SPRAYITAIN?TSO Artist Chor Boogieset togolivewithnewart show. Arts, page9
CityTimes sdcitytimes.com
Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945
Volume69, Number 11 | April 21, 2015
City College sheds light on social justice By PHOENIXWEBB ALDORAMIREZ and LAURASANCHEZ Ci ty Ti mes Mayr a Almar az tearfully r ecounted how her ex- boyfr iend is ser ving a life sentence for a botched r obber y due to the thr ee str ikes law. Almar az shar ed her stor y in MS- 462 dur ing the after noon session of the second day of the fir st Social Justice and Education Confer ence held at San Diego City College on Mar ch 26 and 27. Attendees wer e asked to get into gr oups of four to six and each member
of a gr oup to state what they ar e passionate about in society to illustr ate the power of conver sation to br ing about social justice. Dur ing a br ief sit-down with City College Pr esident Anthony Beebe, he expr essed what he wanted attendees of the confer ence to get fr om it ? to know that City College is a national leader of social justice, social justice is not political or economic, and to help define social justice as a unified idea to positively impact the communities of City College and San Diego.
See SOCIAL, page 11
Caravana 43 ralliesat City By ALDORAMIEREZ Ci ty Ti mes Pr oclamations and chants such as ?Ayotzinapa aguanta San Diego se levanta!? and the continuous shout of ?Justice!? echoed thr ough the str eets of Downtown San Diego on Mar ch 24 in pr otest for the disappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, Guer r er o, Mexico.
Accompanied by a police escor t, the movement known as Car avana 43 mar ched peacefully thr ough the str eets fr om City College to the Edwar d J. Schwar tz Feder al Building Car avana 43 was for med by the family member s of the students of the Nor mal Rur al I sidr o Bur go school in
Greased Lightnin? Studensts, faculty, staff andmusical loverspackedSanDiegoCityCollege?sSavilleTheatreonApril 10 for theopeningnight of the semester musical ?Grease,?DirectedbyJune Richards. The musical isset inthe late 1950sandisthe storyof DannyZuko andtheT-Birds, andgoodgirl SandyDumbrowski andthePinkLadies. Theperformanceof theiconicmusical waspackedwith highenergysonganddancenumbersaccompaniedbyalivefour-pieceband. See reviewonpage 8.
See CARAVANA, page 4
News Voice Arts Life Sports
LongtimeCityCollegemathprofessor Hoat Le, whodiedof cancer, leavesbehindnursing scholarships. News, page3
Why popular artists, suchas KanyeWest, will alwaysbethetalk of theonlinetown. Voice, page5
Page 3 Page 5 Page 8 Page 10 Page 16
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
CALENDARAPRIL/MAY Wednesday, April 22 ASG Student E lections Begin: Elections begin at 12:01 a.m. Vote online at www.sdcity.edu 24/7 or City College Polling Place. L ook for signage. D onate Blood: Pr esented by San Diego Blood Blank fr om 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Gor ton Quad. Badminton: vs Mesa College, 2-5 p.m. at the Har r y West Gym.
Transfer Guarantees (AD T/TAG): Wor k shop, 4:30-5:30 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Thursday, April 23 ASG Student E lections E nds: Elections ends at 11:59 p.m. Vote online at www.sdcity.edu 24/7 or City College Polling Place. L ook for signage.
CCCAA M en?s Volleyball Final Four: Califor nia Community College Athletic Association Men?s Volleyball State Championship Semifinals at the Har r y West Gym, 5-10 p.m.
Friday, April 24 I nter view Techniques: Wor k shop, 9-10 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center. D irecting Change at City: Dir ecting change at City Video Scr eening and Awar ds Cer emony at MS-140, 1-3 p.m. Baseball: vs Mt. San Jacinto College, 2-5 p.m. at Mor ley Field. Free haircuts: San Diego City College Cosmetology Depar tment volunteer s fr ee ser vices, 10-2 p.m. at Thir d Avenue Char itable Or ganization, 1420 Thir d Ave.
Saturday, April 25
Thursday, April 30
shop, 1:30-2:30 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
CCCAA M en?s Volleyball State Championship: Califor nia Community College Athletic Association Men?s Volleyball State Championship match at the Har r y West Gym, 7-10 p.m.
UC Transfer: Wor k shop, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Thursday, May 7
Monday, April 27 I nter view Techniques: Wor k shop, 2-3 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Tuesday, April 28 Career I nterpretation: Wor k shop, 11-12 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center. I slamic Suffism: Speaker : Dr. Far naz Khor omi at M-205, 12:30-2 p.m.
Wednesday, April 29 Resume and Cover L etter: Wor k shop, 10-11 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center. ASG E lection Results: Results will be posted in Student Affair s Office, M-200, by 3 p.m.
Career E xpo: Fr om 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Gor ton Quad. Food as M edicine Presentation: Speaker : Dr. Valencia Por ter at BT-306 fr om 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Informationcompiledby DavidPradel Toget your event inthepaper, email calendar@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880
Grease at Saville Theatre: Apr il 24, 25 at 8 p.m. & Apr il 26 at 2 p.m.
Badminton: SoCal Team Playoff match vs. Pasadena College, 3 p.m. Har r y West Gym.
40th Anniversar y of the Fall of South Vietnam: Speaker : Joseph Radzikowski, 11-12:30 p.m. at MS162.
Friday, May 1
10th Annual Student Project & Research Symposium: 8 a.m.2 p.m. Point L oma Nazarene University Campus Adviser: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the L RC.
CSU Transfer: Wor kshop, 10-11 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Transfer Guarantees (AD T/TAG): Wor k shop, 12-1 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Monday, May 4
Friday, May 8
?May the four th be w i th you.? Resume and Cover L etter: Wor k shop, 1-2 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Tuesday, May 5 D onate Blood: Pr esented by San Diego Blood Blank fr om 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Gor ton Quad. UC Transfer: Wor k shop, 3:30-4 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
Wednesday, May 6 Career E xploration: Wor k-
I nter view Techniques: Wor kshop, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center. E vening of D ances: A faculty and guest dance concer t held on May 8 and May 9 at 8 p.m. in the Saville Theatr e.
Monday, May 11 Cosmetology Orientation: V-101, 1-2:30 p.m. E sthetician Orientation: V-101, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Transfer ring Transitions: Wor k shop, 11:30-12:30 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center.
District offering 1,300 summer courses The San Diego Community College Distr ict announced that it will be offer ing 1,300 summer cour ses beginning June 1, accor ding to an Apr il 14 pr ess r elease. The cour ses will be spr ead out amongst San Diego City College, San Diego Mir amar College and San Diego Mesa College. The addition of 200 mor e cour ses r estor es the distr ict?s summer cour ses to pr e-r ecession levels. For the upcoming summer schedule, the distr ict is offer ing high- demand classes such as consumer sciences, basic skills, hospitality and many other s. ?After year s of budget cuts, the distr ict is pleased to be able to r estor e our summer session to wher e it was befor e state budget cuts,? distr ict Chancellor Constance M. Car r oll said in the pr ess r e-
lease. ?Our students r ely on summer classes to acceler ate pr ogr ess towar d gr aduation and/or tr ansfer. Many university students also attend our colleges over summer to enr oll in classes they need for their bachelor ?s degr ee. I n either case, the r esult is incr eased student access.? Accor ding to the r elease, ther e will be four summer sessions star ting June 1, June 8, June 15 and July 6. San Diego Continuing Education will also be offer ing both for- cr edit and non- cr ed classes thr ough Aug. 22. Enr ollment for summer classes star ts May 11 for all cur r ent City, Mir amar and Mesa students. Appointments for r esgistr tation r un until May 22 and open r egistr ation begins May 26. ? Angeli ca Walli ngfor d
CORRECTIONS The following ar e cor r ections of er r or s fr om the Mar ch 24 issue of City Times. I n the page 1 stor y ?City takes the gold,? Chancellor Constance M. Car r oll was misquoted. The quote should have r ead: ?As our oldest institution and as our most ur ban institution, the college should definitely be acknowledged as San Diego?s best downtown educational asset.? I n the page 6 stor y ?Diver se emojis will cause issue for Apple user s,? DeJane Br uce was misquoted. The quote should
have r ead: ?I was sur pr ised that they cr eated an emoji char acter in the ster eotypical image of a per son of Middle Easter n decent.? On page 12, in the continuation of the stor y ?Manpower makes its r etur n to City,? the name Rose L aMur aglia was mispelled. City Times regrets the er rors. It is the policy of City Times to clarify content or cor rect er rors. Send them to the paper at info@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880.
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
Prospective studentsgather for openhouse By LAURASANCHEZ Ci ty Ti mes City College opened its door s to the community Apr il 16 for the 2nd Annual Community Open House. Or ganizations, pr ogr ams and businesses such as Fantastique and the Food Pantr y set tables ar ound campus, while tour gr oups wer e guided ar ound City to pr omote and educate the community on what City has to offer. Mor e than 200 pr ospective students, fr om high school to adult school, wer e invited to visit the campus? facilities and to r eceive information on pr ogr ams and clubs offer ed by the college. ?We?r e pr omoting San Diego City College for the community. We have a bunch of continuing education students
ar ound San Diego that came today to our open house. Ther e ar e all kinds of tables and clubs,? Open House volunteer Bar bar a Gr een said. Students ar ound San Diego, fr om Cesar Chavez High School to the Educational Cultur al Complex (ECC) wer e bused over to par ticipate in the event. ?We have par tnerships with them and we go out ther e and we br ing our matr iculation ser vices to them, fr ee enr ollment ser vices, admissions application wor kshop, financial aid, and then we sign them up to get bused over. We had char ter buses pick them up; br ing them on to campus,? Outr each Coor dinator L iz Var gas said. Ther e was music and food handed out in the quad between the AH
and BT buildings. Fitness pr ogr am member s held wor kout sessions dur ing the event wher e City students demonstr ated their pr ogr am in action to their guests. Visitor s wer e gr ouped fr om ther e and guided ar ound City to see the differ ent buildings and their pr ogr ams. ?We?r e her e fr om ECC and we?r e her e going ar ound looking at City College, seeing the differ ent schools and pr ogr ams that go on her e and pr obably when we get out of ECC we can see if we would be inter ested, once we get out of ECC,? Musa Alhaqq, ECC student and guest, said about the event. The event aimed to encour age community member s to take advantage of the r esour ces offer ed by City and to continue higher education.
Attendeesof SanDiegoCityCollege?s2ndAnnual CommunityOpenHouseparticipateinakickboxingclassonApril 15 (topphoto). Duringthe openhouse, visitorswere able toexperience what CityCollege hastooffer for prospective students through campus tours, demonstrations and exhibits fromvarious clubs and academic departments (bottomphoto). PhotosbyJOEKENDALLCi ty Ti mes
Math professor Hoat Le leaves behind nursing scholarships By HOLLYC. BRIDGES Ci ty Ti mes
LateSanDiegoCityCollegeprofessor Hoat Le. Cour tsey photo
City College lost one of its longtime math teacher s last month. Pr ofessor Hoat L e died Mar ch 24, leaving behind his wife, Sandr a L ew, and his teenage daughter, Minh- Tam L e, and a whole lot of students and colleagues who r eally loved him. L e came to the U.S. in 1975 after his family left Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. He was a top math student in the state as a student at Escondido High School befor e he went on to ear n a bachelor of science degr ee at Pomona College and his master ?s at Ohio State.
L e began teaching at City College in 1989, and continued thr ough the spr ing 2014 semester. He was also par t of the City Times staff in the ear ly 1990s. ?He got r eally sick r ight ar ound the time after gr ading paper s and finals last spr ing,? his daughter r emember ed. ?He was on sick leave this past school year. Things got so bad last June that he thought that was it,? L ew said. ?But he pulled thr ough. He was in and out of the hospital a lot this past year and r ealized the nur sing pr ofession is a tough job and thought it would be a nice thing to do to thank the nur ses by
leaving behind a scholarship for nur ses.? I n 2005, L e was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of cancer that star ts in the plasma cells of the bone mar r ow. ?For the past nine year s he spent a lot of time in the hospital. That?s why the Hoat L e Scholar ship is so meaningful because it helps nur ses or students help to help people that ar e ill and hopefully get mor e r ecognition to the pr ofession,? L ew said. ?He was an Apple guy and loved computer s. He was known for car r ying ar ound a r eally lar ge camer a about the size of a r olling car r y- on suitcase.
I t was so big that a fr iend jokingly called it a ?National Geogr aphic camer a? and the ter m stuck, He loved photogr aphy. His favor ite subjects to shoot wer e scener y and spor ts his daughter played,? L ew said. ?Being with family and fr iends made him happy. He loved his students and spent a lot of his fr ee time on weekends helping his students,? L ew continued. ?He was touched by thanks and thank you car ds he got fr om students. He r eally enjoyed wor king with the other faculty and colleagues.?
See PROFESSOR, page 11
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
Marchers in traditional headdresses lead the March 24 Caravana 43 protest fromSan Diego City College to the Edward J. Schwartz Federal Buildingcourtyard (top photo). The family members of missing43 Ayotzinapa students Jorge Alvarez Nava, Benjamin AscencioBautista and Miguel Angel speaktolistenerscirclingaroundthesmall stonestage(bottomphoto). Anunnamedprotester holdsuponeof themanysignsas marchersconveneat theEdwardJ. SchwartzFederal BuildingonMarch24 (right photo). Photos by MARKELLIOTTCor r espondent
the end of Plan Mer ida. I mplanted by the U.S. gover nment, the Mer ida I niContinuedfrompage1 tiative aims to aid the Mexican gover nment Ayotzinapa Guer r er o, against the war on dr ugs, Mexico. Many believe the giving millions of dollar s disappear ance of the 43 and militar y intelligence students was caused by equipment in or der to the mayor of that state at fight the dr ug car tels. the time, Jose L uis Abar ca, and his wife, Mar ia de los Angeles Pineda, as well as member s of dr ug car tels, as the feder al investigations into the disappear ance have confir med. ?We come to give this Blanca Luz Nava Velez, message. One does not m other of missing student have to wait until something happens in or der to However, some of the act. I t?s har d to change our social system, it?s a public say that the money pr ocess that takes time given to the feder al police but with your help it has been used by the will be easy,?? Estanislao same dr ug car tels that Mendoza said. Mendoza is cor r upt the gover nment the father of missing stu- and lead to the same type dent Miguel Angel of scenar ios in Mexico, like the 43 disappear ed Mendoza. Car avana 43 came to students in Guer r er o. ?The objective of the San Diego as par t of a tour to the nor ther n states of car avan of San Diego is to Mexico and differ ent br ing social consciousness states in the United States to the people of this comto r aise awar eness about munity. I t is to let the people know that Mexico the case. Cr eating social awar e- needs assistance,?? said ness of the actual political Mar co Amar al, pr ess diand social conditions that r ector of Car avana 43 in ar e affecting the neighbor San Diego. ?Mexico need the assiscountr y, and demanding
?Today it isus asAyotzinapa, tomorrow it could be you.?
tance of the peoples that live her e in the United States because we ar e par tially to blame of what?s happening in Mexico. Us the taxpayer s, we pay our taxes so that the U.S. gover nment and militar y can go tr ain the Mexican militar y and pr ovide them with ar ms, those ar ms and that tr aining is being use to suppr ess the people of Mexico,??Amar al said. Once the pr otester s r eached the Edwar d J. Schwar tz Feder al Building, the par ents of the disappear ed students as well as some of their schoolmates gave a speech. ?Today it is us as Ayotzinapa, tomor r ow it could be you,??said the mother of missing student Jose Alvar ez Velez, Blanca L uz Nava Velez, also commenting on the influence that the U.S. gover nment has on Mexico. ?Her e is the power. Her e is the money. I t is enough,?? she said, r eferr ing to the end of Mer ida plan. Car avana 43 will continue its tour on U.S. ter r itor y following with var ious visits acr oss the countr y. For mor e infor mation on Car avana 43, visit facebook.com/car avana43.
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
The costs of going to school Ther e?s a gr eat pr essur e for young adults to attend college and pur sue a bachelor ?s degr ee or higher. Oftentimes, one may be looked down upon for not wor king towar d a degr ee and ster eotyped as not doing anything with your life because of not going to school. However, attending college often means signing up for student loans that pay for tuition and other expenses while in school. Ther e?s a hefty pr ice to be paid for those loans and they can incr ease incr edibly with inter est r ates over time. I t?s no secr et that attending a higher lear ning institution comes with a high pr ice. Whether it?s a univer sity, pr ivate school or tr ade school, student debt is so common. And r eceiving some suppor t fr om financial aid or scholar ships may not be enough for some students who City Times Editorial Board wor r y about making payments after r eceiving a degr ee. Having to pay to for student debt loans and r eceive calls fr om debt collector s can be str essful, and sometimes avoiding those calls fr om debt collector s isn?t going to solve anything because at the end of the day, the debt will still be ther e and needs to be paid off. But how long will it take to pay them all off? On aver age, a student is indebted with $30,000 after gr aduating with a bachelor ?s degr ee, accor ding to a statistic by the I nstitute for College Access and Success. That number has skyr ocketed incr edibly compar ed to the debt in 1993, when students aver aged less than $10,000. An ar ticle titled ?Congr atulations, to Class of 2014, Most I ndebted Ever ? was published in The Wall Str eet Jour nal, and shows multiple gr aphs of student debt and the r atio between how much debt they car r y and salar y made fr om the last 20 year s. The number of students str uggling with paying debt and wor king a job that doesn?t suffice paying bills is stagger ing. One gr aph illustr ates the distinct differ ence between what young people make and what they owe. What for mer students owe peaks at 35 per cent and ear nings is negative 5 per cent. Car r ying the debt affects dr eams students have after gr aduation such as buying homes, a new car, getting mar r ied and many other s. Who is to blame for incr easing tuitions, no guar antees for car eer s and incr easing student debt loans that ar en?t easy to pay? Even with Pr esident Bar ack Obama?s pr oposal for fr ee community college for students who cr eate a plan to advance to a fouryear univer sity, it isn?t enough. Ther e needs to be a decr ease in tuition and students need to be educated about their debt.
In Yeezuswe trust The hype center ed ar ound the musician tur ned designer Kanye West is endless as new stor ies develop about him within the hour. Ther e?s news cover age about his ever y move and what he says, specifically about his pr oject with Adidas, upcoming music and unfilter ed behavior ar e all seen on websites such as Hypebeast and Complex Magazine, and acquir ing online r etailer Kar maloop. Although it?s tir ing to see Kanye pop up in my newsfeed, Kanye is an example of public inter est. Complex wr iter Justin Char ity clar ifies in his stor y, ?Why Kanye West is in this Headline,? the r eason countless stor ies that ar e focused on
Kanye ar e pr oduced: ?Music fans and r andom blogger s can agr ee that people gener ally enjoy hear ing, watching, and r eading about Kanye West.?
PERSPECTIVE Franchesca Walker ?A successful website publishes ar ticles that people want to r ead,? Char ity said. Char ity compar ed Kanye r ecently being in the spotlight to politicians who ar e center ed in the media like Hilar y Clinton and her email pr efer ence scandal: ?I n the past couple weeks, news websites have pr oduced millions of wor ds
CityTimes www.sdcitytimes.com
about Hillar y Clinton?s mobile email pr efer ences ... Millions of r eader s car e about these god-level politicians, so dozens of publications jockey for cover age of their ever y move.? Despite countless people who don?t car e about Kanye and what he is doing, the media won?t stop documenting him because ther e ar e mor e people clicking onto the website and viewing the stor ies about Kanye r ather than complaining the stor ies should stop. Media outlets ar e benefiting by pr oducing significant amounts of content about particular ar tists and their
See YEEZUS page 12
April 21, 2015 Volume 69, Number 11 PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks
Edi tor i n Chi ef
Copy Edi tor
Managi ng Edi tor Spor ts Edi tor
Associ ate Edi tor
Holly C. Br i dges, Edgar Inda-Lar es, Antoni o Mar quez, Aldo Rami r ez, Cher elle Rober ts, Tor r ey Spoer er, Phoeni x Webb
CORRESPONDENTS Mar k Elli ott, Dar i an Spencer
Opi ni on Edi tor
Photogr aphy Edi tor
Jour nali sm Advi ser
City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthe semester. Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot necessarily represent thoseof the entirenewspaper staff, City Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethe soleresponsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot be interpretedtobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficers or employees. Letters to the editor: LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. The staff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.
Howto reach us: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. SanDiego, CA92101 Newsroom: BT-101 Phone: (619) 388-3880 E-mail: info@sdcitytimes.com Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation
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www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
$25 a month for love that felt like a toy Invisible boyfriendsandgirlfriendscansendpatronsupto100 text messages, 10 voicemailsanda handwrittennote withthe $24.99 plan. LAURASANCHEZCi ty Ti mes i llustr ati on
Invisible Partner Inc. might be the future of online dating Typically, the moder n- day dating options for a gay man with limited time and a phone have often been soul- mate- seeking websites such as OkCupid, or no- str ingsattached messaging apps such as Gr indr, Scr uff or Jack?d. But what if all I needed was an imitation to enter tain me enough to get by with day- to- day single life? Or maybe I had fr iends or
PERSPECTIVE Torrey Spoerer family or chaser s constantly bugging me about whether I ?m still single or not and I sought a way to shake all of them off of my back? Or let?s say that I was in the closet to family and fr iends and, ther efor e, I wanted fake evidence of having a gir lfr iend and appear ing as str aight? I nvisible Boyfr iend and I nvisible Gir lfr iend, both owned and r un by I nvisible Par tner I nc., gives phone user s a custom- assigned fantasy r omantic par tner who will text you
up to 100 messages, leave you up to 10 voicemails and even send you a handwr itten note, all for $24.99 per month. Matthew Homann had the idea for the app after exper iencing his own episode of post-hear tbr eak. ?I was newly divor ced and got tir ed of ever yone asking if I was dating, if I was seeing someone,? Homann told ?TODAY.? The messages ar e not r obotic. With r eal live people, the ser vice?s texting oper ation is power ed by Cr owd Sour ce, a St. L ouis- based tech company that manages 200,000 r emote, micr o-task-focused wor ker s, accor ding to the Washington Post. For this test r un, I chose to still opt for the boyfr iend option since I never r eally had much in- thecloset dating exper ience to compar e anything to. I began my r omantic build- aboyfr iend jour ney at invisibleboyfr iend.com and cr eated a username and passwor d, in which then came our fir st building block of the fantasy boyfr iend: how old is he? After choosing an age r anging fr om 18-56, a tile menu of aver age-
yet- fair ly- handsome men of var ious ethnicities and body types appear. After clicking on the smiling face I most fancied, a name is then chosen. Char acter istics and inter ests can be assigned to the fantasy par tner in cr ime, such as being athletic and into spor ts, ner dy and into politics, and so on. These char acter istics and inter ests mixed together deter mine the behavior and subject matter of the text r esponses sent to subscr iber s. The fir st two questions ar e ?wher e does he live? plus ?wher e and how did you meet.? For my I nvisible Boyfr iend, I chose Dr ew Clar k, 36, met thr ough mixed up or der s at I nflux CafĂŠ, then he moved to Detr oit for wor k and we chose to give long-distance dating a tr y. Once the I nvisible Boyfr iend?s pr ofile is completed and the payment is made, he?ll send you the fir st text. We spar ked off some occasional conver sations for the next week or two, mainly about school, wor k,
See FUTURE, page 11
L et?s r ewind to the annual love cr aze holiday. The month in which hear t-shaped boxes flood ever y shopping center, only to be r eminded that you have no one to celebr ate this commer cial insanity with. Family and fr iends want to know wher e your loved one is. So ther e?s an app for ever ything ? now your significant other can also be found in an app, too. An app inspir ed by the loneliness of many that claims to fill that par tner gap in your life for only $25 per month. I ?m not talking Tinder, OKCupid or the numerous online dating services that ar e cr eated Laura Sanchez for people to meet other s. I ?m talking an instant boyfr iend without the dates, fir st impr essions, and all that build up befor e you enter a r elationship. This is an ?I nvisible Boyfr iend,? or gir lfr iend whatever your pr efer ence may be. Subscr ibe, pay the $25 and suddenly you have a boyfr iend. Jar ed Ash was my boyfr iend?s name. ?Invisible Boyfriend,? is a new app that was released around Valentine?s Day this year with the purpose of providing you with a credible long- distance boyfriend narrative. The app caters to your preferences. You can choose physical traits, personality, interests, and it will even provide you with pictures to choose from that will allow you to imagine who?s on the other end of the phone. It?s not a robot who you?re speaking with, but a real-life human
being ? OK, maybe more like six people who are hired to respond to your texts. Pay the $25 and you get 100 text messages a month, a stor y of how you two met, one voicemail and a wr itten note, as well. I t?s all one long stor y which you?r e cr afting, as well. Your par ents and fr iends can all feel mor e r elieved when they know that you have finally found a boyfr iend and the app is ther e to pr ove it. I gave this app a chance. I subscr ibed, chose all the details that fit my per sonality and gave him a name. I nstantly, I r eceived a text fr om my new boyfr iend. He gr eeted me and after a few hour s later I r eceived another message that hinted a sense of humor : Jar ed: ?Hey L aur a! This is Jar ed :) How ar e you?? Me: ?I ?m good :) doing some studying at a coffee shop. How ar e you?? Jar ed: ?Note to self: my will power is not str ong enough for buffets.? I was not speaking to a r obot because occasionally he would ask about things I 'd mention. However, the overall exper ience was ver y dr y. I under stand that this app is meant to fool other s, not your self, but the tr icky par t is to engage in a conver sation with someone who you supposedly alr eady know, but you don?t r eally know. I found it har d to commence a conver sation when I
See TOY, page 12
Rely on your words, not graphics Dear Editor : Regar ding the debate on emojis. I have a nice solution. Simply do not utilize the damn things. I 'm not so old that I am totally out of the loop with cur r ent technology and social media, but boy I cer tainly think it has contr ibuted to a gener al dumbing-down of the younger gener ation. All I have to do is sit for a spell in the cafeter ia and eavesdr op on
LETTERTOTHEEDITOR the level of conver sations among the young. I wince at the shallowness and cr udity of much of it. I do not r ecall such vacuous exchanges when a compar able age my fir st stint at City College in the 1980s. For get about all the char acter counting, fetching ar t, and any
bells and whistles associated with electr onic communications. One should be able to expr ess and emote their self via the beauty and wonder of wr itten wor ds alone ? not gr aphics. Apple E ugene King
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
No laughing matter How a comic book cover pushed thelimit and brought a much needed conversation of art to theforefront Ar t is something that is r eally under stand the subjective. Not ever yone is cover, you have to undergoing to like ever y piece of stand the histor y fr om liter atur e, music, etc., that which the illustr ation is out ther e. Chances ar e, stems fr om. if you gave a million people The cover pays homage the exact same book, it to one of the most iconic would be inter pr eted in a ?Batman? gr aphic novels. million differ ent ways. I n a famous scene fr om Ar t in whatever for m is ?The Killing Joke,? the a beautiful thing. I t can in- Joker ter r or izes police voke emotions such as commissioner James Gorsadness, happiness and don by going after his anger. Just because a few daughter, Bar bar a, AKA people ar en?t a fan of Batgir l. The Joker shows someone?s ar twor k for up to the Gor dons? door whatever with his r eason, tr adethat mar k doesn?t smile and mean the Angelica Wallingford shoots ar tist Bar bar a should take their wor k almost immediately, down or modify it and cen- knocks her father out, ties sor it in any way, shape or her up, str ips her naked for m. and snaps photos of her. To On Mar ch 13, comic add insult to injur y, the book ar tist Rafael Albu- Joker plaster s the photos quer que tweeted out a link in a sick and twisted tunto a var iant cover for ?Bat- nel of love r ide all while gir l? # 41. Bar bar a?s father ?s eyes The ar twor k, inspir ed ar e pr ied open, for cing him by Alan Moor e and Br ian to look at his mutilated Bolland?s 1988 iconic daughter. gr aphic novel ?The Killing While this par ticular Joke,? shows the Joker ?s scene is up for inter pr etaleft ar m dr aped over Bat- tion, most of the fan base gir l?s shoulder gun in hand agr ees that it is not in the while his r ight ar m is Joker ?s char acter to go as pointing at a blood far as r aping her. However, smear ed smile painted on ther e ar e some fans say Batgir l?s fr ightened face. other wise. The cover just wasn?t Some fans took to their dr awn up out of thin air. To social media networ k of
choice to give some feedback and cr iticize the cover calling it a ?tr igger war ning.? One per son commented that it was a ?victim being ter r or ized by their attacker ;? other s said it was misogynistic and sexist. Other people such as social commentator s and people who haven?t picked up a comic book pr obably in their life jumped on the bandwagon and called for the cover to be axed. The whole point of the cover wasn?t to invoke this sense of sexual deviancy. The Joker is this menacing, dar k, calculating and intelligent villain whose sole pur pose is to a get a r ise out of Batman. The whole point of humiliating Bar bar a in the ?88 gr aphic novel the way in the way that he did was to pr ove to ever yone that if he could make a common man go completely mad, just like he is. I t wasn?t some sick r ape fantasy that Joker wanted to br oadcast. Bar bar a Gor don, on the other hand, became one of the most iconic her oines in comic book histor y ? Or acle. Gor don leaves her Batgir l per sona and no longer standing at Robin?s side as Batman?s shadow but becoming Batman?s equal, being his eyes and
?Batgirl?#41variant cover byRafael Albuquerque.
ear s of Gotham City while out on missions. Gor don also becomes one of the founder s and leader s of another iconic cr ime fighting team ? the Bir ds of Pr ey. She could have been another comic book casualty that fades fr om existence, but she didn?t. She fought her demons and became an icon. Wr iter @JennOfHar dwir e explains the situation
per fectly in her ar ticle titled ?Str ength in Vulner ability: # Feminist Reply to @DCCOMI CS Batigir l # 41 I gnites # ChangeTheCover.? ?You also have to consider that this event in Bar bar a Gor don?s past helps to show how str ong she is in later comics. She was able to move past this tr aumatic point in her life which r eflects her str ength
Offi ci al i mage
of char acter,? she wr ites. ?The ar gument that the cover is misogynistic and sexist because Bar bar a Gor don is being used as a tool r obs her of the str ong char acter development that stems fr om this tr aumatic event in her histor y.? The fact is, just because a minor ity gr oup of people felt uncomfor table about
See MATTER, page 13
Soviet postersshowcased skewed viewsof socialism Dear Editor : The r ecent exhibit of Soviet poster s at our fine ar t galler y on campus was a celebr ation of the r estor ation of capitalism of the for mer Soviet Union and the policies under the Gor bachev and Regan administr ations that pr eceded it. These poster s had pr eviously tour ed the U.S. in the ear ly 1990s with the aid of the Russian and Amer ican gover nments dur ing the per estr oika and glasnost er a, por tr ayed by the exhibit as ?the beginning of the cultur al and political r evolutionar y per iod.? Per estr oika, or ?r estr uctur ing,? was the eu-
phemistic ter m for the r estor ation of capitalist social r elations that er adicated the gains of the wor king class based on the October Revolution. But far fr om the flower ing of democr acy and affluence pr edicted by public intellectuals, per estr oika and the dissolution of the Soviet Union constituted a social counter-r evolution that was an unpr ecedented catastr ophe for the wor king classes of the former Soviet Union alongside the wholesale looting of public assets by an entir e layer of par asitic bur eaucr ats-tur nedoligar chs. Gor bachev is continu-
LETTERTOTHEEDITOR ally por tr ayed as a br eak with the Stalinist past, a bold r efor mer pr epar ed to sweep the Augean stables of Soviet administr ation. He pr oved to be nothing of the sor t and r epr esented the inter ests of a pr ivileged layer that enr iched itself fr om the plunder and theft of social wealth under capitalist r estor ation. A thor ough examination of the complex factor s that led to the fate of the Soviet Union is beyond the scope of this piece, although it should be stated outr ight
that the equation of Stalinism with socialism or Mar xism is factually dubious. Ther e was no str aight line which led deter ministically fr om 1917 to the gulags to 1991. The r ise of the Stalinist bur eaucr acy was not unchallenged in the 1920s and ?30s, par ticular ly by the L eft Opposition led by L eon Tr otsky, who was committed to the r estor ation of wor ker s?democr acy and a humane and r ational implementation of industr ialization. For the Stalinist bur eaucr acy, its gr ip on
power ultimately had to be defended with political ter r or. For all its attention to Soviet censor ship and pr opaganda, one is str uck by the ir ony of the exhibit?s uncr itical and confor mist adher ence to Cold War anti-communism. Many of the contempor ar y poster s assume a pr opagandistic char acter as they tur n r eality on its head by conveniently ignor ing the U.S. backing of a fascist-led coup in Ukr aine and invoking tir ed tr opes of an expansionist Russia. We must ask our selves: Why after 25 year s have these poster s been dusted off for a second U.S. tour ?
Near ly ever y poster equates socialism with Stalinism, confor mity, envir onmental destr uction, housing shor tages and violent r epr ession. An immense amount of effor t has been expended to dissuade the public fr om considering any alter native to capitalism, despite the hor r ific r ealities facing society, and especially youth today. The author dir ects the community to wsws.or g, the daily news publication of the Socialist Equality Par ty, and our youth and student chapter, the San Diego I YSSE. Norissa Gastelum Ar t hi stor y
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
CITYARTS ?Grease?blazes at the Saville Ther e was a str eak of musi- contr ibuted to the ner dy feel cal magic on opening night of and look of the cast and was the pr oduction ?Gr ease? at the the show's biggest flaw. San Diego City College Saville However, the music was Theatr e. Dir ected by June E. awesome. Aubr ey Awar d winRichar ds, the show star ted off ner Michael Far ley is the City with wonder ful sound and a College music dir ector. He and br ight and color ful scene r ight the other band member s r eally off the top with all 35 actor s on made this show gr eat in this stage wear ing ?50s style cloth- intimate theater. Far ley coning. All of them singing and ducted the band and played swaying to the song ?Rydell keyboar d dur ing the show. High Alma Mater.? Attendee Miguel I t was fun thinkPor tillo saw the ing back to the show's adver tisemovie and smiling ment on the school along with the perwebsite and asked Holly C. Bridges his gir lfr iend Julia for mer s to the familiar ity of the song Dapcevic, who is a and enjoyable listening to how ?Gr ease? fan if she wanted to cr isp and clean the live four- go. As a non- Gr ease fan Porman- band ensemble sounded, tillo r eally liked it. thr ee men and one woman on ?I t's r eally good and dr ums. Br oadway- esque. Above my ?OK, Gr ease is so iconic. I expectations. I definitely r ecthink it?s a mar velous show for ommend it,? Potillo said. City College. I t pr ovides differDapcevic said she was iment memor ies for ever yone,? pr essed. When asked who her Richar ds said. favor ite char acter was, she Chor eogr aphed by Alicia said, ?I think the char acter Rincon, the play was fast- playing the tough gir l, Rizzo, moving. Made up of 19 musical was r eal good, did gr eat acting number s including ?Summer and singing. ?Beauty School Nights,? ?Gr eased L ightnin?,? Dr op Out? song was humor ous ?We Go Together ? and a par- and fun.? ody or two, with a lot of danc?All Choked Up? was sassy ing, deliver ing the teenage r o- and playful and br ought out mance stor y of Danny Zuko good, funny expr essions by and school new gir l, Sandy Danny' as he finally showed Dumbr owski and their cr ews. per sonality and had a decent But this r endition had a little voice in this skit. His countertoo much of the two- step in it par t, a br unette Sandy, played which made it a little goofy and by Janessa Her r er a, had ner dy with its r epeated spunk, but she and Danny moves. didn?t seem to have much The over-sized black leather chemistr y. jacket Zuko, played by Aar on See GREASE, page 10 L ugo, was wear ing, pr obably
Cast members of the musical ?Grease? singand dance tomultiple songs on openingnight April 10. The musical will run until April 26 at theSavilleTheatre. Photos by TORREYSPOERERCi ty Ti mes
Studentsstand up in VAMP show By FRANCHESCAWALKER Ci ty Ti mes Sur r ounded by str eet ar t painted by local ar tists, nine City College students told power ful stor ies that changed each of their lives at the SI L O in Maker s Quar ter on Mar ch 26. Titled VAMP (Visual/Audio Monologue Per for mance), each student descr ibed something they stood up to. For a year and a half now, Student Jesimarie Rodriguez recitesa writtenmonologue City College has collabor ated at VAMP on March 26 along with eight other students. with nonpr ofit or ganization So We All Say for VAMP RICHARDLOMIBAOCi ty Ti mes
shows, accor ding to cr eative wr iting teacher Nadia Mandilawi. Each semester a different topic is chosen to wr ite about and students submit stor ies that impacted or changed their lives. Countless submissions ar e r eceived and only a few ar e selected. This semester ?s topic was ?taking a stand? and was connected to the Social Justice Confer ence that happened that week on campus. ?We wanted to tie it to the Social Justice Confer ence and we wanted to get people
to r eally think about times in their life that matter ed to them, and times when they wer e pr oud of or times when they could have done things differ ently or the cour se of their life was changed,? Mandilawi said. ?... I t?s ver y har d because we have many, many submissions and all of them can pr obably be a ver y str ong VAMP. I mean ever yone has a stor y so I wish we could take ever yone.? Student Heather Oligny opened the show with her stor y about an abusive r elationship she was in dur ing
high school. She talked about her bold decision to join the Navy and how she was able to escape her abusive boyfr iend and go on to live her life without fear and secr et. Jesimar ie Rodr iguez was the thir d student to shar e her stor y, which was about a gr oup of four homeless br other s, r anging in age fr om 10 to 15, who she often encounter ed at her job wor king at Edible Ar r angements when they came in for fr ee
See VAMP, page 13
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
Chor Boogieworksonhislatest installment ?BloomBash? for theSanDiegoMuseumof Art. Herepeatedlyspraypaintsablendof floral colorsontoseveral largecanvasesonApril 7.
Creating art through the spray can By FRANCHESCAWALKER Ci ty Ti mes Ar tist Chor Boogie is no str anger to color. I f you?r e familiar with his ar t, you can identify the wide spectr um of color s that come together on his mur als which have been seen acr oss the globe. Fr om Egypt to China, Boogie has painted in infi-
nite countr ies and cities displaying emotional ar t with gr aceful movement. Wear ing blue gloves and a r espir ator mask to pr otect him fr om str ong fumes, Chor uses multiple cans of spr ay paint in spr ing- like color s to overlap the ar t he painted ear ly that day and the day befor e. He?s wor king on his latest show, ?Bloom
Bash,? which will debut at the San Diego Museum of Ar t on Apr il 24 at the San Diego Museum of Ar t for the opening of Ar t Alive 2015. Chor ?s show will consist of 14 pieces of ar t designed by him. On the fir st day of pr oduction, he knocks out eight pieces painted in base color s in four hour s.
The following day, he picks up the cans r anging in various color s and paints in movements. On designing, Chor says he wor ks with an open mind and usually doesn?t have a plan to paint. ?I don?t have too much in mind, I think that conflicts with the cr eative pr ocess just a little bit, you know? I t is a pr ocess, but
you also gotta let it fr ee flow.? Ever ything he paints is str ictly with spr ay paint. ?No additives, no pr eser vatives,? Chor jokes. At an ear ly age of 13, Chor Boogie was intr oduced to spr ay paint and took his canvas outside of his home and onto the str eets that sur r ounded him. However, he r ecalls
picking up a pencil and illustr ating in his youth at as young as 5 year s old. Finding ear ly on that he identified with gr affiti ar t, Chor explained that he initially disliked the wor d because it wasn?t coined by pioneer ing ar tists but instead the gover nment, which looked
See SPRAY, page 10
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
A bloody good time NetherrealmStudios takes thespine-shattering, gore filled fatalities to theextremewith ?Mortal Kombat X? Ther e is something unsettling about the joy some individuals get when they see bones br eaking or extr eme gor e. The snapping of the tendons, the sound of blood hitting the gr ound, the shr ieks and scr eams coming fr om the afflicted individual ? all of these things can be a bit much for the aver age per son. However, for those who ar e inter ested in that sor t of thing, Nether r ealm Studios? latest entr y in the stor ied ?Mor tal Kombat? fr anchise, simply titled ?Mor tal Kombat X,? deliver s all of the punches and all of the bone- br eaking Kano(left) getsreadytopull off hissignature X-Raymove onSubZero(right), resultinginbrokenbonesand that fans have been waiting for. slicedorgans. GameInfor mer.com, offi ci al i mage
Grease Continuedfrompage8 Yasmin Ruiz, who played the r ole of Fr enchie, is in her second semester as a theatr e major and did a gr eat job with the acting and wonder ful squeaky voice. ?I just take it an octave higher and I put in a little
Spray Continuedfrompage9
down upon the ar t. ?The wor d gr affiti is a negative connotation. (Str eet ar t) is changing some, but it still has connotations. But I would say the whole str eet ar t movement has definitely taken things to a differ ent level.? Chor descr ibed how he began painting char acter s oppose to tr aditional letter for m of str eet ar t and ear ly influences of seeing ar t at a young age. ?I didn?t r eally get into letter for ms, mainly
baby voice and an 8.4 ounce can of Red Bull gets me extr a hyped- up,? Ruiz commented. Dante Finch played the par t of Roger and hit a couple of nice- sounding high notes in the Mooning song. Finch is a dance major and will be a chor eogr apher and dancer in the school?s next event, ?City Moves? that star ts about a week after ?Gr ease? ends.
About a hundr ed people put the show together counting the 35 cast member s, staff technicians, costumes and makeup people. And they all did a super b job, minus the poor jacket selection and baggy jeans for Danny. ?Gr ease? will continue to r un each Fr iday and Saturday night at 8 p.m. and on Sundays at 2 p.m. thr ough Apr il 26. Admission is $10.
mor e imager y, char acter s and all that stuff. ... The definition of wr iting is so different fr om gr affiti, because wr iting is just str aight up pieces and bur ner s. The bombing and other stuff, that?s gr affiti,? Chor says. ?When it comes to this style, I ?m incor por ating stuff that I seen when I was gr owing up fr om when I fir st star ted and looking at tr ains and aqua ducks and stuff that wer e painted up. I was a kid and they wer e just mur der ed with tags over tags over tags. Then they bombed it with piece over it and it would be a pr otocol kind of thing.? Chor ?s ar t is r ooted in
San Diego, specifically Oceanside wher e he is fr om, and has spr outed up nor th to San Fr ancisco. With an oppor tunity to live r ent-fr ee in the bay ar ea in a loft- studio, Chor packed his bags and headed nor th in 2009. ?All I did was paint; that was par t of the deal. Once you take that step in believe in what you do, believe what in your self, and just know you?r e going places you gotta do it. Because once I left ? it?s all par t of the path ? things just star ted r ising, things just star ted happening and going up and going up. And they still ar e.?
Having a uniquely ?City?day?Tweet us about it @SDCITYTIMESwith the hashtag #OnlyatCity. Your tweets could make it into the printed edition of the City Times.
?Mor tal Kombat? has never looked better, and since Nether r ealm incorpor ated many featur es fr om its last two titles, ?Mor tal Kombat 9? and ?I njustice: Gods Among
PRESSSTART Nowell Montejo Us,? the fr anchise has never played better. As far as the game modes go, it has the standar d far e for most fighting games these days. Online or offline ver sus mode, pr actice mode and multiplayer lobbies all compr ise the makeup of the
main par t of the game. Wher e the game r eally shines is in its stor y mode, ?L iving Tower s" and ?Faction War.? These ar e thr ee ver y differ ent components of the new game. Stor y mode speaks for itself ? ?L iving Tower s? featur es enemies and challenges to beat in succession and ?Faction War ? wor ks as a metagame, encour aging player s to keep fighting, long after they?ve finished the stor yline. L ear ning fr om the successes of ?MK9? and ?I njustice,? ?Mor tal Kombat X? has a fair ly lengthy
See BLOODY, page 12
NewYork bagels, San Diego style Brooklyn Bagel & Bialy offers a fresh and tasty twist on traditional East Coast classics Bagels bought fr om gr ocer y stor es and national chain shops typically taste like baked br ead. I f the bagels have toppings, then they taste like flavor ed br ead. Add plain or flavor ed cr eam cheese and it usually dominates the taste of the bagel.
STUDENTEATS Phoenix Webb Joe Gulli is one of thr ee par tner s of Br ooklyn Bagel & Bialy. ?I t is a br ead pr oduct, but it?s not supposed to be like Fr ench br ead,? he said. Br ooklyn Bagel & Bialy has changed the bagel mar ket in San Diego by making their pr oducts the tr aditional way. Gulli explained their pr ocess: batches of dough ar e made fr om scr atch five or six times a week in the back of the shop, por tioned and cut for individual bagels, then set aside to r est. Ever y mor ning the baker boils the pr oofed bagels for a few minutes, r inses and seasons
them on both sides befor e baking the bagels on a bur lap cover ed surface, flipping them halfway thr ough baking. This pr ocess pr ovides a soft and lightly chewy inter ior of the bagel with a slightly cr ispy cr ust that is unmistakably delicious. A bagel at this shop is lightly toasted in or der to pr eser ve the incr edible inter ior. The cr eam cheese never dominates the bagel at this shop, but ser ves as a wonder ful complement. Whatever pr oduct is leftover each day is either sliced into bagel chips or is donated to local food shelter s. Br ooklyn Bagel & Bialy is located at 1000 I sland Ave. at 10th Ave. on the southeast cor ner and has been ther e since Apr il 2011. Outdoor seating is available on each side of the small shop. I ndoor seating is a steel counter with four stools and two shor ter chair s by the entr ance along the wall of windows. The inside of the small shop consists of the clear bagel and bialy
See EATS, page 12
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
fessor of education at the Gr aduate School of Education and I nfor mation StudContinuedfrompage1 ies at UCL A. He has wr itten var ious wor ks on the topic, such as ?Why Race ?Community colleges and Cultur e Matter s in star ted out with a mission Schools: Closing the of social justice. The whole Achievement Gap in idea of having open door s Amer ica?s Classr ooms,? for all who ar e inter ested and ?Race, Ethnicity, & in lear ning was a new con- Education.? cept when they star ted Howar d explained that back in the ear ly 1900s,? community colleges r epr eBeebe said. ?The social sent democr acy mor e acjustice confer ence is r eally cur ately than other fourall about how education year univer sities. Unlike and social justice meet and those univer sities, commucome together and how nity colleges do not r ethey can compliment each quir e SAT or ACT scor es. other. The idea of us havHe compar ed commuing a social justice confer- nity colleges with his home ence at a community col- school, UCL A, and claimed lege makes a lot of sense.? that UCL A is not r epr esentative of the city of L os Day 1 Angeles nor the entir e Each day of the confer- state of Califor nia. ence opened with r egistr aHowar d demanded that tion and self- ser ve br eak- the audience take a look at fast outside the Saville our institutions. He posed Theatr e. Registr ation con- the ar gument that the sisted of attendees going same institutions that ofto the tables set up in fr ont ten claim to help someof the theater and once times cr eate the obstacles their name was confir med, themselves. they wer e given a bag with ?We need to r ecognize pr ogr ams and end of con- that pover ty matter s,? fer ence sur veys. Howar d said. Thur sday, the conferAccor ding to the statisence opened with a r itual tics he pr esented dur ing led by Er in Char lens, a his pr esentation, 50 million member of the Umoja Gov- people living in the U.S. er ning Boar d, and Er nie live in pover ty and 16.5 milMcCr ay, a poet, activist lion of those in pover ty ar e and r etir ed pr incipal of the childr en. San Diego Unified School Of those childr en who Distr ict. live in pover ty, he ar gued, Beebe welcomed atten- most of them ar e mor e dees and Constance Car- likely to not attend r oll, chancellor of San pr eschool, attend low perDiego Community College for ming schools and perDistr ict, was the featur ed for m wor se in school and speaker. dr op out of high school. Day 2 ?Cer tain schools feel On the second day, the like pr ison,? he said. ?I t topics of pover ty and r acial sends a power ful message inequality in the educa- that we don?t car e about tional system wer e pr e- you,? he ar gued. He later sented by featur ed went on to compar e those impover ished institutions speaker Tyr one Howar d. Howar d is the faculty di- to schools in wealthy comr ector of Center X, the munities to make a visual founder and dir ector of the statement of the wealth inin those Black I nstitute, and pr o- equality
institutions. He continued his pr esentation, talking about r ace in the educational system. ?I f educator s ar en?t going to have r eal honest, sustained cr itical conversations about r ace we ar e going to continue to see the kind of gap we see between Afr ican- Amer ican and L atino students,?? Howar d explained. ?Our ser ies of studies that we?ve done wher e we have seen schools that have closed the achievement gap, one of the cr ucial things that they?ve done in these schools is that they?ve taught ver y deliver y about r ace.? Howar d r eached the end of his speech by pr esenting his call for action: ?What we need is tr ansformative social justice education.? He ar gued that although the obstacles ar e set by our institutions it does not mean it should stop youths fr om educating themselves and that it?s impor tant to ?r eclaim sense of self.? He br ought up inter sectionality and the importance of acknowledging pover ty, r ace, gender and feminism. He ended by r emar king the impor tance of educating our selves on all these topics. ?Believe it or not, he?s actually gone thr ough a lot. I mean he gr ew up in South Centr al L .A., he knew how ever ything was like, so at least we have someone who lived to tell about it,? Mir amar College student and audience member Har r is Bhatti said, shar ing his insight on the speech and Social Confer ence over all. The confer ence concluded with a visit to Tijuana?s maquilador as to lear n the actual conditions and str uggles of wor ker s.
days he was shor t-answer ed. You?ll continue getting an automated text once ever y few days, balancing between ?Hey ther e, what?cha doing? and ?Hi ther e str anger.? As the check- up messages kept coming, I fell out of r outinely r esponding and eventually ended my subscr iption. While this app can be useful for many of the var ious scenar ios ear lier discussed, once you r un out of that handful of r easons, the motivation quickly disappear s.
r andom question: Have you been out to any of your cowor ker s or fr iends over Continuedfrompage6 ther e since moving? I ?ve never lived in the Midwest fitness and tr aveling. and have hear d mixed Sur pr ise messages only stuff about being L GBT pop up occasionally if you ther e ...? haven?t texted your ?invisiClar k r esponded with, ble boyfr iend? in a few ?I ?m yet to explor e the days. place.? While the I nvisible Two days later, I got a Boyfr iend aces var ious follow- up message fr om sor ts of shor t and simple him: ?You ar e wonder ful! day-to-day talk and flir ting, Just so you know ...? deeper choices of topics I t?s noticeable that may yield a lack of discur- while some days my invisisive r esponse. ble platonic lover was ver y I asked Clar k, ?Btw, talkative and kind, other
(when news br oke he died), ever yone in the math depar tment pr etty Continuedfrompage3 close to him. Something was off that day,? Jacobson The two r ecipients of said. L e?s scholar ship wer e The Hoat L e Scholarnur sing students Jaclyn ship was one of eight Br aithwaite and Myr na awar ds Nevar ez r eceived Nayeli Nevar ez, each r e- at City College?s 24th Anceiving a $4,000 awar d. nual Scholar ship Awar ds ?I t?s an honor to r eceive luncheon held Apr il 11. the fir st awar d, a ver y gen?I t?s r ewar ding to know er ous awar d,? Br aithwaite my har d wor k paid off. said. She plans to attend Knowing how much UCSD to get her RN- BSN nur ses impacted such a (bachelor of science difficult time in his life for nur ses degr ee). She didn?t him and his family and for know L e, but her fiance, him to do this scholar ship Cole Jacobson, had him for for futur e nur ses means a algebr a and was supposed lot to me, and the r eason to have him for pr e- why a lot of us enter the calculus last fall. nur sing pr ofession, to ?He was a gr eat pr ofes- make that kind of impact sor ; he car ed. Almost in people?s lives,? Nevar ez didn?t have class that day said.
The money will help her star t her car eer as she plans on tr ansfer r ing to San Diego State in the fall for her bachelor ?s degr ee in nur sing. ?As a new gr aduate of nur sing, ther e?s a lot of expenses. A Boar d of Register ed Nur ses application for $150, the NCL EX, a $200 national test for nur ses to get a license. You have to get a L ive Scan and finger pr ints for the ACL S cer tification and BL S (basic life suppor t),? Nevar ez said. I t seems L e?s scholarship r ecipients will put their money to good use, helping other s and car ing for people, just the way he car ed for his students, and his nur ses at Kaiser car ed for him.
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12 the player along their path to the top of the tower. These tower s change hour ly, or daily, depending Continuedfrompage10 on wher e player s choose to complete. Faction War s is another stor y mode, expanding on new featur e in the game the r ich histor y of popular which allows player s to char acter s, while intr o- choose fr om one of five ducing a few newcomer s factions as soon as they to the ar ena. The stor y tur n on the game. As playtakes place r oughly 25 er s complete matches, or year s after the events of r each specific milestones, ?MK9,? so some veter an they ear n points towar d char acter s show their age, their faction. At the end of whether it be thr ough the week, the faction that physical appear ance, or has the highest point total the fact that some of them will ear n special bonuses have kids that fight along- and in- game ?koins? as a r ewar d for beating out the side them. L iving Tower s is a new other factions. This ser ves mode, utilizing concepts as an extension to the fr om pr evious entr ies in game, enticing player s to the fr anchise. Player s r ise come back, even sever al up the tower, fighting com- months after the game?s batants and completing r elease. Fights in ?Mor tal Komspecial challenges along the way, such as winning a bat? have never looked match after jumping 30 better, as this game r eally times. Ther e ar e a few dif- showcases the next gen capabilities. fer ent tower s, as well, hav- har dwar e?s ing challenges with var y- When pulling off ?X- Ray? on opponents, ing difficulties and moves buffs/debuffs to mess with bones ar e shatter ed and
or gans ar e pier ced in amazing detail, with ever y sinew visibly taking str ess fr om impacts with fists or weapons. Fatalities have also never been mor e gr uesome, with Nether r ealm tr uly pushing the limits on what gamer s can handle. Some finisher s to note include a slow motion pull into a spinning fan blade, or or gans being pulled fr om the mouth of a cr umpled fighter, just to get thr own on the gr ound. ?Mor tal Kombat X? has some jaw- dr opping moments that ar e not for the squeamish or the faint of hear t. Over all, if you?ve played pr evious entr ies in the ?Mor tal Kombat? fr anchise and you enjoyed them, you will not be disappointed by this one. Definitely wor th a pur chase for the fighting game fans, ?Mor tal Kombat? fans, and those who like good ol? gor e, Nether r ealm studios? ?Mor tal Kombat X? is a bloody good time.
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
Toy Continuedfrompage6
tr uly couldn?t get into specific daily activities, aside fr om his job and gener al inter ests. So be cr eative r ight? Well, it was har der than I thought. Continuing a conver sation was difficult. We would shar e our day?s exper ience and not have much to say because his answer s wer e often ver y vague and gener al. He?d always r espond with ?my day was good? or ?today was the usual.? Ther e wer e sever al conver sations that followed
Yeezus Continuedfrompage5 pr ojects or contr over sies. Kendr ick L amar 's thir d album, ?To Pimp a Butter fly," was accidentally r eleased on iTunes and available for str eaming on Mar ch 15. Or iginally the album was supposed to be for pr eor der, but accor ding to iTunes, a glitch allowed consumer s to pur chase the album. This spar ked numer ous conver sations on social media sites and stor ies pour ed in within a matter of hour s about the contr over sy and r eviews for the album. Mad Pat ar gued that
Eats Continuedfrompage10 glass case flanked by the espr esso bar to the r ight and the cashier to the left. The far r ed br ick wall hold a cold case of bottled and canned bever ages and var ieties of cr eam cheeses. The coffee bar to the left of the cold case featur es thr ee differ ent kinds of fair tr ade Cafe Moto, a steel tank of water, tur binado sugar, white gr anulated and stevia packets, nonfat milk and half and half. The menu choices ar e
this dialogue patter n. I f I was r eally tr ying to fool a fr iend or family member, I would have not gotten ver y far with the lie. I t was a ver y disconnected r elationship. I don?t know him and he never attempted to get to know me. I know it was just one big fake stor y, but the oppor tunity to actually cr eate a nar r ative was ther e. I would not pay another month for this service, at least not for Jar ed. This app mimics other relationships out there. Our innate desire to meet others and for m relationships is often so strong that we delve into empty relationships. Outside pressure
to meet someone is a huge contributor, but our times are not the same as they were for our parents. People wanted to settle and for m a nuclear family, which is not commonly the case now. Young people want to travel and be liberated. Women no longer want to start nurturing at a young age but rather are taking longer to begin that phase in their lives. So we cr eate apps to tr y and fill that r elationship gap. At least based on my exper ience, I ?d r ather buy myself chocolates and some dr inks with those $25, than continue with my bor ing boyfr iend app, Jar ed.
well- known ar tists don?t need to be wr itten about or car e about what blogger s have to say about them in his stor y, ?Chase Kanye Talent Not Kanye Clicks.? ?Ar tists like Kanye West do not need blogger s. Dr ake, L il? Wayne, Kendr ick L amar, Nicki Minaj don?t need blogger s. Nor do they car e for blogger s. When music fr om said ar tists comes out, they ar en?t r ushing to see what us blogger s have to think,? Mad Pat wr ote. Mad Pat is wr ong because popular musicians he named need wr iter s to r epor t about them and help mar ket them and their pr oducts. Dur ing New Yor k Fashion Week, numer ous websites and blogs published stor ies
about Kanye?s new fashion line with Adidas, especially about the Adidas Yeezy 750 Boost that he designed. The cover age about Kanye?s fashion line was aggr andized and his shoe wer e highly desir able by many consumer s. Not only do stor ies pr omote ar tists, it ser ves the people because ther e is a gener al inter est for these ar tists. People ar e cur ious to know what their favor ite musicians, celebr ities or politicians ar e doing. These stor ies cr eate pr omotion and anticipation for the fans. I t?s only a matter of time until another ar tist will satur ate the media as wr iter s want to wr ite about them and fans ar e cur ious to r ead and lear n mor e.
well edited: seven br eakfast sandwiches made with fr ee r ange or ganic eggs, seven lunch sandwiches, seven soups, sides and salads and 10 espr esso dr inks. A selection of loose teas sit atop the bagel and bialy case and a few var iety of snack chips on display by the cashier r ound out the menu choices of food and bever age. What is a bialy? Other than being a bagel without a hole, ?The main difference in a bagel to a bialy is the bialys ar en?t boiled,? Gulli said. Gulli continued: ?Bialys came about out of Bia-
lystok, Poland. When the Jews wer e being per secuted dur ing the war and a lot of them went to Poland, because they didn?t normally boil ther e, they didn?t have the facilities to boil to make the bagels like they did. They came up with just a simple flat br ead using the same basic dough r ecipe just not boiling it.? A bagel or a bialy with a shmear and r egular sized coffee can cost about $6 plus tax. All the sandwiches r ange fr om $6.50 to $8.50. The r estaur ant is an easy walk fr om San Diego City College.
Tune in every Wednesday at 1 p.m. to hear City Times staff members talk about stories and issues important to the City College campus only at www.radiopulsodelbarrio.com
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
kicked out of high school and get sent to continuation school ? ? She r ealized that the Continuedfrompage8 four br other s wer e similar to her and fr om that mosamples. ?I felt like Willy ment decided to be a r ole Wonka and the Chocolate model to the boys so they Factor y ...? Rodr iguez said. wouldn?t have to exper iRodr iguez became close ence what she did. to the boys and saw a par t Ser gio Osuna moved to of her in them. She looked the United States in sear ch up to her older br other of a better life but upon Fr eddy, who often elabo- moving, Osuna r ealized it r ated on going to the ?O- wasn?t easy living in a forRoom? or detention. eign countr y. When she finally exper iOne day at wor k, an acenced what detention was quaintance named Cesar like she thought on how it told him he had nowher e was going to make her e a to stay, he?d been kicked better per son, ?? Whoever out of his home and made up O- Room just wanted to stay with Osuna knew that all of these kids ? Osuna didn?t want to but would eventually get allowed it when he began
to cr y. One day, Osuna noticed a change in Cesar ?s behavior but paid little attention to him since he just finished wor king a 12- hour shift. Osuna explained Cesar came behind him and choked him with a belt and began to stab him with a pair of scissor s. Osuna was taken to a hospital and r emained in a coma for some time and believed he wouldn?t sur vive. He explained he now lives in fear, constantly checking his sur r oundings and doesn?t tr ust many people. He ended his stor y with, ?Cesar tr ied to cut my life for ever, but I ?m still fighting to sur vive.?
against the Knights. Gr ossmont was able to get back into r hythm with str ong hitting and defense and went on to win the thir d set 25-18. ?L ast time we played Gr ossmont it was nothing compar ed to this time. Dur ing the second set we played with our hear ts out and it was gr eat but at the end we just had to limit our er r or s. I t was a lot better compar ed to last time and was a heck of a match to end the season,? fr esh-
Continuedfrompage16 wer e in their top for m. ?Gr ossmont is a gr eat team and I felt we played them ver y tough. I t was disappointing that we star ted the match off slowly, but I like how we r esponded in set two. When this team passes well and sets well than we allow our physical hitter s to take over the match,?
men?s volleyball Head Coach Kevin Pr atte said. Fr eshman middle blocker Shane McAdams found his gr oove offensively and helped lead the Knights to win the second set 25-18. McAdams finished the match with an impr essive .600 hitting per centage and had zer o hitting er r or s to go along with his nine kills and 11 points. Following the second set, the Gr iffins fir ed back and limited their er r or s
out ther e, and he and DC Comics got dr agged thr ough the mud because Continuedfrompage7 people wanted to r ead mor e into it than was actuthe cover doesn?t mean that the cover should have ally ther e and, for the changed, var iant or not. Al- most par t, made somebuquer que was paying thing out of nothing. While this changehomage to one of the gr eatest gr aphics novels or- don?t- change- the- cover
issue seems r elatively small compar ed to most issues we have today, it does br ing up a necessar y conver sation. Just because something makes some people uncomfor table doesn?t mean that something needs to cease to
Sloppy, uncoor dinated, and downr ight goofy ? I ?m all that for thr ee whole r ounds. I t is what it is. The r est of the war m- up, we belted out punch combina-
tions holding weights. I t all went by pr etty fast as the wily coach had our tr oupe timed per fectly fr om one set to the next, and now we get to what we do with our gloves. We get separ ated ? thr ee middleweights and coach in the r ing, while the r est of us get a cr ack at the windy upper cut bags. I n
the punches, each one of them has a mor e acute snap thanks to those funny color ed weights we held for a r ound. The buzzer goes off and coach summons us thr ee outside r ingside ? he?s handing us new combinations. At least that?s what I thought until he said ?in the r ing.?
man outside hitter Jor dan Walley said. Walley finished the match with eight kills, four digs and r ecor ded 10 points. Along with Walley, fr eshman outside hitter L ucas Timm r ecor ded 11 kills, 16 digs and had a team- high of 12 points. Fr eshman outside hitter Kyle Taylor finished the match with 10 kills and seven digs. The Knights finished the season in seventh place in
the PCAC, although on paper by looking at the team?s overall record it does not represent the talent on the team, as Coach Pratte expressed. ?We ar e an all fr eshmen squad, with the exception of sophomor e liber o L uis Nunez. Many of our fr eshmen star ter s ar e getting looked at by division one schools. They have a difficult decision ahead of them. My coaching philosophy is to do what is best for the student- athlete. I f
some of our guys want to jump at the chance to be division one athletes, I will be ver y pr oud of them,? Pr atte said. Pr atte continued by mentioning a few univer sities like UCL A, UCSB and Ohio State have expr essed inter est on sever al of the Knights player s. ?I f we r etur n all of our fr eshmen and br ing in a solid r ecr uiting class I feel that we can field a competitive 2016 squad,? Pr atte added.
City Continuedfrompage15
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
nine games. On Mar ch 24 against Mesa College, the Knights Continuedfrompage16 wer e able to swing back into the ball game by scoring five r uns in the bottom games against confer ence of the seventh to r emain r ivals Southwester n Col- within str iking distance lege, Mesa College and top with Mesa who had an 11-8 Souther n Califor nia teams lead; the Knights allowed like Palomar College. thr ee r uns, two in the The Knights wer e able ninth and couldn?t find get to defeat Southwester n the balls to dr op on offense College 6- 0 in their fir st for a possible late comeconfer ence game back on fr om-behind victor y. Feb. 24 but on Mar ch 21, However, on Apr il 9, the the Jaguar s and Knights Knights wer e able to snap went to 11 innings of play their 13- game losing after a clutch RBI single str eak against Gr ossmont fr om Knights sophomor e College with a clutch walkoutfielder Ray Jones in the off single fr om sophomor e top of the ninth to tie it at Ricky Kliebenstein in the two. bottom of the ninth inning But in the bottom of the that sealed a 6- 5 victor y 11th, Southwester n?s over the Gr iffins. catcher Dominik Sawyer Coach Br own expr essed sealed the victor y for the that although the wins and Jaguar s with a walk- off losses haven?t gone the single that extended the way they hoped, he is Knights losing str eak to pr oud of the team and the
way they handled the adver sity of over coming a ser ies of losses. ?Whenever you ar e faced with adver sity, it?s a tr ue test of your char acter to see how you r esponse to that adver sity and I commend these guys because they have come with good mor ale thr oughout the year even thr ough the adver sity and that is a cr edit to them,? Br own continued. With an over all r ecor d of 12- 18 and a confer ence of 6- 15, the Knights ar e still focused on swinging for victor ies as the season winds down. ?Our mindset r ight now is just to keep playing, win out and get better ever y day. I mean a r ecor d does r eflect a teams win and losses but it doesn?t r eally r eflect their tr ue talent and capabilities,? Br oussar d said.
to finish the season str ong we need to change our mindset. We need to believe in our selves and Continuedfrompage16 come out and put in mor e effor t. When we come up to bat but unfor tunately to bat, we need to go up couldn?t come up clutch for with mor e confidence and the Knights as she lined we will get those hits and out to center field to end once those balls star t the game with the Eagles dr opping we will get those pulling out the 4- 1 victor y r uns in,? Rodr iguez said. over the Knights. Although with the losing After the loss against r ecor d, Tur r ado went on to the Eagles, Tur r ado and say that the team over all fr eshman second baseman has impr oved a lot over Kimber ly Rodr iguez both the cour se of the season. agr eed that in or der for ?I think we have imthe Knights to pull out pr oved a lot compar ed to some wins they need to get the beginning of the seathe hits in or der to move son. Our defense wasn?t r unner s over on base. hor r ible in the beginning ?I think in or der for us of the season but we
wouldn?t want to tr y to dive for the ball or put effor t into getting balls but now we ar e doing gr eat and putting in the effor t on defense,? Tur r ado said. ?We have a lot mor e connection ? we have a lot mor e communication because in the beginning of the season it was dead silent out on the field. Now, we have a lot mor e communication out on the field and we have wor ked on that a lot dur ing pr actices,? Rodr iguez added. The Knights softball team will end their season at home against conference power house Palomar College on Apr il 21 at 3 p.m.
Slicing for glory SophomoreandNo. 1singlesplayer GinaNiph lookstohelpleadtheKnightsbadmintonteambackto the state match in May after defeating Grossmont College 21-0 in the teams home opener at the Harry West Gym on March 4. Currently, the badminton team is 4- 0 in the season and recently capturedtheir 26thconsecutivePacificCoast AthleticConferencevictorybytravelingupnorthtodefeat Irvine Valley College 19- 2 on April 15. The Knights will be back in action at home against conferencefoeMesaCollegeonApril 22at 3 p.m. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes
?To me (baseball) is the meaning of life. I ?m thankful that I get to play this spor t ever y day ? ever since I was a little kid when I was going thr ough school all I can think about was going home so I can play baseball. I t?s my pr ide, it?s my joy and if I had to descr ibe it, it?s like my child ? I will do anything to pr otect it.? Chr istian Br oussar d,18, cr iminology
?To me tennis is meaningful and mor e than just a game because being a college student we have tons of classes, wor k and a lot of r esponsibilities and lots of differ ent things that all pile up; ever yone kind of needs that thing to blow off steam and tennis for me is per fect for that because not only am I exer cising and competing ? I am also par t of a team, par t of a family with all these differ ent sister s that I love and tennis is a r eally gr eat spor t to par ticipate in.? L ily Yamauchi, 18, nur sing
MORETHAN JUST AGAME ByDavidPradel | PhotosbyDavidPradel
City Collegestudent-athletes express why their sport is meaningful to them
?Softball is mor e than just a game because I have gr own up with it since I was 5. I t?s always been a gateway for me and something I can always go to in or der to take my mind off of things ? a way to just let it all out. Softball is a par t of my life and I 've built fr iendships with so many that I will cher ish and never for get.?
Alex Galatis,19, kinesiology
?I star ted playing tennis when I was ar ound 7 year s old; I played for thr ee months and then I had to quit because in Ar gentina it was r eally expensive so I star ted to play soccer and then I star ted to play again in my senior year in high school and as soon as I picked up the r acket I liked it because it was a lot mor e than just hitting a ball. You have to be str ong mentally especially when you play singles because you ar e the only one on the cour t; if you ar e in tr ouble you have to dig your self out. ? You have to wor k har d by your self to get to your goal just like in life.? Ger man Ziella, 20, languages
April 21, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com
Born here in the City Edi tor ?s note: Thi s i s the fi r st i nstallment of a tw o-par t ser i es on Ci ty Boxi ng. As mentioned in a pr evious installment of this column, San Diego wasn?t always a place wher e gyms wer e ar ound near ly ever y block. These days, San Diego has a new facet to its identity thanks to fight cultur e ? though that was never the case for our city block. Ar ound our cor ner fr om City College is a blue box that pr omises ?this place builds champs.? We?r e awar e of that as we pass it on r oute to class. Outside that box you may have seen the champs wr apping hands, dr agging jump r ope or pr acticing slick r ope-a-dope. Some City students among us live that pr omise fir sthand and they?ll tell you, whether you?r e a 30 day passer by or a seasoned pugilist, City Boxing?s aim is to leave you better. When you enter, ther e is a r ing that meets you. I t?s not to the side or in the
back. I t?s fr ont and center. I t?s what you can?t avoid by their design. The goal is to see and know this is coming, so be ar ound it and keep it in mind. You?ll lear n to endur e and be a contender against the conflict you?ll meet in ther e and outside of it. The guys at the counter whose homelands both span the globe ask if I ?m exper ienced. To which I
SPITTINGUP TEETH Mark Elliott say ?no,? and it?s not r eally a lie. I ?m a white belt, noob or guy without a team nickname ever y new gym I wander in. I t's the same for ever ybody else. I t?s honest ? I don?t know that gym's style or pr oved anything in it. So I just shut up and lear n. I feel like I ?m being watched wr apping my hands and I get that feeling when I str etch or shake another wr apped
hand, and I ?m r ight, not par anoid. That?s nor mal in these cir cumstances; any gym wants to know who they'r e cr eating. I , as well, study how a guy moves using a hook, how a coach laughs, how teammates explain a technique to each other. I t?s something we all do befor e, dur ing and after the sweat. Ther e ar e cer tain things you may need to know about who you may be spar r ing. This mor ning little tr aining tr oupe ar e all solid, and par t of us is eager to study what we can do fir sthand to hand. The wor r y her e isn?t the fighter s, though ? you?ll get punched and you?ll either go down or won?t ? not too har d to over think. The r eal wor r y is in their war m- ups. Her e, beginner s ar e themselves, potential is seen and champions ar e bor n in City. Hear t and lungs will get you thr ough the most gr ueling, but I still stink at jumping r ope ? and that?s wher e class star ts ? on thr ee r ounds of r ope.
See CITY, page 13
Tennis Knights qualify for SoCal Regionals By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes As the Knights tennis season winds down, both the men?s and women?s tennis teams wer e able to continue their season by having player s qualify for the Souther n Califor nia Regional Tour nament after competing in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference Tour nament fr om Apr il 9-11. For the men?s team, they competed at Gr ossmont College in the PCAC Tour nament and although no one on the team advanced in the singles br acket, thr ee of their doubles team made it to the quar ter finals stage which got them in for the SoCal Regionals. The men?s No. 1 doubles team: fr eshmen Dale Gutier r ez and L ogan Rinder qualified; along with the No. 2 doubles team with sophomor es Ger man Ziella and David L in. Also making the cut
for the men?s doubles team wer e fr eshmen Dominic Villamor and Raymond Cabellegan. ?I ?m extr emely happy that I got all thr ee doubles team in. I n the past, maybe I would get a couple singles and one doubles team so I am extr emely excited that I got all thr ee teams to qualify for the playoffs,? men?s tennis Head Coach Br andon L upian said. L upian is cur r ently in his ninth season of coaching, and this mar ks the ninth consecutive season that he has been able to get sever al Knights to qualify for the SoCal Tour nament. For the women?s team, they tr aveled to Cuyamaca College to compete in the PCAC Tour nament and had two singles and two doubles team qualify for the SoCal Regionals. The No.1 and No. 2 singles player s for the women?s team: fr eshmen
Br ianna Hooks and Jordann Her nandez wer e able to qualify in the singles br acket. I n the doubles r ound, the No. 1 doubles team: Hooks and fr eshman L ily Yamauchi qualified; along with the No. 3 doubles team: fr eshmen Melissa Gomez and L ydia Teal. ?I think it?s gr eat ? last year we only had one singles and one doubles team so I am ver y happy. The gir ls wor ked har d and played gr eat in the tour nament and I couldn?t be happier ; we had a good season and the impr ovement has been amazing ? and I couldn?t have asked for anything mor e this season,? said women?s tennis Head Coach Jami Jones. In her thir d year coaching at City, this mar ks one of the most successful season in the women?s pr ogr am by having five qualifier s to compete in the SoCal Regionals.
www.sdcitytimes.com | April 21, 2015
Crackle of the bats Knights softball teamstruggles as season winds down By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes As car s dr ive by with their r oar ing engines past the Betty Hock Softball Field, the Knights softball team would be the car with engine pr oblems. I n this case, with a 9-27 over all r ecor d and a 3-14 confer ence r ecor d, it has not been the season the Knights wer e hoping for, but despite the engine pr oblems, the team has not pulled over as they still have mor e wins left in the tank. On Apr il 8, the Knights wer e able to snap their four- game losing str eak with a walk- off single fr om fr eshman catcher Malin Ellstr om against I mper ial Valley College. With the game tied at two in the bottom of the seventh inning and after a sacr ifice bunt fr om fr esh-
man Dalen Dull that moved fr eshman Paola Camar go to thir d and fr eshman Alex Galatis to second base; Ellstr om came up to bat and was able to hit a shallow single to center field that br ought home Camar go for the winning r un. I n the victor y against I mper ial Valley, Galatis went 4- 4, r ecor ded two RBI s and cr anked a home r un to left field that gave the Knights a 2- 1 lead in the bottom of the thir d inning. With her str ong per for mance and with an impr essive .412 batting aver age in the season, the fr eshman thir d baseman was named the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence Athlete of the Week on Apr il 13. Following their victor y however, the Knights softball team couldn?t
continue their momentum against Mt. San Jacinto College on Apr il 10. The Eagles had a commanding 4- 0 lead going into the bottom of the seventh inning over the Knights. I t wasn?t until then wher e the Knights got on the scor eboar d with a RBI fr om fr eshman center fielder Mar icella Tur r ado that br ought star ting fr eshman pitcher Micela Ross for the scor e. I n the game, Ross faced 30 batter s and allowed nine hits and r ecor ded six str ikeouts. Following the r un fr om Ross and with two outs, the Knights wer e able to get the bases loaded after Galatis was intentionally walked to fir st base. After the Galatis walk, Dull was up
See BATS, page 14
Freshmanoutside hitter Kyle Taylor goesuptosendhishard-hittingkill duringthe fourthset against theGrossmont CollegedefenseonApril 10 at theHarryWest Gym. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes
Air and tear Sophomore shortstop Katie Dowdy hits the ball during the sixth inning of the home game against Mt. SanJacintoCollegeonApril 10, wheretheKnightslost 4-1. DAVIDPRADELCi ty Ti mes
Diamond disaster Unexpected seasonal slump hits Knights baseball team By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes ?The game of baseball is unpr edictable ? ther e ar e seasons wher e you ar e gr eat, seasons wher e you ar e bad and some in between. We just happened to hit a r ough spot this season,? said fr eshman pitcher Chr istian Br oussar d. Unpr edictable indeed. As the Knights baseball team began the season to
a pr omising star t with an 8-4 over all r ecor d and a 21 confer ence r ecor d, the season took a cur veball midway thr ough as the Knights wer e hit with a 13- game losing str eak that put the team in sixth place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence. ?I chalk it up to the game of baseball. We had sever al oppor tunities ear ly that could?ve swayed our r ecor d into a differ ent dir ection,?
baseball Head Coach Chr is Br own said. ?A ball bounces fair in a game or a line dr ive that is scor ched by one of the player s that tur ns into a double play and ends the game ? you can?t do anything about that.? Thr ough the month of Mar ch, the Knights wer e hit har d. They found themselves on the wr ong end of close
See DIAMOND, page 14
Knights men?s volleyball teamsuffers final defeat of the season against conferencerival Grossmont College By DAVIDPRADEL Ci ty Ti mes With a 21-20 lead in the four th set, the San Diego City College men?s volleyball team couldn?t extend the match to a fifth set against Gr ossmont College as they went on a 5-0 r un to seal the 3-1 victor y against the Knights on Apr il 10. The loss against the Pacific Coast Confer ence leader s dur ing the final game and home game of the season moved the Knights over all r ecor d to 4- 16 and a confer-
ence r ecor d of 3-11. ?Tonight we gave it all we had on the cour t ? I don?t think anyone can say that they have any r egr ets on any of the plays but we definitely came back and it would?ve been nice to get the win but this is par t of the game and it happens,? fr eshman middle blocker Zach Kr amer said. Kr amer finished the match with five kills, four blocks and r ecor ded nine points. I t was a r ocky star t for both teams dur ing the
fir st set with sever al err or s on the cour t that gave the oppor tunity for either team to take advantage of. But as the set continued, the Gr iffins wer e able to capitalize late fr om a few cr ucial er r or s fr om the Knights as they gr abbed the 25-20 win. However, in the second set, the Knights wer e able to bounce back against the 13- 1 conference power house team. The Knights wer e fir ing on all cylinder s and
See AIR, page 13