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LINSANITY SophomoreDavidLinswingshiswaytosuccess. Sports, page16

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com

Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945

Volume69, Number 10 | March 24, 2015

ASGelection dates extended by a week due to lowturnout By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD Ci ty Ti mes I n an effor t to get mor e students involved with Associated Students Gover nment, Student Affair s extended the election dates for the upcoming election in Apr il. Potential ASG candidates or iginally had until Mar ch 16 to get

their election packets tur ned into the Student Affair s office in M-200 with voting to begin Apr il 15- 16. However, due to low candidacy tur nout, the dates wer e extended until Mar ch 23 for candidates to tur n in their packet with voting to take place Apr il 22-23. ?What happened is that we didn?t get much of a r esponse fr om

people wanting to r un for election,? L or i Oldham, student affair s coor dinator, said. ?We had so many places still to fill in the ASG that we extended a week in an effor t to get mor e people to apply for the par ticular position.?

ASGAdviser Gail Rodriguez and ASGSenator Breona Harris discuss the upcomingSocial Justice Conference onMarch20 inthe Student Affairsoffice in See ASG, page 11 roomM-200. ANGELICAWALLINGFORDCi ty Ti mes

City takes the gold San Diego City Collegetakes first placefor Best College/ University on Best of Downtown 2014 list By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD Ci ty Ti mes


Soviet propaganda on display CityCollegedancersDanteFinchandBriannaBellamyperformatraditional Russianwaltzinthecenter of theCityGalleryaspart of the openingreceptionfor thegallery?snewest exhibition, ?Dialogues: Poster Art of theSoviet Union,?onMarch13. Theexhibitionfeaturesa rarecollectionof Soviet postersfromtheGlasnost andPerestroikaperiodsandnewcontemporaryart piecescreatedbyother illustrators, designersandartists. See storyonpage 9.

San Diego City College r eceived a gold r anking for Best College/Univer sity on the Best of Downtown L ist 2014, beating out San Diego State Univer sity, which placed silver. ?Thr oughout the distr ict we ar e all pr oud of City College,? Chancellor Constance M. Car r oll said via email. ?As our oldest institution and as our most urban institution, the college should defiantly be acknowledged as San Diego?s

best downtown educational asset.? The Best of Downtown 2014 list was chosen by the r eader s of the San Diego Downtown News publication to give r ecognition to their favor ite places in downtown San Diego. The list is separ ated into a number of categor ies including Dining & Dr inks, Retail & Enter tainment and Business & Retail with a plethor a of subcategor ies that include ever ything fr om the best fast food

See GOLD, page 11




News Voice Arts Life Sports

Teachersandstudentsexperienceriding MSbuildingelevator comparedwith?Tower of Terror.?News, page3

Prosandconsof thenewest diverseadditionstoApple?svast emoji catalog. Voice, page6

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www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015


CALENDARMARCH/APRIL Tuesday, March 24 Baseball: vs. Mesa College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field. D ialogues, Poster Art of the Soviet Union: 1-4 p.m. at City Galler y. Exhibition r uns until Apr il 13.

Wednesday, March 25 D onate Blood: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Gor ton Quad. Softball: vs. Southwester n College, 2-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field. ASG candidates eligibility confir med and advertised.

Thursday, March 26 Social Justice and E ducation Conference: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., in V-101. Featur ed speaker Constance M. Car r oll and confer ence sessions. World Cultures E vent: Masahir o Omae, ?Police and Civilians: How We Under stand Each Other,? 12:50-2:10 p.m. in M-205/206. VAM P (Visual/Audio M onologue Per for mance) Writers' Showcase: 7-9 p.m.

Friday, March 27

Social Justice and E ducation Conference: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. in V-101. Featur ed speaker Tyr one Howar d and confer ence sessions. Softball: vs. Palomar College, 3-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field. M en?s Volleyball: vs. Golden West College, 6-8 p.m. at Har r y West Gym.

Saturday, March 28 Social Justice and E ducation Conference: 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Tijuana Maquilador a Tour. Baseball: vs. Mesa College, 3-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

March 30-April 4 SPRI NG BRE AK

Softball: vs. Gr ossmont, 3-5 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Softball: Doubleheader vs. Bar stow College, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at Betty Hock Softball Field.

Thursday, April 2

Sunday, April 12

Tennis: vs. Gr ossmont, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour ts.

Official Campaign Period for ASG E lections

Friday, April 3 M en?s Volleyball: vs. Mir mar, 6-8 p.m. at Har r y West Gym.

Monday, April 6 Golden Apple Faculty Award Voting Online: star ts at 12 a.m. Official Campaign Period for ASG E lections: star ts at 8 a.m.

Thursday, April 9 Baseball: vs. Gr ossmont College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

Friday, April 10

Tennis: vs. I mper ial Valley, 2-5 p.m. at SDCC Tennis Cour t.s

?Grease? Opening Night: 8 p.m. in the Saville Theatr e. Show r uns Fr iday's and Satur day's at 8 p.m. and Sunday's at 2 p.m. until Apr il 26.

Wednesday, April 1

Saturday, April 11

H ealth & Wellness Festival: D ay 2 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the AH/BT upper plaza, pr esentations and speaker s on domestic violence, L GBTQ issues and social justice.

Thursday, April 16

Monday, April 13

Golden Apple Faculty Award Voting Online: L ast day to vote.

Tuesday, March 31

Informationcompiledby AngelicaWallingfordandKylieClarke. Toget your event inthepaper, email calendar@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880

City College?s Week of Ser vice: Star ts at 8 a.m., Visit Student Affair s website r egister and sign up at Balboa Par k or St. Vincent de Paul.

Tuesday, April 14 M andator y Orientation for ASG Candidates: 3-4 p.m. in M-202. H ealth & Wellness Festival: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the AH/BT plaza, MS cour tyar d and Science Quad.

2nd Annual Community Open H ouse: featur ing campus tour s, exhibits, demonstr ations and per for mances. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Welcome tent will be in AH/BT lower plaza. Contact: lvar gas@sdccd.edu. Baseball: vs. I mper ial Valley College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field.

Friday, April 17 City College?s Week of Ser vice ends.

Monday, April 20

Brain Research and L ear ning: Dr. Janet Zadina, educational neur oscientist, 1-2 p.m. in the Saville Theatr e.

Cosmetology Orientation: 1-2:30 p.m. in V-101. E sthetician Orientation: 2:30-3:30 p.m. in V-101.

Wednesday, April 15

Tuesday, April 21

M andator y Orientation for ASG Candidates: 3-4 p.m. in M-202.

Official Campaign Period for ASG E lections ends.

Sketch of sexual battery suspect released An ar tist?s r ender ing of the suspect in the Mar ch 3 sexual batter y incident at San Diego City College was r eleased via safety aler t issued by the San Diego Community College Distr ict on Mar ch 18. The suspect is descr ibed as an ?Hispanic male, about 5- feet tall, between 150- 160 pounds, in his 30s with black hair and br own eyes,? accor ding to

the safety aler t follow- up email. I f anyone has any information r egar ding the incident, contact San Diego Community College Police dispatch at (619) 388- 6405, the San Diego Police Depar tment at (619) 531- 2000 or Cr ime Stopper s at (888) 580-TI PS.

? Angeli ca Walli ngfor d

Legend magazine a finalist for a Maggie Award San Diego City College campus magazine was named as a finalist fr om the Wester n Publishing Association (WPA) for Best Pr int Publication/Student for the 2015 Maggie awar ds.

The summer- fall 2014 edition of L egend magazine was one of four student publications in the nation named as a finalist alongside other student publications such as Tusk fr om Cal State Fuller ton

and The Bull fr om Pier ce College. Winner s will be announced on May 1 at the Annual Maggie Awar ds Banquet in L os Angeles. ? Angeli ca Walli ngfor d


The following is a cor r ection of an er r or fr om the Mar ch 10 issue of City Times. On the page 3 the jump fr om the page 1 stor y ?I t?s all accor ding to plan,? the phone number for Student Counseling Center is (619) 388-3540. On the page 3 stor y ?Par t-time

pr ofessor s r ally for full-time equality,? the Amer ican Feder ation of Teacher s Guild L ocal 1931 was misnamed. I t is the policy of City Times to clar ify content or cor r ect er r or s. Send them to the paper at info@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880.

March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Equipped with coffee and conversation Campus Policehold fourth annual Coffeewith a Cop event in hopes of reaching out to students, faculty, staff By ALDORAMIEREZ and HOLLYC. BRIDGES Ci ty Ti mes The San Diego Community College Distr ict Police Depar tment shar ed smiles over cups of coffee with students for the four th annual Coffee with a Cop event held on campus wher e students, staff and faculty wer e able to mix and mingle with the City College police on Mar ch 12. Campus police handed out coffee and cookies and had their patr ol car s on display with open door s at the student quad between the AH and BT buildings. At the event, held in conjunction as par t of a nationwide effor t, the police officer s conducted a meet and gr eet to give peoOfficer J. StonetalkstoUmojaPresident TonyGivensabout howtoget intouchwithofficers(topphoto). Students, faclulty, staff andCam- ple a chance to talk about pusPolice gather infront of the BTandAHbuildingsfor the Coffee witha Copevent where CampusPolice answeredquestions, comments public safety and other concer ns. andconcernsabout policepresenceoncampus(bottomphoto). Photos by ANGELICAWALLINGFORDCi ty Ti mes

?We?r e out her e to engage with people to answer any questions and to answer any concer ns or fear s they might have, and to let them know that we ar e her e. You?ll be sur pr ised, a lot of people don?t know ther e?s a police depar tment for the campus,? said Raymund Aguir r e, chief of police at the San Diego Community College Distr ict. ?I t helps us be mor e appr oachable and it's an opportunity to just say hi. When we'r e wor king we talk to people for a r eason, for investigating,? Campus Police Officer Jeff Rabine added. The comfor table setting and inter action with officer s helps people get to know their officer s and, with the r ecent sexual batter y incident

See COFFEE, page 11

?Tower of terror?? San Diego City Collegestudents and teachers say they haveexperienced their own screamridein MS elevator By NOWELLMONTEJO Ci ty Ti mes Pictur e this: you?r e r iding an elevator with fr iends and str anger s alike, when all of a sudden, you fr ee-fall for what feels like an eter nity until the elevator stops. You?r e scr eaming thr oughout the whole or deal, then ever ything r etur ns to nor mal as if nothing happened. This is a sensation that is commonplace when r iding the ?Tower of Ter r or ? r ide at Disney?s Califor nia Adventur e theme par k. However, this is not a feeling one would want to exper ience when r iding an elevator in the MS building at San Diego City

College. This was exactly the case for Pr ofessor Jessica WhiteMagellan, sociology instr uctor at City College on Mar ch 12 at appr oximately 2:20 p.m. ?The door s closed and the elevator star ted to go up, like nor mal. I wasn?t r eally paying attention to be honest, and all of a sudden it stopped going up and it felt like the elevator dr opped fr om under neath me,? White-Magellan said. Concer ned students consoled her as she stepped out of the elevator closest to the lobby entr ance, shaken up fr om the exper ience.

See TOWER, page 11

Grab a bag Professor of BusinessNancyFrederickshelpsout byfillingboxesandbagsfor studentsduringafooddriveonMarch4, wherethe SanDiegoCityCollege BusinessDepartment helpedout withthe drive where free foodwasgivenout tostudents, staff andfacultyat theTbuildingparkinglot oncampus. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes



www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015

C you soon Construction on the Cbuildingis movingalongsteadily, with an October 2015 completion date, which is slightly past the originally projectedAugust 2015 completiondate. Theprimaryreasonfor thedelaywasduetotheKSDSradiostationneedinganewlocationto reside duringthe construction. The newlyrenovatedCbuildingisset tofeature keycardaccessfor certainareasof the structure, as well asbetter heatingandair conditioning, thankstoabudget surplus. Photos by DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes

Manpower makes its return to City Manpower Staffing Agency held its third recruiting event at City Collegefor students seeking employment By PHOENIXWEBB Ci ty Ti mes The job mar ket is changing. I t?s not enough for a student to finish school and seek employment. Employer s ar e now looking for candidates who also have wor k exper ience to back up their education. Manpower Gr oup is a San Diego staffing agency hoping to help students fill that void. They held their thir d r ecr uiting event on campus on Mar ch 11. Manpower has two locations in San Diego: Downtown and in the Mir a Mesa neighbor hood. Students wer e invited fr om San Diego and I mper ial community college distr icts to submit their r esumés via email. Once a r esumé was r eceived, the student r eceived a confir-

mation email that acknowledged their submission and gave the time, date and location of their inter view with Manpower. I nter views wer e conducted between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. in BT-203. Upon ar r ival, students went to the desk counter to show instr uctional assistant and point per son Patr icia Pugnier their r esumé. I n tur n, Punier gave the inter viewee a ticket with a number and an additional infor mation sheet fr om Manpower to complete, then explained to each inter viewee that when their name was called, they wer e to give the r ecr uiter both r esumé and infor mation sheet. Tr evor Blair is the wor kfor ce development manager for the Downtown location and the or-

ganizer of the r ecr uiting events. ?This thir d r un, well we asked people RSVP?d, just let us know they wer e coming and it was lighter than the fir st two days that we did couple of weeks ago. But today we?r e ... almost at 60 people who've come thr ough fr om 11 to about 2:30. ... I t?s gr eat to see,? Punier said of the event. The r oom was a spacious class r oom and spar se computer lab with an office to the left of the entr ance wher e thr ee r ecr uiter s (in the mor ning) each met with one student at a time to r eview. I n the after noon, only two r ecr uiter s r emained. Students wer e encour aged to

See MANPOWER, page 12

March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com




Rock the (ASG) vote San Diego City College has a voting pr oblem. L ast year, voter tur nout for the Associated Students Gover nment elections made up just 3 per cent of the total student population and the year befor e that it was only a whopping 1 per cent. What can be to blame for such a poor showing? I t is cer tainly not a lack of infor mation. With the official campaigning per iod still weeks away, the fr ont page of the school?s website alr eady bear s a banner dir ecting students to a page with all the impor tant election dates cover ing the entir e election cycle. As soon as the campaigning per iod begins, ther e will be a slew of candidate poster s ador ning the walls thr oughout campus. And like ever y election, the campaign tr ail will end with a for um in the cafeter ia assur ing that anyone hungr y ar ound noon and 5 p.m. on Apr il 21 will get their shar e of election infor mation whether they like it or not. So if visibility isn?t to blame, per haps the act of voting itself is a bar r ier ? Not likely. Voting is held online thr ough the school's website. City Times Editorial Board The pr olifer ation of technology ensur es that anyone can vote fr om just about anywher e they might find themselves come voting time. I t?s not exposur e nor access that bar s City fr om being a civically active community. I t?s apathy. Students ar e just not motivated enough to take what small amount of time is r equir ed to vote ? pr esent company included. Amer ica?s Finest City has no shor tage of distr actions to dr aw even the most dedicated students' minds and bodies away fr om campus; not to mention wor k, family and other obligations. At schools with lar ger campuses and housing onsite, much mor e of a student?s life falls within the jur isdiction of campus policy. We ar e a commuter campus with few students actually living in the vicinity. So when it comes time to vote, ther e is little per ceived benefit consider ing the amount of time students spend on campus. Ther e is a flaw in this logic, though. I n the wor ds of the gr eat Howar d Zinn, ?You can?t be neutr al on a moving tr ain.? Apathetic or not, the people voted into positions of power on campus shape our exper ience as students. Not only us, but all futur e City students, as well. We as student voter s have the power to put people in power, to r epr esent us not only her e on a local level but also on a state level thr ough the Student Senate for Califor nia Community Colleges, which advocates for policy change statewide. This upcoming election, it is time to have a mor e active r ole in the futur e of our campus, not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of futur e City students.


Comparing learning curvesbetween university and community college No one ever said it would get better ; no one ever tells you it?ll be all r ight. After that fir st semester in high school ended, anxiety and fear kicked in full gear. I just wanted to gr aduate and get it over with. I found no motivation to attend class when I felt my futur e had alr eady been decided for me. I had failed. Unlike my other classmates in my Advanced Placement classes, I had not been accepted to any of those pr estigious I vy L eague univer sities, but looking back I knew I should have done better to deser ve a spot in one of those pr ivate univer sities. I t was r eally on me. I n that moment, all I could

feel was shame, because, although I had gotten accepted to San Diego State, I would not be leaving home. I wouldn?t exper ience college the way

STUDYHOURS Laura Sanchez ever yone else would, but most impor tantly my futur e car eer goals wer e at stake, or at least I thought. I wanted so badly to go to a UC or a pr ivate school because that?s wher e all the ?smar t? kids wer e going. High school counselor s and teacher s instill angst about getting accepted to the best four- year univer sity. I t did en-

CityTimes www.sdcitytimes.com

cour age students to aim higher, however, they never r eally offer ed options. Options wer e r ar ely set on the table. I gr aduated feeling somewhat mediocr e. Good gr ades and all, but nothing to boast about. I accepted the offer to attend SDSU because, at the time, attending anything ?below? a four-year univer sity was out of the question. Community colleges, as many believe, seemed like a mer e continuation of high school for the under achiever s. Coming fr om a Mexican immigr ant family, community colleges, tr ansfer r ing and all that was just way too confusing and

See COLLEGE, page 12

March 24, 2015 Volume 69, Number 10 PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks




Edi tor i n Chi ef

Copy Edi tor



Managi ng Edi tor Spor ts Edi tor

Associ ate Edi tor

Holly C. Br i dges, Edgar Inda-Lar es, Antoni o Mar quez, Aldo Rami r ez, Cher elle Rober ts, Mi chael Santos, Tor r ey Spoer er, Phoeni x Webb




Calendar Edi tor

Mar k Elli ott, Dar i an Spencer

Opi ni on Edi tor




Photogr aphy Edi tor

Jour nali sm Advi ser

City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthe semester. Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot necessarily represent thoseof the entirenewspaper staff, City Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethe soleresponsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot be interpretedtobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficers or employees. Letters to the editor: LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. The staff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.

Howto reach us: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. SanDiego, CA92101 Newsroom: BT-101 Phone: (619) 388-3880 E-mail: info@sdcitytimes.com Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation

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www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015

Should Apple have culturally diverse emojis? Diverse emojis will cause issues for Apple users This spr ing, Apple will be r eleasing new, r acially diver se emojis. After pr eviewing these new emoticons, I could not help but notice issues that I feel will r eceive negative feedback. The idea of tr ying to cr eate diver sity within the wor ld of technology is r idiculous. No one will ever be satisfied. Apple stated that its intention is to ?update the standar d so that it better


Emoji-niuswaysfor Apple to insert cultural diversity Apple user s can now test beta iOS 8.3, which has pr ompted some r aised eyebr ows about the 300 new emojis with five new r acially diver se skin tones. The company softly intr oduced these dr astic changes to give a sense that the lack of diver sity in

PRO Richard Lomibao symbols excludes par ticular ethnical backgr ounds ? something they?r e taking ser iously. Pr ess and hold on to your favor ite face expr ession emoji to access a r ange of six color ed skin

tones based on the Fitzpatr ick Scale der matology standar d. Unicode Consor tium is the corpor ation r esponsible for the design of these emojis. NPR r epor ted that, ?People all over the wor ld want to have emoji that r eflect mor e human diver sity, especially for skin tone. The Unicode emoji char acter s for people and body par ts ar e meant to be gener ic, yet following the pr ecedents set by the or iginal Japanese car r ier images, they ar e often shown with a light skin tone instead of a mor e gener ic (inhuman) appear ance, such as a yellow/or ange color or a silhouette.? Unicode?s plan stems fr om complaints by user s who believe r acial implications ar e behind the or iginal design. Apple then decided to

?I would pr obably focus on music and talk mor e to people ... I would die.? Bianca Sanchez, 18, Undeclar ed

customize each face expr ession, giving user s the ability to choose fr om six differ ent skin color s. Emojis have r isen in popular ity thr ough their ver satile use in social media. This change br ings awar eness, and moves things into a dir ection wher e diver sity exists in digital faces ? a battle won for user s. An Apple spokesman told CNN, ?Apple suppor ts and car es deeply about diver sity, and is wor king with The Unicode Consor tium to update the standar d so that it better r epr esents diver sity for all of us.? But ar e user s unhappy towar ds the move? I s their dissatisfaction getting in the way and causing

See PRO, page 13

Mar k Gibson, 25, Register ed Nur se

CherelleRoberts r epr esents diver sity for all of us.? However, these new character s will cause mor e pr oblems than they will fix and cr eate a danger ous pr ecedent wher e r acially insensitive images can be justified for the sake of diver sity. I can see their intention, but I do not exactly agr ee with how they pr oceed to car r y thr ough with it. Ther e ar e other ways to tr y and r einfor ce unity and diver sity. By making ever yone count, Apple allows user s mor e options to expr ess by using emoticons with mor e skin tone options and ster eotypical attr ibutes. Until Apple is able to incor por ate all skin tones and ever yone?s unique

VOX POPULI Voice of the People QuestionaskedbyNowell Montejo | PhotosbyRichardLomibao

What would you do if there was no Internet? ?Pr obably cr y. We use the I nter net for ever ything nowadays, for GPS, for homewor k; any way we get ar ound. So I don?t know exactly what I would do without the inter net, go caveman status, fr eak out. I think it?s possible to sur vive, I mean, I ?ll find a way to survive if you gave me like a month or two.?


featur es, no one will ever tr uly find comfor t in this melting pot of diver se individuals. These new emojis, accor ding to MacRumor s, will featur e a r ange of skin tone options on sever al differ ent char acter s, as well as new char acter s including r acially diver se families and same sex families with childr en and will be available on the iOS and OS X platfor ms. By adding differ ent skin tone options for the standar d char acter s, Apple is only ser ving to pr ovide additional ways for user s to divide themselves. Accor ding to sophomor e student DeJane Br uce, ?The new set of emoji char acter s can be ver y offensive and allow these char acter s to be used in a der ogator y way. I was sur pr ised that they cr eated an emoji char acter in the ster eotypical image of a per son of Middle Easter n decent.? ?I think that this is a way to continue the division of humanity by cr eating these ethnic char acter s. I think that they should continue to cr eate har mless char acter s such as ador able animals, hear ts, non-human facial expr essions, and other such images,? Br uce said.

See CON, page 12

?I ?d pr obably cr y, you know, be a little sad, shaken up, but I ?d quickly get over it. ...Go hiking and do mor e scener y stuff and tr avel mor e, once school?s done of cour se.? Zoila Gates, 20, Business Administr ation

?Honestly, I like to r ead a lot. I t would pr obably be a little har der to do homewor k and stuff like that. So, I would pr obably head out to a libr ar y, go old- school and use encyclopedias and things like that. When it comes to social media, I hang out with my fr iends as it is, so it wouldn't be difficult to get in contact with other people.? Esdr as Flor es, 20, Undeclar ed

March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Don?t believe me?Just watch Applefashion versus consumer budget, newest addition to smart watch market reflects Apple?s business tactics Ear lier this month, Apple announced the near- soon r elease of their take on the moder n smar t watch: the Apple Watch ser ies, consisting of Spor t Watch, Watch and Watch Edition. So far, the expected r elease date is Apr il 24. Unsur pr isingly, this new smar t watch battle in the digital consumer ism r ealm that?s about to unfold str ikes bold similar ities to the significant Apple- ver sus the- r est- of- the- mar ket battles that have taken place over the past decade so far : the iPod ver-

PERSPECTIVE Torrey Spoerer sus Mp3 player s, iMac and MacBook ver sus PC and laptops, and so on. One major question that fence- leaning consumer s ar e br inging up is whether or not the Watch is only sync- compatible with other Apple devices and ther efor e mor e of an Apple-only customer ?s dr eam pr oduct. With Wi?Fi and Bluetooth 4.0, that concer n might not be valid, which would make the Watch somewhat appealing to those with other br ands and models of smar t phones and computer s fr equenting the mar ket r ight now, with the exception of a few Mac- only featur es such as FaceTime. Aside fr om that concer n, while many smar t watches on the mar ket cur r ently can give you some or almost equal amounts of featur es for a much mor e r easonable pr ice tag, Apple yet again pushes for war d the shiny and sleek imager y of minimalist functionality and fluid ease of management that br ing

a spar kle to the eyes of Apple pr oduct consumer s. Befor e even getting into the gadget?s specifics and featur es at the live announcement, Apple CEO Tim Cook gives enthusiastic Apple consumer s a str ong fashion-and-lifestyle-based ethos appeal. ?Apple Watch is the most personal device we have ever cr eated. I t?s not just ?with? you; it?s on you. ? I n addition to being a beautiful object, Apple Watch is the most advanced time piece ever cr eated. I t?s a r evolutionar y new way to connect with other s, and it?s a compr ehensive health and fitness companion.? But what about other options fr equenting the mar ket this past year that alr eady br ought said r evolutionar y featur es to the table befor e Apple? The cost of an Apple Watch on the Apple Stor e online widely r anges fr om a minimum of $349 to a maximum of $17,000 depending on model and mater ial. For the section of the smar twatch consumer population looking for a basically efficient model like the Watch Spor t, other smar t watches on the market costing mor e or less than half as much as the cheapest Watch Spor t may pr ove to be mor e applicable to the aver age consumer ?s wallet. Some budget options for consumer s include the $95 Pebble Smar t Watch, which syncs with select Apple and Andr oid devices for text notifications and apps, the $78 Soleus Go Fitness Band for those only seeking heath and fitness featur es, or the $200 Micr osoft Band Smar t Watch that combines featur es of the Pebble and Soleus and syncs with almost all cur r ent major phones r eleased in the past year,

AppleWatchSport model hasmanyfeaturesincludingaplethoraof waysof communicatingwithfriendsandfamily. Apple plus Bluetooth L E and Wi-Fi. Per haps the Apple Watch could be the mor e functional allin-one option for at least for the all-Mac unifor m those with mor e money to spend. However, it?s obviously not the only deal br eaker for those less obsessed with the br and labeling war and willing to weigh

costs and benefits ver sus what they'll need fr om a smar t watch. Ther efor e, unless a watch shopper is wor r ied about a nonMac watch having pr oblems syncing with their MacBook and iPhone, it's str ongly r ecommended that they window shop ar ound the many other outlets and br ands' options befor e possi-

bly spending mor e money on Apple-fluff than necessar y. Once the Apple Watch is r eleased, it will be up to consumer s to decide whether to follow fashionable standar ds of the sleek Apple lifestyle unifor m, or to keep the diver sity and option r ange of the smar t- watch market alive and loudly visible.

#AskHerMore online campaign demandsactresses be asked more poignant questionson the red carpet ?Who ar e you wear ing?? I t?s a question that should have been put to r est with the late, gr eat Joan River s when she died last September. # AskHer Mor e is a movement bor n out of necessity. I t?s bor n out of Hollywood, a business that notor iously places ar tistr y on the shoulder s of men and seldomly on their female counterpar ts, instead saving their best, most sexist questions for them. And it simply asks just what the name says: demanding that actr esses be asked mor e poignant

and impor tant questions when they walk the r ed car pet. The most notor iously guilty example of of this offense is the E! cable networ k, home of the Kar dashians, who's tir esome r outine may have actually inspir ed the hashtag movement. Their offenses ar e many, and include the unveiling of a ?manicam? and ?clutch cam? dur ing r ed car pet events, which pr ompted r epor ter s to ask actr esses to show their pur ses and walk their nails down a miniatur e r ed car pet set- up. As if

r enowned actr esses ar e r educed to their nail ar t. These antics wer e added to their usual ?360 cam? which pans up and down an actor ?s body while they ar e

PERSPECTIVE Jennifer Manalili being inter viewed about their wor k and once pr ompted Cate Blanchett to jer k down, interr upting the inter view to glar e into the lens and angr ily snap,

?Do you do that to the guys too?? The answer, of cour se, is no. And women ar e getting tir ed of pr etending these super ficial antics ar e r elevant at all. I n one infamous inter view while pr omoting ?Mar vel?s The Avenger s,? an inter viewer asked Rober t Downey Jr. a complex question about his cr aft, ?How did you appr oach this r ole, bearing in mind that kind of matur ity as a human being when it comes to the Tony Star k char acter ?? Without missing a beat, in the same br eath, the r epor ter

tur ned to Scar lett Johansson, who was sitting beside him at the pr ess confer ence, and asked what her diet r egime to fit into her Black Widow costume was like. The question pr ompted Johannson to quip, ?How come you get the existential question and I get the r abbit food question?? On similar pr omotional tour s for her Black Widow char acter, Johansson has similar ly been asked questions r anging fr om

See ASK, page 12


March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


The Dialoguesexhibit at City Gallery drewina large crowdfor itsopeningnight receptiononMarch13. The exhibit displaysa mixture of Soviet Unionpostersproducedmore than25 yearsagoandnewpiecesmade by artists, designersandillustrators(topandbottomleft). CityCollegedancersDanteFinchandBriannaBellamyperformatraditional RussianwaltzinRussianattire. Photos by TORREYSPOERERCi ty Ti mes

Dialogues fromthe Soviet past Soviet history and arts exhibit draws art and history lovers out to City Gallery By TORREYSPOERER Ci ty Ti mes I n 1989, the Soviet Union gover nment offer ed the United States a unique oppor tunity to view Soviet life thr ough an exhibit of contempor ar y Soviet poster s in a show or ganized by member s of the Amer ican I nstitute of Gr aphic Ar ts (AI GA) San Diego chapter and suppor ted by a gr ant fr om the National Endowment of the Ar ts. The 75 poster s wer e displayed at the L a Jolla Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, depicting political themes, social issues and the

ar ts in the per iod dur ing Per estr oika and Glasnost. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the poster s moved to other U.S. locations as par t of an AI GAsponsor ed tr aveling exhibit befor e being eventually bought by a pr ivate collector named Ron Mir iello. Twenty- six year s later, many of those poster s have made their way into City Galler y with the successful opening r eception held on Mar ch 13. ?Honestly, at 6:00, you couldn?t even move thr ough the galler y,? City gr aphic design pr ofessor Candice L opez explained. "We?r e

just shocked at the tur nout. Hundr eds and hundr eds of people have been coming.? The Soviet poster ar t exhibit, titled Dialogues, was cr eated and or ganized by City's faculty and students of the gr aphic design, histor y, ar t and dance pr ogr ams altogether. ?All of our pr ogr ams came together to collabor ate and to embellish the theme and to make a pr esentation and we wer e able to integr ate and include wonderful dancer s,? dr ama Pr ofessor June Richar ds said. The dancer s mentioned by Richar ds wer e City dance stu-

dents Dante Finch and Br ianna Bellamy. They per for med a r emake of the tr aditional Russian Waltz chor eogr aphed by Finch and dir ected by Alicia Rincon. ?About a year ago, I began to talk with (Mir iello) about getting the loan of the poster s,? L opez explained. ?And then I decided that we wanted to do it. So I kind of r eached out to a lot of the other faculty who ar e fr iends and said ?L et?s collabor ate and do an event.?? Behind the dancer s and all acr oss the City Galler y space wer e histor ical Soviet poster s loaned by Mir iello, featur ed

alongside new wor ks cr eated by contempor ar y ar tists, designer s and illustr ator s alike, including Shepar d Fair ey?s famous "Vote!" poster fr om 2008. ?I t?s inter esting because, as you know, the Soviet Union is in the news a lot,? L opez, explained. ?But it?s not so favorable r ight now. And we thought that it was the per fect oppor tunity to kind of ?dialogue? about a lot of what?s going on.? L ike their histor ical counterpar ts, accor ding to the exhibition?s pr ogr am statement, the

See SOVIET, page 11

March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


Ahelping hand Child Development Center provides multifaceted experiencefor student-parents and their children By HOLLYC. BRIDGES Ci ty Ti mes The San Diego City College Child Development Center ser ves many pur poses. The oncampus childcar e center ser ves students, student- par ents and childr en. I t featur es a playgr ound for playing, a classr oom for lear ning, a place for connecting, and str uctur e for gr owing. L icensed by the state of Califor nia, the Child Development Center is located on the southeast end of campus at 1601 B St. ?The Child Development Center is a lab for people who want to pur sue an ear ly childhood, teaching degr ee,? Dir ector Ber ta Har r is explained. Child Development students take r egular classes with cour sewor k but must also spend time at the center wher e they get hands- on exper ience teaching and inter acting with childr en.

?They also get to watch and lear n how kids gr ow, think and play and also obser ve how the young childr en socialize with other kids. This offer s the student an excellent way to implement ideas and theor ies lear ned dur ing their college pr ogr am and studies in a gr eat envir onment,? Har r is added. The daycar e pr ogr am also pr ovides a place for City College student- par ents to leave their childr en in a safe, convenient location r ight on campus while they attend class. Psychology student and mom, Stephanie Acevedo, has br ought her son to the school for mor e than two year s. ?I go to school ear ly in the mor ning so I like the convenience of the daycar e while I go to school. I t's nice having so much diver sity in the students and the staff as well,? Acevedo said.

OnFeb. 27, work experience student Rebecca Luna helpsa childride a tricycle during the children?s classroom recess, which is one of the many tasks that parentsandworkersexperienceat theChildDevelopment Center at SanDiego See HELPING, page 11 CityCollege. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes


A Swedish twist on a lovable dessert classic How do you make chocolate cake better ? I t?s a peculiar question for a tr eat that?s alr eady notor iously indulgent and delicious but the answer her e is simple: go inter national. This Swedish r endition is known as Kladdkaka, which liter ally tr anslates to "sticky cake." And it's a perfect name, because this r ecipe yields a chocolate cake with a deliciously r ich and gooey center, like a

KNIGHTBITES Jennifer Manalili per fect halfway point between being a chocolate fudge br ownie and a molten lava cake. The tr ick to this is under-baking the cake. That means not yielding to the same baking techniques often found in Amer ican r ecipes, which usually includes a toothpick test to make sur e the cake is cr umbly when finished. This cake begs to be underbaked. I t needs to be thin and cr isp on the top and gooey in the center.

See DESSERT, page 13



www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015

Simplicity in contemporary design at itsfinest TheTerrestrial exhibit at CityGallerybrought together piecesfromartistsJoanneHayakawa, LisaHutton, Gail Roberts, CarolynLavender, KendraSollars, LaurenStrohacker andAnnaStumptolookat theimpact manhas on theenvironment anditsinhabitants. Theshow, whichranfromFeb. 5 throughMarch5, mixedsculpture, ceramics, painting, drawinganddigital mediumshighlightedtheimportant roleart playsindrivingthedialogue about contemporarysocial issues. Photos by JOEKENDALLCi ty Ti mes

Indie rock?s post-punk revival Canadian alternativeindierockers Viet Cong performclassic and new material at a stellar sold out concert at Soda Bar ?What is the differ ence online music magazine between love and hate?? Pitchfor k how they felt Matt Flegel of Viet Cong about being associated shouts towar ds the end of with the for mer act, Flegel their song ?Mar ch of stated that he is ?Okay Pr ogr ess? off their new with that, as long as people self- titled album that ar en?t expecting us to paints an allusion of ab- sound like them.? str act intellectual conflict. Fr eak Heat Waves was Pr ior to Soda Bar ?s the only opener to per for m door s opening for the that night, another Cananight?s Viet Cong gig, the dian ar t- r ock gr oup fr om local venue had alr eady Victor ia, Br itish Columbia. posted multiple While most of signs on their Viet Cong?s fr ont door and Cassette EP windows to let had a mor e expatr ons know tr over ted and the show was slightly less insold out. tr iguing Torrey Spoerer The ar tgar age- sur fr ocker s fr om pop tone, their Calgar y, Alber ta have been r ecent L P is abr asively gaining momentum in just mor e intr over ted, dar ker the past year or two and industr ial. Other wise, thanks in par t to the suc- both r ecor ds unveil nods cess of their Cassette EP to psych- pop with clean and also their connection guitar chimes and stacked to for mer Canadian indie- har monies oddly blended pop legend Women, a band within contr asting r ealms that bassist/singer Flegel of post- punk and alter naand dr ummer Mike Wal- tive r ock. lace wer e or iginally in Another thing that year s ago. these albums have in comAlthough the ex-Women mon is that they?r e lyr iveter ans wer e not avail- cally mor e thoughtable for an inter view at pr ovoking and make mor e Soda Bar, when asked in a philosophical r hymes pr evious inter view with r ather than sing about love


AlternativeindierockersViet Congbassist andsinger Matt Flegel anddrummer MikeWallaceperformtoapackedhouseat theSodaBar inSan DiegoonMarch7. TORREYSPOERERCi ty Ti mes and small talk. As descr ibed by Pitchfor k album r eviewer I an Cohen: ?Viet Cong pits the

r omanticism of a newly enr olled philosophy major against the cynicism of the dr opout who still hangs

ar ound the libr ar y to tell the fr esh-faced youngster s it?s all bulls* * * .? Viet Cong star ted off

their Soda Bar set with the fir st thr ee ? and pr obably

See REVIVAL, page 13


March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com

oper ate the emer gency call boxes; which he confir med ar e all in wor king or der on the City campus. Continuedfrompage3 ?I feel it kind of br eaks that bar r ier between cops on campus, puts students? and citizens, because someminds at ease. times we kind of for get ?I t?s a r eally good idea for them but in r eality they?r e them to put a face with their her e to help us,? said Elise names and make them Baldwin, a student at City mor e appr oachable. I College who took the opporlear ned about the call boxes tunity to appr oach campus that they exist, wher e police and shar e her opinthey'r e located and how to ions with the law use them,? said pr e-nur sing enfor cement. student Mar isa The distr ict police hopes Askr en-Newman. the community notices its ?I t?s ver y ser ious cr imes pr esence in or der to r educe like the sexual batter y, cr ime in the ar ea and to those types of cr imes that str engthen r elationships we r eally seek to addr ess with the community. immediately and that we ?I t?s a gr eat way for stuneed to pull out our r e- dents to talk with police offisour ces together. Not only cer s in a non- thr eatening the police depar tment but way and to lear n about the whole campus,? Aguir r e what they do to pr otect said. the campus 24- seven, 365 Aguir r e continued to days,? commented Heidi mention the impor tance of Bunkowske, public infor mathese events and the natur al tion officer at City College. awar eness it cr eates by givFor infor mation about ing advice on how to pr event campus and distr ict cr imes, being aler t of your police, go online to sur r oundings and how to police.sdccd.edu/.


Gold Continuedfrompage1 to the best bar ber shop to go to for a quick tr im. ?As the educational corner stone of downtown San Diego, the 60- acr e campus compr ises one- fifth of the downtown footpr int,? San Diego Downtown News wr ote. ?? The tr ansfor med college is now home to near ly 17,000 students and offer s mor e than 100 major s and 100 cer tificate pr ogr ams.? Along with Car r oll, City College Pr esident Anthony

Soviet Continuedfrompage8 contempor ar y wor ks featur e political, social and ar t themes while also including visual or conceptual r eference to Soviet cultur e. ?They?r e dealing with subjects like what?s going on in Ukr aine. So it?s like a dialogue back and for th with histor y, with the past, and with contempor ar y times,? said L opez. ?You know what?s gr eat is that so many people that ar en?t City College people came to the event; a lot of ar tists and designer s,? L opez said. ?Because I think the subject matter is inter esting to a lot of

Beebe was pleased with City College?s r anking on the year ly list. ?Because the designation is an awar d that comes fr om r eader ship, I think it is special to have so many people think so highly of City College,? Beebe commented via email. Beebe also expr essed that he?s not quite sur e how City r eceived gold while SDSU r eceived a silver r anking but that ?City College has been ar ound for over 100 year s, gener ations of San Diegans have attended the college.? ?City College?s r oots r un ver y, ver y deep in the community,? Beebe concluded.

people.? The show will be up for a month, so L opez hopes ?that any students that didn?t get to see it can come, and classes too.? Additional gr atitude went out to the Amer ican I nstitute of Gr aphic Ar ts San Diego chapter for their ongoing suppor t of City College?s gr aphic design pr ogr am, celebr ating the 20th anniver sar y of AI GA San Diego and their mission to advance design as a pr ofessional cr aft, str ategic advantage and vital cultur al for ce. The exhibition is also dedicated to Pr ofessor Donald Young, with all pr oceeds going to the Donald Young Gr aphic Design Resour ce Room Fund.



?I believe our voter tur nout on campus incr eased by two per cent,? said cur r ent ASG Pr esiContinuedfrompage1 dent Adam Gar cia in a 2014 City Times ar ticle. ?I f they meet the r e- ?Our per centage befor e quir ements and have a was one per cent so our desir e and if they r eally per centage incr eased by want to one, be a leader two, so it went up to thr ee that suppor t and that is per cent.? ther e to help suppor t and Oldham and the curfigur e out ways of helping r ent ASG administr ation suppor t students. That?s have boosted their effor ts one thing, so we?ll see by by r eaching out to stuextending it (election dents thr ough digital dates) if we can get those signs, emails to faculty other positions filled with and staff, ASG?s website, candidates,? William Pon- City College?s webder, student affair s man- site and classr oom ager, said. announcements. The low tur nout was Another new thing that unexpected since the Oldham is utilizing to voter tur nout for the ASG help get students to get election last year r ose out and vote is candidate fr om 1 per cent of City pr ofiles on the ASG College?s population to 3 website. per cent. ?When Monday comes

and candidates ar e ther e, I ?m gonna ask for a headshot and a br ief pur pose statement ? and post that on our website so that students can go online, in the ASG section, and see who?s r unning for pr esident and what their position statement is, and vice pr esident and down the line,? Oldham explained. To incr ease voter tur nout for the upcoming election, ASG is adopting new methods of voting including utilizing the computer s in the new student ser vices building and having polling stations pepper ed thr oughout campus. ?We?r e moving the voting into ar eas wher e students ? all they have to do is come out of their class and sit down and do

the vote,? Ponder explained. Accor ding to Oldham, ASG has been wor king with the I T depar tment to dedicate por ts for voting. The por ts will be on the computer s in the ASG office and designated secur e laptops to combat voter fr aud. ?We?ll have one (laptop) in fr ont of the Student Affair s office, we?ll have one computer at the AH quad and then two down at the MS building,? Oldham said. ?We wont sit ther e with a paper ballot saying ?hey, have you voted?? and then come have them fill out a paper ballot. We?r e taking the vote to the people.? For mor e infor mation on ASG, including a full list of election dates, visit www.sdcity.edu/asg.

campus have been calling it. ?We wer e on the elevator going up, and we stopped on the four th floor so people could get out, the door closed and we wer e on our way to the fifth floor. But befor e we could go to the fifth floor, the elevator jolted, and went back to the four th floor. The door s opened, but we wer e all confused about what was going on. The door closed again and we went to the fifth floor. We felt something was wr ong,? Hernandez said, r ecalling her exper ience. Pr ofessor White-

Magellan decided to contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administr ation (OSHA) to see if it could come out to inspect the elevator to deter mine what was wr ong with it. After getting the r equest, OSHA had r eached out to Der r all Chandler, the r egional plant oper ations officer on campus at City College. ?I spoke with the r epr esentative fr om OSHA, and he said they couldn?t find a pr oblem with the elevator,? Chandler said. Based on witness r epor ts, ther e ar e conflicting opinions r egar ding

the elevator, and whether or not ther e is officially something wr ong with it. Should students r efr ain fr om getting on boar d the ?Tower of Terr or ? elevator ? Or should they pr oceed as nor mal? ?We still need to do a full investigation with our elevator techs befor e we can do anything else,? Chandler said. At pr ess time, ther e was no official announcement that the elevator is malfunctioning. Elevator r ider s can r epor t any str ange occur r ences to the Facilities Ser vices Business Office at (619) 388-3537.

and lab time, but they also get to have fun seeing their child dur ing their busy day. I n addition to the cer tified teacher s, they also ser ve the needs of the center by pr oviding another set of eyes on the kids. Tammy Boates is a Child Development L ab Tech and has been teaching the childr en and mentor ing City College students for 25 year s. Her fa-

vor ite thing about wor king with the toddler s is, ?Watching them discover their envir onment. And it's gr eat that par ents can have childcar e for fr ee or at low- cost as it's a state sliding scale fee that has to do with their income level.? ?We accept infants and childr en up to age five. Cur r ently ther e is a waiting list for child enr ollment but applications ar e

now being accepted,? Har r is said. The center is not a dr op- in or dr op- off car e center, but mor e of a str uctur ed pr e-school setting that allows for fun play and lear ning wher e the child, the student, the par ent and staff all benefit. For mor e infor mation about the pr ogr am, contact the facility at (619) 388-3205.

Tower Continuedfrompage3 ?I was just thankful that nothing wor se had happened,? WhiteMagellan added. This is not the only time that someone has encounter ed str ange phenomena with the elevator in the new MS building, which has only been open just a few year s. Samantha Her nandez, a student at City College, said that she had a similar r un- in with the ?Tower of Terr or,? as some people on

Helping Continuedfrompage9 Par ents that have their childr en in the daycar e pr ogr am ar e r equir ed to take child development classes and volunteer at the center thr ee hour s a week. Moms and dads not only gain knowledge thr ough the cour ses

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he hoped he would get a second call for a job. About the exper ience, Eaddy said, ?Yeah it was gr eat and then they pr ovided inter view clothes in case we came unpr epar ed. So with the whole system it was gr eat? Although ther e was shor t notice about the event, he said he hear d about the r ecr uiting event at the Student Counseling Center and the Car eer Center on campus. ?Thr ee of Manpower ?s clients all had open positions, in significant number s, that we thought could be a match for City College students. Par ticu-

lar ly those students looking for par t- time positions,? Blair said via email. Blair descr ibed Manpower 's r elationship with City College as ?long standing,? having collabor ated with Dean of Business and I nfor mation Technology and Cosmetology Rose L aMur aglia for wor kshops and speaking engagements. Accor ding to L aMar uglia, the job market has changed significantly over the past 20 year s and employer s now seek candidates who have wor king exper ience in addition to education.

The people in the new update ar e mer ely color ed- in ver sions of the Continuedfrompage6 or iginal char acter s, typically r epr esented by User s of Apple pr od- white faces. As an innovaucts will likely use these tor in the technology inemojis in or der to r ein- dustr y, Apple had the for ce har mful ster eotypi- unique oppor tunity to pr ocal imager y associated vide accur ate r epr esentawith the var ious r aces and tion for a var iety of its fr ankly, they missed the user s. I nstead, the comdiver sity mar k when tr y- pany has left out imager y ing to develop the new of a lar ge per centage of char acter s. customer s and offended I t is possible that other s many other s. may feel misr epr esented Apple should, instead, by the ster eotypical skin focus its ener gy on cr eattone options, such as an ing lasting change and obviously yellow option har mony in the r eal wor ld that pr esumably r epr e- ? not in vir tual r eality. sents people of Asian deOn the other hand, scent. Other s, however, some people tend to over still do not see themselves think the situation by for epr esented in the new cusing way too much on cast of emojis. technology, ?I t is dumbing

us down. ... I t jades us or puts a veil over mor e impor tant social and r acial issues that ar e r ight in fr ont of us ever y day,? sophomor e student Rashaed Young said. I nstead of their putting all of their time and immense power on cr eating inadequate ways to unity Apple could have invested their r esour ces in wor thwhile causes and or ganizations alr eady involved in the fight for r acial unity. Apple has failed to r ealize that emojis will not magically r epair the deeply r ooted pr oblems with r acism in our society and this new update will only distr act fr om the impor tant wor k that still needs to be done.

Continuedfrompage4 take seats at the computer s to complete the information sheet and wor k on homewor k. The envir onment was quiet. Vanessa Chr istie, a student at San Diego City College, had been waiting almost an hour to be called to see a r ecr uit. Chr istie said, ?I kind of expected a bit of a wait.? Devon Eaddy, another student at City College, said his inter view was good and expr essed that


www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015

Embarking on the future of education City Collegehosts MABPA ?Transforming Educational Access? meeting to discuss thevital rolethat community colleges play in thelocal San Diego community

San Diego City College hosted the Mexican Amer ican Business and Pr ofessional Association?s monthly luncheon meeting Mar ch 13 in the Cor por ate Education Center, located on the fir st floor of the MS building. ?I t?s all about how can we collabor ate better acr oss the boar d. And how can we do a better job in ter ms of building our wor kfor ce development system thinking about things br oader than just San Diego, but looking at it mor e r egionally, including TJ (Tijuana),? City College Pr esident Anthony Beebe said. The theme of the month?s lunch meeting was ?Tr ansfor ming Educational Access.? ?I t?s about building r elationships and seeing how we can take it to the next level,? Beebe said about the pur pose of the luncheon.

San Diego Community College Distr ict Chancellor Constance Car r oll was in attendance along with a r epr esentative of San Diego Continuing College and Beebe. Together, they wer e the only r epr esentatives of the distr ict and City College, r espectively. MABPA Pr esident Josie Calder on- Scott gave the call to or der and intr oduced speaker Paula Cor deir o. Cor deir o is the dean of school of leader ship and education sciences at the Univer sity of San Diego. She spoke about the benefits of community colleges, the value of such an education and the r elationship between a community college and the community it's in. ?One of the things we do in my school is we pr epar e people to be community college pr ofessor s,? she said r egar ding what par t of her wor k is about. Car r oll?s speech accompanied her Power Point

pr esentation titled ?San Diego Community College Distr ict: Or ganization, Mission, Access and Diver sity.? The pur pose of the pr esentation was to show attendees how the community college distr ict is a valuable and vital par t of the San Diego community and gave mor e infor mation about Senate Bill 850. Senate Bill 850 was passed in 2014, which cr eated a pilot pr ogr am for bachelor ?s degr ees to be offer ed by community colleges. This bill was author ed by Sen. Mar ty Block, who was the special guest speaker at the luncheon. ?I was asked to speak because they?r e inter ested in education as tr aining for jobs and we?r e inter ested in a bachelor ?s degr ee,? Car r oll said. The pr ogr am of the meeting also included r epor ts fr om San Diego city and county gover nment r epr esentatives in attendance.


Eventually, I gave in and decided to attend Gr ossmont College. I explained to my mom that it would save money and that I would be in a fouryear soon enough. Now that I look back, I was r eally just explaining that to myself; all my mom tr uly car ed about was that I continue school. I attended my fir st college classes, lo and behold classes wer e just as challenging and engaging as

any other univer sity class. I met some of the best pr ofessor s at Gr ossmont ? tr uly passionate instr uctor s. I n two year s, I was out of ther e. I tr ansfer r ed to UCSD and felt so pr oud of it. I moved on campus and I felt like a tr ue college student. Had my college apartment and was at a renowned university. I had made it. First quarter came but to my surprise classes weren't as engaging as I

had envisioned. Some classes were held at lecture halls sometimes with up to 300 students. Those professors had no clue who I was or if I ever attended class. I t was a tr ade- off. I r eceived my bachelor ?s degr ee fr om a gr eat university. I met well- published pr ofessor s who taught fascinating classes. I gained valuable exper ience at this r esear ch institution and am pr oud of it. All that is now on paper hung on my

mother ?s wall. I then r ealized that what I genuinely wanted fr om college was to lear n, not just r eceive a ?pass? to go on and take yet another speeding class. I missed the smaller class setting and the semester system. I wanted the pr ofessor to engage mor e with each student. Have him or her gr ade my paper s, not his or her over wor ked, sleepdepr ived TA. Community colleges ar e

a unique hub for diver se lear ning. Ther e ar e a wide r ange of ages and motives attending community colleges. Not ever yone is r ushing to get that cer tificate and in my opinion I found that to be mor e r ewar ding as a student. Now that I ?m back in school, without the pr essur e of getting a cer tificate I can focus on lear ning, not gr aduating, not waiting anxiously for the last day of class to come.

Matt L auer, after losing weight to look like the star ving Fantine in ?L es Continuedfrompage7 Miser ables.? The question pr ompted Hathaway to snap, ?I don't want to be ?Wer e you able to wear any seen as tr ying to glamorunder gar ments (under the ize it. L ike, I did it to look suit)?? while her male co- like I was dying.? Emma star s wer e asked ?What do Stone was asked about you think is Scar lett?s sexi- dyeing her hair blonde while pr omoting ?The est body par t?? Anne Hathaway was Amazing Spider- Man,? insimilar ly, distur bingly spir ing her to tur n to Anasked about her diet r ou- dr ew Gar field and add, tine in an inter view with ?You get asked inter esting,

poignant questions because you'r e a boy.? The movement is an appr opr iate r eaction to the dismay r eflected on how atr ocious it is that the media r educes women to their bodies instead of focusing on the har d wor k and achievements they have gained in or der to be r ecognized at the var y awar d shows they ar e being interviewed at. When intelligent hu-

man r ights lawyer Amal Alamuddin's accomplishments ar e downplayed by the media because she mar r ied Geor ge Clooney, when the same media questions H illar y Clinton?s ability to balance life as a gr andmother with political r esponsibilities without asking the same questions to her male political counter par ts, it?s not only r evealing but telling. The # AskH erM ovement speaks vol-

umes for a pr oblem of sexism that is so often swept under the r ug, and is a poignant battlecr y for a movement that is not only needed but necessar y in a media r ipe with double standar ds and wher e women ar e so often under r epr esented. Seeing actr esses r eact to r idiculous, super ficial questions gives hope to a br ighter, r icher media futur e. Refusing to answer sexist questions fr om the

media and demanding the same r espect and tr eatment r eser ved for their male counter par ts speaks volumes. L eaving their inter viewer s embar r assed and stumbling over their car ds will hopefully inspir e a clear er understanding of what kind of questions should be asked in inter views in the futur e. Ask the r ight questions. I t r eally shouldn?t even be a question.

College Continuedfrompage5 I felt that attending one would jeopardize my career goals. How would I ever get a good job if my resume had a community college listed instead of a four-year university? How could I compete with anyone if the education I received anywhere other than a university would be subpar?


March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


wer e both awar ded semifinalists medals at the end of the tour nament in the women?s singles and also in the doubles, L e and Par edes teamed up and made it to the semifinals r ound. Also, in the women?s doubles, Niph and her fr eshman teammate Emer ald L iu made it to the semifinals and wer e also given medals. ?I n the doubles, we didn?t have our full line-up and I didn?t expect them to make it to the finals but it?s still pr etty gr eat that we had our two doubles team make it to the semifinals,? Nguyen said. Nguyen went on fur ther to say that Pasadena College is a r eally str ong team and pr imar ily he used this tour nament to see how the Knights played against them be-

for e they see them again later in the playoffs. Pasadena College r ecently beat player s fr om De Anza College, the team the Knights lost to in the State match last year. ?I think we ar e all capable of playing better than we did last year, we just have to keep pr acticing and wor k har der for that goal,? sophomor e Tr inh L ang said. The Knights cur r ently have a 3- 0 confer ence r ecor d and have a few weeks befor e their next match against I mper ial Valley College. Nguyen expr essed that dur ing the next few weeks, he is focused on getting the team to impr ove in the doubles matches and will use this time on possibly r ewor king the doubles lineup to see who plays better with whom.

Student Gover nment. ?He has been in ASG for one semester but Continuedfrompage16 within that one semester we?ve seen him show up r eady to wor k. ? Dur ing L in is also a senator in the the meetings, he pr ovides Associated Students Gov- a lot of useful feedback er nment at City College. and is not afr aid to speak Recently, L in and along up which is r eally benefiwith seven other student cial because we don?t want r epr esentatives tr aveled a boar d that agr ees on the to Washington, D.C., same issue, we want opwher e they met with U.S. posing viewpoints so we Repr esentative of Califor- can make sur e we cover nia?s 51st Distr ict Juan not just one student but Var gas and helped advo- differ ent types of stucate issues of higher edu- dents,? Castellanos said. cation in the San Diego ?I think it?s gr eat and County. having a student like ASG?s Public Relations David, who is so well Officer Alejandr a Castel- ver sed, is a good r epr elanos expr essed that with sentation of what City ColL in being an inter national lege is about. We ar e a distudent, he br ings a differ- ver se campus with a good ent per spective to the inter national population, table which contr ibutes to as far as number s go, and the over all success of the you know we want people

like David to excel because if individuals excel, the whole campus excels,? Castellanos continued. L in is set to gr aduate this spr ing, and dur ing his two year s at City College, has maintained a 4.0 GPA with honor s and has hopes to tr ansfer to an I vy L eague school, such as Babson College, and to major in business. The 21- year- old admitted, wher ever he goes, his level of play on the tennis cour ts is not at the Division 1 level, but he won?t mind picking up the r acket and playing on the club team. ?I t?s r eally fitting that he goes out like this by winning the awar d and pr obably having one of the most positive exper iences of all the kids that I have come acr oss,? L upian said.

fifth, making it a 5-4 Palomar lead. Things got hot again for both teams in the seventh, star ting in the top with Palomar 's DH Sam Casinelli who got on boar d with a single and advanced to thir d on a r ar e double-steal. L ater Casinelli would scor e after a bunt- single by Str atton with no one cover ing fir st and loading the bases, advancing Br ien Gr ant and Holm, who would both advance again to thir d and home after a balk by new pitcher Jacob Vasquez. Salcedo got a two- RBI single, making it 10- 4 Comets. Singles by Russell and Santana and a Br oussar d

walk in the bottom of the seventh loaded the bases for City. Joe L avin flied out deep to left, getting the RBI after Russell tagged up and scor ed. The bases would be full again as Ricky Kliebenstein chopped one to left field with r unner s on the cor ner s. The next batter would be hit by the fir st pitch and awar ded fir st base, scoring Santana, r esulting in the final scor e of 10-6. ?I did good going thr ee for thr ee off the bench,? Santana said. ?But they ar e a r eally good team.? Palomar impr oved their over all r ecor d to 17- 4 to stay atop the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference; City fell to 8-10.

March Continuedfrompage16

came out on top on her path for fir st place by beating Tzou (22- 20, 21- 18). ?I was so sur pr ised that I won singles. I haven?t played her and haven?t seen any of their team befor e going into this tour nament,? Niph said. ?Once I played her I was feeling my gr oove. Sur pr isingly, dur ing my game (Coach Nguyen) didn?t say much. He did keep an eye on her ear lier in the tour nament but befor e my match he did said ?keep ever ything in and just attack,? which I like doing,? Niph continued. Along with L e, fr eshman Shessir a Par edes


Knights Continuedfrompage15 With Gabr iel Santana up to bat, Russell advanced to second on a bad pitch in the gr ound by Jake Bar nett, who was maybe hot and tir ed at this point. Then Santana lined to r ight for a single, br inging in Jones and sending Russell to thir d r esulting in a pitching mound meeting and a new pitcher for Palomar. Chr istian Br oussar d cleaned up with a single off new pitcher Rusty Heber, scor ing Russell, amounting to a four- r un total for the Knights in the


13 see. Continuing to push cultur al awar eness on digital language and encour aging user s by declar ing misr epr esentation is Apple?s best move up to date. These emojis r epr esent symbolism on a gr andeur scale. Racially diver se emojis entitle us and pr ove that ther e is change cir culating ? we live in a time wher e digital language is what means the most to us. Getting to see your own ethnic backgr ound taken notice of is wher e the public debate has evolved. User s ability to be hear d is star ting to show its power. You can?t help but under stand Apple is going thr ough gr eat lengths to connect with minor ities ? as the battle for equality is ongoing. Apple has also

taken a step into intr oducing new countr y flags and families of same- sex in beta 3?s update. Having the option is gr eater than not being included, like getting picked last in gym because your body doesn?t show athleticism. Emojis ar e playful. They showcase per sonality and without Apple r ealizing the new betas needed a makeover, user s could have r emained faceless. The popular ization of emojis gr ows str onger ever y day. I t?s a win for ever ybody to catch these r acial implications ear ly (even though Unicode?s intention came fr om a gener ic symbol set). Dealing with such a sensitive topic as r ace and cultur e, Apple has shown its tr anspar ency to fixing the pr oblem.

Chocolate Cake Fr om TopWithCinnamon.com 10 tablespoons - salted Continuedfrompage9 butter 2 teaspoons - vanilla extr act Pr epar ation is quick 1/2 cup - cocoa powder and it takes no time to get 1 3/4 cup - sugar this delicious and simple 1 cup - flour desser t on the table. Top 3 eggs with powder ed sugar and 1. Pr eheat your oven to ser ve the slices with some 350 degr ees F. Butter and whipped cr eam and fr esh flour an eight- inch cake fr uit to cut thr ough the pan. (I t needs to be quite r ichness of the chocolate. deep.) Enjoy. 2. I n a medium sauce Kladdkaka or Swedish pan, melt the butter. Stir


in the cocoa, sugar, flour, eggs, and vanilla. Pour into the gr eased cake pan and bake for 20 to 40 minutes. (Check the cake beginning at the 20 minute mar k and per iodically, r emember it all depends on your oven.) 3. L et the cake cool completely in its pan, then when it?s less fr agile, r un a doll knife ar ound the inside edge of the pan to loosen the cake. Tur n the cake out onto a wir e r ack. Dust with powder ed sugar and ber r ies. Ser ve war m.

not better than, while their pr esence is gimmick-fr ee and str aight to the point. Continuedfrompage10 The set was then dr amatically concluded with their 11- minute- long, most catchiest sur f- pop- heavy and soul choking influenced ? songs fr om nothing-lasts-for ever r ock their EP, which wer e anthem ?Death,? the final ?Thr ow I t Away," ?Uncon- tr ack on their self- titled scious Melody" and ?Oxy- debut. gen Feed," while almost With a bipolar song the r est of their set con- str uctur e almost similar sisted of songs fr om the to the soundtr ack of a new debut album. gr adually appr oaching As a live act, they play hur r icane, the song builds songs tr ue to the per fec- fr om a calmly sad emotion tion of the r ecor dings if into a loud, faster and

shr ieking explosion of angst and despair with bellowing yelps and cr isp chor ds r eaching out thr ough distor ted sonic chaos. Viet Cong ar e a br eath of fr esh air for the indie r ock r ealm and a sign of r evival for admir er s of post-punk. Both their self-titled debut and the Cassette EP Reissue ar e available on iTunes and Amazon. For tour dates, visit their r ecor d label Jagjaguwar ?s website at www.jagjaguwar.com.


them to miss the significance of this change in design? Emojis show symbols ar e constantly r epr esenting feelings or a way to identify a per son?s char acter istics. The r ealization comes fr om, in fact, that with the r eliance on these symbols ther e will continue to be images r elated to r acial diver sity that ar e going to be left out. Ther e ar e too many ways to r epr esent a cultur e, which makes it a delicate situation to tackle for Unicode and Apple ? don?t leave it up them to get it r ight, be specific on what it is you want to


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www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015

All-Conference Knights on the court By FRANCHESCAWALKER Ci ty Ti mes The men?s and women?s basketball teams both ended their seasons on a good note at the end of Febr uar y, as it was announced that sever al player s fr om each team wer e selected to the All- Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence Teams. Six player s, including all five star ter s fr om the men?s basketball team wer e named. Sophomor e player s Chr is Bur ton, Chr istian Jones, Caleb Singleton, Stacey L amber t and Car l

Flamer wer e included. Fr eshman Mar cus Br umsey was given an honor able mention. Head Coach Mitch Char lens explained via email the achievements the team had for the season over all. ?We won our tour nament, we wer e r anked in the top 20 in the state the entir e season, won 20 or mor e games for the second year in a r ow. We had seven sophomor es, so I r eminded them that in their tenur e at City College they went 41- 19, won confer ence last year, came in second this year, and went to the second r ound of the State

Playoffs two year s in a r ow ? Quite a r un,? Char lens said. Bur ton, Jones and Singleton wer e named to the All- PCAC South fir st team while L amber t and Flamer wer e named to the second team. Bur ton finished the season r anked 16th in the state with a 59.5 field goal per centage and led the men's team in scor ing by aver aging 16.1 points per game. L ast season, only two player s wer e selected to the AllConfer ence team. However, this season pr oved to be better as mor e than half the team was

cr owned. Fr om the women?s basketball team wer e sophomor es Dar r ian Castillo, Nyaduop L am, and Shamonique Malone-Boyd. Castillo and L am wer e named to the fir st team and MaloneBoyd was named to the second team. L am finished the season by r ecor ding a total of 15 doubledoubles and led the team in scor ing and r ebounding by averaging 16 points per game and 12.2 r ebounds per game. Women?s basketball Head Coach Andr ea Aguilar, commented on the thr ee sophomor e

player s named by saying they deser ved to be named and pr oved it with their commitment this season. Aguilar also said the women?s team has five r etur ning player s and looks for war d to r ecr uiting new player s for the next season. ?We have a pr omising gr oup for next season and a str ong gr oup of r ecr uits that ar e sur e to pick up wher e we left off this season. I am ver y excited to see what my athletes do next year and to see Dar and Nya continue on at the next level,? Aguilar said.

Knightslose battle against Comets On thecourt, errors strikemen?s volleyball team in loss against conferencefoePalomar College By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes

Freshmanoutsidehitter LucasTimmgoesuptohit theball against Palomar CollegefreshmanDavid McGuire duringthe third set of the match on March 13 at the Harry West Gym, where the Knights lost 3-1against theComets. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes

A total of 44 kills, 60 digs and 40 assists ? but it wasn?t enough for the Knights volleyball team as they wer e defeated at home by the Palomar College Comets, 3-1 on Mar ch 13. ?(The loss) was har d ? it?s har d because we wor ked r eally har d for it and in my opinion we wer e definitely better than the other team. We just couldn?t execute as well as we r an things in pr actice,? fr eshman outside hitter Kyle Taylor said. ?I was ver y pr oud on how our guys fought against Palomar. I t is clear that we can compete with anyone in our confer ence,? Head Coach Kevin Pr atte added. I n the fir st set of the match, both teams wer e flying with ener gy and wer e tr ading points back and for th until the ver y end wher e the Comets narr owly pulled out with a 25-23 victor y against the Knights. But in the second set, the Knights wer e able to continue their str ong star t with gr eat ser ving, digging and sending har d hitting kills to Palomar ?s defense. The Knights wer e able to str ike back by getting the 2516 win in the second set. However in the last two sets, the Knights wer e unable to continue their offensive r hythm and by making cr ucial er r or s, the Comets

wer e able to take advantage and took a commanding lead. Although the Knights wer e able to cr eate a small r ally within the thir d and the four th set, it wasn?t enough as Palomar seemed to have the edge against City at the battle at the net. The Comets took the final two sets: 25-17, 25-23.

FINALSCORE Palomar College 3

City College


?We played well thr oughout the whole game; we just let them go on too many r uns and if we can limit our er r or s and limit their r uns, I think we will be fine in the (upcoming matches),? fr eshman outside hitter L ucas Timm said. I n the match, the Knights committed a total of 22 attacking er r or s and 13 service er r or s. ?Unfor tunately, when Palomar missed four ser ves in a r ow in set four we wer e

not able to take advantage of their mistakes. Ther e wer e times in sets one and four wer e we could have built a lar ge lead. I nstead, we let Palomar hang ar ound and they went on impr essive r uns late in sets one and four,? Pr atte added. Although the Knights wer e defeated, in the match thr ee player s r ecor ded over 10 digs. Timm and fr eshman Jor dan Walley each r ecor ded 12 kills and Walley finished the game with an impr essive .308 hitting per centage. As the volleyball season winds down for the men?s team, Taylor expr essed that he believes the team can make a str ong push in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence. ?We plan to take it to ever y team that we lost to...We?ve been wor king har d for it and we?r e going to make the r ight decisions the next time we play because we know what they have now and we?r e going to take it to them even har der. We got plenty of mor e play in us,? Taylor said. ?Ther e is a lot to be pr oud of, but I feel our young squad is capable of pulling a few upsets in the second half of the season,? Pr atte added. The next home game for the Knights will be against Golden West College on Mar ch 27 at 6 p.m. at the Har r y West Gymnasium.

March 24, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Knights go down in 29-hit game against Comets By HOLLYC. BRIDGES Ci ty Ti mes

SanDiegoCityCollege KnightsfreshmentennisplayersLilyYamauchi (left) andLoganRinder (right) bothreachfor the ball duringhome matchesonMarch12 and17 against Palomar Collegeat theSDCCTennisCourts. Photos by DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes

Swinging for Ojai Knights tennis teams aimto competeat theSouthern California Regionals By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes With the tennis season in its final matches for both the men?s and women?s tennis teams, the anticipation of qualifying for the SoCal Regionals ar e high for the Knights as it is just weeks away. The women?s tennis team cur r ently sits in four th place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference with an over all r ecor d 3- 8 and a conference r ecor d of 3- 7. Although the team has r ecor ded mor e losses than wins, the team still has a good chance on having their top six individuals qualify for the So-

Cal Regionals in Apr il. Fr eshman team captain L ydia Teal expr essed that the team is str ong dur ing the singles r ound but they still need to impr ove while playing in the doubles r ound. ?When you play doubles, it r eally depends on communication between you and your par tner and knowing wher e each other ar e on the cour t. At pr actice we ar e r eally wor king on doubles, our singles is r eally str ong but ther e is always r oom to impr ove,? Teal said. ?I n compar ison to end of Januar y to today, ther e has been a ton of impr ovement. I wish the season was actually a lit-

tle bit longer because I see ever yone is constantly impr oving and their building upon ever ything that they have lear ned and ar e getting better,? Teal continued. For the men?s tennis team, with an over all r ecor d of 4-15 and a confer ence r ecor d of 3-9, the team cur r ently sits at sixth place in the PCAC but still has hopes on sending some player s to the SoCal Regionals. ?I n a pr evious interview I said that our goal is to qualify to Ojai. And at the time it was a goal objective that we wer e tr ying to get and know we don?t take it for gr anted but I am pr etty

sur e that most of the team will be in Ojai,? sophomor e David L in said. L in went on to say that the team?s No. 1 singles player, fr eshman Sebastian Villalba, has been leading the team but is cur r ently battling some injur ies. ?He has been playing some amazing tennis, but he still can have better r esults I believe. He plans to continue to wor k har der to achieve mor e victor ies,? L in continued. Both the teams have two mor e matches r emaining and will have a few weeks to get healthier and r ecover for the SoCal Regionals in the middle of Apr il.

Some people say baseball is a bor ing, simple game but in r eality it's a ver y complex game filled with a lot of str ategy and many inter esting scenar ios. A var iety of different situations and plays can pop up and it did for the Knights on Satur day when they played host to the confer ence- leading Palomar Comets in the last meeting of their thr ee-game ser ies. I t was a long game that featur ed a total of 29 hits (15 by Palomar and 14 by City). On a 90- degr ee day, it was the hottest day ever r ecor ded on Mar ch 14, br eaking a r ecor d set in 1951 for San Diego, and just about anything that could happen in a game of baseball did happen. Ther e wer e the common tr iples and a homer in this contest and then ther e wer e balks, questionable or should- have- been called balks, thr ee batter s hit by pitches, and ther e wer e squeeze plays, pickles, lettuce and tomatoes and ever ything on it. Not bor ing at all. All of the action got star ted r ight away too. Thr ee up, thr ee scor e. Palomar 's Alec Salcedo star ted the game with a lead-off single in the top of the fir st. Coming up to the plate next was Jordan Gar dner who tr ipled down the r ight field line, scor ing Salcedo to make it a quick one-nothing game.

Sour ce: Athleti cs Dept.

Their thir d batter didn't leave Gar dner on base ver y long either as the Comets' catcher Fr ank Chr isty, stepped in the box and homer ed to left field, making it 3-0, Palomar. ?The leadoff tr iple set the tempo. We stuck thr ough it and continued to play how we play,? Gar dner said. I n the top of the second, Chr isty tr ied to come up big again with two on, going to deep center, but Knights pitcher Kyle Peeler was saved by the Santa Ana winds that helped dr ift the ball, making it a fly out. Both teams got busy in the fifth as six mor e r uns would come acr oss the plate. I n the top half of the inning for Palomar, Niko Holm singled, followed by a single by Chase Gr ant. Chr is Str atton would dr ibble out on a shor t hopper to fir st advancing the r unner s to second and thir d. When Salcedo got his tur n he tr ipled to left center br inging in Holm and Gr ant. Down 5-0, the Knights bats would get hot in the bottom of the fifth. Pinch hitter Scott Mar tinez got things going with a single but later got caught tr ying to steal second. After a Kyle Golden walk and a single by Kiki L eyva, Ray Jones would single to load the bases for City. Cor y Russell hit a shot down the left field line for a two-r un single, scoring L eyva and Golden, putting Jones at third.

See KNIGHTS, page 13



www.sdcitytimes.com | March 24, 2015


Eiffel state of mind

March madness

SophomoreDavid Lin selected to receive3C4A Achievement Award

Women?s badminton teamcompetes in Mesa Collegetournament By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes After eight hour s of badminton at the second annual Mesa College Badminton Tour nament, the player s fr om the San Diego City College women?s badminton team found success among four other teams on Mar ch 20. ?I t was kind of unexpected ? I didn?t expect anyone to win anything today, we came in her e just to see how the other teams play. I am ver y pleased on how the player s perfor med and also ver y pleased on (sophomor e Gina Niph) winning in the singles,? women?s badminton team Head Coach Son Nguyen said. I n the women?s single elimination br acket, it featur ed a total of 35 player s fr om Pasadena College, I r vine Valley College, Gr ossmont College, Mesa College and City College. On her way to the championship match in the women?s singles, Niph defeated four player s, including her fr eshman teammate Thao L e in the semifinals. In the championship match, Niph battled it out against Pasadena College freshman Rebecca Tzou. It was a close match from the start, as both traded points back and forth, but Niph

See MARCH, page 13

By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes Maintain a 4.0 GPA? Check. Over come obstacles on the tennis cour ts? Check. Help advocate for the Associated Students Gover nment at San Diego City College? Check. I t?s not ever y day wher e a student hops on a plane and tr avels mor e than 5,000 miles fr om Par is to San Diego and accomplishes his or her goals. But for sophomor e tennis

player David L in, he has swung himself to find success in Souther n Califor nia and has been selected to r eceive the Community College Counselor s/Adviser s Academic Association (3C4A) Achievement Awar d. I t will be pr esented to him on Apr il 1 at the 18th annual Califor nia Community College Athletic Association convention in Ontar io. ?I would like to thank my coach (Head Coach Br andon L upian), because he has been pushing me for war d since the fir st time I came to San Diego and I think it?s because of him that I think I got this awar d,? L in said. ?This awar d means a lot to me because I was losing a lot last year and seeing that I can over come the defeats ? it?s always a positive thing to see, to know and to have in your life,? L in continued. The 3C4A Achievement Awar d honor s studentathletes who have over come gr eat per sonal, academic, and or emotional odds to achieve success while par ticipating in inter collegiate athletics. ?Getting to know David L in and

under standing his ambitions helped a lot.? in life, his temper ament and L in went on to say that his wor k habits ? I mean with his family back in Fr ance ther e is no better r epr esenta- and by joining the tennis team tive to win that awar d than and going fr om classr oom to him,? L upian said. classr oom, he was able to sur?He has wor ked har d fr om r ound himself with English day one, actually even pr ior to native speaker s, which helped day one stepping her e at San him quickly over come the lanDiego City Colguage bar r ier. lege. ? Just When the the wor k only men?s tennis getting acteam hear d he cepted to the was being honschool is har d or ed with the and he did all 3C4A awar d of the (inter nanext month tional) r equir ealong with a ments and to $250 scholarhis cr edit he is ship, the team her e and he celebr ated and has r eally as sophomor e taken advanteammate Gertage of his time man Ziella exher e,? L upian pr essed that he continued. and other playIt was er s on the team German Ziella, wer e not surnear ly two tennis player pr ised due to year s ago when L in arhis wor k ethic r ived to San on and off the Diego and for the Fr ench na- tennis cour ts. tive speaker who did not know ?As much as he was dedia wor d of English ? he still cated in tennis, he was twice r emained focused on star ting as dedicated to his studies ? his car eer in the States. I ?m happy for him and excited ?For the fir st two weeks I that he is going to get that didn?t under stand anything to awar d because he is r epr ebe honest, but somehow I senting the team and also the don?t know what happened school and we ar e pr oud of but in the thir d week I picked having him on the team,? up ever ything and star ted to Ziella said. under stand,? L in said. ?My Aside fr om playing tennis, English wasn?t good still but I could under stand which See LIN, page 13

?Asmuch ashe wasdedicated in tennis, he was twice as dedicated to his studies... I?m happy for him and excited that he isgoing to get that award ...?

Knightsedged out by Olympians City Collegesoftball teamsuffers loss against conferencerival Mesa College, 7-2 By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes I n the opening minutes, Mesa College got on the scor eboar d fir st and never looked back as the Knights softball team was defeated by their confer ence r ivals 7-2 at home on Mar ch 11. ?I think over all we did well, we just need to get our timely hits and just back up our pitcher s mor e,? fr eshman Alex Galatis said. The Olympians got the fir st r un in at the top of the fir st inning and although Galatis fir ed back with a double and after a RBI

fr om fr eshman Malin Ellstr om that br ought Galatis home; Mesa College pour ed in the four th and sixth inning and got the victor y. At the top of the sixth inning, Mesa got two r uns in and was up 5- 1 which for ced fr eshman star ting pitcher, I vana Gonzalez to be switched out for fr eshman Micela Ross. Ross came out with str ong ener gy and str ong pitches, but it was a little too late and the Knights couldn?t over come their 5point deficit against the Olympians. With the loss against the

Olympians, the Knights fell to an over all r ecor d of 5-13 and a confer ence r ecor d of 1-7. L ike Galatis mentioned ear lier, she continued to expr ess that in or der for the team to get some wins, it all lies on timely hitting. ?I think we just need to get our timely hits. We can hit the ball but we don?t do it when r unner s ar e on ? say thir d base; we don?t get the hits to move them ar ound,? Galatis added. I n the game, the Knights left a total of seven r unner s on base. I n the Knights fir st meeting with the

Olympians on Feb. 13, the Knights lost 8- 0. But r ecently, on Mar ch 17 after losing their fir st two matchups against Mesa; City College got the 3-2 victor y which ended the team?s seven game losing str eak. ?I feel like our bats ar e getting better, our ener gy is getting better and we ar e connecting mor e as a team; but we just ar en?t moving r unner s over like we should,? Ross said. Cur r ently, the team sits in seventh place in the confer ence with an over all Freshman starting pitcher Ivana Gonzalez throws the softball down r ecor d of 7-16 and a confer- the line during the first inning against Mesa College on March 11at ence r ecor d of 2-9. theBettyHockSoftball Field. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes

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