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Mariela Ferrer | Victoria Loew | Tina Oskooei | Jessica Wong | Limassol Zok Regulatory Ethics by David Postolski, Fall 2015 ____ Thanks to our professor David Postolski and to our school Parsons The New School for Design


1. Integraide 2. Landscape & Problem 3. Mollies The Product The Software Customer Service 4. The Business Model 5. Branding & Marketing 6. Competition 7. Financials 8. Legal Matters Appendix

05_ 07_ 13_ 13_ 25_ 31_ 33_ 35_ 45_ 51_ 57_ 67_



Healthcare Products and Services




INTEGRAIDE is a C corporation that provides healthcare products and services in order to deliver peace of mind for seniors, their family members, and healthcare professionals at Long Term Healthcare Facilities. INTEGRAIDE is registered in Delaware and formed by five co-founders Mariela Ferrer, VIctoria Loew, Tina Oskooei, Jessica Wong, and Limassol Zok.

Mariela Ferrer -Product and Technology

Victoria Loew -Operations and Legal

Tina Oskooei -Research and Marketing

Jessica Wong

-Marketing and Organization

Limassol Zok

-Design Strategy and Financials


A Multi-sided Problem

SENIORS Seniors want to feel independent, but in reality, the majority need assistance with their activities of daily living (“ADL”).


H E A LT H C A R E PROVIDERS Long-term health care facilities (“LTHC”) are known for being understaffed. Many doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers struggle to manage a broad scope of tasks, including completing ADLs.

FA M I L I E S Families of seniors want them to receive the most thorough care possible, but often lack resources, time, proximity, etc.


Landscape & Problem The senior population is growing at an increasing rate in the US: approximately 63% of the population is comprised of people over the age of 65 (6.3 million). Families are having fewer children today. Additionally, over 8 million people receive support from long-term care services each year. Whether professional or family, the number of caregivers is declining. For example, in 2002, the minimum ratio of patient to caregiver in a Florida nursing home was 1:40 -- this gap continues to widen.

63% 8M 1:4 -SENIORS




How might we...


...Improve and optimize senior care in LTHC facilities in a seamless way (understanding that the vast majority have cognitive decline), without robbing seniors of their sense of independence? ...lessen the load for healthcare providers such that they can focus on each individual patient’s needs and provide/ complete ADL assistance efficiently? ...reduce anxiety and stress for families of seniors, to make room for peace of mind?


step into peace of mind

Smart insoles that seamlessly monitor LTHC residents’ vitals and walking performance in real-time, and helps healthcare providers prioritize and optimize their caregiving. They are offered within Integraide’s rich ecosystem of products and services that aim to provide peace of mind.







by I n t e g r a i d e


Three Components of the Healthcare Package

S O F T WA R E PRODUCT Smart insoles for seniors in LTHC


A customizable tool for healthcare practitioners

CUSTOMER SERVICE Quality Assurance and Software Training


Mollies The Product A Healthcare Package for Peace of Mind Mollies aims to be a wear and forget wearable technology that monitors long term health care residents’ vital statistics and walking performance in real time while helping healthcare providers prioritize and optimize their time. The Product A personalized ergonomic insole that monitors vitals and walking performances in real time. The Software A customizable tool for healthcare practitioners to analyze the tracked data most relevant to their function, and to each individual patient. Patient notes can be shared among practitioners. Costumer service Services include custom orthotic production by a walking expert, software installation, training and ongoing quality assurance.

The novelty that Mollies offers lies in the merge of two technologies; Biosensors and Quantum Magnetic Resonances which allow the insole to track users health._



Sleep Index

Heart rate, blood flow and pressure

Alcohol and medication levels

Blood glucose, oxygen and lactate (determines physical exhaustion) levels

Electromagnetic frequency sensitivity (determines liver, kidney and heart function)

Nutrients: proteins, vitamins, electrolytes, metabolites, amino acids

Breathing index

Heart rate, blood flow and pressure

Concussion impact

Body Temperature, dehydration, heat stress

Movement: gait, steps, distance, calories burned

Early warning signs of some diseases, including influenza, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

The Technology Biosensors According to Stanford Medicine magazine in its third issue of the year 2015, the term “biosensor” is short for “biological sensor” and indicates a high technology device that is made up of a transducer and a biological element that may be an enzyme, an antibody or a nucleic acid. In his article, “Understanding the Science of Biosensors”, Dr. Harold Buickerdon explains that the basic function of this technology is expressed when the bioelement interacts with the analyte being tested and the biological response is converted into an electrical signal by the transducer. Parts of a biosensor Every biosensor comprises - A biological component that acts as the sensor - An electronic component that detects and transmits the signal Biosensor probes are becoming increasingly sophisticated, mainly owing to a combination of advances in two technological fields: microelectronics and biotechnology. Biosensors are highly valuable devices for measuring a wide spectrum of analytes. Biosensors are devices comprising a biological element and a physiochemical detector that are used to detect analytes. Biosensors can provide cost-effective, easy-to-use, sensitive and highly accurate detection devices in a variety of research and commercial applications. Quantum Magnetic Resonances Based on the Oxford Medical Dictionary “Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer Technology” is a high-tech innovation, which is related to medical, bioinformatics, and electronic engineering. It is based on quantum medicine, and scientifically analyzes the human cell’s weak magnetic field through the use of an advanced electronic device. The quantum resonant magnetic technology is an individualized guide that provides a comprehensive health analysis, and its characteristics and advantages are non-invasive, practical, and simple. Tracking data Merging this both technologies into the development of a tracking insole the data that this would be able to collect would be: - Electromagnetic frequency sensitivity (determines liver, kidney and liver function)



Quantum Magnetic Biosensor Electro-optimal Amplifier

Piesoelectric Transmitter





Scanning the anatomy of the patients feet detects major pressure points.

3-D printing the insoles makes them customized, medical, and ergonomically correct

Tracking the health of patients through the sensors translates to data in the software

- Heart rate, blood flow and pressure - Blood glucose, oxygen and lactate (determines physical exhaustion) levels - Breathing index - Nutrient levels such as proteins, vitamins, electrolytes, metabolites, amino acids - Body temperature, dehydration, heat stress - Movement (gait, steps, distance, calories burned) - Concussion impact - Medication levels - Early warning signs of some diseases, including pneumonia, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Technology implementation - SRAM-D card - Piesoelectic transmisor - Electro-optimal amplifier - Quantum Magnetic Biosensor How it’s achieved - The first step would be that one of our in-house professional orthotic doctors would visit the long-term health care facility to scan (with Solescan Rubra is a three-dimensional scanner based on laser light, which enables the acquisition of precise and reliable digital data of the foot) in order to detect the main pressure point of the patient’s step. With this examination the podiatrist would determinate the specifications the othodic and ergonomical specifications the insoles would have to have. - Once the specifications from our senior podiatrist are registered the subortholen base shell would be 3-D printed (in a uPrint SE Plus with FDM Technology industrial printer) with the entire requirement for the patient and the preparations needed to support the sensor technology. - The biosensors are pleased in the adequate pressure points dictamine by the patients step within the rest of the components needed for the data to be tracked and transmitted to the software. - The micro neoprene and polyethylene foams are placed in the top part of the insole to give a comfortable and smooth feeling to the product without enabling the registration of the data collection. Thanks to the high sensitive technology of the biosensors the usage of socks will not conflict with the data collection either.


- The SRAM-D card is in charge to decode and collect the data tracked from the sensors meanwhile the piezoelectric transmitter is the key piece to transfer this information in a wireless form to the software. - Once the insole is assembled and passes quality control as well as the inspected to cover technology regulations the insole would be fitted on the patient. - As part of the service the software technicians would install and train caregivers. This software will allow them to customize parameters and alerts for each patient and caregiver.

Stabilizing heel with molded silicon pad

Micro neoprene cushioning sheet

Polyethylene foams Anti-slip tread with maximum grip

3D printed subortholen base shell

Construction Mollies would be contracted with adequate materials approved by the consumer product safety committee taking into consideration potential users with sensitive skill as well as allergic problems. This insole would be constructed with - Anti-slip tread with maximum grip on the inferior part of the insole - 3-D printed subortholen base shall - Stabilizing heel with molded silicon pad - Micro neoprene cushion sheet - Polyethylene foams


Patent Research In order to have a patent and register our product a patent search was done and this are the similar product find: Health monitor system and method for health monitoring US 7299159 B2 US7299159 ABSTRACT A mobile health monitor system that includes at least one physiological data sensor; at least one biomechanical data sensor; and a processing unit for correlating between physiological data and biophysical data. A method for health monitoring that includes: determining an occurrence of a measurement-initiating event; initiating an additional measurement in response to the occurrence of a measurement-initiating event; and correlating between gathered physiological data to provide correlated data. Health monitoring appliance US 8449471 B2 US8449471 ABSTRACT A heart monitoring system for a patient includes one or more wireless nodes forming a wireless network; a wearable appliance having a wireless transceiver to communicate with the one or more


wireless nodes; and an analyzer to determine vital signs, the analyzer coupled to the wireless transceiver to receive patient data over the wireless network. Piezoelectric shoe insert US 8569935 B1 US8569935 ABSTRACT An electrical generating device for use with a shoe worn by a user may include a shoe insert to be positioned within the shoe, and the shoe insert may include an elastomer electrode to apply an electrical signal to the user. The elastomer electrode may include a metal integral conductive silicon rubber conductive surface. The elastomer electrode may include silver, silver plated copper, or conductive metal plated material filled silicon filled silicon sheet or a conductive adhesive gel layer. The elastomer electrode may include a conductive carbon film or a conductive metal sheet. The elastomer electrode may include a conductive silver sheet or may include a conductive metal sheet. Fitness monitoring US 8764651 B2 US8764651?dq=insole+health+monitor+track+vitals&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji99f1tLbJAhWIQyYKHalmBMIQ6AEIJDAB


ABSTRACT A heart monitoring system for a user includes a body wearable appliance placed on or near the user skin and having one or more sensors to capture fitness data and a wireless transceiver to communicate fitness data; and a processor coupled to the wireless transceiver to receive fitness data. Footwear-based body weight monitor and postural allocation, physical activity classification, and energy expenditure calculator US 20110054359 A1 US20110054359?dq=insole+health+monitor+track+vitals&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji99f1tLbJAhWIQyYKHalmBMIQ6AEIKzAC ABSTRACT A footwear system for monitoring weight, posture allocation, physical activity classification, and energy expenditure calculation includes an accelerometer configured to obtain acceleration data indicative of movement of a user’s foot or leg. The footwear system may also include a pressure sensing device mounted in an insole and configured to obtain pressure data indicative of pressure applied by a user’s foot to the insole, as well as a transmitter communicatively coupled to both the accelerometer and the pressure sensing device and configured to transmit the acceleration and pressure data to a first processing device configured process the


acceleration data and the pressure data to distinguish a first posture from a second posture different from the first posture and process the acceleration data and the pressure data to distinguish a first movement-based activity from a second movement-based activity different from the first movement-based activity. The footwear system may also include a second processing device communicatively coupled to the first processing device and configured to derive a second energy expenditure value. Systems and methods for providing interoperability among healthcare devices US 20080004904 A1 US20080004904?dq=insole+health+monitor+track+vitals&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji99f1tLbJAhWIQyYKHalmBMIQ6AEIMjAD ABSTRACT A medical system includes a network; one or more medical data collection appliances coupled to the network, each appliance transmitting data conforming to an interoperable format; and a server coupled to the network to store data for each individual in accordance with the interoperable format.


Mesh network stroke monitoring appliance US 8108036 B2 US8108036?dq=insole+health+monitor+track+vitals&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji99f1tLbJAhWIQyYKHalmBMIQ6AEIVTAI ABSTRACT A heart monitoring system for a patient includes one or more wireless nodes forming a wireless mesh network; a wearable appliance having a wireless transceiver adapted to communicate with the one or more wireless nodes; and a statistical analyzer to determine heart attack or stroke attack, the statistical analyzer coupled to the wireless transceiver to communicate patient data over the wireless mesh network. System and method for passive monitoring of blood pressure and pulse rate US 7691068 B2 US7691068?dq=slipper+sensors&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihpYqA9bbJAhWBbSYKHUBgCME4KBDoAQhaMAk ABSTRACT System and method that can monitor pulse rate and passively produce a blood pressure measurement and automatically log the data for the user. Additionally, coupling to the Internet or Information Systems expands the options for the early detection of diseases, based on sudden detected changes and trend 23_

Sources 1 2 Dec2004/pdf/Dec2004p33-44.pdf 3 presentations/biointro.pdf 4 faculty/reyes/PDF/BiosensorsEAFBE. pdf 5 download/ 6 pdf

analyses, and the successful treatment of these patients while reducing the high costs associated with invasive procedures and in-hospital care. note: RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a national stage filing of International Application No. PCT/ US2004/009099 which claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e) of the earlier filing date of U.S. Provisional Application Serial. No. 60/460,236, filed on Apr. 3, 2003, entitled “System and Method for Bathroom Scale that Monitors Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate (the Roboscale),�of which the entire disclosures are hereby incorporated by reference herein. Method of manufacturing a sensor insole US 20140200834 A1 US20140200834?dq=slipper+sensors&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihpYqA9bbJAhWBbSYKHUBgCME4KBDoAQg3MAQ ABSTRACT A method for manufacturing a sensor insole includes connecting wires of force sensors to a printed circuit board. The printed circuit board and the force sensors are positioned on a felt layer in a predetermined configuration, and placed in the mold. A urethane foam is then injected into the planar internal cavity of the mold to form a sensor sheet that includes a urethane layer, the felt layer, and the printed circuit board and the force sensors positioned therebetween.



Mollies The Software Data-driven Technology Tools that empower healthcare providers to analyze data The software is a platform that aggregates data from the smart insole through bluetooth and wifi, which then gets saved into the database in the back-end of the software. Subscribers of this service (doctors, caregivers, and administrators) will have downloaded it and by creating profile pages, they are able to add profilesofe senior residents to track them on a daily basis. Through a user-friendly, visual interface, the healthcare provider can navigate and analyze the data according to the case of the senior patient, therefore providing their residents with the care they need. Customization The healthcare provider is empowered to use the tols so that they can best track specific cases and monitor upclose teh health of their senior residents, allowing them to prioritize their time and workload to meet everyone’s needs. Notifications In Cases of Emergency The healthcare provider can set the software to send alerts and notifications to their phones and pagers so they attend to cases of emergency and optimize their use of the aggregated data. Data Analysis The healthcase facility can access all the recrds of the senior patients and get full analysis of the health vitals of the whole residence and learn what to focus their treatments and attention on.





Tracking the health of patients through the sensors translates to data in the software

Empowering healthcare providers to customize analysis of patients with instant health reports

Notifying healthcare providers in cases of emergency

Customizable Responsive Visually Informative







Mollies The Service Optimum Attention To Customers Integraide provides its customers with utmost attention and care through several channels. The experts will visit the sites to measure the feet of the residents and scan them so they get ergonomic and orthodic insoles that best customize to their pressure points and stepping mechanism. These experts are senior podiatrists who are hired by Integraide to meet the highest standards and quality of this service. In addition, software experts are hired to go to LTHC facilities and install the software while training the staff to manage and use its tools to their benefit. Integraide aims to provide quality assurance and support through phone calls and digital communications as well, stay close to the customers needs and satisfaction.




Walking assessment and custom ergonomic orthotic insole design by licensed podiatrist and 3-D printing expert.

Assistance with installation of software and insoles in LTHC facility residents’ shoes and slippers.

Ongoing quality assurance and tech support through phone calls and site visits and digital communicaions.


A B2B Model To Deliver Peace of Mind for Seniors at LTHC Facilities CAREGIV ER @ LTHC









The Business Model Integraide operates on a business to business model. It aims to provide peace of mind to its ultimate target audience and customer which is the senior resident at LTHC facilities. To do so, Integraide provides a healthcare package of customized orthodic smart insoles along with data-driven software and supportive complementary services for customer satisfaction. The channels to deliver its services and products are mainly dependant on site visits by Integraide’s expert staff of podiatrists and software developers who measure, scan, install, and train as part of their focus service. Advertising and marketing its products and services through a variety of channels like radio, web, and print, Integraide is able to reach its customers effectively and gain exposure.

Small LTHC Package up to 50 seniors -$600 per pair of insoles renewable every 6 months with 50% discount -$50 per month for software

Medium LTHC Package up to 150 seniors -$600 per pair of insoles renewable every 6 months with 50% discount -$100 per month for software

Large LTHC Package over 150 seniors -$600 per pair of insoles renewable every 6 months with 50% discount -$150 per month for software


Premium services include accessing the database of the Mollies software to gain understanding of the LTHC’s positioning in the market through a comparative analysis of the gathered data. Another premium service is getting access to Integraide’s medical professionals and practitioners for potential partnerships so they siden their business scope. Finally, a third premium offering is subscribing to the unlimited repair service of insoles for up to 100 senior residents, hence providing a buffer for potential malfunctions.

Comparative data to help LTHC facilities know how they are doing in the marketplace -Extra $100 a month


Access to Integraide’s list of medical professionals for partnerships -Extra $100 a month

Unlimited repair of insoles throughout the year for up to 100 users -Extra $100 a month


Branding & Marketing Multiple audiences addressed in one healthcare package! The strength of Mollies is that it is a holistic ecosystem that targets multiple users. The healthcare providers need access to tools that empower their work alleviating heavy workload and assisting in doing daily chores like measuring heart rate and blood pressure. The seniors ultimately receive better care and attention especially in cases of emergency. They can feel independent and taken care of at the same time. The families are reassured and gain peace of mind that their senior loved ones are being effectively tracked and monitored for better results.

Senior residents of LTHC facilities

Healthcare providers and administrators of LTHC facilities

Families of senior residents of LTHC facilities


Communicating Integraide’s Core Values Branding is a basic and fundamental piece that solidifies our company’s values: TRUST | EASE | PEACE OF MIND


-Reliable healthcare solutions composed of dependable product, software and customer service experiences



-Seamlessly integrated into senior life and the LTHC facility experience; any installations are taken care of by our team.

Peace of Mind

-The ultimate objective of our suite of trustworthy and easy-to-implement healthcare solutions is to provide peace of mind to all participants: seniors, families and healthcare providers alike.

INTEGRAIDE Our company branding was designed to communicate the company’s values. “Integraide” is a portmanteau of “integrate” and “aide”, alluding to the fact that our healthcare solutions are unobtrusive yet always ready to assist; it also brings “integrity” and “grade” (quality) to mind. The logo’s typeface is BlairMdITC TT-Medium, a serious, all-caps san serif font that, in its soft charcoal grey color, exudes gravitas, calm authority and modern technology. By signing our solutions (products and services) with “by Integraide”, our company leaves opportunity for future brand extensions. For example, “Mollies by Integraide” is our data tracking ergonomic orthotic insole; “Foodies by Integraide” might be a nutrition-based solution, “Sleepies by Integraide” might be an insomnia or nighttime incontinence care solution, etc. MOLLIES BY INTEGRAIDE Mollies was developed as the first of Integraide’s healthcare solutions. “Mollies” is inspired by the word “mollify”, which means to soothe, pacify, comfort and ease. It also plays off the idea that our custom ergonomic orthotics are a mold of the user’s foot. By shortening the root word with “-ies” (read: ease), we make an otherwise tech-heavy concept into a friendly, low-barriers brand experience: Grandma can simply slip on her Mollies and forget about the data tracked by Integraide. The logo’s typeface is Rockwell, a clean semi-serif font that finds balance between classic elegance and contemporary simplicity. The royal blue color communicates joie de vivre while exuding composure and an overall state of calm.


Parent Company -TM

Product Brand --




Copyright Tagline --

Mollies S t e p


i n t o

P e a c e

o f

M i n d



Pull Strategy: Market to Seniors and Families Market/sell to LTHC facilities (admin, healthcare providers) as a tool to: - alleviate caregiving burden - alert healthcare providers of priority patients - streamline internal communications - incentivize seniors/families to reside in LTHC facility

Integraide marketing initiatives (advertising, PR)


Seniors / families request Mollies in LTHC facility

LTHC buys and incorporates Mollies into residence

Residents receive Mollies as part of LTHC experience

Push Strategy: Market / sell to LTHC facilities (admin, healthcare providers) Market to seniors and families as a tool to: - provide comfort and added stability via ergonomic orthotic insole - optimize care received in LTHC facility - alleviate (family) caregiving burden and provide peace of mind

Integraide marketing initiatives (advertising, PR)

LTHC buys and incorporates Mollies into residence

Residents receive Mollies as part of LTHC experience


Print magazines such as 55+ Magazine of South Florida


Radio (30-sec spot) on local FL classic rock, news and NPR stations

to seniors and their families

SEO Web: banners on websites such as


Public Relations

Blogs --

Send product samples to influential bloggers (re: senior care)

Conferences and Tradeshows --

Product demo booths at industry events (quarterly)

Social Media --

Share content re: senior living, with topics beyond biometrics/orthopedics; e.g. physical exercises, nutritious and easy-to-eat recipes, etc.


Wearables Competitors by Category


Skin Contact (patch)

Accessories (watch, belt, ankle grip, jewelry)

Clothing (shirt, socks, shorts)



Competition Medical tracking using the latest technology is growing stronger every day. Several tracking and monitoring devices exist for medical, health, and lifestyle considerations unique to aging individuals. These include medication management, fall detection, medical alerts, and GPS tracking for individuals with Alzheimer’s. Several broader technology markets (including traditional fitness trackers and “smart home” products) offer promising applications to enhance senior living and perhaps even extend senior independence. Many of the devices on the “senior wearables” market are designed to help maintain seniors’ freedom and independence while providing peace of mind to loved ones and caregivers. There are numerous direct and indirect competitors (because there are different ways of tracking quantitative physical data), and many different conditions that can be tracked. Data can also be tracked and relayed to different recipients, and the medium for transmission within the wearables category varies. We believe the simplest way of viewing our competitors is through two visualizations: On the left-side page, competitors are listed by on medium within the wearable health trackers category. We have found 4 main types of wearables: skin patches, accessories, clothing, and insole/shoes. Of these 4 types of wearables, the ideal medium for seniors and residents in long term health care facilities are the skin patches and insole/shoes because these can be worn and forgotten -- they are less intrusive and require little effort to implement. However, the skin patch market is highly saturated, and individuals often express fear or apprehension over the idea of a semi-permanently attached microchip. Additionally, we’ve mapped out competitors by necessity of tracking against recipient of data (please see next page). The market for private data to individual and non-critical tracking is highly saturated; there is opportunity in the shared data space as well as tracking for vital statistics. This is where Mollies will begin our journey in the marketplace; we will slowly move rightward toward individual/ private usage at about 5 years.


Competitor Map by Function Tracking as a necessity

Shared data (sent to healthcare provider)

Private data (used by individual)

Non-critical tracking (walking, athletic performance)


Positioning Year 1 Tracking as a necessity

Shared data (sent to healthcare provider)

Private data (used by individual)

Non-critical tracking (walking, athletic performance)


Positioning Year 5 Tracking as a necessity

Shared data (sent to healthcare provider)

Private data (used by individual)

Non-critical tracking (walking, athletic performance)










$40 per month







$40 per month




Revenue Stream The revenue stream of Mollies is the sales from the smart insoles to the LTHC facilities, the software subscription fee per month, in addition to the premium subscription model. Unit Costs and Profit Each unit is composed of a pair of smart insoles, which will sell at $600 per unit. The cost of manufacturing each is $160 which consists of the cost of material, 3-D printing, and all production costs. The profit from each uni is therefore $440 per unit. This is a flat number that does not change in relation to number of acquired customers. To be scalable, Mollies software will be sold in a subscription-based model. Small LTHC facilities with up to 50 residents may subscribe to it at $20 a month. Medium LTHC facilities with up to 100 residents may subscribe to it at $40 a month, and large LTHC facilities with up to 150 residents may subscribe to it at $60 a month. This helps Integraide scale up easily and maintain a sustainable revenue stream to support the costs and expenses of running the business. Fixed Expenses Integraide is located in Florida with office space that costs $3,000 a year in a co-working space that allows dfor maximum networking and exposure of the business. This low fee allows for high quality manufacturing of the product and focus on customer service. The machinery will continue to be maintained at a low fee per year, and the web advertisign expenses will consist of the bulk of the yearly expenses that will support the growht of the business.











4090 2727 1363







Breaking even at Year 3 In order to break even at year 3, Mollies will need to acquire an average of 3 LTHC per month. For year 1, 1363 packages are expected to be sold with a strong marketing and advertising strategy. In year 2, 2727 units are expected to be sold as well with a solid base and market presence. In year 3, 4090 units are expected to be sold with emphasis on the premium services to attract LTHC facilities with the offers of data, partnerships, and premium quality customer service. Customer Acquisition Cost The customer acquisition cost is therefore $880 per sale in the first year, $440 per sale in year 2, and $300 per sale in year 3. This cost is expected to lower with the increased exposure and expansiveness of the sales, market presence, and customer base. Geographic Expansion With the strategy of expanding nationwide during year 2 and 3, travel expenses increase which balance out all one time costs of year 1 which include software development, manufacturing equipment and legal matters. Employee Hires To achieve that, Integraide will hire 5 employees that will complement the skills of the 5 main cofounders. Experts in the field will support our hard work and a team of 10 can achieve the required success measures to run the business. These experts are highly qualified software engineers who will make sure Mollies software keeps developing with technological updates. A senior podiatrist will make sure the insoles are 100% ergonomic and orthopedic, and 3 junior wupport employees will be the backbone of daily operations of the business.

Software Engineer

Senior Podiatrist



Sales & Marketing


Product Manufacturing (per year)


Material cost

$160 x 1363

year 1

Material cost

$160 x 2727

year 2

Material cost

$160 x 4090

year 3



year 1



year 2



year 3


Patents -Design and Utility Patents for Mollies

Company Registration -C Corp Delaware Tax Incentives Future Investors


Copyright -Tagline “Step Into Peace of Mind� Trademarks -INTEGRAIDE Class 9 Software -Mollies Class 10 Medical -Suggestive Trademark

Regulatory & Ethics -Liability CPA Bylaw Agreements


Legal Matters

Integraide is the parent company of what we hope will one day be a number of well- recognized products. We are aware of the importance of laying a strong legal foundation for our future, and have done extensive research in order to ensure that we have performed our due diligence in these steps. Patents As you saw in the Product Development section of this report, our patent filing is dependent on referencing existing patents in both utility and design. We will be filing a design patent for our embedded insole and a separate business software patent in order to protect the system through which our data is delivered from the wearable tech to the databank of the recipient (whether it be the healthcare worker at a LTHC facility or later on, a family member or patient herself). Trademarks Our company name “Integraide” is a Class 9 (Computers, Software, Electronic instruments, & Scientific appliances) suggestive trademark that is not currently in active use by any other entity. Although there are three “live” trademarks for similarly named companies calling themselves “Integrade”, we believe that these existing trademarks do not conflict with our application as they are in the areas of lighting controls, drilling fluid, and educational software, respectively. For our first product, we have chosen to use the name Mollies to describe our wearable technology slipper and its corresponding alert system. The “Mollies” name will fall under Class 10 Trademarks, for Medical, Dental Instruments and Apparatus. Unlike the name of our parent company, “Mollies” is a trademark that finds itself in a broad field of similar sounding names. The U.S. Patent and


Trademark Office’s Trademark and Electronic Search System reflects 459 existing trademarks under names related to or sounding like “Mollies”. In reviewing all 459 of these listings, we noted that many or most were entities with a double word name, such as “Mermaid Molly”. Of those remaining and more similar to the name of our product, only “Molie” jewelry reflected any crossover with our product, in that the trademark for the jewelry does reference “notification to the wearer of any pending related medical task”. Our final conclusion, however, was that this was not similar enough to our own product, and insole for the feet, for there to be any confusion between the products or the use of their trademarks. In addition to “Molie” jewelry, our research turned up the following goods and services with similarly trademarked name to “Mollies”: e-cigarettes, plush toys, dietary beverage supplements, a chain of bars and restaurants, energy drinks, online ordering services for pet supplies, sewing machines, monitoring software for semiconductors, American History magazines, and children’s books. We do not expect conflict or confusion with any of these. Further, in line with health, disease, or medical products, we found a Mollie’s Fund which focuses on the prevention of skin cancers, a product for bipolar coagulating forceps, and a company that creates injection devices for administering drugs. Again, we felt that these were not similar enough to our own product to create any conflict. In addition to our company name and first product, we also intend to trademark our Mollies logo, including the tagline of “Step Into Peace of Mind” and the broader Integraide logo and tagline that reads “For Peace of Mind”. Copyrights Both the Integraide and Mollies logos, as well as their taglines, will be copyrighted in order to protect the product and any of Integraide’s future products. Copyright filings will also include the original design of the Mollies’ insole, which differs from other existing products (specialty orthotics, commercially distributed insoles such as those made by Dr. Scholl’s) because of the pattern of embedded sensors into the bottom layer of the product. Company Registration Integraide will be registered as a C Corp in the state of Delaware. We have chosen Delaware in order to capture maximum tax incentives for our five company


founders, but also in order to create favorable regulatory conditions for our future investors. Our registration documents (including federal registration) will include Company By-laws, to be drawn up by an attorney at the time we file the rest of our preliminary paperwork. Our By-laws will outline procedures for a myriad of possible contingencies, including dissolution of the company, and/or the death, disability, or divorce of any of the five original founders. Regulatory & Ethics As a company devoted to providing its customers with “Peace of Mind”, we similarly intend to provide our staff members, investors, partners, and vendors with the conviction that ours is a company to believe in, worthy of trust. When it comes to the environment and sustainability, we believe that our use of 3-D modeling allows us to significantly control waste in our manufacturing practices. Each product is custom made only when a confirmed offer has been received. Further, by locating our headquarters directly amongst the population we intend to serve, we are able to vastly reduce the carbon footprint created by travel associated with our business services, and also due to long distance shipping of our product. We aim to be a local company, with representation in each of the major markets we eventually serve. Our insole recycling program, modeled after Apple’s computer takeback program, allows us to “un-embed” our technology from the used insoles, in order to recycle not only the metal components of the sensors, but also the high quality plastic forming the lower part of the insole itself. Again, this process will be performed locally to our company headquarters. Recovered materials will be utilized in the production of new products, to the greatest extent realistically possible. Within the US, each state has a unique set of employment laws that govern the necessary policies and procedures governing responsible corporate citizens. Integraide commits to familiarizing itself with and following all of the employment laws of the state of Florida, and any other state in which it conducts business. Additionally, we will remain cognizant of the federal laws of the United States and the fact that they may sometimes differ from state law, particularly in the areas of wage and hour law. Beyond legal compliance is the idea of ethical corporate


behavior, to which we will also adhere. Toward this end, we will hire all of our full-time staff members within the US, and at US market rates. One particular area that commands significant attention from Integraide’s decision makers and all partners and employees is the use of digital personal medical information. HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a complex collection of required practices surrounding patient privacy and electronic health care transactions for all entities operating within the US. Rather than “winging it” and attempting to interpret and apply this extensive legal framework to our business in the hope that we get it right, we will make diligent use of legal counsel to review our practices for compliance with HIPAA from day one. Sources


Non-Disclosure Agreements

required by all


required by all

employee background checks

required by all

Work for Hire agreements

for freelance developers, designers, technicians

C Corp Bylaws

to protect the founders, established at time of incorporation

Ongoing legal diligence

Copyright audits, survey of legal landscape, competition


Health insurance, portability, and accountability act

Starting Up Starting Up: A Five-Year Snapshot Six-Month Startup Period Given that Integraide is a new company with no initial name recognition or product pipeline, we feel that it is critically important to the success of the company that we begin by establishing company headquarters and building relationships within the community that Integraide intends to serve. We want to know our community, and we want them to know us. We have identified Florida as our target location, and will spend up to six months prior to official launch in visiting communities within that state. We will further use this time to develop a network of local physicians, long-term health care facilities, and seniors living in the area, as well as their families. During our six-month setup period, all efforts to lay the foundation for our business will be bootstrapped by the five company co-founders. Expenses incurred by travel, relocation, and day to day incidentals will come out of our own pockets, and no outside funding from investors will be sought for these initial start up costs. However, during this time, seed funding will be sought in order to create a bridge between the official launch (six months in) and pursuit of Series A funding, which will begin as early as possible after securing office and storage space, necessary equipment, and completing tentative hiring for key non-founder positions. We aim to have indications of interest and preliminary orders from multiple LTHC facilities in hand by the time we launch, in order to facilitate the quick transition between absorbing costs personally to obtaining the level of investment necessary to ensure Integraide’s early success. Seed Round – Convertible notes no, Crowdfunding no, Angels yes In developing our company’s five-year business plan, we considered a number of possible funding sources. In particular, we weighed heavily the pros and cons of early stage convertible notes. Ultimately, our decision to forego this popular funding source came down to three main factors: We did not want to give away more of our equity than necessary, given that we are already five co-founders and further considering that our Series A round is expected to come early and be quite high. Given these conditions, as well as the knowledge that we may need to use an equity stake in the company as a financial


incentive for expensive key hires, such as our senior medical advisor (podiatrist), we preferred to leave all equity in the company during the setup and initial launch periods. We are aware that convertible notes may be issued without the exchange of equity, but nevertheless they must then be attached to an attractive valuation of the company, which is similarly not something we want to risk at this stage of building our business, should it impact future investment rounds. Again, our Series A round is expected to come early and be based on a relatively high valuation. The success of this round is vitally important to our proposed business development, and we are aware that previously issued convertible notes can sometimes muddy the waters in a Series A round. We decided not to risk it. Upon the advice of several VC mentors, we felt that it was best to keep our start-up funding process as simple as possible. As a technology company dealing in healthcare, ours is not a simple one to launch or to operate and the legal and financial obligations by necessity will be complex. In order to best serve our clients, investors, and ourselves, we aspire to business processes that are as straightforward as realistically possible. Our final decision regarding convertible notes was that relative simplicity in our bookkeeping and fundraising efforts was preferable to this particular funding source. All this is to say that while we will pursue seed funding for our “transition” from the pre-launch bootstrapping phase to our Series A round, we will do so through the use of traditional Angel investors. To further qualify this, it is our intention to solicit investments only from well-established sources with prior history of funding start-ups in either the tech or healthcare spaces. At this time, we do not anticipate launching any crowdfunding campaigns, since our emphasis is to build intellectual capital at the same time that we are building financial capital. We believe that traditional crowdfunding vehicles require substantial effort in order to achieve successful campaigns, and that our own effort is better spent on preparing for our Series A. We expect greater success from a highly targeted outreach effort to known funders with expertise in our market, and who may also then lead us to our prospective Series A investors. Year One Series A – Starting Early and Aiming High We at Integraide believe that it is important to make forward-looking tactical decisions at every point of the fundraising process. Therefore, we have chosen to set aside 25% of our company’s equity to be used to secure investors. Our


target is to secure necessary funding to see us through “breaking even” in year three, in exchange for 15% equity and voting seats on our Board of Advisors. After successful completion of a Series A round, any remaining equity will be set aside in a pool that can be accessed for hiring incentives, recruitment of outside Board members, or at a later time for additional investment capital. The remaining 75% of our company equity will be shared equally among the five co-founders of our company, providing us with 15% each. This means that any major company decision may be made through a four/fifths vote, and that four or more co-founders may make final decisions on company matters, even when the decision is contrary to the recommendation of an outside investor. However, we realize that personal politics may necessitate a different result, and our goal is to avoid this sort of internal conflict in the first place. Hence, we plan to begin our targeted search for “qualified” VCs immediately, beginning with health tech VC and RockHealth founder Halle Tecco, and expanding our search from there. We expect high success in our search for and solicitation of “smart money”, given that our research indicates venture funding of wearable technology has increased 5x since 2011. Year 3 – Bigger is Better As our product gains traction in the Florida market, we are looking ahead to ways in which we may accelerate our growth. Initially, we plan to offer the same Mollies product and to target additional geographic regions within the US, such as Pennsylvania and Ohio. Our research has indicated that these locations have the highest number of senior citizens outside of Florida (not simply based on percentage but by actual population count), while also holding the added benefit of lower cost of operations as compared with other locations such as California and New York. Year 5 – Expanding Nationwide By year five, we believe that the Integraide brand and the Mollies product will have achieved substantial name recognition within our target market. We plan to leverage this success by partnering with shoe companies known to be popular in the senior market, such as Naturalizer and Clarks. We are additionally exploring a possible future partnership with Birkenstock, and separately investigating the viability of working with Dr. Scholls, which is officially seen as one of our initial competitors.


Beyond continued expansion to new US markets, our fifth year will be an exciting one for Integraide and Mollies alike, as we look to new product launches for both the parent company and the brand. These initiatives include 1) an expansion of the original Mollies product market to include others who may benefit from regular health monitoring outside of the senior citizen demographic, 2) a modified version of the original Mollies product being created and launched for private and at-home use, and 3) the early-stage development of new products under the Integraide umbrella. Sources

No crowdfunding No certified notes Bootstrapping + Angel Round first six months of hiring, sourcing vendors and space, community integration FLA headquarters establishing proof of concept through early orders Series A: early and targeted // Integraide co-founders start with 15% equity, leaving up to 25% to be allocated to VCs (target 15%, remainder in “pool� for key hire incentives) Venture capitalists are betting on the space with venture funding up over 5X since 2011.


Year 1

Year 2

Introduce the product to the healthcare industry -Increase awareness and drive trial of Mollies in Florida LTHC facilities

Expand and establish a strong user base in LTHC facilities across the nation -Partner with medical shoe company like Dr. Sholls

Year 3

Year 4

Expand the audience beyond LTHC facilities and senior residents to the youth -Consider private / at-home usage and sell at retail stores

Sell data to health research centers -Recheck strategy and iterate on learnings




Personas Senior: Louisa Louisa is an 87 year old mother of two and grandmother of five, living in a nursing home in Fort Lauderdale, FL. In terms of mental capacity, she has mild dementia; Health: osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure; mobility: she is healthy and can still walk, but spends most of her day seated, in front of the television. This is because she is afraid something will happen to her while she is up and about.

Family Member: Jennifer Jennifer is Louisa’s daughter, a 53 year old single mother. She is a lawyer in Vancouver, BC. Because of the large distance and her demanding schedule, she can only visit Louisa four times per year. Jennifer is worried that as Louisa’s dementia worsens, she will forget to take her medications. She also worries that the nursing home might not be paying close attention to her mother, and wishes there was a way to increase around-the-clock surveillance of Louisa.


LTHC Facilities Admin and Professional Nurse: Sepand LTHC facilities (admin and healthcare professionals alike): Sepand is Louisa’s favorite nurse aide at the home. His main responsibility is to assist her with her activities of daily life, such as eating (feeding), changing clothes and bathroom duties. He knows that her deteriorating bones are what brings her the most discomfort; as such, prefers to check her calcium and vitamin D levels daily. However, as Lance is in charge of 16 other residents, he is only able to check her blood twice a week.

Doctor: Juan Juan is Louisa’s doctor at the nursing home. With her history of heart disease, Juan is most concerned with tracking her blood pressure. He worries that she’ll forget her medications, and see a major spike in her heart rate, which may lead to heart attack or stroke.

Dietitian: Kim Kim is the nursing home’s dietitian, and is in charge of all meal planning at the nursing home. She keeps track of the patients’ individual nutritional needs, but struggles to manage the various combinations of requirements, since most patients have an array of diseases, disabilities and medications that must be taken into consideration and that may evolve overnight. Understanding Louisa is diabetic, she is most concerned with ensuring that meals served do not spike Louisa’s insulin levels after consumption.


Competition Insoles With Sensors

Orthopedic Insoles


Primary Competition Insole/Shoe Moticon OpenGo sensor insoles track your feet for injury and performance. -Medilogic foot pressure measuring (Noraxon) system offers recording of static and dynamic pressure under the foot, inside the shoe. Thin, flexible insoles, with a high number of sensors, record the plantar pressure distribution. -Real-time graphical and numerical display of pressure values High resolution of pressure load distribution that can be displayed as 3-D mountains or as isobaric colors Complete and customizable gait analysis Using the gait parameter evaluation and analysis with the included database of scientifically established comparative values, the deviations from an unremarkable gait can be shown Increases patient motivation Provides marketing and advertising advantages that can lead to an increase in the number of patients and referrals. -Retisense stridalyzer: Stridalyzer is designed to connect to your smartphone using a companion application and track your running form and running performance providing feedback from the smart insoles as you run. The sensors embedded in the insoles measure impact and pressure experienced in the foot and knees and sends the user real-time alerts to avoid potential injury from the way they run.


Secondary Competition Orthotics Allie OSI Labs: Custom orthotics, covers range of products from insoles for diabetics, children, athletes, functional, accomodative. -Powerstep orthotics/insoles: Powerstep® is the gold standard in ready-to-wear insoles. Podiatrist-designed products are proven to be effective for most people who currently have heel and arch pain, or those who want to prevent it. Powerstep is used by people from all walks of life: runners and athletes, construction workers and doctors, food service workers and nurses, and everything in between. If you want to relieve foot pain or prevent it altogether, try Powerstep insoles. -SOLS: SOLS dynamic foot beds act like a finely tuned performance suspension that is configured to your body weight and activity level. SOLS fitting process extracts foot morphology data to generate a topographic map of the foot by identifying reference measurements made in two or more photographic images taken from different positions. Utilizing a process known as stereo photogrammetry, we’re able to determine the location of points on an object Dr. Scholl’s Custom fit orthotics: The Dr. Scholl’s® Custom Fit® Kiosk uses FootMapping® technology to gather different measurements of your feet and recommend the Custom Fit® Orthotic Inserts that are right for you. It uses 2,000 pressure sensors to create your unique FootMap, measures your arch type, foot length and pressure points.

Patches HealthPatch:Encapsulated within the HealthPatch are cutting-edge sensor and chip technologies which combined with Vital Connect’s proprietary algorithms, enable the device to provide clinical-grade measurements of eight core health metrics: single lead ECG, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin temperature, posture, steps and fall detection/severity. These measurements can include stress, energy expenditure (caloric burn), sleep quality, and contextual heart rate, among other health predictors. The HealthPatch is designed to meet the needs of three broad healthcare categories, remote monitoring, clinical, and health and wellness. Additionally, individual consumers can use HealthPatch for personal health management, fitness tracking, stress feedback, and numerous other applications. 24-hour, real-time tracking of vital signs with additional measurements calculated through SensorFusion. 71_

Sensium Vitals: A monitoring patch that patients wear while in the hospital. SensiumVitals® system is a wireless system designed to monitor the vital signs of patients on general wards. The system comprises a light-weight, wearable, wireless single patient use patch, which provides vital signs (heart-rate, respiration and axillary temperature) and wirelessly communicates this data to clinicians via the hospital’s IT infrastructure. -SEEQ MCT System: Continuous cardiac monitoring for up to 30 days.The SEEQ Mobile Cardiac Telemetry device is a wireless, powerfully simple and easy-to-use external cardiac monitor ideal for patients experiencing frequent symptoms. -ECHO H2: Hydration, calorie, and endurance monitoring patch for athletes. Kenzen ECHO™ H2 is a small, flexible patch that continuously monitors your hydration, endurance level and calories. Get the information you need to compete at your best while preventing early exhaustion, fatigue and injury. -i Rhythm,The ZIO: Long-term continuous cardiac monitoring for patient management. iRhythm’s innovative digital healthcare technologies are improving doctors’ ability to detect arrhythmias, and have the potential to change the course of treatment. Our ZIO® Service analyzes up to 20,000 minutes of heartbeat data per patient in order to give you the most efficient and cost-effective platform for evaluating patients with suspected arrhythmias. -Omnipod: Diabetes monitoring & insulin injection via a micro-needle. Can be worn continuously for 3 days. -Fitlinx: Cardiac monitoring, Respiration functions, and activity tracking. FitLinxx offers services and support to assist partners and fitness facility operators in implementing fitness and employer wellness programs. FitLinxx assists in each step of the process to implement programs, train administrators and users, and ensure their corporate wellness program is offering maximum value to participants and facility members. -Delta e-patch: Cardiac monitoring through 3 channels for 72 hours. Continuous monitoring of vital physiological signs provides valuable information on a person’s state of health. Longer and easier monitoring periods at home or in hospitals add crucial information. -Abbot: Small round sensor- worn on the upper arm for a maximum of 14 days. Measures glucose every minute with a small filament held in place by the adhesive.


Accessories BASIS watch: The BASIS tri-axis accelerometer tracks your activity level and sleep quality, while other sensors capture advanced vital signs, such as heart rate, perspiration level, and skin temperature. Designed to look like a sleek watch, it features an uncomplicated interface that displays time, date, step count, heart rate, and calories. After your data has been compiled and synced via USB or Bluetooth you can view more detailed information on the online dashboard, and receive personalized insights into your habits and goals. -Simband Wearable Biosensors: Samsung has brought out a new sensor filled watch Simband and a cloud platform for storing health data collected by the device. Simband uses a sensor filled wristband and a large display for monitoring body metrics in real time. This product of Samsung will collect health data from the user and report it up to the SAMI(Samsung Architecture Multimodal Interaction)) cloud. The sensors in the band project beams of light into the skin at varying strengths in order to reach tissue near the surface or deeper in. The screen then displays metrics like heart rate and blood pressure in real time; you can see the wave forms moving across the screen in different colors. Simband has a 1GHz and 28nm ARM Cortex-A7 chip with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. -Microsoft Band: The software and the technology that goes into this fitness wearable is called Microsoft Health. It keeps track of time but also has all of the health monitoring aspects such as heart rate, heartbeat, the calories burned during a workout, and sleep patterns. The Microsoft Health app is designed to work on iPhones as well as Android powered phones. There is also GPS run mapping sensors with the Microsoft Band so you can trace your routes when you check the information on the app. -HTC Grip: The HTC Grip is iOS and Android compatible. Under Armour, the internationally known fitness wear company, are the people who are behind the fitness tracking app here and it is called Under Armour Record. The app is able to keep track of heart beat, heart rate, the steps you take during your workout, and also has sleep pattern recording and tracking. -FitBit Charge HR: The sensors allow for heart rate monitoring and activity monitoring. The heart rate tracking with the Charge HR is done through a highly sophisticated sensor which gives you real time data. The Charge HR is BlueTooth 4.0 capable and can work with iOS and Android smartphones.


Mio Fuse: It is BlueTooth accessible and it has a companion app called the Mio Go, which allows for the industry norm of keeping track of heart beat, miles run, steps taken, and other vital information. It can all be tracked through the Mio Go app which stands up to the other apps of its kind out there. There is also the Mio Link which allows for USB connection to a computer. The app though has to be used with a smartphone and the Mio Fuse is iOS and Android compatible. -NeuroSky: NeuroSky’s innovative biosensors enable breakthrough biometric algorithms that can help people lead a healthier life. The body and mind biometrics consumers need most, empowered by one-of-a-kind technologies that give providers of wearables and Health tracking solutions a complete competitive edge. Stress | Heart Rate | Heart Rate Variability | Fatigue | Heart Age | Breathing Index | Attention | Meditation

Clothing Hexoskin:HRV is an essential tool to measure stress and training fatigue to avoid overtraining. Learn to control your breathing, increase your performance and reduce stress. Learn what your lung capacity is for each of your activities. Avoid hyperventilation and apnea. Your intensity level, steps, and pace are recorded on your dashboard and visible in real time on your device. Hexoskin is the ultimate sleep tracking device: measure your resting heart rate, breathing, and sleep positions. Heart Rate | Heart rate variability | Breathing rate | Breathing volume | Activity (Steps, cadence, and calories) | Sleep -Athos: The world’s first smart fitness apparel that measures muscle activity and heart rate all in real time. -OM: OMsignal’s re-egineered smart fabric activates blood circulation, enhances performance and helps muscles recover faster.Features climate control and moisture-wicking performance to keep you cool.

Data Collection for Health ActiGraph: ActiLife is ActiGraph’s premier actigraphy data analysis software platform. Developed in collaboration with members of the global research community, ActiLife combines a powerful processing engine with an extensive selection of customer-driven features, analysis tools, and data management options to support a broad range of research objectives. -74_

ActiGraph Link: The new redesigned ActiGraph GT9X Link features ActiGraph’s validated 3-axis accelerometer and data filtering technology with a sleek, low profile case and high resolution liquid crystal display (LCD) window for optional real-time subject feedback. The Bluetooth® Smart ActiGraph Link contains a gyroscope, magnetometer, and secondary accelerometer to deliver highly advanced information about movement, rotation, and body position. -Huneo: Huneo’s HuNet Health Data Infrastructure forms a comprehensive system to monitor human health, and to provide access to real-time and historical data collected from patients so that comparisons can be made between different time periods to establish long term health trends. We believe that through better access to both real-time and historical data, individuals and their physicians can develop better preventive care strategies, ultimately resulting in healthier people and lower total cost of healthcare. -Huneo’s HuNet infrastructure efficiently captures, stores, and disseminates human derived time series information, regardless of its source. Information in the HuNet system is instantly available to authorized users, anywhere in the world. Patient data is kept on-line for many years and is available for use by individuals and their healthcare providers. -Medtronic by Corventis: Medtronic ($MDT) launched the wireless, adhesive heart monitor that it acquired when it bought startup Corventis in June reportedly for more than $150 million. The monitor can be worn up to 30 days to detect and diagnose the cause of irregular heartbeats. -AliveCor:Clinical studies have demonstrated that AliveCor Mobile ECG recordings are comparable to readings from Lead 1 of standard ECG machines , at a fraction of the cost. Recent studies have demonstrated the AliveCor Mobile ECG to be a viable alternative to a traditional transtelephonic monitor (TTM) for monitoring patients with atrial fibrillation after an ablation procedure; 92% of patients surveyed preferred the AliveCor Mobile ECG to a TTM. -The AliveCor Mobile ECG is powered by the free AliveECG app that runs on your compatible smartphone or tablet. The AliveCor Mobile ECG records accurate ECGs and heart rate anywhere, anytime at an affordable cost. Simply rest it on your fingers or chest to record an ECG in just 30 seconds. Know right away when your ECG is normal and if atrial fibrillation is detected.


In addition to medications, you can track symptoms like palpitations and shortness of breath, habits like caffeine or alcohol consumption, and activities like exercise or sleep. Start to get a better understanding of your health status. Whether you’re a health conscious person, someone diagnosed with a heart condition, or a healthcare professional, AliveCor can help you take control of your heart health. -Smartdust: The science/engineering goal of the Smart Dust project is to demonstrate that a complete sensor/communication system can be integrated into a cubic millimeter package. This involves both evolutionary and revolutionary advances in miniaturization, integration, and energy management. -amulyte: Amulyte works anywhere so you aren’t tethered to your own home. If you ever need help, just press the button. Your family members and caregivers will automatically be sent a text and email containing your location and alerting them that you need assistance. You will also be connected through the 2-way boive on the pendant so you can talk to someone and let him or her know what is happening. -Simband: Because Simband is modular, you can easily connect sensor modules with new configurations. Samsung provides a reference implementation called Simsense that supports multiple sensors, each generating a unique data stream. You can develop new algorithms to read and analyze this data in real-time, or access historical data through our data exchange platform SAMI. While the sensor module collects biophysical data, the Simband watch unit has several important roles: It connects automatically with SAMI, to make the sensor data available to cloud intelligence. It runs installable algorithms that analyze the data and give immediate insights. Its touch display allows control, feedback and monitoring by the user.

76_ source=mdt_com_orcl_us_home&utm_medium=f5_redirect&utm_campaign=PLC_Launch_2015


Smart Slippers




Software for Data Collection for Health

Quantum Magnetic Resonance


Manufacturing Equipment Details Sanner Solescan Rubra is a three-dimensional scanner based on laser light, which enables the acquisition of precise and reliable digital data of the foot. $1,280.00

Printer uPrint SE Plus uses FDM Technology to build in thermoplastics in material combination format. $5,412.00 Material used for the insole: 路 Material for the top contact area Polyethylene Foams 1.75mm 路 Material for the base Subortholen 路 Biosensors sensor for Quantum Magnetic Resonance 路 Electronic support for data collection and transmission


Mariela Ferrer | Victoria Loew | Tina Oskooei | Jessica Wong | Limassol Zok Regulatory Ethics by David Postolski, Fall 2015 ____ Thanks to our professor David Postolski and to our school Parsons The New School for Design





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