Writing Log Example

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Writing Log #7 Week #8 in Principles of Management with Dr. Diasio definitely didn’t disappoint, as we used his unique and hands on teaching style to learn about management. One of the things I like about this course is that Dr. Diasio gets the students to interact in a way not many professors can, and this week was no different. After lecture, our groups were assigned to take the shoes right off of our feet and build the tallest structure possible in I believe right around 8 minutes. This task was crazy, as we all had to take the shoes right off our feet and be bare foot in a class room! What I love about my group however, was there was not a single bit of hesitation from a single member. We were all willing to take our shoes off as fast as possible hoping we could be the group with the highest structure. Again, we all worked together and brainstormed to put our plan into action. The first two structures we built were decent, however it wasn’t until the third try that we struck gold and built a structure worthy of being called Team xxxx. Although we didn’t win and have the highest structure, I believe we came in 2nd and did so with not the best shoes to build with. This exercise further showed our group what you can achieve with proper team work, and also the big thing was to explore and come up with new innovative ideas, which was exactly what we did on our 3rd try when we were able to build our highest structure yet. For week #8 it was our job to read chapter 15 which was about Organizational Change and Development from our textbook titled “Management by Hitt, Black, and Porter.” This chapter was interesting and also related to the shoe project since in the chapter we were asked the question, “how much change is enough”. This is a question that we as a group had to ask ourselves when building our structure, but this is also a huge question that managers and businesses must ask themselves when implementing new policies or making changes to the way they do business. It is crucial that managers when making changes make enough of a change so that we can see the positive effects, however the flip side of that is if a manager implements too many changes it can also create negative effects. This is a problem that many managers are faced with, that’s why it is important to remain somewhat in the middle, and in my opinion change is good… however, when implementing a change you must do so slowly and allow yourself enough time like we did when changing the structure of our shoe tower. Overall this week in class we learned about the many changes and development a company must go through to reach the ultimate goal of being successful. Although I am limited to how much I can go over with only one page there are so many changes whether they be economic, technological, or even other things we can’t control such as Mother Nature that can affect a business. As a good manager it is our job to make sure we respond to these changes in a positive way to make sure the company we work for flourishes and that is what I learned this week.

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