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Pain Management with Emma Armes
Persistent or ongoing pain affects nearly half the adult popula:on in the UK at some point in their lives. The effects of this can be devasta:ng to some – losing their livelihood, opioid addic:on, depression and anxiety, constant discomfort, not to men:on their quality of life can become non-existent. The Na:onal Ins:tute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines draa (August 2020) has been published advising GP’s to longer prescribe painkillers to these pa:ents including opioids, non-steroidal an:-inflammatory drugs, local anaesthe:c/cor:costeroid combina:ons or even paracetamol.
So, what help can these paZents get? Well one such answer could be Pain Therapy. Not your usual physical touch therapy but a relaZvely new and highly effecZve talking therapy that works with the paZent’s brain and the mind to significantly reduce and in most cases remove the pain permanently! Emma Armes is the leading specialist in this area having experienced a back injury herself that led to her medical reZrement aler 17 years as a Paramedic. When doing her training in Pain Therapy she had her 7-year pain removed and now has been pain free for over 3 years. She is now Scotland’s Master PracEEoner and Trainer and as well as working with private clients she teaches therapists this method all over the world. All of this is done online through the wonders of modern technology and means that help can be accessed by everyone. In these Emes of uncertainty, it also ensures no concerns regarding COVID-19.
How does it work? Emma explains: “It has been scienEfically proven that pain does not come from your Essues, rather it’s your brain and your mind that controls pain which means it can also switch it off. I use talk therapy, teach you about pain science, find out why the pain may sEll be there and deal with that so the unhelpful messages that the brain is sending out can be changed.”
“I see people over 2 sessions, but clients usually experience immediate change in the first one, using the second as a follow up check and going over any issues that may have been highlighted in between Emes.”
Emma Armes
Emma goes on to explain: “My goal is to get as many people out of pain as I can. Having been there and experienced it first-hand and now being out the other side it has given me a passion to help others get their lives back. I know it can seem scary but trust me - it’s the best gil you can give yourself and your loved ones.” Emma’s contact details: 07415-535445 emma@emmaarmes.com. www.emmaarmes.com. www.facebook.com/emmaarmespaintherapy
Portlethen Men’s Shed
Unfortunately, the Portlethen & District Men’s Shed sEll remains closed to members unEl further noEce, due to the ongoing C19 pandemic. However, some of our members and families have been making our sensory garden come alive, the planted seeds in our vegiepods have been tended by members and are looking good. Our front garden is also looking great, due to donaEons of flowers from members and from the Portlethen Paths Development Group.
We hope to welcome member back as soon as it is safe to do so under government guidance. We hope that all our members and their families are taking care and staying safe. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need assistance. Julie Forbes, Secretary P&DMS Email:info@portlethenmensshed.com