2019-20 USD Athletics Annual Report

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Roney, Dani Ryz, Payton Sabbagh, Emma Salerno, Lauren Sankey, Regan Scheidegger, Mason Schutt, Brady Senior, Brithton Shilling, Kelsey Shostrom, Emilee Simon-Ressler, Jason Sindelar, Madilyn Sjerven, Hannah Smith, Dakota Starner, Josephine Stewart, Kianna Streich, Cole Theis, Travis Thielbar, Jordan Thompson, Danielle Tietjen, Hannah Tsagalis, Tyler Ugofsky, Jeniah Vander Esch, Caleb Vanderzee, Mark VerKuilen, Anna Wade, Olivia Waymire, Jacob Weideman, Lolo Wilson, Ellie Wilwerding, Lauren Wobken, Lauren Won, Jacob Wood, Lexie Woodward, Gill Wright, Josephina Wroblewski, Alli Zoelle, Maddison

Swimming & Diving Triathlon/Track Golf Track & Field Basketball Football Football Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Football Swimming & Diving Basketball Football Track & Field Cross Country/Track Cross Country/Track Football Swimming & Diving Track & Field Swimming & Diving Football Basketball Football Swimming & Diving Swimming & Diving Triathlon Cross Country/Track Volleyball Track & Field Triathlon/Track Softball Swimming & Diving Soccer Football Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field

3.00-3.49 CUMULATIVE GPA Aitkin, Hannah Arellano, Skylar Arends, Tate Atwell, Meghan Becker, Lucas Booker, Brady Boukhalil, Vivian Bray, Ethan Carpio, Amanda Centineo, Jordan Coker, Jackson Culliver, Jalea Devers, Alexis DeWitte, Jadyn Duke, Erin

Swimming & Diving Softball Golf Swimming & Diving Football Football Soccer Track & Field Soccer Soccer Football/Track Golf Softball Softball Cross Country/Track

Duncan, Elizabeth Eamiguel, Lauren Ellis, Kaleb Espersen, Tanner Farrell, Lindsay Fossen, Molly Fowler, Camille Frederick, Taylor Gaes, Nick Gailus, Shaylee Gemeda, Merga Gilliana, Gabi Greenhaw, Drew Hagedorn, Tyler Hall, Julia Harberts, Colton Headlee, Hunter Heiman, Brady Hillis, Stephen Holden, Blake Housenga, Kaitlyn Hoyer, Jennilee Hunt, Makiah Iverson, Maren Johnson, Cliff Johnston, Ian Justus, Liberty Kelly, Taylor Kerr, Britny Ketterling, Cassie Knapp, Eleni Kottke, Delaney Kunzer, Claudia Lawler, Morgan Lawrence, Jack Lisko, Sarah Mancy, Grace Matthew, Jake Mazurek, Ryan McClellan, Sean McDaniels, Isaiah McKeever, Madison McMahan, Kenneth Mudek, Anthony Nylund, Nanette Parks, Jakob Paugh, Hunter Peguero, Luis Perrott-Hunt, Kruz Perryman, Sydney Peters, Braden Peters, Austin Peterson, Tyler Provenzano, Lily Pryor, Kaitlin Roane, Micah

Golf Softball Track & Field Swimming & Diving Soccer Golf Softball Basketball Football Soccer Cross Country/Track Swimming & Diving Football Basketball Golf Football Football Basketball Football Football Swimming & Diving Cross Country/Track Track & Field Swimming & Diving Football Golf Track & Field Soccer Track & Field Swimming & Diving Track & Field Swimming & Diving Basketball Cross Country/Track Swimming & Diving Softball Soccer Football Football Track & Field Football Basketball Track & Field Swimming & Diving Tennis Football Golf Football Basketball Softball Cross Country/Track Football Basketball Cross Country/Track Swimming & Diving Football

Sabadeanu, Sabrina Sackett, Shane Sainz, Aleesia Seppala, Julianne Shapansky, Teagan Shohoney, Trevor Slagus, Matt Slaughter, Sami Sorge, Isabelle Starling, Jakari Stoffel, Nathan Storm, Ashley Stupalsky, Will Sullivan, Maddison Thiele, Conner Thompson, Wyatt Tolan, Matthew Torborg, Brady Tsagalis, Makayla Underwood, Dylan Varma, Eesha Wallace, Austin Weeter, Noah Welch, Emma Whitcomb, DeValon Whitehead, Clayton Wiedenfeld, Maddie Wolner, Griffin Young, Hannah Zanin, Joana Zuluaga, Pamela

Swimming & Diving Swimming & Diving Softball Swimming & Diving Triathlon Football Track & Field Volleyball Soccer Football Football Swimming & Diving Track & Field Soccer Football Swimming & Diving Golf Swimming & Diving Softball Softball Tennis Football Track & Field Cross Country/Track Football Cross Country/Track Volleyball Swimming & Diving Track & Field Soccer Volleyball

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