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Our Mission

Bringing philanthropy to life for a stronger South Dakota.

Our Purpose


• Promoting philanthropy

• Receiving and administering charitable gifts

• Investing in a wide range of programs benefiting the people of South Dakota

Our Values

• Philanthropy as a preferred choice in expressing a commitment to a better South Dakota

• Integrity, clarity and transparency in all we do

• Empowering donors to meet the needs of South Dakotans in their own unique way

• Strong local communities bonded through shared savings and investment

• Building long-term relationships that focus on the strength and sustainability of South Dakota

Our History

South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) first began in the imagination of former Governor George S. Mickelson. He believed our state needed an organization that would promote statewide donations and provide financial assistance to nonprofits. Thanks to his vision, SDCF was created as a public, nonprofit corporation on November 11th, 1987.

To establish SDCF, the McKnight Foundation and the 3M Corporation issued a $5 million challenge grant to the state of South Dakota in memory of South Dakota native William L. McKnight. The State of South Dakota committed $2 million to the project. Within twelve months, SDCF raised the additional $3 million from private donors to fulfill the entire challenge grant.

SDCF has grown this initial $10 million endowment into more than $885 million in total assets. Today, SDCF manages more than 1,200 funds, and this number continues to grow. Through the generosity of South Dakotans and solid investment returns, the people and communities of South Dakota will benefit from the work of the Foundation for generations to come.


We simplify the charitable giving process with straightforward fund establishment and charitable gift management.


We partner with financial and legal advisors to help individuals incorporate philanthropic goals into planning their lifetime giving and estate plans.


We help communities of all sizes achieve their goals through permanently endowed funds called Community Savings Accounts, which are invested with SDCF and operated by a local advisory council.


We support charitable and nonprofit organizations throughout the state by offering grant opportunities, establishing agency endowment funds and providing related administrative support.

Dear Friends,

Within these pages, we share our 2023 Annual Report. We are grateful to feature stories of impact, compassion and giving back from the last year.

In 2022, I shared our goal to raise $3.5 million toward the Vision 35 Fund. I’m excited to announce SDCF met this goal in 2023. The impact from this effort will be realized for many years to come. Thank you for your generosity toward ensuring challenge matches are forever available to community leaders and nonprofits, enabling them to grow local charitable dollars. Learn more about Vision 35 on page 4.

In addition to fulfilling the dream of endowing challenge dollars, SDCF was excited to offer Bush Prize: South Dakota. This award celebrates organizations that are highly valued within their communities and have a track record of successful community problem-solving. After much deliberation, two winners were announced in October. Congratulations Black Hills Special Services Cooperative and Lost&Found! You can learn more about their impactful work on page 28.

As my term as SDCF Chairperson ends, I send my heartfelt gratitude to each of you, our partner donors, nonprofits, community leaders and advisors. It has been my honor to serve in this capacity and be part of such a highly impactful organization for South Dakota. Although my official tenure may be ending, my commitment to SDCF remains unwavering.

Through your giving spirit, SDCF will continue to create a legacy for nonprofits and communities across our state.


Doug Sharp Board Chair

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