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Dakota State University Names SDPB's Steven Rokusek Distinguished Alumnus

SDPB is honored to announce Dakota State University has named education specialist Steven “Science Steve” Rokusek their 2019 Distinguished Alumnus. Rokusek graduated from DSU in 1997 with a degree in biology and computer education.

Originally from Tyndall, SD, Rokusek has been an active and award-winning science teacher in the classroom and currently with SDPB. He has taught physics, physical science, anatomy, biology, and earth science, and has received the Golden Apple Award for Teachers, multiple Who’s Who Among Teachers awards, the Archdiocese of Omaha Teacher of the Year Award, a Regional Emmy Nomination, and is the recipient of the 2016 SoSoDakSACA SACCY Award. Rokusek is also the recipient of the 2019 South Dakota Science Teachers Association Friend of Science Award for his service to the advancement of science education in South Dakota.

Rokusek has been with SDPB since 2004, developing resource materials for specific content areas for in-service school workshops, education conferences across the state, and for special events, such as the 2018 Space Day at DSU. Rokusek’s electronic education newsletter provides weekly resources for teachers and parents across South Dakota. Congratulations, Steve! You can access K-12 educational resources Rokusek develops for South Dakota educators at SDPB.org/Learn.

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