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Ell Treese

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Artist prOfile: ell Treese

By patric Stillman

Canvases of kaleidoscopic energy vibrate with spiritual understanding. The complexities of identity and gender collide with personal awareness. A multidimensional space is created where one is seen and heard. Questions of how we make our reality are represented through color fields of mystic sensitivity.

Ell Treese (courtesy image)

Twenty-three-year-old trans nonbinary queer artist Ell Treese exists in a world of possibilities. Living with the pronouns they/them, Ell accepts their gender as fluid.

“We all have masculine and feminine energy. Coming out as trans and being comfortable not identifying as a man or a woman has given me a clarity of self that allows my spirituality and creativity to intertwine,” said Ell.

With intention, Ell has developed a style of Energy Painting. This intuitive process is part of an intimate collaboration between the artist and the patron. Similar to a Tarot reading or Reiki technique, Ell asks permission to tune into the energy of the person and begins visualizing the painting as they continue their dialog.

“My work has always been a language for me to communicate things that are hard to explain, can’t be explained with words, or just a feeling that comes from me or someone else to spark inspiration.”

The paintings themselves are often a mix of abstract and figurative work. Ell uses the spiritual colors of a person’s aura or chakras to help bring an understanding of where a person is at any given moment. They see this as curating a painting that is personally catered to the patron.

This is a new direction for Ell’s creative path. Working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts from VCUarts in Richmond, Virginia, Ell had an entirely different view of the direction life was going.

“I was supposed to graduate with my friends. I had lined up artist residencies in Portugal and Spain. I was ready to push myself into the art world. Then COVID-19 hit,” said the artist.

Forced to leave campus, Ell joined their parents in San Diego for three months. They graduated from a family friend’s garage and began to reassess the future. Working with a creative coach, Ell soon realized that they were on a spiritual path and with a whole new lens on reality, accepted the opportunities that brought about an understanding of their abilities.

“Once I was able to do the work for myself, I realized that my creativity was a gift that I could do for myself and share with others. Spirituality is at the heart of it. It’s not really planned out. It comes from my soul. Because the art is a combination of my hand and the patron’s energy, the result is an artwork that offers healing and guidance.”

Ell looks fondly at their time in Richmond. It was a place of significant personal growth. Ell was born in Dayton, Ohio. Without any role models other than the binary norms, Ell originally assumed the role as a woman and a straight person. It was in Richmond that they went through the difficult transition to accept the truth about themself.

“The diversity of a big city allowed me to look at myself in a different way for the first time. I began to peel back layers of things that I had been telling myself I was and began to discover my true self,” said Ell. “In my sophomore year, I began to understand that I was gay and that sparked a huge transition in embracing the understanding that I wasn’t a girl. I was a difficult time but I was fortunate to be surrounded by a very supportive community who allowed me space to figure out myself. It was there I began to use art to express to myself and to others what I could not put into words.”

Now living as a proud non-binary person who is comfortable in their own skin, Ell has moved into an apartment; taken up a studio practice at The Studio Door; and is dedicating time to expand their creativity with a certificate in psychic training.

“I want to keep at these energy paintings to establish a rhythm with them. Keep healing. Keep growing. Keep on the path that I am on. Maintain momentum to make myself known in this new place.

Artist Ell Treese can be found online on their website at EllTreese.com and on social media: @ell_tree on Instagram.

Patric Stillman is a fine artist and gallery owner of The Studio Door. If you are an artist in San Diego’s LGBTQ+ community and would like to be featured in an artist profile, please contact Patric for consideration at patric@thestudiodoor.com.



left: Jaime Freeman above Bali Bliss interior (courtesy images)

balI blIss

get tO knOW the treAtments And Benefits With OWner JAime freemAn

By Cesar a reyes

Bali Bliss offers colon hydrotherapy and electro-lymphatic therapy. We got to talk with owner Jamie about the procedures and details so readers can find out the benefits of getting a treatment that will help with their overall well-being.

Give us some background on Bali Bliss, how long has it been in operation and what is your background?

Bali Bliss was founded in 2020 [by Jamie] in San Diego after returning to the U.S. from Bali, Indonesia in order to provide comprehensive services that support and foster the health and wellness of our customers. We offer a variety of treatments to improve and help you maintain your optimal health.

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a completely natural way to cleanse the colon and leave you feeling lighter and healthier. It is a gentle way to cleanse your large intestine. Warm water is flushed through your colon to remove waste, while rehydrating your colon.

What are the benefits?

Top colon hydrotherapy benefits include: better digestion; improved immune system; balance in your body; brighter, clearer skin; avoid premature aging; shedding pounds; hydration; and removal of harmful waste.

Why do you recommend people have the treatment?

Everyone will benefit from colon hydrotherapy even if you do not suffer from digestive issues.

• Our colon is as long as we are tall. • The diameter of our colon is equal to that of our wrist. • For every foot of colon, we can store approximately 5-10 pounds of waste. • The degree your colon is clean is the degree your bloodstream is clean. • One colonic equals three days of fasting.

How long is the treatment?

A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 45 minutes, but you should allow one hour for your total appointment. During the session, you will be lying on your back on a comfortable treatment table. You will disrobe from the waist down and wear a gown.

Once a small, disposable speculum is inserted into the rectum, you are completely covered.

During the session, an I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist will administer filtered water followed by the release of waste. Various techniques to help release toxic waste matter from the colon is used. The inflow of water and release of waste is repeated several times during the session. The water temperature and pressure are controlled by the therapist to stimulate peristalsis. Warm filtered water flows into the colon through a small inflow tube and the waste is eliminated from the colon through a separate waste tube.

This is a closed system so you can rest assured that there is no odor to be concerned about. Your dignity and modesty are always maintained.

How does one prepare for it?

No preparation is required, however avoiding foods that may upset your stomach prior to the treatment is highly recommended.

What other treatments do you offer?

electro-lymphatic therapy

Your lymph system is your secondary circulatory system. It is as extensive as your blood circulatory system although it doesn’t circulate the blood and it doesn’t have a pump like the heart. Because it doesn’t have a pump, the fluid in the lymph stream can become congested if you aren’t taking care to keep the system clean and clear. It’s vital to take extra care of the lymph system because it is not only an extensive full body fluid system, but it is also your immune system. Weight loss and cellulite reduction may also be an additional benefit. When your lymphatic system stays strong, your immune system will also remain strong and it will work to keep you free from disease, illness, inflammation, and premature aging. A treatment like this will play a huge role in supporting your immune system and cleansing and purifying your lymphatic system. This equipment uses an electro frequency to penetrate the body up to 2-3 inches. It can get through bone, tissue, ligaments and because of that, it is highly effective.

essential oil therapy

Essential oils are used through the treatments to heighten our senses, promote a sense of calmness and well-being and create a peaceful Zen spa experience. The treatments will leave you feeling euphoric and re-energized.

Bali Bliss

Q Puzzle

ThaT’S WhaT ShE SaiD


1 ___ erectus 5 Advice from richard simmons 9 tickles pink 14 _dWts_ cohost Andrews 15 Word after “penis” 16 Alaskan language 17 surrealist magritte 18 _my ___ lady_ 19 Word for skin 20 start of a quote from a female superhero 23 give in the middle 24 Jolie’s _ ___ interrupted_ 25 Bread for later 27 more of the quote 31 sappho’s long e 32 irs info 33 sport of _Bend it like Beckham_ 37 “englishman in new york” writer 40 Bear embrace 42 _show Boat_ director James 43 Oater brawl site 45 Abe lincoln’s boy 47 fed. retirement agency 48 end of the quote 52 flockhart of _the Birdcage_ 55 the d. of k.d. lang 56 thurman of _kill Bill_ 57 source of the quote 62 steven greenberg, for one 64 Western, to the lA sparks 65 shakespearean villain 66 tapir feature 67 photographer Catherine 68 nikita’s no 69 my place, or yours 70 enjoy e. lynn harris 71 Cry of pride


1 photographer ritts 2 give it a licking 3 st. paul’s state 4 like a nervous nelly 5 gets bent out of shape 6 Where an exhibitionist may be seen? 7 type of twin 8 Power of old films 9 russell/kreiger musical 10 Hydrocarbon suffix 11 Job option for Jack mcfarland 12 Joltin’ Joe 13 grid coach Amos Alonzo ___ 21 title for laurence Olivier 22 doctors, doggy-style 26 stage crew worker, briefly 27 untouchable leader 28 _Butch Cassidy_ role 29 Western ski mecca 30 notre dame coach rockne 34 Winery vessel 35 Besides that 36 Admiral’s position? 38 start of a bedside prayer 39 dates 41 Billie holiday wore one 44 Cold war defense assn. 46 loomed large over snow White’s friends? 49 hard feelings 50 “gag me!” 51 rub some oil on 52 utter an oath 53 refrigerator word 54 party in Auden’s land 58 the 411 59 poet Angelou 60 like sharp cheese 61 difranco’s “___ pretty girl” 63 except

Solutions on page 16


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