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Academic Honor Roll
Roney, Dani Swimming & Diving Duncan, Elizabeth Golf Sabadeanu, Sabrina Swimming & Diving Ryz, Payton Triathlon/Track Eamiguel, Lauren Softball Sackett, Shane Swimming & Diving Sabbagh, Emma Golf Ellis, Kaleb Track & Field Sainz, Aleesia Softball Salerno, Lauren Track & Field Espersen, Tanner Swimming & Diving Seppala, Julianne Swimming & Diving Sankey, Regan Basketball Farrell, Lindsay Soccer Shapansky, Teagan Triathlon Scheidegger, Mason Football Fossen, Molly Golf Shohoney, Trevor Football Schutt, Brady Football Fowler, Camille Softball Slagus, Matt Track & Field Senior, Brithton Track & Field Frederick, Taylor Basketball Slaughter, Sami Volleyball Shilling, Kelsey Track & Field Gaes, Nick Football Sorge, Isabelle Soccer Shostrom, Emilee Track & Field Gailus, Shaylee Soccer Starling, Jakari Football Simon-Ressler, Jason Football Gemeda, Merga Cross Country/Track Stoffel, Nathan Football Sindelar, Madilyn Swimming & Diving Gilliana, Gabi Swimming & Diving Storm, Ashley Swimming & Diving Sjerven, Hannah Basketball Greenhaw, Drew Football Stupalsky, Will Track & Field Smith, Dakota Football Hagedorn, Tyler Basketball Sullivan, Maddison Soccer Starner, Josephine Track & Field Hall, Julia Golf Thiele, Conner Football Stewart, Kianna Cross Country/Track Harberts, Colton Football Thompson, Wyatt Swimming & Diving Streich, Cole Cross Country/Track Headlee, Hunter Football Tolan, Matthew Golf Theis, Travis Football Heiman, Brady Basketball Torborg, Brady Swimming & Diving Thielbar, Jordan Swimming & Diving Hillis, Stephen Football Tsagalis, Makayla Softball Thompson, Danielle Track & Field Holden, Blake Football Underwood, Dylan Softball Tietjen, Hannah Swimming & Diving Housenga, Kaitlyn Swimming & Diving Varma, Eesha Tennis Tsagalis, Tyler Football Hoyer, Jennilee Cross Country/Track Wallace, Austin Football Ugofsky, Jeniah Basketball Hunt, Makiah Track & Field Weeter, Noah Track & Field Vander Esch, Caleb Football Iverson, Maren Swimming & Diving Welch, Emma Cross Country/Track Vanderzee, Mark Swimming & Diving Johnson, Cliff Football Whitcomb, DeValon Football VerKuilen, Anna Swimming & Diving Johnston, Ian Golf Whitehead, Clayton Cross Country/Track Wade, Olivia Triathlon Justus, Liberty Track & Field Wiedenfeld, Maddie Volleyball Waymire, Jacob Cross Country/Track Kelly, Taylor Soccer Wolner, Griffin Swimming & Diving Weideman, Lolo Volleyball Kerr, Britny Track & Field Young, Hannah Track & Field Wilson, Ellie Track & Field Ketterling, Cassie Swimming & Diving Zanin, Joana Soccer Wilwerding, Lauren Triathlon/Track Knapp, Eleni Track & Field Zuluaga, Pamela Volleyball Wobken, Lauren Softball Kottke, Delaney Swimming & Diving Won, Jacob Swimming & Diving Kunzer, Claudia Basketball Wood, Lexie Soccer Lawler, Morgan Cross Country/Track Woodward, Gill Football Lawrence, Jack Swimming & Diving Wright, Josephina Track & Field Lisko, Sarah Softball Wroblewski, Alli Track & Field Mancy, Grace Soccer Zoelle, Maddison Track & Field Matthew, Jake Football Mazurek, Ryan Football 3.00-3.49 CUMULATIVE GPA McClellan, Sean Track & Field McDaniels, Isaiah Football Aitkin, Hannah Swimming & Diving McKeever, Madison Basketball Arellano, Skylar Softball McMahan, Kenneth Track & Field Arends, Tate Golf Mudek, Anthony Swimming & Diving Atwell, Meghan Swimming & Diving Nylund, Nanette Tennis Becker, Lucas Football Parks, Jakob Football Booker, Brady Football Paugh, Hunter Golf Boukhalil, Vivian Soccer Peguero, Luis Football Bray, Ethan Track & Field Perrott-Hunt, Kruz Basketball Carpio, Amanda Soccer Perryman, Sydney Softball Centineo, Jordan Soccer Peters, Braden Cross Country/Track Coker, Jackson Football/Track Peters, Austin Football Culliver, Jalea Golf Peterson, Tyler Basketball Devers, Alexis Softball Provenzano, Lily Cross Country/Track DeWitte, Jadyn Softball Pryor, Kaitlin Swimming & Diving Duke, Erin Cross Country/Track Roane, Micah Football - 19 - RESPECT ACCOUNTABILITY TEAMWORK EXCELLENCE PRIDE INTEGRITY RESPECT ACCOUNTABILITY TEAMWORK EXCELLENCE PRIDE INTEGRITY RESPECT ACC

Volleyball downed Iowa 3-2 in front of its second-largest crowd inside the new venue to move to 9-1. The team unveiled its 2018 Summit championship banner, and got 27 kills and 12 digs from freshman Elizabeth Juhnke while earning the win.
Abby Ripperda clocked 16:45.5 at the Chile Pepper Festival for the second-fastest 5,000-meter time in Summit League history. It was a part of a breakout fall campaign where she led the Coyote women’s cross country team at all seven meets. She was eighth at the meet in Fayetteville, the first athlete across the finish line not from a ranked program.

Austin Simmons and Kai Henry combined to run for 239 yards and four scores, and South Dakota’s defense shut down Indiana State in a 38-0 Dakota Days win inside the DakotaDome. It was the fourth straight homecoming win for the Coyotes, and third straight year with a win in the Valley opener.
SDSU soccer hadn’t allowed a goal in 12 games, but Maddison Sullivan’s early second-half strike pushed South Dakota to a 1-1 draw with the Jacks to end the streak and score a half point in the South Dakota Showdown Series. Bella Alessio made three saves in goal for the Coyotes.