Sea Angling News June 2019

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Sea Angling News Ltd. - - - Issue 284 June 2019



WINNER Taunton based angler Jason Budge with his belting 19lb Turbot caught on Fish On 2 skippered by Josh Simmonds out of Weymouth

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Sea Angling News, June 2019



programmes and working to increase the number of young people in sea angling as well as being a qualified and licensed coach.


The roles will be focused on supporting the existing Marine Regions along the south coast over the next 12 months with plans to expand and create new regions in 2020 and 2021.

Shops - If you don't receive your papers by the first Tuesday in the month please can you telephone to let us know:

07825 181 694

Nevin said: “This is a new role and a fantastic opportunity for the Angling Trust to build upon our links to the sea angling community. I am looking forward to playing my part in this development alongside Brian in an area of work we are really passionate about.“

HEAD OFFICE PROPRIETORS Keith & James Wigglesworth Sea Angling News Ltd 9 Hayfield Close Minehead, Somerset TA24 6DE

EDITOR / DESIGN & PRODUCTION Adam James Email: Tel.07523 254918

ADVERTISING James Wigglesworth 07825 181694

Printed by NEWSQUEST MEDIA GROUP Weymouth, Dorset

SAN WRITERS Aurthur Savage, Dave Roberts Lee Bolingbroke, Wayne Thomas Kevin Morgan, Gareth Mayers Paul Whittall, Adam James Andy & Sam Cumming James Wigglesworth Craig Butler, John Skeggs Phil Higgins Scott Smy, Richard Saxby.

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The Angling Trust has appointed a new Marine Regions Coordinator to work with sea angling clubs and members to support and develop the Trust’s Marine Regions. Nevin Hunter has been appointed to this new part-time role and will be working with clubs and the Trust’s existing Marine Regions to increase the Angling Trust’s reach into the sea angling community and support the Angling Trust’s Regions in delivering benefits for member clubs and individual sea anglers in their areas. Nevin retired from the Police service in July 2014. A wildlife crime officer of vast experience, his investigations included cases of national and international importance. He started his angling career on the South coast fishing off Littlehampton with

his father in the 1970s. This sparked an interest in marine issues and he followed this interest through to the end of his police career, when as Head of the UK National Wildlife Crime Unit he coordinated an investigation into fish poachers leading to an offender convicted and subject to a £104,000 Proceeds of Crime Order, still the largest such order for any wildlife crime in the UK. Nevin will be continuing in his role as Regional Enforcement Manager for South West England (part of the Environment Agency funded National Angling Strategic Service Contract). He will be supported by Brian Pask who has taken on a lead voluntary role supporting participation, coaching and development. Brian has an excellent track record of coaching, delivering participation

Brian said: “I’m delighted to have taken this role on and am looking forward to working with the Angling Trust to get more people into sea angling, particularly youngsters. I have passed Level 1 and 2 coaching courses with the Angling Trust which gives me the confidence to coach all ages. The youngest I have taught was six and the oldest 92! The buzz I get out of seeing people catching their first fish and then going on to feel confident enough to go out and fish on their own is amazing." David Mitchell, the Angling Trust’s Head of Marine, said: “We are very pleased indeed to have Nevin onboard with us as the Marine Regions Coordinator. He is someone who gets things done and I’m sure our Regional representatives will find his and Brian’s support invaluable. It’s great to be able to make a stride forward in representing sea anglers and supporting our regional bodies.”

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All entries must be accompanied by a clear photograph. All entries must be weighed on accurate scales and witnessed. All entries will be judged on the size of the fish, tackle used and the quality of the photograph. Weights must be submitted in pounds and ounces, metric weights may be submitted in addition to imperial weights. The Editors decision will be final in all cases.


Please make cheques payable to Sea Angling News and send to:

Sea Angling News Ltd, 9 Hayfield Close, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 6DE


Sea Angling News, June 2019

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THAMES ESTUAURY by Lee Bolingbroke

Great weather calm conditions have allowed our local charter boats to move offshore now and move away from the inshore fishing we have been having for several weeks due to strong easterly winds and in doing so have founds some great fishing. Bass have been numerous with plenty of schoolies and also some bigger fish our boat Sophie Lea had around twenty fish last week from two pounds to six pounds mostly on worm baits but also taking squid baits. One notable fish we had was a turbot not a fish we expect to catch at our part of the coast and this one was only small so back it went. Still rays offshore yes we can’t get away

from them, some very nice hounds both common and starrys a much better showing than last year I must say with several in the high teens. Mackerel have also made a showing once again a great fish to catch in fact anglers are happy to sit catching them for hours if we don’t intervene such is the popularity of them both as bait and great grilled with a nice salad. Stingrays have also showed up with anglers scattering when one turns up on deck this is due to the Steve Erwin effect I suspect. A few tope have been caught but it will be a few weeks before we really turn our attentions to these hard fighting fish.

Smooth Hound - Sophie Lea

BRIGHTLINGSEA, Essex Thames Estuary

“Sophie Lea”

Fantastic New Fast Stable Cat Twin FTP Engines, On Deck Toilet, Massive Deck Area Heated Cab Seating. Fully Licensed & Insured for 12. Only 20 minutes from the A12. RNLI / Charter Skipper for over 20 years. Weekends & Weekdays SUPPORTING CANCER RESEARCH Bass - Sophie Lea

Turbot - Sophie Lea

Smooth Hound - Sophie Lea

Tel. evenings 01255-821255 Boat direct 07774 492856 Bass - Sophie Lea

Bass - Sophie Lea

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Sea Angling News, June 2019




'The home of Biguns & Whoppers'

By Craig Butler

As spring gets Its warming grip and the day light hours increase it leaves the cold chilly late winter months behind as a distant memory. Many UK anglers are chomping at the bit for some fast action to inject some enthusiasm and passion into the system after the testing early months of the year. There's one species that some 20 years ago anglers would of been unprepared for and left in an adrenaline shaking state of WOW if they found themselves connected to one . And mind boggled to what it was if it became unconnected. Fast forward too....... These days many of us look forward and crave for the return of this species that is accessible to everyone. Whether you are an experienced well weathered Angler that's never caught one or a young junior Angler starting out that's couldn't even imagine being lucky enough to catch one. It's possible. The Smoothound has a lot to answer for in many ways. It can drive the most committed sea anglers into a world of frustration on one hand and can deliver A world of magic and amazement to the least expected on the other hand. Catching Smoothounds is easy. Locating them not so easy. Here in the Bristol Channel the massive rise and fall of the tide over a set of tides pulls and pushes fish all over the place and they will settle anywhere they find a source of crustaceans to feed on. Local knowledge and experience in helping to locate or predict their movements definitely helps at times. A lot of the time they can be highly unpredictable especially mid summer when they simple vanish off the radar for a week or two while they drop their off spring in the coloured water of the mid/upper channel. Techniques to catch these sporting fish is nothing complicated. A simple pulley rig or an up and over rig is perfect. There's no need to go heavy on hook lengths and use big hooks. A hook length of 30lb and a single 3/0 hook is more than adequate. The king of baits for Smoothounds is undoubtedly a fresh or frozen peeler crabs.

They will however happily take squid, worm baits and hard back shore crabs if there's a pack of hungry fish competing for food in front of you. The Smoothounds Normally start to appear in the Bristol Channel about April when the Minehead charter boat fleet start seeing then appear in catches. A few weeks later the odd one or two smaller 5-7lb fish start to show up on the shore in and around Minehead, Porlock and Bossington. By mid May and early June packs of fish under 10lb are pretty much widespread throughout large areas of the channel and over a variety of shore marks. These are joined by much bigger specimens of 14lb16lb are A regularly catch. Fish of up to 20lb have been recorded every year in recent years. These bigger fish are generally caught over the low water reef marks between Watchet and Hinckley point and in more recent years further up along Sand Point at Weston super mare.


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Craig's top 6 awesome tips to Smoothounds success 1 . It's vital to have the clutch and ratchet set on reels. It's common to see a rod pulled straight out of A rod stand and dragged down the beach or fly into the sea like a javelin. 2. If the Smoothound wants to make a mad run for it, let it take line under a carefully set drag. Not to light so it gets the upper hand, but enough to to make it work to take line. 3 . Be prepared for a last minute dash for it yards from the shore where they could run left or right along the beach. 4 . While fishing over broken ground A rotten bottom rig with a hook that's strong sharp and will bend and pull out of a snags are essential. There's only one patten of hook that fits the bill perfectly and that's A Mustad uptide Viking 3/0 or 4/0. The use of heavy gauge hooks over rough ground will only come back and cause more problems in the shape of line snags from lost shockleaders and rigs. This is not only expensive and time wasting.

Robert Flicos member of Lymington DSFC. While fishing aboard his boat ‘Solent Angler’ on christchurch ledge he caught black bream weighing 3 lb 8 1/2 ozs

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Much of the fishing over the past few weeks has been hampered by the algae bloom (often known as ‘May Weed’) which happens to be particularly bad this year. A friend of mine who does some work for the Plymouth Marine Laboratory shared some satellite images of the algae bloom on Facebook and showed the extent of the bloom right through the English Channel and how it was particularly bad around the South Hams coastline. From more recent images it looks as though the bloom is now starting to clear and this should hopefully see the mackerel arrive in larger numbers as thus far they have been very sporadic. With water temperatures now on the increase, gilthead bream are starting to show in greater numbers. I have heard of numbers of fish to just over 3lb in weight coming out from both the River Tamar in the Millbrook area and from the Kingsbridge Estuary. Crab and lug worm baits are currently favourite and it’s always worth having a rummage around in the weed whilst you are fishing to collect some fresh crab – just make sure you have your drag set! Something that is concerning is that I am seeing a greater number of online pictures of anglers virtually keeping all bream they catch. Yes, they do taste great but please only take what you need and try and put some fish back so we can preserve the limited stocks we have of these fantastic fish. One fish that can be guaranteed to feed during the algae bloom is the bullhuss. I had given myself a target of getting a doublefigure fish in a minimum of 10 hussing trips this year and recently on trip number 5, I managed to find a nice new PB huss of 14-

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10. I also managed to lose another good double earlier in the session which spat the bait on the surface. Frozen mackerel seemed to be the preferred bait on the night which also produced specimen rockling to my fishing mate Paul Fenn. If anyone is after a good huss then I would recommend the rock marks around Dartmouth, Start Point and Prawle Point are worth a go. Smoothhounds are now starting to show in greater numbers from the various rock marks in the North Devon area, with the ledges at Westward Ho fishing particularly well during settled conditions. Roving Rods SAC member Lee Algar made the trip up with fellow clubman Gary Andrews and both were rewarded with a number of hounds, the best being a new PB of 10-2 falling to Lee. Not to be outdone Steve Hone from Castaways SAC fished several tides on the low water reefs of the Bristol Channel and landed a cracking smut of 1312. I’m fully expecting to report on more heavyweight hound captures next month. On the boats members from Castaways SAC have been smashing the fish out. In between regular bouts of ‘groundbaiting’ whilst out on Bite Adventures from Penzance, Rob Batten landed a cracking smoothie of 19-9 whilst fellow club member Lee Battishill caught a nice spurdog of 17-7 on a trip out of Weymouth aboard Fish On several days later. On a trip out on a private boat off Plymouth, Matt Parry landed a PB blonde ray of 24-8 along with spurs to 166. Top fishing lads.

PLYMOUTH Purpose built Guimond 45 Sports Angler.

Built to and above MCA C.O.P.category 2 requirements. Licenced & insured for 60 miles from safe haven. Powered by Volvo D12 @ 615HP. Cruise 14-16 knots. Top speed 20 knots. State of the art electronics. Two large insulated fish-rooms. Baitwell tank.

Tel: 07999628511

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Well that’s it from me for this month – happy dipping.

Matt Parry Spurdog 16-6

Steve Hone Smoothhound 13-12

Lee Battishill Spurdog 17-2

Scott Smy Bullhuss 14-10 Rob Batten Smoothhound 19-9

Matt Parry Blonde Ray 24-8

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Sea Angling News, June 2019

MINEHEAD FESTIVAL TWO DAY RESULTS The first Minehead two day shore fishing festival was a great success. Everyone who attended this competition, held on the 17th and 18th May 2019, really enjoyed themselves. Competition organisers, Channel Anglers SAC are really pleased with how well the competition went and are hoping to release next year’s dates very soon. The fishing was nothing short of excellent, with nearly 1000lb of fish recorded over the two days! Event set-up This was a two day shore fishing competition, all pegged and zoned. The two days were split between four different venues around Minehead. Anglers would fish two different venues from the four over the two days. Winners would be decided on the best total bag weights, using a catch, measure, release and convert to weight system. Competition Day 1 The competition draw kicked off at the Hobby Horse Hotel in Minehead at 1pm. Anglers would draw for both days and either fish Porlock or Bossington, Golf Links or Blue Anchor. This match was built up to be an incredible competition for numbers and size of fish caught, and the results on day one certainly backed up all of the talking. There were 389 fish recorded in the first day, that was a massive total weight of 524lb. Zone winners on day 1 Darren Newland won the zone at Porlock Weir. He caught 34 dogfish weighing 42lb 8oz, which actually turned out to be the best bag of the tournament. Great fishing Darren! Richard Dorgan won the zone at Bossington with 26lb 9oz. He had a lovely mixed bag of 15 fish, including at 9lb 8oz Bull huss and a Smooth hound. Ben Bradstock kicked off his two days with a nice zone win on the Golf Links. Ben caught 16 fish for 19lb. Julian Shambrook continued his good form of late with good zone win on Blue Anchor. He’s back after a six month period out of match fishing. Julian absolutely smashed the zone with 12 fish for 23lb 11oz, and that was an incredible bag of fish for Blue Anchor. Results and Payouts day 1 Zone A – Porlock Weir Darren Newland 34 fish 1 specie 42lb 8oz £100 James Madsen 23 fish 3 species 26lb 10oz £60 Russ Preston 22 fish 2 species 26lb 7oz £40 Roy Tapper 20 fish 2 species 24lb 2oz Justin Bird 20 fish 2 species 23lb 15oz Zone B – Bossington Richard Dorgan 15 fish 7 species 26lb 9oz £100 Chris Equal 19 fish 4 species 17lb 15oz £60 Dave Shore 7 fish 4 species 13lb 13oz £40 Peter Hammond 12 fish 4 species 12lb 1oz Jamie Croll 4 fish 4 species 10lb 13oz Zone C – Golf Links Ben Bradstock 16 fish 2 species 19lb £100 Ben Richards 16 fish 2 species 17lb 9oz £60 Chris Stephens 12 fish 1 specie 15lb £40 Orry Turner 12 fish 2 species 14lb 13oz Andy Madsen 10 fish 4 species 14lb 4oz Zone D – Blue Anchor

6.9m series Cheetah Marine Catamaran. Engines: Twin Yamaha 60 H.P. Outboards Cruising speed 16 – 18 knots. Licensed for 6 persons. MCA Safety Code Of Practice Category 2 and can operate up to 40 miles offshore.

Wreck fishing for bass in Lyme bay, from the river Axe in east Devon.

Julian Shambrook 12 fish 5 species 23lb 11oz £100 Dave Lane 5 fish 3 species 11lb 3oz £60 Robbie Marshall 5 fish 3 species 9lb 4oz £40 Daniel Crump 7 fish 1 specie 8lb 12oz Chris Read 5 fish 1 specie 6lb 4oz Competition Day 2 After an incredible first day’s fishing everything was set up nicely for an exciting match day 2. As it turned out, numbers of fish were down slightly, but there were still 306 fish caught and another fantastic weight total of 442lb. This meant there was a whopping total of 695 fish caught in over the two days.

And, a huge total bag weight of 966lb of fish caught in the entire festival over two days. That was a great return considering there were only 40 anglers fishing in the contest this year. Zone winners on day 2 Daniel Crump loves Porlock Weir and he celebrated another good zone win on day two. Daniel caught 24 fish, mainly dogfish and a single smoothound for a total bag weight of 34lb 7oz. Ben Bradstock wrapped up a fantastic festival victory with another good zone win on day two at Bossington. Ben caught 16 fish for a total bag weight of 29lb 12oz. Congratulations Ben! Ian Dancey won the zone on Golf Links with 14 fish. Ian weighed in 15lb 5oz, beating his mate Darren Newland who finished in second place. Roy Tapper had another good match winning D zone with 7 fish and a total bag of 13lb 9oz. Roy caught the bulk of his weight in a busy hour on the ebbing tide. Results and Payouts Day 2 Zone A – Porlock Weir Daniel Crump 24 fish 4 species 34lb 7oz £100 Robbie Marshall 24 fish 4 species 31lb 9oz £60 Julian Shambrook 18 fish 3 species 27lb 15oz £40 Andy Madsen 18 fish 1 specie 22lb 8oz Ben Richards 11 fish 2 species 20lb 11oz Zone B – Bossington Ben Bradstock 16 fish 4 species 29lb 12oz £100 Orry Turner 13 fish 5 species 22lb 12oz £60 Shaun Tucker 8 fish 3 species 18lb £40 Dave Lane 9 fish 4 species 12lb 6oz Luke Holland 6 fish 4 species 10lb 14oz Zone C – Golf Links Ian Dancey 14 fish 3 species 15lb 5oz £100 Darren Newland 12 fish 2 species 14lb 5oz £60 Peter Hammond 8 fish 2 species 9lb 15oz £40 Terry Hartnell 8 fish 2 species 9lb 5oz Matt Werbitzky 9 fish 4 species 9lb 1oz Zone D – Blue Anchor Roy Tapper 7 fish 2 species 13lb 9oz £100 Justin Bird 3 fish 3 species 8lb 11oz £60 Russell Preston 3 fish 3 species 8lb 8oz £40 Stu Withyman 6 fish 3 species 8lb 6oz Peter Evans 4 fish 2 species 3lb 15oz Overall Winner Ben Bradstock won the overall festival with two splendid zone wins. He caught a total of 32 fish (48lb 12oz) over the two days, winning his zone on Golf Links and Bossington. Darren Newland was first runner up, finishing with a zone 1st at Porlock Weir and a 2nd place on Golf Links. Darren caught a total of 46 fish (56lb 13oz) over the two days. Julian Shambrook was third overall with a first and third place finish in his zones at Blue Anchor and Porlock Weir. Jules caught 30 fish (51lb 11oz) over the two days. Top ten overall Ben Bradstock 1+1=2 (76 fish points) £175 +Anyfish Anywhere beach caster Darren Newland 1+2=3 (98 fish points) £125+ £100 Cox and Rawle terminal tackle Julian Shambrook 1+3=4 (76 fish points) £100+ £50 Cox and Rawle terminal tackle Daniel Crump 4+1=5 (76 fish points) Robbie Marshall 3+2=5 (72 fish points) Roy Tapper 4+1=5 (62 fish points) Orry Turner 2+4=6 (60 fish points & 36lb 13oz total bag weight) Russell Preston 3+3=6 (60 fish points & 35lb total bag weight) Dave Lane 2+4=6 (42 fish points) Ben Richards 2+5=7 (62 fish points)

Sea Angling News, June 2019


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FISH 4 KIDS 2019 The competition took place on Sunday 28th April and was another great success!! This was the 8th year of a free to enter junior competition (5 to 16 year old) fully supported with tuition tackle and bait etc! Pure Fishing are the main sponsor providing all the prizes for the age catorgories and tackle provided by Masterline. Goodie bags and other prizes are generously donated by local businesses such as Bookers, Cineworld and Tesco. The event is organised by Steve Frost and Glyn Morgan with great help from local tackle shops as well as the many volunteer stewards and with great support from The RNLI and the Patron Stephen Lloyd MP. It has to be limited to maximum of 80 juniors taking part and every year is full with a couple of weeks to go!! The match is fished catch and release with size charts for fish over 18cm and any fish under that counting as 2 points. Age 5-9 1st Teddy Cox age 7 2 fish 31 pts. 2nd Daniel Suarez-Biberte age 8 28 pts. 3rd Eloise Kirrage age 6 19 pts. 4th Kacey Vine age 5 16 pts. Age 1012 1st Liam Checksfield (over-all winner) 4 fish 49 pts. 2nd Phoebe Brown 46pts. 3rd Charlie Conteh 40pts and 4th Ruben Donoghue 38 pts. Age 13-16 1st Archie Wood 27 pts. 2nd Megan Vine 8 pts. 3rd Ellie Legate 8 pts and 4th Ollie Franks 6pts. EASTBOURNE NOMADS On 18th April The first round of the Flack cup was held, still with May rot around fishing was hard. The winner was Arran Aghilli with 1lb 10oz, 2nd Matt Cox 1lb, 3rd Jason Scott with 13 ½ oz and 4th Scarlett Aghilli with 12oz. Heaviest round was a smoothhound of 1lb 5oz for Arran and the heaviest flat a plaice of 7oz for Matt Gifford. The 2nd Flack cup on Wednesday 8th May saw only 1 fish caught so the winner was Joe Plumstead with a bass of 2lb 4oz. ANDERIDA On Thursday 2nd May the club match was held in Pevensey Bay with 18 anglers fishing in difficult conditions because the May rot is still around! The winner was Colin Findley with 1lb 3 ¼ oz including the biggest fish, a flounder of 1lb. 2nd Matt Cox with 1lb ½ oz and 3rd Les Glazzard with 12 ½ oz. The biggest round was shared between Ollie Franks and Kevin Morgan with whiting of 7oz. On Thursday 16th May with the May Rot beginning to clear a few more fish were caught with the winner Glyn Morgan managing to catch a Thornback Ray of 4lb 2 ½ oz on sandeel/bluey cocktail. 2nd Matt Cox with 1lb 9oz and 3rd Jim Whippy with 15 ¾ oz. Heaviest round was the Thornback of 4lb 2 ½ oz for Glyn Morgan and the heaviest flat a flounder of 9oz for Matt Cox. ANDERIDA BIG FISH BASH The members only competition with 25 anglers fishing, proved to be very hard in Easterly winds. Only flatfish were caught and each angler can only bring 1 round and 1 flatfish back to the scales. All were plaice and the first three were 1st Steve Martin 15 ¾ oz. 2nd Mark Underhill 10 ¾ oz and 3rd Andy James 9 ½ oz. PEVENSEY BAY ANGLING CLUB On Sunday 24th March The Angling club match was won by Les Glazzard with 1lb 11oz. 2nd Paul King 1lb 8 ½ oz. 3rd Geoff Honeysett with 1lb 3 ½ oz and 4th Dan Wood with 1lb 3oz. Heaviest flatfish was a plaice for Gary (Bonus) Banfield of 12oz and the heaviest round an eel of 8oz for Mick Connolly.

NEWHAVEN AND SEAFORD SHORE ANGLING CLUB The first match of their new season was held on Monday 8th April at The Buckle car park Seaford. 1st Keith Morley 2lb 1 ¾ oz. 2d Tim Roser 1lb 9oz. 3rd Chris Allen with 1lb 1 ½ oz. On 18th April on Seaford beach 1st Bob Goodwin 2lb 12oz. (including a plaice of 1lb 7 ¾ oz) . 2nd Chris Allen 2lb 4 ¾ oz.(including a dogfish of 1lb 9oz) 3rd Kevin Skippings 1lb 15 ¾ oz. next match held at West Beach Newhaven on 2nd May. 1st Shane Merrick 1lb 8oz. 2nd Kevin Skippings 1lb 1 ½ oz and 3rd Bob Goodwin 1lb ¾ oz. OVER FIFTIES The 6th over fifties match was held at Whitehorses on 22nd March with over 20 anglers taking part. 1st Micky Webb with 2lb 9 ½ oz including the flat and round with a plaice of 14oz and a bass of 11 ½ oz. 2nd Ian Hopper with 2lb 6 ¾ oz. 3rd Colin Sargeant with 2lb 6oz and 4th Sam Samsom with 1lb 15 /2 oz. The 7th over fifties match was held on 5th April with more fish showing. The winner with 4lb 10oz was Tony Kirrage. Joint 2nd with 3lb 15 ½ oz Ian Hopper and Kerry Saint and 4th Keith Erridge with 3lb 5z. The flat and round were won by Ian Hopper with a flounder of 12 ½ oz and a bass of 1lb 12 ½ oz. The 8th Over Fifties match was held at Normans Bay on Friday 19th April, but fishing was poor with only 2 anglers managing to catch fish ! The winner was Paul King with a bass and dab for 2lb 7oz and 2nd John Ryder with 12oz. So Paul won the heaviest round with a bass of 2lb 1oz and the flat with a dab of 6oz. On Monday 6th May The 9th match was held at White Horses with the winner Gary Ogden catching a bass of 2lb 4 ½ oz for a total weight of 2lb 12oz. 2nd Billy Plumstead with 2lb 6 ½ oz and 3rd Jan Sargeant with 1lb 10 ½ oz. heaviest flat was a plaice of 10oz for Sam Samsom.

Chris Voller with 2 of the 9 Thornback Ray he caught

Barry Roberts with a Peter Cornwall with nice Thornback a nice Thornback

Glyn Morgan with his match winning 4lb 2oz Thornback Ray

Tim Goble with the monster tope. Inset: Kacy Vine aged 5 with her whiting in the fish 4 kids comp

SAXONS FISHING CLUB The 7th match held at Langney Point was won by Paul Spiers with 1lb 1oz. 2nd Karl Puttick with 6 ½ oz and 3rd Geoff Honeysett with 5 ½ oz. GENERAL Plenty of Thornback Ray were caught from the shore during March plus some in April and more in May!! Other fish such as plaice and flounders still being caught with occasional nice bass too!!. Kayak fishing for plaice and ray in shore has also been productive and Gary Willis has caught some nice fish. Harvey Shelley caught a couple of small congers at Eastbourne and Mirek Galant has also caught some conger as well as a couple of nice thornback from Eastbourne beaches. Gary Banfield managed to break the Anderida club record for a Thornback with a 9lb 8oz fish and Les Glazzard Dan and Aj Puttick have all managed to catch some nice fish. Chris Voller caught a few nice thornback recently with 9 in one session at Cooden varying from 3lb to 8lb !! On Tuesday 14th May fishing from his own boat Tim Goble managed a lovely top, using squid on a circle hook, estimated at 60lb+ and returned alive ! Peter Cornwall in early May had a good session at Langney Point, landing dogfish,small smoothhound eels, dab, small bass and 5 thornbacks to 5lb 2oz. Ricky Diamond and Barry Roberts managed 9 Thornbacks between them on Saturday 4th May with the biggest 5lb 4oz. As it warms up and the algae bloom starts to clear we are starting to see a few more fish as well as occasional early sole too !!

LAGOON BAIT & TACKLE NOW UNDER THE NEW OWNERSHIP OF BRETT LOMAS FORMERLY OF THE BOGNOR REGIS ANGLING CENTRE Brighton and Hove's largest selection of fishing tackle for all types of fishing specialising in sea fishing.

WE ONLY STOCK GREAT BAIT! New opening hours 8am to 6pm monday to Saturday. 8am to 12 noon on Sundays. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Lagoonbaithove for catch reports and special sale items. Bring this advert into the shop and redeem your 10% discount (Limited time only, bait not included)

327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - TEL: 01273 415879

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Sea Angling News, June 2019



SILVER SPRAY & SILVER SPRAY II Two modern catamarans from Poole. Fast and spacious boats fitted with twin engines. COP 60 miles for 12 anglers. Large heated wheelhouse with toilet. Hot drinks provided and microwave available. All necessary rods, tackle and bait available.

Available for wreck, reef, banks, evening trips, 4-day Alderney and 3-day Cherbourg trips. **Bass, turbot, cod, plaice, shark specials** Both boats available for charters and individuals.

3 and 4 day trips to Alderney Guernsey and Cherbourg spaces available for June – September 2019

POOLE REPORT by Philip Higgins

After featuring in last months SAN with a new PB Steve (shouty) Collins fishing onboard Mistress Linda landed a fish of a lifetime and a new PB Bass weighing in at 14lb and after a quick photo and a loving cuddle he returned it alive to grow bigger, this was accompanied by plenty of Congers, Tope, Dogs and a few decent sized Whiting. Bream continue to dominate everyone’s mind and they have been plentiful with many boats catching 100 plus fish each trip and returning most which is the future of angling, with the exception of a few most of todays anglers are very conservation minded and want to preserve this fishery for years to come. As a birthday treat young Tomaz and his sister Maria came fishing for the 1st time and had a great afternoon

catching several Bream and other species, it is always a pleasure to see young anglers enjoying themselves and hopefully they keep fishing. The PSAC sponsored Poole Bream comp was fished in ideal conditions with a mixture of charter and private boats, the winning fish fell to Matt Osborne 3lb 5ozs fishing onboard Randon Harvest, congratulations go to the skipper Andy Adams who at last wins the Pat Manley bream trophy. The PSAC Cod comps are 17/11/2019 and 8/12/2019 for more details please call Andy on 01202676597. The date for the very popular and highly competitive Poole Species Comp 2019 is Friday June 7th 2019 for more info contact Sarah Medley ‘pinkdolphin75@hotmail.’.

Another fine Plaice - Mistress Linda

Bream - Mistress Linda

Owner/skippers Sam & Andy Cumming Phone 07787 375 386 Email:


Mistress Linda Fishing from Poole, Dorset

Skipper Philip Higgins Fast Twin Engined DS Bullet 38 Fully Licensed & Insured for 12 Persons All the Latest Electronics Full On-board Facilities, Hot Drinks Provided

Tel: 07860794183 Danny with a Bream - Mistress Linda

THE ANGLING CENTRE 01308 421800 One of the largest

Angling Centres on the South Coast LIVE AND FROZEN BAITS RODS AND REELS TERMINAL TACKLE CARP TACKLE AND BAIT BOAT BOOKINGS We try to supply all types of Fishing Tackle & Baits

Stockists of

Shakespeare * Daiwa * Greys * Abu Garcia Masterline * Browning * Quantum Leeda Century * Rapala * Fox * Drennan * Mossella Speleo * Dynamite Baits * Sundridge * Shimano and lots more Open 7 days a week - please come in and browse

10a WEST BAY - BRIDPORT Tel: 01308 421800

6 High Street, Swanage, BH19 2NT Tel 01929 424989

Rick with a Bream - Mistress Linda

Maria & Tomaz with a Bream - Mistress Linda

Shakespeare – Abu Masterline Live rag – Frozen Bait Bookings taken for Deep sea Fishing Trips

The Purbecks Premier Tackle shop


Steve Collins 14lb Bass - Mistress Linda

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 9


We have just come back from our first visit to Alderney of the year and I’m pleased to see the weather is nicer on this side of the channel. We battled it out in easterly winds for four days with one day of light winds in the middle proving to be the most productive. Despite conditions it was our best flat fish trip for a few years in terms of numbers. Turbot to 9lb 8oz and brill to 4lb were the top fish; due to the weather we couldn’t really try many other types of fishing. In the Channel the wreck fishing is going well now the may bloom seems to be clearing. Still plenty of good pollock around and the first of this year’s cod, last trip produced 6 which is encouraging for our top month of June. Inshore fishing is going along very nicely with a mix of bass

Bass - Silver Spray

and black bream. The bass have been falling to lures of many varieties as well as slow jigs. Today I am out with Jon and Ben Cannings fishing for bass with LRF gear and it hasn’t disappointed with over 30 fish coming to the boat on 2-8 gram gear. With the right conditions this really is the best way to fish for the inshore bass. The bream have been plentiful some days and difficult to hook others as the visibility hasn’t been great in the bay. This should clear up as the month pushes on. Best bream so far is 3lb 8oz caught on a whole squid head by Barry. Looking forward to our first crack at Guernsey next week to target some new grounds, still a few spaces on our trip on 10th June if your interested.

Pollock - Silver Spray


Brill - Silver Spray

Brill - Silver Spray

Turbot - Silver Spray

Bream - Silver Spray

10 Email:


Sea Angling News, June 2019

11th & 12th January 2020


Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 11






12 Email:


Sea Angling News, June 2019


By Wayne Thomas

Sport is picking up as summer approaches with some encouraging catches along the coast. Bass have been tempted by anglers using lure tactics with several fish over five pound caught and released. Smoothound appeared several weeks earlier than they do some years which is perhaps a reflection of above average water temperatures so early in the season. Bull huss have also shown with a few good fish rocky shore marks. Combe Martin SAC hold their annual Putsborough Open on June 1st and several ray have already been caught from North Devon’s surf beaches. The club has raised the specimen weight of dogfish to 3lb 8oz for this event following comments that these fish should not win major prizes ahead of ray or bass. Dogfish have been present in plague like numbers throughout this spring making it difficult to locate the

better fish that are hopefully present. Boat anglers have enjoyed sport off Ilfracombe with several bull huss, ray and tope caught. Mackerel should show anytime soon and it is hoped that they will be more abundant than they have in recent seasons. Grey mullet are now present in the estuaries with several thin lips tempted using baited spinners. Thick lipped mullet have also been tempted from the estuary and the open coast.

Kyle Blackmore -smoothound

The lower Taw and Torridge estuary has seen several gilt head bream caught in recent years and it is hoped that this trend will continue. Fish to over 5lb have been landed and I am sure far bigger specimens are present. Peeler crab or lugworm are the most successful baits for these hard fighting fish. Mark Jone with a fine brace of small eyed ray scaling 11lb 2oz and 10lb 12oz

Andrew Atkinson - bull huss 13lb 9oz

5lb 3oz lure caught bass Ross Stanway_

Mark Jones - CMSAC club record turbot 4lb 4oz

Troy Laing with a bull huss caught off Ilfracombe on Bluefin

Kane Redmore aged 15 with small eyed ray of 11lb 4.5oz

Kevin Legge 10lb 15oz bull huss

Dan Welch with good blonde caught off Ilfracombe

Kevin Pike smoothound 17lb 6oz

Kyle Blackmore -bull huss

Kevin Pike with a fine bull huss of 14lb 8oz

Dan Carder -with a smoothopund 8lb 7oz

Young Solly Welch with a 15lb 4oz conger


Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 13





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Sea Angling News, June 2019


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Aquazid Studio Illustrations

Last month, Fish Legal reported that the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) had been threatened with legal action for deciding to reject a proposal for a new emergency byelaw which would have protected juvenile bass from commercial fishing nets. The scientific advice is that that bass stock is at a dangerously low level as the result of commercial overfishing and successive years of very low numbers of young fish reaching maturity. This is aggravated by a lack of coordinated control measures. In February, the Cornwall IFCA threw out the suggested emergency byelaw on legal advice from Defra that it “could be subject to challenge”.

instagram : aquazidstudio and

However, the IFCA is now claiming that it did not approve the byelaw because the situation is not “urgent” (as required by the legislation) and it refuses to disclose the full Defra legal advice despite the considerable public interest. Cornwall IFCA is also claiming that it “had not been made directly aware of the landings of undersize bass due to small nets with a small mesh size” and that it could not get further information from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) due to “data protection issues”. “As a result, Cornwall IFCA does not have any direct evidence to indicate that mesh sizes were

the cause of the landing of undersize bass.” The MMO, however, are on record as having drawn the Committee’s attention to the use of nets that catch undersized fish. Cornwall IFCA has also suggested that “determination of net mesh size is not a matter resolved by an emergency byelaw but by education, consultation and if necessary, a byelaw developed under section 155 of MaCAA". David Curtis of Bass Anglers' Sportfishing Society said: “Cornwall IFCA’s continuing failure to protect juvenile bass is damaging its reputation as a conservation authority. Over 150 anglers have written to the IFCA in recent weeks asking it to reconsider its decision not to introduce an emergency byelaw. But instead of putting the fish first and putting the matter back to its Committee, Cornwall IFCA seemingly prefers to waste taxpayers’ hard-earned money on legal action.” Justin Neal, solicitor at Fish Legal said: “This is an unfortunate position for the Cornwall IFCA to be in as it clearly has the ability to use its powers to prevent the ongoing problem of under-sized bass netting. The simplest way to resolve the current impasse and possibility of legal action would be for its Committee to reconsider the proposal, this time with a full discussion of the issues.”

PROGRESS BEING MADE ON DROWNING PREVENTION IN SCOTLAND Water Safety Scotland (WSS) has welcomed new figures that reveal that the number of waterrelated fatalities in Scotland is decreasing. The latest statistics from the National Water Safety Forum’s Water Incident Database (WAID) have revealed that there were 78 water-related fatalities in the country in 2018 – a 20 per cent decrease from the average of 97 in 2013-15. WSS has cautiously welcomed the news, which comes 15 months after its launch of the Scottish Drowning Prevention Strategy.



Tel: 01273 592903

Michael Avril, chair of WSS, said: “We’re delighted to see the number of water-related fatalities is showing a decrease from the benchmark set in our strategy, but we know there is still much more to do, as any death from drowning is one too many. “We know that, in terms of the UK, Scotland carries a disproportionate burden of accidental drowning deaths. As the strategy sets out, we all have our part to play, from schools to local businesses, and members of WSS have also been working with local authorities to help them develop their own water safety policies.” A breakdown of the statistics shows that there were 46 accidental fatalities in the water (a decrease of eight per cent from the baseline threeyear average of 50), and 25 suspected suicide fatalities (a 14 per cent decrease against the three-year average of 29). Recreational activities accounted for more than half of all of the accidental fatalities (57 per cent),

while “everyday” activities such as walking or running accounted for one in four deaths (26 per cent). As with every year on record, males account for the vast majority of the fatalities, with nine in every 10 accidental deaths in water. Men aged 40-49 are the most frequent age group represented in the statistics. Carlene McAvoy, chair of the WSS Data Subgroup, said: “This kind of rich data really enables drowning prevention professionals to target their interventions where they are needed the most. The National Water Safety Forum has done a lot of work on improving the quality of data available, and as the Scottish strategy outlines, WSS is working hard to improve incident data and intelligence across Scotland, sharing WAID reports with all of our partners.” One of the Scotland Drowning Prevention Strategy’s targets is to ‘promote and develop learning to swim, water safety education and initiatives within early years, primary and secondary schools’. Ahead of the school holidays, WSS’ advice to children and parents is to: Stop and Think – Spot the dangers Stay Together – Stay close to a friend or family member Float – If you’re in trouble in the water, float until you feel calm…then think what to do next Call 999 or 112 – If you see someone in trouble in the water, call 999 or 112 immediately. WSS aims to reduce the number of accidental drowning deaths in Scotland by 2026. Find out more at

Sea Angling News, June 2019

Email: 15


LANGSTONE HARBOUR AREA BOAT FISHING REPORT By Neville Merritt, Southsea Marina Angling Club Langstone and SMAC Report May is a good month for boat anglers in the Langstone area and Eastern Solent approaches, and this year is proving no exception. With kinder weather we have had some bright sunny days and calmer seas (and a few choppy ones too). But the fish have been there below us and at this time of year just as the inshore plaice move out the summer species are arriving in force. Bream have not featured in large numbers but there have been some quality catches. Luke Scott leads the race for the Southsea Marina Angling Club Bream Cup and shows off a brace of good fish including one of 3lb 8oz. Mark Argyle of Eastney Cruising Association shows a very nice fish of 4lb 3oz which was the largest of a catch of 15 that day with four over 3lbs. There have been some cracking days chasing the tope and the many photos here show the quality of fish boated. The largest reported in the last few weeks was a female weighing 52lb caught by Jason Hogg. Peter Churchill won SMAC Fish of the Month with a huge blonde ray of 33lb. It carried a tag #959 which we discovered later had been applied by a local charter skipper previously. It is good to see these fish survive and thrive in the area. Bill Arnold shows that catching smaller rays is just as much fun! Josh Carter, Ashley Brown and Ed McCarthy found a hotspot for large bull huss and rounded off the day with some

Ashley Brown Ballan 4lb 5oz

Bill Arnold Ray

Josh Carter Bull Huss 16lb

big ballan wrasse too. Mullet have arrived in the marinas and harbours and some are an impressive size. Heber Crawford proves you don’t even have to untie your boat to be able to catch some good specimens from it. I had expected more smoothhound to be showing by now but Luke Hughes shows that the ones that have arrived include some very good fish, his weighed 19lb 5oz. It is worth varying the baits for smoothhound because for some reason, different baits work better on some days and in some areas compared with others. I recently heard of anglers switching from squid to rag to crab and back, with dramatic changes in catches. It is always great to share the excitement when junior anglers catch fish. 12 year-old Jude Clarke was fishing for bream with a light spinning rod when something much larger nearly tore it from his grip. He hung on so his grandfather Grant Childs could net it. It was a bass of 9lb 2oz! Southsea Marina Disabled Anglers Club have some very active members despite their seniority, and regularly fish out of their base at Southsea Marina courtesy of Lady Elsa. Experience certainly counts in fishing - George Dominy is still catching bream and thornback at 85 years old. John Wearn shows a nice bream from the same trip. The first few mackerel are showing, hopefully the numbers will increase soon and by next month we will have a supply of fresh bait and fish for the summer BBQs.

George Dominy Thornback

Peter Churchill Blonde 33lb

Luke Scott bream

Luke Hughes Smoothhound 19lb 5oz

Mark argyle bream 4lb 3oz

Josh carter Tope 22lb

Josh carter Tope 22lb

Phil White Tope

Sean Cheeseman tope

Sean Mitchell Female Tope 42lb

Bob Burchett male tope 40lb

Clive Smith Tope

Colin Smith tope

Jon Wearn Bream

Heber Crawford Mullet 4lb 3oz

Ed McCarthy Bull Huss 15lb

Ed McCarthy Bull Huss 15lb

Brian Smith Tope

Ashley Brown Bull Huss 17lb

Jason Hogg Tope 52lb

16 Email:


Sea Angling News, June 2019

TELBOY'S TACKLE AMLWCH, ANGLESEY SHAMROCK TACKLE - FULL RANGE NOW AVAILABLE OPEN EARLY 7 DAYS A W EEK TEL: 01407 832 9 6 5 w w w. t e l b o y s t a c k l e . c o . u k

Free Postage and Package on orders over ÂŁ10


The weather has been a bit up and down over the last month with tempeartures dropping below normal for May. The fishing has been steady with bass now showing in numbers in the bay for those who target them. The first smouthound had also been caught locally and as the month goes on both size and numbers should increase. This is a boost for the short trips over high as just a 15 minute steam puts you into some rod bending action. If the weather settles then Porlock and beyond will see some action with the tope now starting to show and there are plenty of hounds and huss around to keep rods bent. April 14h Nigel Devey and Andy Georgiou had a short trip over high out of Portishead on a bitterly cold day. Fishing was steady with 5 codling around 4lbs and lots of thornbacks with a cracker of 14lb to Nigel. The following weekend was fairly busy with 5 members out on Valkyrie from Hayling Island, mid channel wrecking. A lot of miles covered but it was wothwhile wuth plenty of pollack to 12lb, a cod and nice bass for Pete Nicholson. On the Sunday 4 boats launched from Burnham and with such a good forecast steamed down to Porlock. It was t shirts and shorts time and the fishing was just as hot. Non stop action from hounds, huss, rays and conger all into double figures and of course loads of dogs. On Sunday 5th May we had the Wilf Dunstone Trophy and 5 boats with 13 anglers launched into a flat sea. The forecast was for the wind to get up mid afternoon and with this in mind 2 boats steamed down to the Minehead area with

Nigel Devey Thornback

Pete Nicholson Bass

the rest staying local. Sure enough the wind started to pick up on the turn of the tide and Seanies Flyer and Ultra White moved back into the bay before conditions got to bad. Highlight of the day was the number of bass caught locally with a total of 8 being landed and 4 of them released to fight another day. Winner was Stephen Saxby with a bass of 9lb 14oz and 123% which also took the pools. 2nd went to Martin Quinn with a hound of 13lb 8oz and 87%. Dave Tether took 3rd with another bass of 6lb 11oz and 84%. May 12th Seanies Flyer launched for a short trip over high. The 3 anglers onbaord had a steady day with thornbacks, conger, dogs and a hound to Martin Quinn. Hopefully next month will be all about our juniors, we have a charter trip on 2 boats from Watchet with 11 keen youngsters and a comp from Burnham on our own boats so lets pray for a settled spell of weather. Fish of the month for April sponsored by Thyers Tackle of Highbridge was won by Richard Saxby with a bass of 7lb and 88%. The next club comp is the Ray Farthing Trophy on the 2nd June followed by our first junior comp of the year on the 9th. The next club meeting is on Thursday 20th June at Burnham Motor Boat and Sailing Club on the sea front, pop along if you are interested in joining a friendly club. You can keep up-to date with latest news and catches and all things fishy on our facebook page and website Burnham Boat Owners Sea Angling Association.

Terry Garrett Pollack

Ian Tench Hound

Aaron Devey Hound

Martin Quinn Hound Basstastic

Simon Stroud Hound

Nigel Devey Hound

Ant Georgiou Huss

Stephen Saxby Bass 9-14

Richard Saxby Pollack

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 17



Good weather and tides meant boats have been having some cracking sport. Highlight again has to be the hounds and the huss with many trips producing as many of these fish as you could wish for. Offshore grounds starting to liven up with several good tope taken already. The first signs of mackerel, if there are any left, will show a marked improvement in the tope catches. Rays again producing brilliant sport from both inshore sand patches and deep offshore gullies and banks. With some nice

neap tides and decent weather, the pollack should start to make an appearance both on the inshore reefs and wrecks. One or two black bream have been taken but the next couple of weeks should show more of these fish taken. As usual at this time of year, the lesser spotteds are rife with all types of baits being gratefully accepted. Though a nuisance, they are a fact of life so just fight your way through the dogfish barrier and get on with it, I’m sure your patience will pay off in the end!

Colin Whitcombe double figure hound

Bonio with a smoothound - Seafire II

Deb’s with a Smooth Hound - Seafire II

Gay with a thornback ray - Seafire II

George Stavrakloopos double figure small eyed ray

Dave Fountain cracking hound

Phil Jane good small eyed ray

George Stavrakopoulos 15lb huss

Steve Chilcott nice thornback ray

TOR SAC chairman Pete London showing off another good hound.

Adrian with a double figure Blonderay - Seafire II Nathan with a Blonderay - Seafire II

Arran with a thornback ray - Seafire II

18 Email:

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Tradition Local Fishing Boats

MV. EDWIN JOHN & MARY ELLEN Owned & skippered by D.E. James & M.J. James Fishing trips 6-8 Hrs £180 Licensed for 7 anglers per boat

FREE CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FREE FROZEN HERRINGS FOR BAIT Fishing area 10 mile radius from Minehead Harbour Blonde ray - Osprey

Thornback ray - Osprey

Thornback ray - Osprey

Tel: 01643 702207 / 07977930549

Hound - Osprey


Tub gurnard - Osprey

Fast 10m Cougar Cat operating from Minehead Harbour


● All the latest electronics ● Tea & coffee provided ● Full on-board facilities ● Tackle & bait available ● Experienced anglers & beginners welcome ● Full tuition provided

Call Steve on 07967 362132

Teddie Boy Charters Teddie Boy is a fast stable 9m AMC cat fully licensed and insured, code of practice 60 miles. Equipped with all the latest marine electronics. Tea & coffee, gas hob and flushing toilet. Experienced anglers, beginners and ladies very welcome. Huss - Osprey

4 hour trip £25 per person, 8 hour trip £40 per person

Rods, bait & tuition are available.

For all bookings and enquiries call Mike




CHECK US OUT ON EBAY trksid=p2047675.l2559

WINNER Craig Willis of the Weston Outcasts S.A.C has just caught this monster 54lb 2oz conger eel onboard Steve Webbers”Osprey” from Minehead in Somerset. This is a huge eel for the Bristol Channel and was tamed using only 30lb trace while fishing in a species competition. Well done Craig!

Pollock - Osprey

Hound - Teddie Boy

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Hound - Teddie Boy

Huss - Teddie Boy

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Hound - Teddie Boy

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 19


Historic Harbour-side Venue ●Newly refurbished iconic pub and hotel with its fantastic Minehead harbour-side setting. ●Fine ales & river cottage style food & traditional hospitality at its best. ●Fishing parties welcome.

Tel: 01643 703 516


Proprietor: Ian Daniels 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead TA24 5DT Email:


20 Email:




Tel. Ian or Bex on 07795 538933 Email:

11m South Catamaran with twin 330hp Iveco Turbo Charged Diesel engines. She has a top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. The boat is fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is licensed to carry 12 passengers.


Sea Angling News, June 2019 Individuals / Small and Large Groups Catered for Email: Mob: 07796023881 Owner: John Skeggs. Port: Lymington FREE PARKING! Now taking bookings for winter Cod fishing! A full day targeting Cod / Whiting, or you can split the day for Cod / Bass. Plenty of options!


On the whole, fishing out from Lymington is pretty good at the moment.. To the east out of the river and you can catch plenty of Smoothound and Thorneback rays. Turn West and there is some cracking Bream and Bass fishing, In the middle of

Christchurch bay there are good numbers of Small eyed rays, Smoothounds, and the odd Plaice. Mid Channel wrecking has been cancelled due to strong winds, reports from those who have got out, say its quite slow with a few Pollack and the odd Cod.

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 21

VA LK Y R IE CH A R TE RS PRIVATE VENTURE Skipper Gl Ski Glen C Cair i ns O f f iice: 02392 461717 4 61717 B Boatt : 07831 878669 By Art savage

Valkyrie 6 & 7 are based at Northney Marina with easy access just across Langstone bridge plus FREE secure parking. Specialising in Wreck, Reef, Pollack, Cod, Bass fishing. All the facilities you would expect onboard a modern catamaran heated cabin, seating, cooking facilities. Licensed for 12 + 2 crew 60 miles fully insured. | Email

The last trip we saw the ďŹ rst Mackerel arrive in our area, not in any great numbers but just good to see them. The Pollock have been here for more than a month now and on the right tide can be very productive. Plaice have moved o from the usual early marks, and can be picked up almost anywhere, even over the rough marks, Most of the boats are taking advantage of the early Bream which have turned up in good numbers, with some stonkers topping four pound, We have not seen the Black Water (May Water) yet but should make a show by the 22nd of the month. Tight Lines ... Art savage


Fast Cat out of Lymington fishing the Needles area. Channel wrecking, reef fishing, 3 to 7 day Channel Island trips. Needles cod - bass fishing. evenings - individuals - parties

Tel: Arthur Savage 02380-897111 Boat 07702 607216

Charlie Bream Private Venture

Plaice Private Venture

Undulate Private Venture

Charlie Bream Private Venture

Charlie Bream Private Venture

22 Email:


Sea Angling June, May 2019

Port Report The various social media reports from anglers visiting Weymouth and from the skippers themselves show May to have been a good month with bream from east side marks such as Warbarrow; plaice and turbot from the various banks south of Weymouth and a variety of congers and smoothounds from the inshore rockier marks. Wrecking has produced some good results on the pollack with some early promising signs of cod whilst the Channel Island adventures have been particularly worthwhile with very good flatfish catches in terms of both numbers and quality with several double figure fish showing. And now already, it is June. June should see a better chance of mackerel from the Portland Bill area which will provide some much needed fresh bait for all the various species this month of the longest days offers. The Shambles will continue to be the main target area for turbot and brill with anchoring sessions producing a few rays although the banks to the west of Portland tend to be more productive for blonde rays. There are a few plaice about and, as in past years, it’s important to include prawns amongst the bait offerings. Recent conversations with visiting plaice enthusiasts that black lugworm rather than ragworm can make the all important difference in tempting the plaice and the endless debate over the colours of beads and lengths of traces will no doubt continue forever. Local skippers recommend green and black beads with shortish traces of about 9 to 12 inches. Using a fine wire (not too fine!) hook gives a chance of bending the hook out of the bottom if it gets snagged up on those tenacious mussels. Flatfish rigs probably provide more of a talking point that any other rigs…and turbot are no exception. There are so many possible variations and permutations but the most important factor to consider for the charter angler is how many people are on the boat. With 10 people fishing it is best to keep rigs very simple as in a one hook flowing trace. The longer the trace then the more likely it is to get tangled up with another angler fishing alongside…. so, keep an open mind and fish to the limitations and constraints imposed upon you. Anglers fortunate enough to be able to charter a boat for a very small group can of course have their rig possibilities and combinations vastly extended. Bream fishing in the June to end of August period tends to become more widespread but erratic. The shoals found along the northern shoreline in late April and May tend to split up and then progress westwards into the Portland area. Fishing on these rock marks is at its best in September and October but there will be some excellent catches made particularly from local charter boats that favour what are affectionately known as the ‘East Side’ marks.

General reefing has been good over recent years with more and more anglers happy to fish for sport aiming at bigger fish which can be returned after photographing. Such species as the various rays, conger, huss and hounds fall into this category and it would be fair to say that the ‘bigger fish’ numbers have shown an increase.

Turbot - Duchess II

Turbot - Duchess II

Bream- Duchess II

Brill - Duchess II

Wrecking will concentrate on cod with anchoring sessions for conger becoming more likely. May saw the first wrecking at anchor attempts result in some good size specimens with Ryan Casey’s Meercat seeing an excellent 74lb specimen caught by Jake Brotherhood come aboard for the photo call. The Channel Islands is fishing much better this year than for in the past rennet years. This is indeed very good news as many anglers enjoy their week away to Alderney or Guernsey. Alderney in particular benefits greatly from the financial input of the visiting anglers with many local businesses very pleased to see the angling season arrive.

Cod and Pollock - Fish On II

As ever, the weather has been unpredictable with a good deal of easterly winds throughout May which always seem to adversely affect the fishing. It’s difficult to predict the vagaries of wind in Flaming June but we all live in the hope that the airflows will be warm and in our collective favour. Good Luck to all…thank you for coming to Weymouth and Portland and supporting the local fleets. Let’s hope for some fine fishing!

Caroline caught her first Grey Gurnard, only the second ever on the boat - Duchess II

Double shot of turbot. Inset: Brill - Fish On II

Bream- Duchess II




Sea Angling News, June 2019

OFFSHORE REBEL CAT, Cop 60 miles, licenced/insured for 12 anglers, Channel Islands, wrecking specialist fishing trips Tel: JAMIE PULLIN Mobile: 07886 931406 Phone for free newsletter & individual list Contact my web site on:

Email: 23


Skipper - Keith Brown



Wreck, Reef, Shambles & Bank Fishing Individuals, Groups & Novices Welcome 60 Mile COP Licenced & Insured, Operating All Year 4, 6 & 8hr trips Skipper/Owner, Jeff Clarke Tel-01308425494 / 07778315778

Reef, Wreck, Shambles & Kidney Bank fishing. Individuals, Parties, Beginners welcome. 60 mile COP, Licensed & Insured. Tel: DAVE PITMAN 01305 781644 Boat 07721 320352

y An n J o l l a S

Skipper Colin Baker Wreck, Reef, Shambles & Bank Fishing 60 Mile COP, Licenced & Insured Tel: 07814301708 Offshore Wrecking, Reef, Bank and Alderney Fishing Trips Free Parking



Refreshments Tackle and Rod Hire available Beginners, Experienced and Families All Welcome

SKIPPER - DAN CLARKE (01308) 488515 / 07734383440 WWW.FINSUP-CHARTERS.COM @finsupfishingcharters

24 Email:


Sea Angling News, June 2019

2 - 4 - 8 HOUR TRIPS

Specialising in offshore wreck and ground fishing. Fish in a spacious twin engined 500hp 38ft Aquastar. Full time owner and skipper Dave Elliott. 60 mile D.T.I, fully licensed and insured. Hot drinks and rod hires available. Ring Dave on boat direct 07966 377145 or evening 01444 230882 Email

COMPETITION BEST LURE CAUGHT FISH PRIZE The Red Gill is for the heaviest lure caught fish. The editors decision is final. The claim will have to be backed by photographic evidence and weighed on accurate scales. Full name and address will be needed plus details of where the capture was made. If you wish to have your photo returned please enclose an S.A.E. Entries to Red Gill competition, Sea Angling News 102 Periton Lane Minehead, Somerset TA24 9BP or email: Usual competition rules apply

Sea Angling News, June 2019

Email: 25


BACK TO BASICS By Martin Wood Smooth Hounds

Tel. 01305 789297

This month we have started to see the arrival of a fantastic sporting fish in our waters… the Smooth hound, having strong hit and run takes if your clutch or drag is not set you may well be chasing your rod and reel down the beach or catching it as it jumps out the rod rest! They can certainly get your pulse going and give you a gurt beaming smile. So what is needed to catch these fish? Many Anglers all have their favourite way and rigs but essentially we are looking at a hook 3/0 to 4/0, 3ft (90cm) hook length with a rig that presents it well on the bottom of the sea bed where you are so a pulley dropper rig, running ledger, up and overs work well here too as they allow a long hook length, although paternoster & pulley rigs also work and these last two are probably preferred if you can hit snags. Uptide Vikings hooks are great if you are fishing a snaggy spot as they can bend out. Alternately I like to use Sakuma manta hooks due to the wide gape they have allowing for good crab baits and still showing a good hooking point. Our preferred baits for smooth hounds

are crabs most anglers use peeler crab and have good results I personally prefer to use live hardbacks with the rear legs removed so they don’t bury themselves. there are multiple ways of hooking crabs I like to cut he crab in half and then use some of the legs and claw over the open body section and whip them on with bait elastic just to keep the goods inside and not easily washed out or eaten and then hooking through the leg socket joint and out the main shell and whip on if needed. If I’m using live hard backs I hook through one leg joint and out the other and then use some elastic to make sure they don’t go walkies on you, I’ve found when fishing with fellow anglers that they take the live hard back (which is a tough bait and lasts) as much as they take a peeler if not more with my angling. Squid is another good bait and works well with hounds too many a time I’ve fished for other species and picked up a nice hound or two on squid baits they will also take many other baits including worms etc.

Smooth hound Handling As responsible Anglers and with smooth hounds now showing in numbers I figured we should touch on how to handle these great looking fish. As these fish have a cartilaginous skeleton and no bones its means they can be damaged if handled wrong as they don’t have as much “structural “ support the same as skate and rays. You need to support the stomach with one hand and then hold the tail to stop the stomach distending which we wouldn’t necessarily know we have done and then to release it only for it to die later on. Respect of our quarry is everything as well with good practice then people see this projects a different and better image to anyone who may be watching us and not understand angling as we do.

26 Email: Shirley SAC Here is the result of our latest comp which was a Shore match held at Abbotsbury on Sat 11th May. 13 members fished with 10 weighing in 30 fish for 20k 924gms.Species were Pout, Dogfish, Mackerel, Plaice, Smoothound & Bull Huss with the best fish being a New Club Record Bull Huss of 4k 763gms caught by Gavin Priday. SENIORS. 1. Gavin Priday 3 fish 2. David Neil 5 fish 3. Robert Cooke 6 fish 4. Adrian Groves 3 fish 5. W. Constance 2 fish Kevin Dunham 2 fish JUNIORS. 1. Liam Lay

1 fish

5k 563gms 4k 954gms 3k 067gms 1k 580gms 1k 400gms 1k 400gms


West Bay SAC 9th May 2019, Thursday Night Seatown 19:00 - 22:30. Mays Thursday night match was due to take place at Seatown, but on arriving at the venue the sea was pushing well up the beach with four hours to go before high tide, so for safety reasons the match was changed to a rover, most angler's chose to fish Burton including Gerry Reed who on his first cast landed a nice bass of 6lb 11ozs. 1st most fish points Lea Windsor 10pts 2nd best fish Gerry Read bass( 6lb 11ozs) 3rd most species(2) Steve Harwood Dogfish & pouting Species caught in match were bass, dogfish & pouting Fish Of The Quarter: This is a new competition that the club started on 1st April this year. The captor of the best fish of the quarter will win a £30 tackle voucher, this competition is open to club members only. The leading fish for the quarter April – June so far is Steve Harwoods small eyed ray of 4kg 565gm 125.79%.

Gerry Reed with his bass


Shallow Boat Competition 12th May. Brian has a very good day at last. On Sunday 12th May Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a Shallow Boat competition and the weather could not have been better dry, warm and sunny with a light breeze. 6 club members signed on and all 6 weighed in fish consisting of dogfish, black bream, smoothhounds and pouting. A total of 48 fish were caught for a total weight of 75lbs 10oz. Heaviest fish and best specimen {91.07% of specimen fish} was a black bream weighing in at 3lb 3.4oz caught by Adrian Moody. Results: 1st Brian Ansell 7 fish 14lbs 14.2oz, 2nd Derek Smith 6 fish 13lbs 10oz, 3rd Denis Mapes 11 fish 12lbs 9oz,


4th Barry Littlefair 9 fish 12lbs 1.4oz, 5th Alan Martin 7 fish 11lbs 12.2oz, 6th Adrian Moody 8 fish 10lbs 10.2oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are measured or given a specific weight and gently released immediately.


Recreational week-end fishing trip 21st April. On Sunday 21st April Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a week-end recreational fishing trip out of Weymouth on charter boat “Supanova” skippered by Lyle Stantiford. The weather could not have been better, warm and plenty of sunshine, ideal for the target fish of the day which were turbot and brill. It was decided to drift on the Shambles which is about 5 miles out from Weymonth. A combination of black-lug and mackerel strips for bait were the most successful. Karl Bates 2 brill, 2 turbot, best brill 2lb 10oz. Nelson Phillips 2 turbot best 4lb 1oz. Chris Ellis a number of turbot the best 3lb 2oz. Pete Drodge 4 fish best a brill weighing 2lbs. Robin Lane a turbot 2lb 8oz and a blonde ray of 15lbs 7oz. With over 20 fish caught it was a good day’s fishing. The majority of the fish were returned alive and only edible fish were retained. Many thanks to Lyle for a good day’s fishing.


Win-Sum League competition 1st May. On Wednesday evening 1st May Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held its 3rd WinSum League competition at Southbourne in which 13 club members signed on. 6 weighed in fish. Yet again it was a perfect evening weather wise but sadly the fishing was slow with the odd flurry of fish now and again and then only small fish. As these competitions are on a measure and return only edible fish are retained. All other fish are measured and released immediately. Best round fish was a bass of 67cm {72.36% of a specimen fish} caught by Colin Saunders. Best flat fish was a turbot of 26cm caught by Malcolm Stote. Results: Zone 1. 1st Colin Saunders 72cm, 2nd John Sloper 68cm, 3rd Malcolm Stote 31cm. Zone 2. 1st Ben Daniel 62cm, 2nd Gavin Sloper 41cm, 3rd John Tharme 28cm.


Shore Competition 28th April 2019. Chris the winner all alone at the top. On Sunday 28th April Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held its 5th Shore competition at Sandbanks in Poole. With a strong north westerly wind and sunshine seven club members signed on. Only one weighed in fish consisting of 2 plaice. The best fish of the competition was a plaice weighing 1lb 4oz caught by Chris Ellis. Results: 1st Chris Ellis 2 fish 1lb 11 7/8oz. Best specimen pool and best round fish pool are both rollovers to the next competition. Only edible fish are retained. All others are released immediately after weighing.

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Shingle Bank League competition 29th April. On Monday evening 29th April Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a Shingle Bank League competition and nineteen club members signed on. The weather was again just perfect, a calm sea and no wind. Species caught included smoothhounds, dogfish, bullhuss, pouting and undulate ray. 22 fish in total were weighed for a total weight of 44lbs 8.8oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other are released immediately after weighing. Best fish of the night was an undulate ray weighing in at 13lbs 13.2oz caught by Tom Bagnall. Results: 1st Tom Bagnall 4 fish 21lbs 4.6oz, 2nd Malcolm Stote 7 fish 11lbs 0.2oz, 3rd John Sloper 3 fish 3lb 10.6oz, 4th Ben Daniel 4 fish 3lb 5.2oz, 5th Paul Watson 2 fish 2lb 14.6oz, 6th Paul Dibden 1 fish 1lb 3.2oz, 7th Luke Woodford 1 fish 1lb 1.4oz.

NWASAC Match Report: NWASAC Mersey Anglers Match, Otterspool Promenade, Liverpool, Sunday 12.5.19 (32 rods) This match was also the fourth round of the NWASAC Personal Members Championship and was fished on a fine day on a Mersey Estuary which was suffering the after effects of a couple of days of heavy rainfall. Nonetheless, there were fair catches of codling and eels with a few flounders and whiting and even a strap conger for third placed Dave Hutchinson. A 53 cms thornback ray for Wirral tackle dealer, Paul Bonner helped to give him a winning score of 520 points from downriver Zone B, near the jetty. Wallasey's Mike Flanagan made the most of end Peg 1 for runner-up place and Steve Bonner scored enough championship points with his fifth place to consolidate his series lead. Results (scored in continental style from two zones): 1. Paul Bonner (West Kirby), 520 pts, codling and a thornback (Zone B). photo 2. Mike Flanagan (Wallasey), 442, codling and a whiting (Zone A). 3. David G. Hutchinson (Lancaster), 393 pts, codling, eels and a conger (Zone B). 4. Ian Griffiths (Eastham), 210, codling and an eel 5. Stephen Bonner (Wallasey), 265, codling. 6. Andy Hopkinson (Eastham), codling, an eel and a flounder.

NWASAC Match Report: 3rd round of NWASAC Personal Members Championship 2019, Sun 21.4.19, Crosby, Merseyside (29 rods) This third round was fished from the brick beach at the mouth of the Mersey Estuary over a spring high tide on a warm, calm day. Any fears that the easterly wind would prevent the fish feeding were dispelled when flounders were caught by many anglers on the first cast. Although there was a lull over high water, some good catches of flounders were taken with Jim Morris winning the match with 10 fish from Zone B. Amongst the flounders were a few school bass and whiting. Wallasey tackle dealer, Steve Bonner's Zone A win gave him runner-up place, and he has consolidated his series lead. The next match will be fished at Otterspool on Sunday May 12th. Results: scored in continental style from 2 zones: 1. Jim Morris (Wervin), 10 flounders, 451 pts. (Zone B) 2. Steve Bonner (Wallasey), 8 flounders, 350 (Zone A) 3. Bill Lindfield (Greasby), 9 flounders, 1 bass, 407. 4. Carl Edwards (Bootle), 7 flounders, 311. 5. John Waugh (Wallasey), 7 flounders, 1 bass, 381. 6. Alan Price (Rhyl), 6 flounders, 1 whiting, 264. Roundfish Pool: equal J. Waugh & Les Trish, both bass of 510 gms. Flatfish pool: Vinny Jerram (Great Sankey), flounder, 800 gms. Championship after 3 matches: 1. S. Bonner, 69 points. 2. Les Trish (Crosby), 55. 3. C. Edwards, 53. 4. equal Gordon Thornes (Connah’s Quay) & J. Waugh, both 50. 6. Mike Hughes (Bangor), 46. 7. equal, Daniel Parker (Wallasey) & Paul Bonner (West Kirby), both 43. 9. Mike Flanagan (Wallasey), 38. 10. Joe Perry (Litherland), 37. Pairs: Edwards/ Waugh, 103.

Roundfish pool: P. Bonner, thornback, 2900 gms. Flatfish pool: Heather Lindfield (Greasby), flounder, 400 gms.

Jim Morris - NWASAC

Paul Bonner - NWASAC

Jimmy Price with a good Crosby flounder NWASAC

Sea Angling News, June 2019


Email: 27

MATCH PLANNER BOGNOR REGIS AMATEUR ANGLING SOCIETY BRASS 55 boat bream festival catch and release Sunday May 19th fishing from 0930 to 1630 alternative date Sunday 2nd June fishing 0730 to 1430 booking in at braas felpham boat compound admiralty gardens po22 7ad one hour before start time with Steve Lawson on 07521 308714 cost adults £15.00 juniors £ 7,00 Littlehampton boat users and all details available from tony chant 07766 078977 Saturday 29 June 1830 to 2330 catch and release to be fished at west end beach Bognor Regis booking in and draw for pegs from 1730 at west end beach opposite waveley pub po21 2qa entry cost £8.00 senior £4.00 junior pool flat £1.00 round £1.00 Christmas pagham open beach competition Sunday 15th December 0930 to 1430 catch and release to be fished at pagham beach booking in and draw for pegs from 0830 at pagham yacht club 1 west front road PO21 4SY entry cost £8.00 seniors £4.00 junior pool flat £1.00 round £1.00 Tel John Small 07799 762377 after 5 pm both are penn points competitions and cash prize subject to entry

WEST BAY SEA ANGLING CLUBS 47th Chesil Championships Sponsored by The Angling Centre West Bay Sunday 29th September 2019 Sign on at Bridport Football club DT6 5LA from 9:00am Fish 11:00am – 5:00pm 1st Prize £250, 2nd £150 3rd £100 Top lady and top junior prize plus 5 more cash prizes Entry Seniors £20 inc pools Juniors (16 & under) £10 inc pools Pools are: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Super pool & heaviest Flat & Round Fish. More info contact The angling Centre 01308 421800. Back up date if weather is bad is 27th October 2019.

NWASAC 1. Rock Channel, New Brighton Sunday 02.06.19 Fishing 15.30 – 20.00 Book on 14.00 – 14.45 Kings Parade, near clown sculpture CH45 2PB Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 2. Otterspool promenade, Liverpool, Saturday, 20.07.19 Fishing 09.30 – 14.30 Book on 07.45 – 08.15 Jericho Lane car parkL17 5AR Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 3. Town Hall / Maddock Promenade, Wallasey Sunday 18.08.19 Fishing 11.30 – 16.00 HW Book on 09.30 – 10.15 Tobin St, CH44 8DF Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 Blue Bridge, Queensferry Saturday 07.09.18 Fishing 16.45 – 20.45 Book on 14.45 – 15.30 (former British Steel access road) Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 Town Hall – Maddock Bank, Saturday 12.10.19 Fishing 15.30 – 19.30 Book on 13.30 – 14.15 Tobin St Pre Book 07572593272 – 01516770011 JE Williams Memorial Two Day Festival Otterspool 30th Nov & 1st December Sat 09.00 – 14.00 Sun 09.30 – 14.30 Pre Book ESSENTIAL CRAB BAN 07572593272 - 01516770011

BEXHILL FESTIVAL OF THE SEA ANGLING COMPETITION DATES 2019 Boat Competition 8th September 9am to 5pm Junior Pegged Open Beach 29th September 11am to 2pm. Beach Specimen Hunt 9am 30th September to 5pm 4th October Pegged Open Beach 13th October 9am to 2pm (Penn points match) Bass Specimen Hunt 20th October 11am to 3pm As in previous years all the competitions are organised by Bexhill Sea Angling Club on behalf of Bexhill Festival of the Sea. For further details please see:

28 Email:

Sea Angling News, June 2019



TACKLE SHOPS DIRECTORY DEVON SEAVIEW ANGLING 14/15 Faraday hill, Plymouth PL4 0ST. Tel: 01752269698 SEATON ANGLING CENTRE The Harbour, Axmouth, Seaton Devon EX12 4AA Tel: 01297 625511 HIGH STREET TACKLE, 153 High Street, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9EZ Tel: 07516 730749

DORSET New Fisheries Minister Robert Goodwill MP (centre), with (from left) James Champkin, (Angling Trust Campaigns Officer), Martin Salter, David Mitchell (Angling Trust Head of Marine) and Steve Murphy

SWANAGE ANGLING CENTRE 6 High St., Swanage BH19 2NT Tel. 01929 424989 email

Angling Trust representatives were invited to Westminster last week to meet with new Fisheries Minister Robert Goodwill.

to helping young people appreciate the natural environment.” Steve Murphy from Bluefin Tuna UK added:

Items under discussion included progress on the Government’s new Fisheries Bill, the campaign to establish a live release recreational Bluefin Tuna fishery in the UK, Cormorant licensing and how recreational sea anglers can be better supported with grant funding. Angling Trust Policy Chief, Martin Salter said: “We were delighted to have an opportunity to brief our new Fisheries Minister at an early stage. He was very supportive and we are confident that some of the promised wins for sea angling in particular will be delivered, irrespective of the latest government reshuffle. We are making plans for him to visit an angling project in the near future so he can see for himself what a fantastic benefit angling can be to local economies and

"This meeting presented a valuable opportunity to discuss with the new Minister the merits of our proposal for a new approach to the sustainable, scientifically based management of Atlantic Bluefin in UK waters. The Minister’s Parliamentary Constituency of Whitby and Scarborough is coincidentally the last location in the UK to witness the presence of these iconic fish nearly 70 years ago. Our live release fishery proposal, with an accompanying scientific research program, shows just how far we have come since then in our attitude towards key apex predators such as Atlantic Bluefin." Contact details: Martin Salter, Angling Trust Policy Officer - 07976 946033 Steve Murphy, Bluefin Tuna UK - 07720 548220

THE ANGLING CENTRE, 10a West Bay, Bridport tel. 01308 421800 WEYMOUTH ANGLING CENTRE 2-3 St Edmunds Street, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8QU Tel 01305-777771 Email: ABBOTSBURY FISHING TACKLE Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Weymouth DT3 4JL Tel 01305 871199. Delivery service to beach available.

JERSEY MORNING WATCH TACKLE St Catherines Breakwater, St Martins Jersey JE3 6DD 01534854359

HAMPSHIRE ALLAN’S MARINE 143 Twyford Ave., Portsmouth Tel 02392 671833 ROVERS FISHING TACKLE 178a West St., Fareham, Hants PO16 0EQ Tel. 01329 220354 Fax 01329 829040 POINGDESTRES Unit 11, Southampton Trade Park, Third Avenue, Southampton, Millbrook SO15 0LE 023 8077 2958

SOMERSET VEALS FISHING TACKLE, Brunel Rooms, Unity St. Bristol, BS2 0JP. 01179 260790 THYERS FISHING TACKLE, 1A Church Street, Highbridge 01278 786934 Fax 792397 WEST COAST TACKLE The Quay, Minehead Tel. Craig 01643 705745 WEST COAST ANGLING CENTRE 53 Swain St, Watchet Tel. Steve 01984 634807

SUSSEX THE ANGLERS DEN 6 North Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6AY Tel: 01323-460441 LAGOON BAIT& TACKLE, 327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - 01273 415879 SCOTTIES 25 Southwick Square, Southwick, Brighton BN42 4FP Phone:01273 592903 PRIME ANGLING 74 Brighton Rd, Worthing BN11 2EN Phone:01903 821594 www.primeangling.

WALES TELBOY’S TACKLE Amlwch, Anglesey Tel. 01407 832965

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