San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal

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The San Diego Monitor

Obama Sticks It to Donald Trump Over Birth Certificate As the billionaire reality star speaks to reporters in New Hampshire, the president breaks in to prove he was born in Hawaii


onald Trump, the self-styled Grand Inquisitor of Barack Obama's birthplace, stood on a runway in New Hampshire Wednesday morning and blustered at reporters about everything from Obama's handling of Libya, OPEC, and gas prices to America's failure to give China an ultimatum on currency manipulation. And he took credit for something that had happened roughly 40 minutes earlier: The White House release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate, posted as a PDF to the White House blog. Trump said it was amazing that Obama's birth certificate had "materialize[d]" after the billionaire real-estate mogul and reality-TV star embarked on a media tour to promote himself as a possible 2012 White House candidate and made Obama's birthplace the central focus of his media campaign. But as Trump was in mid-harumph, the networks cut him off and switched to a feed from White House briefing room. The president had something to say. Not about the major shakeup underway at the top of America's national-security command -- the pending retirement of the Secretary of Defense, his replacement with CIA Director Leon Panetta, and Gen. David Petraeus's move from top commander in Afghanistan to replace Panetta as head of America's top intelligence agency. No, not about that. About Trump's fixation. About where Obama was born. And about the "carnival barkers" attempting to "make stuff up" to distract America from serious discussions about important policy. It was a not-so-thinly-veiled reference to the billionaire TV star speaking at the New Hampshire airport. "Let me just comment, first of all, on the fact that I can't get the networks to break in on all kinds of other discussions," Obama said, smiling. "As many of you have been briefed, we provided additional information today about the site of my birth. Now, this issue has been going on for two, two and a half years now. I think it started during the campaign. And I have to say that over the last two and a half years I have watched with bemusement, I've been puzzled at the degree to which this thing just kept on going. We've had every official in

Hawaii, Democrat and Republican, every news outlet that has investigated this, confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii, August 4, 1961, in Kapiolani Hospital," Obama said. "We've posted the certification that is given by the state of Hawaii on the Internet for everybody to see. People have provided affidavits that they, in fact, have seen this birth certificate. And yet this thing just keeps on going." Indeed, birtherism has kept going. Obama's longform birth certificate has been at the center of conspiracy theories for roughly two years. Obama's campaign first released a shorter "certification of live birth" in 2008. And it set up a website, Fight the Smears, to combat rumors that Obama was born outside the U.S. But suspicions have not only persisted, they have seemed to grow substantially in recent weeks. In a CBS/New York Times poll taken April 15-20, 25 percent of respondents said they didn't think Obama was born in the U.S., while 18 percent didn't know. Republican politicians like Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) have asked why the president didn't simply release his long-form birth certificate and put all this business to rest. More conspiratorial minds suspected there had to be a nefarious reason why the president hadn't released it, even as Hawaii government officials have certified that the longform certificate does exist, and that the president was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. As Joshua Green reported, the long-form birth certificate was kept by Hawaii officials. That's the way it works in Hawaii. Obama's mother was issued the "certification of live birth." Some of the most ardent birthers focus on how easy it would be to fabricate the short-form document, given that it contained no signatures or raised seal. Obama said he wouldn't have called the highly unusual press conference, if not for one thing. He was having trouble getting his message across, he said, as birtherism had come to dominate news discussion over the past few weeks, clouding serious discussions about America's long-term financial stability. "Now, normally I would not comment on something like this, because obviously there's a lot of stuff

swirling in the press on at any given day and I've got other things to do. But two weeks ago, when the Republican House had put forward a budget that will have huge consequences potentially to the country, and when I gave a speech about my budget and how I felt that we needed to invest in education and infrastructure and making sure that we had a strong safety net for our seniors even as we were closing the deficit, during that entire week the dominant news story wasn't about these huge, monumental choices that we're going to have to make as a nation. It was about my birth certificate. And that was true on most of the news outlets that were represented here," Obama said. "And so I just want to make a larger point here. We've got some enormous challenges out there. There are a lot of folks out there who are still looking for work. Everybody is still suffering under high gas prices. We're going to have to make a series of very difficult decisions about how we invest in our future but also get a hold of our deficit and our debt -- how do we do that in a balanced way," he continued. "And this is going to generate huge and serious debates, important debates. And there are going to be some fierce disagreements -- and that's good. That's how democracy is supposed to work. And I am confident that the American people and America's political leaders can come together in a bipartisan way and solve these problems. We always have," he said. "But we're not going to be able to do it if we are

distracted. We're not going to be able to do it if we spend time vilifying each other. We're not going to be able to do it if we just make stuff up and pretend that facts are not facts. We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," he added, in an apparent dig at Trump. "We live in a serious time right now and we have the potential to deal with the issues that we confront in a way that will make our kids and our grandkids and our great grandkids proud. And I have every confidence that America in the 21st century is going to be able to come out on top just like we always have. But we're going to have to get serious to do it," Obama said. One important thing about birtherism is that it seems unconnected to fact. And the president acknowledged that, for some people, nothing he can say, no evidence he can provide, will satisfy their suspicions. "I know that there's going to be a segment of people for which, no matter what we put out, this issue will not be put to rest. But I'm speaking to the vast majority of the American people, as well as to the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We've got better stuff to do. I've got better stuff to do. We've got big problems to solve. And I'm confident we can solve them, but we're going to have to focus on them -- not on this," Obama concluded, thanking the reporters in attendance, and exiting the room. ( is your new and only multicultural guide to our city’s ethnic communities, forums, events, discounts, media, etc. Through advertising with you will reach over 8,000 potential clients, both locally and nationally. Do you want to expand your marketing reach? Do you want to increase traffic to your place of business or special event? Do you have something to “chat about” that brings awareness to your multicultural business or community? has FREE marketing opportunities to help you grow your business? Here are a few “HOT” buttons on for you to check out: Business button - Add your business listing if you are a business owner who is interested in connecting to the multicultural tourism market. Local Deals button - Do you want others to be aware of promotions, discounts and coupons for your business? Click on the button and upload your “special coupon deal”. Events button - Events are an ongoing thing within San Diego; however, everyone is not aware of “your” particular event. You can advertise your events by clicking on the button and uploading the information – to increase attendance locally and nationally. Discussion Forum button - This is an opportunity for you to “chat about” a topic of interest or what’s going on in and around your community, then invite others to your chat session. Improve UniquelySD button - Let us hear from you, post your comments and/or suggestions that will help us to improve our site. has a Facebook fan page and Twitter account which are both great networking tools. Like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter@uniquelysd and help spread the word about this awesome website showcasing San Diego’s multicultural communities and happenings. This site was designed with “you” in mind – it is a turn-key website that is easy to navigate and post your information and/or events. For premium advertising opportunities, email us at: Check us out next week for more featured “Hot button” tips.

The San Diego Monitor


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heo and Martha Logan, with their two children, William and Barbara, moved to San Diego from Germany, to make their home in 1962. He entered the real estate business that year, and in 1965 organized his company, Logan Real Estate at 4490 Logan Avenue. There was considerable activity in the real estate industry during the 1960’s and 1970’s due to the heavy population growth in California, changes in Federal Civil Rights Laws and resulting housing occupancy patterns. Theo was deeply involved in these resulting significant social changes. In 1965, he joined the San Diego Board of Realtors, becoming the first African American member. He served in various capacities as a member, including several terms as director. In 1978, Theo was elected as the first African American to serve as President of the San Diego Board of Realtors, after having served this organization, and California and National affiliate organizations in several capacities. Theo has been an active member in the San Diego community for nearly fifty years, serving the community in many ways. He served as a member of the San Diego Park and Recreation board. During his tenure he influenced the Board to improve the park facilities in the Southeast Community. He assisted in the formation of, and served as the first Vice

San Diego City Council district boundaries to be redrawn SAN DIEGO -- With the 2010 U.S. Census complete and the recent release of local data, the City of San Diego has begun the process to create City Council districts as equal in population as “possible and practicable” – meaning, according to the data, representing about 144,624 San Diegans. This year, the once-per-decade process is more complex because last year San Diego voters approved a ninth City Council district, the first since the 1960s. The mission to redraw the new San Diego City Council district boundaries lies in the hands of the 2010 Redistricting Commission, composed of seven resident members who were appointed by an Appointing Authority of retired judges of the Superior Court of San Diego County, selected at random. In addition to adopting a plan that creates boundaries for districts that are nearly equal in population, the City Charter also lists a number of other legal criteria having to do with the size and shape of districts. The charter also requires the commission to preserve “communities of interest” identified by both Census data and public testimony. Ultimately, the way districts are drawn will affect voters’ ability to elect City Councilmembers of their choice. The Redistricting Commission is hosting 20 public hearings this spring and summer to gather information from San Diegans. Because residents are the eyes and ears of the community their testimony is critical to assist in identifying and preserving “communities of interest” – places where, for example, common activities and social and lifestyle patterns are shared within an area. Public comments help the commission better understand and evaluate the specific communities throughout San Diego so that it can ensure fair and equitable redistricting. Because of deadlines associated with preparing for the 2012 primary election, the Redistricting Commission’s deadline to complete the new plan is August 2011. The current round of hearings takes place prior to the Commission’s preliminary plan – one in each council district and an additional Saturday hearing in a central location. After developing a draft plan and preliminary map, the commission will gather comments at nine additional public hearings. Although redistricting relies heavily on census data comprised of numbers and other demographic information, citizen participation in the process will help shape the new City Council districts and aid the commission’s efforts. Residents may also call (619) 533-3060. The commission invites San Diegans to join its email distribution list, request a presentation for a community meeting, and attend the commission’s public hearings. Residents are also invited to attend the commission’s meetings, held the first and third Thursday of each month at 4 pm on the 12th floor of the City Administration Building, 202 C St., San Diego, CA 92101.

Chairman of the South East Development Corporation (SEDC). He served on the San Diego County Tax Appeals Board for several years and the Jackie Robinson YMCA Board. He has been a supporter of the Boy Scouts of America and the PTA. Over the years he has been a sponsor of Little League, and financial supporter of many other community activities. In addition, he has always been a vital member of his church, however, Theo’s primary efforts were in real estate: selling, counseling and investing. He always placed great emphasis in helping people. He knew the importance of investing in real estate, and always took a great interest in the “First Time Home Buyer.” His most important goal was to help them achieve their dream of owning a home, when they, numerous times, thought this was beyond their abilities. Theo remained in business at the same location until he retired in 2010. The real estate office became a land mark in the southeast community, primarily serving the shelter needs of the African American and Hispanic American communities. “The Office,” as his family calls it, became a place where residents felt comfortable seeking Theo’s advice and

guidance. This was a place where questions could be answered, concerns heard and financial needs met. Theo was known to give odd jobs to the neighborhood youth and others who would come to him when short on cash. Theophilus Alonzo Logan was the first of five children born to Jerome Henry (Romie) Logan and Mollie Payne Logan, in Lima, Oklahoma, in 1917. He grew up in Oklahoma, completed elementary school in Lima and Douglas High School in nearby, Wewoka. He graduated from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, with a degree in Liberal Arts in 1939. After graduation, Theo worked for two years for the United Presbyterian Church in Valliant, Oklahoma, prior to moving to California in 1941. In April 1942, Theo was drafted into the US Army where he remained for 20 years and retired in the rank of Major. He served in several stations in the continental United States, Italy, Germany, Korea and Japan. Theo is married to the former Martha R. Nash, a retired attorney. They met at Lincoln University, MO, where he was Assistant PMS&T, ROTC Department. They married in 1957. They have two children: Attorney William F. Logan and Barbara C. Logan, and

Mrs. Martha R. Logan and Mr. Theo Logan four grandchildren. Theo is very proud of the fact that he and his son, William, are active members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.

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The San Diego Monitor

Blacks Don’t Have a Redistricting Problem, Blacks Have a Reorganization Problem


he community’s attention has been drawn toward the city of San Diego’s decision to add a new district that will include one more council seat on the San Diego City Council. Remember that it was only a few years ago that we approved a stronger mayoral type of government that gave more power to the mayor. What kind of power would the redistricting give to Black folks? None. Redistricting can only dilute our community and help those Blacks that keep running around yelling about “diversity.” Black folks have been neutralized in their own district with decisions that have both taken from and added to the populace. When there were citywide elections our candidates didn’t win. But even when the city approved district elections and it made it easier for Black folks to vote for whomever they wanted, we still didn’t make any real changes with our candidates. So let’s not put too much weight on this redistricting. This uproar reminds me of the Census. Allow me to remind you that very few individuals – some in the community and some out of it – control the Census. Let the truth be told: it wasn’t counting people that mattered; it was the counting of the money. If you were in the loop you got some money and if not, well, you didn’t see any money. You have to be connected with Jesus Christ, an organizational leader, or otherwise be a part of the in-crowd to get some of the power and the money. So all of this fuss about redistricting doesn’t make any difference. We don’t fight for things in our community that make a difference. What do you really have? You have a library named after Malcolm X. You have an elementary science institute, and the Jacob Foundation. You complained about the grocery stores, so now we have a Food 4 Less. I was listening to the news in Alpine where the citizens have decided they want to go bagless – all grocery store customers must bring their own bags. Now in southeast San Diego

we shake down any individual that brings a big bag in the door for fear that they will steal. So in a white community you can bring your own bag, but in the Black community you have to check in the bag. Is this progress? Do we really want redistricting or do some people just want a few dollars? Remember that these people are the same people that moved the Martin Luther King Jr. parade downtown after they ripped his name off of a street. These are the same people that sold us the idea of Gateway East and Gateway West when we didn’t get anything but a place to go shopping and the right to yell out that we have something in the 4th District. But now, we are talking about redeveloping the community when we have no nickel in that dime at all as to what is going on. We have diluted any and everything that has been started by Blacks in the 4th District. If you don’t think so, think about the Euclid Medical Center. Look

at what we’ve done to that. Any club or organization we have had has been moved out of the community, yet we claim that it’s still important to the community. Redistricting cannot and will not help our people. Redistricting is going to eliminate Black Americans in San Diego from ever having another Black councilperson. Look at the handwriting on the wall. We are not going to have another Black councilperson even if we keep the district the way it is now, not to mention if we lose any territory in this new redistricting plan. Our minds need to be redistricted. Our heads need to be treated for all of the illnesses we have suffered over the years. We can’t sing in the same choir let alone be in the same district. So are we really making progress? Until Next Week, Willie Morrow


Tireless volunteer prepares for annual Balboa Park book fair BALBOA PARK — Roosevelt Brown staged the first Children’s Book Party in the backyard of his Emerald Hills home. About 100 people showed up that day, and Brown, 68, gave away more than 200 brand-new books. He couldn’t have imagined back then what he had started. On Saturday morning, the 27th annual event is expected to draw at least 1,200 people to the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. Children will be bussed in from about a dozen of the city’s elementary schools to make sure that everybody who wants to read will have material. Everyone in attendance will be guaranteed two new books, free of charge. The event is open to the public and will also include entertainers and light refreshments, all at no cost. “What I had in mind was for everyone in the neighborhood to read,” Brown said. “We just wanted to make sure the kids in the neighborhood and whoever was close by who didn’t have books would have them.” Brown, a retired parts inspector for Solar Turbines, is

the coordinator and director of Reading Literacy Learning Inc., a nonprofit he started to encourage children to read. He and his volunteers collect thousands of books, all of which are new, at every reading level every year. Then they try to give them all away. Saturday’s event begins at 8:30 a.m. and is scheduled to run until 10:30. Books will be separated by reading level, from toddlers through high school. Considering his drive and dogged determination to get kids reading, one would think Brown excelled in school. In fact, he struggled. Brown grew up with a speech impediment that caused him to fall behind his peers, because he feared being called upon in class and avoided academic and social activities. Now, because of his efforts, thousands of San Diego schoolchildren have had the opportunity to get ahead of their peers. After nearly three decades, Brown remembers Sandy Huffaker them fondly as well as those who have helped make his Roosevelt Brown wants to give chilwork possible. dren opportunities that he never had.


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range

Holmes Elementary School – Replace Fire-Destroyed Portable University City High School: Lighting & Scoreboard Point Loma High School: Weight Room Fulton Elementary School Food Service Modernization Cherokee Point Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Webster – F&I New HVAC (Group 1) Jefferson Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Rosa Parks Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Chavez Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Marshall Elementary School: Student Drop-Off and DSA ADA Upgrades Furnish and Install Marquee Signs on an As-Needed Basis (IDIQ) Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building Mead Elementary School HVAC Project Creative Performing Media Arts: WSM Sessions Elementary School: Parking Lot & Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Upgrades Creative, Performing and Media Arts at Kroc Visual and Performing Arts Project Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project Data Center at Serra High School Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project

Less than $200K Less than $200K $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million NTE $800,000 $1 - $5 Million* $1 - $5 Million* $1 - $5 Million* $1 -$10 Million* $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million* $5 - $10 Million* $5 - $10 Million*

*PSA Applies

Contact Alma Bañuelos at or 858-573-5852 to get on SDUSD's database today! We'll send bid notices, a quarterly newsletter and contracting information to you at no cost. We can also help to increase your visibility in SDUSD's construction contracting environment.

Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para mãs información en español, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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VITAMIN D IMPROVES ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION IN OVERWEIGHT AFRICAN AMERICANS by Lady Topaz A study finds that overweight African Americans can improve heart health by supplementing with vitamin D. Vitamin D has once again established itself as fundamental for a healthier heart—this time in a study on overweight African American adults who supplemented with vitamin D in the amount of 60,000 IU monthly, which is the equivalent of taking 2,000 IU daily. Researchers from Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta found supplementating the subjects improved vascular function of endothelial cells. Vascular endothelial cells line the inside of blood vessels and serve to dilate or constrict blood vessels in response to changes in blood flow. When endothelial cells are dysfunctional, the heart must pump harder to improve blood flow through the blood vessels. By using an inflatable cuff to increase blood pressure in the arteries of participants’ arms, the researchers were able to measure arterial flowmediated dilation using ultrasound. After 16 weeks of supplementation, the participants’ blood flow improved significantly. The findings were presented by Ryan A. Harris, Ph.D., assistant professor, on April 11 at Experimental Biology in Washington DC. “This points to a beneficial effect of vitamin D supplementation on endothelial cell function,” says Dr. Harris. “If you’re deficient in vitamin D and you take supplements, you have a good probability of increasing endothelial function.” The results of the study are noteworthy, explained Dr. Harris in his presentation, because African-Americans are at greater risk of cardiometabolic factors that include higher blood pressure, increased waist circumference, elevated plasma glucose, and dyslipidemia. African Americans also have a greater risk of having low circulating vitamin D levels. The

greater amount of pigmentation in darker skin offers rewards such as natural protection against ultraviolet light that would otherwise burn skin and increase risk of skin cancer, but it also decreases the skin’s ability to activate vitamin D’s precursor (pre-vitamin D) into the fullfledged hormone-like vitamin. Living at Northern latitudes, staying indoors or otherwise avoiding exposure to sunlight, combined with diets containing little vitamin D can compound risk of vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency. Supplementation provides a safe and effective way to bring vitamin D levels back to normal ranges. As in previous studies, this new study reported no side effects in participants. How vitamin D acts on endothelial cells to help to improve vascular function remains unclear, Dr. Harris explains. The results of this study, however, suggest the need for greater awareness of the impact of vitamin D on African Americans’ heart health. *** For additional information please feel free to peruse Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at Here is to optimum health!

The San Diego Monitor

How Unsafe is Your Food? By Grady P. Anderson, Jr. M.D. There has been a lot of information on the TV and in newsprint media in the last year. As I have mentioned previously the things that we put in our mouths may be part of the problem. This week I came across a magazine Ideas & Discoveries or ID for short. This magazine gives you the consumer information that is not generally known to the public or healthcare providers. The cover of the June 2011 issue lead article How Unsafe is Your Food? is what caught my eye. I will give you some excerpts from this article. I got my copy from Vons; the magazine is to be displayed until June 10 2011 at a cost of $4.99 a bargain. The first culprit is our old friend ASPARTAME about which I mentioned the work of Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. well apparently somebody else has also. This substance is found in Chewing Gum. It has different names NutraSweet, Spoonful, Equal, Canderel, Sanecta and others. ASPARTAME may be found in custard pies, cookies, canned fish, canned fruit, snacks, desserts and sugar-free beverages. Suspect #2 “INSTANT SOUP” the substance GUANYLIC ACID this is made up of guanine which is a purine and in excess amounts leads to GOUT diagnosed as hyperurecemia. These uric acid crystals are deposited in the kidney, joints, tendon sheaths and the pericardium the sack that contains the heart. GUANYLIC ACID may also be found in various grains, peanuts and almonds. Now why would you drink almond milk? Isn’t milk supposed to be from two legged and four legged creatures. Milk does not grow on trees or vines! This is a new one because in the older medical textbooks put the blame on MEAT. The latest research states that the human modern-day diet must contain 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbohydrates and 1/3 fat but must also contain dietary supplements. The new food pyramid that was published by the government states this. Suspect #3 LEMON CAKE in association with ALUMINUM. You may have heard that Aluminum has found at autopsy in the brains of individuals who previously diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Well in the article it states that citric acid and aluminum show up together on millions of food packages around the world. Now citric acid is able to pass across the blood brain barrier and is able to take aluminum with it. “Investigators have found aluminum deposits in the brain of Alzheimer patients.” In the section labeled food report. “Aluminum always requires a go-between to attack the brain. Citric acid is an accomplice, but aspartame and flavor enhancers like glutamates can also transport aluminum across the blood brain barrier. These additives combinations are frequently used and can be found in chewing gum, licorice candies, sliced packaged cheeses, canned vegetables and juices. Now cans contain metals like tin, zinc and aluminum all of these have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This is not the case for glass containers which heated sand. Until next time.

The San Diego Monitor


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Eye 2 Eye


The San Diego Monitor

Carrol Waymon

TO THE NAACP PRESIDENT JEALOUS: “REVOLUTIONS” Part-2 April 28, 2011 - Last week in Part-1, Mr. Jealous, expressed our collective concern and anger over how the Georgia courts were handling the Troy Davis case that just might end with Davis’ being executed by the State despite the evidence and other conditions surrounding this case. He states “ Despite these new developments, the state of Georgia is putting Davis on track to be executed- perhaps as early as next month.” Now at best, this observation is disturbing and should perhaps be a “call for public assembly in the public square; a call to all groups interested in social justice and racial equality before the law regardless of creed or other belief systems. “ This should be a rallying cry that it’s time to re-examine our own interpretation of events in racial matters over the past, say, 70 years, since the forties, leading up to those fifties and sixties, the time of the explosive riots and other civil unrests. DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE! They killed Emit Till, Medsgar Evans; the four little girls; the three college students in Miss. in 1964; before-these few well known crimes committed by authorities and associated in the minds of the world with the Civil Rights Movement – long before these- there were thousands of other blacks killed during the years before the 50’s between, say 1864 and 1954 alone. They were shot, hanged from the trees and fences, lynched- the last officially in the 1950’s-, burned to death and drowned and beaten and by any other method they wished. And the strange part of all these killings, Mr. Jealous, is this: except for a few, they were all “legal” crimes.

Let me make this point another way: It was legal to lynch Blacks. It was legal to “beat to death” Black people or hunt them down and shoot them. For most of our years a Republic, or a Nation, it has been “legal” to do whatever “white” people decided to do to all others, whether or not these “others” were present or even alive! “HOW DO YOU LOOK AT WHAT YOU SEE” It should now be obvious that most men who are now found to be innocent or “not guilty” and are now being let out of prison after 20, 30, or forty years, with many having been on “death row’ for years – it should be obvious that the DNA tests allow us now to “see” what was NOT there all the time for all these men “who were legally found guilty” decades ago. So let’s try changing our own reality for a moment. Look at this next paragraph: we have deliberately “broken all the rules of good and proper writing!” BUT the writing and meaning are still there and obvious. “WHAT DO YOU SEE BELOW” So Mr. NAACP President, your respectable and honorable “ kitchen cabinet advisors” should consider that there are other ways to “see” things and bring about changes. In the case of Troy Davis, we suggest strongly that you and your advisors accept The Legal reality that a million people walking and riding around in this little Georgian Town for a week or two with BlaCK AND Brown and Tan AND YELLOW, MALE AND FEMALE with Continued on page 9

OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” © OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” © The Omnilogue© vision is one of … a better understanding …of the communities in which we live. by Clovis M. Honoré

How To Find A (Real) Church! Is the Black Church a viable institution to meet the needs of the Black Community? So far, I think the evidence is pretty thin. After 13 years of evaluating churches on their ability to serve their communities, I have put together a set of criteria I think a Church needs to have to be effective in ministry. Look and see if your church has these qualities. If not, ask your pastor why not. If you are the pastor, ask yourself why not. There are Biblical Scriptures to back up every one of these. I won’t put them in this article, but can you find them in the Bible? Doctrine: Biblical Accuracy - Can your doctrine stand up to Biblical scrutiny? Are you willing to admit to what you don’t know? How do you relate it to the people – how do you make the doctrine applicable to every day life? How do you deal with contrary “traditions” – old stuff that just doesn’t mean anything anymore? Salvation/Sanctification: Is there a clear and understandable process, for everyone’s spiritual growth, including the pastor! “Work out your salvation…” How do you look for fruit from your people – how do you measure progress? Discipleship: Basics – Do you know what you believe? Do you know WHY you believe it? Is discipleship ministry/service-based? – You learn what you DO. Is discipleship structured? How do you measure progress? How do you define success? MINISTRY = SERVICE: How do you assess the needs of the people in the congregation? How do you assess the needs of the people outside the congregation? How do you reach out to the community? How do you define the community? Do you do a Spiritual Gifts Analysis and teach your people how to use their gifts for the sake of the “Body of Christ”? Education: Is it structured? Is there testing and promotion. Is there a process from people to move from student to teacher. Worship: Define it in all its dimensions. Hands, song, “praise”, shout, lifted hands, dance, music…MORE ON THIS LATER. My email address is If you think your church is making a strong contribution to the development of Black people in San Diego, feel free to send me an e-mail and we can talk about it. - CMH

1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

The San Diego Monitor


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Mississippi River Floods 2011

Deep South Braces For Surge Of Water Not Seen Since 1927 By CAIN BURDEAU NEW ORLEANS -- A surge of water not seen since the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 is forecast in coming days to test the enormous levees lining the Mississippi River on its course through the Deep South, adding another element of danger to a region already raked by deadly tornadoes and thunderstorms. Mississippi's and Louisiana's governors issued flood warnings Thursday and declared states of emergency. Authorities along the swollen waterway in both states are warning nearby residents to brace for the possibility of any flooding. River boat casinos in Mississippi are closing and levee managers are readying sand bags and supplies – and the manpower to build the defenses – to fight the rising river along hundreds of levees in both states where the river crosses en route to the Gulf of Mexico. "We're going to do everything we can to prepare for the worst-case scenario while we still are hoping for the best case," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said, adding the state was prepared to withstand the test. Louisiana is still recovering from powerful Hurricane Katrina, which struck in August 2005 as levees broke under surging waters and more than 80 percent of New Orleans was flooded. Since 2005, the corps has spent billions of dollars in repairing levees and improving the city's flood protections, but the vast majority of that work has been focused on protecting the city from hurricane surge, not river flooding. While authorities who manage the levees express confidence that those structures can withstand the enormous surge, the high waters are expected to put pressure on the levees for as many as 10 days – and that has officials concerned. "It is going to be a slow-moving crest and what that means is it does put pressure on those levees," Jindal said. River flooding, fed by heavy rains across the Mississippi River valley, is already a serious problem hundreds of miles upriver, particularly

In Mississippi, gambling regulators started closing down nine barge casinos at Tunica. Resorts was closed Thursday, to be followed by one casino each on Friday and Saturday and three each on Sunday and Monday, said Larry Gregory, head of the Mississippi Gaming Commission. He estimated 10,000 workers would be affected by the closings. "We anticipate that all of the river casinos will close at some point as the pig goes down the python," said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

NAACP Mississippi River Floods 2011 in Missouri where the Army Corps of Engineers is considering whether to blow up a levee to relieve pressure on Cairo, Ill, a bottleneck where the Ohio and Mississippi rivers meet. As the water makes its way downriver, the lower portion of the Mississippi will be tested. The river is forecast to crest at 53.5 feet on May 18 at Vicksburg, Miss., a key gauge. That is the highest river stage recorded at Vicksburg since the catastrophic flooding of 1927 when the river reached 56.6 feet and would have kept on rising if levees hadn't given way, causing massive flooding and killing hundreds. After that calamity, the nation undertook an aggressive $13 billion plan to build levees and floodways that would avert such a scale of flooding again. The crest of the high river is expected to reach New Orleans on May 22, and Jindal said the corps was looking at opening a major spillway, the Bonnet Carre, just north of the city to relieve pressure. Those who manage the levees built up since 1927 expressed confidence in them.

"The levees are designed to withstand 65 feet," said Robert Anderson, a corps spokesman in Vicksburg. But he added that "it has never been tested before quite like it has been tested now." "I do not expect any breaches on this levee system today. I think we can withstand the water," said Reynold Minsky, the president of the Fifth Louisiana Levee District, which oversees about 260 miles of levees along the Mississippi. Still, there are concerns.About 241 miles of levees in the Mississippi River system between Cape Girardeau, Mo., and the Gulf of Mexico need to be heightened or strengthened to meet the corps' standards, according to the corps. "We have some low points," said James Shivers, the superintendent of the Fifth Louisiana Levee District. Levee officials said crews would work around the clock to contain leaks that spring up along the levees. Such leaks, known as sand boils, can undermine a levee and cause a section to collapse.

Continued from page 8 h u n d r e d s of little babies and other age kids “visiting this little town or TOWNS “ for few weeks or months just haVING fun—this may be a more reality and legal DNA test than all those court-room appearances combined. For example, just look at this paragraph; IT is all mixed up and breaking all proper grammatical rules of spelling and punctuation or in using CAPITAL letters,Etc.etc But these “rulees” of writing do not affect the “reality of the intended message which all who read this fully understand Despite the rules violataions. So, too, will those federal officials with thousands of new-comers “visiting” their little town for a day or two asking to visit Troy Davis. Because Mr. Ben Jealous, if they put him to death, they will have done it legally even if he didn’t do anything wrong or illegally! And he can and will be freed only if you change the community and the court’s present “reality.” INVADE THE TOWN!” So, until next week, remember: ALWAYS IN ALL HUMAN MATTERS TO ASK YOURSELF: “ HOW DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU’RE “LOOKING AT” AND “HOW DO YOU LOOK AT WHAT YOU SEE!”

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The San Diego Monitor

‘Winning the future’ for Black Businesses

By Rebecca S. Rivas for The St. Louis American hat is the Obama administration doing for the African-American community? "That's a limiting question," said Michael Blake, deputy associate director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and an associate director for the White House Office of Public Engagement. Blake spoke to about 75 AfricanAmerican business and community organization leaders on April 20 to discuss some of the White House's new programs. He also heard the audience members' concerns that federal initiatives for minorities often don't play out on the local level. The event, held at FUSE Advertising on the Landing, was one of 1,000 events in 100


cities that Blake will hold to get the word out about these initiatives and how people can access them. "This is showing that you can organize even if you are not present," Blake said. "How do you identify people on the ground who do this every day? My job is to find the local leaders around the country." First, Blake announced a new website, w w w. w h i t e h o u s e . g o v / africanamericans, which lists the federal programs benefiting the black community. From small-business lending programs to health care, Blake laid out the "Winning the Future" federal budget 2012. After an hour of discussion, Blake said he heard a continual theme. "You have people who run businesses who are ready," he said. "All they want is a chance. They want access to the opportunities. One of the things I'll take back is we need to continue to find ways to make people aware of the opportunities and then concretely make the connection to the agency who can provide that help." To help entrepreneurs in low-income and minority communities start businesses and create jobs in inner cities, the federal budget includes $13 million to continue the U.S. Small Business Administration's Emerging Leaders initiative (formerly Emerging 200). Overall, the budget supports $16.5 billion in 7(a) loan guarantees, helping small businesses operate and expand.

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The San Diego Monitor

NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Neighborhood House Association requests proposals for the purchase, lease and installation of Telephone Systems from qualified vendors. Proposals must be submitted on or before 4:00 pm (PST) on May 15, 2011. A proposal package with further details may be obtained by visiting and clicking on the “Request for Proposal� link at the bottom of the Home page or contacting the NHA Procurement Department at (858) 7152642x183.

The San Diego Monitor


Page 13

STILL HAPPENING San Diego’s Gospel Radio Station 2nd Year Anniversary & Pre-Mother’s Day Concert

In spite of the present challenge, we will celebrate our 2nd Year Anniversary and Pre-Mother’s Day Concert.

Friday, May 6th at 7pm ....... Doors Open 6:30pm Bethel Baptist Church 1962 Euclid Ave. Ticket Locations: • Business Matters - 336 Euclid Avenue, 619-248-4468 • Coop’s West Texas BBQ – 2625 Lemon Grove Ave, 619-804-0368 • Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken – 8300 Paradise Valley Rd, Spring Valley 619-479-1978 and 2850 National Ave, 619-233-0670 • North Park Apostolic Church – 2515 Lemon Grove Ave, 619-229-2800 • Stockdale’s Fine Southern Cuisine – 6523 University Ave, 619-265-1494 Discounted Tickets Prices: General Admission $15 Advance, $20 At Door Available

Page 14


The San Diego Monitor

Violent offenses, property crimes hit 30-year low By Karen Kucher AN DIEGO — County crime rates for 2010 hit lows not seen in the 30 years the San Diego Association of Governments has been keeping detailed records for the region. A SANDAG report released Thursday shows one in every 48 residents in San Diego County was a victim of a burglary, larceny or car theft in 2010, while 11,641 violent crimes — homicides, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults — occurred. Despite worries that the recession that began in 2007 would cause a spike in property crimes, the report found that over the past five years burglaries were down 21 percent and larceny thefts down 20 percent in the region’s 18 cities and the county’s unincorporated areas. SANDAG officials attributed the declines to several factors, including the passage of laws that mandate increased jail and prison time for violent offenders, the region’s use of task forces that combine the resources of local, state and federal agencies to target specific problems, and other crime prevention programs. Sheriff Bill Gore said the expanded use of DNA technology, in particular, has helped investigators make arrests in cases that would have gone unsolved in the past. “Probably one of the biggest contributors in my mind was Proposition 69 that passed in 2004. It allowed sheriffs around the state to start taking DNA from people arrested for certain felonies and that’s (been expanded) now for all felonies,” Gore said. California’s database of known DNA has grown to more than 1.7 million samples, making it the third-largest in the world. The sheriff pointed to the recent arrest of a suspect in the state Route 163 shootings as an example of how DNA matching can help locate suspects. California Highway Patrol investigators said DNA evidence on shell casings linked a 58-year-old transient to the April 5 freeway


shooting. The shooting left one driver with a punctured lung and liver. The man’s DNA had been submitted to the state’s database after he was convicted in a case involving throwing rocks at a car on the freeway. “What we are doing is getting DNA from crime scenes and property-crime cases, stolen cars and residential burglaries — a cigarette butt, a Coke can, a shell casing,” Gore said. By running that evidence through the database, he said, burglars who might get away with 15 or 20 crimes are now being caught early in their spree. “We’re getting them on the second or third burglary, not the 15th or 20th,” Gore said. SANDAG’s 30-year figures show that reported violent crimes such as robberies, rapes and homicides reached a peak in 1992, when 9.76 crimes per 1,000 residents were reported. The rate fell in 2010 to 3.61 per 1,000 residents, a 10 percent decrease from a year ago and the lowest rate in the past 30 years. Not every category had decreases, however. • The number of bank heists in the county jumped by 73 percent between 2009 and 2010, increasing from 92 to 159. Several high-profile serial robberies occurred in that time frame, including at least a dozen attributed to a robber dubbed the Geezer Bandit, who is still being sought. • Reported hate crime offenses increased 25 percent, to 144 in 2010 from 115 the previous year. Offenses included assaults, acts of intimidation, vandalism or burglary. • The number of reported domestic violence cases decreased countywide by about 4 percent but jumped 31 percent in El Cajon. Police Detective Tenaya Webb said the increase may be the result of officers being better trained to document such calls in the city. “I think we are reporting crimes at an earlier level of violence,” she said. The jurisdiction with the highest crime rate for the year was National City, with

39.41 crimes per 1,000 residents. That was followed by La Mesa, with 38.01; Del Mar with 31.76; and El Cajon with 31.64. San Marcos experienced the biggest oneyear jump in its crime rate, a 13 percent increase that officials said was largely due to a spike in shoplifting reports. Ramona and Spring Valley each had crime rate boosts of 11 percent. Homicides countywide decreased for the fifth year in a row, dropping to 67 in 2010

from 75 in 2009. The number of homicides in the region peaked at 278 in 1991. The city of San Diego had 29 homicides in 2010, down from 41. Police have said much of that was due to a steady fall in gang-related murders — from 28 in 2007 to four in 2010. It’s not clear if that trend will hold. Already this year there have been at least four homicides that San Diego police believe may be gang related, Capt. Jim Collins said.

DMV adds appointment reminders to its customer services Airlines call to remind you of your next flight. Medical offices call to remind you of your next appointment. Now the state Department of Motor vehicles will be doing the same. The DMV has launched a reminder service for people who have chosen to make appointments, rather than stand in line for hours at the local office. Three days before an appointment, DMV customers will now get an automated dial-up with the date, time, field office location and type of appointment. A voice mail will be left if no one answers. As many as 16,000 automated calls a day will be made to ensure DMV customers get there to deal with driver licenses, driver tests and the like. In March, the DMV launched an Android phone app called DMV NOW that helps users locate a nearby DMV office, lists wait times, provides alerts and sample tests and instructional videos. A similar app for iPhones was launched more than a year ago, according to the DMV. But then, why go to a DMV office at all, if you can avoid it? Customers can go online to handle a number of transactions, including including vehicle registration and driver license renewals, selection of personalized license plates, changes of address and payment of fees via secure debit transactions. - by Robert J. Hawkins

Musician claims he wrote the ditty "Charge!" Few know its name or origin, but nearly everyone can finish its instantly recognizable refrain: “Da da da da da da .... Charge!” Now, the sporting world’s most popular piece of music is mired in controversy. This month, South Florida musician Bobby Kent said in a lawsuit that he penned the ubiquitous arena anthem while working as music director for the San Diego Chargers in 1978. The claim came as a surprise to Chargers brass and fans alike. Kent’s suit against the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers asks for an unspecified but potentially substantial sum of money in unpaid royalties for all the times his song — “Stadium Doodads” — has been played. But as recently reported by the Miami New Times, the University of Southern California credits a former student with writing the famous six-note progression. A 1990 Sports Illustrated article ascribed the “famous fanfare” to USC and said the sounds, first strung together in 1946, evolved into “Trojan Warriors, Charge!” in 1952, and that the USC Trojan Marching Band has been playing it ever since. Cue the fight song. After calling their composition “Stadium Doodads,” Kent and co-author Bernardo Hollman signed a contract with ASCAP in which the corporation agreed to collect all performing-rights fees from users of their music and pay them their share. By 1980, they had their piece copyrighted.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Anna Deavere Smith’s one woman show comes to Lyceum

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We are pleased to work in conjunction with La Jolla Playhouse on our final production of the year. Opening in late April, "Let Me Down Easy" is a one-woman show written by Anna Deavere Smith. You may know her from her current role on Showtime Network's "Nurse Jackie" or her roles on "The Practice" and "West Wing."

“Let Me Down Easy" is” a total vital piece of theater, mixing a standup comic's instincts with a great reporter's keen eye" (Variety). The San Diego run of "Let Me Down Easy" is the production's West Coast premiere. Called the most exciting individual in American theater by Newsweek Magazine, Smith's "Let Me Down Easy" explores the power of the body, the price of health and the resilience of the spirit. Based on interviews with an eclectic range of people -- from a heavyweight boxer to a supermodel, and from Texas Governor Ann Richards to legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong.

San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson

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News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business Rebecca Christian – Issues and Answers Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007

Pecolia Vance

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Page 17

What Allen Iverson’s Foreclosure Tells Us About the State of the Black Athlete


t appears that life just got more complicated for former NBA star Allen Iverson. It is being reported that Iverson's 6,848 square-foot home in Cherry Hills, Colorado is now in foreclosure. Iverson is an 11-time NBA All-Star and former MVP. He purchased the home in 2008 for $3.88 million and now owes $2.5 million to Wells Fargo. I am not sure if this foreclosure is part of a broader financial trend in Iverson's life, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised. For some odd reason, the last five years have produced one of the fastest slides of any player in recent memory. Just a few years ago, Iverson was an NBA beast; slashing, leaping and sprinting his way to magical performances. As the years went by, we saw more and more reports that Iverson's personal life was starting to unravel. Stories about alcoholism and gambling problems were accompanied by an embarrassing drop in his on-court statistics, leading America to conclude that Iverson was becoming an aging also-ran. Allen Iverson's slide is not the first to occur among prominent black athletes. It seems that this kind of thing happens every year, with the culprit being a mix between bad personal choices, poor money management and a lack of preparation for life after basketball. Last year, former NBA star Lorenzen Wright was found dead in the woods after some accused him of becoming a drug dealer. We witnessed the sudden fall of Michael Vick, and countless other athletes who've ended up dead, on drugs, broke or in prison. These are the stories that make it to into the media; there are quite a few other disturbing tales about men who sacrificed all of their educational opportunities for a hoop dream that never came to be. The media isn't going to report on how many of these men find themselves in places that we

don't want our sons to end up. What many black athletes can learn from Iverson's problems both on and off the court is that even if you are a successful athlete, you must always ensure that you have an education and are equipped to make good choices. I don't blame Iverson for leaving college early, but I do blame him for not getting an education later on in life. It also takes time to realize that even if you can have everything you want, it may not be good for your soul to pursue all that is offered to you (check out the book, "Dorian Gray" as an interesting tale about how having all he wants can poison a man's soul). Far too many prominent black male athletes have the platforms of kings, but the mentality of court jesters. They've become convinced that the pursuit of women and bling should override the necessity to use their vast power for the larger public good (for example, these brothers could take a tremendous stand for their friends who are victims of the mass incarceration of black males that has taken place over the last 25 years). Additionally, we all grow tired of seeing one uneducated black athlete after another being left broke by his agent and attorney, both of whom have law degrees from Ivy League schools. The bottom line: A wealthy fool and his money always part ways. So, any athlete, black or otherwise, who insists upon allowing himself to drown in ignorance is begging to be exploited by others. I can't describe exactly what's happening with Allen Iverson, but something inside me says that Iverson's story is going to end tragically. This makes me sad, because Iverson's talent, courage, brilliance and relentlessness on the court were virtually unprecedented. I am going to sincerely miss this man's play.

On the Set of Alicia Keys’ New Lifetime Film ‘Project Five’ Alicia Keys is among five celebrity directors, including Jennifer Aniston and Demi Moore, tapped to direct a short for Lifetime's upcoming original movie, 'Project Five,' which will sew together five personal narratives depicting the effects of breast cancer through survivor stories. Keys and her cast members Rosario Dawson, Tracee Ross and Jennifer Lewis took some time off their shoot to snap a couple of candid shots of them goofing around together. Think the film's gonna be a complete tear jerker? The network reports the shorts will be educational and enjoyable, with a mix of humor and drama to help raise breast cancer awareness.


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Aretha Franklin's 85-Pound Weight Loss After her winter hospitalization and subsequent surgery, Franklin pledged that she'd work to live a healthier, more fit lifestyle. Appearing Thursday on "The View," the results were obvious. She's lost 85 pounds, and while the drop was due to her surgery, she's also doing her best to keep it off. "I feel wonderful, I've got more energy, I've changed my diet, going to Whole Foods now, getting the best stuff," she said to cheers from the audience and hosts. "Dropped the chitlins, drop the ham hocks, getting some -- I won't say better food, I'll say other food." While she still won't reveal her winter ailment - speculation was that she had pancreatic cancer, something she denied. Speaking to the AP back in February, Franklin said, "I want to not only maintain the weight I am at now, but better it, by one dress size." And just as she promised, gone are the pigs' feet from her diet. "When you come off (a high-energy concert), a carrot or some celery just isn't going to work," she

It's a whole new Aretha Franklin. And a whole lot less of her, too. said at the time. "I've gotta do a fresh fruit thing ... and come up with some tasty and satisfying recipes that are going to work for me after concerts."

The San Diego Monitor

Male Doctors Earning Double That Of Women Doctors NEW YORK -- WebMD Health Corp. today released the findings of a nationwide survey from Medscape, the company's medical website for health care professionals. The new study reveals wide gaps in compensation between medical specialties and between male and female physicians. "Medscape's first annual physician compensation survey highlights the significant compensation gap between specialties, with pediatrics and adult primary care on the lowest rung of the income ladder," said Dr. Steven Zatz, Executive Vice President, WebMD Professional Services. "Responses from WebMD's physician community also highlight that a gender gap still exists in medicine. However, regardless of the disparities in compensation, the results also highlight that nearly 70% of physicians surveyed said they would choose medicine as a career if they had it to do over again." Specialists Earn Two Times More than Primary Care Physicians While the demand for primary care doctors continues to grow, specialists still earn the most money. Primary care physicians earn less than other specialties with average annual incomes of $159,000. The disparity is most evident when pri-

mary care compensation is compared to the top three earning specialties: orthopedic surgeons and radiologists both at $350,000 and anesthesiologists at $325,000. Male Physicians Outearn Female Physicians Among the 15,000 physicians surveyed, men earned more than women across all specialties. For all physicians, females earned a median of $160,000 while males earned a median of $225,000. The same held true among primary care doctors, where female physicians earned $140,000 compared to their male counterparts who earned $170,000. The wage gap is likely a result of a variety of factors, but the survey revealed that the number of hours worked and the chosen specialty contributed to the lower pay. Female physicians spend fewer hours per week seeing patients than male physicians; by a two to one margin, women are more likely to spend less than 30 hours a week seeing patients. In addition, fewer women are represented in higher-earning specialties. Practice Size Matters Physicians working in larger practices with 100 or more physicians earned a median of $167,000, when compared to solo physicians who earned the least, at a median income of $144,000.




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The San Diego Monitor


Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationshoip Discussions If you lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas! This article is a universal article it doesn’t single out a sex, a faith, a culture, or a race. This is a universal truth. Many have associated this saying with relationships. I am in agreement, I am simply associating the phrase “If you lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas” to every type of relationship. Each one of us must examine who we associate with in all areas of our life. It has been said “birds of a feather flock together”. What’s the implication? Glad you asked. The implication is you almost always spend time with people who reflect your values and your belief so anyone who sees you in any particular setting makes the assumption that you are in agreement with the attitudes and behaviors of those you associate with and to make matters worse, depending on who you’re hanging around, the assumption is you are just like them. Don’t get your panties in a bunch you can’t blame people for making that leap. Truth is, if you weren’t in agreement, you couldn’t tolerate being in their presence on a regular basis. It would be a constant battle of the wills if that were so, and who wants to expend that kind of energy? This is not to say that you will never be in the presence of someone who lives their lives contrary to yours, let me just make this point to help you further understand. There are certain conversations friends of mine will have with me and then there are other conversations they won’t have. They respect where I am in life with my walk with Christ so out of that respect their spirit pricks them and says that is not appropriate dialogue around her. This is not to say that I am so heavenly bound that I am no earthly good, it simply reflects my constant character and people respond in kind. Let me state up front these examples do not reflect statements from one who is perfect, without sin, or from one who doesn’t happen to slip up every now and then. Always remember it’s never about where you began it’s always about how you finish. Here are a couple of examples; people rarely cuss in my presence and when they do they invariably say, “I’m sorry” or “excuse me”. Now cussing is within their character they just internally realized that they shouldn’t say things of that nature in my presence. This doesn’t make me special or mean that people are not comfortable in my presence, it simply means because of how I consistently carry myself, their spirit simply says, “not her”. Another case in point, people only send me certain texts, if they’re raunchy, over suggestive, and downright offensive, I tend not to get those, although I do know those who get them on a regular basis. My friends don’t have conversations with me glamourizing sex they have had outside of marriage. They may discuss their struggles in that area but we don’t celebrate anything that goes against the word of God. Once again not because I am perfect or judgmental they simply respect the character within. Scripture says let your light shine before all mankind that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Scripture also says we are the salt of the earth. What does salt do? It gives flavor and it preserves. Scripture further clarifies in Proverbs 13:20 “he who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Or again Proverbs 14:7 appears to tie the ability to discern words of knowledge with the men you hang with. If you hang with fools, you will not discern the words of wisdom. You’ll believe anything, no matter how stupid. So once again, the focus is on who are you hanging with, and, are they a sweet savor to the nostrils of God or are they a fowl stench? Answer the following questions: • If trying to grow in your Christian walk who are you spending time with? Is their counsel laced with scripture or worldly principles? • If trying to strengthen your marriage who are you spending time with? Someone whose counsel biblically strengthens and encourages you or one who is an embarrassment to their spouse? • If trying to grow professionally who are you using as an example? One who is praise worthy from above or one who is giving you counsel that leaves a sour taste in God’s mouth? • If trying to raise your children whose advice are you seeking? Is your counsel coming from one who expects their children to do as they say and not as they do? Or is their counsel an example of one who stays at the feet of God in order to receive sound instruction? You get the point. So as I began if you lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas and ask any dog that’s a horrible existence.

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Page 19

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