annual report 2014
Expertise as a driver of innovation
An innovative approach often energises progress
annual report 2014
Expertise as a driver of innovation
Steven Van Hoorebeke Managing Director of SD Worx
Our partnerships allow us to proactively trim our HR services to match our customers’ requirements."
Driving innovation in search of added value: this has been our guiding principle throughout our existence. We started up back in 1945, when payroll was becoming a more complex matter. In the 1960s, for instance, we were the first payroll company to introduce technology, which also allowed us to provide services to the bigger companies.
Expertise as a driver of innovation Since the 1990s, we help our Belgian
number of loss-making activities over
2,000 employees in five countries.
customers not only with payroll, but
the past years. Moreover, we trimmed
This makes sure that all our employees
also with consultancy and training
– and subsequently kept tightly
in Belgium and abroad have the same
services. As far as our international
controlled – the cost structure. We
“experience” of the transition we are
expansion is concerned, it began in
achieved this through process
going through and of the three pillars
the 2000s, with branches in
optimisation, lean methodologies and
we are aiming for in our work.
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France
smart outsourcing. Finally, we drew up
and Germany. Ever since the creation
a new strategy which is clearly bearing
Customer experience is the first. We
of the Payroll Services Alliance, our
fruit. Above all, we owe our results to
cannot deny that payroll threatens to
pan-European partner network, we
the entire SD Worx team. Our people
become a “commodity”. Our
have become a solid player covering
are doing their utmost at all levels and
customers expect the correct and
28 countries.
in all activities of our organisation. This
timely calculation and payment of
allowed us to achieve the necessary
wages – despite the complexity of it all
2014, a strong year
growth that gives us the investment
sometimes. In this activity, we should
2014 was a strong year for SD Worx.
facilities to keep innovating.
be able to surprise our customers. We
Our net profit increased from 2.1
have to prove that they are better off
million euro in 2013 to 27 million euro
With our SME division, for example,
with us, that we have more
in 2014. The most remarkable
we achieved 9% growth in a mature
capabilities and that we do more than
element of this result was our
market. Our international division, too,
other players.
operating profit without financial
experienced much stronger growth
income which rose to 14 million euro
than budgeted.
Part nerships is our second pillar.
in 2014. We will keep aiming for this
Of course, we will not be able to
Today, more than ever, it is clear that a
level in the coming years. In addition,
repeat such a significant growth in
company cannot do everything itself.
our investments performed very well.
profits in the current year, but we will
One company cannot be everywhere
strive to keep the operating figures at
and provide the know-how and
this level.
financial resources for everything.
“2015 marks yet another new celebratory milestone in our company’s history as we blow
Positive figures
out 70 candles. We have been able to develop
How, in a market under pressure, did
and strengthen all three pillars in our strategy –
we manage to achieve such positive
A strategy that works
in specific areas, a company should
customer focus, partnerships and a proactive
results? A series of conditions led to
Last year, we organised a roadshow
look for suitable partners.
this, as we had put a stop to a
to present our new strategy to our
At SD Worx, we are making every
approach – because of our extensive experience.”
In order to innovate fast and effectively
effort to expand our ecosystem, both
We do not just rely on our gut feeling
In the context of our various payroll
being used for the first time. For the
nationally and internationally. Our
when offering solutions. Quite the
suites, we involve our customers
public sector – particularly medium-
current success, for instance, can be
opposite. Over the years, we have
proactively in choosing innovative
sized city corporations, municipalities
attributed to the fact that many
accumulated a wealth of data. On that
features for future releases of the
and PCSW – we developed a specific
accounting firms are keen to work
basis, we can provide our customers
SAP payroll solution.
with us, and at European level, we
with targeted information, advice and
have achieved strong results because
tools to capitalise on potential
More and more customers – whether
People are our strength
of our partnership within the Payroll
opportunities. We are also able to
SMEs or large players – entrust us
The force behind these innovations?
Services Alliance. We are also
benchmark them with other players in
with their expat, salary split and
Our loyal customers combined with
strengthening our presence in the
their sector, in the field of Reward for
secondment projects. For them, we
our employees and their vast
Netherlands by joining forces with
example. We had already translated
are the only player to integrate tax
expertise. We are proud of the result
CTB, a provider of HRM and payroll
such an option into practical salary
service in the payroll processing in
that we have achieved, all together.
systems and payroll firm specialised in
surveys and the online Reward
various countries.
The figures prove that our teams have
the construction industry.
ProfilerTM. Our Performance
worked hard and with focus; we are
Dashboard has now been expanded
We also rolled out innovations in our
Our partnerships also enable us to
as well to include reward data. This
own company. Our own employees
broaden the range of products and
new interactive online reporting tool
are now enjoying the Flex Income
Our thanks go to you, our customers,
services we offer our customers. For
includes about 270 common functions.
PlanTM, for example. As a matter of
for putting your trust in our
instance, after Cornerstone
In other words, based on our rich
fact, we are currently one of the few
organisation. We value greatly your
OnDemand, we also signed an
expertise, we can offer companies
players to implement it also in large
feedback on our services and the
international cooperation agreement
and organisations real value.
and complex organisations.
innovations that we may implement in
We carried out another innovation in
the coming years. We will continue to
with Talentsoft, yet another top player
aware that the pressure is high.
in talent management software. That
Innovation is our second nature
our SME offices. Through extensive
invest in process automation and
allows us to proactively trim our HR
2014 was yet another very innovative
automation of the payroll process, we
systems to extract more information
services to match our customers’
year for us. It was a strong year in the
ensured that our colleagues were
from our data, so that we may better
area of new legislation – and
given more scope to focus on what
assist and advise you.
corresponding adjustments in our
really matters: their customers, and
Proactivity as a mind-set
payroll engine. And we went further
informing and supporting them
We would also like to thank all our
The third pillar – which is closely
than that: we rewrote our payroll
employees for their dedication and
related to partnerships and customer
software for SMEs to meet the latest
focus – is proactivity. Thanks to our
standards for mobile operation and
In addition, by focussing on specific
strength of their know-how and
close relationships with customers
ease of use and added lots of
sectors, we can innovate in a targeted
experience, they provide their
and prospects, we know what their
self-service capabilities.
way. For example, last year we
customers with top quality service.
perseverance. Every day, on the
needs are and will be, and how we
developed for the healthcare sector
can meet those needs.
specific payroll software, which is now
Thanks to our close relationships with customers, we know what their needs are."
Filip Dierckx Chairman of the Board of Directors of SD Worx
Result-driven HR SD Worx stands for a full service package in the areas of Payroll, HR, Tax and Social Law consultancy. By way of a broad service offering, we deliver the best suited approach for every situation: tailored advice, training, in-house or external support, backed by the necessary automation. In doing so, we rely on adapted tools, proven methods, a leading knowledge centre and – above all – specialist staff who are fully committed to delivering results.
Tax & Legal
Efficient payroll calculations
Tax and social-legal support
Support for all of your
and administration
HR processes
Learning Purposive training courses allow HR employees to shine
Technology Services Automation of all payroll and HR processes
Consulting Targeted and sustainable advice on Payroll, Tax & Legal, Reward, HR Projects and International Employment
Outsourcing Payroll solutions, offering various outsourcing levels. From SaaS (Software as a Service) to full Business Process Outsourcing
Our mission? Result driven HR. We excel in HR services that drive your business performance.
€ 262 million
Payroll Services Alliance SD Worx has its own branch offices in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Germany. The company is a co-founding member of the Payroll Services Alliance, the organisation that pools the strengths, experience and expertise of the biggest European players in the field of payroll calculation:
• SD Worx (Western Europe), • Aditro (Northern Europe), • Elanor (Central and Eastern Europe), • Cintra (United Kingdom and Ireland) • Trianon (Switzerland) and Seresco (Southern Europe).
payroll hr
The company formerly known as Landbouwkrediet bought shares in Centea mid-2011. After an intensive period of data migration and integration, the two medium-sized bank insurance companies merged in April 2013 to create Crelan. The cooperative bank immediately gave its HR policy a makeover.
“Their solid reputation, years of market leadership, expertise and formal long-term commitment regarding the suggested solution certainly played a role when we chose SD Worx. Otherwise, we would not have switched with bag and baggage.�
Trust in long-term commitment was the decisive factor for Crelan
Stephan Leyssen Manager of HR, Organisation and Complaints at Crelan
SD Worx was able to offer us a single streamlined solution for HR and payroll, on the strength of their own systems and close partnerships with leading software vendors.”
“In a merged company, all the actors
Looking for the whole picture
ICT people are also involved in the
contribute to the mix with their
We wanted to integrate as many HR
project. We gave SD Worx the green
expertise, strengths and characteris-
applications as possible. Think of the
light halfway through 2014.
tics. Our priority was to create an
payroll processing and management
organisation in which everyone could
of HR data, including the so-called
Impossible to do from scratch
feel at home again and could be
soft HR processes such as recruitment,
For practical reasons, January 1st was
deployed based on his or her talents.
evaluation, internal transfer and
chosen as the date for the move to a
succession management. Easy
different payroll service provider. After
A solid foundation
access for the purpose of modifying
six months of intensive cooperation,
A merger implies a new entity, with an
certain elements of one’s own data;
that transition went smoothly.
identity and culture, and consequently
the ability to offer alternative forms of
The further roll-out followed an equally
also the development of a common
training such as e-learning; an
tight schedule. It involved pumping all
HR policy: harmonisation of staff
automated support of the evaluation
the data into the platform and launching
statutes as well as working and wage
cycle; seamless internal and external
our talent management tool. Based on
conditions; definition of functions, roles
recruitment with a link to social media;
our experience to date, we are
and responsibilities; and development
training for our employees and for the
confident that after just one year we will
and implementation of common HR
independent agents and their
have the HR platform that we had in
management systems such as
employees ... These are some of the
mind. Developing it ourselves would
recruitment, assessment and training.
demands we place on an integrated
have been prohibitive and impossible to
We took care of this crucial foundation
achieve within that time frame.”
Stronger with a partner
Crelan nv
Inadequate tools
SD Worx was able to offer us a single
Established in: 2013
Our workforce nearly doubled as a
streamlined solution, on the strength of
Employees: 1,007
result of the merger. This meant that
their own systems and partnerships
Branches: 778
the available HR support tools were no
with leading software vendors. They
longer adapted to our size. Rather than
control that side of the collaboration
Services provided by SD Worx
adjusting an inadequate system, we
and act for the software suppliers as a
Payroll Services
surveyed the market for alternatives in
single third party. This is very con-
late 2013.
venient, especially if your own HR and
HR software Cornerstone OnDemand
payroll tax & legal
Under the umbrella of the Moroccan Groupe Banque Centrale Populaire, Chaabi Bank has been focussing on the Moroccan community in Europe ever since 1972. The bank also added a European passport when it set up ‘Chaabi Bank Europe’ in 2007, opening one branch after the other. The payroll is monitored locally in each country. However, in order to harmonise the reporting of all the European branches and centralise payroll management, the bank decided to contract SD Worx. The green light was given for the French payroll in early 2014.
“From the get-go SD Worx demonstrated that its reputation was justified, in terms of consultancy as well as software solutions. Now that we are rolling out the reporting tool Cubes, for example, we are looking forward to the benefits for our payroll management.” 12
Chaabi Bank deploys payroll and HR across borders “SD Worx scores way above the
great deal of adaptability, from us as
differences in working hours between
competition on the Belgian market.
well as from SD Worx. Also, we
This is an assurance of quality par
regularly appeal to the Tax & Legal
excellence. It also gave us the
division of SD Worx for other
Looking forward
necessary confidence to outsource
international legal advice.
Our collaboration here is clearly a
payroll and personnel administration for our 240 French employees.
Karine Goldenberg Head of Human Resources at Chaabi Bank
SD Worx was able to present us with the perfect innovative solution to manage our payroll all over Europe.”
long-term partnership. At the A suitable software platform
beginning of 2015, for instance,
A new payroll manager also comes
SD Worx took charge of our payroll in
The transition process was very
with new software and tools.
Spain and Germany. The United
smooth. They listened attentively to
Fortunately, SD Worx demonstrated
Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands and
our concerns. Deadlines were met
that its strong reputation was
Belgium will be next in the course of
with great precision. And SD Worx
justified. Especially Cubes – a
2016. Still a lot of work ahead, but
provided dedicated contact persons:
cross-border reporting tool – got us
our first partnership year holds many
in addition to being efficient, it
over the hurdles. That software is
wonderful promises for the future.
especially creates a pleasant
perfect for our international payroll.
The Cubes management is fully automated and centralised, taking
Always ‘spot on’
into account the specific regulations
We can always turn to our contacts,
applicable in each country. In one fell
Chaabi Bank
even for very specific legal or
swoop, everything has become much
Established in: 1972
regulatory advice. For instance, they
more efficient.
Employees in France: 240
helped us decipher the “déclaration
Employees in Europe: 360
sociale nominative” (DSN - electronic
With Cubes we will gain a wealth of
payroll reporting). These new
insights which we can develop into
Services provided by SD Worx
administrative HR requirements are in
specific action plans. To monitor the
Managed Payroll Services in
effect since 1 April 2015 for all
balance between men and women
3 countries
enterprises in France. They required a
for example; or to harmonise the
Cross-border reporting via Cubes
Joost Ham General Manager at De Vlietoever wzc
We were often taking decisions based on a gut feeling. As we grow, however, this has become difficult to sustain. Professionalisation and objectivity are a must.�
payroll hr
The number of people moving into residential care complex De Vlietoever has been rising steadily. A second establishment is therefore due to open in 2016. But before the company could offer others the best possible home, it also had to make sure its own house was in order. For that, in collaboration with SD Worx, it gave the whole organisation and HR policy a full makeover.
SD Worx future-proofs De Vlietoever “Over a period of about 15 years, the
had been wearing various hats and were
Our next challenge will be to replicate
number of our residents had more
often taking decisions based on a gut
the implementation of this blueprint in
than doubled, from 38 to 81. The
feeling. As we grow, however, this has
our second establishment. Considering
number of staff increased accordingly.
become difficult to sustain. Especially in
the way the current project is going, we
This is due to the fact that most
view of the fact that in 2016 we will be
are confident that we are ready for it.
residents are more heavily care-depen-
opening a second residential care centre,
dent, but also because it is prescribed
which will double our workforce once
A collaborative partner
by the legislation. At De Vlietoever we
again. Professionalisation and objectivity
SD Worx even went a step further by
employ home care specialists, nurses,
are a must.
making us aware of grant opportunities,
kitchen and cleaning staff, paramedics and activity organisers.
something we had never considered. A smooth transition
They also took care of the applications
We began by tackling the basics: our
and the follow-up. This financial
The perfect tandem
mission and vision. Both were no
support allowed us to recruit a
Ten years ago, due to lingering issues
longer in line with the evolution of care.
strategic manager among other staff. In
with our former payroll service provider,
Everyone was subsequently given a
my opinion, it goes to show once again
we looked for another solution. It was
defined job, which is now set out in job
that SD Worx is a committed partner
crucial that our new partner should
descriptions, competency profiles and
who really collaborates with you.”
have extensive expertise in our sector.
the organisational chart. In addition,
SD Worx was able to demonstrate
two head nurses will from now on
such expertise with ample references.
conduct performance appraisals. We
De Vlietoever wzc
In addition, the rapport with the payroll
incorporated all that in a process. We
Established in: 1999
consultant was immediate. She now
wanted to coach internally, but lacked
Empoyees De Vlietoever: 52 Residents De Vlietoever: 81
knows our company through and
the expertise, so we learned to lead
“Our dedicated payroll consultant at SD Worx
through. Her tips and advice are
and conduct evaluation interviews.
has known our company for a long time and
always valuable. This successful
Services provided by SD Worx
better than some employees. This successful
partnership gave us the incentive to
The practical side
Payroll Services
partnership gave us the incentive to reshape
reshape our organisation together.
We are currently rolling out all these
HR audit
plans in the organisation. Whenever we
Organisation development
Growing pains
have questions or require an adjust-
Change guidance
This reorganisation was inevitable. We
ment, we can always rely on SD Worx.
our organisation together. Now that we have performed this strategic assessment, we are prepared for our second establishment.”
New Belgian Shell payroll system swiftly and expertly installed
payroll tax & legal
The HR systems between Belgian Shell, its subsidiary CRI and the parent company had to be aligned in the context of a global agreement. And this had to be done within a very short time frame.
“Despite the Shell Group’s decision
In a way, the logic that used to be in
A seamless transition
to work with preferred suppliers, we
the minds of HR staff was turned into
Our internal communications also
needed a Belgian HR service provider
played an important role in the
with extensive experience in the local
smooth implementation. In such a
market because of a number of
Success built on cooperation
drastic transition, and even though it
specific requirements regarding
Our new payroll system had to go
was happening behind the scenes,
payroll services.
live on 1 January 2015, within a mere
all our employees had to be well
nine months. SD Worx, too, was
informed. Yet, the transition has been
We issued an invitation to tender for
conscious that this was a tight dead-
seamless and accurate, and no one
that purpose. The aim was to link our
line and assigned an experienced
noticed anything. Mission accom-
payroll system to the international
team to the task.
Shell system. Competitive pricing was also one of the decision criteria.
As a customer, it is great to feel that you are being taken seriously. They
Mutual communication
responded quickly to questions and
SD Worx scored the best. For our
took action whenever issues popped
Belgian Shell
wage calculations which until then
Established in: 1930
had been running as a stand-alone
Employees: +/- 400 (Belgian Shell
system, they built in SAP a single
Feedback was a two-way street.
platform that could ‘talk’ to Shell’s
Working together was enjoyable be-
in their work can a project of such magnitude
platform. No mean feat for a complex
cause of such interaction. It was clear
Services provided by SD Worx
be implemented swiftly, efficiently and
organisation with many different wor-
that we were aiming towards the
Payroll Services
king statutes and joint committees.
same goal. This was a key element in
In addition, many processes were
the successful implementation of this
Payroll on site
automated, modernised and aligned.
Legal Consultancy
“Only with a stable partner very knowledgeable
successfully. Expertise and a proactive approach are required to make sure no time is lost. SD Worx offered both.”
and CRI), spread over 3 sites
It was clear that we were aiming towards the same goal.�
Wicher Groen Country HR Manager Belgium & Luxembourg at Belgian Shell
Thomas Buerman Campus Director at Ghent University Global Campus
SD Worx translated very specific and technical subject matter into understandable and concrete answers.�
tax & legal
Since September 2014, students can sign up for a bachelor’s degree course in Bioscience Engineering at the Ghent University Global Campus in Incheon, South Korea. An international staff of professors, researchers and administrative personnel is employed there. SD Worx advised UGent on employment in South Korea.
Intercontinental advice for new UGent campus “Unlike other projects, UGent did not
Up to the challenge
Removing uncertainties
send any temporary staff to the
The clock was ticking and resources
SD Worx translated this very specific
South Korean campus. The staff had
were limited. Consequently, I could
and technical subject matter into
to be employed for several years in an
not afford a lot of trial and error. When
understandable and concrete
organisation specifically established
recruitment started in South Korea, in
answers for our employees. What is
for that purpose. Together, staff
early 2014, I called in SD Worx. What
the amount of their social contribu-
members also represented a variety
gave me the confidence to do so?
tion in South Korea in terms of e.g.
of work statutes and nationalities.
Their thorough knowledge of UGent,
pension or health insurance? In which
A one-of-a-kind project, which meant
the Belgian and European legislation,
country should they be paying taxes?
that we could not rely on our own
our pleasant working relationship and
Are they required to have their names
experience or that of other Belgian
their visible ambition to sink their
struck off the National Register? Are
teeth into the challenge.
there tax benefits in South Korea to
Within reach
From specific to generic
situation in this respect upon their
Initially, I contacted a large HR
How are social security and taxation
return? The consultancy services
services provider with branches all
organised in South Korea? SD Worx
provided by SD Worx allowed us to
over the world. Having received an
investigated those aspects in detail for
eliminate many uncertainties.”
answer from London, I suspected
the three groups we employ there.
that this would be a rather difficult
Firstly for myself, a civil servant and the
process, over too great a distance.
only person to remain on the UGent
Established in: 1817
which they are entitled? What is their
I heard many good things from our
payroll. Secondly, for Belgian em-
Employees at UGent: +/- 9,000
were the perfect partner with a ready-made
personnel department about working
ployees who are paid in South Korea.
Students at UGent: > 41,000
“SD Worx did not claim beforehand that they solution for a South Korean context. They
with SD Worx and the quality of their
And finally for non-Belgian employees
Faculty departments: 117
knew, however, that because of the expertise
tax and legal advice. I also discovered
who are on the South Korean payroll.
Employees at Ghent University Global
they have built in Europe, they could propose
that SD Worx had already implemented
For example, we have staff from
Campus: 20
their services. This, combined with their
a similar project in South Korea, even
Thailand, India, China and Greece.
though Asia is not one of their
Since it is impossible to give individual
Services provided by SD Worx
advice covering each nationality and
International Employment Services:
situation, SD Worx produced a general
Tax & Legal
report for that third group.
ambition to sink their teeth into this challenge and their pioneering spirit, gave me every confidence that they would successfully complete this project.”
Frank Rudolf Director Payroll at PAREXEL
With fewer partners, our European payroll is lighter, clearer and more efficient.”
The more parties are involved, the more complex the partnership becomes, and the greater the margin of error will be. PAREXEL – an American contract research organisation (CRO) that conducts clinical research in the biotechnological and medical sectors worldwide – is fully aware of this. Read on to find out how PAREXEL manages its payroll in Europe.
PAREXEL international payroll considerably simplified “We operate on a global scale as one
candidate providers. We then conduc-
A satisfied customer
of the largest players in this market.
ted an in-depth analysis based on a
To us, the benefits are clear: we were
Our position remains solid, particularly
range of parameters. Some of the
able to reduce the number of providers
in Europe which is home to the second
things we were looking for were
in Europe from 24 to only 2. Our
largest biopharmaceutical market in the
compatibility with our global systems,
workload for staff involved in payroll
world. When I started working for
and the best price-performance ratio.
processing has been reduced, and is
PAREXEL, SD Worx was only mana-
more clearly defined. Our payroll
ging PAREXEL’s payroll in Germany,
Data protection as a priority
activities in Europe have also become
our largest entity within Europe.
The final decision was made on the
much more efficient. In addition, we
basis of the level of protection needed
have made significant improvements to
Less is more
for our payroll data. Only the highest
our reporting systems, both locally and
Having offices and research centres
security standards would do. We
globally. This has enabled us to meet
across 24 European countries meant
selected SD Worx for the payroll
all compliance requirements stipulated
dealing with 24 different payroll
services in fifteen countries. The other
by international regulations.”
providers – a rather inefficient way of
nine – mostly located in Central and
doing things. In addition, we experien-
Eastern Europe – are serviced by a
ced issues with compliance, and data
different provider, who proved to be the
security privacy violations on a regular
best option for this region at that time.
basis. While data privacy is of the
“SD Worx takes a very proactive approach. Working with a partner as committed as SD Worx is a true pleasure.”
PAREXEL Established in: 1982
greatest importance in our research
Well-oiled and running
Employees worldwide: +/- 17,200
activities, we also want to guarantee
As soon as we had made our final
Employees in EMEA: +/- 7,000
the same level of protection of privacy
decision, the project took off. The full
Employees in the Americas:
for our employees.
implementation of SD Worx in those
+/- 5,500
fifteen countries only took one year to
Employees in APAC: +/- 4,700
Weak links
complete, from August 2013 to June
It was clear to us that we had to
2014 – well within the agreed time
Services provided by SD Worx
eliminate as many risks and weak links
frame. Another major aspect: the entire
Managed Payroll Services in 10
as possible, and that the solution
transition went smoothly, without any
would hinge on scalability. Our
Comprehensive Payroll Services in
invitation to tender resulted in ten
5 countries 21
payroll tax & legal hr
As an SME on a steady growing curve, Quant ICT continuously adjusts its policy to a changing staff situation. The Leuven based expert in integrated and secure telecommunications wanted to set up an employment programme for people over 45. Naturally, Quant ICT consulted SD Worx, its faithful partner ever since 1999. A comprehensive HR audit aimed at securing the future and the Future of Work was immediately launched.
“Whether for the practical or the strategic and legal side of things, we can always rely on the HR expertise of SD Worx. Our contacts know the ins and outs of our organisation, which allows them to perfectly anticipate our needs. By providing the right tools, for example. Such tools are also far ahead of their time in terms of ease of use.�
Quant ICT builds its future HR policy “SD Worx meticulously scrutinised our
For the practical side of things also,
Continuous assessment
staffing policy on the basis of questi-
SD Worx was ready to give us the
Our contact persons at SD Worx
onnaires and interviews. Our people’s
necessary knowledge and expertise.
know our organisation through and
work schedules are extremely flexible
This allowed us to update our
through. They also have regular
and organised in shifts. And with an
administrative documents in compliance
personal contacts with our em-
average age of 35 years, we are also
with the latest legal developments.
ployees. This enables them to
a ‘young’ company. As revealed by
After all, SD Worx monitors all legal
perfectly understand our needs with a
the audit, this creates specific HR
changes closely and we are more than
minimum of explanation, or to suggest
expectations. A good balance
happy to make use of that service.
the right tools. A very reassuring way
between work and private life, better
Pierre-André Guillaume CEO of Quant ICT
SD Worx perfectly understands our needs with a minimum of explanation.”
of working and the perfect basis for a
internal communication, individual
Innovative tools
opportunities for training and parental
Available anytime and anywhere, fast
leave: our employees know what they
and easy: our employees set high
Quant ICT
want. Based on the audit, SD Worx
standards for any system that would
Established in: 1999
will now help us devise new policies,
handle HR. SD Worx was able to
Employees: 30
update our work rules and employ-
grant those wishes. For instance,
Turnover: 8.5 million euro
ment contracts, and so on.
everyone agrees on the user
modern HR policy that works.”
friendliness of ‘My Work and Me’ in Tailored advice and support
managing payslips and leave
Services provided by SD Worx
SD Worx supports the HR policy of
requests. The next step promises to
Payroll Services
Quant ICT in all its aspects. By
be similarly worthwhile: we are further
HR audit
following ‘People Management’
improving the efficiency of our HR
HR & Legal Consultancy
courses, our employees have already
policy by supplementing it with an
HR Self Service
had the opportunity to develop into
integrated application for the reimbur-
Performance Dashboard
excellent team leaders, for example.
sement of expenses.
CHU Dinant Godinne zooms in on staff engagement
Following an extensive merger, the teaching hospital “Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Dinant Godinne” was about to embark on a major strategic process. In order to do so, the university hospital needed a set of HR values in which all employees would feel included. A new management approach was also necessary. All this had to rest on a solid foundation, however. SD Worx therefore conducted an engagement survey directed at all the employees.
“SD Worx managed to design an
residents are temporarily placed in
Every single result was substantiated,
engagement survey fully tailored to
our services every 6 months, while
giving us the necessary basis to draw
our needs. As an academic institution,
we train 1,000 interns annually. And
up specific action plans and send a
we set very high standards when it
our permanent staff must be able to
breath of fresh air blowing through
comes to methodology for example.
constantly retrain as well. To sum up
As a medical player, however, we
the situation: hard to beat such a
deal with a complex staffing situation
level of complexity.
that you will not find in any other sector. In our view, the fact that the
A clear view on the matter
SD Worx database allowed us to
SD Worx got as many as 70% of our
benchmark our results was also a
employees to take part in the survey
unique asset on the market.
by explaining in detail the how and why of the research. The detailed
A complex HR landscape
analysis immediately revealed the
Gauging the satisfaction of more than
specificity of our sector. For instance,
2,700 employees is not an easy task,
the involvement of our employees
regardless of our sector’s idiosyncra-
ranks higher than satisfaction with
sies. Under normal circumstances, we
their job. Implausible, certainly, yet
have as many as 160 different types
perfectly understandable considering
CHU of Dinant-Godinne
of schedules. Thousands of physi-
the close bonds our employees often
Established in: 1965
cians and nurses work day and night
forge with patients.
Employees: +/- 2,700
“Thanks to the rich database that SD Worx has
in shift systems with flexible hours.
built up over the years, we were able to
About half of them work part time.
The survey also showed salary,
benchmark our results against other large
And a sixth of our people ensure a
internal communication and growth
permanence in holiday periods.
opportunities to be the main points of
Services provided by SD Worx
On top of that, 110 new medical
Engagement Survey
companies in Belgium. We considered such expertise to be a unique advantage.”
Interns: > 1,000 Turnover: 250 million euro
SD Worx managed to design an engagement survey fully tailored to our needs.�
Didier Cloquet Human Resources Director at CHU Dinant Godinne
A single point of contact, one solution, four countries
The general public knows the retail organisation EFR – formerly Delek – especially through its brands Texaco and BP. Its wide network of filling stations and shops ensure that customers don’t run out of fuel, food and non-food products while on the go, in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.
“When switching to a new system, we
“Even though we share the same
point of contact. For us, that is a huge
It’s all about the basics
activities, Belgium, Netherlands,
asset. We see our regular contact on a
In the beginning, we under-used the
Luxembourg and France were
regular basis and get quick answers
capabilities of reporting at European
operating as separate entities. We
when needed. Changes are made
level. There were still teething pains
wanted to bring HR systems into one
swiftly and new software implemented
when we really needed that function,
single platform; get rid of all kinds of
but SD Worx quickly incorporated our
systems, and be done with the Unnecessary bells and whistles
time and attendance is also a very
looking for a party that could manage
In Belgium, SD Worx was already
user-friendly tool. Work schedules and
that effectively at European level. Such
taking care of our payroll... to our
hours worked are automatically and
integration would offer many advanta-
satisfaction. We naturally extended
accurately entered into the payroll. This
ges, but simultaneously create a series
that service to the other three
is crucial, since it is not enough to
of challenges.
countries where we operate. We then
have plenty of fancy HR tools: if you
looked for a centralised solution for
do not pay employees correctly and
Copy-paste: not an option
time and attendance and issues such
on time, all your technology and efforts
International HR is a complex tangle,
as digital documenting, employee
are pointless.”
with major differences in tax and
self-service and management
contributions systems for instance.
self-service. Obviously, we requested
Even wage calculations differ. Payroll
and compared quotes from multiple
EFR bv
providers only exist in Belgium. Just
providers. And we were presented
Established in: 2007
copying an excellent solution to apply
with other solutions, some perhaps
Active in: Belgium, the Netherlands,
it in another country was not an
even with more functionalities than
Luxembourg and France
option, since there is no such thing as
what we got from SD Worx, but at
Employees: +/- 2,600
“one single system on the market”.
exorbitant prices. Only major corpora-
Filling stations: 1,250
expected everything to run correctly, smoothly and without glitches. We also chose SD Worx for that reason. It is true that they have long-standing cooperations with their partners. Their expertise creates trust and offers the greatest guarantee of success.” 26
comments into a solution. In addition,
different forms of reporting. We were
tions with at least ten or twenty One point of contact
thousand employees can justify such
Services provided by SD Worx
But SD Worx definitely has the
costs. In its proposal, SD Worx took
Managed Payroll Services in 4
expertise and the partners to offer the
our needs and company size into
right solution – for us – at European
account. That is why the SD Worx
Cross-border reporting via Cubes
level. In addition, they act as a single
offer was the best choice.
Time & Attendance via Protime
SD Worx offered the solution with the best value for money.�
Paul Siemelink Vice-president Human Resources & Office Facilities at EFR
Els Neyens Talent Manager at Cofely Services
We followed a demanding yet flawless trajectory in order to implement FIP.�
payroll hr
Last spring, 150 executives from Cofely Services got acquainted for the first time with FIP, short for Flex Income PlanTM. They put their remuneration package together in the FIP online shop. Ultimately, the aim is to swing open the doors to the virtual store to allow access to all employees.
Cofely Services will gradually roll out flexible remuneration Cofely Services is part of the French
A demanding yet flawless
First in the sector
energy giant GDF Suez. We employ
Employees were quite surprised by
just under 2,000 people and are a
We had to follow a demanding yet
the wide range of benefits and their
market leader in integrated facilities
flawless trajectory in order to
corresponding monetary value. The
solutions. As far as payroll is
implement FIP. The process started
fact that we were able to set this
concerned, we have worked well for
with a detailed inventory of all our
awareness process in motion is a
many years with SD Worx and we
existing benefits. SD Worx then
good thing. However, we also want
knew they were the pioneer in the
determined which of those benefits
to make the most of this innovative
area of flexible remuneration.
could be included in a FIP. Based on
remuneration system to get them
a comprehensive checklist, we later
thinking about smarter ways to
Towards a future-oriented
composed the first package of
address their mobility.
reward policy
benefits. It really contains something
Attracting and retaining a sufficient
for everyone: from bicycles to
Eventually, all of our 2,000 employees
number of technicians and engineers
multimedia and pension savings, and
must have access to FIP. The fact that
is a major challenge. We are very
even a donation to a charity. We will
we were the first in our industry to
much involved in the development of
soon examine the package to
implement this innovative reward
our employees, but it goes without
determine how we should adjust it
concept is a bonus. FIP does require
saying that having an attractive
and which benefit combinations are
some explanation during recruitment
remuneration package is also a key
the most popular.
interviews, but the concept is invariably
greeted with enthusiasm.” The roll-out of FIP was accompanied
“Attracting and retaining a sufficient number of technicians and engineers is a major
For us, moving away from the
by information sessions in all our
Cofely Services
one-size-fits-all principle to meet the
regional branches, from Ghent to
Established in: 1963
individual needs of our employees
Liege. SD Worx was always at hand
Employees: +/- 2,000
was a logical step in the development
to provide further clarification on the
having an attractive pay package is also a key
of a future-oriented reward policy. In
calculation method of specific
Services provided by SD Worx
factor. For us, moving away from the one-size-
the autumn of 2013, we sat at the
benefits and to answer any other
Payroll Services
fits-all principle to introduce the innovative FIP
table with SD Worx for the first time
technical questions.
Flex Income Plan
challenge. And it goes without saying that
in the organisation was a logical step in the development of a future-oriented pay policy.”
in order to discuss the possibilities
offered by FIP.
Training 29
Sustainability ambitions
To support our sustainability ambitions, SD Worx is a member of:
The three pillars of corporate social responsibility (CSR) – People, Planet and Profit – are given priority at SD Worx. The emphasis is on 'People', the pillar that is closest to our core business. However, our activities also focus on Planet and Profit.
• Business & Society, the reference network for companies which, in collaboration with various stakeholders, strive to develop a sustainable society. • KAURI, a consultation platform for non-governmental organisations that are endeavouring to achieve a sustainable global economy, and for enterprises. • Global Compact Network, an initiative of the United Nations designed to connect companies, trade unions, academics and civil society. The Global Compact is a call to companies around the world to align their strategies and operations with ten UN principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. This membership also requires that SD Worx draw up an annual progress report on corporate social responsibility. To read more about the corporate social responsibility of SD Worx, please go to
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is an inextricable part of the ‘core’ of our mission. As an organisation, we adhere to the principles prescribed by good corporate governance. In doing so, we abide by the guidelines on the constitution and structure of the administrative bodies, the boardroom style and in mutual interaction.
General Assembly
internal auditing. The budgets, spending patterns and execution of actual projects in line with strategic objectives
are also monitored by the Board, as are the performance,
The General Assembly’s main tasks are as follows:
remuneration and evaluation of members of the Executive
• changing the articles of association;
• appointing and dismissing directors and members of the supervisory board and discharging from services rendered;
Communication Each year the Board of Directors compiles a detailed
• approval of the budget (NPO) and annual accounts;
annual report, which outlines the company’s current status,
• and profit appropriation (limited company).
possible risks and future perspectives. It highlights actual examples of corporate governance, provides an overview
In addition, we fully endorse a number of principles that are typical of SD Worx and the way we operate, at every level. In practical terms, these include an open mindset, dialogue, and a critical but positive attitude. These go hand in hand with constant attention to ethically responsible entrepreneurship and constructive collaboration.
of the financial position and reflects the activities of the Board of Directors and the organisation.
Board of Directors
Structure of the Board of Directors The Board is small enough to promote an efficient decision
making process and large enough to embrace the neces-
The Board of Directors has a strategic and control function
sary experience and knowledge from the various disciplines
and ensures that the company operates with maximum
relevant to the company amongst its members and to
efficiency. The Board of Directors outlines the mission,
safeguard continuity in the event of changes in its structure.
strategy and general policies. Decisions concerning orga-
SD Worx consequently aims to appoint minimum eight and
nisation structure, reorganisation, cooperation agreements,
maximum twelve directors.
mergers and take-overs are also part of its assignment.
More information on:
The structure of the Board is defined on the basis of the Finances
required diversity and complementarity. The Board consists
The Board of Directors oversees finances and investments,
of independent directors, with the exception of the
checks the integrity of financial reporting and monitors
Managing Director.
The 2014 figures show that our new strategy is bearing fruit."
Directors on 1/1/2015 from left to right: • Luc Luyten, • Patrick De Vos, • Filip Dierckx (President), • Frederik Van Bladel, • Steven Van Hoorebeke (Managing Director), • Riet Docx, • Dirk Collier, • Marc Binnenmans
Executive Committee In the first half of 2014, the Executive Committee teamed up with about 50 colleagues from different divisions to assess whether the course we were all following was still the right one. And we have not radically changed our course. We remain a top player in payroll services with a wide range of HR services and solid international ambitions. We have, however, defined major focus areas. The customer is at the centre of everything we do – in our processes, products, solutions, approaches and communication.
Hector Vermeersch Chief Financial Officer
Sige Marien Director Consulting Eric Janssens Director SME
Anne-Marie Cootjans Corporate Services Officer Tom Wouters Chief Information Officer
Harold Rijckaert Director Large Enterprises
Thierry Vanbever Director International
Committees The Board of Directors is assisted by three committees: the audit committee, the remuneration and appointment committee and the strategic committee. They assist the board with specific advice to enable it to make wellinformed decisions and fulfil its task as a monitoring and control body as successfully as possible.
Audit committee The SD Worx audit committee verifies that the organisation operates correctly
and efficiently. It monitors internal and external inspections, the efficiency of the
Frederik Van Bladel - chairman
audit department, the appointment, dismissal and remuneration of the internal
Filip Dierckx
audit manager. It checks reports, responds to questions and acts as a
Patrick De Vos
communication platform or intermediary between the auditor and the Board of
Riet Docx
Directors. The audit committee draws up a long-term programme and is given access to information sources which fall under its specific authority.
Strategic committee
Steven Van Hoorebeke Managing Director
Hilde Haems Chief HR Officer
The SD Worx strategic committee supports the Board of Directors in its strategic
and control function and focuses on its mission, policies and long-term
Filip Dierckx - chairman
objectives. If necessary, internal or external advice is sought or experts are called
Luc Luyten
Dirk Collier
Remuneration and appointment committee
Not in the photo: Koen Goyvaerts Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
The SD Worx remuneration and appointment committee formulates proposals
concerning the appointment, remuneration and evaluation of the directors,
Luc Luyten - chairman
managing director and executive management, and monitors the market
Filip Dierckx
conformity of remuneration. It also deals with all direct questions concerning remuneration and appointments, and sets out the overall remuneration policy.
SD Worx is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. We could write a whole book about it, but since a picture is worth a thousand words, we summarised our story into a film. It is also an opportunity for us to look ahead and share with you our plans and ambitions. We invite you to discover it on"
The consolidated financial statements of the SD Worx
Composition of the SD Worx group on 31.12.2014
group contain a concise summary of the annual
SD Worx vzw
SAK nv
financial statements of the different entities of the
SD Worx for Society vso cvba
Protime nv
group. These financial statements give a true picture
SD Diensten nv
Hazel Heartwood cvba
of the assets, financial position and results of the
SD Worx sa (Luxembourg)
SD Worx group. The statutory auditors have given
IVD nv
SD Worx Nederland bv
Annual figures 2014
their unqualified approval to the different annual
LWB nv
SD Worx sas (France)
financial statements.
Sodeco nv
SD Worx GmbH (Germany)
Consolidated profit-and-loss account of the
Consolidated balance sheet of the SD Worx group
SD Worx group (in 1,000 euro) in accordance with Belgian Generally
(in 1,000 euro) in accordance with Belgian Generally Accepted Accounting
Accepted Accounting Principles.
Equity capital (excl. result)
Minority interest
2,675 27,234
2014 2013
Total turnover
Intangible fixed assets &
261,975 255,920
2014 2013 11,151
consolidation differences Financial profits from
operations 10,544
Financial profits from
Tangible fixed assets
Results for the year
Financial fixed assets
Total equity capital
Fixed assets 82,567
Provision for risks & 273,756
Receivables on +1 year
Receivables on -1 year
Personnel & fees
ICT costs
Liquid assets
Office & administration
Accrued and deferred
328,277 2,201 2,054
assets Profits 288,710
2014 2013
Total of provision 3,486
Debts over +1 year
Customer funds
Trade debts
Debts concerning tax &
Promotion costs
Miscellaneous costs
Other debts
856 4,951
Accrued and deferred
Minority interest
1,618 Costs 261,476
Profit 27,234
Current assets 1,851,436
1,190 271,702 2,054 38
Total assets 1,934,002
Total debts
Total liabilities 1,934,002
R.P. Steven Van Hoorebeke. Printed on eco-friendly FSC paper.