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2014 BostonMarathonwinner MebKeflezighi sharesstoriesabout hislife. Sports, page20

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com

Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945

Volume69, Number 12 | May 12, 2015


work catches FBI attention Policequestion ?Newscene?reporters after filmingin front of building By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD City Times

The2015 CityCollegebadmintonteamposesfor ateamphotoonMay8 at IrvineValleyCollege. DAVIDPRADELCity Times By DAVIDPRADEL City Times ?All I can think was just to not cr y but then I was like ?No! I am going to cr y? then I r an over to (Gina Niph) saying ?We did it!?And we wer e so ecstatic and r elieved ? I don?t think I will ever for get this moment,? sophomor e Cassan-

dr a Ka said as the San Diego City College badminton team was cr owned the 2015 Califor nia Community College Athletic Association State Champions on May 7 at I r vine Valley College. After losing to De Anza College in 2013 and 2014 in the State Title Match, the Knights wer e able to str ike gold in dr amatic fashion by

nar r owly defeating the Dons 11-10. ?I would have to say this match was the closest match ever in my coaching car eer,? badminton Head Coach Son Nguyen said. Thr ough two r ounds of singles and doubles matches, it all came down to the last match

See CHAMPIONS, page 19

Thr ee San Diego City College student jour nalists wer e questioned by authorities befor e and after captur ing video in fr ont of San Diego?s FBI building on Apr il 7 for a r epor t on sex tr afficking. Abtin Mohammadi, Daniela Por ter and a thir d student who doesn?t want to be identified wer e r ecor ding a stand- up r epor t for ?Newscene,? City College?s student br oadcast news show, about how the FBI named San Diego the eighth most popular location for sex tr afficking cr imes to occur. Accor ding to Mohammadi, one secur ity guar d said it was fine to captur e

footage in fr ont of the building. However, while the students wer e setting up equipment, another officer appr oached the students asking for their I Ds, taking down their infor mation and pr oceeding to give the thr ee a half-hour time limit to shoot. After about 20 minutes, the same officer came out and told the students to wr ap up filming. Some time after filming in fr ont of the FBI building, Por ter and Mohammadi said that the thir d student involved told them that a detective fr om the San Diego Joint Ter r or ism Task For ce came to her home while she wasn?t

See ATTENTION, page 5

ASGelection was delayed, nowresults are MIA By PHOENIXWEBB City Times Associated Students Gover nment election r esults have been delayed since voting was held Apr il 22 and 23 after mor e than a month of campaigning.

Accor ding to Student Affair s Coor dinator L or i Oldham, votes wer e collected on paper ballots on campus and online thr ough San Diego City College's website. The r esults of the election wer e supposed to

n Anatomy of an election: The twistsandturnsof City College?s student vote. Page 3 have been posted on www.sdcity.edu within a week after the polls closed. Student Affair s was contacted by telephone

Apr il 30 for election r esults and their r eply was that Oldham was out sick and was the only per son who could pr ovide the infor mation. May 5, Student Affair s was contacted in per son. The infor mation shar ed

was that Oldham was still out sick and ther e was no date as to when she would r etur n, nor was it known when the election r esults would be posted. Associated Students Gover nment senate candidate Claudia Robles and

cur r ent Pr esident Adam Gar cia wer e available for questions. They r eplied in the negative about the election r esults. May 7, Bill Ponder, who is the manager of Student

See ELECTIONS, page 15




News Voice Arts Life Sports

Infront of TVscreens, theMayweather vs. Pacquiaoboxingmatchbrought onmorethan just theusual cheersandboos. Voice, page7

Thenext gamingcrazeisjust one downloadfromtheappstoretoyour homescreen. Life, page13

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www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015


CALENDAR Thursday, May 14

Saturday, May 23

CSU Tr ansfer : Wor kshop fr om 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center Playing Out L oud: A new play festival of staged r eadings developed in Dr ama 108 playwr iting class at 7 p.m. in V-101.

Friday, May 15 Car eer E xplor at ion: Wor kshop fr om 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at A-111 Tr ansfer /Car eer Center. Pr esident ?s Recept ion: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Saturday, May 16 45t h Annual Chicano L at ina Gr aduat ion: Cer emony 12-3 p.m. at the Saville Theatr e. Reception 4-6 p.m. at Centr o Cultur al de la Raza at Balboa Par k.

Thursday, May 21

Victory for Santa Sophomore Frankie Manes holds up the first place state championship trophy after Santa Monica Collegedefeated El CaminoCollege, 3-1, in themen?s volleyball statetitlematch held on April 25 at the Harry West Gym. DAVIDPRADELCity Times

Gr aduat ion Rehear sal: Mandator y for all gr aduates at 3:30-5 p.m. at the Or gan Pavilion in Balboa Par k.

Spring Semester Ends Tuesday, May 26 Summer Open Regist r at ion: Open r egistr ation begins for summer classes.

Friday, May 29 16t h Annual H ar r y West Golf Tour nament : 12-6 p.m. at Sycuan Golf Resor t. Entr y fee $130 per per son with pr oceeds benefiting the Har r y West Scholar ship and San Diego City College Athletics.

Monday, June 1 Summer Classes Begin Summer classes end on Satur day, Aug. 8.

Friday, July 3 F all Open Regist r at ion: Open r egistr ation begins for the fall semester.

Friday, May 22

Monday, August 24

Gr aduat ion 2015: Mandator y for all gr aduates at 3:30-5 p.m. at the Or gan Pavilion in Balboa Par k.


Fall Semester Begins

Informationcompiledby DavidPradel. Toget your event inthepaper, email calendar@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880

Digital Journalismprogramreceives honors San Diego City College?s Digital Jour nalism pr ogr am r ecently r eceived awar ds for the publications City Times and L egend magazine fr om the Amer ican Scholastic Pr ess Association and the Jour nalism Association of Community Colleges state confer ence. The RTVF pr ogr am?s ?Newscene? br oadcast also r eceived honor s fr om the Jour nalism Association

of Community Colleges state confer ence Announced Apr il 20, both City Times and the summer-fall 2014 edition of L egend magazine r eceived fir st place in a nationwide contest fr om the Amer ican Scholastic Pr ess Association. City Times r eceived fir st place with special mer it in the newspaper categor y and L egend Magazine r eceived fir st place

for the magazine categor y. City Times and ?Newscene? also acquir ed awar ds dur ing the Journalism Association of Community Colleges state confer ence Apr il 9- 11. City Times r eceived Online Gener al Excellence while ?Newscene? r eceived fir st place in the state for br oadcast news. ? Angelica Wallingford

Cell phone thefts reported at ECCcampus At least thr ee incidents of cell phone theft have been r epor ted at the Education Cultur al Complex, accor ding to a Safety Aler t issued by the San Diego Community College Distr ict Police Depar tment. The suspects ar e de-

scr ibed as one Afr icanAmer ican juvenile and two Hispanic adult males. All thr ee suspects wer e r epor tedly wear ing baggy jeans and hoodies. One suspect, a Hispanic adult male, was wear ing a backpack.

Anyone with any information about the cell phone thefts ar e asked to contact the San Diego Community College Distr ict Police Depar tment at (619) 388-6405. ? Angelica Wallingford


The following is a cor r ection of an er r or fr om the Apr il 21 issue of City Times. I n the page 8 stor y ?Students stand up in VAMP show,? the or ganization So Say We All was misnamed.

City Times r egr ets the er r or. I t is the policy of City Times to clar ify content or cor r ect er r or s. Send them to the paper at info@sdcitytimes.com or call (619) 388-3880.

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



In their own words ASGcandidatesfor the2015 election describe howthey will impact student lifeat City College ?As pr esident, my goals would be to focus on impr oving the function of the ASG, to impr ove communication between the ASG, the I CC and all other student gr oups, and to pr ovide students with r esour ces and skills that they can use on this campus and once they leave this institution.? L aur a Benevidez, ASG pr esidential candidate

?To specify, I am a senator because I want to r epr esent students?inter ests on campus mainly by advocating on issues that affect students as a whole. My main goal is to r epr esent and wor k for the students of San Diego City College with the help of faculty member s and the ASG body.?

Student Affiars Coordinator Lori Oldhamaddresses acrowd gathered in thecafeteriafor the2015 ASGelection forumon April 21, wherecandidatesansweredstudents?questionsandconcerns. Photos by JOEKENDALLCity Times

Anatomy of an election Thetwistsand turnsof City College?s2015 ASGvote

Suma Massaley, ASG senator ial candidate

end date of Mar ch 16 to pick up candidate applications. City Times Completed packets wer e Elections for Associated scheduled to be r etur ned to Students Gover nment happen Student Affair s for eligibility each spr ing semester at San to be deter mined and when it Diego City College, and the was, the students? names, campaign season began their r espective photo and a shor t par agr aph about them Mar ch 6. I t was adver tised on San was posted on City College?s Diego City College?s website website . This semester, ASG had 14 for inter ested students who wanted to get involved with open positions, nine of which ASG to pick up application wer e for the executive council. packets in the Student Affair s? The r est of the positions wer e for the senate. Ther e wer e office Mar ch 6-23. Mar ch 23 was a one- week only six confir med candidates extension fr om the or iginal by the time they needed to at-


?I believe that all students have the ability to pursue their dreams and succeed in transferring and becoming a leader in their field of study. I am excited to be in a position to help my fellow students at San Diego City College and will work relentlessly to improve the life and experience on campus.? Tony Givens, ASG senatorial candidate

tend the r equir ed or ientation. The candidates wer e L aur a Benavidez for pr esident; Tony Givens, Wendy Huer ta, Suma Massaley, Claudia Robles and Zacar i Waller each for senator. The ASG r epr esents the student population with one senator for ever y 1,500 students. Par t of what the student gover nment handles is a ?substantial? budget, accor ding to ASG adviser Bill Ponder. Two mandator y or ientation

See ASG, page 15

For science (Left photo) David Shepard, a civil engineer for Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., talks to students about benefits for aspiringengineers. (Above) Ebun Jones of Northrop Grumman talks toastudent at theScience andEngineeringIndustry InformationFair onApril 29. Photos by RICHARDLOMIBAOCity Times



www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015

Passport to wellness San DiegoCity CollegeMental Health CounselingCenter and StepUpto LiveWell present thesixth annual Health and WellnessExpoon campus By DAVIDPRADEL City Times

(Top photo) San Diego City College students Alice Kiddo (front) and Bri Rochstein (back) participate at the seventh station during the Health and Wellness Expo on April 10. (Far right) Daniel Lopez from the Family Health Center at City College plays a trivia game with City Collegestudent Francy Ndunda. Photos by DAVIDPRADELCity Times

The AH/BT quad was flooded with students, staff and faculty on Apr il 14 during the sixth annual Health and Wellness Expo pr esented by the San Diego City College Mental Health Counseling Center and Step Up to L ive Well. ?We do this ever y year ; basically we ar e tr ying to pr omote health and wellness in all for ms: mental,

physical, emotional, and we had sever al differ ent booths like an education booth because par t of your health and wellness especially as a student is having some type of education plan and goals,? said Alicia Taylor, one of the mental health peer educator s. Dur ing the expo, attendees r eceived a ?Passpor t 2 Wellness? booklet, which featur ed eight differ ent stations to attend. Once attendees r eceived a stamp

fr om all eight, they wer e enter ed in a r affle to win either a Kindle Fir e HD tablet or a $100 gift car d to the San Diego City College Bookstor e. ?I came out her e today because it?s good to know ? since I am new her e (on campus), I wanted to lear n mor e on what I can do to be healthy and keep a good positive mind,? student Fr ancy Ndunda said. ?I think this was a pr etty good (tur nout). The

point of the whole things is to have people come and lear n something new; for example the a student earlier didn?t know a lot of the answer s to the questions as we wer e playing a tr ivia game but at least he was able to come in and lear n about health and all the ways to take car e of your body,? said Daniel L opez, a member of the Family Health Center at City

See PASSPORT, page 15

City College secures $200,000 to boost regional job training By DARIANSPENCER Correspondent San Diego City College has secur ed $200,000 in gr ants to supply students with two pr ogr ams that will pr omote wor kfor ce r eadiness in high-demand job ar eas, accor ding to a Mar ch 27 pr ess r elease issued by San Diego Community College Distr ict spokesman Jack Ber esfor d. Accepted by the San Diego Community College Distr ict?s Boar d of Tr ustees at its Mar ch 26 meeting, the gr ants will maintain City College as a hub for r egional job tr aining in advanced manufactur ing and pr ofessions r equir ing pr oficiency in computer skills. $100,000 is going towar d

infor mation and communication technology and digital media to pr epar e students for jobs as administr ation assistants, infor mation cler ks, secr etar ies and other office wor ker s. An additional $100,000 will be going towar d City College?s Center for Applied Competitive Technologies, a pr ogr am designed for technology education and manufactur ing tr aining. Accor ding to the distr ict?s pr ess r elease, both ar e lucr ative pr ogr ams and tar get job ar eas that state and feder al economists say will see sustained gr owth in the coming year s. City College r ecently

See JOB, page 16

Mind over matter Each Mind Matters, California?s mental health movement, honored May as Mental Health Matters Month as it provided activities for students to shake away the stress before finals with free pizza, music, games, meditation and a photo booth on May 6. The goal of the movement istopusheducationandcometogether toimprovemental healthandbringequality. RICHARDLOMIBAOCity Times

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Research on display Ostin Flores, electrical engineering student, tweaks the volume for his project entitled ?Music of the Plants.? Partnering with Gustavo Padilla, computer engineering student, they combined to showhow plants have vibrations that become sound. The Gorton Quad held a row of projects on May 7 at the Student Project and Resource Symposium, which showcased ideas from various students across 40 academic majors. RICHARDLOMIBAOCity Times

visit with the thir d student?s mother was r espectful. Vile also conContinuedfrompage1 fir med that the thir d student gave him the infor mation he was looking for. ther e with photos of them Vile said that post Sept. 11, filming and wanted the police have to be ?as thorfootage that the thr ee of ough as possible with our them shot to be handed inquir es.? over. ?To be clear, no one is ?The (thir d student) questioning their r ights to called me and what she photogr aph or film the told me was that she building. Nor is anyone wasn?t home; the detective saying what they did was went to her house when illegal in any way,? Vile her mom was home ? ? ex- wr ote. ?However, it is not plained Mohammadi. only appr opr iate, but also Mohammadi said that a necessity, for us to simthe thir d student told him ply ask, ?why.? Their anthat the detective showed swer, or even lack of one, is up at her house while she their business.? was not home. The detecThe FBI did not r etive told her mother that spond for comment at he hear d of some suspi- pr ess time. cious filming at the FBI After the Apr il 7 incibuilding and wanted to dent, Por ter said that Moknow who was involved hammadi told her that he with the r ecor ding and would take car e of things wanted the footage fr om and talk to Vile. However, the day they wer e filming. on Apr il 29, Por ter r eMohammadi also said ceived news fr om the thir d that the thir d student said student involved that she the detective?s name was needed to contact the deDan Vile. tective because he had In an email to war r ants out for the stu?Newscene? adviser L aur a dents involved. Castaneda, pr ovided by ?I found out fr om the the San Diego Police De- thir d student involved par tment media r elations what the message was, office, Vile said he wanted (she said) ?Daniela he said to ver ify who the students he has a war r ant on you wer e and to make it clear guys and you must call that it was an assessment him back?... then it was like ? not an investigation. wow, I didn?t know that ? I Vile also ver ified that the didn?t like that at all,? students did speak with se- Por ter said. cur ity per sonnel but did Mohammadi said he not state why they wanted called Vile and explained to film in fr ont of the FBI ever ything r egar ding the building and after filming situation but that it in their fir st location seemed like the detective moved to another location didn?t know exactly what wher e it looked like the was going on and asked students wer e filming car s for all of the infor mation moving in and out of the star ting fr om the building. beginning. Vile wr ote that while he After Mohammadi anunder stands that police swer ed all the questions visits can be uncomfor t- again, he said, the detecable, he said that it?s apar t tive told him that ever yof the job of being an offi- thing was OK and that he cer and maintained the just wanted to know be-


cause of ?global ter r or ist things and suspicious activity out ther e.? I n an email statement, ?Newscene? adviser Castaneda said, ?I wish I could tell you mor e, but I ?ve been asked by Dean Tr udy Ger ald to for war d all law enfor cement and media inquir ies to her.? The students have consulted with Fr ank D. L oMonte of the Student Pr ess L aw Center, a nonpr ofit or ganization that specializes in helping and educating high school and college jour nalists about the ?r ights and r esponsibilities embodied in the Fir st Amendment and suppor ting the student news media in their str uggle to cover impor tant issues fr ee for m censorship,? accor ding to its website. ?Ther e?s no pr oblem with asking why people ar e outside the building filming. That?s a per fectly fine secur ity pr ecaution,? L oMonte said via email. ?But wher e the police ver y clear ly cr ossed the line into har assment and intimidation was in going to a jour nalist?s house and asking to be given a copy of the film. That?s indefensible and it violated the jour nalist?s Fir st Amendment r ights, without question.? ?Ther e wer e many mor e effective ways to verify whether the student was genuinely on a journalistic assignment outside the FBI building, but the police pur posefully picked the most fr ightening way to send a message to the jour nalist: we know wher e you live. I f all they car ed about was ver ifying the jour nalist?s employment, they could have picked up the phone and contacted the pr ofessor in a non-thr eatening way, but they chose not to,?

L oMonte continued. ?I t?s scar y that someone wants to talk to you since we didn?t do anything. ... We have the r ights of the Fir st Amendment to r ecor d outside in a public space and any citizen has the same r ight ...? Por ter said. Accor ding to Mohammadi and Por ter, befor e the students star ted filming in fr ont of the building on Apr il 7, Mohammadi went to a secur ity guar d,

cer came out and star ted asking questions. ?I went back to the car ? to basically get r eady, then an officer came out, out of his office and he asked us, ?Wher e you guys come fr om??? Mohammadi said. ?We told him we?r e fr om City College, the local br oadcasting station, then he asked us, ?Ar e you guys students??and I said, ?Yes, we ar e fr om City College and we?r e doing a r epor t ...?? Mohammadi said. The officer then asked ?Batgirl?#41variant cover by Rafael Albuquerque. the thr ee students for their Califor nia I Ds and, accor ding to Por ter and Mohammadi, wr ote all thr ee of their infor mation in a log in or der to ver ify that they wer e students and pr oceeded to give them half an hour to film. ?He asked us for a Califor nia I D ... and I didn?t hesitate; I just br ing it out and said, ?Her e?s my I D,? (Por ter ) showed it to him and so did the other gir l. So, he just wr ote information ...? Mohammadi explained. Mohammadi said that the officer just wanted to ver ify that they wer e who they said they wer e and after he took down their infor mation the officer told him that they could only film for a half-an-hour. ?We wanted to get the shot because it was almost sunset, so we didn?t have showed him his student I D much time for the light, so and explained who the stu- we wer e like, ?OK we want dents wer e, wher e they to do this fast?? And that wer e fr om and why they was when they asked us so wer e at the FBI building in many questions and we Mir a Mesa. just r eally wanted to After talking with the r ecor d because we wer e secur ity guar d, the guar d outside ? This is a public gave the students dir ec- place wher e we can r ecor d tions on wher e they could and it?s just, you know, a par k and gave the gr een stand- up, and then you light for the students to know they got ver y, um, infilm as long as they didn?t timidating,? Por ter said. show the building or im?He didn?t tell us anyages of the FBI . While thing about what he was pr epar ing to set up to film gonna do with (the inforthe stand- up, another offi- mation), he just wants to

?It?s scary that someone wants to talk to you since we didn?t do anything. ... We have the rights of the First Amendment to record outside in a public space and any citizen has the same right ...?

Daniela Porter, student journalist with?Newscene?

ver ify that ?you?r e a student as you said, we just want to see if you have valid ever ything,?? Mohammadi said. After about 20 minutes of filming, the officer came out and told the students that they had to leave without any explanation. ?We explained to him exactly what we wer e going to do. ? We?ll be on the str eets, I ?m gonna shoot (Por ter ) and (the thir d student) just gonna do a little piece, but then image he came Official again despite knowing all the infor mation and kind of r ushed us off, ver y nervously saying that ?you have to leave, you have to wr ap up r ight now,?? Mohammadi said. Mohammadi explained that the thr ee students wr apped up quickly, packed up their equipment and left. ?Ther e is nothing wr ong with filming the exter ior of feder al buildings and the Depar tment of Homeland Secur ity and Feder al Pr otective Ser vices have put out memos instr ucting feder al agents not to over r eact if they see people peacefully and nondisr uptively filming fr om a public space, as these student jour nalists wer e. The police depar tment owes these students an apology and a pr omise of better tr aining for its officer s,? L oMonte said. L oMonte also explained in his email statement that it?s r outine for jour nalists to film in fr ont of feder al and gover nment buildings and cites the cover age of the U.S. Supr eme Cour t as an example. San Diego City College Public I nfor mation Officer Heidi Bunkowske said via email, ?I have not spoken with the students or the FBI so I cannot comment r egar ding filming activities.?


www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015

CITYVOICE Out of bounds At a time wher e r ace and law enfor cement seem to be in the news for all the wr ong r easons, yet another was possibly added her e in San Diego as students for the br oadcast news show ?Newscene? may have exper ienced a r acial pr ofiling incident that has caused an extr eme load of str ess and wor r y. Ear lier last month, student jour nalists wer e r ecor ding footage outside the FBI building in Mir a Mesa, and one student in par ticular is of Middle Easter n descent and the thr ee students wer e for ced to leave the public ar ea as they wer e r epeatedly question on what they wer e doing. The students wer e well in their r ights to be filming outside the building for a news stor y. They wer en?t inter viewing anyone fr om the FBI but it seemed as if the FBI officer s wanted to get involved when ther e was no need to. They r equir ed the students to give them their dr iver ?s licenses and made copies without their knowledge, accor ding to the students. One student in par ticular had a police detective fr om the San Diego Joint Ter r or ism Task For ce show up at her house demanding the footage City TimesEditorial Board they wer e r ecor ding and also asking for the wher eabouts of the other students, two of the thr ee identified students said. Red flag r ight ther e. Fir st of all, they need a war r ant to do so and did not have one, accor ding to the student jour nalists. So why wer e they har assing and intimidating the student journalists when they wer e well in their r ights to be filming outside a feder al building? And after all this, with var ious calls and emails fr om City Times and other campus r epr esentatives, as well as the students, to the San Diego Police Depar tment and FBI , ther e has been little r esponse. So what was their r easoning for har assing the students and wanting the footage if now they have been elusive in explaining why they ar r ived at a student?s house? Could it be that law enfor cement over r eacted because one student was of Middle-Easter n descent? I t seems to us that the r oot of the pr oblem may just be because of one student and his ethnicity. The students ar e being left in the dar k without a clear r esponse about whether law enfor cement will need to continue their investigation, in which ther e was nothing to investigate, yet they seemed to have thought so by sever al knocks on a door dur ing the night. L ocal TV news outlets and other publications have not caught wind of this just yet, and most likely the police depar tment and the FBI ar e hoping this incident stays off the r adar because they wer e not only violating jour nalists? and the public?s r ight to film in a public ar ea, but it?s ver y possible they wer e r acial pr ofiling a student and now r ealize they str uck a few r ed flags dur ing their investigation.



Editorials represent the opinions of the City Times Editorial Board and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire staff or San Diego City College employees and representatives

CityTimes www.sdcitytimes.com

The missing buzzer Community collegesportsoverlooked by thelocal newsmedia Why is it that the community colleges, which have the wor d community in them, lack in br inging the community closer ? You would think the athletics pr ogr am at community colleges would offer something differ ent for spor ts lover s in the community, but instead it seems as if it is pushed to the side and is belittled by the San Diego media outlets as they play watchdog for the potential new San Diego Char ger s sta-

May 12, 2015 Volume 69, Number 12 PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks




Editor in Chief

Copy Editor



Managing Editor Sports Editor

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Holly C. Bridges, Edgar Inda-Lares, Antonio Marquez, Aldo Ramirez, Cherelle Roberts, Torrey Spoerer, Phoenix Webb


CORRESPONDENTS Mark Elliott, Darian Spencer

Opinion Editor




Photography Editor

Journalism Adviser

dium, the Padr es star-studded team, San Diego State University football and basketball,

STUDYHOURS David Pradel and of cour se on the national spor ts news that can be hear d ever y hour on ?Spor tsCenter.? Not only at City College, but at Mesa College, Mir amar College, Palomar College, Gr oss-

City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthe semester. Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot necessarily represent thoseof the entirenewspaper staff, City Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethe soleresponsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot be interpretedtobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficers or employees. Letters to the editor: LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. The staff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.

mont College and Southwester n College seem to get this per ceived notion fr om the media of a dead end, just like how a student says he or she is going to a community college to someone and gets the look of sor r ow because he or she is not setting their goals high enough in life. This is not the case for athletes ? just like students, athletes find themselves wanting

See BUZZER, page 15

Howto reach us: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. SanDiego, CA92101 Newsroom: BT-101 Phone: (619) 388-3880 E-mail: info@sdcitytimes.com Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation

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May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Racial shots outside the boxing ring Thescorenot settled after Manny Pacquiao and Mayweather fight The hype of the centur y, since Tyson and Holyfield or Muhammad and Joe Fr azier, the fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather was destined to be a classic told by the media and sold by the dr ama. I t was a fight you could say that should of alr eady happened, but with boxing politics and money- hungr y pr omotion teams couldn?t lock down

Thecommonbohemian-hippiepantswiththebalanceof aloose, fittedandthinfabric hasriseninpopularity at music festivals. RICHARDLOMIBAOCity Times

What you wear to Coachella matters more such as Coachella, people ar e buying $375 tickets for a thr eeday festival, and ar e inclined to spend even mor e on what they?r e wear ing than be somewher e they?r e suppose to be. This idea of liber ation,

PERSPECTIVE Richard Lomibao ?Whether it?s in the Sahar a tent or under the shade of a VI P palm tr ee, people come to Coachella to find their tr ibe, and to be their ideal, liber ated selves,? accor ding to an ar ticle Fader put out about the fashion

?I t?s a r esponse to institutionalized violence that people of color face ever yday. Whatever institution we go to, it?s always saying the same thing, that people of color ar e infer ior to white people.? Jose Olivas, 20, biochemistr y

?People need to suppor t what?s going on; they need to r eally think cr itically why people ar e pushing back and how we can all suppor t that because their str uggles ar e linked with our str uggles. We may not have those same dir ect exper iences, but we all have in common, we all want well being, we all want justice, we all want peace.? Ricky Powell, 27, sociology

standar ds at festivals. Being fr ee and away is getting mixed into the wor ld of I nstagr am, which r aises the question: what about the music? Just because you spor t the standar d doesn?t mean your bohemian- flor al pr inted scheme makes you an admir er of music. What it pr oves is your ability to mix into a cr owd stealth- fully disguising your tr ue color s. With Snapchat and I nstagr am r unning the lives of people?s actions, it?s difficult to fully under stand people?s motives. I attended weekend two of Coachella. I t being my fir st time, I knew going in that ther e

Richard Lomibao

would be a lot of this going on. I don?t affiliate myself with a style that is pushing boundar ies, either ; I ?m a simple dr esser and mor e about comfor t and neutr al color tones. What I obser ved was the hugest high school lunch cafeter ia you can imagine, wher e you?d see people in gr oups, with the gypsies in the open field dancing and the stoner s laying out by the Heineken tents ? staying close to the people they came with, all cohesive in style. I was for tunate to see Tyler, The Cr eator ?s set. I t validated my whole pr econceptions about

any deal sooner. With two fighter s fr om differ ent backgr ounds colliding in the juiciest br awl and with so much on the line, you couldn?t help but be obliged to find out and r aise the stakes by placing bets with your fr iends who don?t watch boxing either. I t?s a spor t that has been subpar in compar ison to what we see coming fr om the UFC, but this fight was also in a way a ploy to r ejuvenate what is left of boxing as we know it. With Mayweather ?s undefeated r ecor d on the line and Pacquiao?s questionable fuel to fight at all (due to his many obligations to his home countr y of the Philippines and singing), it was easy to believe that one had to give in and that this fight alone would settle who was the best even with all the scr utiny each fighter faced.

See COACHELLA, page 8

See SHOTS, page 8

Stylestandardsfor musicfestivalsarewhat iskeepingclothingbrandsafloat; whileit hasnothingtodowith themusic, a profitablelook isin danger of beingpredictable I r emember seeing clips of Woodstock on MTV when I was gr owing up. Ever yone looked like a hippie and shar ed a r aw passion for the musical skill that per for mer s like Jimi Hendr ix showed off. Mor e sur pr ised by the moment, not pr edicting what?s to come, live music amplified the exper ience and audiences r esponded with emotion ? star ting massive fir es in fields of people and sliding in mud. I t seemed like a wild and fr ee time for music that was br eaking gr ound by gr abbing the viewer ?s attention and it depended in what you saw and hear d. With music festivals now


VOX POPULI Voice of the People Questionaskedby FranchescaWalker | Photosby RichardLomibao

Howdoyou feel about what?s happeningin Baltimore?

?I feel what they?r e going thr ough even though I don?t know it, they have a r ight to do it. Because people living in that situation know best how they should r eact.? Vi Nguyen, 24, ur ban studies and planning

?I ?m r eally upset with how much the police ar e getting away with r ight now all over the countr y. So I feel for the r ioter s, for the people who wer e close to Fr eddie Gr ay. I think it?s a shame how the media is por tr aying what they?r e doing because all they want to focus on is the r iots and the people being cr azy r ather than what r eally happened.? Matt Naughton, 43, alcohol and dr ug studies



www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015

Coachella Continuedfrompage7 this misguided population of festival- goer s when he shouted on the micr ophone in fr ont of the audience at the Outdoor Stage, ?F* * k Coachella!? Known to say whatever is on his mind, it wasn?t because he was having a bad time, that?s what he honestly felt. I n a followup r adio inter view with Big Boy?s neighbor hood, he said, ?People don?t do things to enjoy it, they just want to put it on the I nternet to feel some type of impor tance or some weir d instant gr atification. ? Coachella sucks. ? People

Shots Continuedfrompage7

I t had people picking sides, separ ating viewer s. I f you wer e a conscious per son, you would know that all by the over load of pr omotion fr om spor ts news and the ongoing battles on Twitter that we, the audience, wer e the pr oblem. The r esult ? a ho-hum, yawning session with a dead- star e thinking that the two fighter s in the r ing would r ealize that ever ybody?s watching and they would hear the echoes of ?we came to see a fight.? The MGM Gr and was full of celebr ities galor e, with Jay- Z and Beyonce fr ont r ow and Denzel Washington?s hat lip sinking low, tr ying to avoid being spotted. While egos and belts (like awar ds) at stake, r acial comments swir l and glar es ar e met. On Twitter, comments sur ged by Filipinos and other Asians saying der ogator y comments towar ds Black cultur e. I n the use of the Filipino wor d ?nognog,? which means the n- wor d, the sour loss had Filipinos taking low blows to the opponent ? giving a sense that they have bought into the hype of the fight.

go to Coachella just to say that they?r e at Coachella.? Not that I ?m against someone who is open to spontaneous r ounds of fun, it?s just like going to a club Downtown ? you don?t go to dr ink water and talk to no one. You know they?r e going to play r emixes, disguising it with some pr edictable up- tempo dr um beat to ensur e you?r e dancing your ass off and gir ls ar e going to dr ess up showing as much of their body as they can. Unlike club music, for most ar tists per for ming at these music festivals, ther e?s so much involved into how they end up on the stage befor e you. Doing your r esear ch on making sur e you r esemble someone who listens to

Dr ake or some gir l who wear s a gypsy costume (star ting a face-off against the typical hippie) doesn?t matter. With clothing lines coming out with looks to enhance your Coachella exper ience, it?s giving in too much to the cause of being someone that they imagine you to be ? a deser t psychedelic adventur er or a gir l with an oversized sun hat. Appar el coming fr om places such as H&M and For ever 21 has the ability to conver t someone who hasn?t even thought about making a plan to go to Coachella, finding themselves comfor table to pull whatever is off the mannequin and buy a ticket because it?d be waste not to.

To me, as a FilipinoAmer ican, it dr aws back to Thir d Wor ld pr oblems and the fleeting uneducated minds linked to pover ty like the Baltimor e looting. People ar e lashing out with hate because the pr oblem is deeper than we know. You got a sense that we wer e all fooled when Pacquiao?s famous glove r aise to entice the fighter to star t swinging lights out to him would ploy Mayweather to star t thr owing and get off his defensiver un- ar ound tactics. Now with Pacquiao never r epor ting his shoulder injur y that happened dur ing his tr aining for the fight, he is being sued by Nevada boxing officials. After suffer ing a loss to Mayweather, Pacquiao believes he won dur ing a post inter view saying that Mayweather ?keeps r unning ar ound.? I t?s har d let this one go with how much the media had been giving us r easons to stay tuned. Watching the fight at my Auntie?s home with my gr andpar ents on vacation in the Philippines, I could hear my gr andpa?s cur sing as the fight ended. I n my family, this is a custom. We watch all of Manny Pacquiao?s fights, but no other ones ? you couldn?t call us exper ts or people that ar e even fans of the spor t. We do it because we want to suppor t

a Filipino stor y. All of my family admir es Pacquiao, and even though we live in the states, we fan- out just as much as any other Filipino ? complete with t-shir ts and wanting any opponent he faces in the r ing to get his neck chopped off. After seeing many Pacquiao fights over the year s, I can say that I ?ve dealt with under standing wher e my despise for the opponent comes fr om ? and if you know boxing, you know it?s violent, not only in the r ing, but also between cultur es. I t happened when Pacquiao was fighting boxer s such as Juan Manuel Mar quez. Although, r espectfully, each fight begins with honor ing each fighter ?s home countr ies national anthem, it r iles up the intensity of hate towar ds one another. I t?s the way boxing is formulated because without the viewer ship it wouldn?t be ar ound. Fans of the spor t don?t suppor t or the like the fighter because of skill, but because of their skin. I t?s something to think about, and whatever the r esult is, know ?it?s just a fight.? A fight possibly to br eak pay- per- view r ecor ds, the side debate of who?s the better fighter actually goes to the one who can take a hit.

Having a uniquely ?City?day?Tweet us about it @SDCITYTIMESwith the hashtag #OnlyatCity. Your tweets could make it into the printed edition of the City Times.

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Dancing takes center stage After alongsemester?s worth of auditions and practice, dancers and choreographers fromfaculty, students, alumni and other local community groups cametogether in thebi-annual event ?An Eveningof Dance? at the Saville Theatre on May 8. Directed by Alicia Rincon, the two-hour event showcased a wide variety of themes, dance skills and genres such as contemporary, modern, dance theatre, jazz and hip hop. The event waspresentedby City?sVisual andPerformingArtsprogram. TORREYSPOERERCity Times


FanscelebrateFreeComicBook Day at local shops

By ANTONIOMARQUEZ City Times Comic book her oes ar e coming to the big scr eens this summer, but for Comic Book Day, fans wer e in for a tr eat with fr ee comics and lots of fun on May 2. With 30 countr ies and mor e than 2,000 comic book stor es par ticipating, 12 million special edition comic books wer e given out within the fir st six hour s of Comic Book Day. Comic books began in the 1930s, an Amer ican ar t

for m that has given life to super her oes and their stor y lines and given r eader s a chance to explor e their wor ld. Villainous L air Comics Stor e?s assistant manager Sar ah Swieca commented: ?They have been doing this event since 2002. I t?s nice to get exposur e. I t?s nice to get extr a people in her e and have them pick up titles they might not have necessar ily taken a chance on and it gives us the next gener ation of r eader s.? ?We ar e in geek r enais-

sance and all of this stuff is ver y accessible to ever ybody getting out to the public, and it?s going to foster the next gener ation of geeks,? she said. When asked about the futur e of digital comics, Swieca r esponded, ?Kindle didn?t kill book ... ther e?s no collectivity in digital comics, but it is a ver y high aspect for this industr y.? Fr ee Comic Book Day was the fir st Satur day in May and usually happens befor e a major super her o movie, the fir st one being

Fans, photographersandvariousStar WarscharacterslinetheentrancetoVillainousLair Comics&Gaming onAdamsAvenueduringFreeComic Book Day onMay 2. ANTONIOMARQUEZCity Times ?Spider- Man? in 2002, and this year is no differ ent with ?Mar vel?s Avenger s: Age of Ultr on.? This year, the number of comic book stor es that

par ticipated in Fr ee Comic Book Day incr eased 8 percent than par ticipation in 2014, and the number of comic books or der ed incr eased by 21 per cent.

On Fr ee Comic Book Day, par ticipating r etailer s give away specially pr inted copies of fr ee comic books,

See EXCELSIOR, page 16


May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


Students of City There are approximately 18,000 students at San Diego City College, which means there are 18,000 unique stories. During a normal school day on campus, students walk the halls not only to take a class but to start their careers. We went out and found five individuals who shared their story and passion on why they are here at City College. Photos, interviewsanddesign by DavidPradel

?I was never abl e t o t ake ar t cl asses at San Fr ancisco St at e Univer sit y since t he pr ogr am was r eally impact ed. So now I deci ded t o t ake cer ami cs her e and pr et t y much it has been a st r ess r eliever for me ? I enjoy being in her e because t her e is no codi ng, maps or ot her t hi ngs r el at ed t o my major so it ?s complet ely differ ent . Anyone can be cr eat ive and I feel like as a societ y we ar e l osi ng our cr eat i vi t y wi t h ever yone bei ng in fr ont of a scr een.? n I ngr i L opez, 22, geogr aphy

?I was bor n and r ai sed i n M ot own so musi c al ways had an i mpact on my l i fe, and at a young age I was ver y i nt er est ed i n t he pr oduct i on and composi t i on of musi c. ? To me t he meani ng of musi c i s t aki ng your own i ngeni ousness and put t i ng i t t o a for mat l i ke a br ush t o a canvas. Ther e ar e no r ul es; musi c i s al l about br eaki ng t he r ul es and bendi ng t hem. I get an euphor i a when I st ar t pr oduci ng a song or r ecor di ng and edi t i ng a song ? I get l ost i n t i me.?

n Joseph B ass, 33, di gi t al musi c t echnol ogy

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com


?I was a cor psman i n t he Navy for ei ght year s, so you t ake t he human body and you get t o br eak i t apar t by ever y l i t t l e sect i on ? so you get a good under st andi ng of how t hi ngs wor k. Thi s (anat omy) class is a gr eat class because you get t o l ear n about t he body and al l t he differ ent par t s, be able t o name ever y st r uct ur e, ever y bone, ever y i ndent i on and we have t wo cadaver s t hat we get t o l ook at and wor k on whi ch i s pr et t y awesome because not a lot of school s have t hat .? n Jason B ut ler, 29, nur sing


?I ?ve gar dened befor e but t his is mor e int ensive gar dening and I ?ve lear ned a lot of t echniques and a lot of lingo and definit ely get t ing t he basics down, and t hat is ver y impor t ant because I have not iced t hat wor king on t he far m has helped me be mor e st r uct ur ally or ganized. On t he far m we have t o plan and have a t echnique when we plant our cr ops, and having t hat has given me mor e of a t echnique t o go off of, which has shown me t hat you can kind of plant your seed anywher e and as long as you keep at it ? it can gr ow wit h anyt hing you do.? n Sunny Albr ight , 18, undeclar ed

?I t ?s funny, when I was 4 year s old my mom was pr egnant wit h my br ot her and she couldn?t r each my head t o do my hair anymor e so I had t o lear n how t o do my hair on my own and it kind of went fr om t her e. I t was somet hing I would mess ar ound wit h and in high school; I did a lot of my fr iends?hair for pr om and event s and I ?ve done weddings, and now I want t o get t he pr ofessional t r aining so I can st ar t doing t his pr ofessionally and making it my car eer ? I love doing hair and I enjoy making people feel good about t hemselves.? n K at her ine Schue, 24, cosmet ology


www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015


Dazzling donuts Donut Bar isa feast for the eyesand thetastebuds The Donut Bar, located at 631 B St., has gar ner ed a lot of attention. I t was r anked in USA Today as being one of the top 10 donut shops in the countr y and it was also a winner in San Diego Magazine for best- r estaur ant awar d. I n addition to that, Donut Bar has been featur ed on shows such as ?The View? and ?The Doctor s.? Then ther e have been people teasing me by posting pictur es and checkins fr om the place on my Facebook news feed. I love donuts and had to go ther e. And after about a year of being tempted, I finally found my dr eam home. What?s all the hype? When you walk in the tiny, nar r ow place you ar e gr eeted by huge, thick donuts and some smaller yummylooking donuts in all differ ent color s and flavor s, and a smiling staff. My fir st tr y was their bir thday cake donut which is Holly C. Bridges fr osted on top with multicolor ed spr inkles and a sur pr ise Or eo cookie inside the middle. L ater, I ate a str awber r y cr eam cheese, which I loved even mor e and is pr obably my favor ite so far. They have mor e than a hundr ed differ ent kinds of donuts, such as chocolate Twix, maple bacon, Nutella, r ed velvet, peaches and cr eam, and even gr een tea. About 25- 30 differ ent kinds of donuts ar e featur ed each day that ar e all decor ated nicely and look good. Ever y day, donuts var y by the day of the week and special themed donuts ar e available on Fr idays. Ther e?s a constant flow of customer s coming all mor ning long to get one of the many uniquely- cr afted tr eats. Accor ding to the owner s, about 3,000 items a day ar e sold. They also have help- it- your self coffee and water, which is nice and convenient.


See EATS, page 15

Donut Bar wowscustomerswithavarietyof creativeand yummytreats. JENNIFERMANALILI City Times

Professor WayneHulginhelpsastudent duringoneof hisdrawingclassesinroomAH-301at SanDiegoCity College. EDGARINDACity Times

Alove for art and teaching Professor WayneHulgin on hispassion for hiscareer and helpinghisstudents By EDGARINDA City Times I n classr oom 301 of the Ar ts and Humanities Building, a dr awing class is about to begin. Students of all ages sit in their chair s anxiously waiting for the day?s lectur e to star t. Ever yone is eager and attentive when the pr ofessor walks into the middle of

the r oom. Stopping to take a quick look ar ound the r oom with a big smile, he waits for his audience to give him their undivided attention and ever yone goes silent. Now he can begin. Class is in session. The pr ocess of ar t and teaching for Pr ofessor Wayne Hulgin has always been about the jour ney. His

classes ar e filled with students who feel the need to lear n mor e about ar t. Hulgin is well-known on campus for his teaching methods, r egar ded by many as a sour ce of inspir ation as well as intimidation. ?I ?ve been told by people that I have a tendency to push my students,? Hulgin said. ?But I like to keep the mood light, let the students

have a sense of being r elaxed in the classr oom while still keeping that sor t of par ent/child line.? Hulgin has been an ar ts advocate at City College for 17 year s. He has a bachelor ?s degr ee in painting, a master ?s in painting and dr awing, and an associate?s

See TEACHING, page 15

Fantastique fashion hits the campus By FRANCHESCAWALKER City Times I n a small space center ed on the second floor the Business Technology building stands Fantastique. Run by student inter ns, the boutique houses business attir e, accessor ies and books that ar e all donated. Or iginally designed to offer business attir e for a cheap pr ice to business students, the boutique sells to anyone and offer s casual clothing that is sold once a week. The inception of Fantastique came when Rose L aMur aglia, the dean of business, infor mation technology and cosmetology, ?r ealized a lot of students

didn?t have money to buy a business outfit to go on an inter view.? Not being in the shoes of a student with ver y little income or being unawar e what they encounter, she decided a stor e that sold clothing at a cheap pr ice was the answer. ?Sometimes we don?t ? we as in teacher s ? ar e not suffering and r ealize what the issues ar e. Ther e wer e students I would tell of a gr eat job oppor tunity and they wouldn?t go to the inter view ? and they finally said this is what I own.? Befor e deciding, she scour ed the thr ift and consignment stor es in the ar ea

See FASHION, page 16

Patricia Law, costume designer and lab technician for ceramics, browses clothingduringFantastique?s$1sale. RICHARDLOMIBAOCity Times

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



Albumartworkfor ?ToPimpaButterfly.? Official image

Kendrick Lamar releases a classic

AscreencaptureshowstheLiveShowselectionfor themobilerhythmgame?LoveLive! School Idol Festival,?whereplayerscanchooseeither an A-sideor B-sidesongfromschool idol group??s(?Muse?) toplaythrough, aswell asthedifficulty. ANGELICAWALLINGFORDCity Times

Take gaming on-the-go A look at a fewfun and freegamingappstailor-madefor your smartphone By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD City Times The smar tphone as we know it has changed. So long ar e the days wher e our cell phones had just the basics such as calling and texting or having minimalist games like ?Snake? to spend hour s playing. The cell phones of yester day have evolved into the state-of-the-ar t smar tphones that most of us

have today which act like mini pocket laptops. These new upgr ades make gaming available to an even wider audience that might not be as invested in any new system or looming consul war s such as the aver age gamer. However, how we look at the aver age gamer is changing with mor e and mor e people tur ning to their smar tphones for their latest gaming fix or to be a par t

of the next gaming tr end (?Flappy Bir d,? anyone?). Her e?s a list of some gaming apps that will keep your smar tphone in your hands and won?t br eak the bank. 1. ?L ove L ive! School I dol Fest ival? Based on the extr aor dinar ily popular anime ?L ove L ive! School I dol Pr oject,? this r hythm game basically follows almost the exact same plot

as the anime. You play as an unseen student helping out school idol gr oup ??s ? pr onounced ?Muse? ? as they tr y to r ecr uit new member s and keep their alma mater Otonokizaka High School fr om closing its door s. To say that this game is addicting is an understatement. Tapping your finger s on the animated

See GAMING, page 14

Summer blockbuster preview Someof thisseason?smost anticipated moviestostart off summer break, guaranteed topack thehouse, heat upthebox officeand get fanstalking By JENNIFERMANALILI City Times This year ?s summer blockbuster season kicked off with a vengeance, with pr olific big budget ships like ?Fur ious 7? and ?Marvel?s Avenger s: Age of Ultr on? both br eaking box office r ecor ds in the U.S. and over seas, successfully catching the attention of moviegoer s and their wallets as well. This phenomenon isn?t going to lose steam any time soon either, with films sur e to

catch your attention being r eleased well until the temper atur es die down. Gr ab a ticket and some popcor n; these big scr een stor ies ar e a can?t-miss. ?Polt er geist ? ? M ay 22 ?They?r e heeeeer e!? ? again. I n a r emake of the 1982 film, Sam Rockwell and Rosemar ie Dewitt star as par ents desper ate to pr otect their daughter fr om evil spir its ? the polter geist of the title namesake ? that ar e scar ing their family and home. Steven Spielber g pr oduced

the or iginal film, with the r eboot calling on Sam Raimi to pr oduce this time. And if Raimi?s pr oducing r esume on hor r or namesakes such as ?30 Days of Night,? ?The Gr udge,? ?Dr ag Me to Hell? and the 2013 r emake of his own classic ?Evil Dead? ar e anything to go by, fans of the or iginal have nothing to fear. The r eboot pr omises to r etain elements (the static- y TV, a weir d psychic and a cr eepy clown) fr om the or iginal, all while scar ing a whole

new gener ation of moviegoer s. ?Jur assic Wor ld? ? June 12 Twenty- two year s after the or iginal, ?Jur assic Wor ld? takes off wher e its visionar y John Hammond (Richar d Attenbor ough) left off. Hammond?s dr eam of a fully functioning dinosaur theme par k, Jur assic Wor ld, has finally mater ialized, but after 10 year s of oper ation the par k sees visitor inter est and ticket

?Don?t be quick to thought to instant classic ? let it live a little bit,? Kendr ick L amar r esponds on New Yor k?s famed hip hop r adio station Hot 97, weeks after the r elease of his anticipated sophomor e pr oject, ?To Pimp a Butter fly.? L istener s ar e alr eady calling it a classic hit. An accidental r elease of Kendr ick L amar ?s second album leaked a week ahead of schedule on iTunes in the evening on Mar ch 15. As buzz cir culated about its validity, Top Dawg Enter ter tainment?s chief executive, Anthony Tiffith, took to Twitter to point out his fr ustr ations at I nter scope, which made the r umor s final. The highly anticipated music found a way to get to consumer s befor e the official date like other albums such as Dr ake?s album ?Take Car e? or Jay Z?s Richard Lomibao ?Bluepr int 3? did in the past. Regar dless, ?To Pimp a Butter fly? was her e and scr utiny soon flour ished. Compar ing L amar to fir st album success, ?good kid m.A.A.d. city,? some fans couldn?t under stand its unconventional appr oach of hip hop. The pr oduction contains a heavier tr aditional jazz influence, as usual contr ibutor s Sounwave and Ter r ace Mar tin blend among new faces, such as Flying L otus, Thunder cat, Knxwledge and Whoar ei. L istener s wer e thr own the cur veball when the fir st single ?I ,? dr opped last September, car r ying a message of self love. Questions of L amar ?s dir ection ar ose. With new fusion and hybr ids of hip hop emer ging anew, L amar ?s appr oach could seem too close to the r oots of wher e hip hop or iginated when it comes to the lyr ical message or far fr om typical concepts. Fans knew fr om fur ther examination when L amar spoke out on Twitter, something he nor mally doesn?t do. Subtlety making it known he was awar e of the glitch, saying, ?Keep Calm. All is well.? I nstead L amar stayed optimistic towar ds the accidental r elease of ?To Pimp a Butter fly,? knowing that the music would speak for itself. L amar, known for his unpr edictable r ap tone and insightful metaphor s, ?To Pimp a Butter fly,? embodies layer s of messages. A play of ideas ar e said to stem fr om the novel ?To Kill a Mockingbir d? and thr oughout it L amar speaks about his ongoing str uggles with fame, the r ecor d industr y and his hometown of Compton. The per sonification of the butter fly begins fr om its jour ney as a cater pillar. Wher e L amar r eveals snippets of the cater pillar ?s evolution thr oughout the album with var ious layer s of poetic r aps and meaning ? the cater pillar and butter fly, in fact, is L amar himself. The album begins to unveil the r eason behind the ?pimp? of the butter fly in ?Wesley?s Theor y,? which


See KENDRICK, page 16 See PREVIEW, page 14

www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015



Preview Continuedfrompage13 sales declining. To cope with the decline, the par k cr eates and intr oduces a new attr action to r e- spar k the popular ity it once had, which of cour se, in the gr and scheme of things in the movie ser ies, backfir es and goes hor r ibly wr ong. Steven Spielber g, ?Jur assic Par k?s? or iginal dir ector, ser ves as pr oducer on the film, which star s ?Guar dians of the Galaxy?s? Chr is Pr att, and Br yce Dallas Howar d. ?I nside Out? ? June 19 You?ve got to hand it to Pixar. They have a knack for making you feel things by giving things feelings. Don?t believe it? The studio had the idea of giving toys feelings and successfully captur ed the bittersweet r eality of gr owing up and moving on with ?Toy Stor y.?

The same can be said for how they successfully secur ed the same sentiment to other ideas ? give monster s feelings (?Monster s, I nc.?) and r obots and car s (?Wall-E,? ?Car s? and ?Car s 2?). Now the studio aims to give feelings, feelings with the r elease of ?I nside Out.? The lovable pixie-like Joy lives inside the mind of 11-year-old Riley. Since she was bor n, Joy has been the guide of a quir ky gr oup of emotions that include Anger, Disgust, Fear and Sadness. With Joy in contr ol, Riley is upbeat and optimistic, but as puber ty hits, she tur ns moody, for cing Joy and the gang to begin their own jour ney as they tr y to navigate her thr ough a new city, house and school, as well as other benchmar ks of gr owing up. The emotional r ide is a per sonal one for the film?s wr iter and dir ector, Peter Docter, who also dir ected

?Up.? ?When my daughter gr ew up, she became a differ ent per son. I t?s wonderful, but it?s differ ent. I t fundamentally changes the way you speak to her, r elate to her,? Docter said in an interview with Enter tainment Weekly. ?Ter minat or Genisys,? ?M agic M ike XXL? ? July 3 The competition for this year ?s Four th of July weekend seems like a hilar ious toss- up between what men want ver sus what women want. On one hand you have a new installment of the ?Ter minator ? fr anchise, star r ing ?Game of Thr ones?? Emilia Clar ke as Sar ah Connor, and br ings back Ar nold Schwar zenegger as an aging ter minator as they tr y to stop the one thing about the futur e that they both fear ?Judgement Day.? On the other hand, you have a sequel to Channing

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Tatum?s sur pr ising wildly successful and semiautobiogr aphical stor y about male str ipping. The film takes place thr ee year s after Tatum?s Magic Mike bows out of the str ipper life, and watches as he and the r emaining Kings of Tampa hit Myr tle Beach to put on one last per for mance. Jada Pinkett Smith, Amber Hear d and Donald Glover join the cast that includes r etur nees Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer. ?Ant M an,? ?M r. H olmes? ? July 17 Mar vel?s second helping this summer comes in the for m of Paul Rudd, who star s as a con- man with the ability to shr ink in scale and size, but double his str ength and of cour se, his ver y own super suit. Deter mined to embr ace his inner her o, and help his mentor Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), AntMan must plan and pull off

a heist to save the wor ld. ?L ost?s? Evangeline L ily also star s. I an McKellan star s as the enigmatic detective Sher lock Holmes, who when the movie picks up is 93 and losing his memor y, as he looks back on his life and r ecalls a case fr om 35 year s ear lier. McKellen, who is 75, was aged with pr osthetics for the film, which is dir ected by Bill Condon (?Chicago,? ?Kinsey,? ?The Twilight Saga Br eaking Dawn Par t 1 and 2?). ?Fant ast ic Four ? ? Aug. 7 Do you have super her o fatigue yet? With their thir d and last helping of the season, Mar vel is hoping you ar en?t. I n this r eboot of the comic book ser ies, four young outsider s telepor t to an alter nate and danger ous univer se, and don?t come out unscathed. With their physical for ms alter ed in different ways (we?ll let you fig-

ur e out what a char acter like the Human Tor ch means), the four must lear n to har ness their new abilities as they tr y to wor k together and save Ear th fr om a for mer fr iend tur ned enemy. ?St r aight Out t a Compt on? ? Aug. 14 With r acial tensions r ising in the U.S., it seems like a per fect time to look back at an equally poignant time in histor y and N.W.A, the r ap gr oup that made musicians Dr. Dr e and I ce Cube household names, and the same gr oup who wer e bombar ded with thr eats of boycotts and cr iticisms for r eleasing tr acks like ?F* * k Da Police.? Dir ected by F. Gar y Gr ay (?Fr iday,? ?The I talian Job?), the film looks back on N.W.A?s emergence in music, following their r ise fr om Compton, and the way the gr oup r evolutionized enter tainment and popular cultur e with their r hymes.


?Sonic L ost Wor ld.? The game is pr etty fun for a while but does have the tendency to get r eally r epetitive r ather quickly. I t?s just the same thr ee zones with the same bad guys tr ying to make you mess up. One thing to keep you hooked is the copious amounts of bonuses that the player r eceive that can include anything like power- up such as shields or headstar ts and unlocking fan-favor ite char acter s such as Knuckles the Echidna or Miles ?Tails? Pr ower. 3. ?I comania? ?I comaina? dives head fir st into all things pop cultur e. I t?s almost as if games such as ?Pictionar y,? ?Tr ivial Pur suit? and ?Scr abble? fused together into one game, except the pictur e is alr eady dr awn for you and all you have to do unscr amble the letter s to spell out whatever cor r esponds to the pictur e. This br ain scr atching game r eally tests the player s by mixing together logos and ar t fr om var ious aspects of pop cultur e r anging fr om the super easy ?Pac Man? symbol with the eyes omitted or having composite pictur e such as one of an air plane and aviator sunglasses that r epr esent ?Ray-Ban.? As the levels incr ease, so does the difficulty. I nstead of super simple pictur es, the game has pictur es that ar e zoomed in to

a specific spot on a logo or has even mor e obscur e composite pictur es for the player to figur e out. The pr os of this game ar e that the levels go on and on with differ ent categor ies that ar e sur e to make any pop cultur e fan happy. The cons ar e that sometimes the levels can get extr emely fr ustr ating for player s, so much so that ther e ar e var ious websites dedicated to the answer s for this game. 4. ?Wher e?s M y Water ?? With a plot that sounds like it could be str aight out of a Disney animated shor t film, ?Wher e?s My Water ?? tr anspor ts player s deep under the city str eets to a colony of alligator s that inhabit the sewer s embr acing the filth, while one ador able alligator named Swampy just wants to take a shower with his r ubber ducky. Developer Cr eatur e Feep and publisher Disney Mobile manage to take that stor yline and make it a puzzle game wher e player s guide a str eam of water to the Swampy?s br oken water pipe. The game itself is pr etty fun and player s don?t have to r eally wor r y about getting bor ed with it since ther e ar e seemingly hundr eds of levels to play, unlock and tr yout. The levels themselves r ange fr om so simple that a toddler could figur e it out to something that might take a cr itically thinking Har var d- league pr ofessor to solve.

Continuedfrompage13 faces of the some wellknown, and not so well known, char acter s to the r hythms of insanely catchy and well- cr afted Japanese pop music might not sound like it could keep someone?s attention for long but the longer you play, the mor e per ks you get, the mor e you want to accomplish in the game. The in- game extr as ar en?t bad, either. Ever y day that a player star ts it up they get a bonus that usually consists of thr ee of the games cur r encies that player s can use to buy mor e member s, incr ease their member count or r eplenish their L ive Points. Ther e?s also a lot of different events in which player s can compete against each other and gain even mor e extr as such as mor e curr ency or another member. 2. ?Sonic D ash? The name ?Sonic the Hedgehog? is usually met with either har sh boos or r ousing cheer s. The longstanding ser ies has pr oduced ar chives of hits and misses over the past 28 year s. ?Sonic Dash? dr ops most of the char acter s that people know and love into a ?Temple Run? envir onment complete with thr ee distinct zones, badinks fr om pr evious games and cliche boss battles with Dr. Eggman and Zazz fr om

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com




sive ar t enhances pr oblem- solving skills, boosts self- esteem, r educes str ess and impr oves the cognitive abilities. The following thr ee stations offer ed attendees to lear n about biofeedback, mood and community inclusiveness. At the sixth station, people who stopped wer e able to find out about the signs of suicide and the ways to help. The station was also in par t of Yellow

Ribbon, a suicide pr evention pr ogr am that offer ed ?ask for help car ds? that included ways on how to help someone you know that may be consider ing suicide. ?We tar get 10- to 24year-olds ? for college age students, suicide the No. 2 case of death so it is r eally impor tant that we get that message out that suicide is pr eventable and making sur e that ever ybody has the r esour ces to pr event

it,? said Kelly Cavanaugh, who is an inter n for the mental health counseling center and also wor ks for Yellow Ribbon. Following the sixth station, people at City wer e able to lear n mor e about exer cising and ways that physical health plays a big r ole on mental wellness. At the station, attendees could be seen doing push- ups, sit- ups and jump r oping.

At the station, Taylor mentioned that ?it is impor tant for people to know that exer cise r educes str ess and impr oves and pr events symptoms of depr essions and anxiety.? ?The Passpor t 2 Wellness" booklet had attendees finish at the ?Student Success Jeopar dy? wher e they wer e able to lear n about the many educational r esour ces on campus. Also dur ing the expo,

students went on a 2K walk ar ound campus led by Pr ofessor of Exer cise and Science and men?s cr oss-countr y Head Coach Paul Gr eer. The expo featur ed many or ganizations, pr ogr ams and businesses including the Amer ican Foundation for Suicide Pr evention, PSI Beta, San Diego City College nur sing pr ogr am, Enactus and also the Southwester n College nur sing pr ogr am.

Dur ing the fir st day of or ientation, Banuelos explained that sanctions ar e Continuedfrompage3 disciplinar y actions for ASG candidates and memdates wer e posted for con- ber s who commit infr acfir med candidates as Apr il tions of the r ules. She was in the awkwar d position to 14 and 15. The fir st date of or ienta- cr eate new sanctions for tion was attended by only the four candidates that two candidates. The r e- did not attend the second maining four candidates day of or ientation. Banuelos shar ed that wer e a no show for the she would r equir e no-show second date. candidates to wr ite a miniI ndependent of the ASG is the Election Commis- mum of one page explainsion, compr ised of a com- ing why they missed the missioner and thr ee mem- mandator y or ientation and ber s. The commission they would be offer ed one over sees the election mor e or ientation date to pr ocess and Election be deter mined and they Commissioner Rubyll would be excluded fr om Banuelos facilitates par ticipating in the candidate for um the following or ientation.

week. The new or ientation was held in Ponder ?s office in Student Affair s on Apr il 20 and thr ee candidates showed that day. While the r emaining candidate did not attend or ientation, they did show the next day for the candidate for um. The for um was held in the cafeter ia on Apr il 21 at 11:30 a.m., with only Massaley, Benavidez and Givens par ticipating, then again at 5 p.m., when only Massaley was in attendance. Both sessions of the for um wer e facilitated by I nter-Club Council Adviser and Student Affair s Coordinator L or i Oldham.


should have that infor mation for you by Monday at the latest.? Sometime dur ing May Continuedfrompage1 8, in an online sear ch for infor mation, it was discovAffair s, r esponded to an er ed the website for City emailed inquir y: ?We College was not available.

Although the site was r unning again by May 9, ASG election r esults still had not been posted. As of the publication of this ar ticle, the r esults of the election wer e still unavailable.

look huge and r eally yummy. The other disappointing factor is the shop usually closes befor e 11:30 a.m. Their closing time is based on when they r un out of donuts. So even though they ar e cr anking out a few thousand donuts a day, they still r un out due to their popular ity. Although it is disappointing that they shut down ear ly, that may help limit one?s sugar intake and give them the r est of the day to wor k it off. The

pr ice may help limit your calor ie intake, too, as their donuts sell for $2, $3, and $4. A dozen donuts cost me $31, plus one fr ee. I t?s expensive to tr eat your office to a box of these, but they ar e r eally, r eally good and they ar e r eally, r eally big and they make people look in amazement at them when they see them for the fir st time, so it scor es a lot of points. Tasting them is the best par t.

campus he quickly r ealized he belonged her e. ?The beach br ought me Continuedfrompage12 her e. I was only going to stay for two year s and move to New Yor k to star t in gr aphic design. His pas- a teaching car eer in the sion for teaching wasn?t al- ar ts field ther e. But two ways appar ent for him year s tur ned into 17 and since he or iginally wor ked I 'm still her e. I absolutely for a newspaper in his na- love it,? Hulgin said. tive town of Akr on, Ohio. One of his students Hulgin said he r ealized commented on Hulgin?s after seven year s that the teachings and over all newsr oom wasn?t for him per sona. and he decided to go back ?I ?ve been in a few to school at Ar izona State, dr awing classes befor e but wher e he r eceived his de- his is my favor ite,? Rachel gr ees in the ar ts. He Fetter man said. moved to San Diego after a Fetter man is undecided shor t time of teaching in about her car eer path but Ar izona and after setting enjoys the peace and r elief foot on the City College she r eceives fr om dr awing:

?This a gr eat place for me to unwind. I love the fr eethinking mindset in her e. Hulgin is humor ous but he r eally takes an inter est in ever yone.? Geor ge Abur to is an old student of Hulgin?s, curr ently enr olled in independent studies and club pr esident of City Collective, the ar ts club to which Hulgin is adviser. ?He?s such a big influence on me; he is the r eason I wanted to become a teacher.? Abur to said. ?His passion for teaching and ar t and making sur e his students have the knowledge to make it in the ar t wor ld ... that?s the type of teacher I want to be.?

a local football star was r egar ded as ?the best QB dr aft pr ospect you haven?t Continuedfrompage6 hear d of ? by Bleacher Repor t ear lier this year. to save money, ear n a Chr is Bonner attended scholar ship and move on Gr ossmont College for two to a four- year univer sity. year s, wher e he thr ew What is so bad about hav- near ly 3,000 yar ds in one ing a plan r ather than div- season, and went on to ing str aight into a four- play for Color ado State year univer sity? Univer sity, Pueblo. I t's a People seem to for get Division I I school, but last that NFL super star and year he led the WolfPack cur r ent Gr een Bay Pack- to a National Champier s quar ter back Aar on onship title and was r eRodger s attended Butte cently tr aining towar d his Community College for NFL dr eams on hear ing one year and ear ned him- his name be called. Someself a scholar ship to play how, the local San Diegan for Univer sity of Califor- is over looked by the media nia, Ber keley. he gr ew up watching. The moment he I s it because he played snapped on his CAL Bears community college foothelmet was the moment he ball? Or played for a Divihad the national spotlight sion I I univer sity? on him rather than his year The 6- foot- 7- inch quarat a community college ter back with a r ifle ar m, where he led Butte to a No. however, did not end up 2 National Ranking with a being dr afted after ther e 10-1 record and threw a to- was buzz going ar ound he tal of 26 touchdowns ? six may be a late- r ound dr aft in one game alone. pick by the Denver The 2015 NFL Dr aft Br oncos. concluded in the beginAccor ding to his NFL ning of May and it seemed Dr aft Pr ospect pr ofile, to have slipped thr ough Bonner ?has enough ar m the San Diego media that talent and football intelli-

gence to find his way into a camp,? and I believe once he does and if the dominos fall in his favor to be a star ting QB on an NFL team, the San Diego media will jump on the local star ?s bandwagon as if they knew about him all along. Ther e is talent at the community college level. Her e at City College in 2009, basketball star Malcolm Thomas lit up the scor eboar d for one year and went on to play for SDSU for two seasons, wher e he led the Aztecs to the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tour nament, and although he went undr afted in the NBA, Thomas found himself on NBA teams. But if the media wer e to put the spotlight on him, it would only be on what he did as an Aztec and not as a City Knight. Talent still shines thr ough the community college level ? fr om the field to the cour t, athletes have found success ? but it goes unnoticed to the eyes of the local news media, and the San Diego community.

Continuedfrompage4 College. At the fir st station, attendees lear ned about meditation and the psychological, physical and spir itual benefits of perfor ming five minutes of meditation. I n the second station, attendees discover ed how cr eating expr es-


Eats Continuedfrompage12 I f ther e is a down side to the Donut Bar, it would be that they don't have a r egular jelly donut, which befor e finding this shop, was my favor ite kind of donut. When I asked for one, a cashier and one of the coowner s both r efer r ed me to a str awber r y tar t donut with fr esh fr uit and whip cr eam, so I think I can happily settle for that as they



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Fashion Continuedfrompage12 to see what the pr ices for business suits wer e. ?I decided I was going to find a place that was cheaper. So I went to Salvation Ar my and Goodwill. A consignment will char ge $50 bucks for a suit,? she said. Under standing the pr ices wer en?t exceptional for some of her students, she finally decided to open a secondhand stor e and shar ed it with her fr iends. ?Our or iginal idea was to help the business students. Then we sor t of br oadened it out,? said Mar ie Disnew, an administr ative assistant. Anyone can pur chase clothing and accessor ies at Fantastique. L er oy Br ady, business communication instr uctor, explained that many skills ar e taught to students. However, ther e was one aspect that was left out and needed to be taught. ?We teach people how to wr ite their r esume, different styles of r esume, we teach them how to gr eet people in inter views, and pr etty much how to act. ? What the dean looked at is we?r e missing one par t,? he said. The instr uctor s and students who established the boutique scr ambled ar ound to get clothing thr ough collections and donations. With the help of

L aMur aglia?s colleagues, Mission Beach Women?s Club and along with other s, Fantastique was able to have enough items in shop for the spr ing semester. ?We got tr ucks of stuff. These women ar e wives of r etir ed Navy officer s, and they have money and donated it. By December, we had enough clothes to sell (for the semester ). We didn?t have Fantastique, we had four walls. We had to get stuff. The teacher s and myself wer e r ecr uiting and collecting stuff and we got it,? L aMur aglia said. L aMur aglia told donor s ever ything was going to students and she wouldn?t pr ofit off anything sold. ?? And the people who donated, we told them what they wer e doing. I t?s going to students in need. We pr omise that we won?t make this into a moneymaking invention.? Br ady elabor ated on what the students lear n while inter ning in the stor e: ?(Students lear n) customer ser vice skills, cr itical thinking skills, pr oblem solving; ther e?s pur chasing, inventor y contr ol. We?ve had a lot of students as a r esult of this get jobs because students have those r equir ed skills.? Jhon- Vincent Malasig has been a student in the business pr ogr am for one year. He and sever al other students inter n in the boutique. He explained daily


technicians. This pr ovided ample oppor tunities for qualified students. ?Helping students pr epar e for jobs in an incr easingly competitive labor mar ket is a vital component of City College?s mission,? City College Pr esident Anthony Beebe commented in the pr ess r elease. ?This latest funding

will enable us to continue pr ogr ams that have pr oven successful.? The funding is pr ovided by the Califor nia Community Colleges Chancellor ?s Office thr ough the Doing What Matter s for Jobs and the Economy Pr ogr am. The pr ogr ams will be funded thr ough Dec. 31.


cater pillar blooming into wings of a butter fly. Songs like ?I nstitutionalized,? ?These Walls,? and ?U? exemplifies the cocoon stage, wher e r ealizing changes ar e to come, ther e is a constant internal battle that fights itself and outside influences. ?U? is a manic twist of inner str uggle with the album?s fir st look at L amar ?s own depr ession. The song br eaks into L amar being stuck in a hotel r oom, and full of selfloathing and insecur ities. The tur ning points of the album takes cour se in the song ?Alr ight,? pr oduced by Phar r ell Williams and Sounwave, wher e L amar seeks r efuge in his negative inter nal thoughts. ?Momma,? pr oduced by Knxwledge and Taz Ar nold, channels a r ebir th in L amar. ?Momma? r epr esents either Compton or his r oots in Afr ica, with both giving optimism a r ight of way, and lyr ically

being accompanied by the mor e upbeat gr ooves of the entir e album. The sur pr ise comes in the final tr ack, ?Mor tal Man,? as L amar goes back in for th asking questions to one of his gr eatest influences in Tupac Shakur. L amar r eflects back on his ongoing concer ns he tells in the album and wonder s what Shakur has to say. The final verse reads like a poem and has L amar reciting words from a good friend writing how he envisions L amar?s world. ?Wings begin to emer ge, br eaking the cycle of feeling stagnant. Finally fr ee, the butter fly sheds light on situations that the cater pillar never consider ed, ending the inter nal str uggle. Although the butter fly and cater pillar ar e completely different, they ar e one and the same.? This is wher e the stor y about the cater pillar ends and the explor ation of the butter fly tr uly begins.

books that we've been able to buy and hand out during Fr ee Comic Book Day Continuedfrompage9 and a lot of publisher s ar e getting involved. ... We and some offer cheaper have mor e cosplayer s to back issues and other keep people excited while items to anyone who visits they?r e in line.? ?I expect it to get bigger their establishments. Rober t Scott, owner of and cr azier with mor e, and COMI CKAZE, said of how publisher s star ting out Comic Book Day has and getting involved and changed and what he ex- making books available to pects next year : ?I t hasn?t us,? Scott said. Fr ee Comic Book Day r eally changed a whole lot; it seems mor e people ar e also gives childr en the just excited about it; we?ve chance to explor e new had each year dozens of ways of r eading. San Diego

mom Mar ci L ucas said: ?I think it?s impor tant for them to r ead comics because it keeps their interest while they ar e r eading and it helps boost their r eading skills and intr oduces them to new wor ds that they might not see ever yday in textbooks and even other libr ar y books.? Most par ticipants agr eed that Fr ee Comic Book Day has been par t of a healthier comics mar ket and gr owing comic book sales over the last sever al year s.

duties the inter ns have: ?We ir on, we r ear r ange the clothes, we put them in the Continuedfrompage4 cir culation, we sell them to anyone who wants to buy clothes.? Ever y Wednes- ar r anged for job supplier s day, Fantastique sells ca- to conduct on- campus insual clothing in the AH/BT ter views in Febr uar y and quad for $1 or $2 each. Mar ch to fill mor e than 250 This semester, the em- local positions, r anging ployee agency Manpower fr om administr ative assisvisited City College twice tants to manufactur ing to r ecr uit students for wor k. The inter ns in Fantatique assisted students with clothing for the interviews Manpower conducted. I f students needed Continuedfrompage13 gr ooming, they wer e sent to Cosmetology. ?We helped (students) featur es funk god Geor ge with a fr ee outfit. I f they Clinton, and Thunder cat. wer e not dr essed pr oper ly, The song title is based on we suggested you go to the actor Wesley Snipes, who stor e for clothes,? student ser ved a thr ee- year jail inter n Mar ia Gutier r ez sentence for tax fr aud. said. L aMur aglia empha- L amar mingles with the sized that although Fantas- theor y of how black ar tists tique str etches its hand out like Snipes ar e pimped to a few students, she by the enter tainment inwishes to do mor e for stu- dustr y. While fame can benefit with mor e money dents in time. ?Our (college) pr esident thr ough one?s talent, the is r eally big on social jus- cost in spending in luxur itice, and this is our way to ous for m ends with Uncle say we ar e par t of it, too. Sam. As the album unfolds, Social justice can be defined in many differ ent concepts about the tr avel ways. The r eality of it is so- of the cater pillar ar e r eitcial justice is the little er ated. As L amar comthings," she said. ?I wish I par es himself as the a could do all the big things ?peasant, to a pr ince, to a but I ?m not ther e yet. So we mother f* * * ing king,? in have to star t with the little the album's thir d single ?King Kunta.? Coming things: food, clothing.? Fantastique is open fr om the str eets of CompMonday thr ough Thur sday, ton and r ising to hip-hop?s and will be open dur ing elite, this stage for eshadows, fr om L amar as a lone summer classes.


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I n the middle of Apr il, befor e the tour nament began, both head coaches for the men?s and women?s team, Br andon L upian and Jami Jones, expr essed that they wer e ver y pr oud of the season and wer e happy they had player s that qualified for the tour nament. The men?s team finished their season with an over all r ecor d of 5-16 and a Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence r ecor d of 4-10.

For the women?s team, they finished their season with an over all r ecor d of 49 and a confer ence r ecor d of 4-8. Both coaches and also player s fr om both teams noted thr oughout the season that almost all of the player s on the team ar e fr eshmen. Combined, ther e ar e 17 fr eshmen tennis player s which only means that next season, the Knights will be looking to go fur ther.

Comets wer e able to get four mor e r uns against Knights star ting pitcher Micela Ross. With an 11- 0 lead, Taylor made the pitching change and fr eshman I vana Gonzalez came in. Although Gonzalez was able to send some str ong pitches down the line, it wasn?t enough as the Comets had the upper hand at the plate and wer e able to get on base. Gonzalez allowed two mor e r uns in the thir d inning and the Comets went on to win and added another win to their 33- 3- 1 over all r ecor d and 17- 1 PCAC r ecor d. I t was not the season the Knights had in mind, but as sophomor e outfielder Char lotte Guer r er o expr essed, over the cour se of the season, the team?s chemistr y definitely impr oved.

?I feel like in the beginning of the season (our chemistr y) was a little cliquey, but towar ds the end we definitely came together str ong and finished as one cohesive unit,? Guer r er o said. ?Ever y single gir l on my team impr oved. ? They impr oved fr om their r ange, to their ar m str ength, to just having better at bats but unfor tunately that wasn?t r eflected in our winloss r ecor d but I know it as a coach and hopefully they know it as player s,? Taylor added. Taylor went on to say the nine fr eshmen on the team wer e able to get valuable playing time thr oughout the year and with the incoming r ecr uits for next season, she hopes the 2016 season will be able to r eflect the talent on the team mor e positively.

seven hits after facing 26 batter s thr ough seven innings of play. Continuedfrompage18 ?Coach pr etty much just told me ?go out and do baseman Gabr iel Santana what you do best,?? Peeler went thr ee for thr ee with said. ?I am going to miss two doubles, an RBI and a these guys. We battled and r un. Sophomor es Ray went thr ough some adJones and Joe L avin each ver sity ? these guys ar e r ecor ded an RBI , as well. the best and I love them The Knights star ting all.? pitcher, sophomor e Kyle ?We r eally came toPeeler, br ought the heat gether as a team. We finfr om the mound as he ished str ong and on a good r ecor ded four str ikeouts note as ever yone conand allowed one r un off of tr ibuted and the guys who

don?t r eally get to play got a chance to and they came out and pr oved themselves which was awesome to see,? sophomor e shor tstop Ricky Kliebenstein said. The Knights will hopefully have their 19 fr eshmen r etur n and compete for the top spot in the PCAC, as Peeler expr essed that the team has a lot of talent and knows with the coaching staff and new r ecr uits the team will impr ove and will be r eady for next season.

but that smile I have when chasing it is wor th ever y bit of this time. I t?s wor th r unning up steps in mar athon wonder ing if the teacher will str ap a shell to your back in r ound two. I t?s wor th to laugh at your teammates jokes as we'r e switching suffer ings. We smile because ther e is mor e to lear n. Following him, a master who posed victor in r ings like this one and in those photos on the wall. The belts ar e ther e, sur e, but the smile he had during the times he won or

the one has on while he taught this whole mor ning. That?s what ever y wr apped hand her e chases. When that loud ping echoes inside and outside to the entir e B Str eet. Ever ything after r olling out seemed easy, hitting old Windy?s upstair s and downstair s. Running up those steps, taking cr unches and speed bags. I t?s amazing what a smile can car r y you thr ough. I n mor e places than one, we all lear ned that in this city.


The No. 3 doubles team for Knights wer e fr eshmen Melissa Gomez and L ydia Teal. They had a bye in the fir st r ound but lost in the second r ound (6- 4; 6- 3) against fr eshmen Vivian Dao and Savannah Hayes fr om City College of San Fr ancisco.

Knights Continuedfrompage20 four hits ver sus Palomar ?s 16. The Knights wer e unable to find their gr oove out on the field offensively and defensively as they r ecor ded some cr ucial err or s that allowed a few r uns to slip by at home plate. I n the fir st inning with a 2- 0 lead, Palomar ?s Kr istina Car bajal cr anked a thr ee- r un home r un to give the Comets a comfor table 5- 0 lead. Following Car bajal?s home r un, in the second inning, Palomar ?s Kali Pugh homer ed one to left field to add two mor e onto the scor eboar d. With a 7- 0 lead, the Comets continued their hot- hitting at the plate in the thir d inning. The


City Continuedfrompage18 this her e befor e they went on to have a fight of the year. They did this all her e at City Boxing. I n this r ing, all of us dr op sweat on. I f they can for m themselves in her e, so can all of us her e. I want to lear n mor e fr om this man I can?t beat. Who decides to laugh instead of clobber if he chooses too. I t?s not easy,


Meb Continuedfrompage20 his fr eshman year so he could be ahead among his peer s and missed tr aining with teammates over the summer because of classes. Keflezighi explained he didn't hang out with fr iends much and missed social gather ings because he was bur ied in books. But he was academically dr iven and didn't want to gr aduate as just an athlete, but as an intelligent human being, also. Thr oughout his pr esentation, he spoke about the motivational aspects not only found in r unning but in life. ?When you can?t get fir st in the r ace or get an A in the class, you still have to wor k har d to get the B or C whatever to pass the class. Going the extr a mile and do the best you can; I always say r un to win. That doesn?t always mean in fir st place, but get the best out for your self in whatever you do,? Keflezighi said. ?Be patient, wor k har d, believe in yourself and gr eat things will happen as long as you do

it for the r ight r eason.? ?He touched on the same kinds of things people deal with over coming adver sity, per sever ance, har d wor k, we all can r elate to that,? said cr oss countr y Head Coach Paul Gr eer, who hir ed Keflezighi in 2000 to be an assistant coach. ?We had a lot of students today and they ar en?t athletes, may not know what a distance of what a mar athon is. I t?s not in their wor ld, we didn?t expect that. But we took a man who is the best in that wor ld, br ought him her e to San Diego City College wher e he can talk about some of the life skills that ar e r equir ed in life for all of us.? ?He came fr om beginnings, his family and him came fr om a war that tor e a countr y apar t and wher e they had to liter ally escape for their lives. Can you imagine what adver sity that is? I n many ways our students deal with adversity. Maybe not in the same pictur e as escaping fr om war- tor n countr ies, but they all come fr om differ ent cultur es that all have a stor y,? Gr eer added. ?He just opened up a door for me like how

thankful we gotta be. My family?s fr om Mexico, and I was bor n and r aised her e. I t?s just inspir ing; some people haven?t cr ossed bor der lines. And it touched my hear t how he was motivational,? City College student Omar Ceballos said. Keflezighi won the 2009 New Yor k Mar athon and the 2014 Boston Mar athon and became the fir st Amer ican man to win since 1982 and 1983, r espectively. Keflezighi became a natur alized citizen of the United States in 1998. He also ear ned silver for the United States in 2004 in the Olympic Finals Mar athon. Keflezighi went on to say that that the 5:20 mile he r an in junior high was a sign that he was put on this Ear th to be a r unner. He r ealized not ever yone is a r unner but continued to expr ess the impor tance to the cr owd, whether it?s a differ ent spor t or in a differ ent car eer, that each individual is meant to do something gr eat in their life. He said it isn?t about winning; it is about doing the best you can at your spor t, or your passion, that makes you happy.



www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015

Survival in the City Editor ?s note: This is the second installment of a two-part series on City Boxing. All the time I ?ve spent watching stor ies center in a r ing, be it car toons, boxing, MMA or Pr ofessional Wr estling, and yet it?s still har d for me to figur e out how to get in this white r ing. I tr y to hop but it?s taller than I thought. For get r unning in and sliding under the r opes. This would take an effor t. This would take a stumble. When I get it r ight, it?s incr edible to r oll in. I bounce in time to the Daft Punk beats I keep in the head for footwor k Mark Elliott pr actice. When I stand fully for med in it I r ealize it doesn?t have that much give if you wer e to fall. I t has only enough to wake a falling body. That or keep it down. I hope to dr aw a contender ; I ?m fr esh enough to spar. We won?t go hog wild, it?s mor e than two of us in this r ing. The thr ill is still r eal though. I get to be up against a r ope, play with angles I could only see inside four sides of r opes. Coach though has me wor king the pads and chasing him. A teammate never makes me fr eeze. A coach always does, though. Especially one I haven?t pr oven anything to ? no matter how gentle in spir it they ar e. To any fool peer ing thr ough the window maybe thinking I ?m the one walking him down, but in

the r eality of that r ing, I ?m tr ying to keep up with him. The punches I land he saw coming, and did no damage. Mor e of them in our time wer e inches off for him to swats. I can?t tell if I ?m supposed to pr ess him or mix up my shots. I t?s his speech, he?s har d to under stand when he gives a command. I got to r eally make this up as I go. His char acter is fr iendly so I know I ?m not being punished or in hazed, still I ?m wonder ing if it?s jab, cr oss, level change or movement that he instr ucts. When I do under stand him per fectly is when he laughs. I want to laugh to but he isn?t even tr ying to avoid my punches. All it is for him as a step. A step, a gr in and my punches take mor e out of me then it did for him. All when I thought myself to be conser ving ener gy. I t?s down to ever y br eath in the r ing. I t keeps fr om being lost in the poster s collection that I spin in fr ont of. I t?s easy to get confused and tr y to shake him off with the ?get off of me!?combo. That showed panic though. What he wanted though was contr ol ? that?s what his movements said. The humor he oozed confir med it. To summon cour age in these br eaths I must keep it to the simple fact that I was invited and that makes me endur e. Gilber t Melendez and Diego Sanchez did


See CITY, page 17

(Top) Sophomoreoutfielder RayJonesstealssecondbase. (Bottomleft toright) Sophomorestartingpitcher KylePeeler isabout tothrowapitchdownthelineagainst abatter for Mt. SanJacintoCollegeandfreshmanChristianBroussard hitstheball onApril 24 at MorleyFieldduringthefinal gameof theseasonfor theKnights. PhotosbyDAVIDPRADELCity Times

Furious Knights take down Eagles By DAVIDPRADEL City Times

SOFTBALL Sophomores Katie Dowdy and Amanda Diaz were named to the 2015 California Community College Fastpitch Coaches (3CFCA) Academic All-State Team. Freshman third baseman Alex Galatis was selected to the All-Pacific Coast Athletic Conference 1st Team.

BASEBALL Sophomores Ray Jones and Cory Russell were selected to the All-PCAC 1st Team. Source: Athletics Dept.


Thr ough nine str ong innings of play, the San Diego City College Knights baseball team got the job done on the mound and at the plate as they defeated Mt. San Jacinto College 6-3 on Apr il 24 to end their season with a 1419 over all r ecor d and an 8-16 Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence r ecor d. ?I t was gr eat ? we all competed and it was a good pick-up fr om last game because we lost 2-1 (against Mt. San Jacinto College) and it was just a battle so it was nice to come out guns blazing and get on top quick. ? I am r eally pr oud of ever yone,? sophomor e catcher Cor y Russell said. The Knights wer e able to

scor e four r uns in the second inning and followed with two mor e r uns in the four th. Fr om then on with the scor e at 6- 1, the Knights wer e in contr ol and wer e in r hythm on offense and defense. The player s wer e catching all that went their way and at the plate, the Knights wer e hitting str ong to move r unner s over or wer e smar t to not hit at all and get the walk. With the win in the team?s last game of the season, the Knights capped off their season by winning the last five out of six games against I mper ial Valley College and Mt. San Jacinto College. The Knights found themselves in a seasonal slump midway thr ough the season but wer e able to over come a 13game losing str eak to finish

their season off str ong and, as Russell expr essed, the sophomor es on the team didn?t focus on the teams win- losses but r ather wer e focused on going out and giving it their all each game. ?I t was a hell of a r ide. ? Ever y single one of these guys did their best. They went out and gave it their all and left their emotion on the field, their hear t on the field and as a leader on this team I am so pr oud of ever y one of them and it was a gr eat way to go out with the W,? Russell added. I n the victor y against the Eagles, Russell was able to hit two doubles, dr ove in two r uns and scor ed a r un at four at bats for the Knights. Sophomor e thir d

See FURIOUS, page 17

May 12, 2015 | www.sdcitytimes.com



(Top) Sophomore Gina Niph reaches out for the birdie on April 22 at the Harry West Gym against Mesa College, where the Knights won 17-4 and clinched the Pacific Coast ConferenceChampionship title. (Top right) Head Coach Son Nguyen talks to his teamduring the Southern CaliforniaPlayoff match against PasadenaCollegeon April 29. TheKnights went on to win the SoCal Title by defeating the Lancers 11-10 to advance to the State match. (Far right) Sophomore Cassandra Ka and (near right) sophomore Trinh Lang reach out to hit thebirdieduringthematchagainst Pasadenaat theHarry West Gym. Photos by DAVIDPRADELCity Times wer e hoping to win didn?t win. So at the end, it came down to (Ka and Niph) and knowing that they had to Continuedfrompage1 win it. They pushed themselves to the max and wer e diving all over the as the Knights wer e down cour t to win,? Nguyen said. 10- 9 and all the eyes wer e I n the beginning of the on the No. 1 doubles team team match, both teams for City College, Niph and wer e tied at thr ee after the Ka. fir st r ound of singles. For ?I was shaking so much the Knights, fr eshman and I was wor r ied about Thao L e defeated Hsiao my teammates as well be- (21- 13, 15- 21, 24- 22). Ka cause it all came down to also got a win by defeating our game,? Ka said. sophomor e Aileen Ngo (25With the hopes of win- 23, 21- 5) and fr eshman ning the State Title on Shessir a Par edes also won their shoulder s, Niph and a match for the Knights afKa wer e able to pull ter defeating sophomor e thr ough by beating De Helen Fu (21-14, 21-19). Anza's top pair sophomor e After the fir st r ound of Alice L iu and fr eshman doubles, the Knights wer e Megan Hsiao (17-21, 25-23, down 6-5 with the only win 24-26). coming fr om Niph and I t was an intense match Ka as they defeated Fu between the two No. 1 dou- and sophomor e Jennifer bles team wher e in the fi- Chan (21-12, 21-9). nal set, it was back and Being down only by a for th with ties at 18, 19, 20, point, the Knights wer e 21, 22, 23 and 24. able to bounce back and ?We had a game plan take a 9- 8 lead after the going in but natur ally it second r ound of the sindidn?t go the way we gles matches. Niph, Ka, wanted it to go because Par edes and fr eshman (our ) doubles team we Tr inh L ang each got a win.


L ang won her match by defeating fr eshman Anh Pham (21-17, 21-11). Enter ing the final r ound of the match and the second r ound of doubles, all City College needed was to win one match. However, like Coach Nguyen expr essed ear lier, the doubles team he thought would get the win did not. L e and Par edes

Niph and Ka got the victor y in the team?s seventh state championship appear ance under Coach Nguyen and ear ned the team?s fifth title. Not only did they achieve the State Title but capped off the 2015 season with an 8-0 r ecor d. ?I t was so emotional. ? I was thinking I need to do this for (Coach Nguyen),

?We wanted to win this and we did for (Coach Nguyen) mostly because it is his last year at City.? Gina Niph, badminton player lost to Fu and Chan (21-15, 11- 21, 21- 18) and as Niph and Ka wer e battling it out ? the Knights wer e down suddenly 10-9. ?I t was scar y because it could?ve gone either way ... and I guess our gir ls didn?t want to give up because they stayed aggr essive the whole entir e time and we pulled it off,? Nguyen added.

for the team and it?s my last year ? I didn?t think I was going to be this emotional and I don?t know what to say ? I am so happy,? Ka added. Nguyen expr essed that he was ner vous befor e going into the state match because the week befor e making the tr ip to I r vine, the team did not pr actice due to finals week.

?De Anza College always has good player s and so going into the match our gir ls had to study a lot so they had no time to pr actice and I was ner vous because they wer en?t well pr epar ed,? Nguyen added. The time off the cour t may have been for the best as the Knights wer e able to r est and heal their injur ies. Ear lier in the year befor e the season began, Niph expr essed that the team was focused on coming back to the state match after losing to the Dons two year s in a r ow. She pr edicted if the team puts the effor t in they will be back at the state match and win it all ? and she was r ight. ?All the har d wor k at pr actice and at the (confer ence) matches definitely paid off. We wanted to win this and we did for (Coach Nguyen) mostly because it is his last year at City,? Niph said. I n near ly 10 year s at City, Nguyen has led the Knights badminton team to be a power house pr o-

gr am in the state. Since taking over in 2006, Nguyen has led the team to an impr essive 84-7 r ecor d and eight conference championship titles and five state championship titles. Accor ding to Nguyen, he will be going back to Vietnam to continue coaching and stay with his family. Nguyen has had one of the most successful coaching car eer s in the histor y of the City College athletics pr ogr am. His assistant coach, Dar by Dupr at, who is a for mer City Knight, will take over as head coach, accor ding to Nguyen. ?I t means a lot to me that the gir ls wanted to win it for me, and you know, even if they didn?t win, it was going to be fine because we made it to the state match, and I told them, too, ?win or lose it doesn?t matter as long as you have fun and play well,? but they r eally wanted to win since last year and this year they wer e able to take it home,? Nguyen said.


www.sdcitytimes.com | May 12, 2015


Comets crush Knights Softball teamloses toPalomar College in final game of theseason By DAVIDPRADEL City Times

2014 BostonMarathonwinner, MebKeflezighi tellsthestoryof whenhefirst startedrunninginjunior highonMay7at theHarryWest Gym. DAVIDPRADELCity Times

The first mile of marathon Meb By FRANCHESCAWALKER and DAVIDPRADEL City Times ?One day I saw people r unning, and thought why ar e those people r unning? They?r e cr azy. They?r e not chasing anything (like in) soccer. ? That was the fir st time I was intr oduced to r unning.? As a young kid, Meb Keflezighi witnessed people r unning at Mor ley Field for the fir st time when he was in junior high. I t wasn?t until later that he ditched the soccer cleats and discover ed his talent of r unning

fast. Keflezighi said it all began dur ing PE class, wher e he was motivated to not only get an A but get fir st place among his classmates to r eceive a t-shir t. ?To get the t-shir t you had to r un six minutes and 18 seconds for the mile ? so I r an as har d as I (could) and I got five minutes and 20 seconds,? Keflezighi said. I mmediately after saying this, laughter echoed thr oughout the Har r y West Gym as a cr owd of students, faculty, staff and the gener al public listened closely to a man who is normally seen r unning mar athons

talk about his ear ly childhood, his r unning car eer and what it takes to achieve your goals. Keflezighi was on campus for the talk on May 7. ?The PE teacher said, 'You?r e going to go to the Olympics,?but ? I didn?t know what the Olympics wer e,? Keflezighi added. After getting fir st place, he made fr iends and was able to lear n English by communicating with them and taking ESL classes. ?I wanted to be the No. 1 at San Diego High School,? Keflezighi said.

However, his two older br other s wer e better r unner s at the time in school, but when both faced injur ies, he became No. 1. He became CI F champion in his junior year and senior year, which led him to a full scholarship to Univer sity of Califor nia, L os Angeles in 1994. ?Academics came fir st befor e athletics even though the scholar ship was for athletics; I never wanted to be seen as just an athlete when gr aduating,? Keflezighi said. He took summer cour ses in

Five r uns in the fir st inning, two r uns in the second, six mor e in the thir d and one mor e r un in the fifth and the game is called with a 14-0 Palomar College lead and no signs of the Knights softball team getting back in it ? the Comets hand the Knights a loss in their final game of the season on Apr il 21. ?A ver y tough way to go out,? said softball Head Coach L eeAnn Taylor. Against one of the top teams in the state, the Knights finished their season with a 928 over all r ecor d and a 3- 15 Pacific Coast Athletic Conference r ecor d. ?Our win- loss r ecor d is completely disappointing. I per sonally don?t think it r epr esents the talent that we have on this team but number s don?t lie, so it is what it is,? Taylor continued. I n the game alone, the Knights r ecor ded a total of

See KNIGHTS, page 17 See MEB, page 17

?Take you down to the tennis courts? Knightstennisteamsfinish season after competingin theStateTournament

By DAVIDPRADEL City Times The San Diego City College men?s and women?s tennis teams?season came to an end on Apr il 23 after having a combined 11 player s competing in the 2015 Califor nia Community College Athletic Association State Championship Tour nament in Ojai.

For the men?s tennis team, they had thr ee doubles team qualify for the tour nament. The men?s No. 1 doubles team, fr eshmen Dale Gutierr ez and L ogan Rinder, won their opening match (6-1; 6-0) against the fr eshmen fr om Fr esno City College, Austyn Postler and I saiah Tr ujil. I n the second r ound, Gutier r ez and Rinder lost (4-6; 6- 1; 10- 6) to Cer r itos College sophomor e doubles team Amadi Kagoma and Henr y Ayesiga. The No. 2 doubles team for the men?s team, sophomor es Ger man Ziella and David L in, lost in the fir st r ound (6-0; 6-1)

against Saddleback College fr eshmen doubles team, Kian Saidi and Vance L a. Also competing for the Knights men?s tennis team wer e fr eshmen Dominic Villamor and Raymond Cabellegan. I n the fir st r ound, Villamor and Cabellegan lost (61; 6- 1) to River side City College fr eshmen team, Antoine Voisin and Gr ady Har r ell. For the women?s team, they had a total of five player s that qualified for the tour nament. Which featur ed two singles player s and two doubles team. The No. 1 singles player for the Knights, fr eshman Br ianna Hooks, lost in the fir st

r ound to fr eshman Savannah Hayes fr om City College of San Fr ancisco, (4- 6; 6- 2; 6-4). The No. 2 singles player, fr eshman Jor dann Freshmen Jordann Hernandez (left) and Her nandez, lost (6- 2; 6DominicVillamor reachout tohit theball. 2) in the PhotosbyDAVIDPRADELCity Times fir st r ound against lost (6-2; fr eshman (6- 2; 6-0) 6- against Mar cela Massaglia and cela Maddie Seeds Cor al I mhoff fr om Santa Rosa 0) against Mar Massaglia fr omMaddie SantaSeeds Bar fr bar a Santa City Junior College. and om College. I n the doubles r ound, the Bar bar a City College. No. 1 doubles team, Hooks See TENNIS, page 17 and fr eshman L ily Yamauchi,

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