San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal

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Don’t miss this event!! Publisher of the Voice & Viewpoints John Warren has been invited by the San Diego Monitor Publisher Willie Morrow to address the Black Business Boot Camp.

Saturday July 16, 2011

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The San Diego Monitor

High School Basketball Player Allan Guei Donates $40,000 from Contest Winnings

Allan Guei is a standout high school basketball player from Compton High School (Los Angeles) who won $40,000 towards college expenses in a free throw contest in March. Guei already had a full scholarship to play basketball for CSUN (Cal State University Northridge), so he decided to donate his winnings to the people who finished behind him in the contest. The contest was created by an advertising executive and screenwriter who “wanted to make a documentary that dispelled some of the negative stereotypes associated with the city of Compton.” The contest was open to Compton seniors with a grade-point average of at least 3.0. Of the 80 who qualified, eight were chosen at random to participate. Guei won the contest by making five free throws (a pretty low number for the star point guard on the basketball team). Rather than keep the $40,000 for himself, he shared it with the people who finished behind him in the contest. The runners-up were already set to receive $1,000 towards college, but after the gift from Guei they have an additional $5,500. You make think the whole thing was fixed, but based on NCAA rules Guei probably could have kept around 80% of the winnings. We’ve seen some nice gestures by athletes who have donated thousands of dollars in money or gifts, but for a student to do that? That takes a whole new level of generosity.

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The San Diego Monitor


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BARRY POLLARD: PUT DO OR DIE in perspective for us?


P: It is sad to our see our communities lack so many things and not be angry as hell. Redistricting could be a way for us to ensure we have a strong foundation in which to improve our voting strength and empowerment as an African American City Council District. Mostly everyone knows we are only 18% of the population within our District. One way to increase our percentage is to draw the lines of our District to better reflect census tracts that are more African American. Secondly, our Latino brothers and sisters are 30% of the population of the City/County. We should do all we can to support their efforts to get their 2nd District, (in addition to the 8th City Council District) which does not include the 4th District). Latinos comprise of 46% of the 4th District, we have collaborated with the Latino leaders that are spearheading their effort to more appropriately have their community represented with an additional City Council seat. It is certain, that if the SD Redistricting Committee does not honor our “Unity” map which includes an additional Latino seat, their population will be included in our District population thus making it almost inevitable we will not have an African American City Councilperson. Mathematically it will almost be impossible. If we do not come out in big numbers to represent our map, this will be one more opportunity that we have allowed to slip through our fingers. We have a few more meetings before the maps generated by the Redistricting Commission are presented to the public. If we see those maps and do not like them we have a very difficult task to change them. This is a matter of survival, yet we have not attended the meetings in City Hall in the numbers that will get the attention of the Commission. Latinos have come out in large numbers, the LGBT communities have come out in big numbers and the Asians are represented. African American presence has been dismal. For whatever reason we fail to put forth the minimal effort to simply attend a few meetings! SDMN: Is the problem that we don’t know what the problems are? BP: No, I used to think people do not understand the importance of redistricting, in the City, County and State, but there have been ample news articles, emails, press conferences, editorials. I have mentioned a number of times in the past that I thought “apathy” was our biggest issue in our community, and I continue to feel it, and see it. There was an editorial in last weeks UT that said it all, entitled “Shameless Self Preservation”. SDMN: As a candidate; is the problem that we don’t play politics well? BP: We don’t even “show up”. Look at our voting habits and you will see. We have consistently a low turnout, yet when we vote we are usually the determinant force needed for any candidate to win in city-wide elections, and county-wide elections. For some reason we do not seem interested in voting. Our memories must be short because there was a time our Great Grandfathers and Mothers were lynched over the right to vote. Do people understand that in some southern states there are movements to issue “voting cards?” Designed to restrict voting for people of color? The Voting Rights Act is under attack in numerous States. Redistricting is a historical tool used to dilute the vote of Blacks and Latinos. If we as a people do not wake up, one day we will wake up and realize we have an even smaller piece of the “pie” a smaller voice and ask ourselves, “…what happened?…” SDMN: Can we win a seat that could be helpful to us? BP: That is totally up to us. We have to be educated voters and not be swayed by empty promises, promised moneys, lies and apathy. We have to be aware of Propositions that affect us and are placed in front of us in which to vote. Look, I am not saying that a Latino couldn’t be a very good representative for our District. “Race” does not guarantee we will get a representative that looks after our best interest, but it will be a shame that for the first time in decades our representative for the 4th will not be African American. On the “County” level, wouldn’t it be nice for us to have a chance to elect a County

Supervisor that actually lives in our Community? One that attends our Grocery STORE, attends a church over here, one that truly understands our priorities and needs? SDMN: What are the groups of people that are keeping us from getting what WE NEED? BP: The usual opposition of course, people that are currently in Power. However WE are the “groups of people that are keeping us from what we need!” If we actively participate in our families, communities, neighborhoods, Town Councils we will start becoming more effective in demanding what we need and want. I am not going to play that “victim” role in which I blame others for my current situation. In reality we all make decisions in our lives that have a major impact on who we are today. In my family life, my kids were raised to take responsibility for their own actions; my parents taught me the same value. SDMN: Barry why are we afraid to speak the truth ABOUT what are problems really are? BP: I have no idea. I know when I am in fear and feel overwhelmed I sometimes play like an Ostrich and want to bury my head in the sand, or I want to blame others. I have found the most successful people are ones that can acknowledge their shortcomings, and be conscious about addressing those problems. God made none of us perfect; we all have

“issues”. God also gave us the strength to face our issues and correct them, not to blame others, or deny we have a problem. SDMN: In plain truth and in simple terms what’s going to happen to blacks in the city if we keep lying to ourselves? BP: In my opinion, we will continue to see “Black flight” from the 4th, and we will have very little impact in our own destiny. Our services and resources will continue to decline, education for our kids will decline, Black businesses will continue to suffer, unemployment in the City and County will increase, and we will truly be “Invisible”, more so than we are now. SDMN: Do we have individuals in this city who are imposters? Meaning they play a good part but really can’t deliver results? BP: Part of becoming aware is to have people decide for themselves. My guess is “in our hearts” and based on experience and performance we all have a list of people in the City, County and State that would fit the definition of “imposters”. If people sat still for a few minutes, reflect back on the last 4-10 years, I think we can create a list that would probably be pretty darn accurate and similar.

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The San Diego Monitor

Blacks Cannot Wean Themselves From the Breast of White America There is probably a 50/50 split among medical doctors and professionals about what is best for a baby — synthetic formula or natural breast milk? The thought brings me to this question – why is it that the Vietnamese are flourishing within a multibillion dollar business and have been able to wean themselves from the breast milk of White America? And not only that, they have also weaned themselves from preferential treatment by White America. They have taken over the nail market to the degree that it is one of the fastest growing businesses in America. Almost every cab today is either owned or operated by a Haitian or Central American. Even on the yellow cabs you can find a Haitian or Hispanic surname as the contractor that operates it. Seldom do you see John Smith printed on the cab. Have we Black Americans weaned ourselves off of such work? Perhaps we find ourselves over and above driving a cab. Maybe we find ourselves elevated above a Vietnamese nail technician. But in Paradise Hills, National City, and Bonita, there are thousands of Asianowned businesses. Every nationality seems to have their own niche in the business market. Indians operate small hotels. The Chinese manufacture everything. Koreans own the Black beauty business. The Koreans stepped away from their own people to serve the Black beauty industry in its entirety, and today they completely own it. Why is it that Black Americans, the former slaves of this country that understand how it feels to be a second-class citizen cannot pull themselves away from the breast of White America? It was interesting to me to see the Filipinos on national television challenging the city over redistricting and their lack of representation. It was sobering to me to see them say that they’ve been patiently waiting for years, paying their taxes and sending their children to school without any representation at the city office, the mayor’s office, the county supervisor’s office, or the state assembly office. They have come together with other Asians to demand that they be represented like all other nationalities. When I left a segregated town in Alabama infested by the KKK, we didn’t have any Black

elected officials. Today when you go back and turn back the pages of time, there is no difference in the responsibilities of the first Black councilman and the present day councilman elected today. Decades of Black councilmen have made no difference to the Black community. We are still dependent on being breastfed. We have begged so much that we have made begging a brand. We have made writing grants an actual profession. We have made social services a career. We have been so breastfed by White America that everything we do must meet their approval. Now if the Black city councilmen’s responsibility 40 years ago is the same as it is today, than those that went on before us didn’t get the victory. You can say whatever you wish – if the educational system is still awry after our children have been bussed and transported to every district over the last 50 years ago, than we have not become an independent people. If our social service organizations are still dealing

with the same problems we were 50 years ago, it means that we have not solved any of them. We want to stay on the breast milk of white America and keep getting funded to make social services a career. If the churches today are still preaching the same sermons about right and wrong, our level of living has not been elevated. Our prayers have not been answered, or perhaps our prayers were never heard. Why is our community in the same state that it was hundreds of years ago when other nations of people come here and find success in a matter of a few decades? How did they pass us up? Today’s Blacks are locked out on the outside looking in, even at those that look like them, but originate from other countries. Black Americans are still entertaining Mr. Charlie and cannot wean themselves from the breast milk of White America. What is wrong Black America? Until Next Week, Willie Morrow


Redistricting?… “Do or Die” moment, it is up to us! By Barry Pollard We are approaching the end of the resident participation section of the Redistricting process so I wanted to update everyone on the status and to reflect on what our task force have learned. The process began some 7 months ago and since then, we have spoken to a numerous residents of the 4th City Council District about their respective communities of interest, (i.e., churches, schools, traffic corridors, parks, shopping areas, banks, etc), and where it made sense for boundaries to be adjusted. We also studied the 2010 Census information broken into census blocks. These efforts allowed us to present a map to the Redistricting Commission that raises our percentage of the population for the District (which better empowers the African American vote within our District from 18.88% to 20.6%), it also allowed us to reclaim College Grove Shopping Center and empower the anticipated additional Latino District. So far so good!

Maps from specific groups were presented to the Redistricting Commission outlining new boundaries to accommodate the communities of interest, and new population numbers that were required by the addition of the 9th City Council District. Last week 2 commissioners presented exploratory maps that disturbingly altered the maps that will underutilize the African American vote and that completely ignores the Voting Rights requirement of adding an additional Latino seat at the City Council. Instead they apparently have diluted the population involving people of color. One of the motives for diluting votes is to make any potential candidate of color near impossible to be elected and therefore represent their District. There could have been other motives for their rendition of the maps, but I am unaware of any other motive. After viewing these maps it was hard for me to believe any of the public comments were listened to and considered. In our case, ignoring our proposal, the communities of Webster and Oak

Letters to the Editor can be emailed to The San Diego Monitor:

Park were drawn to be moved into out of our D4!!! (Contrary to the testimony of numerous residents from the communities of Webster and Oak Park.) There is one map however submitted by another Commissioner that more appropriately and fairly consider the input for the communities of interest, and is more aligned to the “Unity” map that our coalition submitted, so there is some hope! In this process there are a couple of things that are to be learned. First and foremost, community residents need to attend these meetings and speak up. If we are not properly represented, our services and resources will continue to be a lower priority to our elected officials, thus impacting our streets, services, social services and overall quality of living. Secondly we need more volunteers to participate in the redistricting process on a City, County and State level. Each level has a dramatic and long term impact on people of color. We were not able to stay abreast of the County and State redistricting effort and therefore most of our attention was focused on the City Redistricting efforts. Thirdly African American residents must continue to collaborate with other people of color, Latinos and Asians since history has proven it is we that are marginalized. People of color are at least 30% of the population of San Diego City and County and statewide the numbers reflect we are much more than 30%. We have more strength if we stick together and support each others’ agendas to move forward. The next City Redistricting meeting is July 9, 10:00am at Golden Hall downtown. The next County Redistricting meeting is July 12, 9:00am at 1600 Pacific Highway, 4th floor. Please contact me if you are interesting in attending. Contact me at 619.392.0203 or


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range


Holmes Elementary School – Replace Fire-Destroyed Portable Miramar Ranch Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Vista Grande Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Golden Hill Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Fulton Elementary School Food Service Modernization Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2) Fay Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Joyner Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Cherokee Point Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Sherman Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Marshall Elementary School: Student Drop-Off and DSA ADA Upgrades Jefferson Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Washington Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements Stevenson Elementary School – ADA Work Mead Elementary School HVAC Project University City High School: Lighting & Scoreboard Millennial Tech: Phase V Bus Turnaround – Athletic Fields Creative Performing Media Arts: WSM CPMA at Kroc Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) Project Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building Data Center at Serra High School Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project Zamorano Elementary School: New Classroom Building

Less than $200K Less than $200K Less than $200K $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $200K - $1M $1 - $5 M $1 - $5 M $1 - $5 M $1 - $5 M $1 - $5 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M $5 - $10 M

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para mãs información en español, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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The San Diego Monitor

HOUSE OF METAMORPHOSIS OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

The Nehemiah Project – Part 2 Connect Create Collaborate Finding The BRIGHT Spots – Dr. Willie Morrow and Gentry’s Barber Shop I hope you read the book. When Nehemiah’s home boys from the [neighbor]hood came to see him in the king’s palace, they told him that “those who had survived and were back in the homeland were in great difficulty, and that the foreigners who lived nearby looked down on them. They also told me that the walls of Jerusalem were still broken down, and that the gates had not been restored since the time when they were burned.” We can draw a number of parallels between the condition of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s day and those “in great difficulty” (distressed communities) around the world today. But for now, let’s talk about Black folk in San Diego. Why do so many people say there is no Black community in San Diego (“broken walls”), and how did we get in this condition? Nehemiah may help us understand this better, and take action to fix it! I am going to let you meditate on the statement, “the foreigners who live nearby look down on [us].” I am far less concerned with what those outside the community think, than I am with what we think of our selves. So I want to put two exemplary San Diego African American institutional icons on blast! First, there is the publisher of this paper, Dr. Willie Morrow, founder and creator of the California Curl. Creator and proprietor of the 400 years Without A Comb Museum. And did I say publisher of the Monitor News and Business Journal? Second, there is Gentry’s Barber Shop. Gentry’s is a multi-generational institution. These are just two of Black San Diego’s most lasting examples of how great the San Diego Black community is. Several years ago Mr. Larry Malone and Mr. James Stancil created a poster of MANY successful and active African American community members. These are brick that are still standing in the walls around the Black community. But there are many holes in the walls we need to fill in. There are many more institutions we have to build for the protection of our children, and for our own development. So The Nehemiah Project starts with the recognition that WE ARE A GREAT PEOPLE! No matter what anyone else may say. So go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are great and you love yourself. Then say it to someone Black you know and care about. Then say it to someone Black you don’t know, because they are family too. Then, The Nehemiah Project says that we must build more institutions that serve us (and, ultimately, others). Self-sufficiency and self-determination are acts of self-love. Next week, a definition of love, and how to make bricks. CMH [Isley Brothers – Harvest for the World]

Graduation Opportunity for Life Transformation House of Metamorphosis will graduate its forty-third Class on July 10, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. The public is invited to come out and support these individuals as they restore balance to their lives as productive citizens of our community. HOM is located at 2970 Market Street, and additional information about HOM can be found on our website: or

1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

The San Diego Monitor


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Why Social Networks? Greg Wilson Hi, Greg “The Internet Guy” Wilson, here again and wanted to talk about Social Networks. First of all what is a social network? In a nutshell, it is a community of people with alike interests or inter-connected relationships. An example of a few networks are the the all-famous Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn. These communities offer different but alike options to customize your experience. The 1 thing that sets one network from the next is the niche that each serves. Sites like Facebook, While is wildly popular in my opinion is getting very crowded, and with Mark Zuckerburg constantly pushing the limits on our privacy, is becoming a breeding ground for hackers, scammers, spammers and every imaginable thing in between. Not too mention the many viruses that are spread around through messages and games etc; But not to discourage anyone, which I doubt this article will cause anyone to delete their account anyway, but I was just trying to make a point: You can start your own. I see social networks as the future of communication; they are changing personal lives and professional relationships everyday. Whether you want to start a network for your school, organization, business, or personal following, you design it how you like, you create the rules and regulations, and decide the niche you want to serve, from there our trained team of web professionals can design the community of your dreams, my social marketing team will help you market your site and depending on the goals, we can incorporate Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms to make your site fully compatible with the popular networks! We can turn it from a hobby to an income generating business complete with advertising spaces! Check out the website for more info!In an article posted on July 7, 2011, they spoke about how disappointed the Boston venture capitalists and the whole investment community missed out on Facebook. The article detailed how they have been actively moving their offices closer to universities where the

The San Diego Monitor

Family Financial Sustainability/ Planning to Win

Have You Checked Your 401k Statement Lately By Ellen Ewings - Nash, Financial Services Agent and Pastor Adrian Ewings

next big entrepreneur could be found! For the last couple years there has been a shift in interest to invest in the future of the Internet. That easily could be you. Do you have a great idea? Let us build it. Ask about our “In-House” Financing! No Credit Check! Easy-to-Qualify. Work and have a Checking account in good standing! Up to $5,000.00. I invite you to tour our website, take notice of the hottest services and options available, we have evolved into a full-scale firm, prepared to offer great package pricing as well as an a’la Carte menu, here you can find something within your budget and perfect as a solution to increase your business! We are also offering a new website package for $3,000, with 50% deposit which we are also offering a financing option for those who qualify. Please visit the “Promotions” section for that payment option. These websites are designed for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and proven to generate tons of leads that will convert into new business. These can be done within 3-4 weeks. We also include content writing as included with this package. Greg is the President of Cutting Edge iMarketing- A Full-scale Website Development, Internet Marketing & Promotions firm based in San Diego California. Visit their website at: . Follow @GreggWilson on Twitter, Add Greg as a friend here: They can be contacted at 858-386-0949

Did you know that your 401k/403b is the worst retirement plan? Did you know at the time of withdraw your money Uncle Sam will get 30 to 50%% off the top? Did you know that at the time of withdrawal, hidden penalties will be deducted from your final amount? (Mentioned in the June issue of Forbes Magazine) Did you know that if your 401k balance is $160,000 dollars you would probably end up with $60,000 - $80,000 and subject to taxes? There are TAX FREE retirement plans which prevent you from losing money, with guarantees on your money, high rate of return and no risk to the downside. We would be excited to assist you in setting up your own“Tax-Free” retirement plan. For more information please contact: Ellen Ewings - Nash (619) 665 - 3878 email: Pastor Adrian Ewings (619) 534-9901 email: “We show families and businesses how to build and protect their wealth!” These and many more questions are answered in the three links below. Review them and then contact us immediately!!!! This is the absolute best retirement plan option! Watch these must-see three short videos!



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The San Diego Monitor


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How do you intend to deal with the pension deficit? If you are elected as our mayor in San Diego what will your management staff look like nationality speaking? What will you do about the gang and drug issues in our city? Do you believe the gang commission is effective? What do you think it is going to take to elect you as our mayor? Does the Black vote matter, does the Hispanic vote matter? What is your position on redistricting,, who does it help and who does it hurt? What is your stand on the Charger stadium? What do you think it will take to jump start black business in San Diego? Will you support redevelopment in south east San Diego? Will you recreate the black diamond district and make it effective.? Will you use the mayors office to increase the quality in the schools in our area.? Will you use the office of the mayor to increase hiring in corporations? What will you do to show greater appreciation for the military economic presence? What will you do to help save minority homeowners from foreclose?

The San Diego Monitor

The San Diego Monitor



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The San Diego Monitor

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‘Soul Train’ artifacts at Smithsonian’s Museum of African American History By DeNeen Brown Peace, love and soooooooul spilled out of a white tent Thursday night on the Mall as a crowd boogied down a massive “Soul Train” line. The event celebrating a donation of artifacts from the popular 1970s-era TV show to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture had, appropriately, turned into a dance party. Aman in brown dress socks and white Converse shoes danced wildly next to a prim woman in a platinum sheath. Nearby, a woman dressed straight out of the iconic television program, in hot pants and platform shoes, grooved to the old-school music pumping through the speakers. Those in the multiracial crowd laughed and threw their hands in the air as they danced the Bump, the Loose Booty, the Robot and the Funky Chicken. “Girl, you better swing it! Push it, baby!” yelled Tyrone “the Bone” Proctor, an original “Soul Train” dancer who taught the crowd iconic dances. The woman in hot pants pumped a little harder and swung her arms. “Oh, my!” Proctor yelled. “Stop it! You are impressing me!” To help celebrate its 40th anniversary, “Soul Train” — which began airing nationally in 1971 and became one of the longest-airing nationally syndicated first-run programs in television history — donated five signature props for the museum’s exhibitions “Musical Crossroads,” “Black Popular Culture” and “Make a Way Out of No Way.” The museum is set to be completed on the Mall in 2015. The items that were donated: “Applause” signs, the 10-foot-wide neon “Soul Train” sign, the neon “Soul Train Awards” sign, silver African heads from the awards program, and the Scramble Board, on which dancers unscrambled word puzzles quickly, then broke out in dance. Before the Smithsonian dance lesson, Lonnie G. Bunch, founding director of the museum, told the crowd: “I accept this donation on behalf of every teenager like me who tried but failed to dance like the dancers on ‘Soul Train.’ With this donation, it’s really clear — the Smithsonian just got hip!” Bunch said the acquisition would help the museum tell the story of “Soul Train,” which turned shag-

carpeted living rooms into dance floors as legions of wannabes tried waacking, popping, locking and the click-clack along with the “Soul Train” crew. The show, which aired nationally until 2006, became symbolic of the “black is beautiful” era, which followed the civil rights movement and celebrated black empowerment and pride among African Americans. Don Cornelius, the show’s host and founder who sported a perfect orb of an Afro, was the epitome of cool as he interviewed stars such as the Jackson 5, James Brown and Aretha Franklin. The show became a cultural touchstone for Americans of all races, Bunch said. It “transmitted African American culture to an unbelievably broad audience. ‘Soul Train’ was around long enough to shape many generations. It became this interesting snapshot of several generations of African American culture and style.” The celebration, which was part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival’s“Rhythm and Blues: Tell It Like It Is” program, opened with a panel discussion, moderated by museum curator Tuliza Fleming, about the show’s influence on television, culture, advertising and race relations. Tony Cornelius attended to represent his father, who he said was honored by the Smithsonian’s acquisition. Proctor credited Don Cornelius with helping to save African American music by giving black artists a national platform. “For many people, ‘Soul Train’ was a lifestyle,” Proctor said. “People would get up on Saturday and nobody would be in the street because they would all be in the houses watching ‘Soul Train.’ For the kids who danced on there, we literally lived for the show.” Kinshasha Holman Conwill, deputy director of the museum, donned an Afro wig and said, “How cool is that?” And when the conversation ended, the “Soul Train” party began. Ahmir Khalib Thompson, a.k.a. Questlove, a DJ and drummer for the Roots, released a flurry of hits showcased on “Soul Train,” and the crowd exploded. It seemed not to matter whether one could keep a beat. “Soul Train” was forgiving.

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The San Diego Monitor

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San Diego CARES San Diego State and Susan L. Taylor On June 25, 2011 the San Diego CARES Mentoring Movement, Susan L. Taylor andSan Diego State African American Alumni Chapter partnered to kick off new partnerships and collaborations with its “Mentoring is Priceless” event. San Diego CARES is forming new partnerships with faith-based, colleges, schools, community based organizations, corporations, foundations and politicians. San Diego CARES encourages coming together to connect the dots to mentor our vulnerable young people and help them build academically, spiritually grounded and financially independent successful lives. CARES San Diego is 1 of 57 cities. CARES Circles are models for cooperative and visionary leadership that’s needed to transform our communities as well as our country. Wherever children are suffering and losing ground, the National CARES Mentoring Movement seeks to establish a CARES Mentor-Recruitment Circle, this provides the desperately needed mentoring relationships. Data shows that these relationships can instill hope and transform thinking and behaviors in the lives of even the most challenged young people. Mistress of Ceremony, Professor Starla Lewis for the Black Studies & Oral Communications Department at Mesa College captured the audience’s attention with her style and wisdom. Special Assistant to U.S. Congressman Bob Filner, Dr. Willie Blair gave a motivating welcome. General Crenshaw gave

San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business

a speech “Mentoring is Priceless” theme of the evening. Co-Founder of Overcoming Gangs and Beyond, Stephan Wilson informed the audience that violence is a disease. A call to commitment was given by Founder and CEO of

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Discussions

The Importance of Discipline I was having a conversation today regarding discipline or the lack there of. This conversation sparked this article. I believe that everyone craves or better yet appreciates discipline – secretly and maybe even unconsciously. There needs to be a well-balanced use of discipline in order for it to be effective. Here is my simplest comparison. Remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. There were three components considered in order for Goldilocks to find the perfect place to rest in. There was one that was too hot and too hard, another that was too cold and too soft and then finally she encountered elements that were just right. Let’s glean into the components of each type of discipline and disciplinarian: Discipline given too hard can make one more rebellious, one more hardened, and potentially more violent. Anyone trying to get the one being disciplined to correct unacceptable behavior may obtain moments of obedience, but in the end finds an embittered person who doesn’t respect the intent or care too much for the person doing the disciplining. The actions used to correct unacceptable behaviors are seen as punitive and believed by the one being disciplined that great pleasure is being obtained by the one disciplining. In this instance the person holds a grudge or worse never re-embraces the one who was disciplined making the one disciplined feel as though your love, if ever shown, is only given if the child or other submissive individual walks the straight and narrow. This one reprimands harshly when needed but never compliments when the one being disciplined does something worthy of praise. Then there is the one who disciplines with no firmness (too soft) and with no real conviction (too cold). This disciplinarian is inconsistent, incoherent, and generally given based upon an overall frustration rather than the situation at hand, meaning the person doesn’t quite understand why the one disciplining is so angry. The one needing discipline can repeat unacceptable behavior and not receive any recriminations for that behavior then one day, wham, the one disciplining loses it and takes out all of their pent up anger on the unfortunate one who chose the wrong day to do what you found no need to correct in the past. No wonder the child is confused. Then there is the correct discipline. Discipline that is firm, consistent, controlled, and most importantly given by the one the person being discipline respects, beyond fear, but the one being disciplined clearly understands and believes that the one disciplining is doing it because they truly want the one being disciplined to be better for it. They want them to learn from the correction and prayerfully exhibit a character that has been shaped and molded by both correction and praise. This one, when the energy cools down, is embraced, told they are loved and explained to as to why the behavior exhibited is absolutely unacceptable every single time they do it. This is the same discipline we receive from our heavenly Father. We are told that He whom He loves He chastens. When we are lovingly and firmly chastened we truly understand that the main source of the follow through is love. Love that insists and is committed to being the role model and the example that the one being disciplined may mirror in later years. This disciplinarian is one who lives by their own code of ethics (not do as I say not as I do). A consistent standard in the home allows all to understand what is expected and generally you find all abide by those consistent standards. This lines up with choices and consequences. Rules are followed and if they are not then there are consistent consequences. The giving of discipline and the personal institution of discipline must be a part of every area of our life if we desire to live a successful life. We must have discipline in the following areas: Our diet Our relationships (all of them - God, children, friends, spouses, and coworkers) Our health Our attitude Our pursuit of dreams and goals Our conduct It is by our follow through in the above areas that those around us see the real us and prayerfully follow the example that is laid before them. Stay tuned next week for “Help my life is out of control.”

the National CARES Mentoring Movement, Susan L. Taylor requesting that “a small church adopt a classroom and a large church adopt a school”. Ms. Taylor recognized Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, First Lady of Bethel Memorial AME Church an award for answering the call to Champion Mentoring. To obtain more information about becoming a mentor or group mentoring call Cherolyn Jackson at (619) 501-1642 or visit

Rebecca Christian – Issues and Answers Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007

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Page 18

The San Diego Monitor

Opinion: “Our Greater San Diego Vision” Needs Your Voice By Jennifer Adams-Brooks, Vice-chair of Our Greater San Diego Vision, and Incoming Chair of The San Diego Foundation Board

Do you love calling the San Diego region home? What is it that you love about living here? Our natural beauty, world-class universities and family-friendly communities might top your list. Now, consider what you don’t enjoy. For many, what springs to mind is the high cost of living, traffic congestion and lack of higher paying jobs. Despite how much you love it here today, change is coming. Without long-range planning, the things you enjoy could get harder to come by while the things that you don’t like get worse. Our region will grow by 40 percent over the next 40 years. We’ll need to create 500,000 higher paying jobs and find roughly 400,000 new homes if our next generations are going to be able to stay here and raise their families. That’s why a broad-based group of diverse community leaders has formed to support Our Greater San Diego Vision. Through Our Greater San Diego Vision, an initiative facilitated by The San Diego Foundation, we can each do our part to protect and preserve what we love about San Diego for future generations. Our Greater San Diego Vision will be developed by the people and for the people through an unprecedented public engagement process. It will create a shared vision and vital long-range plan for the next 50-plus years. In the fall, you will have the opportunity to brainstorm ideas and suggest your priorities and solutions for the region’s future growth during a series of public workshops. Your input will determine options for our future growth. These options will be presented to tens of thousands of residents to choose those that best reflect their values and priorities. The consensus will form a long-term vision to be published in the spring 2012 and to guide decisions impacting our region’s growth for the coming decades. As one of the nearly 150 Vision Ambassadors representing all communities across our region, I’m asking you to get involved today by visiting where you can learn more and connect with our process.






July 4th This past weekend I asked a few people what does July 4th mean to them, most people answered a day off with pay or 3 day weekend. Like most holidays people choose to spend them with their close friends and family creating memories that will last a lifetime. I wondered do people ever think about the significance of 4th of July? Independence Day honors the birthday of the United States and the adoption of the declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It’s a day where barbecuing, patriotic parades, a night of concerts, fireworks, and a reason to fly the American flag take place. I am so honored to live in a country where my freedom is mandated in the constitution and celebrated across the nation. A few years back my mother and I decided to make a tradition on how to celebrate our 4th of July. We go to the San Diego County Fair a.k.a. “Del Mar Fair”. You would think that is the last place on earth to go because of all of the crowds but to be honest it’s the best place to be. The vendors have reduced the prices on their products; you’re giving more food because their just going to throw it out any way and everyone is happy because it is the LAST day of the fair. We get up early on the 4th and drive to Del Mar and park at Horse Park, one of the free parking lots. The scenery is so beautiful, with lots of greenery, trees and all of the horses galloping along the track. It’s a great way to start relaxing before jumping aboard the double decker British style buses. The kid in me comes out when I get on and I start making funny faces to kids in the car as we are being shuttled to the fair. My mom tells me to stop, “You are too old for that” while she’s laughing at the kids response to my jokingly manner. Once we hit the fair the first thing we do is go to the Vendor exhibits. Spending hours looking at the new products and eating all of the food samples is a way to entertain yourself if you’re not looking to be jolted around on the rides. Now there are plenty of rides for adults and a kiddy park if that’s your fancy. There is plenty of free entertainment from dancers, singers, boxing, wrestling competitions, petting zoo amongst an array of competitors looking for a prize. The food is the best so don’t go there talking about I’m on a diet, No Sir. Grilled corn with parmesan cheese, chile and hot sauce is our first purchase every time. This time we opted for the barbecue chicken, coleslaw and bake beans for our entrée. A first time treat to the free Wine Tasting of San Diego local wines was fabulous. They even gave us a souvenir wine glass and some Winchester Gouda cheese which tingled the pallets in our mouth. Dessert was a toss between a cinnamon roll or funnel cake. My mother used her trump card to force me to the funnel cake, with powder sugar, strawberries and whip topping. We devoured the dessert and we were happy with the choice as it was scrumptious. Off to the Heineken Grandstand Stage to see the Red Speedwagon with the Navy Band Southwest and Fireworks show was amazing as everyone sang the national anthem in unison. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor

The San Diego Monitor


Page 19

When lockout ends, Bolts should have freedom to make moves By Kevin Acee The Chargers, like many teams, will have money to spend in 2011. When 2011 begins, at least as it pertains to the NFL, remains an unknown as players and owners inch toward a new Collective Bargaining Agreement, deciding how to split revenues of $9 billion (and growing). But indications – including what league sources described as a draft of a new CBA “floating around the league” – are that a deal will be

completed sooner than later. Still, one source also cautioned that many reports of details emerging from the past few weeks of meetings between the sides are erroneous and/or premature. The specifics remain to be decided, and we’re likely at least three weeks from anything officially being set in motion, since the league has said it will not begin any business until a new CBA is actually signed. But numerous reports regarding one major component of a new CBA have stated that the agreement will include a provision that not only



oorly manipulated by what we see of Africa by the media—television ads of hungry and homeless African children, struggling African women to nourish their young sick babies, etc—we all can safely assume that Africa, with or without a bias opinion, is poor and corrupt. However, in reality, Africa is Richer than any country in the world. Africa has one thing that every world continent wants and has to have: RareEarth Metals. Think about it? Think really, really hard about this. The world runs on ENERGY. How do you think it’s made? Rare earth metals are seventeen elements found in the periodic table (scandium, yttrium and fifteen metals known collectively as lanthanides). The most significant minerals identified at Mount Muambe (Southeast Africa: Monzambique) are heavy rare earths - which are elements 63-71 in the periodic table—from europium to lutetium. These elements, found in these rare earth metals, are used in lasers, fluorescent lamps, magnets and x-ray machines. Yttrium is also used in high-temperature superconductors: magnets, trains, heat, etc. And other elements also found in flat screen TV’s iPods, batteries, etc. ( You think oil runs the world and without it we are all going to die? YEAH RIGHT!! Think again, my friends. If the world does run out of oil tomorrow, people will be able to stay home early from school or work, and tweet about it on their computers and phones all day long from a worldwide platform. Why do I say computers and phones? I say them because they are made by the rare earth materials that are found in none other than Africa, herself. Africa is one of the largest holders (next to China) of the world’s most valuable and limited source of rare earth metals, especially in carbonatites. Many sources have concluded that Africa has more than half of the world’s deposits of carbonatites. As of March 4th 2011, experts say that Africa has been the forefront to a massive hunt for depleted rare earth metals. The hunt for rare earths hit a high point at the end of last year when China, which produces 95 percent of rare earths, threatened South Korea to set aside about $1.4 million for supplies to mine Africa (South Africa). Investors are now casting a discerning eye over the sector, betting that only a handful of mining companies will survive the race to supply the world with high-tech metals of the future. (RUETURS: AFRICA) China with its huge stronghold of the world’s economy are monopolizing this market aggressively. Currently, China controls 97 percent of rare earth supplies in the world, with their mines at home and in Africa. In Africa, they have developed strong ties with many resource-rich states so that countries would have no lei way to break ties: building roads and supplying loans in exchange for their minerals. The United States is now facing a looming shortage of rare earth minerals—minerals that they use to make high-tech weaponry. And are accusing China for hegemony. Let me remind you that these loans provided by China could have well funded militant regimes and corrupt governmental officials who have brought violence and domination to its people. Making “Blood Diamonds” a child’s play. China is, what it is today because of Africa. It’s amazing how we are targeting the wrong source of energy, using war as an accuse and focusing all of our attention to the Middle East, when China (and the rest of the world) are directly focusing their resources to Africa. We are really blind-sided. Oil is depleting, our ties with the Middle East for oil are terrible, and yet we are so glued to our iPods, computers, etc.,that we fail to recognize were it all came from. Yeah! It was produced in China but its parts were from Africa Africa is second largest continent in the world when it comes to population; having so much potential. I only wish that African nations would come together and lead Africa as the world’s largest super power in the world, but through peace and order. To contact me via email: and follow me on Facebook.

Chargers center Nick Hardwick, left, could benefit from the Chargers having money to spend under a new CBA. Hardwick's current contract is up after the 2011 season. sets the ’11 salary cap between $120-130 million but requires teams to spend at least 90 percent of that – in real money. The salary cap was previously inclusive of prorated monies from bonuses, but the new structure, according to multiple reports, is likely to measure only “cash” (salary and bonuses) paid in a specific year. That means more money for free agents, as well as incentive for teams to rework contracts of current players. One prominent agent said last week he sees the new CBA benefiting veterans whose contracts are almost up as much as it does the current crop of free agents. “I think the teams are going to use the money to extend their veterans,” the agent said. “Especially since (the teams) haven’t been able to do a lot of long-term deals the past couple years with all the uncertainty.” The Chargers have long been known to be planning a return to their core principle of signing their own players to long-term contracts, something they did dozens of times between 2006 and

'08 but rarely since then. That could mean as much to Nick Hardwick, Shaun Phillips and Antoine Cason as it does to current free agents Jeromey Clary, Kevin Burnett and Eric Weddle. The Chargers players currently under contract are due to make slightly less than $70 million this season. That figure demonstrates a healthy sum to be spent before the start of the season, but it is largely insignificant since a few of those players figure to be released and the Chargers have a number of starters (at least three) and other players to sign once free agency begins. Those “other” players include draft picks and likely include receiver Vincent Jackson, who stands to make $12 million in 2011 as the Chargers’ franchise player. The starters they need to sign – in case you have forgotten over the course of the 114-day lockout – include at least one inside linebacker, a right tackle and free safety. The Chargers are also looking for another pass rusher and depth at center and offensive tackle.

Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


EATING TO CLEANSE By Lady Topaz This is Part II in the mini-series of Eating to Cleanse the whole body. Last week we discussed the basics of preparing for a whole body cleanse. This week I will provide you with the simple mechanics of the cleansing schedule – here is to great living! THE FULL BODY CLEANSE DIET Morning Eat any raw, ripe fruits that you desire, along with any combination of lettuce, celery, and avocado, if desired. If you have trouble staying full on just raw fruits and vegetables, be sure to have avocado with your fruit, as the healthy fatty acids found in avocado should help you stay satisfied until your next meal. If you would like, you can blend up your


morning meal into a smoothie. You should also have water, minimum of ? your desired body weight (in ounces) per day, or a hot drink made with boiling water and peppermint or chamomile tea. Afternoon Eat a large vegetable salad with as many different vegetables as possible. If you would like a salad dressing, use extra-virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh orange juice, fresh lime juice or any combination of extra-virgin olive oil and citrus juice. Try to avoid vinegar, honey, salt, and spices. If you have trouble feeling full, again, try to include an avocado with your salad. If you don’t think you can make it to dinner on a raw vegetable salad with avocado, have a steamed Yukon gold potato, new potato, or sweet potato after your salad. Feel free to have water, the more water you consume the fuller you will stay longer, or peppermint or chamomile tea after your lunch

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meal. Also feel free to have any fresh, ripe fruits that you desire after your vegetable salad. Evening Eat any combination of raw vegetables and fruits that you desire, but aim to have at least as many vegetables as fruits. If you are still hungry after eating raw vegetables and fruits, have any steamed vegetables that you enjoy, such as steamed broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, corn, and asparagus. If you are still hungry after eating steamed vegetables, feel free to have steamed root vegetables, such as steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots. Snacks Any raw fruits, vegetables, their juices, and smoothies made with raw fruits and vegetables are fine snack choices. For a dip to eat with raw vegetables, have guacamole made with avocado, red onion, and lemon or lime juice. FULL BODY CLEANSE SAMPLE MENU Morning Big bowl of watermelon with a large handful of romaine lettuce leaves and 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado. Afternoon A large vegetable salad made with leafy lettuce, cucumber slices, tomato slices, shredded carrots, shredded red beets, sliced red onions, shredded zucchini, 1/2 to 1 whole avocado, 1/2 a sweet bell pepper, and raw corn kernels. Optional: Dressing made by mixing one part extra-virgin olive oil and one part lemon juice. Evening Small bowl of romaine lettuce, celery sticks, mango, and blueberries. Steamed cabbage, broccoli, and 1/2 to 1 whole raw avocado. Snack Smoothie made with banana, blueberries, mango, and water. FULL BODY CLEANSE SCHEDULE A nice feature of this full body cleanse is that you can follow it for however many days you desire and/or your schedule allows. Initially, you may want to try it over the weekend, beginning on Friday evening, and ending on Monday afternoon. Many people find that seven full days is quite manageable, and produces noticeable

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The San Diego Monitor changes in energy level and sense of wellbeing. The first while can be tough for some people who experience severe symptoms of withdrawal, but for the majority of people who experience such symptoms, things start to look up after a few days. If you like how this program of eating makes you feel, it’s fine to continue with it for as long as you feel strong and healthy. When you are ready to add other foods back into your diet, it is best to proceed slowly. On the first day of “breaking” your cleanse, you should follow the same diet, but add one additional food to your afternoon or evening meal, like hummus made with chickpeas. On day 2, you can have two servings of protein-dense foods, say a serving of eggs with lunch and a serving of fish for dinner. As you break into a long-term pattern of eating, the goal should be to keep the full body cleanse diet as the foundation of your diet, and to add small servings of healthy, protein-dense foods (grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and animal foods) to your meals as your appetite dictates. HOW TO USE FRESH JUICES DURING YOUR FULL BODY CLEANSE After a day or two of getting right into the full body cleanse diet, it’s fine to try a day or two of having nothing but fresh juices. Because juices are mostly devoid of fiber, they put even less burden on your digestive organs than the whole foods that they come from. Less digestive burden translates to more energy being available for your self-regulated cleansing mechanisms. Here are some guidelines for juicing days: 1. Have as many freshly pressed juices as you desire. 2. Stick mainly with green juices that are made with a foundation of dark green, leafy lettuce and celery. Use only small amounts of sweet root vegetables like carrots and red beets. 3. If you want to have some freshly pressed fruit juice, mix it 50/50 with a non-sweet vegetable juice. Here’s an example of what a juicing day might look like: Juice #1 6 leaves romaine lettuce 2 ribs celery 2 carrots Juice #2 6 leaves green leafy lettuce 2 oranges Juice #3 6 leaves romaine lettuce juice 2 leaves green cabbage 2 carrots Juice #4 Big handful of kale or Swiss chard 2 ribs celery 2 apples Juice #5 2 tomatoes 2 carrots 3 ribs celery Squeeze of lemon juice After your juicing day(s), go back to the full body cleanse diet described above for at least a day before adding protein-dense foods to your diet. An alternative to doing full juicing days is to substitute one of your regular meals with a freshly pressed vegetable juice. Stay tuned next week for Full Body Cleanse: Lifestyle. *********************** ************************* For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at *********************** *************************

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Page 21

‘Idol’ speculation: Auditions at Petco Park Five from San Diego tryouts in 2007 made finals By George Varga, Reporter, critic - Music Downtown San DIego — Are you the next Adam Lambert? Or, rather, do you think you’re the next Adam Lambert (or Jennifer Hudson), and you want the world to know it? Then head to Petco Park this week, where registration for “American Idol” auditioners will begin at 7 a.m. Wednesday and continue until 8 a.m. Friday, the same day the first round of auditions will be held at the ballpark for the show’s upcoming 11th season. Singers who make the cut will be asked to return to Petco Park for the second round of auditions, July 9-11. Those hoping to try out are encouraged to register Wednesday or Thursday. Waiting until Friday may reduce your chance of getting an audition slot. This marks the second time “American Idol” auditions have been held in San Diego. The first was in 2007 at Qualcomm Stadium, where

” t n u o c s i D “Senior

approximately 12,000 hopefuls from across San Diego County and several other states turned out. Five San Diego auditioners that year ended up as finalists. Six other U.S. cities are audition sites this year. A word of caution: If your motivation to audition is to meet one or more of the judges from the Fox TV show, none of them will be present, at least not for the first round Friday. It isn’t yet known whether any of the judges will be at Petco Park for any or all of the second round. Nor has it been officially announced, incidentally, which judges from last season will be on board again next season. This has led to idle speculation by some that Ozzy Osbourne and Lady Gaga could be in line to replace Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez, should they opt not to return to the judges table for the show’s 2012 season. Registration will be continuous. That means

“Free Estim


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aspiring “Idol” participants have two days — and nights — to head to Petco Park, sign up and see whether they can make their dreams of music stardom (or at least TV stardom) become a reality. There are some restrictions. If you are — as of June 26, 2011 — 14 or younger, or 29 or older, you are not eligible. Those auditioning must be “legal U.S. citizens or a permanent U.S. resident who is eligible to work full-time in the U.S.,” the

rules state. All auditioners must bring two forms of identification — for example, a driver’s license and a birth certificate or passport. If you are younger than 18, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Each auditioner will also have to sign a seven-page personal release form. That form and an information handout can be seen at


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July 9, 2011 - Page 23

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