Top Tier Final Booklet

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•  Have you ever been asked to perform a task that sounded completely absurd yet was required in order to pass a class or retain a job? Finger Puppy Management is exactly that. The professor provided nine different teams with the requirements (milestones, a booklet, and seven episodes) and left the rest up to the students. The project demands each team to delegate, innovate, organize, and display their knowledge of the principals of management via a T.V. show that is posted on social media. •  The following pages contain all the information needed to better understand Top Tier’s show “Gotham City’s Managers”.

Carlos • Junior, Non-Profit Business Management. I consider myself to be a student leader wherever I am.

Dominique • Junior, Economics (Business). I hope to have my own art gallery or tattoo parlor one day.

Ryan • Senior, Business Management. I have moved 20 times in 22 years.

Saralin • Senior, Marketing Major, International Business Minor. I was born and raised in Old Saybrook, CT.


Due to the increased exposure of the common person – ie. not a nerd – to various comic book characters, Top Tier believed that it would be unique to incorporate said characters into the T.V. Show. In other words, the episodes consist of different characters from Marvel and D.C. comics. Each one is housed on different floors )*#+,#-$ #./0,"*#$ 01$ %&#$ )0220($ /#*,0($ 3$ '#4$ (0%$ of Gotham Corp, from top to ground floor. The 2')$6007$)&+*+)%#*,8$90/$9'#*$6#:'#5#-$%&+%$'%$;0":descending of floors is%&#$ meant serve a *+%#$ ,+'-$ )&+*+)%#*,$ '(%0$ 94=4$ to >&0;4$ $ ?($as 0%&#* )0(,',%$ 01$ -'@#*#(%$ )&+*+)%#*,$ 1*02$ A+*5#:$ +(-$ ! metaphor for the levels of management: top, ',$ &0",#-$ 0($ -'@#*#(%$ D00*,$ 01$ E0%&+2$ B0*/8$ 1 middle, and associates. concepts are 0*4$ $ 9&#$ -#,)#(-'(F$ 01$ D00*,$ Many ',$ 2#+(%$ %0$ ,#*5#$ +,$ #5#:,$ 01$ 2+(+F#2#(%G$ %0/8$ 2'--:#8$ +(-$ +,,0)'+ included in the episodes and will be covered +*#$ '():"-#-$ '($ %&#$ #/',0-#,$ +(-$ ;'::$ 6#$ )05#*#-$ : l a t e r i n t h i s b o o k l e t .

 Comic books have made a huge comeback in the entertainment industry, giving the comic book genre a huge boost in popularity. You either have a favorable superhero or you are somewhat familiar with their traits. From movies to TV shows, video games, toys, and t-shirts comic book characters seem to be advertised everywhere. As a team, we thought it would be unique idea to relate the personas of certain comic book characters to our management characters because of the increasing level of popularity that comic books have gone through, especially within our generation. Whether you are a comic book fan, movie fanatic, or just not a comic book type of person, comic books have become to popular that it is hard n o t t o b e f a m i l i a r w i t h .

Each show is constructed using the illustrations that Dom created, cut out, and used as puppets on sticks. The videos are voiced by each of us. Filmed using the iPad and then edited using the iMovie app. U p l o a d e d t o Y o u T u b e into a playlist for our group.

Throughout the course, the professor required that we submitted various “milestones”. These served as benchmarks in order to keep us organized and provide credit for all the work that goes into producing a show. The milestones are just listed here because all of the information in this booklet includes the information used for said milestones.

Milestone 1 •  High-level Finger Puppet Storyboard draft and Groups formed with group name

Milestone 2 •  Finger Puppet Persona/Character profiles and draft outline of 4 episodes for the Report

Milestone 3 •  Developed Storyboard with episodes identified/summary of each episode and booklet draft

Milestone 4 •  Full Booklet Draft

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

The setting is on the top story of Gotham Corp. where Batman is behind his desk with a red phone on top. He receives a phone call from Officer Gordon who is at the scene of two ferries which were threatened to be blown up by the Joker. Batman then instructs Gordon as to what he is supposed to do and goes hunting for the Joker. In this episode, Batman is performing the roles of being a leader, monitor, and disturbance handler. All of these are part of the skills needed to be a good manager: interpersonal, informational, and decisional skills.

Here, we are on the 6th floor with Captain Americountant. The episode is about an employee who has been cooking the books. Captain examines the six moral intensity factors in order to make the best decision for the department. On the 5th floor, the avengers and fantastic four team up to bring the avengers’ product to a global front. The episode examines risk management and strategic alliances.

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

On the 4th floor, Green Lantern and Flash discuss the past fiscal year and develop a new plan for execution. Flash is too broad in his plan. However, the Green Lantern explains the strategic management process to him and provides a better idea to gain a more competitive advantage.

On the 3rd floor, Nick Fury, G.I. Joe, and Dr. Octopus are gathered to discuss the plans for a new market. Each character takes turns explaining why or why not strategic, tactical, or operational plans would work. As a team, they conclude on which plan option to choose. On the 2nd floor, Professor Xavier examines his X-men and goes through the process of job design according to each of the x-man’s special abilities. Professor Xavier also hints at job sharing for the subordinates. On the ground floor, we see Mystique confront Iceman about the need for him to stop resisting change and go with the direction the company takes him. She also provides an incentive for him to get on board.

Top Tier often met prior to class to discuss Top Tier often met priorand to class to discussAlso, important important deadlines ideas. many deadlines and ideas. Also, many meetings were hosted meetings were hosted at Ryan’s house and in at the Ryan’s house in the that we could collaborate in library so and that welibrary couldso collaborate in person person rather separate the the tasks. We found that rather than than justjust separate tasks. We found workingworking on the assignments a team produced as better that on theas assignments a quality team work. Food and beer also provided incentive for our group produced better quality work. Food and beer also mates to join. It alsofor allowed more mates creativeto ideas. provided incentive our for group join. It also allowed for more creative ideas.

Every team member has been active in the work force for a period of time. Thus, we had prior experience with creative! The more fun you have the better the results! of the responsibility. Lastly, have fun with the and be being managed. This project showed us assignment our weaknesses participate in the project rather than having one person assuming all techniques! Meeting definitely allowed the group to and strengths asoften a group. After a for few weeks of actively being collaboration creates much better results than divide-and-conquer for other classes. someone your “time manager”. in the class, our Make figure head dropped out. So, we Also, all this large of a project while also actively participating and studying creativity. If you can work ahead, then do it. It is hard to manage hadoverachievers! to pick up At a times, bit more of the work. It added stress Be the milestones require a lot of work and Our recommendation to other students is to work ahead at all times. to the already complicated project. However, we proved to ourselves that we could do this and do it well! Not just to get by but to actually pass with flying colors.

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Our recommendation to other students is to work ahead at all times. Be overachievers! At times, the milestones require a lot of work and creativity. If you can work ahead, then do it. It is hard to manage this large of a project while also actively participating and studying for other classes. Make someone your “time manager”. Also, collaboration creates much better results than divide-and-conquer techniques! Meeting often definitely allowed for the group to actively participate in the project rather than having one person assuming all of the responsibility. Lastly, have fun with the assignment and be creative! The more fun you have the b e t t e r t h e r e s u l t s !

They say that hind sight is 20-20. Looking back, the team believes that it is safe to say that we did not think we were capable of creating something like this as individuals. Plus, having us work in groups required us to apply the concepts learned in the class to the group proceedings. Some people were more leaders than others. However, it was a learning experience for all of us. Many of us discovered talents that we did not know we possessed. Overall, creating this show allowed all of us to see our creative potential and made each of us more confident in our own worth. Everyone is good at something. We capitalized on our strengths. That is what made this project a success.

Making a show by incorporating management concepts is a genius idea! I have to admit that I was apprehensive on the first day of class seeing what the next 5 months was going to be like, but I am glad I stuck it out to see what your class has to offer. Rachel East says, “When people feel compelled to quit, they’re usually reacting to how much they dislike their current situation…” with that being said, you should never judge a book by its cover. It is certainly a lot of work, however the set milestones have helped weigh out the workload of the overall project. Not only do you learn management through class lectures and the textbook, but also some roles of management are used within our groups we have. It can be tough working as a group especially when everyone has different work and class schedules. Luckily, I have an awesome group to work with and everyone does a fair share of work, which doesn’t always happen. Furthermore, working within a group challenges you and shows you what kind of work ethics you have. I feel that I have the perfect group for this particular project. Dominique is awesome at drawing and she’s pretty creative when it comes to the scripts. Carlos and Ryan have done an awesome job helping out and keeping the group updated with new information and updates. Savannah is definitely a tech savvy kind of person, putting together our teaser trailer and video edits. I think I am more on the creative side of everything, putting the booklet together and making it look exactly like a comic book since our shows theme deals with comic characters.

Junior, Non-Profit Business Management. I think this project was a Great experience, and I’m thankful to have the team that I have because from the first day we all were in the same page to get this project done

Learning how to be a professional manager in a college classroom setting is not only challenging but a lot of the time is quite tedious. Learning how to be a professional manager on the jobsite turns the tables because of its hands-on nature and constantly changing environment. The project went above and beyond in the requirements of each member of the group. Day one of Diasio’s Principles of Management course certainly threw me and quite a few other members of the course through a major loop. Finger Puppets??? Who is this guy?! How the heck am I going to learn anything out of this class? Is this really a college class? Let me just say after working the project all the way through completion, the freedom and open possibilities for success through group work when the entire group is productive teaches more than a textbook or professor alone can imagine. I will recommend this course to anybody interesting in learning to be successful not only in the business field, but any environment.


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