NEWS: Warren in Downtown SD Page 2
LIFE: Transfer Prep Page 4
City Times
Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945
Volume 74, Issue 2
October 22, 2019
LEARNINGTOGIVEBACK Ci ty College students, fa culty volunteer dur i ng a nnua l w eek of ser vi ce B Y L ACE Y STE FANO Staff Writer ity College Week of Ser vice participants volunteered at Father Joe?s Villages on Thursday to help feed homeless people in need. Jacob Chacon, a Week of Ser vice volunteer, had his hands full with plating food for the steady demand. ?We?re helping ser ve meals and help throughout the kitchen,? Chacon said. ?I signed up because I feel like we need to give back to the community. It?s a ver y humbling experience.? The event was led by mathematics professor Dr. Rob Rubalcaba with a team of Umoja club members and other City College students. ?Homelessness is a real serious issue on all community college campuses, including ours,? Rubalcaba said. According to the San Diego Community College District, 21% of City College students do not have a stable place to live. ?It was just a really amazing experience for me and for them to really
just give back to the community," he said. The cafeteria had a line out the door as people waited for a meal, ser ved by eager volunteers. ?It?s more than just about ser ving food," Rubalcaba said. "It?s about ser ving dignity, it?s about welcomeness and just open ar ms.? The group of volunteers were busy ser ving food, passing out plates and helping disabled attendees. The assembly line setup helped the crew get through the long line efficiently, having plates ready to go as people came to get them. ?I?ve had students that were homeless, even in this shelter. To watch them thrive even despite all of the obstacles that they have is amazing,? Rubalcaba said. ?It?s an honor to be here tonight and to ser ve and to welcome other City College students as well.? For anyone looking to volunteer in the future, you can visit the student affairs office for information about volunteer oppor tunities. San Diego City College students
San Diego Cit y College st udent s volunt eer at Fat her Joe's Village ser ving meals t o people facing homelessness dur ing t he annual Week of Ser vice. Phot o by Lacey St efano/ City Times
facing homelessness can visit the EOPS office to gain information about financial aid oppor tunities, refer rals to shelters and access to shower
facilities. Said Rubalcaba: ?They?re welcome to have their home be at City College.?
Dr . Ler oy Br ady displays a flier for t he new Business of Cannabis cour se. Phot o by Jade Benn/ City Times
n r esponse to the boom in the legal cannabis industr y, San Diego City College has cr eated a fir st- of- itskind class for a Califor nia community college. Called Business of Cannabis, the twounit cour se will be offer ed for the fir st time this fall. BUS 145 will be a par tially online cour se. Students will have the oppor tunity to lear n the for mation, histor y and business of cannabis star ting on Nov. 5. ?The goal of this is not to entice anyone to smoke cannabis, buy cannabis, but to show them the business possibilities in that field since it is legal in Califor nia,? said Dr. L er oy Br ady, chair of City?s business depar tment. The estimated total of legal- mar ket jobs in the cannabis industr y in 2019 is 340,000, gr owing to 743,000 by 2025, accor ding to New Fr ontier Data, which tr acks cannabis industr y data and analytics. Br ady, who will also teach the class, has invited guest speaker s to pr esent, including Fiona Ma, the Califor nia State Tr easur er. ?This is a business and people need to
know ther e ar e business opportunities,? Br ady said. Mar keting the new class star ted earlier this month. I nitially only wor d- ofmouth, flyer s went out last week and the class was listed on the official cour se schedule. ?I want as many students as I can get,? Br ady said. ?I want people excited to lear n about it and get into it and do r eally well.? Twenty- nine people have alr eady enr olled in the cour se, Br ady said, including some faculty and cur r ent City students. Br ady could not confir m how or if financial aid would cover the cour se. ?One of the things people need to know is, we need to invest in ourselves,? Br ady said. ?Just like pr oducts and clothes. So know that paying $92 is wor th expanding your mind.? The five- week cour se will be hosted fr om 6- 9:50 p.m. on Tuesdays thr ough Dec. 10. Br ady said he also hopes to offer the class again multiple times in the spr ing. ?I ?m not tr ying to per suade people one way or another,? Br ady said. ?I ?m just tr ying to pr esent infor mation. You make your decision.?
2 | October 22, 2019
CITYTIMES, LEGENDWINNERS ATSOCALJACC B Y D I ANGE L A VE RAS Managing Editor he City Times staff left Cal State Fuller ton with a victor y over the weekend. At the Jour nalism Association of Community College Souther n Califor nia Confer ence, the staff took home seven awar ds for its achievements, including two gener al excellence awar ds for the City Times news website and L egend magazine. Copy Editor Scott Gar dinier was also r ecognized and won thir d place for the on- the- spot copy editing contest. Spor ts Editor Vicky Pineda ear ned an honor able mention awar d for her featur e on City College alum David Pr adel on his jour ney with the Knights basketball team. For mer City Times staff Nadia Madkin, David Ahumada and Elizabeth Ver meulen also ear ned awar ds that night for their contr ibutions to the City Times newspaper and L egend magazine.
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Elizabet h War r en speaks t o t he media, including Cit y Times and Newscene, aft er her San Diego t own hall. Phot o by Vicky Pineda/ City Times
ALOOKBACK: COVERINGWARREN?STOWNHALL City Times and Newscene reflect on their experience B Y SCOTT GARD I NI E R Copy Editor r esidential candidate Elizabeth War r en held a town hall in San Diego in ear ly October, and City Times and Newscene took on the task of live r epor ting fr om the event. Students fr om both platfor ms collabor ated, for ming a r epor ting team stationed at the Massachusetts senator ?s event in Water fr ont Par k and a pr oduction team back at City College. They wor ked together to pr ovide live updates and to complete an article that night summar izing the event. Despite expected pr oblems with Wi-Fi at the par k, the students managed to stay in dir ect communication thr oughout the event. Repor ting live on the War r en
P October 22, 2019 | Volume74, Number 2
Social MediaEditor Graphic Designer
Copy Editor
JadeBenn, EduardoEspinosade
ANGEL CAZARES ArtsandCultureEditor
PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly(1949-1978), City Times(1978-present). IncorporatingnewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl &Flicks. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproduced asalearningexperienceunder SanDiegoCityCollege?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethesole responsibilityof thestudentsandshouldnot beinterpreted tobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficersor employees.
Studentsinterested injoiningthestaff of theCityTimes shouldenroll inDigital Journalism(DJRN) 210, Reporting losMonterosFunck, Mikal Garcia, andEditing. Thecourseisoffered inboth thefall andthe Madai Gurrola, Aurora springacademic terms. Studentsmayalsocontributeto Ruvalcaba, Lacey Stefano, Valerie theCityTimes throughanapproved honorscontract Vizcarra. experience.
town hall was an enr iching exper ience for City Times and Newscene students who wer e wor king next to, and competing with, paid pr ofessionals like CNN and ABC. L acey Stefano and Melisa Cabello- Cuahutle, both fir stsemester City Times staff member s, did not let the cr owd size or cr edentials scar e them away as they succeeded in locating sever al City College students among a cr owd of thousands. ?I t was a little bit over whelming because ther e wer e all these pr ofessionals that you see on the news that you aspir e to be one day, and you wer e r ight next to them,? Cabello- Cuahutle said. ?I was not awar e that I would be so close to (War r en). I could touch her, but I didn?t!? City Times and Newscene r e-
por ter s at town hall sent infor mation to be edited and uploaded by the r emaining team at City College. After the event concluded, the students r eunited at City College to finish their ar ticle and do a little celebr ating. I t was Sonny Gar ibay?s fir st time leading such a lar ge event with the staff this semester. ?I felt like it was going to be a lot of wor k, and it was, but I was r eally comfor table with the team,? the City Times Editor- in- Chief said. ?I am ver y happy for what we got with our effor t.? City Times published its ar ticle just past midnight as a sur pr ised janitor was making his way thr ough the door. With a job well- done, City Times and Newscene staff went home to r est up and pr epar e for their next pr oject.
Duringthefall 2019 semester, theCity Timeswill publish Howtoreachus: onlineregularly, or as newsbreaks, CityTimes startingTuesday, Aug. 20. SanDiegoCityCollege 1313 Park Blvd. | San Diego, CA92101 Newsroom: L-117 TheCity Timeswill publishamonthlyprint editions throughout thefall term, startinginSeptember. Legend E-mail: magazinewill publishonceinNovember.
Memberships: Signedopinions arethoseof theindividual writersand do JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges not necessarily represent thoseof theentirenewspaper CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation staff, City Collegeadministration, facultyandstaff or the Associated CollegiatePress SanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Board of Trustees. CaliforniaNewspaper Publishers Association Letterstotheeditor: Letterstotheeditor arewelcome, 250 wordsor less. The staff reserves theright toedit for grammar, spelling, Designedentirely inthe punctuationandlength.
CITYNEWS | October 22, 2019
CAFETERIA FACINGMORE DELAYS B Y A NGE L CAZARE S Arts & Entertainment Editor n an email to City Times, the San Diego Community College Distr ict confir med that a contr act has now been signed for the installation of kitchen equipment in the cafeter ia. However, due to delays in the deliver y of a portion of the equipment, the opening of the cafeter ia will be pushed back fur ther. ?Oper ationally, once the equipment is installed, the Health Depar tment will need to appr ove the site to r eopen,? Manis wr ote in the email. While it is possible that students may see limited fr esh food options by December, it is mor e likely that it will not be available until the spr ing semester, he wr ote.
CITYTIMESIS RECRUITING Wr it er s | Edit or s Ph ot ogr aph er s| Gr aph ic Design er s | Copy Edit or s M u lt im edia Pr odu cer s Adver t isin g Sales
DJRN210 | CRN26467
B Y VI CK Y P I NE DA Sports Editor
he Associated Students Gover nment has a new pr esident, Oscar Rendon. Or iginally fr om Color ado, Rendon is a political science major who hopes to tr ansfer to the Univer sity of San Diego and pur sue a car eer as a lawyer. Rendon is for mer pr esident of Her manos Unidos Br other s United, a lear ning community that focuses on the success of Afr ican Amer ican and L atino males. ?When I was involved in HUBU I was lear ning about toxic masculinity,? Rendon said. Thr ough his involvement in HUBU, Rendon was able to get involved with the ASG. Rendon decided to r un for the ASG as a student senator befor e r unning for ASG pr esident this semester. Dur ing the election season, Rendon r eached out to many of the campus or ganizations to get students involved in student gover nment. He also r eached out to Umoja and HUBU. ?I wanted to be involved in politics and I said why not be able to r epr esent the students,? said Rendon, who is on his second year at San Diego City College. Rendon is also an outr each ambassador, helping cur r ent students and r eaching out to students fr om high schools in City College's ser vice ar ea. He meets with high school students and encour ages them to come to City College. ?I feel like City is my home and I ?m in it to win it,? Rendon said. The ASG boar d is not fully completed. I t will announce the last two positions that need to be filled on Fr iday at 10 a.m.
ASG Pr esident Oscar Rendon holds a flier adver t ising t he 9t h Annual HUBU Confer ence, which will t ake place on Wednesday, Oct . 30 at 10:30 a.m. By Sonny Gar ibay/ City Times
REVIEW| "JOKER" ISNOTHINGTOLAUGHABOUT B Y M I K AL GARCI A Staff Writer ?Joker ? is a 2019 film dir ected by Todd Phillips and star s Joaquin Phoenix. I r ecently saw this film and it sur pr ised me with its ser ious subject matter and dar k content. I ?m pr etty sur e most of you know who the Joker is: an over-the-top per sonality, a psychopath, a clown face, Batman?s wor st enemy and one of the most r ecognizable villains in the DC Univer se. ?Joker ? takes place in the fictional city of Gotham in the late ?70s to ear ly ?80s. This film is consider ed an or igin stor y that follows the life of Ar thur Fleck in his mid 30s. The film takes place over the span of sever al months and shows his tr ansition into the Joker. The movie does tr ace back to his tr aumatic past and it actually gives an under standing of why he is the way he is. ?Joker ? has a star-studded cast fielding Academy Awar d-level talent and boy, did they deliver. Phoenix plays Fleck and gives one of the best
per for mances I have seen in a while. The film also made r efer ences to He gave a r ealistic, and somewhat Br uce Wayne and sets the movie in a r elatable, or ganic per for mance. He time fr ame that coincides with the was r eally able to pull the audience Batman timeline. into the film and gr asp their I think a takeaway fr om this movie attention. will be that we have to star t giving For this r ole, he also took a method mor e attention to the mentally ill actor ?s appr oach, which you can tell member s of our society and tr eat because physically his body looked these people with mor e car e and malnour ished and slightly defor med. compassion. Fr ances Conr oy plays Penny Fleck, I n the film, Joker was extr emely Joker ?s mother, and gives a gr eat mistr eated. He was not r eceiving per for mance. Her r ole ties in and help and was not being hear d. I t helps explain Ar thur 's backstor y. ultimately lead to him becoming a Rober t De Nir o has a smaller r ole menace to society because he liked in this film as he plays Mur r ay the attention and r ecognition he Fr anklin, a talk show host and the r eceived for doing the unspeakable main sour ce of enter tainment for things he did. Ar thur Fleck. He idolizes Mur r ay. I would per sonally r ecommend this I liked pr etty much ever ything movie to anyone and ever yone I about this movie. The dar k tone is know, except childr en, though not something I would expect a Joker because of the violence. Childr en film to have. would not be able to appr eciate it on The movie also touched on social a philosophical level. and economic inequality. This movie is r ated R, and the film Ther e?s also a lot of dar k, twisted is absolutely fantastic. I t?s wor th your humor thr oughout the film that you time and money. pr obably shouldn?t laugh at, but you M or e movie r eviews by M ik al Gar cia can will. be found on I nst agr am.
Phot o cour t esy of War ner Br os. Ent er t ainment
CITYLIFE | October 22, 2019
r ansfer season at San Diego City College kicked off ear lier this month with the annual Tr ansfer Fair on the AH-BT Quad. The event takes place ever y fall semester, with the expectation of dir ect communication and engagement between students and univer sity r epr esentatives, accor ding to Tr ansfer Center Dir ector Abdimalik Buul. ?Our focus as the Tr ansfer Center is r eally to give you dir ect infor mation, cor r ect infor mation, so you can make the most appr opr iate choice for the univer sity and major you want to tr ansfer to,? Buul said. ?We ar e just r eally about connecting that pipeline, ensur ing that the communication is fluid and clear and up- to- date and ultimately ensur ing that our students ar e successful at the next level.? As the deadline for tr ansfer application appr oaches, students who ar e applying this year had the oppor tunity to ask r epr esentatives fr om diver se univer sities questions about the tr ansfer pr ocess and their pr ogr ams. Sonia Olmos, who has been a student at City since 2009, hopes to tr ansfer to San Diego State University and had the oppor tunity to visit their booth and pick up some pamphlets.
Olmos said the fair was inter esting in the way that it guided students to be successful and finish school. Students who ar e not applying this year also stopped by the fair. They asked questions in order to clar ify a path they want to take in futur e year s. ?My main tr ansfer (option) is San Diego State, but it?s always (good) to have a good backup. Ther e?s a few colleges that opened my inter est,? fir styear student L inna Br avo said. The fair was met with sunny weather and a good tur nout of students, especially between classes. Over 50 univer sity r epr esentatives attended the fair. They came fr om local institutions like SDSU, UCSD and USD, plus sever al fr om the UC and CSU school systems. Also in attendance wer e r epr esentatives fr om smaller, pr ivate four- year colleges along with bigger ones like USC and Columbia Univer sity. Anyone who wishes to know mor e about tr ansfer r ing can visit the center that or ganized the event, the Tr ansfer & Car eer Center in the A building, r oom 301.
STATETOURNEYCOMINGTOCITY B Y SONNY GARI AY Editor-in-Chief he Califor nia community college women?s volleyball championship tour nament is coming to City College for the fir st time. The Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence was chosen to host the event fr om Dec. 68. Har r y West Gym was selected as the site for the 8-team tour nament. City College volleyball coach Dede Bodnar hopes the Knights ar e among the final eight standing when the teams ar e announced at the end of the season. ?We want to fight for that always,? Bodnar said. ?Once you make playoffs, it?s anybody?s game.? The Knights (6-3) sit thir d in the confer ence as of Oct. 21 behind San Diego Mesa College and Gr ossmont College with seven matches left to play in the r egular season. The tour nament alter nates between nor ther n and souther n venues. When the PCAC was announced as the host conference, confer ence coaches voted Har r y West Gym to be the venue for the matches. Bodnar expects a full house for the event with player s, fr iends and family member s fr om acr oss the state expected to attend. I n over 20 year s of coaching, hosting the women?s event is a fir st for Bodnar. ?We?ve hosted the men?s (volleyball) tour nament and badminton, but this is the fir st time for the women,? Bodnar Har r y West Gym will host t he CCCAA Women's Volleyball St at e Championship Tour nament fr om December 6-8. Phot o by Sonny Gar ibay/ City Times said.