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Happy New Year!

Welcome PCMA to San Diego! – 2012 Conference January 8-12, 2012 – San Diego Convention Center

About PCMA: PCMA is recognized in the meetings industry as the leader in providing high quality education, innovative resources, and networking opportunities designed to help build relationships that are critical to your success. PCMA represents more than 6,000 meeting industry leaders including planner professionals, suppliers, faculty and students. January 8-12, 2012, more than 3,000 meeting professionals will gather in San Diego to jump start a strategic roadmap for the New Year and network with valued industry colleagues. PCMA’s Convening Leaders conference is the must-experience showcase to help you capture innovation for your own meetings and events. For more information about this conference and to register, visit

Looking back on 2011, MCCSN provided “you” the residents of San Diego with the following professional services and representation: • Created a multicultural website for community news, events, happenings and to showcase businesses to visitors • Created a partnership w/San Diego Monitor Newspaper – now providing global online media resource, • Created 2 FB fan pages ( and (“Like Us”) • Produced and organized 4 special events in San Diego to include Mixers and special productions • Extended our hotel site selection services to provide “you” with global hotel site selection and contract negotiation services

• Received the hospitality industry service award “APEX Award”, distinguished service award for the hospitality and tourism industry • Clara Carter listed as one of the “Most Influential ”in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry by Black Meetings and Tourism magazine (national publication) • Clara Carter featured in article on “Building San Diego into an Ethnic Tourism Destination” published by The Daily Transcript Booked 8 meetings, 2011 (5 in San Diego), increasing local hotel room night revenue, as well as, overall city economic revenue. 2012 - Booked 4meetings in San Diego – pending economic impact To stay updated on news and events in San Diego, join our mailing list, MCCSN and wish to thank you for your past support and look forward to your continued support for 2012 and beyond.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!! About – your online guide highlighting the city’s multicultural news, events, attractions, communities, daily deals, and more. Ask about our 2012 Small Business Advertising “Bundle” Deal, great savings for marketing your business online, offer includes: featured story, social media postings, online ad and business listings. – Great way to start your New Year! Call 619-265-2561

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Local group gives Barbie a ‘natural makeover African American Faith Leadershair’ Join Occupy

Movement: Announce Occupy the Dream

By SARA PAUFF - daughter, Imani, isn’t into Barbie yet, but she Candace McBride remembers wanting a does like dolls. “She’s into baby dolls. I’ll Barbie doll as a girl. “It’s kind of an iconic brush her hair and she’ll brush her doll’s hair,” doll. Every girl wants a Barbie. I wanted a she said. “She wants to do what she sees me Submitted by Kevin Zeese on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 22:44 BarbieA when wasAfrican a girl,”American she This leaders doing.”Gladys thenew owner of the Main groupI of announcedGriffin, a major campaign on Christmas, she’s to give few girls Street Toy Shop, said her shop December 14thhoping -- Occupy thea Dream. Rev. Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant will doesn’t serve ascarry the their own Barbies — ones that look a little Barbie dolls, but that dolls still remain popular, National Spokesperson of Occupy the Dream and Rev. Dr. Benjaman Chavis will serve as more like them. even with the advent of high tech toys. National Russell Simmons, entertainment entrepreneur, joined thebuying press conference McBrideDirector. is part of an African-American “Grandmothers have been dolls (for via a video as he was in Australia. The group will focus on poverty, jobs andGriffin endingsaid. the natural hair group that meets regularly at the their grandchildren) for years,” unfair wealth divide. Columbus public library that decided to give “They definitely hand them down.” McBride Barbie dolls to girls at Booker T. Washington said they chose Barbie to give as a gift because apartments for Christmas. Though Barbie of her iconic status and the number of accescomes in 50 different nationalities, most of the sories she comes with. dolls, even the African-Americans ones have Barbie can be anything, she said. According straight hair. “When you look for dolls, they all to the Barbie website, the doll has had more have straight hair,” she said, adding that she’s than 108 careers and worn approximately 1 bilnoticed that many of the dolls also have blue or lion fashions since her premiere in 1959. green eyes. “It’s tricky even to find ones with “They can diversify and change accessories,” brown eyes,” she said.She found an online McBride said. A few fun facts about Barbie tutorial that uses pipe cleaners and boiling Her real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts She water to give Barbie natural-looking curls. was introduced in 1959, wearing a black and After they collect the dolls — they want to white striped swimsuit and a ponytail She has gather about 40 — group members will give four sisters: Skipper, Stacie, Kelly and Krissy. them a natural hair makeover before giving Barbie has had more than 50 pets. The top-sellthem to the girls. “We wanted to show the girls ing Barbie doll ever was the 1992 Totally Hair that basically, it’s okay the way God made Barbie, which had hair from the top of her head you,” said Jennifer Henderson, a member of to her toes . the group. Henderson said her 2-year-old Details:

Occupy the Dream was announced at a press conference at the National Press Club. The group plans a series of mobilizations to bring African American faith institutions to work in coalition with the Occupy Movement. The first will be a national mobilization on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's brthday fcocusing on the Federal Reserve in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Oakland, Los Angeles and Boston. They plan to bring crutches, canes, wheel chairs and casts to Federal Reserve offices across the country and dump them on their door step to show how the bankers have crippled the economy. Kevin Zeese with Rev. Benjamin Chavis. This is a welcome addition to the Occupy Movement that will bring millions of people to the effort to end economic insecurity and the wealth divide. When I attended the press conference I spoke about how when we began working on this movement in April we hoped that people occupying public space would inspire others to join us in their own ways to challenge the wealth divide. The creativity and comment of different people will result in a more pow-

erful movement that cannot be ignored. In announcing Occupy the Dream the group pointed out that the average income of the top 1% is $1.2 million a year while the broad middle class and disadvantaged struggle to buy food, pay rent ad find a job. In this $14 trillion economy, the largest economy in the world, poverty is growing. This is a human tragedy." Rev. Bryant heads the AME Empowerment Temple Church in Baltimore, MD. Rev.Chavis is a civil rights icon who served under Dr. King and served as executive director of the NAACP and was the national director of the Million Man March. Below is a statement from Occupy Wall Street:

Occupy the Dream Campaign Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for social and economic justice with a deep moral commitment to non-violent civil disobedience. His legacy inspires many of us on the front lines of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Nearly fifty years since hundreds of thousands of people marched with Dr. King and filled the nation's capital, the dream that inspired our nation remains unfulfilled. As shocking as it is to believe, there is a more severe inequality of wealth in the United States today than there was back then. More Americans are living in poverty today than when Dr. King organized the Poor People's Campaign. While the rich have grown richer, tens of millions of Americans have been exploited and left behind. In a time of great wealth and technological advancement, American families are desperately struggling to get by and to make ends meet. Our political, economic, and legal systems have become wholly corrupted through a system of political bribery. Through campaign finance, lobbying, and the revolving door between Washington and Wall Street, our wealth has been consolidated into the hands of the few at the expense and suffering of the many. Many of our brothers and sisters lead lives dominated by fear. Fear of losing a home. Fear of losing a job. Fear of losing medical coverage. Fear of losing the ability to provide food for our families. And for far too many, these fears have already become a reality. The Occupy Wall Street movement is about people coming together to say “enough is enough.” Our families have endured economic oppression for too long. The Occupy Wall Street movement draws its strength from people of all different walks of life, with opinions across the political spectrum, coming together to find common ground and unite against the global financial interests that have bought control of our government. Dr. King’s vision of economic justice is an edifying example of what we intend to achieve. The Occupy movement has become a powerful force by occupying communities throughout the country. The time has now come for us to embody the spirit of Dr. King and for us to “Occupy the Dream.” We are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the African-American Faith community in this campaign for economic fairness and justice. We are all in this fight together. We all want a healthy and secure future for our families. In the absence of a government that will defend and represent us, we are now taking it upon ourselves to stand up and defend our own families. It is a great honor today to join with the spirit of Dr. King, to join with heroes of the civil rights movement, luminaries of the faith community, pioneers in music and all of you in attendance. It is a great honor today to announce the birth of the “Occupy the Dream” movement.

Making peace with each other? Brian Pollard In almost every sector of our community, I have observed this sense of people “hatin” on each other for some reason. The reason could be “real” or “perceived” and is often fueled by some personal wrong that was committed by one person or another. It has been described as an environment of “crabs in hot water” pulling each other down so no one “makes it” and a sense of jealousy seems to persist. I have seen this in mostly all generations, churches, organizations men and women, and it baffles the heck out of me. I have done some traveling before returning to San Diego and I must say I have not experienced this phenomena in any other city to this extent. Back east, the south in the Midwest and Northern Cal, I have sensed this behavior but not at the level that I have experienced here, at home. I just don’t

understand it on so many levels. If we continue with this behavior we will never be able to move effectively for the good of our community. This behavior spreads like a virus throughout our community. Here’s the deal, there is enough of everything for us to share and support other Black folks that are successful. We instead seem to have that “their ice is colder” symptom and not support Black businesses. We seem to back-stab and gossip about people that get that new car, that larger house, that better looking guy or gal, that higher paying job, that business contract. We seem to make up things about that other person at the expense of the truth. I am not saying everyone does it, but there is a sizeable group of us that persists in this highly dysfunctional behavior. Our community loses! It stunts our growth and holds us back!

Our numbers are shrinking folks and we cannot afford to create obstacles, heaven knows we have enough barriers to success. In other parts of the country I have experienced the exact opposite. Black folks seem to support each other and celebrate each other’s successes. What makes us different than other Black folks? People that have moved here from other parts of the nation see it much more obviously than most of us. We have lived with this mentality almost all of our lives. This is not my opinion folks I have seen it …it is real. I have actually heard people talk about someone else from an incident that occurred years ago. Carrying this grudge for years and intentionally not participating in an activity that supports the community is harmful to the community…and we persist with this behavior. Look I am not talking about an event that has occurred in the past that caused a death, or something as drastic, I am talking about an event that is repairable if we choose to repair the relationship. Here’s the irony. We have a sizeable popula-

tion here in our community that are “Christians”, so I have to ask the question, what would Christ want us to do? We continue to be our own worst enemy and this is a very harmful practice we must stop, for our own sake and for the sake of the community. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes and we should learn to forgive each other. We have to develop an environment that fosters TRUST rather than DISTRUST. We don’t have to like each other and have Kumbya moments but we should not sabotage each other, spread rumors about each other, backstab each other at the expense of Community enhancement and connection. The new year will bring us opportunities to mend some bridges, rejoin organizations we have divorced ourselves from, reconnect with people that we have separated ourselves from, and remember there is a bit of good in all of us and a bit of bad in all of us… not one of us are perfect. Let’s have a little patience for each other and celebrate our successes instead of sabotaging our successes.

SAN DIEGO MONITOR California’s Redevelopment Agencies are I’m Tired Dead, But for Blacks They Were Never Alive Page 4

When we read success stories about the greatest young whites today, it’s always a case where they went to college and dropped out in order to chase their dreams. I’ve always wondered about the professors that taught the Mark Zuckerbergs, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs of the world. Was it the college professors teaching them that inspired them to do great things, or was it that home training to be ambitious that motivated them to become billionaires? In Black San Diego, I tend to think that we’ve spent too much time in the classroom and too little time in the creative room. We’re taking too many tests and doing too much research trying to get a degree and not spending enough time researching some wild idea like many of these young non-Blacks becoming very successful. The so-called educated Black people let the years of available redevelopment dollars slip right through their hands and didn’t accomplish anything for Black folks. Now that the governor has slammed the door on state redevelopment agencies, what will happen to poor Blacks? Even if the redevelopment agents scooped the crumbs from the table, there would not be enough to go around for Blacks. This is what I have been saying for years. When we had an opportunity to do something while money was flowing freely we should have seized those opportunities to help Blacks build businesses. Instead, all we did was line the pockets of Blacks working for or with the redevelopment agencies. Now everyone is crying wolf about how bad it is. You had the opportunity to do something for Black people but you chose not to. Now we have absolutely nothing. It is sinful for Black Americans to brag about the plight of men such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and many other civil rights leaders that gave their lives so that we could at least have an opportunity to participate in the successful rose garden of America. After all the lives that have been sacrificed, all the marching, the tears that have been shed, the many sermons that have been preached, and the many Black activists that put their lives and careers on the line, we ended up with no fish in our net. We’ve left the water and there’s no catch. What a sad, sad story. There has been millions of dollars spent in the Black community from which poor Blacks got nothing more than bragging from the redevelopment agencies claiming that they accomplished something. They brought white retailers and restaurant owners into tows so that you

The San Diego Monitor

of Begging

I am tired of begging. After years of begging and trying to find a home for the 400 Years Without a Comb museum collection that I have been putting together over the last 50 years, it still has no permanent home. We couldn’t find space in Balboa Park; no politician has gotten excited enough over it to fight for any space either. It amazed me to see that Balboa Park found space for a photography exhibit when there was virtually no one in the city who knew the people in the photographs. That’s the kind of craziness that goes on in this city when it comes to Blacks. Now I promised my readers that I would be positive this year. Can we at least encourage whites to do something that matters? If there was ever a man I admired, it’s Chuck Ambers. Ambers has property down in Old Town and has used up every piece of space to make sure he embraces the history of Blacks that has been ignored by others all over the world. It concerns me deeply when we as Black Americans never take the time to realize that when someone such as Chuck or myself searches for artifacts, purchases them and preserves them, a home for the artifacts cannot be found. We are opening this exhibit in Lemon Grove. I am proud that the Lemon Grove historical Society at least showed enough respect for my talents and me. They featured me as a rare talent, something that the community has never chosen to do. If you want to see it, please call (619) 668-1007.

EDITORIAL would have a place to eat and shop. But that doesn’t help truly uplift the community. There was more done for the agencies and its workers than there was ever done for the citizens of this community. There are individuals in our community today that can bear witness to what I am about to say next. One of our three past city council members said plainly that he would never make suggestions or advocate for redevelopment projects specifically. Those decisions were totally up to the redevelopment agency. Being a council member only meant that he was in charge of funding. He would never participate in what they did or didn’t do. Isn’t that neglect of duty? Isn’t that just giving the redevelopment agencies a license to steal and bypass Black Americans? These agencies invested in a “sure thing,” which was really just a white thing. After 25 years of redevelopment that men such as Bill Thompson started, I wonder where we would be today if he was allowed to live. Thompson brought the first Popeye’s Chicken franchise to our city and broke ground at Gateway East. Poor Blacks never progressed past that after he died shortly thereafter. Popeye’s is now all over the city, but we get nothing out of those deals. When will we ever learn a lesson? Maybe we have too much education? Maybe White America is telling us what to do? Well, they tell us what to do and end up in the position to reap the most profit. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

“Occupy the Dream” plans Jan. 16 protest at Federal Reserve Occupy the Dream, a coalition of African-American churches loosely affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, plans to hold demonstrations at all 13 Federal Reserve Banks across the country this month. The protests, set for Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – will draw clergy, Occupy protesters and "others concerned about income inequality and economic injustice in America," according to a statement from the group. Protests are scheduled in 13 cities, including Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, New York and San Francisco. The group said it is also planning protests at regional Federal Reserve offices.

“Occupy the Dream”: Black Church Revives the Civil Rights Movement One of my favorite mentors and colleagues in the Civil Rights Movement continues to be The Reverend Dr. C.T. Vivian. Whenever I am asked the question, "What is the movement?" I always first quote Dr, Vivian who once affirmed, "The movement is about moving people. If people do not become active and move, then there is no movement. The Civil Rights Movement is about the organizing, mobilizing and the movement of people forward to fulfill the civil rights agenda in our lifetime. Thus this is about getting people to move in the present to affect the future reality of freedom, justice and equality for all." It is important here to note that the Black Church in America has always been and continues to be the "backbone" of the historical movements for change across the nation. Such was the case in the heart of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and the 1960's. The “Movement” was in a sense a participatory opportunity for people of faith to live out and express their faith in the God of justice and liberation. In a paraphrase of the eloquent words of the renowned theologian, Dr. James H. Cone, the God of the oppressed calls for people of faith to take action to liberate humanity from all forms of oppression. As we witness today the steady growth and expansion of the Occupy Movement for economic justice and equality in many cities throughout the United States, it is very encouraging to see young and senior Black church leaders step forward to provide strategic vision and prophetic leadership for Occupy the Dream as an important rising constituent of Occupy Wall Street. In a glaring socioeconomic contradiction, the inequities and inequalities between 1% of

people who control the wealth of the nation versus 99% of people who are increasingly being challenged with economic hardship and injustice, it is a sign of the times in which we live to witness a diverse coalition of protestors jell into a national transformative movement for economic and social justice. Occupy Wall Street transcends race, ethnicity, and class status, and other social divisions in our society. Many see the emergence of what Dr. King predicted would eventually happen: the building of the “beloved community” of equality, empowerment and economic justice for all. Black church leaders are proactively responding to help revive the movement in the spirit and living legacy of the dream of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King’s dream of equality for all was also focused on the questions of economic justice and equity. Occupy the Dream is the revitalization of the Civil Rights Movement. It is a national revival. It is to renew of struggle for freedom, justice, economic equality and empowerment. This should also be seen as good news for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) as it regains and repositions the historic organization of Black clergy lead and co-founded by Dr. King. Occupy the Dream is an initiative put forth by Black church leaders across denominational lines from the AME, AME Zion, CME, COGIC, UCC, UMC, and UPC to the Progressive National Baptist Convention together with independent or nondenominational churches located in cities and towns across the nation. I am so proud of the leadership of The Continued on page 21

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The San Diego Monitor

San Diego Resident Effie Primas Turns 100 Effie “Darling” Primas Celebrates Her 100th Birthday Friends and family gathered to honor Ms. Effie “Darling” Primas at a luncheon held on January 7, 2012 at Bethel Baptist Church. Ms. Primas was born on January 3, 1912 in the small Texas town of Hankamer, but she was raised and schooled in Beaumont as the 4th child of eight siblings. Growing up, she was nicknamed “doll baby” by her father for her beauty and later in her life she received the nickname of “Darling” because her son when he was almost 4, decided to call her “Darling” and he wanted her to call him Darling. Whenever she just called his name, he would ask if she was angry with him because she didn’t say “Darling.” Over the years, the knick-name has stuck and is used by all family members and close friends. After she graduated from high school Ms. Primas took up a housekeeping position with a wealthy family. There she met a handsome chauffeur named Antoine Primas whom she married in 1937 and had her only son, Antoine Primas, II (now deceased). Her heart was set on going to California after friends described its beauty and opportunity. She prayed for the money to go and was blessed with a job offer in San Diego. She left her home with $10.00. God wonderfully opened doors for her when she arrived in San Diego. She immediately looked for a church and made her home at Bethel Baptist Church, first pastored by Rev. Charles Hamilton and currently pastored by Dr. John W. Ringgold, Senior Pastor. She first joined Bethel in 1939. She lived and worked in Santa Monica and attended Nursing School then returned to San Diego after 10 years. She has been at Bethel ever since that time. Ms. Primas attended the California School of Practical Nursing in Los Angeles to become a nurse. She took care of the late Esther Williams, Olympic Swimmer. Later she moved back to San Diego where she

100th Birthday Celebration At the Bethel Baptist Church Saturday January 7th, 2012 12pm

served as a private duty nurse in the homes of several affluent and wealthy families such as the Fleet family, the Admiral Roache family, and others. She, also, worked part time as a Representative for the World Book – Child Craft Educational Plan selling encyclopedias. She says that her greatest accomplishment was coming to California from Texas alone, purchasing a home, and raising her son. There are several things she loves to do when she is able: work in her yard, travel, and serve at her church. Ms. Primas has traveled extensively. She has been to Rome, Italy, and Greece, and on four different occa-

Congratulations San Diego Monitor News For 25 years of printing. What would we do if we did not have you? Thank You, From Wanda Rogers

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sions to Israel. Every time she hears a sermon being preached it comes alive because she has been to many of the places the pastors are preaching about. Although she is not able to do all the things she would like, she still works in her yard and in her flower beds. Most days, you will find her outside, pulling weeds, trimming her flowers, watering her lawn, and picking up trash thrown by passersby. She says that her secret to living a long life is the “Three “W” Therapy” – The Word, Walking, and Water. Ms. Primas has memorized many verses from the Bible, names of

the Books of the Bible, and several poems over the years. Her reciting of the Master Is Coming is remarkable. She still walks in the community and always drinks plenty of water. In the wee hours of the morning, you will find Ms. Primas in prayer for her family, her friends, her church, and for anyone she knows needs prayer. The way she approaches all of life’s problems is through prayer. The first thing she does when any challenge faces her is pray – she prays without ceasing. Ms. Primas is continually surrounded with love from her family, church family and a multitude of friends. She says she knows she is loved and she loves everybody; but, the love from God sustains her.

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The San Diego Monitor

How to Freelance Your Expertise If you’re tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to consider freelancing your hard-earned skills. Are dreams of freelancing dancing through your head? If you're nodding yes, now's a great time to give it a whirl. As companies scale back on their expensive, benefit-heavy workforce, they're increasingly turning to outside--freelance--help. If you've got expertise in the right areas, there's a good chance you can parlay it into a freelance career by sharing your knowledge and skills with a variety of clients. Let Freedom Ring There's no question about it; freelance doesn't start with the word "free" for nothing. Freedom is a major perk of freelancing. As a fulltime freelancer, you'll work when you want. You can take vacations when you want, for as long as you want. Weekend getaways won't have to be confined to weekends, and business suits are mostly a thing of the past. There's no boss breathing down your neck, nagging you. And there are no irritating co-workers slacking off at the water cooler, driving you nuts. But in exchange for all those freedoms comes risk and insecurity. As a freelancer, your next paycheck is never guaranteed. Anxiety about where the next job is coming from plagues many freelancers, no matter how seasoned. But insecurity comes with the turf, and dedicated freelancers learn to make peace with it. The best way to ensure your freelancing future is to offer a service you know people want. Just because you'd like to do something doesn't mean that there's a readymade market for it. "'Follow your heart and do what you love' is just a slogan. You need to get real," says Kelly James-Enger, author of Six Figure Freelancing. "If you're not offering a service people are willing to spend money on, you're not going to be in business [for long]." Search your local paper and the Internet to see who's doing what you want to do, what they charge and who their clients are. Talk to everyone you know until you turn up freelancers doing what you hope to do. Then call them up and pick their brains about which segments of the market are growing and where most of their

work comes from. This information is critical to helping you carve out a niche and fill a current opening in the market. Think about this: Ten years ago, web designers made a pretty penny freelancing their services to corporations, but today the demand has lessened as all those laid-off dotcomers have created a glut in the market. On the other hand, small-business owners are more keen then ever to learn web design themselves, as are retiring baby boomers, so teaching web design may prove more lucrative than doing the actual design work right now. Don't Quit Your Day Job--Yet Once you've decided what aspect of your field to freelance, take the time to establish yourself. "The biggest misconception people have is that they're going to jump right into it and start making money," cautions Laurie Rozakis. "Not true. Just because you build it doesn't mean they'll come." Rosakis, who is a freelance writer and editor, and the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Making Money in Freelancing, says it can take months--even years--to develop a reputation and client base. For that reason, many freelancers start by moonlighting while still holding on to their day jobs. "Everyone thinks it's going to happen overnight, but I don't know a single freelancer who immediately started making a six-figure income," maintains James-Enger. A good rule of thumb is not to give up your day job until you have between six months and one year's worth of savings, more if you're the sole support for your household. "Don't leave your job until you're confident you can pay your mortgage and healthcare and put money into a retirement account," James-Enger advises. Of course, moonlighting while working for your current employer can be tricky-especially if you're freelancing in the same field. Let's say you're an advertising copywriter who wants to start freelancing on the side. You'll probably need to tell your employer, who may require you to sign a noncompete agreement in which you

promise not to steal, or "borrow," clients. If, on the other hand, you're an advertising copywriter who wants to do freelance Japanese translations, your employer probably doesn't even need to know what you're doing after hours. Generating Business As in any business, your freelancing career is only as strong as the sales you make. Finding clients is the number-one challenge for any freelancer just starting out. It's almost a catch-22: How do you attract clients when you've never had any? Here are some practical steps that will propel you out of the conundrum and into business: Develop a portfolio to demonstrate the scope of your skills.If that means working for no pay or low pay initially, do it. Samples of your work will be your best calling card. Tell everyone you know--colleagues, friends, family, neighbors--about your new freelance gig.Referrals will make up the bulk of your business initially. Join professional organizations--online or in the community--that serve your field.In addition to all the other benefits you'll gain, you'll also pick up insider tips of where to find work. Join local organizations, like the chamber of commerce or Rotary club."Creative people often overlook organizations like these, thinking they'll be filled with stiff bankers and businesspeople," notes James-Enger. "And they may be-but that's who'll be hiring you to do your creative work." Volunteer in the community doing something you love, and you'll broaden your network of potential clients. Cold call.Yes, everyone hates cold calling, but the reason freelancers need to do this is because it works. Another important point to remember is that freelancing doesn't solely mean doing the thing you love. It also means knowing how to sell and market your services. When starting out, about 90 percent of your time will be spent on sales and marketing tasks. "Work won't just stumble upon you," says James-Enger. "You can be as tal-

ented as anything, but it won't mean a thing if you can't sell yourself." Rozakis agrees. "A lot of people go into freelancing thinking, 'I've got the talent.' What they need to realize is a lot of people have talent. What makes a successful freelance business is how strong your client list is." And building a client base requires that you plug away tirelessly without getting discouraged. Expect rejection. It comes with the territory--and often. But don't let that stop you from trying again. "Think of a salesperson at The Gap who gives you a pair of pants to try that don't fit," says James-Enger. "A good salesperson doesn't sulk away, dejected. She hands you another pair and another pair until you buy something." Get Serious When you see that you're starting to make enough money that your freelancing is becoming a viable career, it's time to start putting the business building blocks in place that will ensure that you--and your clients--take your business seriously. That means going beyond ordering hotlooking business cards. No matter what your field, contracts are important. Many freelancers overlook developing their own, instead letting clients design contracts or foregoing them altogether. That's a mistake--and it can be a costly one. "Protect yourself," stresses Rusty Fischer, who wrote Freedom To Freelance. He recommends checking out contracts used by other freelancers you know, so you can borrow the best of what they've got and incorporate those ideas into your own contract. Then run your contract by a lawyer to make sure your rights are protected. "It's well worth a few hundred bucks to get it right," he notes. Establishing an accounting system is also imperative. Not only will it help you keep track of what you're due, but it will simplify your life. Freelancers are on the IRS radar anyway, so good record keeping will give you peace of mind and make any possible future audit less painful. Continued on page 15

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Nondisclosure and noncompete agreements Why should nondisclosure and noncompete agreements matter to me? In recent years there has been an exponential rise in the use of confidentiality agreements to protect technology or confidential information. Science and engineering professionals will probably be asked to sign a confidentiality or noncompete agreement at some point in their careers. Science and engineering students participating in internships or co-ops also may be asked to sign one of these agreements. You need to be informed of the components of the agreement and your rights in order to make an informed decision.

What are nondisclosure agreements? Nondisclosure agreements (sometimes called secrecy or confidentiality agreements) are agreements entered into by two or more parties that protect sensitive technical or commercial information (intellectual property) or trade secrets from disclosure to others. Simply stated, the recipient of confidential information will not share it with anyone else. The type of information protected by a confidentiality agreement can be virtually unlimited, and these agreements can prevent the forfeiture of valuable patent rights.

What is the difference between intellectual property and trade secrets? Trade secrets are defined as “anything with independent economic value derived from the fact that it is not widely known or easily obtained." These secrets can include strategic plans, software code, or even recipes. Trade secrets differ from other forms of intellectual property because patents, trademarks, and copyrights require public registration of information in order to secure exclusive use for a fixed period of time. Trade secrets need never be revealed to anyone. A confidentiality agreement regarding a trade secret would likely have no end date.

What is a noncompete agreement? Noncompete agreements are either a separate agreement or a clause in an employee handbook that prohibits an employee from working in a related business in a designated area for a specific amount of time.

What are the important elements of both types of agreements? • • • • • •

Identification of the parties involved (employer and employee) Definition of what constitutes “confidential information The scope of the confidentiality obligation by the receiving part The exclusions from confidential treatment The term of the agreement The geographical area involved

What should I do if I am asked to sign a confidentiality or noncompete agreement? • Ask questions—take the time to read and understand what you may be signing. The following are some questions you may want to consider: • Is there adequate consideration? (Did you receive something in return for signing?) • What legitimate interest is the employer seeking to protect? • What is the scope of the agreement? (Is it unduly restrictive?) • What impact will this have on you and any third parties? (Your future employers?) • In many cases, you may have little choice but to sign an agreement. Because agreements protect employers (not employees), you may be forced to choose between signing the agreement and not accepting the position. However, you should know your rights and understand the ramifications of what you are signing.

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fter a long night of what seems to be the biggest political spectacle in Iowa history, Governor Mitt Romney managed to steal a win in the Iowa GOP caucuses—a truly remarkable race. What started out as a three way tie between Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney, turned out to be a heated two way tie between Romney and Santorum, with Romney winning by a margin of 8 votes. Not only was this a time of celebration for Romney and Santorum, but also a time of disappointment for the candidates who lost that night. Newt Gingrich, who finished in 4th, was so embarrassed by his performance that he caught a charter flight out of Iowa to New Hampshire faster than any candidate in Iowa. Rick Perry, who finished in 5th, is “reassessing” his campaign, but it will end up as a drop out like Herman Cain; Michelle Bachman, who finished 6th in her home state, has now dropped out of the race; and John Huntsman has no comment as to whether or not he will continue the race. As I have predicted before, this is the end of GOP politics. For the first time, the GOP has overlooked religion to satisfy fiscal conservatism. Mitt Romney, unlike Santorum, has voted for Pro-Choice and has supported Healthcare reform in his governed state of Massachusetts. He did not live a life of conservatism, but yet he now has the endorsement of Senator John McCain, a tremendous lead-base in New Hampshire and is one step closer to the White House. Rick Santorum would have been the ideal pick, in the Iowa Caucuses, especially pulling off conventional methods of campaigning—traveling to 99 counties— but it was Mitt Romney who had the organization skills to ultimately win the race. Surprised by this turn-out, people were

wondering if Rick Santorum can win the Republican nominee bid; I strongly doubt it. Santorum proved to the political world that conventional campaigning can still be done, but Mitt Romney still won Iowa because of financial resources and organization. It is so funny how Mitt Romney criticizes Obama for big spending when, Mitt Romney, himself, has been reported to have spent over $10,000,000 dollars in Iowa alone. Next up in the campaign trail, is New Hampshire—another stepping stone to the Republican Primaries. If Rick Santorum wins New Hampshire, then I will truly believe that Mormonism is a cult and not a faith. However what still bothers me from both candidates as well as the other Republicans is their continued mantra of “taking back the White House.” Extremism has clouded their judgment on American politics which makes me fear of an uprising on Jan. 21 2013. Until Republicans recognize and respect the different cultures in our country, then I will always cast my bid to the Democratic Party.

To contact me via email: and follow me on Facebook.

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Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Coversations OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

I am not the descendant of slaves I am not the descendant of slaves… …but of kings and emperors, The builders of pyramids The founders of civilizations The discovers of science The creators of art Travelers of the world. I will not be defined by the history of slavery… …but by the accomplishments Of free men and women Free thinkers In free societies Free to add my uniqueness to the world To tell my story of freedom To the generations to come. I will not be limited to the dogma of negative images… …of myself Of my family Of my heritage

Of my native land Of my culture Of my community Of my Ancestors I will not be a victim of my own mind… I will not hate my self, or those who remind me of myself, I will not hate those who hate me. I will not destroy the things the Divine World have given me: My friends My family My neighborhood My home My self

I will press on in the face of all obstacles. I am strong in mind, strong in body, and strong in Spirit. I will trust in the true nature of Divinity which is all powerful and cannot be stopped in the fulfillment of Word, Wisdom and Will. I will see a better and brighter tomorrow because I will strive, struggle, fight and die for that future knowing that there is no other choice. There is nothing more important than knowing that what I practice today sets the stage for tomorrows performance. My family, all of humanity, past present and future, is watching and waiting, praying and pulling for me to do my part. And do it I will. Let’s continue this discussion at my Wordpress blogsite: Love Your Neighbor. CMH [The Negro National Anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) – James Weldon Johnson]

Is love and compatibility limited to race? This article is actually a part two to the article written last week that asked the question – Should black women limit themselves to black men? I thought I had asked a very simple question designed to allow women to breathe and experience other possibilities in a world that can at many times seem saturated with little possibilities, that is, where relationships are concerned. I was at a local barber shop and asked the men what they thought of the article – boy did a firestorm take off, much to my surprise. I attempted feverishly to let them know that it was not a condemnation against black men it was an article that forced black women to live within their realities. I heard from men who felt it was the fault of the woman if she had limited herself and that we shouldn’t be passing the blame on them. Of course I informed them that it is not about blame that is was about perspective. Another gentleman chirped up and stated that he felt black If you have questions you would women should wait for the right black man and not settle. He had like answered or topics discussed, greater fears of the whole interracial relationship diluting the please send all questions to faceupbringing of black children within their own cultural. Another how could a black woman, who already has to deal with ris or email: racism and discrimination on her job, really come home to a or white man and have him understand her challenges. I reminded twitter@KeepingitealAH. them that black women being open didn’t limit them to white For more articles men only. I reminded them that there were Hispanic, Latin, www.keepingitrealwithangela Asian, African’s, etc. It was surprising when the question of a black woman making herself available to other ethnic groups that the men in the barber shop focused solely on the white man. Maybe that says something. We’ll explore that a little later. I was surprised because at no time did it appear that anyone cared about the lonely state of the black woman, who the record clearly states is more loyal to her race than her counterpart. A pew research reports states the following: 44% of African American Men marry outside of their race while only 9% of African American women marry outside of their race. According to the Department of Justice in 2008 one in 11 African-Americans (9.2 percent) were incarcerated. I looked up number of black men who identified themselves as homosexual and couldn’t find a number on that, but we know it exists. So taking these three factors into account the ratio of a black man to a black woman is pretty low. So I know ask the question as I began – is love and companionship limited to the boundaries of one’s ethnic identity? I would suggest the answer is no. Love is color blind or at least can be color blind. We are all the sum of our experiences and if we have never ventured beyond our ten block radius we may find that we have limited our world and not the other way around. We live in a world that has put some ugly images out, and has said some hateful things. We also live in a world where racism still runs rampant and yet there have been many couples who have risen to the occasion and have found true lasting love because it was all about the person and not the color of their skin. I made the statement that it seemed strange that the men would focus on the white male as the only option for a woman and the anger that came out of some. Within some of those statements I heard the men say that black men who settle for white women do it because they are weaker than what they perceived as one being strong, and I also heard that some black men felt they had arrived when they connected with a white woman, that there was some feelings of superiority. Maybe that’s where that anger against the white man came, from men feeling inferior to white men for many different reasons. This question was meant to free black women and give them the freedom to love and to be loved by whoever steps up to the plate with the goal of being her lasting companion. Everyone desires to be loved and yet it is our fault if we limit that possibility. The goal is to give women the license to find value within themselves not having to make excuses for their greatness, their dreams, or their goals. Finding someone or rather encountering someone who can love you for who you are with no other expectation than you be who you are would be euphoric for anyone, male or female. This question was meant to unequivocally inform women that it is they who limit themselves to possibilities and that it is they alone who must break the cycle. This is in no way a slap in the face of the black man it is a sisterly kiss to the sisters who wants to know no I’d say needs to know that love does not come in one shade, one ethnic group, or one race. Love can be universally experienced if your mind is open to the possibilities that surpass boarders, beliefs, or customs. Like languages we can all learn from each other and even more learn to appreciate each other’s journeys, fears, idiosyncrasies, and crazy family members. The Dish from the talk show: on Keeping it real with Angela Harris Hottest Internet talk we discussed this very topic with a group African American woman about limiting themselves to black men. It was interesting that the consensus was that the women simply had a preference for black men while admitting they knew the pickings were slim. At the end the women were willing to open their eyes and embrace the possibility of someone other than a black man, while never giving up on the black man. We’ll see if they really advance forward or remain stuck in a rut alone and bitter.

The San Diego Monitor



Obama 2012 Pumps Up the Volume in Black Communities Despite unwavering support among a majority of Black voters, President Obama’s re-election campaign isn’t leaving anything to chance and fighting to ensure this core constituency knows exactly what Obama has done from them lately and in the past. Key administration and cabinet officials have been visiting Black communities around the nation, hailing victories such as reforms to health care and education, Politico reports, after a summer in which they were stunned to hear several complaints that AfricanAmericans were feeling ignored by the administration. “We’ve been working so hard on our accomplishments,” senior adviser Valerie Jarrett told the publication. “Now is the time to tell our story.” Obama addressed Black voters discontent in September in an exclusive interview with BET News. In November, the White House released a 44-page report and hosted a forum on AfricanAmerican Policy in Action with Black leaders and advocates to discuss how the administration’s efforts have helped communities and solicit ideas for how it could do better. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is hosting a panel discussion today on finding jobs and training for parolees and felons after they’ve been released from prison. Campaign workers and volunteers have been visiting beauty and barber shops, church halls and neighborhoods, according to the Politico report,

to promote the president and the importance of returning to the polls to support him next year. But according to conventional wisdom, while such outreach is necessary, it will be difficult to replicate the 2008 level of both support and hope. “I don’t know if you’re going to get the heightened turnout,” said Newark Mayor Cory Booker told the publication. “I think it’s going to be the challenge. In 2008, we had tens of thousands of new voters. Only a percentage of them have kept voting in [off-year elections]. I don’t know if that percentage will bump back up” to the record-high level of participation. Another Democratic political operative suggested that the administration and campaign may not realize how deeply disappointed AfricanAmericans may feel about the president’s inability to deliver the “progressive agenda” he promised four years ago. “The enthusiasm gap is the game,” the operative said. Darrell West, director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, says that the enthusiasm gap will close once the Republican Party has chosen its nominee to challenge Obama next year. “As difficult as [things] have been for African-Americans under Obama,” West said, “they’ve likely concluded that they’d do worse under Republicans.”

continued from page 8 "Get a great accountant or [take a] community college course and learn software programs like Quicken to keep your books," Rozakis recommends. "You skip this aspect of the business, and you'll be very sorry." Depending on your industry, having a website may be helpful in marketing your services. If you have visual examples of what you do, say landscape design or theatrical costuming, a website will act as a portfolio and introduce your work to prospective clients. (Websites are obviously less useful to freelancers without visual examples, say, home inspectors or medical billing administrators.) Know Thy Self One of the most important decision you'll have to make before fully committing to running a freelance business is to determine if this type of lifestyle matches your personality. "Know thyself," says Rozakis. "Really think this through before you make a commitment to a lifestyle and work style you just may not be suited for." And while you no longer have a boss, you do have to answer to someone--yourself. That's why self-discipline is key to taking your freelancing gig from an interesting hobby to a viable business. "It really helps to be a Type A personality because you have to be able to motivate yourself and manage your time," says James-Enger. "You can't be a slack-

Page 15 er and have a successful freelance career." Tempting as it may be to cut out mid-afternoon for a movie or a walk with the dog, most days those kinds of things just aren't going to happen. "Not only will you normally work way more hours per week as a freelancer, but your schedule probably won't wind up being as flexible as you think," warns Fischer. "Most of your clients are working regular hours, from 9 to 5. Being available to them means that most of time, you'll be working very regular hours." The freelance life is a solitary life. If you're someone who feeds off the energy of other people, freelancing may prove too lonely a road to travel. Fortunately, for those who seek them out, there are solutions to the lack of daily social contact. Many freelancers fill their need to interact with other people by taking on-site freelance gigs, where they work--at least temporarily--among other people. Others turn to freelancer support groups where they meet once a month over a cup of coffee to swap tales of glory and woe. And others work on collaborative projects with other freelancers. It takes time to grow a freelance business; it takes time to establish yourself; and it takes time to make money. All of this can be nerve-wracking and cause countless sleepless nights. But with talent, patience, tenacity and a touch of luck, freelancing can be among the most rewarding--and lucrative--ways to make money. "Would I ever go back to working for the 'man'?" laughs James-Enger. "No way. For all the struggles and unknowns, I wouldn't give up freelancing and be somebody's employee for anything."

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Paul Cuffee (January 17, 1759 – September 9, 1817) was a Quaker businessman, Sea Captain, patriot, and abolitionist. He was of Aquinnah Wampanoag and African Ashanti descent and helped colonize Sierra Leone. Cuffee built a lucrative shipping empire and established the first racially integrated school in Westport, Massachusetts. A devout Christian, Cuffee often preached and spoke at the Sunday services at the multi-racial Society of Friends meeting house in Westport. In 1813, he donated most of the money to build a new meeting house. He became involved in the British effort to resettle freed slaves, many of whom had moved from the US to Nova Scotia after the American Revolution, to the colony of Sierra Leone. Cuffee helped establish The Friendly Society of Sierra Leone which provided financial support for the colony. Paul Cuffee was born on January 17, 1759 during the French and Indian War, on Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts. He was the youngest son of Kofi or Cuffee Slocum and Ruth Moses. Paul's father, Kofi, was a member of the Ashanti ethnic group, probably from Ghana, Africa. Kofi had been captured at age ten and brought as a slave to the British colony of Massachusetts. His owner, John Slocum, could not reconcile slave ownership with his Quaker values and gave Kofi his freedom in the mid-1740s. Kofi took the name Cuffee Slocum and, in 1746, he married Ruth Moses. Ruth was a Native American and a member of the Wampanoag Nation on Martha's Vinyard. Cuffee Slocum worked as a skilled carpenter, farmer and fisherman and taught himself to read and write. He worked diligently to earn enough money to buy a home and in 1766 bought a 116-acre (0.47 km2) farm in nearby Dartmouth, Massachusetts. The couple would raise ten children together, of which Paul was the seventh in line. During Paul Cuffee's infancy there was no Quaker meeting house on Cuttyhunk Island, so Kofi taught himself the Scriptures. In 1766, when Paul was eight years old, the family moved to a farm in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Cuffee Slocum died in 1772, when Paul was thirteen. As the two eldest brothers had families of their own elsewhere, Paul and his brother John took over their father's farm operations and cared for their mother and three younger sisters. Around 1778 Paul persuaded his brothers and sisters to use their father's English first name, Cuffee, as their family name, and all but the youngest did. His mother, Ruth Moses, died on January 6, 1787.

By Lady Topaz Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to 2012 and a BRAND NEW YOU! I sincerely hope that each of you enjoyed the celebration of the New Year and last year’s articles. May all of your resolutions be completely fulfilled this year; now, and always! It has been WONDERFUL connecting with you through this column. Additionally, it has been most humbling when you have reached out to me. I want each of you to know that this column does not in any way attempt to “sell” you anything other than great health! While I am a proponent of the excellent products that Isagenix and Shaklee provide I certainly am not attempting to sell them to you which is why each article has been carefully articulated to point out how you can achieve optimum health benefits with the God given bounty immediately available to you thanks to our local organic farmers, coops, health food stores et al. As each of my faithful readers knows … I have come a long way thanks to holistic nutrition, and the study thereof – from rheumatoid arthritis, uterine cancer (yes, I am a survivor), rheumatic fever that settled on my precious kidneys and the tremendous weight gain I suffered as a side effect of the medication administered to me to combat each ailment. Therefore, I believe it is my obligation to help you reach optimum health by providing you information to help you adopt a holistic approach to each of your health concerns. TRUST me when I tell you … combating your ailments with homeopathy is the BEST decision you could ever make. Your primary care physician will buck some of the holistic methodology simply because of planned obsolescence, and of courses, the kick-back from the pharmaceutical industry—as well as, the streaming income from your continued visits. Anyhooooo, let us move on … ;-) In keeping with my mission to get you to

the BEST you in 2012 … let us start by HOW to cleanse during the cooler months we are experiencing in this so-called winter in California and beyond. Traditional cleansing programs that call for freshly pressed juices, raw foods, and even room temperature water with lemon juice, maple syrup, and pepper may work for most people when the weather is warm, but how does one experience an effective cleanse without feeling exceedingly cold and frail during late fall, winter, and early spring? There is a reason why our bodies crave hot soups and cooked foods during colder months. To ignore the need to support a minimum core body temperature is to allow significant enervation, which is never conducive to supporting optimal health. I AM NOT A FAN of one, two, or even three day water-only fasts - these short periods of deprivation do little but cause you to lose healthy muscle tissue. To give your organs a period of rest and to experience a solid, system-wide cleanse during colder months, I have been recommend by Dr. Kevin D. Holder to use hot vegetable broth. If you make your own vegetable broth with generous amounts of nutrient-rich vegetables, you will have a mineral-rich liquid to fuel your everyday activities while you avoid slowing down your self-healing and self-cleansing mechanisms with large meals. You can sip on hot vegetable broth throughout the day. And whenever you feel like something more substantial, you can have room temperature vegetables and fruits - lettuce, celery, carrots, avocados, apples, pears, and persimmons are good choices throughout fall and early winter. So long as you heed the desire to have some healthy, whole foods whenever your body calls for them, you can do this “vegetable broth plus whole vegetables and fruits cleanse” for one to seven days during colder months whenever you feel the need to rest, get lighter, and be rejuvenated. To make nutrient-rich vegetable broth for a cleanse, here is what you will need: Continued on page 18


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Happy New Year Another tradition of mines for the Holidays is to go to as many movies as possible. In fact a majority of the good movies are released during this time due to the increase of movie goers because they are off work and school for the holidays. So many movies to choose from I ended up going to see New Year’s Eve on Tuesday. Why Tuesday? Well if you must ask, If you’re a Regal Club Member popcorn only cost $2 for a small and $1 to upgrade to the next size up. I don’t care how much you feed me prior to going into the movie theater and or how much food is stuffed in my bag (lol), I have to purchase popcorn. This particular Tuesday I drove to Rancho San Diego shopping plaza where the Edward’s movie theater is located. I was hungry and decided to eat before going inside and took a pit stop at T.G.I.F. Friday’s which is located in the same shopping plaza. T.G.I.F. Friday’s was having a $2 Tuesday special. I tried their chicken buffalo taco and chicken taco (that had onion rings inside) it was scrumptious. David & Stephen the bartenders were showcasing their talent flipping bottles and fruit while preparing my $5 margaritas. While I was enjoying my food and sipping on my drink I thought why isn’t their any place like this in the hood? Living in Los Angeles I became accustomed to blacks owning and having businesses that were frequented on a daily basis without drama. Majic Johnson’s T.G.I.F Friday’s located on the corner of Centinella/La Tijera/La Cienga. His movie theater located in the Baldwin Hills Mall brings a surge of traffic to the other mom and pop businesses that most likely wouldn’t see much. I thought about when I was growing up there was a Roller Skating Rink on Cardiff and a Movie Theater on Jamacha Road. The only place that I could think of to put a Movie Theater and a T.G.I.F. Friday’s at is where the Old Fan Mart use to be. There are several beauty salons and black owned beauty supplies in that area that would benefit from something like that. I might want to go get me a little shop over there and sell something before the price goes up. I always wanted to franchise with “Massage Envy” maybe that’s what I’ll set up shop over there. I’m going to go talk with some of these football players that has extra money and nothing better to do being the fact that they are not going to the Super Bowl and get this show on the road. Something about the movies gets my creative juices flowing. I enjoyed New Year’s Eve star studded movie as it kept me in my seat for 2 hours without taking a bathroom break. I have to give it up to Michael Tronick, the editor of the film. I was too afraid of going to the bathroom with the thought that I was going to miss an intrinsic part of the movie. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at • Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor

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TOPAZ continued from page 16 1 whole onion, halved 3 ribs of celery, chopped 3 carrots, chopped 1 zucchini, chopped 3 Yukon gold potatoes, chopped Any leftover greens like Swiss chard, beet tops, or turnip tops, chopped Give your Yukon gold potatoes, zucchini, carrots, and celery a rough chop - bite-size pieces will do. Chop your onion in half and peel off its skin. Combine all vegetables in a large pot. Fill with spring, filtered OR distilled water until vegetables are fully covered. Bring to a boil. Lower heat and leave it to simmer with the lid on for one hour. As you strain, use a large spoon or spatula to squeeze liquid and nutrient value out of softened vegetables to maximize yield. Be sure not to transfer the hot broth into a glass jar before cooling. This vegetable broth keeps well in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for several days. Just pour out a bit at a time to heat and sip on throughout the day.

FUN FACT: If you are looking to use this broth as a base for a soup, just season with sea salt to taste. Please note: If you are able to get substantial physical and emotional rest during your cleansing period and you want to maximize cleansing benefits, DO NOT USE POTATOES when making your broth - just add more celery and/or leafy greens. I sincerely hope that this recipe for cleansing comes in handy one day my sisters and brothers … it is ALL ABOUT BETTER HEALTH FOR YOU—NOW AND ALWAYS! Here is to 2012! ********************** For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle contact Topaz with your thoughts and/or inquiries at The Backstory: Topaz began practicing holistic living in 2005, first in an effort to become a better bride and gain back balance in her life. Eager to stay off of conventional medicine to ward off the effects of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis she has stayed par for the course by studying nutrition and alternative homeopathic medicine through Dr. Kevin D. Holder, and locally, Southwestern College in San Diego, California.

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Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez

Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow News and Copy Editor Cheryl Morrow

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You can only go so far on B.S.: pretend experts vs. the millionaire maker Every year tens of thousands of business people and entrepreneurs turn to marketing professionals and consultants in search of money-making strategies. Many of these so called professionals are also sometimes referred to as 'pretend experts' which are people who travel the globe and tell others how to do what they do ... without ever having done it themselves. In deed, everyone knows a story of someone forking over a bunch of money for business building advice or the 'next big thing' without ever seeing any sort of return on their investment. On the other hand, there is one man who has risen to the top of his profession as a 'world class' marketing strategist and is often referred to as 'The Consultant's Consultant.' His name is Dan Kennedy and if you are not familiar with him or his books, you can learn more about who he is and his accomplishments elsewhere in this article. There are countless numbers of people who transformed failing careers into becoming the leaders within their perspective industry or niche by just reading his books or monthly marketing newsletter. For example, Dave Dee an Atlanta, Georgia resident was a struggling magician who was $15,000 in personal debt and $24,000 in business debt when he subscribed to Dan Kennedy's marketing newsletter (The NO B.S. Marketing Letter). Dave, adopted Kennedy's system for sending out sequential marketing pieces to a clearly defined group of highly target prospects which resulted in just three months going from doing 'on average' four magic shows a month to 25 to 30 within the same thirty day period. Within 6-months he was completely debt free and within 1-year his wife quit both of her jobs to stay home and take care of their small children while enjoying their new home and car. Another example is Perry Marshall who resides in Oak Park, Illinois; in 1998 he was working as a struggling sales rep selling business to business equipment. After investing and implementing what he learned in one of Dan Kennedy's marketing books he landed a new job with a start up company that gave him an equity interest in exchange for a reduced salary. He credits Dan Kennedy's marketing principals in leaping the company from $200,000.00 in their first year to $4,000,000.00 within just four years. Soon after that the company was sold for 18 million and Perry has never looked back. Another great example of how Dan Kennedy's

advice can travel from industry to industry would be Leslie Elhai who resides in Houston, Texas. After nine years of being a successful hairstylist with a book of clients that kept her busy morning to evening five days a week, she was burnt out and quit her job. She couldn't really find her way until she heard Dan Kennedy speak at a marketing conference. She quickly subscribed to his newsletter, read all of his books, invested in a few of his courses and now regularly attends his events. What does Leslie now do? She has become a business consultant and owns a company, Performance Cash Resources. By combining her real world experience with Dan Kennedy strategies, she now has a cadre of clients who she works with to improve their customer acquisition and retention strategies. Right now Dan Kennedy has been busy marketing his own newly updated versions of two of his books that will be released this spring. (The Ultimate Sales Letter and The Ultimate Marketing Plan). When asked how he's going to use his own marketing skills to promote these publications he responded that "We've got some really nifty things planned. Definitely there's going to be a big contest with a grand prize of a brand new 2006 Ford Mustang. Also, everyone who buys a book will be entitled to come to a live seminar for FREE where I will be speaking along with legendary sales coach Zig Ziglar. Who is Dan Kennedy? His faithful followers refer to him as the 'Millionaire-Maker' working with clients in 156 different businesses, industries and professions. His business adventures have included ownership of six businesses. He appeared for nine consecutive years on THE #1 seminar tour in America, sharing the platform with former U.S Presidents and business leaders. He is best known for writing THE NO B.S MARKETING LETTER. Currently there are over 10,000 subscribers to what is considered to be the premier source of pure moneymaking marketing advice that arrives by first class mail each month. There are almost always advertising or sales letter "makeovers," terrific examples of "what works," timely marketing news, trends and ongoing teaching of Dan Kennedy's most important strategies. To Receive THREE FREE monthly issues of The World's Best Marketing newsletter on the Planet, The 'NO B.S. Marketing Letter' sign up at: or

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Jonathan Harris, Columnist December 31, 2011 - From major cast changes to historic cancellations, 2011 was a rough year for television. Oprah Walks Away From ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ Oprah shocked viewers by announcing that after 25 years, she would be leaving The Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah fans did not need to worry about missing Oprah though, as her daytime departure coincided with the launch of her new network OWN. MSNBC Ends ‘Countdown With Keith Olbermann’ The end of ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ came as quite a shock to viewers of the program, and possibly to Keith himself. The end of the program was announced abruptly by Olbermann the night he aired his final show. Olbermann, who hosted the show for eight years on MSNBC, now hosts Countdown on CurrentTV. Regis Philbin Leaves ‘Live With Regis and Kelly’ When Regis Philbin announced he was leaving ‘Live’ it was the end of an era. After hosting the show for 28 years, many wondered if the morning program could survive. To date a new host has not been picked by the network but ratings have seen a sharp decline following Philbin’s departure. Anne Robinson Announces She Will Leave ‘The Weakest Link’ Ending The Show “Goodbye”. Game show host Anne Robinson decided in 2011 not to renew her contract to host ‘The Weakest Link’ when it expires in the Spring of 2012 and producers decided not to try to replace her, thereby ending the rapid-fire quiz show after 11 years on the air. On leaving the show Robinson said, “I’ll miss it. It’s been superb. So it is a hard decision. I’ve

always tried to leave before you think you’re going to be tired of doing something.” The Weakest Link ended its US run, with Robinson as the host, in 2002. Mary Hart Says Goodbye To ‘Entertainment Tonight’ After 29-years of hosting Entertainment Tonight, in 2011 Mary Hart announced she would step down. On her departure Hart said, “I only meant to be at ET for three years, suddenly it’s almost 30! I’ve reached a point when I clearly realize it’s time for a change. There are many things I want to do in my life and I’d better get on with them.” Hart set a Guinness record for the longest running host on an entertainment news program.Christopher Meloni Leaves ‘Law & Order: SVU’ In 2011 it was announced that after 12 seasons, Law & Order: SVU star Christopher Meloni, would not be returning for season 13. Reports blamed issues with contract negotiations for Meloni’s departure. To make matters worse for SVU fans, it was also announced that the other half of the dynamic duo, Mariska Hargitay, would be taking more of a backseat role for the 13th season and may not return for a 14th. 2011 also saw the end of Law & Order: SVU’s sister program Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Disney Ends ‘The Suite Life on Deck’ Even the tween set was not spared a bit of devastating news as it was announced that The Suite Life of Zack and Cody spinoff The Suite Life on Deck would be ending. The conclusion of the show ended a record setting series for the Disney Channel. The Suite Life on Deck and its predecessor The Suite Life of Zack and Cody were responsible for the longest steadily running characters on the Disney Channel. The characters of Zack (Dylan Sprouse), Cody (Cole Sprouse), Mr. Moseby (Phill Lewis) and London (Brenda Song) all appeared on the Disney Channel for six years. The end of The Suite Life on Deck cuts the last string connecting back to Disney Channel’s first

original live situation comedies. That’s So Raven (debuting in 2003) was the first, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (debuting in 2005) was the second and Hannah Montana (debuting in 2006) was the third. The three shows did a famous crossover in 2006 called ‘That’s So Suite Life of Hannah Montana’. The Disney Channel also said goodbye to Sonny With a Chance in 2011, following the departure of the show’s lead actress, Demi Lovato, following her stint in a rehabilitation center. ABC Cancels ‘One Life to Live’ and ‘All My Children’ In April 2011 ABC dealt a massive blow to its daytime audience by announcing the cancellation of two of its three long-running daytime serials ‘One Life to Live’ and ‘All My Children’. While some thought ‘All My Children’ might be in trouble due to low ratings, the double-cancellation announcement that took ‘One Life to Live’ down as well came as a shock. The week of the announcement ‘One Life to Live’ was ABC’s No.1 rated daytime serial, ahead of ‘General Hospital’ which the network chose to keep. Fans did not take the cancellations lying down, mounting a campaign to save the shows that included street protests, boycotts of the network’s primetime programming, a national magazine sponsored coupons campaign to count viewers and contacting the networks sponsors. After months of this, ABC announced they had cut a deal with production company Prospect Park that would see the shows continue to be viewable online. In November it was announced that the relaunch for both shows was suspended, due to various snags. Turning into somewhat of a soap opera itself, last month it was reported that Prospect Park was still attempting to relaunch the shows behind the scenes. ‘All My Children’ aired its final show on September 23, 2011 and One Life to Live is scheduled to air its last show January 13, 2012. Combined, the shows have spent more than 84 years on the air.


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The San Diego Monitor

DREAM continued from page 4 Reverend Dr. Jamal Bryant of Baltimore’s Empowerment Temple AME for serving effectively as the National Spokesperson for Occupy the Dream. Check out We remember that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gave his last address to the National Convention of SCLC in August 1967 entitled, “Where Do We Go From Here?” In that speech Dr. King wrestled with the issues of “income inequality” and economic injustice. Dr. King stated, “First, we must massively assert our dignity and worth. We must stand up amid a system that still oppresses us …Now another basic challenge is to discover how to organize our strength into economic and political power…The dignity of the individual will flourish when the decisions concerning his life are in his own hands, when he has the assurance that his income is stable and certain, and when he knows that he has the means to seek selfimprovement.” Months later Dr. King and SCLC would issue a national call for the Poor Peoples Campaign for economic justice and equality to occupy Washington, DC in 1968. 2012 will be a test for the United States.

There will be a political test in terms of how millions of people will vote for the future. There will also be an economic test between the 99% and the 1% on the issues of income inequality and economic justice. The Black church has responded to the moral challenge to join with others to change and transform America for the uplift and empowerment of all people. Occupy the Dream on January 16, 2012 at 10:am will gather church members and other committed people in a nonviolent protest at Federal Reserve Banks to challenge the prevailing economic inequalities that have become so commonplace for most Americans. It’s revival time. See the list of addresses for the Federal Reserve Banks at It is time to occupy Dr. King’s dream. We are grateful to Presiding AME Bishop John Bryant, Progressive National Baptist Convention President Reverend Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Bishop Millicent Hunter and numerous other Black church leaders for standing up and helping to lead Occupy the Dream. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. is National Director of Occupy the Dream, President of Education Online Services Corporation and CEO of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN)


December 17, 2011 -Page 21

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The San Diego Monitor


January 7, 2012 - Page 23


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