How's Gavin Doin

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The San Diego Monitor


The San Diego Monitor

California’s most liberal governor ever, Newsom took on more than he could handle in his first year

California state government just became even more leftist, as hard as that might be for some to envision. But it’s indisputable after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s action on 1,042 legislative bills. One result is that the state seized more control over people’s lives, placing more restrictions on their behavior. For example, Newsom signed legislation forbidding people from smoking or vaping at state beaches or state parks. Millions of cigarette butts clutter beaches, backers argued. And discarded cigarettes ignite mountain wildfires.

Leather chairs? Baseballs? Circuses were prohibited from using elephants, lions and other trained animals in their shows. There goes the circus. Brown had a libertarian bent and a refined political sense. He instinctively knew how far voters could be pushed before they rebelled. By one count, Newsom signed into law 69 legislative proposals Brown had vetoed.

Newsom is arguably the most liberal California governor ever, at Former Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed similar bills three times. “If least since Pat Brown in the ‘60s. people can’t smoke even on a deserted beach, where can they?” Brown asked in one veto message. “There must be Citizens get the government they elect. And last year they elected an unabashed liberal as governor, plus a Legislature with some limit to the coercive power of government.” a Democratic supermajority led by lefties. This is another law that won’t really be enforced — like last year’s banning of unrequested plastic straws in restaurants. Given the one-party control, it shouldn’t be any surprise that the state Capitol produced a liberal product. Newsom and the Legislature just added some more bans. Other examples: Hotels must stop providing tiny plastic shampoo bottles starting in 2023. We’ll all need a new supply source for our travel kits. Fur trapping for animal pelts was outlawed. That’s fine. But also banned was the manufacture or sale of new fur products, such coats and shawls. What’s next?

The ‘gig’ law This was probably the biggest bill of the year, a gift to organized labor. It reclassifies up to 1 million workers as company employees rather than independent contractors, making them recruit targets for unions. READ MORE


The San Diego Monitor

What do They Want To KNOW? What Everyone Needs to Know About 2020 Census Questions

By law, the U.S. government is required to count the number of people living in the United States every 10 years. Getting an accurate count is important because census numbers impact daily life in the United States in many ways. For example, census data are often used to determine how much federal funding is allocated for important projects and services that benefit local communities. The census also plays a vital role in our nation’s system of government by determining how many representatives will be sent to Congress from each state. Because getting an accurate count is so important, the process is designed to be fast, easy, and safe. On average, it takes no more than 10 minutes to answer the questions on the census. How Are Census Data Collected?

During the first census in 1790, census takers visited nearly every U.S. home to gather data. In 2020, households will have the option of responding online, by mail, or by phone. The Census Bureau expects many households to complete the questionnaire online, using instructions received in the mail. These instructions will also include information about how to respond by phone. Some households will receive a printed questionnaire which they can mail, postage-free, back to the

Be Counted! SDMNEWS’S Motivation Information

Census Bureau. A small percentage of households, primarily located in remote areas of the country, will be visited by a census taker who will help collect the necessary information to complete the form. Who Receives the Census Questionnaire and How Is It Filled Out? Most housing units in the United States that receive mail at their physical location will receive a letter by mail with instructions on how to complete the census questionnaire. Housing units include houses, apartments, cabins, mobile homes—pretty much any place where people live in the United States. In areas where the majority of housing units do not have mail delivered to their physical location, census workers will leave questionnaire packages at every identified housing unit. The census process also includes special provisions to count people who are homeless and those in other types of living quarters, such as college dorms, military barracks, ships, prisons, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. The person in the housing unit who fills out the census questionnaire or talks to the census taker is known as Person 1. Typically, Person 1 is the owner/co-owner or renter/corenter of the housing unit. READ MORE


The San Diego Monitor

SDMNEWS Must Read 2020 CA Census Guide Table of Contents Section 1: General Information (PDF) •

Initiative and Referendum Qualification Requirements

Candidate Qualifications and Information

Section 2: Nomination Requirements (PDF) •

Presidential Candidates

United States Representative in Congress, and Member of the State Legislature Candidates

Nomination Documents – Nomination Papers and Declaration of Candidacy

Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee

Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee and/or Nomination Papers

Ballot Designations

In General

Campaign Filings and Responsibilities

Candidate Intention Statement

Campaign Contribution Account


Additional Filing Information

Section 3: Candidate Filing Information (PDF) •

Required Filing Fees, Nomination Signatures

Write-In Candidates for the Office of President

Write-In Candidates for Voter-Nominated Offices



Section 4: Candidate Checklist (PDF) •

President of the United States

United States Representative in Congress

For download please go to



The San Diego Monitor



The San Diego Monitor

Kwanzaa Mattters On Dec. 26, millions throughout the world’s African community will start weeklong celebrations of Kwanzaa. There will be daily ceremonies with food, decorations and other cultural objects, such as the kinara, which holds seven candles. At many Kwanzaa ceremonies, there is also African drumming and dancing. It is a time of communal self-affirmation – when famous black heroes and heroines, as well as late family members – are celebrated. As a scholar who has written about racially motivated violence against blacks, directed black cultural centers on college campuses and sponsored numerous Kwanzaa celebrations, I understand the importance of this holiday. READ MORE


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