San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal

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The San Diego Monitor

President Barack Obama makes a face during his speech at the White House‌ While he received majority approval ratings on how he has handled terrorism, Afghanistan and Iraq, he garnered below 50% ratings on all domestic issues, including health care, econo my and the federal budget deficit. Obama received his lowest ratings - 25% - for how he has dealt with the nation's rising gas prices. Meanwhile, his potential Republican competitors are clamoring to fill the perceived void in his domestic agenda. Mitt Romney attacked Obama's economic policy in an interview with the Today Show on Tuesday morning. "The No. 1 issue he faced walking in the door was an economy in fast decline," he said. "He didn't cause that, but he made things worse." Tim Pawlenty also entered the fray Monday when he announced his bid for presidency in Des Moines. "President Obama's policies have failed," Pawlenty said. "But more than that, he won't even tell us the truth about what it's really going to take to get out of the mess we're in." Obama addressed criticism of his domestic agenda in a speech at his final European stop in Warsaw on Sunday. "I want the American people to understand we've got to leave room for us to continue our tradition of providing leadership when it comes to freedom, democracy, human rights," Obama said.

The San Diego Monitor

MCCSN Things to Do In San Diego JUNE EVENTS

QUILT ME A STORY A Performance and Discussion with the Black Storytellers of San Diego Saturday, June 11, 2011 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 pm Location: Balboa Park, Mingei International Museum 15th Annual Latino Music Festival Saturday, June 11th Historic Barrio District 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Juneteenth Celebration Annual Cooper Family Event June 18, 2011 2900 Imperial Ave. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Japan Society's 2011 Beer & Sake Festival Thursday, June 23, 2011 6pm - 9pm San Diego Marriott Del Mar 11966 El Camino Real, San Diego San Diego County Fair 7th Annual Gospel Festival Del Mar Fairgrounds Saturday, June 25 10:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Seeking a hotel for your next meeting, family reunion, retreat, meeting or conference? We provide global group hotel site selection and contract negotiation services at “no cost” to the client. Allow us to put our buying power to work for you today . To start your hotel site accommodation search, call Clara Carter at 619-265-2561. About – your online guide highlighting the city’s multicultural news, events, attractions, travel deals, and mor e. The website showcases the various facets of San Diego’s ethnic communities, encouraging locals to learn mor e about the city’ s cultur e, while enticing visitors and meeting planners to book meetings and conventions to San Diego. To submit your next community event, log in to and click on the events tab and follow the pr ompts to add to the community calendar.


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Wake Up Please Black San Diego: The Black Community is Bankrupt


he Black community has put itself in a corner. There is absolutely no compar ison between what is happening today in the Black community and what transpired thirty years ago. I t is readily accepted that the Blacks of today are much smarter than Blacks of yesterday. But let’ s compare and look at what we’ve done to our community then and now. The Black population within the 4 th

District has fallen below 18%. Thirty years ago, Blacks were the majority . Today Hispanics make up more than 42% and the rest are Asian. Where did the Black people go? Let me make this really plain. We are experiencing what will probably be our last Black councilmember in of fice. Can you imagine for a minute that I arrived in this town 52 years ago when we didn’ t have any

Black city politicians and I am going to live to see those days again when we cannot elect another one? You cannot elect a politician if your population is in the teens and continual ly dropping. You can place the blame for the drop in population on the lack of jobs, dan gers in the community , scandals, etc., but let the truth be told: If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’re going to keep get ting the same results. Black Americans are bankrupting a non-profit or ganization. We have gone into debt with our hands out. We have completely bankrupted the Black com munity due to the mistakes of leaders. I said last week that a community cannot exist or rebound from its failures when it is being led by non-profit or ganizations. It will only reproduce more problems and more nonprofits. Look at what has happened in our

community. All of our leaders have one basic goal in mind: begging for funding, grants, and social services. No community that thrives in America can be built on granted money . All communities are built on strong economies fueled by strong communities. Yes, the government gave money to Chrysler , General Motors, and other companies but only enough to stay alive. These companies are now paying the money back and at a rapid rate. They are learning from their mistakes. How can a community with less than 18% of the popula tion demand anything? Black Americans, you are at the bottom, you have lost everything. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

The San Diego Monitor


American Cancer Society Southeastern San Diego Relay for Life Seeks Cancer Survivors June 16, 2011 — The American Cancer Society Southeastern San Diego Relay for Life 24 Hour Walk for Cancer will be held on July 30 – July 31, 201 1, 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Por ter Elementary School 445 South 47 th Street San Diego,

CA 92113. Relay is a fun-filled, overnight event designed to celebrate the lives of those who have faced cancer, remember loved ones who lost the battle, and fight back against the disease. The American Cancer Society Relay for Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one day – cancer will be eliminated. African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial and ethnic group in the US for most cancers. Let’ s get involved and make a dif ference! Relay is looking for Cancer Survivors, Teams of Walkers, Sponsors, Community Leaders, and other volunteers to help make this an experience you will never forget!

Survivors We are celebrating more birthdays and want to celebrate your birthday! July 6, 2011 5:30 p.m. Malcolm X Library 5148 Market Street San Diego, CA 92114

Come with your Family and Caretakers to meet, greet, eat, and enjoy lively entertainment with Variety Entertainer, Rahim Amir and ERRVRYBODY’S Line Dancers. Please RSVP by June 29, 2011 to Jacqueline Paulk, Survivorship Chair at (619) 2062350 or To learn more about the Southeastern San Diego Relay for Life, please visit our website at or

contact Diane Moss, Event Chair at (619) 262-2022 or ndm@projectnewvillage.or g

No, Bishop Long, we cannot ignore the past By Roland S. Martin, CNN Political Contributor (CNN) -- When Bishop Eddie Long stood before his congregation in Lithonia, Geor gia, on Sunday to declare he would not be focused on the past and would look forward, his supporters said that was the right thing to do after he settled a civil suit alleging he coerced young, male followers into sex. Sorry Bishop, as a man of God who is the shepherd of an international ministry , you cannot be let off that easily. From the moment Long was accused eight months ago, he had the benefit of the doubt. He was innocent until proven guilty, and I wrote in a column that if he was innocent, he should defend his name and character with every fiber in his body. He said as much before his congregation. Yet now he settles a lawsuit, keeps the details private, refuses to speak publicly about the accu sations and expects some form of forgiveness? It's just not that simple. I get the whole issue of settling a lawsuit to risk further damage and put the issue behind you. But when you are a pastor who has preached against gay marriage and homosexuality, who has openly talked about the covenant between a hus band and wife, who has talked about the impor tance of men leading their families as strong men of faith, there is an expectation on you that is greater than the average man. Some have suggested I and others who aren't members of Long's church should shut up, and that it's up to them to accept him at his word. Again, I disagree. I remember vividly hearing Long for the first time in June 1999 and loving the sermon, "A Fresh Anointing for Change." I quoted it on many occasions. When I worked on a television project in 2000, I attended Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church for three months, regularly attending services and tithing to his ministry. When I served as news editor at Savoy Magazine, a national lifestyles monthly publica tion, we did a photo spread of pastors and fashion and recommended Long be a part of it. Last year, my wife and I spoke at a National Black Marriage Summit at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. We were the luncheon speakers, and Long was the evening speaker. I've often watched his worship services on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, bought and read several of his books and purchased numerous videotapes and audiotapes of his sermons. Lastly , I've discussed his ef forts to reach out specifically to black men to get them involved in the church, even writing about it in an essay in my book, "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith." So count me as one of the committed Christians who poured a seed into his ministry and who has a reasonable expectation for the pastor to

be a stand-up man and speak truthfully and hon estly about what has happened. He is someone who thousands follow, and they should hear the truth, and nothing but the truth, from Long. Not his lawyer , not his spokesman, not his wife -- him! He should have never decided on a private mediation; Long should have demanded that everything be discussed in public. If you are truly innocent of such heinous alle gations, you don't go behind closed doors. You defend yourself publicly and shame those who try to muddy your name and derail your ministry.Long has utterly failed even his own preaching. He has stood in the pulpit and demanded accountability of others, but clearly believes a different set of rules applies to him. After his refusal to address the issue publicly , openly and truthfully , I don't see how any pastor could participate in a conference with Long on the rostrum. I don't see how any gospel musician could go to his church and stand in the pulpit with him to sell their CDs.As a churchgoing man, there is no way I could sit under the spiritual leadership of any pastor who was unwilling to stand before his congregation and address the issue head on. I know all about for giveness. It is one of the tenets of being a Christian. But I am not to forgive foolishly. If Long wants for giveness, he needs to be open in discussing what really happened -- or didn't happen -- with those young men and allow all of us to decide for ourselves whether we are willing to grant it. If his followers are mad at me for writing this, then so be it. But there is no way I can sit here and talk about the righteousness of ministers of the gospel (my wife is an ordained minister) and make excuses for Long or any other pastor in a similar situation. As Christians we are supposed to expose darkness with light. In this case, Long chose to keep the truth behind closed doors and say , "Trust me. It's all good. Everything is fine." John 8:32 records in the Bible that Jesus told his disciples, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Bishop Long, I'm not saying you are Jesus, but to your followers, it's time for YOU to reveal the truth, so YOU can be set free. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Roland Martin.


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HV AC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range

Holmes Elementary School - Replace Fire-Destroyed Portable Miramar Ranch Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Vista Grande Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Fulton Elementary School Food Service Modernization Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2) Fay Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Joyner Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Cherokee Point Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Sherman Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Golden Hill Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Marshall Elementary School: Student Drop-Off and DSA ADA Upgrades Jefferson Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Stevenson Elementary School - ADA Work University City High School: Lighting & Scoreboard* Mead Elementary School HVAC Project* Creative Performing Media Arts: Whole Site Modernization* Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project* Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building* Data Center at Serra High School* CPMA at Kroc Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) Project Zamorano Elementary School: New Classroom Building* Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project* Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project*

Less than $200K Less than $200K Less than $200K $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million

*Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) applies

Contact Alma Ba単uelos at or 858-573-5852 to get on SDUSD's database today! W e'll send bid notices, a quarterly newsletter and contracting information to you at no cost. We can also help to increase your visibility in SDUSD's construction contracting environment.

Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para m達s informaci坦n en espa単ol, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective under standing, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

$500,000,000 - San Diego Foundation - Regional Vision Initiative

I participated in a press conference on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The San Diego Foundation rolled out its “Our Greater San Diego Vision” ( WE NEED TO GET ON BOARD!!! Back in February, when I was blessed with the oppor tunity to produce these articles, my first concern was with the African American community’s “Vision” for our future. “San Diego’s African American community is being left behind…I believe our challenge begins with vision.” Then I asked if you can think a generation or two ahead… “According to the United Nations, in spite of war, famine, disease, the crap we eat for food, and all the other causes of human death, the Ear th family could hit 9,000,000,000 befor e 2050 – less than 40 years from now, when most of us, and almost all of our childr en will still be alive. What is your vision for that world – for YOUR family in that world?” Then I began to talk about a “ Plan” for us and our community (I have a plan)… “We must unite as a family among families, in the family of humanity , to protect and defend our multi/intergenerational self interests. We have value in the human family that is worthy of preservation and cultivation.” The preservation of culture is done through “institutions.” So I advised that… “ African/Americans must build our own institutions!...and…for better or for worse, the only widespread institutions in the African/American community are churches.” Then I told you about the “ majority minority” conundrum… “The latest crazy oxymoron is this term “majority minority.” People of color make up 84% of the world’s population…and… in San Diego County, ‘whites’ are a minority.” I lamented that churches and community-based organizations are not enough to rebuild the African American economy, which is the foundation for community… “Is the Black Church a viable institution to meet the needs of the Black Community? So far , I think the evidence is pretty thin.” “CBOs have a role to play…but they cannot fix the fundamental pr oblems of the Black community” Our primary problem is one of IDENTITY… “The “AFRICAN” in African American begins to identify the historical context of our very being – the source of our physical features, culture, music, philosophical and spiritual foundations, diet, and everything else – OUR IDENTITY!” Where is this all leading? The San Diego Foundation manages half a billion dollar$! TODAY, I want you to go to their website and see if you can find a vision, a plan, institutions and an identity for our future – your future. IF YOU DON’T SEE IT – MAKE IT!! This IS the futur e of San Diego. Will we be part of it, or will we be left behind – again? The choice is ours. CMH

1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

The San Diego Monitor

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor


By Lady Topaz Holistic medicine takes the whole body , mind and spirit into account. It believes that what you do to your body af fects your mind and your spirit. If you want to follow a holistic lifestyle, you will want to use holistic nutrition principles when you decide what to eat. In general, when you eat from a holistic point of view, you eat natural foods that have not been processed, sprayed with chemicals or had chemicals added to them for preserva tion or taste. In other words, you will want to eat things labeled or ganic. In general, you will want to eat raw fr uits and vegetables whenever possible and stay away fr om sugar and white flour . Below are some tips about what you can and cannot eat from a holistic viewpoint. Also, keep in mind last week’ s review of food combining that can help you with the proper digestion of these wonderful foods. Cut chemical-filled and/or alcohol-filled beverages from your life, including sodas (beware, 8oz of a carbonated beverage will paralyze your immune system for up to 12 hours–do you REALLY need that Big Gulp of Mountain Dew), cof fee, sweetened fruit juices and tea (other than herbal tea). Instead, drink mineral or distilled water , freshly squeezed fruit and/or vegetable juices, and herbal teas. Do not fry your foods, but grill, roast or broil them, or eat them uncooked (as in the case of vegetables and fruits). Do not eat anything containing white flour. Eat only whole-grain products including breads, crackers, and cereal. Do not eat white rice, but brown instead. The cooking time of or ganic brown rice is only 25 minutes longer than its’ counterpart and the benefits are so much greater to your digestive tract. Limit your meat to three ounces a day, and

eat only lamb, and skinless chicken and turkey. You may also consume wild caught sustainable seafood. Do not eat any beef, hot dogs, deli meat or other processed meats. There are other excellent protein sources such as quinoa and organic mushrooms. Do not eat any canned soups, but home made soups (salt-free) made from vegetables, beans, lentils and brown rice. Do not use seasonings such as salt, pepper or vinegar (other than apple cider vinegar). Any other seasonings, such as garlic, onions and herbs are all fine. Do not eat any sweets made from white or brown sugar, corn syrup, chocolate, jams and jellies (made with sugar) or candy (made with sugar). You can eat raw honey , maple syrup and rice syrup. Stay away from milk and dairy products made from milk. Soy milk and goat cheese are fine though. Eat any and all fresh fruits (except oranges) and vegetables. Frozen and canned vegetables are okay as long as sugar and salts are not added to them. Dried fruits are also fine, as long as sugar is not added to them. Do not yo-yo on this endeavor it is a lifestyle change, not a “ diet.” Essentially, do not eat holistically for a few weeks and then go back to eating sweets and fried foods. Eating holistically is a huge commitment and one you should be fully prepared for . Take your time with this, you have an entire life-time to make amends and switch over to what may seem drastic lifestyle change. It takes one step and one day at a time. Here is to your excellent health and wellbeing! *** For additional information on healthy , holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at ***

The San Diego Monitor

Talk about Hispanics getting an additional seat and not taking one of ours! Answer: As many of you are aware there has been a dramatic demographic shift within our country, state, county and within our city and District. Within our District latinos comprise of over 46% of our population. Asians represent 21% and African Americans comprise of 18.88%.


Until recently there has been an “unspoken agreement” between the Latino leadership and the African American leadership that District would be represented by an African American representative. This has changed, due lar gely to the Latino population increase we have wit nessed. It became apparent that with the increase of Latinos within our City , it required that Latinos should have an additional set to

increase their representation in City Hall. They comprise approximately 30% of the population within the City. This figure alone suggests additional representation. The choice of “forcing the issue” within our District (of a Latino representing our District) or or ganizing and demanding an additional Latino seat separate from D4 became obvious. No one would gain by having a Latino represent the D4. There would not be a “net gain” in City Hall. Having an additional seat filled by a “person of color” would present more effective representation for both Black and Brown citizens in City hall. Therefore, the “Latino Redistricting Committee” began or ganizing and analyzing the data compiled by the census ef fort to begin forming an additional Latino District. This District needed to have 144,000 resi dents. To do this a group of residents in D4 and the Latino Redistricting Comm. Carved out census blocks within D4 that comprised of 80% Latinos and roughly 20% African Americans, and decided to move those census tracks over to the new Latino seat. This was a difficult route to take in that these included areas within our District that had emotional and historic signifi cance. What this accomplished however was a good first step to increase African American empowerment and to assist the Latinos in reaching their numbers. This moved increased African American population within the 4th District from 18% to approximately 21%, (a significant increase which improves the opportunity of our historical representation by an African American representative remains intact.). We have tried to work in collaboration with our Latino neighbors to increase our empowerment and support them in their efforts to be appropriately represented. Talk about the drop in population! Answer: Citywide African Americans comprise of approximately 6% of the population of the city. This represents a 12% drop over the last 10 years! Within our District our numbers have decreased as well. In fact there is no census tract within our District that represents a “majority population”. 3 neighborhoods, Emerald Hills, Valencia Park and Skyline Hills were, according to the last census, the only communities that represented a 50%+ of African Americans. Many of our African American residents

Page 9 have moved out of our area for a variety of rea sons, however I have to say it was due lar gely because of they were searching for a better quality of life. That “flight” from our District is only a symptom. I believe most residents that moved out was due largely to the fact or perception that other neighborhoods were “better”. A better place to raise children, higher property values, less crime more and better grocery stores, etc. There are of course other reasons why people have continuously moved out, for instance the economy, lack of employment opportunities, etc. however my feelings are until we improve our business, economic, safety and social conditions this ‘flight” may continue. Get candid about what certain elections and what do they mean? Answer; rather than discussing elections, I would rather talk about our continuous lack of involvement in those elections. Because our numbers have decreased does not necessarily mean we have no power. That ‘power” however is in the “vote”. We must get more “issues educated” and become better engaged in decisions that effect us. We must learn to hold our elected officials more accountable, and quit giving them a “pass”. We deserve what every other District has and we should direct our ef forts to ensure that happens. We not only need to continue to register to vote but we need to ensure we actu ally vote. Historically we have had a very low voter turnout. Exceptions have been in recent years when President Obama ran for of fice. Voting is our most effective tool. Our grandparents died for the right to vote and for some reason we do not enthusiastically embrace our right to vote. If we are to be a strong communi ty we need to flex our voting muscles. What is the business 5 year forecast of our community if we keep going the way we ar e? Answer: I have spoken many times about the status of our Business Community within the 4th. I remember back in the 70’ s we had a thriving business community and there are numerous old “Business Directories” floating around that reminds me. I believe we need a main or ganization within our District that supports our local business es. A comprehensive association that develops business skills so our businesses can be self sustained, grow and thrive. I believe we need an Continued on page 20




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Hand Wash $12.00 Detail exterior and Interior Wheels and Rims 95.00 per car. Includes clay and wax. SUV’s extra. Lee W. Wright Owner Imperial Ave. @ 50th San Diego, CA 92114




Eyelash extension 2 for $99.00 Hair extension $149.99 We have new brazlian& indian hair 100% sold here. Stylist Wanted. Walk-ins Welcome Micro braids, Corn rows & Kinky twist.

V Sa oted lo n 20 10

1/2 off on Tuesday On all services except Weave’s 1ST set of eyelashes $5500

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Office of

J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 11 W E E K LY U P D AT E

by Arnold Lobel, A Year with Fr og and Toad opens Friday, July 1 and runs through Sunday , July 17. Show times are 7 p.m. on Fridays, and 2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets are $8 to $14. For more informa tion and to purchase tickets, call San Diego Junior Theatre’s box office at: (619) 239-8355.

Suits for Suits

Free Summer Lunches for Kids

San Diego Park & Recr eation Department and San Diego Unified School District will pr ovide thousands of free and nutritious lunches and snacks to childr en 18 and under through its 2011 Summer Fun Café program. A Summer Lunch kick-off event with food, games and music will be held Wednesday, June 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Skyline Hills Community Park, 8285 Skyline Drive. Free barbecue lunch for kids and parents will be served, and bags of free fruits and vegetables will be handed out by the San Diego Food Bank. Kids in District 4 can receive free lunches June 21 to August 26 (Monday through Fri-day, 12 to 1 p.m.) at the following locations: Martin Luther King, Jr. Park & Recreation Center, 6401 Skyline Drive Skyline Hills Park & Recreation Center, 8285 Skyline Drive Jackie Robinson YMCA, 151 YMCA Way St. Stephens Church, 5825 Imperial Ave. In addition, lunches will be provided July 25 to August 26 (Monday through Friday) at: Paradise Hills Park & Creation Center, 6610 Potomac Street (12 to 1 p.m.) Mountain View Park & Recreation Center, 641 S. Boundary St. (1 to 2 p.m.) Bayview Terrace, Bell Middle School, Gompers and O’Farrell also will offer free lunch (and breakfast) during the two summer school sessions June 27 – July 22 and July 25 – August 19. For detailed information about the citywide Summer Fun Café, call the 211 InfoLine.

Housing resource center opens

A “one-stop” housing resource center for low income individuals and families seek-ing a wide range of housing assistance held its of ficial grand opening earlier this month at the San Diego Housing Commission’s downtown Smart Corner complex. This much-needed center provides a variety of resources, services and referrals for those who don’t know where to turn to in search of affordable housing or resolving housing-related issues. Along with current City Councilmember Marti Emerald and former City Council President Ben Hueso (now a State Assembly member), I’ve long championed this inno-vative Housing Opportunities Collaborative concept that helps folks with issues ranging from foreclosures and tenant-landlord disputes to first-time homebuyer education and loan assistance. Last year , District 4 and two other council of fices directed a total of $180,000 from the city’s Community Development Block Grant program of the U.S. De-partment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) towards tenant improvement costs at headquarters of the Housing Commission, 1100 Broadway Ave., for the new resource center . For more information or housing assistance, please contact new resource center at (619) 283-2200.

Diamond business district shines

There’s now an opportunity for businesses to join together to improve our community with the newly formed Diamond Business Improvement District (BID). BIDs give local businesses the opportunity to enhance and expand their endeavors through a variety of services and programs, including storefront and façade improvements; street improvements, lighting and landscaping; direct marketing to attract customers; business directory; special workshops and events to help expand business in our community. An informational work-shop held earlier this month was attended by dozens of businesses who learned about the types of services, events and activities that other successful business districts throughout San Diego have implemented. With the direction and support of our local small businesses, we can work together to form a new Business Improvement District to revitalize commerce in District 4. For more infor mation about the new Diamond BID, please contact my of fice at: (619) 236-6644.

Utilities go underground

The City of San Diego Engineering & Capital Pr ojects Department Utilities Under-ground Program is well underway in the Paradise Hills neighborhood. If you’d like additional information about construc tion schedules and work progress, please call the Information line at: (619) 533-3841

Maria Larom Take a Bow

San Diego Junior Theatre’s production of “A Year with Frog and Toad” includes talented young actor Maria Larom from District 4. Based on the Newbery and Caldecott awarded books

The Jackie Robinson Family YMCA is encouraging business professionals (aka “suits”) to participate in “Suits From Suits” by either donating swimsuits or making a $50 contri-bution that will provide a child with swimwear, aquatic safety training, swimming lessons and a memorable summer . It is estimated that 33,000 children ages 5-12 who live in the YMCA’s service area have never taken swimming lessons to develop a healthy respect for the water . And most do not have proper swimwear . Donated suits are being collected throughout the summer at the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA. Financial donations can be sent to nonprofit organization at: 151 YMCA Way, San Diego, CA 92102. For more infor-mation, call: (619) 264-0144

Send a Kid to Camp

Day camps for kids will be offered throughout the summer at the Jackie Robinson YMCA. More information and registration is available online at: . The Y is also looking to the com-munity to “Volunteer, Connect & Donate.” Dedicated volunteers are need to support the camp program —from working the sign out table and making phone calls to participating in the parent council. Your connections to businesses, schools and or ganizations also can be tapped to help the Y partner with others to provide support for the camp program. And finally, you can make a donation online that will directly benefit a family who needs help sending a kid to camp. Over $100,000 in financial aid was distributed this year for kids to attend day camp. For more information on how you can help fund that aid and create new opportunities for future campers, call Kathy Wilder, Youth Program Director at the Jackie Robinson YMCA at: (619) 264-0144 or email: kwilder@ymca.or g.

Valencia Park Community Clean-Up

Each year the City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department conducts spe-cial community cleanup events in neighborhoods throughout the City . Areas are selected for these events based upon citizen requests, pledges of community involvement and previ-ous citizen participation levels. On June 8, this depart ment, along with Linda Trejo, con-ducted a mini community cleanup in the Valencia Park area. This successful cleanup re-moved a total of 7.08 tons of waste (6.54 tons of non-recyclables and 0.54 tons of recycla-bles) consisting of metals and appliances from the neighborhood. Ms. Trejo is to be com-mended for her assistance and support. If there are any questions regarding this cleanup event, call SolidWaste Code Enforcement Officer Alejandro Alvarado at: (858) 627-3317.

Stand down for homeless veterans

Stand Down 2011 will be held July 15 – 17 on the upper athletic field of San Diego High School. This annual event for homeless veterans and their families of fers food, shelter, clothing, medical, dental, optical, family and homeless court services, employment, recovery ser vices and other VA benefits. Applications for court services must be completed before June 21and are available at the Veterans Village of San Diego, 4141 Pacific Highway. For more information, contact the VVSD at: 619393-2011 or online go:

Small Business Workshop

Small businesses ar e invited to participate in a fr ee networking and business work-shop, Subs for Subs, on Thursday, June 16 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier . This event is hosted by Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC), in collaboration with the Public Agency Consortium (PAC), 13 local public agencies seek-ing to promote and foster diversity and opportunities for businesses. Registration is avail-able until Monday, June 13. For more information or to register , visit .

Fun Run

Fitness Uniting Neighborhoods (F.U.N) Run will be held on Saturday , June 18 at Mt. Erie Christian Academy/Mt. Erie Baptist Church, 511 S. 47th Street. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. with junior races at 8:30 a.m. and 5K Run/Walk for all ages starting at 10 a.m. Registration on event is $25; children under 12 can participate for $10. All proceeds benefit the southeast San Diego area through programs of fered by Mt. Erie Schools. For more information, contact Kailyn Wells at: (619) 263-1914.

Honor thy father

The 2nd Annual Honor Thy Father Awards Breakfast will be held on Saturday , June 18 at 9 a.m. at Sheraton Mission Valley Hotel, 1433 Camino Del Rio South. Hosted by members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and the LIS Foundation, the event will honor local fathers who are outstanding role models in the community . Darren Carrington, former San Diego Charger and current Pastor at The Rock Church, will be the keynote speaker . Suggested ticket donation is $30. For more information, call Greg Watkins at: (619) 341-9413.

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The San Diego Monitor

Is the fashion industry racist? Yes - and it goes right to its core What are we to make of yet another series of damaging headlines for fashion?


fter the revelation that John Galliano nursed hatred for Jews comes the news that the hairdresser James Brown — an influential figure in fashion given his long col laboration with Kate Moss — used the ‘N’ word. Both Galliano and Brown have swiftly apologised. Their ignorance could be seen as isolated incidences. But the truth is that behind the headlines there is something much more sinis ter and, ultimately, more damaging and institu tionalised going on in fashion. Model behaviour: Jourdan Dunn on the cat walk, she is one of the few black women cur rently doing well in the fashion industry I’ve not long returned from the resort col lections for 2012. At Chanel, not a single black model walked among nearly 60 girls. At Yves Saint Laurent, only one black model was on the catwalk: Marihenny Passible, an incredibly beautiful Dominican woman. And if you look at the covers of fashion magazines, you’d think Britain was still as ethnically undi verse as it was in the Fifties. Yes, of course, we see Beyoncé on many magazine covers and actress Thandie Newton has graced the cover of InStyle. Both women have landed lucrative ad campaigns: Beyoncé at L’Oréal, Thandie at Olay. But these women are always so airbrushed, their hair ironed within an inch of its life, that they look almost white. The problem is, as one black model puts it: ‘Fashion is still ghettoising those of us with very dark skin. Beyoncé is always made to look so much paler than she really is that I don’t really relate to her.’ So far in 201 1, not one black face has appeared on the cover of British Vogue. In fact, the last time British Vogue had a black woman on the cover was in November 2008. While in its June 2001 issue, Vogue pub lished a feature entitled The Arrival Of The

Asian Supermodels, in that issue there was not one black or Asian model in an editorial fashion or beauty photograph. (A Japanese-inspired shoot entitled Neo Geisha uses a white model, Guinevere Van Seenus.) Alex Shulman, the editor of British Vogue, denies that there is any discrimination going on. ‘I don’ t think that fashion is institutionally racist in the slightest. ‘There have always been black players on the scene — at the moment look at the stylist Edward Enninful, make-up artist Pat McGrath and [models] Jourdan Dunn, Liya Kebede and Joan Smalls, who are at the top of the tree. Cover girls: Thandie Newton, above, and Beyonce have secured lucrative advertising deals but can often be airbrushed to look paler ‘In a society where the mass of the con sumers are white and where, on the whole, mainstream ideas sell, it’s unlikely there will be a huge rise in the number of leading black models. If you look at the characters that sell maga-

zines such as Grazia and Heat, it is Jennifer Aniston, Cheryl Cole and Catherine Middleton.’ Should we be concerned that Vogue is so selective? Well, it remains true that where it leads, others follow. If a model lands British Vogue, her career is made in terms of more lucrative advertising campaigns. For a black model to succeed, she needs a powerful protector . Naomi Campbell was championed by the late designer , Gianni Versace. Unfortunately, the number of designers who think as he did are thin on the ground. Stella McCartney is a rarity in that she always casts diverse models. Exception: Naomi Campbell became a supermodel with the backing of Versace I talked to Carole White, who founded Premier Model Management in 1981. Her London-based agency is one of the most ethnically diverse, with 15 per cent of the models on her books coming from non-white back grounds. ‘At the high end, it is slightly better now . But in the mid-range — the catalogues, the ecommerce websites — it is difficult. They want

girls who are ethnic, but light-skinned girls. If a girl is very dark, they say no.’ Carole says the problem stems from the influential fashion capitals of Milan and Paris. ‘There, they absolutely don’ t want black girls. A black model has to be a real star before you can take her there. They only take a black girl when the biz is buzzing about her .’ Carole believes the lack of ethnic diversity is the fault of the photographers as well as those at the top of the big brands. The famous photographers are powerful and can make or break a model, often choosing who they want in an advertising campaign. ‘A lot of photographers don’t know how to light a black girl,’ she tells me. Although Carole agrees there are more Chinese and Japanese models now, the number of Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi models is still tiny. ‘We never get Asian girls, it is really rare to get an Indian girl.’ FASHION FIRST Demand for Vogue r ocketed by 654 per cent when its ‘black issue’ hit newsagents in 2008 Carole most famously represented Naomi Campbell for most of her career. She says: ‘Clients never wanted to pay Naomi as much as the white girls. It was always a battle.’ Why? ‘She was just as famous as the other supers, so who knows why.’ Alex Shulman says she will soon be featuring two black women on the cover of British Vogue. ‘I don’ t want to discuss who I wish to have on the cover , but there are at least two black figures in the pipeline,’ she says. But why does it matter who graces the cover of Vogue or Elle or that ad campaign? Well, we need to see ourselves reflected: our skin, our shape, our age. Young women need to know they are beautiful, no matter what colour their skin, how kinky their hair. The black model I quoted at the start of this piece sums it up: ‘I was being made up and I heard the make-up artist say that my skin was “so chalky”.

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The San Diego Monitor

Electronic Edition of the San Diego Monitor News Now Available The San Diego Monitor News is now making available electron ic subscriptions to the paper at no cost. Moving the San Diego Monitor into the electronic age is a move toward helping our readers stay in touch with what Black people are doing throughout America. Send an to email to be added to the weekly email edition of the paper . Or you may contact our office at (619) 668-1007.

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Grand Opening!! Simply Safe A&K Recycling Center Lakers star Kobe Bryant has a new project and it has nothing to do with basketball. He's star ted a foundation to fight homelessness in Los Angeles. (KABC Photo)

Kobe Bryant launches foundation for homeless youth By John Hartung HOLLYWOOD (KABC) -- Lakers star Kobe Bryant has a new project and it has noth ing to do with basketball. He's started a foundation to fight homelessness in Los Angeles. Kobe Bryant is a five-time NBA champion, 13-time All-Star and a former league MVP. Tuesday he announced a new opponent of f the court.Bryant and his wife, Vanessa, are launching a foundation to tar get homelessness in Los Angeles "We're going to attack this. We're going to attack this, because for our youth to be out there stranded in the street feeling like there's nobody else that could support them or help them or give them guidance to be able to follow or achieve their dreams is weak," said Kobe. Just steps away from the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Bryants made the announcement at a non-profit day center called My Friend's Place. Kobe talked with a group of young adults. He said the stories he heard were heart-wrenching yet motivating. "Even him raising the awareness of it will definitely be making a dif ference for this or ganization and many others like it, and that differ-

ence is going to be a difference between life and death for many youths like myself," said Michael Dorsey, who is homeless. My Friend's Place in Hollywood sees 80 to 120 young people come through every day . They're part of the 7,000 young adults in Los Angeles County alone who are homeless. "It shocked the hell out of me because I had no idea. Especially after a game, drive home, you kind of see the issue around you, but you don't see it," said Kobe. Kobe says he and his wife are still educating themselves on the homeless problem. He says his foundation will increase awareness and raise money to help transform the lives of homeless kids and young adults. "It's all around us. We walk out here, we're on our way home, whatever it is, it's around us. And it's not fair ," said Kobe. "And it's some thing that we can solve, so let's do it."Kobe had dreams of NBA success as a young kid. Now he wants to give some less-fortunate young people a chance to live out their dreams. "It's just California, so I came out here to make it and I'm going to make it," said Loreal Madonna Moore, who moved to L.A. from Oklahoma.

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Daycation getaway So most people don’ t know what a daycation is so let me explain it. Day + (V a) Cation =Daycation. It is a getaway from your daily duties, routine, and regiment.A Daycation rejuvenates one’s mindset, spirit and soul. You can get out of your comfort zone and learn something new that will expose you to greater things. You can turn anything into a Daycation whether it is a day at the park, beach, museum, shopping mall, or the spa. The recent killing spree in San Diego has got me stressed out and in need of a change in atmosphere. I stopped in Old Town San Diego because of all of the traffic to find a “Free concert” going on. I listen to the melodious sounds of old time rock and roll which eased my pains away . I looked at all the knick knacks the vendors were selling and after a while I for got about all the killings in South East San Diego. I headed north to University Towne Centre my old stomping grounds during high school. It was such a sight to see all of the hills, greenery , and pacific ocean as I was traveling to my destination. First stop the apple store to see what kind of new gadgets they were selling and what promo’ s they were offering on a fabulous Sunday. I walked into most stores just browsing at the sale items and trying on different outfits that accentuate my body. A break from reality, I remember when I was a teenager my girlfriends and I would go to expensive stores and take pictures of each other in the outfits. That was too much fun back then. The mall was clean with no trash on the floor , nor any graffiti. I was amused at the young men that were shopping as their pants were up around their waist instead of hanging below their buttocks. I took in another dose of fresh air and began to ponder . The pangs of hunger were creeping on and of f to the food court I went to get some tasty treats. I was stopped by an Indian man asking if I wanted to sample his curry chicken and rice. I tried it to taste something new as I strolled down the food court to see what other eateries they had to of fer. I was sold on Indian food and ordered a two item plate which ran me $8. I received chicken curry , spicy chicken and vegetables, rice and bread. I didn’t like the spicy chicken and vegetables much but the curry chicken and rice were scrumptious. I ate my lunch as I watched the people ice skate in the open arena. Paying close attention to a four year old being scolded by her father for wanting to stop skating. I was informed by the father that he is raising her to be a figurine skater and she must practice, practice, and practice in order to reach the Olympic level. I was astounded at his dedication and passion to see his young daughter succeed in life. It made me stop and ponder again. Off to find some summer wedges to look cute and sporty but my attention is caught by the water fountain filled with dolphins. I was mesmerized by the display and just wanted to sit and gaze onto the water and watch the dolphins. I thought I could enjoy some desert while I watched and went to get some frozen yogurt and let the clock tick as I devoured my sweet treat. The next thing you know, it was almost dark. What a way to spend a Daycation under $15 including gas and food. I came back home so relax and overjoyed. A quick, easy an inexpensive way to travel, why don’ t you try it? If you do, don’ t forget to let me know how it was at You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor

Continued from page 9 organization that does more than sponsor events,(although that is critical to our community), but one that helps businesses develop Business plans, technical training that helps small businesses in accounting and financial matters and planning. We need an or ganization that markets our community to bring new busi ness into our Community. Years ago we had a Business Improvement District that, had mixed results for a multitude of reasons. I believe the model was a good one but somewhere down the road there were problems. I want us to try again, I understand there is a BID being or ganized, however their process is very secretive and selective. I want the process to be successful, for our community’ s sake So I will hold my opinion until I learn and see more. Over the next 5 years we will need to;(1) be a part of the BID organizing process; .(2) support each other’s businesses;(3)Improve our business practices;(4) What can businesses do about the economic problems in San Diego? – The short answer is that small business is the backbone of the economic development model in this country . The small businesses as defined by the Small Business Administration are those business that are independently owned and operated for profit and is not dominate in its field and depending on the type of business it may be a business with a few hundred employ ees. In communities, like southeastern San Diego many businesses have less than ten employees. They are very important to the micro economy within the community and by providing full and

The San Diego Monitor impact our voting presence almost immediately . Our community needs to begin taking our role as citizens more importantly and start doing a bet ter job at controlling our destiny rather than sit ting back, not participating and then complaining when we are taken advantage of. I have heard that we in D4 have the highest number of residents that are eligible to vote but do not. This highlights my concern, we are a potentially strong force that can determine the outcome of any local election, we need to better exercise that right. We have “power” if we get out and vote! Would Bob Filner make a good mayor? - That is a very good question. But I think I may have a better one. Why given what seems like insurmountable challenges would anyone want to be the Mayor of San Diego? Are you gonna run again? I am weighing my options of course. Some days I am enthusiastic about the chance of representing our District and some days “not so much”. Internally, I will be making up my mind shortly. How did the last election affect you and your family? Actually, it was a positive experience for all of us. I enjoyed walking precincts, listening to residents and businesses owners. My daughters helped on every aspect of the campaign and they were a constant reminder of why it is important to get involved in the community at some level, especially if you want to see positive changes and growth. Why are our associations ineffective/ Mention the Boldness & Risk facto r! – I am an eternal optimist. I believe that there are systemic problems within the African American community that impedes our ability to excel on several levels. I know we must begin to

I always believed if I acknowledge I have an issue or a shortcoming, the strength is in acknowledging it and correcting it.Taking responsibility for my own actions is what I have been taught and I pass it on to my girls. part time employment they impact the macro economy of the City . This works best if and when we support the small businesses in our community. The restaurants, the cleaners, local specialty shops like the Hardware store on Federal and 47th Street all need us to keep the dollars flowing within the community whenever possible. How can we organize more effectively? I am a firm believer in collaboration among our or ganizations within our community . I believe we will be much more effective unifying rather than fighting among ourselves. There seems to be the urge to cast out our existing nonprofits for example, and I am not ready to do that. I would like to see many of our non-profits improve their performance and effectiveness and begin running the organizations using “business” models rather than the traditional non-profit models. By improving performance I believe they will be in a better position to represent our community, build capacity and will undoubtedly lead to more potential funding. What are your suggestions how to organize and make our candidates win! I hate to sound like a “broken record” but we have to start voting in higher numbers. We have to become more aware of the issues that affect us and we have to train our daughters, sons, and grandchildren the importance of voting and staying informed with the outside decisions that effect us. We must stop being afraid that we won’ t get certain funding or a street light on the block won’t be installed if you ask a question. Why is this important? If candidates know that the peo ple they plan to represent will actually hold them accountable they will run and ultimately serve with enthusiasm, integrity, loyalty and the notion that they must earn our votes. Over the mid to long term I would love to see a structured, centralized “Leadership University” that would expose the young folks that are interested, in civics, the ef fect of government within our neighborhoods, critical thinking, ef fective presentations and all of the tools required to prepare the next generation of leaders. It is impor tant to develop our kids to carry the baton when the rest of us are gone. Many of our or ganizations need to develop data that can not only register people but make follow up calls to those that are registered to get them to the polls on voting days…not just for federal elections but for state and city/county elections. This mechanism could do much t o

trust and respect each other , agree to disagree sometimes and stop the negative ener gy we sometimes project on each other. I don’t have to socialize with you in order to work with you for the common good. I look at the community as we do in my own family , that is, we can ar gue and disagree with one another but usually when we need to we pull together we do so. Now I want to add that this behavior is not unique to African Americans. It just seems to be magnified when you consider that we are only 6% of the population of the City of San Diego. I believe we owe to ourselves the philosophy of “improving”, ourselves and the community . I believe it is possible to hold ourselves more accountable to each other and to ourselves. Why do African Americans love to focus on symptoms/mention lack of responsibility and blaming, and lack of courage. I doubt if this is only an African American issue. Humans seem to have the lack of courage to acknowledge areas of improvement but would rather blame other people for any failure, or setback. I always believed if I acknowledge I have an issue or a shortcoming, the strength is in acknowledging it and correcting it. Taking responsibility for my own actions is what I have been taught and I pass it on to my girls. You mentioned to me a while back, how women see politics and men see politics, why do black men want to own the pr ocess/ And why do they vote the way they do? What was your experience with this? – The answer is quite simple. Let’s put away the way we use to do business and look at the best qualified. There are several women who currently hold very high ranking appointed and elected positions on the state and national level. It has never been a matter of qualifications. Locally, there could and should be more African American women representing San Diego City and County. And yes that includes the San Diego City Council and the San Diego Board of Supervisors. Those who are interested should start by get ting involved in local or ganizations that are working to change their neighborhood. It may be a group that wants a community garden, who then has to get involved in zoning issues, which take them to the planning commission and maybe even the City council. Every step of the way is a learning process and exposure to policy makers. From that experience you can decide how much you would like to be involved. Continued on page 22

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Just Keeping It Real


The San Diego Monitor

Angela Harris

Relationship Discussions Casting your pearls amongst swine .. (part two of a four part series) In last week’s article we began with the topic the lost pearl. We explored the history and the essence of the pearl learning that there are no two a like- the same is true for women. So what hap pened to that something unique about each of us that used to accurately define who each of us were? What happened to the good that was encased in the heart of woman? What happened to that caring nature, to our joy , and our laughter? The truth is we gave our good away to individuals who were not deserving and upon giving it away we had no idea how to retrieve it back. What we got back was hurt, lack of trust, and an inability to love. We retrieved anger, bitterness, insecurities, and self-hatred. Now with all that baggage we decide, cautiously at first, that we are ready to receive new blood into our lives. We even expect other people to come in and rescue us, but the unfortunate part of this rescue is that we are so wounded that no matter what gallantry enters our lives we can’ t receive it, so we ultimately lose it. You see when one sees someone wounded by nature many want to help, but like finding a wounded dog if it bites you, you decide it’ s best to just leave it alone and let it die it’ s slow and painful death. Who wants to be bit for simply trying to help? What we have effectively done is cast our pearls amongst swine, that’ s giving to someone for the sole purpose of them to trample on it. There are people whose character screams our way and many times we tend to ignore the signs or worse we decide we can fix it. In the process of fixing what we were never called to fix we get hurt. Instead of internalizing how we got to this place in the first place, we tend to focus our anger , our hurt, our pain, and our frustration on the very one who is simply acting within the realm of their nature- who they are. What am I saying? I make a decision that someone is my friend. As a friend I perform certain tasks, certain obligations, cer tain functions based upon my definition of a friend. From all that I do I now label that person my friend and I lavish all my compassion, love, resources, and time on that person expecting reciprocation which never comes. I get angry because this person is supposed to be my friend but are they? I may be their friend but they may not be mine. This is not condemnation; this is an honest observation that this person in my life may be ministry and not a friend. Once I realize who people are in my life then I com partmentalize them, placing them in their proper place, and deal with them within the lens that best represents who we are to each other. This is not a right or wrong situation it is simply facts based upon irrefutable evidence. We must stop projecting our expectations on people based upon how we would handle things or treat people and accept people for whom and where they are. It’s not our responsibility to fix it it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and them by clearly understanding what a person needs to possess in order to have access to certain parts of our inner being. By implementing these principles we no longer allow hurt to enter into our equation because we have no expectation beyond who they are in our life. You need to make this assessment within every area of your life. We all have people in our lives who fit into one or more, or all of the following categories: friends, acquaintances, ministry opportunities, co-workers, neighbors, and companions. Each category has certain agreed upon outcomes. Be sure to quickly iden tify/compartmentalize people you meet elevating them as you see, through and by their character. It is quite possible over time that they will evolve and grow into a wonderful place with you and it’s also quite possible that they won’ t. Don’t be critical of them just learn to embrace everyone, even you, where you are. By doing this exercise and following these principles you quit casting your pearls (the best of you) amongst swine (those who are not deserving of your best and only want to take but never give back). Tune in next week when we will delve further into the pearl by addressing what part we play in the development of the pearl.

Nissan LEAFs charge outside the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. Ten electrical vehicle charging stations have been installed in Balboa. — Mar y Kenney

Electric car charging stations make their debut

By Mary Kenney San Diego became a testing center for the electric vehicle movement Thursday when 10 char ging stations were opened in Balboa Park, free to the public and available at all hours.Three Blink Pedestal were installed in the parking lot outside the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center and seven outside the San Diego Air & Space Museum. "I'm proud San Diego will be one of the first cities in the nation to encourage residents to pur chase EVs," said Mayor Jerry Sanders, who was part of a group of speakers from around the com munity gathered for the event.Colin Read, vice president of corporate development at ECOtality , Inc., the company behind the project, said the company will install stations in places people expect to park for at least an hour . The idea is for consum ers to be able to char ge their cars for an hour to an hour and a half at a time. Read said an electric vehicle can travel 1 1 to 22 miles on an hour's worth of electrical char ge. Consumers have expressed "range anxiety" - a fear of running out of char ge on the road. But Sanders said 1,000 stations will be installed in San Diego by Fall 201 1. "A well-planned charging network tears down a significant barrier to adopting electric vehicles," Sanders said. The electric bill for the char ging stations is temporarily being paid by the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, said James Avery, SDG&E senior vice president of power supply. There is no charge to the consumers. However, Read said rates should be in place by the end of the year , though he said they will be much lower than buying gasoline. He said he expects them to cost around $2.50 per hour . Avery said one of SDG&E's goals is to issue cards to consumers that they can swipe at the sta tions and have the charge automatically added to their home electricity bill.

POLLARD Continued from page 20 People vote the way they vote for personal reasons, in my case I believe residents of the 4th in general did not know who I was, and actually thought I just moved here. I am a native and went to school in Southeastern San Diego. Changing elected officials are always dif ficult, my expec tations were always managed and I wanted to wake people up to the process and areas in which we as a district deserve more. I think to some extent that was accomplished. You mentioned that our district has the highest per centage of voters, what does this mean? I was referring to the highest percentage of registered voters that do not vote…along with D8. It is significant that African Americans account for a high percentage of voters in the 4th district. Historically , we have done the heavy lifting for the right to vote. We have been shot, hung, sprayed with fire hoses, bitten by dogs all in the name of Civil Rights, which includes vot ing rights. So it should be no surprise that we continue to acknowledge the sacrifices of those before by getting out and voting. I would only pray that we vote more consistently and vote in higher numbers. Not to vote is like a slap in the face to our generations before us that died for the right to vote. What does “We need to get EDUCATED” mean?

I mean we should be educated about local government, public policies that effect us and the roles of our elected officials. Who to call for city issues, state issues and federal issues. How many people know what assembly district they live in? What is the importance of redistricting? I spoke earlier about putting “civics” back in the classroom. I believe that would be a great idea! Civics courses would ensure that our youth would at least get exposed to local, state and federal government, and would remind everyone our elected of ficials work for us, not the other way around. Civics is something that is one of the classes that several school districts cut when money is tight. Civics helps us understand the basics in how our government is run and why community service (that which is usually donated service) is important. How many people remember the 3 branches of government that were established by our constitution? The answer is Legislative, Executive and Judicial. We don’ t respect what we don’t know or understand. If everyone understood the power that is in the hands of 100 members of the Senate or the 400 + members of congress or that once a decision is made by the Supreme Court it can only be overturned by another ruling of a Supreme Court maybe they would appreciate the power of their vote. Can Black businesses compete in the Hispanic markets? Absolutely, as a consumer , this is not about race but more importantly is the quality of the product and/or service.

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June 14th, 1777 the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the of ficial flag for the United States’ Flag Day, but I don’t feel proud raising the stars and stripes of my coun try? It’s amazing how some people in the world can raise their flags with such pride: Barcelona, Argentina, Brazil, Ghana, Jamaica, Egypt, Dominican Republic, etc. But I can’ t seem to do it with mine. Maybe it’s just that I can’t get over the ugly history of which my country was founded upon—one of them being the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was the relocation and movement of Native American nations—from their homelands to what is now Oklahoma. The passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, allowed Congress to obtain 25 million acres of land for pre dominantly white settlement. This removal included many members of the Muscogee, Seminole, and Choctaw nations, which they all suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation—killing at least 4,000 Indians. Another chapter in America’s ugly history was the “Transcontinental Rail Road.” The railroad may have been the greatest achievement in American History –as President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden so passionately claims—but let us not for get that it was built on the backs of Chinese Men. In 1867, four years after the initial start of the transcontinental rail road, 10,000 Chinese Men flooded the labor market in San Francisco—where white miners refused to do the dirty work. And so, it was the Chinese that endured the harsh working conditions, cold weather storms (in the Sierra Mountains), and physical abuse from white miners. Even after the rail road was completed they were still poorly recognized, abused, and heavily taxed by white miners. It was not until 1882 that they finally excluded all Chinese immigrants from the labor force through the federal enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)—the first ever immigration exclusion act that was ever based on race. Then lastly, the foundation that was the blood and veins of America’s wealth, well into the early years of manufacturing and labor production, was slavery. A million dollar market industry that grew to 4 million slaves by 1860. With the innovation of cotton gin, large cotton plantations soon began to follow—spreading across the Deep South. It was during this era that Blacks were stripped from their culture, their pride and their identities. It tore apart families, our country (the Civil War), and abused the lives of millions, both physically and mentally . But there was one thing that white slave owners did not take away: their faith. It was through their faith that they endured the 40 lashes and hangings. And it was faith that got them through 100 years of discrimination and segregation—before justly earning the equal rights protection under the Civil Rights Act of 1968. I want to forget the past; I want to be proud of my country. I want to be proud of how we have rid the world of evil men and helped the innocent and weak. However , I can not seem to be proud of a flag that has historically put down men and women of color for over a century—denying them of false promises. Promises of which the flag has bestowed onto them and onto the world: equal rights and liberties to all. It is just too heart wrenching for me; too much for me to bear . America indeed fought for its independence, but it built its great country on the backs of slaves and inferior men and women; in a time where my flag was still patriotically flown high in the air. My eyes are always towards the future; and I never look back. But the scar that my flag has left upon me seems to be hard to come of f. To contact me via email: and follow me on Facebook.






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Congratulations to the Class of 2011

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Michelle Obama also out raising money President Obama has three Democratic fundrais ers tonight in Miami, and he won't be the only fami ly member out raising campaign money. First lady Michelle Obama headlined a couple of fundraisers in Southern California today , telling a lunch crowd in Pasadena that on her husband's watch, "we've gone from an economy that was on the brink of collapse to an economy that is starting to grow again." In addition to citing the health care law, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the repeal of military's ban on gays, and winding down the war in Iraq among other items, Mrs. Obama also spoke of how hard her husband is working. "I see the sadness and worry that's creasing his face," she said. The first lady added that her husband "he reads every word, every memo, so he is better prepared than the people briefing him." "This man doesn't take a day of f." Obama -- who also did a military families event today in the Los Angeles area - -hosts a second fundraiser tonight in Westwood.

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Here's a pool report from The Los Angeles Times: About 500 people gather ed on the ample lawn behind the Pasadena home of Ann and Robert Hamilton for a lunch-time fundraiser . Outside of the two-story Mediterranean-style home, a fountain spat water fr om a swimming pool and several women lounged nearby, strumming harps. Guests paid $1,000 per ticket to attend the event. They sat at tables draped in white linen and dined on tamales, corn salad and fruit tarts. The majority of the guest wer e African-American women -- the fundraiser was or ganized by Southern California Women For Obama. The First Lady arrived at appr oximately 12:40 PST and spoke for about 25 minutes. Lena Kennedy , the co-chair of the event, introduced her as "the not-sosecret weapon of the President of the United States." Obama, in a sleeveless blue dress, stood at a podium beneath a tree bursting with lavender flowers. She began by recounting her husband's journey to the White House, beginning with the moment he told her he wanted to run for President. "I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea," she said. "I

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still had some cynicism about politics, that was my hesitation." But she said she was transformed on the campaign trail after hearing the stories of ever yday Americas. She r ecalled a campaign stop in Iowa before the Democratic primary there, where she grew so comfortable with the people she was chatting with, she kicked off her heels. "I was just standing bar efoot in the grass, just talking to people," Obama said. She said the moment made her realize that campaigning is "about meeting people one-on-one and learning about what was going on in their lives." And it led to a r evelation about Americans: "Whether you grew up on the South Side of Chicago or Iowa, our stories are shared." Obama then listed some of the things her husband has done in office during his first two years. "We've gone from an economy that was on the brink of collapse to an economy that is star ting to gr ow again," she said. She also mentioned health car e reform, the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Act and the repeal of Don't

Ask, Don't Tell. She praised "justice" in the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the withdrawal of troops from overseas. "We are responsibly ending the war in Iraq and have brought home 100,000 servicemen and women," she said. The First Lady talked about the toll that his work had taken on her husband. "I see the sadness and worry that's cr easing his face," she said. She described his work ethic as tireless. "He reads every word, every memo, so he is better prepared than the people briefing him," she said. "This man doesn't take a day off." Obama said the next few years of campaigning would be difficult at times for the Obamas and their supporters. "It is not going to be easy, and it is going to be long," she said. "Now mor e than ever we need you help to finish what we star ted." She finished at about 1:15 p.m. and left to take photographs with guest who had paid extra for the privilege. This evening, she will speak at another fundraiser, in Westwood.


Page 26May 7, 2011

The San Diego Monitor

Bob Filner Moves Back To San Diego

Rep. Bob Filner used to live in Chula Vista to represent 51st congressional district SAN DIEGO -- 10News learned on Tuesday that Rep. Bob Filner has moved from Chula Vista to San Diego as he gears up for a possible run for San Diego mayor . Filner's new home is in the 40-story Vantage Pointe Apartments on Ninth Avenue in downtown San Diego. The move is significant because Filner has lived in the South Bay – within the boundaries of the 51st Congressional District – for almost two decades. However, decades ago, Filner lived in San Diego. He was first elected to the school board in 1979, then to City Council in 1987 and then to Congress in 1992. For that, he relocated to Chula Vista to represent the 50th Congressional District, which is now the 51st District. Filner has expressed interest in running for mayor of San Diego and relocating would be a logical political move. Though it is not illegal for politicians to live outside their district, the U.S. Constitution says they must live within the state. Voters may not act favorably toward a rep-


resentative who lives away from the district, so most politicians establish residence in the district where they are seeking election. Sweetwater Union High School District Board President John McCann told 10News that if Filner left Congress, there would be a "cataclysmic shift in the polit ical landscape." He predicted that many candidates would scramble to replace Filner, who has not yet filed papers to run for San Diego mayor. When asked about the reaction in Filner's district – which covers the South Bay and all of Imperial County – McCann responded, "When somebody theoretically moves out of the district, I think it shows that they are trying to look to the next level. The question is, 'Is he going to con tinue to focus on his home constituents or is the election going to consume him so he's not really able to do his congressman job?'… I would hope the congressman would still focus on his constituents. We'll see what happens."


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7:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

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The San Diego Monitor


June 18, 2011 - Page 27

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