wr ong. Take that mindset and apply it to one of the most contr over sial pop cultur e issues sur r ounding one of the most popular for ms of enter tainment and you?ll end up being knocked out so fast you swear you?r e in ?Str eet Fighter.? The Gamer gate contr over sy star ted in August 2014 when the scor ned exboyfr iend of indie game developer Zoe Quinn made a long blog post detailing their br eak up and accused her of a number of things including a r elationship with jour nalist Nathan Gr ayson. Gamer gate has spar ked somewhat of an upr oar in the gaming community and has made var ious figur es such as Quinn and developer Br ianna Wu br ing up issues such as sexism, gamer identity and misogyny. However, both Quinn and Wu have been r elatively quiet compar ed to gaming?s most infamous outspoken cr itic ? cur r ent gaming public enemy number one: Anita Sar keesian.

Thr ough her website and YouTube account Sarkeesian?s commentar y on video games, called ?Tr opes vs. Women in Video Games? discusses famous gaming tr opes such as the damsel in distr ess, the sexual object

the idea of women as playthings for amusement.? To call an entir e gr oup of people, both male and female, sexist for killing r andom woman char acter A on the str eet in ?Watch Dogs ?or for picking up a pr ostitute in an off-br and knock off of a Fer r ar i in the ?Gr and Theft Auto? fr anchise is completely absur d. Objectives such as these examples ar e almost always optional when playing a game. No one is going to hold a computer gener ated coded gun to your char acter s head and make them do any of those things. I t?s all up to the player, which br ings in a discussion of the per son playing, not video games at lar ge. To accuse developer s of being misogynists because they have sexy female fan ser vice char acter s or the token female char acter is illogical. By that conclusion, that would mean that the developer s of games such as the ?Call of Duty? and ?Wolfenstein? fr anchises ar e Nazi sympathizer s for featur ing Nazi figur es in their games. I t would mean that Juliet Star ling of ?L ollipop Chainsaw? would just be that sexy

PERSPECTIVE Angelica Wallingford and the backgr ound char acter. Sar keesian?s bar e bones ar gument about how ther e should be mor e women char acter s in video games ? on top of the alr eady long laundr y list ther e ar e ? is completely valid and is something that most, if not all, gamer s ar e in completely favor of. However, wher e Sarkeesian?s ar gument falls flat is when she attacks and accuses gamer s and developer s of being sexist and misogynistic just for playing or developing a game that has even an ounce of sexualizing women or having violence against them. ?I t gets wor se and wor se,? Sar keesian said in an inter view with ABC News. ?I t r einfor ces this idea that women ar e sexual objects ? it r einfor ces

See GAMES, page 8


March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


Punk?s not dead A look at someof punk rock?s best albums, artists and eras Rising fr om the ashes of the r ebelliousness of the ear ly ?70s, punk r ock became mor e than just some r un-of-the-mill musical genr e ?that the kids wer e into.? I t became a movement. The punk ethos of D.I .Y. and questioning ever ything became the ultimate sign of r ebelling against

SOUNDBREAK Angelica Wallingford confor mity. L ike most iconic er as in histor y, the music r eflected the time. Contr ar y to most beliefs, punk r ock is ver y much alive and kicking, but ever y now and then we should pay r espects to the gr eat ar tists that influenced countless other s. Her e ar e some gr eat punk r ock thr owbacks, all of which ar e available on iTunes. 1. Rancid ? ?? And Out Come the Wolves? To make a punk r ock playlist of any for m and not mention Rancid is committing musical blasphemy. Rancid ar e music legends with a car eer spanning over 24 year s, hundr eds of live shows and eight studio albums. The band?s 1995 album ?? And Out Come the Wolves? stays tr ue to the band?s undergr ound punk r ock sound with an

See PUNK, page 8

Photos by RICHARDLOMIBAOCi ty Ti mes

Women in Light exhibit shinesat Luxe Gallery Thesecondannual WomeninLight ShowopeneditsdoorsonMarch2at theLuxeGalleryfeaturingfemaleartistsfromCityCollege?sphotographyprogram. Thework of students, staff and faculty come together to celebrate Women?s History Month. The reception began with an opening speech fromphotography professor Lisa Vella, whoeulogizedthehard-workingartistswhowereproudinwelcomingtheanxiouscrowdthroughthedoorsastheyswungopen. Seeninthegalleryisaneclecticarrayof photographicstoriestoldbythephotographers, eachsectionrepresentingadifferent perspective.

?S.H.I.E.L.D.?setsup up base at Del Mar Fairgrounds By ANTONIOMARQUEZ Ci ty Ti mes The Mar vel Exper ience made its way to San Diego and just like the movies it was a hit with fans of all ages. Fr om Feb. 7- 22 fans got the oppor tunity to vicar iously live the lives of their favor ite Mar vel super her oes such as Hulk, Wolver ine, She- Hulk, Black Widow and Spider-Man. L ike something str aight out of the television show ?Agents of S.H.I .E.L .D.?, the Del Mar Fairgr ounds wer e tur ned into a seven dome militar y oper ating Marvel fanseagerlyawait their entrance tothe Marvel Experience at the Del Mar Fair- base wher e event goer s wer e tur ned into one of S.H.I .E.L .D?s grounds. ANTONIOMARQUEZCi ty Ti mes

newest r ecr uits and teamed up with Mar vel fan favor ites to take on the ter r or ist or ganization Hydr a. ?I t r eminds me a lot like Comic-Con ... I expected it to be ver y eventful,? Allan Medina, a student fr om Cal State Nor thr idge said. ?... And see what it tr uly is to be a her o and all that.? College students also got to take par t in the fun when the event held a college night wher e students could par ticipate in the festivities for only $20. The Mar vel jour ney had a 360 degr ee 3D ster eoscopic pr ojection dome and a state of the ar t 4D motion r ide that gave fans a closer look at being a super her o.

The inter active activities immer sed event goer s into not only the games, but also put them in the middle of the action. Black Widow?s tr aining r oom and interactive scr eens put event goer s next to their favor ite super her oes and even taught fans how to fly like I r on Man. However, the exper ience wasn?t a hit with ever yone who attended. ?I don?t think it was wor th it. I t had some cool stuff but definitely felt (mor e) for kids though,? Yanet Salgado, a for mer City College student, said. The whole exper ience was

See MARVEL, page 9

March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com

CITYLIFE Hiding in plain sight Stella Public House features dual-themed dining at a great price

MixedMartial ArtsClubfoundersRomanSanchezandSamuel CastorenaworkpunchingcombinationdrillsduringakickboxingclassinthePbuilding. JOEKENDALLCi ty Ti mes

Pulling all the punches Students get on themat and exchangeblows for new MMA club on campus By CHERELLEROBERTS Ci ty Ti mes For the past four weeks, students Samuel Castor ena and Roman Sanchez have had one goal in mind ? to star t an MMA fight club at San Diego City College, which they hope will eventually lead to the school?s own competitive wr estling team. Both Castor ena and Sanchez, two ver y passionate mar tial ar ts students who shar e a Jiu Jitsu class, ar e pair ing up in an attempt to br oaden the campus hor izons. The pair decided to take their idea to student affair s after being advised to do so by their Jiu Jitsu instr uc-

tor, Alan River a. They intend to cr eate an official club to achieve their goals ? to teach students self-defense and for City College to gain a new athletic team. ?? To get a new athletic team going for City College to be able to compete and gain r ecognition, as well as teach people self- defense because downtown San Diego isn?t always the safest place,? Castor ena said. When Sanchez was asked why he thought the club was a positive addition to the campus, he stated, ?I believe athleticism helps you feel mor e confident about yourself and makes it easier to in-

March gaming madness Look forward to theseintriguing titles coming out this month Some individuals follow college basketball, other s like to dr ink themselves into oblivion on St. Patr ick?s Day and some individuals, well, they don?t car e about either of those things. These folks

pr efer to enjoy staying inside away fr om that br ight

PRESSSTART Nowell Montejo

ter act with other people.? I deally, the MMA fight club would meet 2-3 times a week, possibly in the P building, so new and exper ienced mar tial ar ts students can wr estle, spar and pr actice mixed martial ar ts. Castor ena and Sanchez both wanted to str ess, however, that ?it doesn?t always have to be about fighting. We can also watch boxing matches and MMA and UFC fights together,? Sanchez said. River a also expr essed how the P building would be a gr eat place for the club. ?I would love to have the club her e in P- 101 in the ?Room Of Encour agement;? I

want to pr ovide as much as possible, with the suppor t of the school, wher e students can build fr iendships and also utilize this r oom and all of the equipment to their advantage,? River a said. The club seems to be off to a pr omising star t and could possibly begin befor e Spr ing Br eak as sever al students have alr eady expr essed interest ? ther e is just one main issue. ?The biggest pr oblem we?ve r un into is getting a full-time instr uctor to sign for it,? Sanchez said. River a, a par t- time instr uctor, showed inter est in

fier y ball in the sky and a shiny new game to play. Mar ch is the month for gamer s this year, with a dr astically diver se lineup of titles launching, r anging fr om the punishingly difficult ?Bloodbor ne,? to a fantastic r eimagining of Abr aham L incoln fighting aliens alongside fabled char acter s such as The Cowar dly L ion, all the way to an explor ation shooter pulled str aight fr om 1985 called ?Axiom Ver ge.?

These upcoming games will take gamer s to danger ous and exciting new wor lds, giving them an escape fr om the doldr ums of r eality. Her e?s a quick look at what to expect in the month of Mar ch: M arch 13 ? ?Code Name: S.T.E .A.M .? (3D S) In ?Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.,? a str ategy game fr om Nintendo and

Sitting in the middle of new housing developments in East Village, a shining new r estaur ant stands hidden in the scene of what appear s to be a small r etail office building. Stella Public House offer s a sur pr isingly welcoming war m tone to its guests with a dual theme: a dar k little secr et and a couple of cool sur pr ises. L ocated only half a mile away fr om campus on the cor ner of 14th Str eet and I sland Avenue, the exter ior of the r estaur ant suggests a sense of cover t exclusiveness (with no sign Edgar Inda outside to announce their location) but upon en-


ter ing, the chic decor changes the tone. Making up the fir st half of Stella?s dual theme, Halcyon is a coffee shop offer ing a full liquor bar and bar ista service. I t is a lounge-like ar ea filled with a combination of old Eur opean and colorful minimalist fur nitur e. A few tables scatter ed ar ound and a full bar cover the inside, but the place extends to an open patio outside with comfor table beach chair s, a lar ge par ty table and booths. The lounge is dimly lit and r oughly decor ated, with plenty of open space. The coffee shop featur es a differ ent coffee bean ever y month and a selection of small delicious, but ver y affor dable, lunch items. The meatball sub sandwich with mar inar a sauce and Swiss cheese

See EATS, page 9

See PUNCHES, page 10

See START, page 10

Stella Public House utilizes a woodfire oven to serve a variety of neo-Italian homestyle cuisine. JOEKENDALLCi ty Ti mes




Punk Continuedfrompage6 added ska influenced twist that was mainstr eam enough to catch the eye of media outlets such as r adio and MTV. The album is full of insanely catchy ska punk sing- a - longs that paint var ious pictur es of the gr itty str eets and the people who r oam them. L ead singer and guitar ist Tim Ar mstr ong?s atypical gr itty, r aw, Joe

Shades Continuedfrompage5 himself or other people, or leave if he doesn?t get his way and knowing that she will in fact do anything for him so he will not leave her, he uses her desper ateness to appease him to his advantage. ?Should I r un? ... Do I let him do this or do I say no, and that's it? Because I know it will be over if I say no,? Ana admits to her self in one scene. In fear of his anger and temper, Ana begins hiding things from Christian. He

Str ummerlike snar l matches the tone of the lyr ics per fectly and the sheer br illiant musicianship of bassist Matt Fr eeman, guitar ist L ar s Fr eder iksen and for mer dr ummer Br ett Reed ar e one of the most amazing combinations in music. ?? And Out Come the Wolves? is an essential album for a r eason, I t?s that damn good. 2. Patti Smith ? ?H orses? Patti Smith and her band may not look like the forbids her from seeing friends and reminds her that should tr y she r unning, he has all the money and the means to track her down. I n a healthy r elationship, Ana would have a choice. She would feel safe to ask questions and make comments, and Chr istian would not thr eaten the tr ust so implicitly placed in his hands. Romanticizing this tr eatment and making it seem OK to accept is pr oblematic and danger ous, and people inspir ed and influenced to dabble in BDSM without a pr oper idea of what it should be will get hur t.

ster eotypical punks of the 1970s but Smith and her 1975 debut album ?Hor ses? have sealed their place in music histor y, not only as one of the best punk r ock albums to exist, but also one of the best debut albums as well. Smith is a punk pioneer, star ting out at places like the now closed CBGB?s and with bands like Television and Blondie. She didn?t mar ch to the fastpaced beat of the ear ly punk r ock sound. I n fact, ?Hor ses? is the per fect

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mixtur e of that ear ly, gr itty punk r ock sound and Smith?s other influences including jazz. Smith is also one of the most br illiant lyr icists to this date and ?Hor ses? has no shor tage of thought pr ovoking and har d hitting lyr ics such as ?Jesus died for somebody?s sins, but not mine.? Patti Smith and ?Hor ses? ar e definitive pr oof that punk r ock br illiance doesn?t always come in a silver spike- shaped box. 3. Anything pre- 2001

by the M isfits. The Misfits ar e the godfather s of the hor r or punk genr e. I f a hor r or movie had the per fect soundtr ack ever y single song would be by them, or r ather anything pr e- 2001 ver sions of the Misfits. Divided into thr ee ?er as? ? named after their fr ontmen Glenn Danzig, Michael Gr aves and Jer r y Only r espectively ? the thr ee ar e vastly differ ent fr om each other. The Danzig and Gr aves er as wer e str aight up hor-

r or punk, taking all the blood, guts and gor e fr om hor r or films and the mysticism of science fiction and mar r ying those elements to punk r ock and coming out with outstanding ar r angement of musical master pieces. However, it all goes downhill hill fr om ther e. The Only er a is over pr oduced, cor ny and cliche heavy metal and basically sounds like the musical for m of that cr appy Jessica Biel r emake of ?The Texas Chainsaw Massacr e.?

chainsaw wielding, limb maiming, decapitating zombie slayer that she is Continuedfrompage5 in the game. The fact is, none of these tr opes ar e blonde all- Amer ican going away anytime soon. cheer leader sucking on Mar io is always going lollipops and not the fier ce to save Pr incess Peach,


ther e?s always going to be those r andom side char acter s with extr aor dinar y ?jiggle? physics that ser ve absolutely no pur pose but to be looked at, picking up hooker s is always going to be a ?Gr and Theft Auto?

pastime, killing r andom char acter s A and B is always going to an optional objective and the one of the most iconic and fier ce video game char acter s ? Samus ? is always going to be female.

ar e incr easingly asked to br ing their own per sonality and stor ies to the table. Continuedfrompage4 News or ganizations sometimes use that to connect What Williams did may people in the audience to be par t of a tr end that has their on- air news per sondeveloped in media jour- ality,? Chan said via email. nalism. Chr is Chan is an ?To a cer tain extent, conadjunct instr uctor of me- necting with the audience dia law at San Diego City as a br oadcaster, as well College. as a par ent or a football ?News br oadcaster s fan or an animal lover al-

lows people to communicate news and infor mation mor e effectively.? ?Per sonal stor ies can be gr eat because they pr ovide mor e infor mation and hopefully a deeper understanding of a subject matter whether it?s infor mation and feelings. But r ules of tr uth and accur acy still apply in those stor ies, especially when you?r e a

jour nalist,? he said. We don?t need to connect or know who is r epor ting news, or, for that matter, who the people ar e who pr ovide our media enter tainment. We need the news: factual, unemotional, without dr ama and per sonality. The public deser ves to have news with honesty and nothing else.


March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


Singleton said. The second half picked up the same way the game Continuedfrompage1 began; West L .A. once again caught fir e fr om Knights locker r oom ? downtown and extended their jour ney had ended their lead to 50-34. and the fr ustr ation and Aside fr om Br umsey besadness could be seen ing a silent assassin and fr om the player s and finishing the game with a coaches as they wer e team- high of 20 points, inches away fr om pulling sophomor e guar d Jumah off a comeback win against Stutton came off the bench the Wildcats. and r ecor ded 15 points The 11th seed Wildcats alongside sophomor e had the number sixth star ting point guar d Chr isseed, the Knights on their tian Jones who got to the toes and playing fr om be- foul line multiple times hind ear ly on in the game and finished the game with as they wer e able to nail 14 points and six assists. seven out of 13 thr ee pointAs City College tr ailed er s in the fir st half. Within 63- 47 with eight minutes the opening minutes, West r emaining, Bur ton L .A. led 17- 6 and as the spar ked a 20- 4 r un after Knights wer e looking for sinking in a thr ee. The answer s and a way to stay Knights caught fir e and in the game, it was fr esh- within a span of seven man guar d Mar cus Br um- minutes, the Knights r alsey Jr. who came off the lied back after being down bench and caught fir e by 17 points to tie the game at scor ing 14 points in the 67 with a layup by Bur ton. fir st half. Bur ton finished the game As the fir st half ended with 15 points. with the Wildcats up 35-25, But the Knights' comeBr umsey was the spar k back wasn?t enough; with the Knights needed to stay one minute r emaining it within str iking distance. came down to fr ee thr ows. ?Mar cus stepped up r e- City College had to foul ally big for us and he got and West L .A. led by guar d us a lot of buckets in the Br andon Hood was able to paint and you can expect knock them down and him to be a leader next made it har der for the year for the team; if he de- Knights to completely take cides to stay ? I am not over. r eally sur e but he was big After the game, Head time for us on the cour t,? Coach Mitch Char lens de-


liver ed an emotional speech to his team on them not defining their jour ney by one game but by looking at their over all accomplishments and the br other hood they have cr eated over the past two year s. ?The highlights (with this team) have been the last two year s because most of these guys ar e sophomor es. Winning confer ence last year and having two 20-wins season two year s in a r ow and going to the second r ound of the state playoffs both year s and having so many guys making fir st team allconfer ence, winning tournaments and highlights of beating gr eat teams,? Char lens said after his speech. ?We can?t let our last game define our entir e jour ney ? (we got) to think about all the positives and all the gr eat moments and hopefully in time because now this is going to hur t too much but hopefully in time they can look at it in its entir ety and not being defined by simply their last game,? continued Char lens. I t may not have been the way the team wanted to end their jour ney, but as they move onto their next ? they know that they ar e not quitter s.

for students to come her e befor e, between or after classes since they ar e open Continuedfrompage7 fr om 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Happy hour offer s $5 ser ved with a light salad is snacks, $2 off select a r eal tr eat. cocktails and $1 off well The br uschetta is made beer and wine fr om 3 p.m. with bur r ata, heir loom to 7 p.m. tomato and pr osciutto over Stella opens at 5 p.m. war m house made br ead. and is located behind HalBut the best has to be the cyon, neatly tucked away fr ied mozzar ella bites in a industr ial- themed ser ved with a side of war m space. Cr owded with zesty mar inar a sauce. br awny wood- and- steel The staff her e is long tables and stools, it is fr iendly, cour teous and accommodated by a wood helpful, making it easy to fir e pizza oven adjacent to feel welcomed. With com- a bar which featur es a 30for table seating, easy- beer on tap selection. going music and fr ee Wi-Fi The restaurant side is and such comfor t food as inviting for friends and famyou'd like to have at home, ily to seat alongside one anit makes a per fect setting other and perhaps share an

interesting evening with some neighboring strangers and locals. ?We want our guests to feel r ight at home, that?s our aim,? said sous chef Alfonso Salinas. ?Our signatur e pizzas and meatballs is what we want people to come back for.? Offering the classic margherita along side their signatures ?Quatro? ? with four types of cheeses ? and the meatball pizza, all made with fresh ever yday made dough and housemade mozzarella cheese, the restaurant is quickly making a name for homestyle cooking with a neoItalian theme. This place is onto something good.

that some stayed to explor e and play the games. ?The enthusiasm we?ve seen fr om San Diego audiences has been nothing shor t of over whelming. ... We ar e so gr ateful for how this city, home of Comic- Con I nter national, has embr aced the Marvel Exper ience and we ar e excited to be able to stick ar ound a little

longer,? Her o ventur es COO Doug Schaer and CEO Rick L icht stated via pr ess r elease. Due to the huge fan r eaction, The Mar vel Exper ience extended its or iginal r un in San Diego to Mar ch 1, so mor e super her o fans wer e able to enjoy the inter active exper ience at the Del Mar Fair gr ounds.


Marvel Continuedfrompage6 appr oximately two hour s long, with up to 148 visitor s enter ing the inter active domes at a time. Once inside the domes attendees go in as a gr oup, but ther e wer e so many things to do




Start Continuedfrompage7 I ntelligent Systems, developer s of the popular ?Fir e Emblem? ser ies, player s ar e tasked with contr olling a team of her oes led by Abr aham L incoln to pr otect Ear th fr om an alien invasion. ?S.T.E.A.M.? takes place in an alter nate histor y wher e ever ything is power ed by steam, including the vehicles and weaponr y that the game?s her oes must utilize to fend off the alien attack. Alongside Abr aham L incoln, char acter s fr om popular Amer ican folk tales join the fr ay, such as the Cowar dly L ion fr om ?The Wonder ful Wizar d of OZ,? Tiger L ily fr om ?Pe

ter Pan,? Tom Sawyer and sever al other her oes, each with their own set of unique skills to help the player along the way. M arch 24 ? ?Bloodbor ne? (PS4) I n their latest action game, Fr omSoftwar e ? the same developer s behind the infamous ?Dar k Souls? ser ies ? takes player s on a jour ney to the wor ld of Yhar nam, a Gothic city filled with monster s and dungeons for masochistic gamer s to get their fix. Highly detailed envir onments r eally shows off the power of the PlayStation 4, with its impr essive visuals and lighting alr eady topping off an incr edible display of combat, utilizing guns and swor ds to beat the hor r or s faced within

the dungeons. M arch 31 ? ?Axiom Verge? (PS4) ?Axiom Ver ge? is the ultimate fan ser vice to lover s of classic explor ation game ser ies such as Nintendo's ?Metr oid? and Konami?s ?Castlevania.? Str anded on an alien wor ld, a scientist fights to sur vive on his own, using the power ful weapons and upgr ades he finds along the way to kill any aliens that might hinder his path to fr eedom. Cer tainly an homage to classic gaming, ?Axiom Ver ge? takes a less is mor e appr oach by giving player s limited instr uction as they begin, leaving them to their own devices and discover ing the path to sur vival thr ough tr ial and er r or.

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dr iguez, City College gr aduate and or ganizing dir ector for San Diego and I mper ial Counties L abor Council; and Jim Miller, pr ofessor at City College. ?We need a just economy in a just society that values the wor k of ever y single Amer ican,? Miller said in his closing r emar ks. The final speaker was r etir ed pr ofessor and AFT 2121 member Joe Ber r y, who taught at San Fr ancisco City College and author ed the book ?Reclaiming the I vor y Tower : Or ga-

nizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education.? Ber r y?s gener al message was that adjuncts must unite in their fight for equality and job secur ity and students must fight for their educational fr eedom. ?... We want to destr oy the idea that ther e?s two kinds of teacher s: people that have job secur ity and living wages and benefits and people who don?t. Ever ybody should have that and ever ybody should have that acr oss the labor for ce,? Ber r y said.

Fight.? Fighting is always the last r esor t and it?s all about safety; safety is the key,? River a continued to say. An MMA club would pr ovide a new and interesting outlet for many students who ar e alr eady involved with athletics on campus. ?Ther e ar e a lot of students who play sever al spor ts and on competitive teams, but not for MMA fighting,? Castor ena said. The two ar e optimistic about their pr ospects to br ing mor e diver sity to the school and will continue to

pur sue the club with administr ation until it can be appr oved. They r ecognize that this is a pr eviously unexplor ed idea, but believe that success is possible. ?We don?t have a wr estling team her e at City College, but if we could spar k that inter est thr ough mixed mar tial ar ts, I think it could happen.? Sanchez said. Castor ena, Sanchez and River a hope students will be eager to par ticipate, and will pr ovide mor e infor mation once it is available.

The No. 1 doubles team, Niph along with her sophomor e teammate, Continuedfrompage12 Cassandr a Ka won both of their doubles matches in ?Our number one dou- dominating fashion: 21- 7, bles team played gr eat ? 21-7; 21-12, 21-6. also (over all) the teams Niph expr essed that played well and much over the past months, she str onger. I t?s good to see and along with her teamour number one doubles mates ar e also wor king on team playing str onger es- their mental game and ar e pecially which will make focused on getting back to our number two team step the state match after losup and wor k har der be- ing to De Anza College, 19cause in pr actice they 2 last season. both would split sets,? ?Pr actice this year was Nguyen said. a lot har der, I know per-

sonally and along with the other sophomor es have been wor king har d to get back; I want to win state this year and I am hoping that all of our effor t that we put into pr actice will get us back to the state match,? Niph added. Since taking over in 2006, Nguyen has an impr essive car eer r ecor d of 77- 6 and has led the badminton team to win seven confer ence championships and four state championships in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2012.

the young team, that featur es seven fr eshmen and only two sophomor es ar e impr oving as the season comes along but r ecently have been plagued with multiple injur ies. ?A lot of our player s ar e injur ed ? so they have tr ouble holding up at pr actice and cannot ser ve a lot because they have injur ies to their elbows and shoulder s. So we can?t wor k on ser ves as much as we would like at pr actices but hopefully as the season comes along they can r ecover a little bit and get healthier,? Mann said. With seven matches left in the season, the team is tr ying to make a comeback and win some matches and also just like the

women?s team, to hopefully have some player s make it to the SoCal Regionals. With the injur ies to the player s, Mann went on further to say that at pr actices they ar e wor king on all the little things to make sur e the team impr oves for the upcoming matches. ?We ar e pr ogr essing, ever ybody is pr ogr essing and we ar e looking confident for the upcoming matches. (Sophomor e) Ger man Ziella and I ar e also making sur e we help out with the fr eshmen in any way we can and tr y to cheer them on ? it?s been gr eat to see them pr ogr ess this season,? said sophomor e David L in.

Adjuncts Continuedfrompage3 has on students. Bo Elder, a gr aduate student at SDSU, spoke on behalf of labor gr oup L ucha Por $15 (the San Diego chapter of national labor gr oup Fight for $15) about economic inequality for minimum wage ear ner s. Other speaker s included Emanuel Weimer, City College student; Nancy Cr uz, or ganizer for Fight for $15; Jose Ro-

Punches Continuedfrompage7 signing for the club. The only issue r emains that he is a par t- time instr uctor and not full-time. ?I would pr obably, if all the philosophical and cultur al aspects wer e met as well as a pr ogr am, I would for sur e sign for it. The self defense motto would have to be the headliner,? River a said. ?We pr actice her e in the r oom of encour agement, our motto is ?Run, Hide,


Tennis Continuedfrompage12 the wins will come. ?A lot of player s have been making a lot of impr ovement on their shots and a lot of har d wor k is going in at pr actice. We ar e heading in the dir ection and I am ver y optimistic about the second half of the season,? Teal added. The men?s team has also str uggled on winning matches, as they sit in sixth place in the PCAC with an over all r ecor d of 312 and a confer ence r ecor d of 2-6. Assistant Head Coach Er ic Mann expr essed that

March 10, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Pop! Resting on frozen peas


All about that base During a home game against Long Beach City College on Feb. 7, freshman Alex Galatis protects third base by taggingout freshman Meghan Rogers. The Knights softball teamwent on todefeat LBCC, 2-0. Currently, the teamhas found themselves in a mid-season slump and are in a five game losingstreak. The Knights sit in fifth place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference with an overall record 5-12 and a conferencerecord1-6.

Milestone season Men?s volleyball teamcaptures first win in threeyears By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes After many year s of str uggling at the net, the San Diego City College men?s volleyball team has found success this season by captur ing two milestone victor ies last month against L .A. Tr ade Tech and Mesa College. On Feb. 20, the Knights defeated L .A. Tr ade Tech in a 3- 0 sweep at home and also captur ed the team?s fir st win since the 2012 season. ?The win against L .A. Tr ade Tech was incr edible. Dur ing the match our team hit an impr essive .452 and we sided out at over 70 percent. I t was a solid team per for mance, individually Kyle Taylor, Shane McAdams and L uke Timm played well offensively,? said Head Coach Kevin Pr atte. ?After the match I r eminded the team that we have alr eady star ted the

pr ocess of changing the cultur e of San Diego City College men?s volleyball and this win pr oves we ar e headed in the r ight dir ection,? continued Pr atte. Fr eshman middle blocker Zach Kr amer r ecor ded six kills in the victor y and expr essed that the win against the Beaver s fueled the team to beat Mesa College on Feb. 27. ?The win against (L .A. Tr ade Tech) was awesome ? it definitely spar ked us up to go ahead and get the next one because we ended up playing Mesa after that and that was our fir st time in the team?s histor y that we won. I t was a gr eat feeling to get that win,? Kr amer said. The home game against Mesa College was a five-set thr iller ; the Olympians took contr ol in the fir st set by winning 25- 15 but the Knights r esponded by taking the second set, 25-22. As Mesa caught fir e in the thir d set with har d hitting

ser ves and won 25- 15 once again, the Knights came back to win the final two sets (25- 21, 15- 11) by distr usting their offensive r hythm with aggr essive ser ves and winning the battle at the net. Although the team sits in sixth place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence with an over all r ecor d of 2-8 and a confer ence r ecor d of 1- 3, the team is focused to finish the season str ong by winning mor e games and wor king har d in pr actice. ?Ever y match is going to be a dog fight and a challenge to win. I t is imper ative that we pr epar e well befor e ever y match, continue to pass the ball well, ser ve aggr essive and in the cour t and finally take aggr essive swings offensively,? said Pr atte. The next home game for the Knights will be against confer ence foe Palomar College on Mar ch 13 at 6 p.m. in the Har r y West Gym.

?Alr ight! Elliott ? and sound ? Twist and E.B...Match Up!? pop! One bad day, one Star ting in standing chance shift and ther e position our hands shake, went a monkey wr ench in we cir cle r ound each the day-to-day pace. other waiting for r eaction, The whole limp home our palms slap to keep I think of the big list of each other busy; keep things I couldn?t confieach other thinking be- dently do. Tur n cor ner s, for e the gr ab. I t?s all over stand comfor tably quite fast. str aight, r un, hop, br ake, Guar d is pulled and so chase tr olleys to school, am I . ?Twist, tur n ? and Muay Thai and long-head pop!? clear ing walks. Ther e Pop! ? Ahhhh! Tap! went boxing in the city, Never had to scr eam that. the tangible victor ies and Pop! ? That was in this whole column's r un my r ight knee. Pop! ? What was I going to do? What the hell could I do? Beside cur se a whole lot of wor ds. Stand was the fir st Mark Elliott thing to do; seemed the most natur al thing to do. too. And this was all just a The str ength and confi- spr ain. I don?t blame my teamdence for that natur al acmate but I do ask fate, tion went away. I ?m shakwhile spitting quite a lot ing on this mat like I ?ve never had hoping this pop of venom. Why not take wasn?t that bad. Coach what you want vanity does the Miyagi r ub in the wise? Give me a black eye, br oken nose, cr ooked exact spot that feels off. I want to believe I ?m nose, chip tooth or a visiokay; believe that r est, ice ble gash. Why not cr ack a and time will do the tr ick r ib and make it har d to yet I ?m wor r ied I ?ll make br eathe and sleep? I ?m this knee that much used to that-just leave me my mobility! wor se. The pain isn?t in the Each step I ?m hoping gr avity won?t give me the steps or foot. The pain is finger and ther e goes the to possibly watch other s ACL too. Maybe that is all do. Challenge makes in my head, but inside sense while in the r oll or ther e, too, is an impr es- br awl; to not be able to go sion of me: scar r ed, wide at it though; when you eyed on a gr een mat. know you?r e just as up to Taken back to the motion it as the other s sur r ound-

ing you in a gym hitting pads. God damn it, give me a chance! L et me have a shot at that str uggle. When I star t to notice the healing begin is when I accept that change happens suddenly like a pace of a fight. I t was going one way for so much time, then comes a blow that made you human again and your r hythm becomes something else entir ely. Hur t or not I have to pr oduce and push, do the best at 47 per cent, and then be happy when I t gets to 49. This is my life for awhile now, I accept sitting and watching fr ozen peas r est on my knee. Ever y inch of r elentlessness in me wants back on the mat; and ever y inch of my mind is cemented with panicking over the tr ouble I have standing. I t?s ther e not for r easons of fear but r ather inspir ation, see that pop was motivation. I t's the chip on the shoulder (or in this case the knee) I needed for this challenge. That pop is what will pr opel me to r etur n and become something better and that's when I thr ow a focused str aight jab while the peas cool my knee,

each wer e able to hit RBI singles dur ing the inning. With a total of six hits Continuedfrompage12 and four r uns in the fifth inning, the Knights wer e able to pr opel themKliebenstein home for the selves to a comfor table 6scor e and to take a 2- 0 0 lead and with Peeler on lead. the mound; the Jaguar s I n the fifth inning, never had an oppor tuPletsch opened things up nity to scor e as Peeler for the Knights as he sin- left a few str anded on gled to r ight field and af- base in the final four ter one out fr om L eyva innings. that moved Pletsch to ?Today, we did a pr etty second, sophomor e Ray good job of getting r unJones hammer ed one to ner s on and moving them left field that br ought over but I think that is Pletsch home for the what we?ve been str ugscor e. gling with lately and Following Jones, the can impr ove on but Knights wer e able to pr o- other than that we ar e duce mor e r uns to add to playing pr etty well r ight their lead. Br oussar d, now,? Peeler said. Kliebenstein and sopho?At the end, (our mor e Gabr iel Santana coaches) said that we

could pick up the pace a little ear lier and get the star ting pitcher out sooner and how we shouldn?t settle and need to keep wor king har der,? Br oussar d added. ?I think today we had a lot better timely hitting. We scor ed a lot mor e r uns than we did in the past thr ee games and I think today we finally gelled and came together.? With the victor y, the Knights impr oved their over all r ecor d to 7- 4 and ar e now 1-1 in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence. Now, the team curr ently sits in thir d place with an over all r ecor d of 8- 7 and a confer ence r ecor d of 2-4.



imagining ever ything I will do when I stand on a mat once again. Patience will last and so will I .


www.sdcitytimes.com | March 10, 2015


The dynasty continues Women?s badminton teamdefeats Grossmont Collegein homeopener, 21-0 By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes The women?s badminton team picked up wher e they left off last season by capturing their 23r d consecutive Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence victor y by defeating Gr ossmont College 21- 0 on Mar ch 4. ?We came out her e r eady to compete and we have been pr acticing har d in the past months so as we came Sophomore Cassandra Ka serves the birdie over the net into this match, we wer e all against Grossmont CollegeonMarch4 at theHarryWest thinking that we wer e going Gym. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes to win and we did,? said

sophomor e Gina Niph. I n the match, both teams play a total of four r ounds: two r ounds of singles matches and two r ounds of doubles matches and play to the best out of thr ee sets. Once the Knights took the fir st r ound of the singles and doubles, the team was in a comfor table 10- 0 lead and never looked back. ?For today?s match, this was a little step as we look to take ever y match as a way to get back to wher e we wer e last season. (Gr ossmont) is a pr etty well bal-

ance team but they?r e not a top team so I want our team to know after this match that they can step it up a little and wor k har der as the season move for war d,? said Head Coach Son Nguyen. ?We ar e getting r eady for Pasadena College, I did some r esear ch and they ar e a ver y good team this year and that is our tar get r ight now. I n or der for us to get better, the gir ls need to play mor e aggr essive and pr actice even har der,? Nguyen added. At pr actice, the Knights

ar e wor king on their chemistr y and lear ning how to wor k together in the doubles matches. Nguyen believes if they can lear n how to play together dur ing doubles, it will boost their confidence when they move into the singles matches. I n the victor y against Gr ossmont, Nguyen was pleased on how well the doubles teams played and hopes they can continue to get str onger in the upcoming matches.

See VICTORY, page 10

Tenacity strikes Knights By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes

sar d. ?? I was able to put a good swing on the ball and basically let my swing do what it does and the ball just kept going.? Following Br oussar d?s homer, the Knights wer e able to get the bases loaded and with only one out in second inning, fr eshman Kiki L eyva hit into a fielder ?s choice that took out fr eshman Dylan Pletsch at second base but br ought sophomor e Ricky

As the tennis season swings into its halfway point, the men?s and women?s tennis teams at San Diego City College ar e looking to make a str ong push to add mor e wins to their over all r ecor d. The women?s tennis team sits in four th place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence with an over all r ecor d of 2-5 and a confer ence r ecor d of 2- 4. The women?s tennis Head Coach, Jami Jones expr essed that over the cour se of the season, the team has r efor med their doubles teams and have been wor king har d and have built gr eat team chemistr y with each other. ?We?ve won a couple of matches and the matches that we?ve lost; I felt like we wer e still competitive, and we have some r oom to impr ove and I think we have a good shot on taking some mor e of these matches in the second half of the confer ence play. I also think we have a good shot on getting some player s into r egionals,? Jones said. With the fr eshmen filled team, fr eshman team captain L ydia Teal expr essed that with most of the player s having played at the high school level, it is just a matter of time that they build off the fundamentals of the game and

See SHUTOUT, page 11

See TENNIS, page 10

Inthetopof theninthinning, Knightssophomorepitcher KylePeeler sealsthe6-0 victoryagainst SouthwesternCollegebystrikingout SammyPerezonFeb. 24 at Morley Field. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes

Peeler peels off first conference win A shutout victory as theKnights baseball teamdefeats conferencefoeSouthwestern College6-0 By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes Thr ough nine innings of play, sophomor e star ting pitcher Kyle Peeler led the Knights Baseball team to a 6- 0 home victor y against Southwester n College by thr owing a complete game shutout with thr ee str ikeouts on Feb. 24. ?(Going for the complete game) was in the back of my mind, I was just tr ying to get a win for the team. With this

gr oup of guys ? I love these guys, I got their backs and they got my back,? Peeler said. I n the win, Peeler faced 38 batter s and only allowed eight hits dur ing the team?s fir st home confer ence game against the Jaguar s. Peeler fur ther expr essed how he wouldn?t have been able to get the win if it wasn?t for the defense. ?I have so much tr ust in our defense r ight now; they ar e awesome and played one hell of a

game,? Peeler added. I n the game, it didn?t take long for the Knights to get on the scor eboar d as fr eshman Chr istian Br oussar d sent the ball flying for a lead- off solo home r un that was able to stay inside the left field foul pole in the second inning. ?What helped me out a lot is what Coach Keegan; our fir st base coach told me ?sick cur veball adjust fastball you got quick enough hands? and that is basically what I did,? said Br ous-

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