Milestone 2

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Milestone 2 Team Blue Collar Main Characters: Detective Deboe- The older veteran of the group brings a lot of passion to the team. He grew up with a healthy dose of Matlock and this influences his style. He knows the right buttons to push but sometimes get himself in trouble with his fiery personality. His experience in the restaurant industry is a main attribute. He is not afraid to call it as he sees it. Detective Grace- Ms. Grace is the enigmatic member of the group. She may be quiet but she is just analyzing everything she sees. She does her job to the best of her ability every day. The group trusts her instincts, as she is usually right. She may seem sweet but managers do not want to get on her bad side. She played soccer at a professional level so she has been known to use her boot very swiftly. Detective Scott- A former child model, he has found his way moving through the ranks of the St. Petersburg Police Department. He has a certain charm with people that choreographs the way he does his job. He gathers Intel very swiftly and is not afraid to ask the tough questions. He works well with his partners and he enjoys showing managers the right way of doing business. Each episode will also introduce new supporting characters. These characters will include managers and employees of a particular company who are in need of help from the Blue Collar Detectives. Episodes: Episode 1- A group of managers at a local firm is having a problem with one of their managers who has been taking complete control of important decisions; not asking the other managers for input, and rejecting their opinions. At their weekly meetings he basically tells them how it’s going to be, and doesn’t give anyone else a chance to speak their mind. Supporting Characters: Michael: Controlling manager who wants everything done his way. Allison and Chris: Michael’s fellow managers who are fed up with his behavior, and call the Blue Collar detectives for help. Episode 2- A local company is falling behind when they are the only ones not up to date with the newest software. Employees are sick of running on the old system, but their manager, stuck in the 90’s, and a bit of a tightwad, refuses to upgrade to the newest system. If they don’t make the change soon, their company could be seriously affected. Supporting Characters: Bill: Old Fashioned, set in his ways manager. Vanessa and Joe: Two employees who are desperate for a change, and call the Blue Collar detectives for help. Episode 3- A customer at a bar notices a manager sexually harassing one of his bartenders. The bartender is too afraid to lose her job so she doesn't speak up. No one else

is really aware, as the bar is airways busy. The customer has seen enough and contacts the Blue Collar detectives. Supporting Characters Wide-eyed customer- He frequents this bar a lot and notices the bartender gets scared when manager is near. Sees inappropriate touching and unacceptable comments. Bartender- Hard working girl that is forced to work under such conditions. Fearful of losing her job. Manager- He is blind to proper moral standards and even commits vulgar offenses in front of customers. Episode 4- BCD receives a tip from an anonymous employee, who is concerned that their manager is bending a few rules and breaking a few laws, in an attempt to the company's budget goals, which he needs to hit in order to make bonus. BCD has been waiting for an opportunity to use their real management detective skills and decides to let Debo take the lead role in this project after he peeks their interest of him going in undercover to meet the manager. Supporting Characters Manager- Desperate to meet goals and earn bonus, no matter how it has to be done Concerned employee- Doesn’t approve of the way the manager is conducting business and is worried he will get caught and the company will be in trouble. Episode 5- Small pastry shop business owner/manager can’t keep control of her employees. As much as she tries to be an authority figure over them, because they’re her friends as well, they don’t take her seriously. They have begun sabotaging pastries for customers they don’t like, and she doesn’t have the heart to fire them because she knows it would really upset them. She has tried confronting them, but all they do is promise they will be better employees, but never follow through. The manager has no idea how to go about this situation and needs to enlist BCD for help before the customers find out what her employees have been doing. Supporting characters: Tiffany: pastry shop owner who is a total pushover and doesn’t want to upset her friends. Before these friends, she was a loner, so she’s afraid of losing them; can’t be an assertive manager and establish authority. Frannie and Vanessa: Her best friends/pastry makers who will spit or do other things to the pastries when a customer upsets them. Episode 6-Kevin, Oscar and Angela make up a small accounting department of a local paper company. Kevin begins to notice a discrepancy in the amount of paychecks distributed compared to the employees. He asks Oscar for advice and they suspect Angela is committing fraud by creating a paycheck for a fake employee. BPD is called onto the scene to investigate these malicious claims. Supporting Characters: Kevin- Hard working accountant who loves his M+M's. He enjoys his job until he discovers fallacies in the company's books. Oscar-Quiet numbers guy. Kevin looks up to him and his numbers are always great. Angela- Strict, quiet accountant. Seems shady lately. Something is up.

Episode 7- Josh and Melissa have been working for Sarah for almost 3 years. Since they have worked for her, she is constantly promising great things that never seem to pan out. Whether it be a bonus coming their way, signing a big client, or opening up a new office. They officially feel like they cannot trust their manager, or determine what's true and what's false. They desperately call the BPD in search of help. Supporting Characters: Josh and Melissa- Hard working employees, who would really enjoy their job if it weren’t for the fact that they constantly had to be skeptical of everything their manager told them. Sarah- Always feeling the need to appear as if things are better than they really are, often stretches the truth or makes promises she is unsure she can keep. This often backfires on her, and her employees are sick of it.

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