Architecture 1o1 _ Part 2: From Place To Space Monday #ThereIsNoNeed
Get on your phone or tablet. Choose a labyrinth / maze game. Take a screenshot of it. Then, use a collage app and add a 'measuring' element to give us some dimensional information.
'The Impossible Cube Maze Game' (for iOS and Android). Mind-blowing! --- You begin your journey in a corner of a cube filled giant cube and you are in search of the cube's center. --- It felt like solving Rubik's Cube while being in it or being in The Cube (1997)
Tuesday #AdversityIs Generate your own maze. Then, overlap your maze (very simple and basic) to a picture of a given place.
'Scarpa diem' maze generated on image edited with Union app on iPhone 4s
Week 3 [16 - 20 march 2015] _ Taking Measurements
Wednesday #OurLifeIs Today, the challenge is to lay out a Cretan maze for an ant.
Thursday #NotAllThose
Explore your house.Then, once you find a view that looks like a labyrinth, take a picture of it. Start from this image of yours (of an existing place) and overlap a diagram to it representing the whole labyrinth.
F**** the maze, it's pool party time!
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails. [cit.]
handmade maze + image edited with Union app on iPhone 4s
handmade needlework + Shao Yong square diagram + ruler
Friday #IllPaintYou
Find a special place in your city. One that can be “felt” as a labyrinth. Once you find it, take a picture. Enhance its labyrinth features. Now, we want to see some kind of map-diagram to help us “fall” into your labyrinth.
For we're like creatures of the wind, and wild is the wind.
made with Tangent app and Union app on iPhone 4s
edited with Union app on iPhone 4s
edited with Bazaart on iPhone 4s
Curated by Marina Metaxa