Welcome to Syracuse Community Health Center

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Welcome Syracuse Community Health Center

Your Health Care Home of Choice www.schcny.com 315-476-7921

Table of Contents Our Mission……………………………………........3 Welcome……………………………………..............4 What is Syracuse Community Health Center?…..4-7 Hours and Services……………………………..22-30 Become Part of the Mission………………………..31 Patient Rights and Responsibilities…………..…..9-13 Financial Information………………………….……7 Total Care Medicaid Managed Care………………..19 Total Care Child Health Plus……………………….18 Total Care Family Health Plus..……………….……20 Notes…………………………………………..…….31 Locations………………………………....Back Cover


Our Mission: To provide quality health care services to all individuals with a commitment to those who might otherwise be excluded from the health care system, while remaining cost-effective, efficient, and competitive.



…To Syracuse Community Health Center! Thank you for selecting us as your “Healthcare Home of Choice.” We are committed to ensuring you are satisfied with the services provided, and you are treated with dignity and respect at all times. We are here to listen to your concerns and comments. If there is something that we can do to improve our service delivery, please feel free to call us during regular business hours, Monday through Friday at (315) 476-7921 ext. 2424.


What is Syracuse Community Health Center? Syracuse Community Health Center, Inc., is a federally qualified health center, which offers high quality, convenient, comprehensive health care services to all members of the Syracuse and Central New York communities. When you come to Syracuse Community Health Center - whether you are a patient at our Main, East, West, South, LaFayette or School-Based Health Center health care delivery sites you will always be treated with the highest quality of care. Your family’s health and satisfaction is our # 1 (number one) priority!


Our providers - physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, counselors, case managers, physician assistants, dental hygienists - are highly qualified. We are pleased to have recruited the most capable staff from all across the nation, and even the world. We are extremely proud to have earned accreditation by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations since 1992, the National Committee for QualityAssurance (NCQA) Patient Centered Medical Home Level 2 Recogntion (PCMH) Designation since 2011 and the NCQA Diabetes Program (DRP) Recognition since 2012. These prestigious honors identify Syracuse CommunityHealth Center as an organization of quality service and excellence. 5

Convenience Syracuse Community Health Center has centrally located sites in the Syracuse and Central New York Community to serve you so that you will always have quality care available close to home. In addition we offer: • Free parking - you’ll never pay to park at Syracuse Community Health Center! • Patient Assistance Program – Did you know we offer patient assistance with the following: • Wheelchairs, directions, pushing strollers, flat tires, snow removal from your, dead batteries, keys locked in your car, calling a cab, making phone calls and more! • If you are elderly, disabled, pregnant or have children and need assistance call: 315-476-7921. • Privacy and confidentiality of all information and records pertaining to your treatment; • You may approve or refuse the release or disclosure of the contents of his/her medical record to any healthcarpractitioner and/or health-care facility except as required by law or third-party payment contract: and • Access his/her medical record pursuant to the provisions of section 18 of the Public Health Law, and Subpart 50-3 of the same title.


As our valued patient, you have the privilege of choosing from our highly qualified list of physicians, dentists and other providers.


You make the very important decision about who will care for you and your family.

Affordable Care Syracuse Community Health Center provides health care for all persons, regardless of their financial status. We participate with Total Care, Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, Blue Shield, United Health Care, GHI, MVP, POMCO and most third party insurance, Medicare and Medicaid patients are always welcome. If you are a senior or student, we have special discounts just for you. We also offer a “prompt pay” discount and methods of payment include cash, check, MasterCard, VISA and Discover. We have a sliding fee plan which covers health care services. The sliding fee payment plan will be developed based on your family size and income. By offering this special service, you can always be assured of receiving health care for you and your family. The Health Center is proud to be a primary provider for Total Care, which offers Medicaid Managed Care, Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus. If you are interested in joining Total Care’s plan, please call 476-7921, ext. 2415.


Comment Procedure If you have a compliment or concern about any aspect of the Health Center’s operation, please call 476-7921, ext. 2424. Financial Information Payment for Services rendered should be made immediately following your appointment. Any other arrangements mustbe made in advance. The Health Center has Facilitated Enrollers on site who can assist you in applying for Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care, Child Health Plus & Family Health Plus. The Health Center also offers a sliding fee plan which may reduce your charge for services, depending on your family size and income. Services will not be denied solely on your ability to pay. Please provide proof of income so we can determine whether or not you qualify for a Sliding Fee Discount. This may include pay stubs (at least 3), W-2’s, unemployment checks, Social Security checks, etc. If you are 65 years of age or older, you may qualify for a 20 percent senior discount. College students are also eligible for a 20 percent discount. Medicaid Co-Pay. $3.00 co-pay is required for Medicaid recipients age 21 or older at each visit, excluding the following:


•If you are pregnant; •If you are enrolled in a Medicaid Managed Care Plan; •For family planning services; •If you are a resident of a community-based residential facil ity; or •If you are enrolled in a Comprehensive Medicaid Case Man agement Program

As a patient at this health center you can expect: That your reports of pain will be believed; Information about pain and pain relief measures will be reviewed by concerned staff committed to pain prevention and management; Health professionals who respond quickly to reports of pain, and Effective pain management.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities You have the responsibility to:

• Always bring your card(s) when coming for services. • Bring to the Health Center: the name and address of other physicians or dentists that you have been seeing. This will enable the Health Center Staff to provide comprehensive health care. • Bring children’s immunization records with you when they are seeing their physician • Make and be on time for appointments. If you cannot keep and appointment, call the Health Center as early as possible, so that another patient may be scheduled. • Reschedule appointments that you cannot keep at referral centers, e.g., to see a specialist or have a special procedure done. • Be honest about medical instructions from the Health Center staff. If, for any reason, you cannot or should not follow advice, talk to the staff member right away. • Inform the Health Center of any changes in your address, telephone number or name of employer as soon as possible. Be polite and considerate of other patients and respect their privacy. 9

Patient Rights and Responsibilities You have the responsibility to: • Pay for professional services rendered on the day of services or make other arrangements with the Credit Counselor in advance. • Be polite and considerate of other patients and respect their privacy. You have the right to: • Receive service(s) without regard to age, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, sex, national origin or sponsor; • Be treated with consideration, respect and dignity including privacy in treatment; • Be informed of the services available at the Health Center; • Be informed of provisions for off-hour emergency coverage; • Be informed of the charges for services, eligibility for third-party reimbursements and, when applicable, the availability of free or reduced cost care; • Receive an itemized copy of your account statement, upon request; • Obtain from your health care practitioner, or the health care practitioner’s delegate, complete and current information concerning his/her diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand;


You have the right to: • Receive from your physician information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any non-emergency procedure or treatment or both. An informed consent shall include, at a minimum, the provision of information concerning the specific procedure or treatment, if any, as a reasonable medical practitioner under similar circumstances would disclose in a manner permitting the patient to make a knowledgeable decision; • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be fully informed of the medical consequences of your action; • Refuse to participate in experimental research; • Voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services to the Center’s staff, the operator and the New York State Department of Health without fear of reprisal; • Express complaints about the care and services provided and have the Center investigate such complaints. The Center is responsible for providing the patient or his/ her designee with a written response within 30 days, if requested by the patient indicating the findings of the investigation. The Center is also responsible for notifying the patient and his/her designee that if the patient is not satisfied by the Center’s response, the patient may complain to the New York State Department of Health’s Office of Health Systems Management; (315) 477-8561.


Patient Rights and Responsibilities NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES (WITH HITECH UPDATES) EFFECTIVE DATE: April 14, 2003 This notice was revised on March 29, 2013 “THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED OR DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET”“ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. IF YO T THIS NOTICE OF IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT OUR PRIVACY OFFICER.” What is Protected Health Information? Protected Health Information is information that individually identifies you and that we create or get from you or from another health care provider, a health plan, your employer, or a health care clearinghouse and that relates to (1) your past, present, orfuture physical or mental health or conditions, (2) the provision of health care to you, or (3) the past, present, or future payment of your health care. Your Protected Health Information Rights Although your medical record is the physical property of the Syracuse Community Health Center, the information belongs to you. • You have the right to request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of your information. • You have the right to request to inspect and obtain a copy of your medical nformation, to obtain an accounting of disclosures of your medical information, to request communications of your medical information by alternative means or at alternative locations, and to revoke your authorization to use or disclose medical information except to the extent that action has already been taken. You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice upon request. 12

Patient Rights and Responsibilities You have the following rights, subject to certain limitations, regarding your Protected Health Information: Right to Inspect and Copy. You have the right to inspect and copy Protected Health Information that may be used to make decisions about your care or payment for your care. We may charge you a fee for the costs for copying, mailing or other supplies associated with your request. We may not charge you a fee if you need the information for a claim for benefits under the Social Security Act orany other state or federal needs-based benefit program. We may deny your request in certain limited circumstances. If we do deny your request, you have the right to have the denial of your request, and we will comply with the outcome of the review. If your Protected Health Information is maintained in an electronic format (known as an electronic medical record or an electronic health record), you have the right to request that an electronic copy of your record be given to you or transmitted to another individual or entity. We may charge you a reasonable, cost-based fee for the labor associated with transmitting the electronic medical record. To exercise your rights described in this Notice, send your request, in writing, to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. We may ask you to fill out a form that we will supply. To exercise your right to inspect and copy your Protected Health Information, you may also contact our Privacy Officer. To get a copyof this Notice, contact our Privacy Officer by phone or mail. PRIVACY COMPLAINTS: Contact Office: Privacy Officer, 819 South Salina Street, Syracuse, New York Phone: 315-476-7921 13

Diversity We serve a cross section of patients representing different countries who have a variety of different cultural backgrounds, life styles, and languages. Our wonderful patients may be busy moms and dads, elderly citizens with terrific stories to share, energetic youth, or bright and active children. Whomever we serve, our diverse staff is always ready with a quick smile and friendly attitude. If you are Spanish-speaking or speak another language and need assistance, please let our staff know so that we may help you.

How to Make an Appointment To make an appointment use the phone numbers for locations of your choice: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14

Main - 819 S. Salina St. ……………………..…..476-7921 East - 1938 E. Fayette St. …………………..…....474-4077 West - 603 Oswego St. ……………………….....424-0800 South - 1701 South Ave. ……………………..…234-8336 Lafayette - 2561 Rt. 11, Lafayette, NY……....…..677-3186 Dr. King Elementary School…...……..………..435-4031 Dr. Weeks School at Bellevue Academy........….435-4030 Delaware Elementary School ……...……….…435-4452 H.W. Smith Elementary & MiddleSchool…......435-6266 Fowler High School………… ………………..435-4410 Westside Academy at Blodgett School................435-6431 Grant Middle School.........................................476-7921 Franklin Elementary School.............................476-7921

Be Prepared to Answer the Following: Are you registered as a patient? Who is your provider? What is your reason for making an appointment? What is your address, telephone number? What is your method of payment for services? If You Are a New Patient: Please arrive 30 minutes before your first appointment and go to our registration office to register. Bring any information related to your health insurance (name of insurance company, subscriber’s name, and certificate number), along with your insurance card so that we can maintain it in our files. If You Need Care After Hours: When the Health Center is closed, a provider is on call, by specialty, to assist Health Center patients who are ill and/ or require assistance. Call the Health Center nearest you (see phone numbers previous page). The Center’s answering service will contact the on-call provider and have the provider return your call or you may contact us at 1- 866-473-5178. If You are Unable to Keep Your Appointment: As soon as you know you can’t make your scheduled appointment, please call the Health Center to reschedule. Your consideration allows us to schedule someone in your place. 15

Conveniently Located Facilities Located on bus routes, with ample parking, each of our facilities provides easy in and out access.

Main: 819 S. Salina Street, 315-476-7921 East:

1938 E. Fayette Street, 315-474-4077

West: 603 Oswego Street, 315-424-0800 South: 1701 South Avenue, 315-234-8336 Lafayette Health Center: 2561 Route 11 North, Lafayette, NY, 315-677-3186 Southwest Community Center: 401 South Avenue, 315-476-7921 Ross Towers: 710-712 Lodi Street, 315-476-7921 Rescue Mission: 155 Gifford Street, 315-476-7921


School-Based Health Centers • Physical Exams • General Checkups • Immunizations • Dental Screenings & Treatmen • Mental Health Services • Sick Care Please note! School-Based Health Center services will be provided whether or not your child has health care insurance coverage. If your child is currently insured, no co-pay is required and we will bill your carrier for service. If your child is uninsured, we will help determine his or her eligibility for Child Health Plus. For more information about Child Health Plus, please see page 25 of this booklet.

• Dr. King Elementary School…...……..….. 435-4031 • Dr. Weeks School at Bellevue Academy.....435-4030 Delaware Elementary School ……...…......435-4452 • H.W. Smith Elementary & Middle School 435-6266 • Fowler High School………………………..435-4410 • Westside Academy at Blodgett School........435-6431 • Grant Middle School..................................476-7921 • Franklin Elementary School......................476-7921


Total Care

For information about joining Total Care, our Managed Care Plan Plus, please call 476-7921, ext. 2415, or visit the Total Care offices located at our Main site at 819 S. Salina Street.

Child Health Plus Child Health Plus is a New York State insurance plan that is offered by Total Care, Inc. It provides free or low-cost health insurance for eligible children up to the age of 19. Benefits Physical Exams, Well-Child Care & Immunizations Inpatient Hospital Care Diagnosis and Treatment of Illness or Injury X-rays and Lab Tests Outpatient Surgery Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Including Prosthetic Appliances and Orthotic Devices Short-term Therapeutic Services Pre-surgical Testing Inpatient/Outpatient Treatment for Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health Prescription & Non-Prescription Drugs (prescribed by physician) Home Health Care Services Emergency Care Diabetic Supplies and Equipment Diabetic Education and Home Visits


Child Health Plus Benefits - continued Vision Care (Routine, Preventative, Emergency) Dental Care (Routine, Preventative, Emergency) Speech and Hearing (Including Hearing Aids) Medicaid Managed Care Plan Total Care’s Medicaid Managed Care plan is a locally administered managed care company that provides coverage for Medicaid recipients. Through a managed care plan, you have a wide variety of benefits, listed below, that are managed through a Primary Care Provider (PCP). Benefits: All preventive services: mammograms, well-child visits, immunizations, pap smears Physician visits Hospitalization Recovery room, intensive care Surgery Anesthesia Delivery and physician care for mother and child Nursing services Allergy testing and treatment Family planning (including HIV testing & counseling) Lab and x-ray Vision care and glasses Hearing exams Mental health, alcohol and substance abuse counseling Alcoholism and drug abuse - outpatient & inpatient Radiation and chemotherapy Durable medical equipment Physical therapy (with prior approval from Medical Director) Occupational therapy (with prior approval from Medical Director) Transportation, upon request To enroll, Please call: 476-7921, ext. 2415 or 1-800-223-7242, ext. 2415


Total Care

Family Health Plus Affordable Health Care for Adults! Family Health Plus is New York State’s health care program for adults who don’t have insurance but whose income is too high to get Medicaid. Family Health Plus benefits* include: Physician Services Inpatient & outpatient health care Dental services Prescription drugs and smoking cessation products Lab tests & x-rays Vision, speech & hearing services ER & emergency ambulance services Drug, alcohol & mental health treatment Diabetes supplies & equipment Much more! *Some limits apply to certain benefits. For more information on how to enroll, please call Total Care at: 476-7921, ext. 2415 or 1-800-223-7242, ext. 2415


Walk-In Care (Urgent Care) Syracuse Community Health Center provides a special opportunity for pesons who need care but do not have an appointment, or who need care outside of the usual appointment hours at our S. Salina St. location. As you know, visiting a hospital emergency room can be a very time consuming activity. Also, in most cases, to receive insurance coverage for care in the Emergency Room, your diagnosis must be a true emergency, such as a loss of life or limb, extreme bleeding, heart pain, etc. A routine earache may not be covered. That’s why in many cases, our Walk-In Care Department is a great choice. You don’t have to schedule an appointment. You come in when you’re sick and see one of our providers. For your convenience, our Walk-In Care Department is open: Main Walk -In Care Hours Monday-Friday................... 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Saturday ...............................9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday & Holidays f............9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Main Walk-In Care Dental Hours Monday - Thursday.................7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Friday .......................................8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday ...................................7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 21

SCHC Hours & Services SCHC Main 819 S. Salina St. …………… 476-7921 Monday………………..8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tuesday………………..8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Wednesday……………8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday………………8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday………………….8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Saturday……………….9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Medical Adult Medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) Podiatry Eye Care (Optometry/Ophthalmolgy) Walk-In Care (Urgent Care Services) Counseling, Addiction & Psychological Services (CAPS) Substance Abuse Treatment Mental Health Services Case Management Adolescent Intervention


SCHC Main - continued 819 S. Salina St. …………………………476-7921 Main Dental General Dentistry Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 a.m. -8:00 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday .............8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Saturday .....................................9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Restorative Dentistry Endodontic Therapy (e.g., caps, root canals) Periodontics Prosthodontics (e.g., dentures, bridges) Oral Surgery Walk-In Care (available during specific operating hours) Other HIV Early Intervention Services (testing, education, counseling, and AIDS case management services) Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management (CMCM) Child Care Services (during appointments) Diabetes Counseling Nutrition Counseling Laboratory Pharmacy X-Ray, including mammograms Total Care Prepaid Medicaid Managed Care Plan Child Health Plus Family Health Plus


SCHC Hours & Services SCHC West 603 Oswego St. ………………424-0800 Monday………8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Tuesday………8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Wednesday…...8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Thursday……...8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Friday………....8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Medical Adult Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) Pediatrics Dental General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry Endodontic Therapy (e.g. caps, root canals) Periodontics Prosthodontics (e.g. dentures, bridges) Other HIV Early Intervention Services (testing, education, counseling, and AIDS case management services) Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management (CMCM) Child Care Services (during appointments)


SCHC West- continued Individual/Family Counseling Mental Health Counseling Referral Services Total Care Prepaid Medicaid Managed Care Plan Child Health Plus Family Health Plus SCHC South 1701 South Ave. ………………………..234-8336

Monday & Wednesday…8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Friday…………........ ...8:00 a.m.. - 12:00 p.m.

Services Physical exams Medical Diagnosis & Treatment STD/HIV/AIDS education


SCHC Hours & Services SCHC East 1938 E. Fayette St………......……474-4077 Monday……… 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Tuesday……….8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Wednesday……8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday………8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Friday…………8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Medical Adult Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) Pediatrics Family Practice Mental Health Services Dental General & Restorative Dentistry Endodontic Therapy (e.g. caps, root canals) Periodontics & Oral Surgery Prosthodontics (e.g. dentures, bridges) Other HIV Early Intervention Services (testing, education, counseling, and AIDS case management services) Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management (CMCM) Individual/Family Counseling Mental Health Counseling Referral Services Total Care Prepaid Medicaid Managed Care Plan Child Health Plus


LaFayette Health Center 2561 Route 11 North , Lafayette, NY …………….. 677-3186 Monday……………..8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday……………..8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday………….8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursday……………8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday……………….8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Medical Family Practice Adult Medicine Pediatrics Mental Health Services Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN)* New! Podiatry


School-Based Health Center Program Syracuse Community health Center, Inc. and The Syracuse City School District have partnered to provide convenient access to health care for your child. School-Based Health Centers are available at the six Syracuse City School District locations listed below. Each School-Based Health Center operates during and beyond regular school hours and will continue to operate even when school is out of session during school vacations and summer break. Before your child can participate, you must complete and submit forms that may be obtained by calling your child’s School-Based Health Center. The telephone numbers are listed below. School-Based Health Center services will be provided whether or not your child has health care insurance coverage. If your child is currently insured, no co-pay is required and we will bill your carrier for service. If your child is uninsured, we will help determine his or her eligibility for Child Health Plus. For more information about Child Health Plus, please see page 25 of this booklet.


Locations Dr. Weeks School @ Bellevue Academy 710 Hawley Ave. ………………………………...435-4030 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Dr. King School 416 E. Raynor Ave. ………………………………435-4031 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Delaware Elementary School 900 S. Geddes St………………………………….435-4452 Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. H.W. Smith Elementary School 1130 Salt Springs Rd……………………………..435-6266 Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fowler High School 227 Magnolia St…………………………………...435-4410 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Westside Academy at Blodgett School 312 Oswego Street ……………………..………...435-6431 Monday –Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Grant Middle School 2400 Grant Blvd.........................................................476-7921 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Franklin Elementary School


School-Based Health Center Program Services Medical Family Practice Adult Medicine Pediatrics Mental Health Services Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) Podiatry Other HIV Early Intervention Services (testing, education, counseling, and AIDS case management services) Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management (CMCM) Child Care Services (during appointments) Diabetes Counseling Nutrition Counseling Laboratory Pharmacy X-Ray, including mammograms Total Care Prepaid Medicaid Managed Care Plan Child Health Plus Family Health Plus


Become Part of the Mission… The SCHC Foundation raises funds to help support the mission of the Syracuse Community Health Center. By raising funds through special events and fund-raising campaigns, the SCHC Foundation helps make certain that the Syracuse Community Health Center will always be there for you. Contributions to the SCHC Foundation help update our facilities, purchase new medical equipment and develop programs that serve the health care needs of our neighbors. To find out more or to “become part of the mission,” contact the SCHC Foundation at (315) 476-7921. Notes _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Thank you for placing your trust in us! 31


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SCHC’s Convenient Locations: Main 819 S. Salina Street, (315) 476-7921

East 1938 E. Fayette Street, (315) 474-4077 West 603 Oswego Street, (315) 424-0800 South 1701 South Ave, (315) 234-8336 LaFayette Health Center 2561 Route 11, LaFayette, NY (315) 677-3186 Southwest Community Center 401 South Avenue, 315-476-7921 Ross Towers 710-712 Lodi Street, 315-476-7921 Rescue Mission 155 Gifford Street, 315-476-7921 Dr. King School-Based Health Center 416 E. Raynor Ave., (315) 435-4031 Dr. Weeks School-Based Health Center 710 Hawley Ave., (315) 435-4030 Westside Academy at Blodgett School 312 Oswego Street, (315) 435-6431 Delaware Elementary School-Based Health Center 900 S. Geddes Street, (315) 435-4452 H.W. Smith Elementary & Middle School-Based Health Center 1130 Salt Spring Rd, (315) 435-6266 Fowler High School-Based Health Center 227 Magnolia Street, (315) 435-4410 Grant Middle School 2400 Grant Blvd., (315) 476-7921 Franklin Middle School 428 S. Alvord St. (315) 476-7921

Syracuse Community Health Center, Inc. www.schcny.com

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