San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal

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The San Diego Monitor

John Warren of the Voice and Viewpoint Speaks His Mind at the San Diego Black Business Boot Camp Breakfast At the invitation of the boot camp leader Willie Morrow, Voice and Viewpoint publisher John Warren was invited to speak at the camp’s breakfast. Morrow felt that Warren’s work and life experience gave him important lessons to share with the boot camp members. During his address, Warren made the point that if Black businesses stayed home they would never have to come home. Black people need to stick together and work together to reverse the negative trends within the Black business community. Mr. morrow, the publisher of the San Diego Monitor also felt that it was time for the two newspapers to come together in an effort to advance the community. Mr. Warren, many thanks to you for your address.

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Beyond Black Entertainment Black America has made a brand out of being entertainment for White America. There was a time when this entertainment was based on making a mockery of our culture. Blacks would tap dance, even before tap dancing was a part of the norm, just to make whites smile. Through the years we started providing entertainment through sports. In the South, Saturday night was baseball night, one plantation pitted against another. Black folks would stand on one side of the diamond and the white folks would sit in the makeshift bleachers on the other side of the field. Some Blacks ended up becoming professional sports players, but in general, what White America did and made money from, Black folks did for fun and to provide entertainment. Today you can hear Blacks cheering on our sports players at the top of their voices. We have great football and basketball players that can leap high and jump fast. We play sports like no others, dance like no other others, sing like no other others, and rap like no others -- but do they need us to entertain them anymore? White America has learned to dance. White America has learned to play sports. Has our entertainment contract run out? I was reading a few days ago about George Washington Carver. Some accounts of his life say that he talked to the plants and that was how he learned his craft. However, some whites say that it was they who adopted him and taught him to grow plants before he went off to Tuskegee. Isn’t it amazing how whites

By Michael Gerson This week the fiscal crisis was momentarily interrupted for a public service announcement. The Pew Research Center issued a report showing that the racial disparity in net worth — the wealth gap in America — is growing. For people of every background, assets declined during the Great Recession, but the liquidation was faster among African Americans and Hispanics. This is hardly surprising. Lower-income groups have more of their wealth concentrated in homeownership; higher-income Americans are more diversified in their assets. The housing collapse took a disproportionate toll on minority wealth. The trend is less shocking than the base line. In 1984, the ratio between white and black wealth was about 12 to 1. Now, the median net worth of whites is about 20 times that of blacks. According to the most recent figures, about 15 percent of white households have zero or negative net worth. The percentage is 35 percent among African Americans. Current economic distress is compounding a long-term problem. The possession of assets provides a measure of security during an economic shock, allowing a family to weather a nasty bout of unemployment. In the absence of assets, unemployment can lead to dramatic

EDITORIAL claim things when there’s no background and no record of them in history? We Black adults need to see that we may have danced our last dance. A Black man called to say that in Detroit there’s a Black man who worked at a company for 20 years. Within two years a white woman became his boss. We have long been the entertainment, but it seems like they may no longer need you. We need to stop depending on White America, look within ourselves for extra strength, creativity, and organization. Until next week, Willie Morrow

Redistricting update and other items... By Barry Pollard On August 3, 6pm at the Kroc Center on 6845 University Ave., the SD City Redistricting Committee will visit the Community one last time before the approve their new map for the City Council Districts for the City of San Diego. District 4 will be part of that conversation. See link for the proposed new D4. It is critical we all attend this meeting and become part of the process. Write it on your calendar, this meeting will have an impact on our District that will last for the next 10 years. It will affect services we get, resources we deserve and representation that understands the community ...the entire community. Resident participation in the capacity building of our Community Last week I met with the Coalition of Neighborhood Councils to urge them to re-connect with the Town Council s in our Community. The CNC was started b the Late George Stevens to more effectively serve our District. The idea was to address our concerns within our District "block by block". A great idea! It supported the notion that only our residents can improve our District. Not a Councilperson, not any one organization, but the residents are the force that can take back and improve our neighborhoods. The CNC was designed to organize these Town Councils and support them in their endeavors. Over the past few years the CNC drifted away from their

The stranglehold on domestic policy downward mobility. And the consequences accelerate over time, since wealth is often used to purchase quality education for children, a source of upward mobility. This kind of problem is the reason liberals were created. At its best, liberalism has been about something more than making a progressive tax code slightly more progressive. It brought equal opportunity to the forefront of American politics — Robert Kennedy drawing attention to Appalachia, Sargent Shriver founding Head Start, Bill Clinton expanding the earned-income tax credit. “We can perhaps remember,” said RFK, “if only for a time, that those who live with us are our brothers; that they share with us the same short moment of life; that they seek, as do we, nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and in happiness.” Few liberals talk like that today, though the flame still flickers in places such as the Asset

The San Diego Monitor

Building Program at the New America Foundation, where Ray Boshara has conducted his long campaign to address the wealth gap. This challenge does not lack for proposed responses, including subsidies for savings, the promotion of financial education and increased access to financial services. Conservatives, however, also have a contribution to make in addressing the wealth disparity, intended or not. They are the only ones currently calling attention to a massive structural problem that will make serious social policy nearly impossible in the future. The trajectory of American debt, by nearly universal admission, is unsustainable. But the cause is not generally admitted on the left. As political analyst Yuval Levin points out, our future debt problem is “all about health-care entitlements. And I mean all.” In the Congressional Budget Office’s projections, health-care costs account for basically 100 percent of our exploding debt in the coming decades. In about 40 years, health-care entitlements — Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP and Obamacare — will overtake spending on everything else in the budget, including Social Security, defense and domestic discretionary spending. “The fed-

Mission and it is time for them to get back to their original Mission. I hope the current Board of Directors agree and begin supporting the Town Councils so we can build a foundation for ourselves, our children and our Grandchildren. No organization will be as effective as our neighborhoods in solving our gang problems, our sometimes lack of pride, our sense of watching out for each other. I remember the days when I was a child, if I was not in the house by the time "...the street lights came on..."., I would be in big trouble. I couldn't do anything wrong without my Mom knowing about it by the time I walked through the door! The neighbors would have called her before I arrived home. What if we used that model once more? Would we have a better community? In my opinion, we need to change the thinking that expects others to solve our problems and we need to start investing in our community block by block. It will work folks, it always has and it always will. We just have to believe and to "do it" We have a very beautiful Community and we deserve more. Volunteer in your respective communities just 1 hour per month and you will see the difference. Attend your Town Council meeting, attend the NAACP meetings, attend the BAPAC meetings, volunteer through your church anything, just get involved. One last thing. I saw a business card this week and it mentioned a pretty basic and thoughtful motto; " up, tell the truth and keep your word..." Very powerful, very basic and what a motto to live our lives by? God Bless eral government,” says Levin, “will basically be a health insurer with some unusual side ventures like an army and a navy.” One consequence would be to rule out any broad innovation on domestic policy. To make room for unreformed entitlement commitments, discretionary spending would be so squeezed that even existing programs on education, hunger, poverty and homelessness would be tough to maintain. For proof, the current budget debate will suffice. Republicans oppose new taxes. Democrats oppose serious entitlement reform. Apparently the only thing on which they can agree is further reductions in discretionary spending, which have already taken the brunt of cuts in the recent past. More libertarian-leaning Republicans may find this a welcome development — though it only briefly postpones a deficit reckoning. For Democrats, the matter is more complex. Health entitlements are great liberal achievements, and preserving them is an effective political appeal. But maintaining these past achievements in their current form may preclude the possibility of significant future achievements in the promotion of equal opportunity. An ideology that merely protects the past is not recognizably progressive. In normal times, a worsening social problem like the wealth gap might unite creative liberals and compassionate conservatives in an unlikely policy alliance. Meetings would take place at the New America Foundation. Bipartisan legislation would be introduced. It is a Washington I can remember — but now seems impossibly distant.

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/ window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title Fabricate & Install Custom Console Casework for Motion Picture Industries Program at Point Loma High School Furnish & Install Theatre Lighting and Controls in Motion Picture Industries Facility at Point Loma High School Marshall Elementary School: Student Drop-Off and ADA Upgrades Food Service Modernization and Site Improvements at Fulton Elementary School Slope and Drainage Improvements at Montgomery Middle School Holmes Elementary School: Replace Fire-Destroyed Portable Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2) Cherokee Point Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Sherman Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Miramar Ranch Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Vista Grande Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions Stevenson Elementary School – ADA Work Mead Elementary School HVAC Project* University City High School: Lighting & Scoreboard* Millennial Tech: Phase V Bus Turnaround – Athletic Fields* Creative Performing Media Arts: Whole Site Modernization* Creative Performing Media Arts (CPMA) at Kroc Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) Project Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project* Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building* Data Center at Serra High School* Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project* Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project*

Bid Range Less than $50K Less than $50K $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million Less than $200K $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million $200K - $1 Million Less than $200K Less than $200K $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $1 - $5 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million $5 - $10 Million

*Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) applies

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Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para mãs información en español, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.


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The San Diego Monitor

Slain Officer and Daughter’s Funeral

A funeral service for San Diego Police Detective Donna Williams and her daughter Briana Williams was held Thursday at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego. Donna Williams was a three decade veteran of the San Diego Police Department and her daughter Briana who had graduated from Mount Carmel High School a few weeks ago was headed to college this fall. Both were allegedly murdered by family member Brian Williams.

RANCHO BERNARDO — Mourners gathered at a Rancho Bernardo church Thursday morning to memorialize a San Diego police officer and her daughter who were stabbed to death at their Rancho Peñasquitos home last week. About 2,000 people, including hundreds of law enforcement officers, remembered Detective Donna Williams, 52, and daughter Briana, 18, during the 10 a.m. service at the Maranatha Chapel, where the family worshipped. One of Williams’ sons, Brian Rockwell Williams, 24, has been charged with murder in the two deaths. His lawyer has said Brian suffers from a mental illness similar to schizophrenia and was not undergoing treatment at the time of the killings. Donna Williams was a 31-year veteran of the Police Department and was affectionately known as the “queen mother” of the agency’s child abuse unit, which she worked in for 22 years. She also was a “softball mom” and very involved with Briana’s participation in the sport. Hundreds of students from Mt. Carmel High School, where Briana was a star softball player before graduating this year, attended the funeral. About 9:30 a.m., two hearses pulled up in front of the church and parked side by side. At precisely 10 a.m, the doors on the hearses were opened as the pallbearers for each casket lined up. T h e teenage pallbearers for Briana held hands before wheeling her casket into the church behind her mother ’s. Williams’ casket was draped in

The Metro AARP had a day

“Real Rum, pure

in the park at Martin Luther King Park Friday, July 22, 2011. Seniors enjoyed the sun, a good game of bid wiz, dominos, and spades and of course each other. The atmosphere was laced with stories of times past and found memories of those who had gone on before. It was a simple event laced with simple pleasures, company, humor, a spread fit for a tasteful picnic – fried chicken, slamming baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw and several tasty ingredients anddesserts. baked when ordered”

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an American flag, while Briana’s was adorned with a spray of red and yellow flowers. Mourners were given leopard print and red ribbons — the leopard print a favorite of the teen and red for her mother. Briana had planned to attend the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where she had a full scholarship. Williams was preparing to retire from the Police Department in three years. On a table in the chapel’s entryway, Briana’s athletic awards and her softball jersey sat next to photographs of the player in her softball uniform. Another photo showed the teen, known as “Bree,” with her arms thrown around her mother, giving her a kiss. A painting of Briana was adorned with the words, “Rest in peace, beautiful soul.” On a second table were photos of a smiling Donna Williams next to her husband, Howard Williams, a retired San Diego police sergeant who died in 2007In eulogizing the detective, Capt. Jim Collins said the “love of her life” was her husband. They met when Donna Williams worked in the department’s southeastern division. The couple had five children. Collins talked about Williams growing up in Santa Monica and her early days on the police force. When she graduated from the police academy, he said, her mother asked her what gift she would like to mark the occasion. Collins said Williams replied, “A .38 revolver.” The story brought laughter to the chapel’s near-capacity crowd. He described the veteran detective as a loving Continued on page 10

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The San Diego Monitor

‘Can I touch it?’ Sykes Carpet & Janitorial Service For quality cleaning service at a price that will fit your income we provide: • Carpet Cleaning • Stripping Floors (any and all tile)

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The fascination with natural, African-American hair Tamara Winfrey Harris tells a story of being in a chain restaurant with her husband when their names were called for a table. Just as the couple rose to go, a middle-aged white woman standing nearby reached out swiftly to touch Winfrey Harris’s hair which at the time was styled in natural twists. “She missed by mere seconds, she was actually going to grab my hair as I walked past her,” recalled Winfrey Harris who runs the blog What Tami Said. “I turned around and she said, ‘Oh, your hair is neat.’ It just floored me because who does that, just reaches out and touches strangers?” It’s a common tale shared by women of color whose natural hair can attract stares, curiosity, comments and the occasional stranger who desires to reach out and touch. The reaction to such fondling can range from amusement to outrage over the invasion of personal space. The discussion surrounding it is often rooted in race relations. Blogger Los Angelista explained her response to a woman’s incredulous “Are you serious, I can’t touch your hair?” by writing that no she couldn’t, “Because my black ancestors may have been your ancestors’ property, and had to smile while they got touched in ways they didn’t want to, but I am not YOUR property and never will be so you’d best move your hand away from me.” “Natural hair” for black women is, by definition, hair that is not processed and not chemically altered. Straightened hair is oftened viewed as easier to care for and more attractive. Rather than use chemical straighteners known as relaxers (also sometimes called “creamy crack” for both the damage it can do to black hair as well as the inability of some women to live without it) some women wear their hair in its natural state. Natural hair can be described as curly, kinky, wavy, or — the sometimes dreaded and considered by some to be an offensive word — nappy. Black hair fuels a more than billion-dollar industry which includes products, weaves, and wigs that can enable African-American women to change up their styles at a whim. Tons of websites, blogs, books and videos about natural hair exist to educate those desiring to “go natural.” The style has been embraced for reasons of fashion, politics and simply by those unwilling to spend the time and money to maintain their chemically processed hair. So why the continuing fascination with natural hair, given that so many women of color are now rocking the style and have been for years? Keneesha Hudson said that despite the growing number of women embracing their natural hair texture, it’s still considered unique. Hudson is the owner/founder of Urbanbella, a company in Atlanta that specializes in helping women embrace their natural hair texture. She first went natural in 2002 when she did the “big chop” (cutting all of her processed hair off) so she could have the freedom to swim, she said, and today she sports a thick mane of natural curls. “For the longest time we black women have been wearing our hair chemically straightened to a point where most of us really don’t know what our natural hair looks like,” Hudson said. “There’s a generation of us who have never even seen our hair in any form but straight except for baby pictures.” Visitors to her salon will sometimes ask to touch her hair to establish that it is actually all hers and not a wig or a weave, she said, while still others are strangers who “sneak and touch it.” “We love to go to the football games, and there’s a group of guys that sit behind us,”

Hudson said. “One week, towards the end of the season, one of the guys in cheering just kind of laid his hands on my head like ‘Yeah!’ I said ‘That has nothing to do with cheering for the game,’ but I just find those little moments happen a lot.” In 2008, Renee Martin wrote “Can I Touch Your Hair? Black Women and The Petting Zoo” for her blog Womanist Musings and said she continues to get e-mails from women thanking her for her post and relaying their personal experiences about their hair being touched. Some white women who responded, Martin said, shared their stories of their own hair being touched in countries populated by people of color. They chalked it up to natural curiosity and accused Martin of being too sensitive, she said. But she says she doesn’t think the crux of the issue has to do with curiosity. “I think it’s the idea that they have the right to possess black women and they will take any excuse they can to jump over the border, whether it’s policing our behavior or policing our hair,” Martin said. “I think it’s about ownership of black bodies more than it has to actually do with hair.” Actress Issa Rae, star/creator of the web series “The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl,” said she has been natural all of her life. She had cut her hair and worked the short afro into the character, who was heartbroken and starting over. Rae has endured the comments of “Eww, why is your hair like that? Why are you trying to go back to slavery?” from other AfricanAmericans and says that, growing up, she had requests to touch her hair from both blacks and whites. The touching doesn’t bother her as much as “when they ask stupid questions to make me feel like my hair is alien hair.” “I had someone ask me if I wear my hair like this to honor my ancestors, and that was funny to me,” she said. “This is not for Kunta [Kinte].” Rae notes that in the 1970s, there was an afro movement for a while, but it died down in the 1980s. There are quite a few layers when it comes to discussions about black hair, from length to texture, and hair is very much tied to the culture, she said. “Hair is just a huge component of blackness, so it’s not going to go away,” she said. Tia Mosley, 29, went natural at the age of 12 when she refused to get her hair relaxed anymore. The inquisitiveness about her ‘do is as natural as the hair on her head, she said. “People want to touch my hair all the time and I have no problem with it,” she said. “I have a problem with the touching and the attempt to touch without asking.” Mosley said that when she used to work at a predominantly white theater company in northern Georgia, her hair was viewed as exotic and stirred up a great deal of interest. “They thought I was from the islands and they had lots of questions about my hair,” she said laughing. “I would say ‘No, I’m from the island of Houston, Texas.”

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ow with only a few days away till the national deadline to raise our national deficit, Congress has still yet to find a solution to reduce our trillion dollar deficit. With House Republicans refusing to support the Senate Democratic Reid “deficit reduction” plan, and now with losing support—from both House Republicans and Senate Democrats—of Boehner’s deficit reduction plan it seems as though that Congress is playing a game of Chess: checks, no checkmate. This is a game that is costing us precious time to create a plan to reduce our deficit spending. And some—House Republicans—are refusing to back down until it is won. House Republicans said they would rather see the country go into default than approve the Senate plan. “I don’t see the Reid plan being able to pass here,’’ said Representative Lee Terry, a Nebraska Republican. “You’d rather go to a default and make the president prioritize under that scenario. And then we can see what’s really important and what isn’t.’’ (Boston Globe) If this is their notion then what would happen if our country does default? Compelled by this, I’ve done some research and this is what I’ve found, if we do so happen to default: It could be bad, on several levels. A default is typically a decision not to pay government bondholders (China and other foreign countries), in part or in full, but the rating agencies have said they might consider the United States in default if it fails to pay other creditors like government vendors. If the federal government interrupts payments, whether to Social Security recipients or contractors, those people will then have less money to spend, and the economy will slow down. And if the United States defaults on its debt, there is a risk that the investors — foreign and domestic — could demand a higher interest rate. Then, consumers could also feel the pinch: because the interest rates paid by corporations and consumers in the United States are tied to the rate the nation pays, interest rates could go up for everything from credit cards to mortgages. A homeowner with a mortgage for $100,000 might see her annual mortgage costs go up by $100 to $200 a year, economists say. So the failure to raise the debt limit could slow the nation’s recovery, Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve,

warned in a speech last month. “Failing to raise the debt limit would require the federal government to delay or renege on payments for obligations already entered into,” he said. “In particular, even a short suspension of payments on principal or interest on the Treasury’s debt obligations could cause severe disruptions in financial markets and the payments system, induce ratings downgrades of U.S. government debt, create fundamental doubts about the creditworthiness of the United States and damage the special role of the dollar and Treasury securities in global markets in the longer term. Interest rates are likely to rise, slowing the recovery and, perversely, worsening the deficit problem by increasing required interest payments on the debt for what might well be a protracted period.” States, still recovering from the downturn, could be hurt in two ways. First, if the federal payments they rely on for everything from Medicaid to highway construction are interrupted, states that are still recovering from the recession could face serious cashflow problems. Second, the broader economic disruptions of a default could lower tax collections again as they are still rebounding from the dive they took during the Great Recession. California, which typically issues short-term bonds for cash-flow reasons at this time of year, is working to arrange bank loans instead, citing the market uncertainty. “If the government stopped paying federal workers or held back Social Security checks, the resulting loss of individual income could have a profound effect on state and local tax revenues,” Economists agree that a default will have an immediate and catastrophic impact on our cities, and the implications are global. A credit downgrade will plunge us into a deep, double-dip recession. (NY TIMES) A lot of lives are on the line and now is not the time to play chess: it’s time to act cooperatively.

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SLAIN Continued from page 8 mother and a mentor, and a true friend to everyone who knew her. She was dedicated to her job. “She was one of the best, if not the best child abuse detectives ever, “ Collins said. Mayor Jerry Sanders, who was the city’s police chief for six years during the 1990s, was among the mourners Thursday. He said he was a sergeant when Williams joined the force and that he worked with her when she was in the department’s southeastern division. “She was the best the city had to offer,” Sanders said. Williams’ daughter, Briana, was eulogized by her softball coach, Don Portugal, who called her a social butterfly “whose friends always came first.” He said she was one of the most decorated softball players in the country. As a pitcher, she would give him gray hairs at times, Portugal said jokingly, walking a few batters “just to make things interesting.” Alyssa Abrenica struggled through tears as she described her friend as a “sweetheart” who could light up a room. “I’m going to miss your huge warm hugs and you telling me I love you,” Abrenica said. “Our girls’ nights will never be the same without you.” She said all of Briana’s friends loved Donna Williams, too, and thought of her as their second mom. Abrenica said that she and Briana would sit in the back of Williams’ car and sing — and the lively mother of five would always join in. After the service, San Diego police helicopters flew over the church. A reception followed at the San Diego Police Officers Association Hall. Donations to the family can be sent to the Detective Donna Williams Family Trust, care of San Diego Police Officers Association, 8388 Vickers St., San Diego, CA, 92111.

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San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell

News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez

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loyd A. Smith was born in El Centro, California. He moved with his family to San Diego when he was only five. Growing up he sang in his church choir. Smith attended Lincoln High School in San Diego and was part of the infamous “Hall Walking Five.” These bands of brothers were known for their vocal harmony and R&B sound. Their cadence drove students out of the classrooms and into the halls like a pied piper. Smith formed a singing group from these high school friends in the late 70’s called Satisfaction. Their performance caught the eye of Ollie Brown and Ray Parker Jr. and the group produced their first album. The group opened up for concert acts, such as the Silvers, Kool & the Gang, and the Stylistics. The group won Best Act of the Year in the Gong Show Movie produced by Chuck Barris Productions (1980). Smith left the group in the late 80’s and begun his career as a county marshal in San Diego. Entrepreneurship was knocking at his door so he left the security of his job and formed, owned, and promoted nightclubs and entertainment events. In late 2008 he received a call from his childhood friend Leonard Tucker. Tucker currently touring with The 5th Dimension informed Smith of the group’s search for a new lead bass singer. Singing was Smith’s first passion so with his three-octave bass baritone range in tow he auditioned for Ms. Florence La Rue one of the original group members of the 5th Dimension and landed the position. Smith joined the Six-Time Grammy Award Winning The 5th Dimension who to their claim has received 16 gold records and 10 double platinum. The group is best known for hits like Aquarius, One Less Bell to Answer, Up, Up, and Away, Stone Soul Picnic, and many more. Smith is the (Lamonte replacement) 2009-present.

OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

The Nehemiah Project – Part 5 Connect Create Collaborate

Brick Walls or Broken Walls Starting August 9th, 2011 at 6:00 p.m., I will begin conducting (free) workshops on first and second Tuesdays at the San Diego Urban League, which will lay the foundations for building the walls – starting with MONEY!!! I will be looking for some SERIOUS people to help me. If you are serious about community and economic development, I’ll see you there. I will not be alone. I’ve already told you about the financial services company I work with. I may not have told you that it is my intent to run for the California State Assembly. A critical element of the story of Nehemiah, as you will recall, (you did read it, didn’t you?) was that Nehemiah had faithfully served the king. Because of Nehemiah’s diligence and integrity, the king gave him three things: money, authority and a security force. The money was an investment in the development of the community. After all, this land was under the jurisdiction of the king, and if it was in shambles, it reflected badly on the king. The authority was to ward off those who would stand in the way of that development. The security force was for the protection of Nehemiah himself. According to the census, about one third of all of the Black folk in San Diego county lived in the 78th California Assembly District in 2000. This is the largest concentration of African Americans in any political jurisdiction in San Diego County. The State of California has a vested interest in developing all of the communities in the 78th Assembly District. We need to get access to those financial (money), legislative (authority) and public safety (security) resources. The great thing is, in the United States of America, and in the State of California, THE CITIZEN IS KING! YOU get to elect and select who will go get the resources to rebuild the broken walls of your community. I know you are all registered! This is your chance to flex your POWER! But at the same time you are acquiring resources, you must also be building the infrastructure to put those resources to best use – you have to start preparing to make bricks. This starts with you handling your own personal finances in a way the respects your ancestors – those who slaved, and fought and prayed and planned and died so you could have many of the benefits you probably take for granted. We’ll talk more about that on Tuesdays. For now, ask yourself, “Where does all my money go?” If you can’t account for every dollar, you probably have a spending problem. If you have an income problem, we’ll talk about that, too. See you on August 9. (Yes, there will be food.) J CMH [Love Train – O’Jays]

Detroit Gets Tech Start-up “Magic”

The annual Gospel Series was held at Market Creek Plaza. Before a crowd of over 400 people great gospel entertainment was provided by International Recording artist Brent Jones and the TP (Total praise) Mob, J. Pierre Mandate recording artist and Sunday Night Heart. This free concert series held at Market Creek Plaza runs from July 10, 2011 until August 28, 2011 every Sunday from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. Not many things are free in San Diego so all should take advantage of a great time to be had by the entire family.

By Renee Oricchio File this under "why I still love Magic Johnson." Legendary NBA star for the Lakers and—what's more germaine to this posting—Michigan State alum, Earvin "Magic" Johnson has announced he has joined a tech start-up VC group, Detroit Venture Partners, and will be infusing millions of his own personal dollars into Detroit-based tech start-ups. Detroit Venture Partners (which was co-founded by Josh Linkner, another columnist) primarily incubates and funds early-stage companies working on mobile apps, cloud computing, and social networking. Johnson joins the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers (and Quicken Loans founder), Dan Gilbert, and Linkner, who founded ePrize, as one of the partners in Detroit Venture Partners. Gilbert made headlines when it decided to relocate Quicken Loans, along with 1,700 jobs, to Greater Detroit a few years ago. While the companies that built Detroit continue to build cars somewhere else—and occasionally take a government bailout—these are some corporate citizens at least trying to do something for a grand old city on the brink of utter collapse. VC groups like Detroit Venture Partners, and the small businesses who choose to pursue their dreams in places where others need to share in it the most, are truly my heroes. We need a whole generation of patriots like you. Good luck in your endeavors.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Do Wealth Principles Work In San Diego? Four wealth principles are the foundation for obtaining wealth. The 1099 society offers the best chance to make the transition from poverty to wealth status. The tax system is designed to encourage business ownership, helping to make it the first and primary wealth principal. Most realize the chances of becoming wealthy in the W-2 world are slim and none. There are only seven ways, including entrepreneurship to acquire true wealth. Inherit wealth Marry wealth Invest for wealth Get lucky (gamble, win the lottery) Break the law (steal, deal, con) Work for a very generous company or individual Entrepreneurship (Own your own business) The second principle is the ability to leverage people, allowing you to benefit from their time, talent, skills and education. I often hear people use the term pyramid when discussing the network marketing direct sales industry. These are typically people being leveraged in their current 9-5 jobs and see it as a normal function of business. When you’re interviewed for a job, what’s really happening is the employer is surveying your skill sets to determine which ones can be leveraged for the company’s profitability and what they’re willing to pay for it. The third principle is creating residual income streams. Hourly or monthly salaried individuals are not going to become wealthy. If you make $25 an hour, it stops at the end of your shift. Wealth is created by generating streams of income that never stop, providing a continuous flow of income 24/7. The fourth principle is taking advantage of a redhot trend or market shift. A market shift occurs during an industrial revolution, technology infrastructure change or a new concept change in an entire industry. A good example of this would be the iPod’s effect on the music industry. It’s said when one door closes, another opens. Wealth is created by taking advantage and positioning to profit from new door openings. Today the internet has created the greatest market shift of our lifetime. Many products that have been part of traditional retail are now being downloaded and purchased from the internet: music, software, books, insurance, travel, banking - and the list goes on and on. “E-commerce is here to stay.” All of this makes me question why San Diego

black professional business men and women seem to be a little more skeptical when it comes to identifying business opportunities in network marketing. Are Southern California black professionals too sophisticated to fall for these “network marketing schemes”? Keep in mind, these same network marketing schemes are used by professionals across the country and turned into six-figure careers, providing incredible income and time freedom. Is there really a difference between the professionals in this area and other parts of the country? Here are a few profiles of black business professionals in cities across the country, enjoying the profession and their backgrounds, prior to becoming involved in networking. I would enjoy seeing more success stories like these, here in San Diego. • Phyllis Nash – Chicago, IL Owned LeNa Enterprises Inc. and LeNa Realty Group Inc., a Real Estate Development Company and Real Estate Brokerage. She left this industry to become a networker. • Edward Pryor – Atlanta, GA - US Army, First Sergeant “Retired” served over 20 years in the military before beginning his second career in network marketing.. • Lou Brock, St. Louis, MO - Only player in the history of Major League Baseball to have an award established in his name while still an active player. The “Lou Brock Award” is granted each year to the player with the most stolen bases. His MLB career spanned 20 years, setting MLB and World Series records while playing with the St. Louis Cardinals. Now a networker! • Von Nickleberry – Detroit MI Was an entrepreneur prior to entering direct sales, Von owned a commercial cleaning business and wife Sara a selfemployed independent contractor in automotive marketing as well as a commercial actress. • Demond Crump – Displaced from New Orleans, LA - During hurricane Katrina, owned a mobile detailing service and also did mortgage loans.” I’ve always been and entrepreneur; destined to build something of my own for my family.” • Nakia Muhammad - Detriot, MI - Consultant to the

Mayor’s Office of Detroit. Targeted business development, and former real estate franchise owner • Larease Rivers, Atlanta, GA - Was a co-owner of several supplemental nurse staffing agencies for over seven years before becoming a network marketing professional • Shedrick White, Atlanta, GA - Waited tables in Atlanta. Owned and operated his event planning, marketing and promotions company. Has built a successful network marketing organization throughout the Southeast US. • Ann Jones, Washington DC - Was employed as a Deputy Secretary (GS-14) for the Federal Government in Washington, DC. However, resigned from her six figure job in two months after joining direct sales and began working the opportunity full time. • Arlyne Thompson, Phoenix, AZ Worked 30+ years in state government human Resources and Administration. After retiring she decided living on a fixed income wasn’t going to allow her to travel and pursue her retirement dreams and sought other options. • “Harvey Zay” Brister, Cleveland, OH - Radio “Smooth Jazz music show host in the Cleveland area. Prior to that, worked as a news reporter, weatherman, continues to do commercials, voice-overs and teach broadcasting courses while building his network marketing business. What these successful entrepreneurs did was harvest skills and talents that were used to make others wealthy and channeled them into a vehicle, creating wealth for themselves. As professional networkers, they create a footprint that we look to duplicate. Often we see talents and abilities in individuals consistent with these successful people in our industry. They may

not see themselves as candidates based on the lack of success of someone else. Motivational speaker and trainer Les Brown often talks about “allowing what others see in you to be your motiva- Reginald tion, until you see it in your- “Reggie” Sibley self.“ This was his key to success and can be the same for others. For most of us, the traditional model for success was education followed by achievement in the corporate world. The problem is, many still believe that this is the only way to achieve success, so they give up on achieving real wealth altogether. If your plan “A” is not helping you to reach your goals, be open to a plan “B.” Direct Sales Marketing is a high-tech game of Follow the Leader. It’s all about learning and following a system to its conclusion. Too often, decisions are made to avoid involvement or simply quit, based on the failures rather than successes of others. However, what’s often ignored is the profound sense of industry comraderie often not found in the corporate environment Network marketers all benefit from your success and are all willing to assist you for that reason. In the words of author John Maxwell - “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desire to reach their potential.” For information on Direct Sales Marketing opportunities contact: Reggie Sibley Future Trends Marketing 619.804.1046

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Discussions Are you salty enough? Or have you lost your flavor? This is a very important question for Christians as well as nonChristians. The salty conversation for non-Christians is what influence are you having within your immediate environment to the good? Are your conduct, your example, and your results that which enriches your immediate sphere of influence? Many times we equate the question of making a positive impact to at times being set aside for Christians only. Whether Christian or not you have the ability to bring about positive change within your immediate area of influence this means your home, your work place, and your community. Having said that I believe there is one important part of the equation if not a Christian that tends to prevent the absolute positive change that can only come about by and through the Spirit of the living God. Some just said “I lost you” but hold on I believe it will become crystal clear where this is going – to the positive. There is something to be said about an infectious movement that If you have questions you would just takes everyone by storm. We have clear enough evidence that like answered or topics discussed, being “good” cannot be legislated. Just as we have clear evidence please send all questions to facethat being a moral person cannot be mandated, enforced, or adju- There is the ability to do good things. There is also the ris or email: ability to do and act morally on occasion. But the real test on being or salty in a way that shakes a world is to create a ripple that changes twitter@KeepingitealAH. the current atmosphere consistently and lastingly. Let’s prove my For more articles point, the offense of murder is legislated and judicially enforced, www.keepingitrealwithangela yet the people still kill, as a matter a fact they kill in large numbers. You could go through the list of things decreed unacceptable and then take a look around and see the people who simply ignore the rules. So if it was simple enough to put into law codes of conduct and that’s all it took our world would be a much different place. Let’s take a look at the truly converted individual who has truly had an encounter with God. This person is extremely salty. This person doesn’t have to be told to do good or be good, or to live morally. This person desires to accomplish these very things because they have a desire to live righteous before a righteous God. This person has a heart for people, this person has compassion for people, this person values the life of human beings, this person endeavors to be a light in a dying world and this person ensures that their behavior is replicated not by force, not by coercion, not by intimidation, but literally by the life they live. People are not drawn to this salty person because they carry a bible or wear a cross or say “I’m blessed and highly favored”. People are not drawn to this person because every time the church doors are open they’re there. They are drawn to this person because they genuinely live a life before them that is laced with the fruit of the spirit: patience, kindness, love, compassion and self-control. Here are some other glimpses into the life of a salty Christian: When they see an injustice they speak out on it, not in a mean-spirited way but in a manner that is strong and considerate. When they encounter someone going through their advice is laced with the word of God to ensure success. When someone is negative they have something positive to interject. When someone is sad they bring a word to up lift them. When someone is angry they encourage them with confidence to not let their anger go unchecked. When someone is grieving they grieve with them while all the while instilling hope. A salty person led by the Spirit knows when to open their mouth and when to just be quiet. A salty Christian doesn’t act like they know it all, or have all the answers, or have mastered a totally sinless walk. A salty Christian is transparent letting all know that God is not looking for or expecting perfection, simply faith, obedience and a heart willing to learn, and will extend the very same grace they’ve received to others. Brent Jones and the TP (Total Praise) Mob sing “Heaven in the room”. The focus of the song is that God has given us the power to change the atmosphere. It’s long overdue – stand up and be counted. God is seeking salty Christian’s who will change their atmosphere within their sphere of influence and leave the rest up to Him!

The San Diego Monitor


8300 Paradise Valley Rd. Suite #102 Spring Valley, Ca 91977 Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-6pm 619-479-1978

2850 National Ave Suite #109 San Diego Ca 92113 Mon-Fri 10am-9pm Sat & Sun 11am-6pm 619-233-0670

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No More Bloating and GAS! At 47 years old, Will Gatlin has accomplished so many amazing things. For 22 years Will worked in the studio mechanics local union 476 in Chicago. Over this time he was involved in the making of many TV and film projects including The Blues Brothers, Rudy, Light It Up, and Deliver Us from Eva. During this time Will was able to use his passion for food and cooking in his everyday work due to the fact that he was one of the most known and popular craft servicemen in the business. He was known by his peers under the name SNACKMANTOTHESTARS and was highly praised for his work on set. Over these years Will started his own family and now has 3 kids: Jason (28) Gabrielle (19) and Danielle (16). His middle child and oldest daughter, Gabrielle, was born with health complications which would later lead to her needing several surgeries done on her stomach and mouth. During Gabrielle’s early life Will continued to juggle the tasks that came with having an ill child along with a busy career. When Will’s daughter was 12 things changed when she was admitted to the hospital for what was thought to be a bowl obstruction. They had tried everything and exhausted all options, her family couldn’t figure out what was wrong and neither could the doctors. After 3 months of her not responding to treatments and no known cause for her pain Will began his own research about alternative methods of healing. This path led him to natural therapy such as acupuncture and herbs that were good for helping with stomach and digestive issues along with gas, bloating, constipation and also lack of energy. This proved to have helped Gabrielle over time. Will had combined the herbs he had researched into a tea form which he later named Gattea. Over the past 7 years many of people have come to know Gattea and consume its benefits. The tea has proven to help with issues relating to gas, bloating and lack of energy. Will greatly enjoys speaking with others about how the tea has changed Gabrielle’s life and also his, and how important it is to purify the body of the toxic chemicals that may exist. When speaking with others about Gattea he catches his audience’s attention by using himself as a testimony along with the story of how the tea was created during his daughters trials in the hospital. Will admits that he wishes he had known the things regarding nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle 10 years ago, and can’t help but wonder what would have been different in his life if he had known. Right now his daughter Gabrielle is 19 years old and attending college and studying psychology and hasn’t been hospitalized since her junior year of high school. For more follow-up and information about stress and how to buy Gat Tea and or call (708) 362.5135






The San Diego Monitor

IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY In most instances minorities do not set their finances in order before they leave this earth therefore; the burden of burial arrangements is carried on the family. You may want to check your state’s regulations so that you may get your house in order in case of an emergency. If you live in the state of California ALL cost of burial arrangements is set by law to be incurred by the family which can prolong the initial grieving process. The business aspect of burying someone can cause you more grief than the actual mourning of the loss of your loved one. A last will and testemant or a living trust can direct your family and loved ones how to proceed and bring ease to preparing for one’s memorial service. I would suggest a simple life insurance policy to cover the expenses of the burial cost. There are a few low cost insurance companies where you are not required to have a medical examination. Did you know that you can be a member of the San Diego Memorial Society for $40 and receive reduce rates on your burial arrangements? Delegating responsibilites to different family members and loved ones takes the stress off one person and brings camaraderie within the family, I find. My family really pulled together on this one with all the fundraising to give my brother a proper burial, I am so pleased at everyone’s efforts. Even with all the good that was accomplished there still was one Joker who came and did what she does best, Rabble rouser (you know you have one person who likes to stir up mess in your family). My granny use to tell me Black Folks act up at “Funerals & Weddings” that’s why she doesn’t go to any of them. Preparing for a funeral, receiving out of town guest, fundraising, grieving and being the target of verbal abuse can push one over the edge. What should you do in that circumstance? Take a Vacation! You wouldn’t think so but that is exactly what I did. I retreated two hours away from the epi center. It was the best move that I made in my life. Far away from the noise in a small town where farming is still the primary source of making a living. The stars were so bright in the sky you would think that one would touch you. Technology is so great; I had my own mobile command center to take care of problems as they arised. On the other hand, I was able to distance myself from all the hectic emotions of others and remain at peace while I screened my calls and emails. The quietness allowed me to receive the peace I needed to endure the actual funeral & burial service. I came to realize that my actual grieving process will not start until my brother is in the ground and everyone goes home to their perspective places. If you ever get in a place where you can’t take it, go check yourself in a hotel and enjoy its amenities. Find your peace and quiet place to able to deal with the stressful situation. If you need any assistance in finding a great hotel and or bed and breakfast, do not hesitate to contact me. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor


The San Diego Monitor

We Spe cialize in Kids Haircu ts


Hours 9am-6pm. Tue-Sat.

4115 HOME AVE. STE.C - (619) 231-2690 All barber style cuts. Beautician available perms, flatiron, weaves, braids also eyelashes.

Hand Wash $12.00 Detail exterior and Interior Wheels and Rims 95.00 per car. Includes clay and wax. SUV’s extra. Lee W. Wright Owner Imperial Ave. @ 50th San Diego, CA 92114




Eyelash extension 2 for $99.00 Hair extension $149.99 We have new brazlian& indian hair 100% sold here. Stylist Wanted. Walk-ins Welcome Micro braids, Corn rows & Kinky twist.

V Sa oted lo n 20 10

1/2 off on Tuesday On all services except Weave’s 1ST set of eyelashes $5500

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Page 20- MAY 9, 2009

The San Diego Monitor

In Loving Memory of Nicole Marguerite Morrow Obituary On Thursday, July 13, 2011 Nicole Marguerite Morrow joined our father Jesus Christ in heaven. In 1978, God blessed Marguerite -Mack and Howard Morrow with a beautiful 7lb l4oz baby girl who would prove to this world that she was a force to be reckoned with. She was the first of three children, and was given several nicknames from the start, but the one that stuck with her the most was ‘Scooter,’ given to her by her stepfather Carleton Mack. Nicole often 'scooted' her way around situations in order to keep herself out of trouble, although it may not have always worked. Nicole was raised by her parents Carleton and Marguerite, who encouraged her to give her life over to Christ at the age of nine. She was later baptized. Nicole was born and raised in San Diego where she attended Serra High School. Nicole was blessed with a beautiful baby boy on October 27, 1997, named Nathanall Gabriel Anderson-Morrow. Nicole was high-spirited, loved music and kindhearted. Nicole expressed her love in many ways, especially through her passion for cooking. She would add a sprinkle of this, a dash of that, and then sample her cuisine for perfection. Afterwards, she would step back and wait to hear the sounds of enjoyment and smiles that would fill the room. Along with her pleasure of cooking, Nicole's inquisitive side led her to the Phlebotomy program at Kaplan University. Nicole had many talents, goals, and aspirations. Nicole leaves to cherish her memory the following family: her pride and joy son, Nathanall, parents, Marguerite & Carleton Mack, Howard Morrow, sister, Ratasha Mack, brother, Carleton Mack Jr., precious niece, Miliana Mack, nephew, Anthony Plustache, a host of loving aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and a host of other relatives and friends.

Nicole you will be truly missed, but as Jesus Christ our Savior reminds us, absent in the body, present with thy Lord. We will always love and miss you, but you now rest with our Father who will never for sake you! God Bless

Jesus the Way to the Father "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:1-3

WHAT IS DIABETES? By Grady P. Anderson, Jr., M.D. This is a continuation of the article I wrote two weeks ago. To recap what I wrote I said that Juvenile Diabetes is a condition that is characterized by the inability of the cells of the pancreases to secrete the hormone insulin in response to a sugar challenge. Now it has been stated in the medical literature that ties a genetic disorder and that regardless of what you do you will come down with diabetes. Now let us stop a minute and think about these facts. You as a child are allergic to your Own Insulin and it is your body that is attacking itself. Why then would you think that if you were given Insulin from a pig (porcine) or some other mammal or synthetically (laborato-

Where We Care About Your Hair

Pecolia Vance

Part 2

ry made insulin) work to lower blood sugar? Well, it will lower your blood sugar but because this is a foreign protein your body needs ever increasing amounts of this essential hormone which is not yours. What if this problem could be solved by the use of some minerals and sugars that are missing from your diet and cost you less then $300.00/month? I recently saw a print out of a friend of mine for the cost of medication for one month $2,300.00 now that is a $2,000.00 difference. If this were over the span of a year it would be $24,000.00 that you could use to send your children to college; invest part of the money in the “right stocks” not using Bernie Madoff, as your advisor; payoff your mortgage. Chromium and Vanadium deffiency in your body has been shown to be a cause of diabetes and that ingesting the two metals has been shown to reverse this disease. The other mineral that our bodies need is Calcium, now as an Orthopedic Surgeon this is my mineral and the one I need to know the most about. It is the one that I have spent the last 40 years trying to understand. You need it to form your skeleton. The skull forms the cranial vault to protect the brain and other vital organs such as the eyes, remember the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Hood “The better to see you with my dear.” The master gland or the pituitary, through its hormones controls everything. The ear that keeps you upright by way of the semicircular canals and those little hairs that are stimulated by the fluid in the canal. The ear drum that vibrates to transfer sound so you can hear. All of the nerve fibers from the brain that travel in the Spinal Cord which is protected by the bony Spinal Canal that go to all those distant parts of your body sending messages at light speed to regulate your heart beat, your breathing, digestion and elimination of toxic substances and to limbs that allow you to move from one location to another. This all takes place through the chemical reactions involving Calcium. Just this morning in the USA Today paper there has been an explosion of Trampoline recreation facilities. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has gone on record by stating that this is a bad idea. You can read and listen to his radio program more about the minerals on the website of Dr Joel Wallach, B.S. D.V.M, N.D. at Until next time.


The San Diego Monitor

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Google+ The Next Social Powerhouse Greg “The Internet Guy” Wilson By now you probably have heard about the upcoming Google powered social network (currently pronounced and sometimes abbreviated Google+) operated by Google Inc. The service launched on June 28, 2011 in an inviteonly "field testing" phase. Google sent out coveted invites to a select group who also had the ability to invite an undisclosed number of their friends to test out this new phenomenon. I received my invitation from (ironically) one of my Facebook friends. I have been sending out invitations graciously to anyone interested. Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, and introduces new services: Circles, Hangouts, Sparks and Huddles. On July 14, 2011, Google announced that Google+ had reached 10 million users just 2 weeks after launching. It took Facebook and Twitter almost 2 years to achieve this. The features include: Stream (a newsfeed) Sparks (a recommendation engine), Hangouts (a video chat service) Huddle (a group texting service) Circles (a friend management service) and Photos. Google intended for this to be an extension of our current Google experience. This isn't Google's first Social Network; we can't forget the uber-successful YouTube. Many believe that as Google's other cloud services like Documents, Calendar and Reader gain popularity and usage, Google+ will become the natural destination for data sharing & streaming.

” t n u o c s i D “Senior

Some feel that adults need to evolve to a more mature social network, that Facebook lacks the engagement especially when it comes to commenting and re-sharing. Others think that the clean interface, free of all the distracting elements such as add-on games and Facebook apps. Understanding Google Circles gives you the best experience on Google+. You are able to share different things with different people; this gives you the control that other social networks cannot offer. In the Stream, instead of "Liking" a post, you can 1+ a post-part of the push to use the "1+" button. Like Facebook, Google+ automatically detects the content of the links you share and allows you to choose a thumbnail. You have the control to decide to filter your stream, you also have the option to activate Google chat from the Stream. Google also lets you start a Google+ Hangout video chat straight from the Stream. With Sparks, you may need some help deciding what to share, Google provides a list of suggested topics, then you look through the content, if anything interests you, the option to share with you Circles are readily available. Hangouts are Google+ best feature: a very powerful group video chat option, you can initiate the chat, then add individuals in your Circles, you can have 10 people Hangout together at one time. Google compares this to a group of friends sitting on the porch, The video switches from person to person, this is determined by who is speaking on the mic. You can even mute your friends. Users can jointly watch a Youtube video and comes with

“Free Estim


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a group text feature. Google's photo product is powered by Picassa (which Google also owns) displays pictures as a slideshow, you can tag yourself or a friend, no photo will be tagged of you until you approve of it though. You can upload pictures, but they remain private until you decide to share with one or more of your Circles. You can also edit your pictures: cross processing, auto contrast, and black and white effects. Privacy is big on Google+, it offers a feature of "data liberation" allowing you to download all of your Google data including stream posts, profile data and pictures. Overall, Google is making additions and changes every day, it proves to take over the social networking arena, feel free to email or request an invitation anytime. You can find us at: Add Greg on Facebook: p:// Follow Greg on Twitter: @GreggWilson Contact us at: (858) 386-0949


Page 22 - July 30, 2011May 7, 2011

The San Diego Monitor


San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal. 07/23/11, 07/30/11, 08/06/11, 08/13/11, 08/20/11



New Ark of the Covenant Church

8AM Sunday Worship Service 11AM Sunday Worship Service 9:30 AM Christian Education ( Adult & Youth for all ages) Wednesday Noonday Bible Study Wednesday Evening Bible Study @ 7pm ( Adult & Youth) 5555 University Ave San Diego,CA 92105

(619) 578-2721 Ext 101

6126 Benson Avenue, San Diego, CA 92114

619-262-8384 •

MINISTER DONALD R. WARNER SR. Dr.William A. Benson and First Lady Rachelle Y. Benson

Total Deliverance Worship Center Sunday 8:00 am • Sunday 10:45 am • Wednesday 7:00 pm

2774 Sweetwater Spring Blvd. Spring Valley 91977 (619) 670-6208

Linda Vista Second Baptist Church 2706 Korink Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111 Tel. (858) 277-4008 / Fax (858) 277-8441 Email: “Welcome to Praise City” Weekly Order of Service Sunday: Early Morning Worship Power Hour Mid-day Worship

7:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday: Noon-Day Bible Study Evening Prayer Bible Study

12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Dr. David C. Greene Sr. Pastor

The San Diego Monitor


07/30/11, 08/06/11, 08/13/11, 08/20/11

July 30, 2011 - Page 23

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