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Community Halls
In line with other community halls in Aberdeenshire since the arrival of Covid-19, Cookney Hall has been in lockdown since mid-March. There have been no public events in the hall since then and none are foreseen for the immediate future, unEl lockdown is liled. That said, Cookney Hall is well placed to reopen aler lockdown due, mainly, to the solid support we’ve had from our local communiEes over the years and for that we are ever grateful.
Once lockdown is liled, if you’d like further informaEon about hiring the Hall for a funcEon or celebraEon, please contact Willie Angus on 01569 730123 or by e-mail at wgangus.moc@gmail.com
Corbie Hall & Field, Maryculter
Since March our hall has been siAng idle. Whenever user-groups are in a posiEon to restart meeEngs we will be delighted to discuss with them whatever condiEons may be in place to observe social distancing and hygiene rules. Hopefully not too far into the future.
The Corbie park has not hosted any football matches since March, but that too may change soon depending upon naEonal guidelines. However the park has been maintained over these months and we must thank our 'groundsmen' for all the work that they put in - despite the mower misbehaving frequently, failing to give that bowling-green finish they aspire to!
The field has been used by the public for jogging, sunbathing, kickabouts and simply walking around. We are delighted it has been of use to the community and appreciate it has been kept liSer and damage free when so many picnic spots around have not been so lucky.
Unfortunately the Old Mill Inn is now suffering neglect and detracts from the aSracEveness of the approach to the hall. It is likely to be a consideraEon in future whilst the site is developed, but we hope our users and the community will conEnue to support our faciliEes through this and into the future.
For enquiries and bookings please email maryculterhall@yahoo.co.uk.
The museum re-opened at the end of August. All visits must be pre-booked and opening hours are extended into October this year. Visits available Mondays or fridays. Book well in advance as a lot of demand. Researchers can visit by appointment throughout the year. Please advise if you need longer than a standard 1hr visiEng Eme. We look forward to welcoming you to the museum soon.