The New Navy 1850-1925
The American Civil War
d significant technological ate ler ce ac 5) 86 -1 61 (18 ar W il The American Civ amwith the rapid deployment of ste developments in naval combat . Naval engagements occurred es do pe tor d an or, arm tal me propulsion, plated nfines of interior rivers and co r hte tig ly ve ati rel the n thi wi in open waters and ll-known battle took place we d an nt ica nif sig st mo the of canals. Perhaps one March 1862. near Hampton Roads, VA on 8
Spar Torpedo
A Period of Decline
War, sending most vessels The Navy went through a low period after the Civil only significant to reserve and losing a lot of personnel. One of the tively small amphibious engagements during the post-war period was a rela ing approval of a treaty operation in South Korea for the sole purpose of forc to protect shipwrecked sailors.
Th e N e w N a vy
of new ships based on Funds were finally requisitioned for the construction Mahan's book on sea recommendations of NAVSEC William Hunt in 1882. r and large navy, ushering power (1890) further justified the need for a stronge in an age of battleships and long range gunnery.
Highlights of the Era
USS Newark, 1891
USS Texas, 1892
USS Puritan (BM-1), 1896
USS Holland SS-1, 1897
The Flying Squadron, 1898
The Great White Fleet, 1907
US Battleship Division 9, World War I
Navy Reserve Flying Corps, World War I
Northern Bombing Group, World War I
USS Langley, 1913
Loretta Walsh, 1917
Curtis R3C, 1926