Portfolio Spreads

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Sharing is caring Intent ion This this project re brand a nonprofit organization. I selected “ For Eyes�, an organization who donates eye glasses to those in need. The solution was to create a brand that expressed the good vibes from giving to others and the impor tance of ever yday healthy vision.


2 | Sharing is caring

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com


J E R E M I A H S TA N TO N 1 663 4 West Sherman Street. Apt 45 Dear Robert Mullen,

Brentwood CA 94513

Thank you for contacting the Legal Division for information regarding the incorporation of For Eyes. For Eyes International has developed a successful relationship with CT, the industry leader in legal services. Through this relationship CT can assist your For Eyes with the incorporation of For Eyes and the completion of any other necessary filings with your Secretary of State office at a substantial savings. If your club decides to take advantage of this membership benefit program with CT and incorporate your club, please contact CT directly, and CT will coordinate review and authorization by For Eyes International Legal Division and handle all necessary filing. Of course, you always have the option of handling all necessary filing to incorporate For Eyes on your own. In that case, you may submit the required documents to the LCI Legal Division for review and authorization. At tach e d to this let te r are sample Ar ticles of Incorporation which have been pre-approved by For Eyes. This sample may assist your club in developing your own documents for filing. You may need to seek further review by local legal counsel to ensure that any Articles of Incorporation meet the requirements of incorporation under the laws of the State in which the For Eyes is to be incorporated. Following is information on the incorporation of For Eyes and the requirements necessary from For Eyes place to be.

630. 517.6785 www.foreyes .org







L E A R N M O R E AT W W W. F O R E Y E S . O R G

D uring th e writing of this let te r we provide d Ar ticles of Incorporation which have been pre-approved by For Eyes. This sample may assist the organization in developing your own documents for filing. You may need to seek further review by local legal counsel to ensure that any Articles of Incorporation meet the requirements of incorporation under the laws of the State in which the For Eyes is to be incorporated. Following is information on the incorporation of your For Eyes and the requirements necessary from For Eyes place to be. At tach e d to this let te r are sample Ar ticles of Incorporation which have been pre-approved For Eyes. This sample may assist your club in developing your own documents for filing. You may need to seek further review by local legal counsel to ensure that any Articles of Incorporation meet the requirements of incorporation under the laws of the State in which For Eyes is to be incorporated. Following is information on the incorporation of For Eyes and the requirements necessary from For Eyes.




V I S I T W W W. F O R E Y E S . O R G



D id you know

1 6 6 3 4 We st S h e rm a n Stre et . A pt 45 B re nt wo o d , C A 9 45 13 USA | FOREVER

The quick statistics are meant to engage audiences, giving quick facts to influence them learn more at w w w.foreyes.org.

Thank you,

1 663 4W Sherman St.

D if ferent st rokes for dif ferent folk s

Brentwood C A 945 1 6

Pete r H ick s

630. 5 17.6785 www.foreyes .org

S TA R T AT W W W. F O R E Y E S . O R G

6 3 0 Ive s Ave n u e Sandra Johnson Chair Director

A m e ric a n C a nyo n , C A 9 45 03

The business system offers the option for personalization. Using bright colors make the system exciting and recognizable.

4 | Sharing is caring

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com






CO N TAC T FOR E Y E S 16634 West Sherman St. Brentwood CA 94516

FOR E Y E S 16634 West Sherman St.


Brentwood CA 94516

Imagine if you could help a child read. An

Am 242 Gra

adult succeed in his job. A senior maintain her USA | FOREVER

independence. And provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. You can. This is the closest center near you, all you need


now is a pair of glasses to give!

The Blind Walk event happens each year. People link together to experience what it would be like to be without the sense of sight. Everyone comes together and act as good partners and safely guide each other on blind walks.


People are to identify three things on their blind walk by using their other senses besides sight. This event raises money and awareness for blindness and vision impairment around the world.

Imagine if you could help a child read, an Volunteer for this event

Rules and Guidelines

adult succeed in his job, a senior maintain her

How to become a volunteer

Our rules and guildlines to follow

independence, and provide a community with

Amber Phillips 242 Raymond Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49345 FOR E Y E S 16634 West Sherman St. Brentwood CA 94516

more opportunities to grow and thrive. You can. We are the closest center near you, now all you


need is an old pair of glasses to give!



G Imagine if you could help a child read. An adult succeed in his job. A senior maintain her independence. And provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. You can. This is the closest clinic r near you, all you need now is a pair of glasses to give!

We’re on Facebook | Recycle old frames | Events | Donate

6 | Sharing is caring

All in once place

We d are you to f in d u s

The website offers a place for users to find information about upcoming events, eyeglass donation, donation locations and volunteering opportunities.

Donation Centers send postcards out to surrounding communities to inform them of how they help and the location the nearest donation center.

For Eyes branding | stephaniedemarest.com

We appreciate con si stenc y Keeping a brand consistent and cohesive is important. This brand manual contains all the rules and guidelines for designers and users of the brand to follow so they keep the integrity of the brand.

8 | Who Says Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

For Eyes branding | stephaniedemarest.com

Birds of a feather, drink and eat together. Intent ion The Perfetta Pasta Series simplifies the task of coordinating a fine Italian meal, by providing a type of pasta and the perfect complimentary wine. Each box features an sophisticated and clear layout with a window of various wine bottle shapes to identify the pasta.

10 | Birds of a feather, drink and eat together

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

I usually feel like two different people

"My perception of staying the same person through the workday and when you go home is you would eat, drink and live your job and only your job. In some respects, that is true for me, but for the most part of my life I do feel like two entirely different people most of the time... "

Intent ion The assignment was to create a magazine spread. This ar ticle is dedicated to the people whose lives require two personalities; the one at work and the one at home. It dives into the lives of local city officials and describes constantly being in the public eye affects how they are perceived and how they can’t wait to let down their hair at the end of the day.

O n th e f lip side The magazine is f lipped from one side to another to show the dramatic change in personalities from work to home.

12 | I usually feel like two different people

Magazine spread | stephaniedemarest.com

Children’s museums spark creativity Intent ion The Detroit Children’s Museum closed Januar y 2012 . The project was to make a informational website. The solution was to make a bold statement engaging the audience by revealing when the museum was closed and how specific audiences are effected.

Ju st so you know The top navigation moves the users to a specific page, while the bottom conversational navigation scrolls the page horizontal to a new infographic.

14 | Children’s museums spark creativity

Informational website | stephaniedemarest.com

Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?


Ad o p t i n g S u s t a i n a b l e P ra c t i ce s



Petco’s story began in 1965 when Walter Evans opened

At PETCO, we believe it is better to hire animal lovers and

a mail-order veterinary supplies business with only five

train them to work in a retail environment than to hire

Adopting sustainable business practices is

associates called UPCO – United Pharmaceutical Company.

retailers and hope they like animals. This belief stems from

not only the right thing to do - it is also a

The first retail store opened in La Mesa, Calif. in 1976

PETCO’s commitment to making sure that animals always

and was an instant success. The mission then was to buy

come first and recognizes that our people make it happen!

quality pet and veterinary supplies and sell them directly

Whether you’re caring for animals, educating prospective

reflection of the fact that Petco associates are passionate about making a difference. Our associates enjoy working for a company that cares and acts responsibly.

to animal professionals and the public at discount prices. With two stores in California, primary customers at that time were ranches, kennels, catteries and grooming shops. In 1979, UPCO changed its name to Petco to better connect the company with the pet supplies business. The first Petco opened just outside of California in 1980 in Tigard, Ore. Petco’s growth as a major retail player started in 1988, when the company acquired two pet supply chains,

Intent ion For this assignment, a corporate sustainability report was developed. The solution was to use the slogan “ Who Says Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks” to give notice to their hard work at gaining social responsibility. Their data is shown through a PDF, brochure, website and an i Phone application. This report will also allow stakeholders to track progress of their integration of sustainability principles into their company ’s planning.

WellPoint and the Pet Department, more than tripling the number of Petco stores from 40 to 130 and expanding our footprint into the Washington, Oregon and Texas markets.

pet parents, or promoting PETCO’s Think Adoption First philosophy, your everyday decisions make all the difference in achieving PETCO’s high ethical standards regarding animal care. The following paragraphs summarize the fundamental philosophies PETCO has adopted regarding animal care that all associates are expected to understand,

Petco proudly serves all 50 states

support, and uphold. As PETCO associates, it is our responsibility to promote the health, well being and humane treatment of animals. We must do the right thing as a Company and as individuals to ensure animal well-being without jeopardizing human safety. We must consistently deliver safe, skillful, and compassionate care to all animals entrusted to us. While

In 1994, Petco went public as the largest pet specialty

animals are in our care, associates constantly monitor

retail chain in the industry, with 218 stores in 13 states

their health and well-being; beginning with regular checks

and sales of more than $189 million. With a fast growing

during business hours conducted according to guidelines

nationwide retail business, the company expanded its

created by experts. These checks are supplemented by

We are committed to best helping pet parents give their pets the quality of life they deserve.

further reviews and audits by regional and NSC personnel. Petco celebrated its 40-year anniversary in 2005 and

PETCO dedicates significant resources to educating

in 2006 grew to 800 stores in 49 states and more than

associates in proper animal care and handling. Upon hire,

18,000 associates nationwide. In 2008, the company

each new PETCO associate with animal care responsibilities

opened its first store in Hawaii, expanding the chain’s “paw

receives award-winning training in animal care that has

print” into all 50 United States.

been reviewed and approved by a panel of veterinarians.

Today, Petco is privately held and continues to grow, with more than 1,150 stores nationwide, including more than

One percent of all purchases go directly for the Planet, helping non-profit organizations that do valuable environmental work.

All training programs are followed by a comprehensive exam that associates must pass.

Pro du c t Ste war dS h i P We’ve developed our own sustainable products and encourage our suppliers to adopt more sustainable practices as well. Our new Planet Petco™ products offer high quality, more sustainable products that utilize recycled and reclaimed

C A N YO U R O L L O V E R ?

materials and renewable resources. For example, our

Our Green Products We’ve developed our own sustainable

Planet Petco™ Eco Dog Harness is made of fully recycled

products and encourage our suppliers to

polyester taken from plastic bottles. On average, one

adopt more sustainable practices as well.

plastic bottle is used to make a Petco Eco collar; three are used to make an Eco harness or lead. E nvi ro n m E ntal StE war dS h i p

E n E rGY Star

We’re in the process of measuring our carbon impact to

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

ENERGY STAR Leaders are named for reducing energy

help us create a true baseline for future goals for footprint

recognized Petco, a leading pet specialty retailer with more

consumption by at least 10 percent across a portfolio of

and energy usage reduction. Our corporate headquarters are located in San Diego, where we’ve partnered with a number of local environmental organizations, including Ocean Discovery

than 1,000 stores nationwide, as an ENERGY STAR Leader

buildings, based on EPA’s standardized tools for tracking

for reducing energy consumption by more than 10 percent

energy use. Petco has been an ENERGY STAR partner

across its building portfolio. The company’s efforts have

for several years, but became much more active in using

prevented more than 30,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide

the program’s data management tools in 2009, further

(CO2) emissions from entering the atmosphere.

Institute, Surfrider Foundation and San Diego Coastkeeper. Through volunteer efforts with these organizations we work

“At Petco, we’re committed to making a better world for people and pets, which includes reducing our environmental impact across our business,” said Jim Myers, Petco’s CEO. “Energy efficiency is an integral part

improving energy efficiency. “With ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager tool, we were able to see the efficiency scores of every Petco store, distribution center and office building,” said Kristin Rock, “With ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager tool, we were

of that commitment and our broader approach to driving

able to see the efficiency scores of every Petco store,

more sustainable business practices across our company.

distribution center and office building,” said Kristin Rock,

We’re proud to join the EPA’s list of ENERGY STAR leaders

“The tool provided valuable insight into our most and least

and of the important accomplishments that earned this

efficient locations so we could target and prioritize our

recognition.” We have efficient lighting and HVAC systems,

energy reduction efforts.”

and ENERGY STAR appliances lowered Petco’s total energy use from 2007 through 2009, even as the company added 114 stores during that time.

For people wh o like all th e detail s The PDF version of the Corporate Sustainability Report offers Petco’s detailed green initiative along with their histor y.

SuStainab ilit y in ac tio n Sustainable development, as first defined more than two decades ago by the United Nations, means “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising

“Sustainability is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Waste & R ecycli n g Approximately 80% of Petco Stores currently have recycling programs such as cardboard recycling, and we’re looking to add more this year.

Over the years, out of that definition have come the three

In select markets, such as New York City, we also recycle

pillars of sustainability: balancing environmental, social and

plastic bags in stores and are hoping to expand this

economic demands.

program to all of our stores.

Adopting sustainable business practices is not only the

n e W R eg iste R R ece iP ts

right thing to do - it is also a reflection of the fact that

produced using from recycled materials.

We’ve updated our register receipt software to consolidate

Petco associates are passionate about making a difference.

items. This results in shorter receipts and less paper being

Our associates enjoy working for a company that cares and acts responsibly.

Petco shopping bags are




used to print.

n e W stO R e FiX tU R e s

o u R b E li E FS

Our new store fixtures are made of recycled steel and

We believe in doing the right things to delight our

we’re testing recycled material in our signage and other

customers, improve store productivity and drive


differentiation to promote financial value to the business.

Achieving sustainable business practices is a continuous

We believe we can reduce the environment dependencies

process that can always be improved upon. At Petco,

and create business value through sustainable practices.

we are working really hard to refine our efforts on an We believe in a broader and long-term perspective when

ongoing basis. As Chief People Officer and leader in our

considering the impacts we have outside of Petco’s four walls. PETCO was recognized with an Environmental accolade for extended producer responsibility for the ET industry and awarded a Trophy for environmental responsibility / sustainability. The award declared PETCO to be an excellent example of a voluntary industry-driven initiative to help solve waste stream problems, fully meeting the requirements for a trophy to reward environmental responsibility and sustainability.

16 | Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks

F I G U R E 2 .1 | T h e P i l l a r s o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

sustainability efforts, Charlie Piscitello always says, “We may not yet be where we want to be with our sustainability efforts, but the exciting part is that we continue to learn and develop broader plans as we better understand areas of opportunity and hear ideas from our associates. I am very encouraged by our progress so far and certain that we must do even more - for our families, our pets, the planet, and our business.”

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

B ecau se poo st in k s The i Phone application allows users to find waste free parks in their surrounding area, save their favorite parks and rate the parks for other users.

Learn to Reduce your Pet's Carbon Paw Print So, here is the scoop. We are still new to this sustainabilit y thing , so we’re in training . We are working really hard to adopt sustainable business prac tices bec ause it is not only the right thing to do - it is also a reflec tion of the fac t that Petco associates are passionate about making a dif ference. N ow we ask you to join us in making a gre ener world , run a bet ter business and help pet s live happy, healthy lives .

In today 's ever-"greening" world, there are so many new ways to be eco - conscious . With the way people are embracing the green movement , taking care of their pets should be no exception! Here’s a start .

Picking Up af ter your Pet

Be active and Live a healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that picking up after your pet can help maintain water quality by keeping pet waste out of rivers, streams and lakes? Be sure to clean up after your dog and use biodegradable waste bags when at a dog park or out for a walk.

Get out and get active. Not only is this a great tip for humans, but it is a great thing to do for your dog. Head to your local dog park to play with other dogs, find a dog- friendly nature trail or just go for a walk around the neighborhood.

Think adoption First The HSUS estimates that animal shelters care for 6-8 million dogs and cats every year in the United States, of whom approximately 3-4 million are euthanized. Find the perfect addition to your family at one of Petco’s monthly in-store national adoption events where local shelters match pets in need with parents.


3165 Alpine Ave NW


Planet- Friendlier Manufacturing Choosing natural and organic-based products is impor tant. However, it ’s just as impor tant to suppor t brands that incorporate sustainability into their ever yday business practices such as packaging, ingredient sourcing and recycling. To learn more on this or more of our ef for ts visit w w w.petco/goodboy/greenpets .com

T h aT ’ s a G o o d B oy !


Walker, MI 49544


(616) 647-0328


Mary Benson 620 Winter Street Big Rapids, MI CA 49307

P l a n et P et co™ O u r n ew P l a n et P etco™ p ro d u c t s of fe r h ig h q u a lit y, m o re s u s t a i n a b l e p ro d u c t s th at u tilize re c yc l e d a n d

W H O S AY S O L D D O G S CAN’t LeArN NeW triCkS?

re c l a i m e d m ate r i a l s a n d re n ewa b l e re s o u rce s . Fo r exa m p l e , o u r P l a n et P etco™ Eco D o g H a r n e s s i s m a d e of f u lly re c yc l e d p o lye s te r t a ke n f ro m p l a s ti c b ot tl e s . O n ave ra g e , o n e p l a s ti c b ot tl e i s u s e d to m a ke a P etco Eco co ll a r ; th re e a re u s e d to m a ke a n Eco h a r n e s s o r l e a d .

We all n eed a lit tle h elp The brochure explains that Petco is working hard for their sustainability and offers stockholders to join together to make a better planet.

18 | Who Says Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

Corporate sustainability report | stephaniedemarest.com

Ju st give th e quick stor y The website gives stockholders and curious people the chance to get the quick facts and stories of Petco’s efforts.


20 | Who Says Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

Q U I C K IT ’ S A N E A R T H Q UA K E , YO U ’ R E G O I N G TO. . .


Who runs? Honestly.


D o n’t Ju s t G o W i t h t h e Fl o w

USE YOUR COMMON SE NSE A long w ith thinking ahead and preparing your ow n natural disaster kit, learning what actions to take can help you remain safe and healthy in the event of an ear thquake. Follow our f low char t test your ear thquake common sense.

No way


Drop, cover, hold on

The shaking stops, you?

The building collapsed and now your trapped! What do you do next? ...

Go look for your cat

Yell for help

Cover Mouth

Safely exit

Wrong answer! The cat is okay, don’t you wish you could say the same for you?

Oh noooo, aftershocks and you are outside, what now? ...

Go to a wide open space

Not a good idea. You have now inhaled a bunch of debris.

Wait until you hear some help

Hide near a building Smart move, wait it out and pat yourself on the back


E A R T H Q UA K E S U R V I VA L T I P S // 4

Preparation is surviving Intent ion The goal of this project is to educate students in earthquake zone areas about preparation. The pack includes a trial of initial knowledge and practices for preparation in the future. The goal is for students to learn about earthquakes, how to respond, survival techniques, and to have fun.


Don’t get caught hungry or naked. Preparation goes a long way to ensure the safety of your life. Get these items and store them away.

Ma k e a K it , a n d Ch e c k it Tw i c e

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

S U R V I V I N G I S A L L P R E P A R AT I O N By thinking ahead and preparing your ow n natural disaster kit, you can dramatically improve your chances of getting through a disaster. Having the essentials on hand when disaster strikes could mean the difference bet ween life and death for you .

First aid kit, invest in more then just band-aids.


Clean spanks, no one likes wearing crappy undies.


Comfy crash pad. After all this, sleep is important.

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

Know where a safe place to go. Under a house is not a comfy place.

Get materials for a fire to stay warm. Burning a house is not recommended

Have silverware. You can promise your hands will be clean enough.




A pot. And yes you can cook macaroni and cheese


No. 8


Clean H20, not only to drink but brush those teeth!



E A R T H Q UA K E S U R V I VA L T I P S // 6

W h at ’s sh akin’ Students use the information booklet as a fun to prepare for earthquakes. The concept is to play the game first so students can evaluate which areas they need to brush up on in the booklet. After doing so, students can use the booklet for a safety kit checklist and learn to practice their decision making skills with the quick decision flow chart.

22 | Preparation is surviving

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

Phrenology is an old practice that doctors once used to predict a person’s character traits by the shape and location of bumps and depressions on their skull. This mini book series highlights the interesting character traits that are encountered throughout the most influential times of a modern person’s life.

and do what their peers do. Often highly intelligent but

a r t a n d i n d i e - r o c k , c r e a t i v i t y,

socially rejected because of their

intelligence, witty banter and

obsession with a given subject,

love to drink coffee.

usually computers.



people should follow trends




T he E ar th L





t o s o c i e t y ’s b e l i e f s t h a t a l l









A person who does not conform




T he Ner d















politics, an appreciation of



thinking, culture, progressive



a n d 3 0 ’s t h a t v a l u e i n d e p e n d e n t








a n d w o m e n t y p i c a l l y i n t h e i r 2 0 ’s EE



Hipsters are a subculture of men






T he Hips ter













Intent ion















A n alpha male idiot. Usually 16-25 years old, inar ticulate and belligerent, talks about n o t h i n g b u t c h i c k s a n d b e e r, drives a jacked up tr uck t h a t ’s p l a s t e r e d w i t h s t i c k e r s and loves to pops his collar.




T he Br o


















I never knew I had talent until phernology told me so

I thin k I know th at person The tongue and cheek definitions are used to give a better understanding for each stereotype.

24 | Do you feel that

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

An intelligent who believes t interests are n the best intere beings themse species. They environment e

We see an opportunity to start a conversation about real communities Intent ion w

26 | We see an opportunity to start a conversation about real communities

T h e S m a ll Tow n St u d io w ill ex pa n d s t u d e nt s’ u n d e r s ta n d i n g of s us ta i na bilit y to i ncl u d e a broa d, holis tic v iew t hat i ncorporates econ om ic a n d socia l pat te rns , w h ile p rom oti n g com m u n ities t hat a re s us ta i na ble i n te rms of t h e i r use of nat u ra l resou rces a n d t h e i r re lations h i p to t h e e nv i ron m e nta l contex t i n w h ich t h ey evol ved .

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com

The Small Town STudio of ferriS STaTe univerSiTy will help Shine a lighT on The Small Town, iTS SucceSSeS and failureS; iTS poTenTial and iTS limiTaTionS. The Small Town STudio will embraCe The idea ThaT There may noT be a Single SoluTion To any problem or Single anSwer To any queSTion, buT ThaT There iS value in exploring


project Summary

For students to address problems based in reality, with real clients and creating a working relationship

architects and architectural students must retain connections to the patterns of everyday life in order

between the university and the community. the studio setting will allow greater interaction between students and instructors, from multiple programs and

to do their work effectively. the Small town Studio is an initiative for students to have the opportunity to experience a studio environment before entering into

clients replicating more realistically the character of architectural practice and planning.

the workforce. the studio will introduce students to the challenges and opportunities presented by real clients and real problems. the Small town Studio


implementation will bring a new Bachelor of Science in architecture and Substantiality degree, with integrated community studies work. this new educational program

Be progressive and forward thinking provide high quality learning and instruction to our students

required resources

Specific Requirements

a critical aspect of the Small town Studio is its integration into the fabric of Big rapids town as an effort to build bridges between the university and the community. to this end, a space must be developed that serves a range of experiences for the students and the community alike, Since the premise of the Small town Studio is a fusion of teaching and service, the space must serve these two functions.

2,400 sq. ft. studio to accommodate work stations for 20 students as well as a teaching station, model building areas, etc.

Check out the brand guidelines for the Small Town Studio. See what we’re all about and help us stay on the same page. Just for clarification that’s a figure of speech, we encourage you to turn the next page and explore our plans for the studio.

the space should accommodate instructional areas,


Studio perception

to create a studio experiences for students that allows them to serve their communities through responsible and sustainable design.

dynamic, experienced, contemporary, exciting, fun, fresh, clean, communicative, progressive, and contrast with what architecture schools are currently doing in the educational field.


positioning Statement a Ferris State university senior architecture student group that act as local community members in the west michigan area in order to serve their communities through responsible and sustainable design.

oF generaTionS paST and promotE thE prESErvation oF hiSToriC architEctural and cultural arTifaCTS

Single-minded message provide practical education to students who will serve the community in a sustainable and responsible manner.

serve to opportunities presented by real clients and real problems.

needS, dreamS, hopeS and deSireS; ThaT iT embodieS The energieS of The people who reSide There, do buSineSS There,

relatively little attention has been paid to issues of small towns in the united States. many such towns, including many in Michigan, like Big Rapids, have seen significant economic hardships and deterioration of their small town fabric. the advent of big-box stores, as well as municipalities chasing the tax revenue they provide, have resulted in increased vacancy and decreased viability for small towns. Ferris State university is in a unique position to propose remedies for these problems through the implementation of the Small town Studio. the new Bachelor of Science of architecture and Sustainability degree, with its integration of community Studies coursework, creates an interdisciplinary educational program that can engage directly with the city of Big rapids and address its unique urban problems. moreover, as the Small town Studio gains momentum, it can serve as a clearinghouse for small towns across michigan; through which a wide range of design and planning problems can be addressed. in this regard opportunities exit to develop post-professional seminars or workshops that could draw professionals to campus to broaden their understanding of community planning and sustainability. this will eventually give the program a regional, in not national focus.

S.w.o.t. analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

archiTecTural and planning iSSueS in The STruggling Small TownS of michigan. The Small Town STudio will, aT iTS foundaTion, accepT The premiSe ThaT The Small Town—noT urban, Suburban, or rural—repreSenTS a Specific SeT of

in the context of architectural education, and to an extent the context of urban and community planning,

SiTuaTion analySiS

life, inTegraTing Their STudio experienceS inTo The conTexT of local communiTieS aS They work To explore

to do their work effectively. toward this end, increasing numbers of architectural schools are integrating remote studio experienced into their curriculum. these studio

target audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 target users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

primary Signature:

Target audience

the Small town Studio signature represents starting a conversation between Ferris State students and community members. the forms of the signature mimic geometric and architectural lines. the primary signature should be used on Small town Studio printed, digital, and environmental pieces.

the Small town Studio’s target audience includes

and paSS Through There. thE Small town Studio will marShal thE creaTive and inTellecTual forceS of ferriS STaTe

we believe in the power of architecture.

mark Smith age: 46

Target user

community members and officials. These individuals can be community leaders, mayors or citizens and

mark Smith is a mayor of a small town and is eager to bring more traffic into the town’s downtown area. Smith

potential students. these individuals want to create an impact, they are self-sufficient, forward thinking, and

drew Jackson will be graduating high school in the next year and is looking at potential colleges. Jackson is from

they are the immediate recipients of the Small town Studio’s work.

wants to improve the overall quality of the town while keeping it local and familiar. practical and sustainable

conceptual. these students are aware of the global environment, but have a more local mind-set. they

a small town and loves the community vibe, so he’s not interested in attending a large university. Jackson fell

the community has a need for more well designed

design is important to Smith because the town can’t afford to redesign or make updates to buildings and

have a strong desire to learn and are career minded which will help to mold the student not only into an

in love with drafting his sophomore year of high school and ever since has know architecture was for him. he

recreational areas. Smith is excited to get college students more involved with the community and

architect but into a better community member. these individuals may have already heard of different small

wants to have an education that allows him to be job ready upon graduation.

create a lasting relationship.

town studios, and are looking for additional information and opportunities. Experience, industry connections,

spaces and a desire for more sustainable and beautified environments. these community individuals do not have the resources or the time to begin to create changes in their community; therefore, they are

univerSiTy To explore iSSueS Such aS economic hardShip, decenTralizaTion, idenTiTy, paTTern, conTexT, culTural

dependant on the Small town Studio to help

opporTuniTy, brain drain, and opporTuniTieS for youTh. The Small Town STudio will noT focuS on The quick fix or

drew Jackson age: 17

the target user encompasses creative, independent,

and self-fulfillment are key factors for the audience.

create a stronger and a more unified community.

eaSy SoluTionS, buT inSTead on SySTemic and SuSTainable change To poSiTion Small TownS for viable long-Term

Jenna davis

STabiliTy. The Small Town STudio will explore The relaTionShip beTween big box reTail and independenT buSineSS,

Jordan mcneal age: 18

age: 38 Jenna davis is a local business owner who has limited time and resources to spend sprucing up her business. davis has many big ideas and is looking forward to the opportunity to work with students to make her business thrive. davis is excited about getting students involved in a project that is bigger than themselves.

and work To build bridgeS ThaT encourage economic developmenT ThaT benefiTS The enTire communiTy. The Small Town STudio will reSpecT The work of generaTionS paST and promoTe The preServaTion of hiSToric archiTecTural and culTural arTifacTS, noT only aS a geSTure TowardS The paST, buT TowardS a SuSTainable fuTure. The Small Town STudio will expand STudenTS’ underSTanding of SuSTainabiliTy To include a broad, holiSTic view ThaT

Jordan mcneal is a free spirit and a forward thinker. She grew up in the busy, constantly changing city of chicago, illinois. though she loves the city and all the large scale architecture she knows that she wants to design for the betterment of society. She wants to create an impact that will last for future generations. mcneal wants to have an educational experience that will allow her to give back to her surrounding community and make a difference.

incorporaTeS economic and Social paTTernS, while promoTing communiTieS ThaT are SuSTainable in TermS of Their uSe of naTural reSourceS and Their relaTionShip To The environmenTal conTexT in which They evolved. The Small

put on y big show

Town STudio will be inTer-diSciplinary, Seeking To bring TeacherS, STudenTS, profeSSionalS and ciTizenS from diverSe backgroundS TogeTher To Solve complex problemS. The Small Town STudio will Seek To expoSe STudenTS To profeSSional archiTecTural and planning pracTice, nurTuring Them aS fuTure profeSSionalS and commiTTed ciTizenS in Their communiTieS. The Small Town STudio will be baSed in big rapidS, michigan, buT will conSider The enTire STaTe aS a learning opporTuniTy. iT will examine The SucceSSeS and failureS of Small TownS acroSS The STaTe

we are the Small Town Studio   7

Barrier free toilet rooms

To find The commonaliTieS ThaT Tie placeS TogeTher, aS well aS The differenceS ThaT render each place unique.

we are the Small Town Studio   15

we are the Small Town Studio   27

we are the Small Town Studio   11

Storage areas total square footage = approximately 4,500 sq. ft.

furnishings and equipment 1 work area for faculty 20 work areas for students (tables, chair, storage) conference table and chair for 12–16 people

a Single SoluTion To an

be a Single SoluTion To any problem or Single anSwer To any queSTion, buT ThaT There iS value in exploring S.w.o.T. analysis favorable




Studio experience in a small

it is a four year Bachelor degree program

town community

computer projection system White boards, tack boards, file cabinets

failureS; iTS poTenTial a

failureS; iTS poTenTial and iTS limiTaTionS. The Small Town STudio will embrace The idea ThaT There may noT

wireless computer networking capability

conference space for students and faculty members to meet with clients, gallery space to display student projects and separate areas to host lectures and open houses. in addition, studio space should be developed that would allow an individual work space for each

The Small Town STudio

The Small Town STudio of ferriS STaTe univerSiTy will help Shine a lighT on The Small Town, iTS SucceSSeS and

community interaction working with real clients

lack of awareness, the studio is brand new



Expand to a graduate/ masters program

other college studio programs in michigan

Spread awareness about the program nationally through print and digital mediums

colleges that do offer both the 4 year Bachelor degree program and a graduate/ masters program

figure a S.w.o.t. analysis Small town Studio

we’ve done the research, but what exactly does it mean for the Small Town Studio?

emphasizing Strengths

pursuing opportunities

the Small town Studio experience is one that includes working

until a graduate or masters program becomes an obtainable

first hand with community members. This particular feature

goal, emphasizing the benefits of our four year program is the

is one that should be emphasized in all printed and digital

Small town Studio’s greatest opportunity. this unique experience

collateral. interaction with the community separates the Small

will prepare students in a different way than most institutions and

town Studio from our programs and allows students to see

communicating these positive differences the Small town Studio

both architecture and life with an entirely new perspective.

can become a well-known and respected program. awareness

recognizing weaknesses the perceived weakness of being a four year Bachelor degree program is that it doesn’t qualify students to become licensed architects. however, not only is the program an

can be accomplished through digital experiences, participation in national events, and collaboration with other programs.

minimizing Threats the best way to minimize the threat of other programs who do

excellent preparatory education for a masters program it also

offer graduate and masters programs is to focus on the quality

provides students with an experience that will better prepare

of the preparatory education of the four year Bachelor program.

them to become community leaders. awareness of the Small

It is common in all fields of study to change institutions for

town Studio, a newly formed program, will increase with time.

graduate level classes, architecture is no exception. the Small

By creating a digital presence the studio will become more

town Studio will provide a baseline education that will leave

accessible to a wider audience.

students well prepared for any higher level education program.

an analysis of the Small town Studio program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Core message

Core branding elements

the concept of conversation is the core message of the Small town Studio. the idea of conversation urges students, professors, business professionals and community members to come together and discuss the Small town Studio and encourages an interest in architecture and the problems associated with rural areas. Having a conversation is the first step, which leads to action. By starting a conversation we are building awareness not only for the studio, but also for the community.

Community the manifesto application creates awareness, provokes thought, and serves to engage the community in an inviting and intellectual manner.

positioning angle the Small town Studio works extensively with the problems of the surrounding rural community and provides opportunities for students to engage with real issues through real world architecture solutions.

and queSTioning. The Small Town STudio will engage archiTecTure STudenTS wiTh The paTTernS of everyday

we see an opportunity to start a conversation about rural communities.

life, inTegraTing Their STudio experienceS inTo The conTexT of local communiTieS aS They work To explore archiTecTural and planning iSSueS in The STruggling Small TownS of michigan. The Small Town STudio will, aT iTS foundaTion, accepT The premiSe ThaT The Small Town—noT urban, Suburban, or rural—repreSenTS a Specific SeT of

power of architecture using uniform geometric forms, the mark mimics structural elements often found in architecture, while also implying an integration between the surrounding community and Small town Studio.

needS, dreamS, hopeS and deSireS; ThaT iT embodieS The energieS of The people who reSide There, do buSineSS There, and paSS Through There. The Small Town STudio will marShal The creaTive and inTellecTual forceS of ferriS STaTe univerSiTy To explore iSSueS Such aS economic hardShip, decenTralizaTion, idenTiTy, paTTern, conTexT,

aesthetics typeface: verlag [humanistic Sans] the humanistic qualities of the typeface create a personable feeling that aids in the idea of creating conversational vibe.

culTural opporTuniTy, brain drain, and opporTuniTieS for youTh. The Small Town STudio will noT focuS on The

Table of ConTenTS

S.w.o.T. analysis

ExEcutivE Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–9





corE StratEgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20–23

Studio experience in a small town community

it is a four year Bachelor degree program

viSual ElEmEntS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24–39

community interaction

lack of awareness, the studio is brand new

Situation analySiS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–15 compEtitivE analySiS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–19

applicationS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40–61 Structural ElEmEntS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62–65 proJEctionS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66–75


usage are critical.

to provide opportunities for students to engage with real world issues through real architectural solutions.

In addition, a significant goal is to create awareness through promotion materials, signage, events, and even a marketing plan. long-term, the Small town Studio will be a tool and a resource for companies and people within the community — with the eventual move of the program to an off campus location in the downtown area.

teach students to develop leadership roles and society and in practice

will reSpeCT thE work

and queSTioning. The Small Town STudio will engage archiTecTure STudenTS wiTh The paTTernS of everyday

architects and architectural students must retain connections to the patterns of everyday like if they are

quick fix or eaSy SoluTionS, buT inSTead on SySTemic and SuSTainable change To poSiTion Small TownS for viable long-Term STabiliTy. The Small Town STudio will explore The relaTionShip beTween big box reTail and independenT

primary colors: Black + white the black and white color scheme creates high levels of contrast. the high contrast helps to create a strong focus on the content and ideas without unnecessary distractions. this also allows for an appropriate level of sophistication while remaining inviting.

buSineSS, and work To build bridgeS ThaT encourage economic developmenT ThaT benefiTS The enTire communiTy. The Small Town STudio will reSpecT The work of generaTionS paST and promoTe The preServaTion of hiSToric archiTecTural and culTural arTifacTS, noT only aS a geSTure TowardS The paST, buT TowardS a SuSTainable fuTure.

Secondary colors: red + Blue the red color is pulled from the Ferris State university color scheme and represents the students of the Small town Studio. the blue is inspired from architectural elements and represents potential clients of the Small town Studio.


and local governments; and in addition would allow first hand exploration of important concepts such as streetscapes, urban planning, infill architecture, etc. In addition, since a major focus of both the Small town Studio and the Bachelor of Science in architecture and Sustainability will be the sustainable principles inherent in historic building and their adaptation to current

400 sq. ft. conference area

identity for the studio, the slate is clean. a few immediate goals include creative a studio identity and promotion sustainable practices within the community.

teach students to think effectively and develop critical thinking skills with vocational readiness


the ideal space would be located in downtown Big rapids, as opposed to the edge of campus or in an outlaying area of the city. this location would encourage students to engage with business owners

800 sq. ft. gallery space

promote sustainable values and development of the built environment


being a part of the community is a necessity. beyond that, it’s about adaptation and flexibility.

will allow students to impact their community. the Small town Studio initiative would like to promote student’s additional capabilities. there is no existing

thE Small town Studio


working with real clients



Expand to a graduate/ masters program

other college studio programs in michigan

Spread awareness about the program nationally through print and digital mediums

colleges that do offer both the 4 year Bachelor degree program and a graduate/ masters program

The Small Town STudio will expand STudenTS’ underSTanding of SuSTainabiliTy To include a broad, holiSTic view ThaT incorporaTeS economic and Social paTTernS, while promoTing communiTieS ThaT are SuSTainable in TermS of

figure a S.w.o.t. analysis Small town Studio

queSTioning. The Small

we’ve done the research, but what exactly does it mean for the Small Town Studio?

life, inTegraTing Their arChiTeCTural and pla

aT iTS foundaTion, acce emphasizing Strengths

pursuing opportunities

the Small town Studio experience is one that includes working

until a graduate or masters program becomes an obtainable

first hand with community members. This particular feature

goal, emphasizing the benefits of our four year program is the

is one that should be emphasized in all printed and digital

Small town Studio’s greatest opportunity. this unique experience

collateral. interaction with the community separates the Small

will prepare students in a different way than most institutions and

town Studio from our programs and allows students to see

communicating these positive differences the Small town Studio

both architecture and life with an entirely new perspective.

can become a well-known and respected program. awareness

recognizing weaknesses

in national events, and collaboration with other programs.

the perceived weakness of being a four year Bachelor degree program is that it doesn’t qualify students to become

can be accomplished through digital experiences, participation

minimizing Threats

licensed architects. however, not only is the program an

the best way to minimize the threat of other programs who do

excellent preparatory education for a masters program it also

offer graduate and masters programs is to focus on the quality

provides students with an experience that will better prepare

of the preparatory education of the four year Bachelor program.

them to become community leaders. awareness of the Small

It is common in all fields of study to change institutions for

town Studio, a newly formed program, will increase with time.

graduate level classes, architecture is no exception. the Small

By creating a digital presence the studio will become more

town Studio will provide a baseline education that will leave

accessible to a wider audience.

students well prepared for any higher level education program.

28 | We see an opportunity to start a conversation

buSineSS, and work To bu The Small Town STudio

archiTecTural and culT

The Small Town STudio w

To profeSSional archiTe we are the Small Town Studio   13

ciTizenS in Their commu

enTire STaTe aS a learnin

enTire STaTe aS a learning opporTuniTy. iT will examine The SucceSSeS and failureS of Small TownS acroSS The STaTe

To find The commonaliT

To find The commonaliTieS ThaT Tie placeS TogeTher, aS well aS The differenceS ThaT render each place unique.

Respect th e bran d we are the Small Town Studio   9

long-Term STabiliTy. The

diverSe backgroundS To

To profeSSional archiTecTural and planning pracTice, nurTuring Them aS fuTure profeSSionalS and commiTTed

we are the Small Town Studio   23

quick fix or eaSy SoluTio

Small Town STudio will b

diverSe backgroundS TogeTher To Solve complex problemS. The Small Town STudio will Seek To expoSe STudenTS

we are the Small Town Studio   13

culTural opporTuniTy, b

Their uSe of naTural reS

Their uSe of naTural reSourceS and Their relaTionShip To The environmenTal conTexT in which They evolved. The

ciTizenS in Their communiTieS. The Small Town STudio will be baSed in big rapidS, michigan, buT will conSider The

ferriS STaTe univerSiTy To

ThaT incorporaTeS econ

an analysis of the Small town Studio program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Small Town STudio will be inTer-diSciplinary, Seeking To bring TeacherS, STudenTS, profeSSionalS and ciTizenS from

student throughout their senior year. work stations create a mindset of ownership in the students by allowing for personalization and support the long hours necessitated by studio work.

SeT of needS, dreamS, ho

There, and paSS Throug

The brand manual includes the guidelines for the branding system so ever yone can stay on the same page.

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com


Next quest ion plea se For the first time in human history, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities and towns rather than rural or agricultural settings. As the world undergoes this fundamental shift from rural to urban development, much of the focus has been on the role

915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, Michigan 49307

of large or even mega cities in ushering in this new urban era. This shift in focus means that small towns have often been overlooked

Let’s talk architecture.

The application form is used by potential clients looking to work with the students of the Small Town Studio. This form can be printed and mailed or done as a interactive PDF.

School of Built Environment at Ferris State University

or left out of the discussion, leaving unanswered the question: what is the role of small towns in this new urban age? In seeking to answer this question, one might begin by trying to understand the idea of the small town itself. Is the small town a state of mind? A state of being? A state of place? Is it, as the author William Saroyan suggests, a place of childhood dreaming, of secret paths and intimate spaces, where adventure grows around every corner? Where does the small town begin and where does it end?

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The answer will likely vary with each person asked, and may very well depend on whether the questioner is from a small town or is a stranger to the concept altogether. Regardless of the answer, the small town is inextricably linked to a nostalgic concept of Hello, I’m an ambitious student in the School of Built Environment at Ferris State University. If you would like to contact me, email me at smalltownstudio@ferris.edu, or call 231 591 3100 for information.

American life comprised of places and people out of legend—Grover’s Corners, Mayberry, Atticus and Scout—that may exist only 915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, Michigan 49307 smalltownstudio@ferris.edu

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in memory, and therefore may be best understood when looked at with clear eyes, and without sentimentality. The small town may be a true community built around the public square; or it may be a tattered collection of buildings on an old road. It may be thriving, or only a dream remembered. Whichever of these it is, to make sense of how it came to be and make it a real place in a changing world, we must examine the small town with regard for the actions of those who have shaped it, evolved from it, retreated to it or left it in their rear-view mirrors; for their personal, political, economic and/or cultural reasons. The Small Town Studio of Ferris State University will help shine a light on the small town, its successes and failures; its potential and its limitations. The Small Town Studio will embrace the idea that there may not be a single solution to any problem or single answer to any question, but that there is value in exploring and questioning. The Small Town Studio will engage architecture students

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School of Built Environment at Ferris State University

School of Built Environment at Ferris State University

915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, Michigan 49307

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EXPECTATIONS What services are you anticipating we can provide for you?

TIME FRAME Are there any timing factors and/or constraints that might have an impact on the viability of this project?


915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, Michigan 49307


to explore architectural and planning issues in the struggling small towns of Michigan. The Small Town Studio will, at its foundation, accept the premise that the small town—not urban, suburban, or rural—represents a specific set of needs, dreams, hopes and desires; that it embodies the energies of the people who reside there, do business there, and pass through there. The Small Town Studio will marshal the creative and intellectual forces of Ferris State University to explore issues such as economic hardship, decentralization, identity, pattern, context, cultural opportunity, brain drain, and opportunities change to position small towns for viable long-term stability. The Small Town Studio will explore the relationship between big box retail and independent business, and work to build bridges that encourage economic development that benefits the entire community. The Small Town Studio will respect the work of generations past and promote the preservation of historic

T h e great m anifesto The business system uses conversational elements to strike curiosity about architecture and the Small Town Studio.

The Small Town Studio is an educational outreach of the College of Built Environment at Ferris State University. The work of the Small Town Studio is intended to stimulate discussion and ideas, to provide direction and focus for your community, and to provide

bring teachers, students, professionals and citizens from diverse backgrounds together to solve complex problems.

OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS What can our students learn, and how might they grow from exposure to this project?

students with an opportunity to explore real-world problems and work with real clients.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT What are your intentions for the work produced through the Small Town Studio?

WORK SPACE Is there a space available that students may use as a staging area, work space, conference space and/or display space?

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Studio will expand students’ understanding of sustainability to include a broad, holistic view that incorporates economic relationship to the environmental context in which they evolved. The Small Town Studio will be inter-disciplinary, seeking to

PROJECT DESCRIPTION What issues are facing your town that you feel we can help with?


architectural and cultural artifacts, not only as a gesture towards the past, but towards a sustainable future. The Small Town

and social patterns, while promoting communities that are sustainable in terms of their use of natural resources and their


smalltownstudio@ferris.edu ferris.edu/smalltownstudio

with the patterns of everyday life, integrating their studio experiences into the context of local communities as they work

for youth. The Small Town Studio will not focus on the quick fix or easy solutions, but instead on systemic and sustainable


FINANCIAL SUPPORT Is your organization able to provide financial support to offset expenses related to the project? If so, please indicate the amount.

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Diane Nagelkirk Program coordinator nagelkid@ferris.edu 231 591 2630

Although students will be working with professional architects on the project, they

Dane Johnson

themselves are not professionals, nor should the work produced through the studio be

Associate professor

viewed as a substitute for professional architectural services.


Ferris State University School of Built Environment

231 591 2625

Small Town Studio

The Small Town Studio will seek to expose students to professional architectural and planning practice, nurturing them

915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, MI 49307 smalltownstudio@ferris.edu ferris.edu/smalltownstudio

Ferris State University School of Built Environment We are the Small Town Studio  2

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Small Town Studio

915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, MI 49307 smalltownstudio@ferris.edu ferris.edu/smalltownstudio

We are the Small Town Studio  1

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as future professionals and committed citizens in their communities. The Small Town Studio will be based in Big Rapids, Michigan, but will consider the entire state as a learning opportunity. It will examine the successes and failures of small towns across the state to find the commonalities that tie places together, as well as the differences that render each place unique.

Ferris State University School of Built Environment Small Town Studio

30 | We see an opportunity to start a conversation

915 Campus Drive, Swan 314 Big Rapids, MI 49307 smalltownstudio@ferris.edu ferris.edu/smalltownstudio

Bottom margin: .65 in

Client branding | stephaniedemarest.com

W h ere do you belong The page types offer options from for client downloads to student admissions. Curious people can read about the Small Town Studio to get a better understanding.

A pict ures says a th ou san d word s With the use of stop motion photography, a photographic animation was created to show the movement of conversation through educators, students and the community.

32 | We see an opportunity to start a conversation about real communities

Corporate Sustainability Report | stephaniedemarest.com


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