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ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS – “FREE” BUSINESS LISTING Do you want to drive more customers to your business or website? is offering small businesses a “FREE” business listing By placing your business listing on your will gain more access to locals and visitors UniquelySan offers businesses and organizations a variety of tools to promote themselves to our rapidly-growing readership Simply log on to and click on the Business tab – “ADD YOUR Listing” Follow the simple steps and your business listing will be posted within 24 hrs. If you are interested in the deluxe business listing package, which includes a photo and link back to your website, simply email:

It’s just that simple. So what are you waiting for…… World Renowned Branding Expert and Urban Cultural Developer - Mr. Bennett Peji

MCCSN’s Last Mixer of the Year! Join MCCSN on Tuesday October, 18th at the Cosmopolitan Restaurant in Old Town (2660 Calhoun St. San Diego, CA 92101) from 5:30PM-8:00PM. Do you know if your business brand is buzzing? Come find out how to build a buzzworthy business with world re-known branding expert and urban cultural developer, Bennet Peji.

MCCSN mixer events allow ethnic suppliers and planners to connect and promote themselves in a relaxed atmosphere with local hospitality businesses at premier, unique venues. So what are you waiting for? Start the first steps in building a buzzworthy business by registering at: Admission Includes: Complimentary heavy appetizers from 5:30PM-6:30PM 2 for 1 special on admission (Offer limited ONLY to Meeting Planners and Suppliers match) *Opportunity drawing for cool gifts! Education value Entertainment Admission: $20 if registered by October 3rd After October 3rd registration is $30 * Bring a friend and be entered into the drawing. About the Guest Speaker: World Renowned Branding Expert and Urban Cultural Developer - Mr. Bennett Peji Bennett Peji, is a 24 year veteran of arts & culture, civic brand designer and community outreach workshop facilitator. Mr. Peji is a community leader and one of the most experienced and connected civic brand consultants in the United States and internationally. For more information: Holiday Party Planning Tips Consider co-opting the holiday event with others. Partner with other affiliated professional groups or internal department to help defer cost while providing great networking opportunities. How to save on décor cost Rather than investing in the use of expensive centerpieces and rental linens, select a venue that already has holiday decor and lighting and ask to incorporate into event. Work closely with the venue on creative ways they can position lighting in the room to enhance festivities. Stay tuned for more tips on how to enhance your holiday special event in future issues. Call MCCSN to assist with all your planning needs, 619-265-2561. About – your online guide highlighting the city’s multicultural news, events, attractions, travel deals, and more . Have an event you want to share? Simply submit your community event to our calendar by clicking on Event’s tab and follow the prompts - it’s “FREE”!!

The San Diego Monitor


FDA Bans the Dangerous Brazilian Blowout September 12, 2011 at 10:57 am After months of controversy, the F.D.A. found that the miracle hair relaxer contains an alarming amount of a potential carcinogen. Craving perfectly straight, sleek hair? It may be time to go old school & pick up the flat iron. Brazilian Blowout—one of the popular versions of the Brazilian keratin straightening treatments currently offered at salons—has just been confirmed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) to contain “dangerous levels” of formaldehyde, in spite of its label claim to be “Formaldehyde Free.” Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer. Brazilian Blowout labels say the products “contain no formaldehyde,” as opposed to being “formaldehyde-free,” which the labels previously claimed. The products do contain methylene glycol — a liquid form of the chemical that emits formaldehyde gas when heated. “Brazilian Blowout is misbranded because its label and labeling (including instructions for use) makes misleading statements regarding the product’s ingredients and fails to reveal material facts with respect to consequences that may result from the use of the product” wrote Michael W. Roosevelt, acting director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition’s Office of Compliance. ”The bottom line is that formaldehyde can be released from hair smoothing products that list any of these names on the label and workers can breathe it in or absorb it through their skin,” the Occupational Health and Safety Administration warned in April 2011. “Workers can be exposed to formaldehyde during the entire hair straightening process, especially when heat is applied,” during blow-drying or flat ironing, for example — key steps in the blowout process. Most recently, a $5 million lawsuit filed June 27 by stylist Dana Lulgjuraj claims she suffered “physical injuries” while using Brazilian Blowout products at the Butterfly Studio Salon in Manhattan. At other salons all over the country, stylists and clients wear gas masks to protect themselves. “We know that lawsuits are pending, and will likely carry on for some time. But now, perhaps, stylists still using the product will finally recognize what the smoothing solution contains, and the importance of preventing exposure,” reads a Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology statement on the FDA warning letter. The Brazilian Blowout is one of many keratin-based smoothing treatments used by women of all ethnicities & hair types. The treatments range in price from $350 to $600 and promise shiny, frizz-free hair for up to four months. The FDA told the company it has until Sept. 12 to comply with the agency’s directive. Have you used Brazilian Blowout treatments? Did you experience any negative side effects?

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Be Careful Who You Step On While Climbing Jacob’s Ladder I was on my way to the Padres’ baseball game a few days ago when I reached 16th and Market Street. I was met with hoards of individuals – whole families with young children, mothers perhaps of some of our most wealthy citizens, fathers that have been injured while defending our country – we often call these people the homeless. Calling them “homeless” wouldn’t be so bad if that was all we said about them. I observed their demeanor through my rear view mirror while also observing the facial expressions of those passing me by. The body language of other drivers and pedestrians was cast downward at the sight of them, but the homeless on the other hand seemed to be happy as they visited one makeshift cardboard house to the next – laughing and giving each other high fives or a handshake. While sitting at the stoplight idle, you could hear the voices of laughter from among them. But those that sat in the cars around me were silent. I’m sure their minds were filled with criticism. I had no idea there were so many of our brothers and sisters lining those streets, creating a homeless community within a business community. Where did this homelessness come from? My great grandfather put me on his knee and looked me in the eye to tell me the story of how he and his brother were kicked off the plantation. They worked their young lives on the plantation for Mr. Charlie as both slaves and exslaves. But after the Emancipation he told them to go. They had nowhere to go. They were homeless. Isn’t this where homelessness started? Where the thousands upon thousands of Blacks were thrown off the plantation? But it was Blacks that took other Blacks in, even children that they raised as their own. Today, Blacks are the first to be fired and the

EDITORIAL last to be hired. Are we still reeling from the day the master told Blacks to get off his land? When we climb the ladder of success, let’s not forget those that have had to climb the rough side of the mountain. We have not given them any help except to sit at the traffic light and criticize them. Many of these individuals could only join the army to get a little temporary relief from the inner city ghettos. We the successful ones have created millions of homeless people that live on the streets with no place to lay their heads. So while we are climbing the ladder and are able to sleep in a warm bed and take a hot shower, let’s not forget that we may not be but 30 days away from the same conditions. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

The San Diego Monitor

Are We Ready for Change? By Brian Pollard Before you know it, we’ll be back in the voting booth electing our representatives on all levels. The presidential Election for 2012 is also the time for electing a new Mayor and for the newly formed 9th District, a Councilperson. As we start the process of evaluating candidates we also need to evaluate if we as a community are ready. By that I mean do we have the organizational infrastructure to support the changes that are inevitable. And are we ready as individuals to hold others accountable? Think about our local organizations strictly from the perspective of function. For example, do we have organizations that can “Get out the Vote”? If the answer is yes, then think about what you can do to assist their efforts. Take inventory in your household, we just graduated thousands of high school seniors. If you know someone that recently graduated and is 18 years old encourage he/she to register to vote. This is important for the presidential election as well as San Diego’s next strong Mayor. The youth vote is again going to be very important. This is our opportunity to help young people understand the sacrifices made for their right to vote something none of us can take lightly. When new funding is available what nonprofit organizations are ready to receive funds and deliver services? Take a look at Job Training and Small Business Development.

These are priorities at every level of government. The opportunity exists for local organizations to either advocate on behalf of those in need or receive funding to assist with the actual training. Think about those who have this as a mission and whether they are successful. Who have they hired to help in the effort? Are they providing employment opportunities for local residents? We need successful organizations that are ready to be a part of the changes we will see as a result of the 2012 elections. It is up to us to help were we can and hold those who say they are here to help, accountable. We must be ready to change the way we do business. We must be ready to ask the questions that are relevant to our community. If you don’t ask you can’t get. If it is a Mayor or Council Candidate ask the questions about jobs, the budget deficit, decent housing and even whom are they going to hire and for what positions? Find out what our non-profits are doing. Are they doing what they are supposed to do and are they doing it well? Accountability can be painful, but it is necessary. The alternative is something that I’d rather not think about. The recent redistricting process has confirmed that there are many who are willing to work together to help impact the future. That will only happen if the collective WE are ready to recover the standards of excellence that brought us this far.

The Price of Beauty: Bald Heads Do Not Lie J ust a few decades ago there were about 30,000 beauty supply dealers across America. But Black hairdressers, barber schools, beauty schools, and cosmetic counters have destroyed this rich commerce of Black business. During segregation, Black consumers and beauty conscious individuals had to go to Black beauty dealers because no one else sold Black products. But Blacks got their pockets picked by opportunists that observed this fertile financial ground and went out and dismantled Black beauty dealers. These dealers use to be braced and flanked by Black manufacturers such as Johnson Products, but many non-Blacks jumped in on this too. Today those Black manufacturers are history, having been bought out by white companies. But why? Did you take a good look at the pictures that surround this article? The hairdresser and the consumer are both wearing gas masks to diffuse the health hazards and potential injuries that can result from the new and supposedly groundbreaking Brazilian Blowout product. Blacks still seem to believe the white man’s ice is colder. We have followed the advice of people that won’t even touch Black hair, and look where it has gotten us. We have lost our control of the Black beauty industry. We have destroyed our hair with various products made my nonBlacks, and now we get our hair from foreign countries. In the hair world, we have let foreigners cut the hair off an animal call the yak, and sell it to us to put on our heads. I’ll have you know that there is a particular breed of dog that has long hair. These foreigners have cut the hair off that dog and transported it to America. I’ll also have you know that the requirement to ship such hair to America is as follows: the hair must be boiled in water for 6 hours, soaked in sodium for 4-5 hours, soaked in acid for 4-5 hours, soaked in water again for 4-5 hours, and then boiled in water again for another 6 hours. What in the world is in this hair that it takes that much chemical processing to kill its negative effects? Blacks have put glue and lye on their heads, and now that we have destroyed our hair now we are claiming the hair of foreigners and animals. Did anyone ever stop to realize that Blacks had full heads of hair in the 60s? We can grow our natural hair; we do have a head of hair. But men now shave it all off and women cover it up. There must be an answer as to why Black Americans have made their hair a chemical waste dump while using foreign products made with no respect. There was a product many years ago out of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that was presented to the American public through an infomercial. A Black guy supposedly ate the product in the infomercial to prove just how safe it was.

That product ended up destroying the hair of millions of Black women. A class action lawsuit was filed; the judge awarded each of the women less than $40. The court did not even award each woman enough money to get a press and curl at a local beauty shop. Now this product turned these women’s hair all different colors and balded other women to the tune of millions. The government eventually banned the product, but a few months later after the judgment came down another similar product came out. They got a celebrity to endorse this one – if you were around at the time you may remember who she is. Now today we have the Brazilian Blowout product, which the FDA has had to take action against once again. Black hairdressers have gone crazy over this product, but when will they learn? When will Blacks stop flocking to other races to talk to them about their so-called nappy, kinky, bad hair? As a scientist, no one has ever asked me for my opinion on any of these products. I personally make products. But I couldn’t pay my cell phone bill if I had to depend on the dollars I make in San Diego. A prophet is without honor among his own people. We believe that Indian hair is the best hair we can put on our heads. We believe that China and Korea make the best products. We have turned a deaf ear to Blacks that know how to take care of Black hair. You would much rather believe someone one who has never even touched your hair. I remember traveling for the Armed Forces to train hairdressers how to style Black hair, and it was so hard to get them to use straighteners for fear of injuring the customer. So I created the Cold Wave Curl. After I created it and introduced it in St. Louis Missouri, the white businesses jumped on it and started calling it the Jerry Curl. Blacks still refuse to credit me unto this day. Johnson prod-

ucts in Chicago created the first hair relaxer, Ultra Sheen. The poor man was never given the right of being the first to introduce it because Blacks still believe the white man’s ice is colder. Until next time, Willie Morrow


The San Diego Monitor

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SDUSD Offers Free Resources To Licensed Construction Contractors Of All Tiers San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has opportunities for local small and underutilized businesses to participate in its construction projects. Licensed trades sought will include acoustical, carpentry, concrete, demolition, doors/ window work, electrical, flashing/sheet metal, flooring, grading, HVAC, laborer, landscape, painting, piping/plumbing, etc. Supplies may be needed too. Be informed. The following projects will be bid soon: Bid/Contract Title

Bid Range

Holmes Elementary School: Replace Fire-Destroyed Portable

Less than $200K

Miramar Ranch Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Vista Grande Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

Less than $200K

Cherokee Point Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Sherman Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Fay Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Joyner Elementary School – Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Webster Elementary School: F&I New HVAC (Group 2)

$200K - $1 Million

Golden Hill ES: Modify for K-2 2nd Floor Conditions

$200K - $1 Million

Boone Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements

$200K - $1 Million

Jefferson Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements

$200K - $1 Million

Mira Mesa High School Screen Printing & Computerized Graphic Design

$200K - $1 Million

Balboa Elementary School: K-2 2nd Floor Exiting Improvements

$200K - $1 Million

Stevenson Elementary School – ADA Work

$1 - $5 Million

Millennial Tech: Phase V Bus Turnaround – Athletic Fields*

$1 - $5 Million

University City High School: Lighting & Scoreboard*

$1 - $5 Million

Mira Mesa High School: Broadcast Journalism*

$1 - $5 Million

Zamorano Elementary School: New Classroom Building*

$5 - $10 Million

Language Academy: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Encanto Elementary School: New Classroom Building*

$5 - $10 Million

Euclid Elementary School: New Classroom Building Project*

$5 - $10 Million

Creative Performing Media Arts: New Building Project & WSM*

$5 - $10 Million

Data Center at Serra High School*

$5 - $10 Million

Salk Elementary School, New School Project

Over $10 Million

*Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) applies

Contact Alma Bañuelos at or 858-573-5852 to get on SDUSD's database today! We'll send bid notices, a quarterly newsletter and contracting information to you at no cost. We can also help to increase your visibility in SDUSD's construction contracting environment.

Small and emerging businesses are highly encouraged to make use of these free services! Para mãs información en español, haga favor de comunicarse con Alma al 858-573-5852.

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This year, the San Diego Youth Action Board (Y.A.B) will be celebrating their “Embracing the Dream” Gala. This event focuses on increasing awareness and participation of the community. The Gala will provide a unique opportunity for community members to learn about our cause, interact with our organization, and enjoy a night of good food, great company and exciting entertainment. The San Diego Youth Action Board was established in 2002 to spearhead change in our community by fostering its youth. We believe every young adult has the capability to achieve anything they desire when they are given the opportunity and access to resources. Our mission and purpose is to continue to ignite and fuel these dreams. Y.A.B is committed to raising awareness of the problems and plights of the community. By bridging groups together, we can reach solutions to the issues that hinder the growth of our society as a whole. Today, Y.A.B impacts a vast number of students and in collaboration with the San Diego Unified School District our programs have been incorporated in nine schools focusing on community-based leadership programs. The San Diego Youth Action Board has been the driving force for creating many outlets for youth who have a desire to work towards obtaining a successful future. Y.A.B has made its mission to be this avenue for young minds to express their concerns and put their ideas into motion. Y.A.B has a vision to inspire youth to believe they are capable of forming a community that is positive, prosperous and united. Through leadership, education, community building, and the workforce, we create, plan and implement activities, programs, events and workshops that raise awareness and create change. These changes reach solutions to the issues that obstruct the growth of our youth, while molding young lives to be responsible adults with motivation, determination and the desire to make a positive impact in today’s society. As a youth advocacy group, Y.A.B gives young adults a platform to change issues that obstruct their growth. Through programming and implementing events that meet their needs, they are given the opportunity to become future leaders. The San Diego Youth Action Board invites you to join us on October 21, 2011, to share in this extraordinary Gala. This formal event, featuring performances by Grammy award winning artist Jill Scott, will include an elegant dinner and a silent auction. With donation opportunities ranging from silent auction items to monetary sponsorship, the success of this event depends on the involvement of our community. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity as Y.A.B embraces our young adults with a formal event dedicated to their achievements. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. For more information please visit or call (619) 655-1198.

1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

By Robin A. Allen If raising teens in today’s world is not struggle enough try adding the on set of menopause symptoms to that. Dealing with a child who has reached puberty can be diffiicult because their bodies are not only going through physical changes but their emotional status is altered due to horomonal imbalances. They also develpe a new sense of sexual awarenes, and with that as we all know comes parental challenge at its highest level. Now combine these emotions with your own peri menopausal status and you’ve got yourself homemade “TNT!” For those readers who do not know what menopause is , it is the phase of life when a woman is no longer able to reproduce which brings about total cecation her menstral cycle. Because most women have a hard time dealing with the emotional roller coaster that menopause brings it is some times very difficult to deal with a child who has reached the puberty stages. So what to do? You may ask yourself what qualifys me to answer this question? Let’s just say not only did I write a book about this very topic , but I myself am currently going through this very situation. I also have a medical backgroung in nursing. First things first, get some help… Ask your doctor to check your (FSH) folicle stimulating hormone levels. This will help confirm if you are at that stage of your life. Let your MD know if you are experiencing some of the following symptoms. ( 1) P&M Fatigue or anxiety Irritability Mood swings Depression Insomnia or restless sleep Fuzzy thinking or lack of concentration Poor memory Irregular or no periods Decreased sex drive Because this can be such a difficult time for you and your child be sure to take the time to get the best advice. Start at home be sure to get to know your child as it may not be easy to adjust to his/her new personality. If there is a Dad in the home allow him to

handle some of the more emotional conflicts you may be experinceing with your child. “Don’t be a wonder woman.” By including your spouse you allow him to better understand what you are going through. Remember the marrage you save may be your own. Help to build on your childs selfesteeme. As radio personality {Tayari Howard} put it “ Go where your celebrated not where you are tolerated.” It helps when you make your child know they are important. One high school super intendant state “ you should not knee jerk changes.” In other words don’t make quick changes in old rules, it only confuses the child. Stick to your rules slowly allow for change. (2) P&M Finally, Don’t worry you can get through this just remember you are not alone. Many women between the ages of 38 to 52 yrs of age find themselves going through this very same thing for the first time in their lives. The activities of daily living become severly impaired due to menopausal symptoms make sure you are getting the correct treatment for you. Natural supplements as well as some teas can provide some relief but make sure to speak to you doctor about your options first. Get pleanty of reast and a well balanced diet. Don’t for get to include your daily exercise. When you find your balance you are better able to deal with that of your childs. References: woman to woman 1998-2011 Questions welcome at

Bethel Baptist Church 1962 Euclid Ave., San Diego CA 92105

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Change, For Justice NOW! The San Diego Brotherhood Lions Club a newly chartered club of Lions Clubs International and the first African American club in the State of California (Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization. We have 1.35 million members in more than 45,000 clubs worldwide. Lions are everywhere. We’re active men and women in more than 206 countries. Our motto is “We Serve.”) Just one years old, but very much focused on serving our community. One of the ways we serve is by educating people on environmental and sustainable lifestyle choices. The club was founded by Clando Brownlee Jr. in June 2010 in National City Ca in; May 2011 they planned to move to La Jolla Ca, but after the resent dissuasions Mr. Brownlee was giving to help congregations understand more fully the impacts global climate change has on African American communities, And being inspired with a seeming Devine mandate Mr. Brownlee got the San Diego Brotherhood Lions Club to set up shop in the Encanto area. “Here we fill a greater need for our services, plus the African American churches have historically accepted the responsibility to address problems of bias behaviors”, says Mr. Brownlee, he is currently seeking partnerships to help launch Green The Block parties here in Encanto: Green The Block stands in service to the communities most affected by climate change, neglect and the current economic crisis. The campaign began with a national day of service on September 11, 2009. It continues with events and service days planned every month from spring through summer and beyond. With your help we will highlight many issues facing our communities and more importantly the green sustainable solutions to those problems. Whether access to health care, healthy foods or high energy bills, we’ll examine, educate and take action on the disproportionate negative impact Climate change has on communities of color & poorer neighborhoods we’re here for you Encanto. As you may or may know our club with it’s awesome members was selected as one of three finalists for the “Beacon of Hope” Award, in

” t n u o c s i D “Senior

the category of Best Environmental Project because of our work with Earth Day –America Going Green™ on April 23rd 2011 National City California. (Many thanks to Kool Climate Kids for spearheading the event). The winner was announced at the International Convention in Seattle Washington Thursday July 7th 2011, at the ceremony all three finalists were recognized, No we didn’t win 1st place but were recognized with an honorary “Beacon of Hope” Certificate. So I’m asking you to join with me as I join with the Kool Climate Kids in their Campaign to fund this Urban-Eco Missions Project: And best of all they’re not asking for any money just your junk yes your junk! They can clean out that garage or storage hauling away your old unwanted stuff and convert trash into cash. We accept CELL PHONES: Printers, Inkjet & laser cartridges, Laptops, iPods, PDAs, Video games & consoles, digital cameras, power cords, DVDs and GPS devices, Pc’s & monitors, Industrial equipment, Appliances, Tools, Bikes, Sporting goods, Boats & water crafts, Motorcycles & scooters, Cars & carparts, CRV bottles & cans, Metals & cardboards, Clothes & shoes. Call 619-321-7698 Through these kinds of grassroots-eco movements The San Diego Brotherhood Lions Club can provide counties and residents with innovative recycling and e-waste solutions to maximizing the revenues received from the redemption of commodities. And teach how by increasing their curbside recycling it will help protect our environment, crate jobs & revenues in the counties thru-out the city, with the leverage of sound recycling practices we’ll produce Safe, Clean, Green Communities.

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The San Diego Monitor


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Outage had roots in Mexico, too Transmission official says Yuma was not the only problem By Jeff McDonald and Morgan Lee Twenty seconds after an Arizona utility worker shorted out a high-voltage power line near Yuma, Ariz., last week, part of a Mexican energy plant shut down, exacerbating an emergency that quickly roiled across southern California, the state’s top transmission official said Friday. The interruption south of the border was one of nearly two dozen events on five different grids over an 11-minute stretch that culminated in the massive blackout Sept. 8, according to Stephen Berberich, chief executive officer of the California Independent System Operator. In his most extensive comments yet regarding the outage, Berberich told The San Diego Union-Tribune there is no indication the Arizona and Mexico disturbances were related, beyond their timing. He also said it was too soon to rule out any cause and effect. “The exact cause or final definitive answer is not quite sorted,” Berberich said. But “those seem to be the precipitating events.” Mexico’s national electric monopoly, the Federal Electricity Commission, which controls nearly all transmission and distribution south of the U.S. border, has attributed the power outage to failures in Arizona and California. Baja California is connected through two transmission lines to the electricity grid that covers much of the western U.S. and part of Canada. Javier Larios, regional superintendent for Mexico’s Federal Electric Commission, said its system in Baja California shut down as a protective measure — not due to problems of its own. In a previous statement, the commission said the failure originated in Arizona and California and apologized to its 1.1 million customers for the “failure outside its system.” Contacted Friday, a spokesman for the com-

“There’s no question both Cal-ISO and SDG&E have a recent history of fumbles and a lot of it has to do woth the way they interact with each other,” Shames said. mission declined to comment immediately on the alleged problem in Mexico. Up to 7 million people from western Arizona to the coast and Baja California to Orange County lost power at 3:38 that Thursday afternoon. The blackout persisted for more than 24 hours in some places, although most customers saw service restored within 12 hours. San Diego Gas & Electric quickly identified the origin as an Arizona utility worker whose work tripped a major transmission line outside Yuma, an outage that cascaded across the entire SDG&E service area. A spokesman for Arizona Public Service, the company operating the section of the troubled transmission line, reported a power loss outside Yuma about 2:27 p.m. He stopped short of saying it was responsible for the interstate blackout. Nothing Berberich said Friday undermined either utility’s position. Rather, the Cal-ISO chief said, investigators so far have identified 23 separate events that occurred during the 11-minute span, each of which played a role in denying electricity to San Diego County and beyond. A second-by-second review of actions taken by each of the agencies involved will detail exactly what happened, he said. “In that area of geography, there are multiple balancing authorities that come togeter,” Berberich said. “When everything starts to tick out of service in those areas, it starts to pull on the ISO.” The California Independent System Operator is the largest of 38 “balancing authorities” within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council,

a Utah nonprofit that works to ensure electrical reliability in all or part of 14 states and a portion of Mexico and Canada. The blackout affected service in five different jurisdictions: APS, Cal-ISO, Imperial Irrigation District, Western Area Power Administration and the Comision Federal de Electricidad. “Each one of the entities have been collecting their data and we’ve been time-sequencing things to see what occurred,” Berberich said. In addition to the stakeholders groups reviewing the blackout, a litany of state and federal agencies has launched investigations into the outage. The event will almost certainly lead to new standards and practices but could also result in multimillion-dollar fines for system operators found to be at fault. Berberich said the power loss from one of three turbines generating electricity at a plant east of Mexicali created an imbalance in the line running south from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Cal-ISO ordered power from San Diego sources to correct the inequity but it was too late, he said. “By that point, the generation had started to respond but it went too fast,” Berberich said. “Once you start this, you’ll have a cascading effect.” Cal-ISO was created in 1998 after state lawmakers deregulated the state electricity market. The idea was to transfer oversight of the transmission grid from utilities to a nonprofit group that would act in the public interest in buying and moving large amounts of electricity.

The system operator manages 80 percent of the state power grid and serves approximately 30 million people. Berberich said early indications are that CalISO engineers acted appropriately in responding to the events in Arizona and Mexico. He said an inability to monitor activities in neighboring balancing authorities prevented his staff from limiting the blackout. “What we can see is what’s happening on our system and what we saw was that initial outage,” he said. “Events in those adjacent authorities propogated into our system.” Michael Shames of the Utility Consumers’ Action Network was less certain that Cal-ISO and SDG&E were blameless in the blackout. He cited a “dynamic tension” between the agencies that is ongoing. “There’s no question both Cal-ISO and SDG&E have a recent history of fumbles and a lot of it has to do woth the way they interact with each other,” Shames said. “They’re not dancing well together.” SDG&E spokeswoman Jennifer Ramp said the utility has a healthy relationship with its system operator. “Our operators and power schedulers have a direct line of communications with (Cal-ISO) and use it every day,” she said. “We also work closely with (Cal-ISO) through their stakeholder process, regarding development of various rules and policies.” Rich Bayless, an electricity consultant based in Portland, Ore., said even without formal investigation findings it is clear something went drastically wrong. “The system is supposed to be able to handle a loss like that without there being a big problem,” Bayless said. “Ultimately we’ll be finding out more about what happened, but there are a lot of big pieces to these outages that take a while to ferret out.”


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San Ysidro Health Center


REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Un-Armed Construction Security Services San Ysidro Health Center, Inc. is seeking to contract with a qualified Security Company, additional information at San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell

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San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007


n September, 9th President Obama announced to the world a bill that would aid our failing unemployment rate, and build our ailing economy: The American Jobs Act. A bill that would limit tax deductions (which the wealthiest of Americans can take), close tax loopholes for the oil and gas companies, and impose higher taxes on certain income from investment fund managers. It encourages tax cuts for the middle class (repealing it from big corporations) and tax credits to small businesses to hire the unemployed, who have been out of work for more than six months, and even veterans. But in likeness to the context of our time, “how much does it cost?”—$450 billion dollars. Whether it is wasteful spending or just too much money to handle; I don’t really care. I only care if it is in the hands of someone who knows the reality of Wall Street and Main Street. Like all great entrepreneurs, something that republicans can relate to: the returns are always greater than the costs. If the returns of opening a small business are self-happiness, productivity, economic wealth then the costs should not (more or less) restrict your behavior to receive those returns. In similar context to buying a home: people will pay top dollar just to keep themselves off the streets. I can understand the frustrations that many Americans share about the costs of any bill implemented by Pres. Obama, but be mindful that there were past presidents and are politicians today who have done the same—and have served the interest of Big Corporations. Take for example, our past president George W. Bush Jr., the architect of 2007’s Great Recession. President Bush, in 2001, proposed a plan for a $1.35 trillion tax cut program—more of what Obama is asking for in his plan. The only difference was how well Bush downplayed his plan—passing it into law—without creating too much controversy from the mass media. Some have even conspired, that

Gloria’s Berlin BeautySupply 38 B, N.263-4417 Euclid Ave (619) San Diego CA 36 B N. Euclid Ave., San Diego CA (619) 263-4417 We will match our competitors Prices we have all your beauty Supplies!! Wig’s 100% Human and Synthetic, weaving hair and hair for braiding Located in The Wrigley’s Shopping center

We Carry Willie Morrow Products

The San Diego Monitor

Bush was even the engineer of the mass media during 2001— distracting the people with pop media and culture. That tax cut plan, according to sources, was one of the largest tax cuts in U.S. history. Both Congress and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan opposed it, but Pres. Bush managed to gain public support through town hall style meetings—like the one Obama had in Illinois—and signed it into law that same year. He argued that unspent government funds should be returned to the taxpayers, saying “the surplus is not the government’s money. The surplus is the people’s money [including corporations: according to the 14th amendment and Mitt Romney].” Well, all I can say is, “next time be sure to specify who should have the money and tell them not to invest it so heavily in the housing market.” Not only did that turn out to be a disaster, but we invaded the wrong country in response to 9/11—Pakistan is a whole lot closer to Afghanistan compared to Iraq (look at a map when you get a chance). At least this time, under Pres. Obama, we are getting it right. I’m not here to say that government is a bad thing, but there is a reason why we have a government: to regulate and keep an eye on monopoly. However it is unfortunate that some members of Congress— Republicans and even Democrats—don’t feel that way. In attempts to repeal tax cuts from corporations, in Obama’s plan, Democrats have shown opposition towards it. Reason being that they believe would Continued on page 19

To contact me via email: and follow me on Facebook.

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The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Made Easy Greetings from Greg “The Internet Guy” I have been running some test accounts with a new method of search engine optimization; it’s amazing how complex the Internet is. These test accounts show me that this method is HIGHLY effective and time efficient, allowing me to provide a superior service at a lower price point. It would boggle your mind if I went into any depth, but I’d like to just break things down for you a little. The number one thing to remember is that content is king, and having relevant content is the main target. We’ve all heard about internet spyders, well their mission is to cruise the Internet and gather info and report back what it finds, these spyders are testing you! They give you a grade based on a “curve” so to comparing your site against all the other sites competing for placement with similar keyword phrases. By allowing a firm like mine to manage your website marketing efforts, we prepare your website for the test, of course you will get an A+, this will equate to top placement and ranking in the search results. These spyders read information written in a certain language, (LSI) Latent Semantic Indexing format. For example assume you were trying to rank high for the keyword “Dog”, a search engine will look for “canine”, or “pooch” simply because they are synonyms of the word “Dog”. Now if your site is rich with this content, you will be able to beat out millions of other pages that show up. Some people say reciprocal link exchanges are dead, we agree that traditionally that is true, only if you are linking to someone outside of your industry, which will dilute your theme, which means that every time you link to someone outside of your target theme you appear less of an authority…which is who Google wants to reward. This makes the Internet easy to navi-

gate if the resource centers or popular sites appear conveniently on the top right at our eye level, makes sense right? Our process will employ a system of exchanging one keyword text links with descriptions with all the other members in the same category. Your site will be giving an outbound link to all members of your category as well, this as you can see is a win-win for everyone! Think of the Internet as a spider web, the numerous links will make your web larger. Every time someone new joins the link collective, you will be notified via email, then you are able to decide if they are up to your standards or not. We also provide on-page SEO and oneway inbound linking to secure brownie points from the search engines. Consider inbound links to be compared to endorsements, the spyders use these endorsements to follow the links from one site to another, this is called being “spydered”. The more links, the more spydering, which equals more website activity which the search engines rewards by giving top 10 rankings. Our system will continue to build more links, and very quickly the search engines will begin to reward your site with higher rankings just because the status and overall picture has changed. Did you know that one-way inbound links make up for 70% of your grade when ranking for keywords? We also have the ability to properly optimize press releases so that you will become an authority on your subject by accelerating your websites social media recognition with the search engines. We can also link your Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Linked In, through our system we can add new categories and posts through our system. Of course now that you’ve climbed the ranks you start to get noticed by the community and traffic starts to filter to your website, Continued on page 14

Afrocentric Beauty + Afrocentric Barberz Inside Afrocentric: “THE CULTUREZ BLEND” BARBER SALON 2527 University Ave.SD CA. 92104 Beauticanz: Call: 619-487-0357 Hairweavez Short+Sassy Hair Extentionz Tues-Thru-Sat Call-in or Walk-in For Barbers: Open 7 dayz A Week No waiting 619-293-0475 2 stylist & 6 Barberz Cut’z & stylez For all Racez

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No One Is Coming To Save Us But Us!! LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! Connect Create Collaborate

LIGHTS OUT!! And you know you were not prepared! You ran down to the grocery store to get batteries and water, and found it closed, or a long line waiting for help. No lights. No fan. No internet. No television. No cell phone. No gas in the car. Thank God the water was still running, or you really would have been up the creek – and you know what creek I’m talking about. So what did you do? You took a nap. You played cards with your friends. Your played games with your kids. You barbecued with the neighbors. But what if… What if the water HAD been out. How long would you last? What if the power had been off for two days? Three days? Three weeks? How long did it take to get to the folks stranded on the roofs in New Orleans after Katrina? What if there had been a fire? What if it had been raining? (I guess that would solve you water problem. Maybe. Maybe not.) The point is this: NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US BUT US! I am trying like heck to get you to see that we MUST begin to develop socio-economically self-sufficient and selfdetermined enclaves for our own survival and development. If this had been a REAL EMERGENCY... Only a fool waits until they are in a crisis to prepare for it. But, then again, look at the condition of some of our communities already. Do you think the government is coming to your rescue? The government is in large part responsible for your predicament. Who is supposed to regulate the utilities and make sure they have safety precautions in place? Who was supposed to manage and maintain the busted levees in New Orleans? Who is supposed to make sure off-shore oil rigs don’t blow up and kill people. No one died as a result of the black-out, but we can’t say the same for Katrina and British Petroleum’s Deep Water Horizon. As The Weather Channel likes to say, “It Could Happen Here!” THINK! NEXT TIME where will you get water? food? Power? from AAA batteries to a 17,000 watt generator? How will you go to the bathroom if the water stops flowing? How will you put out the fire next door before it burns down your place? These are questions we have to answer if we are to have a village when there is an emergency. First, we must (re)build the village while we still have a chance. Air, Water, Food, Clothing, Shelter; Transportation, Communication, Information, Vacation. We have to have our own…before it’s too late. See you at the Nehemiah Project, 1st Mondays at the Urban League. Peace. CMH [Ball of Confusion – Temptations]

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Coversations

Hottest Relationship Talk Show to hit the internet airwaves! How shameless, but it had to be said. It’s been said that it’s a poor dog (poodle) who doesn’t wag its own tail. For those of you who know me you know that I absolutely love talk radio. Unfortunately in San Diego there aren’t that many venues for such a thing, so hence, the internet revolution. If you’ve enjoyed the articles and the magazine style blog, then you will equally enjoy the next level of dealing with relationships from a healthy prospective in this latest project of mine. Cheryl Morrow emphatically stated to me yesterday “I expect your next article to be about your talk radio show.” So here we go., which stands for knowledge empowering people took to the internet airwaves January 2011 and has experienced record attraction in a very short period of time. Lamet, or as he prefers Cap Met, is the founder and invited me to become a part of his family of radio personalities at no cost to me. I know right, he found value in what he saw and read about me. I must say it was a wonderful experience because everyone else, this is not criticism offered air time at a fee. The fees, well some of them, were not that

If you have questions you would like answered or topics discussed, please send all questions to or email: or twitter@KeepingitealAH. For more articles www.keepingitrealwithangela

much, I have just have to say with humility there comes a time when everyone appreciates someone who finds real value in them and realizes that they bring value to them. I am grateful to Lamet in that he reached out to me, embraced me and gave me the opportunity to do what I do best, that’s right “talk” but let’s be real I do talk with purpose, without asking me to pay for the privilege (Notwithstanding Cheryl and Willie Morrow). Now I realize the challenge of endeavoring to move those of us who have grown up on and relied on the radio to be our guide to make the switch to the internet. Well let me tell you I’m told it’s truly the wave of the future. So come along with me as the journey of Keeping it real with Angela Harris continues to expand and broaden its reach. My show airs Monday through Friday from 11AM to 12noon PST. Like the articles no topic is off the table. What is a little different is instead of only hearing my thoughts on the subjects that have been addressed you will hear from professionals in their various respective fields. We will have educators, counselors, mental health professionals, financial guru’s, entertainers, businessmen and women, and health industry professionals, and every day people endeavoring to mine through this thing called life. But I must warn you like the tag line of the new intro song states: Don’t come up in here if you don’t want to hear the truth. I look forward to engaging you through one of the many mediums you now have available to you to reach out and connect, heal and inspire, motivate and catapult into that wonderful being you were truly created to be.

To send community notices & event infromation Linme’s Gourmet SOUL FOOD and Catering Food trucks have become a recognized part of the food service industry. Local resident Mechiel Holman recognized this, and began her own food truck business. She says that, “If the mountain can’t come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain.” Her truck delivers fresh soul food to your door, business, or event – or anyone else who wants a taste of soul food. If you need her, call her at (619) 631-2042.

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The San Diego Monitor


WATER – KNOW YOUR LIMITS! By Lady Topaz On January 12, 2007, a 28-year old Californian wife and mother of three children died from drinking too much water. Her body was found in her home shortly after she took part in a water-drinking contest that was sponsored by a local radio show. Entitled “Hold Your Wee For A Wii,” the contest promoters promised a free Wii video game machine to the contestant who drank the most water without urinating. It is estimated that the woman who died drank approximately two gallons of water during the contest. When she and other contestants complained of discomfort and showed visible signs of distress, they were laughed at by the promoters and even heckled. This tragic news story highlights the importance of understanding why drinking too much water can be dangerous to your health. Whenever you disregard your sense of thirst and strive to ingest several glasses of water a day just because you have been told that doing so is good for your health, you actually put unnecessary strain on your body in two major ways: Ingesting more water than you need can increase your total blood volume. And since your blood volume exists within a closed system - your circulatory system - needlessly increasing your blood volume on a regular basis puts unnecessary burden on your heart and blood vessels. Your kidneys must work overtime to filter excess water out of your circulatory system. Your kidneys are not the equivalent of a pair of plumbing pipes whereby the more water you flush through your kidneys, the cleaner they become; rather, the filtration system that exists in your kidneys is composed in part by a series of specialized capillary beds called glomeruli. Your glomeruli can get damaged by unnecessary wear and tear over time, and drowning

your system with large amounts of water is one of many potential causes of said damage. Putting unnecessary burden on your cardiovascular system and your kidneys by ingesting unnecessary water is a subtle process. For the average person, it is virtually impossible to know that this burden exists, as there are usually no obvious symptoms on a moment-to-

...if you do not eat a lot of plant foods and/or you add substantial salt and spices to your meals, you may need to drink several glasses of water every day. moment basis. But make no mistake about it: this burden is real and can hurt your health over the long term. Forcing your body to accept a large amount of water within a short period of time - say, an hour or two - as several contestants did during the “Hold Your Wee for a Wii” contest can be fatally dangerous to your health. Here is why: If you force large amounts of water into your system over a short period of time, your kidneys will struggle to eliminate enough water from your system to keep the overall amount at a safe level. As your circulatory system becomes diluted with excess water, the concentration of electrolytes in your blood will drop relative to the concentration of electrolytes in your cells. In an effort to maintain an equal balance of electrolytes between your blood and your cells, water will seep into your cells from your blood, causing your cells to swell. If this swelling occurs in your brain, you will experience increased intracranial pressure i.e., your brain will get squeezed because the flat bones that make up your skull do not provide much give. Depending on how much water your drink in a short period of time, you could experience a wide variety of symptoms, Continued on page 22

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Economic Mobility and Jim Crow Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-Black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of antiBlack racism. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that Whites were the Chosen people, Blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation. Craniologists, eugenicists, phrenologists, and Social Darwinists, at every educational level, buttressed the belief that Blacks were innately Eddie Price intellectually and culturally inferior to Whites. Between Melissa Harris-Perry, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Matthew Maketing Director Yglesias and The American Prospect’s Adam Serwer, there’s 619-616-5890 been a great discussion on the origins of the American middle class, and the extent to which it was purposefully built to exclude African-Americans. To add to the conversation, I’ll say this: in addition to emphasizing the actual anti-black policies pursued by the federal government, it’s also worth noting the pervasive climate of anti-black violence that directly discouraged African-Americans from reaching above their “station.” Lynchings, for example, were often used against blacks who emerged as economic competitors to local whites, and overrall, the lynching rate was correlated with regional economic performance. When competition for jobs was low, lynchings declined, and when competition for jobs rose—particularly during economic downturns—lynchings increased. The same was true for outbreaks of mass racial violence; by and large, white supremacists targeted prosperous black communities for destruction. The Tulsa race riots stand as a prominent example, along with the Rosewood massacre of 1923 and the East St. Louis riots of 1917. In other words, not only could you be killed for transgressing the nebulous and arbitrary social requirements of the Jim Crow, but you could also be killed for starting a business, accumulating wealth and otherwise trying to improve your situation. Together with state and federal discrimination against blacks, you had—until the middle of the twentieth century—a country where the government worked to prevent black economic advancement, with an assist from widespread violence from private actors. With few exceptions, this predicament was unique to African Americans, and a critical part of understanding the “wealth gap” as it developed through the twentieth century and into the present. Unfortunately, this is one of those things that doesn’t have a place in the public conversation, in part because most Americans either can’t or won’t imagine an America where—if you were the wrong color—pulling yourself up by your bootstraps was punishable by death. WE DON’T HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE, OK?

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The San Diego Monitor

Mommy & Me Time Most people celebrate mother’s day in May but I try to celebrate my mother as much as possible. She gave birth to me and tried her best to parent me and for that I have to be thankful. I have learned that my mother is very spoiled and tells her friends everything I do which can be a handful at times. I thought my mother and I were going to spend some mommy and me time at the spa, by the time I made arrangements for our departure the idea of renting a sports car and cruising down the highway in style transformed to renting a 25 seat bus filled with her friends and their daughters. Now we have to push the date back because one of her friends can’t go. I had to put my foot down and say look, I’m going if you want me to pay for you then you better come on. My mother looked at me side eye, and lets just say we pushed it back a few weeks. Ever since I began to spend quality time with my mom she expects a trip every 3 months filled with fun, surprises, good food, great entertainment, and lavish hotels. My mother is a world traveler and was the first person to expose me to travel. So this trip to one of our favorite spas is over due and we both are in need of a sugar scrub. My mother’s husband died 18 months ago and her son died 2 months ago so I try my best to love on her as much as possible. Traditionally, when someone close to me looses a loved one I will send them gifts and cards for a year to help with the mourning process. A dear friend told me to love on your loved ones now while they are alive, give them flowers when they can still smell them, take them dinner while they can still enjoy it. I enjoy my mommy & me times and look forward to them every quarter. When do you start celebrating mother’s day? And when does the celebration end? Strapped for cash? Did you know you could set the table, cook dinner; fresh flowers, candles and a movie would be wonderful mommy & me time? Not on good terms with your mother, try inviting a mutual friend and start out with something small like a cup of coffee/tea and keep the conversation light. I remember one of the first mommy & me time like it was yesterday. We went to TGIF Friday’s in Rancho San Diego and had a wonderful steak dinner, the 2 for $20 special, scrumptious. Then off to Regal movie theater in the same strip mall to watch Madea’s Big Family Reunion. My mother laughed so hard she almost fell out the chair. We laughed and talked all the way home it was so beautiful to see us both smiling and enjoying each other’s company.

You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor







The San Diego Monitor

SEO Continued from page 14 you begin to attract webmasters who will want to exchange reciprocal links with you, if you decide to accept you create a relevant link that will gain you rewards! We make it so easy! We place a small link on the bottom of your site which gives instructions about your link and gives them a place to provide info about their link! We can (and do regularly) accept or deny interested link partners for different reasons to protect our clients. The hardest task to keep track of and the most tedious: link monitoring. Once we accept a link, our system will continue to make sure that the link is in fact good, if at any point we notice a broken link, we will notify the webmaster and give them seven days to fix the link, or automatically it will be removed. Our system has made this process seamless and systematic. Your website has a blueprint called a XML

sitemap. This is a roadmap to your website. It has an exact layout of the content on your site. Your sitemap will provide vital information so that the spyders have up-to-date knowledge of your content. Without going into some extremely alien terminologies, I will say that we handle this important part to ensure you look great in front of the spyders! I feel so confident about our program, I would offer a no obligation, free 30 day trial for those would like to see how fast their useless websites can start generating leads. It’s simple, get popular, appear high, get noticed, get clicks, then combined with a landing page with a compelling offer and call to action, we can get you conversions that equal new and repeat business. Call for free consultation. Cutting Edge iMarketing is a Website Development, Internet Marketing & Promotions firm based in San Diego. Call 858-386-0949 or email Follow Greg on Twitter: @GreggWilson Find him on Facebook:

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JOBS Continued from page 10 include oil industries (and not just big corporations), saying that they [oil industries] would lose tax benefits, if that were to happen. The last time I checked, especially from the Gulf Spill in 2010, was that oil is bad for the economy—am I wrong for telling the truth? So what does this means to us? It means nothing to us unless we support it. Obama knows the issues and can really relate to the middle class and those who are on benefits— struggling to get by. What does this mean to Congress? It means constant struggle between the President and the House Republicans, and now disarray in the Senate amongst Democrats. With the loss of the Democratic seat (Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-NY) to the Republicans in the House and now the rise of popular Republican appeal in the 2012 election race, Republicans are coming up fast and strong—catching everyone off guard. What I’ve learned through my new-found knowledge of politics and my congressional experience at Capitol Hill is that Congress “calls the shots.” Whatever party controls the Senate and/or (but more so) the House, can control the agenda of our country. It is Congress that approves the papers before it can be signed by the President; it is the Congress who writes out the checks; and it is Congress that can make wars. It is just as important to elect officials into Congress, as it is electing the next president of the United States. So I encourage you all—right now—to keep up with politics, read your constitutional amendments (reading the roles of government) and vote, because your voice matters—and not congress.



Hand Wash $12.00 Detail exterior and Interior Wheels and Rims 95.00 per car. Includes clay and wax. SUV’s extra. Lee W. Wright Owner Imperial Ave. @ 50th San Diego, CA 92114


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Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


The San Diego Monitor

Congratulations to Miss Universe

Where We Care About Your Hair

On Monday night, the world was a joyful place full of smiles and rainbows when Leila Lopes, Miss Angola, was crowned Miss Universe 2011 with all the requisite tears and confetti. But of course it couldn't last. After the pageant, a French magazine, chatted with Miss France, Laury Thilleman, who was a Top 10 finalist. Thilleman said lots of positive things about making it to the final rounds, but also threw in some less-than-positive details about the ultimate winner, Lopes. Of Miss Angola, Thilleman said, "She's the only girl I did not know too well. We did not see her much, she was very discreet. She was often in jeans and no makeup" (a high crime on the pageant circuit, we're sure). Thilleman also added, "We were all surprised by her victory. Many girls efforts have been made which have not been rewarded." She also added a strange statement connecting

the win for Angola, a former Portuguese colony, with the pageant's location in Brazil, also a former Portuguese colony. As reported by the Washington Post, the implication seems to be that the contest being held in Brazil gave Miss Angola an edge To which we say: good thing there wasn't a logic portion of the beauty competition. Test out your French skills with the original article in or read the Washington Post's take on the drama. Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes (born February 26, 1986) is an Angolan beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Angola 2011 and later Miss Universe 2011.Born in Benguela, Angola, Lopes says to be a business management student in Great Britain, where she was crowned Miss Angola UK on October 8, 2010, the official representative of the Angolan community in the United Kingdom to the 2011 Miss Angola pageant.

Miss Universe clarifies fraud allegations tarnishing Angola’s crown

Pecolia Vance

By Rafael Abreu Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes's reign was questioned Wednesday, after allegations that false documentation was used to help her earn her participation in the prestigious pageant. The press office of Donald Trump's Miss Universe Organization denied that anyone by the name of Charles Mukano was involved in the alleged forgery of documentation that allowed Leila Lopes to participate and win Miss Angola UK, which would've effectively elevated her to the Miss Universe pageant. According to Argentine daily Infobae on Tuesday, the organizer of the the pageant that crowned her Miss Angola in her home country, a man by the name of Charles Mukano, apparently falsified the beauty's documentation so that she could participate in the Miss Universe pageant. The Infobae report went on to say that Mukano helped Lopes reach the Miss Angola UK pageant, in which only Angolan women who live in Great Britain participate, in spite of the fact that Lopes presumably lived in Angola. The report also said that Mukano allegedly

obtained false documentation that said Lopes is a business administration student in Great Britain. Infobae's report also said that in 2009, Mukano was questioned about false documents he obtained after a Cape Verde citizen came close to winning Miss Angola. The Miss Universe Organization also acknowledged a rumor that Lopes is of Cuban ancestry and speaks Spanish.

So far, Leila Lopes has not responded to the allegations. However, the Miss Universe Organization said in the Thursday email to AOL Latino that, "We also heard the rumor that her parents were from Cuba and [that] she speaks Spanish, which is false." The email went on to say that, "We have never heard of [Charles Mukano]. The national director who ran the Miss Angola pageant is Renato Guttler."

The San Diego Monitor


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Page 22 - August 27, 2011May 7, 2011

TOPAZ Continued from page 17 ranging from a mild headache to impaired breathing. And as occurred recently in the tragic water-drinking contest, it is quite possible to die if you drink enough water in a short enough period of time. This information is particularly important for parents to pass on to their children. Foolish water-drinking contests are not uncommon among high school and university students, especially while playing cards. So how much water should you drink to best support your health? Simple. The answer to this question depends on your unique circumstances, including your diet, exercise habits, and environment. If you eat plenty of foods that are naturally rich in water, such as vegetables, fruits, and cooked legumes and whole grains, you may not need to drink much water at all. If you do not use much or any salt and other seasonings, your need for drinking water goes down even further.

Conversely, if you do not eat a lot of plant foods and/or you add substantial salt and spices to your meals, you may need to drink several glasses of water every day. Regardless of what your diet looks like, if you sweat on a regular basis because of exercise or a warm climate, you will need to supply your body with more water (through food and/or liquids) than someone who does not sweat regularly. Ultimately, the best guidance I can provide on this issue is to follow your sense of thirst. Some people believe that thirst is not a reliable indicator of how much water you need, since many people suffer with symptoms related to dehydration and do not seem to feel a need to drink water on a regular basis. My experience has been that most people who are chronically dehydrated have learned to ignore a parched mouth. If you ask such people if they are thirsty and would like a piece of fruit or a glass of water, they will almost always realize that they are indeed thirsty. Some people suggest observing the color of your urine as a way of looking out for dehydration. The idea is that clear urine indicates that you are well hydrated, while yellow urine indicates that you need more water in your system. While this advice is somewhat useful, it is important to remember that some food additives (including some synthetic nutrients) and


The San Diego Monitor heavily pigmented foods (like red beets) can add substantial color to your urine. Thumbs down for synthetic nutrients, and thumbs up for red beets and other richly colored vegetables and fruits. The main idea that I wish to share through this article is to beware of mindlessly drinking several glasses of water per day without considering your diet, exercise habits, climate, and sense of thirst. And when you do find yourself in need of water, remember that you can get it from liquids and/or whole foods. Lastly, a good rule of thumb for adequate water consumption is to drink approximately half your body weight in ounces of water within a 24 hour period. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs then 75 ounces of water. Please share this article with family and friends, as many people are regularly misinformed on this topic by mainstream media. Here’s to your good health! ****************************** For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at


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September 17, 2011 - Page 23

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.