Koupal Midwest Angus 2025 Production Sale

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Welcome to the 1st annual KoupalMidwest Angus bull sale!

Welcome to the 1st annual Koupal’s Midwest Angus bull sale. As many of you know, my wife Aryn and I have moved to new pastures southwest of Winner, SD to raise our family. With changes also come challenges, and one of those is being 120 miles away from the Koupal’s B&B family bull sale every February where we have been marketing our bulls. For convenience, my brother Joey and I have decided to sell our bulls closer to home at the Winner Livestock sale barn. Joey and his wife Sara and family reside just south of Burke, SD. Together we will offer 30 fall aged bulls and 25 yearling bulls.

Although we have changed location, our love for angus cattle has not. We continue to select genetics with strict protocol by not single trait selecting EPD’s or chasing extremes. We believe raising good functional cattle must begin with good maternal bloodlines. My grandfather Lavern and my dad Bud Koupal have been our most crucial influencers when it comes to raising and choosing genetics that work in our environment. As you dig into our bull offering, you will realize we demand cattle that have eye appeal, length, performance and fleshing ability all backed by sires who have great maternal strength. We do not have patience for bad dispositions, bad bags or bad feet.

For the past 15 years, I’ve sat in local sale barns 3-4 days a week helping market some of the best cattle in the country. Our goals here at Koupal’s Midwest Angus are no different than a commercial producer. We strive to offer bulls that have uniformity and sire calves alike that will stand the test of time. Whether you are looking for more pounds in the sale ring, to improve your cow herd, or add a calving ease prospect, we feel we have something for everyone. If you have any questions, get ahold of me or Joey or you can stop out anytime to get a tour of the cattle. Stay tuned for our bull videos to be posted on DVAuction. Thank you for your interest,

Dan & Joey Koupal Families

Sale Location

Winner Livestock Auction

31690 Livestock Barn Rd, Winner, SD 57580


Seth Weishaar

Office – (605) 892 – 2640

Cell – (605) 210 – 1124

Sale day & Representatives phones

Dan Koupal: 605-491-1331

Joey Koupal: 605-491-3202

Dan Piroutek: 605-544-3316

Jason Hanson-Livestock Digital:402-649-0500

Dustin Carter: 712-898-9972


All buyers attending the bull sale do so at their own risk. Koupal’s Midwest Angus and Winner Livestock Auction assume no liability for accidents or property loss that may occur.

Terms & Conditions

Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association.


-Any announcements from the auction block regarding the cattle selling in this sale will take precedence over information printed in this book.


A complimentary lunch will be served at 11am.


Save $50 per head by taking the bull home sale day. Please tell the girls clerking if you are leaving them or if you would like them to be delivered. All bulls left at the ranch do so at the buyer’s risk. We suggest you buy mortality insurance if leaving the bull.


We guarantee all bulls to be sound and fertile, but reserve the right to test any animal that is returned to the farm as a non-breeder for 90 days before making an adjustment. All bulls selling for $3,000 or more will be covered at 50% minus $2,000 (salvage price at sale) if they have a breeding injury during their first breeding season. In the event of an adjustment, a replacement of equal value or credit on the purchase of another animal will be made. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of the bull. Please notify us as soon as possible if an injury does occur and prior to the injured bull being sold. All bulls need to be diagnosed by a veterinarian and clains made before September 1st. This is not an insurance policy nor does is cover neglect or mismanagement. Credit will not be given on bulls that are purchased on credit.

Online Bidding

Koupal’s Midwest Angus will be using DV auction via the internet. If you have internet, you will be able to log on to watch the sale and bid. You will need to register a couple days prior to sale day.

LIVESTOCK Photography

-A supplement sheet will be available sale day.

-EPD’s are current as of December 27, 2023.

-The heifers selling have not been GE-EPD tested nor tested for genetic abormalities.

performance data

Current EPD’s are available on each lot in addition to birth weight, 205-day weight, and 365-day adjusted weight. Fertility test, scrotal measurement and ultrasound carcass data are all included in the sale book.

Volume Discounts

The purchase of 5 or more bulls by a single buyer will earn a 5% discount.

Retained Interest

Koupal’s Midwest Angus is retaining a one-third revenue sharing semen interest in every bull selling in this sale unless stated otherwise from the block. Full possession and full salvage sells on all bulls unless indicated from the block on sale day.

Delivery & Extended Care

Free delivery on any bulls selling for $3,000 or more with 300-mile radius, after 300 miles at cost. When delivering bulls, we may deliver to a central location spot, such as vet clinics, sale barns, or ranch that has agreed to be drop off point. We ask in advance for your cooperation.


An insurance representative from Martin-Trudeau will be available to answer any questions you may have on mortality and breeding injury insurance. We highly suggest purchasing insurance for your bull and will cover 1/2 of the cost on sale day.

LZ Livestock + Photography Riley Zoss -605.630.8895


Darcy Krick Photography DarcyKrick -605.680.3649

Print & catalog design


Sydney Dvorak — 605.491.6561

herd health & registrations

All bulls have been inspected by our licensed vet at Animal Clinic Ltd located in Winner, SD. All vaccinations that are required are given to the bulls along with a hoof rot shot. All bulls have been bled for Brucellosis and are BVD free. They will be semen tested, guaranteed breeders, and all health papers will be order for all bulls to be shipped to anywhere in the United States. All registrations and transfers of the bulls will be taken care of by the Koupals.


The following hotels are located in Winner, SD

The Holiday Inn Express-1360 SD-44, Winner, SD 57580 (605) 842-2255

Super 8 by Windham-902 SD-44, Winner, SD 57580 (605) 646-0368

Knights Inn Winner-845 SD-44, Winner, SD 57580 (605) 842-3121

For inclement weather or postponement please listen to WNAX-Yankton, KWYR-Winner, and KVSH-Valentine or check our Facebook page:

Koupal’s Midwest Angus


Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.

Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. Accuracy will range from 0 to 1 with an accuracy closer to 1.0 indicating higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the amount of information that is included in the analysis including individual genotype and performance records as well as number of progeny and ancestral records.


Calving Ease Direct (CED), expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to firstcalf heifers.

Birth Weight (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Weight (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for post-weaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.

Dry Matter Intake (DMI), expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of difference in transmitting ability for feed intake during the post-weaning phase, compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Height (YH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height compared to that of other sires.

Scrotal Circumference (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting scrotal size compared to that of other sires.


Claw Set (Claw), expressed in units of claw-set score, a lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with more symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced toes compared to another sire.

Foot Angle (Angle), expressed in units of foot-angle score, a lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with an angle closer to 45 degrees at the pastern and appropriate toe length and heel depth compared to another sire.

Docility (DOC), expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility in a sire’s offspring compared to another sire.

Pulmonary Arterial Pressure EPD (PAP), expressed in millimeters of Mercury (mmHg), with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire should produce progeny with a lower PAP score to decrease the risk of progeny contracting high altitude disease most commonly experienced at 5,500 ft or greater in elevation.

Hair Shed EPD (HS), expressed in units of hair shed score, with a lower EPD being more favorable. This indicates a sire should produce progeny who shed their winter coat earlier in the spring and has improved environmental adaptability in heat stressed areas and grazing endophyte-infected (hot) fescue.


Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Maternal Milk (Milk), expressed in pounds of calf weaned, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability in his daughters. In other words, it is the part of the calf’s weaning weight attributes to milk and mothering ability.

Mature Weight (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.

Mature Height (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.


Carcass Weight (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.


$Value Indexes, expressed in dollars per head, are multi-trait selection indexes where a higher value suggests more profit. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires if sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from conception to weaning by decreasing mature cow size and improving docility, foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with today’s production.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, provides the expected difference in future progeny pre-weaning performance from birth to weaning.

Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollar savings per cow per year with a larger value being more favorable. It assesses differences in cow energy requirements, due to maternal milk and mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning feedlot merit (growth and feed efficiency) compared to progeny of other sires assuming producers retain ownership of cattle through the feedlot phase and sell on a carcass-weight basis.

Grid Value ($G), expressed in dollars per carcass, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit, including quality and yield grade attributes, compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, represents the expected average differences in the progeny post-weaning performance and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. This index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot and sell on a carcass merit grid.

Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.


Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 39


Koupal Elsie 74D Koupal Elsie 1131

Unmistakabull 896U

Koupal Elba 0187

Kesslers Augustus 9649

Koupal Elsie 839

Eyes Onyou

B&B Eyes Onyou

Front pasture type of bull! Not sure you will find a bull anywhere with as much natural thickness and red meat. Kozi Dam has a perfect udder and puts it all into her calf. This bull is in top 20% for 11 different traits. Herd bull prospect! Keep every female he sires. You will notice him sale day! Actual weight on 12/12/24:1510

Big time performance and growth bull with moderate birth! Dam is moderate and easy fleshing with nice udder. The Eyes On You sons all have extra length. This bull is hard to fault! WWR: 107 YWR: 100 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1532

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 332

EG Eyes Onyou

Koupals B&B Eyes Onyou 116

B&B Jestess 6079

S Titlest 1145

Koupals D&K Kay 65

Koupals D&K Kay 446

Hoover No Doubt

Baldridge Isabel D275

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

B&B Jestress 7051

RA Lincoln W144

S Cora 572

SAV Mustang 9134

Koupal Kay 968


Deep and thick cow bull! Good footed bull that is very docile. Bull will add muscle and fleshing ability and has performed very well. WWR: 108. YWR: 104 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1530

Koupal’s D&A Eyes On You 322

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 335

Juneau 807J

Wintress 3131

Deep, soggy cow bull and was the #2 actual weaning weight bull! Dam is raising a stick out calf again. BWR:92. WWR: 111. YWR: 104 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1590

D&A Eyes on You 347

EG Eyes Onyou Koupals B&B

Unmistakabull 896U

Koupal Elba 0187 Duff Amigo 815

Koupal Sally 923

Big time performance cow bull here! If you’re looking to add

and muscle, check this guy out. YWR: 104 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1500

Big time performance with added length and frame. 10 year old dam is a grandaughter of Juneau 807J. Dams production WWR: 8 @102. YWR: 8@103 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1600 EG Eyes

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 321

Bow Ozzie 3233

Zara 543

Jestress 7051 GDAR Game Day 449 Ox Bow Blackbird 1139

B3R Natural Product W100

Koupal Zara 1163

framed performance bull! I used the “Eyes On You 116” sire to add a little more punch and you can see by his ratios he has performed well! WWR: 111. YWR: 105 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1522

EG Eyes Onyou

Koupals B&B Eyes Onyou 116 B&B Jestess 6079

DDOT Black Diamond 0C94

Jar Eulima G715

JAR Eulima Z180-9134

Hoover No Doubt

Baldridge Isabel D275

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

B&B Jestress 7051

Diamond in the Rough Diamond Trojan Erica 0824

TC Aberdeen 759 JAR Eulima 659R

Big frame bull that performed well. One of the younger Fall bulls offered. Performance, Carcass, and good disposition all stemming back to a great cow family. WWR: 109. YWR: 104 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1410

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 334

EG Eyes Onyou

Moderate birth to big performance spread! Dam is a great producer. BWR: 99. WWR: 119. YWR: 100 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1490

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 339

EG Eyes Onyou

Koupals B&B Eyes Onyou 116

Koupal’s D&A Eyes on You 340

Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Limestone Real Mc Coy W831

Prospector Pride 8028


Kraye Big Country 0179

Big Country 0179


Koupal’s D&A Big Country 314 AAA 20927234 | DOB:8/8/23|

SAV Quarterback 7933

Kraye Big Country 0179

Miss Burgess JK 772

Koupals B&B Payweight 4167

B&B Pride 720

B&B Prospector Pride 1066

SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525 Basin Payweight 1682

Miss Burgess JK 5243

Riverbend Payweight Z362

B&B Prospector Pride 1067

Koupals B&B Diplomat

B&B Prospector Pride 2021

SAV Quarterback 7933

Big Country 0179 Miss Burgess JK 772

HAYNES Gold Rush 3142

Big frame bull that has great eye appeal! If you’re looking to add pounds and length, this bull will do just that. One of the heaviest Fall bulls off grass this fall, and his performance will maximize profits in your calf crop. BWR: 96. YWR: 104 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1620

A big framed, moderate birth weight bull! His mother has a perfect udder and always holds her flesh nicely. Structurally, a very correct made Big Country son. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1510

Kraye big country 0179

Koupal’s D&A Big Country 38

SAV Quarterback 7933

Kraye Big Country 0179

Miss Burgess JK 772

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

D&A Wintress 55

Koupal Wintress 6113


SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525

Basin Payweight 1682

Miss Burgess JK 5243

S Chisum 6175

B&B Blkbd Progress 0032

OCC Juneau 807J

Koupals Wintress 3131

Dam brings in a top calf every year and it’s no surprise as she is a granddaughter of Juneu 807J, a maternal patriarch of the breed. This Big Country son has been a stick out since birth and had the heaviest actual weaning weight. A bull that’s tough to fault. BWR: 98. WWR: 110. YWR: 101 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1500

SAV Quarterback 7933


Smooth fronted bull with big square hip. Moderate birth weight bull with good performance. Dam is easy fleshing with a nice tight udder. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1570

D&A Big Country 311

SAV Quarterback 7933

Kraye Big Country 0179

Miss Burgess JK 772

WK Hammer 0895

B&B Pride 32

B&B Prospector Pride 0010

SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525

Basin Payweight 1682

Miss Burgess JK 5243

Pine Ridge Hammer S322

Bohi Countess 885

Famous 7001

Beefland Prospector PRIDE306

Koupal’s D&A Big Country 317

SAV Quarterback 7933

Kraye Big Country 0179

Miss Burgess JK 772

Koupal Czech 158 Koupals D&K Georgina 727 Koupal New Edition 266

Regard 4863

Blackcap May 3525

Payweight 1682

Burgess JK 5243

Koupal Juneau 797 Koupal Karama 729 Duff 412P Edition 917

Koupal Georgina 82

spread here! Dam is a Pathfinder status cow and doesn’t miss. Bull has a nice EPD profile to back his performance data. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1550

Correct made bull out of a 13-year-old dam. Good performance and all-around complete bull with a good disposition. Actual weight on 12/12/24:1440


SAV Quarterback 7933

Kraye Big Country 0179

Miss Burgess JK 772

Koupals B&B Cannon 5030

B&B Prospector Pride 76

B&B Prospector Pride 903

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525

Basin Payweight 1682

Miss Burgess JK 5243

SAV Resource 1441

B&B Erica 8019

Connealy Thunder B&B Prospector Pride 7025

Masculine made cow bull that’s been a stick out since he was a calf! Thick made bull that offers above average carcass as well. Dams Production is BW: 5 @ 98. WW: 5@107 and YW: 5 @103. . Bulls WWR: 106 and YWR: 101 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1600

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

Koupals B&B Identity B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049


Koupal’s D&A Signal 31

SAV Territory 7225

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Koupal Palermo 315

Koupal Pride 9139

Koupal Pride 354


AAA 20923440 | DOB:8/1/23| TATTOO: 31D

SAV Resource 1441

SAV Emblynette 3293

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

Duff Palermo 0915

Koupals Rica 540

Koupal MVP 0200

Koupal Pride 895

Phenotypically a standout! A bull with a ton of power and depth of rib and has the look of a herd bull. When your heifers outsell your steer calves, it’s because of bulls like him. Picture perfect mother in terms of eye appeal, fleshing ability and udder quality. BWR: 94 WWR: 104 YWR: 102 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1600

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

SAV Territory 7225

Koupals B&B Signal 1159


B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Stevenson Premium 60374

Jar Premium H343

Jar Rita Conquest F945

SAV Resource 1441

SAV Emblynette 3293

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Stevenson Pride I167x

Connealy Conquest

JAR Rita 934 Z512

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

Koupal’s D&A Signal 37

SAV Territory 7225

Koupals B&B Signal 1159 B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Koupals B&B Cannon 5030

Koupal’s D&A Zara 74

B&B Zara 30

SAV Resource 1441

SAV Emblynette 3293

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

SAV Resource 1441

B&B Erica 8019

BCC New Design 036 2156-149

B&B Zara 9050

A calving ease Signal son! This bull has great length and performed well. BWR: 90. WWR: 101. YWR: 100. Recommended for heifers and cows both. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1540

Koupal’s D&A Signal 316

SAV Territory 7225

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Connealy Full Metal

Koupal’s D&A Wintress 017

D&A Wintress 55

Big time calving ease to growth spread here! Negative BW bull and had the heaviest actual yearling weight off grass of the fall bull pen. Use him to add frame and length of body! Recommended for heifers and cows both. BWR: 100. YWR: 103. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1680

20923446 | DOB:8/8/23| TATTOO: 316 ADJ

SAV Resource 1441

SAV Emblynette 3293

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

Connealy Consensus 7229

Brandi of Conanga 9594

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

Koupal Wintress 6113

Big time performance cow bull! He has 11 traits in the top 20% on his EPD profile. A bull that has an athletic look and has been one of the favorites since a young calf. Dam has an excellent udder and is raising a good one again. WWR: 103. YWR: 105 Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1510

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

Jindra Blackout

Koupals B & B Knockout 9080

B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B

B&B Zara 906

B&B Zara


Koupal D&A Knock out 310

Koupals B&B Knockout 9080

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

B&B Zara 906

Raven Confidence D7

B&B queen isabel 9166

B&B Queen Isabel 7024

Jindra Blackout

B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B Atlas 7131

B&B Zara 1080

Connealy Confidence 0100

Raven Blackbird 315

Vision Unanimous 1418

B&B Queen Isabel 2094

Herd bull prospect! Structurally as correct as they come. Heavy muscled, good feet, and great disposition. Moderate, easy fleshing bull who performed well! This bull has the look of a maternal machine just has his sire is. Cattleman’s kind here! Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1530 His 50k data will be available on sale day for his updated EPD profile. Half brother to Makers Mark.

Koupal’s D&A Makers Mark 325

AAA 20923449 | DOB:8/13/23| TATTOO: 325

Koupals B&B Knockout 9080

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

B&B Zara 906

Koupal’s D&A Step Ahead 914

Koupal’s D&A Everelda 15

Koupal’s D&A Everelda 822

Jindra Blackout

B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B Atlas 7131

B&B Zara 1080

SAV Raindance 6848

B&B Phyllis 4024

Koupals B&B Identity 5148

B&B Everelda 3162

Deep, thick, and correct made bull. This bull has phenotype and eye appeal and will sire just that! He is the athletic kind that’s bred for longevity. Keep every female he sires! Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1505

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

Koupal’s D&A Makers Mark 336

Koupals B&B Knockout 9080

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117 B&B Zara 906

RB Tour Of Duty 177 JAR Belle 3295

Sodak Belle W124

Jindra Blackout

Traveler S343

Belle P071

Thick bull with depth and compacity. Just like all the Maker Mark sons, he will sire some tremendous females and give you solid structured cattle with good feet and good disposition. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1470

Koupal’s D&A Makers Mark 319


Koupals B&B Knockout 9080

Koupals B&B Makers Mark 1117

B&B Zara 906

DL Wheelhouse 409

Koupal’s D&A Inez 13

B&B Inez 615

Jindra Blackout

B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B Atlas 7131 B&B Zara 1080

Dually DL Miss Merit 907


B&B Payweight 4167

Ranchers kind here! Deep, long, and thick with a good disposition! This bull will add some pay weight to your steers and keep every heifer he sires! WWR: 103. YWR: 103 Actual weight on 12/12/24:1475

Koupal’s D&A Coalition 328

U-2 Coalition 206C Moore Coalition 429

Koupal Kozi 22

Koupal Lady Princess 757D

Koupal Lady Princess 8178 HF Syndicate 213Z U2 Erelite 109Z


Koupal’s D&A Coalition 329

Coalition 206C

Coalition 429 Moore Identity 909 Sitz Barricade 632F

Koupal’s D&A Dora 14 B&B Dora 33

| DOB:8/25/23| TATTOO: 329

Erelite 109Z

Koupals B&B Identity

Beef 99

Sitz Stellar 726D

SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D WK Hammer 0895

B&B Dora 0169

Ranchers beef bull! Soggy, long, and thick! Dam is as picture perfect as one could be! If you’re looking to add fleshing ability and cow power, check him out. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1510

Heifer bull! Moderate framed calving ease bull that has a nice pattern to him. Dam has a nice udder and is doing a nice job as a 3 year old. BWR: 92 Actual weight on 12/12/24:1350

Koupal’s D&A Coalition 333

AAA 20923453 | DOB:8/28/23| TATTOO: 333

U-2 Coalition 206C

Moore Coalition 429 Moore Identity 909

Koupal Kozi 418

Koupals D&K Ellnora 910

Koupal Ellnora 0118 HF Syndicate 213Z U2 Erelite 109Z

Koupals B&B Identity

Moore Beef 99

Koupal Kozi 22

Koupal Ebonette 263

Sitz Relay 510R

Koupal Ellnora 8106

Calving ease bull! Bigger framed fall born bull that should cover a few more heifers. Actual weight on 12/12/24: 1500

Koupals J&S Panther 419



This bull shows what type of cattle I enjoy raising. Look at him in the yard and he moves great, really soft made with a ton of shape and length to him. Really good footed and mother is a tremendous cow. She never misses. A real Angus cow maker. An outcross for most. SAV Quarterback 7933

SAV PAnther

Koupals J&S Panther 415


SAV Quarterback 7933

SAV Panther 1906

SAV Blackcap May 6644

Connealy Full Metal

B&B Blkbd Progress 8215

B&B Blkbd Progress 1026

SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Connealy Consensus 7229

Brandi of Conanga 9594

Koupals B&B Colossal 9052 B&B Blkbd Progress 7145

Koupals J&S Panther 48

21058733 | DOB:1/5/24| TATTOO: 48

SAV Quarterback 7933

SAV Panther 1906 SAV Blackcap May 6644

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Pure Pride 5020

B&B Pure Pride 2131

SAV Regard 4863

SAV Blackcap May 3525

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Sitz Upward 307R

B&B Erica 605

B3R Natural Product W100

B&B Prospector Pride 7141

This is a rancher’s bull. Tons of shape and very well structured and sound as can be. His mother has been one of those go to cows in the herd and pulls her weight very well. Very gentle.

Here is a nice calving ease bull. Like the rest of the Panther bulls they are real quiet to be around and easy to handle. Mother is 10 years old and still going strong. Longevity and breed back is key.



Koupals J&S Eyes on You 422

EG Eyes Onyou

Koupals B&B Eyes Onyou 116

B&B Jestess 6079

Koupals B&B Knockout 9080

J&S Gammer 114

B&B Gammer 5139 Hoover No Doubt Baldridge Isabel D275

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

B&B Jestress 7051

Jindra Blackout

B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B INITIATIVE 0135

B&B Gammer 2121

This bull is long, wide, deep, soft and gentle. Very good footed. Really the type of cross in cattle that I love to have in my pasture. A very well balanced and very, very good bull. He reads good on paper and is definitely easy to look at in the yard. One of my favorite bulls.

Koupals J&S Eyes On You 436

AAA 21048709 | DOB:2/3/24| TATTOO: 436

EG Eyes Onyou

Koupals B&B Eyes Onyou 116

B&B Jestess 6079

Koupals B&B Detail 7070

B&B Lassie 9146

B&B Lassie 4033

Hoover No Doubt

Baldridge Isabel D275

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

B&B Jestress 7051

Koupals B&B On Course 5068

B&B Lassie 3049

RB Active Duty 010

Lassie 2163 of Mc Cumber

CED BW BW ACT WW YW 205 ADJ -2 2.8 84 71 125 672

This is one of the youngest bulls on the sale, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. This sire group on both the falls and yearlings are a very strong set, as they were last year too. The length of body and performance these cattle have is great. Weight as of Dec. 12 was 1155.

Koupals B&B Everest 2034

Koupals B&B Everest 2034


A true calving ease bull that will add length and growth. He was one of the high selling heifer bulls on Koupal’s B&B sale in 2023.

Koupals J&S Everest 411

ZWT Summitt 6507

Koupals B&B Everest 2034

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

KOUPALS B&B Pathfinder 8106

Koupals J&S Enchantress 26

Koupals J&S Enchantress 04

SAV Renown 3439

Coleman Donna 714

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049 LT Enterprise 5213

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Jindra Blackout

Koupals D&K Enchantress 553

If you like moderate birth with massive WW and even better YW, here you go. He is in the top 1% in WW, 4% YW, $F, $W, and top 3% in CW, RE, FAT. This guy is all there. Really good footed. Cow family is second to none. Lots 37and 49 are also out of the same cow family.

Koupals J&S Everest 41

ZWT Summitt 6507

Koupals B&B Everest 2034

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

Koupals B&B Fix It 6072

Koupals J&S 919

Koupals D&K Enchantress 553

SAV Renown 3439

Coleman Donna 714

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2077

B&B Phyllis 2041

Koupal Kozi 22

Koupal Enchantress 322

A sleep all night calving ease bull who doesn’t give up any shape or substance. The cow family behind this bull is the real deal. Same cow family as lots 36 and 49. Udders, feet, and fleshing ability are all in check.

Koupals B&B Everest 2034

Koupals J&S Everest 420

ZWT Summitt 6507

Koupals B&B Everest 2034

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

SAV Mustang 9134

Koupals D&K Ray 410

Koupal Xception 273

SAV Renown 3439

Coleman Donna 714

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

SAV Final Answer 0035

SAV Emblynette 7415

Koupal Juneau 797

Koupal Xception 7154

Calving ease!! Super long fronted, long bodied bull mounted on a very good hoof and leg structure. This cow is 11 years old and don’t look a day over her prime. Perfect feet and udder still today.

Koupals J&S Everest 45

Conway’s Bull! A really well-made calving ease bull with lots of shape. A very sound, free moving bull with lots of fleshing ability. I think he will sire some great females. Built like a true Angus bull.

Koupals J&S Everest 412

B&B Jill 4050 SAV

Koupals B&B Real McCoy 2126

Everest 417

Koupals B&B Real McCoy 2126

Koupals J&S Real McCoy 44

21048712 | DOB:1/3/24| TATTOO: 44

Koupals B&B McCoy 0148

Koupals B&B Real McCOY 2126

B&B Zara 7134

LT Phoenix 5048

B&B Pure Pride 8221

B&B Pure Pride 2091 Limestone Real Mc Coy W831

B&B Blue Ribbon 206

Connealy Full Metal B&B Zara 4038

KCF Bennett Total

Elite Lady 3453

Woodhill Admiral 77K

Prospector Pride 8068

Here is a bull with some gas in his tank. Study this bull’s hip and stifle structure. Really a long-bodied bull with really good feet on him. The Real McCoy 2126 calves are here to stay. They are the type of cattle that fill in the missing parts in a herd.

Koupals B&B

Koupals B&B Real McCoy 2126

Koupals J&S Real McCoy 426

S Chisum 6175 J&S Polly 115

Polly 8063

A very smooth made, well balanced bull. I know he has short ears. It was cold last yr that week. Look past that and I don’t think you can find much wrong with him Phenotypically. He will make some great females.

Koupals J&S Real McCoy 414

Koupals B&B McCoy 0148

Koupals B&B Real McCOY 2126 B&B Zara 7134

Koupals B&B INITIATIVE 0135

B&B Pure Pride 2140

B&B Prospector Pride 307

B&B Blue Ribbon 206 Connealy Full Metal B&B Zara 4038

Koupals B&B Initiative 608 B&B Erica 8019

Whitestone Precision H141 B&B Prospector Pride 1031

Koupals J&S Real

This bull is built for longevity. Mother is 13 years old and still raising them. Bull is long bodied and well balanced.

If you like raw meat you’ll love this bull. He is full of red meat. Whether you want to sell calves off the cow, or keep every replacement heifer, He is going to be your type. A true power bull.

Koupals B&B Unify 2071

Sitz Stellar 726D

Sitz Barricade 632F

SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D

Connealy Full Metal

B&B Lassie 6108

B&B Lassie 2021

AAA: 20479065 | DOB: 1/10/2022

Mohnen Substantial 272 SITZ Pride 200B

Sitz Superior 10971

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 73T

Connealy Consensus 7229

Brandi of Conanga 9594

Coleman Regis 904 B&B Lassie 8039

Koupals J&S Unfiy 421

Sitz Barricade 632F

Koupals B&B Unify 2071

B&B Lassie 6108

Koupals B&B Dante 5025

B&B Inez 7045

B&B Inez 5165

Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D

Connealy Full Metal

B&B Lassie 2021

Koupals B&B Dante 2069

B&B Zara 3070

SAV Resource 1441

B&B Erica 605 CED

This bull really found my eye this summer. A very smooth made and deep sided bull. Out of a very productive cow for me with great feet, udder, and fleshing ability. She checks all the boxes.

Dam of lot 47

Koupals B&B unify 2071

Koupals B&B Unify 2071

Koupals J&S Unify 429

Sitz Barricade 632F

Koupals B&B Unify 2071

B&B Lassie 6108

W Sunrise Executive Law 507H

Koupals J&S Gabby 21

Whitestone Susanna 5090

Sitz Stellar 726D

SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D

Connealy Full Metal B&B Lassie 2021 PM Executive Decision 5’17

Tibbie 27D SAV Platinum 0010

Susanna C033

Koupals J&S Unify 431

Sitz Barricade 632F

Koupals B&B Unify 2071

Lassie 6108

Koupal’s D&A Step Ahead 914 Koupals J&S Ray 226

Ray 6132

Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D

Connealy Full Metal

B&B Lassie 2021

SAV Raindance 6848

B&B Phyllis 4024

Koupals B&B Enchanter 4018

Koupals D&K Ray 410

This bull shows a lot more birth than what he truly is. Is out of a first calf heifer. A very soggy deep sided bull. Very wide and square when you get behind him and truly appreciate what he is.

A really wide based calf. Out of a first calf heifer. Out of the same cow family as lot 36 and 37. Very easy fleshing, structured and productive cow family. Weight as of Dec. 12 was 1050.

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

Koupals J&S Signal 418


Blkbd Progress 0049 Feltons Meat Packer 62 Bestrelle of Conanga 539

Emblazon 2021

10 Erica 96-0

Koupals J&S Signal 424

AAA 21060581 | DOB:1/11/24| TATTOO: 424

SAV Territory 7225

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

B&B Blkbd Progress 3015

S Chisum 6175

Koupals J&S Gammer 29

B&B Gammer 1058


SAV Resource 1441

SAV Emblynette 3293

Koupals B&B Identity

B&B Blkbd Progress 0049

S Alliance 3313

S Gloria 464

DD Headline 806

B&B Gammer 8087

A bull with pretty moderate birth and substantial grow. The signals really do just keep on growing. Get passed his short ears and I think a person can appreciate what he is. A bull that will cover some country and stand the test of time.

Koupals B&B Signal 1159

Koupals D&A Step Ahead 914

Koupals J&S Step Ahead 437

SAV Raindance 6848

Koupal’s D&A Step Ahead 914

B&B Phyllis 4024

Koupals B&B On Course 5068

B&B Gammer 7084

B&B Gammer 2010

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Koupals B&B Dante 2069

B&B Phyllis 2041

SAV Resource 1441

B&B Pure Pride 2029

Koupals B&B Extra 0011

B&B Gammer 5020

A bull with a lot of middle and body to him. Cow has really nice feet udder. Weight as of Dec. 12 was 1170.

Koupals J&S Step Ahead 438

21048711 | DOB:2/7/24| TATTOO: 438

SAV Raindance 6848

Koupal’s D&A Step Ahead 914

B&B Phyllis 4024

Koupala B&B Initiative 4163

D&J Blackcap 7175

B&B Blackcap 2143


Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Koupals B&B Dante 2069

B&B Phyllis 2041

Koupals B&B INITIATIVE 0135

B&B Zara 4069

Koupals B&B INITIATIVE 0135

B&B Lass 0123


This is the youngest bull on the sale. A true angus female maker. Easy keeping makes for great females. Weight as of Dec. 12 was 1075.

Koupal Influence Sale

The Koupal’s held their 5th annual female influence sale on December 6th, 2024 at Stockmen’s Livestock. We had several customers consign their bred females for an elite sale and it was a huge success again! We sold 750 head of commercial bred females and averaged $3350 with many of the (Ai) bred heifers ranging from $3500-$3700. Exciting times are among us in the cattle industry and high-quality females are in great demand. Our goal going forward is to keep making these females better every year and offering nothing but front-end type. By having this sale, we feel we can bring the producers together who are searching for high maternal genetics to those of you that raise high maternal cattle.

For those of you doing heifer projects, if you are not breeding your home raised females, we ask that you purchase heifers from a Koupal Angus customer to offer maternal characteristics that come with the K brand.

Contact Dan if you have any questions regarding the qualifications or getting semen to “Ai” with. If you are in search of females to breed, be in touch with Dan and he will direct you to some of the best females in the area offered for sale.

Both Koupal’s Midwest Angus and Koupals B&B Angus families will work side by side putting this sale together again in 2025. Both upcoming bull sales offered by the Koupal’s will have bulls that will work for heifers and young cows that will qualify you for this female sale. Get in touch with anyone of us Koupal’s and we’d be glad to point you in the right direction when choosing your genetics.

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