Draft 2018 – 19
No. 03
South Dakota State University Department of Architecture
Architecture is a way of seeing, shaping, and making sense of our environment. It is a curiously pragmatic and material practice. It is a longstanding intellectual discipline. It is a legally responsible profession. It is a material mediation of translating productive intellectual action to social effect. Architects use a conventional technology (graphics) to direct specific labor (building arts) to effect a greater socio-public outcome (urbanism). In the Department of Architecture (DoArch) at South Dakota State University the collaborative work of faculty and students highlights the relationship between the Building Arts, Public Works, and Media Practices. In Spring 2019, after nearly ten years of work by faculty and students, DoArch became the first accredited professional architecture program in the history of South Dakota.
DoArch was founded in 2010 as the first professional architecture program in the state of South Dakota and the newest architecture program on the Great Plains in a century. The aim of DoArch is threefold: 1. Provide the region with a supply of well-trained professionals, to study and advocate for South Dakota communities, 2. Strengthen the connection between the design and building arts industry, 3. Expand academic discourse to engage small urbanism and the role of architectural education in non-metropolitan areas. In 2015, programs in Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Graphic Design, Architecture, and Studio Arts were brought together to form a new School of Design (SoD). The following year, DoArch moved into a new building with offices, design studios, and a 13,000sf workshop outfitted with state of the art manual and CNC fabrication, construction, and manufacturing tools. DoArch has a unique mandate to remain a small program of no more than 220 students. The Department offers an accredited Master of Architecture (M-Arch) degree and a pre-professional 4 year Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture (BFA-Architecture) degree. Students with a 4 year undergraduate degree in architecture matriculate through the M-Arch degree in 2 years. DoArch also offers a 3 year M-Arch path to students that have completed an undergraduate degree in disciplines other than architecture. Land grant institutions were established to promote “agriculture and the mechanical arts�. Since their founding, institutions such as South Dakota State University have grown to include disciplines that highlight the importance of the humanities within the liberal arts. As part of a land grant institution, DoArch is uniquely positioned to heighten the humanities through the study of diverse cultures and the ethical implications of making spaces, places, and things.
Draft is a collection of images that summarize the events and work conducted at DoArch during the 2018-19 academic year. Publisher Department of Architecture (DoArch) South Dakota State University 905 N Campanile Ave. Brookings, SD 57007 www.sdstate.edu/architecture Designed by Federico Garcia Lammers Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture South Dakota State University Assisted by Mahmoud Sadek & Hermela Aboye Undergraduate Student, Department of Architecture Graduate Student, Department of Architecture South Dakota State University Typeset in Galaxy Polaris No part of this book may be reprinted without written consent from the author(s). In the United States, most registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted an eight-year, three-year, or two-year term of accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with established educational standards. Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may require a pre-professional undergraduate degree in architecture for admission. However, the pre-professional degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree. The Department of Architecture at South Dakota State University offers the following NAAB-accredited degree programs: M. Arch. (Pre-professional degree + 48 graduate credits) M. Arch. (Non-preprofessional degree + 97 credits) Next accreditation visit for all programs: 2019
Draft 2018 – 19
No. 03
South Dakota State University Department of Architecture
Studio Arch 101: Introduction to Architecture Arch 251: Bldg Arts Studio I Arch 252: Bldg Arts Studio II Arch 351: Bldg Arts Studio III Arch 352: Architecture Studio I Arch 451: Architecture Studio II Arch 452: Architecture Studio III Arch 551: Comprehensive Bldg Design I Arch 552: Comprehensive Bldg Design II Arch 651: Professional Design Practice I Arch 652: Professional Design Practice II Building Shops Eladio Dieste Framework Folded Metal Tas De Charge Cardboard Prototyping Unreal Engine Events Passive House: End of Construction Passive House: Ribbon Cutting Passive House: Peter VonDeLinde Photographs Lecture: Mitchell Squire Lecture: Peter VonDeLinde Lecture: Ann Sobiech Munson Lecture: Brian Rex Lecture: Fang Xu Workshop: Donald Kunze TSP Scholarship Winners Accreditation DoArch Final Reviews Superthing Graduation
Arc h 10 1 In troduct ion t o Arch i t ect ure Robert Arlt
Arc h 25 1 Bl dg A rt s St udio I Fe de rico G arcia Lam m ers
Arc h 25 2 Bl dg A rt s St udio II J e s s i ca G arcia Frit z
Arc h 35 1 Bl dg A rt s St udio III Bri a n Rex, Fang Xu
Arc h 35 2 Arc h i tect ure St udio I Bri a n T. Rex
Arc h 35 2 Arc h i tect ure St udio I Robert Arlt
Arc h 45 1 Arc h i tect ure St udio I I Ch a rl es MacB ride, B r i an Lee
Arc h 45 2 Arc h i tect ure St udio I I I Fa ng Xu, B rian Lee
Arc h 55 1 Comprehensive B ld g Des i g n I J e s s i ca G arcia Frit z
Arc h 55 2 Comprehensive B ld g Des i g n I I Ch a rl es MacB ride
Arc h 65 1 Professional Design Pract i ce I Robert Arlt
Arc h 65 2 Professional Design Pract i ce I I Fe de rico G arcia Lam m ers
Bldg Shops
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Ela dio Diest e Fe de rico G arcia Lam m ers
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Fra mework Ga rre tt Walt er
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Folded Met al Bri a n Lee
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Ta s De Charg e J e s s i ca G arcia Frit z
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Ca rdb oard Prot ot yp i ng Ga rre t Walt er
Arc h 46 1 /5 6 1 : B ld g S hop Un re a l Eng ine Fa ng XU
Pa s s ive House En d of Const ruct ion Fa l l 20 1 8
Pa s s ive House Ri bbon Cut t ing October 1 5 , 2 0 1 8
Pa s s ive House Peter VonDeLinde Phot o g rap hs S e ptemb er 1 4 , 2 0 1 8
Lecture W h e n Fant asies St ar t t o F ray M itc h ell Sq uire S cu lptor In s ta l lat ion art ist Perfor mance art ist Professor of archit ect ure, I owa St at e U ni vers i t y S e ptemb er 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
Lecture D e s igning Images Peter VonDeLinde Arc h i tect ural Phot o g rap her Filmmaker October 0 1 , 2 0 1 8
Lecture Women, A rchit ect ure, and E q ui t ab l e Pract i ce: Re c en t Hist ories, Near F ut ures , and Tal es from the Field Ann S obiech Munson AIA, A rchit ect As s ociat e, Subst anc e Archi t ect ure D e s M oines, IA October 2 2 , 2 0 1 8
Lecture M a s s i ve G rowt h on a Ti ny S cal e Bri a n Rex As s ociat ive Profess o r Head S D S U Dep art ment of Archi t ect ure Fe bru ary 2 0 , 2 0 1 8
Lecture Fa ng Xu In s tru ct or, Depart m ent of Archi t ect ure S ou th Dakot a St at e U ni vers i t y M a rc h 0 8 , 2 0 1 9
Workshop Ora ng e Driver D on a l d Kunze Professor of A rchit e ct ure and I nt eg rat i ve Ar t s , Eme ri tus, Penn St at e U ni vers i t y N ove m ber 0 2 , 2 0 1 8 - Novem b er 0 5 , 2 0 1 8
S ch olarship TSP s cholarship win ners Cody Sad ler S hya nne Kopf mann N a th aniel K rueg er M a h moud Sadek
Accred it at ion S pri ng 2 0 1 9
Fin a l Reviews Fa l l 20 1 8 S pri ng 2 0 1 9
S u pert hing S pri ng 2 0 1 9 Arc h 25 2 Autumn Schlomer Wa lker Kropuenske Arc h 35 2 Ka ria nna Larson N a th aniel K rueg er J os eph Kenny Arc h 45 2 N a ta l ie Parks Pris c a Musa T h e l m a Diejomaoh Kyle Kueper Arc h 55 2 D rew Doyle Arc h 65 2 J a c ob R icke Ri l ey Walz
Gra duat ion Cla s s of 2 0 1 9
Publisher Department of Architecture (DoArch) South Dakota State University 905 N Campanile Ave. Brookings, SD 57007 www.sdstate.edu/architecture Designed by Federico Garcia Lammers Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture South Dakota State University Assisted by Mahmoud Sadek, Hermela Aboye Undergraduate Student, Department of Architecture Graduate Student, Department of Architecture South Dakota State University Photographs by Amanda Jamison Graduate Student, Department of Architecture South Dakota State University Typeset in Galaxy Polaris No part of this book may be reprinted without written consent from the author(s).
Faculty 2018-19
Brian T. Rex Department Head and Associate Professor Charles MacBride Associate Professor Jessica Garcia Fritz Assistant Professor Federico Garcia Lammers Assistant Professor Robert Arlt Instructor Brian Lee Instructor Fang Xu Instructor Garrett Walter Architectural lab manager Instructor Iman Ebadi Adjunct Instructor
“ M ay t he force be wi t h yo u, m ay it s h ine up on your faces , m ay i t ligh t t he ground at your feet .” - Brian Lee
Draft is a collection of images that summarize the events and work conducted at DoArch during the 2018-19 academic year.
Publisher Department of Architecture (DoArch) South Dakota State University 905 N Campanile Ave. Brookings, SD. 57007 www.sdstate.edu/architecture Typeset in Galaxy Polaris No part of this book may be reprinted without written consent from the author(s).