2 minute read
Drink Water
Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness: the essentials for physical, emotional and spiritual health.
PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply 2. Drink Water 3. Sleep Peacefully 4. Eat Nutritiously 5. Enjoy Activity
EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love 7. Be Forgiving 8. Practice Gratitude 9. Develop Acceptance
SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God Michael R. Ellison
Trivita members loved it! And we heard you! Thank you!!
We are bringing back this special offer on Nopalea again for September. The same low price for one or more bottles of Nopalea at $36.99. Included are outstanding tools to help you address chronic inflammation and are
free with your order this month. Plus, if you want to guarantee that same low price on any quantities per order in the future, you may do so by arranging on the monthly or bimonthly Auto Replenishment Program(ARP). We know how important it is for each of us to be aware and take action to lower chronic inflammation. It is the insidious and sometimes silent robber of your health. It is your greatest health enemy. Be intolerable of it, not passive! Be unaccommodating, not accommodating to this thief! You have one life to live! Live it with a joyful and meaningful purpose supported by your wellness! We want all our members to have the best opportunity of managing inflammation. Inflammation is not just about pain. Because chronic inflammation does not just manifest in pain. It can take a dangerous toll on your body as it burns silently, weakening your cells, organs, and body systems. I say that not to alarm or create fear but to make you aware!
Here is the good news! You can dampen and even put out the fire of chronic inflammation, which is one of the most important health initiatives you can do. I say this again, chronic inflammation is a robber of your quality of life.
Also, free and upon request with your September order of one or more bottles of Nopalea, we are offering the 48-page Inflammation Health Awareness Guide for body system support (see page 3) and helping you know how to better deal with chronic inflammation. I encourage you to take advantage of these outstanding tools. We want all our members to have the best opportunity of managing inflammation.
Thank you, members for your feedback on how you appreciate the tools and special offer of our lowest price on one or more bottles of Nopalea. And, thank you Trivita Members for your care and support. May you enjoy greater wellness!
Michael R. Ellison, Founder of TriVita