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The San Diego Monitor

Linme’s Gourmet SOUL FOOD and Catering Food trucks have become a recognized part of the food service industry. Local resident Mechiel Holman recognized this, and began her own food truck business. She says that, “If the mountain can’t come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain.” Her truck delivers fresh soul food to your door, business, or event – or anyone else who wants a taste of soul food. If you need her, call her at (619) 631-2042.

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haron B. Majors-Lewis graduated Magna Cum Laude from National University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1980. Ms. Lewis obtained her JD degree in 1985 from the National University School of Law, where she was a member of the Student Honors Advisory Program, and received American Jurisprudence Awards in Torts, Wills and Trusts, Domestic Relations and Administrative Law, and a Corpus Juris Secundum Award in labor relations and was also an F. Lee Baily Moot Court Finalist. Ms. Lewis was admitted to practice in California on December 13, 1985, and before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on December 29, 1987. In her sole practice she handled family law and law and motion matters, provided pro bono services through the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer’s program and represented indigent criminal defendants by appointment of the Court of Appeals under the Appellate Defenders assisted-case system. Ms. Lewis was sworn in as a San Diego County Deputy District Attorney in February 1987 where she became a trial attorney specializing in violent crimes including abusive head trauma child homicides. She was promoted to Assistant Chief of the Family Protection Division, a division that handled child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, statutory rape, and child abduction cases. She was cross designated as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, for the Southern District of California in the Violent Crimes Division from November 2994 to May 1995. Majors-Lewis completed over 90 jury trials during her career as a Deputy District Attorney. Ms. Lewis was promoted to Division Chief of the Central Pretrial Division in March 2003, making her the first African American female Division Chief in the San Diego District Attorney’s Office. She later became the first African American female to become a Chief Deputy District Attorney in the office In

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January 2005. In addition to managing several divisions, she also handled sensitive special projects for the District Attorney and completed other complex matters, including reviewing homicide cases that were the subject of habeas petitions. Majors-Lewis served on the Capital Case Review Board, the attorney selection committee, was in charge of the Certified Legal Intern and Graduate Law Clerk programs and handled the office’s travel and training budget. In February 2007, Ms. Lewis was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to be his Judicial Appointments Secretary. She is the first woman and first person of color to ever hold the position in California. She served in that capacity until December 2010. Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Majors-Lewis to the San Diego Superior Court on December 3, 2010. She took her oath of office on December 20, 2010. In 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, she was selected by the Los Angeles Daily Journal as one of the Top 100 Leading Lawyers in California. In January 2008, San Diego Magazine named her one of the top 50 People to Watch. Ms. Lewis received numerous other awards for her accomplishments as the Judicial Appointments Secretary for Governor Schwarzenegger. They include, the Bernard Witkin Award for Civic Leadership & Excellence as an Attorney, by the Law Library Justice Foundation, March 4, 2010. An Assembly Resolution was presented by Assemblyman Mike Davis for a lifetime of achievements and meritorious service to humanity, January 15, 2010. The Daily Journal named her as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in California 2007–2010. She was one of San Diego Magazine’s 50 People to Watch in 2008. Majors-Lewis received a key to the City of Milpitas, CA, for her work in diversifying the bench. She received Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez’s Certificate of Recognition as Attorney of the Year and dedication to the advancement of diversity in the law, Feb 9, 2008. The John

Langston Bar Association Award of Recognition for Attorney of the Year and exemplary representation of the legal profession’s high standards of excellence, integrity and honor was presented to her in 2008. The Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association’s Reaching New Milestones Award recognizing her dedication to the advancement of diversity in the law, presented on November 3, 2007. The Charles Houston Bar Association Award recognizing her efforts to diversify, the California Judiciary was presented on May 7, 2010. The South Asian Bar Association of Southern California Awarded her efforts to diversify the bar on June 13, 2008. Ms. Lewis is a member or past member of several legal organizations that include the following:

• San Diego County Bar Association 1987-Present • California District Attorneys Association 1987-2007 • San Diego County Deputy District Attorneys Association 1987-2005 • National College of District Attorneys Association Alumni 1994-Present • Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association 1987-Present • Lawyer’s Club 1987-Present (Intermittent) • American Bar Association, 1985-1990 • Congressman Jim Bates’ Judiciary Advisory Subcommittee,1981-1985 Ms. Lewis has participated in community organizations including: • YWCA Board of Directors, 2006-Present, Audit Committee Chair 2010; Naval Dental • Officer’s Wives Club 1999-2006 She enjoys theater arts, reading, and traveling.


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The San Diego Monitor

I Can Not Shake My Slave State of our Community message… Shadow Farmers, plantation owners, and agricultural individuals know that if the groundhog sees his shadow, it’s going to be a year of good weather. If the groundhog does not see his shadow, it’s going to be a tough year ahead. When you visit Birmingham, NYC, Atlanta, Philadelphia or LA and tour the Black areas of these cities, you will be met by the “ghetto” or the “inner city”. In many of these big cities such as New York or Chicago, thousands of Blacks may live in one, two, three, and four-story apartments stacked up on top of each other. What concerns me about this is when you compare these enclaves to other ethnic communities, the talents to be found in these communities manifest in the surrounding businesses. But in the Black community, we congregate and live our lives, but the stores and businesses around us are owned by non-Blacks capitalizing on providing for the needs of the people that live in the inner city. You may or may not find any major food markets in the Black community and certainly none owned by Blacks. For some reason, we Black Americans cannot shed our slave shadow of depending on someone else – be it the slave master or another nationality to provide life’s necessities for our families. We elect politicians, hire schoolteachers, elect mayors, and depend on inner city associations and organizations to help. I would say that 98% of all of these organizations are government funded. A gentleman told me, “You know, we are fighting to get a new YMCA for our community. Whoever gets it will be ever so popular. They’ll be able to run for the council seat or any other office in our community because it would be a great milestone.” What? The individual that oversees a social organization is the best we’ve got to offer? Therein lies the problem as to why we are forever dependent on the system. This is just a reflection of Black Americans’ slavery shadow that tends to follow us around everywhere we go. Thirty years ago you could drive to National City and the businesses on 8th Avenue and

EDITORIAL Plaza Boulevard were owned by whites. As time went on, that community to the north became heavily populated with Blacks. To the south it was the Filipino community. Today, that community is almost 100% Filipino with over 1,000 businesses to show for it. The Blacks to the north opened virtually no businesses in National City. You may be able to find one or two, perhaps a barbershop or a beauty shop, but even to the north where business was in demand in the Black area the numbers of Black businesses did not increase at all. The same thing happened in El Cajon. Now, many Blacks have moved and sold their homes. But the one thing they didn’t have to sell was their businesses because they didn’t build any. It is our slave shadow of depending on the master and somebody else to provide for us that is the problem. Fifty years ago, the older Blacks built businesses on Imperial Avenue, but they died out. Their children didn’t carry on the legacy. The notion that young Blacks are going to straighten out this problem is foolish. Those Black businesses died out on their watch. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

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By Brian Pollard I wanted to share my observations over the past year or so on the ‘State of our community”, so this seems like the perfect venue. Our national, state and local economy continues to be in terrible shape in spite of our President’s effort for Congress to work together, On a state level Gov. Brown is experiencing the same type of issues. On a local level, the City just doesn’t have the money. Hopefully the upcoming elections will bring to light some creative ideas to address our local issue. Regarding our community, unemployment remains high, we have experienced an increase in gang related violence, and city budget issues plague us all, however we have had some successes. Successes, because on certain issues our community has been involved and developed some “issue-oriented” coalitions. A few months ago Cal-Trans was planning improvements on our section of 805. When our residents realized this would eliminate an on and off ramp into our community, we stood up and demanded they reconfigure the “improvements” to restore an on and off ramp into our community. Some months ago our School Superintendent was part of restructuring effort to change our Superintendent for the 4th straight year. When learning of this decision by SDUSD numerous residents embarked on a journey to change the minds of the Education Board and give our children consistency so the improvements to our schools can continue. They were successful. The most recent success was when information about the City’s redistricting efforts were presented to our community, numerous members of the 4th District attended the meetings, supported the Task Forces, and the end result was a new District that honors 95% of our communities of interests, adds numerous economic engines to our District, allows us to re-claim College Grove, increases the population of African Americans and increases the diversity of our community by adding the Communities of Rolando Park and Redwood Village. The consistent element in these recent success-

es has been we have “shown up” and joined forces for the betterment of our community. No one was motivated by “making a buck” but rather an honest desire to improve our District. We often don’t take a minute and pause about our success, partly because we have had so little to celebrate. Our success are very seldom available to read, see or hear in the news media outside of our community so for now we need to celebrate among ourselves. Congratulations people!!!! The lesson to learn is if we are to have a positive impact on our own lives we need to get involved and proactive. We as a community need to become more aware of the issues that will effect us. We can no longer afford to sit back with the attitude of “…it doesn’t matter…”, because it does matter. These recent successes are proof of that. We cannot overly depend on any elected official to “solve’ our problems, we have to continue our momentum, that seems to be forming, voice our concerns to make this the best Community it can be. Moving forward there are a couple of more issues involving our community that will require our input and involvement: Our local NAACP will be focusing on “Getting out the Vote” for the upcoming elections next year which will include the necessity of us getting to the polls for this election and in general. Please join them so you can be “in the loop” with their activities. The Coalition of Neighborhood Council (meeting dates) seems to be reclaiming their original Mission of supporting our neighborhood Town Councils and neighborhoods. We have a long way to go, with our unemployment issues, affordable housing issues, health education issues, civic engagement, and our collaboration and effectiveness within our Non-profits. I believe we have however the right equation; involvement+education= success. Remember; “Show up, tell the truth and keep your word…”


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/ window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range

Miramar Ranch Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Vista Grande Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Sherman Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2)

$200K - $1 Million

Cherokee Point Elementary School - Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Stevenson Elementary School - ADA Work

$1 - $5 Million

Millennial Tech: Phase V Bus Turnaround - Athletic Fields*

$1 - $5 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts: Whole Site Modernization*

$1 - $5 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts (CPMA) at Kroc Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) Project

$5 - $10 Million

Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building*

$5 - $10 Million

Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

*Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) applies

Contact Alma Ba単uelos at or 858-573-5852 to get on SDUSD's database today! We'll send bid notices, a quarterly newsletter and contracting information to you at no cost. We can also help to increase your visibility in SDUSD's construction contracting environment.

Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para m達s informaci坦n en espa単ol, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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The San Diego Monitor

A New World Perspective Geopolitics, Globalization, and Terrorism By Ezrah Aharone There’s a political and planetary solar system at work, where the earth revolves around the sun, while it comprises near-200 nations that revolve around various interests and ideologies that cooperate, compete, and clash. In short, regardless of norms or ideals, no government or society has escaped the gravitational pull of geopolitics and globalization, which are bookend forces that configure today’s “balance of power” to the advantage of select nations while – either artfully or inadvertently – breeding seeds of terrorism along the way. Globalization in benign terms refers to the world’s ever-growing interconnectedness via common markets, technology, and development. Within this necessary interdependency however, colonial-like political and corporate arrangements are maintained whereby power and wealth remain largely concentrated within the orbital grips of Western nations and institutions. This is reflected in the 67-year-old outcome whereby only Americans would head the World Bank and only Europeans would head the IMF. Hence, the EU’s adamancy that former-IMF chief (who resigned amid rape charges) must unquestionably be replaced by a European. Geopolitics in benign terms concerns the relationship between geography and politics . . . a government’s legitimate activities in domestic and foreign territories. But from an operational standpoint of certain governments to safeguard or advance their economic, security, and foreign policy interests, geopolitics doubles as a sneaky codeword for the political muscling, coddling, and/or finessing of particular nations that have strategic value or pose threats, based on factors including location, resources, intelligence, terrorism and military

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implications. Invariably, classified operations ensue that the world public never knows or imagines because, along with geopolitics comes foreign intrigue, domestic deception of citizens, and manipulation of media, as governments jostle for upsmanship in a globalized pecking-order for world power. As such, the US has long played a dangerous game of “geopolitical roulette” in places like Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which – not unrelated – are places that it now identifies as hotbeds for terrorist networks. President Richard Nixon, who set modern precedents for America’s geopolitical approach to foreign relations, wrote in The Real War (1980) about maintaining geopolitical leverage in the Middle East and Africa, saying early on Page 3: “We have to recover the geopolitical momentum, marshaling and using our resources in the tradition of a great power . . . We must recognize the relationship between strategic resources and patterns of world trade, between economic productivity and military might.” Accordingly, in roulette fashion, the US has no permanent enemies or permanent friends around Middle East territory, except for Israel. Even Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak became disposable after 30 years of expediency. Geopolitical relations have vacillated based on oil interests and the degree to which Arab governments are amenable to US policies. Iran for example received billions in support after a known CIAengineered coup installed Shah Pahlavi (19671979). But once Ayatollah Khomeini ruled Iran, America propped and supplied Saddam Hussein in Iraqi’s war against Iran (19801988). Saddam later fell from geopolitical grace when his 1990 attempt to annex Kuwait jeopardized US oil stability. He thereafter became the terrorist face of “What’s Wrong With the World,” until 9/11, when Osama Bin Laden unforgivably bit America’s geopolitical hand that fed him during the Afghan Mujahideen war Continued on page 14

UNIQUE FUNDRAISING EVENT RAISES NEARLY $110,000 FOR NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE ASSOCIATION SAN DIEGO — Neighborhood House Association (NHA), San Diego’s oldest and largest nonprofit social service agency, announced today that its 2011 Virtual Gala raised nearly $110,000 for agency programs and services. This unique fundraising event, which ran from July 26 through August 16, allowed donors to support NHA from the comfort of their home or office and avoid the often hurried rush to prepare for a traditional black-tie gala. All the action took place online at Neighborhood House Association helps thousands of individuals and families every day improve their quality of life by providing vital social services within the community. This year, Neighborhood House Association (NHA) will provide hope to San Diego County residents who are in need of vital social services such as child development, health, emergency food and other human services. In addition to sponsor donations, the 2011 Virtual Gala raised close to $3,000 through its online auction. Donors had an opportunity to bid on any of several great auction packages, including a trip by private jet to Las Vegas, tickets to the San Diego Symphony, a one of a kind David Garibaldi painting, a Chef’s table for 8 at the San Diego Convention Center and passes to some of the most exciting San Diego attractions.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

What happened to Theodoric C. James? He served 10 presidents, but died alone in squalor: By Christian Davenport Theodoric C. James Jr. was clearly in trouble. He wasn’t showering anymore. He wore the same ragged clothing day after day. Rats rummaged through the weeds and mounds of trash in his yard. He started going to the bathroom in buckets on his front porch. His neighbor Alex Dobbins was afraid that something terrible was going to happen. They had been friends since their days at Howard University and had lived in adjoining rowhouses in the 16th Street Heights section of Northwest Washington for 37 years. But this was not the man he had known. The man who had served in the White House for almost 50 years, under every president from Kennedy to Obama. The man who read and catalogued many of the documents that flow through the Oval Office: memos to the president, letters, pieces of legislation, nomination packets, even classified material that required him to have a security clearance. This man was inexplicably living in squalor, seemingly without electricity or running water, and hiding under a hooded overcoat and multiple layers of clothing no matter how hot it got. He wasn’t just a public nuisance but, Dobbins feared, a danger to himself. For more than two years, Dobbins and James’s family members in Mississippi repeatedly called every city office they could think of — the Department of Mental Health, Adult Protective Services, his council member, the mayor — hoping to get James help and prevent the worst. Then, on Aug. 1, after the punishing heat wave that pushed the heat index to 112, Dobbins woke up worried because he hadn’t seen his friend in two days. He knocked on the door loudly with a baseball bat. There was no answer. He checked the Rite Aid where James bought his breakfast, which was often green tea and Doritos, but no one had seen him. So once again, he picked up the phone

” t n u o c s i D “Senior

and called 911. The firefighters who responded had a hard time getting the door open. Something was blocking it. Something heavy, like a body. The medical examiner would later determine that James, 71, died of heat exposure. At least that much is known, but there is no simple answer for how a once-fastidious, much-praised civil servant came to this end. Social services officials won’t comment on his case specifically but say they are often constrained when adults refuse help, even when it is evident that they need it. Now family, friends, former colleagues at the White House and D.C. officials are left to wonder: Could James’s death have been prevented? *** Education was always important to the James family. Theo James’s grandfather is thought to have been the first African American doctor in Columbus, Miss., and his home is featured as an attraction on the city’s conventions and visitors Web site. James’s father, a brick mason, attended boarding school and Tuskegee University, according to Avee James, his sisterin-law. When Theo James was a senior in high school, his family sent him to live with his aunt in the District, where they thought he could get a better education at Western High School — now the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. After graduation, he attended Howard University, and in the early 1960s he started working part-time for the White House, filing documents. In 1970, he gained admission to Howard’s medical school but attended for one year, deciding that his grandfather’s profession was not for him. Instead, he took a full-time job with the White House in the Office of Records Management. He served 10 presidents, but died alone in squalor: What happened to Theodoric C. James? He worked his way up to the classification section, which handles “the more-important

Theodoric James Jr. worked in the White House for almost 50 years. His Northwest Washington neighbors never knew he catalogued important, sometimes sensitive, documents. documents at the White House — all the things the president sees, with some exceptions,” said Phil Droege, the office’s director. That meant that during his career, James likely had an inner look at some of the most important moments in history: the civil rights movement, Watergate, Vietnam, Iran-Contra, the Sept. 11 attacks. “Whenever we had new people or interns, everybody is busy here, but he would take the time to have a chat with them and tell them the history of this place,” said Droege, who worked with James for 19 years. “He lived a good chunk of it.” James, known to close friends as “Sonny,” was quiet and dignified. “Whether he was speaking to the president of the United States or the cleaning lady, he treated them with the same amount of respect and interest,” Droege said He was so self-effacing that some of his neighbors had no idea that they were living near a man who worked in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, had met every president since Kennedy and had pored over some of the most sensitive material of their adminis-

trations. “He never talked about his job,” said Bernadette Sykes, who for nearly 20 years lived two doors away from him. Instead, he talked about philosophy and justice, current events and history. “It was never about what the weather was like,” she said. “It was serious, and it would go on for half an hour.” James never married or, as far as Dobbins could tell, dated. A slight, skinny man and an early riser, he visited rare-book stores and collected books and magazines. He had little furniture, and the only television he owned was an old black-and-white set Dobbins gave him 25 years ago. Occasionally, he smoked a pipe while sitting on his porch. In 2006, he was making $62,566 a year and would have built up a solid pension. He gave generously to Catholic Charities. Evenings after work, he would sweep and rake in front of his home at 1208 Madison St. and then continue on, cleaning up the rest of the block. “We would tell the kids not to litter because Theo would have to clean it up,” Continued on page 14

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s of August 11, 2011, eight candidates—with the exception of one candidate Rick Perry (RTX)—announced to the world (on national television) their candidacy for President in 2012 at the Iowan Debate in Ames, Iowa. In a time of economic turmoil—experiencing the biggest drop in the DOW Jones stock market, and the loss of 14 million jobs in America—the GOP were asked the hard questions; some of their responses were well thought and others completely irrational. But let us introduce the main contenders of the GOP party and how they will change the face of Republican politics: Mitt Romney, Former Governor of Massachusetts: the front runner and head of the Republican Presidential Campaign. Already scoring high in the poll ratings, he is promised to have a strong standing in the primary elections. Pros— Strong name identification; experienced campaign team with proven fundraising ability; success as a businessman. Cons—The Massachusetts health care law that was enacted during his tenure as governor, especially the controversial measure of individual mandates. His religion (Mormon) is still seen by many as an impediment to greater appeal among socially-conservative evangelical Christian primary voters. Rick Perry, Governor of Texas: chief challenger in the presidential bid for 2o12. Even though he may have announced his presidential bid later than others, he has already captured the media press with his Texan talk: “Don’t attack my dog or you

might get shot.” Pros— Compelling economic story to tell about Texas and job growth; tea Party appeal and credentials; strong donor base; executive experience as longest continuously serving U.S. governor; proven campaigner who has repeatedly defied the political odds. Cons— “My way of the highway” style may turn off independent voters, who are desperate for Washington to stop fighting and start compromising. Jobs record isn’t without some blemishes, including tax credits and subsidies for employers who ultimately created few jobs. Has spent more than 25 years giving his opponents a treasure trove of material to mine for controversy. Michele Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota: Chief Challenger in Presidential bid for 2012. With no history of true political action in Congress, but she has proven herself to have better smarts than Sarah Palin. Pros—Minnesota base gives her great access and credibility in Iowa; proven ability to raise money. Cons—A polarizing figure, no government at all. Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the U.S. House: Chairman, American Solutions for Winning the Future, and college professor. Pros—Name ID; Goodwill among party base; skilled grassroots organizer. Cons—messy personal life, including multiple divorces; ability to raise funds for 527 groups. Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas: Ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian and in 2008 as a Republican. Strong standings in the polls—likely to go head to head

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The San Diego Monitor

San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X

with Mitt Romney. Pros—committed core of supporters who will cast a ballot for him; ability to raise big money online from those who are attracted to his libertarian philosophy. Cons—positions on Iraq/Afghanistan and legalizing drugs put him at odds with a majority of GOP base. These are the candidates of which I feel are strong contenders for the presidential election race in 2012, and all of them will exceed America’s expectations of potential president candidates. This race will be the most anticipating and challenging race in 2012. Not because of its political drama, but for the first time in years we are going to see wit and intellect butt heads from both political parties.

Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business Rebecca Christian – Issues and Answers Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007

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JAMES OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

The Nehemiah Project - 6 Connect Create Collaborate

Starting From Scratch! The Nehemiah Project Finance 101 Educational Campaign on September 6th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Urban League. 720 Gateway Center Drive. Then every first and second Tuesday – same time, same place. With the housing crisis and the economic downturn (spelled: r-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n) in full swing, many, many Black people have lost MOST of the wealth we had ten years ago. Economist call it the “Lost Decade”. Well, for some it may be a decade, but for folk barely one generation out of Apartheid, it is a lost GENERATION! Before the downturn, in 1995, white people had 7 times as much wealth as Blacks, on average. Now they have 20 times as much wealth as us, because when most of us lost our houses, we lost our largest asset. What the headlines didn’t tell you is that our loss was their gain. The value of our real estate assets transferred to the balance sheets of banks and other financial institutions. White people own stocks and bonds in these financial institutions. So when the banks got assets by foreclosing on Black-owned real estate, the wealth became part of the white stockholder’s portfolio. So, many of us are back to scratch – Scratch on our balance sheets. Scratch in our bank accounts. Scratching our heads. What do we do next? There is a poem by Rudyard Kipling called “If.” One line says, “If you can bear to watch the things you gave you life to broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools…you’ll be a man!” (Or, for some of us, a woman. J) So, now it’s time for us to start again from scratch. But let’s not make the same mistakes we made before. Mistake #1: Relying on someone else to know what we should know ourselves – like when NOT to get a mortgage to buy a house. Mistake #2: Not fighting tooth and nail to KEEP what we had – by any means necessary. Mistake #3: Being fragmented rather than united in how we handle our money. Mistake #4: Letting other people control what happens in our community. DON’T HATE! Don’t hate the player. Don’t hate the game. Learn how to play! Every other community bands together, pools their resources, and protects each other. We have to do the same. That’s how the game is played. They also use their natural advantages to their own benefit. Black people – People of African Descent – are the cultural leaders of the world. Everything we do culturally, others seek to imitate. How can we use this to our benefit? Have you been to the World Beat Center lately? ( Our culture has great value! What are we doing with it? See you on Tuesday. J CMH [Man in the Mirror – M.J.]

Continued from page 8 said Peggy Kennedy, another neighbor. “And then suddenly, he stopped. It was like he was a different person.” He started to withdraw at work, too, and reluctantly retired in 2009. “It may have been that he realized he was having problems that were going to make it difficult for him to continue working at the White House,” Droege said. After retirement, he cut himself off from almost everyone. He stopped the long sidewalk chats with Sykes. He lost touch with his coworkers. He stopped calling Mississippi to speak with his brother and his two nephews and niece, even as his brother’s chronic anemia worsened. His family wrote him letters, begging him to come home, where they could look after him. But he demurred.They wanted to come to Washington to get him, said Avee James, the sister-in-law. But they had three children to worry about, their means were limited and James’s brother was in and out of the hospital. They were in almost daily contact with Dobbins and repeatedly calling the same city agencies that Dobbins had been trying. “They said they couldn’t do anything unless he agreed to it,” Avee James recalled. “They said they couldn’t force him.” A spokeswoman for the D.C. Department of Mental Health declined to comment on any interaction it might have had with James, citing privacy concerns. But in a statement, she wrote: “A person has the right to refuse mental health services like any other health service (a person with cancer can refuse chemotherapy). And the law is clear that government can only commit a person to a psychiatric facility against their will if there is a clinical assessment of danger to self or others. If we think mental health services would be helpful but commitment is not called for, we make every effort to encourage treatment.” *** In the months after James’s retirement, his condition got worse. When Dobbins bought him a new pair of pants, he put them on over the fetid, stained pants he was wearing. The trash inside his home grew to three feet high. The grass in his front and back yards grew waisthigh. The rear first-floor windows cracked and fell out. James started drinking and chainsmoking cigarettes. Dobbins outfitted his own home with nine smoke detectors in case the trash in James’s home caught fire from the cigarettes. If James had running water or electricity, he didn’t use it. He would go to McDonald’s or to Dobbins’s home to charge the disposable cellphones he occasionally bought. Dobbins believes that the utilities were shut off (citing privacy concerns, Pepco and DC Water would not say whether James had water and electric service). Back at James’s old office, retirement letters flowed in. President George H.W. Bush wrote: “You leave with pride for having served with honor and distinction.”

GEOPOLITICS Continued from page 6 against the Soviets (1979-1989). Once Bin Laden went turncoat, the US played roulette with Pakistan’s General Pervez Musharraf, ignoring all warning signals . . . Musharraf already had active sanctions imposed for his 1999 coup; his government was one of few with d iplomatic relations with the former Taliban government in Afghanistan; and Pakistan had violated international arms agreements by obtaining missile technology from China and conducting nuclear weapons tests. On September 11th 2001 Musharraf was therefore ostracized as a “military dictator.” Nevertheless, by September 12th 2001 in haste to avenge Bin Laden, the US began to geopolitically reincarnate the “military dictator” into the honorable stature and media image of “President Musharraf.” He was coddled and gift-wrapped over $1 billion for his allegiance against terrorism, and Pakistan was seduced with over $20 billion since. After a near-decade of this wobbly courtship, along with thinking Bin Laden was a desolate cave-dweller in Afghanistan; he was

The San Diego Monitor Nancy Reagan wrote: “You have every reason to be proud.” President George W. Bush wrote: “Laura and I send our best wishes as you move on to the next chapter of your life.” James ignored entreaties from former colleagues to get in touch. He never saw the letters. *** Dobbins and James’s family continued to call city agencies, but it was clear that James didn’t want help from anyone: He shooed away the social workers and mental-health counselors who showed up on his doorstep, Dobbins said. He told them that he was fine and got angry at Dobbins for calling them. Last year, Dobbins stepped out his front door and saw James slumped over on his front porch, suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Shortly afterward, Dobbins found him again in a state of exhaustion on his porch. “Please call 911,” James whispered. Both times, he was hospitalized. By then, Dobbins was exasperated — with the city and with his old friend. He wrote the mayor’s office a lengthy letter detailing James’s living conditions and efforts to get him help: “I believe that the unhealthy and unsanitary conditions constitute a public nuisance and pose an imminent danger to Mr. James and to his adjacent neighbors.” Numerous city agencies responded to Dobbins’s pleas to help his friend. But he said he remained frustrated that James wasn’t getting the help he needed. In response to an inquiry from The Washington Post, a spokesman for the city’s Adult Protective Services unit said that it “aggressively investigates reports of alleged abuse, neglect and exploitation of frail, elderly and disabled adults and intervenes to protect vulnerable adults who are at risk of harming themselves or being harmed by others. “We are very concerned about this tragic death, and are conducting an investigation of all circumstances surrounding this matter.” On Saturday morning, James was buried in Columbus, not far from the home he grew up in. *** Last summer, the city sent a hazmat crew to remove 10 buckets of human feces and urine from James’s porch, charging James $1,895. Earlier this year, it sent a contractor to fix the rotted wood on his deck, scrape away peeling paint and repaint the wood surfaces. For that, it charged him $6,035. When James did not pay either bill, the city placed a lien on his house; it has not been removed, and accruing interest has added more than $700 to the bill. On Wednesday, nine days after James was found dead, someone from the city’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs affixed two $500 citations to the plywood board that the city put up to cover his front door. One was for “Excessive vegetative growth.” The other: “Excessive trash, debris, and unsecured vacant property. Hazard to human life.” Staff researcher Magda Jean-Louis contributed to this report.

paradoxically caught and killed in – of all places – Pakistan, where he’d lived unbothered for years with his family in a million dollar urban compound in – of all places – a military neighborhood. While the US consequently suspects Pakistan of consorting with al-Qaeda, Pakistan resents that the US conducted the raid unannounced. To teach America a geopolitical lesson in return, Pakistan denied the US further access to the compound and refused to handover wreckage of the abandoned “” for 2 weeks. Eye-for-eye, it’s well plausible that Pakistan even accommodated China’s suspected overtures to “reverse engineer” the copter’s technology, especially knowing China has since awarded Pakistan 50 . The world is locked into a rotational axis where geopolitics, globalization, and terrorism are fixed realities. And since America’s globalized-edge is predicated upon strategic resources like oil, the US cannot discontinue its risky proneness of trying to rent or convert Arab allies who are just as diametric to Americanization as Americanization is to them. So irrespective of the president’s color, America will duplicitously continue to abet regimes that it may afterwards seek to violently dismantle – under the pretext of “fighting for freedom.”

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Discussions

10 Steps to living a life uninterrupted I went to Savannah Georgia over the Fourth of July weekend for my brother’s wedding. While there I met a woman who was a breast cancer survivor who spoke of her experience sharing with me a letter she wrote in a breast cancer survivor contest. What stood out for me was how she signed the letter “Mrs. Mobley, life uninterrupted” and of course it made me take a look at life and ask the question – Am I living a life uninterrupted? While I ponder the notion I ask you, are you living a life uninterrupted or are you living a life that has been interrupted – halted? So many things and issues can enter our lives that bring our lives to a screeching halt. The truth of the matter is we actually control whether our lives are interrupted or not. As a gentle reminder these articles are never meant to minimal- If you have questions you would like answered or topics discussed, ize or marginalize your pain, your frustrations, or your disappointments. They are meant to encourage you, give please send all questions to faceyou hope, calm your fears and give you a brighter outlook on your or email: future — so as always bear with me. I think each of us can look at almost every situation that has or arisen in our lives and make the lucid statement: “Yep that inter- twitter@KeepingitealAH. rupted my life”. Momentary interruptions are a part of every one’s For more articles life. So the question isn’t exactly have you lived a life uninterrupt- www.keepingitrealwithangela ed but how long have you allowed interruptions to take place? An example is a boxer who gets hit in the gut and his wind is knocked out of him, he only has 10 counts to stand up and continue fighting or he is knocked out. So I would suggest a better title for this article might just be has your life been interrupted or knocked out. Here are ten steps to living a life uninterrupted: 1. Determine the value of the incident and ask yourself if it’s worth your time and energy? Take the time to look into the situation and evaluate how you got to this place. Look at the role you played in the situation –forgive yourself and them and move on. Failing to forgive yourself or them keeps you in limbo. 2. Stop repeating bad behavior. Learn from lessons learned. 3. Eliminate things and people from your life who have a tendency to cause interruptions – before they knock you out. 4. Focus on and only allow those things in your life that will build you up and encourage you. 5. Learn to identify the signs that cause interruptions and stop them before they take root. Quick example – in relationships there are some behaviors you know off the bat that lead to unhealthy outcomes. Just simply say “NO”. You deserve better. 6. Purpose in your heart that you will only accept the best that God has for you. Let’s make this clear anything that you have to demand to receive is not genuine. Genuine attitudes and behaviors are a natural part of the person’s character which you receive freely. If you have to demand then you are trying to change behavior which is not your responsibility to do unless of course it’s your child. 7. Find extreme value in you. Understand that if you don’t value yourself then how can you truly expect someone to value you. 8. Set standards and stick to them - in all relationships. 9. Refuse to be defeated. 10. Affirm yourself daily – affirmations: “ I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are His works that my soul knows very well” (those marvelous works are you!), “I am complete in Christ no one takes away or adds to me”,” I am the apple of God’s eye and He desires to be with me”, ” If God is for me who can be against me”, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, “My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory” and “I daily embrace my life with excitement and expectation”. Add your own affirmations to these. So I salute you beloved as you live a life uninterrupted never to be knocked out.

Electronic Edition of the San Diego Monitor News Now Available The San Diego Monitor News is now making available electronic subscriptions to the paper at no cost. Moving the San Diego Monitor into the electronic age is a move toward helping our readers stay in touch with what Black people are doing throughout America. Send an to email to be added to the weekly email edition of the paper. Or you may contact our office at (619) 668-1007.

The San Diego Monitor


TEN MAIN CAUSES By Lady Topaz With few exceptions, disease and dysfunction do not develop quickly. Disease and dysfunction tend to develop slowly, usually over many years as subtle, and overt, signs that mark loss of health which are ignored. I have found that many people feel that they are fine until they get diagnosed with a named condition like diabetes or hypertension. The reality is that degeneration is a fact of life - with each passing day, we lose some of our health potential. It is the pace at which our bodies degenerate that we influence through our daily choices. By understanding the main causes of disease and dysfunction, we can make dietary and lifestyle choices that promote longevity. The main causes of acceleration of disease and dysfunction can be categorized into three groups: Injury Toxicity Deficiency Let us take a close look at each of these categories of causes of disease and dysfunction: INJURY There are four main types of injury that contribute to disease and dysfunction: Cellular Damage by Unhealthy Foods Gross or Repetitive Stress Injury Emotional Injury Electromagnetic Injury Cellular Damage by Unhealthy Foods Some foods - or more accurately, some heavily adulterated foods and food-like chemicals - are capable of causing direct injury to our cells. Other highly processed foods cause indirect injury to our cells by deteriorating the health of our major organs and blood vessels. Some of the worst offenders include: Deep-fried foods like donuts, French fries, and most varieties of potato chips Margarine and shortening Artificial additives like MSG and aspartame Sugar-laden snacks and beverages Hot dogs, most varieties of sausage, bacon, and highly processed luncheon meats that contain nitrites Gross or Repetitive Stress Injury A gross physical injury like a strained back or



sprained ankle is an obvious cause of dysfunction. What is not so obvious in such cases is that if injured joints and muscles are not properly stretched and conditioned post-injury, the result may be scar tissue formation and joint dysfunction that may cause problems with mobility and flexibility over the long term. Emotional Injury Emotional injury refers to cellular damage that is caused by chronic emotional stress. As a direct cause of disease and dysfunction, this category is not given the attention that it deserves because it is difficult to come up with standardized treatments that can address every person’s personal sources of anxiety and fear. My view is that our emotional health status is the single most important determinant of our overall health, since it is the foundation from which all of our daily choices are made. Plus, our emotional health status affects the tone at which our autonomic nervous system hums day and night. Over many years, the tone of our autonomic nervous system is a huge determinant of our overall health status. Electromagnetic Injury In an early draft of a report issued in the spring of 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States recommended that electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) be classified as a class B carcinogen a probable human carcinogen. Unfortunately, by the time that the EPA released the final draft of this report, the words “class B carcinogen” were deleted. Despite their change of opinion on electromagnetic fields, the EPA included the following thoughts on EMF’s in their report: “In conclusion, several studies showing leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system in children exposed to EMF’s, supported by similar findings in adults in several occupational studies also involving electrical power frequency exposures, show a consistent pattern of response that suggest a causal link.” There is plenty of evidence in the scientific literature that has me convinced that electromagnetic fields can be a significant cause of disease and dysfunction. X-rays, mammograms, and other forms of ionizing radiation are also capable of accelerating disease and dysfunction. Clearly, it is not practical or possible for a lot of us to live off the grid to dramatically lower exposure to EMF’s. But we can take steps to minimize our exposure to some of the following, most common threats: Talking for long stretches of time with a cell phone pressed against our heads.

8300 Paradise Valley Rd. Suite #102 Spring Valley, Ca 91977 Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-6pm 619-479-1978

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Living close to cell phone towers and broadcasting antennas. Working for many years in a profession that involves being in close proximity to devices that emit ionizing radiation. Regularly lying in tanning beds. With each passing year, electronic devices like flat screen TVs and computer monitors are becoming bigger and more pleasing to the eyes. While all of these devices are not guaranteed to emit significant amounts of electromagnetic radiation, common sense dictates that it’s wise to be modest in our choice and use of all devices that require electricity to run. TOXICITY There are two main types of toxicity that contribute to disease and dysfunction (as discussed in last week’s article): Exogenous Toxicity Endogenous Toxicity Exogenous Toxicity Exogenous toxins are chemicals that are made outside of our bodies that can harm our cells if they are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed into your bloodstream. While it is unrealistic to live and work in an environment that is completely free of exogenous toxins, we can minimize our exposure to exogenous toxins by being aware of the most common household toxins. Over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational drugs are all exogenous toxins. Endogenous Toxicity Endogenous toxins are toxins that are produced inside of the digestive tract by microorganisms. While some endogenous toxins are eliminated as gas, some make their way into our bloodstream by traveling through our intestinal walls, and once they make it into our bloodstream, they can access our cells and contribute to toxic burden. The best ways to minimize the amount of endogenous toxins that are produced in our digestive tracts are to chew our foods well, eat mainly fresh, minimally processed foods, and ensure exposure to friendly bacteria. DEFICIENCY Disease and dysfunction are accelerated when we are deficient in any of the following: Nutrients Physical and Emotional Rest Sunlight and Fresh Air Love and Life Purpose Nutrients

To be optimally healthy, our cells need enough energy (calories) to carry out everyday metabolic activities - these calories are obtained by burning one or more of the following macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Our cells also require a steady supply of the following micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. And to be optimally healthy, we require adequate intake of water, fiber, and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are organic components of plants that are not essential to health, but are needed to experience optimal health; examples of phytonutrients include flavonoids (found in citrus and raw, organic cocoa), carotenoids (found in carrots and spinach), and indoles (found in Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower). The best way to ensure optimal nourishment of our cells is to eat nutrient-dense foods - these are foods that are highly concentrated in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals. Nutrient-rich foods include fresh vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Organic eggs and wild fish are also healthy, micronutrient-rich foods that are well tolerated by many people. A good way to become deficient in the micronutrients that we need to prevent disease and premature aging is to eat highly processed foods that fill us up but do not provide us with substantial amounts of natural micronutrients - soda and foods that are made with white flour belong in this category. If we regularly eat micronutrient-rich foods but want extra insurance against developing nutritional deficiencies, we can include nutritional supplements made with whole foods in our diets. Physical and Emotional Rest Adequate physical rest is critical to preventing premature disease and dysfunction, as the endocrine system relies heavily on restful sleep to function properly. Adequate emotional rest goes hand in hand with the section above on emotional trauma. Taking time to rest the mind and nervous system via meditation, prayer, journaling, or any other activities that help us feel calm can promote optimal autonomic nervous system tone, which is an essential requirement for getting and staying well. Sunlight and Fresh Air Promoting optimal Vitamin D status by exposing skin to sunlight without getting burned has been Continued on page 22

2850 National Ave Suite #109 San Diego Ca 92113 Mon-Fri 10am-9pm Sat & Sun 11am-6pm 619-233-0670


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The San Diego Monitor


The summer months are popular for vacations, tourism, weddings and Family Reunion’s. A good family reunion will unite, define, enlighten you on your historical background and give you a push for greatness. I found out some amazing facts about my family that I would not have known if I didn’t go to the family reunion. It has been years since we have had a family reunion because all of the matriarchs and patriarchs have died off. A new dawn has arisen and the younger generation is trying to pull together the family as a unit and dissipate all of the past rivalries, tensions and petty arguments that have disenfranchised the family. Isn’t it thought provoking that one generation can pull together and fight for freedom, education, civil rights, women’s rights and humanity and another would be so selfish to undue everything that has been sacrificed for them? I have teamed up with my cousins to host our family reunion in San Diego July, 2012. We understand that we will have to do everything by ourselves and have to stick together to ensure that we communicate, respect one another and get the job done. The first thing we have done is formed a committee that will vote on facilitating the family reunion. Now that the date has been chosen the next step is to send out Save the Date letters with reply cards so that we will know how many people to expect. In the mean time, I have located a gorgeous hotel to host the family reunion, the Marriott Courtyard Liberty Station. The Marriott Courtyard Liberty Station is gorgeous and is located in the heart of San Diego. The hotel sits adjacent to the ocean and is in walking distance to the Rock church, several eateries and a Massage Envy. It is the perfect location to host a Family Reunion because it is next door to a park which makes it convenient for the closing ceremony which consists of barbecuing. You know it would not be a family reunion without a cook out, dominoes, spades and potatoe sack races. The hotel rooms facing the water are simply breath taking. The rooms are larger and boast of balconies that overlook the pool, patio and the San Diego Bay. If you get another room it is adequate but it is nothing like sitting on your balcony sipping the drink of your choice watching the sunrise or the sunset while listening to the sounds of the water. If you are in need to a plan a vacation, wedding or family reunion I strongly suggest using this venue. I will gladly assist you in making your event stress free. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor






By Grady P. Anderson, Jr., M.D. This is part 4 of my series on diabetes. In the last couple of installments I gave you information on Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, NP. talks about the use of “Colloidal Minerals” to prevent and cure disease. Now the nice thing about the use of his suggestions is that he has set up a direct selling program that offers a money back guarantee. Does your prescription drug company offer a money back guarantee? In addition to the fact that you are able to earn additional cash because you referred someone else who bought his product. If you or your family member has a health challenge and you care about them. Then you should investigate what he has to say. Now to talk about the “Essential Sugars.” Sugars were originally felt to only supply the body with energy. Well that is only part of what sugars do the other function is that they control a lot of the functions that your body and every cell needs to help you stay alive and healthy. All of this occurs at a cellular level. With the aid of your Immune System which works like our military or police department whose job it is to seek out and destroy or apprehend those things that will do US (you or me) harm. These things are viruses, toxins and such and they more virulent day by day. The “8 Essential Sugars” can be found on the web site where there is an extensive amount of research by a world wide group of scientist. This site is full of lots of health related matters. Now the information on these sugars is contained in the books Miracle Sugars that Heal, Harper’s Biochemistry and ACTA Ananatomica just to name a few textbooks ad reference materials. The easy one to understand of the three listed here is Sugars That Heal where you can get a hard cover copy for just $0.01 from . The book is authored by Emil I. Mendoa, MD and Mindy Kitei. This is a paperback and is an easy read.

Part 4

The combination of”Colloidal Minerals” and “The 8 Essential Sugars” is a lot cheaper and are nontoxic than prescription drugs. The other two are textbooks and are rather difficult to understand even for some doctors. Part of this problem is that 95% of your doctors have not heard about this new technology is because it was not validated before 1996. So if your doctor finished medical school before 1996 he knows nothing of this technology. He would have to have completed all his training in 2006 to be exposed to this new information. Now I have given this information to no less than 800 people in this group were included family members, doctors, lawyers, teachers and scores of other people. If they had looked at the information then some of them would still be alive. A young lady who is being seen at the San Diego Hyperbaric Center on Gateway Center Way took Ambrotose and her doctors were not able to find any signs of her Type 2 adult onset Diabetes. I asked her why she stopped the one thing that worked. She said “I didn’t think I needed it any more.” Wrong! I said, “You need it for the rest of your life if you intend to stay healthy!” The person who introduced her to the product failed to fully educate her on its benefits. Until next time.


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L’Toska “Tos” Powell, 97, hair stylist to African-American stars BY MAUREEN O’DONNELL Born in the bad old days when AfricanAmericans had to step off the sidewalk for whites in her Mississippi town, L’Toska Powell moved to Chicago, studied hairstyling under pioneering inventor Marjorie Joyner, and at 97, she could still recite the alphabet ... backwards. When word got around about how gifted “Tos” was at fixing hair, she started attracting clients who were in town to appear at the Club DeLisa, a Bronzeville hotspot and one of the era’s pinnacles of African-American nightlife. Soon Mrs. Powell was working on the heads of some of the most famous and chic black women in the world. Lena Horne, Mahalia Jackson, and Dinah Washington were among her clients, relatives said. At the end, Mrs. Powell’s life came fullcircle. Her mother died when she was 17, so she stepped in to raise her 3-year-old brother, Moses “Lucky” Cordell — who went on to become a famed disc jockey and general manager at WVON radio. When Mrs. Powell grew older, her brother asked her to move in with him, and he built her a chairlift so she could get up and down stairs. She lived with him and his family for 14 years, having her customary coffee and toast each morning, reading her Bible, and watching TV’s Wheel of Fortune each evening. On the night Barack Obama was elected president, she dozed now and then, but insisted on staying up for his speech in Grant Park. “I never thought I’d live to see it happen,” she said. Mrs. Powell, 97, died Wednesday at Kindred Chicago Lakeshore Hospital. She was born in Grenada, Miss., to a family filled with triple cousins. Her father Maxie married her mother, Eloise, and Maxie Cordell’s two brothers married Eloise’s two sisters. Eventually the three families all journeyed north to Chicago to seek a better life. L’Toska arrived in Chicago in the early 1930s. Her family first lived at 3717 S. Cottage Grove. For a teen-aged girl raised during hard times in the rural South, it was like

Church. “She was quite a Bible student, and read the Bible everyday and could quote it. And listen to this — my sister, at 97, could recite the alphabet backwards,” her brother said, “and not miss a beat.’’ She married her husband, Al, in 1954. They operated a gas station at 71st and Wabash for

many years. She could cook all the staples of soul food, but “my favorite that she made, and no one can make it but her, was lemon-cream pie with a graham cracker crust,” her brother said. Mrs. Powell is also survived by her nieces Pamela Brown and Patricia Cordell, and her cousins Viola Turrett and Opal Nealy.

To send Letters to the Editor call or email The San Diego Monitor: • 619-668-1007 L’Toska Powell counted Lena Horne, Mahalia Jackson and Dinah Washington among clients, relatives say. paradise, said her brother — the nightlife, the fashions, the bustle. Still, she had responsibilities. In addition to taking care of her brother Moses, she minded the two children of her sister Frankie, who died young. “She never raised any children of her own, but she raised many children,” her brother said. “She was the go-to person for years. That’s why I was so happy to be able to bring her here and live with me.” L’Toska graduated from Morgan Park High School and studied hair styling under Marjorie Joyner, the inventor of a wildly successful permanent-wave machine. Joyner was a protégé of Madam C. J. Walker, a beauty product pioneer who became the nation’s first AfricanAmerican female millionaire. Mrs. Powell did volunteer work for Congressman William L. “Big Bill” Dawson, a savvy South Side political boss. She was active with South Shore United Methodist

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Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


In Loving Memory of Jean Byrd

Where We Care About Your Hair

Pecolia Vance

The San Diego Monitor


ife’s mysteries never allows you to have any insight into what may lay around the next corner, better yet the reasons for these shocking occurrences life bestow upon us. That is why when December 26, 2010 the death of Jean Byrd or Ms.Byrd to the students she’s influenced throughout her 25 year career as an educator came as a surprise. It is often hard to comprehend death and even more so loss of life coming to soon to those who don’t deserve such a fate. At times life has no rhyme to reason especially on the ill-fated day the tour bus in which Jean Byrd was riding on as she was on the way from Aswan to visit the Temple of Abu Simbel in Egypt had crashed leaving 8 people dead and 21 injured. As a teacher within the San Diego school district and co-founder to ERILCS (The Evangeline Roberts Institute of Learning Charter School) it has always been the utmost priority to inspire the next generation into achieving greater heights. Much is expected of teachers now and it takes a rare breed of individuals to succeed at such a demanding field. A tremendous amount of devotion and dedication must come with the territory and Jean Byrd possessed both these qualities and more. Never falling short of a smile for every student that would walk in her classroom; never a negative word spoken about or too any of her pupils; never just ok greatness was always expected from each of her students: this was the type of women she was and the persona she wished to instill within every student she would come into contact with. Being an intrical part of the of Evangeline Roberts Institute of Learning Charter School Jean Byrd worked tiredlessly towards the goal of presenting the urban youth of today an alternative route to an ailing school system. Like the other founders of ERILCS, Ms. Byrd saw that in order for us as a society to progress it must first start with the children for they are the ones who will one day take the reins and become the educators of tomorrow. And it is only right we prepare them for such a task at hand. In order to break a cycle of negativity, positivity must be interjected and that is the legacy in which Jean Byrd has left; a path of contagious smiles and endless aspirations for better days. In Loving Memory of Jean Byrd or Ms. Byrd to her students.

The San Diego Monitor




JOB TITLE: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer - Electronics JOB NUMBER: 1844 Relocation: Yes Location: Chicago area (west suburbs) Company is a leading global supplier of high performance components for the mobile phone market. Successful applicant will be responsible for managing projects involving process development and mechanization, in context of new product development and productivity improvement in the manufacturing area. This includes initiating, evaluating and implementing solutions to design and production problems, as well as coordinating design changes and improvements necessary to improve manufacturability. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: . Coordinates introduction of new and redesigned products, coordinates special projects and performs feasibility studies to improve quality, performance and cost effectiveness of products. Position involves travel overseas for product transfers and support. . Support production through timely documentation, process analysis & improvement, defect analysis, and other technical support. . Participate in projects to improve existing process and product designs, including equipment, and assist in product transfers. . Supply technical support for overseas facilities as required. . Provide project leadership and technical training. . Formulates proposals for projects to design and implement new of processes, equipment, and (where appropriate) mechanization of processes. . Assists and manages subcontractor companies in developing, piloting and implementing manufacturing systems POSITION/TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: . B.S. in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Manufacturing Engineering plus minimum 3 years experience in a manufacturing environment . Personal computer skills and knowledge of associated applications.(Experience with windows based environment, word processing, spreadsheets, manufacturing programs (simulations and mathematical), drafting, documentation and MRP systems. . Internal manufacturing (assembly and test processes, and experience leading product design teams with responsibility to transfer products into production) . Demonstrated ability to solve issues effectively and efficiently; process and change oriented . Good multi functional skills . Willingness to travel overseas for 3-6 weeks at a time to support manufacturing operations (travel requirement will not typically exceed 15% annually) . Strong analytical skills, experience in statistical process control (Six Sigma certification desirable), DOE, and other statistical techniques . Understanding of the ISO 9000 requirements . Experience working with mechanical fixtures and tooling prints . Strong oral and written communication skills, influencing and negotiating skills, ability to work effectively on a team; self-directed and motivated; and strong interpersonal skills Desired: . Process knowledge with familiarity in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering techniques and high volume assembly . Experience in supplier subcontracting . Good understanding of documentation required for design and manufacturing processes . Knowledge of acoustics/acoustic analogs . Experience training engineers, technicians, and production personnel . Formal training in Project Management techniques . Ongoing training in Project Management skills will be encouraged. . Experience in preparing capital cost justification and performing payback analysis for proposed projects A Plus: . Thick Film and Hybrids experience using ceramic substrates Requirements: 1. B.S. in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Manufacturing Engineering. 2. 3 + years of experience in a high volume electronics manufacturing environment. 3. Experience with internal manufacturing (assembly and test processes, and experience leading product design teams with responsibility to transfer products into production). 4. Six Sigma certification and understanding of the ISO 9000 requirements. 5. Experience working with mechanical fixtures and tooling prints. 6. Thick Film and Hybrids experience using ceramic substrates is a plus. 7. Knowledge of acoustics/acoustic analogs is a plus. PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

JOB TITLE: Integrated Circuit Design Manager JOB NUMBER: 1842 Relocation: Yes Location: Chicago area (West Suburbs) Company is a leading global supplier of high performance components for the mobile phone market. We are seeking a Lead Analog IC Design Engineer or Manager to lead a small team of IC engineers in development of submicron amplifiers for our microphone and other electro-mechanical transducer products. We seek a key person to drive the development of both new designs and modification of existing ones. The successful candidate will be able to direct support of rapid new product introduction, and innovation. This individual will work closely with the Sales & Marketing team on design and technology aligned with customer needs and business goals. Responsibilities include leading a small team of senior IC development engineers. Ensure design quality through innovation and advanced methodologies in the deepest submicron technology deemed viable to meet the requirements of the system application. Lead design, implementation, verification, and testing of analog circuit blocks in a variety of CMOS process technologies for microphone, and other transducer based products Utilize strong understanding of analog performance metrics such as gain-bandwidth, stability, frequency response, settling time, noise, phase noise, etc. to develop the smallest and most robust single and multi-stage applications in the industry Lead and participate in IC schematic, layout, simulation, and verification efforts Lead and manage a small highly technical team of semiconductor development professionals Lead new IC product development based on both concepts and customer requirements Actively work with Sales and Product Management to understand customer needs and future market trends Identify and innovate new products through investigative research, design practices and collaboration with internal, and external subject matter experts Continually investigate the most innovative IC design methodologies, and practices to achieve the most competitive products in the market. Consistently push the extents of CMOS process and IC development for miniature microphone and transducers Work closely with IC foundries and drive products through development, tape out, fab out and full fabrication of IC’ Assist in trouble shooting IC related design, fabrication, and quality problems Educate Application and Transducer Engineers in basic IC development principles and troubleshooting methods Simultaneously evolve and execute numerous on-going projects Occasionally visit and co-development with customers on strategic and innovative products Continually look for patent opportunities to further help distinguish itself in the industry POSITION REQUIREMENTS: BSEE or MSEE with seven or more years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams PHD with three or more years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams Must have developed and/or lead at least 10 full submicron IC tape outs from concept to samples, and production Proven Analog expertise in Class A and AB stage Buffers, and Amplifiers Proven experience in single and multi-stage buffers and amplifiers, with high input impedance, low noise, and high gain requirements Detailed knowledge of 0.18um and below CMOS processes Understanding of and experience depletion mode devices is highly desired Understanding and experience in RF based designs desired Must be familiar with industry leading EDA packages like Cadence and/or Mentor Graphic tool chains Must have worked with leading foundry PDK’s and design rules Some prior experience and knowledge of audio or acoustic product development is desired Global manufacturing experience is desirable Strong communication skills, both written and oral, are essential Proven track record of successfully launching products is a must Critical and analytical thinking is mandatory Must be precise, organized and autonomous Requirements: 1. BSEE or MSEE. 2. 7 + years developing, leading and/or managing small IC teams. 3. Must have developed and/or lead at least 10 full submicron IC tape outs from concept to samples, and production. 4. Analog expertise in Class A and AB stage Buffers, and Amplifiers. 5. Familiar with industry leading EDA packages like Cadence and/or Mentor Graphic tool chains PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

Page 21

JOB TITLE: Internal Medicine Hospitalist JOB NUMBER: 1892 Relocation: Yes Location Phoenix: AZ We are seeking BC/BE IM Doctor who can provide the following: Effective leadership to the facility Commitment to the success of their practice group The highest quality of care possible to their patients Demonstrated interest in continual learning and improvement In return, we offers professional and financial rewards that are unparalleled in hospitalist medicine. Company provide their physicians the ability to practice medicine and manage patients as true drivers of the inpatient delivery system to the long-term benefit of all stakeholders. Compensation & Benefits. Highly attractive compensation and benefits package. Competitive base salary Monthly bonuses based on productivity & quality Comprehensive liability insurance (with no tail requirement) Health, Dental, Vision, Disability 401k (with match) Employee Stock Purchase Plan Requirements: 1. Board Certified or Board Eligible IM Doctor. 2. Committed to the Phoenix AZ area. PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

JOB TITLE: Manager Machining Dept JOB NUMBER: 1897 Relocation: Yes Location: Virginia Beach VA Company has an immediate opening for a Manager of their Machining department. Incumbent will direct and coordinate the manufacturing activities of the Process Engineering and Heat Treating Units in compliance with required output and quality standards. They will participate in the overall strategic design and direction of the Unit manufacturing processes and related specifications. They will also oversee the training of employees, setting of production and performance goals, organization of work, and maintenance of a productive and motivational climate. Company produces various finished products and performs manufacturing processes such high-volume assembly, plastic injection molding and CNC machining. Position Responsibilities: . Oversees and participates in the development of performance, efficiency, and product quality standards for Heat Treating and Process Engineering. . Monitors output, cycle times, routings, and quality indicators, oversees, and participates in the resolution of problems or reinforcement of positive findings. . Oversees and participates in daily production operations through personal interaction with production associates, floor response to immediate problems, and regular council and guidance to Unit supervisors and lead people. . Oversees the maintenance of appropriate levels of labor, the general conformance with employee rules, the issuing of warnings, and the administration of disciplinary measures when necessary. . Participates in the development of production plans with representatives from other departments, such as Production Planning and Control, Marketing, Materials, etc. to ensure that performance standards meet customer requirements. . Serves as a liaison to Manufacturing Engineering regarding product changes, required production needs, production processes, future strategic objectives, etc. . Participates in the research, development, and design of long-range strategic objectives of Unit operations. Works with departmental managers and other Unit managers in the laying out and planning of potential future operational changes. Supervises 100+ people. Requirements: . Bachelor of Science in Engineering or equivalent in related discipline. . Minimum of 10 years of related experience in machining and heat treating. Requirements: 1. Bachelor of Science in Engineering or equivalent in related discipline. 2. 10 + years of experience in machining and heat treating. 3. Solid recent management of a large department (this department is 100+). PLEASE SEND YOUR DETAILED RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: Carmen Miner HYPRESS CONSULTING EMAIL: PHONE: 619.726.3404

FOR RENT. $2250 / 3br /3 ba Townhome - 1 mile from beach (Del Mar). AVAILABLE October 1. Great 3 bedroom, 3 bath townhome in quiet hillside community just east of Del Mar Fairgrounds & Race Track. One bedroom and full bath on ground level with kitchen, laundry, living and dining rooms. Two bedrooms and two baths on lower level. 1800 sf with 20 foot ceilings, but low power bills. Two car garage, safe off-street parking for more. Walking distance to beach, groceries, shops, restaurants. Beautiful sunset views from living room, dining room, and upper bedroom and balcony. Two swimming pools across the street! Two private patios of lower bedrooms. $2250 plus $2500 damage & cleaning deposit, additional fee for pet. Month-to month ok or 6 month lease. Email: FOR SALE. 1993 Mercedes 300S. Black on black, beautiful interior, but not currently operable. Car needs transmission work, air, other minor repairs. $1800 obo. Email:

Page 22 -August 20, 2011May 7, 2011

TOPAZ Continued from page 17 receiving tremendous support from the research community over the past several years. Vitamin D supports several major organ systems, including our nervous, immune, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems. Optimal health also requires optimally oxygenated blood, which is only possible when we have regular access to fresh air. We must not overlook the importance of sleeping in the presence of fresh air. Love and Life Purpose Consistently feeling loved and cared about is essential to preventing disease and dysfunction as we age. If you cannot accept this without a long list of footnotes of studies that support this notion, have a look at Dean Ornish’s book, Love and Survival. As discussed in the section on emotional trau-

SAN DIEGO MONITOR LEGALS ma, making healthy choices is easiest when we have a foundation of good emotional health, which includes a sense of purpose for our lives. Our unique life purposes don’t have to involve anything on a global level, or even a small rural town level; the idea is to feel content with our daily efforts to be kind and helpful people. Where do our genes fit into our risk of developing disease and dysfunctional cells? Like our emotional health status, our genetics serve as a type of foundation that all of our daily choices build upon or tear down. In the vast majority of cases, genetic predispositions for specific health challenges like breast cancer, endometriosis, prostate cancer, colo-rectal cancer, and other conditions that are often described as having strong genetic components can stay dormant if we minimize our exposure to the major causes of disease discussed in this article, and if we consistently make health-promoting choices. So, now that you know the major causes of disease and dysfunction, how about some guidelines for making positive choices? This part is sim-

The San Diego Monitor

ple. Regularly include the foods mentioned in previous articles, and adopt some or all of the lifestyle suggestions found at my parent website: Not all of us may make it to 120 years of age, but by understanding the main causes of disease and dysfunction, working on staying emotionally balanced, and making sensible choices each day, we can have peace of mind in knowing that we are maximizing our health potential. If you would like to experience a safe and effective cleanse, one that you can do while going about your regular activities of daily living, I encourage you to have a look at my full body cleanse program via Isagenix ( For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at



New Ark of the Covenant Church

8AM Sunday Worship Service 11AM Sunday Worship Service 9:30 AM Christian Education ( Adult & Youth for all ages) Wednesday Noonday Bible Study Wednesday Evening Bible Study @ 7pm ( Adult & Youth) 5555 University Ave San Diego,CA 92105

(619) 578-2721 Ext 101

6126 Benson Avenue, San Diego, CA 92114

619-262-8384 •

MINISTER DONALD R. WARNER SR. Dr.William A. Benson and First Lady Rachelle Y. Benson

Total Deliverance Worship Center Sunday 8:00 am • Sunday 10:45 am • Wednesday 7:00 pm

2774 Sweetwater Spring Blvd. Spring Valley 91977 (619) 670-6208

Linda Vista Second Baptist Church 2706 Korink Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111 Tel. (858) 277-4008 / Fax (858) 277-8441 Email: “Welcome to Praise City” Weekly Order of Service Sunday: Early Morning Worship Power Hour Mid-day Worship

7:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday: Noon-Day Bible Study Evening Prayer Bible Study

12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Dr. David C. Greene Sr. Pastor

The San Diego Monitor


August 20, 2011 - Page 23

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