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Community & Leisure
Glendale Football Club
Season 2019/20 came to a crashing end as of 23rd March 2020 with the UK Government puAng the whole country into lockdown with immediate affect.
Up unEl this point, our season was going very well – very well indeed, with the team siAng in second posiEon in the league, and us through to 2 cup finals. But with lockdown conEnuing to dominate the headlines, and Eme moving on and the official end of season deadline (31st May) having been surpassed, our local Amateur AssociaEon decided to call the enEre season Null and Void. A very hard decision to stomach, given both our league posiEon, and the fact that we were siAng in 2 cup finals.
However, with other teams in a similar posiEon, and other Football AssociaEons taking a similar decision, we had liSle room to complain. The conEnuing epidemic has resulted in a very long layoff for all concerned with the football club. But as I write, we have just recently commenced pre-season training, and the word on the street is that a provisional date of 31st October has been proposed for the start of season 2020/21.
Home games - on alternate Saturdays – are as always, at Corbie Park, Maryculter. www.glendaleafc.co.uk
Maryculter Friendship Group
The Maryculter Friendship Group have temporarily suspended their monthly catch ups but will be delighted to “Haste Ye Back” when it is safe to enjoy tea/coffee, home bakes and ScoFsh entertainment together again. Please contact Peggy Paterson (01224 734888) or Anne Massie (01224 732071) for further details.
North Mearns Reading Group
The North Mearns Reading Group have temporarily suspended their informal meeEngs, but that hasn’t stopped the group from reading. AdapEng to current Emes, each member has chosen a book, or mulEple books of their choice, offering recommendaEons to fellow members, whilst sEll using the library service from Aberdeenshire Council. Please contact Muriel Hargreaves on 01569 730302, if you would like further informaEon on the group
Maryculter Sernior ci:zens
Thank you to all who support the fundraising 100+ Club. Winners of cash prizes from Mar-Aug 2020 were: K Downie, R McTaggart, I Tuddenham, C Middleton, G McPhail, A Massie, E Fraser, H Morrison, K Skinner, E MacInnes, F McTaggart, J Smart & M Mason , A Black, H Dunn, P Dunn, J Dunn, K Milne & G Reid.
Unfortunately with all the uncertainty around the COVID-19 crisis we have decided not to go ahead with a Christmas party this year but will conEnue to fundraise and will make plans for next year.
Fiona Tel 01224 733324 Andy Tel 01224 739646 Richard Tel 01224 867580 Caroline Tel 01224 734093 Debbie Tel 01224 730018
Maryculter SWI
Sadly, like most organisaEons in these uncertain Emes, our meeEngs have been cancelled owing to this pernicious Covid outbreak, so no meeEngs for us since March and no summer ouEng this year. We do hope to resume again properly in January, meeEng once a month at the Corbie Community Hall, with perhaps a Christmas meeEng beforehand depending on the Covid situaEon. There are many things we have to consider. Social distancing should be possible, but our teas and home bakes may not. We also have to consider our speakers and the safety of many of our more elderly members. When we do get going properly again, we welcome anyone who is interested to come along to our meeEngs. You don’t have to enrol, just come along for a taster. We are a friendly bunch and you do not have to be a kitchen wizard or a handicral ace to come and enjoy an evening with us, though if you are, great! A typical meeEng consists of news and reports then our invited speaker or demonstrator will take the floor. You can join in discussions and take part in varied acEviEes including wider ranging ones from our parent FederaEon such as sports, quizzes, exhibiEons even holidays. Aler our speakers we usually have tea, home bakes and not forgeAng Eme for a good old naSer.
Our president Marlene Connon would be delighted to provide more informaEon. You can get in touch by phoning her on 01224 867580. MeanEme, stay safe and hopefully we can all look forward to more normal Emes in the future.
Maryculter Driving For The Disabled
The club has been the venue for
Sadly we were unable to run our usual driving season for our disabled parEcipants this year due to the Covid restricEons and government guidance.
We do, however, have our driving horse Casse to look aler and keep acEve so she is ready for next season. Training can be provided to new and exisEng
We would be delighted to hear from you if you’re available to help us with the horsey chores and also buddy up to exercise her. Please get in touch with George (01569 739283) or Kate (01330811615) for further informaZon or
Aberdeen Aeromodellers
We encourage all forms of radio controlled model flying, both fixed wing and helicopter at our grounds in Banchory Devenick. the ScoAsh R.C. Helicopter NaEonals, held annually.
email brockman.kate@bEnternet.com members, if required.
For more informaEon and membership details please visit our website www.aamfc.co.uk or email informaEon@aamfc.co.uk
Maryculter Woods
The side of the tadpole pond has been repaired with turf and bentonite to keep the water level high. This is necessary to keep the tadpoles safe. The plan is to raise the road level, rather than lowering the water level as it needs to be murky and deep for the tadpoles to have a safe place to hide away from the mallards. Recently, Mucky Boots Outdoor Learning had a lovely Eme picking apples from our orchard too.
We restarted our monthly workparEes in September and meet at the noEceboard shelter, assuming no return of lockdown restricEons on the day. Unlike our pre-Covid events we will need to know beforehand if you will aSend to help us prepare for the event and to create an aSendance register. We will provide clean tools & gloves but if you are able to bring your own that would be helpful. To keep transmission risks as low as possible we will not offer catering on the day so you might consider bringing your own thermos. Please avoid the event if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, been in contact with any confirmed/suspected COVID-19 case or if you are in quaranEne. Look out on our Facebook page for updates and let us know if you plan to come along.
Please don’t uproot our plants and take them away! This is thel. The plants are there for everyone to enjoy in the woods and enhance the whole area. Thank you.
Tadpole pond
Socially Distance Shoo:ng with Lethen Archers
When the COVID lockdown kicked in at the start of the year and the sports centres closed, archery in Aberdeenshire was swilly brought to an end. We went into lockdown. We kept exercising, we kept our equipment in good order, we had some Zoom social events, but no archery. So when the Phase 1 guidance came out in June, allowing us to shoot outdoors, we sprang into acEon.
A franEc two-weeks of acEvity saw a socially distanced range layout designed and set up, risk assessments undertaken, new shooEng rules wriSen and a range booking system set up. Detergent and hand saniEser became essenEal pieces of the archer’s kit alongside our bows and arrows. With everything in place the club returned to shooEng. Numbers at the range were limited and we had to book in advance but we were overjoyed to return to the sport that we love.
Photo credit : Josh Mitchell
As the nights draw in and evening shooEng outdoors becomes more challenging, we forward look to the resumpEon of indoor shooEng at Portlethen and Newtonhill. We are not sure when the halls are opening but we are preparing for it. We shall be running some beginners courses as soon as the indoor venues open and we hope to do those before the end of the year. If you are interested in taking up archery why not sign up for our beginners course waiEng list by contacEng us via our FaceBook page. www.facebook.com/LethenArchers or by email commiSee@lethenarchers.com.
Portlethen and District Voluntary Community Ambulance Associa:on
Due to this Covid-19 crisis the Community Ambulance has not been required to transport paEents to the Portlethen Medical Centre and Portlethen DenEst. Having said that, for a 2 week period, we did assist a person who required transport to Stonehaven Hospital for dialysis appointments, due to his regular transport being unavailable.
During the lockdown we have implemented safety procedures to ensure we follow the Government requirements when we start transporEng paEents again. This includes the installaEon of a Perspex screen behind the driver’s seat to provide added protecEon to the driver.
Again this year we have received a donaEon from the Chapelton 10K CommiSee. Unfortunately they were unable to hold their 10K event and instead had a virtual 24 hour run, which raised funds for local good causes. We wish to thank them for their conEnued support.
A number of our volunteer drivers have “reEred”, due to various reasons, and we are on the lookout for new drivers. If you have some spare Eme and willing to drive, once we are back on the road, please contact Colin StraSon on 07875 179861 or e-mail colstraSon@yahoo.co.uk.
The Larder Portlethen
The Portlethen Coronavirus Community Care Group was set up in March, assisEng members of the community that were either self-isolaEng or shielding with varying tasks, including collecEng prescripEons and medicaEon, essenEal shopping and running small errands. Working from the Jubilee Hall, it became apparent that there was a need to have a safe space for those struggling to get any basic food items, whether that was due to financial reasons or just the anxiety of going into a large supermarket. The group is now based in the Porty Cabin in Portlethen and has been renamed as The Larder Potlethen – a safe space, to assist anybody from Portlethen or any of the neighbouring areas, with basic food and household items. Anyone can use the Larder and it is not means tested so there are no forms to fill in. Just pop in and select the items you need, including food items such as cereals, Ens and snack items, toiletries (e.g. toothpaste, shower gel and deodorant), and cleaning items including washing powder.
The Larder team are also happy to receive non perishable foods as donaEons and encourage visitors to swap items they may have siAng in a cupboard at home, not being used. The group are well stocked and very fortunate with funding and donaEons in addiEon to receiving products from Cfine (Community Food IniEaEves North East) which would otherwise go to landfill, to share with our community. The group parEcipates in a government scheme and has a selecEon of sanitary items including disposable pads, tampons, menstrual cups and washable pads available. The Larder is happy to deliver any items to anybody self-isolaEng or anybody without transport. Email : c19portlethenhelp@gmail.com Facebook page: the larder Portlethen & surrounding areas, Phone: 07376133870
Cookney Bowling Club
The meeEngs are usually on Thursdays from 7.30pm at Cookney Hall and the sessions last for around 2 hours. We have compeEEon nights on Mondays.
For more informaEon, please call Arthur Durward on 01224 319701.
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Now the darker colder nights are here we are lighEng our coal/open fires daily - but can’t keep up with the newspapers. If you do get a ‘paper’ regulary - instead of placing it in the recycling bin, can you keep some for us and drop them in to recepEon? Thank you!
Maryculter House Hotel
WIN AN ANNUAL PASS! From Saturday 17th October 2020 some characters down The Glen are wearing an orange ribbon for Halloween. If you find them, there will be a leSer beside the character. Find all the le[ers and work out the “word” to stand a chance of winning an “Annual Pass” to The Den & The Glen for you and your family. Ends: Saturday 31st October 2020
1st Maryculter Beavers
I wish I could report, as I always do, that the Beaver meet at the Scout Hut, Maryculter, each Tuesday from 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Hopefully this will be the case again very soon, but since March we have been hibernaEng in our lodge out of sight!
We have ventured out this Autumn term with some programmes and exercises that can be done at home with the help of parents, and when we do get back to regular meeEngs the Beavers should be some way towards earning their badges.
One of the consequences of having no meeEngs is the loss of communicaEon with parents and the flow into the Beavers of new members. We would love to hear from children aged 6 and 7 who would like to join our acEviEes. Please feel free to call me to discuss how we might bring new member on board during these challenging Emes.
Kathleen Paterson, Beaver Leader. Tel 01224 868676. or email kpaterson57@gmail.com
1st Maryculter Rainbows
1st Maryculter Rainbows has been on hold for a few months due to COVID-19. We are not sure yet when meeEngs will resume. Unit meeEngs are normally held on Thursdays at Corbie Hall 1630-1730. Rainbows is for girls aged between five and seven. They learn by doing – they get their hands dirty, do sports, arts, crals and play games.
For more informaEon about Rainbows and Girlguiding, or to register your interest in joining please log onto www.girlguiding.org.uk. If you are over 18 and interested in volunteering please contact rainbowsmaryculter@yahoo.com. Disclosure and reference checks are carried out as part of our recruitment process.
1st Maryculter Scouts
This has been a summer like no other. AdapZng to ScouZng without face-to-face meeZngs, unable to undertake many typical scouZng acZviZes, has been a big and prolonged challenge. A number of our Scouts have shown impressive effort and enthusiasm by camping in gardens, cooking on BBQs, angling, and trying out some of the many novel acZviZes on the Scout website: scouts.org.uk/thegreaZndoors The lockdown has certainly illustrated how fortunate we are to live with the great outdoors on our doorstep, and how much we miss it when it is taken away. All being well, we should be able to resume face-to-face meeZngs, outdoor-only to begin with, in early autumn. Looking ahead, a number of our Scouts are close to achieving the ulZmate goal – the Chief Scouts Gold Award, and we will also complete some of the other badge work which was underway before lockdown. We would like to welcome more young people (boys AND girls) to join us, to learn some “Skills for Life”, develop self-confidence and, of course, have fun! Scouts (age 10-14), Fridays 7.15pm – 9.15pm, Cubs (age 8-10), Thursdays 5.15pm – 6.45pm, Beavers (age 6-8), Tuesdays 5.30pm – 7pm All groups meet in Maryculter Scout Hut in Kirkton of Maryculter. Contact Graeme Paterson for more informaZon on 07817483118.
Please keep up to date with our acZviZes by following us on Facebook: 1st Maryculter Scouts.
NEW! Fairy woods along the Chapelton Trail
The fairies would like to thank Brio ReErement Living and Chapelton residents for their help with this community project to make a new enchanEng feature along the trail. Explore more when you visit with the accompanying autumn aciEvity sheet which you can download at www.chapeltonnewtown.co.uk.