Architecture 1o1 _ Part 2: From Place To Space Monday #TheValueOf
Get under your blankets / sheets (in your bed). Take a picture of this special place you are at. Convey the idea that it is some kind of incredible prehistoric cave.
Tuesday #BeholdHuman
Take a picture of this special place you are at to convey the idea that we are in some kind of incredible prehistoric cave. Now, you will add a second element: cave painting on the surface of your cave. The cave painting should represent the relationship between the sun, the moon and your cave.
Photo taken under my duvet with Photo taken under my duvet with iPhone 4s and edited with Instagram iPhone 4s and edited with filters. ColorLake and Adobe Ideas on iPhone 4s.
Week 4 [23 - 27 march 2015] _ Conceptual Models
Wednesday #MaybeThe
Get in the bed, under your sheets. Take a picture of this special place you are at to convey the idea that you are in some kind of incredible prehistoric cave. Today, you will add people.
Today we get fancy. You will make a conceptual model of your cave. To be precise, you will make a conceptual model of a “cross section” of your cave. Your model has to be made out of cheese (you choose the cheese).
To be is to be perceived, and so to know thyself, is only possible through the eyes of the other. From womb to tomb, we're bound to others. [Cloud Atlas]
'Raquel's fancy accessory' or 'some birds aren't meant to be caged'. [The Shawshank Redemption]
Photo taken under my duvet + 'pregnant woman' from the ceremony of the Olympic Games 2004 in Athens Edited with Bazzart and Union app on iPhone 4s
Curated by Marina Metaxa | @mani_elab
Thursday #YabbaDabba
Crossection made on greek feta cheese. Photo edited with Bazaart and Union app on iPhone 4s
Friday #WhoWouldBelieve
Yesterday, you made a conceptual model of your cave using cheese. Today, you will use paper (not cardboard). Paper. Thin and white. Fold, cut, crumple, glue… Do whatever you want as long as you get a cool result.
I love words very much. I've always loved to talk, and I've always love words - the words that rest in your mouth, what words mean and how you taste them and so on. And for me the spoken word can be used almost as a gesture. [Martha Graham] Martha Graham in 'Lamentation' + waveform diagram of the Swedish phrase 'som vi' (that we..) spoken by a radio newsreader. Edited with Bazzart and Union app on iPhone 4s