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The San Diego Monitor

Obama to attend Carrier Classic on Carl Vinson SAN DIEGO — President Barack Obama, the nation's basketball-fan-in-chief, will have the seat of his choice at the Carrier Classic hoops game on Veterans Day on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier that buried Osama bin Laden at sea. The White House announced Thursday that Obama has accepted an invitation to attend the Nov. 11 matchup between North Carolina and Michigan State, the first college basketball game on an active flat top. The Carl Vinson and its sailors have attracted considerable attention since early May , when the carrier conducted bin Laden's burial at sea after he was killed by Navy SEALs in a raid ordered by Obama. It'll be an impossible ticket, except for the lucky 7,000 or so who will be granted permission to come aboard the 1,092-foot, nuclear powered carrier. Most of the tickets will go to active military personnel. Tickets won't be sold to the public. Obama can sit "wherever he wants," said Mike Whalen of the Morale Entertainment Foundation, which is organizing the game. The president, a huge hoops fan, will be in his element, even if it is an unusual venue for big-time basketball. Known for playing pickup games, Obama needed 12 stitches in his lip after he was inad vertently elbowed during such a scrimmage last November. His brother-in-law, Craig Robinson, is the coach at Oregon State. Obama has filled out an NCAA tournament bracket the last three

President Barack Obama gestures during his joint news conference with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011, in the East Room at the White House in W ashington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

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October Events Around San Diego

San Diego Boo Parade & Carnival

Saturday October 22nd This is a celebration of community spirit and cultural diversity . The Parade event starts at 10:00 a.m. in the College area, starting at 59th Street in the community of El Cerrito. This is a FREE family friendly event. Parade route will travel east along El Cajon Boulevard, crosses College Avenue, and concludes at Rolando Boulevard in the heart of Rolando V illage. The Carnival will be held immediately following the Parade. The Carnival Time: 11am-5pm, Clay Park at Art Street. For more information:

San Diego 12 Annual Asian Film Festival October 20-28 Asian Film Festival’s mission is to connect audiences to the human experience through the Pan Asian media arts. Although their main concern is with Asian American, they also display documentaries, animation, and international films. Participants will have the oppor tunity to meet and mingle with the filmmaker and actors. This is a well-organized and friendly festival which incorporates meaningful discussions, live music, and parties. The Annual Asian Film Festival is one event you do not want to miss! For show time and ticket information:

Caruth Cellars Urban Winery Community Event

October 20-22nd 10/20- Live music as the mosaic wall comes to life 10/21- Laurel True will lecture: The Power of Art: Building Creative Capital through Community Mosaic. (Fundraiser for a hospital in Haiti). 10/22- Dedication ceremony & evening of wine and art For more information: The San Diego Family Expo

Saturday, October 22nd San Diego Concourse 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 10:00am-5:00pm This event highlights various ways families can do fun things together and is a FREE event that showcases products, activities, events, and family services. For more information:

Holiday Party Planning Tips Ask the venue if they can reduce costs. Seems like an obvious cost savings tip, but even a savings of 1% or 2% can be significant when added up for food, beverage, venue rental, staffing, etc. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, and eliminate the crudités. Out of season fruits such as mangoes and papayas, and out of season vegetables such as asparagus and artichokes are usually more expensive. And because many people do not eat raw vegetables, many of those items will typically go to waste. Seeking hotel accommodations for your next group meeting? Clara Carter provides global hotel site selection and contract negotiation services at “no cost” to the client. Allow us to put our buying power to work for you today . To start your hotel site accom modation search, call 619-265-2561 or via email: ccarter@helms About – your online guide highlighting the city’s multicultural news, events, attractions, travel deals, and more. Want to drive more traf fic to your business or store front? You are just a click away – upload your “FREE” business listing by clicking on the “businesses” tab Have an event you want to share? Simply submit your communi ty event to our calendar by clicking on Event’ s tab and follow the prompts - it’s “FREE”!!

years for ESPN, which will televise the Carrier Classic. Plus, he has a history with the Tar Heels. Obama played a pickup game with UNC's players during a 2008 campaign stop. The following spring, he correctly picked theTar Heels to win the 2009 NCAA title - which they did by routing Michigan State - and then hosted them at the White House. Tar Heels coach Roy Williams was excited to hear Obama will be at the Carrier Classic. "My guess is he wouldn't be there unless things in the world were in good shape," Williams said with a grin at preseason media day. "So I hope he can stick to that commitment and be there. "This is one of the biggest thrills in my coaching career, to be involved in that kind of game," Williams said. "It really is as neat of a deal as you can possibly imagine." Michigan State coach Tom Izzo said he was pleased to learn the president will be there. "I think it's awesome," Izzo said in a tele phone interview. "The fact that he's a basketball fan makes it even more neat." Izzo said Michigan State gave Obama a basketball jersey when he made a campaign visit to East Lansing. Obama is scheduled to begin Veterans Day by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery before flying to San Diego. "He looks forward to a great game," the White House said in a statement. Whalen said there will be appropriate secu rity considering the dignitaries who are expect ed to attend. Besides Obama, top Navy officials and congressional delegations from North Carolina and Michigan have been invited. A postgame concert is scheduled, but or ganizers haven't announced the acts. James Worthy and Magic Johnson will serve as honorary captains for their alma maters. The carrier , which has been in San Francisco for Fleet Week, will be at its berth at North Island Naval Air Station. To the south is Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, where SEALs train. Across San Diego Bay is Naval Base San Diego. The court, surrounded by temporary stadi um-style seating, will be located between the island and the forward catapults. In case of rain, the game will be moved below to the hangar deck. Navy officials got the news on the sea ser vice's 236th birthday. "We're honored that President Obama plans to attend the game on the Carl Vinson," said Rear Admiral Dennis Moynihan, the Navy's chief spokesman. "The ship is a representative of more than 100 Navy ships that are deployed right now. We see this as a celebration of ser vice for all veterans, and we also see this as a great opportunity to showcase what our Navy does on a daily basis." Whalen, a former Marine, was happy, too. "We're excited that President Obama would even consider showing up. We feel like we won the lottery," he said. Morale Entertainment Foundation, which hopes to help raise the visibility of the Navy with the Carrier Classic, brings notable Americans, such as former astronauts Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan and Jim Lovell, as well as coaches and race car drivers to visit troops in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The Carrier Classic is sponsored by Quicken Loans.


The San Diego Monitor

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Darwin Versus President Barack Obama


onsider Darwin's attitude about the black race. Darwin dreamed of a future for mankind when the black races of man will become extinct, thus enhancing the chances for the evolutionary advancement of the more "civilized" races of man. "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla." Descent of Man, Charles Darwin, Chapter 7: "On the Races of Man: Sub-species" Charles Darwin is relevant because his racist theories of white supremacy and the need for ethnic cleansing provided Marx and Engels with the "pseudo-scientific" rationale for the foundation for socialism. Darwin's racist viewpoints in Descent of Man can be summed up as follows: 1. The strongest live and the weakest die. 2. A race war would be beneficial to the white race. 3. Blacks occupy a sub-species between Apes and Caucasians 4. The extinction of blacks to advance the white race is good. 5. Different sub-species have dif ferent characteristics such as mental capabilities 6. Christianity is a damnable doctrine. 7. Social Darwinism must include racial extinction 8. "Lower class" races should not normally be cared for; they should not multiply and should become extinct. In recent years, much has been written about Mar garet Sanger and her wicked contribution to the annihilation of the black family and her program of genocide against the black race. Less well known is that a pernicious form of eugenics is being used to sort races and classes into deserving and unde serving groups as the determinant for which groups will and will not be the beneficiaries of government legislation and policy. Social Darwinism as this malevolent expression of eugen ics is called, having the intent of driving blacks from the labor force, was a prime feature of the Progressive Era. Reform-minded economists of the Progressive Era defend ed exclusionary labor practices on grounds that the labor force should be rid of unfit workers, whom they labeled "parasites," "the unemployable," "low-wage races" and the "industrial residuum." Removing the unfit, went the ar gument, would

uplift superior, deserving workers. Thus, although Progressives were advocates for labor , they also depicted many groups of poor workers, particularly black Americans, as undeserving of uplift. Defectives, or unfit workers, were those workers who, owing to presumed hereditary deficiency, earned less than what American reformers called a "living wage." The dif ference between actual wages and living wages was the shortfall that must be met by charity, by the state, or by other members of the worker's household. By this logic, reformers called workers who earned less than living wages "parasites." They argued that a worker's standard of living, not his productivity , determined market wages. Making wages a function of living standards opened the door to the eugenic claim that black Americans were hereditarily predisposed to low standards of living. Thus, for Progressives, race determined the standard of living, and the standard of living determined the wage. For labor reformers, low-wage black American workers threatened American wage levels. According to Progressive ideology, races compete and racial competition is subject to a kind of Gresham's law [bad stock drives out good stock]. The task for Progressive economists during the early 20th century was, therefore, to promote laws that would exclude black Americans from the labor force. The foundation upon which blacks were to be excluded from the labor force was statutory minimum wages. And, Progressive economists championed minimum wages with a passion. Eugenically minded Progressives advocated minimum wages precisely because they would cause job losses. They argued that minimum-wage-induced job loss was a social ben -

efit because it performed the eugenic service of ridding the labor force of black workers. The minimum wage protects deserving workers from the competition of the unfit by making it illegal to work for less. By 1914 eugenics had been adopted in America as a valid field of study and was even taught in high schools. This thinking, which emphasized "expert" opinion and advocated sweeping governmental power , fit perfectly within the Progressive worldview. As for reconciling white supremacy with egalitarian Jef fersonian democracy , when the racist Progressives championed "the working man," "the common man," or "the people," blacks were specifically excluded from the mix. Thus, armed with the intellectual firepower for eliminating black Americans from the labor force, it did not take long for racist eugenics-based economic theories to work there way into official public policy. Enter Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States and a false messiah of the black elite. FDR was infected with that pernicious socialist ideology of the "Great Man" elitism coupled with a penchant for authoritarian snob rule. Despite his seizure of virtual unlimited executive power , FDR utterly failed to do anything of a positive nature for black Americans. Rather, he used that power perversely to visit great harm and misery upon black Americans. In response to the Great Depression, FDR brought in his "brain trust" of intellectual advisors. They blamed free-market capitalism for the economic free fall. (Does any of this sound familiar?).They worked to ensure that government would set the agenda for the economy. Their resulting New Deal had the practical effect of building public policy around Progressive ideolo gy, which is rooted in racist social Darwinist labor theory . For inspiration and direction, they used the economic pro grams of Italy's fascist dictator , Benito Mussolini, as their model. Armed with near -dictatorial executive powers, Roosevelt proceeded to implement precisely the same type of economic system in the U.S as in Italy . During his administration, schemes such as the National Recovery Act (Negroes Ruined Again!!), Social Security Act, the Minimum Wage, the FDIC, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Emer gency Banking Relief Act the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Federal Securities Act, and the National Labor Relations Act all came into existence. All had the aim of taking control of people's lives, removing black American workers from the labor force to be rid of "excess" labor , confiscating people's property without due process and arbitrarily redis tributing the nation's wealth by way of perverse crony capital ism in defiance of the limitations placed on government by the Constitution. Minimum wage regulations made it illegal for employers to Continued from page 3

With Education, Discipline and Some Sacrifice, Black Wealth Can Be Achieved

Written by George C. Fraser My COUSIN BOBBY was buried in a designer suit, but he died broke. He made plenty of money using his boomer generation MBA to get good jobs at Ford Motor Company and later at Honda in Marysville, Ohio. He loved automo biles. His gas-guzzling Jeep Cherokee was spot less, but hardly paid for . He had maxed out most of his seven credit cards on designer clothes. Bobby was always as clean as his Mama’ s chitlins. He was divorced and faithfully paying child support for his two beautiful children. His defini tion of community service was when the commu nity was helping to serve his monthly sales quo tas. Bobby had some good, honest side hustles, but he was always running on empty . His wellappointed two-bedroom condo north of Columbus, Ohio, ate up nearly half his take-home pay. So his lifestyle meant he was good at robbing Peter to pay Paul. Bobby reminded me of the joke about the optimist who jumped from a 12-story building. As he passes the third floor , he says, “So far , so good,” not realizing that he’s about to crash. He died of a heart attack at 54. At the reading of his one-page will, there was little to distribute to his children. The creditors and IRS got most of it. He was house poor, car poor and stuff poor; his children would have to start from scratch, just as he had. I thought if he only had treated his wealth with the same pride and support with which he treated his family and friends, he would have died rich. This forced me to reflect on two things. Were we living Dr. King’s dream of economic development?. Was I, too, suffering from economic illiter-

acy and a compulsive spending disorder driven by what many believe to be the United States’ reckless marketing of easy credit and a mass media focus on materialism and instant gratification? Or, was I driven by low self-esteem, the remnants of hundreds of years of oppression and denial producing a personal philosophy that dictates high social status as more important than financial freedom? Perhaps there is a little of both lurking below the surface of still too many “successful” African-Americans, who end up in debt and support every institution but their own. According to Target Market News (, a Web site and publishing company that tracks Black consumer spending, Blacks spend an excessive amount of money on depreciable goods, such as clothes, cars, jewelry and other things that lose value the minute after you purchase it. And Black teens are modeling adult spending patterns. For instance, in an online article “Black Spending Power” (, author Kimel Empilder notes that African-American males between the ages of 13 and 24, who are less than 3 percent of total U.S. population, account for 10 percent of the $12 billion athletic shoe market, buying more than 1 out of 5 pairs of shoes made by Nike. “We live in a consumer society where sport shopping is the way we live. We feel good, we buy. We feel bad, we buy ,” points out economist and author Julianne Malveaux, President of Bennett College. “When we deal with the African American psyche: We come from a culture of lack. We have not had access, opportunity , or equality. Some of us think we can bridge the equality gap in spending. We can spend with the big boys, even though we do not have big boy

wealth-we don’t have three percent of the wealth whites have. But, we can buy name brands to fill up a hole that says we may be inadequate. We can step up and spend up. To what end? If we understand the psychological reasons we spend heavily, we may be able to stop spending.” I know God loves poor people. I learned that in church. But doesn’ t he like rich people, too? I hear him saying, “Yes, yes, yes!” God knew that a slow but determined path to freedom and civil rights would better position African-Americans to complete their third and final moral imperative: to close the income and wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America.

In spite of disproportionate Black poverty , African-Americans have patiently built a critical mass of intellectual and financial resources from which they can leverage to close the gap. It includes trillions of dollars of intellectual and human capital and a $900 billion-plus annual economic base, which is growing at about 5 percent a year. It also includes having built a work force in which over 60 percent of its members are in executive, managerial, supervisory , sales, administra tive, vocational, technical and business ownership positions. W.E.B. Du Bois would be proud that nearly 17 percent of African-Americans have at least a fouryear college degree or better, surpassing his vision of the “Talented Tenth.” But the long road to suc cess in never straight. We have witnessed this in our 250-year fight for freedom and our 100-year fight for civil rights, voting rights and public access. The next 100-year imperative is our need to focus on economic development and the inter generational transfer of our wealth. It is not easy to invest for the future. It requires living below your means, when most are living above their means or within their means. It requires education, discipline and some sacrifice. But it’ s worth it. Your wealth is your freedom, freedom to choose. It is the management of your choices that is the essence of living. God wants you to have unlimited choices; therefore, God wants you to be rich. It’ s time to stop making dreams come true for the banks, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike and BMW . It’ s time to make our and Dr . King’s dreams come true. Author; Success Runs In Our Race and Click; Ten Truth for Building Extraordinary Relationships. Visit or email


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Occupy Wall Street Protestors Mimic Civil Rights Movement During the 60s, demonstrators took to the streets against the injustices tar geting Black people. The white upper class embraced dis crimination, and young whites fought along side their fathers and grandfathers to make sure Blacks stayed in their place. Young people today are the children and the grandchildren of those that fought against integration in America. And today, these young people are now demonstrating against Wall Street. The difference is that today’ s older white generation is questioning what their children want. Black Americans had decisive desires and expectations. Blacks wanted to go to school, to go to the movies, nightclubs, and any other place where there was public activity without being served separately or treated without the same respect given to whites. Blacks told the world what they wanted. Blacks wanted equality. That’s what makes these modern day protesters dif ferent from the Civil Rights Movement. These protestors do not express what they want beyond that of punishing Wall Street. But their parents, cousins, and other extended family members operate Wall Street, which con trols America. It was once said that the politi cians did, but not anymore. He that controls the dollar controls the people. When I listen to the elders of this white generation today , they say there’ s nothing wrong with Wall Street. Someone is going to make money because we live in a capitalist society. “So be it,” they say. I say all the above to get to this point – if Wall Street is not dangerous and doesn’t represent a threat, why did White America attack and burn down Black America’s Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the early 1900s? The Black Wall Street had money, banks, sources of food, and otherwise existed on its own. White America didn’t just step in and stop this well-greased machine that took care of its own, but slaugh tered it, killing hundreds of people in the pro cess. It always troubles my soul to think about the slaughter of the Black Wall Street. It also bothers me when the government of this coun -

EDITORIAL try bails out the banks and nothing trickles down to the people below . Why is the young white generation demonstrating without any demands? Because some things are better left unsaid. I’m sure these young people putting their lives on the line know exactly why they are there. If White America is confused about why Wall Street is dangerous, I would suggest they ask why their grandfathers destroyed the Black Wall Street. Ask this question and it may be the answer as to why their grandsons are parked in front of of ficial state and federal buildings refusing to move until something changes. Yes, today we are asking what’s wrong with Wall Street as they control the lifelines of this country. They’ve thrown us out of our homes, taken us to war, and taken on a level of superiority in almost every walk of life. The Black Wall Street was only in one city but it was a threat to white America. Today’s Wall Street is a true threat to this country, and the young people today are getting tired of it. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

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SDUSD Invites Small Licensed Contractors to Bid Small Projects San Diego Unified School District has a new program for small and emerging contractors. It’s called the Micro-Projects Program (MPP) and it serves two purposes. The MPP delivers small projects directly to school sites quickly and ef ficiently through direct purchase agreements. It also provides a one-time opportunity for small and emerging businesses learn first-hand what it’s like to work for SDUSD. MPP Projects are under $15,000 and run the full gamut of school facility needs, from handiwork, repairs and remodeling to painting, concrete, electrical, etc. to installation of materials such as lighting, seats, lockers, flagpoles and signage. MPP projects are competed among 3 to 4 licensed contractors through a short and simpli fied bid process. MPP contracts are fixed-fee based on contractor ’s quote, and paid within 30 days of completion. According to Alma Bañuelos, SDUSD’ s Business Outreach Coordinator , MPP projects are designed specifically with emerging business contractors in mind. “They do not require surety bonding, have insurance requirements of only $1 million each for general and auto liability , and do not require prevailing wages,” said Bañuelos. “It’s the perfect opportunity to get your foot in the door and see if SDUSD is the client for you,” she said. MPP projects are strictly need-based and are not issued with any regularity. Small companies are selected from the business outreach database and invited to bid on a project-by-project basis. If you are a minority , woman or disabled veteran business owner and have inter est in the MPP , contact Alma Bañuelos for an application. Alma can be reached at or 858-573-5852. For real-time bid information, follow her on Twitter at @sdusd_bizoutrch. Be sure to visit the SDUSD Outreach webpage at

The San Diego Monitor

SD Unified School needs to be checked and watched… Brian Pollard In reviewing the potential list of schools that are scheduled to close due to budgetary issues here is the list of schools that are or could be targeted for closure within our School District. Whether you agree with this strategy or not we deserve to know which schools are tar geted, and to stand up for our kids. Although 12 schools city-wide may be af fected Bayview T errace (first round), Paradise Hills (First round), Rolando Park (secondary round), W ebster (secondary round) are within our school district. Crawford High School would break up its four small academies and revert to traditional com prehensive school status; the Emerson-Bandini campus, which houses two schools, would consolidate into one K-5 program at Emerson; and San Diego High School would consolidate its communications academy with its science and technology program. Morse and Lincoln do not appear to be effected. My hope is, the parents (if they haven’ t already) get involved and voice their concerns and make sure the Trustees have vented every other alternative other than closing of the schools. I cannot tell you the potential disruption to the children’ s, and parent’ s lives if their respective schools are closed. Please stay aware of this process and let’ s be proactive rather than reactive in this process. I have seen first-hand the involvement in the Morse and Lincoln clusters of the parents and teachers and I am impressed with the level of involvement, so hopefully the parents, chil -

dren and teachers of these schools are getting organized to voice their concerns, fears and perhaps alternatives to this drastic step being considered by the Trustees. The Rolando Park and Webster communi ties are very or ganized so I am hopeful they too are preparing to voice their concerns. I encourage all of the com munities that can potentially be affected contact Trustee Sheila Jackson, and the other Trustees to voice their concerns. That means attending the Board of Education meetings held on Normal Street, and speaking to the Trustees. Include your neighborhood Town Councils and remember there is strength in numbers, or ganizing and coali tion building. Let’ s get in front of this at all costs. District officials have said they are facing a deficit of up to $1 18 million in next year ’s $1.057 billion operating budget. The district stands to save $500,000 per campus under the recommendation released Thursday . Information on the school readjustment can be found on the School District’ s web site; Lets stay close to this one people, our chil dren’s education is at stake, let’s make sure our kids get a fair shake in this ugly , potentially unfair process. Let’ s not get bamboozled, it is too important to our kids! Lincoln High School is going through problems as well. Their overall scores are very low, some teachers are afraid of the black stu dents, discipline is lacking in certain areas of conduct, and it seems like the Principles there are losing control…My next article will be about Lincoln’s problems and what we can do to help stop the slide before it is too late.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Boyd: Rural America must play a part in economic National Black Farmers Association recovery President Obama recently challenged mem bers of the Congressional Black Caucus to stop crying and to remove their bedroom slippers. "We have work to do," he said. Obama is right. It is past time to take action to put Americans back to work. And an economic recovery plan must include rural America. As I travel from small town to small town, I find many rural areas that are boarded up, virtually closed for business. At town hall meetings I have held for black farmers, I continue to hear the cries and pleas for help. The meeting location may change, but the plea for help is still the same. Many black farmers (thousands? tens of thousands?) have already lost their farms. For nearly 30 years, I have fought for black farmers and other minority farmers battling race discrimination by their government. On Dec. 8, 2010, President Obama signed into law his administration's settlement of a lawsuit by black farmers against the United States Department of Agriculture for $1.25 billion, and I am proud to have led that ef fort. On the same bill was the Native American mineral rights "Cobell" case for more than $3.4 billion. The Obama administration went on to settle law suits by Hispanic and women farmers against USDA for $1.3 billion, as well as $800 million for the Native American Indian farmers. These settlements will provide infusions for the poorest counties in the nation. In the case of the black farmers, most of the funds will go to the Mississippi delta area and other Southern states where poverty is abundant. All of the farmers' lawsuits were settled under the leadership and direction of President Obama.

It's something you rarely hear about. When President Bush was in the White House, I tried for eight years to resolve the discrimination cases of black and minority farmers against USDA — to no avail. That's not to say black farmers did not have support from some Republican leaders, such as Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa. But overall, Republicans make it hard on themselves, and their actions help explain strong black loyalty to the Democratic Party. Last week, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain called black people brainwashed. Last month, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann called black farmers frauds. When you have two presidential candidates who make those kinds of statements in 201 1, it shows there still are class and racial divisions. As for Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry hunting in an area called Niggerhead, how of fensive that is! If Republicans want black support they can start with one simple gesture: Stop saying degrading and stupid things to and about black people. If Republicans want the support of everyday people, they simply can't refer to Wall Street protesters as "the mob." I never heard Republicans refer to the tea party as the mob! We need new jobs and we need them now . It's always the poor who suf fer the most in economic hard times; 9 percent of Americans are out of work, and 16 percent of blacks are out of work. While we debate how to get all Americans back to work, we all have to do our part.To make America better, we all have to do our part.


of poor black sharecroppers who, after being booted off the land, had no further prospects of employment elsewhere. The Tennessee Valley Authority -- FDR's government-powergenerating monopoly funded by the 98 percent of American taxContinued from page 3 payers who didn't live in the Tennessee Valley -- was touted as a hire people who weren't worth the minimum because they lacked bold social experiment. But, among other things, the TVA floodskills. Thus, between 30,000 and 50,000 African Americans in ed an estimated 730,000 acres of land behind its dams. A total of the South lost their jobs within just two weeks of the activation 15,654 people were forced out of their homes. Farm owners of the Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), which set a uniform received cash settlements for their condemned property . Again, minimum wage. In total, it is estimated some 500,000 blacks lost the tenant farmers -- most of whom were black -- got nothing. their jobs due to FDR's enactment of the minimum wage. The The Wagner Act (1935), the crown jewel of social Darwinism loss of 500,000 black American jobs is consistent with the intent under FDR, harmed blacks by making labor union monopolies of the social Darwinist economists who pressed for the mini - legal, and making it illegal to hire non-union black workers. The mum wage precisely for the purpose of eliminating black Wagner Act, in making labor unions legal monopolies, extended Americans from the labor force. discrimination against black workers to all industries where The Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933), while aimed at labor unions had legal monopolies. keeping crop prices high, did so by ordering the mass destruction Specifically, the Wagner Act granted monopoly bar gaining of crops, as well as animals such as pigs and chickens. Blacks in power to unions selected by a majority of employees. Neither the South who were actually farming the land as sharecroppers company-sponsored unions nor unions representing a minority and tenant farmers were evicted without any compensation of workers were permitted. By giving labor unions the monopoly whatsoever. Less production also meant no work for thousands power to exclusively represent employees in a workplace, the

Wagner Act had the effect of excluding blacks because the dominant unions in the 1930s had the legal power to bar admission to blacks. Barack Obama's petulant harangue the other evening for squandering even more taxpayer money on even more failed government programs was scary . The parallels between FDR's social Darwinism programs of the 1930s and those of Obama today are manifest. Barack Hussein Obama seemss to want pre cisely the same social Darwinist results as FDR -- to enrich his Big Labor, Big Education and Big Banker financiers through his perverse spin on crony capitalism while eliminating black workers from the work force. Why is he refusing to suspend the minimum wage law to help alleviate the criminally outrageous levels of unemployment amongst black workers? Why is he aggressively enforcing union-favored Davis-Bacon prevailing wages and Project Labor Agreements on federally funded construction projects, which blatantly discriminate against black construction workers? This man is a thoroughly evil Progressive racist clothed in dark skin to provide convenient cover for executing his racist Progressive ideology with impunity. He must be voted out of office in 2012.



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From Civil Rights to Human Rights: The Occupy Movement Revisited Connect Create Cooperate

“In the early evening of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr . was killed by a single shot which struck his face and neck. He was standing on the balcony of the Lor raine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had come to lead a peaceful mar ch in suppor t of striking sani tation workers. About an hour later , he was pr onounced dead at 7:05 PM at St. Joseph Hospital.” (Wiki) What was Dr. King doing in Memphis? He was there in support of the Memphis Sanitation Workers strike as part of his recently launched Poor People’ s Campaign. “Jobs, income and housing wer e the main goals of the Poor People’ s Campaign. The campaign would help the poor by dramatizing their needs, uniting all races under the commonality of hardship and presenting a plan to star t to a solution. Under the “ economic bill of rights ,” the Poor People’s Campaign asked for the federal government to prioritize helping the poor with a $30 billion anti-poverty package that included a commitment to full employment, a guaranteed annual income measure and more low-income housing[4]. The Poor People’s Campaign was part of the second phase of the civil rights movement. While the first phase had exposed the problems of segregation, King hoped to address the “limitations to our achievements” with a second, broader phase…” (Wiki) Today, the Occupy Wall Street Movement, and its many Occupy clones around the coun try, are picking up where Dr . King left off. Isn’t it interesting that 42 years after Dr . King was killed during the expansion phase of his quest for “civil rights” for so-called Negroes, predom inantly middle class whites are now seeking the same redress King died trying to achieve? Clearly, there was work left undone by the Civil Rights Movement. Perhaps when King died, these issues dropped off the agenda of middle class whites, and now that neglect is coming home to haunt them. Black people and other “disenfranchised” people (and who was it who did the disenfran chising?) have been dealing with the incredible disparities in wealth since the material and mil itary ascendancy of the European. Unfortunately , the European culture has prioritized things (money) over people. Now those at the top of the system, who couldn’ t care less about nationality nor ethnicity - are letting the rest know – “Y ou’re really not one of us ‘one percenters.’ ” The key to turning all this around starts with you! Stop wanting to be one of the materialist one percent, and learn to Love Your Neighbor. Fight for Human Rights! This is the wave of the future, and your only salvation on this Earth. More on this on Monday November 1st at 6:00 p.m. at the Urban League . Love Your Neighbor. J CMH [One Love – Bob Marley]

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The San Diego Monitor

Just Keeping It Real


Angela Harris

Relationship Coversations

Sex after Breast Cancer I was transfixed on this topic as we end the breast cancer awareness month. I had a rather dif ficult time finding indi viduals to discuss this topic that is rarely discussed. I mean as black people we generally don’t discuss health, sex or finance and yet those three subjects tend to polarize the majority of our lives. When looking into breast cancer some of the statistics was startling: As presented in a document by the National Cancer Institute • An estimated 26,840 new cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among African American women in 2010. • The incidence rate of breast cancer among women under 45 is higher for African American women compared to white women. • Breast cancer is the second most common cause of can cer death among African American women, exceeded only by If you have questions you would like answered or topics discussed, lung cancer. • The higher mortality rate in African-American women please send all questions to face be related to dif ferences in access to and utilization of early detection and treatment and dif ferences in tumor char - ris or email: or acteristics. • Almost all women with breast cancer have either one or twitter@KeepingitealAH. For more articles both of their breasts removed. www.keepingitrealwithangela Hence the conversation – is there quality sex after breast cancer? Sex is not limited to the actual act – it is also personal worth, personal appeal, and personal acceptance. I had two women on the talk radio show today who both were breast cancer survivors. One woman was married during the time and the other was not. One experienced rejection from her spouse and the other was focused on the rearing of her son and hadn’ t taken the time to reflect on her disfigured body . Many of u s were moved to tears when the married woman shared, “I was in the shower with my bald head and one breast and my husband couldn’ t look at me.” We were stunned. No one knew what to say, and my being the most host knew now was not the time to tell her that negro never loved her in the first place. I was hot and yet there are many stories like hers. My guest told us that after having been married for 12 years, admitting there had been a superficial aspect to their relationship, both kept them selves in great shape, her trials and disfigured nature didn’t have the ability to keep their surface relationship in place. One of my dear friends who was moved to tears told me about a woman at our church who has cancer. She shared how she was wearing a hat and she asked her if she could see her head. Lovingly my friend kissed her head and embraced her , immediately I said that’ s exactly what my guest husband should have done. Another friend told me of a couple she knew where the wife had lost her hair due to chemotherapy and the husband to show his support shaved his head! Now that’ s love. Cancer is a dif ficult time for all especially the one who has it. It is not the time for criticism or scrutiny . It is a time of celebrating life, love, and memories. The beauty about the women on the show was that both stated they were much better women because of their journey. They felt that God had truly kept them, sustained them, and prepared them for their continued journey. One woman had reconstructive sur gery and stated her feelings of wholeness and the other said she really hadn’t considered it. Both women have been cancer free for almost five years. So I guess the answer to the question is there sex after breast cancer is a resounding yes, make sure that your relationships are not based upon an external but an internal love. Ensure that you both take to heart the part of the vows that says “for better or worse in sickness and in health til death do you part.” I say to my sisters who are breast cancer survivors and to those who are going through this very traumatic time – you are more than your breast. God will give you beauty for these ashes, and there is sunshine after the storm. My God continue to keep you safe under His wings of protection.

Sober Livings Homes in Spring Valley. Shared Rooms. Move - in Special: $595 plus $100 deposit covers your rent until 2012! Call (858) 869-4422. Begining January 1, 2012, rent is $395 per month

The San Diego Monitor



By Lady Topaz The sweet smell of tropical flora, the warm scent of vanilla and cinnamon, the crisp smell of fresh linen or the sensational smell of a warm Caribbean Sea breeze–all things that invoke a sense of delight–and all scents that can be quickly obtained with quick spritz of an air freshener. However, h ave y ou t hought about what you are inhaling? If you use synthetic air fresheners in your car and/or living space, you should know that you are increasing your risk of developing a variety of health problems. Headaches, ear aches, depression, an irregular heart beat, and diarrhea in babies are just a few of many health challenges that have been linked with regular use of synthetic air fresheners. A report that was released in September of 2007 by the Natural Resources Defense Council found that 12 of 14 brands of common household air fresheners contained phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals that are used to pro long the length of time that scented products maintain their fragrance. Regular exposure to phthalates can increase your risk of experienc ing endocrine, reproductive, and developmen tal problems. Amazingly, some of the brands that tested positive for phthalates did not include phthalates on their lists of ingredients; some of these brands wer e even labeled as being “all-natural” and “unscented.” In response to this study , the National Resources Defense Council produced the fol lowing list that indicates the presence or absence of phthalates in common air freshen ers: Brands with the highest levels of phthalates: Walgreens Air Freshener Spray (removed from shelves) Walgreens Scented Bouquet Air Fresheners (removed from shelves) Walgreens Solid Air Fresheners (removed from shelves) Ozium Glycolized Air Sanitizer Brands with medium levels of phthalates : Air Wick Scented Oil Febreze NOTICEables Scented Oil Glade Air Infusions Glade PlugIn Scented Oil Oust Air Sanitizer Spray Brands with low levels or NO phthalates detected: Citrus Magic Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher Lysol Brand II Disinfectant Oust Fan Liquid Refills Renuzit Subtle Effects Please note that having no phthalates does not make synthetic air fresheners safe to use in your car or home . The vast majority of syn thetic air fresheners emit significant amounts of terpene, a volatile or ganic compound that can react with naturally occurring ozone to create formaldehyde. Ozone, a form of oxygen, exists at some level both indoors and outdoors, so formaldehyde formation is practically inevitable wherever synthetic air fresheners are used. Indoor environments which may have elevated levels of ozone include those where photocopiers and ozone-generating air puri -

fiers are used. Why should you be concerned about being exposed to formaldehyde? Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. With strong links to phthalates and formaldehyde, it is not surprising that a study that was published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine indi cates that regular use of sprays can increase your risk of developing asthma by 30 to 50 percent. This study was performed by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, and collected data from 3,500 people in 10 European countries. Clearly, your health is best served by saying no to synthetic air fresheners and any other synthetic products that are designed to emit a prolonged artificial scent. Here are some simple and natural ways of keeping your car and living space smelling fresh without the use of chemical-laden air fresheners: Open your windows - even just a crack during cold weather - for at least 30 minutes a day. Weather permitting, it is best to keep your windows open all the time, assuming that you do not live in a heavily polluted area. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets before you vacuum. Keep a box of baking soda open in the room. Keep natural (preferably organic) potpourri in a bowl out in the open, or put into little sachets to keep around the house. Boil a few cinnamon sticks with whole cloves in a small sauce pan of water . Maintain a friendly gathering of indoor plants in your living and work spaces. Take the garbage and compost out every day. Here is to YOUR good health! And, GREAT smells. ********************* For additional information on healthy , holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at

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Anthony’s Fish & Grotto I have stumbled on a great deal in San Diego that I just have to share with you.Anthony’s Fish & Grotto in La Mesa is hosting its 50 year special which offers a 3 course meal for only $19.61. My mother and I went their Sunday afternoon and sat by the window that overlooked the man made lake with ducks and their ducklings and an actual stork enjoying themselves out in the water. The ambiance was nice and our waiter, Tracey, was wonderful. My mother ordered Hennessey VSOP the bartender sent out Hennessy without the VSOP and when my mother explained the smoothness in the VSOP, Tracey quickly came back with a glass of Remy Martin VSOP on the house for the confusion. The $19.61 special includes a selected menu that boasts of an appetizer, entrée and desert. You may choose a cup of Clam Chowder , Wedge Salad, Shrimp & Artichoke dip, and or a California Caesar salad (it includes avocados and tomatoes). The entrees that you can choose from are: Swordfish with Lemon Cream penne pasta, Grilled Salmon with Lemon Shrimp, Coco Loco Tilapia & Shrimp and Mamma’ s Anniversary Platter that includes a sample of Shrimp, Calamari, Fish, and Crab puffs. Most of the entrees include two side orders to complete your meal. Don’ t forget about Desert which is extremely delicious, it is a tasty Camp Zambian (pound cake) with a Rum sauce and a scoop of Spumoni ice cream. I had the California Cesar Salad for my appetizer with sourdough bread and tomatoes butter which was scrumptious. My mother took a whim at the Clam Chowder which she desired me to give her some of my salad which wasn’t happening. My mother ordered the Mamma’s Anniversary platter and it came loaded with scrumptious treats and a baked potatoes and steamed vegetables. I chose the grilled Salmon with pineapple coleslaw and a baked potato with all the dressings. I left no room for a doggie bag. Out came our Camp Zambian for desert that we both scoured down. The Rum sauce was amazing combination with the Spumoni ice cream. The 50 year special pricing for a 3 course menu will last until November 23, 201 1. You can visit the Anthony’s Fish Grotto of f the I-8 at Severin on Murray Dr or call (619) 463-0368; you may also look online Next week we will resume our camping journey so we can find a great campsite for a peaceful vacation. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor

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The San Diego Monitor

“I Got This” It’s time to get into your Best Dressed Outfit, sprinkle on your Favorite Cologne and polish your Spectacular Shoes, then head to Jacob’ s CenterMarket Creek Venue at 404 Euclid Ave. on November 5th, 6:30pm, for the 36th Mr. Black San Diego Contest. The theme, “I Got This”, is appropriately titled. Don’t forget your Fabulous Personality and whatever else you want to add as you enter on the ‘Red Carpet’. Come prepared to enjoy the five finalist from the opening to the ending. Doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm Competing for the title of Mr . Black San Diego 201 1; Lawrence West, 1st Runner-up in 2010 with the deep voice, born in California and looking for Basketball lovers to come and cheer him on. Keith Rascoe, a Fitness Expert and middle child from Philadelphia will be expecting Military and Exercise enthusiasts to root for him. Mytrell Foreman, a former Football Rookie of the Year, hopes his Bay View Church family, folks from Atlanta and people in the entertainment field plan to attend. Fred Lackey, from Mississippi, looks forward to former Service people or anyone with a comical sense of humor , or still attending College to offer him their support. Ansar Muhammad a native and perfectionist is counting on graduates of Morse High School, and people who love food to applaud him. Also for your entertainment, the Band Street-Life will provide the musical accompaniment and Café Soul will make the show something to talk about. As usual Past Winners of previous contest will be in the audience. The contestants will display attire, charisma, talent and their opinion. A panel of Judges will select the winner. So you really need to see this yearly event. For details or information, call 619-264-6469, tickets are $40.per person and can be purchased at Lady Cheryl’s Salon, 619-263-7907,18 N. Euclid Ave, National City , Hairology ,619-296-1832, 3041 University Ave. Paradise Beauty and Barber, 2856 Main St. 619-7756-7778. Tell a friend. This event you don’t want to miss, remember, “I Got This”






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Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


The San Diego Monitor

Michael Jackson’s ‘Invincible’: 10 Years Later

Where We Care About Your Hair

Pecolia Vance

Jonathan Harris – Columnist October 30, 201 1 – On October 30, 2001 Michael Jackson released what would become his final album of all new material during his lifetime: Invincible. The album, shortly after its release, became by far the most controversial album of Jackson’ s career, not for what was on the album but for what was going on between Jackson and his label at the time, Sony Music. At its worst the conflict involved Sony ceasing promotion for Invincible (after Jackson informed the label he would not be renewing his contract) and Michael Jackson going after the then head of Sony Music, Tommy Mottola, publicly calling him a “racist” and a “devil” . Invincible predictably got somewhat lost in the melee. This is not to discount the album’ s success or impact. Invincible debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard album’ s chart moving more than 366,000 units in one week. It also hit No.1 in 12 other countries around the world. Produced by Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, along with the majority of the album, the lead single ‘Y ou Rock My World’ notched Jackson yet another top 10 hit on the Billboard singles charts. The success of both the album and the lead off single proved that Jackson’s iconic style and musical formula was still viable and marketable in the 21st century to yet another generation. Invincible gave Jackson No.1 albums in the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and the ‘00s. By early 2002 Invincible had already sold more than 6 million copies, becoming Jackson’ s fastest selling album ever (yes, it sold faster than ‘Thriller’). Invincible has to date sold more than 13 million copies worldwide. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release here is a track by track, and total, review: Track 1: Unbreakable – (Up-tempo) The King of Pop opens the album by reminding anyone that may have for gotten, or not known, that he is… well… unbreakable. It would have been nice if it the track was a bit faster and not as long, but over-

all the song sounds awesome and works nicely as a 21st century version of ‘BAD’. The posthumous rap by the Notorious B.I.G. fits brilliantly and marks their second collaboration (their first hav ing been on This Time Around on Jackson’s 1995 album HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book 1). Grade: B+ Track 2: Heartbreaker – (Up-tempo) This song is simply excellent. Utterly flawless, pop plat inum. The song refers to a woroke Jackson’ s. In the chorus the King of Pop sings, “That girl, can’t take her , I should have seen right through her she’s a heartbreaker.” There are parts in the song where you can hear Jackson beat-boxing the beat under Darkchild’ s beat wickedly fast beat. The song is just brilliant. Jackson reportedly also wanted an unknown rapper on the album and the rapper chosen, “Fats” is perfect fit for this song. Grade: A+ Track 3: Invincible – (Up-tempo) The title track to the album is not the ego-fest that one might assume it would be, the song is actually about a girl who won’t give Jackson her attention. “Even when I beg and plead, she’ s invincible,” Jackson sings. The beat is incredible, although again, it wouldn’t hurt if it were a bit faster. “Fats” also raps on this track. Grade: B+ Track 4: Break of Dawn – (Down tempo) This is a love song. This song, again, is perfection. Nothing could be added or removed to make it better. In the movie This Is It, in the video remake of Smooth Criminal, it shows the Break of Dawn café. Grade: A+ Track 5: Heaven Can Wait – (Down tempo) Yet another perfect love song. This song is about a girl Jackson refuses to leave. He sings, “Tell the angels no, I don’ t want to leave my baby alone, I don’t want nobody else to hold you, that’ s the chance I’ll take baby I’ll stay , heaven can wait.” The way Jackson opens this track is pure excel lence, singing quickly , “You’re beautiful, yo u’re wonderful, incredible I love you so.” Grade A+ Track 6: You Rock My World – (Up tempo) This was the first single from the album and charted as another top 10. The opening banter between Chris Tucker and Michael Jackson about whether or not Jackson could “get that girl” is nothing short of a hilarious. Great song, albeit not the one many fans would have preferred as the lead single (There is also an of ficial Jay-Z remix). The song

spent 20 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Grade: B Track 7: Butterflies – (Down tempo) This was the third single from Invincible and charted at No.14 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (No.2 on the R&B/Hip-Hop Billboard chart). This song is Jackson’s 37th top 40 hit. This song also spent 20 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (There is also an of ficial remix that simply adds rapper Eve). The song is beautiful and shows Jackson’ s epic vocal range. Grade: A Track 8: Speechless – (Down tempo) This song is the clearest and most pristine Jackson’ s voice gets on Invincible. It starts off a capella and slowly builds. The song is beautiful and again utterly perfect. Jackson sings the song inThis Is It. Jackson said he was inspired to write the song following a water balloon fight with a group of chil dren. Grade: A Track 9: 2,000 Watts – (Up tempo) 2,000 Watts is one of the most unfor gettable tracks on Invincible. The bass is unreal, Jackson sounds nothing like himself and lyrically the song is all over the place, in a good way . The opening line, “you may now apply your 3D glasses as we pro ceed” makes one wondered how incredible the music video would have been. Grade: A Track 10: You Are My Life – (Down tempo) This is where I feel like Invincible loses some thing. There is not anything particularly wrong with this song as much as it is entirely forgettable. It adds nothing to the Invincible and on a 16 track album as highly anticipated as this one, any of the hundreds of songs Jackson reportedly recorded would have likely sat better in this song’s place. If the song is actually about Jackson’ s children as some think it is, the song then becomes a bit more compelling. Grade: C Track 1 1: Privacy – (Up tempo) This is the only rock styled song on the album, featuring a guitar solo by Slash. In this song Jackson, over camera flashes, pleads for his… well… privacy and journalistic integrity. He sings, “Your cameras can’t control the minds of those who know , that you’ll even sell your soul just to get your story sold”. This is another song where Jackson sounds markedly dif ferent than he has on previous albums. It fits very well next to Jackson’s similarly themed songs like ‘Scream’, ‘Tabloid Junkie’ Continued on page 22


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Continued from page 20 and ‘Leave Me Alone’. Grade: B+ Track 12: Don’ t Walk Away – (Down tempo) Don’t Walk Away is a love song where Jackson pleads with his parting love, “Don’t walk away, see I just can’t find the right thing to say, I try but all my pain gets in the way .” Following her interview with Oprah, many fans began to think this song was written about his relationship and subsequent break up with Lisa Marie Presley. Grade: B Track 13: Cry – (Down tempo) Written by R. Kelly (who also wrote Jackson’ s No.1 hit You Are Not Alone), Cry was the second single released from Invincible, in the wake of the 9/1 1 attacks. Written prior to the attacks Jackson sings, “When that flag blows, there’ll be no more wars”. The song is remi niscent of Man In The Mirror, with Jackson whispering as the last line of the song, “Change the world.” Some of his trademark vocal tricks are per -

fectly in place as the song ends, although they sound oddly slowed and muffled. Jackson is conspicuously absent in the song’ s video. Jackson’ s refusal to appear in the video is said to be the result of the conflict going on between Jackson and Sony that later became very public. Grade: B Track 14: The Lost Children (Down tempo) – The Lost Children is about all the children that are missing around the world. In the song Jackson sings, “Let’s pray for all the lost children… wishing them well and wishing them home”. While some might consider the song a tiny bit corny, with the children’s choir toward the end and the sound of children playing in the forest, others will find the spirit of the song (particularly in the light of the missing children all over the world) sincere and beautiful. Grade: B Track 15: Whatever Happens (Down tempo) – With Carlos Santana on the guitar and Michael Jackson tearing into this song unlike he does any where else on the album, this song is an inar guable standout. The song tells the story of a man engaged in some unnamed questionable activity with his girlfriend, who is extremely apprehensive about what


The San Diego Monitor

they are doing. Jackson sings, “Everything will be alright, he assures her , but she doesn’ t hear a word that he says.” And on the chorus he sings, “Whatever happens, don’t you let go of my hand”. This song is unique and awesome. Grade: A+ Track 16: Threatened (Up tempo) – If you missed the Thriller, Ghosts, Is It Scary Michael Jackson, you will enjoy Threatened… you’ll also enjoy it if you didn’ t. Threatened opens with The Twilight Zone’s Rod Serling saying, “Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a dif ferent kind of introduction”. What follows is a beat that instantly goes absolutely berserk and lyrics from the King of Pop where he describes himself as a monster with lines like, “I’m not a ghost from hell but I’ve got a spell on you.” He also taunts, “Half of me, you’ll never be.” Michael Jackson can be seen dancing to the instrumental of this track in This Is It at the end of the re-done Thriller set. The final line of the track, and of the album, is Rod Serling saying, “What you’ve just witnessed could be the end of a particu larly terrifying nightmare… it isn’ t, it’s the beginning.” Grade: A

The challenge Invincible faced (being Jackson’ s first album in four years and his first album of entirely new material since 1991’s Dangerous) was, it had to cater to the several dif ferent styles Jackson had dabbled in throughout his career up to that point, do it well and palatably introduce it to a new generation, all while simultaneously pleasing previous genera tions of fans. Invincible accomplishes this, but not without a misstep or two along the way. A few more up tempo songs would have been nice and the absence or suppression of some of Jackson’ s signature vocal techniques is a bit more than apparent (there are very few “hehe”s and “hoohoo”s, for example, as compared to Jackson’ s previous albums). Overall though, Invincible is a brilliant piece of work, with each song tuned to pop perfec tion and at 16 tracks and more than 77 minutes, there is something on it for everyone, no matter which era or style one has enjoyed from the King of Pop. Invincible has also aged quite well. Jackson wisely did not conform to pop music standards at the time of production, leaving Invincible sounding just as fresh as it did on the day it was released.


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October 29, 2011 - Page 23

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