San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal

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The San Diego Monitor


Beverly Hall: The Scandal Is Not the Whole Story By Beverly Hall candal is the news, but it’s not always the story. I know, because the Atlanta public schools, which I ran for 12 years until I retired in June, are embroiled in cheating allegations that rightly are the focus of extraordinary media coverage. Yet there is a growing danger that this disgraceful situation will set back national educational reform, when it could ironically advance it. There is no excuse for cheating, and I deeply regret that I did not do more to prevent it. The challenge now, even as law-enforcement agencies go about their business, is to learn from all of this and ensure that our nation’s schools are improved by it—because the problem of cheating is not unique to Atlanta. According to The New York Times, “Allegations of cheating have erupted in several places, including Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, and Los Angeles.” It greatly saddens me that security for state tests, after they were administered in 2009, was not sufficient to prevent tampering. That security was consistent with standard protocols, but, because the tests had to remain at the schools for several days, there were clearly opportunities for tampering that should have been prevented and were not. In hindsight, I would also more closely monitor the test administration in the classroom, which is now done on a heightened basis. “Safe rooms” have also been created in the past year in every Atlanta public school for the purpose of securing tests. These safe rooms have cameras monitoring them constantly, and the few people with authorized access must sign in and out. The results of the standardized tests administered in 2010 and 2011 under this enhanced security have not been questioned—and most


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“There is no excuse for cheating, and I deeply regret that I did not do more to prevent it.” important of all—the dramatic improvement in test scores has remained. That improvement has also been confirmed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, which is independently administered. NAEP indicates that Atlanta public school students are performing at significantly higher levels than in the past. That’s the story that’s being lost. The progress made by Atlanta’s public schools over the past decade is real and dramatic. In 2000, according to Georgia’s state testing, 47 percent of the district’s 4th graders, for example, were reading at levels that met or exceeded state standards. In 2011, under the strictest testing conditions, 80 percent were performing at acceptable levels. This trend is evident across most grades and subjects. Those dramatic increases are not the result of score manipulation. They are the result of the hard work of turning around a struggling school system. When I arrived in Atlanta, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported, “Ninety percent of the system’s kindergarten teachers said they did not believe their pupils would graduate (from high school).” The situation was dire, and a complete overhaul was needed. My team and I implemented research-based practices proven to teach effectively to standards—not to teach to tests. We changed the way teachers were teaching: We introduced new models, provided professional development, instituted common

Outgoing Superintendent Dr. Beverly Hall closes up her notebook at the conclusion of her final Atlanta school board meeting at the Atlanta Public Schools headquarters on June 13. —Curtis Compton/Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“As awful as this cheating scandal is, it would be even more awful if we learned the wrong lesson from it. The culprit is not standardized testing or teacher accountability.We need both.” preparation times so teachers could support each other in improving their delivery of instruction, and designated “master teachers” and “model-support teachers.” We provided students with support: We created Saturday academies, offered after-school programs, increased the number of social workers in schools serving the most economically disadvantaged students, and enhanced access to social-service agencies that could help address problems at home.

We redefined the role of principals—emphasizing instructional leadership over bureaucratic administration. We used state curriculum standards as guides and set performance targets for individual schools, based on each school’s performance the year before. Those targets were intentionally aggressive, but not unrealistic. Should I have anticipated cheating, based on dramatic gains in test scores? With hindsight, I wish I had. But there was every reason to believe that our dramatic restructuring would produce dramatic results, as it has. And those results continue to be confirmed by tests that have been independently administered and completed under the tightest security. As awful as this cheating scandal is, it would be even more awful if we learned the wrong lesson from it. The culprit is not standardized testing or teacher accountability. We need both. We must continue to implement the best practices described above, set high standards, and measure success. Our nation’s children depend on it.

Elected Officials Who Champion Tourism/ Meetings Industry By: Michael Bennett The travel, tourism and hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic industries in today’s global economy. It’s typically one of the top three sources of revenues for almost every country on the planet. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) the industry represents over nine percent of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 258 million people worldwide representing eight percent of the global workforce. According to the WTTC’s broadest measure, the impact of travel and tourism activity exceeds $5.7 trillion annually. Here in the United States, according to the U.S. Travel Association, the industry generated $1.8 trillion in economic output in 2010 and directly generated $118 billion in tax revenues – not to mention the 14 million people the industry employs. Yet many of our elected officials don’t understand the economics of what we do until a fiscal crisis hits forcing them to make some rather Draconian budgets cuts. So, we feel it’s important to highlight those leaders who understand tourism/meetings and its importance to the global economy. We looked for leaders who support us with more than just eloquent words – although that does help at times, but we were more interested in deeds and action. What legislative agenda items do they support to advance our cause? Do they help with infrastructure issues such as building larger convention centers, airport expansion or tourist attractions that showcase African-American themes as part of their overall package? Do they help with workforce or vendor/supplier diversity? Read more, click on the blog – lft. column. - Article provided by Black Meetings and Tourism Magazine. Seeking a hotel for your next meeting, family reunion, retreat, meeting or conference? Let us help you find the best hotel at the best rates. We provide global group hotel site selection and contract negotiation services at “no cost” to “you” the client. Allow us to put our buying power to work for you today. To start your hotel site selection search, call Clara Carter at 619-265-2561. About – your online guide highlighting the city’s multicultural news, events, attractions, travel deals, and more. Want to drive more traffic to your business or store front? You are just a click away – upload your “FREE” business listing by clicking on the “businesses” tab . Have an event you want to share? Simply submit your community event to our calendar by clicking on Event’s tab and follow the prompts - it’s “FREE”!!

The San Diego Monitor


Rallies for jobs held at Congressional offices across San Diego County Wednesday, August 10th, witnessed four rallies for jobs – mostly held at Congressional offices – across San Diego County. Sponsored by MoveOn and its affiliate national coalition, the Rebuild the American Dream, the protest rallies had the theme of “Jobs Not Cuts”, and were held outside the offices of Congressional reps Duncan Hunter, Brian Bilbray, and Susan Davis. A fourth rally was held outside a Bank of America where Congressman Bob Filner spoke. The rallies – although somewhat small in nature – exhibited an energy and anger that was propelled by the state of the economy and the debt deal’s shortcoming. The events were also the occasion where copies of the Rebuild the Dream’s platform, called the Contract for an American Dream, were handed over to the Congressional reps, accepted by their staffs – as none of the reps were in their offices. That there is a “dis-connect” between Washington and the grassroots and mainstream was a constant observation by those who spoke, and that the country needed jobs, its infrastructure repaired, and the people’s safety nets protected. Over 30 protesters showed up at Hunter’s 52nd District office – out in an industrial park in El Cajon – which was co-hosted by Mary Sweeney and Frank Gormlie. Several people who spoke talked of strengthening progressive politics in the east county – which Hunter’s district covers. Dozens of protesters also converged on Brian Bilbray’s Solana Beach office, and led by Joanna Lasken, they chanted: “Brian Bilbray – where are the jobs?”, and “They say cut-back. We say fightback!” And over 20 people turned out for a rally in front of a Chula Vista Bank of America organized by MoveOn regional coordinator, Joan Stroh. Rep. Bob Filner – a San Diego mayoral candidate – spoke in his capacity as a member of Congress. The largest event was in front of Susan Davis’ office on Adams Avenue in Normal Heights in San Diego. There over 60 demonstrators rallied and waved signs, and yelled a few chants.

Frank Gormlie welcomed people and introduced Lorena Gonzalez, the head of the San Diego Labor Council, who galvanized the crowd by leading “Jobs – not cuts! Jobs – not cuts!”. Gormlie spoke and gave an outline of the ten points of the Rebuild blueprint, and said that progressives have been in a defensive and reactive mode in the past. “That ends today,” he declared. He then made specific appeals to those in the crowd under 40, and then to the “gray-hairs in the crowd”. “We’re not dead yet,” he said, “we’re not in the grave yet, we’re still around, and they haven’t seen the end of us!” Sociology professor Gregg Robinson told the crowd “I am really, really scared!” and then went on to talk about how unfair the tax rates are today compared with the rates during the Clinton and Reagan eras, how if just 400 wealthy Americans were taxed at the old rates that thousands of teachers could be hired with that revenue. Researcher Jon Christensen then got up and reminded everyone about the CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps – and the WPA of the thirties and what the programs – which hired thousands of unemployed Americans during the Depression – built. He also mentioned CETA sponsored “by that socialist Nixon”, he said sarcastically. This was followed by a number of unemployed people who mounted the steps and described their personal predicaments. OB Ragster Patty Jones was one of them – she told the crowd that after working for two years at her last job at a machine shop – the whole place was packed up and shipped to Europe. Gormlie then led the unemployed into Davis’ office to hand over the Contract to Rebuild America, which was graciously accepted by her staff, who also said that they had heard the speakers and agreed with what was said. MoveOn activists encouraged people to sign up and to become “members of the movement to save America.” Gormlie ended the rally by declaring: “We need you, you need us – we need each other!” NBC appeared to be the only local TV station to cover most of the rallies.

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Do Blacks Have a Third Eye or a Sixth Sense for Creativity? During slavery up until the close of WWII, Black Americans were noted for their ingenuity, creativity, and sense of adventure. What happened to it? It seems to be nonexistent today. I was talking to someone in Detroit who said that their former governor wanted welfare to come to an end. Today, current governor said the same, and that anyone that has been on welfare for over 5 years would be cut off. How accurate that is I don’t know, but I do know that from city to city, welfare and entitlements are coming to a halt. Black Americans have always used necessity as the mother of invention. They have always made a way out of no way. When there was back breaking work on the plantation, Blacks would invent ways to lighten the load. However, today it seems that creativity discovery, and inventions, are no longer apart of the Black man. I was watching TV a few nights ago where a Vietnamese young lady was praising a Navy ship for picking up a large group of Vietnamese floating at sea after the Vietnam War. If that ship had not picked them up, they would have perished. She stated that she believed that if they ever had an opportunity to provide something for themselves and their family, they would not allow it to escape them. Both the men and women on that boat ended up doing the nails and the feet of America. They built an industry that is worth billions today. The men did not consider it effeminate or for gays. It reminds me of Blacks dropping shining shoes and washing dishes. Maybe that’s our problem. We are more concerned about how we look than what the job can do for us. We don’t want to get our hands dirty; we’ve gone to college so that we can have the blue collar and the white-collar jobs. But that has not

EDITORIAL worked for us. A young lady named Mechiel Holman came by the office in a soul food truck. I was never more impressed with an individual that was carving out an opportunity for herself and her life. Holman explained to me that nobody was helping her. She does the cooking, driving, and serving on her mobile food truck to feed her family. That’s the kind of an attitude we have to take. Many of these food trucks have been available for some time, but in San Diego, serving soul food is not something everybody can do. Is there an idea out there for you? There are enough ideas that have not been created. There is something waiting for you if you would stop for a minute and think about it. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

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The San Diego Monitor

Unemployed??? Now what! By Brian Pollard All of us know people that are unemployed, perhaps you are one of the millions of people that find themselves out of work. My message today is not to lose hope and you do have alternatives. The impacts of unemployment are economical, social and psychological. Socially, we have seen an increase in the number of families using the services of food pantries, food stamps, and free medical clinics to name a few. Families are being called upon to take in other family members to keep them from being homeless. Many must utilize savings and borrow from others. And those are the lucky ones. We can see the economic stress on communities in foreclosed homes, boarded up storefronts, and increased pawnshops. The psychological effect of losing a job is very personal and very stressful. It is natural to feel depressed the problem comes when you can’t afford to seek help. Having worked in Human Resources/Employment, as a career, I often encourage people that have been caught in this unemployment nightmare to; Start a Business: This alternative rewards your talents and can provide a very good source of income that allows you to control your own destiny. It is hard work and long hours but very rewarding. There are many resources available that can help you transition into being a business owner Build our organizations-: If you are unemployed, volunteer in your community. Start at the local schools or identify an organization whose mission is similar to the direction you would like to take your career or needs the skills you are trying to gain. Volunteering can also be

a very good way to network and meet new people and possibly new opportunities. Volunteering has many advantages including it will get you out of that “feeling sorry for yourself” mentality, it may just motivate you to get productive, and possibly more creative. Get additional training: The Community College system is a good way to get additional training at little or no cost. There are other training programs that may include the need to take educational loans so you must consider your options carefully. Make sure that your choice does not put you further in debt and that you are committed to a career change. Searching for a new job; Requires you to be creative which includes; improving your interviewing skills, and preparing for the interview. Update your resume and wear clothes to an interview that you would wear to church, smile and listen attentively to the questions, and do research on the company before the interview. Make looking for a job a job! Attend job fairs, can be a good source for job fairs that have proven to be effective. Sitting around the house or apartment is not an alternative. This is a dismal path to go down, it usually leads to depression and negative thinking. Force yourself to get creative and gain control over your own destiny. Remember when one door closes God opens up another door for you. We all have skills and abilities God gave us and it is up to us to discover those talents and put them to work! The most important thing to remember is don’t give up on yourself. Associate with people that are looking for a job as well, remember “…you are who you associate with…” hang with winners and you will succeed, hang with losers and …. Well, you know!


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/ window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too.

Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range

Miramar Ranch Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Vista Grande Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Sherman Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2)

$200K - $1 Million

Cherokee Point Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Stevenson Elementary School - ADA Work

$1 - $5 Million

Millennial Tech: Phase V Bus Turnaround - Athletic Fields*

$1 - $5 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts: Whole Site Modernization*

$1 - $5 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts (CPMA) at Kroc Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) Project

$5 - $10 Million

Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building*

$5 - $10 Million

Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

*Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) applies

Contact Alma Ba単uelos at or 858-573-5852 to get on SDUSD's database today! We'll send bid notices, a quarterly newsletter and contracting information to you at no cost. We can also help to increase your visibility in SDUSD's construction contracting environment.

Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para m達s informaci坦n en espa単ol, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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New Emerging Markets I have been keeping my ear to pulse of the hottest tech trends and the two industries have taken communication and business marketing to new heights. Video Email When combined with a custom built lead generating website that provides social media engagement, strong “call-toaction” to generate a lead by phone, social media, email, website or mobile lead capture forms. You can create many ways to build your new or already growing email optin list. These people want to read your emails and look forward to seeing them in their inbox. We are able to send personal or business and for any occasion, reason, or event Video Emails! Your clients love reality TV! It is noted that the average person watches an average of 120 YouTube videos a month! It is a trend small business owners have been successfully using for awhile now, and its working! Give them what they want! Marketing your video on the major search engines creating a steady 24/7 buzz about your business! Combining the power of the phenomenon we love: email, which has become a “musthave” item for most of the population, isn’t going anywhere, the bad part is, we get too much spam as well right? I know I do. The two issues concerning email are: that is coming from a reliable, trusted source and your emails will get to where you want them to go. Our video email program is recognized by Internet Service Providers around the world as a Certified & Accredited safe sender of spam free email. Our deliverability is 35% higher than the industry average. Our spam complaint ratio is 10% or less! But if you’re like me, you get bored reading the same text ads, imagine seeing an email arrive in your inbox from your favorite product or service and a custom video invites you to “Press Play” When your curiousity gets the best of you, you will click the button..playing in front of your eyes is a personal message , pro-

1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

fessional announcement offering you a coupon located on the company website after entering your special promo code! That’s what we call in this business: a conversion. From that coupon, many things may happen, your customer may call, order from your website, visit your brick-and-mortar location, visit your social media outlets such as: Facebook Business, Twitter, YouTube Channel, and Google. Mobile is here! I know mobile has been here..but I’m not talking about “Cellular Phones” or cell phones. I mean the rise of smart phones, tablets and everything in between, they range from ipods to ipads, from Android to iPhone..these devices have become a worldwide obsession! If you possess any or all of these devices, you probably have it very close to you as you read these words! But you are not alone! It is reported that there are 5 billion mobile phone users worldwide, 91% of mobile phone users keep their phones with them all day. Your clients are glued to these things, so why not market your offers and discounts where they will most likely read it: Text. After building you a custom marketing campaign to create your focused opt-in text list, we create your ad to send out to the target demographic, perform keyword selections for each ad, then we manage the text campaigns and provide comprehensive analytics for testing and measuring. As an example: People text your keyword to 69302 to join your mobile list. You can then send direct response campaigns for promotions, coupons, sales alerts, and important news! This is just two very small portions of this exploding marketing niche sure to level the playing field for the small business. Add me on Facebook: Follow Me On Twitter: @GreggWilson Visit My Website: Call Our Office: 858-386-0949

The San Diego Monitor

Death Rate Higher For Black Diabetics CHICAGO - Even though overall black patients have a lower risk of death while receiving dialysis than white patients, this applies primarily to older adults, as black patients younger than 50 years of age have a significantly higher risk of death, according to a study in the August 10 issue of JAMA. Black News, African American News, Minority News, Civil Rights News, Discrimination, Racism, Racial Equality, Bias, Equality, Afro American News"Of more than 500,000 individuals with endstage renal disease (ESRD) in the United States, approximately one-third are black, and the relative incidence of ESRD is 3.6 times higher among black than white patients. Moreover, racial disparities in quality of and access to care for patients with kidney disease are well-documented. Compared with white patients, fewer black patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are under the care of a nephrologist, and their rates of referral for peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation are significantly lower," according to background information in the article. Also, black patients who receive dialysis are less likely to receive an adequate dialysis dose and achieve target hemoglobin levels, metrics associated with decreased dialysis survival. "Despite the disparity in care, current thinking, supported by more than 30 previous studies, is that black patients receiving dialysis survive longer than their white counterparts," the authors write. "This observation is paradoxical given racial disparities in access to and quality of care, and is inconsistent with observed lower survival among black patients with chronic kidney disease."Lauren M. Kucirka, Sc.M., of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, and colleagues conducted a study to examine if age is an effect modifier of the racial disparities seen in dialysis survival, and whether differential rates of kidney transplantation modify the risk of death in dialysis patients. The study included data on 1,330,007 incident end-stage renal disease patients, as captured in the United States Renal Data System between January 1995 and September 2009 (median [midpoint] potential follow-up time, 6.7 years). An analysis of the data indicated that overall, black patients had a lower rate of death while receiving dialysis. Of new ESRD patients of all

ages entering the study, 57.1 percent of black and 63.5 percent of white patients died as dialysis recipients. Also, 9.1 percent of black and 12.4 percent of white patients received kidney transplants, with 25.7 percent of transplants in black patients provided from live donors compared with 42.8 percent in white patients. However, the researchers found, the relationships between race, dialysis survival, and transplantation were substantially modified by patient age, with opposite inferences in the younger age groups. When stratifying by age and treating kidney transplantation as a competing risk, black patients had significantly higher mortality than their white counterparts at ages 18 to 50 years (nearly twice the risk of death for ages 18-30), as opposed to patients ages 51 years and older. "… the demonstration of significant age-based effect modification of the racial differences in dialysis survival is novel, challenging conventional wisdom and identifying a significant disparity among younger black patients that needs to be addressed," the authors write. They add that the methods used in this study allow them to infer that "the 2-fold increased hazard of death on dialysis in younger black patients is composed of 2 distinct components: one of differential rates of transplantation and one of biology (or some interaction between biology and socioeconomic factors). Blacks are much less likely to receive a transplant from a live donor; as such interventions to reduce transplant disparities should prioritize the improvement of live donation rates for blacks." "Determining why younger black patients are at increased risk of death as dialysis recipients is critical in order to improve clinical decision making and inform policies aimed at achieving equity in ESRD care," the researchers conclude.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Black Female Vets on Front Line Of War at Home By Jordan Towers When President Barack Obama announced that he would be bringing back the 33,000 troops serving in Afghanistan by the summer of 2012, the news was welcomed with great anticipation. And while this announcement caused military families across the nation to breathe a sigh of relief, for many soldiers coming back home, their battles will be far from over. This is particularly true for women soldiers with physical and mental wounds of war, as transitioning back into civilian life is wrought with uncertainties and a lack of adequate resources available to address their specific needs. Female military members make up about 15 percent of our active armed forces, and a report released in December 2010 by the Veterans Administration’s Office of Inspector General found that women soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have a more difficult time reintegrating back into society and are more likely to be diagnosed with mental-health conditions than male soldiers. “For any veteran, it is a very tough time, going from war, being with people who understand what it’s like and what you’re going through to feeling almost alone and not understood by anyone,” said J. Ashwin Madia, Interim Chairman of, a veteran advocacy group. “Less than one percent of America has served in the wars we’re in, and even fewer women. So, for women to re-enter society, it can be a very solitary experience. Homelessness is also a huge issue and there’s a very strong link between PTSD and homelessness among veterans of all generations.” Out of the 150,000 women who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002, 23 percent of them are African-American. Sydney Lee, the president of the African American PTSD Association, says that black women in combat zones have higher rates of PTSD, and they are often victims of assaults that are never reported. With only 15 Veterans Affairs centers across the country providing residential mental-health treatment specifical-

” t n u o c s i D “Senior

ly for women with PTSD, is the nation adequately prepared to serve the unique needs of this population, and help them make a successful transition back to the lives they once knew? “Reintegration is difficult for all veterans,” adds Colleen Corliss, communications manager at the Iraq veterans program for Swords to Plowshares. “For those suffering from PTSD, military sexual trauma or other mental illness from service, the average wait time for an initial decision for disability benefits and proper treatment is 161 days, which is plenty of time for a veteran’s life to spiral out of control.” Veterans who don’t seek timely medical or psychological intervention often numb their pain by using drugs or alcohol, which usually leads to more problems like homelessness and suicide. Corliss adds that women veterans are two to three times more likely to commit suicide than non-veteran women. Unemployment is another issue for soldiers returning back home. A report released by the U.S. Census Bureau in April 2011 found that “Post 9/11 veterans may face temporary employment problems as they first enter the labor market after their military enlistment ends due to imperfect knowledge of the civilian job market and difficulty translating military skills into civilian terms for employers.”

The lack of transferable skills can cause a veteran to be unemployed for some time, and this can contribute to them being homeless, which is four times more likely for women veterans than for non-veterans. When June Moss left the military, she was faced with a similar dilemma. Moss, who served as a driver and mechanic in Iraq, was recently profiled in Time magazine, and in the article, she talks about the difficulties that she had while transitioning to civilian life. As a single mother of two children who was suffering from PTSD but was yet to be diagnosed, she couldn’t find a job outside of the military and her home went into foreclosure. She and her children were left homeless, and out of desperation, Moss tried to commit suicide. Though she eventually turned her life around with the help of a local Veterans Affairs (VA) clinic, Moss’ story speaks volumes about the challenges that women veterans face as they try to reintegrate back into society. The lack of adequate resources available for women veterans only contributes to the problem. Of 144 VA medical centers, only 37 percent have a gynecologist on staff. And even though the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has 500 community homeless shelters, 300 accept women, and only seven are designated to provide accommodations for families. “Only a handful of VA Medical Centers have women-specific clinics, which is very troubling to many women veterans, not only when it comes to basic women’s health needs such as gynecological exams, but also in regard to mental health,” said Corliss. “Many residential treatment programs for veterans with substance dependence, PTSD or dual diagnosis are not designed for families. Unlike male veterans, many women are not accessing the services and benefits they need to successfully transition to civilian life. Instead, they are relying on systems of care that aren’t always equipped to address their veteran-specific needs. Safe, appropriate resources and facilities are needed.” African-American women with PTSD often face greater challenges. In “War on

Many Fronts: African American Veterans with PTSD: For Veterans and Family” an educational videoreleased by the Department of Veteran Affairs, Terri, a former Marine and mother of two, talks about her experience while serving in Desert Storm. “I wasn’t sure if they weren’t used to dealing with females and I just happened to be an African-American female, if it was just that they were infantry officers,” she said. “I don’t–I’m not certain. But I did receive some unfair treatment.” Terri was placed in a graves and registration unit, where she had the grim task of looking through body parts to identify soldiers. A year later she was sexually assaulted by a commanding officer. Upon returning home, she didn’t tell anyone about her experience and delayed treatment to focus on her family, but it put a strain on her home life. After finally opening up and telling her primary care doctor about her symptoms, she was recommended for treatment for PTSD, which changed her life dramatically. Moss and Terri’s story serve as a reminder that access to supportive VA services can change the trajectory of a veteran’s life. And although there is still much work to be done in providing adequate housing and mentalhealth assistance to women veterans in need, the VA system is taking the necessary steps to improving the way they help soldiers heal from the wounds of war. “The current administration and VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki have made some tremendous progress in improving they systems of care veterans and their families rely on, including for women veterans,” said Corliss. “The VA absolutely can and should do more to help all veterans,” adds Madia. “And, there’s a lot they can do better. But I want to stress that the people who work at the VA are great people, and do heroic work for not a lot of pay. When veterans are polled, they consistently say they like their VA care when they use it. So, this is not an issue of the people at the VA. This is an issue of policy makers, and Continued on page 22

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n the course of my life have I not only met with famous intellectuals such as Dr. Cornel West, but I now came face to face with a left wing radical who has changed the face of politics: from his principles as a dignified human being—defending human rights— to his upbringing as a young adult in the streets of Oakland, Ca. He went from the streets, to the halls of power; from almost dropping out of High School to now giving lectures on campuses and speeches all over the U.S. One thing you can say about Mr. Dellums is that he isn’t ashamed of his roots. He is a proud Oakland native—growing up on Wood St. in West Oakland, California. Not only did he gain street smarts, but was able to gain book smarts as well—molding him into a powerful foe and a honorable Congressman inside the walls of Capitol Hill, but he almost turned that down. It was not until 1967, that he first witnessed power of fate, in the hands of the people. In 1967, he just received a rare scholarship to pursue another degree in higher learning. Something that he said was very important at that time toward his new life after post-work as a social worker, however, little did he know that the people of Oakland, Ca had other plans for him. One night, a friend of his came knocking on his door, telling him to throw on his coat and get his self to the city council (in Berkeley, Ca) immediately for he had an election to win. The Berkeley City Council was holding elections for new members on the board, and Ron Dellums reluctantly declined. He told me that, “I wasn’t ready for politics, and politics wasn’t ready for me.” Just receiving a scholarship of his dreams and now settling down with a family, running for city council was not a priority on his list, but not even that could sway his friend of not tugging his coat literally out the front door. When he

arrived to city hall he already was nervous: a huge turnout at the meeting. Constantly hoping that his name would not be on the roster, his name evidently showed up on the list, and that’s where he drew the line. He kindly got up and told his supporters that he was humbled to be considered as a candidate for council membership, but he could not do it. It was not until the promptness of an admirable woman in the crowd that made him politely sit down and let the people decide his fate. And so his fate was decided: from once on the path to education and peace to now serving the Berkeley City Council for three years and then be elected as House Representative at Capitol Hill for 28 years. What began as a small push to politics ended up being a great force into his life. He became Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, the Armed Services and co-founder of the Congressional Black Caucus. He asks himself, “what would’ve happened if he did pursue that scholarship? If he did, then he may not have ever helped Nelson Mandela break free from the shackles of oppression, through his leadership in the override of President Reagan’s veto on the Comprehensive Apartheid Act of

To contact me via email: and follow me on Facebook.

Gloria’s Berlin BeautySupply 38 B, N.263-4417 Euclid Ave (619) San Diego CA 36 B N. Euclid Ave., San Diego CA (619) 263-4417 We will match our competitors Prices we have all your beauty Supplies!! Wig’s 100% Human and Synthetic, weaving hair and hair for braiding Located in The Wrigley’s Shopping center

We Carry Willie Morrow Products

1986. Ron Dellums has fought against giants like Newt Gingrich (RGA), President Reagan, George Bush I and II, against polices on military action and military spending— fighting for peace and equality—and still has earned the respect from both sides of Congress. Upon his resignation, Millender Mcdonald vouched on his behalf saying “Congressman Ron Dellums is revered on both sides of this aisle because of his integrity and his commitment to progressive ideas….while he towers above most of us physically, this attribute is matched by his intellect, faith in the process and optimism for peaceful resolution of conflict.” Ron Dellums afterwards became mayor of Oakland, Ca at the age of 70, and now is 75 years old serving as vice chairman of JC Watts consulting firm in Washington, DC. You would be surprised how he doesn’t look a day of his age. He is a champion in progressive ideas such as renewable energy, climate change, infrastructure, and education and is a strong advocate for the youth generation. In our conversation we talked two full hours about the role of government, politics, and ways to improve our country, but one thing that he said that took me by surprise: In the Constitution, it states the Congress has the Power of the Purse, to create and appropriate funds for governmental spending. And here we are blaming Pres. Obama for wasteful spending that he has no control of.

The San Diego Monitor

San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business Rebecca Christian – Issues and Answers Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007

The San Diego Monitor



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The San Diego Monitor

Linme’s Gourmet SOUL FOOD and Catering Food trucks have become a recognized part of the food service industry. Local resident Mechiel Holman recognized this, and began her own food truck business. She says that, “If the mountain can’t come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain.” Her truck delivers fresh soul food to your door, business, or event – or anyone else who wants a taste of soul food. If you need her, call her at (619) 631-2042.

The San Diego Monitor


A Comb With a Cause A couple of weeks ago, a young pastor by the name of James Wright from the New Ark of the Covenant Church visited my office to ask if I would speak to the young people at his church. He wanted me to focus on entrepreneurship and how to raise merchant-minded individuals that could also help with the church. I explained to the group that Black Americans need to invent products and become commerce-minded, retail-minded, and profit-minded. I told them about some of my inventions, namely a comb called the Easy Tease, which received a utility patent. The comb had a function unlike any others, such as the ability to make parts. What I didn’t realize that day was that the pastor was listening just as attentively as the young people. The following Monday, he came by the office to say that the comb would be a great idea as a part of a fundraiser for the American Cancer Research Society. I manufactured the combs in a pink color with pink packaging. Pastor Wright created a marketing and sales program for the comb to benefit cancer research his church, and myself, a local manufacturer. When a local cancer survivor visited the office to pick up some combs, she informed me that the cancer mortality rate for Black women is 3x higher then white women. Her story touched me personally, and I have reiterated my commitment to Pastor Wright to continue our efforts. If you would like to join in this fundraising effort for a very important cause, please call 619.668.1007.

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The San Diego Monitor

OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

The Nehemiah Project Crazy Interlude! Connect Create Collaborate

The Walls Are Tumbling Down! ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE THIS PAST WEEK IN THE WORLD OF MONEY!! It would be easy to blame the President, the United States Congress, the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac, or the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain). But the real problem is YOU! Yes you…and me and everyone else in this country, and in this world, who has gotten stuck in the old by-gone world of expecting someone to give you a JOB for the rest of your life. You have been convinced by the “powers that be” to get a good education and get a good JOB, with a pension or at least a 401(k). Of course they told you that! THAT’S HOW THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY! By pimping you for your labor and pocketing the excess economic value you create. IT’S TIME TO FIGHT BACK!! Don’t hate the player. Don’t hate the game. Learn how to play!! No matter what your education, your income level, or what you do for a living now, YOU’VE GOT TO GET YOU AN INDEPENDENT GIG!!! Have you been watching the news? You know the world economy is going down hard, and only the very rich are getting richer. President Obama’s 50th birthday present was a 500 point drop in the Dow. If you don’t know what all this means, it’s time to go to school. This is why I am doing The Nehemiah Project Finance 101 Educational Campaign on September 6th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Urban League. 720 Gateway Center Drive. Then every first and second Tuesday – same time, same place. Your JOB, your pension and your 401(k) is going to disappear – if they haven’t already. The way to create new jobs is to CREATE YOUR OWN JOB! Let’s start at the beginning: Everyone needs air, water, food, clothing and shelter just to stay alive. Then, today, we need transportation, information, communication and a vacation – the basics. In order to get what you don’t have, you have to give what you don’t need. In order to have more than you need, you have to generate a SURPLUS! More on this Tuesday. After you create your own job, grow your business to create one for someone else. Then teach them to create their own job – and one for someone else. I am not the expert on all of this. But I’ll lead you to them. We have to work together to build economies as close to home as possible, because the global financial people, the national financial people and the state financial people are locked into a system that is crashing all around them. They can’t help us. But we can help each other. See you Tuesday, September 6. J CMH [For The Love of Money – O’Jays]

James Carter was sentenced Thursday in San Diego Superior Court to multiple terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole for the killing of two women on Jan. 1, 2003, outside Dr. J's Liquor store in Lincoln Park. — Peggy Peattie

Liquor store killer gets life in prison By Dana Littlefield Union Tribune AN DIEGO — It’s been 8? years since two innocent women were gunned down in a hail of bullets outside a Lincoln Park liquor store on New Year’s Day. They had stopped to buy a fireplace log after attending a late-night church service. When the man identified as their killer was sentenced Thursday to multiple terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole, the son of one of the women expressed relief. “I just thank God,” Antrone Waites said during a San Diego Superior Court hearing. “I don’t have no more anger toward what happened. I’m just ready to put this to rest so I can get some rest.” Waites said he’s had trouble sleeping since Jan. 1, 2003, the day his mother — Carol Waites, 45, and her friend, Sharen Burton, 32 — were fatally shot. The two women stopped at Dr. J’s Liquor shortly after 1 a.m. and got caught in a gang war. After a week of deliberations, a jury convicted James Carter, 37, in June of two counts of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder. A special-circumstance allegation of multiple murders made him eligible for life without parole. At times during the sentencing hearing, Carter smiled as he spoke with his lawyer, Brad Patton. But his family members seated in the courtroom remained solemn. Michelle Carter, the defendant’s aunt, told Judge Kenneth So that her nephew was not the “beast” that was described in court and did not kill the two women. “He is an innocent man and it shall be proven,” Carter said. “He’s not the one.” James Carter, who prosecutors said was a documented gang member, was indicted by a grand jury in 2009. He was already in custody at the time on an unrelated robbery conviction. Prosecutors argued during his trial that Carter fired shots outside the liquor store on Logan Avenue near Euclid Avenue in retaliation for the gang-related killing of his friend, Thomas Brown, 24 hours earlier. At least three rival gang members were in the

The Crime Stoppers flier that was posted throughout San Diego after the Jan. 1, 2003, killings of two women at Dr. J's Liquor Store in Lincoln Park. area when the shots rang out. Some of them ducked behind Burton’s car to avoid being hit. “He perpetuated the cycle of murder between two of the largest gangs in San Diego County,” said Deputy District Attorney Robert Hickey during the sentencing hearing. The car Burton and Waites were in that night was riddled with more than 30 bullet holes, most of which were fired from an AK-47 assault rifle. “These women were 100 percent innocent women coming home from church,” Hickey said outside the courtroom. “They did nothing wrong that night.” Waites’ 7-year-old nephew, who was in the back seat of Burton’s car, was hit multiple times as he leaned over his 2-year-old cousin to shield her from the bullets. Both survived. Patton, the defense lawyer, argued during the trial that much of the prosecution’s case relied on untrustworthy testimony from felons, who had cut deals in exchange for their testimony. That still bothers Carter’s mother, Ida Dupree, who said she feels compassion for the victims’ families — particularly Antrone Waites — but maintains that her son was treated unfairly. “He lost his mother, and I lost a son,” Dupree said. Waites teared up after the hearing as he wondered aloud how he would explain to his eldest son what happened outside the liquor store eight years ago and in the courtroom Thursday. He said that of his four children, the 13-year-old had the closest relationship with his grandmother. “I hope I can tell him we got justice,” he said.

The Stock Market “Crash”!!!!! With the recent downward trend of the Stock Market….. Have You Checked Your 401k/403B/ or any other Tax Deferred Retirement account Lately? You probably lost money!! Did you know that your 401k/403b is the worst retirement plan? Did you know at the time of withdraw your money Uncle Sam will get 30 to 50%% off the top? Did you know that at the time of withdrawal, hidden penalties will be deducted from your final amount? (Mentioned in the June issue of Forbes Magazine) For example if your 401k balance is $160,000 dollars you would probably end up with $60,000 - $80,000 and subject to taxes? There are other TAX FREE retirement strategies which prevent you from losing money, with guarantees on your money, high rate of return and no risk to the downside. We would be excited to assist you in designing your own “Tax-Free” retirement plan.

Ellen Ewings-Nash

For more information please contact: Ellen Ewings-Nash (619) 665 - 3878 email: Pastor Adrian Ewings (619) 534-9901 email: “We show families and businesses how to build and protect their wealth!” These and many more questions are answered in the three links below. Review them and then contact us immediately!!!! This is the absolute best retirement plan option! Watch these must-see three short videos!

Pastor Adrian Ewings

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Discussions

Women in desolate places So many women find themselves in desolate places. Sometimes the places are so dark they can’t see their way out. So desolate that, unthinkable things are contemplated or take place. Things such as suicide, drugs, excessive drinking, self-hatred, self-mutilation, eating disorders, violence, incarceration, depression and other mental illnesses. The interesting thing about the reason for most of these conditions is generally tied to a man. It is a sad thing to find that so many women place their value on whether or not they have a man. So today it is my goal to help free every woman who feels a man completes her, makes her, confirms her, validates her, and justifies her existence. Let me state up front there is nothing wrong with desiring a man in your life. Where the challenge to health comes is when you If you have questions you would feel incomplete without one, when you feel that life only has value like answered or topics discussed, as long as a man is prominent in your life. In this desolate state please send all questions to facewomen resort to all types of men, buying into that old adage – a of man is better than no man. ris or email: Let’s look at what women are resorting too: or • Incarcerated men twitter@KeepingitealAH. • Bi-sexual men For more articles • Married men www.keepingitrealwithangela • Unavailable men – (these men are not available but no mar- ried. These men usually have several women in their lives and are not willing to commit. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as the women isn’t vying for an exclusive relationship.) • Immature men • Abusive men • Lazy men/uncaring about providing • Un-churched or churched but no relationship with Christ. There is no need for a woman to feel desolate or desperate that is as long as faith in grounded in something that has permanency. As long as her faith in the process is linked to the relationship guru. As long as her faith believes that every good and perfect gift comes from above and as long as her faith states unequivocally that whatever state she finds herself in she will be content because God is the author and finisher of her faith. As long as she believes the scripture that reminds her that God knows the plans that He has for her plans for her good for an expected end/a hope. Here’s the point. Too many things have driven the thought process as what makes a woman whole. A woman who is linked to the source understands that what God has for her it’s for her. She understands that she is not the hunter but the hunted (hunted not stalked). She fully understands that she is complete in Christ!! • To get out of desolate places a woman must value herself. • A single woman should be celebrating her singleness not despising it. She should spend this quality time purging past relationships, getting to know herself, becoming the perfect help meet, and concerning herself with the things above what pleases God. • A single woman is only ready to be with a man when she is willing to remain single until a man after God’s own heart enters her world and pursues her relentlessly (once again pursues not stalks). • A single woman should desire the type of man God has described: a provider, spiritual head of the home, head of the home, servant ship, protector, example for their children and their community. I know this is a tall order just remember this one salient point: there aren’t a lot of men out there like this but the good news is God didn’t make you for a lot of men. He doesn’t need to make a lot just that one perfect one for you, so be discerning. • Stop being impatient. Wait on God’s perfect timing. It hasn’t been too long and it hasn’t been too soon, God is perfect in all His ways. • Walk in the truth of who you are. Affirm your existence. You must realize that when a man finds you he finds a “good thing” and obtain favor from the Lord. Ladies, hear me, “You are a good thing.” To not have you is his loss and a man who doesn’t want you is your gain. Why desire someone who doesn’t desire you?!!! Being desolate is a choice. You are in the driver seat. If you want to be viewed as a strong, victorious woman who is content in her wondrous self then you and only you can walk in that truth.

Electronic Edition of the San Diego Monitor News Now Available The San Diego Monitor News is now making available electronic subscriptions to the paper at no cost. Moving the San Diego Monitor into the electronic age is a move toward helping our readers stay in touch with what Black people are doing throughout America. Send an to email to be added to the weekly email edition of the paper. Or you may contact our office at (619) 668-1007.


By Lady Topaz The world wide web is overflowing with information on toxins and countless programs and products that are touted to cleanse your body of them. I hope that this article provides you with a clear understanding of what toxins are, how they can affect your health, and a sensible approach to preventing accumulation of toxins in your body. First, let us differentiate between the two main types of toxins that you are exposed to on a day-to-day basis. 1. Exogenous Toxins Exogenous toxins are chemicals that are made outside of your body and can harm your cells if they are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed into your bloodstream through some other channel. While it is unrealistic to live and work in an environment that is free of exogenous toxins, you should strive to minimize your exposure to the following most common exogenous toxins: MSG and aspartame - both are especially toxic to your nerve cells Recreational drugs Any over-the-counter or prescription drug that comes with a warning that use of the drug in question may lead to liver damage Most personal care products, especially cosmetics that are applied around the mouth, which are easily swallowed in trace but potentially significant amounts. For more information on personal care and other products please stop by: The exogenous toxins mentioned above may not be as harmful in one shot as other obvious toxins like carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds, but the four groups mentioned above tend to be used regularly by large segments of the population, so they are definitely worth highlighting. 2. Endogenous Toxins Endogenous toxins are toxins that are produced inside of your body. Some of these toxins are waste products from normal metabolic

activities - carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid are examples of endogenous toxins that your body churns out by the second. Unless your health is severely compromised, your body is well equipped to eliminate these endogenous toxins from your system. An often overlooked source of endogenous toxins is an unhealthy gut. Over time, a diet that is rich in highly refined foods, poor eating habits (lack of chewing is a big one), and emotional stress can lead to an unhealthy balance of microorganisms in your gastrointestinal tract, a state that is called intestinal dysbiosis. Intestinal dysbiosis is accompanied by steady production of endogenous toxins by undesirable yeasts, fungi, bacteria, and in rare

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So your body may create symptoms like diarrhea, a persistent cough, a skin rash, nasal discharge/congestion, and even chronic recurrent ear discharge/infections, all with the intent of protecting your cells against toxins. By recognizing these processes as being helpful and allowing them to take their course, and working to identify and eliminate their root cause(s), you can support your body’s self-preserving mechanisms to keep you well over the long term. Now, let us continue to assume that you are not aware of toxins that you are steadily being exposed to, and that toxins continue to roll in. Eventually, the pace of incoming toxins may overtake the pace at which

“As toxins begin to accumulate in connective tissue, you may start to experience generalized joint pain and even aches and pains in various bones.You may even develop a blood-related health challenge, as blood itself is considered connective tissue, and actually originates from bone, which is another connective tissue.” cases, even parasites. These toxins include various aldehydes, alcohols, indols, phenols, and skatols, just to name a few. While some of these endogenous toxins are eliminated as gas, some make their way into your bloodstream by traveling through your intestinal walls, and once they make it into your bloodstream, they can get into your cells. ************************** Now that we have reviewed the two main types of toxins that your body is exposed to, let’s assume that you have not yet taken steps to reduce your exposure to toxins, and that these toxins are steadily making their way into your blood. How does your body deal with this constant influx of toxins? Your body always works within the framework of trying to preserve health, so its first defense against toxins is to eliminate them through one of your main eliminative channels - these are your urinary tract, colon, lungs, skin, and mucosal linings in your nose and ears.

8300 Paradise Valley Rd. Suite #102 Spring Valley, Ca 91977 Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-6pm 619-479-1978

you can eliminate them. If you reach this point, your body will have no choice but to store some of these toxins. Keeping in line with its desire to preserve its health, your body will first store “excess” toxins in your fat tissues. This is because your fat tissues are less vital to your immediate survival than other tissues like your ligaments, muscles, and nerves. This is not to say that fat tissue that is found throughout your body is not important. It is to say that your body instinctively seeks to preserve more important tissues whenever possible. Accumulation of toxins in your fat tissues is what can lead to so-called harmless conditions like cysts, lipomas, and other benign tumors. These are conditions that conventional medicine typically cites as having no known cause, but they most certainly have a number of causes, with a major one being steady exposure to endogenous and exogenous toxins. Sidebar: Myelin - the fatty sheath of insulation that lines all of your nerves - is also a

target site for toxin accumulation. And, whenever your body has the energy to cleanse such accumulations of toxins, the nerve(s) in the area being cleansed may get irritated, which is one potential cause of chronic, intermittent headaches. This is why some people experience headaches when they get more sleep than usual. Getting more sleep allows the body to use its resources to stir up stored toxins - good for long term health, but uncomfortable in the short term. Now, let us assume that your body continues to be exposed to a steady diet of exogenous and endogenous toxins. At some point, your body may need to start storing these toxins outside of your fat tissues. Alternative storage sites are connective tissue (ligaments, bones, blood, etc.), muscle tissue, and nerve tissue. Of these choices, connective tissue arguably has the greatest capacity to store toxins without causing debilitating problems in the short term. As toxins begin to accumulate in connective tissue, you may start to experience generalized joint pain and even aches and pains in various bones. You may even develop a blood-related health challenge, as blood itself is considered connective tissue, and actually originates from bone, which is another connective tissue. Hopefully, the big picture is coming into focus for you. The accumulation of toxins in specific tissues can lead to health challenges in those tissues. If your exposure to toxins goes on long enough, the individual building-blocks of your tissues (your cells) can begin to accumulate toxins within their membranes and inner lumen areas. If enough cells in one organ or gland become dysfunctional due to a build-up of toxins, you may experience organ or glandular dysfunction - examples of such dysfunction include thyroid disease, impaired vision, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney failure, and any stage of liver degeneration (fatty liver, cirrhosis, etc.). If the innermost part (nucleoli) of enough cells in one area accumulates enough toxins, the DNA that controls those cells can become Continued on page 19

2850 National Ave Suite #109 San Diego Ca 92113 Mon-Fri 10am-9pm Sat & Sun 11am-6pm 619-233-0670


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No More Bloating and GAS!

The countdown of summer Summer vacation is almost over, only 25 days left. Most kids dread going back to school while parents are eager to have their kids return to structure. I am like a kid in the candy store when it comes to the end of summer, I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys R Us kid, lol. There are so many things to do in San Diego that I haven’t done yet and I haven’t even taken my big summer vacation. Tonight I am treating myself to dinner then I will take myself to the San Diego Repertory theatre to see Tonex who now goes by B.Slade in the theatrical role “Who’s Tommy”. Next weekend is loaded with things to do as my girlfriend Crystal and I are going to catch the San Diego Night time Zoo. The African themed zoo has plenty to do with African story telling and performances on Saturday. My entire family is going to Knott’s soak city to play in the water on Sunday. The songstress Sade and John Legend concert is a must Tuesday, August 23rd at the Cricket amphitheater. For the first time in my life I have not planned my 10 day vacation. I would like to get a hotel some where for 10 days and not be committed to anything or anyone. I don’t want to answer a phone, send or receive a text, listen to a voice mail message or IM anyone. I just want to go to that quiet place where I can hear the sound of the water crashing against the rocks. I just want some peace and quiet so I can think. I use to go off by myself every other year for 10 days just to think it was so liberating. I think I am going to reinstate that phase back into my life. I want to pamper my mother so I am planning a mother and daughter trip to the Grand Canyon for the remainder of my summer vacation. The great thing about planning for other people is listening to the details, when they express what they want to do that is my cue to give it to them. First stop Tucson, Arizona for a four day spa retreat at Miraval Resort & Spa (this is where Oprah goes). After a four day retreat, fellowship and straight up pampering, off to the train station. All aboard the train riding in style in our sleeper cabin making our way to the Grand Canyon. There is an observatory on the train where you can see parts of the mountain that you would not get to see on a normal tour. Once we touch down, we are going on an all inclusive two day tour of the Grand Canyon. The first day we will ride in a helicopter over the canyon which is followed by a guided foot tour. The second day a hummer will take us off the road then we will board a river boat and end our tour with a barbeque. Before retreating home we will check into the Mandalay Bay Resort to indulge in their beach style pool, I just love their 3 mile lazy river. We can not go home without watching the “Lion King” and visiting the strip for our souvenirs. Haven’t planned a vacation yet? Call me; it is a pleasure to serve you. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor






The San Diego Monitor

Will Gatlin’s daughter’s health problems lead to the beginning of Gattea and he has taken that and made it his personal mission to help other kids with their own personal health. We live in a country where the obesity rate is high and there is a fast food restaurant at every corner, and we see a little girl walking around who has big arms and a big stomach yet has small thin legs and we say nothing. Has that become the social norm, because it seems that’s what is common now. Over time the fast food catches up with our body and it may just start with a few pounds but later changes to body fat and what is referred to now as the beer belly. But that isn’t just fat but rather old food and toxic that has remained inside our body, as I learned after speak with Mr. Gatlin. He states over and over that it begins when we are young; our parents always would burp us and would be worried about having a colic baby. But yet it all stops after an amount of time, but the question is why does it stop? Who is to say that we should stop burping or cleaning our bodies, why stop worrying about emptying out our systems of the food that we consumed.

These are things that as humans we don’t stop and think about but we should. Gattea has been used by many and their reaction is that it helps to clean them out. No, it doesn’t have them running to the bathroom ever 4 minutes but rather easily and comfortably cleanses their system and aides in dispensing the toxins. In a world where child hood obesity is so common and a pressing issue, look at your kids and ask yourself what are they eating, what chemicals make up those foods and how is it effecting their bodies not just on a short term scale, but rather long term as in months or years. When we eat and put something into our bodies it should come out and when eating be conscious with eating natural vs. unnatural foods. For more info about Gattea you can visit or for more information about the tea in addition to testimonial videos from adults and kids about how Gattea has helped them. In addition to these two websites Will Gatlin has his own radio talk show that broadcasts daily on 1570 AM in Chicago. To listen live via internet for the show go to


The San Diego Monitor

Secret Services Mourns Death Of First Black Agent Charles L. Gittens WASHINGTON - Charles L. Gittens, the first black US Secret Service agent, died on July 27 an agency spokesman confirmed. He was 82. Secret service Black News, African American News, Minority News, Civil Rights News, Discrimination, Racism, Racial Equality, Bias, Equality, Afro American NewsGittens became an agent in 1956 and was first assigned to the Charlotte, N.C., office. He also worked in the New York City office investigating counterfeiting and bank fraud. After retiring in 1979, he worked for the Justice Department investigating war criminals. Danny Spriggs, vice president of global security for The Associated Press and fellow Secret Service agent, called Gittens “just an outstanding guy.”

“He went out of his way to mentor and give counsel and advice to young African-Americans who were coming up, especially those like myself who were coming up through the ranks.” “The guy was always physically fit. He looked like he came out of the gym. His whole persona was one of professionalism: no nonsense guy.” Visitation and funeral services are scheduled for Saturday at Trinity Episcopal Church in Washington.


TOXINS Continued from page17 affected, and this is where you may increase your risk of experiencing a lack of control over cellular reproduction, the hallmark of malignant growths. It is also important to note that as your body accumulates toxins and develops dysfunction and disease, it is constantly doing the best it can with the resources that it has to cleanse and repair itself. So the bottom line on toxins and their ability to affect your health: Toxins can most definitely hurt you. On their own or in concert with other disease-causing factors, toxins can create life-ending diseases over time. But your body is well designed to recognize and eliminate toxins. Your job is to minimize your exposure to exogenous and endogenous toxins, and to provide your body with the support that it needs to clear out toxins that make their way into your system. Put another way, if you are looking to over-

Page 19 come any health challenge or just to maintain optimal health, it is essential that you understand that your body is on your side. Your body is always working to get and keep you healthy. Your job is to consistently make healthy food and lifestyle choices, observe how your body reacts to your choices, and to make adjustments when necessary. Clearly, exposure to toxins is only one potential cause of disease and dysfunction. I encourage you to read next week’s article on the ten main causes of disease and dysfunction. Any one of the factors listed in that article can contribute to disease and dysfunction. If you would like to experience a safe and effective cleanse, one that you can do while going about your regular activities of daily living, I encourage you to have a look at my full body cleanse program via Isagenix ( For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at

We Spe cialize in Kids Haircu ts

MAY 30, 1987 - AUGUST 8, 2006 We can't believe its been 5 years since we've seen your SMILE ! We miss and love you so much ! You will always be in our hearts.

Love Always: Mom VEVA Love Forever: Brother, Eldridge

Ronnetta, Tiarika, Treasure and all your family and friends.

Hand Wash $12.00 Detail exterior and Interior Wheels and Rims 95.00 per car. Includes clay and wax. SUV’s extra. Lee W. Wright Owner Imperial Ave. @ 50th San Diego, CA 92114




Eyelash extension 2 for $99.00 Hair extension $149.99 We have new brazlian& indian hair 100% sold here. Stylist Wanted. Walk-ins Welcome Micro braids, Corn rows & Kinky twist.

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Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


The San Diego Monitor

Ahead of the Curve The Evangeline Roberts Institute of Learning Charter School (ERILCS) is currently enrolling students in grades kindergarten, first and second grade. Students at ERILCS will experience a challenging curriculum that will motivate them to strive for their personal best. To achieve this teachers’ will provide ongoing progress reports to parents as a means to keep them informed about their child’s progress. At ERILCS families can expect an exceptional staff. Members of our staff have Montesorri training, extensive math training and reading credentials. Our teachers will create a nurturing and structured learning environment that will foster a love for learning. Staff members believe in providing a positive and supportive atmo-

Where We Care About Your Hair

Pecolia Vance

sphere to encourage and build confidence in each child. Starting with grades kindergarten through second grade is advantageous and necessary to building a strong educational foundation that can be built upon in later grades. Students at ERILCS are expected to meet and exceed all state and academic standards. This will be accomplished through a rigorous curriculum which will challenge each student to grow academically. To ensure that all students achieve mastery, an individualized plan will be developed to cater to their needs. Students in need of additional support will receive one on one or small group support through our mentoring and monitoring program. The students who grasp concepts quickly will be challenged with enrichment to further deepen their knowledge in the subject area. To ensure students receive the attention they need the class size will be no larger than 20 students with the support of a teacher’s aide. When students enter ERIL they will be pre-assessed to identify their strengths and areas of support. ERILCS will make parents feel welcomed and appreciated. From the time they walk into our school they will be greeted with a smile and made to feel that they are part of the ERILCS family. A key feature that will assist working parents is our guaranteed free before and after school program. ERILCS has established a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club to provide our families with a safe and quality program. Teachers will be on staff before school to provide individualized help to students who need help in reading or mathematics. To build student confidence ,selfdiscipline and improve fitness our Tae Kwon Do Program will be taught by Master Gold who is a 5th degree black belt and is certified to teach this martial art form. Students will also have the opportunity to be a part of the “Let’s Get Moving Morning Club”. This club is designed to get kids active first thing in the morning. Getting students active first thing in the morning wakes up the functioning of the body and mind. To find out how you can enroll your child in the Evangeline Roberts Institute of Learning Charter School contact us at 619-674-6019 or visit our website at

The San Diego Monitor




JOB TITLE: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer - Electronics JOB NUMBER: 1844 Relocation: Yes Location: Chicago area (west suburbs) Company is a leading global supplier of high performance components for the mobile phone market. Successful applicant will be responsible for managing projects involving process development and mechanization, in context of new product development and productivity improvement in the manufacturing area. This includes initiating, evaluating and implementing solutions to design and production problems, as well as coordinating design changes and improvements necessary to improve manufacturability. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: . Coordinates introduction of new and redesigned products, coordinates special projects and performs feasibility studies to improve quality, performance and cost effectiveness of products. Position involves travel overseas for product transfers and support. . Support production through timely documentation, process analysis & improvement, defect analysis, and other technical support. . Participate in projects to improve existing process and product designs, including equipment, and assist in product transfers. . Supply technical support for overseas facilities as required. . Provide project leadership and technical training. . Formulates proposals for projects to design and implement new of processes, equipment, and (where appropriate) mechanization of processes. . Assists and manages subcontractor companies in developing, piloting and implementing manufacturing systems POSITION/TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: . B.S. in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Manufacturing Engineering plus minimum 3 years experience in a manufacturing environment . Personal computer skills and knowledge of associated applications.(Experience with windows based environment, word processing, spreadsheets, manufacturing programs (simulations and mathematical), drafting, documentation and MRP systems. . Internal manufacturing (assembly and test processes, and experience leading product design teams with responsibility to transfer products into production) . Demonstrated ability to solve issues effectively and efficiently; process and change oriented . Good multi functional skills . Willingness to travel overseas for 3-6 weeks at a time to support manufacturing operations (travel requirement will not typically exceed 15% annually) . Strong analytical skills, experience in statistical process control (Six Sigma certification desirable), DOE, and other statistical techniques . Understanding of the ISO 9000 requirements . Experience working with mechanical fixtures and tooling prints . Strong oral and written communication skills, influencing and negotiating skills, ability to work effectively on a team; self-directed and motivated; and strong interpersonal skills Desired: . Process knowledge with familiarity in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering techniques and high volume assembly . Experience in supplier subcontracting . Good understanding of documentation required for design and manufacturing processes . Knowledge of acoustics/acoustic analogs . Experience training engineers, technicians, and production personnel . Formal training in Project Management techniques . Ongoing training in Project Management skills will be encouraged. . Experience in preparing capital cost justification and performing payback analysis for proposed projects A Plus: . Thick Film and Hybrids experience using ceramic substrates Requirements: 1. B.S. in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Manufacturing Engineering. 2. 3 + years of experience in a high volume electronics manufacturing environment. 3. Experience with internal manufacturing (assembly and test processes, and experience leading product design teams with responsibility to transfer products into production). 4. Six Sigma certification and understanding of the ISO 9000 requirements. 5. Experience working with mechanical fixtures and tooling prints. 6. Thick Film and Hybrids experience using ceramic substrates is a plus. 7. Knowledge of acoustics/acoustic analogs is a plus. PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

JOB TITLE: Integrated Circuit Design Manager JOB NUMBER: 1842 Relocation: Yes Location: Chicago area (West Suburbs) Company is a leading global supplier of high performance components for the mobile phone market. We are seeking a Lead Analog IC Design Engineer or Manager to lead a small team of IC engineers in development of submicron amplifiers for our microphone and other electro-mechanical transducer products. We seek a key person to drive the development of both new designs and modification of existing ones. The successful candidate will be able to direct support of rapid new product introduction, and innovation. This individual will work closely with the Sales & Marketing team on design and technology aligned with customer needs and business goals. Responsibilities include leading a small team of senior IC development engineers. Ensure design quality through innovation and advanced methodologies in the deepest submicron technology deemed viable to meet the requirements of the system application. Lead design, implementation, verification, and testing of analog circuit blocks in a variety of CMOS process technologies for microphone, and other transducer based products Utilize strong understanding of analog performance metrics such as gain-bandwidth, stability, frequency response, settling time, noise, phase noise, etc. to develop the smallest and most robust single and multi-stage applications in the industry Lead and participate in IC schematic, layout, simulation, and verification efforts Lead and manage a small highly technical team of semiconductor development professionals Lead new IC product development based on both concepts and customer requirements Actively work with Sales and Product Management to understand customer needs and future market trends Identify and innovate new products through investigative research, design practices and collaboration with internal, and external subject matter experts Continually investigate the most innovative IC design methodologies, and practices to achieve the most competitive products in the market. Consistently push the extents of CMOS process and IC development for miniature microphone and transducers Work closely with IC foundries and drive products through development, tape out, fab out and full fabrication of IC’ Assist in trouble shooting IC related design, fabrication, and quality problems Educate Application and Transducer Engineers in basic IC development principles and troubleshooting methods Simultaneously evolve and execute numerous on-going projects Occasionally visit and co-development with customers on strategic and innovative products Continually look for patent opportunities to further help distinguish itself in the industry POSITION REQUIREMENTS: BSEE or MSEE with seven or more years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams PHD with three or more years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams Must have developed and/or lead at least 10 full submicron IC tape outs from concept to samples, and production Proven Analog expertise in Class A and AB stage Buffers, and Amplifiers Proven experience in single and multi-stage buffers and amplifiers, with high input impedance, low noise, and high gain requirements Detailed knowledge of 0.18um and below CMOS processes Understanding of and experience depletion mode devices is highly desired Understanding and experience in RF based designs desired Must be familiar with industry leading EDA packages like Cadence and/or Mentor Graphic tool chains Must have worked with leading foundry PDK’s and design rules Some prior experience and knowledge of audio or acoustic product development is desired Global manufacturing experience is desirable Strong communication skills, both written and oral, are essential Proven track record of successfully launching products is a must Critical and analytical thinking is mandatory Must be precise, organized and autonomous Requirements: 1. BSEE or MSEE. 2. 7 + years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams. 3. Must have developed and/or lead at least 10 full submicron IC tape outs from concept to samples, and production. 4. Analog expertise in Class A and AB stage Buffers, and Amplifiers. 5. Familiar with industry leading EDA packages like Cadence and/or Mentor Graphic tool chains PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

Page 21

JOB TITLE: Internal Medicine Hospitalist JOB NUMBER: 1892 Relocation: Yes Location Phoenix: AZ We are seeking BC/BE IM Doctor who can provide the following: Effective leadership to the facility Commitment to the success of their practice group The highest quality of care possible to their patients Demonstrated interest in continual learning and improvement In return, we offers professional and financial rewards that are unparalleled in hospitalist medicine. Company provide their physicians the ability to practice medicine and manage patients as true drivers of the inpatient delivery system to the long-term benefit of all stakeholders. Compensation & Benefits. Highly attractive compensation and benefits package. Competitive base salary Monthly bonuses based on productivity & quality Comprehensive liability insurance (with no tail requirement) Health, Dental, Vision, Disability 401k (with match) Employee Stock Purchase Plan Requirements: 1. Board Certified or Board Eligible IM Doctor. 2. Committed to the Phoenix AZ area. PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

JOB TITLE: Manager Machining Dept JOB NUMBER: 1897 Relocation: Yes Location: Virginia Beach VA Company has an immediate opening for a Manager of their Machining department. Incumbent will direct and coordinate the manufacturing activities of the Process Engineering and Heat Treating Units in compliance with required output and quality standards. They will participate in the overall strategic design and direction of the Unit manufacturing processes and related specifications. They will also oversee the training of employees, setting of production and performance goals, organization of work, and maintenance of a productive and motivational climate. Company produces various finished products and performs manufacturing processes such high-volume assembly, plastic injection molding and CNC machining. Position Responsibilities: . Oversees and participates in the development of performance, efficiency, and product quality standards for Heat Treating and Process Engineering. . Monitors output, cycle times, routings, and quality indicators, oversees, and participates in the resolution of problems or reinforcement of positive findings. . Oversees and participates in daily production operations through personal interaction with production associates, floor response to immediate problems, and regular council and guidance to Unit supervisors and lead people. . Oversees the maintenance of appropriate levels of labor, the general conformance with employee rules, the issuing of warnings, and the administration of disciplinary measures when necessary. . Participates in the development of production plans with representatives from other departments, such as Production Planning and Control, Marketing, Materials, etc. to ensure that performance standards meet customer requirements. . Serves as a liaison to Manufacturing Engineering regarding product changes, required production needs, production processes, future strategic objectives, etc. . Participates in the research, development, and design of long-range strategic objectives of Unit operations. Works with departmental managers and other Unit managers in the laying out and planning of potential future operational changes. Supervises 100+ people. Requirements: . Bachelor of Science in Engineering or equivalent in related discipline. . Minimum of 10 years of related experience in machining and heat treating. Requirements: 1. Bachelor of Science in Engineering or equivalent in related discipline. 2. 10 + years of experience in machining and heat treating. 3. Solid recent management of a large department (this department is 100+). PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

FOR RENT. $2250 / 3br /3 ba Townhome - 1 mile from beach (Del Mar). AVAILABLE October 1. Great 3 bedroom, 3 bath townhome in quiet hillside community just east of Del Mar Fairgrounds & Race Track. One bedroom and full bath on ground level with kitchen, laundry, living and dining rooms. Two bedrooms and two baths on lower level. 1800 sf with 20 foot ceilings, but low power bills. Two car garage, safe off-street parking for more. Walking distance to beach, groceries, shops, restaurants. Beautiful sunset views from living room, dining room, and upper bedroom and balcony. Two swimming pools across the street! Two private patios of lower bedrooms. $2250 plus $2500 damage & cleaning deposit, additional fee for pet. Month-to month ok or 6 month lease. Email: FOR SALE. 1993 Mercedes 300S. Black on black, beautiful interior, but not currently operable. Car needs transmission work, air, other minor repairs. $1800 obo. Email:

Page 22 -August 13, 2011May 7, 2011


VETS Continued from page 8 their commitment to veterans. The VA can only do so much with what they have. It’s up to our leaders to commit more money for new programs and money to build more VA centers that serve rural areas. One of the true highlights of the Obama administration is how the VA has become a much better agency, and now we just have to expand that commitment.” In the meantime, women veterans can also turn to nonprofit organizations like San Francisco-based Swords to Plowshares, which is helping to fill the void left by the VA system. Swords operates three supportive housing programs for veterans in the San Francisco area, including women veteran-only apartments for transitional housing, and the organization also provides counseling and case management, employment and training, housing and legal assistance. An adequate support system is absolutely necessary for a veteran to be able to transition back into society, says Anu Bhagwati, executive director of the Service Women’s Action Network, a female veterans’ advocacy group in New York City,

The San Diego Monitor

and she adds that in addition to access to appropriate healthcare facilities, it is important to remember that simple acts of kindness and acceptance can help make a world of difference in a soldier’s journey back to normalcy. “We all need to understand where these soldiers are coming from and that reintegrating themselves back into civilian life is quite difficult,” she said. “We just need to be patient and compassionate with our veterans who are coming back from combat. Be sensitive to their needs, and recognize what they’re dealing with. And above all welcome them, as it takes a village to help a veteran navigate through their way back home.”

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New Ark of the Covenant Church

8AM Sunday Worship Service 11AM Sunday Worship Service 9:30 AM Christian Education ( Adult & Youth for all ages) Wednesday Noonday Bible Study Wednesday Evening Bible Study @ 7pm ( Adult & Youth) 5555 University Ave San Diego,CA 92105

(619) 578-2721 Ext 101

6126 Benson Avenue, San Diego, CA 92114

619-262-8384 •

MINISTER DONALD R. WARNER SR. Dr.William A. Benson and First Lady Rachelle Y. Benson

Total Deliverance Worship Center Sunday 8:00 am • Sunday 10:45 am • Wednesday 7:00 pm

2774 Sweetwater Spring Blvd. Spring Valley 91977 (619) 670-6208

Linda Vista Second Baptist Church 2706 Korink Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111 Tel. (858) 277-4008 / Fax (858) 277-8441 Email: “Welcome to Praise City” Weekly Order of Service Sunday: Early Morning Worship Power Hour Mid-day Worship

7:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday: Noon-Day Bible Study Evening Prayer Bible Study

12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Dr. David C. Greene Sr. Pastor

The San Diego Monitor


August 13, 2011 - Page 23


San Diego Monitor News & Business Journal. 07/23/11, 07/30/11, 08/06/11, 08/13/11, 08/20/11

ADVERTISE 07/30/11, 08/06/11, 08/13/11, 08/20/11

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