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Student Assessment of Instruction Reporting (Student Evaluations Mart) NOTE: This web site provides access to results of the Student Assessment of Instruction surveys completed each term in all USF courses. Using the options provided below, you can search the assessments by course, by instructor or by using the advanced options. (Back to Search) Search Criteria Course Term : Spring 2016 Instructor Last Name : diasio Instructor First Name : stephen
St Pete Business Business Dean's Office Course Title : Strategic Mgmt/Decision Making
Instructor : Diasio, Stephen
Course Term : Spring 2016
Course ID : GEB 4890691, Reference Number 17150
Course Comment: good class I did not find a relationship to my major The course had a ton of useful concepts and tools. The information was extremely relevant for business application. I was not crazy about Valpak being our choice of business. I just could not get excited about their company. They were known for their blue mailers and will only be known for their blue mailers. Any startup business besides Valpak would have been more exciting. What's that? All I learned is that Valpak is a crappy company across from the dump. Great class and great experience builder. Awesome teacher for the course! This course in no way was a capstone course. There was only "marketing" and "management" perspectives, but nothing that we've learned from Finance, Statistics, Economics, Accounting or Information Systems management was made a focal point at any time. The course should not be based on the professor's strengths, but as written in the description, be a capstone course that brings together all of the things we've learned throughout our time at USF and apply them in a "strategic" manner as would best reflect "real life". Group sizes were too big, less work was done individually and because of that, people were less invested in the project and that inhibited learning potential. The https://fair.usf.edu/EvaluationMart/EvaluationComment.aspx?recid=52159&reportid=30587&reporttype=D
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project prompt or subject was average at best. To have 7 groups all do the same exact thing was repetitive. Valpak was not going to use any one groups plan or motive. Mostly because they're such a large company. In the future I would try to do it with a smaller company as its easy for them to just try new and different things out to see how they work without much difficulty. Excellent class. Learned a lot about strategic management principles and how they will apply in the workplace. Great course, creative would definitely recommend. This is one of the best classes I've taken so far. I was able to interact with students from many different majors together and came together as a team. I've learn on this class how to do huge amounts of research by also having help with Gary "library researcher" that showed us different methods and approaches. This I actually can use not just in school but also in my own personal life and at work. This class was an excellent chance to interact with peers in other programs before graduating. Instructor Comment: Beingi in my career for approximately 39+ years; this course really give students an opportunity to receive a taste of what is like to work on real projects/issues that occurs in working world. Professor Diasio done a fantastic job in trying to bring reality of working as a team to the classroom. good teacher Great Guy Professor Diasio is a very passionate teacher. You can tell he really enjoys what he does. He provides a vast amount of real world examples in his teachings. And like the real world gives you the tools necessary for the course and leaves it up to the students to put them to work. I enjoyed having him as my teacher. He is one that I will remember and apply his teachings in my future career. I would have taken the course with a different professor but this section fit my work schedule better, especially after taking principles with Diasio. My first thought was "Oh shit, not finger puppet guy again!" I was right, another nonsensical group project from hell. We spent all semester doing this project and all seven groups projects were practically identical because nobody knew what the hell was going on and I still don't. Class periods that didn't have presentations were entirely useless. He is the only person in the world who literally drags out a five minute YouTube video into a twenty minute ordeal, pausing in awkward places to explain some crap that is irrelevant to the course. I would never have gone to that soul sucking class if attendance did not count so much. Now if you would excuse me I have to study for my final, I don't know what you're going to put on it because I learned nothing. Dr. Diasio is "The Man" when it comes to teaching any management course. I've had the privilege of taking two courses with Dr. Diasio and his teaching methods are out of the box, but perfect for keeping the students engaged and learning the whole time. He does a great job of connecting students with real life experiences and companies to not only expand their knowledge, but build their https://fair.usf.edu/EvaluationMart/EvaluationComment.aspx?recid=52159&reportid=30587&reporttype=D
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resumes. The experiences I have had in this class will carry through out my professional career. Dr. Diasio runs his "capstone" course like a rerun of Management or Marketing 101. His power point presentations are bare and don't fit his own criteria required for the client presentations. Although this class is a semesterlong client project that is done in large groups (57 students), he does not intervene when students need help with people on their teams who are not being cooperative ... and then docks the entire team when individuals make promises to their teams to "complete items" and don't actually complete them. Should everyone fail because they relied on a poor performer's promise of the work being done? Why should other students have to work behind their "poorer performing partners" and add/edit/complete their work just to make sure their own grade is not impacted? Difficult course for those who are accustomed to being judged on their individual quality of work. There should be some element of individual grading to allow for those who are doing the work to succeed, and those who are just riding others' coattails to fail. He is an ok professor. Though it was good practice to try and "consult" for Valpak, I didn't learn nearly as much as I did in other classes. This is either due to the class size and it being less personal, or due to the standardized assignment for the entire class, or because I just didn't feel like Diasio was all that impressive with bringing new ideas, theories and experience to the table. Excellent teacher who genuinely cares about his students and their academic goals. He knows everyones first name by the end of the semester which is rare in today's classroom. This is my second class with him and I wish there was more. Great teacher! Great motivation during lectures and sincerely cares about his students! Very different approach to teaching which brings student interaction on a higher level. This professor definitely provided a valuable experience both through experiential learning as well as the direct interaction with a multi billion dollar company's CEO.