SEAA Connector 2007

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Construction We Understand

VA 20109


... our common


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I I PRECAST I •Parking Decks •Modular Prisons •Wall Panels •Structures

AISC Advanced Certified Steel PCI Certified Erector


Operated and Bare Crane Rentals Turnkey Heavy Lift Planning & Contracting

Hydraulic, Rough Terrainand Crawler Cranes Attachments Include: • Light and Heavy Luffing Jibs • Derrick (Superlift) attachments

BUCKNER ... Go the Distance PO Box 598 • Graham,


North Carolina • 800-848-6234



QuinlanEnterprises steel erection JOIST ERECTION • DECK INSTALLATION • SHEAR STUD INSTALLATION A steel erection company located in Southeast Georgia I

specializes in constructing structural steel buildings. Providing service mainly: in the southeast ar-ea,

s~re:tchin from South Carolina to Flori a.

11 President's Message

80 Membership


90 General OSHA

Air 'fr.tllic- Contrnl 'l(>w(•r for C 5 Com·c--r~ionProjt-<'l Nanwd 2006 Sl::J\/\





Projc<..'tof the Year


18 SEAA Board of Directors


executive events


10 from the editor PROJECTOF THEYEAR


28 man of the year


36 looking back 32 The Erector Certification Program

40 contract education

Th(' Chc<..·klist:-t\rl' tht Foun<l,uion fhr

44 members in action

th<' Sund.u-<I

54 new products 52 Wrap-Up Insurance Requirements: An Insurance Shell Game

74 stac report 76 seaa news 92 advertisers' index

58 Decking Safety


Erector Comes Full Circle


Aerial Work Platform Safety and Innovations

ON THE COVER Air Traffic Control Tower for C-5 Conversion Project

President/CEO: Jim Mor Iin Chief Finonclol Officer: Rob PC01$0n Vice President of Marketing: Androo Hood Marketing Speclollst: t::risline Aldrin Director of Publisher Development: Howard LoGrofle Recruiting Specialists: Teri Buike. Jc,~nifer Young. Megon McCobe Manager of Soles Admtnlsltotlon: Cindy Maoslos Vice President of Creative- Services: Tyler Hordckopl Production Oire-ctor/Monaging Editor: Kali Quinn Creative Services: Jost\ Bocgmonn. t<ob

Bonillo. oovid Drew, Gerry Dunlop. 6reonno renows. Joonno Colvszk.o, Kristen Gonller. Amelio Coles. Brendo Holtwor,h. TAssKor'Le,Tonno Kempe. Lcmo Moy, ~yon Mills. Jod, Nielsen conltollec: Col X.oluzny Finonciol services: Molio Collins. Lori Elliott, Allison Jeffrey, Shoron Lordeo. Christion Willioms, Cheng won Lheng Circulation Oieector: Holly Cornohon Circulotion Manager: 8elh Lolim Manager or Humon Re$ouo:es: Coffie Hildreth Monoger of Information Technology: Enc Hibbs Printed by Sunshine Media Printing Wilhom H. Hrbbs. Vice Prosidonl &. General Monogcr The 2007 <Jdilion ol The SEAA Conm:ctor i).PVbli~hc.,'Q by Sv1Y)hirk:Mt,.'(li(l, Inc;., 6?S3 N Hoyden Rrl. $le Adv<:, li$i1\9 1CIIC1on H)(l',l(l',t.

-no.S.Cot1r,dole.AZ 8!12!>$.Phone



Allhoogh every p,ccoution is lokon lo cnsv,c occutocy of publisOOd materials. lho 2007 odilion ot SEAA

Connector connol 00 held resPOnsiblef01opiniom expressed er tocts svpplied by its ovthcrs. Copyright 2004, A» rig111s reserved. ReprOducl;on In whOJOe<11lporl wilhov1 wrlrrcn permksion is p,Ohlbtled, SunshineMeClio. 11-.c. on Fo1m3579 108283 N HOydcn Rd. sro 220,SCOIISdOIO, AZ 85258. Posrmosrct Pooso SOl'ldl'lOliCOS 4





PtinW(fon R9Cyc,lod P;,pctr



I I \




l-866-1"'l~YS1"'..f\.l~ (8':""9-':827) Custom Welding Solutions by j TRIDAR SHIPMENTS NOW FEATURING:

·1---1\'._ 1ys·1~ t1\'._~s Po \l\r1~1lV1-\.o·r__ 1--FOR LOCKABLEJOBSITE STORAGE

If your order fills the Vault,

IT'sFRJEE Protect your welding investment: Choose your company's color for easy identification and have your name printed on every foot. At TRYSTAR we manufacture to fit YOUR needs. Our cables have always been designed for maximum performance and flexibility on the jobsite, by choosing TRYSTAR cables with Power Vault protection, we can help to ensure that your cables stay on the jobsite.


INDUSTRYROAD SHOW MEETING \•Vhcn: Oi.:lolx:r II, 2007 Location: Stoney Creek Golf, North Carolina

Stoney Creek, NC (Ulrolinas/Virginia/MidAtlantic)

Ex;,# 135 Interstate '~0/85 Registi-ationdetails: ww ..v.scaa.1)ct I lotd: I fomplon Inn, Burlington, NC Tfw Skt·I f:n.-<:lOrsAssoc:i:ilkm of Am~·ric;,. wiH host tl1t"ir c1u~lrki-ly industry updak for erectors, fubricators, dctailc1·sand engineers on tl-w morning of Octol-wr 11. Tl-w rnr<'tlng

wlll begin with a contin<'ntalhreakfu~ at the19th hole shelter at SconeyCr,'<'k Golf. Top ks slm<l on our agen<lawill indu<le updates on tt~amworkof the <le-signteam, d1anges in the AISC-Ercctor Certification Program. u1xlatcs on th<' CodC'of Standard Pract il·f•, sl<->Pl <1Nailing,f.tca<l{"/pe1imetercondition and uu1d1more!

TEE-OFFAT THE 8TH ANNUAL SEAA EDUCATIONGOLF TOURNAMENTFUNDRAISER When: Octohcr 11, 2007 Lol·ation: Stoney Crr(.'k Coif, Nonh Cal"o1ina E,;1 # 13S fntersl•le 40/85 Rog;,tration Poe: $150.00 (includes golf, <.-art>range balls, k,nch, bt~vcragl•S,priz(•s Tc,· T;m,·: 12:30 <ldails:


'fake a Thursday off and step on\o the golf cou1-.s<· to l·wnc·(ittlu· SF:AA's fahwat-ional Programs on Octoh<'r 11, at Ston(•y Cr0<'k Coif. PronTds from this special .-innuJI ('vent are earmarked for the devdopm<'nl of additional steel erection lra.ining ,nodules umkrvvay

by tht' asso<"iation. Sine(· the

oc·w OSHA S1i•c·f F.n·clion

& E<luc:ation Committee. Regis1 ra1ion lwgins at 11:00 with lt,1nch, practice range halls and a great opportunity for pet'r~to~peer networking. A number of


J.n<lawards banqu<.·t) Regi.slralion

<kvclopcd sc;-vcncomprehensive bilingual training p'rogra1ns t.o help aid erectors in meeting OSIIA•s rnandatory training c:ornplia,;ccof Subpart R. All proceeds benefit ,he programs of the Sl::Ai\ Safety


Sran<lawl went into effect in 2001. the Commit 11:chas SEAA Sale\ y & E<luc,1lio11

and sponsorship opportunities are available. t'vlakcplans to jo;o us(<,,-\he Sl::AAJn<lus1ry Upd:,u· and Annu,;11Golf Outing..


When: February 21 23, 2008 Wlicr,': Grand I lyatt Uotd, San Amonio, TX W'chshc: www.gran<lsana11tonio.h)'atl.con1 SEAA Sp,•c;.,J (;rnup ll:.1<·:$189.00

1-877-TS.K\,A QIC Info

www. te kl a .c. 8 I THESEAA CONNECfOlt



UPCOMING SEAA EVENTS Reghtrcition di:1.ails:www.seaa.ne1, The 36th Annual National Convention &:Trade Show is set for fcbruary 21-23, 2008, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San

pt;r:;on:i pt;r boaL) for :5or'tu~·wc.>rltl-<.:lass 1,a:.:,

fishing. The tou,·nament will commence widl ,, 5hotgun ,,t 7:00 a.m. \V~ will

~tC'e1 (;'r<..·<.~on:: <.·ontinU<.' to

call it quits at 1:30 p.m. and return to shon.· for a W'.'igh-in and t1 catc:n:c-lfi~h fr)',

face new and different challenges a~ our in-

Cht"ck our <n)r wehsit.t>-fo,.. spon!-o-rship

dustry e-x~rif.:'n('€'$ unpnt('€'d1?'nted growth

opportm1ities. Formoreir.iformation on ctll ei•enrs,conwci SCAA



in con~tru<.:tion. Our ~latt'. of top-notch speakers a.11dtradcshow exhibitors ,viii

Notional or (336) 294-8880. Steel Erectors A.\·.mriation<!fAmerim

2216 WestMeodowviewRd.. Suire #115 Gre,nsh<>ro, NC 27407 •P/ione: (336) 194-8880/Fax: (413) 2086936 £-mail: cxc,;utivedirecLor(q}~e<tO,net

WebsJtc: •

keep you )nformcd on the hottest issues, th<.·latest trends and the ncwt.'.Sl that an• vital in hdping you im:n.:'!tt~t'your competitive niche in the marketplace. Save r..;chn1.1ry21-23, 2008, on your ('.JIC'n<lar to attt"nd tht" prrmit"T t>-duc-ationalevent ancl expo for steel t:re<·tion cotnpanies. l'mt the San Antonio Com'entions&. Visiton Bureauwebsiu at

CONVENTIONGOLF TOURNAMENT Republic Golf Club, Sau Antonio, TX Thursday, Fel>rmry 21 Cost: S 150 per person Tee time: 12:30 p.m.

Registrationdetails: "vww.scaa.ncc The SE!\A 2008 (;oJf Outing will be held at the Republic Golf Club, just 10 .short minutes from tht" Gnmd Hya~tHotd. Registration fee of$ ISOincludes roumllrip shuttle, barbcquc hr.iskct luncheon, rJngc balls, golf, cart, bc,·cragcs, pri>.cs and a" ards. Che<.·kout our website for sponsorship opportunities.

Washington Dulles International Airport

Air Traffic Control Tower

CONVENTIONFISHING TOURNAMENT Choke Canyon Reservoir, Can)·on ( .-3kv, TX

Thursda~·• Fd,ruary 21 Cosl: S200 per person Rus <le-_parL.::;: S: 30 :t.m. Registration details: \V\\'W.seaa.nct The roundtripdiartcn:d bus will dep;:i,rt th< ho«I lobby at 5:30 a.m., Thursday, f-o('bruary21 few tht> Chok<" Canyon RP!-en·oir for .1 l hour and 15 minute bus rid<.: (approximately 65 miles) south to Choke Can}on ,,hl'n..· wt· will l>oard boats (two



Steel Erection • Shea,·Studs 14991 Shady Qal( Lane • Haymarket, VA 20169 Phone: 571-248-6890 • Fax: 571-248-6894 • E-mail:



It's har<l to be-

lieve a11oth~1•year hJ.s gone hy, ;)ncl it is "gai1) time for our annual edition

of The SE.H Connect<>r.Things get rt'O I ly hus)' this time of year trying to coordinate advertisers, articles, pictures, rncmher lists, <·tc. Lurkily form~, our assocfatio.o is full of very p,·ofcs~ional pt-ople who ,,vork really hard to get the

infonuation ready for publishing. We hope this issue has something in it that you will find p.rticuh>.rlyapplici,l>lcto your erection business. That is my gonl: that ea<"'hmeml>t"r

n·ada will he able to apply :-omcthing to his/htr

bo:sines:; lO make it .safrr an<l more


CRANE SAFETY Our current asso<..:iaLion president, Chip Pocock, has spent ma.ny hours working on a committee: to update the OS1lA crane and dtrric.:k stamlan.b. On~ of thi: items on that agenda is operator c<:rtification.

Tlow many or you saw the Tec:entf:n9ineerln9 News-Recordcov«.::rphoto of a collapsed cr.\nc with 3 p-conywt.:dgcdin tht override switd,? Shm:king ... ye::.; surprised ... no. There arc a lot of things going on 3t the joh :;ilc d,at (lon't t•x::H;tly 1rwt•tsafCty ruks or manufacturers' recommendations. It happens aln1ost every day, wmalJy beginning a~ ~mething rhat i~ harmlt"~s, but ~s clay af'tcr day goes by, com.placcncy sets in and one day, CrosiJJ/1,, damage(! <.:rancor inju:rcd workc:r. Opcrati ng a crane is a lot like flying an airplane: hours of boredom interrupted only by moments of sheer t,...-rror.V\7t.· waot our pilol~ to be properly Lraincd an<lliccnscd; doesn't it make sense of 01.1 r (:raiw orw·rators? lo n:quirt.· tht.":;;,ctmt.· t\ !so, like airplanes, where most crashes are caused by pilot error, most crane accidents an· caused by opc:rator error. Even tho1.1gh OSHA ,nay be dragging its l~t:l on Lhe new crane and derrick standards, I believe we n1..~c<"I LOlead the that a:; an ;,ls::;ociation I way i,, requiring operator!\ to be not. just certified, bul qualified to operate in the <.:omplc:xand l;!\'er-<.:hangingc;:1wiron rnrnt of the construction site.

BRIDGECOLLAPSE 1am sure Lhat, like us, you were s.i<l<lencd by th'! rect:.i)t col lapse ofan interstate bridge in do,vntown Minneapolis. ()ur LhoughL::; and prayers go out to families or th<.·vkl ims of that tragedy. As of yer, I have seen no one spe-culate on the causes of the collapse. 1Vlanyof our nation's bridge:; h,n-c cxcce<lc<l Lh<.:ir (IC~ignlifo a,,d arc .s1.;:cing trallic<1ua.nt.ity and loads nevc1·imagined by the design 1..~nginet:r 20, 30, 50 or mort' y~•.trs ago. flopefull)\ tllis tragic incident "viii .spur a reevaluation of older bridge and connect ion design, r<.•nc._·wccl thon>1.1ghn~ss :lrul l1rgetu.:y of inspections, and increase of repair and replacement to restore confidcnc<' in whJt is argu,,bly lhc world's largest and hcsl ro:.l.d\vay :,;ystcm. Th;,mks for n•;,HlingThe SEAA Ctmncctor. Your thoughts and ideas on how to improve our magazine, or comments on anything included here, ~re ahv:iy~welcome. OuffZimmt·rman Editor The SEA1IConneccor

LEADING THE SOUTHEAST Miscellaneous Metals - Ornamental Iron

One Source Two Erectors AJSCCerliliedSteelErector

~ ~ PHONE (770) 436-1596 1285 HAWTHORNE 10 I THE SEAA CONNECTOR




FAX (770) 438-8143 • SMYRNA, GEORGIA 30080

President's Message ..l\u:;:y" i.$ th..; word I

hear ofkn


nll~ networking opportunjli\-'S <U~anon.It'd by meeting and talking to pcopl<.",,...-hofoe(' thl'

1alking {O ~rectors.

same or similar d1:J.llcugcsyou do and b-Ctling fabric.itors, <:c11.1ipmc:m honest focdb;;ickabout ho,.,..others dc;;il'"'ith thl·.sc 1't'1ll ,\I nt1\dors ,HHI i!':1-\u!C'n~:--isthc rc.,1hNlC'futhat mak<·i-

l)::ttiona.1 ,aswdl as r~gional VE"nrlors. Thfrf,m.· ,.1100 1>k·nly of' evt:ms lhat offi~r ni•Iworking as wdl ,\_.. J little 1-claxalit)nlik<.'1lw Thun,d;)y go1f or fish. ing tournaments, and th<.·Sa1unlay night T<·xa..<: (Ylmslingt<rand Casino nighl. If you an: uol al,"t'adyan adivt' 1nt'1f,bt'r, I hope you will c:x.msidt'rmy dlallfnge- Jnd lx--rornr-;l<' fr~'<.' i,1 tht -assodalion. Tob1<~1hr-r W<'c.m make a

y<.l\lrmr-m1wrship in SEA ..\ pay off. I c..-mnoti-dl you how many h~timonials I have h~anl from industry. Rc·cx·nt c·c:o• <~n:t:loran<l lal,rkator mcittb(•ts " 1ho b.~wcsolv<'<l difference. problcm.s cwfound better ways of conducting their 1\0n'lk fon><"aRl.S ,m• predkting C'()ntinoN'I growth frlr thc· <1ndinsl i1u1io11-al <-u11~lrU<:tio11 Chip Porod,:.. husine-ssas a r<-suIt of attending and participating markets through 2008. Th'-•'(..'I<-•0t'1st1·u<.·tiou in $£AA 1;'\'t'1lls.:ind having 1h~ opportunity to ~l~AAPn~id<-nt ,li'!'i;.'('tlyinh'r:u.1 wi1h otlwrs who 1:1.a•lhc s.unc industry has not s('('n a boon1 Like-this in yc-~l'S:.\r'lcl STEELERECTORSASSOCIATION OF chall(•ngc-:-: cbily. for many <.:ompa.nicswho h,n:c:"t0t.tghccl il out" l will c:onsi<lcr rny Lenn as Pr('Sidcm of th<." AMERICA PRESIDENTS through thick and thin, it is wdl dc$t~TYc<.I. association as .... ucc::essfu.lif I can siruply moth·atc Th<:-$cgood cronomic:tlmc•!'-,howl'V<"r, prr.-t"n( 1972 1973 Eddi<.'\1/illi.:un.s just as m.111y. if nut mort',. dMlleo~ in th~ d,1ywtO• mort' cu,·re-nt mc-m1x-rsto actively participate ill (Cofound(•r) d.:i)opc:ratjoi:u;of our hu:,;.ine:s:-;t":,;. as Wt" h;,h t' wl•t"ll th~ ~OOrtsvfS'GAA. Ther\".ir<".i host of ('Ommit Sonny (\•1c:lv.:r work is slower. tt<.'sthat CC'l\1l<l 1.11'4'your lw·lp.Tlwn· i.ssomC'thing 1974 1974 (Cofow ...k~r) for ('very int.:.·r(.'.$1, wh<·thc-rii i.ssaft·ty and <:<lu<.<1 Ont> of the biggest challenf:_'<:S !acing our in 1975 1975 Bill Coop,:,· lion, detailing, Jnl:<lia, co1w(:ntion plao:r).iJ.)g or d0stry today is ow· workforce, or lack thcrcor'. 1976 1976 Sl;tfl~1,gpn>}'"(.'1~ or !':hop lloor~ witll c-ompcic-nt othC'1~.I guaranl<'c that you anJ your c.:ompaoy FredStagg will n'..lj)ht1tt"fitsmanifold the m(>mbershipdues. 1977 1977 john Wchh supervisory (Wr...,onrwlaml s.killt•dbfmr is ,l con 1978 1978 :;tcmth,1lll<·for fahricator:;, l'.n. .."Ctors.m<l.i.11 in Lhe SonnyMdvt"r h:1 .td<litioo,you and yuu•·<-ompanywill gtt 3 SC"llSC 1979 1979 Ch:.1rlil~ Stotldanl conuncn.ial coo..slniC1.ion1)Urk<-t.Llra,\'i.ogyo-:mg of S.ltisf..wtirn,l()r giving h,wk 10 1lw induS1ry by 1980 19S0 F,1ldil•\1/illi.lms hdping to impmv<· il by making it a bcncr and work<"rsinto our industry, trafoiog t.hc-min both anyone in"ofvcrl in lhe

commtrdal building


.sa1t:rpfo<.:t.· fi>rall of us w work. Don't take my ,vtml for it a.,k .s(J-U)e()ne who is or h;;isserved or a committee 3bout on th(• Board of Dirt-ClOI"$ the-bendits of acth•c-lypartkipJtin,g. Tlwr-.:-ii-oo bt'lt<·r place-to :.:;lartthan hy .attend ingthc.• Nalimml Conwnt.ion& Tra<ll' l::!>timating, biddiug. project manag~mcot. Sho,\\ ,\'hic:h will Oil(:~ agair) be held in the gl"<.'3t billing, collf"<'tion~,imurancc and bonding, equip· st.ate of Texas, Fd,ruary 21, 22 and 23, 2008. The in..-in i.~u..-~ S.ll\'.ty,·mdOSITA .:m·hut.,fC'wofth(."' 1 othl,r <by to~c:l.tychall<'ng<'sthal <'adl busin('S...<: m1we11(ionwill be held at tl)C brand new Gn.m<I Hyau Hotel in San Antonio. TX, ;.mrl,viii fcx·uson O\\ ner Jn<l their ~u1Tl1.1n- 10 mJ.nagl'. "Building and f:.nrkhing Tomorrow's \1/orklon-e.'' Hdping erectors aJ1d Cahrkator men1bt1·s Th(· ('mw<·ntion oft·r$somcthing f<>rcwryo1K' l,, mttt th~t: diall~ngcs a.ud soh-e problems is one ,·ol"e-dir) the s.tccl 001)strocti0Jl indust1·y ,1.ndwill of the many hc:nc:lits (.1f hc.:longing IO tlw Sk(•I boast speakers that will he\, to poSJtivclyimpact En:x.'torsA~s<X:iaticm vi· Amerilt.t. I lvwe,•er. bdonging to the-a ..<:Soc;ation <lol•~not $(>h•c: thc:sc: yuurbotlom lit,e~ will 3llowyot.1to,;<'w tlwnt•wof ,1ctivdy problems or afford n("arly the hc;>n<>lit e,.,;t('qtiipnwnt .wailahk· IOr Ilw skt<I <·cm.-;I ruction panicip.ltiug in the aclh'ilit.'1>of lht' ,l:SS01.:i.ltiv11. in<lvstry .md allow you 10 int<·rat:ldin:clly wilh

the ski11sllN:'('~'>ary to do thC'joh and the safety r'\'(p,1ir'\'mi;"nt~, while retaining the-~ employ~. is .:Lr>mhlt•1n for :.ll of ui-in tlw indusl ry. This prob lt'm cannot l>t:soln:J L,yany out' ~otity. Vi/~ha\'~ to·kl~·this i.s:-.m: togNh.,.•1· a~~•' i1ulusrry.


J:wk Mo.,;s


·wade Cooper

I984-I9S4 1985-1985 I9S6-1986

Fn"-1.ISirkd Tt'.'(ldyOixon fl;JJyOcWitt

I9S7 19S7

Jllfl\": .S1)J1TOW



1990-1990 199).1992

Doug Piar


Jim Ur.sou Kevin Ocmpscy Tom Und(."'rhill Bob Bcckrwr John Carri.son Eddie Wilfums

I99S-19% 1997 1998 I 999-2000 2001-2002 2003-20()4.

2005-2006 2006-2007


Pct~ ·walker

Bruce B~sdcn Chip Pocock

SEAA Mission Statement The Steel Erectors Associotion of Americo (SEAA) is dedicated to advancing !he common interests ond needs of oll engaged in building wilh steel. The Association's objectives in achieving this goal include the promotion of safely. education ond training programs tor sleel erector trodes. development ond promotion of standards and cooperation wilh others in oclivities which impact the commercial construction business.

Steel Erectors Association

of America

2216West Meadowview Rood, #115 Greensboro. NC 27407 (336) 294-8880 THESEAA CONNECtOR

2007 EDITION I 11



STEEL SUPPORTINGFREEDOM Air Traffic Control Tower for C-5 Conversion Project Named 2006 SEAA Project of the Year By Tino Couller

Once a site for the C-130 llcrrnlcs Martinsburg,

the entire

mHlion airport control lo\vcr <lc.sigm:<l to serve both the· mili~

WV, fodlity that is home to the Air National

tary hase and the adjacent civilian airport. Now complete, the


Guard's 167th Airlift Wing was recently transformed into ;.1 h.,1sc..· f(,..

lhc.· C-5 Galaxy fk-et> a criti<·.:ilcomponent of the 1

tower was chosen by the SEAA as 2007 Project of the Year.

The complex gcomc1.ry of the air traflic control cab dc-

Air lvl<)bility Cornmand s strategic airlift concept. CentraHy

tnanded the resources an<lexpertise of <lclailcr, fabricaLorand

situated along the East Coast., N\artinsburg was deemed an

erector lrongate, Inc. of White Post, VA, who brought the

ideal location fOr ccono1nical,cf'f-idcntmaintenance of' the

C-Ss, and the base conversion is expected to propel the state's

28-ton, 140-foot-high structure from concept to reality ov~r a period of l I months. lrongatc is known for its expertise in

economy forward.

custom steel fohrication, detailing and erection, and for its

The C-5 conversion project included construction ofa S+.99




2007 tOIIION

30-year re(·on-1of outstanding performance on projects with



a high difficulty factor and extraordinary complcxiLy. ·rhc gcn<.·ralcontractor for the conversion project was Clark Construction Group of Bethesda, l\•1D,and architectural and engineering design services for the project were provided by HSMM (Hayes, Seay, !lfatteru, Mattern, !01,;.) ofWashingwn, DC. The c.:omrolcab fcaLurcsa hexagonal shape that flares out

from a nearly square shaft, involving rmmcrous complex angles and inLcrsccting planes. The first-floor exterior is made of brick, and the remaining tower structure, which contains IO set~ of ~t.airs and an elevator, is made of brick

and precast. concrete to adhere to design specifications. The cab is n1adc of steel for 1naxin1un1 visibility

and lightness. According 10 Dennis Ridings, President and Owr)Cr of lrongale~


fabricaLOrsin our shop can build any thing. They are a top-notch team of problcrn-solv<.~rs and enjoy a tough

challenge, which c.hisproject c<:rLainly

provided. The complex design of lhc tower required careful logistical plan~ n i ng. There wou Id he no place to stand onct.! the cab was atop t.hc lower, \11.rhcn·

ils 140-foOLh<·ightwould expose workers to a potential fall. il also rcquirc·d thoughtful design planning. The nurncr

ous angles made accuracy critical. Eadi

bolt hole hacl lo be perfectly •ligucd and the members had


Cit together

precisely. For the sake of safely and cf'. ficiency, we decided to pre-assemble the cah in our shop, working on a 30 ..fooL sLructurc raLhcr lhan working 10 stc>ries

in the air, to erect the steel."

At the detailing stage, cv,•ry piece was f'Xte-nsivt"lyscrutinized

for case of as

seml>ly and salety. Plant manager Mike

Ridings explains, "Al the top of the tnwer, a band ofprecastconcrctc serves as a guardrail for the catwalk and forms

a hase for the steel rah. We built a jig on which the cab coulci be constructed to assure match fitting of all pieces, THE SEAA CONNECTOR

2007 EDITION J 13



making field re-assembly simpler. The jig was used for shop assembly, field assembly and to coordinate the con-


nection })('tween the conc-rete preca~t

and structural steel. Once fabrication was complete, the cab was assembled at our shop. This allowed us to address any concerns. Welding connections cou Id he perfected, and we could make minute adjustments to the support members and roor framing as needed.

Every measurement was checked and <loublc-chcckcd." The fore.sightbehind this strategy made subsequent phases much easier and sale,·. Pre-as.5emhlyalso expedited construe tion, since the various subtradcs could comet<>lron!-,>ate's shop t<>make preparations. Workers tonk field measurements for the sheetmetal roof, flashing and mechanicals that would ultimately be inG-orporatcdinto the tower as the fabricators were workingrathc-rthan-waiting until the tower c,abwas in plaC('at the site, enabling components to be ordcrcd and delivered well ahead of time. While the pre-assembly was at the lrongatc shop, the glasssubwntractor was able to create templates of the glasspanels, allowing the glassto be precisely fit to the :;tcd for sm<x>thinstallation. Th<.~soffit 14 I THESfAA CONNECTOR 2007 EDITION


The massive Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is an instantly recognizable military aircraft, with its distinctive high T-tail, 25° wing sweep and tour TF39 turbofan engines mounted beneath the wings. The C-5 is designed to airlift fully equipped combat-ready military units to ony point in the world on short notice and provide field support. It is one of the largest aircraft in the world and has a larger load capacity than anyotherairlifter, carrying up to 36 slandard pallets and 81 troops at a time. II is used to transport nearly all of the Army's combat equipment, including its 58-ton AVLB (armored vehicle launched bridge), on armored vehicle used


for launching and retrieving a 60-foot scissors-type bridge. Ground crews can rapidly load and off-load at the some time using the croft's enormous nose and art cargo openings. The C-5's wing tanks hold 332,500 pounds of fuel, enough lo fill 6-1/2 railroad tank cars. With a cargo load of 270,000 pounds, the C-5 con fly 2,150 miles, offload and fty too second base 500 miles away tram the original destination without refueling. With the speed, efficiency and expertise of a NASCAR pit crew, the Air National Guard's C-5 maintenance team in Martinsburg con drop on engine and replace it in o matter of hours.

metal deck roofing and roof access ladder w(."r,e, also pre-fined and in.stalled.

Once lrong,,tc's team had builL and prc-asst~mblcd lhe 28-lon rah, it w~s d isa,;scmbkd and moved to the Martinsbw·g campus of the 167th Airlift Wing for assembly. A telescoping forklift and a four-man crew were the ooly reoc<"urrencc l(w site ::ts..'ic111hly. A


cr::int•, whi<·h w.)5- alrf•ady on !>it<.·:;cHing pn:(·<;l:;t, \va:; U!>cc.lto :;ct d1t· <.:~,b.

A month from the start, ahead of schedule, the Air NaLional Guard alerted public officials and members of the top bra,s that the tower c::auwas asscmbl~d and readv to SN, and the ' high-prolilt•group began the short journey froin DC lO Martinsburg to witness

the historic event. No re-a.Iurgency was anticipated

recently, a similar event

at th,, Woshington Dulles Airport had taken nc,\rly a week. Al the Martinsburg facility, an Ameri-

can nag was draped ove,· chc side of the tow.,r while a C-130 lly-by marked the occasion and enahlt~d photographers to

capture the scene from the air. The cab S<'tting ,vas suCC('ssfully accomplishc:d in less th;.1.none hour

so quickly that

the high-profile "isitors barely arrived in tirne. «lfthere had l>•...:-l:na drum roll,







Company Name: lrongate Inc., White Posi. VA Project: West Virginia Air Notional Guard C-5 Conversion location: Martinsburg. WV Size of Project: 45 tons struclurol, 12 flights of stairs, 10 flights of sloir handrails and misc. Cost of Project: $370.000 (structural/misc. steel), $4.99 million for overall tower project Structural Engineering: HSMM, Washington, DC (Hayes, Seay. Mottern, Mottern, Inc.I Architectural Firm: HSMM, Washington, DC (Hayes, Seon, Mattern. Mottern, Inc.) General Contractor: Clark Construction Group, Bethesda, MD - Jesse Rice Project Owner: Air Notional Guord 167th Airlift Wing - Lt. Col. Burkhart length of Project: 11 months Labor Hours: Detailing 1.000 hrs., Shop 4.700 hrs., Erection 20 hrs.

there wouldn't have been time for the drummer to hnish,"1aughs Dennis Ridings. ''It went so smoothly. the \vhok·

thing was a liLtlc anticlimactic." This final phase-of c:on:,;lruction was completed without prohk·ms or injury,

due largely to the highly precise match filling of the struC'tural and columns. lrongatc,sim1ovaUvcthink-tank solutions

and weeks of teamwork had paid off. Ac-


cording to Ridings, "From the dclailing office throuoh fabrk:ation and erc-ction,


our !cam's effort really shined. On,-~ again, we have ~..:c-nthat the upfronl C"osts of planning and prc..-..assc1nhlyp~y back enonno\ts diYidcndsin safi·ty an<l cfiickncy.'' In po:,.1:-gam(· analysis of thi~

highlysuccessfulproject, Ridings is quick to commend the coope-ration bet w('('n hongate and Clark Construc:lion, ~u1<l lhe comln\lnication

between lrongatc

~m<lmilit..lry oftld::tls at the base.

The 1\1.drtin!)hurgbase is now fully convcrtc<l and op'l·rational, s<>rvinga kcy

role· in rrlllitary opc-ratjonssupporting Amcrican f'reedornaround 1ht..·world. On December 4, 2006, the 167th Airlift \Ving

111•.uJc history

as DSI Air Traffic

Controller Ms. Rose Barnes made the tran::.rni::.sion:"Occoy 01 heavy, check whcds down, \Vind 280 at 12, dt·ared

to land."• 16


2007 EOlrlON


Thomas S. 1/nderhi.ll, Tri Steel, Inc., Wiru-wn-Salem, NC-lnvolvc-d withSEAA sine<: 1990, Past Pr<:sidmt 1997-1998, Mr. Underhill participated in SEAA's initial involvement with the AJSC Roundtable. He is the owner of Tri Steel, Inc., a supplier and erector of structural and misccllanoous steel> meta.I.deck and open-web st<..-cljoisls primarily ul the North Carolina, Soutl, Carolina and Virginia regions:.Mr. Underhill is a graduate of the Virginia ?YWitaryInstitute. E-mail Tsu.ironwsl@aol .com. Tom McAleese, Tndusco Group, Baltimore, JJI.D- Mr. Mc.Ah::e~ has heen a:n employee oflo<lUS<.-o Wire Rope & Rigging for more than 25 years. His easygoing yet direct_,to-the-point demeanor has allowedTom lO forge;: unique <.1.1storner relatk>nswitl, many of their v3lue<l<.:uslomers.Over the years, he has aoquired v,luoblc knowledge obout the rigging (bdow the hook), wire rope md safoty/fall protcclionficlds. As vice president and sales mana1,,erl(>rthe Baltimore!n...-gion► he is an involvG'<.l member of several trade associations, including the Association of Equ.ipment Manag~ment Professio1)als,tbe Building Congress and Exchange, and Associated Building Contrac;1.or...As a hoard member for SEAA, he also serves .lS the trade-sho,.,,.Cfiai:rman.On the personal side, he 3.n<l his lovely ,vife, Cheryl, have shared 28 wonderful years of marriage, and have three young adults they are proud of: son Michael, 25, and daughters Melissa, 23, and Melanie, 19.They ~ide ;n Hanover, MD. E-mail Steve ,ltillcr, Cole-Afiller Safety Can.mlting Inc., Denver, CO Mr. Miller is the President and founder of MC Enterprises in De.nvcr, CO, consi::;tingof Miller Safety Consulting, Preferred Safe\y Products, and Crane and Rigging Con.sult.anb. Stevets oon-

~tn,l(:6on<;.lreerhegan in a family-owneclsteel erection and crane service business in Nev,r England. I le has spent the last 30 years in the Colorado area as a crane operator, heavy equipment manager, safety dirc<:tor,and then, company ownc.r. Steve has designed a!'ld receive-cl patents on ~vt>nl full-protection d<·\·icc.-. fr>rthe stt,--clcn,.-ct.ion il'Klustry, and markets them through Prcfcrowl SafoLyProclu<.1.S. Mr. Miller has participated on severalsafety standards-writing committees, inclu<.fjng the 1\CCSH mobile crane standard review tx)lnmittcc and SEN RAC. He is ao NCCCO-ccrlif'ie<l crar)<;opctato-r and p-ractical examiner. Stcvt": is tht: administrator

of th<~SEA A's sist<:r organization, the Stc..-cl Er<'Ct(')rS Safr•tyAS,<,;<>datlon of Colnr.:ido(SESAC), which (.-Onsistsor

50 steel ere~~ors. He has been happily married to Pat for 31 years and ha:-one son, who dlOsc plumbing for a carc<·r! 18 I THESEAA CONNECTOR 2007 EDITION

Sherrie Wilkinson, L.R. Willson &,Son~., Inc., Cambrills, ,UD - Serving her tirst lcrm on the SEAA board, M/). Wilkin:-.<>t) rcprcscnt.s L.R. \Villson & Sons, lnc., an AISC-certified advanced erector and PC! Qualified Precast Erector. Worl.'ing for the fam.ily-owoed business that has more than 50 years in the steel industry, Ms. Wilkinson serves as L.R. \.ViUson& Sons, lnc.'shuman resources administrator. She and her husband, Dennis, have six children ~n<ILwogran<lchildren. Outside or her involvemr.nt in her family's -ydc.:sand hor.-es. company, she enjoys riding moton ... Selena Dean, Dean Steel Erect.ors, Harrisonbur9 1 YA-Ms. Dcaniss<;rving her second term on the Roard ofOircclc>rs. She has been the field operations manager for the last eight years for the AJSC-certifoeclDean Steel. F<luncleclin 1969, Dean SLeel's primary focus i::;erecting structural steel throughout the United States, but it also erect~ insulated metal panels, precnginccr(."<)tn<.:talbuildings, till-up panel$, prccast, hoJJow core planks, and bridges. A 1992 accounting graduate.· of Rriclgcw.-.tcr College in Bridgewater, VA, her experience in title law an<l a$ a certified title insurer helps her serve on the SEJ\J\ finance commit~ tee. Her interests .include traveling, golfing and hallroom dancing. E-mail sdcnadcanl Stephen ·c. Burkholder, S&_R Enterprises, LLC, florrisburg, J>AServing his second term on the Board of Dire<.:l.Ors,Mr. Burkholder is active in the orbranization as he chairs the sponsorship co1nmittee, as well a.s serving on the insurance committee. Staying busy is not a problt::m for Steve, for when he is not ;:issisting S GAA, he is managing his own cornpany, a steel and prccast erector serving the Mid-Ada,Hic region. Hi~ company is committed to being an industry .leader by provjdiogprofcssional, saf'cservices to thcsteeJ/precast industry by operating wlthintcgrity ,;1mla<.:c...vuntahility. the hoard, he continues to associate himself ,,;th the ind\lstry':;dite performers, as he maintains his own company's reputation while <.:ontribullng to the future strength of tl,e industry. S & R is proud to be the rceipienc of the 2007 faectioo Class IJ Project of the Year award. S & R rccognjzcs the imp<>rlaD(,'C of rdatlonshjps in lhc !>H'dconstruction industry, and strives to maintain high lcvcJs of intt·grity in suc..:h a competitive market. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania Stale University arid an avid golfer. His commitment to his v,•ifc, Lisa, two daughtc:rs, Alexis Jnd M,u.irah, 3nd son Z-a<·haryis e,vidt"ntin all aspects of his life. E-mail

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Stott B,·ook.-.,itfid Cities E,·ectors, Fort Worth, TX - Pound,·r and CEO of Mid Cities Erectors, Mr. I.kooks is s<-·rvinghis first tt>rrn on the Board of Oirectors. I le h~:, ht:~n in the :tlt.:d erec.:tiol'l industry


mon ..• lh3n 20 y1;.•ar:,. Tri:; c.:umpany start~t] with eight employees i.n 2000, and has grown to almost 100 full-time employees •:r<.:<.:tingproj<..·<.:lS oalitJr'l\ovid<·. Ht• also manages a lh-:('-1of c:r-anc:-sranging from 50 to 2 50 ton:.. His r-xprriern:.:<'in tilt-wall aml pre<..·ast,;;iswc,-11 ;)S steel erection, is 3 gn.:at addition to the <.a1n-cntBoa.rd of Directors. Scott a.nd his wifo, Lee Anna, have three children: two daught(•rsand a son. \Vhcn he is not running a stc-rl <'rcction husint--:-:s,Sco1t l<W('S to t~sh and is .1n avid howhuntf'r, E-mail scou@micl<.:itit·.-;1.:n.Tton;.<.·or1·,.

Richard Tucker, South Carolina Steel Corporatio11, Greenvi/le, SC- St:rving iOr nin<' )'C"al'~on thC"Sf.A A Roa rd of Oircctor.,;, Mr. Tt.1<.:kc:r ntrn·nlly :;crvc:s on Ll1t"fiu1.lgt"1 \.Vork Group. \•Vith 40-phi.s }'<."an; in the steel industry, his experiences arc available to the association, furthering

the spiril of lcamwork bet ween the fo.brl<.;aLOr an<l erector, 1 lc is the ma.nagcr of marketing for South Carolina Steel, one of lh..: region's 11'1ost succcs!'-.fuI fabJ'icaLc>rs. SC Stcd was the fal)J'icawr of the: 2001 SF.AA Projc·c-t or tfw Y(',H',His 1:unily indudrs his wil(·, K.tthy, two chmghH·rs ~ncl thn.'<.'gqmkhildn·n. G-m<1il11.ichanl. tuckcr@crncsg.<.·om.

Rick Starner, Star Er<:cters,Inc., Ralei9h. NC- Mr. St::irru ..·r is Prt·sidc·nt of Star Erf.'ctcrs, Jnc., a m<:>mh('ror STIAA since 199 I. Mr. Starncris serving his sc<.·· ond term on the Bo:trd of Directors, and

served as lhe chairrna" of the 2006 S1:.:AA Convcnlion. He is proud to be part of an a.ssocjation that is making an jmpact for the future ofd1e industry that he has been involvt:-tli11 sint.:t· 1974. Mr. Starm:r graclu:;11ccl from th<.· Local 84, I lou:-ton, TX, Apprcntic,_·.<.·ship J\rogram in th<' summer of 1978, and worked in the Houston an·a until 1988, tlwn rdocat<.·d to Raldgh, NC, and foun<l<.~d his company. He and his wife, Lcs)ic, have three children: Mdissa, 27, J<•ssc, 13, and Samantha. 8. Int..,.·rtsts i 1'lduclc t rav1.:I,llying, w;.1Iking and lu.:iug an aCl iv1..·<l::ul. F.-mail rkbt;;irnc;.•r@};,




I 1f


.Robbie Edwards. Ullit.ed Rentals Aerial Equipment, Carner, NC- St.:rving his second l<rm on lhc SEAA Boord. of Directors, Mr . .tdwards is branch manager for United Rentals, one of Sl.:AA's most loyal and generous sponsors. 11is 25 years of t.:xperii..:1H;ein

ll1t:.: c;on.slru(;tion


industry make him 3 valu.iblc and strong voice on the board and on the safety and tradcshow v,mrkgroups. H<'and hi:-:wifo, l.ynrw, h;n•<~ two childn~n. Hi:--inb•r<'sb:ar<• r<•adiog hil>tory and nw:;t .-.;porl.'.i. E-mail r('dwanls@Jur.<.:oni.

John Q,J.,i,,lcrn,Q_ui1)lanEnterprises, GA A longLime SEAA m\.·mhcr, lvtr. Quinhm c.:orn.;ndy .,;l;rves as Secretary of the SJ2AA lloard of Director:,;. f k is Pn::-.idenl or Quinlan Enterprises, which specializes in con:-.tn1ding slrm:tur~1] stcd lrnilding:,;> prm·iding sc.·rvin· m;.1.inlyin thc.·Sollthc;:ist area. ~tretching from South Carolina to Florid:.. He also owns a net opf'rare~ Savann:.ih Rh't"r Sref'l Fahricalors. Ht· is a,, avid aYiatot and enjoys photogi-aphy. I-le and bis wifo, K iu.y, o:>crvcd;;a:")tht..·2007 (·onvention c:hairpcr$OH:").E-mail john(f4quinfon-ent er prises. con1. C/a;,:t-on,

jnhn (Jack) ,llctca!fe, Nation"/ Institute ef Steel Dctailin9, OukJcmd, CA -Jack has bcm the NISD liaison lo SEAA for over seven years, and he an<l his wHC, P~m>an.• forniliar fat:c:satSEAA funt..:tiuns. I ft~ is ,1 p,\st pn·siclc·nt of NISD, curn·nl:ly S(->r\'('S 011 thdr ho;.1rdor din·(·(ors, ;.md is also <·hair of the quality J>rm·c.·<lun·s n•r .. ti(ication cornmittC"C-.jaC"k's firm, John .Mct<:alfoCompany, i:; lo<.:atcdin Pill!ihllrgh> PA> a,,d has b<'<'1) scning the stcd constnu:tion <-omrnunity for ovu SO y(·ar:::.llis interests include his grandchildrt"n, children and construction mission work in Haiti and .Sudan, and disaster relief in the U.S. In his sparC"timr-. h<' is practiring ro I)(' a hC',1chhum. Jim T.or:;on, Phoenix Steel Erc,:t.Ors. VA - A mc-mbl"r of Sl.:AA for 20 years, Mr. Larson has served Oil tht> ho.wd for tht'" pa.~t 1S yt>ars. As well a:-;a pa:-t pre:-;iclt""nt, he"' currc•,,lly .~rves a..:; 2n<l Vi<.:<.' Pn.:sjJ1,.•nt~m<l Ck,irman of LlK Long range:-Planning an<l Stcd Dclailing committees. Mr. Larson w.1s involved in the SEN RAC Subpart R OSHA Sll,,•1Erection St;indard, NCCl:H .Sh'·c>Il:rN·i-ion 'fr:.iining /v1.rnual rt<writt>, A\.YSVI.I VVc;-lding C0<ic:-Commiuc;-c.·,anit tl-w AISC Roumltahk

Inc., Haynwrket,



2007 (l)ITl0N

to promole lhe \l.'i~ of .steel. I k <.:urrently is on thl· A ISC C0<k-or Standard Practi<.:c Commith:c, as wdl as the Slc.·clJohl Institute.Review Committee. Mr. Larson, along v"lth his partner, Pete \Valkc.~r,formed Phoenix Stcd Erectio,,. Mr. Larson wa..,..lhe first rc-cipi('nl. ofth(' \Villiam Davis S<·n·i<:<' Aw.ird> pn·st~ntcd hy SE.A.A for Ollt.,;t;,mdings(·n-in· to th(· a.ssociotion onc1th(· steel indv~try. E-mail

Geor9e R. Pocock, Construction lnsu.ran,:e A9ency, Inc., 1'-!Cln«s$as, VA - George is serving in his second term on the Steel Erectors Association of America Board of Direc1or~> and is an 3ctivc member and c.lir~<:toron the S~AA Mid-Atlantic Chapter l!oard. Grnrgc has over 40 years of <:xpcricnc<.~ spccializi1\g in insu ra.1)cc covcragt .. and ri;1;kmanagcmcm scn·in·s fo.r the <.:on.structiou jndustry. George has significant knowledge and experience of all commercial lines of insurance, large ec.1uipment schedules (primarily hea, 1y cranes), claims, hol\d~> insu-.-:.1\<"t"c<-rtillcate$> hold-harm It-:-;:-; agrr.t"O'H;rH:-;> ;ind its> additional insured, ;.ind ,vaiv<:r of sulJrogatioo a.nd ollu:r relat<:ll lines, cspcc:ially altcrnatiYc funding of workers' <._.ompcn.sation. (;eorgc is .l past board member, officer and din~ctor of the Northern Virgioi~ lmlt'.pt·nc.hAntlns:ur;tn<..:t• Agl·nts A~sociatiun. 1-k hJ.s also :-t·rn·d ~1s1lw 3dmini:;tr;)liVt' nalion3I tlirc.T\or .Jn<lis a life' mcmhc1· of the Virginia Jaycc('S. I le is a past president of th(" Springfic>ld Chamber of Lommc1·cc and was hono1·ed ,vith th<• HC"rlwrt C. Hunt<'r of the Yc.~araward. George i.s \fl•-ryactive in risk rnanagement and is a current member of a l,1rg1..· st('d (.'n-c..--1.ion ,md fobric.·,llor:,; :-.if~·Ly(·om111i1.1.~·t ... lo ,,ddition to :'i('rving on :'i('V<'rol(·orporatc hoords, (j(•orgt· wa~ 01w of tht.· founding din"'ctors of Continc-ntal Bank and Trust in Springfid<l, VA. In 200S, G<'orgc wa~ honot·Nl with th(• SEAA \•VilJiam Da,·is SC'rvicc A\V<ll"<lfol" his our..:;t~nding lif<'tim<' C'omrihution.-; to the ,stcd c:rc<.:tionindustry. Ccorgc•',s intc.·n.·st.s,~lrn,g with hi:- wift\ Lin<la, are traveling, golf outings, 1-ishingaml ~h,1ring dwir w.1tcrfn,nt home, great food and wonderful times with thc-ir famil)' and friends. E-mail grp75 I S1~aol.<"om.

1:.(/die»1illioms, 13uckncr Compdnies, Jnc., Gmham. NC - One would~< h'1nJ prcS:>t'J to fin<l any in<li\'ldual that has c.ft ..vokd mun· lilHt!, resourc..:es or effort working for dw bt•l h·n1wnl of 1111-•skt<1 <·on.slruction industry. from his bcghining a~ a n·har laho,-c-rin 1952, to CCO of on<•of' t.hl' <"Oul\t1•y's most rt•spt·ch·d slc.:<·1 t-r<·c.·tor:,;> f\.,fr.\¥illi,)ll"fs ha:- n,ad...-,his way lo !h(' lop hy \vorking at most <·vt•ryI radt• and man;-igc.·nwnl. po:-ition within his company, .:i~wdl JS hol<ling lc-acl<'r::;hip J)()Sitionsin vi1·nially cvc-1·ymajol' tra.d<'ol'gani?:ation in the steel <"onstruction inclo~rry. Through his t('nacity, Mr. 'A'iJH~ms ~<•('UT('-()SEA1\ a

BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,·ok<" on th<' SEN RAC mmmittc-<', prm·iding the org;:mi7..,'ltionthe

opportunity to influcncc the writing of OSJ LA kw: that would go,·ern how the entire con~truction incfusrrywonlcl ,oncfurt hu~inc:~sfor dw foresecabk· future. He has lwld th(• pr<'si<knt's position of SEAA tlu·cc limes, founding<lmt in 1972. Mr.

m.:in.:ig<"•· of opc1·.:i.tions. I k and his wife of 25 years. Meg. have dw<.·c childn·n: 1\<latthC'\v,20, ;rnd nvins Lauren and David, 18. Hi~ int<'l"<'St~indudi"" running, Ating and mmmt.\ill<'i~ring. f:.mail <luffal)c·oop<•r~t(•c•l.c-om.

SEAA fo1·his numerous contrihutions to th.:-assodation. fn 2005,

David A. Schulz, Schulz Iron 1"1orks., Inc., Rald9h, NC - Mr. Sc:hulz has

he was awarded J\ISC's UIC'timc Achkvcmrnt

b~en chm,rn

\Villidms w<1:.,nvarded tlwt-'(>n·ted \Vi11iam Davi~ S<·rvkc.· Awo.lnl lw,

Aware!. I It>.mcl his

indu~ll')'as a whole. Following iuhis foth'-·r's<:xdlllpk. Doug \•Villfams h,ts providi:.·<l k·adcrship ,ls a boar<l m..:-mb1.;r for lhc SC&RA and as the representative on OSHA':,; CDAC t.·mn,·nillcc.

His roots


is :;('r\ling

]\,fr. ZinHl'l\'t°1'll,'11)

:•a·cond Lc'rm ,ts a


Din.·(·\or ofSEAA, .wd

1::.<:'ditor of rhc Slitl1I (·(.lrrnecror m.\gazine. I le is also a rnember of the AISC S.,fety

T.,sk Group. lie hold,


ll.S. l'rom the

Unin ..r:;ily orT<:·nm·:-:-.<.·<.· in <·idl <.·ngin(·<.·r•

full M.·r\'kc skd

in tlw i,,dustry

hcg~n with

('r('<.·tion of grain dry<.·rs and hnil<.-rs. H<..·

Duff z;mmerman, P.E .. Cooper Steel Fabricators, Inc., Shelbyville,



of Dirc.·ctors after almost 20 year:; as a mcmb<::rof the a..ssodation. Dav(' ha..'ihc•cn working in dw .sh·d industry sine<· 1971.

famiJy haH· dt.•clkat<:•cltheir lives to Ruckner C0t:npanies and the

TN -

lO :•wrvt' on 1lw SF.A A

ing. At Cooper Stcd Fabrica.tors, Inc .. falwi<.·.Hiona.n<lerection company, he is th-.:

then spent se\'en years at Shearon I larris Nuckar Powpr Plant as a Genera) Forema1) an<I upon ilS com pie. tion, he- movc-d on to ~malli~r }o('al stee-1c-ontra<·rir,g ("0mp~ni~5:, !wiping huil<I the-m into tompNiton; wilhin the indul::itry. One ofD,tn·':; cl.reams wa:; to own an<l opcrall· a stc.·cl company of'his own. 11.._. and his wit-._.,Cindy, formed Sc:hul'.1.Iron \.\forks, Inc. in

Pebruuy 1999. Sinc,_·eit w,istTt',lh'd, Schulz lron Works> Inc hJ.s grown l'rf,m ,\ lwo man, orw lrucl: mis<.·<·1I;:incou:a: ~t<.·<-·I in:a:t,:1I1.:i lion s<.·rvin·. into a h'am-oric·nl<:cl .suppli<·r of ~t(·c·lck.sign, supply, fabrication. and <'l"<'Ction,<·ompktt· with an <TC'Ctionuarn ahroa.d 01'1

th<· lovdy isfand of Aruba .• <'in<ly~~s<'hub.ironworks.<..·om



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2007 EDITION I 21

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chip Pocock.Buckner Steel En,x6on, Inc., member ofSEAA sinc...'C 1980, Chip <:urr(;'ntly st'n<"~ af. President of the asSO<.·i:;\lion. I I~·w:::i. ..:. instrumc,,ral in the development ofSEAJ\'s biling1.1::il vid<'os and training programs, Suhparl R tr;.1ining video.~,compliance guide. and stcc-1joist and,trai1,i1,gvideo, as ,vcll as "Handling Structw·,J Slocl." Mr. Pocock is th~ ,a&ty and ri::-kmanager for Buckner Companies. He also represented SEAA as ;,.n industry expert on th<·OSHA Crane and Ocrrick Ad,•isory nL'!,'<)tiawd rule-ma.king t'.ouuniuct·, and <..·urrt•nllySt"r·,,eson AGC's NationalSaftty ~ndHl~althCommittee. l Jisfamilyindu<lt.-.shis wifi.--, l\1md.l, ;,mdtwv :.c>ns.Hi.sintt:n:sts include gol r,hunting and oflShorc..· sports fishing.E-m:,ilchipp@huck1,erc·«.) GJ·aham, NC-J\

Charlie Job1,sofJ,St.eelPerformancefoe., Greenslx,ro, NC-Sc:rviug JS Tn.·..,1.'>ur<:.r ~md Chairinan of the I;inancc Committee. he ha!i lwcn ,m SEAA nu!ntber sin<:-e1995. Charlie-, th<' Vk<' Pr(·sidt•nt and G~·•wral l\•1aoag<"r> :\nd his hroth<"r, Butch, arc co ownc.·rs of Steel l'erformance, Inc., an AISC-ccrlilicd advanced erector sp(•cializing in fo:-:t~track C'f\:Ction of l.lrg1.: c.,"Q1n1m:n·i<LI d11d i11du~ti-ial jobs, ;)s·wdlascrectionof precast and tilt-up pands. lk-5<.•1·vc..•d 21 y<·ars in tht• Navy, wl1n<· ht• sclt.'t:lcd fur the Navy 1;nliste·dSci~ntific Education Program, ..ttt<.-nding North Carolina.State University. After graduation and heing commissi<mcd an oHicx•r,he: \\'3~ an as....,i~tant pr<,l<"ssor<It The Cit.ukl. H<' alt-o has ma~tcr's tlcgr.;cs from MlT in m..,-chank:alengineering and naval aJ',and marin1..·<:ngint.'\'r iog. J-foand his wih·, Jt·nny, have two sons. Mr. Johnson enjoys golf, basketball and skiing. E-1nail <.:h::u-lil·@~tN·lp<·rkwmam·.:.c;ot'll.

Bruce Basden, Basden Steel oncl F.reccjon, Inc., Burleson, l'X - A member of SEAA sinc;l: l997, Mr. Basden has scncd on th(' ho;,inl f(u· 10 )'l"ars, and is currently irnmc-diat<'past president oft.he a:..:..odalion. 1-1<" serves as Media Committc<: Chairman, and wa.s tlw first ~clitor of The SEA.AConn«wr. Aw;;1r<kdSf.A A's 200S Man of' the Year, he and his wHC, Lynn, .sc;,•n·<.·d<· 2005 <;onvcntion chaitpersoos. Mr. llasden is majority owner of Ba.'><lc..·n St<.·t•I and Er<'f·lion, Inc., ::inENR Top 600 c-ornpany that is uniquely n~rtifi(.·d hy the AJSC ;:i:..l)()lh an J\<lvancNl Ste-cl Erector :.11\d Fahricato1·. He· also o,vn:,: Big .13 Cr~w<:and Rigg;ng, a c,·an<' s<,:·rvict::: with op~rations in the North Tcxa~ rc:gion. Mr. Basdc:n is <A gra<luatcofT('xa!) A&lv{Uoi\'<;r:-:ity.The Ba~tlcnshave five chilclr<"n. His intcn:sts llK·lwk· w;;tl(.'rsports, ,lvialion .rnd trJvding lhroughout Alaska. E•m.1il bruce(a)hasd<"nst<"<.'l.c·om. Alan Sears, Nucor-Vulcr<?,ft Group, Florence, SC - Vukraft has partnc·r(·d with SEAA as ,u1 indu5lry mf•mlH•r for many years, along '"'ith provi<ling lc•,l(-lt•r:-.hipto dw SEAA llo.1rd. Mr. Sears, sJl<.·s m;;i1,,,1g<·r di lht~ Plorence- divi!.ion, is curr(.·ntly s<.·ning his lhird lt'rt\'l on the Roarcl and chairs the SEA/\ Annual Awatds \.Vorkgroup. He.--has stu<lic<l at lndi,111,l Uni\'crsity. Purdue Uoivcn;ity, and Ri\•icr CoJlcge in Nashu<'l, NH. I le is the: .st,,ff-parish n..'hltion:-.d1~1innan at I lighlancl Park United Methodist Chun·h. I lis intt· i1'lducle churc-h music .me.Igolf. E-mail ase.1rs((Y\'uk1·aft~:-c.<.'om.

Gerald Burk, />'ioneerSteel, Joe., New Mr. Rurk, President, CEO and foumk-r of Pioru·<.·rS1t-cl, h:is gained &b Beckner, Peterson,:/J.1d«sspecialized tcdll'1kal knowlt'tlgt:-and manag<"tries, Inc.. Richardson, TX - :\ member ment expericncr during hi~ 24·ycar can..-cr ofSEAAs.U-u.:c1991, Mr. Bcck1'lCl"S(;l've<las in Lhe Sleel industry. Particular an:,ls of his SEAA president from 1999 lo 2000, and a.s lc<.:hni<.:,1J <:xpcrt is<'inducll· bri<lgeereclion, a boatd director for 12 years. 11<·<·urn·n1 ly is stc~p alpim.·-styk·st<.·c·I n·sorl <•rcction, conCh:.iinnan of the Insurance Coinm ill<'l' and structability evaluation .iml implt•fl't<•01:\rion mt";iroC" on th(· F.xc-cu1 i\'C' Commit,,. of safety adv,111<,·(.·s l(n· hridgt· tArt•ction. I tis managC'nwnt skills :-pa,, tee. J k- i1>St·nior Vice Prcsicknt and An:a from tht" daywto-day op<·rations all ,'lspects of g<'n<.·ral111;.m:,,gt•nwnt .Manager of Peterson Rct·kn<'r lndust.-ics, of Lheoffice. n("gotiating <:-<>nt1·ac·ts, Cl-'t\<l scht·<luli,,g to rlw <-~rc.•ction lnc. 1 a national stcd er1..·ctioncontractor sp<'<·illizi,,gin Lhc-cn.x:Lionol' complex structures n.·quiring uni,pR· ofrh~ mo~t complicated st<.·dstructures. GC'r::ildis marri('d to Rc-v<'rly.his wife, of'26 y("ars and h,;1:-1wo construction ~md(.·11gi,wc..•ringskillsin the commercial, incfu~trialand sons. l lis intcn·sl out.-;iclc..of work inclmh•s snowmobiling, t>njoy institutional scl·tor.s. I It· is a gradu;;llt"of'the-U niw·rsit:yofTc-xasat J\ r• lington. I lcand his wife, Joy, have two cllil<lrcn. lllsi.ntcrcsts i1,ch.:idt iog linw at their mount(\in c~\bln~ml IH·sl or :di Hying his airplan<:. golf, roothall ar,d tr~vcl. C mail b.bcckner@pet ... ·rsonl>t'<' Em.iii g~rald(~psicrane.c-01Y1 •

Castle, CO -






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Faff protection is often a comp~• prob~m. e5Pec;a11y when bu;1c1;ng have mu/t,faceted activities going on concurrently. We always tJy to

find solutionsthat work in 'lan·edsituations.Sometimesyou need a vatifJty of safety systemsto answ"r the many different e,posures.

Interchangeable tools and d8viC6s might make it easier. training Bf'N

planning wmmake it flow, and productivity will improve. Most sales forcescan't imagine what the jobsite conclit;onsare really like. We have /Ned ar>dworked them, and vie IBt your needs d'iclate what i: done for safety, not just what is in our sales catalog.

We are honored to have a Patent(s) (and Pending) for specialized attachments and shock absorbent fall a"est systems designed for roofs - including spec,allzed architechtural features like skylights. Before we invented the solution, many assumed the frame couldn't withstand the loadings. We solve problems, and save Uves. No one hes more expertise i'n hodzontal lifelines th1Jnwe do. It's recognized that most of the innovoUon in this market st1Jrtedwith our principals in late 80's and early 90's with ovr first patented systems. Since then we continve to inrlovate. using the workers and companies in the field as guides not only for what is neeOOd.but to find the simplost, most economical, and most pratical solution. We have multiple methods for conc,ete, metal buildings, structural steel, bridges. concrete floor forms, encl other applications.

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Our Views on Safety Excellence Safety Excellence is a rather abstract and subjective notion for many people. There are numerous fancy gadgets in safety catalogs, but are they really necessary? Safety excellence is often equated with safety products - many product companies promote this ideal to gain business. At Preferred Safety Products, we know that safety excellence is much more than costly products. We play a small role in helping our clients reach for a definitive level of management success regarding safety in their business. How can a professional safety products company help? We carry a full line of safety products to meet all of our customers' needs. Our extensive knowledge of work practices and competetive prices make us the preferred choice for both construction and general industries. We carry only the best, regardless of the manufacturer or brand name. We bring to you the years of technical experience we have in designing safety euipment and practical experience using the equipment. Some of the products, particularly those regarding Fall Protection, have been custom designed and patented by the principals in our company. All of these products have undergone rigorous testing and meet or exceed OSHA and ANSI standards. Placing our label on a product indicates that we know it will be safe, economical, and durable under the most demanding conditions. We can provide expert consultation regarding any safety application in the field! Call us Toll Free at 800.301.3188 or visit us online at

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If you are looking for a service that is not listed, please call us at (303) 477-1044 and talk to one of our consultants. We can provide assistance on virtually any safety or loss protection matter.

Cole-Miller Safety has provided consultation to many of the nation's top 50 general contractors and large industrial companies, serving clients nationwide. We have also had involvement in safety matters on some of the country's high profile jobs including: Denver International Airport, Adam's Mark Hotel, Colorado Rookies' Coors Field - Denver; St. Louis Ram's TWA Stadium; Panthers & Miami Heat Stadium; Portland International Airport; San Diego International Airport; Guam International Airport; Boston Transportation Project; Milwaukee Miller Park Stadium, and others. We have served as expert witnesses on cases nationwide for significant litigation including OSHA, accidents, injury, products liability, and crane and rigging claims.


Duff Zimmerman of Cooper Steel Fabricators, Inc. Annually, the Stcd .Ercc.-t:ors Association of Af11t'ric,1 rt'co_goizes

and pn--St'.01:-.the "'Man or

a~ well


l)crnin::arson s(•i:-.mi(·d('sigo



SEA.I\Road Show.

the Ycn.r"awJrd to an SEAA member who ha.s voluntccn·d lh<'ir lime and rna<:IC' cx<-x·ption~tl (X)1\lributions to the organization and the steel

Duff, \l profi,_.:;~ion,,I 1:ngin1.~-.·r wi1h a dc·gr('t• in t:iYilt:ngi1wering rrom lht' Uoi"t<rs.ityofTenncsscc, is tht Optratfons Man::ig.;.·r li.u-Con1wr

lndw>try. I )offZimmerm,,11 of Covptr :")l('d Fabricatm-s, 11)<'., w~s n.'tm<..-<l the )at('St 1'1..'t.'ipj._,1,t of th,::, Sl:AA "M.:inof the Yc-,w'\1w;"11xl thi:--pa:-lMarch at the 35th ArmuaJ Connmtion and Trade-.hmv in Myrtlr• 1.ka<.:li> SC. I >oITi$Lht current editor

S1t-t·lf.)brica1ors, Inf·.,;)Ii.ill-servicefabrication

or '!11~ S.EAA



:-.t'l°\'l"'<I two

tc·rms on tlw Sl=:AA Bo..1rdor I )in:·dors,

c·urrent first Vi<'ePresident/PresklE"nt 1':lm ::incf involv('d with the: S(;AJ-\ Rood Show. joif-l and dt'l·k tr3iniog vidt•o, S3l~~ty Coin1ni(loi'\-' ;:i,ul M.::-dfaCon\mitt«. For th(' past six y<-:tr.'. ht.. has lwco a inc1nlx-r of the- A ISC Saf<.·tyTa.-.k Group and pn:scnlc·d s~~,r,inarson safely at the NASCC

and c1·cction company lcx·attd in Shdhyvilk:, TN, Coopc-r Sl<'d is inYnkccl with projt:c:ts fr<un florida to Californi3, and Duff, who is :.mavid ::irnl«•xp<'ric•un'tJpilot• h:1sl1-t"t'llkumvn to US<' his pc-rsonal plane to fly to projects for sih' \'i:<-il:--. I le-rt'!>id<"~ in \Vinchc.stcr, TN, with his \Vif(' !\kg ;md is c·xtn·mrly proud of his lhn.'t' c:-hildrtn: Marthe'\\', whoi~a junior at Harvard Univf'r::.ity; l..lurc-n> who i!- ;'I frc-~l-un:in .,t Bo::. ton l.lniw·r.-.i1y;and David, who h1a at Stanford lJnjversity iu 1',,ln Alto, CA. 1k is i.ovolv1;:din hi~ loc..:alcommunity and :-.\.·rn:s on th(' Wim ..·ht>skr Airp.._wt :\\lthorit)'

Board and is a<..·tin.·within th<..:First Un ih'(I Mdlmdist Churd1 ancl the.· Tull,,hom,1 f ligh Schcx>lBand Boosters. 11is hohbic:s ind-.1tl1·golf, running, bit:yde riding. hiking and mountain climbing. He is ,, !.ldllrrl 111ount.,i1wc-rand h,l!. made- nunwrous dimb$ in Wyoming, Color;.do, Arizona, Wa::.hinglon ~m<IC..,liforni;:i i,\t <'l<'VJtions in (.':'\:('t~!.~ of 14,000 f('C'f. /Vlos:t or thrsc trips h,wc include<!family mf•mllC"r!.and frirnd::. who rdy on his \'O$lk1,owl(-<lg<'and ('Xl)('rl('ncc in the outi.Joors. •

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Sy Croi9 "Todd" Yerke

On November 10, 2005, the last 2005 Z4wascomplctcdand taktn off the assembly line al the BMW automobile production facility in Sparlanburg, SC. Thn.:c years of planning were aboul to bi: put into ac.:tiouas the BM\V Group prcp.;1.rc<l for a (.:or1$lruction pr1>gra1n th;:it would bring dramatic improvements to their facility. Initial pfonning


involved extensions of the existing l wo automated production line sysrcins. Thc:1),a r;iclicalidea was brougln forth hy tht: BM\.Vengi• m.'(.'ring h,.',:1m to <-ombiru:th<.·two Iinrs hy nmst rucl ing •mt· J)ew line, incorporating both systems. Thus. the BMW Asscmhly Conv<..·yor R1.·phu ..·1,."'n'h··n1Project w:is born.



The company hamlling the de:-ign and fobric3tion for BM\1\1 was

and no lost~timc injuries for the emire project. Although Lh,~projf'C'l

convc:yor tc<.:hno1ogyspc<.ia.HstROFA (Roscnhcimcr F0rdcran1agen,

.su1wr\'ising involved a large amounl of"h:ul(l~-on" work, m:my of the..·

Gml>H, Gcigclsrcinsrnill<: 4) out of Kolber moor, (;ermax,y. ROJ'A's

dotfos iJwo1vcdlogisUcs. Su1x-riotcn<lentUav<·Lut·('hc:tti oFS&R <.·x-

iJ.1...'barge offab1·i~JLingand supplying t.hc a&1cmbly dom(::,1.ic<l.iYisioJ)

with large-amounts of ~cheduling, plaincd how his shifts were c><.x;Upicd

w;;a$ lo<·;.lU'd in Grc<·r, SC. \~ith both th.: 13M\.VGroup and line :;t1;.'!d

organizing and paperwork) along \Vith multiple n,tttings ad<lr<

ROf-A known for their snictsafety mandates. sharp auention t.o tlt'tail

and project mana&,,cm<.·nt. "That's <-1ual ity asi;uran<.v,sa li:l)', scl1<.-<luJing ,vhy so much supeJ·vision was needed," Dave explained. "On a p-rnjN:r.

and endless pursuit of pafcction,

this was not a,, t."n:Tlion ;oh for just

any company. The competition lOl>ea pan of this unique and exciting

like this. you can't han~ a ~up<·rviS<u· involvc..·<f wilh production and

pr<>jcc.:t ,vas fierce. r\ft<:rstrict review. the ~tcel C"rt>C'tion contra('t \vas

technk::d is..-.ue-__s -1mlthen leav<.·that issue for one related to scheduling

awarded to S&R Enterprises LLC, a steel creecion comr,any bast·d out

or coordination, <'specially when coordinatio1l meetings for 30 con-


rractorswe-re helct hourly." Dan:' aJde<l, ..Th-1t kind of'l'O<.mlinJtion

PA. serving the· Mid-Atlantic r<•gion.

\1/ilh prc:plan,,iog a,)cl<-on.tractfll~t'iatious extending over thrc<·

mom hs) tht""projt-<·,11uf<:r vvnyin Novc:mbc:rof 2006. After a dcrnoUUon<..Te,v worked feverishly to dear over haH:a-million .;;quan.~ feet

part, from aU the trades." takes dfort on <.:vcryo111.·'s The construction consisted of steel framing hung from the he.ams a,,d joist gird<'rs of tfw <·xisti ng .sm:pcn<lc·<l framing

of production facility in thrci""day~. S& R mohil izNI in late Novc..·mhc..·r was <lcsigm.·clto support the large assembly-line lrack syskm us1.....J and heg.ln ro im:t::illover 6,000 indl\'idual pieces of stee) members for to transfer the auton\obiles throughout ~•ad1a~s(•1nblystat.ion. Tvm a 330,000 kg £MS Rail Mounting Suppoi"t System and the 13,000 1

Schardan, project fl<·ld t•nginn·r, w.;1.sprc.s(.'nt <luring the entire

kg maintenance platfrrrm. ' Whi"'n we w:.tJkc,linlO Lh<.·buil<lin.gthe

constnJ<.:tion phase and performed a)I of the layout and su1•veywork

first n'lOrning) il was like v..,alking inlo a haH~a-million-squarc-foot

related to the project. MT. Scha.rda,, stalt'd, ..On~ hundrt';(I 1~rct~nt

warehouse that was just completed and waiting for a



of tht."" stcd wa.-;damped to lhc cxisling slrU<.:lurc;we had to ensure

Z..•{r, Tom Schardan, projc..:l fi,·kl <~ngin~·c·rfor S&R<.'rprjs('!">.

th::il 1.·v1.·ry damp was pla<.·edwithin ¼ of' an inch of the dc-:,::ignc<I

Sc·hardan w:ts quotr<l lat"'r to ~my,"It took only a fE;'whours

devalion to ensure that tlw c•.rrs would travel smoolllly between


fill the

entire building v,.iithsteel and t>quipn'lt'lll,making it,, very nmgcslt:-<I place to opcrat<'." \Vith tlw tight site conditions, S&R was forced to

st.r0<..:tun1I svpporti:i." As lf a condensed work area and t:XU'f.!melyaggres:-.i\'t~sch..:dule

pr<.·planm3tcd3l deliveries 1\lto sm.1IIse<1uencesin order to avoid

w("rt' J\Ol e,,ough to hal\dle lt,r S&.R, i\'11-.Rurkhold1.·rpoinl(.'<I ool :.,

being inundated with sh:(•t. Thi""cxi~til'1gstruttur(" fon.:-ttlc..·n;\Y:; lo

fowoth\:'r i:ssueslhat n1:.u.fotl1is 1)rojt'cl :,,rh:.,llt-ngt'... All <limcnsi<>f'ls

lu.>i:-ling cqtlipmt.~l (Jonsisting of a c.rc(:t~h·d hy hand, utilizing :-m,;1ll

on the drawings were <lcLailc<lin metric. \Ne had to train our crews

25-ton <lcck-mow1k<lcranc, hy<lrauliccrane, industrial style fol'klifts. mJ.nlifts and a tleet uf ~.:i:,;:•Mt' lifts. Sht:n-y Korn)St•ol' RM\V :-;aidthat

to be able to )·cad mt..'tric tapt!S and to h<' ahlc' to tran:-::lat<'m<'tric

thi: in:;idt.·or the fodlity cluring new con.i,1Tuction"looked lik<-'a b«-:h.ive

tcntiaJ CfU~\Hty-c·ontro) monster, our managers needed lo ov<."rcomt"

di1ru,!nsionsinto U.S. nwasurctn<'nll>. Once we conquered thal po-

of acth-ity1 with people h,1ngingofTevery truss.)'!Many circumstances

1he )anguage barrier between t.he German-speaking dc:,;igncrs and

surrounde<I 1hi~diffic-uhprnjr(·t) and with ,m:·r 500workt'r.s from tht'

<.:onstruc.;Lionmanagt·rs and tlw Englii:ih-s1K·:.1king conlriwtors.

m:.;lrly30 contnu.:tors, limile<l work :;p:.u..:c: ,va:;no c:xn·plion.

cryon.;_•workc() hard to be abk lo maintain open and dear dialogu<.·

P(·rhap~ 1hc mc,st demanding rcquir('mcnt for the project ,v.1.sthcr,1picl•nclnon-rwgotiabl,·s('hc,lllk-sct f0l1h by BMW and ROFA. S&R


throughout thc-c-ntirc·projc-ct.'' Althoogh not a hogc tormag(' projc-<"t,handling and ins1,3Jling ov£'r

shifts, sc:,·c:n<laysper week. were utiHzed to complete the project

6,000 stcd beams and SCVc'ralthousand damps made this project a '"monster" that \-\'asslain in an incredibly short period of time. "fhc

<luring the fodlity shutdown period. Steve Hurkholdrr, Prrsident of

rt~~lrkl ions of :in uh r,, ,,ggn· ..... -.ivt•:-.<·h<·<-lulc· and tlw pos:<iihl<' is.-.u<'.s with

S& R, :,t.ittcl, "Completing this work on time and .1,3{(:'ly1,v3sone of

complex, low-tolcr::mn· st<.'d<·onn('ctions rnack this HMW ~hutdown

S& R has c.·,·c.-r fan:<I. Our warn ov<..rcanw ohthe biggest chal lt""ng<·s

an exceptional project for the steel erection industry and a memorable

stades e\'cry hour that would haw shut a <X)1Wt'ntional project cfown

I am extremely proud experie,n('e for S& R EnlerpriSl;'S. ''lt'~ :,,projc....-ct


four weeks. Two 12-hour

f0r days whilt'-·Rffs wl'r(' aoswt:n..-il anti d,..-signchang<·s\Wre made."

to say that S&R succcssfull)' participated in," said Mr. Burkholder.

lo complt..-tt' tht' projc.>ctahead of schedule, and thanks S& R w:ts :-.bit..·

...1.hc lcam of supervisors and management, along with the dedicated

to a ('ommitted work force of 70+ h-onworkcrs. completed it while

,\·orkc..s) really rcpn.·sc.•nttxlS&R a:;a <,.'(nnmittcdcomp,.my."He addt...'tl,

incurring ~wro lo~-time accidents. Six Sllf)\~rvisor;;w(•n· :\.s.-.igru-dto

..Sal(· ,;1mls\1c..·<.:-c..-ssfol proj<..'C."ts mak<' s..,fcand suCC<.>ssful companies .

ea('h ~hift, allowing for S&R to n~m3in in control or it~ \vork f(n-(',e-

and with the completion of the BMW project.> S&R has secured a

and take,pr<'vcntativc .mca:mrcsthat illov ..•00for the zero accident rate

place within a very rlite grol~!)of contr:u;Lor~."e THE SEAA CONNECTOR

4007 fOITION

I 31

The Erector Certification Program The Checklists Are the Foundation for the Standard By Alon T. (Ted) Sheppard. P.t.

er1...·<.·tlon proj1...·<.·t is fr~ll1gh.twilh s<:rious in<..·i,k•l\t.s.E1'(.•4.•tors kn11w wfl:.'lltht" he:--t~.,r....ty prt1ctices ::ire, and that chey go lkyond mere

wo1·king 4."llvin.,nment is th(' prirriary prio1·ity for erectors. In lhc 1n.i<l~l990s,both th4.•$,,l~·ty ,md tlw qu;:ility of all erector,; w.;.•n.·c3llc.'<Iinto c1uc.·s~ lion. The n.:s1..1hsor thl· invc..:sUg,ltion into by lh1...·Nori hridgt· > stru<.:tura1 fo..ilu.rcs<.'o.l\lSl'(I Cr\, (•,lrlh<1\1:lkt" .,fle'clcd•'rt'<101'!-> natio11widt·. By impli<·atioo, tht' <(tr:lliry of all ('l"<"C-tors was lx·i r)g hnrugnc·d. The• Sted Et4.:<:tion N'-·gc> Advisory Committe-e, (SENR/\C), ,swl,H,hcd hy the Dcpanmcnt of Lahor, was trying to write nc.:wr(,_-gulatory standards for st<.·d ('r<"ction. Th,· w·rsion of 29Cl..:R192fi, Suhp::irl ll lhat wa:--<.'Xl.t•H at lh"-· tlll1c.:ha<l forgdy l>-:4.•n :;up1...·rSt.·dcci in pr3<..:tin· by c;):,;c• l,,w. Unfortun,ttc•ly, tlw 4."aS('l.nv dif f(·n·d from 011r juri).;(Hctio11Co .mother. ·rhis ("QnllJ~ion madC' tht' ~afr·ty rffort...; of steel

c.:oulpliaun·will1n·gu1dtions. CrcdU11go !5tlfi:

\'t'l''t.'lvrs look wc·<tk. Rotl1 of Llws.: ,)L'li\'ilies


9u.1lity of ,l <.:onstrw:tion

prujt'.,..l is

5:oldy dependent on the <' of the contraclOr. Nowhere is:this more true than in the erection of structural

steel. The pcrsonnd,

polkic.s and procc.-clun'sassig1wdto a projn·t

can tnakc or break the quality of thJ.t structllrc. This is tt'UC: 1x-g~1-c:Ucss of the: c1ualil )' vr the;> pkins ;:ind$1wdfications, Ch(·qo::afity of t~w owu<-r'son-site n.:pn:scnrntivesor dw qoal i{)' of tli inl pJrty in::spl.'tl,ors. Tll<' \'rvctor d,x~s not nt'('<l to h<• tt,ld how stN•f in ordt•r

lO t'rt·c:l


(<> <'<>mpfd.<' a <jUality proj<'ct.

The same can be said for saft'ty on ,, projcxt o,,,.ncrs do not , the cl<.·lays and ba<l publi<.:itythat Ci.In ot·cur H'a steel


ahout tl-ws3111t·lim<.·. Th"-· AlSC bc.:camc <-"Onccrnc<llh:.ll iJ no in<lu:;try org~ni;, ..1t ion c\mw IOnvJrcl 10 t•st... 1hlish n·rlain or c1uali1yand ,,;;:ift•1)' for S'l(•(•J <"n'•(·1()r;'>, l<.-vc•I,,; CXX'l.HT<.'d Jt

lhc gover1Hncm\\ 1ould. No onc-want<-dthi!. wh.ipp(~ll. AJSC'ssolution w.1.'>loc::.tablish,m t~n-!t·lOr

L't"rtification. program similar to that

\vhich AISC had for fabricators for 30 years. AISC invitc.:J th.: National Erectors Association (NEA), now colkd TAU(' ThtAssodation of Un.ion Con.slruclors - lO in 1994, AISC ;;wd NEA m<:d with lh(,_·mfat1...· ;-ign·c·d::it that lll('<'ting th;-i1·.111f:rN·tnr C,·rtific.)tion T::isk Group would h(· f(>rrH(•d to dt·sign tlw program. Shortly afh'r 1.hi~ff1('el iilg, ATSC,l!ikt::<..I tilt: Sled EreL'lOrs AsSLM.."i.\tion or ;\,neri<·a (SEAA) to join th(' task group. Representatives of cac:h entity, J\ISC, Nl-:J\ Jud SE1\A, met many tim<-~O\'("r ;i r)('riod of

201 Ridings Lane White Post, VA 22663-1875 PHONE (540) 869-5100 FAX (540) 869-5561 E-Mail: DennisL Ridings,President BenjaminL. Ridings,ErectionManager lvlichaelL. Ridings,FabricationManager

BrianD. Ridings,SalesManager

Fabricators and Erectors of Structural and Miscellaneous Steel



2007 CDITl◊N

was spcdfi1.-<l, an<l was happythat t'(.'rtific.,at.ion {Citth;,lt;;in intcrn.ll solution to this prohkm hw p•·ogr,:11n\\\l~ h,:i.,.(;'d on ;.1<'hE>('kli$.tsystt>m, W.)~ hc-ttc-r th;.m ('h,)!'.tising p('oplc who were ch1.• s~1nc:,,,as d1os<·nfot cbc.·<·t<."'<'tot prog,~a,n. on their 1>idc.•. Tlw t,1:,.kgroup dt"n•lopt'd tl1n•·("' d1t""ckli:-.t:,. Slt"t'Ij,,isl ,11uljc,isl.gi1>tlt·r<.1utstruclion \.VJ.s for C.)Ch of t,vo categories. The C.)tcgo1·ics not included in the original program. This w('r(' C\·l·tific.•dSted Et'<'.<'tor 3nd Advan<.:ed ca.used problems in audits. <'<·rtifi<·d St<'<.fEn·<·tor. Th<" dwddists w~re ll-t"<\l\lst" scu-neerectors dicf not have ,\ sLnic..~ for the-Applic.atton,t\11::trl~g(•nl('nl .tnd Opl·r~t• tur~,1joh lo he au<litcd,hut th<.·ydid h.:in·joist was to l>t.·adm.i.ui:-;t<.-r<.·<l by jobs . .i\-iulUpkoftin· crc<..·tors wc:n: a prol>km tion:;. 'l'he progr<110 1S months. The writer ha<lLhc privikg1.'.of

s('rving on this t;;iskgroup. Sin<'<'th(' fohric-.l•

for auditing because it was often <liflkulLto d('t<:-m1inc wh('r(' in th<:<·on1panythe:<·ontrnl of opcr;:ition~ c:--i:,;l\.'<l.E:r..,·t·Lorswho


O)Or<"g('n<;·nll <·on1n1<·t<)r L1ian Sl<'<·l ('rC<:t<,r specialists did noL alwJp h.wc a :sk•d job lo

audit'. TherC",,-a~ a need for n,orl'• flexibility in renewal of the ccrtifica.tion. Ev~n with Lhc.'>('. pl'ol>fi.'ms. thi:s <.:crtifieJ. tion program has hcC'ngood for th\' industry. 1t provick.s the erector with J goo<lbusiness

Qu.1lily M,mag~·nwnt Company (QMC), ,md

QMC wot1Id do the-3\tditing fo1'AISC. ThC' progrJm was re;.,,<ly for use U1l997. At·<·<·ptdllt..\.'of Mlt1 parti<'ip,11iol'l i11 d1t· program w.'lsslow in comin~. The-reason 1(-,r this is the chicken egg syndrome. Specifiers do not w;ull ln r1..•c1uirc..· l~·•·tlfic..·,uion,bc..·c..-ausc..· thrn· an: nol ('11ough n->rtifi<->d (>r("(-torsin ;;i

gi\t'Il .:lr..:,llo s(llhfy tht· t'.ngirn:c,_.r's com.fOrt k\'d w.ith c.:omp<:litivt· bid<ling. Likcwist·, ('n''<.'lors do not w~ml to b<.'<'.'t>m<.• <"<•rliticd,

Eliminate Costly Site Equipment

ht"c,;1us~-nol ('110ugh t•ngi1w<;;,we..· rc..x1uiri11g it.

Eliminate Customer Down Time

Reduce Field lnstollotion Costs an Average of 50%

This sinratjon exists today. Th1.·ruk- of thumb for .t geogri'lphic.:ilarea set'.'mSto bt'.that 1ht'l"t' should be at least three C('rtihc-cl,·r('ctor~ in c,r<k•rto obt.lin <-omptti.tivcbalan<X'.. The k<J quc:slioo bc:-r<.' i.s, "'\,Vl-.o\\'J.flt:sto I,<'fil"st?" tf and you may })(· t1l<.·fin;t in your area. look al jt you are on lhe fen<-e ahout <>ertification.

this w.iy: '"lf you are nol the kacl dog 1 )'0\11' "it-w n<.•,·t•rd,angt.·s." If you can imagin(:' lha1

partkul;:ir vi('w, you will want lO get Ot!l in li-ont ,Jl>fosr;is you nm.

Soml'' of ,he prohll'ms \Vl' IMd 'When ·we $t..lrtectthe program are still problems today. Th<..·u.s<-of lwo c..·at<.'gorks. Ccttifi.c..•J Skd l:rector and Ad,·anced Certified Strei Er<'<'lOr, wa:,;LO difli.:n·nLiah· th(' character of the \\Ork pc..·rformcd by ao ._•rc('.lOr,nol to s.:iy that on<> <.•n•<·tor\\'JS

Time 1esred and proven over 70 years for a variety of steel conne:ctio,u;

• Steel to Steel Connections

Steel Tube & Blind Connections

l:x-ttcr than ~mot ht·r.

if thc•y were going to specify ct~rtiJkation, they wanted the hcst best in their min<l.s,that is. A1so, lht· program only <..'O\'(•r<-<-1 erection U nfc>rl unah"ly, t·ngin~·t·rs dt-cidNI (hal

• Steel Floor Connections Our products ate pre-engi1lee.reclwith published

load values factored at 5:1

of sln.1ctural stcd as d,·{in,;-d hv llw Cod<• of'


Stancbrd Pr:wtin.'. Thi.-. pro\'ision

Don't Weld It. Don't Drill & Tap It ...


tht· t:r-t>ttioll of' mistdkul.<-ous iron from the progr<un. J lowever, on Mm)~"'l.a,-gt' ptojeds the erection of very large pi<:ces .lnd the l'<•quir('n11~ntfor vc•,·y prcdc;e alignment w.:i::: p\11 into tlw :--pt•<·ifirntionsas:mis<·<·ll,nwous. Some engi11eel":-i again w~ulkd tht' \cry hest, h1 tht~ir rnimls, anti sptcifit'tl ,"lll Ad\'.tlln ..-<1 Ct"rtif'it"(I St,:·d F.r~•<:lorfor this work. AISC

Lindapter It.

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I 33

u10Ud with tht:: t::inpha:,.i~ rnl <1uality> salct)' and planning. Wht::n you ar~ certified, you can honestly give a posiLiw,: n::sponse to three ba..,.ic questions: Do I do ('\'<'rything the ~;:i,me \,,;ayon every job? Do I do everything right ou C>'Cryjob? 1f 1 have consistency and do things right, can I pro\'c ir lo anybody? Many (:(:rtifiederectors have stated that the process ha~ made them a better company. They have more consistency in their oper.:itionsand bet• ter di<;ciplincfor documentation a.ndtr·aining. An ere,:t<..W"''ho prepares for certification will ha,·c.:in place materials that a:r<:often tcquired by our customers. Both the ovmer of ;:i, st<..:cl erect.ion company and his or her customers can sh.. -cp .sotw<llyat night. 1"hc checklists have sc.·rve<I their purpo::-e. Thc..·yh:)v~" provided lht> hu::-irW~$model. Howc\'cr. they can be daunting to an erector seeking certification. Basically. they arc a yes/no. do I have it or not, format. There is nothing in the checklist that tdls an erector sho1..1 l<Ih(;>, .,,+1.atthe coolc1U of a rc-,1ui1·<>ment The checklists h,wc "·ally done their job, but

it is time to mo\'e on. 1·hert ::lrethe Jingering problems mentioned above ao<Ithe ne<:<Ifor more expan$ivcc;:overngc.· of the requirements. It i~ now a good time to creare a standard for erectors. The checklists will provide the fow1dation on v1•hichto build this new st..1ndanl. Fewofuslikcchangc-cvcnfcwcracluaJly Ul<;be.stway t<,m::lnagc seek it out. HowC\'<.:J.·, change is to be the c:hang<..· ag,·nt. AISC h:i.s gathered another group of voh1nteers from AISC, TAUC and SEAA. The writer once 3!i.'3.inha5 the pri"ilcg<~ofworkingwith a group of V('ry good <'n'dors aml businest-:me-n.l'he la5-kgroup \,;•asfoTmeclin 2006 and is ha.rd at work developing a standard. The challenges for the ne,v t;:isk group are t\vo-fold. First we n1ust create a document that explains Lhc why an<I,vhat r:ttlH'r than just pose yc..•s/noqu(_-sl,ions. The .-;c•nmd c·hallengc b to solve the problems from the origin,;11program. The hc::-st part of the work is that the basic.:businc:ss model pro"ide<:Iby the-chc<·klisfsis ( he guide for the content of the new standard.

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The standard will appear to be more comp1"Chensive than the checklists. It may turn out that way. ·rhc ~sic requirements will nor be changed. There will still l>e:,t~<)l)g cn'lphasis and planning. There will be on quality>.5aft.·Ly more; llt:"xihilityi1\ renewal re<1uirements,steel joist construction will be included and there:: will be only one <."akgory.The task group is trying to make tht=1ransition as trausparcnt as possible. If you arc already certified, you should notice wry littk· diHCrcnrc..·in your preparation for ;:i,rcn('w3I Jud it. If you are not certified, you will find the to un<lcrstaod and puu ing together the applica tion !>1Jhmittal pac..-ka~Jt! will be::easier. Erectors and specifier$ v.'lll und("rstand the program h<':trcrthan the checklist p1-ogram. There is ao old saying poor specifications cause poor con,,;truction. J\ISC expects that ccrtifie<I erectors will o,•crcomc p<><.w specifications by using wdl-train<..·d workers. their policies:, procx:<ltu·«:;<; antJ indusn-y standa..rtls.AJSC want:, c.·n"ClOrsto be.~more .1lxm1 sled crcd iot) than theknowkdg<..·,1blt' i nsp~·ctor, 1ht~ C'·ngintt"rof Tt"cord and the ow,,cr. The A ISC want.-:<.~\·cry employee::of a <X:rtificdstcc.l erector to be tr;,1inedand ccfo{.",Ut:dso chal each on€'kno\,,.Swh.:itto <lo,how todo it and why he or sh<.:i!;<l,,ingiL.This is.:. tall onkr: hut th<· st;:iml.m.lwil1 help erectors r<..·::11.:h nt.:wand hightr levrls of competency. This $laodarcl \Vill be activat<.·<lin e,lrly 2008. This stantl.uxl wilJ continut> to he-re ,,iewed and improve-clov.;.•rti1nc. This will 001 be a stagnant program. AlSC is promulgal ing the t-rt>ctorst;:incfanl ~,f't,·rtht• cht·<·kli:,.tshave been ,l1'ound for 10 yt;;,trs. Revisions to the standard wiJI <·ornf•out cvc.:.-yfin.· yc..·arsor sooner. Tt.•dmo!ogyc.:hangeswill clriv(' m::iny of lhl· revi::-ions.lJ5efulnc$:-in th1.:fid<l ,md u$C:"fulnr-s:s for our customers will b-..·driwrs of c.:hangcJlw. Just as the management of ercclion <..·om patoday an<l nics keep saying, "Give m~ 50 pic..-ct's SOtomorrow," ;,motl-wrm,m1r,l will bt- c.1ual~ pl..\nning-<locumt>ntation-training. ity ~;;if<:'ty ~::iy il on:r and ov<-r.R<·lic.~vc it. Do it. Them c"Crlil'1c-;1t ion will he a s1),1p.and count on it - your \·le,-vwill <'hangc-. Alan 'I: Sl,~ppardis ,,Jeepresident?f rhe nuR(>s:Group. Joe.. S"<n>9n•illc.Oh1<>. lie w,L..,, nwmha lhc t;rc('WrCer!fflc.-,uiMJt)skGroupand i( <11.w 1 nnrkin_q pan '![ the wsk 9roup curre.nt!.J on AISC's


crecrioniWrnJtml. • 34


2007 fOl1l◊N

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"Mugs& Molls"... THE 2007 SEAA CONVENTION WAS A GREAT SUCCESS! he 35th Annual SEAA/NISD Conventionwas held on March 15-18, 2007. at the Kingston Planla lion Resort, in Mynle Beach, South Carolina. Ov◊r ninety different companies were represented at the 2007 Convention that was sponsored by the Steel Erectors Association of America and rhe National institute

of Steel Detailing. Convention attendee~ had an opportunity to hear respected Industry experts present informative seminars on a variety of field and management topics such as;Conrracr language issues for erectors including indemnification language and waiver of liability/ subrogation. Debunking the myths of high strength bolting; Advances in steel detailing; Getting higher quality field-welding; Project Management and communications between lhe field and omce; Safety, fall arrest and rescue systems; Paymcnt/Retainagc issues; HR/personnel issues;Crane sofety in steel erection; Communica1ions and responsibilities between Nectors, fabricators and detailers.

.. ...



1 1, Hall attendees visited with In the Exh·b·• . mbly of 4, national companies an asse: . ducts and wares. demonstrating their pro h only exhibit of its The SEAATrade~how IS t C n·es lO see and kind for steel erector com:x:;,icncc firsthand

the newest technologies, equipment and tools offered by our industry vendors. The Steel Erectors Association

2007 EXH lBITORS INCLUDED: AmPflcJnlnstitut@ of St~I Consr:uction Amerisdf~ /1ppl,edUnde~wi,c~ AshleySling.he. 8rtdo,1Ame1iconCorpei•dtiOI')

CarolinaChain& CJbl<',Inc. Challe~ton's Rigging&Ma,ineHarchv,1,~ ConstnictiooInsurance Age,Ky,Jnc. O,,si9nO.t~

A•1dnllowor C:<111c Group MIOMf'(hJl"liC(IICo1por,11,oo NalionalltlSlittl(~ of SteelD<-lai/ing

Natiol".>al W~ldcr~-G50 Nl:")vell DaYisCom&,.\tny N1.;co1YukraftG.roop



Prde-r,ed SafetyPtoduc1s


PtemiJm,\ssignmemC01oordtkm P.ed•D-Ar( We!derl'n!als RingPowerCrane

G.V,~Y ..ln<:.

GregoryPcoleb.)uipme,11 Company ~r.e5 So,pply llay</0·1 &lits,Inc. Hihi,lnc. l-f,r5<'hm<1nn AutomationandCoo1rol, Inc IWPA(I 'ndu~coGt<Xip

JlGl~cstrie, 1,r~:olnCkc!ric. LinkHd! Lohr~rt1Jcrur,1f r,1stcners

Sree1frcctorsASSO<ia110.1 of ,.VTJerica SreelJoistlnslit~rte Sunshine Media lek(a.Inc. lokla.Inc. TheCaldv:e/1 Group,!nc. rhe, CrosbyGroup,Inc 1,ysra,Cabli;s ~lt,a Sal~.Inc

U,,,tt>d Rentt1/s-Ae1ia! Eqoip,neni(Xv.


of America gratefully acknowledges the listed companies that have generously sponsored this year's convention. Your continued support makes it possible for this Association to accomplish the projects that make a better industry, but equally important, your support contributes to the mutual success of our relationship. The 2008 SEAAConvention promises to be as informative as last year. il is also an excellent opportunity for peer networking at our planned social events. Make your plans now to join us in San Amonio, Texason February 21·23, 2008 at the brand new Grand Hyatt Hotel for the 36th Annual SEAA Convention & Trade Show.



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Tips for Contract Negotiations By Dovi<l 6. Rollermon

One of the grcal fring(• lu...,wfits of rt"pri;>senting cli<"nt~ in th<.· construction


contra<:t~ hJv<.· to be foir lO

the negotiation.

alJ cone-ct ocd.

intcrc!-ting pcopJc. Sometimes that intera<:lion (·ornt•s <luring <·xtr('m<·lyn-yingtime~. approach


the negotiation could vary dramatically,

industry is the opportttnity i1, provid(•:-:to int<'r:lct ·with :l variety of Vf'ry dynamic: and

objective you waut to achieve fi:om


depending on yom· objecli,•e. ohj<.·cth·<.· to:

• Good negotiators don'l just walk into


ls your

• Maximiz<· profit oo a pal'lkular


such asduring (.'()ntracl nl'gmiations. Over

room and start talking. Tht·y spt'nd ions


tlw "{()years, J have been privile-gc<lto

or ti mt· doing their homework and prc·par-

• Cover

oh~erve a wide- variety of negotiating tech-

ing for tht.· ,wgotiations. They size up tl·l(' projcC't,thq' si1/.t'up thc.:irpotential project

.shorl -lt'rrn hole~ in your ~hop or offi<:c

pa.nnc.·rs,and t h,·y$iz~ ...up Lhemselves.

• St;:1yalivt· for anodwr d~y?

niqut·s in lhmw situations ~ome hacl. This isdnopportunity

some good,

to r1. ..ll1tcl,on lho.,;e

c-xpcri('nccs and comment on what I hav<·

observed. I do not daim to lx· an c:xp(·rt on tht s-uhjectof contract negotiations


• Sizing up the project. Rt-cogni1/.cth~ll tha<.: are i.mporUfll £Kton; tha1 will bl· fl("':-;}lt'doul in every negotiation factor~ that wi11 predict th(: potL·nti,11for projt·c..·t

waty of' anyork: who claims to be an c-xpcrt

<lisput<.·s, ;:in(Ith(· l)()l1,."n1 i;;ilto :,avoidprojeCT

on thi~ subject. 13ookshavcbcc:n ,,,rilten on this lopic. 1 l lopcfully, J c.1nc.:omt·up wi(h .1 {~,v, sh()rt tips that wi11 be ofbC'ncfit to the


ownfabricated stn1ctur.1.l st1.·1.·l industry crs, designers and <.:ontracwrs ;,,like:.>

tlwir ddi1'liliou!) of !K-..,pe,responsibility in a<lmi11

islration of th,· proj('ct/poor manag\"nw1,t



sch,·dukl • Fstablish an <'»n·l·<'for your firm in a new market? • Detc:rminc

,vhe:rc you arc on the

n1atrix. Jrnagine a two dimcn:-ional matrix ..One axis <ldin<·.sthe


servic«.:lhat you may be provicUng lo Lht· pn>j<.•c..·l. • At th(' lo\\' l~nd of lhe project .scalc;-arc..· tcmporary stniclurc..--sor non<lescript, tnini,nalil>tslwll builtling:. at the high C"ncl arc stnKturcs <ksigm.·d lo hoo:-:('and

part of one 01· more tnJ.jor p;,irtkip,mt.s

prok(·l thus~· p<·rson:. or objects whkh sodd y ,•,tlues, or thos<.' .structurc.:s lhat

in the rn-oj<'ct

.sLrivcto achieve..-a s1Jl\1sof gn·,,t .i.rti.slic

~- 1..ic-k c>fexrx"'ri\''ll('l'"/c-apahiliticson

An initial, import.'.\ntdiscfain.wr toi;t·l lhc·


and contr.1ct rcquircm<.'nts. 2. Voor ('ommunicalions



uniqut.·nes:-;of di<: projc•t·t; tit~·oth~r axis of th<.~produ<.:l or defines tht" uniquc-nc-::;;~

• Lt~atling factors to predict disputes: I. Conlnl<.:t do<.:umCfHXar<' und<'ilr



fi:.lrpnxh1c-li\'t· conslru<:tion <--"t>11l1\'ld ru:goli<1.lio1\S: Don't turn yow future over

4. Risk and n.~w~nl arc out ofbalanC'e;

m<·ril a11tl,·it<l(>rp11blicrecog:nition, ap-


( his inc-lu<i<>s :situations when.- the projttt

proval an<lc..-nvy..

tOtH ..'


lawyc~r wlm dcwsn't und<·rst,md your

You musl

n·n1<1.ifl in control,

ur1dC'rstand what is absolutely rcquir('d hy bw ,toe I is not, ,mcl onfkn;tand

l he·

potential N)1\S('<p10nrt'~ of following. or not following. your lawyer's n·<.·ommN,(fations

• At dw low (·nd of tht" product/~crvicc

is un<lc:rfumkd. • Ll'a<ling factors to avoid di~put<·:-:: I. Th<' ability to rccognfal· ~ncl walk away from a n)1Hr:tct

l'hat contains un-

in ar(~;,'1,.5 that clo nol ir,n>lw st rice rompliancc

rea.°'onahl<'and uncompensat<..·d risks 2. Clear, compk·t(· nu1traf·t dc)c;-mnent~;

with l<'g,11rcquil'<"ments. Those..· ::ttlonH:ys who drafL <.'fHHracts

,vdlMdehne<l S<'0p<~ / r<'spc>nsibility/requirements at all !<·,·<.~ls

that plac<' all the risk on oth<•r pank:-. an·n'L doing thdr dknts or till· t:on-


n,mpan ie~ invol\'e<l

:;tnr<.~tic'u, projtet a ravor -

4. Projccl admjnistratiou

mostly, what

thcy'r<· cloing is making a whok lot of

future work for othc-r lawy(:'r:,;,\ Clif•nv;,

manag(•nwoL/:-.table th<lt incJud<~:s

:-:talt' is d"lh·<·ryof a <..x>nuno<ljl}' th.1t i.s readily avail,1hlc and <.·;,.m hr provi<lNI with comp(lraliw·lr s(n;_tl]effort or risk. At the- high end of tht" product/scrvkt ruclioo ~cal<-is rendering of a <..·on:-;t s<,·n-in· or providing .l uni<-Jlh'"product; <.'ith<·r of which requires

of skill and C.XJ}(Ti(•m·t•, (·t;:'nain omount of risk.


gn',H d~•al

:rnd i1wolve:-.a

• The more W1ique the proj<·<·1;;ind 1hf•

thorough pl,uming ,-.nd systematic rf",;ew an<l nralualion of project c.:on-

mor(' uniqu-..·th.: produ,--1or St'rvic'<'you an• providing lo the- proj("C't,tlw mon·

dition:-;, and prompt n•.)clion

especi.1lly ownt"rs who think thaL they h.wc "won" the negotiations, often ("n<Iup

;is those

ri:-:kyou will have to ass1..un<·,the- m01·<'

c·onditions change- during th<.~course of

losing io (he Jong ru1). To p•·ovidt-"maxi

the project

kv-.·ragt· you in:,y ha\'t' in negotiations, :in<Ithe great("r th(" potc-nlial n·wanl you

mum long term value to most owners, 40


'.l007 1:.OITION

• Sizing up yourself -dctcrn1inc


will nxcive if tbe proj-.·<.·tis a .-.urn~:-.s.

CONTRACT EDUCATION • Sizing up your project partners. /\ftcr you know your objective an<l have defined the rdath·c point on the matd.x

• To minimiz<.~ tlw pot<·ntial for lof;~ on all





project::i, you must mi.uimiz<' th<' poten-

negotfating positions. Th«::yformulate

tial for surpris\'s and, in many regards,

3 risk/rc:.·,v::'lr<l matrix

at whkh yo\1 wiH h<.·op<.·1-.1ting, you must

you must anticipate the future. You must

issue thal they amicipat<- to arise i1l the

rc<.·ognizc that you

cntc-ring into a

<'lflti<:ip~t(' lha1, th('rt will be chang\;!>and


parl nt'r:;hip for the d\lr;;ition of the proj<'<'t

Jsstirc yourself thal there is enougil lli:x-

:-:offwthil)g of an on·nlll proj1..·t·ln1~llrix

n,a,..1·iag<'or sorts. You don'l want it

ihilil )' in th'-· <.:ontra<.:tto allo,v ch;.\Jlg<.· to

that conelates all of tht'_",f" potemi:-.1 is~uf'Si



to c:-ndin divorce-, R.:-rogni7k that you will rwl·d to n·ly opon your project partners

Ut' 1n.i.11aged


• Good negotiators

take .lll of thi~ into


fo.r '-'3\:h coot.r3ot


they d<·v<·lop

tog.:th-:r. 'l'bl."1\,they cstal>Ii~h a "hail-out" point on t-~Kh m3\rix,

in 3dv;:inq,_• oF th<..·

living up to their ohlig.ttiou.s. Tlw otlwr

partie~ to your contract are going t.o he your p::innt'rs, ,rn.d you a1·c-going to be bound hy your ;,1gn•<,:nwnt. You m;.ty not h;.we ,, voiC'e ir1 (ht' S1..·ln·tionof all of the enti(ic.•!->.ind in< who \.viii h<' your


on th.:- projl•Ct.

All partrH'rs

pr<'!-('nt pot(·ntial rl~k~. and they must he C"\·afua1NI, likt• all other ri5ks.

FORMULATING YOUR NEGOTIATING POSITION • Afh·r you have ...;i?:<'<I fhing~ up, it's tirnc- to t:'staUlish your negoti..iting position.

• Societyvaluespcopk-who provid<·valU<". Sociel y also c:on:-:istt"ndyl't'\\'.lnls p1.·opl._• who lake r<·asonahlc risks and manage d1ost.'dsk.,;w l.sdy. Sockl y scl<lomn.·w,lr<ls richly tho::.c who shy away from any ri~k al


• To optimi%.t.'profits, you nt't-d lO ,:ombi,w t:n:ath·iLJ aod tisk laking in a ,nannn that add$ Yalucand places yo1.1 in <:ontrol of your own \\'Ork product. Tn most i.t1stances, you 1nust ..lssume that your (_'u1n1h:t ito1·s, who

an.: willing lO<.,-ompctcforthe same ,vork, will l>t"J.b1t"to 11'1<1.l<:h your pri<.:c. You mu:.t

fcwm-.,1 Lm.·;.'I$t"rat~gythat

will allow you to

add vahw lo th~--projcc:t other 1"han price•,

cv<.·nlf low price is the primary selection cTil<.·rion.

• If you cut your pricl' below th<' k•vd at ,vhich you will m;:ikea r(";)$nn;:ihle, nr any, profil, :.Hlcfyou wil)h lo n.·m.ainin bul)incss, tht>"ny<iu1nust re(.·dv~ proporlion.ik


in somt· other area (to cover overhead, to develop a presence in a nc,v 1n::irkct, ct<".), a.ndthe risk of further n~vcnut loss on thi:-: pan icu lar project must ht...un<lt...rx100<I:ind must be capable ofh<.:i1lg<·ontrollt"cl. THE SEAA CONNECTOR

2007 EDITION I 41

CONTRACT EDUCATION face-Lo-face negotiations

Lhc poim

below which they will have dctcrn:l.incd, in advance of the heat of the negotiation process itself'. lhat they must walk away from Lh~ proj<"CI.Rut 1hey do nor enter the negotiations wilh only one mandated outcome. They enter foce-to-foce negotia1ions pre pa reel 10 he fkxihlc.

SIZINGUP THE PROPOSED CONTRACTLANGUAGE BEFOREYOU NEGOTIATE • Read difficult language out loud. Sounds stupid. isn't, Try it. • If you don't understand the language, ask somc'()IlC whoseopinion you respectLOread ii, and ,:xplain it to you, (f you still don't understand it, then don't agree to it.

• Don't agree to perfo1·mance requiri~ments that carn.1ot be quantified. Don't agrc<.·to do something fooljsh that can't he mca~urcd ohjt:divcly, like providing J have actuaHy seen '(lirst-class ,vork" such a provision in an cnglnccr'.s contr::ict with an mmer. • Seek input from others in areas wbc.:rc you don't personally h::iv<·th(· ncn·ssary expertise r.o evaluate the languag<' a1ld any risk involved (insurancr, cnginC'<·ring, operaLions, scheduling, legal). • Dt:krfl"lir)e the actual l'isk presented by each instance of objectionable language.

Plug this into your nc,:gotiating matrix. Oe\·elop • hierarchy of ohjcctionabk terms, and deLermine the cost of dealing wilh thc rit-k involved wilh e;.lth of th<.~sctcnns.


P.O.Box 1170 3635 East Hwy. 134 Midland City, AL 36350 P: 334/983-5636 F: 334/983-6173 W: "We Continue to Set thi1Industry Standard/or Excellence"

E & H Steel Corporation, Structural and Miscellaneous Steel Fabricator, has been setting the standard for excellence in the steel construction industry since 1986. • CertifiedbytheAISCQualityCertification Program forSteelBuilding Structures withan endorsement for

"Sophisticated Paint-Enclosed" • MemberAISC- Fabricator Member • American WeldingSociety • American Subcontractors Association 42 I THE SEAA CONNECJOR

2007 ED1JION

• Good ncgotialors arc Hcxibk and .solve problt•ms. Wht'n pruhlems :-.rise in the course of negotiations, goo<l ncgoliators don't dam up or imm<..·diat(·lyhow duiir neck!-. They come hack with multipl{·, altcrnati,·c solutions. Th<:.'yplan· the odwr side to choose burden back 011 rh1...,, one of the available alternatives. • Goo<l ncgotiaLOn;<lis<.:cru... d1<-ykrww th::itthe risk \viii t:hangt!during the-COLffS<" of tlK ncgotfalions, -as lhc: form and s(1hstann· of llw dt•:11changt..S. As it does change, good m•gotiators continue lO rc'.cvaJuatc; they ('Ontint1(' lo siz,· up t lw ri~k. They place a price on the· risk they try to make the price m;:itchthe-risk, or lmv('r lh<:risk lo rni:tl lh(' pdce. • If a good negotiator can 'tcontrol the risk, avoid the ri~k. allocatchransfcr th<::risk, or in.sun.:agaio:,1,1,h1..· ri,;k, tlwn lw or she ·will walk away frorn the deal. • Good ncgotialors arc nol bashful \o l41k price. • Good ncgoliators arc h.:trd on problems but soft on p(:'ople. Good negotiators '-<-parac<the 1wopk from thl~ p1•oblt:m. • Good negotiators a1·C'very ca1Tful ahool

CONTRACT EDUCATION the u:;c of V1'onlslike "unn:asonahk," "ovcr-read1ing,""b,d-fai1h"and the like, an<l th("y <lon't overreact whC'n these wor<l.sare<lby the other .side.

• Good ncgotiato1·s recognize that almost tverything is subject to negotiation, and that all negotiations arc capabk: of being reopened. Time and reflection heal lot:j of bruised !Cdings and change lots of positions.

I. I h.wc- dr,\wn (";,ch~nsi"C'I)'



r.,,·1hi~ anid,·

and t-ollcaguc, A\·a J. :\bramowil•.-..

J.n., FAIA:

Architar')· £,smools <_>/'Comr(lcr Nr9c1iorfrm. Jobu Wiley & S\'ms, Jm~., N<·w Ynrl, 2002, which l rt'commc-nd to ::11\yonci1wol\'c-<I it\ the- ron!\truc-

tion industry.

2. ( 3JUgoiug sp.i:c:i(ic conlr,l('l


l'-t1d1 <'I" ind(•mnily


si<m.'J;. li('n rdNS<"S. aiHI lhl' Ja.:.t>.Those nm be th('

jnt•xpt.•rk•n(x-<lin t·onstruction law, an· th(• 'fhdr documents can <loalmost as much <.10'crnl-t•ts. d,un.lg1• l<.1 .i pro~t'1:t .1.s a C<1tegor-y +hunk-an..:. r.,'":1()1'~


1lt'riw-cl from ,1com

pn·lw1hi\'C ,lmly 11n,l,·t1.akvn hy Vic'lfll" 0. St·hion('r<"r& Co. s~i· Ai!fanwwir.t., .\Upm. note- I. at 17.


prof(>ssionals. Tht:y make the other party wanl t.o he th<.'i1·p~rto.<.'r.


Winston-Salem, NC27107

R~ganll~•ss of wlu..·th1.:rthe}' represent dt"sign pro(e;-:,;:iionals or cont rac-

tors, dTc<..·tivc negotiators enter into pot(."nti::illyMiffinilt negotiations in essen

!. Tlw gvni·r.,l C'Ol"f>rn'a.h' auu1'1wyfo,· a.n <•<•casional ronstru(1ion owner, and other attorneys

4. Th1:S(' to stay away from a disC'U:<-!'tion of

• Good ncgotfators pl"e:r.entthem~elvesand their companies as c:ompctcnt, candid and <·om:t·rn~_.<L They ac.;t and look like


:-uhj,i:(.1of ,1l:!..-p.i1'<1l;• ,1rtidt•.

book I r,·vi,:•w,·dnut lc,ng ,\go l<,rmy fri,·ncl

A Pal.>South company

Ph.(336) 785--0848 Fax.(336) 788-8835

tially the same mannt"'"r:

• 'fhey do lots of homework.



up the project, their p<>Lcntialpartners on th<' proj<'<'t, and llw advisability


their particular organization engaging in this partkuJar time.

proje<.:tat this particular

• They redew the suggesled contract docu. ment:-: in cl(:'tail, and St't'k. ~Hhiin· from otht"rs as 1wct>~sary.

•;-cl upon lhat homework, they develop

a detailed negotiating ,trategy for the specific project in <1ucstionbefore enlt·ring inlo fa<.:c.--to-fac(· negotiation:,;.

Th('.:y t:11l1.::r inlO tht... actu;;il fact...-to-fau1.~ negotiations

"vith as much flexibility


possihle. They dcp<:n;onalizc ch31lcngcs. Tbcy solve problems. They add value. And thc-y p1·c:-:<'ntthc-msdv(:'.<i;:in<Itheir

organization:-: as prof<-:.~ional!'> with whom othc-1· profcssion,:"s will he-able to work <:<>oJH'rativt·I)' lo

a('hit.·vc<.:omn1on goals

and mutual su(_·c.x·ss.

f)qviJ 8. Roucrmcm is an accorng and9radu<Jtccrwinccr wlw conc~ntrate.-.hi.-.practice ,m <onsrructionlaw istut•s.:llr. Rauer man also sen·es as Secretaryand Ccncml Cmm.-.el'!fA IS(. I-lecon be rl!achcd at clrattcrman~.\·titcs.<;om. • THESEAA CONNECTOR 2007 EDITION I 43

MEMBERS IN ACTION Premier Stoel of Indianapolis, IN. welding on lhe office trusses ot the Pepsi 8ott1ing Group distribution center in las Vegas, NV

Bosden Steel and Erection of Burleson, TX, erecting Liberty High School in Frisco, TX


Piedmont Structural Company of Charlotte. NC. erects the 110-foot-tall lKEA Distributton Center In Savannah. GA Fabricator: Cooper Steel 44

General Contractor: Gray Construction



Ii' "II



// //

,ij !/

I; // I


Steel Performance of Greensboro, NC, erecting the Main & Rose Condominium project In downtown Lexington, KY



• Rough Terrain ·"'·········································-·················· ..•••• ..••8 to 65 Tons • Boom Truck ..................... _...,,._,_.,............,_........................... I ◄ to 28 Tons • Hydrnulic Truck/ All Terr.tin Cranes ------····

40 co 240 Tons

• Conventional Truck ................................ ,.,_,,____ ,,,.....90 to 300 Tons • Crawler Crajns ......................................................................... 7S to 275 Tons • Cr3:Wlcr/ Tr1.1c:k Towv.::I" Cra~ ............................................. ISO to 275 Tons • Potain tower Cranes • CCO: Certified Crane Operators CRANERENTALS•HEAVYHAULING RIGGING• MARITIMECERTIFIED•OUTSIDESTORAGE•WAREHOUSING

Buckner Companies erecting Gulfstream addition

Sovonnoh, GA: 2,200 tons of

struclurol. field bolted trusses with up to 3.300 bolls per truss, maximum truss weight 204,000 lbs. Fabricator: CMC South Carolina Ste-el. General Contractor: BE&K Building Group. THESEAA CONNECTOI:

2007 EDfTION I 45

Mechanical Safety Equipment Corp. & MIO Mechanical Corp. Manufacturing Safety Equipment for Over 2" Years All equipment meets OSHA and ANSI requirements.

Personal Fall Protection Products for Steel Erectors

~~ M«hlalcal S•"4Y Eq,iipmtnt C..-i,.

,'110 ,)4!«11•111-• (·.,. ....... ,i..

2070 Bennett Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19116 phone 215-676•7828 fax 215·676-5199

Horizontal Lifelines









End Supports


Stanchions available in 3ft, 4ft and 6ft heights.


Rollstar passing

through support

MSE patented horizontal lifeline system for steel erectors is engineered to be used as a temporary or permanent safety lifeline. Available in cable and rope. Equipped with pass through device (Rollstar®) which allows the worker to traverse supports without the need of disconnecting from a system. Lifeline system incorporates a unique patented device (Unitensioner®) which performs a number of functions: Guarantees optimal tightening of the horizontal lifeline and eliminates over tensioning • Acts as a shock absorber in case of a fall and reduces forces applied on the anchor points Shock absorbing break system can be adjusted per users request Allows lifeline assembly and disassembly in minutes

Unitensioners® t¼


-~Rope Unitcnsioner®


' I ~


I - BeamAnchors



(:)mi.~ Eye Grip Anchor Horizontal

Patented Beam anchors: • Lightweight and extremely durable • Equipped with stainless steel jaws and aluminum bar • Automatic locking mechanism that leaves no room for error • Available with single or double automatic jaws for smoother movement along the beam. • Rollers for smooth rolling along the beam • Fit flange widths from 6"-24" and thickness ofup to 3.5" Vertical Stainless Steel beam anchors: • Fit flanges widths from 6" - 18" and thickness of up to 1 1/8" • May be used on vertical and horizontal I-beams Eye Grip Anchor: • Made from stainless steel

. Harnesses and Lanyards


t A wide variety of OSHA and ANSI approved harnesses, lanyards and slings available.

Rope and Cable Grabs MIO Patented Rope & Cable Grabs are designed to provide fall protection for workers ascending or descending a vertical lifeline. MIO Patented Rope Grabs: • Eight models are available in sizes to fit synthetic ropes from 7/16" to 3/4" dia. • Self trailing operation • Energy absorbing design • In event of a fall arrest will not damage or cut rope Removable grabs can be attached to any point on the lifeline Durable, light weight stainless steel construction


MTO Patented Cable Grabs feature: Universal design to tit cable sizes 5/16'' and 3/8" dia. Auto traveling operation Durable, lightweight stainless steel design

Retractable Lifelines I.@.



Lifelines vary in sizes from I Oft. to 100ft. in length Retractable Lifelines are durable, lightweight and easy to use, making them ideal for overhead installation in construction or other related applications. • Available in stamped steel or casted aluminum housings Offered with: galvanized or stainless steel cable, high strength synthetic rope or polyester webbing Equipped with sealed ball bearing for smooth cable extension and retraction Centrifugal breaking mechanism limits a free fall to less then 24 inches Visual stress indicator warns the user that the unit bas been involved in a fall Stainless steel, bronze and aluminum internal components extend unit's life and reduce repair costs • Thorough annual recertification available by MSE Mechanical Corp


•• ••

February 21-23, 2008

Steel:Erectors Association of AmericaPresents:


Convention andTradeShow Building & Enriching Tomorrow's Workforce

MESSAGE fl{OM THETEXAS COHVEHTIOHHOST On behalf of the entire 2008 5EAAConvention Committee, I am very excited to announce "The Great State of Texas' will be the host state of the 2008 SEAANational Convention and Trade Show. The 36th Annual SEAAConve~tion & Trade Show will be February 21-23.2008 at the "brand new' Grand Hyatt Hotel in downtown San Antonio, Texas.A visit to tre nearby historic Alamo. the Tower of Americas. El Mercado Market Square or a stroll down the RiverWalk, will make your visit one to be rcmcrr.bcred. Being a native Texan, I can tell you there is no hospitality like what we Texanshave here in the state ofT exas and l .;m cenain you will agree when you visit us '1 February for the Steel Ereaoi, National mePting. Steel erectors continue to face new and different challenges as our industry exper;ences unprecedented growth in construaion. Our slate of top-notlh speakersand iradeshovv exhib:tors will k~p you informed on the hottest issues,the latest trends and the newest equipment that is vital in help,ng you increase your competitive 1iche in the rnarketolace. Save February 21-23, 2008 on your calender to aucnd the prcr,ier educat:onal event and expo for steel erection companies. We look forward to seeing ya·11there. Sincerely. Bob Beckner.2008 Convention Host Pe,crson Beck.~Y tndus:ries, tnc.,Richardson, Texe~

FEBRUARY 21-23,2006 San Antonio, Texas Grand Hyatt Hotel SEAA Group Rate: $189.00 Single/Double Convention Registration Opens Online: Nov. 1, 2007


San Antonio, Texas Offering many attractions - Visit :he famous Riverwalk or rake a ,00r through the Alamo.

SEAA 2216 Meadowview


Suite 115

Greensboro, NC 27407

phone 336.294.8880

SEAA Trade Show

SEAA Golf Tournament

SEAA Exhibit Hall Friday, February 22 Registration Open Online:

Republic Golf Club

The SEAAExhibit Hall will open on Friday, February 22. with over (forty) 40 national companies demonstrating their products. The SEAA Trade Show is an annual event that combines the largest gathering of its kind under one roof for companies engaged in the steel erection activities to see and learn the newest tools, products and seNices. Take advantage of the many opportunities to promote your company before. during and after the SEAAConvention & Trade Show. • Showcase Your Products With hundreds of eager prospects visiting your exhibit space. you can't afford to miss out on this invaluable opportunity to show how your company will be impacting the industry in 2008. • Go Beyond the Booth 5<?e your name wherever you turn at SEAAShow with Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship opportunities. • Spread the Word From tote bags to notepads, our attendees will be carrying your logo on site. at home and in the office! • The Possibilities are Endless Don't miss out on our other opportunities to generate leads, enhance visibility and promote your products

fax 413.208.6936

Thursday, February 21 Cost: $150.00 (all inclusive) Tee Time: 12:30 PM Registration Open Online:


The SEAA2008 Golf Outing will be held at the Republic Golf Club - just IO short minutes from the Grand Hyatt Hotel. A current qualifying site for the Senior U.S.Open, The Republic was voted the # I course in San Antonio by the Express-Newsin 2006. San Antonio's newest golf sensation is built along scenic Salado Creek among glorious oaks, elms and mesquite trees.

SEAA Fishing Tournament Choke Canyon Reservoir Thursday, February 21 ~ , Cost S200.00 (all inclusive) Bus departs: 5:30 AM Registration Open Online: The chartered bus will depart the hotel lobby at 5:30 AM.Thursday.February 2 l st for Choke Canyon ReseNolr for a 1 hour and 15 minute bus ride (approximately 65 miles) south to Choke Canyon where we will board boats (2 persons per boat) for some world class Bassfishing. The Tournament will commence with a shotgun start at 7:00 AM. We will call it quits at 1:30PMand return to shore for a weigh-in and a catered fish fry.


GHHSLIHGER GALA AHO"CASIHO HIGHT" Gala & Awards Ceremony Saturday, February 23 The sheriff and cepu,ies meet ano greet you a- the Old West Saoon, hand ng ovt en Ga Ion hats and bancanas. Imagine the excrtement of a sa oon ambie,,ce with rustic prospecters, gunslingers and g amorous dance hall do lies, then helping yourse f to a passel of cov<1boygrub anc fixin·s at the scrumpfous Western buffet table. The ong dusty car:le drive ·s over. Time now tc belly up to the first-c ass gaming tables and march yo~r skills with the locals. or the o d jailho~se and have yov· picture taken by the sheriff.

Wrap-Up Insurance Requirements: An Insurance Shell Game Opportunities lor payment abuses bysupcrvi~ory <.:oulnH.:tor:; oflt.:n muhiply when :;ulx.:ontr.:u..:tvr:, an: n.!<.(uir..:d lo p•u·licipate in a consolidated insurance program (ClP), comt"nonly c;,lllt.:cla "wr..-p-\lp." \Vrap-ups n1ay h<.'ownc..·r-<.·ontrollc:d (OCIP) or conlraclor-wnlrolkd (CCTP), ancl may apply to.) si"gle- proj('ct or to a 1'1·olling'"socc:c:--sion of projccu, (ROCIP). \.VrJ.p-ups w._.1•e-originally ~okl to con slru<:tion ow1H ..'n- haJ.t.•don dw prrnnis<· of rcdun•d

ovc:rall projc<:t c.:osls .s...,idtu ariSt'

clue to "ccono1nics of scale" that o<.·cu.rl¾·cau:-::c·the- o,vnc·r or primt• nmCr:wlor


a volume: \listount f()r purchasing all of the worker:/ <.:01npcns:itioo an<lothc1• insurance for




i:.ourc..·(',ral her

th,m purcha.sing im;urant:(' from mu lliplr sources tlwough ifuhcomracto,·s. Additiooal s;wings were J)so sJid to be generated hy the abilily of a single illSuranc..:<: adrni"ii:.lrator Lo ,...ufon:t! ., ttl)iform project safety prog1·am, hdping to "control losses a<.:ross lht" large population of ,vork1..·rs'1..·ompt•n.!i::tlionri:jk:;." Enfor<:-trni"nrof a uniform S-'fotyptogram. is, of course, cac;:icstwlwn a

dist;.tnl frmn ~·at+1o1lwr, ~uch a:-.a SC"hool-

abilily W ;.Hlminislt.:r dw proj~·cts and to manag~,.loss prevention and control is not

:ind monitoring of safety generate :-avings on wrap-ups. Morc•owr) th(', th,1l wt·apups generate a ,·olumc di~c:ount, always failed to an.·ount for the <.·011c..·t.irn·nL loss or w,lume clis<·o1.111c~ <-xperien<'ed hy ruhcoiura<:t<n"S.for example, subconti:\Ktor:c;:

compromised." Today, how,·vcr, wrap-op~ n"gularly break th(' Vl''l'Yru Ir·~ that were daimcd lo

• Bar Joist • Metal Deck • Structural Steel • Erections • Standing Seam Roofs • Pre-Engineered Buildings or Systems • Sheet Metal Fabrication


bdi<.:s th~ pn.:mis<' thM central


that pun:haf><',) L:irg('pt'l"(.Tnlagc or I heir work('r:,;' c:-0m1wn:.ationinsurance through a wrap up in any givi:n y1..·arO:H'l) find that tlu-i r insuraoci• agt·ots are no longer ab1e-to olTer discounts on auto, g<'neral liahHhy or olhcr lint.·s of in:mr,rnn ...for lht•ir rt:gular insurann· programs because the vo1um(' of insurance purchasi:<l through thc-ir .1gt•n1s


is 1'('du(.·<·<L Much or the project "savings" that is

:.r?I..WJ~-= 1.!Ji8 GJ1.fJl::'..7d~j • • • • • •

said to bC"g(·nc..·rat(·dhy wrap-op in~ur-

ancc, then, is actually ju~t a transfer from subcontractors that fail to .:mlidpate all lhc <.:osll:i of partidpaling jn th1..·wrap up

Value Engineering Design Build Roll-Up Doors Stairs & Rails Wall Systems Overhead Cranes



provide insuran<.:cfor projc<.:lslhat ,lrc qt.•ih'

building projc-ct hwolving construction al several, disparate locations a fact vvhkh

!r !J


pc1hing with llw notion that "'savings are gcncratc-d by controlling loss<.·sacross lh~ htrgc popul,llion or w()rh•r~· ('(Hrtpcn:-.a tiol) risks." "'Rolling•• wrap-ups fn·qu<.·ntly

projcc..·tis lin-:dtcdto ;:is)ngl~ .silt:,althoogh "a c;onstructioi) Cl P c.:-an be applit:<lto multiple sites ifthe-y a1't"'dos<" in p1·oximity and the


1891 NW 33rd Court Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 (954) 971-4800 Fax: (954) 979-4104 Florida/ Caribbean 1-800-342-9353

be cru<·ial to rt"'ali,.e projc-c-tC'0~tsaving:-. Many wrap~ups actually exclude workers' <.·ompt·nsation insura11<:c cove,rage. di~-

5017 Estate Boetzberg Chrlstlansted, St. Croix Virgin Islands, U.S.A. 00820 Office/Fax (340) 773-1275 (340) 778-9532

wh<'n l11t·ir bids are prep,ued. Frequently unantkipah:d <.:ostsalso indu<lc the..·1..·ostof c-ompliann· with 1ww .md :uldition,,I payroll and claim~ reporting procedures; ri:vicw of lengthy, nonstandard c..·ovcrag1..· lt·rmi:.; ;:in<lpun.:lla~ of gap-filling policy endorse•

rncnts (l;!.g., for general liability insurann." following <.:xpfra.lionof lhc Wl"<'lp-up 's com plt't('d opt•1-ation:--t:ovcrag\!). Tht're is ,-•ilso frequently a cont-i<k·rabk risk of insuranc.x: progr,lm dd~wll, (0rdng sulx·ouu-.u:(ors lO



th(:ir ow Ji cu,·~1-ag.:to lx exc:~s.sof

in i1i:-.ura.ot:...: t:m•t:ragt'. i'll'l(I tlw risk l><'-


\'\•henthe wrap-

ing assumc<l by the buiMing owner. Frn· 1..~xarnpk·,dH.~fund available lo pay dai1ns

guarante·C"ingthe upper tiers against the inadequacy of lhc:ir own insurance prograu1. Other Sf'rious gap!. in wrap-up covet.'\gt" may go unnotice<l, even if sub<.:onlraclors hire du:ir rcgol::ir insuran<.·<.' agents to work on a fr:l~ha.~isto rcvic·w the \,'l."ap-npdocuments, because the terms of insurance are

lhc wrap-up and primary

up fail:; lo provide <.:ov,.:r,1g1.:.

Many of the unanticipated costs of \vrap ups Oow from

the fact that sul><;ontraclors

covered by wrap-up inruranc<' is only availahk for a lirnitc:-dn\unbc-r of ycars, whic·h

out of" th<.'ir work, <.'S$Cntially

lha.t buy <--overagethrough a wrap-up ar<' buying from a party wi1h no intn<-st in maintaining their bus:in<:s:~a::-l()ng-1trrn

is ordinarily consider-ably mor-e limited th~n lhe lirne period available for claims,


Subcontractors that tak<' no pr<'c:autiOl)S: will onlinarily h,wc no instffancc CO\'<Tage.

k•ngthy tind nonslandar<l. Like ordinary insuranct'. ri~,,uin•l)'lt'f\b;,

at aH, for <;on:;lruc:lion <lc.:fccldaims lilc<l

lhcn, v,.1rap-upparticipation requirements

and who owes dwin



<·iary ohlig:.uions> unlike their insurance <1gt·n(s.ror example, <.:ornx:lion of payroll 1 rt.'porling errors ,_,ffc<:ting ,l subcontr.Klor s cxpcricn<'C modification rating (J::1\1R)is a maUt'r ( h:\t a suhcont rad or ,vould onlinar ily expect its insuranc<.' agC'nt to tr<-at as a high priority. Bul th<· wrap op ::ulministra tor works l<>rtlw owner or s:upcrvii:::ory c-o,,tra<·tor, not for the subcontractor, and so has little: incc11Uv1..• to b~ concerned 3lx,ut a subcontractor's objtYtioos. lnsurallcl' agt~nlt,;ancl wrap-up a<lministrators also

parli<.:\1I:,\rl)' conslnu.:tion


mon· than t••n·c (or smrwtinws



art• do;:ik1.:din a Vi..'11<.'t'r of valut·. In pr,Ktkt·,

after a wrap-up project is completed. (nsurann· :igc·nts oftc·n fail to nwnt-ion to mvnc·1·s how risky f'On~tr-uf"tion can h("' and ho,v

howfvcr> thC"y('an amount. to littk morr th::m i.l trap for the unwary~ as well as a device l()r shifting the risks of ina<lc:<1uatc

1·<>sponsibilityfor serious claims can weigh a company down for yc.:;:irs.A<.kJjng ins\dt to injury, subcontractol'~ regularly find that thc.:yan: n:c1uin.:d to sign "hold harmlt•ss" agn'('lfl(.'n(s to inck·mnify lht· ow1,1..·r


p,irLk·~ ,vho <.:01\lrol holh. •

and !-.upervisory contracto~ against cbims

American Suh,:ontraf/on·

of ~ubconlractors,

and of

poo1· pn>jfct supcrvi~ion, a"vay from th<'

Ediud and reprit1tedby per.missio1) <?fche As.ux:ic1firm.

ha,,t" diIT(.·rt·nl ill(.vnliVi..'.'>whi..·n it <·01m:.slo

c·nsuring that a s1.1hcontractor·s insunm('r

daims arc paid. lvlonitoring paynwnl of daims i.-; parl of ,vhal its insurann· agent ,lcws to kttp it.~('ust(Jffh,'rS satisficcl. \.Vrapup aclministr.itor.s, on the other hand. h\lvc an inccmivt· lo mtixh:o.izt· "projcc.:l s;wings"' by ,h·oidiog p,iyoIt'ul of cl,,ims wh1..·ncv<.:r po::;siblc,or by minimir.ingdaim~ p,,ymt:nts. f<.>rt'.xamplc, a wrap up atlmin islralor might insist that a sub<.:ontractor put .111injurccl i..'mplo)'CC'b.1ck to work on "light duly1' in ordt·r to avoid paying work-

t:rs' <.'ompt-·nsJ.tionbcn<..·fitsl>yshifting the <·osl of rn.iint.iining the injured work\:r to th<.• sul,-contr~Klor's


will ~·nsurt• dmt insur-anc(" premiums

<.:ollectlng .1 oc.nnmission

ar<· promptly<"akulafrd,

A wrap-up ,H-lrninistrato1·, on the oth('r hancl. has an incentive

to delay premiwn calculations s<.:curc<ll>y ('oni:::i<ler3hl~sums: of ret::-iinagt, at lc.1.-.tso long as those funds arc earning i1wcstn'l(~nt jncornc for the adn,ini$n·at<Yr'stmploy<.·r. the most serious. and most latent> costs ofp3rticipation in a wrap-up program are tht> real and pmc·niial gap:; Perhaps



SWAINSBORO, GA 478-237-2770


cx.implc: An jnsurancc agent intcl'<l in

the subcontn.ctor's

chee . .[L .. . . .

FABRICATION Ogeechee Steel, Inc. offers our cuslt ~e adva~ge of both the Fabricator and the Erector unde one hac.vye Have een in the Steel Industry since 1984 and have ~n AISC ~tifie Since I 994. We have shipped our fabricated p duct all over t~ world and will erect any project in the South~ r;i._Uni~t:ltes. No strength of project is too small or too large. Our employees-are


ourstructures-w~have the most experienced in the Steel Industry.






HOOK The Caldwell Group has intro-


<lucccl a remoh!



hook for l he .slt'.d

cn.·c.:tlon industry

calkd R;g-RclcaS<·. There are several

models availableto

• for' I nl Vil




'lo' 11:,•



u; 1,

ut !



I •t




lllt.-1 b:KI•:

1 1 j.t,'

'! ,UI


!c . •

11; ,·1 ~



choose from in c.:apadtics from I tor'I lo 1S lons. There

diminakd a safcty hazard for t:onncc.:tors, the time spent unhooking rigging can now be spent getting pr(!pan:d k,r tht: next bt:an,

The range on Lhe remote release is 400 feel

iln."' l'wO C:\tt"gori(•S:

or installing

n~<.:harg~al>lt• l>allt·rics.

ma.nual rdcasc in I-

swings lO g<.·lanolh<.·rpk·n·. Like-wise:,th<.·r<.·

to IS-ton capacity and radio in 2 ½- and 5-ton capacitits. The major benefit of usingcl,c Caldwell sclf-

mun· bolts whil(• th(• (;r:mc

arc 1-><·n(·fits for har joist t~n·ction. No longu do you have to

lO rdc·asc the loo<l,assuring maximum .1ali:l )'·

\Vithdear line or sight. The unit uses 12-volt Ple<rse conwCl the CC1fdwell Grovp}dwtlli1>C.C(Jm.f(Jr


more i1?formotfon.

tic back or r~moYCthe safNy


elimin;:iteda major hazard in steel erection

clip frorn d)c main line l'X'lll to crt(:lbar joists. The Rig-Rek·a-'>ehook can he us<..·d wjlh both basket and choker hitches. The hook cannot

connecting: the connector.°' no longe-r have to dirnh out o,, the ~kc:-1to uJ)hook rigging

ht<'relt"'a..:;e<Iwhilt"' undt"r l()a.dand the remote

pensation fOr ri~ing ut"I costs is an important

control oper.:i.lion require;<;pushing l wo;<;epa-

fru.:lor in making money and having an advan-

from a beam o,· joisL.Nol only bas wl<lwdl

ratc button~ in the proper scqucnc...-c in or<l<.:r

lage over your compcliljon.

rc:l(•a.sing cnuw hook is s.afoLy.This hook h;:i$

ln the cvc-r-d1augingdynamic that is the steel erection market, versatiliLyand com


Astoria Truck

Bodies, based in Osceola., IA. ha:-hccn mak-

ing folly customized fib<"rglasstruck hodics l(.>rov1.:r40 y<.·a~. Tiad1 box is d<.·sigrwd,md ma<k-.s1x·dfic.:illy to fit your n<.'<.'rl!-. Diff<.·r<'nt f<.·atun·s indmk- pass-through boXl'S


draw<.·1-s, step:- up into the bed, provi:iions for jib crane~, automatic door lo<'ksand fully wt.·aLl'1<.:rpr-0of <.•fldosun·s. Whal s<·t;<;thci r

products aside from the r(';<;lis th.)t 1h,··yart· completely made of Jong-strand han<l-1;:ii<I fiberglass.~I-hismakes them ve1-y:-trong,,·u:q-. proof, long la.',tingand about 1/ 1 thr wc-ight of a <•dbed. Tlo\,, might this bcndil you slt.'1.·l<:T<..·<.·lOr? du.: l)('d c.1.nbe designed around the way you opC2"n1tc-,

ebeen ngthe lndu


org.1niz1.-and store your tools and ec.]l1ipment. Thtrd(m.·, you may 1><' ahlt-w fit 11'firt'" 1ools on your (.'\U-r<.·nt tru<.·kfle<.•t.,;. S(.tondly, while you may need a larger IMtonor bigger lrud. to opcratt· currently, now you can pos~ibly

do tht..·same ,-viLhan Astoria lruc,;k body orl a 1/2-ton or 3/4-ton truck. Th<.'$<.'tn.l<'ks arc cheaper, rnorc readily available and have 1nuch better fuel economy. Either way, the

Astoria,ruck hoclygivesyoumor~ flexibility ro maxirnizt..· your <.·urr<-nt01x-ration. For morefr?J'Ormation, pleasetisit Jlstorio Truck

&dies at




3205 Industry Blvd. • Florence, SC 29501 Ph: 843-662-1935 • Fax: 843-667-1987 Email:

Our fleet of cranes and equipment coupled with our work force of trained and e'.\.-periencedironwo1·kers are ready for your next p1·oject.

Institutional, Professional OfficeandManufacturing Facilities Testin1onials With Florence Steel lfreclors 1 hove confi,lence 1/wt the job will be done right wul on time. Their employees conduct tlumiselm.>sin a 7Jrofe..:.·sio1wlnwnner mul take 7>ridein thefr work. I km),o 10<' can alW<zyscount ou them to share our commitment of clelivering a quality 7>roduct to vf,r clients and wnuld highly recommencl them lo anyone in the co11struclio11 ind11slry.

Pforence Steel Eret101"f!represe111s Ste«lfi,1, in "7,rofcssional mtm1wr mu/ their commitment to safety t,ncl quality 'ls evident throughout tlie cOmJJatiy culturr. }(m can com1t on them lo be therl' wlten you need the,n ancl with adcqua.te 1n.an7Jowerand equipment. For thl'se reasons. we choose to partner u;ith their finn on mwiy JJrojects.

Man Brownell Project Manager

Richard Milling Executive Vice President/GM Steelfab of SC


Yo11rtimc:mul dcclication t.othis fJroject fa much appreciated and it is subcontractors like you that makeourconstruction industry a ,,lensurr to work in.

Dean Wilson, Project Manager Mashburn Construction

Mashlmrn co11str11clionhas been worki11g with F/mnwe Steel Erectors for over 10 ye<,rs. Recently, Florence Steel dro/Jped everything al c, mom,ents tiotice ancl he/1,ccl us ux,rk through a ltolitlay weekend to get a Job done. This is tl,e ki11dof commitmt.:ul <m<ldedication we /wee come to experience from Florence SIC't>l J.:redors. They contitwc to excc•Nl our corn1 (!.\'7'l!t:tolion. Paul Mashburn. Vice Presidenl Mashburn Construction

\\litli 1'1-<>rl'nc:e Steel Erectors on !he JJrojecl, we know tlwl our will b, the first priority. They are driven by ctmdity. customer servic,~ ancl saf"ty. The--y meet or exc:ec<Iour expectations with regtzrtl.:;to sclwclul" and cu."t<ml(~r .w1tisf11rtion.I look f01·word to workiu{!, on more projects with Florence ~eel Eredors. c11st1J11111rs

Jeff Tucker, Vice President Steelfab, Inc.


MULTI-WELD fiw· vvc-ldcr~ working from only one wcld-


iog ma<.:hin<:, "'cl<ling simultaneously! 1low

By Robbie Edwards

EQUIPMENT The- 1nar1ufactu1·ers of aerial cquipm<:.•n(

docs it ,vork? Js it possi.hlt"?Not ex;:ictly, hut prdly

clost·. Lincoln Electric\



havt..'fin;.1llyIish'11<·dlo thi! end users. They have ro1ne up with a tn:mc.·ndous amount. of


many advantages over

new options for arrfal c.·quipmc..·nt.13rie0y. I will <>udint"' ju:i;t a fe-w that ar<· in'IJX>rtant, convcn.knl and cost eff\"ctiV<· for the sled c~rcctionindustry. Th<· first one I' Utouch on is ,l power option

having rnu1liple;.. wc·lding machinc-s on rl-w joh silc. 1k·rt;':; how it work.::;: \Vith just

one power sou1xx:,for cxampl~ a l,inroln SAF.-400, you could opcr<Hc fi\'e Multi Weld 350 welding 1nad1in<.·.s,welding 1/R" F.7018 .s1i<·kt~fr•ctrode~.The adv::mt;,ig<.·s an: many: a. only one: die:.d t"'ngine to fuel .1ncl maintain; b. c.:ontrols for each \\rc::Mcl· arc loc..\tcd nearby for qui<:k .)<.:t·t.·s:;; c. r.:-duci:cl Wl ..

ight to haul around (one 2.000-pound

w<'lding ma.chin(~and f-ivc59 pound Multi

one..·Multi-\•Veld does nm affect the oth-:rs; f. it c·anlx· used ,vith.MIG> FCA\l\1, slick or arc gouging. Startup cost.s m~1yht· signifi.c.unly lowc1\ too. for ex...tmplc, five.· ~00-amp di~'st·l ,,,t•ldi11gm:i.t:hines would c-ost alxH.1t

5 , $11,000


S 55,000. One Si\E-400

costs about $15,000 and five Multi-Wdd \t\fdd mJ.<.:hiJu:st.·qo~lI 2,29S pouncl~. versus }50 m,l<'hin<'s,5 x $4,000 = $20,000, lor fil'c 1,300-pouncl wdclingm(lchines) which equal 6,500 pounds); d. no control <,;;,11.,k-.s a lOtal of$ ,5,000, versus $55,000. Some of our n11..·mht:r:; an· aln•ady using this system art: nt't"de<l, onlv a ~nglc- weld cable from , ·with amazing results. It is ;,m id<'act•rl.tinly the- po,\'Cr sour<.:c lO <:a1.:hMuhi-\1/t..,ld;c-.


incl<'p<'ndcnt arcs stopping and starting nf

worth investigation.

tl1at c.·011sis1.s of .'tgeneralor that runs off th<: <:.·ngirn: ;; c:ihlt~srunning up thc.·boom. In the past, for powc.·rto get co the platform. the unit had to he plugged in al th1.'base and b.1:;i<:allyhad an t~Xt('nsion cor<l running to th-: platfor1.n wirl,a 110-n>lt oullcl. Now. the unit h.'tsthe onbo;.'lrdgc.·nc.•r;;itor th,.d 1u·cwiJt:-s power to lhe platform. This dimin..1t1..·stlw of an t·xlensioo cord at ground lcvd. Tl·w nc·xt grt..•;,1t option for an <"rector i~ a wt"'ldC'1· that sits on the platform• powc)x:<l hy the- a.forc•mcntioncd g(.'"nl·rator.Tll<' gn•al 1.1st•

thingaboutrhis is the fact that the we-ldc.·ris pl,nfonn with lltl' Oj'k·ralor.eliminating the need to ban• 80-100 fi,.l'( of ground cablc:i.ndstinger lead. Lc-ssthan 8 fC'c.:l of ground and lt"'ad:tre nl'"eded. Based on tht..·curr('r'lt prk·<-s of welding is a $igJ1ific.-.,m1 <:.·osti;,wings to th~• u~<'1'.ILalso is a bit sal(·r than having aJl th1..·gro\lnd .md le:ids looped owl' lh,.. rail, ,1~ wd I .,1.s not h:wing a w<•ldt•r011 dtt' ground th.'tt has to Ix mon:.-d

HydraulicCranes22-650tons CrawlerCranesto 1000 tons

whc:n th<:.';.u.:·rial lif', is moYNI on the job site, which means more p-roductivity. Anollwr oplion t1Ml woul<I ht• "ery helpful for <~rectors is an onboard i.lii- n11np1·t•ss<>r. This unit runs o!Tthe gc1w1·ator and, ;,1gai",

TowerCranes RoughTerrainCranesto 130tons BoomTrucksto 38 tons

elimin,.tt<·s ha"ing ,111 thar hos<"and b1..·ing tethered to J unil sitling on tht" ground. 'fht..· comprc-~~or is <:-..pablcof provi<ling I 2S PSI

Carry DeckCranesto 35 tons Aerials& Forklifts

~t th~ platform, Tht..·St..· (In~just a fi.•wof the new innovations

Rentals,Sales& Service

for at'rial <x1uipnwnt. A 11tlw in<mufucttircrs ofle'r b~1sic~,llythl' S<\metnx.· .'it.·lups. h ha.,; now ht•come sundard in th<"a<.·riaJindustry.





Tht·•T (!rt:' <1uite-a h"'wmor<' itc·ms oll<:n:<l,l.S w<·II: lighl kits, prC-SSOl"(' wa:-.lw1~and glazier kits 1 to name S4:\tl'r~U. In dosiog. ask your r('ntJI prort•ssion,ll ~,bout lh<·sc oplions ;1.l'l(I.'t<lclitions. 'fhc.·y <·..111 s;;ivt•you rnont·y :in<I p1·oductivity on many p1·,lj<·<·ls.•




Decking Safety

Sy Steve Mille,

ln!-t~lling d(·<:king i$ dw Nt,. 1 killer i" the sted ;;:-roct:ionindustry. I low many iromvorkt•-.-shav(' b(•<•nkilled? More than C)l)C, and that is t,vo too many. Ov<·r the past 10-20 year:-;, th<.'m.1ml><:•J1> havt· n.:-al'hed imo lhc hi:u1d:rcds. \t\fhy i~ it so d::ingcrous? One ,voold think that the "d;:mgcroos p~rt" of t-t('d cretti◊n is ov<·r ('m<..\'dl.'<"kingop<:rnlioni:;b<-gin. Aller aJI, chc deck is a large area. and it is very much likC'worldng on thc-ground. It is infinildy ca:;icr lo walk an<lmove about than on :;.k.clctalframing. t lowcn.:.r, decking has two thing.sin ~-ommon wilh t1·out fisl1iog: t•dg~~ ;U'KI drc1p-off.... U ,,l<,rtu,,,uely, lhese conditions arc only good when fishing) ~ml uol wh<•nW<'an• working 10 ll~·Labon- tlw ground. lkcause the <k:t:k rcprcscnt.'i a large cxpan~c. we <lo get a fal$C sc.·ruc of security <UtdcomlCwl. D"-'<--king crews arc brgcr in number tl1~mtlit"

raising gang, and we can h,wc up to six to eight pc..-opkon ;:i Cl'.'C\V; t:vcn m<..•t;1I building rooC Al tint<'!->,Lhc nwmbcrs more;,on a pn:.··(,'ngi11<..·c.·r{-.I of these crews arc kss experienced and skilled than other ironworkcrs. They gl~l put on lit<' deck cn•w :--pccifical1y for that r<·ason. You nonnal1y see a 16tmore apprentices on the deck crew than you do connecting or bolting up. And while everyone has to start somewlwn·, tlw numhc-r of hazards prt'~'it-nl on ~ drd rt<fl.1irl'"I hat only thosl" Vi!Ot'k<'rs with the-highest ll'\'f-1ofh;;i:r.;,wdaw3rf"1ws:<: should he up llwrc-, unlC'.ssth<'}' ,tt thr hip with 3 mor<' <:'Xp<•ri<'nc<•d iromvorb:r. Ont· app1't'nlict' dragg_i,,g

:<sheetswith an ex1x-ri~m:~d hand, Ol"one apprentice laying sheets with an experienced journeyman, €-l<". Whc;-nthere is a languag<"bal"rier ht':lw<"e:r'l members of the same crew, i.tonly serves to makt- mat t('rs worse. Thr('e years ago on a joh in 1)c-nv('r, 3 was working wilh an ironw<>rker kirking .sheeu arc,und for

alignmcm. Th<:fo1·t1nanwas SO 60 foccaw•ayfroJll the iron\.vorker, who was w.) bacbvards wllilc Jdju.sting th<.'sh<..·d.s,unaware.·thal lh<"rt" was a hole bchioJ him. The f<m.:inansaw the hole and began waving ;;-ind yelling '3t the irnnworkcr to stop. Th<..'worker :,;tep.f_X'(I ba<:kwards into the.·hol,· and foll 37 feet to his d~ath. Decking is lwc-on1ing,1 "specialty." These days, it .seems thal lhtre almo.-;1,asmany d0c;king compaoit~s a.'.there arc erectors. Crcvvs are sometimes made up <"ntirdy of '"indrpcndcnt cont:rtu,,ior.s.''whkh is a fancy narnl' l(>r individuals that do tlOl carry workers' <:ompcn:,;atioflor any other kind of insuranCt". These '"indt>pendents»usually wo1·kby the shccl or $<ft.tarefoot, ratb1.~rlhan by the hour or conlrncl prk1•. GNtin,g thczc pcoplt: to tit' off while tht!y'1-ed~king c.-.nbe like getting a clrywallcr to rcpfa<.:c.l bad cxlcrtl:ijon <.:ord.They'll do it, but as soon a.syou ll~::wc, tlw good curd is goiog bad, ill the gangbox. So, how <loacci<lt:ntshappen I The a.nswa to lhat quc.-stionis a5.t~a.<iy a:-; looking at tht· new OSHA Suhp,1rl R, Skd Ert:<.:tionStandard. Most of the ha,-.ardsprevalent in this indllStr}' were a<ldrcsS1..-d during the rwgot i;1,t<>d n,1lc·makingpron's.'i. K<'<'pin mind, though, no1,1IIhazard!-:wt"re addrc-s!-:edpropcr)y in the fina) standard . .tu an, the kmgt1:,g<' add1°':"ssingtlw h::rz:trtlof .slipp<·rywalking/working.surfa<.:t'!stlid ,,ot make it i,,to the final standard.

STRUCTURALFAILURE Fin,1,, W<' most look :tt strnc-tural stahility i.ssuts. ()v("r th(' years, buil<lii,g)!ha\·c collapsed because they were loa<lcd up wiLh too mudl weight h€"for("th('y ,,·rr<' :-.-t-ructur.illysound. Tht: f(>llowi11gitem~ must beadequat<'lyaddrcsscdbcforc:: loacliugbundlc-sof ckd~:plumhcahl,·.s in~ stalled, l,c,3ms ,md fr,m1~ holtt--dup, joist.s wdllt:tl, and bridging installed in j<>iS't:7and purl ins. Making su.r<:that the bridging en·\.,, has lmd ti1nc Lo get the minimtnn amount ofl-:widging inst:1tlt'tl before- it is time to land the buodl('-.~i.'.a constant balancing act for the raising gang IOr,:,'man. St>Hingthe-btmdks or deck on the· building brings il:- own ~t of haz lifts wt· ards with il. In many cases, the dc<.-kbun<lks ar,:,·the h,:,-~wi,;::;t oftlw huilding. ·n,<'1-c' i.<ia t<·ndem·y 10 haog out see during the <'1'e-<'tion ;,ls muc.:hiron a!-:w(" can b1. ...for<"landing bund)cs and moving th<.'('1'Jn,· ahead. Con$t"<)\IC'ntly, tllC"'n.inr opC'1-.)tor is foot·tl with lmor"Y\illg out to maximum radius with the h~avicst lifts on the job. This has resulted in many cr,me failures in the-past ,foe to overload, poor ground <:onditi<ms, wind) working out or 1(-"('1,Ne. VVhilt"the 1.-.nguagein the OSI IA standard rC"quir<'s1..,,ndinghom.11(:"s withUl I root of th.._• c..'\:nt..,·rlin1.• of 1,hf'carrying hcam or gfrdcr, this is not ahv:iy:. practical or possible. Staggering tflf hc.1ndk-son hoth side:<:of' a beam or gir<k-r line~\\fOrk~ hf':-t. I.a,ldiog bundles Ollt in the ceote:r of a joi.stbay is a recipe for disastc-r, 3nd hac;rc-sultc-din huilding colfaps<-'ar-,d fotaliti..,·sin th<..·past. Stac.-kingbundl(':.1; is oot a good id('a, unlC'ss their <.:ombiocdweight does not exceed 4,000 pounds. Rules for l.1,ndingdCTk Sttf~e6-0 58 I lHE SEAA CONNECfOR

2007 EOlflON


shnuld€"r~from tht..·,vorkt·r trying lo t..·att..·h himsdf Ort tlw \\'ay through thl· hol<'. rypic;illy lighter hunrll<'s. Puor ('raftsm,·mi-hip r('~\ilts in J(dcknts, injuries ;,mJ iatalitits. I on('(' ]\•iai.ntainiuggoo<llx·ariJlg on lhc joi:;t orhcanl wh1.·1, landing tht- LUJlJlt' an ii•or,wo1-k..,1· \\;,\S SlJ.nding on is par:.unount lo fall prevention. lf you're in the stcd Cr<.'<'tionb1,,isinc:~:s, t(•stili,·cl in a c.:1s(•if\ Ck:,·cland, wh(~r<: ~ dc·ck pan ne-xt co his ('Oworkcr, who was standing on 3 bridgt' ginl<·r. you know of J.t k·:a:;-t on<: indcknt wht·r<' .-Hlimnworb·r :-lcppt'U on th~ Th(.'.angle rh,:11w,1s:-uppor1ing llw pan bmkc loo!><.· <-u1<l thl" worker t(;'II l:.~1.dwetin a hundle-,only to haw•it open up like a trapdoor bccauS('the through the hole, 1SOIC'C't ahovc tlw :-tn't..'tbelow. On hi:-way through, houom shl't"l on Lhcbundle wa=-> not bearing on th1.·joist or h<..-.;n'll. he grabbed thl· ank It·:-of his coworkt·r, who wa:. ~1.:1.1,<ling n~arby on thc1 lwli,~vi--W(' c-,m do ::i much lwttc-r job of raising 3\\'.trt-1\t'SS ,vith the girdcr. Tht:y bc)th wt"m thnn1gh thC'holC",and past a debris pfatl0n11 d1at d~ck marmfactu:rcrs who .:'ll"<'assembling the htmdl('".<t ..,t tlw fac1ory. l l,.w<• happcnc.:<lto lx· po.shion<:dIOf(·<·lhl·low 1h,· bridgt~.Thc.:c:owo1-kt.·r<"",lllght to bt>lieve-that if th<.·y\\'<.·n·,t\\'dn' ,,r how mar'ly,~•orker~<lieas ii 1'C'SUlt of 11-wplalforn\ol\ th~ w,1yhy, and hfld on tothr c-dgcofth<: platform, with this booby tl'J}), tlwy would do a better job of aligning th"· :;h.;,•,:ts in ~lw his friend holding on lo hi,.s;.mkll.'!>, AfLt·r,t r;,.,,.mmnl:ms of <lcsp~ration, l>1,1nctl~-- \.\'h._.o tht"')·;)I'(' ('Olning off thr linr. the-work(•r lost his grip ,,nd f(-11to his dNth. l:vC'nS('\·c-ralyears ;;iflcr tlw \.Vhil.;,·wc·'rc· on lht· :-ubjt:d of c:oorclinating with thi: m.anufacnir.;,•r, incident, the ('Qworkcr I h.,1 :-urvin'<I w,:1~ noL .tblc lo ulh.·r a ~ingl1.." \\'Or<I we should look <tt the irle;i nf st.1.ckingi-h<'<'tsin bomlJ<':-wi1h rt'SJ)t'<'f to ;.u;a n~.imh ui thi~ t 1·aumatk C\'('1\t. Lhdr fiutll lotativ1) oo thr huilding. Draggiflg :1bt'.'-1 ...ts f'rum ont· c-m-1or The worst incidt·1,1I t·xp,·rit·nn-tl on my w.tlch ~s a sal"ety<lin;_•c-tor for du: building lO d,e oth<:-1· h;)s3 nC'g3tiYc t;"fft._'<'l on pro..fu<'lion, safoty and ,l sl"<·<·l cn·ctor w,ls mW in which an ironworker bying s~wC'l~oo J. mor3k. Thjs is not 3 n,31h•r of' co1,wnicncx~; it woLtl<ls.a.,•('li\·~•~. barrd roof. Hc: ta<·kedtht· shc-.·I,.md Lhc•nsh•ppc<l on th ..... s)w..-lto ril;"J('h Sometimes, ir'sthe little things. Forinst;:m<.T,iiLht•ro;" ... w,5-aprfJhihirion thr ol'lwr t"1l<I to ,,pply aootl,e-r tac-k, whc-ntlw first tack broke. ·1·hcshN'r on singll·-~pan <lcc:k,t-spctfatlypoured d,,ch, then: woul<l b..,-far f<:-wcr sliddo,vn the slopt·, op,·ning up lih· <l Lr,lpdoor. The ww•kt"rt('II SS fC<'t <·c1lk1.p:-l"'~, J.m.l~hl.:"•·~w0\1 kl b("for l(°w,;;rfull:--duc: to tht• lo:-.sof bt"aring on to his death on 1he concrdt" floor b<"low.The fact thJl ht..·wa:--w<•.:1ring J. the edge angle or joist. I think lht·n· ha:-lx:<•1\impt<)\'\.'t1\C0li1,this ,m~• ..,,<l lanyar<l,and that thc·r\' ,l lif(,Jineim1m_-<liatdy availahlc-to 1,.,,1w•· sf iJIs<'('it o,·('t stair towers and eleqtor <·or<.·s, .11ulsimiktr areas. him in tlw work ,mta, J\1t".\1ltnothing to OSHA, whodh.'U th~ 1..·mpluy<-1·!'<'s1x•,ria1ly lrUl'On jobs where wt a-reworking wilh engineers who f(1r l\\'O ,,;.Ufol violations of tlw ()SI IA sl,md::ir.._k n.unrMlly <l,;,sign woncl ir.inw ~l•·l1<.·\t1rl.:":<,n•~tom homcci> d,1..1n:lw:--, <•tc., Common ~lip.~.trips and falls al~o re-suit from workpfan· nmdiLions <u,d tbe; a,-e cloing thi:--prnj<•d "as a f.ivor" to thc ow1\CI'.You know th~ .,;urh at-cord..,, wddiug kad,'>, m,·lding nxJ st, 1..•k. Much of thi,; ty1w: Lfl<'<"·ngirHx~rs who still gh·e us rwo anchor holts instt·;:ulof four> c-.mhr ;;illrvi:i1·c-.l by n·-,--x.uni1,i11_g. the-work pmcc-ss. Tlw use.:ofliJ;,-li1H.~ and <.·allcolumns "fX)sti' for coUvt·uit-nt..·l•'s sakl·. l •.\f'I often be l'Cstrktc<l to Lh0$1..' workt.·rs on tlw lt•,uling,!'(lg(·:.u:tuallylaying thc-shr<'h.. On mo:-t roofS, workt"rsclr.tg_gingshccts► hac-kup,wlding, FALLS rte., only ncc<l to lx.·sun· th(·y .stay,H lc•,1:-.1 6 f(·<'I.b.1Ckrmm the ~tlgt<.No Byfar:.mdaway, falls from <lN·kare tlw No. I kilk·r jn thisbu;'iifk.-:...,;~(nor othC'rpositin· prolt'(.'Iion i:-nect":-.5'ary."IV€' ll('('d to d1angc our pron~s•:~so nmnling fimut<!) h.:wkwanl.'o,wa.(kjng off t'<lg'-".s, skppiug 1hat ,,'(' arc constantly fce<ling lhc \\'ork.t·•~on the.-1<•,ltling ,-<lgt·,thi.:1-eby inlo holes and just pl,,i1, abse-ntmillclcdncss JC<"0tU)tfor most 3<:ddt·nls. elimin,tting dH· n<'<'dfor t-lwm lo Cr,1.vd ,Ill)' di:-(J.m':<',,hik- they arc ti.;,·d Rut thc-t·.:-;)l't:' otlwr, rnor,· spccif-ic haz.lrds tlMt aC\.'<mnlfor falls as wdl. off. 'J'h(• r('sult js,lripping, fotigt.1t·)c-lc. N<·t sysh·ms on• On pr<' <'ngin-N'rcdmct.11building root$, stt-ppingon in..sulaLioo cao r(•;'iult the- ultimat(:, h,c•n-.1,1s(' th,·y tul.tlly t"Jiminate-the-nrrd for anyont.: to titin Jos.-;of fooling. Thus th<.:didi(-, "nt'\'(•r :-wp oo y,"How." off except those worker~ oo lhi: t.·clg...orthl' h\likling, hul w~ will t.'tlk Ki(:k_j11g ~li«l~~rouA)<l for J.lignmcnt often rc:-.'l.llt:-: in the :-lwt'Ilm.·akil\g

bundks on prc;-.<.•ngint.."('rNf me1 al buildings arc mun~ lt--nic-nt boc.-.useof

mor(" ;:ihout d,at lat<·1·. workt·r falls through. This typ<.·of fall dO('S bwh'Onnwntal fo<.:tor:. ()f\_·st•nthaz,,r<ls ,ls ,wll, In most parL~of th,· not always n•sult in the-worker going J.11th<.:· way to the: grourul. -'5<-n~r<' <'OUntry, W(' rxp<·rit-nn· windy :-<"a:-on.~.wht'rt' tht" \'ltind <'an s11ow up cuts from contaet with sht1rp <.:dgl'.=> an· <·001111011, a:. wdl as di.sloc.:ited l,.l<):-S(·, c·xposing :i ho!,· 1h:\1lht·

s.:~l'.J,1.:t,! 60 I TMESEAA CONNECTOR



"Serving our Customers with the highest quality and professionalism" Located in central Pennsylvania, S & R Enterprises is positioned to complete complex steel and precast erection projects throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Eastern regions of the country. Committed to serving its customers and its employees, S & R strives to be at the top of its industry by completing projects in a SAFE,EFFICIENT and PROFESSIONAL manner.

Steel Erection Precast Erection Joist Installation Certified Welding Metal Decking



Shear Stud Installation


Established DC Apprenticeship Program

\0 ~


Strong Safety Commitment

7385 Allentown Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 1 7112 Phone (717)652-3080 Fax (717)652-3081

Experienced Steel Erection Management


Craft Training

Stephen C. Burkholder President

Con:act usToday forEmployment Opponumties*


Richard A. Marker, Jr Vice President

CONTINUED FROM 60 Oftentimes with this type of horizontal lifeline. the cable is laid at th{~ fo"-"t.Thii- is OK as long as you hav<.'plc:-ntyof ck-~,rancc-hdow ;md fal I

force.'\to che user are kept at or bdmv 900 pounds. Crossing lines cm h(' ;:itt::1ch('d;t<:To.s:the- h:;iy~in h('twc<..·nth<..'m:;iin li.-wst-o pro\'idt• for :m

effectivegrid system. Ma:i~y rn;ersattadt carabine:r-rypchooks to the eyes. so that they can ronn<'rt and discmm<'<·t th<.'ir lirw:-:: c-a~ilywhc..·nmoving

them from bay to bay. Th<"Jx-;.;t.systc-mi.sone- th.:itis in,.stalled ove-rhe;id ,tnd out of the \''-'}'• J-\n-a.ngingthe- lifr~linc-s ov(•rhea.dp:ro\iclts for le-s~tangling of lik·line~ ·with ,ords ,nul leads, ;:ind even more import.tutly, reduces the fall distall<"t"" wh<""lla wm-k<'-rd0t•..:;full. 1.:allpr<>lt't~lionc:-c1uip1nt'-nl is gn.~at• but il does not guarantee that tJ1t>worker wil1 nut be jnjur-ed<luring the foJI. ProY.i<.JJngthfa l)'fX of o,·erht;::aJ Jift·linc: i:; fairly ~imple oo mulris1ory buildings a..11J ~l1'u<.:tuL"('S. ll'~ a Utdt> 1nore difficult on single-stor)' and w3rehot1:;1,•rooh.

uncxpcctcdJy a11dwith great force. Summer thunderstorms can develop ir) a m~tl(::r of mitn,Jlt.".$ .,lrul (.;(ll\_-h us orr gu,;lrJ, if W(:"arc nol r~3dy to ~onn


tlw w(> have ;)lf'E'a<ly ktid. \l\ 1ith th-'t possihility



must he card'of not to '-'Ytoo .m3nyshc.:et5out in front of ourselves. Nine wire, banding, and other suit.ableJUakrials should be immediately availahk on tht' d<.'<.'k, so that wt· can se;-cun·bundles quickly in tht· <.'V(·nt \\'<'

ofb:.,<l ,v.:M..hcr. Rain, sk-..:l, snow <m<lic...-<: c.:anm.ikc things .slip~-ry in a

As pal't uf the prepJanni11gfor fall protection on lht..·.'Une1·i1.·aWc.·.st Arcn3inPh(X·n.ix, AZ, in l9S9, ,vt· <l<'visc,_•<l 3syst<..·mth:it indu<lc<l wdding: .stubs on top of lhc 320-((>ot d<.~ar-.sp<u) trussc.~.s,at 60 l(>oti1)tc.:rvak A hole was ddUcd in C'.:i.d,stub so th.:i.tit could act as J. rccch·cr hitch.

Seven-foot-tall :.<-1uan•tulx:~ wn<.' in~<·rtt·d into lhi--. :-tubs and pimwd into plaC'e. 1IOli-7.ontJIlifr•linC'swc-rc-strung from onl'"<'nd of thc- truss to tlw t'>lh<'r) .md a c.:ms..•H1rid sysh•m w.,s installc-d lo ,:lllow for 0 ..

th€"lie in bl.'"amsbe-tw("e,nth(" trusS('s. Two SO-IOOt r('tractablc litC'hncs w,:rc plan-<1in t·aC'h:-pan, to allow for !00% IJII prol<·C'l.ionduring the n·u~S4;"S were 3S teN tal I, tht" wm·kers u~

hurry, if wc1rcnot prcpa1·cdto secure the work :,rca .:tndget off the roof

de-ekingprocess. lkc,1uS(' tlw

wh('n storms hit. S<:rap!:i, and

projectiles when they start flying off the edge of the roof. to the Aoon•

thc,_• rt,:tr;.wtahli·sto n•m3in prnl1.'t.'h,'<l,whilt: <:limbing up ,:ln<ldown the wrtical laddt"rs th,H Wt"l"t'illslallt"1.Ioo the-ground for a.<.~cessing lht'"l'"ntirc

and ground hd<rw. Small scrap:-.can lw cumlwrsonw lo s~•cun• at I inws. For (hat purpose-, wdd da,"ps <.·aoc·oo1e-in pre-tty handy for da.n1ping

area oft.he: truss(<.'s)after erection. Otht"r ways lOt'"lnalt" lhe hori:1.ont~1llifdine .sy:.kOl i1Kludt'-;UtaC'hing

sevcx-alpic<.-cstogcthc,_•r.The damps also m~,k(.'it c-..,._sk·r 10 li<~rht• S<"·raps ro a suit;lblcand,or.

t<.'mpor:;u-y ;,tn(:hnr,lg~·s 101 lw sidi·of lht· ('olumns on muhislory :-1rnc:tun·.s, or a1t.adli11gst.anchion~ to th{' underside-oftht lX"am.s on th<.·next floor


al)()\·c. Cc:rt,,you would w.;int to be .sur<:·tha1the :-lan<'hion you w<"rc using ,,vasra.tec.lfor thal ki1lCIor applic-ation and 1oad.

The goldc-nruk of fall protection pJarmit)gis 1 "'I)on't IN your 3!-slli1 llH' ::11rolu1d."Every1 hino,:-,. el:;;ei:;;secondary. A :;;reel erection clic'nt of

d1iun :.pkr)1s

min..; t.:alk•d m\: hsl WC<..'k(July 2007) with lhc:: c•x<.;iling n1..•wslhat on('

<leek. Tht·rc.· ::ire sc..·vcr,,..l .stanchion .systc.:ms,H\lil;1hl1..· on th(· m,1rk('t th,lt

of their ironworkcrs had fullcn from a l<.•wl of<) feet• and t:s<.·a;x...,Iinjury because he was tied off. They have adopted a full prote<..·tionpolky of

srrw c.louhle du1y ,1:,;initial fall prolt"Cliorl

t.'\'(.'rl lcM)s1.·

sht'<'Lli,on tlu• roofbt•cmlu'


IOOo/*pmh:-<..·timl al lwigh1sahem-· 6 ft"t'I, ;t.~rnany orhe-r t'-rNto~ in the Color-ado3r<-ahaYC.The ·worker WJ.S;:ihig man, ovt.'r2SOfl"l\m<ls. I le· f(.'11 hackw;1rd~ off tlw iron; his fonyanl gra.hbt:d an<Ij~rk1t<Ihim uprighL.

pmtccting his upper lx,dy and head. His feet rut the deck bdow, but he was 001. i1), foc-t,tlw workr-r':-:fall had breo dampenNI sc, much by hi$ shock-ab:sorbif,gkmyanl thM h,: hanlly fdt his f1.·(~l hit lht..·d1.·1.·k. WhHc-son1<' "puri~bt ln th<' sifi•ty


would say thal this was. a

failure because the worker conta<-'tcdthe floor or stnK1un.· bdow, we see 'iLa.,;a :-i1na.~hin_g succ·e-.'i~. Bv taking , ht'-more aggrt>..,:-:in" $lance on follprot«'tion safr.·;y,this workrr CS<."ap(°d injlu·y an<l.... rtturned to work

't gN tht lif(·linc owrhc,_•~ld. th1.·n1.·xlhc,_•st thing is to us~·st.111lf you <.·an that will al least eleYalt' the line to .36-42inchc.sabovcthe

for tht and then foll prou:c,_•lioo. chu-ing <lcc,_•k oP'-·ralions. Many <.'n"t·(or:-.dt"sign and fabric-alelht'"ir own stanchion systems and this is OK, provMcd lhc ''syst1.·m'' i.s(:'nginc-<->n•<I :md/or lc:-.t<·dIOr (',lcil applical ion 1ha11llt'iruSt-i:-io1t-ode<I fr,r.( )SI I;-\and ANSI llav('" rulc-sand guidelines for engineering and tc,_•stingthat arc: read.Hy,wail,\bk thro\lgh -'S

tlw usual <·hann<·lssuc.:has (h~· lnh·rm~l, goverr)1"tnt libra.rie~, NC. Some argue: that stanthion syst1..·m.s g<:t ln lh1: w,1y hc.:<.\lusit when you d~""t·k up lo i1~you ohviou.sly have to rc;:Jru)wit. ()r)(·t,planningca.n hdp. Shtd.s e3n sometimes be b3<.'klapped lo allow for Lht· st,u1Chions to stay in pl3(.'C. At least OJlemanufat..'tlu'cr sells b\'O <liff<:t<:-nt stancMon syst<.·m.-: th::it

within min uh'$ of tht• incident. Rt•m<·mf-x•r,th~· law tlid not n•ciuin .. I his

offer ;,iltl'·rn3livc:moontin11 ml·thocls for hori:1,ont3I lifc:lin<..·s. Ont- i~ dt'--

worker to be tied off, or otherwise protected, w1ti1 he reJ<'hcda height of 15feet minimum, and e-,·r,l 10 rrr1 whe-,lusing tht>"'<·on1rollrd dt"cking :t.on..;option.''

The other signt<.lto mount 011 the ou~i<lL"fac.::of tht perimeter c..."Olumns. JttJchc~ to t-lwtop of the m3in frame:, girder or h~a•n> l>vt011d~~rnealhdl<'

Tl-w rn<>..;t common ml'lhod 01'"1it· oil~ int his lmsin<..s...;~ espt·cially dt·cking. is 1fo, ha.sic ·vs" wire mp(;"att.1ched to a suit;.lhle J.nchor on eith(;'r end of the work area. ·whether that is a beam, ha:y) or enrire stn1<-ture.

of tht.· sll'u<.·turt' ~s joists, or pw·lins. anJ c:xtc.·nd~outside th~ p1..•riruetcr ,veil. Thc,_• dcck lays down owr th<..·top of the..·post, witho\lt int<..·rl(.-r('nc·t•

by the fall-ptol~l·Uon hardware. In the Jltcrn;;itivc, stimd1ionsc~n

be rcpfa<...tdone at a time with Kri:w,\,•,·J'i.1,qr f,.S


CONTINUED FROM 62 dm ..,, -anchors or eye bolt t YP"-'Sor ~uu:hors that

edge or th~ roof. Installing a line down tht.·P'-";)kor ridg<-~ of the buil<li1ig, d,·vit:<·sto i(, :dlO\•.'Sfor tht' rope ot· rct:ractahk· to run andatt.,d,ing 1·h(•.s<· p:.1r,1llel with thc-edge, eliminating tht.· swing fall hazard, fol" the 1nost part. Anothc-r haz:wd to n.1nsi<.l~ris tht" prac-tic-t of work\:"1~adju.')tit)g their rope grabs $0 that they have eX('Cl>l.iiV<' :-::lackin the line. In th~ e,'elll of a fall, th<' workc·r may r.111:.t:v<.• l~t before th<' ropC' grab<.·hcl>, ~ide-of the panels to prevent <.·on<J::nlr:JINI loads, e:spccia.lly oo <loubltT can <..-auSt~ th.... • ropt· to Thl'• additional fal] distance and resuh.iog fric..-1,ion joiuts, wlN.·n.· lhl .. w.-all 1l1id:.llt'.SS b•consider,1blykss than a tilt-up P3nd. b\lrn, som<.'tin1c-s<;·omph·kly in haff. Traini1lg on d\<' prop<·r ~le<·tion, u..;~ ..tmlrnr(• of these, and all other systems in, i~ important. Win: FALLPREVENTION in retraC'tJhl~.'1gets humrd by shorting out .igai1bl the dt<'k while rop1.: l;al I pn..-vt•,,tioll rystems arc more dlCctiv<: th::m fal I prOH'Ccion t(>r wc:.·lding.Sorn(•retractablcs arc available now with pl:):;tir-<'o:ll.t'tlc.tblt·. obvious n•,1sons. Tlwy do nol ,)lluw the worker to faU in the-first pl;:in•! This c..-;;u1 r ..~uh in m3jor SJvings O\'<'r:l yt•ar's lir»r. Sencling 1·etractJbk·.s Any vmrkrr who ha::.:follcn, even into a harness ;;m<lshock-absorbing c,_4n c·o:-:t a c·oupf('hundred dollars a shot, jusl to n·11b1.."C th<: lanyard,would t('ll yo\l that th'-·)' would 1~1Lher not n.~p<:,tltltt" t-Xf>E>rif-ncc, in for 1·c..·pair cable a,,d re <-x-1·tiJ)' the unit. ir po..'lsihl1>. a multitud(" <>fanf·horag<'s a\'ailablc on the- m,,rh·t 1,halc,m There;·<..· (;uardrail sy.stcms arc cm..•<.·tlvc..· hut uot con'llnon during deck oper.1Ix'! scn:,v.:J, wd<.led and damped to thc-ctcx·k,and t·il~wr lefl in pla<'<"or (11) 1)luhist<>ry ~trucmrcs. Even then, th..:guar<lrnllis w;ually tic.111s, <:'XC.'(:'()t ,·emo,·cd for fut\m.: u:-1,.·. Many or tlw;;(•arc marketed for use with \\'ood, U1sullcdaft<-J'th<.."<l1,.">('k h;):sl>t•t•n l;;1id.On pre (•ngincen... 'tl md,1l huildings, to thc-d('<'k. Doing .i liltl(· but work just as well, or bettf-r, when :-c-r('W<'<I .l ry.c,:t<'m c;illc·d tlw l:laminat<1r i:- available. It provides for a rolli11grl<-('k ~upplk-rfamiliar with Sl<-'l·ll·n.·<.·n?S<'ard1to find ;;igoo<l s;;if<.."ly-produc..·u• fully t'quippe<l with a guardr,lHsyst<?mau;,chc·d .1t I hl· fl•,idingedgt>.The liOn iit~m•si:-worth the wol'k. They will h,w._,. a good ,vorking knowledgr n:suh is gooe.lfoll pn"vemfon and a hrncr looking prcxluet, because tht of p1"<)dt1cts and applicatiori,s,and no\ ht• afraid lO tMnk outside tlk box iusufation and she<.•ts;.lt'Cl;.lidon lop c1f 1h~·moving <:lcck.The dow11:-i(lt,vilh vou. is tl1~tthe- prnduc1 i.c,: h<':l'"}'and (·umhe-r:-omt>-.A crane rnust be on sit/ Be' aware that joist maoufoctun:r:-: warn again:.t tying off to thdr to rtmo,·c th<'d('Vict .. from the huil<ling and mov(" it amtmd. fr elm·:-oul and surJt·r\'i:-:r pro<luet.,;.Wt.· ,1gn•(• thdt a c1ualifo:J ~1-son should dc-:<-ign seem to be cost dkctivc on :-mailerhuilcling:-:.I IO\\l~ve-r,propk that own llw uSt"of all fall pr<>tC'ctionsystems. If w'-· follow lhc liability protc<.·tion it and us<.':it ~wear by it. warnings th.:ttwe•:-.<"t·on building compont-ots, ho,vt>v(>.-, \1/(' would han~ Odu,-r systnns l).\\tibhle- for prc- <'nginc-cn•clnw(al buildil\g decking lo do all of our ,vm·kfrom lifts, and n1.·vc.:r gc·I up ()11 lh<' building. Su.-d include nctting-ryp<' s:y~t<'ms,:-:udlas Sky web ,u1dSimpl(" Sa\·c·r,t ha! .1n.· crct1.on; t,1k1.·risks. Thal ·s what we're in bu~in..-ssto do. Alter S<x·oring in...-xpt'Osi,•t-: and elimin,ltC' thC'll('('d for tk•woff :.ifli;:rin:-talhuion. 'l'icwoff our work1:1~to lh(' structures we haw built {(.11·thl.. pa~t hund1-cd y1.•ars, systems arc still n .. -qui,~d duril\g i1\.<;talbtio1la11J al th€' huilding c-dgc·:s w(' do it ~qfdy. we probably won't stop now. Ju~1 ,uakt>SU1''1" during use. Tl~ produ<:t~ l'c 1st p('"nnie~"p.:-1· :",(j\131'<.'fi)(1t, and an~ kft in Evl·n 01)standing scam roofs, th<.·rc·is a darnp ,wailablc Lhal ,\·iJI stop J place after construction. Mor(' rinws than not, the building ownrr p:lys fallmg work(•f Jlld IH('l'l the lWO lim.essal'ety factor r('<(Uin"tlhy ()SI IA. for th!; :.ysh~m .,;imply because it pnwid<;·sfor :;1 bc:.-Her-l()oking1woduct Y(•s, il may lt"a.1·up a couple of sheet:;. We c:an r<'pla.ccs.])(.x:ts; we ._~.a,n't when vk·wcd from, below, afo·r th.: building is run,pk·t.:. replace peoplr. Up unlil rct:c-utly, <lil1i:rf.:'lll <·fomps W(.'rc nec·ei;..;aryl(,r net systems .lr\· ust"tlwith great l n c<·rt,1inparts of thiel-ut11Hry,st.1.nd;,'\rd dini.-rt·ul brands and si7.c-s of iibs. Now, th<.·r<:· is 1;:1uniW•'t'$aldamp that fits !:UCCf'_li:::.Wolverine BuildiogSys terns ifl Grand Rapids, MI, has been u~ing all standing .')(.'~un shc'l'ts. ln th.._• p;tsl IO lu 1S yt•,us, saf<.·tyh3s c.i\lglu oo, sta.mlard rw1.-. or) prewengineered met.ii huildin6,:,;for a)mo..-;t15 )'t.".ilrs. 'J'h<'y <'l'("ctiontrJdcs. lf yoo h,l\'e J challcngi1lg fulJp1-ol1."-1.ion c·wn in due ~ll'•(•I u!'-l.,,stanchions and lifclU1esduring c.;rl''c.tiol), and then, nds for ckddng. situation, th1.·solv1ion has already bcc..·11 d~v~lopt-..d,,,nd someon{' {'1st"has \,Vir,;•-mp,· ~liefercables ,trc inst.illl--..1 ju:-.lunder th<' roof fr,1rrws <Illt·ilhe-r to get hooked vp \Vith the right pc..·opl('tn ;:iln·:.ulydoor ii. You ju~ 11<X:d sid<' wall of tht>building. The nets arc susp<•o<hffrom these sliders, and find the right hardw,,rt.· ,tml 1lw rigl1l solutio1, to your prohlc·m. mo,•c<l,;1}onglikl· cvr1..1ins 011 ,1 curuin rod. Th<"$}'Stem is so dridl•1,1 Then· i:-:no hellt"r vehicle for ac:hicving th-atgoal lhan t.hc oct working that vn..:c1-C"'in a lift staysbusy :ili<lingthe nets IOn\'J.rd from hay to b;)y, tha1 arc· m,ulc·,lc to you througf, tJ1(.' Stttl F.r(".('lOn. opportUJ'\ilil·l) whil~· tlw d\·cklng er("\\' abo,·<.·~tay~righL Ol) thdr tJil. The- work\•1-slove As:-:oci.~I i<11lorAm<'rica. Finding one solution to ;;apmhlt•fl'lfrom a follow the freedom of working wilhOul I ic--off, aod tangling is diminate<I. mcmbt.:r justifies th<' co:-::tof fTl('mhi•1--.ship tenfold. Your f<;·llowmi:ml>t·r$ Vv'hl·tl•<.·r lht·y ,m··ust:"don prewcnginccnxlm('taJ httildlngj, or on :-rru<'lural stcd,' a1~ ;1 f1.·,\'urhan myths tlt.Ll:>i.'<'fll. to p1°\:'Vt'1\l wider U:<:<' m3y 1-x-<·o•Ylf>t"tiwrs,but there should be no sccr1.·ls wlwn it com,..:; to y is not :;.('ompany i.ssm·;it i:-.m in<lu:.tryit-s.ue. of"1wts during c·r<.x·tion.Cont r,1ry lo popubr belief. nets arc i,wxpi·nsiv<.""·. :.afcty. Safc..·l and they c..·anbe iostalk,1 :>nd,nov<'<Iquickly ao<ldlic-iently.f Ii,storipl ly. Finally. ft'mt"mlx·r that tl1is is not rockc1 st.·i(•ll('if".Fancy i:::not re.' th<.·tc..·sting1·t"(1uirt'IHt'lllS,lfier inst.tllarion, and aft('r eac..·hmo"c, ,wre dif'}Uin·d~ pral·licality is. Cable and clamps arc cheap. As fiu:11,<·l·.s ,u'ld ficult, to say the Sinc1.·1991 a1ul the intro<lm:tio1, of d1-:n..-,\·OS1 IA saforyprogtafns imprnvc-, systc·n,s c·anhl'<Xlllll"1nort' sophis.tic-atc-d.Safety Suhp,1rt M, fall proh·l·tion :-:lamb.n.1~,th<: net testing t"Cqoirc..·nwntshaw will imprm•t.·; production wiU irnprove by defouh. Tlw worth ofgoo<l )>t,:1) relaxed, and it is much easier 10 cmnply now. .t:,,uooc..loigln't- slf<"])h<·<·auseht emplo)'t'l" moralt· .tnd 1·hrownrr ortl \•Vhilcgetting h.Kk to the ba!li;("S, we b;;ivcto <.:on:;idc..-r 1ha1 rop('S and ::, ino ~ knows he's doing th<' rigi,t thing for his people is priccl<.'l>l>, rope grabs, an<l r1.·tra<.:o,hkJifC.-lincs,also .scrn..• as goo<l fall prt~v\:'ntion. For mort i.1form<uion()r I{) cammcnt an deckin9.fi1ll pmtcction, cmoil Sccrc \,Vl-wnu:-ing tl1t'St"d("vkes, w(' must remember that i;wing foll hazards illiller 01,ste~·emillcr({i),milfcrs'!fi:t_;·.com. • can be a problem tu)kti$ we k<'<'pour andtor point(s) backaw;.ly from th(>

fflo\nll through the joii-t cr·ntcr:o:as the <le<:kprogi"<"SS("S.ln w3rchouse-lyp~ huilding~ \vlwrc joists and gird(~rsan:cn.'CLC< li h-up or double-Twall panels,<'y('},oJt-typt· ,mc,:hor:;c,u, lx: i1)M:1·tc<l throuih the joints of the t ilt-u1>a.1\<.ldouble ·1·w3ll ◄"x4," or t1rg..-rrrtt,1-;1.lw tisc-don c-ithcr panC'lsfor anchorng<':S.Sh~·Iplat(_-s



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Erector Comes Full Circle ByEddie Willioms

Sdlll Clt-mt:"nt:-;, Clt."nknts \tVeJding d1H.IStcd, Inc., Fr(•drick, Ml), bccarnc a m(•mlwr of SJ:;AA in 2002. Jim Larson, Phoenix St<-d Erc,·tors ,nd SEAA hoar<l mcrnbcr, learned during a casual co1wcr• sat ion thaL Sam Cle-n,ents • greaL-uncle wa:; a man nami:d Hill Bowman. As it turns out, Bill was one of the-six fo1.111dc.·rsofSEAA. Sam's gr~al-ur,de, born in 1914,


thc own(•r of Rowm:Hl Su•e1

.Erection Compauy, Durh::nn> NC. Ro,vman Sh·d':-. main business w.1s installing rcbar, bUl the)' aJso erected light struclur,ll





it look 1.o k~ep hi:- 1wople iji 11 had visions of "gn.·Jt things/' which ,va:- <.h·monslratcd in his enthusiastic participation in th<" form.u ion of the Steel l.frcclOrs Associalion of tlu.· C..-rolin.1s, SEA(', in 1972.<'r, Sf.AC

lw•c-ame the Steel Erectors Associalion of America) SEAA. Bill rccoguizede.irly on th(· Ul'l'd for l>c..•llt•rcmnrnunic.ltion b(.'tW<.'<'n <'f<'c.·tors,fohri(-3lor:-. ancl grnt<r:tl contractors. Rill is remen'lbcrc-d a~ a knowlcdgc.·abk m:.1nwho knew hi:(;trade. According to lhosc who km:w him, h<' "never go1 rit..·h hut made a good living." Ile w.:is v<:ry optimi:;tic, aod anytime you talked to him he always had :i "very big job right


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3too.o<l the- c-orner," most of.which n(·,·cr u1~1.tcrializcd. lk always had ,\ jok<: or a "tall t •.d.:," whi<:h ht: tol<l in a way that you could vi :-.ualiz<·c.·,·c.·ry word. One lra<lition.-.Jstory h(· \1$C.'d to tdl w;.1.-. his :,\ory :ihoul tht"' summc.·r his daddy had pJ:.1nll'<lpoptorn and it was so hot that it startc<l popping. The muks thought it was snowing and f'roz•: w d..,_•,.H '1. There w,u; an inspc("tor, Crnc· Thorn> who was responsib)e for d-wcking the stet"'I on many area projects. Bill, n·ry ofttn, invilt<l him to go fishing. I vividly n'call the story about Gene and llilJ going fishing in a. local pond. The water was d(•ar arid they coul<l sec a l.u·gc.:bass near th(· bottom. F.n·ry Lirrw1lwy near it, the bass swam insiclt- ;.\hollow log. Gent"' got .1 long stkk and tapp(·d on th\_·log but che fish refused to come out. Bill ,vasn't about to let a hass outsnurt him. He gatht'n:<l up s0ml' dry k-.:i,·t•.-. ,rnd stick:-. an<l built J fire in one (.'nd of tlw log and "smoked)' the bass out tl-wother tncl. Hill Lee TC"<'alls working as a wd<lcr on one or Bowman's largC'rprojc.·cts. Perkins Lil>r.;1ry, DUkc Uniw•r.-.ity. \Vhc.:n Bill Lee.:started his own lT('c·tion (·omp:iny, ht: hired Sam Clements aroun<l 1984 as a young trainee. I le le.lnl.C"dthe.·track rigging, conne<..·tiog, welding and blucprim n:a<ling. Aftc.-r a bri<-f :(;tint in tlw Atmy and experience with SEAA m<.:mlwr:-. L. R. \i\filsoo and \Villiams Erection Company, Sa,n s1.1rlt•d his own company. Clements \¥c·lding ;;indStN·l, in 1995. Thos(· who know San:1de:-.c..Tihehim as a hard ,vorkcr ,vho does ...-,·(·rything f'rom tstimating to rigging lO crane opcr;:itor. 'fhi.s is th._•way most of us stal'te<l. I'm sure Unde BiJI, who passt•il ,,way in 1987, would be proud of Sam's al-cornpli~hmems ancl th,,t hC"is bc.-ndlting f'rom tht'" n~ry organi?.ation that Bill Bon·man hdp~fl fo,m,L l will dos<.'with tht wor<li;Sam USl':-. wlwn c..·losingJ. phone conversation: "lk safe."•

Structural Bolts Major distributor of a full line of Heavy Hex Structural Bolts ASTM A325-l, A325-3 and ASTM A490- l, A490-3. Major distributor of a full line of Tension Control Bolts ASTM A325/Fl825 and ASTM A490/F2280. All available in domestic with full Mill Certifications and in-house Rotational Capacity Testing available upon request.

Fabricated Steel Anchors &Rods I lr1

Haydon Bolts, Inc. has been serving structural II and miscellaneous steel fabricators for over 143 years, manufacturing anchor bolts and tie rods up to four (4) inches in diameter and using materials such as ASTM Fl554 grades 55 and 105, A588, A325, A449, A490, A354 and Al 93. All made of domestic steel with full Material Certifications available.


Wrenches Standard TC & TC Indexable Wrenches and Torqon Adjustable Control Wrenches for hexagon head structural bolts available from stock. Replacement parts and repair service available. \\



) HAYDON BOLTS, INC. 1181 UnityStreet Philadelphia,PA19124 215.537.8700I Fax215.537.5569

Aerial Work Platform Safety and Innovations By Robbie Edwards. Branch Manager. United Rentals Aerial Equipment, Garner, NC

One of the most important things in the ::icrfal equipment husinc~s is s~fety. Here

are a fo\.v simple guidelines for erectc>rsand operator~ to keep in mind. Many con~truc-

3. Make sure the operator cont1·olsare easy

to reach and properly marked.

be aware of what is going on and changing on-sire. Set outriggers, brakes and ,vhccl choc.:ks -


A thorough site inspection


if you're vvorking on a

level slope.

tion contractors rent aerial Iifts instead of

is critical. Alwayskno,v the current job-site

Ch~ck hyd rau Iic hosc,shy sigfo; a pinhole

buying them. So you rnay noL know which

conditions. Conditions change regularly, so

in a hose.>will caus<: s(·rious d:.unagt•. f .ook

n1odcl you will be using, even though ope1";ltor controls and othe-r key foatures <llfl(>r

alw;;aysbe aware. A small hole or piece of

at the hydraulic fittings as well~ som<:timc..·s,

an; cfo·bris(';:\nC;.lUS<'a hlg prohlc·m when yo1..1

a fitting and tell that it is going you can :-e,l~

on cadl mo<lcl.

60 feet up in a boom lift. Check where the

bad. Ahvays do a thorough. unit inspection

lift will lw use<I.Look fora l..vel surface that

l~fore every shift or operator change. Ma.kc

The Dealer or Company Renting Out the Lift Should:

won't shift. Check the slope of Lhe gro,mJ

sure that "ll the safety is read-

or ff<x>r;do not ,vork on steep slopes that

able, and pay dose attention to it.

I, Tli.;.sun; lh1..'lift i:; pr<)pcrly in:;pt..:c.:tt:tl and

t..:x<.:Cl'<l:;lope li,nilS hy the inanufactur(•r.

serviced before rental. 2. Provid~


and maintenance

marn.1aIs an<I m;:iint<."nancc history.

Gcntrally, walk around tht'!urliL, look al slntC'tun· pin:;, ct<.:. Tf soi'l'W·

Look for hazards such as hoks, drop-offs, hump!) and clebl'b, and overhead pov,,er


line..·~;.mcl<>thcr <>l>sll',t<.:li<n)S. Constan(ly

Get it checked outt Pay dose attention to

thing doesn't look right, it probably is not. c::ip::ic:ilyd<:·t·,.lhon ttvt·ry ol)it. Overloading

is one of the· most <'Ommon causes of ~1cckknts with anial work platforms. Boom lifts a.n..·ma•k·




ir) the aiJ\

not m:.ltcri.11. Most ac..·ri~11 work pla1forin~

have a limited platform <'apadty, usu;.1l1y 500 pound:- unre.s1rkted. pound!> i:-.Jpproximatdy

Five hundred

two ironwo-.-ke~

,vith tools!


Structural Steel Misc. Motals

Bdorc Operating

an Aerial Lift

• Chcc·k operating and eme-rgc.·n<J'contn>ls,


sall·ty d1·vices (such as outriggers


gu .... rdrJilf>), pcr ...011,.11 fall-protect ion gt<-ar,


wheels and tires and other items spcc.:ificd Quality Workmanship & Experience Competitive Pricing

In-House Detailing

by t ht man.ufacturl""r. • Look for possible leaks (hydraulic fluid and fuel systems, and loose..·or m i:-:-ing par1:-).

Utilizing SOS/2 Software

Using an Aerial Li ft

8 Christine Driw • Hudson, NH 03051 Ph: 603.886.3436 • Fx: 603.881.9953 • Members


Always close lift-platform chains and doors. • Stand on the floor of

lhl: bu<.:kctor lift platfor,n. f)o not climb or lean o,•er th~


CONTINUED FROM 68 • Do not .;:xcccd the manufacturer's

capacicy li1nits, including the weight of bucket liners and tool$, • If working near traffic, s-ctup work-wne warnings, like cones or s)gns.

To Prevent Electrocutions • Nonelectrical;tay at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines. • Electrical ,vorkers must de-energiie/in-

do a detailed yearly inspection, as required by the manufacturer.

require fall protectio,, on a scissor lift. \Vear your fall protc<.·tion. It will ~:Wt" your life if you fall from o lift. At the vt:ry le;.li;l, il will potenrially save your

To Prevent Tipovcrs

company a huge OSHA fine. *OSHA uquires either a.full-body harnessor a positionin9 de•·ice cmbucket trucks or boom-

evared (unless rnanufacturer says that's OK). • Do not exceed vertical or horizon.ta'!reach

protective equipment and tools. • Insulated buckets protect from electrocution due to electric current passing

.wpporcedlifts. OSHA arccpts a posiUon;n9 del'icc (belt) with a short lanyard. ![there is an

anchora9e inside ihc bucket. OSHA re9ulatcs

limits or the specified load capacity of the lift. •Onan elevated scissor lift, avoid lOO n1uch

througi>you 3lld the boom to the ground. An insulated bucket docs not protect if there's another path to the ground - for in$tancc, if you touch another wire.

scissor lifts at mobile sc'!lfolds ond does nor, require personal fa11-protcction on them,

pushing or pulling.


Fall protection

Training The lasl poinl I would like to l'nc1Hion

is another important


--■ "Serving the Lifting tie eds of the Ana-ica" •Q-aintbsls • AllcyOlainftsse ,iblies • NylonSlirg; • Safety 1-aness • Ml'lila/9,fiheticfqJe ·BearlClan'µ; •Shackles ·Lifti~ Bearr5 ·Plate UftirgO~

·WirefqJe &Slirg; • Pulers &QmeAI~ •\\Ire fqJe Oill,


For rrore irtormalionplease <XlfOCI:



Ufti'l!Frodu::1$ CoaleMlle, PA


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11xe!er,NH (003) 778-7070




(412) 364-3300

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OlllbWroFq,e&SlirgO>. Allanta.G4 (404)494-9994

Raleig)l. r,c (9l9) 831-2333

NaltlwestWrefq)e&Slirg Tacom,, WA

ALPcanbbean San Jual\ Puerto Rico

(253) 572-8981

(787) 641-9634

T"°""" FL (813)=00

HardirgQxrpr,y NorthHav;!n,CT (::o3}86S0422

Woy1Md, Inc. LongIslandCity,r,( (718) 472-2722

\\IJ)1and911 North Las 1/egOs,,.,, (702)632-3039




rhere ore 9uardroils.

Fall Protection

and Inspections

Oe-energl'Ze ::ind lockoot/t::igout

months or after 150hours of use, whichever co1nes first. And the 01,vner of the lift must

*OSHA requires a safety harness with shock absorbing lanyards on a boom lift. Safety harnesses arc not :required ot, scissor lifts. Ho,\'ever, some job sites will

• Check the manufacturer's insn·uctions. • Do not drive with the lift platform el-

sulate power lines or use proper personal


element in aerial work platform safety.

lifts b~fore any maiMenance or repairs. Each 3cri3l lift must bt inspt;ctecl as the n,anufocturer requires - every three


CONTINUED FROM 70 ou ,.h;J'idllift .:;dfoty i:s trdjning. Gt::l .ill your

*OSHA s.ay~·a qual.ificd person ... l~yc:trcnsJl'c



frorY'Ithe work you havf' to

(lerial oper JI.ors trai1lcd. Some sites require

knowJed9e. 1tainiu9 and experience ... consol1•e

sc-t th<' has<.',tak<' a f(x>loff th~

oo,y require orkulation training by a qualiti<:'<Iperson. What ..·vt·r tlu: n:<1uin.::m(•olson your job,

problem\·related LO the.subject mmtet ... A com

platforrn hrighr. It ha~ bt~<·nmy cxpcrictKc

pet em person is ... <'Op<Jhlc efule.nt,i{yin9e:dJt1nt1

that i:;tcd creel ors mo:;1ly u~c hoon1 lifts.

and predictable hozords. and has avthoriiation


your cquip ..ncnt :--upplicr c:an provide you

to wke prompc mea.mres co eUminate chem.

rain scis!.OJ" lift. Rough.terrain

c.:crtilic,lliou training;


with Lhe necessary training.

*OSHA says a <1ualified person

they will use a rough•kr• scissors

I havc- lricd lo touch on :-:mne basics in

have a mud1 high<.·r wc•ight <.-;,1p:wit )' 1han

aeriJI saf.:ty ,vilhout going into gr<..·.,ttl<.·-

boom lifts. The drav,rback is that they have

tail. \,\lh,lt I ha,·e discussed are some of tht>

t<>hr di rt'c~1ly u r)(le-rthe work. The higher

Olust train all users on:

n·ry hasit clt"t< th,\t are very hnportant

wdght capa<.:ity ~Ulowsfor tnatctial as Wc"ll

• Any electric,·il, fol) and falling ohj(-cl

to bring up <luring "TooH:><>~ 'l';.1lh." They

a~ pc-rsonncl on the platfonn.

;:ir<· mosdy

Th<" J.('rial work platforrn industry

connnon :i;en~e.


<.:onstantly changing .rnd nnning t.•p with

• Procedures for dct3ifing with bazar<ls • I low to operate the Jift correctly (indudi ng ma:.:immn lnh•ndcd load and load

Selecting Proper Lift/ Application That brings rnc to

my next point: se-

th1..·pr<.lJKr Iii\ for a p,,nit·ula.-

oc"' ideas. J would like to brieAy touch on .t

coup It• of l ht· llt'Wt':.t mudds, ancl > I fr·c-1,

the most important for stc<.·Icn:-ctors. You

<·~,p.:idty). The- u:H'r mus1 show lw/slw


knows how to use-th<"lift.

applicalion. "'fhe first thing is to C"st;:ihlish

c:ln now get a hoorn lift with a built in

wlMl l lw working ltt:ighl will he. As far as

wd<.k·r! You only nec:d 6 to S feec ofsring('1·

• /vbnufoc.:turcr


• If tl·wh;:i'l,._ll'ds chang<\ 1ht• l)'p<· of at·rial lirl

hoom lifts go, n,_•m<·mh~"r 1ha1 thr rna.xi-

and ground leads. The welder is pow•:rcd

i·h.rngt!s, or J. \,orker is not oper~,ting a lift

mmn platform height is straight o,·u· th<:

hy the- hoom lift itsc·lf. This is J. safer way

prop<.·1·ly 1 wc)rkt"rs ml1sl l)t' rt>trai1wd.

b.tsc: unit. A good rult> to follmv is that for

th\Hl h,\ving lols of w1..·lding t·;i.ble hung 0\'er the basket. Remember th<.·pL:-1tffwm c,,p,lcity. Al:m, it dimin<ttes hadng to mov<'

a hoom lift Jnd a wddt>r, whic·h is on the groull(I, <',·c-1·y tim<' you han· to n:lc.x:,'lt(:on sit<'. Anotlwr


m0<.kl is called the Sk",

Pow(•rt whirh ist•~~(·ntiall) ageneralor thJ.t is powcr~d by th1..·unit. This industry is ch,1nging hy 1<.·apsand hounds. Sonw 1r1,rnufM·turt'<.' mount~ ing hooms on tr~Kks l(>r gre::irrr t<'rt·ain ,·c-r:i;atiliry.l nc-,·c·rthought I would

$1..'(' S()rl'll'

uf thl:" thing.-~I just mt·ntioncd. l think th1.· manufac:tur1..·r.sarc li:.l('ning to th\"

lr11 l1111

end u:.ers .rnd trying to huikl whal works.

T~w industry is evolving across th<-> hoar<I. Tc·n to 1S y<'ars .:igo, 1ht· hurden of saf<'ty \\\lS on the ,na<'hin<',_That has d1aug<..·d;it i ..:; now

on the opt"rator. \Vhcn, in tb1..·ol<l got a unit in an t.1"sa I~...position, it would shut itself down. Not .so today. Tlw v11its

h.w~~al.,rn-1~th,ll \\•ill :.ounJ, but most

oftlw ti1T11..·, th1..·ywill lt"tyou h•t·p working.

Coll for your Elk..River Distributorat

l .800.633.3954 72 ( TMESEAA CONNECTOR 1007 (OITION

I believe that is why ~o nt\Kh i:. no"' pul on opt'ra.tor n·aining. In closing, k<.·<.·p your op(:r,\tor.- lrain._,.dand upd,,t<' that training a.~r<"quir<'<L■


Retainage Reform Law Passes In a continuing


to reform


tain.'l.g<"l;).v,rsin North Carolina, Eddie \1/il1i;uns, ac.:companied hy Ric._·kS(:.ffm•r) Star Erectors, and Josh Cilley, llucknor Comp,rnies, pn:-sented Brian Johnson, Pn-..~id('nt of A1ncri<.:~Hl Sub<·onlr;,H..·(or.s Association of the Carolinas (ASAC), a check for $16,7.50 at the /\SAC Annual Convention in Ilrasdton, GA. Brian ncchwl this <lon,rion on behalf of the Spedalty ·rrade Association of the Carolinas ($TAC), and SEAA. The contriblltion will be used to offset lobbyist expenses for r('lainagC' r(•rorm. Tht· majoril y of the fund~ were contrihuLt·tl by Nori h Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia <.:ontrac.:tors.SEAA members from other sl3lt's <.:ontributt"<l an<l tht' SEAA national office :Hhkd $5,000.


A rctainagc reform law was recently passed io North Carolioa (N. C. G co. Stat. 143-J 34.1) that beco1nes effective on con-

Midco Sling & Cable Co. Providing Quality Wire Rope, Slings, Fittings and Chain for twenty-eight years. Experience the Value of Quality and Service Dall<t$/FortWorth: 214-688-0444 Longview/East Texas: 903-757-4684 San Antonio/Austin: 210-646-6494





2007 E01lt0N

tracts cntcrcc-1on or .-ift<.·r J,rnuary I, 2008. Among oth<-r important jtcm~► th(' hill, which applies only to public construction project~. n:<lm:\.·sany rclain,1gc to 5°/4, :.t"ls liinil!i on wht•O rt·t:.' l'll) be held and cstablislws tinw limits for paymcnl. For cxampk·, th<..·suh<:ontr.:i<.·torm1,,1;,;l I><' paid within sc.•vcndays of prime contra<.:Lor J)i.l}'l11<.'nt.Thi~ hill will go ,1 long way i,, prC'vcm:ing rerainag<.'ahus<.~hy owners and gener;il contractors. Mr. \-Villhun.s .stal("<Ithat thC"kc-y to tht: succt:~sful passage of this bill ._,·ere· the "grassroots efforts" by m3t>y SEA A nwmlH:rs and otht·1· subcontra.ctors. The IC'gislator~v,,crc literally bombar<lc<l wilh e-mail$ and phone· calls ,vi(h .support for this hiJl. Oavid and Cindy Schulz. Schulz Erectors, and Rick Starn('r, along with Eddie \Villiam~, aueod<'d the S(•natc.'and House::commiltet: ht"arings and tlw gcnc-r;:il s<:~~sions ,vhcn: the l,ill had to n:.·ceivcthre,(' favor.1hlc.·voles. Pcrrv, Safran and Riana Smith from Safran Offic<.'S,and SEAA mc.rnhl.'rs1 wen: highly in:;tnmwntal in 6na1izing dw· laoguage ancl '\valking th(' bill tlirough." A spec-i:il .c;igriing <·cr<·mony i.c; heing plannc-d with thc-govc•rnor's offic<·. •


PETERSONBECKNER INDUSTRIES,INC. WINS PRESTIGIOUSAGCjWILLIS 2007 CONSTRUCTIONSAFETY EXCELLENCEAWARD On Mar,·h 23, 2007, lhe Asso,:i,,tc-<lGeneral Conn-acto1,; of Amei-ica (AGC) owar<kd SEAA mC'rnherPet<-rso,,B<·d.:r)<•rlndut-Lri('s, Inc., (PHI)• prestigiou< ACC/Willis First Pl,\"" C«1nsU'uC1.ion S,llt'ty Exn·llenn• Award (CSEA) in the Sp.."'ialtyComr.1ctor Category ,.uuJit:i \•VorkI lvm· l)ivfaiou for a pn.>vt·nsnf<..·t)' r<"<«>rd,md <·ultural <"<>ff1mitnwnt to :-.aft•ly. "'The.· Con:-:trm_.tion Awards


rc<...'<>gnizc those

<..'<nnpanics th.'ll

have proven both<fr•dic-ationand innovation co ('<Hl:-lantly imprcwc• workplac<.· saf(·ty by making sar<:ty a companywick priority." said .-\GC CEO Stephen L,. Sandhcrr. "Employc<-·:,; arc our members' most valuabk as:,;t:tand AGC is c·ommith·d to c..·nhandng ,vorkplacc safety." AGC's 3wJ1--d;; pn>gramrequire..".& finalistst(.)

Staks. AGC n'pr,·~·nt~ mon· than 12,000 firms. including 7,000 of Anwri<.'a'slc:ading gcncr,11 C'0nt1·acton•,and ov<.·r 11,000 sp~dalty-<.·ontnKting firms. Tn D<.'n·mbcr or 2001, PRI W.,l,.S tlw fi,-:.t ~JK'<·iahy ~uh,·ont1-.1<.·tor to h<.'<...·on·u· <IllOcc-upalional Salcl y and I k~llh·atiou (OSI IA) p;,1rlru·rthrough l~w I looslon AG(' ch,lj>h~r. Tc>))('com<',,Safc·Iy .uul H~·:-ihhParlachicvc'l..crowork-site folaliticsand <.'xaminc.s the- contractors' .safC'typrogram. Entrant.s

unde1·go a thorough screening procc-ss to 1..•'ir < <..-on1imitment lo a safe ,,•ork site at every kvd of emplo)'llll."Ol and has a successful salCty training program, work~sitc:ha:1.ardi<.l<.-ntification an<lc..·ontrol, ancl sall·ty program inru.>vation. As a pn:,·iou:,; First Plan.· award wimwr in 2004, f'Bl b,.Tom,·s ti«· first spc·,·i•hy sub<.:ontr..u:lOr in th<..·Unit<..·dSut1,_•::, to win two 1:fr~t Plan:.·CSEA avvar<.k Th<' ACC'i:-:thc·largc..·sl ,.mdolcle:,;tnal ion al nms1ruclion trad,· a:,;soc..:i.,tion i11 lhe Llnih~c.l


1wrship l(1rExn·ll~·1w~·- Houston Associak (SHAPF.-Assodat<....), .l finn mu~t have· an <X\)('riN1c~modifier r,ltt (EMR) of0.75 or le~s, a loss-tirne incidence rate-of I 5%or kss

hdow tht' Bur..:<tuof Labc..w Statistics (BLS) national averagean<lconduct r~guJar in.spec lions ofits job ~itcs for faUs.struck by,caught bd W('<.'n and dcTtrical ha%ard~. Results arc ha.~i.s. rqx>rtNI to OSI IA on a c1ua1·tM·ly Since August of 2000, PBI h.1s lwen an American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) A<lvancc<lCcrti!ic<l Stcd erector (ACSE). To become an /\CSE. a firm must <kmon~tratc..·it has th<.·pcr~ormd, orgauiz,\tion, <.·x1wri<·nr\·, (':JJKthili(}' :.mdnnnmi1m~n1 lo mc·<·tthC'n·c1uin·m<·nL.:;of 1h<· ,-\JSC Qu.11ity C<.'rtific..Hion Progr,m1. PRI ha:j h<..'(•n,rn SF.AA nwmht'1' sinc-c~ 1991 and is J r<-c<>gnizcdindustry leader in struc.-ttH"JI :-.t<.'C'l <-·n·,·tionS<"n'ic:<·s for the conlmcrcial, industrial ,md institutional rnark<.·ts. in complc-x and h<.·avystcd stnu..·turcs requiring uniqw ... • con::.tn1,·tion ,md <,:ringskills, i.nducling l>porls,1rc·nas, com·<.'ntionn·nt<:r and hot1..·I nunpk·x<'s, imh.1strfalpron·ss .:md powtr pbntf.:, hof.:pit,,ls: high-rise· oflin· buildings . .\irports and bridge·.-..PBJ is lw,1Clc1uJ.rl~J-edin l louston, TX, wi1h ."111an·a ollict· in Richardson, TX, (Dallas, TX) and op,-ratc·s throughout the Unitc-d St,U<"S.w,d PuC'rto Rico. PRI and its p1"('decessors have hccn in opc·ration :-inc.·,· 19 j6 and h~l\'€' maint,tincd ,tn cxcclk·nt r<.'[R•tation for 9u,\lity. timelin1?ss,md s,1f<'t)'·

SEISMIC UPDATE 'l'hl· A/SC.Seismic Desi9nJlJ01w<1I pubJi~h<..,·l in :ind l'•rt>ctors ,006 is;:i gn·al lw1plo fobric:'llor:-: fol·1•d\\'ith s~·ismics1nwl tir,,l .slt•t"lbuildino!.. "'

This manual for tit(: n1ol>tparl di1ninah·s llw nc('d w td('rCnC'~ many other dotunwnts such as f-EMA ,50-353. Forrhc<t«I <r<cto,· 76 I THESEAA CONNECTOR 2007 EDITION




the: m~tappUcah)c sections arc Appendix Q Quality A:,s1,,1ran<·c Plan an<l Appendix \V - W(•lding Provisions.

' Q-Qval Ap1x·ndix

il}' Assurance Phm de~

tail$:tht• c1ualily control ~mdqoJ.Jity a.sstH'J.llC(> rcquiremc-nts on st"ismic projcctx, II d<·arly spells out whatdoet1ml'IH:-: an· n"<1uin.'<I ,uul, most import.antfy, what visual i.nsp<.·<:tion; ,trc required bcfC>n>,dul"ing and aftct wdding. "ldbk:; :;how who i:<-n:·sponsibk for ,vhid1 inspection, when it i:--to 1ak~phu.:ed.nd the docun1(·nt;)tion r~1uin~d. Appt•ndb, \,V

\,Vdding Provisions li:-l~

• fw rNJUi n:mco.ts for inforrnation

on t hi•

structural design drawings. At a mil'1imum the <lr:1wing:,;must show: I. whert bad.up bars are required to he f('n:Hwnl 2. Locations whi:"ri::.suppk-mcnlaJfillcl \\'t·lcls aJ't: J"t:<{ui1"\:d when backing i:; pc·rmjttcd to rcfnain

3. Local ion~ whc-n· filkt welds .1re used to ~inforn,• gromv wd<b.:: 4. Location.s wJwrc· w<'ld l:,,tbl)Jr<.· required to h<' removed


5. Splice location~ whC"rc tJf)('r('d transitions a,T re<luired if ,1 .SJ_X'l'id1 6. ·1·he sh.1pc of \Veld 1ll"t·t':--.~ h<)lt.~!5







shape is rctJ_uire<l

7. Joint~ or groups of joint$ in which a ::.1>ccHlc.: ass~·mhlytmlc.:r, wdding sequence, weld-


ing tcdm.iquC' or othc-r sp<"ci.'.11 pr~utions art: n•quir('d Otlwr


light aluminum alloy construction plofform 4" OSHA toeboord easy installation, dismantle & transfer compact, folding design safe: each component is designed to hold a 440-lb. load with a 4: 1safety factor - nonflammable, durable and rust free

welding provi.5:ions ~relied out in

J\pp<.·n<lixW arc Lhc prohihilion of mixing fiUt.~rm<:lals, the maximum dilTusihlt>hydrngc-nof 16mLpl'r IOOg_ramsof<lq>o:<-itl'd wdd mc-tal (th<-rnanufol'luri:r'::,


l}'pical n·rtificJtc

of conlonndni.:11.: sha.JIlx: <:011:,.i<l<:·1"t"cl ,l<kquJlc proof lh,u th..-d..-c.·tru<lt'm~cb this n:(lvin.·m~•nl, i.<•., ,,o t(•sting i.s required), GJ\,1.A \"l .,ml f.CAW-G ,h,11 not be pcrfomwd





winds CXC('<'ding-$mph unit"$:$:,vind:,.<.-rt'(•ns





or othc-r shtlt<·•--sJr(' u~->cl,maximum inter 1 00%

p:i.',';<: u·rnp(•rJ.turt> sh~1U not exceed 550°F, whrn \,·elding butl0111 fl,m!,.i.c: C Jt>\veJds starL~ ,lncl :,.1<Jj>:,. :,;l1~ll11ul l>t.• directly undernl'Jlh tht·

the full width of

1 lh ..

n(lng~ hdOn:

h<·ginning the: ncx1: layer. Additlon3I p1·ovir-:km:;(Or <:riti<:.ll





ht.·;.unw1.·l>am) t'.ach Jayc1·:-h.)11lx· c.:01nplctt:tl 3('1"0$$

5 HO

S C A F F O L D I N G,..

Over 100 ~~'Jrsof reaching new heights




Anne Welch ph: 617.269.7200 fx: 617.269.8604




I 77







J:::lll;:;;!;:-:Jt! •

Specializing in Large Warehouses and Distribution Cenrers


wdds a1-ealso listed including filler metal packaging requirements, a limit on how much time can dapsc bet Wl'l'Il op1...·ning ~1 package and using the dc.-<.:-lrock·, 72 hour~ or k•s..-; if th<.·manufa<.'turcr r..-com01c..·nc]s>;.md r(_•strktions on the: lo<·.:ition of t.:lck wc·lds. It is gn..·atto finJII}' hJ.v<.·~111the..·sC'ismic weld rcquin.·m<..·utsin one handy pac:kagc..·, the 2006 11/SCSeismicDesi9n,lloouol.


CHAPTER On Jun(' 14·, 2007, tlw /\·iid Adanlic.: Chapter host«l the first SEAA Road Show of the yrar, foaturing Gary R. Strand of Simpson Gumpert?: & I leger. Inc. Gary's firrn spt·cializes in structural steel design, foca<ll·Lr('atnwnts, failure analysis and re•

PO Box257 269 IN. Jackson St.,

Sle., 202 Cicero, IN 46034


317-984-1905 office

317-984-1983 fax


t<'<+iniqu<'S.His pn·sc·ntalion

was a lead-in to the upcoming detailing manual upd<l.tC',·with rc-gard to spandn.·1 condition.~. AISC, through Emil Troupe, i:s coopcr,\ling in this revision to th(' populJr S!:AA detailing manual. At th<.·sam<.' H.oa<lShow, all<.:nded by o,·<'r 30 inl<.·n·st<.·dp::1rlics1 .SEAA MAC al.-;oho.-;t<.•d it.-.fir:-.tGolf Outing :'It I leritage Hunl in G.,i,w:-.ville, VA. Over 60 partki pants fr~•d

Frank L.Kollman Attorney AtLaw

Kollman & Saucier, P.A. TheBusiness LawBuilding 1823YorkRoad Timonium, Maryland21093 (410)727-4300 Fax:(410)727-4391


no one winning

a hrand-lww Ford F-150 in the hok-in-on.: Cont<'~-,hospitality and friendship prevailed in the aftc-1·-hour:-: soda!. After the SEAA J~o,1rdof I )irc<.-tor.o; w<>rk• jng session ofJunc 15, ?007, Pho<·nixSh·<·I En:<.:tors,Jue. hostc.·dJ picnic dt Llu·iroflit:t' jn Haymarket, VA, ::itttn<l("d hy ovc•r 40 of indud. the SEAA member$ and their _gll('st:-:, ing Hn.u.:~Swaf):-:oo,former Ocp;,,nnwnt of L,,bor olli<:ial, who worked with SEAA during ,rncl arlcr the SENRAC meetings. f>t"l<'\.ValkN·and tlw·Phoenix Steel staff put on a trcmc-ndous feast, with tul>s and tuhs of steamed crah. shrimp, da1ns, corn and all the trimmings.


was quoted, ''I think is the first timt· I «::vcrgot to eat a.s mud-, st.·::afooda:-.I could

possibly slan<l." SEAA MAC «mOnue,tto meet qvortcrljrjlJ 1he WoshinJ]ron, /)C. Roltimore, Ml), -0nd

Northern Vir~qiniore9iQn-~. for i'!/Ormotionon ,he ne.\·4MACmcerin9.ccmtacteirhcrTim JVarc: Stt P,"!Jr SS 78 I THESEAA COHNl:CTOR 2007 EDITION

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@ Weaver Steel Construction, LLC

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lin,la Wi-ar,•, S66 $.lit R iwr Ro11d St. P4;tcri:, MO 63376

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(6l6) 397-1076 Fox (636) J97-S5'11 lincb{g)nea1•crsu:d.rom www.,,•<·;,.v(•rste<·l.<'(Ul)

@ LPRConstruction Company

@ Williams Steel Erection Company, Inc.


.tri Hi/Iiams

117l l)cs,v1oine.':l"Awuuo:>

P.O. Box 1770 ~fana:<.'l.&.S,VA 20108

l.O\"'f'.fa,,d, co 80537 (970) 663 22l.l 1·,x (970)663-1071

Ben Gravett Enterprises '"'"'

@ L.R.Willson & Sons, Inc.

(70l) lJ; 7~00 Fa., (70J) HS 7SS2





Mid Cities Erectors, L.L.C. $(Ml

~ Bosworth Steel Erectors, Inc. John 8~worth



P.O. 13ox161984 Sngi,,;iw,TX 76179-0628

Alliance Riggers & Constructors, Lid.

4001 J.;\ff('(' Sln.«:C L>alls\s. TX 7S'1I<,

(817) 306 0962 fox(S17) 306-0976

(214) 371-3700 FJ.x(21+) 371-1020

ww\, .midcilicscrC<'lo~.<;om


jbosworth@h, w,,,w.bosworth.sterl,com

@ Peterson Beckner lnduslrles, Inc.



11.lli.inct•riggcrs(t1 1bq:),1hal.1wl ("';.m1phdlR~. Richardson, TX 7S081 (971) 664 0114 f;)..'t(972) M4 0116 $01

~ Buckner Companies F"IJU'lliWam, 1'.0, 60,-: 598 c.-...lw.n\, NC ?72~ \ (.J )6) .l76-88SS f,., (H6) )76 SSSS

Nnllip Conlo1·J l?OOK..~lml Strt"l"t 1~1 P.-aso,·rx i~907 (91S) S91 4511

Suite #ilS

(9J;) 591 4718

Big Boy"s Steel Erection, Inc. /oJ11l II. Geffl

11841 ri11i.ot~,ul'i .Bottom Rd.


H,,:,:dwoocl,i\10 6 3042 (l14) 7 31-+IS7

S & R Enterprises, LLC


b.bcdmer@Pf"tt" .oom

fox 014) 731-5598\l('l:nrrrompani\•s.cum w,, ,v.\1ueku<

Supli;:n Bu:S:h~l.k,

@;Carolina Steel & Stone, Inc. f..JTIK'/ul

P.O. l¼x 2195 l luntcrsville, NC 2$070 (704)S%-l600 l~.x (iCM-)396-1020

7 ~$$ All•·ntuwn Bh·J.

@ Bracken Conslruction Company, Inc.

Harrisburg. )'A 17112


(717) 652-l0S0 f;ix (717) 652-30S1 i;ll'l1rkholdt·r@~n'n1tl1>riS<.'

l'.0. Box $399 Jackson. MS l92S+ (601)922-$413


fax (601)922•S-t2S chri::.I,<.·1 ion. t""()tn \1·<·on.,1n1<'ri<m.rom

,.:t\1cker@c-:irolina:1tcclands:to11c.('n.m ,..,"'"' ,('(11·n1inai:tN·bnd:1lmw ., ·01n

@ Steel Performance, Inc.

@!CSE, lnc./VA

634-2-C 13umt Popl.u Rd.

@ BSCSteel, Inc.

Grl'('l\i\ll()n), NC 27409

Buu Baril~

(ll6) 299 7JO; Fa, (l16) 299 3959 d,:,rlk@}~h,,·lp,·l"f.:11·m,:i.n<:e.<'Om

2808 l::ast SSth Strl."1.'l K~~.~ Cit,·, MO 6-41)2 ($16) l6l 04H ~ax(8l6) J63 77l8 hb:.rtlty(a'•

Ch.,r/k Jo/l,1<.t1n

Ronnie R,mw11

~.O. Box l030 !vladi::.ouH<'ights, VA 24572 (4.l4) 845-7536 Fax (434) 528-5719 nl ran:ion@t'l\<"M 1if'k• .1\(:\•c•lp1:rl'vr1,1o111<,·.,:vm

@ Top Flite Construction

\\'WW.CSl.'onliJ)...: ,n',!l


D & E Steel Services, Inc.

Km GuJJ.ef,.m,

11084 lcroy Od\'c Nonl,~knn, CO :SOHJ (l0l)427 •1604 ~,x ()03) 417 6JS;'N1mpj<.1 ~9)1 1,.,i;1Loo,p810 S.,u1h forth Wonh. 76119 (S 17} 419 76(>7


b,-: (Sl7)4?9 767J


('ni mpfor(a)sbc-gl<.>l1;1 I.rw1


JPWStructural Contracting. Inc.


6'J76 'luomp-$<.m Syracuse:.NY 13206 (ll5)4l2 JIii


D. f. M. Industries, Inc.

164 Sd,ool S1..n:ct l:.utll.lrtfonl, CT06108 (860) 289-2323 "" (S60) 289-6350

Gfdl Pisani'nnl


f..l.x (315} 4l2•S202

jndywO't.(iiJjpw riggers .;,"(>m


CN Construction, Inc.

'frml:,.:•,A7. ~S28 I (4S0/ 804-0920 l'cx (•I SO) $04.0997

@ United Steel, Inc.



Skip S()r'/9' 36+ South Smith 101


P.O. Ben,;471 \Vn;_•n1h.,m1, MA 0209}

(508) )84-8194 fox (SOS) JS◄ -7028 gl,..11@,lfmin< www .•lf111in1l.oom



~ Dean Steel Erection Company, Inc

Rom Steel




1\0. R.u" 116'1 H::irnsonhl.)rg,VI\ 22801 (S~J) +1+.7461i i=.)X (S•lfl) ,(t4.7.-;,10 &tl;;:l\:,~n I>m


97sCripple Creek l>rh'c

Cl'owl-t-y.TX ?60 !6

Aligned Building Systems, LLC P..kJ1u,1


GA 30043

(817J sn rno fox (817) ?97 441.S

(678) !76 1772





Florido Welding Fob. & Erectors, Inc.

Ranger Steel Erectors, Inc.

American Steel & Precast Erectors

HJllklm Nolan

1891 N. W. Hrd Courl

Ra11Cl,1 U)qul 602 G,·.t,nlh,111) A,..,•nw



Wtt1 Monro<•, LA 712928014

w w"




l•Mc((,7X) 376 1197

1•.o. no)( 1S'.i (;n-<·tlfu.ld, NH 03047

(%4) 971 4800 1:a."(954) 979 4I04-

(318) 167 9882 F.u (llS} l~7-9fJ1?

8illybo.it4@-<'lol.oom "\\'\\',flvri,l.i••·t·ldmg.• on.

rgni.h:1.'121 (dJaul KOi)) www.r.1111t,(•f:.t1"1·1.<·01))

® Group

S.l. Chosse Welding & Fob,, Inc.

Blakeman Steel. Inc.

S1i:p1"mc'11<1,,1: 8 Chri~tjne I>rin:

.Rif!r Hfok.;roo»

Steel Erectors, Inc.

Jill IJuu. /<1)'t1••.~

P.O. I.xix61 Oki.son, TK 37056-0061 (61S) 441 4934 [.a:,: (615) ++1 493S ~to:dl@L,dliiuuth.11-1:1

(601) S47 6311 F,x(603)S47 2770 n·ilk•y@).:..s,:a:<f.\111.-, ww,\:,:1......-..i:<f.<·•lfn

4200 UroadwJy


1~,rt Wut"1.b,TX 76117

(MH}886 )4)6 f;1x (60l)SSl~99" ~.1--ha.1:;c:@skh~tedfob.<:om

(817)811 2601 F.x (817) 831-6703 bblakcman~)bhl<-maLutcd.oom



Structurol & Precost Erectors, Inc.

@ CSE, lnc,/VT

John Bowman. Inc. !./1.1,kr&,,,,.m,m f.7011 ccAnn_l.:)1)(', Naples, .. L H 109


(7'9) 197-0917 r.,. (239) 197-0911 :.l.1cila~)l>Uwm11m1lccl.(.·vm

B<.W.)' Lcmu~


P.O. 106SS Fort Worth. TX 76114 (Sl7) 614-288S r:ax (S17)625 2952

P.O. !lox 532 Will.islon, VTOS:495




@ Memco, Inc. ,1/,mh.:w·I l,in.l<1<4n 13124 CNl.1r Rnn \lmrrh

(802) 864 1812

F"' (S02)862-Sl91 WWW.CS<'.\'l.COCI)

Structural Services, Inc. Ro.,d

Culpeper, V:\ 22701 (H0)S2S-6)2S Eix (li:40) 821i <,011 m;itt.m('me'ft(!r)v<"ri?;ttn,l\('t

{;,•,w9,•R.,dJj~•K' l51U4th Sti'Cf't, N.\V. Allm11uc·n1u,·,NM ll7I07

(SOS) HS-0838 i-;.lx (SOS) HS-O"llS st«Jssl(cJbonnail.c-om

@ Moore Erection, L.P.

@ Cooper Steel Di!ff Z1mmcrmrm ~()l Nor-th I filkrf".s:I r>rfrf" Shdhy\'ill<-. TN 37160

(931) 68+-7962 htx CHI) 684-7968 dulY(q.)C()opCr:<1(•(•1.,'<,m www.nmp,•'(•l.,·om


@ W.O. Grubb Steel Erection, Inc.

19921 FM 1151 C,mlc•n ll.«lg,:,,TX 1S2:6G

J. Thtm:MSfu-arm, II t;J 20 J<'ff,,r:,on Oavi.\ I lwy

Dounch & Hirschi Construction, Inc.

(210) 646 7·161 hax(llU) 648-1340

Rkfunond. VA 2!2H (804) 271-9471 F.,x {804) 171 ?~19

8oh Jltm.hl m-B lrw:lusrri.ll llkd.

w.w110,lw.1r,l(o)nwd sl,•,•l.,·,,m ·ww,,.,11t'd ::h-.:-1.(·u,u

@ Pioneer Steel, Inc. <,'o,..JJR11rl: l6246 Ri,·,;,-1' Fromag,~ Ril.

w(,gr\11-il,(e',(·vm www.wogruhh.\•vrn

(fl Williams Erection Company

Cli--wl:u'nl,GA W51S (706) 219 1592 l·ax (70{1)21~ SSV':i dhc•of,~t(atall1d.,w1

Dixiee,e-cto,s Jim 1/ull

('t70) '184 '122'->

PliiU,{'Torthi-0 1\0. Bvx 7<;6 SmyrnJ. CiA 10081

F.x(970) 9R4 9119

(770)416 IS%

M.ablcwll, (jA 30I 26

F11.x (7i0) 4-18 S141

(-'04}696 J4J4 f.,,:-t(404) 696 l4-o+

N..;,, (,;,,1'11,:, (.;(.)$1647




CiPowell Erectors, Inc. 3622 Uri::t<»II li!,?.hW.lV



1855 Ukk.,;.•n;on Orin:•

Eastern Steel Erectors, UC J(y'(lo


P.O. Box 36

(421) 1S2-!11I I

@ Acme

fa!. (4-2}) 2S2 IS+I rowrl l<-r<-rton,(q'P"'''"I IN",C'n-m Clay i2l2 \Vdl A~'t"I\UC


S1. l.oui:;, MO61119 (31+) 6+7-1923


Premier Steel Inc.

F.\x (3M) 647-1924

@ Florence Steel Erectors, Inc.

Jtu,4- R,:JI



l I R<-,"oniS Stl°\'.\'l lmli~n.11:,cJli.s, IN 46226 (117) 545 0100 r~x<ll7) 141-0101 mh,:ll@pr..·m.i,•1'1ilcdiru:.<:o,n


P.O. Box lS46 R<)r~•nn:-.$(' )9S0:>


n ,,,w.p1'c1)11tr~1..;di1w.<·om

Erectors. Inc.

Tarp-ill,·. CT 0671\6 (860) SAS.9016 fox (S60) <SS-1172

($4))662-1931 F.lx (8'43) 667-1987 i>l<•ph<·n(".!') l1on•1.i.1·s1(•~•1(•r~(·lor~.~ ·om www.lJor(•nn.-.s1;;-dt·rt·c.·


2007 EDITION I 81



@ Horris Steel Erectors, Inc.

@ Roanoke Volley Steel. Inc.

Advanced Design Concepts, Inc.

D.:1,,iJ I larris

(',,,•{I n,.,r)f'.H


<,IIi Oki Smitb!'icld Ro.\\l <.i<.>ld:;boro, NC 27530


t:\n~(,(.1 W('ldM, NC 271\90

11~2S. ll1'V;,k,lway Portl.m1l. TN 37148

(WI) 7l4-3620 bx (919) 734-2267

(252) 118 4117 F,u: (?)?) 516 ?H9 rwr-(dfW..•.rr,1,."'Qm

(615) 315-8890 fa, (61>) 325-8820


:,,cult (al ad,· .)Jlc«ld«i~nconccptsloc


w ,, w. h,u•ri$.._.1~ l\~l','C-lOr'<.«>•"

S.K. Construction, Inc.

American Aerial Services, Inc.

.\ K/f1g S650 Oki Phil;)l.ldph.i,1,l' G,)p. PA 17527


(717)76$-$900 l·ax (717) 768-3003

(207} 797 8987

{'i40) S69 S100

F,s (540) 869-

tkLx)nS1ruction I (a)fromicrnct.nct

JRC'ad@';an1('rican.wri;:el:«·rvi<-,;•s,<·1 in1

lrongate, Inc. fknnii P.i,lin,rp

201 Ricling:-L:,.m• Wh;t.,;;t. VA 2266J.J::;7S


33Alk•n An:m.w F.:,.:l,;•n.<:ion l-almouth, ME 0410S F:1:,.: (207)

797 0479


Son Diego Construction Welding

Anderson Steel Erection. Inc.

@ Kinsley Construction, Inc.


/<>Im 11.Qwal,.m

(fohb.rC&-Mulr 1•,<), Box)$~<,

P.O. Do, 2124

P.O. lk>:\32 C'l.u:tun, GA .30+17

Y(IO;., l"'A 17405

Sp-t'iugV,.lky.CA91979 (619) 462 9087

(717}81S-({Ji() F,x (717)812-9651


r., (619) 698 9435

b.:·bo::l\}l¼<-f,<:om w,,·w.rldndl'y,c-t1m

(91))739-1555 hlx (91l) 739-2058 jolm(,J'<iuinl.u\·<'l\l<'r'priscs.oom w,,·w.,1uinl.:m ,·nh·rpr-i:<('

@ Schucck Steel Company

@ Lotayelfe Steel Erector, Inc. /. 8. ProJl,MJmr II P.O. &x266

Swu. LA70$$3 (.l.17) 234-905 F." (ll7) 117 0217

R09i·rFi.1tkt:r 8900 t-:oureh<'L>am l>ikc l,il;tll" Rori:, Al~ 72206 (61S}2M•19lt ~.?lx (61 S) 82·1 ·S917

parl:<-TII 17@1)('11sourh.nN

Anderson Steel Erectors. Inc. /<1/)



w. +Stb :\\'CL\U(' lhd~<·, CO S00B

(lQl)4)4 (H/4


l'•x ()OJ) 424-0119 j1>:a.rnuns(ci .lOl.<'om

Steel Masters, Inc.

Borrell Industries, Inc.

jhp@l.~.(".nm, www.L S


@ Merit Erectors. Inc. (hrbK11,;m9

1020 l\id1wovJ Ci.rdc

Cine:inn.iti,Oil +S20S Sll-3761 fax(Sll) Sll-3796 (Sil)


Model City Erection Co. DwwlJ TIJt;,1$h~•r

121481:a!~ I louslon, TX 770$0

)l, Mar,,;;hall Str<'C'I I ~·omin,;h•r. M,.\ 01 ◄ )$

(713) <<-<S6SZ fax(7U)464•3219

(978) S 17-0458 h1x (978) S)? 0951




Top Flight Steel, Inc.

Big Box Erectors, LLC



101 ('ll 4717 S11u1l1 Rhome, TX 76078

P.O. Uox 257 Cin•ru, JN 4601.;.

(817) 63S SOOI


Anniston, AI !6201 (1S6) 217-SSI9 hn: (J'i6)H7 Sf9J

f:llt (Sl7) 6\S 5002 jtd1<1con(<~)),w<-~.1)\'l www.h)pfliglustt't'linc.oom


it{<-ph:rni<-(q)mod<-lri1yi•ri'C'1ion ('om ,.:,.,...,,, .m(J(kl1..,t )'(•Y'('('Ii<ln. t'C>m

Unive-r'satSteel Erectors, Inc.

@tBuilding Systems Erectors, Inc. 1ll<111m Bfork

Phoenix Steel Erectors, Inc.

Rand_y8di1-.!rm 149 Rl".!ll:'1"'(111'" Dr-h-1..' W1..•~r<:. >JU0l2SI (6(H) S29 5100 r:.,:,;((iO)) 329 5101 :Stt'<'l('rt'('l()l'USC-(!l ,i.1l.111tO w" w.uni,-crsalstccl<'r«'tl'.ln:1,t'Om

l:.rl.m,gC'r. KY 41018 ($59) $14-0063 (S~9) 342 4561

Upright Builders, Inc.


lfi.11111.IJ .\'upbms P.O. nox 3467 nloll'lon. SC 29910 (S4') sn soo9

Rk!w:J C,maw f 110 ll.n IW AH'llUt'


bx (Sl4)4S6-;0SS



I Ith ::OtTN'f

Jim l.arMin

J.11,)91Sh:-..lyO ..,k l.~n•• H;iymarl;.d, VA 20169

{Si I) 248,6890 f..,x{;11) 2,s 689-~

h.'t (}17)9$+.t9$~ \\'wwJ,iol,ox1·n·<·tori1.Lu:ti 0

}140 C~sc("nt A,·l"nOI"

mbfackf& buil,ilintspt<•m,-.u,. ,,..,\·w.buildingsyst1.'ms.u,;


Piedmont Structural Company Cle,111 ,-.,.xi\: 140<)£.a11t 81wJ., S\lil(' tOlA Cb.i.1•1-vu<:, NC 28203

(704) 339 0600 fa, (704) 339-0035


(§ RC Fabricators. Inc. 1lfo1c Kla1r

ACM Erectors

S24, l..m:ui1t S.trn·l DE 1<>801

Outun .:11cw,m 11006 n\-c.lLWo l\d. Wl1i1d•io1r:st1.Ml> )1162

(302) S73 8989 t·.tx 002) 573-$9::14

(4H)S6S-821' Fa" (410) HS·6S7S

mar(·klair@lnf .1brit~,uors.('Om


~lusti nm(o~ba hi 111or<'~l,·dt"11'<'1 •M'l< .<·wn www.ballimort-:Sh'('l.('om 82


PA 1(-.~(){ (814)4Sl •wu l.rit•,

Clements Welding & Steel, Inc.



Steel Erectors, Inc.

2007 (OITION

Sam Cfemrnu

•I106 A l I lan,1rd l•l,,1n· h't'Ckrkk . .\11) 2170} (IOI) 874 4956

F.-'( c+I0) SH SISI twi;lcd~



WWW.SEAA.NET Hallmark Iron Works, Inc.

Maverick, Inc.


700 c~~m Suc~l tklmvnl, NC 26012 (704) Rn.lSH l;ax (704) 817.119')

S w~, l'arl$ Stxcet Newington, VI\ 22122 (701) 5S0-9560 En-(7CH)SS0.(>106

Mrn:yK 11:lh(,s,1



l220Fish Ro.,e;I Ti,·c-non. ~l 02S78 (4-01)816-0500 Fax (-l--01)816-0S02 j<:hl:idh@.101.<:om

Concept Steel, Inc. Ayi,,)



@ Controcl Erectors. Inc. H(tj,1 69◄ 4


I. M. C. Steel Erectors


St(T( H(indn1(h

Randko'l.ln, NC 27317

( l\6) 674-8012 F•x (336) 674-1837

1\0. Box 40 l\t•tll'ndorf. IA 52722


(563) 155-7202 Fax(Std) !59-HJS

w w,v.,·ncu -r.,<·1,,w,·1ors.c'flnl


Durable Steel Structures




Clw,b Ri:.1~/d:y 3S6 Panhandl<"<..irck

Steel Erectors, Inc.

Monktoll, MO 21111-0403

.>..1ays\ ill,-, GA JOSS8

(+10) 239-3000 Fa:i.:(410) 374-1624 ,:,gt>:1tkl()~<l,,-,.~h1.:-,li";:>I .C<in\

(706) 612-1143 f-,,x(706) 6S2-H63

McAbee Welding & Erection Company, Inc. IYi.1/k,lkAb« 888S Augui<b l\o:,d

Pdit•r. SC 2%69 (S6◄)2•13-l762

I-ax (864) 243-5124 nwal>t"l"IT.u1o1•@yal1o110,1'nm

McKenzie Welding Cr..:9 Jlcl(;;n7J;; I J802 Oki N:itional i>i.kc


Moun1Air,•, MD 21771 (101) S/9.6611 <ax (WI) 829-9771 mckw\~kling(ii}aol .<·wn


Joel< foster Co. Erectors, Inc.

North Florido Erection Company

Eost Coos! Erectors. LLC Gr"SGimdln 161 Ogcl,,n i.,Qr1l Ro.>.,MJ

/)on PMX*ilh 1lf9 ~(1\11 h S.m1:t f,., \'v"id,ila.KS(>7211

l'.O. Hox 3832

M.trlhorou~h. GTOG-4·17 (860) 29; '1027

(316)261 2901 Fox(ll6) 161-3646

Fax(86-0)291 1026


(904) 156,6547 F,x(904) 1$1 96$3 nf... '<'i@b<

Jomes Steel Erectors, Inc.

@ Ogeechee Steel, Inc.

BryvmS.Jame.( 60S:l O!!,,••·t·lwl'R<)!1<I,.mu.ab. GA 31419

Rr(JJ>dj Ptt().('-4

Willmm Rurm,t'd

j:...•kl(,,ovilk·.n S2206


Erecllon Connection, Inc. RorryCl.i{ion ISi Grandin Ro.Ml :;p<nc.w,VA 2·H6S

P.O. Or:aw<'r 1%9 Sw;,ln!Sboro, GA 3040 I (478) 237-2770 Fa:\(478) 237 4045

(176) 957-SJJl F,x (276) 917-3579

(912)927-1202 927~8710 sledh(a.)l,dl~lh,0(-1

Farmer's Welding UC

Keith's Welding Service, Inc.

INfJI Furn~ l941 LiMKd.


Ott Welding Anrkk D~lin

c:,._r,SC ?96S1

P.O. !lox 3868 c;rt't'll\' illv, SC 29608 (Sfi+) S95 8\91 r~x(86+)89S 9120

P.O. Box366056



(S64) 89S-l70t fa, (86+) 89$ 9310

f.x (2 39)948-0S00


Gordner-Watson Ccof{K,c,,

Decking, Inc.

ISOSk\'<ni:An: .. Un.itC

OIJ.sma1·. H 34677 (Sil) S•l-99lS fax (81l)S91 4105 t.•<:offU,rdisl~n:rizon.m,'t

Kincaid Industrial Contracting



(J91Oaklcv \Wa,w Rd. Scvu.sville: KY 42164 902S (270) 993-0lll Fax (270) 99l-0ll l kki1K.·-'Kl@mrlt.·.oom

l.J.M. Steel Erectors, Inc.

GCI Steel Erectors, Inc. ll,7&-a C-0/;u,,,

2916 fkpublk A,·c. Hon·n<."<', SC 11.1.!IOI

(S43) l93 4188 fo.x (H4 l) l?l

lk111ila Sprntgi:, 1:L.{4B6

(H9)992 H77


j,1mt.( .loli!cb.:m +18 (RNr) Chun:·h bn,·

Yeadon. PA 190S0 (610) 32S-IOS7 Eli.: (610) 872 2946 ljrn,;1<•<·l~)<·om<·;1:<J .,..,,1

@ Poclfic Ironworks, Inc. T:.rirH~-nfknom

IS.41 Oow<·ll A.u;,d

Grants OR 97S27 (541) 476-9945 F.u (5+1)476 9184 ('rkh@p;,,drnnwork,;.(.'IWn

Perry & Perry Builders, Inc. .JI. Ccllitr P<"m' P.O. IJox 104s

R<>t.-k<1.,1 ... ·rx7&~67

(SI2) "46-2752


Leiser Construction, UC

F,1.x-(512) 446 2S64

Green Mountain Steel Erectors, Inc.

I foy,II ,:k(r



1927 16Sl·hSW·\·I Madison, KS 6&860 (b70) 4\7 27+7


t>.O. Hox 798 lk1111ing:1uo. v·ro,)01

(ROl) <47 17•9 r-.. ($02) 447 \440

1•;1,;(620) 4 li 278 l l..-il(\·n,.,iL.~L1'ul'lic",1\(al1\1.allh·l.1wt



Pro Building Systems. Inc. J6 78 N. l'e.tchtrt'(,.'Ro,l\l All<111l-', GA 'lm41 (770)


fax (770) 4SS +123 cm-0ck(aJp1·obldgsyslCnlS.OOl\\ 4



WO/ t01110N

I 83



Quinlan Enterprises

Southwest Steel Erectors

Jolm <1!,,mlan V.O. l¼x 32 cla..,ton. Vi\ J0+li (?12)7.!?-1555 Fax (91 2) 719 205S'Ulerl""ill<:11.1.-·om

lfo:li IJf()wn

7282 SS A,•e. E~ II t+2 Bradenton, l;L 34203 (941) .122-SSSJ 1:.,x(941) H2 SOO:! fflrown46+4@';w,1,<·om

True Steel, Inc. Ct1:gP~1ry· t>.O.8ox }21 CooJgatc, OK 74H~ (SS0)Sll,1208 '''" (SS0) 927 1148 tru(>i;tt'l.•lro,c:rry@,-.1hool.~om


Star Erecters, Inc.

Tuff Built Inc.

RFStephens Enterprises. Inc.


fJmu Selwmrt,r.

Rm,Jy Suph.:ru

2S00 Smnncr Ql\'d., Suit\."#100 R.1ldgh,NC 27616 (919) 9S4 8020 ~a.q919) 9S4-S018 )•kbrarn<-r@aol .C'Om

P.O. UoxM4 Lilhurn, GA :mo•l7-0S94

(770) 915-8660 r:.,x (770) ();>c;.9409 l!cil,;tcd@aul.

;925 E. 200 Sou1h Bhiffton. IN 46714

(260)824 1821 F.,x (260) S24 l896 dn)\'~)tuOl)l)ilt.n~C

... 'Om

Steelcon Midwest, LLC

@ Raulll & Sons. Inc.

{)en h111

ULC Steel Erectors

fv(h Ao11/J, 21J TNII A,"t"nu<-

Tk.r,id &l1llC)'

Tho1.msvill~. GA. 317S7

(J IS) 479.669! Fax (lll) 479-Sl14

6203 Cbccn.s Mill A.o;)>C~ Jcffcnon"illc, IN 4-7130 (812)284-«H bx (812)284-6125 cooto.ct@st«1coomidwl."$lXom



u ki;tc« l.-r.-clors@l>1·Ihouth. n\:l

(i Summit Erectors, Inc.

Van Lindo Iron Works

Ku,t Tnm· 32S O.•nn:1rllAv<•nu('

Bru<eJ'anJ.l.ow .3787 Boutu•tll R~

Jackso,will\~,FL 32.?54 (904) 78l 6002 F,x (904) 78) 1066

1..ak,•Wortl,, fl. l3461-3893 (561)5S6-8400 J'•x (S6J)SS6-SSn



Syr.icusc, NY 1)210-1291

310 Hors,e:l<bl)<' Cfrd,,. (229) 226-6112 F-.a."< (229)226 6132


Rose Steel, Inc. ,I/ore


250 0<-·,:,an Ruad Gn."\•n).,1.r,d. NH03840 0727 (603) 4!6-7950 r:"x (60l)4l6 J.403

_________ _,


Suncoost Industries of Florido


joMUNJt,L f>ton

RTBConstruction, LLC

6133 ldll.'wilcl.Slr\"l'"l


I~ Mr:N, fl }3966 (2J6)9J6-7~87

36n E.i.slUniver:!il\· Orin': McKinnt·l., 'l'X 75069 (972) 54$-9H$ fa>: (469) 742 0824

F;ix (}s9)9W-9214 Jonr.l(p)~m ..v:.:1tindus1r-i.-s.n.-1

T&M Decking, Inc.


1lluhdt l1Jangon

@ S.l. Shaw Company, Inc. l,u ShtJ,.,

P.O. Sox67 R:.ak~Nf1dd.CA 93306

4-590OCltny'sStore Rd. OxGml, NC 27565 (H6)599 6164

FABRICATORS ~ Alamo Steel Co. DvMJ' fonau:t P.O. Box 154849 W:.m, TX 76715·4849 (2S4)799 2471 r,,, (214J 799 6n7 donny.lmcttcr@:•<:mcsg.cnm


fa., ( l36) 599-0034

@ Allstate Steel Company. Inc.


KuiSu99-. I $0 Sou1h J.idt:1on ;\w,


Thomas Phoenix International

Schulz Iron Works, Inc. Dt1ridA, Sdwl:1

(iar1·.Srmlh 26J9R R◊ull~ 206 fusumpton, NJ 08060 (609) 261-1188

Jacksonvilk•. H, H220 (904)781-6040 F,.1x(90+) 781 8S61 ksugg$(~'.-llsl~l<:::lt<.'<.'1,<:om

(661) 142 710<; h:x(661)87.l


1620 Wolfp;)d: I .).ll<'

fax (609) 261-1149 tpbol'nix-pn~@ac-,1,e<,m

R3ldgh. NC 27609

(919) 981-6121 fox (919) 981-6122 ,('Om c:u\Jy@$<.'.hul·.c.iJ'Ol\WOfks

Adington Iron Works, Inc. lkmk

Shaw Welding Company, Inc. A.lchard Sha,.. P.O. Bo.'(435 BiUcri(-,.\,MA 01871

(978) 667·0197 hx (978) 670-2603 rid.@sbaY.' www.i:haw,\CMing.;:x,m

P.O. Box 391

·r;,m,1idt.d):1U S707 Rollins An.•

M,;11:tASSM, VA

Conndfy Springs, NC 2'8612

l010S (701)168 JJ<)J f.l."< (701) 168 I J69

(828) 874-2751


'l'lmm:.s_ i1S61 (c~m~n.('.(>1U


Tri State Erectors. Inc.

@ Banker Steel Company, LLC

'J'j (~mJgh:

Do,r.:i!JB<.J.rtlo:r P.O. Rox 10875 Lync-hl1urg,VA 14S06

Oxlt,rd, NC 27S6S ("9) 603 0922

P.O. !kl...:1,~

>ox(919) 60 l 3710 l j {µ)tri.stat..o,·1·1·\ ·to,·~.(.'(}n\

l,o:>\)M~.1rg,NC 275'1~)


},,Im I lfltTi<

(?19)•1%-·H•0I fa, (919)4% lWI ~)vll~rnriuinirig@,::,rthlink.tom



Tom's Welding

P.O. R.oxJH

Southern Rigging & Erection, Inc.


"ww.a.llstah'Slc:d ..(."()m

(4l4)8♦7-♦S7S Fax {434) 847- ◄ SJl

dliank,·r~l} www.ha,;lt1·rs11,1'sl.<-'onl



@ CMC • South Carolina Steel Corporation

@ Isaacson Structural Steel, Inc.

@ Owen Steel Company


l{idlcn!L. 1U&u


r•.o. nm,f..7

r.O. 8ox7l Grc,·nvillc·, SC29(,02 (664) 2H-286-0 ,.._ax (864) 244 8776 rkhard.tuck..-r@c·m<"~g.n►1n

6crlin, NH 03,70-0067 (60 I) 7.12-2044 Fax-(603) 752 •1237 h•rry@)i.iisl~.csonstrtl.<'om

727 M:111i.wv Oriw Columln;,, Sc29201 (803) 211-762·> fa, (SOJ) ZSI 7637 kcvin.phi11ip~@ow,;:tt.Sled.rum www.owi:n1>t«




~ Contract Steel Soles. Inc.

@ Lynchburg Steel and Speciality Co., LLC

ft} /'4<la«1




ttt<:..:d.L.atn(p)c:clof1lr.1, ·t.~ll'1.'l&\k•~.(."()m

P.O. llo., 153 Monroe, VA 24574 (4)4) 929 09,i ""' (414) 92?-261) d.mdtt;rou(aJ lx:t.i.inu·t'•,a, 1vn:1I.._x)m



~ D & E Steel Services, Inc.

~ Lyndon Steel Company

Kim (;u5refS()r,

S..m Wir,tc()'

110$4 kroy Orne

1?+7 Unjon Cr01i~Road Winston Sal.:-m,NC 77107 (ll6) 785 0848 l·ax (336)7SS.S$)5

Grttm•lxwo, NC 27402 (j 16)271-971)4



Northglc-nn,CO S02 l 3 (lOI) 427 <804 fox ( lOI) 4}7.62S1 l::guc<.t.lfi;vn@' &.~ln•lxom ,,,,


~ Dove Steel Company Tim I Jeff~,.l'.I.

Miscellaneous Metals, Inc.

P.O.Box26 30 Ash<•,·j/Jc•, NC 28802 (818) ?11-2771 fox (S?S) 752-0041 tlM•fftwr(a+<la,est~d.( um


P.O. Box 3SJS r:r«lrick, .MD 2il0~ (301)695 8820


fax (101) 66\.+(,l(;j

WWW .d,l\:t5tCr:i. l'tJtU

~ Davis Steel & Iron Co., Inc.

Molly Construction Services, LLC Jehu Rfrtra

hhramhallf« d,l\ li,i>tn·l.n.11n

r,>x 1175 Nc-wAllnmy, JN 47150 1175 (Sll)9+5-12?9 f» (812) 949-3432 rjpa<lgcu@p;«lti:ll• www,p;edgett•jnc.t'om

@:Postel Industries, Inc. M,l,: Pqs.i;:/

1602 t•ca-chk,.fStrl".., Hou!<t(lfl,TX 77039 (281)7'7-2200 f» (2$1) l7l-018l mikc:@} ,


i.i~irris@>mist'dlanc()u~•m11.1l.~.(Vr1J www.mi$~dt,uw"11u,;-n1et.1ls,«1nt

1()35Commercial J)riu· 1\l.ltth<'w~.'.\(' JSI04 (704)821 i(,76 fox (704) S21-6095

@:Padgett, Inc.

I l+ ll11li,l.iyCourt, #300 Ann;ipolis. MU 21401 (·110) }66•85q$

F,1:--: (410) 224 <HS7 jol111(l!lm,1llyn,nsln1<.'tions<'n'

@ Prospect Steel Company CJ1,.1mm!"ldm

8900 f.ourdte l);m, Pik.<' Litdc ltod~, AR 7??06 (;01)490-11+1


d3yt@dc::<lc()nitw,<Y.>m ,, wt,•,11n).~r<-·<.·

® Schuff

Steel • Atlantic Division

/Min S<1mmol'((I 7351 O\',:-rl,md Rood

Orh.1t<f.o,Fl. USJO H-03 (407) 295 Ml•I F.-t"(407) 2')'.I 6:HS ;<,hns,>@):sdtuff.eom www.sd1uil':(•11fl)

,, ww.<'

~ E&H Steel Corp. Th(}t1)'()1 t',0, Knx I )70


.\{idLmd Cit,, AL 161:;o Ol4) 9Rl i;(Hb hq3H>9Sl (>173 rw1h1,m,1S((i't.•lbu· t\'\\'W,1•hi-u·d.<•om

@ Fob Arc Steel Supply, Inc. '/Or,)'l'u9l1

11f M1~.1d11w L:mcO,-r.1rd, ,.\I lf.)0 ~ (lS6) S n.::;770 J .ax (256) 83J S77t, ran~1)u.g),(t1 ldh..1.r<·.rnm ,,·ww,f,1.bJ.fc.rom

@ Globe Iron Construction AcmJ~,Jrnron i'I0J Maltby A"·· :HS0I Norfolk. v.,.\ fiS7)625 2HJ fJ., (757) <,18•0110 rmbm,·b~1Jaol.ro111 wwn.glub.• fron.c-r,m

New Millennium Bldg. Systems

@ Shrum Steel, Inc.

8cJ, 1$Qdwm


1•.o. Uox HOO Salt•in, VA 141Sl (140) lS9 021 I 1-.lxCHO) S~9 09S) lx,l,.h.,:-l1,u11(t1>nt>,t1nill.<'<)m ww \\. m•tt' 1n i II,(."''Om

6711 26th Courl F:i.-,;;1 S..r.1s,ot.1,Fl )4241 (941) 7S6 s~s 1:,111; (941) 753-303+ t-;:i rl. sh.nun(a.s.ltrumsu·<· 1.<·• 111) W\\",\'.sh.1·u111;,,h1:I.<'<"''

New MIiiennium Bldg. Systems (SOCAR)

@ Southern Iron Works, Inc.

X.,lx" Selk,-.;


P.O. Ho:<.(171 Ho"'"<·,·. SC )9503

P.O. Box 188 Spring-fidd, VA22150-0188 (70)) )S<-S500 (703) JH, S~42


r:..:-.(8+)) 6-69-0675 b5c:J/('r.,;((ll$()("Jlri

Ill'. t '( IOI




Nucor-Vulcraft Group

@ Southern Steel

Alm, .)c{)f'f IS0I W. l),1rHngton Stn'\'l



SC 29501

(84l) 662 0l81 1--3 ... '\: (S+J) 662 3132 .'l.~.u'1'>@!vukraft•S('.COm \\'\\".\' ,,;tknft


1293 J &Im N('(·ly Ro.,d Ch.u-!olh•. NC )S273 (704) l•l<l-Slll l"ax (704) J9S·OOIS mth,,ma..,,(t,)l>t•l;1int4•rn~rion,1.l.rom www.l>,•l,,in1crn.1tiol\i'


I 85



@ Steel fob. Inc.

A.IICarolina Crone & Equip.

Financial Federal Credit, Inc.



Jimmy (;rccn

1<>n9 Ch~rkln.;:,NC 2S2l9


P.(). Ro:< (70♦)


F.,x (7()4) 191 2854

Ral<:igh,NC 27617-4717 (919) 7S2-2S6I F>x(919) 78.i-1101

307 W,'-lsl?ch S1n·,·t, /t 1800 f.ort Worth. TX 76102 (817)654-101() F.,x (817) H6 1S24

it,1<:k(.'r@J,st~,:l(., www.:1tcclf,.l,

('1\)igh(q)a.11<·.nolin:wr,me.oom ww-w,.llk•.;rrolinarr:uu•.n)fl\

jgr-ccn(q!.fi(1,;,nd-.1lf.,J,;:r.,1l.<.-or•• w ....•w.(in.1nci,1Lledcr.l.l.oom

@ Steel Service Corporpolion

Anderson, Jones & Gengo, PLLC ..t.oq,. ,fodet$.O'(I

,lfih: Gilbe,,n

/iJiiXs(Jim) SJ1JJOlt.!(JtJ P.O. lw...:321425 J~<:bon, MS 39232-l42S (601) 939-9222 (601> 939.9359

Fraser Molloy & Associates, llC

P.O. Box 20MS

;2 Spkt Stn.·tl

ll..-.Mgh, NC 27619

Cbark-stow1.1, MA 02129


(919) 277 2541 bx (919) ln.1544

(800) 347 0JY4 F.,x (617) 241 s·~22






"'ww .fr.\sermoltoy.oom

@ Steel fob of Virginia. Inc.

Ashley Sling, Inc.


RobBurlir:igwr, 5105 Bur O.,1..<.:i«'k,Suit<-tf 100 R•kigb, NC?7612 (919) SlS-91+5 r-,.,(919) SlS-9720

Jim L1:d:.k 1).0. Bo:<4441)

G..pwr .lfitehcll



W\\ w.).hTlf.,b•io,._..oom


@ Stone Bridge Iron & Steel, Inc.

Charleston's Rigging & Morine Hardware

H & E Equipment Services, LLC

,lf,uJ.. I fwd1J11r,m 4l(, Pu,-inton ll.<I.

Rir~ SatVil) PO Bvx 21255


c;an."l·n>(N"L, Nr 11831

(SISJ69S.m1 I'» (SIS) 691-1016

Cl"wlt'~lQu,~C 2941 ~-125.S cSOO)742 6701 E1x(80,)72l 58$9



www.s1ont'h)•idgt'i ,·on.c~Jm


TriSteel, Inc.

Citadel Contractors

Hanes Supply

Tfulm.u rJnJrn'IIII •IOI l::..\sl•Ith Stn..'l.'t. Suih' 201


BJ/ H(J.tlrS 55 Jamc-sI:. C.1sc~· Ori.Ye

Wi1l~ton S.ll(•m. NC 27101 (11<)?/s.soso l-s\x(H6)7H 1Sl2 lSuironwsl (<_l\101.rom

Atl,1111:1, GA 303\b 141.\ (404)6'11-2604 F:1.x(404) 691 $608

3452 Apex J'aJkway Ap..-x,NC 27S02

(919) 362-5122 fa,(919) 362-6910 t11cul,..1t1c1•~ldt~ddrontr.)('tt)~,,·om


@ Universal Steel ot NC, LLC


Fo,~•-,;I Grectilidd, :KII OH07 029 i (888) 838-6500 Fa, (60J) S47-JS01 gwynn,·@ 1gwyim·.nw.(.~)m·in,.com

P.O. l\ux 4-024i &to.n R(>1.Jgr, I ..•\ ?OS1.S

(225) 29S-S200 fax (225} 298-53n l1m.1rtin(iJ)lw ,~\luipmC'nt.l-Ot\\ w-..,,w.h,._,'-"luipmt'fll ,<·0111

llulfalo, NY 14206

(SSS) +1(,. ms J-!ax(716)8lC, ,J.-;.Jl•s@ lunt.·~uppl) ..._'Qin ",, w.h:ul~l<l<l1p1)ly.(."(>m

Construction Insurance Agency, Inc. G.:.u9.: f~l'Ad: 112908allsford Ro.1,I

Haydon Bolls, Inc .

M:uu.SS.1s, VA 20109 (7(l!) 257 7540 f.;ix (70\) 2i;7 7539 p:rp751S(Q),lOl.('<111'

Phibd,·lpl{i.t.PA )')124--)196



610 lJ.S. Hig:1)\'.l}' 101 South

Crane Rental of Orlando, Florida. Inc.

Heede Southeast, Inc.

j,x:ki;vtu-ill..:.M. H134 (904) 2S9-7+7I >ox (904) 289 94 l0

Alanlkhlcd )70 Norlh

nrnni~ Komu

Gnl,l"'nrod Rtl. Orlando, H, 32807

I 160S fN)WI\." Ro.111 NC )SJ14 J'ilk'Vill<.",

mlidr..-,·,@_)wflitlq·.,.h.·,A.1.vu1 www.~,·hilkJ1>l('~l.rom

(407) 17i-i;Ooo


.U,m\. Sm,.((I,, 11.0. Kux 1862.

Jligh J'oir11,NC 27261 (B6)4i6-H05 F.u (136) 476 S99S 111i;lfo;;1.m@u11iv1,;-r:c.alsl<•

@ Whitley Steel Company, Inc. f>tj,I),~



u-ww.hc\,-de11ool hl•.1.~t ., ·1,m


Hilb. Rogal & Hobbs (HRH)

/)()n J.,•1Yi$

Si:1m H<'oJ

4\40 .'\ 1:1~.u•1 Cn,·k R<l. Ch;:irloll\'.

Fox (60))67l-◄ 6ll

3r<:l~d1.f,'~lk,,114~:1l<'f}' .rom

,,..w,, .~U(',i:i4)<,ll<,'.t}',(."()l\1


(JJ;) S37 S700 t·.l:-:(115) 537 SSt.9 ~Jl~s(« ha,·douboJtM-om

fax (7(H} 51:18-3'JS6 ~d('......-@;;11,l,11,111

(407) 281 $979

Aliens, Inc.


1181 Unit,, $tn..'<:t



Jdm Skwk1#1J"wiv .4,7Cun:rm.w \\/(.·11ll1>,<'11'1h R.11,

.•\mhn!'iL, :,.i(-J 03031



(704)405 09<1 F.ix (704)405-0946 dvn,lt·w~'1~1'f'2l,m1< ..(•om "'ww.fidd2lw~e.(vm

I 7S C.uul Sn'<':ct NJ I 03101


(603) 617-1183 fax (603) 627-05 37 .;;(·,111.l1<)1Jd(ci'hrh.rom




Hilti, Inc.

Lohr Strudurol Fasteners

Safety Product., Inc.

5400 S<.>ul,hI 22nd b:sl Av~ Tulsa, OK 7+146


F-.u:(800) 879 7000

Kt11MlhLoJu 21SS Wilron R03fl Ifombk•. TX77396 (800) 782 4544 i:a.,(281)446 6766


(SOO)879 8000

3637 North Crah.:ain SO'«t

Charlotte, NC 28206 (888) 449.7133 F;x (704) !39 0705


tsl@spisaf<'ty.rom www.spisa.fe.ty.<.-o1n

lndusco Group

@ Midco Sling & Cable Companies

Safron Low Offices

1200 West Hambu~ So·cet

l.)Qvg Dr)'



9101 Carpenter 1-r-.~e\\'.'.IY Dall-;,11, TX 7S247 (214)6$8-0444 f,x (214) 688-0560 dfdry(cj}mi<lco,,c;ling.oo,n

Ml) 212l0

(80-0) 7'7.%6S f" (800) 666-0075 Lm<.·;ilceitC'(Gl)indu8<'0grollp.rom www. induSC'O\•tfr""l'Of)(' ,('()m

r.o.8ox SS? l{aldgh, r,.;c;27602

(919)828-1396 F"x (919)828 799)

www.midc~ling,<:om www.saJranl:aw.c:oin

ITW Buildex 1),Ju7P<'1>e

I '.H9 w. Hryn Mawr A\'('llU(°

lt:u:ca, IL601+1 (800) 284 ~ H9 l\1x (610) 595 3S69 ak.-c@:}in,'huildc.'C.CC>m \,,ww.ilwhcuklt'x,rom

Newell Davis Company

The Crosby Group

reresa141,•sHlfc(;i:e 2962 North Kcl'r :\\-<:mH·

Curtj1Jbbcn 2801 O,,w,s,onRood

WiLn:ingtvn, NC 2S40S

Tu.Isa,OK 74110 (918) 834--4611

(910) 761 lSOO fax (910) 762-l+59

"" (918)832-88))




Jolm Skmk,•1ow1ct

Pinnacle Cranes

Toler & Hanrahan, LLC

62 R.outr I0IA. Suih: #H Amherst, NH OJOU (603) 672 1100 l',x (60)) 672-11S4


Tin,Ulh)' Toi<',

Jay Steel, llC

jark1l:cl@}ja)'.' www.j~y-lil<:d,<,>()m

9000 Statcs,;·ilk Rood

127 Pt-ad-iln:-elStreel, #l301

Chark1nc, KC 28269 (70+Jn1-nn fax(70♦) ;97.7488 rowsley@pinna.dea-.-.nes.oom

Atfao.ta, GA 30303


(678) 779-3010 fa..-<(678) 779-1011 ltn~•r@.to1«l~w.oom

JLG Industries, Inc.


Pneutek, Inc.

United Crane & Rigging Caryffjf~ffli.111

13224 Fount,1inl l<'ad Pla'l..l H~~r:1t1)wn, MD 21742

Kortn Tv1hill

(24-0)420 8727 Fax(2+0)+20-87H

Hudse>n, NH 03051

2002 Cr--.;wc:s Courl lbltimor1•, MO 11222

(800) 431-866, F,x (60l)S82 9165

(<10)285-6)63 f-a:x(410) 28S•27J5

K,uthill@pn(' www.j>l\i.>utt'k.<:om


jllVd(a)jlg.oom www.jlg,cvm

J.W. Burress, Inc. Bm Cock.m<Jm P.O. Box ◄ l09 \VinS-lOLl•SaJcm,NC 27115

(B6) 767 6900 F,1' ()36) 767·7419


17 friars Orl\'c

Preferred Safety Products

United Rentals • Aerial Equipment Div.

jO<"k 4785 EfatiSt«:('l UIS L>cnwr, <.:O80216 18J6 (J0~)477-84l4 Fax ( !OJ) 4i7-1078 jJ.dtm.@pr~ferredsafety,(.'Qnt "'\~

Ri>bbic Mn-cuds

Kollman & Soucier, PA FrnnlrK(Nlrn<Jn 1823Yvrk Road-TL...: L.'lw8u:1inc~Oklg. Tim<'lnil,im, Ml) 11091

(110) 727-4300 i:....x(410) 727-•n91 fk<>llm:1n(a)ftc·)llm:ml;m·.com www."c>llm.1n ~uc·t('r.<:o)m


3401 Integrity Orh-e

Gnrnt·r. NC 27S29 (S00) 606 2829 F,x (919) 661-085S r-..'(lwards{a)ur.<:vm www.u1•.1;u1n

Red-D-Arc Welderentals

·,;,J()l'htlw S<co:1 &tx.·wn,b:1«·1acklt'J efMi);:ri«J,('()1J100

C.aii ,♦fr.lwk,h·

e.t«vti1'C'd.irccro,@.\.l.l(la.n1.'l or m1tact

P.O. Bo:(40

(336) 29,I SSSO.


Gri..lrub)·, ON L3M+GJ

(905) 643-♦212 fa< (905) 64l-<217 gail.1ncru6crt:s@ai"!_~"'s.l:on, \\'W\\-.n·d


A.t1t<M»<tt1<.ill.,· update )'<.lllt <t1tr1pt.1t9• p,efilt: t1dJ19J'<.l1J.tSE,H ltJginand po..,,_,J at 1nrll·Rn:cJc1.1JCC or roll P.:r«la /'«,cJClat (336) 294.SSSO.


Lincoln Electric ;tl(m


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2007 EDITION I 87



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Proudlysponsors theSteelErectors Association of America's Educational programs.


Scee!ErectorsInc.. ($71) 2-,$-6890,<.


MONTHLYE-NEWSLETIER SEA1\ is proud to announct" thC"launch of our ne\,•est me1nber benefit. the SEAA

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A SunTrust Company

tronically about su<.:h topics as Jcatun:<l companies. fCaturcdprojects, b<:stpractices, industry leading-edge ne-ws, OSHA news,

safety updates and excerpts from leading trade publications, just to name a fow. The Jirst otlidal ncwskucr product and offic.:ial launch is proj«·t<·d to happen hy January I, 2008. \V<·arc <-1.1rrcntly taking ptTS<.'ntations from prospective companies ;:md hope to h,wc the first dr,\ft/dry run in pJ,\l"\'by liu.; Oc.:tolx·r bo,u<lmn·ting. Pk•J$('fo1.:Ifr('<• 10 dfrecLany contcnl that you may fod he;:ucfidal l'(>r the cnti rl' mt·rnbc;~rsh ip to rt'-:ul to l'JH'w.•{ll sc·'I> iL will l>t•:ipprc•d:llc·d.


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Th<"SEAA Dl•ta.iling Committee met in Pittshurgh in Scpwmbcr of this year lo pl~u1 the updating of the pop1.1 la.r Dewilin,qGuide far the Enlwc)ct111ecfr ~Ert.ctio11 Scf:ry.M..:.·mh<..·1-s of both N 1S1).:m<l SEAA w..:,'rt.· in ,lltt·nd.Jnn·. 'fhl· group c.:omn1iltl-<l to prodv,:<.'~mup<blt• of th<..·(.:urn·nt ck-tailing mnnual, \\'ith an l'mphasis on sp.ind rc;•Ifr~me ..::./<-ondition~, ,md ;;i l!;o to ;.Hhln:ss.-;Omt' of the-concerns of

st·ismic rc·c1uirc.• the new AISC Seis~ n-1i<·Ot·:-.ignMa,,ual. Th(· goal is to have the l"<"\'ise<l information .l\'ailahl<'next y(·a.r. Currently)

<'on:-:ists of

the Nation.11 Institute of Sted l><'tailing (NISD), and Eddie Williams, Richard ·ruckt·r, Mark Stinson and Jim Ltrson of SEA:\, as w,·11as pkdged support by St(.'<"lFah, an SEAA m<·mht·r fohrkation (·omp3ny. Anyon(· who has a (·oncc;•rn ahoul stn1,t\u-,\I !>tcd dc.:tail i ng ;.\Hd n,'<(Vi rc;~1,,t'lll~ for wh,u infonndtio11 should !>howon (i\·ld 1.1s<· <..·ri:ctiondr,1wiug,:;,i:;i1witcd to com~,c;·t


the commincc

Jack iVletc,,lfe ;rnd Roh,-rt Beauchamp of


lt"<:' mc..~mbt'I':'>.e




General Contractors and OSHA

By Fronk L. Kollmon

As every skel t-=.rt~-ior knO\V'S, OStlA i:; nol tht: 01).ly roun:c of aggravation on oonscruction s.\foty m3ttc...-s.Gcni;ral contractors, f.i<:.-cd with being cited as a "conn-oiling employer,>'have hocom'-· even more irritating than the l<.--deral and state agencies enforcing safety regulations. Un like OSHA or a smc plan agc»cyta general contraclor has the ability to stop vmrk without a court order over s.'lfcty is:-.u.e!), a general contra.cto1·C3.ll interfere , the flow of mon('y to ~\lbcon tra<-(orsao<lsuppliers ovt"'rthese-a,,d rdat<::d matter.; ancf a general contractor does not need a \\rarram to ins peel work. /vtorrovcr, almost every subcontract signed by a stcc1 crcr-tor h(I.~an indt:mnifica.tion dau~<; that could make the ere<.:tor re$ponsihle for any OSI I A fines assess~d again!)t the genera) contractor for <:01,ditions

«.:n.:at(·dhy the erector. Thc~t~ dauscs can al!-:ornala...the ncctor responsible for th<' cost of defending an OSHA citation, which in ca~<.'.S exceed Lheamount. of the fine. Even.with these indemnity da.usc.'ias prot(•c·lioo, however, general contractors ~till do whal theycan to avoid hcing cited in the first place. Theydo tliat bybeing vigilant, or from -.mother perspective, hy torturing, harassing and interfering willl lhc vvork of lhc stcd erector. A cas..,deci<kd by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission in April 2007 may rcliC\'Csome of the tension between gC"neralcontractors ~md cn·ctors on sa.1Ctymatter.~. \\lhilc the c.a~ewill (;t'rt;;iinly be appealed, it is a start toward restoring sanity to the rule~ i,wolving multi-employer work silc~. The case, known as Scm:Wr,J' i·.



SummirContrac'lOrs, Inc.,1 holds that a conlr<>lcontractor ling rmployer- iil.lchas ;:i g<.·n<.·1.1.1 - l-annot be cited for a ha:1..,nl if it did not <,-reare it nor have employees exposed to it. Ir\ prior olhcr words, the Commission rcvcr.$('c-l :nilio~ lhal <.·ontrolover the oondil ion hy th1..· g<"neralcont rat._·Lor w3t,; enough to cite the general <.xmtractorfor viola1ior1s(I) <."'<j hy its subcon(ra<.:tors and (2) that only affected th<·subcontractors' en,pl<>y<·<·s. The dcdsion contains a great deal of history ronC'erning ()Sl lA's multi employer doctrine, and the case 1unw<I on a kbral :malysisof thc core OSJ IA regulation statirig that "'each employ<·r shall prolccl the employm<'nt and plac~s of einplt>yrnt..·111, of each or his employ<'<'!-> cngag(·c-fiu ronstruc:tioo work by complying wHh t!w appropriate standanl:; pn:Kribcd in his paragraph."Thc.~ acn1al legal n..asoning, though inlcresting to law students, i~ not inlcr<·sting enough to affect d stt•c.·lt..·rc<.·tor's practical r-:sponsc to the ruling. The Cmnmission t._;allcd OSHA's history on rnulti-<'rnpfoy<'ri!.i!>lH..'S J.!->"t·heckered.n Thl· decision, how<.·,·er,was not unanimous. The Commission split thn ... '1." ways, with two <.·om1nissiouers agreeing to let the general contraetor off thl· hook (though for slightly diITerent legal rea..'i<>n.s}, and oil<~ di..~arccinu c·n1irelywith thc<ll·dsioo. \:Vhat . that means is that if t.l1ecase is not ovc::rturncd by a fC....dt•ra1<.·ourl,a change of one commissioner under a new prcsi<lt"'lll might h:wc~1lw san,c:dI<.·ct. But fi,r now, this i:-;the law. So whal is the prac.-tkaleffe<.·t? The first and ohviouii effect is that sled erectors can now s:.iyto general torltractors that a particular practice at lcaf.t with respect to OSHA is the erector's co.u<:c:rn,not the general contractor'~. f\ stcd ert:<.:tor)wh~'.n.confronted with the general c·o,Hractor's insisL<~ncc,for <-xamplc, that all ironwork<-r.s i,._.issued umbrdlas and sunscreen lo prcvf•nr hc-atstrokt.:, thc.:iikcl (~r('<.:tor<.:.:mn:spond as lOHows:



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CONTINUED FROM 90 DearGeneralComracror: As)'OU may know, an e.mplo)'cr cannorbe cired

underopplicableS<.?_fe9' lowsif


did not,cnwu

the condition and jts emplop:es are not c.v.p<>std co

the alle9edhowrd. JncrefOre, )'OU s.hovldItem: nq pot.cntiol habih9:for O'!,Vcmulitionscn:at.c<1 byour £.'Vmpany in c.·o,>necri<m with its work, or irsjo.i/urew providesunscreenond umhrellosto ironll' H"earc nevertheless comnutLcd ta Slffi'pracl ices a,ld romp/lanceurich all applicableS<Jjel)' laws.Rest a.,;svred thm wew;J/ CQntinuer.odo so on this pro;cct. II'(- w,1/.hontm:r.take orlioo baS(!Uoo ovr ir>ter•

prctaJion'!_{theS(!_/i:ty regulationsapphmblc to steel


erection, bcm:d on our c:cperiuncc and the ad~·ice

ourownleaalcounsel.Furrlw-r. f;rou hcweconc(?rn.,;, pleas,ca.s::5ist us in kecpin9ether tradesout ,fan)' areaswhertsrec!erecrnnlJS beJngpciformecl.

advertisers' index Aliens, Inc. ........ .. 92 All Caroline Crone & Equipment ........ 56 Allstate Steel................................... .. 66 ALP Industries .........................................70 Applied Underwriters ............. ..... 2 sosden s1ee1...... .... 5 Big Box Erectors ...................... ... 78 Buckner Companies ............................... 1 The Caldwell Group. Inc ............ . ..65 Con.sttuclion insurance Agency. Inc ............. Inside Front Covor Crone Rental Corp ................................28 Deon Steel Erectors .... Inside Back Cover Florence Steel Erectors ..........................55 Florido Welding .....................................52 E & H Steel Corporation ......................... 42 Elk River.. ....................72

GWY......................................... H & E Equipment Services

.... 79

..........41 Hones Supply ..........................................21 Horris Steel Erectors ................................75 Haydon Bolts.......... .... 67 Hilli .... ......................................63 69 IMPACT..................................................... lronworkers Disrtict Council ................. 71 lrongatc ........... .... 32 J&D Specially loots ................................34 Jay Steel...... .....76 JPW Erectors ............................................77 Kollman & Saucier. P.A..........................78 92 I THESEAA CONNECTOR 2007 EDITION

Lindopter North Am~rico ......................33 Link-Bell .................................................... 59 Lincoln Electric ..... ......................57 Lyndon Steel.......... ... 43 Morr Scaffolding .....................................77 Mechanical Solely Equipment .......46-49 Midco Sling & Cable Co. ......74 Newell Dovis ............................Bock Cover Nucor Fastener Division..........................17 Nucor Vulcrort Group............ .... 89 Ogeechee Steel .....................................53 Phoenix Steel Erectors, Inc. .. ..... 9 Pneutek .................................................... 29 Preferred Safety Products. Inc ........ 24-27 Premium Assignments ........................... 79 Quinlan Enterprises ..................................3 Rom Steel Company. LP. ..........90 Red-0 Arc Welderenta1s ....................... 79 Ring Power Crone ...................................19 SLChasse ................................................. 68 S & R Enterprises. L.L.C. .. .....61 Schulz. Iron Works ....... ...........54 Steel Ereclors Association of America ................... ......36-39 Steel Performance. Inc ....... . .......... 23 St. Louis Screw & Bolt...... .... 73.s Teklo ..................................................... , .... 8 Trystar Cabfcs.................. ... 6, 7 United Crane & Rigging ........................45 United Rentals ......................................... 35

Obviously, this letter i.s;) bit ovt:rblown> but you get lhe idea. Th<.·S<.·ronddfrtt :;hould h(• 1.0 d(•nt•a.,;(~ potential liabilit )' for erectors under the vadous indemnity provi:;ions indu<lt·cl in subcontracts. If a gt.:ncr.l.lcont1-actoris cited for ID OSHA violation, d1casswnptfon is that h1..·or sbt: c.:ithert..·r~ahxldw· haz<n·(Ior had crn.p1oycc.s CXfX>scd to it. Thus, there should be no liability undt•r Lh<'io<kmnity, a'io'i-uming lhe clause is not overly broad in th<.· general <.-0.n\r(l(:tor's fo\1or. Of course, since general contractors arc frequently yotu· cu.':ito1n.t·l-..; (or tlw cu:;L~mwr~ of th(' fob-ricamrwho has sulx.xmtracted the erect.ion work to you), coop<:T,ttion.-.hould still he your goal. Just lwcau:--;c the genera.I conu.ictor cannot be dted for a violation do<..'-" not mean tl,at ar, ov1,,-rZl'alous sal"et.ydirect.or \\ill not try to meddle in your safety practi<.:l'S. lf he or she docs, you m~\}'Jl.(,'(..'<"J lO indmlc in th<"l('lt("rabo,·e ,rn oflCrto meet to show hm,,. you a.recomplying with OSHA r(.·gul::iLion.-.. The Svmmh CQntractors is a good decision all around. It l'<.'lllovcsthe gcnt·ra.l <.'Ontrac· tor"" a weapon 1,yOSI IA l0 be USC'<)agai"Sl suhc-ontractors. OSHA will now have to <lcaldirc<.:tlywith the sub<.:ontraClOr,rather than pr<·srurt"tht g<'nc:ralcono-actor to Jo its work. Any dc"clopmcnL-;:in this art·a will b..• r<·1>0rttclin San Anwnio. ■ I Foi· dw sl<~·Ii·rn'.101·s who likt· lt-g;i.l cil,ltkm:-., tl\t' (.".lSCcan be fouJld al 21 OSI IC 2020.


. " :.l ;,,; ~

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