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In Private Ceremony, Medgar Evers’ former Wife Christen’s Navy Ship The USNS Medgar Evers is the 13th of 14 Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ships that NASSCO is building for the Navy. The fourteenth vessel, Cesar Chavez, is currently under construction. NASSCO The widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers will visit General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego on November 12 to christen the 689-foot dry cargo ship that bears her former husband’s name. Medgar Evers, who fought for the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II, was slain at the age of 37. Myrlie Evers-Williams is an activist-writer who served for three years as chairman of the NAACP. Myrlie Evers-Williams who has continued her husband’s work in civil rights, will smash a bottle of champagne against the hull of the vessel during a 9 a.m. ceremony that will be open to the public. Myrlie Louise Beasley remarried after her husband’s death. The speakers will include Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, who served as governor of Evers’ home state of Mississippi from 1988 to 1992. Mabus named the ship in 2009, saying in a statement released by the Defense Department that, “At a time when our country was wrestling to end segregation and racial injustice, (Medgar) Evers led efforts to secure the right to vote for all African Americans and to integrate public facilities, schools, and restaurants. On June 12, 1963, the Mississippi native was assassinated in the driveway of his home. Evers’ death prompted President John F. Kennedy to ask the Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill.” Myrlie Evers-Williams later left Mississippi to attend college in Southern California. She went on to become a writer, activist and chairwoman of the NAACP. The USNS Medgar Evers is the 13th of fourteen dry cargo ships that NASSCO has, or is, building for the Navy. The last ship in the line, Cesar Chavez, is currently under construction. The Medgar Evers will undergo sea trials early next year and is scheduled to be delivered to the Navy in April 2012. The ship will transport everything from food and fuel to ammunition.

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Do Black People Count? I was under the impression that redistricting was only for Californians until the news announced it’s happening all over the country. Other minorities are beginning to complain that they are being pushed out of power. It’s amazing that there are over 350 million people in America, with over 30 million of that number being Blacks. You would think that out of 30 million people, the Black voice would count for something. But I suppose that would depend on how you’re measuring this value. In San Diego, millions of dollars are spent on advertising to attract votes, but most of these dollars are never seen in the Black media. When Barack Obama ran for president, the Black media virtually got no money in advertising funds. If the Black vote mattered, candidates would spend money to attract that vote. The daily life of a politician is much like any other business. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But I figured it out. The Black vote does matter when there is a petition that needs to be signed or when the city or state is trying to get a particular agenda on the ballot. They will stand out in front of the stores in the Black community asking people if they are a citizen registered to vote, and if so, to please sign their petition. At that point you are important. But once that quota is met, Black voters become insignificant. The mainstream media also tends to forget about the Black vote once they are involved in the advertising game. Even Black politicians forget about the Black vote. They go into the more wealthy communities to get endorsements and raise funds for advertising. Even they find a way to exclude the Black media. If the Black media doesn’t count, does the Black vote count or can you only measure it when you are signing a petition? When San Diego’s first Black councilman was appointed, we didn’t vote him into office. The city of San Diego was embarrassed by their lack of diversity, and he was appointed so that Blacks could have some representation. It was only after this appointment that Blacks learned the value of voting. Next year there will be a serious mayor’s race in our city. There will be

President Obama Designates Fort Monroe A National Monument, Historic For Role In Slavery EDITORIAL other races around the country as well, but redistricting may have taken much of the power away from the people. Redistricting is changing the face of our community. No one has been able to explain the advantages of the changes, other than that our community is growing and we need to give a voice to a larger portion. But let me touch on some important issues for a minute. Black Americans are being short changed because the Black media is being stifled, smothered, and ignored. When the Black press is ignored, the community and its citizens are ignored. The organizational leaders, those that speak for Black minorities don’t even live in the community. They just come into the district to work. They use the poor and the unemployed to establish their organizations, but when it comes to living with them, it’s just not done. So do Black folks matter beyond that of keeping them poor to raise government dollars? Does your vote really count? Think about it. Until Next Week, Willie Morrow

By Trymaine Lee President Barack Obama signed a proclamation this morning designating Fort Monroe a national monument. The recently decommissioned Army fort in Virginia played a central role in the Civil War and the nation's slave trade. It was there, in the summer of 1619, on a swath of land surrounded by a moat in Virginia's Tidewater region, that Dutch traders brought the first enslaved Africans to the fledgling colony. Later, during the Civil War, the fort was controlled by the Union and became a haven and refuge for escaped slaves. "This is one of the most important and powerful historic places in America, the spot where slavery began and also, two and a half centuries later, received its deathblow," Adam Goodheart, author of "1861: The Civil War Awakening," said to The Huffington Post. "It is the Plymouth Rock of African-American culture. I am thrilled it will be preserved and honored." Goodheart joined the president and others in the Oval Office for the official signing of the order. The designation marks the president's first use of his authority under the Antiquities Act, first used by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 to establish America's first national monument, Devil's Tower in Wyoming. The president's designation was about more than just protecting the fort and the land upon which it sits. According to the White House, continued preservation efforts could bring as many as 3,000 jobs to the region. "Fort Monroe has played a part in some of the darkest and some of the most heroic moments in American history," President Obama said in a statement. "But today isn't just about preserving a national landmark -it's about helping to create jobs and grow the local economy. Steps like these won't replace the bold action we need from Congress to get our economy moving and strengthen middleclass families, but they will make a difference." National parks are responsible for $13.3 billion of local, private-sector economic activity nationwide, supporting 267,000 privatesector jobs, according to a statement released by the White House. There are currently 21 national park units located in Virginia; Fort

“This is one of the most important and powerful historic places in America, the spot where slavery began and also, two and a half centuries later, received its deathblow,” Adam Goodheart, author of “1861: The Civil War Awakening,”

Monroe would be the 22nd in the state and the 396th nationwide. The statement also said a 2009 study by the National Parks and Conservation Association found that each federal dollar invested in national parks generates at least four dollars of economic value to the public. Authors and historians have cited Fort Monroe as not only where the earliest slaves arrived, but as having also played a role in the ending of the institution. The fort was also where Confederate President Jefferson Davis was imprisoned after the Civil War. In an article in the New York Times published earlier this year, entitled "How Slavery Really Ended In America," Goodheart wrote that on May 23, 1861, little more than a month into the Civil War, "three young black men rowed across the James River in Virginia and claimed asylum in a Union-held citadel, Fort Monroe, Va., a fishhook-shaped spit of land near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay." And in doing so, "not amid the thunder of guns and the clash of fleets, but stealthily, under cover of darkness, in a stolen boat," pushed their way into history and to freedom. Army commanders at the fort used the information given to them by the three men, who had been working at nearby Confederate encampment, to their advantage. That same year, General Benjamin Butler, the commanding officer at Fort Monroe, signed the "Contraband Decision," which provided a pathway to freedom for thousands of enslaved people during the Civil War and served as a forerunner to President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863

Fort Monroe is seen as the place where slavery began to crumble when runaway slaves sought refuge at the Union fort.

The San Diego Monitor


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The “Hive” is in trouble!….and an update on The Jacobs Ctr. By Brian Pollard Last week I spoke of a unified effort by the residents and parents to change the decision of the San Diego Unified School trustees to close 10-12 schools in order to save money. It looks as if the decision was scrapped and a new solution is being discussed. Closer to home, we have a very serious problem brewing and it is at the “Hive”. Lincoln High School was rebuilt and it is a beautiful campus…on the outside. Inside the fences and walls there are troubling signs. Our students, at Lincoln are scoring very low in Math, and English. Within the last 5 years there has been no improvement in grade scores. They were terrible then and they are still unacceptable today. In addition to the low scores, school security appears to be a critical issue as is discipline, attendance and tardiness. I don’t know about you but these sound like “symptoms” to me. The “problem” may be the “leadership” at Lincoln, (or the lack of). As most of you may know Lincoln has had two Principals managing the school. Yeah that’s right two (2) Principals. Have you ever heard of an organization having two Presidents, or 2 CEO’s, how about two commanders managing a Navy ship? How about two Pastors managing a single church? I am an Organizational Development specialist by trade and I have to tell you I cannot recall one instance in which this type of organizational structure has ever worked. Certainly in this school district that structure has not worked. A couple of weeks ago one of the Principals resigned thus leaving a vacancy. Now is the time to re-evaluate this structure! This deterioration of quality in education at Lincoln has not gone un-noticed. There are a group of concerned residents, parents, grandparents and community leaders, (calling themselves the “Lincoln Cluster Task force”). They have been tracking the scores and the problems that have surfaced at our historical educational landmark. The

task force represents all students at Lincoln, not just the African American students, but the Asian Students, Latino students, boys and girls as well. Students that represent our entire community. The Task force has been meeting at least twice per month and is discussing solutions and recommendations for the problems at Lincoln. One of their recommendations to Superintendant Koba is to have one,(1) Principal with 4 Vice Principals to manage the school. Sheila Jackson as well as Brenda Campbell agree with this change as well as most of the parents of Lincoln to which I have spoken. Additionally another recommendation by the Task Force is for the Community to be involved in the selection of the new Principal. A third recommendation to Mr. Koba is to make his decision based on a criteria that looks like this; The next principal must have: (a)Comprehensive successful High School experience of at least 3 years; (b)history of successful student achievement; and (c) Verifiable track record of successes. Mr Koba should have a Town hall meeting immediately to address these concerns and to get input from the students, parents and others and develop a strategy that involves all of us. Afterall it is truly our responsibility to get involved and help our students get the best education available! Lincoln needs our help! Checking in on The Jacobs Ctr….. Here is an update on the Jacobs Ctr. I called and asked them for an update and here is the latest. As you may recall the top executives were asked to leave some months ago (reportedly due to their lack of community inclusion in the decisions at Jacobs) and an interim person is in the position. They are in the process of filling two very important positions, The HR position and the President, here is the latest quoted from the Jacobs Ctr. “…For the HR position we now have a selection panel made up of three Jacobs staff members and three non-Jacobs staff members. The three non-Jacobs members include Ellen

Nash, Pamela Nichols, and Rene Santiago. Interviewing is scheduled to start in November and we are planning on having this position filled in early January 2012. We have not started the process for the selection of the President position. As we continue our organizational restructuring work, we anticipate that we will start the President search in late December or early January 2012. We are also

in the process of restructuring our grant giving and should have that work completed in January 2012…” I am still pushing for some kind of Town Hall Meeting. There apparently is one scheduled for November 10 at their facility, but an update on the vision, and plans for Jacobs, within our community apparently is not on our agenda… Is this ok with you? Here we go again?…

SDUSD Offers Free Classes for Contactors The San Diego Unified School District Facilities Planning and Construction (FPC) department has a business outreach program designed to engage with Emerging Business Enterprises and increase participation on its construction projects. “EBE” is an umbrella term that includes woman-, minority-, disabled veteran-owned and small business enterprises. Forty percent EBE participation on each construction project is encouraged, and at present, exceeded! To help local contractors bid effectively, SDUSD staff puts on training classes throughout the year. Monthly Labor Compliance Program workshops are held to ensure that contractors understand the process for being fully compliant with state and federal prevailing wage laws and regulations, and to meet SDUSD expectations. Licensed contractors are encouraged to attend. Register by emailing Graham Champion at The next classes will be held November 4 and December 2, 2011, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Physical Plant Operations Center in Training Room A/B (4860 Ruffner Street, San Diego, 92111). SDUSD also holds quarterly Project Stabilization Agreement training workshops to ensure contractors understand the scope of the “PSA”; contractor, union and SDUSD roles and responsibilities; and grievance procedures/jurisdictional disputes. A one-hour candid conversation with union representatives to answer specific trade questions is included. Register by contacting Ivory Anderson at 858.637.6262 or The last class of the year will be held January 17, 2012, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Harold J. Ballard Parent Center located at 2375 Congress Street, San Diego, 92110. “The classes offer a solid foundation for understanding the ins and outs of doing ‘public works’ contracting—specifically on SDUSD projects,” explains Karen Linehan, SDUSD’s Outreach Program Manager. “Graham and George patiently explain what can be tedious administrative paperwork and documentation. This is especially helpful for new business owners who wear many hats” she said. If you own a small, local and/or emerging construction company and are interested in scheduling a workshop between quarters, or would like a tailored PSA presentation delivered to your staff, partners and/or subcontractors, contact Alma Bañuelos at (858) 573-5852 or to plan such an event. If you would like to get on SDUSD’s business outreach database, contact Alma for an application. For real-time bid information, follow her on Twitter at @sdusd_bizoutrch. Be sure to visit the SDUSD Outreach webpage at

The San Diego Monitor

Thank You San Diego Monitor for

Thanks for 25 years. Keep those editorials coming.

carrying the news for 25 years.

Your Editorials are hitting the nail on the head. Signed Robert Carter

We take the bite out of your home not out of your pocket. Signed Bite Away Pest Control


Congratulation San Diego Monitor

for 25 years of printing My customers read the Monitor in the shop.

You are like good Bar -B-Que the taste lingers

Signed Pecola

Appreciation and many thanks for 25 years of publishing the San Diego Monitor News.

A job well done Mark Jenkens Preferred Cremation 619-584-7000

on Broadway in Lemon Grove Signed Barnes Bar-B-Que

Longs Heating Thanks to the San Diego News for 25 years of publishing. Longs Heating Keeps you cool in the summer, warm in The winter.

From Mr. Long • 619-987-7884


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The San Diego Monitor

Medgar Evers biography C

ivil rights activist Medgar Evers was born July 2, 1925, in Decatur, Mississippi. In 1954, he became the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi. As such, he organized voter-registration efforts, demonstrations, and economic boycotts of companies that practiced discrimination. He also worked to investigate crimes perpetrated against blacks. On June 12, 1963, Evers was shot dead. Early Life Civil rights activist. Born July 2, 1925, in Decatur, Mississippi. After growing up in a Mississippi farming family, Evers enlisted in the United States Army in 1943. He fought in both France and Germany during World War II before receiving an honorable discharge in 1946. In 1948, he entered Alcorn Agricutural and Mechanical College (now Alcorn State University) in Lorman, Mississippi. During his senior year, Evers married a fellow student, Myrlie Beasley; they later had three children: Darrell, Reena, and James. Upon graduation from college in 1952, Evers moved to Philadelphia, Mississippi, where he began working as an insurance salesman. He and his older brother, Charles Evers, also worked on behalf of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), organizing local affiliates in Philadelphia. Fighting Against Discrimination In 1954, the year of the momentous Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, which purportedly ended segregation of schools, Medgar quit the insurance business; he subsequently applied and was denied admission to the University of Mississippi Law School. His unsuccessful effort to integrate the state’s oldest public educational institution attracted the attention of the NAACP’s national office. Later that year, Evers moved to the state capital of Jackson and became the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi. As state field secretary, Evers recruited members throughout Mississippi and orga-

nized voter-registration efforts, demonstrations, and economic boycotts of white-owned companies that practiced discrimination. He also worked to investigate crimes perpetrated against blacks, most notably the lynching of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American boy who had allegedly been killed for talking to a white woman. Tragic Death and Aftermath As early as 1955, Evers’ activism made him the most visible civil rights leader in the state of Missisippi. As a result, he and his family were subjected to numerous threats and violent actions over the years, including a firebombing of their house in May 1963. At 12:40 a.m. on June 12, 1963, Evers was shot in the back in the driveway of his home in Jackson. He died less than a hour later at a nearby hospital. Evers was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, and the NAACP posthumously awarded him their 1963 Spingarn Medal. The national outrage over Evers' murder increased support for legislation that would become the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Immediately after Evers' death, the NAACP appointed his brother Charles to his position. Charles Evers went on to become a major political figure in the state; in 1969, he was elected the mayor of Fayette, Mississippi, becoming the first African-American mayor of a racially mixed Southern town since the Reconstruction. A police and FBI investigation of the murder quickly unearthed a prime suspect--Byron De La Beckwith, a white segregationist and

Pastor and Mrs. Benson Total Deliverance Church

We pray that God Bless the San Diego Monitor for 25 years of publishing.

Medgar Evers Family Viewing his Body Myrlie Evers and two of her children, Rena and Darrell, view the body of Medgar Evers at a Jackson funeral home. founding member of Mississippi's White dence in the case. Citizens Council. Despite mounting evidence In 1989, the question of Beckwith's guilt against him, a rifle found near the crime scene was again raised when a Jackson newspaper was registered to Beckwith and had his fingerpublished accounts of the files of the nowprints on the scope, and several witnesses defunct Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, placed him in the area—Beckwith denied an organization that existed during the 1950s to shooting Evers. He maintained that the gun had help raise popular support for the maintenance been stolen, and produced several witnesses to of segregation. The accounts showed that the testify that he was elsewhere on the night of the commission had helped lawyers for Beckwith murder. screen potential jurors during the first two triThe bitter conflict over segregation surals. A review by the Hinds County District rounded the two trials that followed. Beckwith Attorney's office found no evidence of such received the support of some of Mississippi's jury tampering, but it did locate a number of most prominent citizens, including thennew witnesses, including several individuals Governor Ross Barnett, who appeared at who would eventually testify that Beckwith Beckwith's first trial to shake hands with the had bragged to them about the murder. defendant in full view of the jury. In 1964, In December 1990, Beckwith was again Beckwith was set free after two all-white juries indicted for the murder of Medgar Evers. After deadlocked. a number of appeals, the Mississippi Supreme After Beckwith's second trial, Myrlie Evers Court finally ruled in favor of a third trial in moved with her children to California, where April 1993. Ten months later, testimony began she earned a degree from Pomona College and before a racially mixed jury of eight blacks and was later named to the Los Angeles four whites. In February 1994, nearly 31 years Commission of Public Works. Convinced that after Evers' death, Beckwith was convicted and her husband's killer had not been brought to sentenced to life in prison. He died in January justice, she continued to search for new evi2001 at the age of 80.

Best Regards for 25 years of publishing the San Diego Monitor News. The Staff at the Hall of Fame congratulates you.

Signed Total Deliverance Church


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Thank you San Diego Monitor for your special moment in time. Signed Balloon Connections

Best wishes for 25 years of printing the San Diego Monitor News. From your Just G. Cleaning Derrick Anders • 619-994-8364

San Diego Monitor News for 25 years. From Hair Baller, we keep you looking good and the San Diego Monitor will keep you informed. Signed Hair Baller

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Monitor for 25 years of publishing. For over twenty two years providing quality legal services to our community. Signed Oden and Green

The San Diego Monitor


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The San Diego Monitor

Rose Ingram of Nassco, Honorary Ship Trigger of USNS MEDGER EVERS (T-AKE 13) The Daily Tasks of Rose Ingram By Cheryl Morrow What is the start of your day, gives a walk through? My day varies everyday because I work for so many people, VP of Repair, 2 Directors, Assist Managers from our Purchasing, Estimating, Engineering and Contracts departments as needed. Make coffee for meetings, plus make sure they have snack, lunch, dinner – whatever they need. I Go and purchase food for meetings, restaurants, store, grocery stores, also I purchase microwaves and refrigerators for offices. Making sure both conference rooms are clean and set up for the next meet (I try my best on this one). Depending on what tasks I have, I will arrive at work at 5am, normal hours are 6-2:30, I never really get out at 2:30. I work with different programs, payment net, work, excel, etc.

Process certain paper work to assist opening up work for on our ships. My typical day 1. Order parts/merchandise from several vendors for our ships. 2. Order all types of forms. 3. Responsible for keep a roster for fire drill for my immediate department. 4. Run reports 5. Distribute mail 6. Send out correspondences 7. Update and maintain department procedures 8. Track internal personnel changes on a software we have 9. Responsible for archival and retrieval of information/files 10. Responsible for incoming calls and provide necessary direction and / or forward to respective responsible party 12. Assist another Adm. Assistant for another company for the PSDSRA General Lunch meeting (Port of San Diego Repair Association) 14. Make sure we have attendees from our department to attend PSDSRA General Lunch 15. Arrange meetings 16. Data entry 17. Etc….and then home…

Questions from the Editor SDMN: What should San Diego know about Ships and Nassco as a whole? RI: They should know that we are the company of Choice. SDMN: Is the Medger Evers ship special and why? RI: It’s special because it is the 2nd ship to be named after an African American. Those individuals worked very hard work and endured struggles for black people as well as the entire human race. SDMN: Give us one special thing that happened while building this ship? RI: I do not have an answer for this question, because I am not out there on the yard while the ship is being built. But, I tell you - when I walk past the ships being built, I’m in admiration each and every time. SDMN: Where are you going in this career? RI: In this career, I am going toward learning all that I can; a shipyard Manager, Supervisor, Director or where ever the Lord takes me. SDMN: One thing a shipyard taught you about people? RI: That all people are created equally, it takes every race to build a ship… although some don’t want or think of it that way,’s because heroes fought the battles and here we stand regardless.



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The San Diego Monitor

THIS IS HERMAN CAIN!: (THE SECRETS I SHOULD’VE TOLD YOU) BEFORE MY JOURNEY TO THE WHITE HOUSE Just when two sex allegations was bad enough, it seems three will be enough to tarnish his name. Herman Cain, the leader of the polls in the Republican Presidential campaign, is faced with three sexual harassment charges; and one accuser that will destroy his campaign. Before the glitz and fame, Cain was serving his tenure as the chief executive of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s. And it was during that time two female employees, in a report, “complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable.” (Politico) However, what worse was that they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association—it also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures. Cain immediately denies the sexual harassment charges, but sources have said otherwise. -From a recent television interview, with PBS, Herman Cain said that he was unaware of the settlements but was aware of the agreement (money to silence accusations)— an incident which he remembered two days after he denied the charges. He then remembers how he did not tell his wife about the charges. News reporters are beginning to question his integrity. The reporter who interviewed him says its “hard to keep track with him,” “he keeps changing his story.” However no matter how many stories he comes up with, it will take only one story (one accuser) to put a dent in his political career. -Joel Bennett, an attorney for one of Cain’s accusers, told the CBS Investigative Unit that he’s meeting with his client, one of

the two women who charged Cain with harassment during his tenure as the chief executive of the National Restaurant Associ at i on. No word has been discussed to terminate the agreement, however, he told reporters fervently that the NRA “ought to waive the confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions and let the two women, if they choose to do so, come forward and tell their stories so that it can get a complete public airing.” In response, NRA is carefully looking at its legal obligations before deciding whether to release the women to speak. Cain states that he isn’t sure if he’ll ask the NRA to release the woman’s testimony. -New York Times reported that one of Cain’s accusers, ambiguous if it is the one who is ready to testify, received $35,000— year’s salary—in severance pay to leave the organization. -It is certainly unclear how the developing story will impact Cain’s frontrunner status in the race for the GOP nomination, but it will leave a dent in his overall political career. In spite of these allegations Cain’s campaign received $400,000 in donations. However will this be enough to cover his potential fall in the political campaign race? We will have to wait and see.

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1665 Euclid Ave inside Ebony Beauty Supply

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OMNILOGUE© - “All of us communicating with each other, so that we all come to a collective understanding, so that we all work toward the same goal.” ©

The End of the World…As We Know It Connect Create Cooperate It’s tough being a prophet. It’s tough not to say “I told you so” when week after week I’m telling you all what’s going to happen [“…the world economy is headed…into the tank…because Greece can’t pay its bills.” Where Did All The Money Go – Oct. 8, 2011] and then it does. Tonight I was watching the Jim Lehrer News Hour on KPBS. I do this because you don’t, and someone has to talk to you. As if they had been listening to me since I started this campaign for Assembly, Lehrer was highlighting the “evident dysfunction of the place,” speaking of the partisan “bickering” in both Sacramento and Washington D. C. Let’s return to the pyramid scheme we call the global economy. Remember, the only people who get paid in the long run are the people at the top. Who are they? I have no idea. But I know this: everyone else gets screwed The people who get in the game early are the most likely to get something back, if they don’t get too greedy and stay in the game too long. We did. The United States got in way early and stayed way too long. So we’re taking a beating, but not the worst. However, since we ended up holding more chips than anyone else, the survival of the game depends on us. The United States economy is GIGANTIC! If we solve our economic problems, we can save the rest of the world’s economy. So, what’s the problem? Politicians! Washington and Sacramento “politicians” are screwing the rest of the world with “partisan politics.” What does this mean? It means the 1% are at it again. The United States Senate is a millionaires club. The Republicans in the United States House of Representatives “represent” the 1%. They are trying their damnedest to be “conservative”. But what are they conserving? The unbalanced and obscene wealth they’ve accumulated at the expense of the 99%. They don’t want to pay a small amount (for them) in taxes they’ve avoided since George Bush, money they got from us, even if it means crashing the rest of the world’s economy. California has the eighth largest economy on the world. Bigger than almost 190 COUNTRIES. We are $2 trillion of the United States’ $14 trillion economy. Both California and the Congress have to come to a compromise on how to balance their budgets and eliminate our debt. Kinda what we have to do ourselves, in our own homes. If you have had to do it for yourself, you might want to call or e-mail your local “politician” and tell them how you did it. They can use all the help they can get. Love Your Neighbor. J CMH [For The Love Of Money – O’Jays]

Sunday Service times: 12 pm & 1:15 pm We ara a multicultural church reaching out to souls in our community, by preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ until his return. (Ephesian 4:11-13).

Bible Class: Tuesday 7:00 pm Email:

8360 Lemon Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 (619) 471-4303

San Diego Monitor Editorial Staff Publisher and Editor Dr. Willie Morrow Associate Publisher Gloria Morrow Associate Administrator Cheryl Morrow News and Legal Editor Virgie Johnson News and Copy Editor Delsa D. Dixon Beauty Photographer Forney Johnson Business Photographer Charles Rossell

News and Photos Rochelle Porter Advertisement and Sales Haywood X Columnists Dr. Carrol Waymon – Human Interest Johnathan Harris – Political Rachael Russell – Finance and Business Rebecca Christian – Issues and Answers Circulation Manager Antonio Vasquez

San Diego Monitor News 3570 Olive Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 (619) 668-1007

The San Diego Monitor


Electronic Edition of the San Diego Monitor News Now Available The San Diego Monitor News is now making available electronic subscriptions to the paper at no cost. Moving the San Diego Monitor into the electronic age is a move toward helping our readers stay in touch with what Black people are doing throughout America. Send an to email to be added to the weekly email edition of the paper. Or you may contact our office at (619) 668-1007.

Afrocentric Beauty + Afrocentric Barberz Inside Afrocentric: “THE CULTUREZ BLEND” BARBER SALON 2527 University Ave.SD CA. 92104 Beauticanz: Call: 619-487-0357 Hairweavez Short+Sassy Hair Extentionz Tues-Thru-Sat Call-in or Walk-in For Barbers: Open 7 dayz A Week No waiting 619-293-0475 2 stylist & 6 Barberz Cut’z & stylez For all Racez

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The San Diego Monitor

Just Keeping It Real With Angela Harris Relationship Coversations

Black women and their money Earlier this year the Insight Center for Community Economic Development published a study which found that the median wealth of single black women is $100 compared to that of single white women at $41,000. Don’t be fooled by thinking the disparity is caused by just a difference in income. Income and wealth are not the same! Income is what we bring in annually, while wealth is basically established by what we decide to do with the resources we bring in. Saving money is a lost art in our time. I heard a statistic that 85 percent of Americans have $250 or less in savings at age 65. That is less than $6 per year! Most of what people earn goes to pay for their comfort in the present with little thought of the future. Although it is not wrong to be comfortable today, we need to begin saving now as much as we can so that we can be prepared If you have questions you would for bigger things in the future. Here are 5 behaviors many black women tend to participate in like answered or topics discussed, more frequently than other female counterparts which perpetuate please send all questions to staggering economic gap: 1. We treat boyfriends like husbands. We won’t get on how ris or email: many different ways this behavior is detrimental, but speaking or financially, co-signing on loans and entering long-term agree- twitter@KeepingitealAH. ments with someone who has not even attempted to commit to you For more articles on a long term basis is ridiculous. More times than not, Black www.keepingitrealwithangela women are left with the debt of a brother who has moved on and is driving his new girlfriend around in the car you still have to pay the note on. 2. We don’t know how to say, “NO!” We tend to be givers by nature, but unfortunately we give until the point of self-deprivation. First to the church, then to bills and then to relatives and friends who have no means of paying us back. We believe that we are “helping” everyone around us from trifling siblings to grown children, but really we are enabling the people we love the most, not to mention damaging our own financial futures. Remember, the worst thing you can do for a broke person is become one of them! 3. We make our hair and nails a top priority. As Black women, being all that is definitely a priority, but can this be done on some type of budget? Are the nails with all the intricate designs that add an additional $10 to every pedicure really that important? Imagine what could happen if we rocked hairstyles and manicures that were less flashy and something we could maintain on our own in between appointments. 4. We buy children name brand clothing. Why should any infant or toddler be Gucci’d down? Children will not die from not having Baby Phat symbols across their chest. Name brand clothing is to impress your friends and strangers on the street who, quite frankly, really could care less. If you shopped at stores like Target, think of all the money you could actually put into that child’s college fund! 5. We care too much about what our car looks like. Many of us are the first to graduate from college in our families and we want to make sure that everybody from the ‘hood knows that “we’ve made it!” What’s the easiest way to show this? A big flashy car that we can’t even afford to replace a tire on. If you can’t afford the maintenance on a vehicle, especially the preventative maintenance, then you can’t afford the car. It’s really that simple! It’s time for Black women to wake up and pay attention to what’s really important in life. What’s the point in looking like a million bucks, when you’re barely worth a hundred? A few simple tips on saving: Save for vacations, computers, and other items that will decrease in value as time passes, and pay for them without using debt. You can wait longer than you think on these types of items. Put aside money every paycheck for your retirement, your next car, and your child’s education no matter how small you feel it is, do it! Saving for the future can cut down debt and allow more money to accumulate over time. Begin your child’s education fund and encourage him or her to save while he or she is still young. It is much easier to build these habits when one is young. Use your will and other such sources to wisely pass along your inheritance to your children. Saving little by little is the key to financial success.

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The San Diego Monitor

Page 17

CLEANSING TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS By Lady Topaz Thoughts on avoiding unnecessary toxic energy have stayed with me over the years since my first visit to Dr. Kevin D. Holder and my journey to holistic living. I feel that this facet of living is a vastly underrated determinant of health and overall quality of life. We know that our emotional health status has constant influence over the health of every organ system in our bodies, particularly our nervous and endocrine systems. And clearly, our emotional health is largely affected by our daily interactions with others. So it stands to reason that learning how to identify and effectively deal with toxic influences are important skills to develop when looking to experience optimal health. HOW TO IDENTIFY HUMAN TOXICITY Generally speaking, I think it is safe to say that a person is toxic to your health if his or her behavior makes you feel bad on a regular basis. Clearly, there are exceptions to this guideline. For example, if a close friend or family member shares a concern about your behavior with a spirit of wanting to improve your relationship, you may feel bad and your sense of emotional well-being may take a temporary hit, but it does not make sense to label such friends or family members as being toxic. What follows are specific patterns of behavior that I believe fall into the “toxic-to-yourhealth” category: Attempting to intimidate you by yelling or becoming violent in any manner (and, yes, slamming a door – or the phone – is a violent act). Consistently talking down at you, sending the message that he or she is just plain better than you. Regularly telling you what he or she thinks is wrong with you. Slandering others behind their backs (i.e., trying to engage you in gossip that is hurtful to others). Spending the bulk of your conversations complaining about his or her life and others. Discouraging you from pursuing your interests and dreams. Attempting to take advantage of your kindness and resources, and trying to make you feel guilty if you do not do what he or she wants. HOW TO DEAL WITH TOXIC PEOPLE AND BEHAVIOR So, how do you preserve your health after you have identified a person as being toxic to your health? The answer depends on the role that the toxic person plays in your life. Although it is virtually impossible to categorize all such people into neat boxes, I tend to classify them into one of the following groups: GROUP 1: H&G (HI AND GOOD BYE) Examples of people who belong in this category: Unkind customer service representatives People who exhibit road rage Strangers on the street How to protect your health against such people: First, think carefully about your own behavior to see if you may have done or said something to cause the other party’s behavior. If you can identify something that you did that likely offended the other party, if possible,

offer a sincere apology. If he or she accepts your apology, things work out well for both parties. If your apology is not accepted, you can at least walk away with some peace of mind, knowing that you owned up to your behavior. If you cannot think of a single thing that you did that could have offended the other party, give him–or her–a silent “H&G” and walk away. Confronting the other party about unkind behavior is not likely to be fruitful. Since you do not have to co-exist on a regular basis, you can take the mindset of “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” In other words, the other party’s unkind behavior is on him or her; he or she will reap natural consequences in due time. GROUP 2: NO REAL NEED TO BE CLOSE, BUT CONTACT IS FREQUENT DUE TO LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES

Examples of people who belong in this category: Fellow students Co-workers Neighbors Members of groups that you regularly meet with (church, book club, sports club, etc.) How to protect your health against such people: As before, start by examining your own behavior to see if you can come up with a reasonable cause for the other party’s unacceptable behavior. If you cannot come up with a reason for the other party’s behavior, find someone who you can trust to be as objective and honest as possible, and explain the conflict to him or her as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Ask for honest feedback on how you might have triggered the other party’s behavior. If appropriate, apologize for your behavior. If you and your adviser have thought long and hard about the conflict and cannot identify anything that you need to apologize for, work on developing compassion for the other party. Most will agree that people are not born to be mean-spirited and toxic to others. People can become mean-spirited and toxic to others for varying periods of time if they encounter enough hurt, disappointment, and/or anger in their own journeys. Maybe the other party is jealous of you and consumed by his or her own failures. Maybe he or she is just going through a really rough time due to a loss in the family. Maybe he or she has never truly felt cared about by another person. Maybe the other party has been treated so poorly by family members that sensitivity has been numbed and he or she has no idea that you feel like you have been mistreated. The idea is to generate enough compassion for the other person to overpower or at least quell your hurt feelings. This does not mean that you need to be a martyr or a doormat and go asking for another three tight slaps to your other cheek. Developing some compassion for the other party’s behavior is meant to prevent said behavior from causing you to stew and stay emotionally unbalanced for a long time after the actual moment of conflict. And if the other party has or develops the courage to apologize to you, having some pre-made compassion available in your heart improves your chances of offering genuine forgiveness and experiencing that much more emotional harmony. After you have worked on developing compassion for the other person’s circumstances, if Continued on page 22

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Happy Camper

2 of 4 Still in search for the best campsite for my upcoming getaway led me to another top pick which is Potrero. It can be easily access by driving on the highway 94 east to Potrero Valley Rd. North on Potrero Valley Road to Potrero Park Drive. The Park is east on Potrero Park drive. The address is: 24800 Potrero Park Drive , Potrero, CA 91963 • (619) 478-5212 The view is just absolutely amazing, I can find myself loosing track of time gazing at the beauty this campsite beholds. Freeing my mind of all clutter, stress, and the busyness of life and to be able to meditate would be just what the good doctor ordered. The sighs of relief as I keep gazing at the landscape in the picture allow me to become attentive to the mystic beauty that this campsite has to offer. It feels as if the picture keeps drawing me to a place of solitude and peace that my soul is longing for. That is why this campsite is one of my top 3 picks to vacation at for a week this month. For those of you who like to do things on your camping trips there are ball fields, an enclosed pavilion, play grounds and hiking trails. Although there is plenty to do in Potrero there is a nearby town that offers a general store, café, post office and a library. Potrero is a quiet solitude right next to Campo and the Mexican town of Tecate. If you decide to go to Campo for the day you can visit the railroad museum and century old historic stone store. At Potrero you can take in the views of some of the hundred year old oak trees or critters that occupy the area. On your hiking trips you may see mule deer, coyotes, raccoons, stripped and spotted skunks, brush rabbits, red tailed and copper hawks, golden eagles, acorn woodpeckers and scrub jays. I am looking forward to bringing my lunch out to the benches that are surrounded by the oak trees and lavish in the greenery that this campsite has to offer. I thought about even tossing some bread off my sandwich to the squirrels that might be cascading off the trees. What a wonderful place to refresh, renew and revitalize the mind. This also looks like a fantastic place to meditate. I could picture myself with a blanket with my eyes closed breathing in the crisp fresh air and hearing the exotic sounds of the wilderness. If you could just picture yourself in the picture right where you are and feeling enraptured by the surrounding of the oak trees and the sunlight gazing over your face, the wind moving slowly across your body, the sound of the birds chirping in a nearby trip, even though you can’t see them because your eyes are closed you hear the squirrels scampering around. You slowly let go of all your worries and begin to relax you hear the hawk squawking and let out another sigh of relief. Wouldn’t you want to join me? Next week another Campsite so stay tuned. You may contact me for all your vacation needs at (619) 757-0175 or visit my website at Your Chief Vacation Specialist: Ebony Hope Taylor

Page 18


The San Diego Monitor

CALIFORNIA’S NEW GREEN TAX It may be time for California to formally apply for membership in the European Union. Its taxing, borrowing and regulatory policies are already more in line with the southern tier of Euroland than with other U.S. states, and the Golden State has taken another lurch in the Euro-direction by becoming the first jurisdiction in the nation to adopt a full-scale cap-and-trade tax to combat global warming. The new taxes and regulations will require a nearly 30% reduction in carbon emissions from power plants, manufacturers, cars and trucks by 2020. This green tax was signed into law in 2006 by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger when the state’s economy was flying high. California was going to be the green role model for other states. Now no one believes that fantasy. Ten states in the Northeast entered a regional cap and trade compact to limit greenhouse gases in 2008, but that market is now dying if not dormant and states (recently New Jersey) are dropping out. In 2006 it also seemed plausible that the federal government would establish national carbon caps. But in 2010 the Democratic Senate killed cap and trade, and there is no chance anytime soon this tax will be implemented in Washington. So California will go it alone on cap and trade, and the economic fallout won’t be pretty. Nearly every independent analysis agrees that water, electricity, construction and gas prices inside the state will rise. The only debate is about how much. A 2009 study by the California Small Business Roundtable estimated costs of $3,857 per household by the end of the decade. Gasoline prices, already near the highest in the nation, could rise by another 4% to 6%. An analysis by the state’s own Legislative Analyst’s Office found that the higher costs of doing business would mean “leakage of jobs,” with the California economy “likely adversely affected in the near term by implementing climate change policies that are not adopted elsewhere.” Now even unions are catching on to the damage. The Los Angeles Times reports that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) gave final approval to the new scheme two weeks ago after listening to “scathing comments from union workers fearful of losing their jobs.” Hard-hat union members from the steel, concrete and oil


and gas industries were among the opponents. Charles McIntyre, president of an association of the glass workers union and companies, told the CARB hearing that “these manufacturers are Eddie Price spending millions of Maketing Director dollars every year to 619-616-5890 meet different requirements and different standards. Well, this is starting to cost us a lot of jobs.” The Western States Petroleum Association calculates the new law could cost its members up to $540 million in higher costs in the first two years alone. When a spokesman from Conoco Phillips told the CARB hearing about its higher costs, Mary Nichols, the CARB chairman, responded that a company with $14 billion in profits shouldn’t complain but rather “should do something about the problem of global warming.” Sounds like a candidate to be President Obama’s next jobs czar. Ms. Nichols also said that “our society is going to have to use less gasoline”—a remark that reveals the elites-know-best impulse that animates much of the anticarbon energy movement. The tragedy is that this economic harm is being inflicted for nothing but environmental symbolism. A single state’s policies can’t possibly alter the planet’s temperature given the huge carbon footprint elsewhere, as even the CARB has acknowledged. Notwithstanding their bouts of carbon imperialism (see below), even some Europeans are having cap-and-trade second thoughts. “There is a trade-off between climate-change policies and competitiveness,” concludes a recent EU commission report. “Europe cannot act alone in an effort to achieve global decarbonization.” But evidently high-minded California—with 2.1 million people already out of work and with the nation’s second highest jobless rate at 11.9%— will. The job cost will be paid not in the tony salons of Hollywood but in the working class neighborhoods of Torrance and Fresno.






The San Diego Monitor

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Page 19

Page 20- MAY 9, 2009


The San Diego Monitor

Is Herman Cain Getting the Clarence Thomas Treatment?

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Pecolia Vance

Jonathan Harris – Columnist November 5, 2011 – If you haven’t heard by now, it has come to light that Presidential hopeful and Republican front-runner Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment by three former employees. The employees contend that Cain engaged in sexual misconduct in the early 1990s while he was head of the National Restaurant Association. In 1991 Supreme Court (then-nominee, now Justice) Clarence Thomas was hit with accusations of sexual misconduct by former colleague Anita Hill. Thomas famously decried the incident as “nothing more than a high-tech lynching” due to the fact that

he was a black Conservative. The somewhat inevitable question is now being asked: Is Herman Cain getting the Clarence Thomas treatment? The problem with such a question is that it somewhat assumes Thomas was innocent of the accusations and simply because of the similarities, that Cain is as well. It remains unclear if there is any validity to either set of allegations but there is a striking difference between the Cain and Thomas situations. In the case of Thomas, Hill’s allegations were brought up not at the time they occurred but during his Supreme Court nomination hearings, years later. With Herman Cain the issues of sexual harassment were brought up at the time they allegedly occurred and were handled within the company at the time. In other words, with Cain the news is that he had been accused in the past not that he was currently being accused. Ultimately in the case of Thomas, Hill’s accusations proved to be inconsequential and he was

confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. In the case of Cain, he does not have to answer to a panel, but instead voters and it is too early to tell what, if any, impact the sexual harassment issues of his past will have on his frontrunner status. Most analysts agree though, if any of the women actually speak publicly (or if this goes on much longer) this will likely end his campaign. That said, ultimately, I find it difficult to care. The accusations were handled nearly 20 years ago, and the fact that it is making headlines now, overshadows the bigger issue, which is: Herman Cain along with the rest of the Republican 2012 field of candidates, is an idiot. Aside from Herman – black people who vote Democrat are brainwashed – Cain, we have Michele – It’s fine to suggest Melissa Ethridge has cancer because she’s a lesbian - Bachmann, Rick - slashed Texas firefighter funding, then asked for federal aid when his state caught fire – Perry, Mitt – we should let everyone’s homes foreclose to fix the market – Romney, Newt – need I say more – Gingrich and Ron – I wouldn’t have voted against getting rid of Jim Crowe laws because of business rights - Paul. One of these lunatics is going to secure the Republican nomination, meaning, at least one total maniac has way too good of a shot at becoming President of the United States and that, not 20 year old, handled, allegations of sexual misconduct, is what concerns me the most. Perry Says He Was Not Drunk Or On Medication During Speech Speaking of Texas Governor Rick Perry, it is at least worth a mention, that he has finally addressed his… interesting… appearance in New Hampshire last week. During last week’s speech, Perry was uncharacteristically jovial and animated leading many to question whether or not he was under the influence of alcohol or medication. Perry said that despite having back surgery in July, he was not under the influence of alcohol or medication and blamed political opponents for trying to mischaracterize his appearance. Perry told The San Francisco Chronicle, “Ask the people who were there... not some political opponent who has put a video up.”


The San Diego Monitor

Williams San Diego Memorial Chapel

Page 21

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Page 22 - November 5, 2011

TOPAZ Continued from page 17 you haven’t received an apology, be kind, but do not push for a make-up session. An important part of experiencing emotional balance is learning to teach others that you expect to be treated with kindness and respect. To seek out a make-up session when you have done nothing wrong and the other party has not mustered up the courage to apologize is to teach him or her that you can be walked on - not a good lesson to give. GROUP 3: IDEAL TO BE CLOSE Examples of people who belong in this category: Immediate family members Relatives Friends that you have good reason to respect How to protect your health against such people: Go through the first two steps outlined above; try to figure out if you did something wrong, and apologize if you can think of something.

While it is important that you teach family members and close friends how you expect to be treated, in some cases, it may be necessary for you to seek out a make-up session even if the other party has not apologized for his or her behavior. For example, if it was your spouse who mistreated you, and he or she has not apologized, if you know from experience that he or she is not likely to initiate a conversation that can lead to healing, and a top priority for you is to have your children grow up in a mostly peaceful and love-filled environment, it may be best for you to reach out first. By reaching out first in such a scenario, the hope is that you inspire your partner to edge closer to taking more responsibility for his or her actions during the next conflict. Clearly, this proactive and almost martyr-like approach to increase understanding and intimacy is most appropriate in situations where you are deeply committed to the long term relationship at hand. HOW TO FORGIVE SOMEONE WHO HAS HURT YOU Just as Dr. Holder encouraged me several years ago, I hope that these thoughts encourage you to embrace the journey of learning how to protect your-


The San Diego Monitor

self against toxic behavior. I also hope that this article serves as a good reminder that we all have the capacity to engage in behavior that can be toxic to others. Staying mindful of this fact can only help to minimize the potential that we have to bring others down. Here is to YOUR good health and GREAT relationships! ************************ For additional information on healthy, holistic, nutritional supplements that will assist you with your healthy lifestyle visit Topaz’s website at: or e-mail her with your thoughts and/or inquiries at

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The San Diego Monitor


November 5, 2011 - Page 23

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