2 minute read
Let’s face it, each day we are at war with the dangers of chronic inflammation. Pollution, stress, poor sleep, obesity, lack of exercise, social isolation and a pandemic have contributed to attacks against our immune system encouraging chronic inflammation. Unfortunately, most people don’t even realize they have chronic inflammation raging inside their bodies.1 Inflammation on its own is not a disease, but if left untreated can play a central role in some of the most challenging maladies of our modern world. Chronic inflammation diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world today.
Signs Of Chronic Inflammation
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, allergies, joint pain, obesity and gout are just some of the conditions that are most likely due to chronic inflammation. 3 Your body’s natural response is going the wrong way.
Approach Chronic Inflammation Naturally
There is good news, however. As we become aware of the risk factors happening inside of us, we can take action to reduce them. Nopalea may be an effective solution. Nopalea is all-natural, derived from the fruit of the Nopal cactus and native to the Sonoran Desert. It is a cactus fruit juice that is robust in antioxidants that support detoxification, promote healthy inflammation and whole-body wellness. Nopalea is based on a long-standing tradition and backed by science. With more than 13 million bottles sold, Nopalea is helping thousands of people regain the life they deserve to live.
Tips On How To Get Started
Scientists are still learning about chronic inflammation, but we do know that chronic inflammation does not stop unless you do something to combat it. A good start to conquering chronic inflammation is eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, good protein and fats and some carbohydrates. Stay away from processed and high-sodium foods, artificial sweeteners and simple carbs like white bread, sweetened cereals and most desserts. Simply put, put down ready-to-heat boxed foods that you just toss in the microwave. Instead, choose fresh ingredients as often as possible. A healthier lifestyle also includes some sort of exercise even if it’s just walking.
The bottom line, chronic inflammation is real and is not fake news. This is not something you have to live with. If you desire to live your life with less pain, more mobility and flexibility, you can choose a healthy lifestyle that can make a significant impact on your overall wellness and possibly your longevity.
1. Washington Post, “Chronic inflammation is long lasting, insidious, dangerous. And you may not even know you have it.” by Mariene Cimmons, 1/20/20
2. Furman, David, et al. "Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span." Nature medicine 25.12 (2019): 1822-1832.
3. Harvard Medical School Guide, “Understanding Inflammation” - 978-1-61401-168-2
Take the quiz and learn if you are at risk for chronic inflammation. Plus, ask your doctor about a test for C-Reactive Protein levels.
Check YES or NO to lifestyle risk factors that may indicate chronic inflammation:
Social Isolation – Do you spend a lot of time by yourself?
Stress – Are you feeling overwhelmed with your daily activities?
Disturbed Sleep – Do you get less than 7-9 hours of good sleep regularly?
Chronic Infections – Do you have open sores, painful red spots or swelling?
Physical Inactivity – Has it been more than 30 days since you’ve exercised?
Poor Diet – Do you eat processed foods more than fruits and vegetables?
Obesity – Are you overweight or have excess fat that poses a health risk?
If you answered YES to 1 or more of the above, you may have increased risk for chronic inflammation. For a natural solution to inflammation, see page 67.