Sea Angling News August 2019

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Sea Angling News Ltd. - - - Issue 286 August 2019




















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HEAD OFFICE PROPRIETORS Keith & James Wigglesworth Sea Angling News Ltd 9 Hayfield Close Minehead, Somerset TA24 6DE

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Printed by NEWSQUEST MEDIA GROUP Weymouth, Dorset

SAN WRITERS Aurthur Savage, Dave Roberts Lee Bolingbroke, Wayne Thomas Kevin Morgan, Gareth Mayers Paul Whittall, Adam James Andy & Sam Cumming James Wigglesworth Craig Butler, John Skeggs Phil Higgins Scott Smy, Richard Saxby.

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Sea Angling News, August 2019


England’s Home Nations Shore teams, Men’s, Youth and Juniors, fished the surf less but usually very surfy beaches of Rossbeigh and Inch in the wonderfully beautiful county of Kerry in Ireland from 3rd – 6th July 2019. The fishing was not as expected due to the exceptionally and pretty unheard of calm conditions, meaning the main quarry were mainly small flounders and turbot. A couple of mullet and small plaice also put in an appearance but the anticipated bass fest failed to materialise and none were caught in the matches due to the lack of rolling surf. Luckily this did not deter the England teams who worked their way to victory in all three

categories to claim team golds which is a fantastic achievement.

bait leaving empty hooks in no time at all. The team plugged away each and every cast, never gave up and they certainly made the three lions on their shirts and in their hearts, roar.

SALC Men’s H o m e Nations Shore Championship

A real battle of a victory and England at last have their hands on the rather large trophy again for the first time in nine barren years. Ireland were 2nd, Champions for the last two years with Scotland in 3rd and Wales 4th.

The Men’s team consisted of; Ben Arnold, Ian Bowell, Andrew D u g d a l e , Henry Randell, George Smith, Kenny McCoy (Assistant Manager) and Ian Golds (Manager) who battled back from last place on the first day, although it was very close with only three points between all teams, to win by three points and only dropping two points on the second day. Top England man with a 1st and 2nd in his zone was Ben Arnold who also caught the most fish, 18, and biggest, a flounder of 41cm. Henry Randell was second in the team also with a 1st and 2nd . This was a very hard fought competition, and they all had to work very hard for each and every fish by twitching baits every few minutes to attract the few fish that were there, as at times the local shrimp and crab population did their best to munch every

Ian Golds, England Men’s Manager stated “An absolutely brilliant performance and result by all three teams. You have made your managers, country, parents and the Angling Trust proud of each and every one of you. Well done one and all.” SALC Youth Championship


All entries must be accompanied by a clear photograph. All entries must be weighed on accurate scales and witnessed. All entries will be judged on the size of the fish, tackle used and the quality of the photograph. Weights must be submitted in pounds and ounces, metric weights may be submitted in addition to imperial weights. The Editors decision will be final in all cases.


The England Youth team were; Joe Cook, Ben Eggleton, Adam Howard, Daniel Parker, Owen Strange, Malcolm Stote (Assistant Manager) and Mark Howard (Manager). The England Youth team had a similar result winning both days and also by an impressive eight points overall. Daniel Parker and Owen Strange both won their zones each day with Daniel top rod in the team and overall. Scotland came 2nd and Ireland 3rd. Mark Howard, England Youth Manager said, “This is my first role as a manager

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Sea Angling News, August 2019


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ENGLAND STRIKE TRIPLE GOLD GLORY IN THE SALC HOME NATIONS SHORE CHAMPIONSHIPS Continued from page 2... for the England Youth Team, after being a parent helping at previous Home Nation Championships I stepped in late with the technical assistance of Malcolm Stote.” “We had three days of hard practice to find the best options for catching fish ready for two days of hard competition fishing. Day one saw the team win four zones and a second, day two the fish did not want to play. The team dug deep and managed two zone wins and three seconds, a quick check on the other team scores and the Gold medal had been won.” “A very big thank you to the IFSA for hosting a smooth and very well-run championship, the stewards who gave up their time to walk miles measuring and recording the fish. A great time was had and new friendships formed. It was a privilege to work with a great team.” SALC Junior Championship




Huge congratulations also go to the England Junior team who were; Dylan Ballantyne, Samuel James, Riley Price, Tom Ryder, James Slater, Kelly Price (Assistant Manager) and Shane Inman (Manager) on a very strong performance and result winning

both days and overall by an impressive eight points. James Slater and Samuel James won their zones on both days with James being top rod of their team and Championships. Young Samuel was a close second overall. Overall results were; Scotland 2nd, Ireland 3rd and Wales 4th. Shane Inman, Junior Manager stated “This being my first Championship in charge of the U16 England Team I couldn't have asked for a better group of talented young anglers, from pre-championship preparations, practice days, to the final seconds of the last match they have given everything. The work rate from them has been truly outstanding and it's been a pleasure and privilege to work with them. They really have done themselves and their country proud.” The Angling Trust would like to offer their appreciation and thanks to the Irish Federation of Sea Anglers for hosting such a well organised SALC Home Nations Shore Championships this year. Congratulations to all the England teams on such a tremendous performance and their superb achievements at winning team gold in all three categories.

THAMES ESTUAURY by Lee Bolingbroke

Well we are enjoying the hot weather and mostly calm seas and the fishing that this time of the year brings us, lots of hounds well into the high teens and twentys a mark that I have been using for several years now has been found buy other local charter boats, and to be honest they have not left it alone since, this has attracted private boats and even neibouring charter boats and of course the fish that were there get frightened away with all this disturbance so I have been displased in fact I am keeping clear of it. Bass are making up the catches and with the hounds I don’t think any anglers that

are coming out with us are going away disappointed. Catching several soles unheard of so there must be several about tase are always an accidental catch but great to see. Offshore is also fishing well plenty of hounds although not the big ones mostly low teens several bass and some small medium and large thornback rays, mackerel have been difficult to catch again and the tope fishing has been only fair but we think we missed the tope run as we know there was a early showing in May so next year we will start earlier for our tope anglers.

BRIGHTLINGSEA, Essex Thames Estuary

“Sophie Lea”

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Sea Angling News, August 2019




'The home of Biguns & Whoppers'

By Alan Brown

Large 40ft Procharter COP 60 Miles - 12+2 Persons Rod & Reel Hire Hot Drinks, Oven and Heated Wheelhouse Individuals & Groups Welcome


07964 053347


Weather plays a massive part in our fishing, more than some anglers know. It’s even more evident in the summer months on shallow surf beaches where during long settled spells the shallow water can become clear and in the brighter conditions, can make fishing more than just hard, but dam right frustrating. My part of the coast is well known for weed and when settled the weed just hangs around, making it even harder. This is where one eye on the weather becomes important and bait in the freezer and bait fridge can make those spur of the moment trips, much easier. Well one of those weather winds recently showed itself and after a couple of weeks of just about no wind, high pressure and flat seas, there was going to be a complete turn around with f6-7 winds and low pressure for what looked like a couple of days, before dropping and high pressure returning. So, on the second day I grabbed my gear and bait and hit the beach, with a little hope as the previous weeks it had fished very poor. It was a Friday night, the sea was choppy and coloured, the weed that was sitting around now was as good as all on the beach with a few rafts floating around in close. Conditions looked very good for a hound or even an early tope. Not long after I arrived so did others with the same idea, and the beach soon filled with around 30 anglers. I was armed with crab and joey mackerel and most others along the beach with the same. Things started of surprisingly slow, but soon turned around with hounds showing up for me and odd other anglers, then reports started

coming in there had been a few tope caught and lost. Was not long till I was into a tope that took me for a merry dance and straight round a groyne to my right, gone. Over high water it went quiet and a few started to leave, but was not long till the hounds returned and the tope, with me hitting to another that went left this time away from the groyne to my right and was not long till I had a 39lber on the beach, that was my last fish of the night. With 9 hounds between 10-14lbs and 1 tope I was more than happy. The following morning the wind dropped right off and high pressure returned and with reports of good fishing Friday night, word soon got back to me that Saturday night Bracklesham bay was rammed with what some was saying 300 anglers!!! Who were all greeted with a flat clear sea and heavily weeded up and with most blanking? Just goes to show you how quick the weather can turn fish on and turn fish off. Few pointers. If you can keep bait stocked up at home or a friend who can, so if a weather window shows itself you can jump on it. try not to fish just a weekend if you can get on these weather windows, which ever night of the week it falls you could be rewarded with that pb fish. With technology making all our life’s easy, it’s never been easier to keep an eye on the weather. So get yourself a good app on your phone, I use windfinder and xc weather. Oh, and don’t forget your Cox&Rawle hooks and terminal tackle

It's been a testing time for all on the wreck with haveing to put in a lot of miles to find a bit of fish to keep our customers happy with the cod are pollock, with a few bream starting to show, we are having plenty of rod bending sport on the conger,, our shark season has kicked off with some good blue sharks showing,, obsession took part in the Looe shark angling festival and I'm happy to say obsession was the overall winning boat with the most sharks landed,, we have

plenty of scope still available August and September for our sharking so give our team a call 07964 053347 after 6pm are the best times to call me or email www. dont forget obsession Brixham is the biggest and fastest mono Hull charter boat in our area with a top speed of 35 nots,,, so for all your fishing adventures give the obsession Brixham team a call 07964 053347 to avoid disappointment guys and girls.

Blue Shark - Obsession

Blue Shark - Obsession

Pollock - Obsession

Red gurnard - Obsession

Conger - Obsession

Plaice - Obsession

Bream - Obsession

Sea Angling News, August 2019


Apologies but this will be a short report this month, primarily because the fishing has been pretty quiet of late and I’m currently in the process of packing my gear for a forthcoming trip to Havnnes in Northern Norway next week. Some of the SAN lads are already out there and smashing it with some big fish so I’m sure you’ll read all about it in next month’s edition.

SAC and was rewarded with a cracking hound of 16-14 whilst Stewart’s best hound was a starry of 12-12. Nice fishing chaps.

I think it’s a case of quality over quantity this month with the stand out fish being another big gilthead bream falling to the rods of Rob Wheaton. Whilst not quite on a par with his massive UK record, his recent capture of a fish of 8-4 would be a fish of a lifetime for most anglers. The fish fell to a peeler crab from an undisclosed estuary mark in Cornwall. Well done Rob, another belter mate.

Out on the boats, Kevin McKie of Size Matters has been finding some good fishing with a recent wreck trip producing 34 ling to 31lb, 29 pollack to 10lb and conger to 45lb between just 3 anglers from Nottingham. Not to be out-done, Kev himself dropped down a bait and latched into a cracking ling of 34lb. Nice one skip.

Many anglers from the Plymouth area are still making the journey up to fish the low water reefs on the Bristol Channel which continues to provide some good sport for those who have plenty of peeler crabs and leads to sacrifice! Steve Arnold from Rodbenders SAC recently fished a mammoth session on several marks up there along with Stewart Gray of Castaways

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Locally some mullet are now showing from the local marinas and around Plymouth Hoe foreshore. Rob Batten and Ricky McGuire of Castaways SAC found some good fish to 4-9 during a recent evening session.

Kev also reports he is now starting to split his sharking trips to half day on the sharks and half day on the eels. This is proving a good move with sharks up to 50lb along with good numbers of eels to 45lb. It is hoped that once the algae bloom (which is holding up about 30 miles offshore) clears then this should improve the sharking. Well that’s it from me for this month – happing dipping.

PLYMOUTH Purpose built Guimond 45 Sports Angler. Built to and above MCA C.O.P.category 2 requirements. Licenced & insured for 60 miles from safe haven. Powered by Volvo D12 @ 615HP. Cruise 1416 knots. Top speed 20 knots. State of the art electronics. Two large insulated fish-rooms. Baitwell tank.

Tel: 07999628511

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Rob Wheaton Gilthead Bream 8-4

Another big Ling on Size Matters

Double figure Ling on Size Matters

Conger of 45lb on Size Matters

Double figure Pollack on Size Matters

Kev McKie with a 34lb Ling on Size Matters

Ricky McGuire Mullet of 4-9

Steve Arnold Hound 16-14

Stewart Gray with a 12lb Hound

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Sea Angling News, August 2019


Chesil has produced some lovely fish recently from bass to hounds and alot of other smaller species. There has been a great influx of grey gurnard this year but seems to be lacking the bream at the moment unfortunately. However I'm sure they will run late into the year this time round. Andrew proudfoot and friends hit chesil hard and was rewarded with some undulate ray, thornbacks, plaice, soul and various types of gurnard.

The mackerel are still around but seem to be patchy at times. Remember the peak times for mackerel are first light and last light 2 hours either side of high water using feathers at range. Paul hepworth has had some cracking bass this month from the beach, well done mate. Hopefully the next month will see an increase in bream and other various species. Until next time tight lines

Stunning sole for Kyle Blackmore

Undulate ray


Blonde ray

Andrew proudfoot with a double shot of plaice

Double shot bass


Undulate ray

6.9m series Cheetah Marine Catamaran. Engines: Twin Yamaha 60 H.P. Outboards Cruising speed 16 – 18 knots. Licensed for 6 persons. MCA Safety Code Of Practice Category 2 and can operate up to 40 miles offshore.



Wreck fishing for bass in Lyme bay, from the river Axe in east Devon.

Red Gurnard

LAGOON BAIT & TACKLE NOW UNDER THE NEW OWNERSHIP OF BRETT LOMAS FORMERLY OF THE BOGNOR REGIS ANGLING CENTRE Brighton and Hove's largest selection of fishing tackle for all types of fishing specialising in sea fishing.

WE ONLY STOCK GREAT BAIT! New opening hours 8am to 6pm monday to Saturday. 8am to 12 noon on Sundays. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Lagoonbaithove for catch reports and special sale items. Bring this advert into the shop and redeem your 10% discount (Limited time only, bait not included)

327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - TEL: 01273 415879

Sea Angling News, August 2019


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BLACKROCK EASTBOURNE AND DISTRICT 5 MAN SUMMER SEA LEAGUE The final match was fished in Pevensey Bay,with 11 teams taking part. A ZONE 1st Gerald Sargeant (Tony’s Tackle) 342 pts. 2nd Colin Isaacs (Anderida Aces) 279 pts. 3rd Ed Spring ( Fishing Buddy 2) 255 pts. B ZONE 1st Joe Plumstead ( E Squad) 1234 pts. 2nd Damion Chant (Twitchy Tips ) 387 pts. 3rd Kevin Morgan ( Anglers Den) 370 pts. C ZONE 1st Michael Moule ( Twitchy Tips ) 387 pts. 2nd Paul Christopher ( Tony’s Tackle ) 288 pts. 3rd Ben Cloke ( Fishing Buddy 2 ) 143 pts. D ZONE 1st Tom Ryder ( Adur Aces ) 97 pts. 2nd Arran Aghili (Team Frank) 94 pts. 3rd Steve Critell (All Sorts ) 40 pts. E ZONE 1st Mathew Glbert (Twitchy Tips) 361 pts. 2nd Eddy Ryder (Adur Aces ) 165 PTS. 3rd Micky Webb ( E Squad ) 61 pts. The biggest round fish on the night was a lovely Smoothound of 90 cm for Joe Plumstead. No flat fish were recorded. On the night top team were Tony’s Tackle with 44 pts. 2nd Twitchy Tips with 35 pts. 3rd E Squad with 34 pts. THE FINAL RESULTS 1st E Squad 162 pts. 2nd Anderida Aces 126 pts. 3rd Twitchy Tips 107 pts. 4th Tony’s Tackle 99 pts. 5th Anglers Den 95 pts. 6th Team Frank. 7th Twitchy Tips 2 83 pts. 8th Fishing Buddy 2 78 pts. 9th Adur Aces 77 pts. 10th All Sorts 66 pts. 11th Fishing Buddy 1 58 pts. The league Organisers and competitors would like to thank Mathew Fisher from Blackrock for his generous sponsorship of a 4.2m Blackrock Fooza beach rod and a Blackrock Olympia ZZ 8000 beach reel for each of the 4 league matches. ANDERIDA FISHING CLUB On Monday 1st July the club held a match in Pevensey Bay with 15 anglers fishing. The club issued catch and release cards for each angler so that should any smoothounds or rays be caught, they could be photographed and returned alive to the sea!! It proved to be a wise decision !! The winner with 3 hounds of 89cm 79cm and 74cm was junior angler Ollie Franks. Total weight of 16lb 15 ¼ oz. Second was Colin Isaacs with 2 hounds for 10lb ½ oz and 3rd was Kevin Morgan with one for 6lb 1 ¼ oz. The biggest fish was a smoothound of 8lb 2 ½ oz for Colin Isaacs. In total 9 smoothounds were caught and released in the competition. The next club match was held on Tuesday 16th July and again fished to the same rules. 16 fished and this time the

winner was Damion Chant with 2 smoothounds for 12lb 3 ½ oz. Second was Ollie Franks again with 2 smoothounds for 8lb 5oz and third was Colin Isaacs with 5lb 12 ½ oz. 5 smoothounds were released and the other fish caught were eels which were also released. Biggest fish was a smoothound of 9lb 1 ½ oz for Damion Chant. NEWHAVEN and SEAFORD ANGLING CLUB On Thurday 18th July the club held a match at the Martello Tower on Seaford Beach. 1st Keith Morley with 1lb 7 ¾oz. 2nd Kevin Skippings with 14 ¼ oz. 3rd Bob Goodwin with 10 ½ oz. EASTBOURNE NOMADS On July 3rd part 4 of the bass and species cup was held and the winner Joe Plumstead caught 4 smoothound and a solle for 16lb 7oz. 2nd Dan Wood with 6lb 11oz. 3rd Tony Kirrage with 3lb 3 ½ oz. The heaviest round was a smoothpound of 6lb 11oz for Dan Wood and the heaviest flat was a sole of 1lb 10oz for Joe Plumstead. PEVENSEY BAY ANGLING CLUB On Sunday 7th July 17 fished the Aqua Club match with 5 managing to weigh in !!. 1st was Tony Kirrage with a smoothound for 1lb 12oz. 2nd Gerald Sargeant with 12 ½ oz. 3rd Gary Ogden with 10oz. 4th Colin Sargeant with 4oz and 5th Vernon Vivian with 2 ½ oz. GENERAL Ed Howarth fished in Pevensey Bay recently and caught 3 smoothound on hermit and ragworm cocktail, the largest at 7lb 2oz. Kevin Doe caught a lovely double figure smoothound at the Kiosk in Pevensey bay on Saturday 13th July using un-washed squid. After a disappointing session Saturday night Steve Merner landed a lovely smoothound on Sunday 14th July, weighing around 13lb. Steve just managed to catch the rod butt as flew off the stand towards the sea!! Plenty of smoothounds have been caught both in daylight and at night across the region. Some nice fish have been caught during the day at Langney such as the 13lb fish for Steve Merner and nice fish for juniors such as Harvey Plumstead and Oliver Brown !! and in Pevensey Bay for Ollie Franks and Kevin Doe. There have also been some nice sole starting to show as well as mackerel !!

Ollie Franks with a nice 89cm smoothound caught in the Anderida beach match

Kevin Doe with a double figure smoothound

Oliver Brown with a 7lb 8oz smoothound caught at Langney Point

2019 LEAGUE WINNING TEAM E SQUAD Ian Hopper, Joe Plumtead, Dan Wood, Paul Parsons and Micky Webb

Damion Chant with a nice smoothound

Steve Merner with a lovely 13lb smoothound Oliver Brown with a 7lb 8oz smoothound caught at Langney Point

Ed Howarth with a 7lb 2oz smoothound

Tony Rose with a 5lb 8oz bass caught at the Kiosk

The Blackrock Eastbourne and District league biggest fish winners 2019

Heather Moule with a nice smoothound caught at Langney Point on crab

Joe Plumstead with his 1lb 10oz sole

Oliver Brown with a 7lb 8oz smoothound caught at Langney Point

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Sea Angling News, August 2019



SILVER SPRAY & SILVER SPRAY II Two modern catamarans from Poole. Fast and spacious boats fitted with twin engines. COP 60 miles for 12 anglers. Large heated wheelhouse with toilet. Hot drinks provided and microwave available. All necessary rods, tackle and bait available.

Available for wreck, reef, banks, evening trips, 4-day Alderney and 3-day Cherbourg trips. **Bass, turbot, cod, plaice, shark specials** Both boats available for charters and individuals.

POOLE REPORT by Philip Higgins

At last we have had a settled period of weather allowing us to get some decent time afloat, the Bass fishing has been very good with many fish of all sizes being landed including some cracking double figure fish, one of these came to Ian Napier who after spending a morning on the offshore Bass marks which produced many small fish returned inshore to a ray mark for the last hour and his 1st fish was a 12lb 8 ozs Bass followed by a 14lb Undulate Ray. The inshore Ray fishing has been prolific with lots of Undulates and on some days we have managed all 5 of the main

species Thornback, Small Eyed, Blonde, Undulate and Spotted, Steve Porters True Blue crew managed to bag a Cuckoo Ray to make it a superb 6 in a day. Closer to shore Plaice are the top target and for local angling club Albion SAC they caught 109 Plaice between 1lb and 3lb 4ozs returning 87 along with Turbot, Brill, Dabs Gurnards and lots of micro Bream. Mackeral catches have been sporadic across the bay during the last couple of weeks so make the most of it to get your winter baits before they depart.

3 and 4 day trips to Alderney Guernsey and Cherbourg spaces available for June – September 2019 Owner/skippers Sam & Andy Cumming Phone 07787 375 386 Email:

Friday 9 - Sunday 11 August 3 spaces wrecking trip to Cherbourg. Thursday 22 - Sunday 25 3 spaces Alderney trip

Mistress Linda Fishing from Poole, Dorset

Skipper Philip Higgins Fast Twin Engined DS Bullet 38 Fully Licensed & Insured for 12 Persons All the Latest Electronics Full On-board Facilities, Hot Drinks Provided

Bob with a plaice - Mistress Linda

Colin with an undulate ray - Mistress Linda

Tel: 07860794183

THE ANGLING CENTRE 01308 421800 One of the largest

Angling Centres on the South Coast LIVE AND FROZEN BAITS RODS AND REELS TERMINAL TACKLE CARP TACKLE AND BAIT BOAT BOOKINGS We try to supply all types of Fishing Tackle & Baits

Stockists of

Shakespeare * Daiwa * Greys * Abu Garcia Masterline * Browning * Quantum Leeda Century * Rapala * Fox * Drennan * Mossella Speleo * Dynamite Baits * Sundridge * Shimano and lots more Open 7 days a week - please come in and browse

10a WEST BAY - BRIDPORT Tel: 01308 421800

6 High Street, Swanage, BH19 2NT Tel 01929 424989 Shakespeare – Abu Masterline Live rag – Frozen Bait Bookings taken for Deep sea Fishing Trips

Ian Napier with a bass - Mistress Linda

The Purbecks Premier Tackle shop


Double shot for Terry - Mistress Linda

Terry with an undulate ray - Mistress Linda

Sea Angling News, August 2019


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Where to start with the last 4 weeks? It seems like we have done so many different things, this variety is one of the strengths of fishing from Poole. We will start inshore and the arrival of the mackerel in better numbers seems to have encouraged the rays to come on a bit stronger. Undulates and blondes being the main target with a few other spotties and thornbacks dotted about. One short evening trip saw us land so many undulates we broke the golden rule and moved off the fish, only to be rewarded with even more rays at the next mark. Many of the inshore marks for rays are covered in tiny bream at the moment so you should check your baits frequently as often anglers are just left with skin on the hook after the bream have pecked all the meat off it. Good for the future stocks of one of our main species. On the drift the plaice fishing has been awesome with fish coming to the net regularly to the 3lb plus mark, this type of fishing should continue until October so plenty of time to get booked on if you fancy a crack at them.

Last week we had such a frantic day that we fished until we ran out of bait. The plaice fed pretty the whole day long, even when we were drifting at 2 knots. Great fun on the spinning rods and good to see the lads putting so many back for future trips. Bass fishing continues to show signs of improvement this year with plenty of fish still taking the lures on the banks, again good fun on lighter tackle when accompanied with a couple of hours fishing at anchor for the tope with the heavy stuff. Freelining and float fishing has also started well with Tony Methvan landing only his second ever bass at just over 8lb, we will be doing more on the floats and freeline in the coming weeks. The shark fishing is under way for this year and we have a few spaces on trips starting in early August, all our encounters so far have come on tope or conger gear so you’re never guaranteed to get the fish the surface. Hopefully we can hook into one on suitable tackle soon. Tight Lines for the coming weeks!!!


Andy Hayden 3lb 4oz plaice Silver Spray

Nice spotted ray silver spray

Plaice - Silver Spray

Pollock - Silver Spray

big fish day action on silver spray II

Sean Durbin 5lb 4oz john dory silver spray II

Andy Hayden 3lb 4oz plaice Silver Spray

Jonny Grummett 3lb plaice silver spray II

Tony Methvan 8lb bass silver spray II

Phil Pirie 4lb 8oz JD silver spray

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Sea Angling News, August 2019

Minehead Cod Challenge 2020 Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th January Entry Form Name: …………………………………………………………………………

Contact Telephone No.: ……………………………………………………

E-Mail address: ………………………………………………………………

Please enclose cheque for £120 made payable to “Minehead Cod Challenge” and mail with this entry form to The Sea Angling News, 55 Poundfield Road Minehead Somerset TA24 5ES Or pay by BACS to; NatWest, Acc. Name: The Minehead Cod Challenge, Sort code 60-14-30, Account number 57155755 ref. your name E-mail with any queries.



Tel: 01273 592903

Aquazid Studio Illustrations

instagram : aquazidstudio and

Sea Angling News, August 2019


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Sea Angling News, August 2019


By Wayne Thomas

The summer seems to be racing away as always and those longer summer evenings are already getting shorter. This isn’t an entirely bad thing as fishing is often better as the sun sinks below the horizon, an hour or two after dark can bring excellent results. Bass top many anglers wish lists and lure anglers have had some success across North Devon from both the open coast and estuary. Conditions play a big part and catches do not reflect the number of bass seen by anglers particularly in the estuary. The Taw and Torridge estuary have produced good sport with thin lipped grey mullet falling to baited spinner tactics. School bass are also present in good numbers often seizing the spinner before the mullet get there. Thick lipped grey mullet are also present and can be tempted using bread flake. Robin Bonds caught a gilt head bream of 5lb from the lower Taw estuary an encouraging sign and I feel sure that with

more effort more of these hard fighting fish would be tempted. On the open coast smoothound continue to prowl familiar areas with crab baits essential for consistent sport. The annual spider crab moult often coincides with exciting sport for both smoothound and bass. Mackerel have been showing albeit sporadically with great sport available if you can locate the shoals. Off shore boat anglers have enjoyed action with tope, bull huss and smoothound on bottom fished baits. Lure anglers have tempted bass and pollock over the reefs. Ilfracombe Charter boat Reel Deal has ventured to the Celtic deeps where blue shark and porbeagle have been brought to the boat. Ilfracombe Pier provides great sport for LRF enthusiasts with plenty of blennies, gobies and mini species providing interest amongst the more common pouting, pollock and wrasse.

Tarrant Wotton - Thin lipped mullet 4lb 8.5oz

Smoothound 11lb 12oz caught by Chris Rendle

Ross Stanway with 30lb plus tope 18lb smoothound caught on Wild Fronteir

Tope caught on Wild Frontier off Ilfracombe

Dan Welch with a tope caught off Ilfracombe

Chris Bond - bass 6lb 12oz

Eddie Rands of South Molton Angling Club fishing off Clovelly

Lewis Grimwade with a blonde ray of 12lb 5oz.

Eight year old Sonny Short with a 16lb thornback caught on Bluefin

Ollie Passmore with a thin lipped mullet of 3lb 12oz

Pollock 9lb 13oz caught by Chris Bond Paul Lorrimore with a blue shark caught on Reel Deal off Ilfracombe

Robin Bond - 5lb gilthead bream from the ~Taw Estuary

Sea Angling News, August 2019


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By Alan Brown

By Richard Salter

Things have been looking a lot more like summer these last few weeks, both in terms of some decent weather and the arrival in better numbers of some of the traditional summer species. We’ve taken advantage of this and headed out to some local beaches, where we’ve primarily been fishing with metal jigs ranging from 3g to 10g depending on conditions. With winds being fairly light we’ve been able to get even the lighter jigs out to the fish and have had some great sport with some really chunky Mackerel. I’ve said it before but a good sized Mackerel is a seriously testing fish when hooked on light tackle, just brilliant fun. Fishing the last couple of hours of daylight seems to be the most productive time to catch these rocket powered mini Tuna. Along with the Mackerel, we’ve found a few small Bass loitering in the shallows, I’ve had a few of these when certain stretches of the sea have been a bit on the rough side and the water has had a good bit of colour to it, as they lurk on the edges looking to take advantage of disorientated Baitfish no doubt. One species we’ve also been keen to target are Gurnard, with both Grey and Tub varieties appearing in good numbers along our local beaches. They are a pretty aggressive species and are more than happy to come up off the bottom to attack our jigs. Gurnard are amazing looking fish, particularly the Tubs with their red bodies and big, almost wing like pectoral fins, splattered with

Sea Angling News, August 2019

a dash of brilliant blue. I should add that whilst my friends have had plenty of Greys and Tubs from the shore, I’ve failed miserably! I have had the opportunity to fish from a friends boat with my LRF gear though, which is a new way of fishing to me but has been an exciting experience and enabled me to tick off my Gurnard species as well as some micro Squid and my first Scad of the year! I never expected to be able to effectively fish 7g jigs in fairly deep water from a boat, it’s been an eye opener. Big thanks to Adam Morris of Exe Fishing for that. Before the Mackerel and Gurnard grabbed our attention, the mini species provided plenty of entertainment in their own special way. Long Spined Sea Scorpions seemed to follow me wherever I went, with catches coming from under rocks in the smallest of rockpools, from between gaps in the boulders and down the walls of docks and harbours. There’s usually no middle ground with a “Scorp”, they’re either not interested or they’ve shot out of nowhere and engulfed your lure in the blink of an eye! Holding a Scorp as it buzzes away in your hand, lure fully engulfed, is always something that brings a smile to my face!

Fishing along the West Sussex coast line has been very slow, with plenty of anglers reporting the dreaded blank. Bracklesham Bay that is normally full of hounds has been as good as void of them this year, with odd night producing a few hounds and odd tope. Selsey east beach and Pagham have been weeded out most days with small bream being the main fish showing with odd ray in the mix when weed allows. Bognor through to Littlehampton, again showing smaller

species and odd ray. The eastern end of West Sussex has been producing most of the fish so far this summer, with rays and hounds with odd one creeping into double figures, along with a few better sole just starting to be reported. Been the 1st signs of mackerel along east beach Selsey and mullet showing in the rivers. Lure anglers can expect some good sport in the coming few months with Selsey always being a good 1st choice.

11lb7oz undulate for Jake Barrand from a West Sussex beach

As I write this, the weather looks like it may finally be heading downhill for a bit, but with the summer species here in good numbers now, we should have some exciting fishing to look forward to. Tight lines all!

13lb14oz undulate for Liam Yeomans from a West Sussex beach

9lb2oz undulate for Carl Golding from a Shoreham beach

14lb smoothound bracklesham

Danny Stone with a 11lb10oz undulate caught from a west Sussex beach

50lb+ tope for Rob Corteil. Bracklesham

Sea Angling News, August 2019

Email: 15


LANGSTONE HARBOUR AREA BOAT FISHING REPORT By Neville Merritt, Southsea Marina Angling Club July can be a bit of an in-between month in the eastern Solent area, and as a result catches can be unpredictable. Not that fishing is ever predictable! One day can be very productive, the next day can be very quiet. This year the fishing seems to be following a similar pattern. The spring and early summer run of species including plaice, bream and tope have been slowly moving away. Mackerel, once the reliable summer visitor providing fresh bait, food for the BBQ and fun for casual angers have been very patchy. One day can produce a boxful, another day just a few. Maybe they will arrive in greater numbers later on. The huge variety of fish and fishing in this area means that there will always be something to catch, although you may have to adapt your tactics and locations accordingly. The Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester harbours hold a good stock of large mullet. Heber Crawford and Luke Scott show the size of fish available, and they fight very hard on light tackle. The deeper harbour marks around wrecks and obstructions are worth trying for wrasse and you can find hard-fighting fish there as big as you will find on the reefs further out. Heber Crawford tempted this 5lb 2oz wrasse on a soft lure. If you know where to look, there are also seatrout entering brackish water and Heber Crawford tempted this impressive specimen with the traditional Mepps spoon. The plaice have moved to the summer marks and John Evans shows what is out there. You need bright colours to attract plaice, and John has taken this literally. There are still some good tope around although not in the numbers we were

catching earlier. Richard Shirazian shows a 48lb fish which is good for this time of year. We will probably be catching a lot of small pack tope through the summer. The reliable local species are smoothhound and rays. Team Crawford were out again, Archie shows a junior specimen of 14lbs and brother Heber Junior holds a very pretty undulate ray. Dad Heber Senior really needs to take up photography as a career, his photographs are superb. There are plenty of bass around but not so many turbot, and they managed to bag both. Further out on the mid Channel wrecks and reefs boats are finding bass and pollack. Kev Johnson, Mark Banks, Tim Andrews and John Jones show pollack to 14lb and bass to 8lb. Every summer, thresher shark are sighted and with much perseverance, some are caught. This one caught by Vince Rogers was estimated at 65lb and quickly released. As regular readers of this report will know, we celebrate the angling achievements of the entire age range. Levin Bellinger, aged only 5, caught this 2lb 14oz bream which I am embarrassed to report is bigger than any I have caught this year. Meanwhile, the Southsea Marina Disabled Angling Club continue to show that experience counts. They fish from their boat Lady Elsa, and to accommodate the less able-bodied they also fish from piers and in lakes. As this is a sea angling paper we will draw a discrete veil over their freshwater activities and show you John Leythorne’s nice undulate ray. Next month I’ll let you know whether we managed to catch enough mackerel for the Southsea Marina Angling Club BBQ!

Heber Crawford Turbot

Heber Crawford jr 14lb Undulate Ray

John Evans Plaice

John Jones Kev Johnson Pollack

Jon Leythorne SMDAC Undulate

Luke Scott Mullet 3lb 8

Archie Crawford 14lb Smoothhound

Heber Crawford 5.2 Wrasse

Richard Shirazian 48lb tope

Heber Crawford Bass

Vince Rogers Thresher est 65lb

Mark Banks Pollack

Levin Bellinger Bream 2.14

Heber Crawford Mullet

Tim Andrews Bass 8lb

16 Email:


Sea Angling News, August 2019

TELBOY'S TACKLE AMLWCH, ANGLESEY SHAMROCK TACKLE - FULL RANGE NOW AVAILABLE OPEN EARLY 7 DAYS A W EEK TEL: 01407 832 9 6 5 w w w. t e l b o y s t a c k l e . c o . u k

Free Postage and Package on orders over £10


The last month has been a bit of a struggle with tides and wind making it awkward at weekends but there has been some activity from Burnham. The hounds are still over the banks and sand coral patches in the bay and there are still some bass around. Lots of small thornbacks and strap eels on all marks but thankfully not so many lsd. On June 22nd Four Buoys with a crew of 3 launched from Burnham for a short one over high, It was a flat calm morning but we decided to stay local and fish a couple of banks and see what was about. Plenty of thornbacks mostly small, straps, dogs and a single hound for Stephen Saxby gave us a bit of sport. We tried for a bass on a mark that has been fairly consistent throughout the spring but that just produced the usual suspects. July 5th and new member Jamie Lock had his maiden voyage on his new boat Fanny Anne. Club chairman Alex Wharton assisted him as although Jamie is a competent angler he is new to boat ownership. They had a good day with the boat performing nicely and steamed all the way down to Blue Anchor and fished various marks on their way back to the slip. A busy session with the best fish a hound of double figures to Alex. July 7th and 3 boats launched from Burham again on a glorious morning, just a little left over swell first thing but blue skies and a warming sun. Another trip over high so we all ended up anchored over the same bank. Hounds were the target with all boats finding one or two. Rods were kept twitching with a steady stream of thornbacks, straps

Stephen Saxby hound

Roy Saxby hound

Jamie Lock thornie

Andy Georgiou huss

Richard Saxby Spotty

Martin Quinn hound

Andy Georgiou tope

Richard Saxby hound

and a few dogs. On July 13-14th we held our 2 day species hunt, with the aim to catch as many different species as possible with no minimum sizes, just a picture of the fish with angler enough to register it. This is mainly a catch and release competition with very little coming back to the scales. The weather wasn't ideal but Four Buoys managed to fish both days and Ultra White and Sandpiper made it out on the Sunday. There were lots of miles covered with Ultra White getting all the way down to Foreland Point but fishing was well below par. Winner on the day with 6 species was Andy Georgiou recording lsd, conger, hound, tope, huss and a tub gurnard. There was a 3 way tie for second with Richard, Stephen and Roy Saxby all recording 5 species. Other species caught were thornbacks and spotted rays. Best specimen was a hound of 13lb 4oz and 86% for Stephen Saxby. Fish of the month for June sponsored by Thyers Tackle of Highbridge was won by Stephen Saxby with a hound of 12lb 15oz and 83% The next club comp is our Top Boat trophy on the 18th August. The next club meeting is on Thursday 19th September at Burnham Motor Boat and Sailing Club on the sea front, pop along if you are interested in joining a friendly club. You can keep up-to date with latest news and catches and all things fishy on our facebook page and website Burnham Boat Owners Sea Angling Association.

Alex Wharton hound

Richard Saxby hound

Stephen Saxby hound

Sea Angling News, August 2019


Email: 17


By Craig Butler

Josh White with a smoothound caught off Watchet Harbour


Minehead lad Asher Kelly caught his first mullet from Minehead harbour. Well done Asher Brad caught a new PB smoothound from a reef mark recently

Arran with a smoothound - Seafire II

Steve with a Blonderay - Seafire II

Watchet lad Tristan with a smoothound caught from Watchet harbour

A nice bass from Minehead harbour

Darren with a smoothound - Seafire II

George ‘the bass’ Stavrakopoulos with a cracking lure caught bass

Sam and Dave with a brace of nice bass Bonio with a good smoothound - Seafire II


CHECK US OUT ON EBAY trksid=p2047675.l2559

WEST SOMERSET HOTEL Watchet’s best angler friendly family run Hotel Bed & breakfast , Drying room Freezer facilities , Packed lunches in request And a great harbour town pub for a drink after a hard days fishing West Somerset Hotel Swain Street Watchet TA23 0AB

Tel: 01984 634434

18 Email:


Sea Angling News, August 2019


been a little plagued at times by dogfish but persistence has been rewarded with notable species such as black bream to accompany a varied bag often including pollock, wrasse, weaver fish and the like. Bass have also been a feature both at anchor and whilst drifting over the local rock marks.

The fishing in both the Minehead and Watchet areas has been on fine form over the past month with a variety of fish to be targeted, good numbers and some good sizes also. Beginning our report around Watchet this month, Seafire continues to provide anglers with excellent sport. Smoothhounds being the most prolific with many fine double figure fish coming to the net. In addition to the hard fighting hounds, anglers have also seen good numbers of thornback ray, a few blonde and spotted rays, with some bull huss, the occasional bass and the inevitable dogfish making up the days catch.

Black bream Alykat

Dave Ruggers 11lb huss Alykat

huss Alykat

With an up scaling of hook and bait size, tope are very high on most anglers hit list at this time of year and its pleasing to note their apparent presence in good numbers. Most boats are seeing tope during their trips with parties of anglers who are opting to specifically target the tope getting amongst good numbers and good sizes, with fish regularly being caught over 30lbs and some fish pulling the scales down to an impressive 50lbs+.

Heading West into the Minehead area, boats accessing the clearer waters have been able to find an abundance of species to provide anglers with some fantastic trips out. On the patches of sand, small eyed rays have continued to show in good numbers with a few blonde rays and the occasional thornback ray. Smouthhounds also remain in good numbers as do the bull huss. Anglers fishing with small hooks have found that much of the month has

Looking ahead as summer progresses we will be moving into a really rich time for the boat anglers with the continued presence of large predators such as tope and a fantastic variety of species including the possibility of starting to see the first of the trigger fish which move into our region during late summer and early autumn.

Jon Mattick huss Alykat

Mick Doody 17lb 8 oz huss Alykat

Phil Lewis 2 lb rockling Alykat

Tradition Local Fishing Boats

MV. EDWIN JOHN & MARY ELLEN Owned & skippered by D.E. James & M.J. James Fishing trips 6-8 Hrs £180 Licensed for 7 anglers per boat

FREE CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FREE FROZEN HERRINGS FOR BAIT Fishing area 10 mile radius from Minehead Harbour

Bass AlyKat

Steve Chilcott small eyed ray Alykat

Smalleyed ray - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey

Bream - Osprey

Scad - Osprey

Tel: 01643 702207 / 07977930549


Fast 10m Cougar Cat operating from Minehead Harbour


● All the latest electronics ● Tea & coffee provided ● Full on-board facilities ● Tackle & bait available ● Experienced anglers & beginners welcome ● Full tuition provided

Call Steve on 07967 362132

Teddie Boy Charters Teddie Boy is a fast stable 9m AMC cat fully licensed and insured, code of practice 60 miles. Equipped with all the latest marine electronics. Tea & coffee, gas hob and flushing toilet. Experienced anglers, beginners and ladies very welcome. 4 hour trip £25 per person, 8 hour trip £40 per person

Rods, bait & tuition are available.

For all bookings and enquiries call Mike




Sea Angling News, August 2019

Huss - Osprey

Tope - Osprey

Bream - Osprey

Bass - Osprey

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Tope - Teddie Boy

Email: 19

Historic Harbour-side Venue ●Newly refurbished iconic pub and hotel with its fantastic Minehead harbour-side setting. ●Fine ales & river cottage style food & traditional hospitality at its best. ●Fishing parties welcome.

Tel: 01643 703 516 Tope - Teddie Boy


Tope - Teddie Boy


Proprietor: Ian Daniels 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead TA24 5DT Email: Huss - Teddie Boy

Smalleyed - Teddie Boy


20 Email:



Tel. Ian or Bex on 07795 538933 Email:

Sea Angling News, August 2019


11m South Catamaran with twin 330hp Iveco Turbo Charged Diesel engines. She has a top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. The boat is fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is licensed to carry 12 passengers.

RECENT CATCHES ABOARD KELLEY’S HERO Individuals / Small and Large Groups Catered for Email: Mob: 07796023881 Owner: John Skeggs. Port: Lymington FREE PARKING! Now taking bookings for winter Cod fishing! A full day targeting Cod / Whiting, or you can split the day for Cod / Bass. Plenty of options!


Summer has finally arrived ! The Mackerel have turned up in good numbers with enough for live / dead baits and a few for the dinner plate. Hopefully they will stay around for the coming months. Inshore rough ground marks are fishing well, with good mixed bags, of Undulate and Thorneback ray, Bream, Smoothound, Conger and Dogfish.

The more sandy marks are producing plenty of Plaice and the odd Turbot and Gurnards. Further offshore, Bass fishing on the banks is steady and the wrecks are throwing up a few nice Pollack, with the odd Cod amongst them. Tight Lines...

Bass - Kelley’s Hero Bream - Kelley’s Hero

Smooth hound - Kelley’s Hero

Undulate rays - Kelley’s Hero

Bass - Last Laugh

Bass - Last Laugh


Smooth hound - Kelley’s Hero

The Red Gill is for the heaviest lure caught fish. The editors decision is final. The claim will have to be backed by photographic evidence and weighed on accurate scales. Full name and address will be needed plus details of where the capture was made. If you wish to have your photo returned please enclose an S.A.E. Entries to Red Gill competition, Sea Angling News 102 Periton Lane Minehead, Somerset TA24 9BP or email: Usual competition rules apply

Sea Angling News, August 2019


Email: 21

VA LK Y R IE CH A R TE RS PRIVATE VENTURE Skipper Gl Ski Glen C Cair i ns O f f iice: 02392 461717 4 61717 B Boatt : 07831 878669 By Art savage

Valkyrie 6 & 7 are based at Northney Marina with easy access just across Langstone bridge plus FREE secure parking. Specialising in Wreck, Reef, Pollack, Cod, Bass fishing. All the facilities you would expect onboard a modern catamaran heated cabin, seating, cooking facilities. Licensed for 12 + 2 crew 60 miles fully insured. | Email

What a great month of weather we have just had, it reminds me of years gone by when we didn't seem to have such windy summers. Our trip to Alderney was just perfect, with flat seas and sunshine and reasonable catches of Turbot Brill and Bass Not as many fish as past years but enough to keep them happy. The West Wight area has seen a good run of Mackerel over the past week, along with Scad and Garfish (Lets hope it continues) The Bream have moved on from the usual marks, and can turn up just about anywhere, along with Tope, Smoothound and the occasional Turbot. So its all to fish for this month.


Fast Cat out of Lymington fishing the Needles area. Channel wrecking, reef fishing, 3 to 7 day Channel Island trips. Needles cod - bass fishing. evenings - individuals - parties

Tel: Arthur Savage 02380-897111 Boat 07702 607216

Bass Private Venture

Blonde Ray Private Venture

Brill Private Venture

Donald with Turbot Private Venture

Turbot Private Venture

22 Email:


Sea Angling, August 2019

Port Report There’s a lot of porbeagle shark about in the Weymouth/Portland sea area….and they’re getting bigger. During July several local charter boats have reported breaking their ‘biggest fish’ catch with porbeagles ranging from 110lb to an estimated 200lb250lb. In a number of cases the sharks are not the target species but are taking baits aimed at tope or conger but there are a few specialist shark trips now taking place which have accounted for the largest ones. Blonde rays have proved a reliable species to fish for with the most popular bank to the west of Portland also providing a few good turbot and brill to go with the rays. There are several major banks in the Weymouth and Portland area and they are each working with a different emphasis on the species they hold. Undulate rays are not so frequently caught from the Kidney Bank as they are from the eastern areas and the Shambles Bank. Anchoring the Shambles is also producing small-eyed, spotted and an occasional thornback ray with this month’s (July) drift fishing producing a few very good turbot in the 15lb+ range and specimen sized brill. The rough ground marks are providing lively action with tope, a few smallish conger, huss and a variety of rays plus a number of shark takes which, when fishing at anchr, tends to result in reel spool emptying runs and then, when the pressure is applied, bite-offs on traces not aimed at them. A handful of inshore cod have been caught from reefs to the west of Portland during bream sessions. Bream have provided a mixture of very lively or very quiet sessions. ‘Our’ bream tend to leave the northern shore marks to the east of Weymouth in May and scatter across Weymouth Bay and the Portland marks. At the end of August they tend to have regrouped with the Portland marks really coming into their own for the next couple of months with September and October traditionally being the best months for them. Divers report an ever increasing density of mussels appearing (the mussel beds were devastated in the Valentine’s Day storm in 2014) which is great news for the Portland bream/plaice grounds. Bass are showing in the Portland Race now but the charter boats have tended to keep away from this area preferring to catch a bass as a welcome bonus on other

more general marks. There is, for example, always a good chance of catching a bass during turbot drifting sessions on the Shambles Bank. Anglers remain limited to one bass each and that is the main reason for staying away from the Portland Race although there are specialist bass trips still on offer for C&R anglers. The Channel Islands are fishing well for the ever reliable bream plus a mixture of huss and tope. The famous Shoal Bank has a few turbot and brill on it along with an occasional bass. The wrecks fished on the outward and return journeys and been good with cod and pollack. There is much less wrecking going on this year so for those trying the wrecks there appear to be more fish available. August is upon us. Expect all those species mentioned above but in greater number. The August to end of October inshore fishing (September and October especially) is the most overall productive period of the angling year. The well supported conger Weymouth Conger Festival takes place in August with vessels from other ports joining in and, with the realistic chance of fresh mackerel bait now available, fishing should be as lively as ever. Not much wreck congering takes place…its popularity has declined over the years yet the actual Conger Festival is well supported catering as it does to those individuals who still enjoy a hard scrap.

Alex Dunnely bream 3lb 10oz Sally Ann Jo Weymouth

Paul Arkell Ballan Wrasse 6lb 8oz Sally Ann Jo

Breaming in particular will become more consistent (although it has to be said that the ‘east side specialist’ inshore charter boats have found pretty reliable breaming all year) and, with the increase in the mussels, there will be a few plaice caught from the Portland bream marks. General reefing will produce an ever increasing variety of species with conger, rays, tope, huss and gurnard all featuring along with more porbeagle shark runs. The Kidney Bank really comes into its own in the August/September period.

Black Bream 1Nigel Wilson Sally Ann Jo

Turbot - Fish On II

Tun Grnard 4lb 8oz John Carter Sally Ann Jo

Undulate ray - Fish On II

Pollock- Fish On II

So, there is plenty to look forward to with Facebook postings from the boats providing an up-to-date pictorial commentary and offering last minute places on the trips. Thank you to all of you supporting the Weymouth and Portland Charter Fleet; you are much appreciated and we wish you a successful August’s fishing.

Bass - Fish On II

Bream - Fish On II


Red gurnard - Fish On II



Sea Angling News, August 2019

OFFSHORE REBEL CAT, Cop 60 miles, licenced/insured for 12 anglers, Channel Islands, wrecking specialist fishing trips Tel: JAMIE PULLIN Mobile: 07886 931406 Phone for free newsletter & individual list Contact my web site on:

Email: 23


Skipper - Keith Brown


ATLANTA Reef, Wreck, Shambles & Kidney Bank fishing. Individuals, Parties, Beginners welcome. 60 mile COP, Licensed & Insured. Tel: DAVE PITMAN 01305 781644 Boat 07721 320352

Turbot - Fins Up

Cod - Fins Up

y An n J o l l a S

Skipper Colin Baker Wreck, Reef, Shambles & Bank Fishing 60 Mile COP, Licenced & Insured Tel: 07814301708 Offshore Wrecking, Reef, Bank and Alderney Fishing Trips Free Parking



Tope - Fins Up

Undulate ray - Fins Up

Refreshments Tackle and Rod Hire available Beginners, Experienced and Families All Welcome

SKIPPER - DAN CLARKE (01308) 488515 / 07734383440 WWW.FINSUP-CHARTERS.COM @finsupfishingcharters

24 Email:


ESCAPING THE BRITISH WINTER……….IN COSTA RICA! When British Airways started direct flights from London Gatwick to the Costa Rican capital 3 years ago, it paved the way for more British Anglers to start visiting Central America. Many British Anglers have travelled to destinations such as Kenya, Florida Keys, Mexico, Gambia, Guinnea Bissau, Norway and Thailand in years gone by but more people are now giving destinations such as Costa Rica and Panama a try with the hopes of scratching some new species of the bucket lists. Costa Rica is a 10.5 hour direct flight from Gatwick with services 2-3 times per week depending on the time of year. Being just a tad above the equator it never gets cold on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, if we want a break from the tropical climate, an hour or two drive in the car can get you up to an nice elevation which will quickly knock 10-15 degrees off the temperature! I tend to do that about every 3 months for a few days respite from the heat! Whilst it is a small country, it extends vertically towards the clouds with its highest peak a staggering 12,500 feet, almost 3 times higher than Ben Nevis! Without much variance in daily temperatures at the Coast, our seasons can basically be described as “Wet” or “Dry”. The Dry season is from December to April, whilst May through to November are the wetter months. In terms of best times to visit for Fishing, November to April is typically the first choice which works well for many Brit’s looking for a winter escape. May to August is also a good time to visit, you are definitely going to see some rain but typically for an hour or so in the late afternoon and does not get in the way of the fishing too much. Peak Billfish season is November to April when the seas are flat and weather very consistent. Double digit Sailfish days are possible when the bite is on aswell as Blue, Black and Striped Marlin, with Dorado & Tuna also Offshore. Inshore conditions are incredible during these months with livebait plentiful and some great Inshore fishing along the beaches, close to the rivermouths and along the rugged volcanic coastline littered with jaw dropping rock and island structures. Roosterfish, Cubera Snapper and Snook receive most of the attention but there are a bunch more species to

target also. May to August is known as ‘meat fish’ season with some cracking fishing available for Tuna, Dorado, Wahoo, Snapper, Grouper and more plus some of the biggest Roosterfish we see all year. Talking about species, our visiting British Anglers over the past couple of years clearly have a knack on the species front, surely testament to the type of fishing we do back home. My boat record for the number of species caught by a group in a single week coincidentally goes to the Keith, Mick & Jon from Minehead who represented Sea Angling News when they visited Costa Rica catching 39 species in a week. It will be no surprise, that British teams have the second and third most species caught in a week also. We have certainly had some fun in Costa Rica with the all important pound (quid!) for the most species of the week, biggest fish of the week etc. I always enjoy it when the familiar accent of a well-travelled Brit hops aboard the boat for a week’s fishing and I get an instant reminder of life back home and usually a cracking week of British humour, story-telling and great fishing. SPECIES HUNT LEADERBOARD - Most Species in 1 week aboard GOOD DAY 1st Keith Wigglesworth, Mick Arrowsmith & Jon Mattick (Minehead) = 39 Species 2nd Keith Armishaw & Dominic Garnett (Devon) = 29 Species 2nd Keith Moore, Mike Lewis & Steve Jackson (Dorset) = 29 species In the past few years we have had Anglers visit us from literally all corners of the UK (and the world for that matter!) We cater to all the main fishing styles including Jigging, Popping, Fly Fishing, Bottom Fishing, Live Baiting and Trolling. If you would like to experience a Costa Rica fishing holiday for yourself to try and knock the Minehead lads off the top step on the Species front, grab your LRF rod & drop me a line, I would love to hear from you! Tight Lines, Benn Gilmour Jackpot Sport Fishing Tel: +506 8458 4997 info@jackpotspor www.jackpotspor

Sea Angling News, August 2019

Sea Angling News, August 2019

Email: 25



Tel. 01305 789297


Trigger fish: This month I figured we would take a look at a relatively new fish to British waters and they are gradually spreading further afield around the UK resulting in them being caught in larger numbers every year making them a good target to search for in the summer months. Trigger fish are not the biggest of fish going up to around 6lb in weight, I think the shore record is 5LBand some small change, but they certainly give a very good account of themselves and are fantastic sport on lighter gear! As well as being a great fish to catch triggers are also a great tasting fish that you can put on your table (please check minimum take home sizes first) so where will you find these great fish?… Lots of triggers will be found in deeper water from the shore, rock marks and piers that lead onto rough or broken mixed ground is ideal, they tend to arrive in numbers around the July mark. So fishing for triggers how do you get them? Trigger fish mainly eat crustaceans and shellfish, so peeler is certainly a top bait but hardbacks work well too, but trigger they also tend to scavenge anything around the

area taking squid, worm and fish baits equally as well with good old mackerel strips working wonders. You can put your baits on the seabed with a pulley dropper rig or running ledger, or if it’s particularly rough ground a pulley rig with a rotten bottom, which will fetch the best results. With the top baits being peeler, mussel and mackerel you will want a good strong hook no larger than a 1/0 as their mouths are not massive and strong because triggers are well known for their powerful bite and teeth snapping/biting off thin or inferior hooks couple this up with a hook length of mono/flouro not less than 30-40lb for abrasion resistance around the rough marks. A good tactic when fishing really rough ground is to float over it with a set up similar to last month’s piece and fish it just off the bottom reducing snags and allowing the waters currents to let the bait drift around naturally which finds fish holding spots. when handling and unhooking Triggers beware as they do have a spine in the dorsal fin as well as a good nip with those teeth should you let your fingers wander a little too near! Tight lines and good luck

26 Email: West Bay SAC 6th July 2019 Saturday Juniors The latest Saturday junior match saw three members sign-on to fish on a hot sunny day. Aaron Chambers was the first to catch a fish and all the competitors managed to catch fish, with Robbie catching six for 268g, Daniel catching five for 225g but neither was able to catch Aaron who had sixteen fish for 624g. Species caught on the day were; Shanny, plaice, tompot blenny, ballan wrasse & corkwing wrasse. All the fish were returned alive after weighing. 1st Aaron Chambers 624g 2nd Robbie Hall 268g 3rd Daniel Mather 225g Heaviest Fish: 79g Corkwing Sponsors on the day as follows: Hall.


30th June 2019, Sunday Daytime West Bexington 13:00 - 18:00 Once again for a daytime match the fishing was dire, in all only two fish were caught. 1st Most Fish Points: Ken Martin 4pts 2nd Best Fish: Steve Fowles Mackerel. 22nd June 2019 Andy Neal Rover 17:00 23:00. Eype, Bexington & Burton were the venues chosen to fish for June's rover match, Bexington proved to be the place to go with a good variety of fish being caught whilst at Burton Tony Colls found another undulate Ray of 4100grams, eype was absolutely dire. 1st most fish: Adam Cullingford 16pts Smoothhound, plaice, mackerel & pouting 2nd best fish: Charles Davies Smoothhound 3rd most species: Steve Harwood (4) Smoothhound, mackerel, scad & tub Gurnard Species caught in the match were, smoothhound, plaice, mackerel, scad, tub Gurnard, undulate Ray, dogfish, pouting & corkwing wrasse


of 6lb 9.4oz Best fish of the evening was a spotted ray weighing 3lb 0.8oz caught by Ben Daniel who also had the best flat fish a sole of 1lb 2.8oz. Best specimen pool is a rollover. Only edible fish are retained. All other are measured and released immediately. Results: 1st Ben Daniel 2 fish 4lb 3.6oz 2nd Chris Ellis 1 fish 10.8oz 3rd Terry Kempton 1 fish 8.6oz, 4th Roland Blomfield 1 fish 5.8oz 5th Luke Woodford 1 fish 5oz.

LDSFC Results Of Large Boat Competition 30 June 2019 Following the hottest day of the year so far, a freshening south westerly breeze was a welcome relief to the ten Lymington Sea fishing Club members fishing their monthly large boat competition aboard Private Venture, skippered by Art Savage. The primary aim was to drift for plaice; and although many of those caught were well below the minimum retention size, their numbers helped make up for it. Other species taken on the drift were dogfish, mackerel, smoothhound and gurnard. With the strengthening wind in the afternoon making drifting difficult, a move was then made to a shallower mark which was fished at anchor. Dogfish predominated, with the occasional black bream, plaice, together with the biggest fish of the dayan undulate ray-caught by the Club’s president Derek Smith. Results: 1st Ed Taylor 118 points; 2nd Paul Hollyoake 111 points: 3rd Malcolm Gerrish 101 points; 4th Arran Harmer 83 points; 5th Derek Smith 80 points; 6th Roland Blomfield 77points; 7th Jane Hopkins 70 points; 8th Alec Harmer 55 points; 9th Anton Emblen 35 points; 10th Harry Gray 29 points.


Shallow Boat Competion 23rd June. On Sunday 23rd June Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held it’s 5th Shallow Boat competition in which five club members fished. The weather was cloudy and dry with light winds. Fish caught consisted of smoothhounds, thornback rays, ballan wrasse, plaice, black bream, dogfish and pouting. In total 51 fish were caught for a total weight of 82lbs 11oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are measured and a weight given and immediately released into the sea. Heaviest fish of the day was a pouting weighing 2lb 2oz which was also the best specimen 70.83% caught by Barry Littlefair.

Daniel Mather with his wrasse


7th Shore Competition. On Saturday evening 29th June Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a shore competition on the Shingle Bank at Milfordon-Sea. The weather for the evening was dry, sunny and hot with a light south westerly wind. 5 club members signed on and all 5 weighed in fish consisting of spotted ray, sole, corkwing wrasse and black bream. 6 fish in total were caught for a total weight

Results: 1st Adrian Moody 12 fish 28lbs 9oz, 2nd Derek Smith 12 fish 14lbs 13oz, 3rd Denis Mapes 10 fish 13lbs 11oz, 4th Alan Martin 8 fish 12lbs 15oz, 5th Barry Littlefair 12lbs 11oz.

LDSFC Shingle Bank League On Thursday evening the 27th June Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a Shingle Bank League competition in which 16 club members signed on. The weather was dry and sunny, with a strong breeze blowing. With a neap tide and a lot of heavy weed this made fishing rather difficult. Fish which were caught included undulate ray, sole, pollack and

Sea Angling News, August 2019

black bream. 9 fish were caught for a total weight of 23lbs 8.6oz. The best fish of the evening was an undulate ray weighing in at 9lb 1.5oz caught by Keith Panks. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are weighed and immediately released. Results: 1st Keith Panks one fish 9lb 1.5oz 2nd Danny Panks fish 9lb 0oz 3rd Chris Ellis 3 fish 1lb 14oz, 4th Malcolm Stote 3 fish 1lb 13.2oz 5th Luke Woodford 1 fish 12.4oz.

Shirley SAC Here is the result of our latest match which was a Shore comp held at Warsash on Sat 29th June. 12 members fished hoping to contact the good Smoothound in the area but were hampered by large amounts of weed plus a strong northerly wind in the last 2 hours which made things very difficult. 4 members managed to weigh in 7 Smoothound for 6k 630gms with the best fish of 2k 041gms caught by Adrian Groves. All weight come from the Club's weight to length chart. SENIORS. 1.Adrian Groves 3 fish 2. Bob Patterson 2 fish 3. David Beale 1 fish 4. Ryan Beale 1 fish No Juniors fished.

4k 478gms 1k 104gms 623gms 425gms

West Bay SAC Two junior members and one guest turned out to fish the sixth annual Frank & Peggy Daw Memorial Trophy on 13th July, Frank & Peggy supported the club’s juniors for many years. The day was warm, cloudy with some sunny spell’s, the wind thankfully was a light north-westerly breeze which flattened the sea. Aaron Chambers started off with the first fish of the day, Aaron also managed to catch a sizable ballan wrasse of 347g which put him well in the lead. Last year’s winner Robbie Hall tried his best to win the match and managed to catch a great total weight of 1kg 60g, he was unable to land a sizable fish (sizable fish take precedence over undersized fish). All of the competitors caught fish on the day. Well done Aaron. Species caught on the day were; shanny, pout, pollack, corkwing wrasse, ballan wrasse & tompot blenny. We would like to thank all those that came to fish & the Daw family for the extra prizes.

LDSFC Results Of Large Boat Competition 14 July 2019 With the continuing warm weather, a cloudy sky for most of the day provided a pleasant fishing experience for nine Lymington Sea fishing Club members for their July large boat competition aboard Private Venture, skippered by Art Savage. First stop was off the Needles for mackerel and then onto Freshwater Bay to anchor up on a mark which produced a nice 4lb-plus pollack for the Commodore Alec Harmer, as well as an undulate ray just under 15lbs for Roland Blomfield. Several nice black bream were also boated and everyone was treated to the sight of two dolphins breaking the surface. After lunchtime as the breeze and tide picked up a move was made to an area of rough ground at the back of The Shingles. Bull huss put in an appearance and Ed Taylor twice lost a good fish.

The end of the day saw a final move further west to drift for plaice. Sport was slow as the tide slackened off but a few plaice obliged with the occasional red gurnard and dogfish and several mini-species. Fish caught included black bream, bull huss, conger eel, dogfish, mackerel, plaice, pollack, pout, red gurnard, scad, spotted ray, and undulate ray. At the end of an excellent day there were only a couple of points difference between some of the positions. Results: 1st Arran Harmer 94 points; 2nd Alec Harmer 75 points; 3rd Derek Smith 73 points; 4th Jane Hopkins 72 points; 5th Roland Blomfield 48points; 6th Ed Taylor 44 points; 7th Malcolm Gerrish 43 points; 8th Brian Dawkins 11 points 9th Anton Emblen 0 points.


Shingle Bank League Competition 12th July. On Friday evening 12th July Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held its monthly Shingle Bank League competition. The weather was good, dry and sunny with a moderate breeze. 15 club members signed on and 6 weighed in fish consisting of undulate ray, black bream, plaice, bass and tub gurnard. The heaviest fish of the competition was an undulate ray weighing in at 8lb 14oz caught by Danny Panks. 7 fish in total were caught for a total weight of 16lbs 3.4oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are weighed and gently released immediately. Results: 1st Danny Panks 1 fish 8lb 14oz, 2nd Malcolm Stote 1 fish 3lb 2.8oz 3rd Tom Bagnall 2 fish 2lb 7.2oz, 4th Ollie Hopkins 1 fish 10.2oz 5th Ben Daniel 1 fish 9.6oz 6th Roland Blomfield 1 fish 7.2oz. Top 15 positions after 8 competitions. 1. Malcolm Stote 38lbs 5oz 2. Tom Bagnall 34lbs 12.8oz 3. Danny Panks 27lbs 15.6oz, 4. Mike Dawkins 19lbs 4.4oz 5. Paul Dibden 14lbs 14oz 6. Andy Hopkins 13lbs 10.6oz, 7. Luke Woodford 12lbs 15.8oz 8. Ben Daniel 9lb 12.4oz 9. Chris Ellis 9lb 12.2oz, 10. Keith Panks 9lb 11.7oz 11. John Sloper 8lb 14.2oz 12. Ollie Hopkins 6lb 10.8oz, 13. Paul Watson 5lb 8.6oz 14. Roland Blomfield 2lb 13.6oz 15. Terry Kempton 2lb 13.4oz.

Shirley SAC Here is the result of our latest match which was a Shallow Boats comp held on Sun 14th July. A good turnout of 20 members went afloat but with lot's of weed the fishing was very slow as only 6 weighed in 9 fish for 9k 843gms. Species were Bream, Eel, Wrasse & Smoothound with the best fish being a Smoothound of 2k 727gms caught by Junior Jack Bryson. SENIORS. 1. Paul Bryson 1 fish 2. Bob Patterson 1 fish 3. John Richards 2 fish 4. Gary Thomas 2 fish 5. J Swanborough

2k 608gms 1k 984gms 900gms 810gms 1 fish 400gms

JUNIORS. 1. Jack Bryson

3k 141gms

2 fish

Sea Angling News, August 2019



Email: 27



By Richard Lyon-Wilson

Saturday 29 June 1830 to 2330 catch and release to be fished at west end beach Bognor Regis booking in and draw for pegs from 1730 at west end beach opposite waveley pub po21 2qa entry cost £8.00 senior £4.00 junior pool flat £1.00 round £1.00 Christmas pagham open beach competition Sunday 15th December 0930 to 1430 catch and release to be fished at pagham beach booking in and draw for pegs from 0830 at pagham yacht club 1 west front road PO21 4SY entry cost £8.00 seniors £4.00 junior pool flat £1.00 round £1.00

Well, the bass season seems to be finally up and running. I’ve had a couple of months with many schoolies being caught by myself and during guided sessions-it is great to get into a few bigger fish on the fly and lure. Here on the West Dorset coast the mackerel seem to still be hit and miss but I am sure that once the bait fish return they will be here again in big numbers, which means only one thing. Big Bass!! It has been great fun guiding people that have never been bass fishing before, something that I am lucky enough to take for granted. Teaching them the very basics and taking them to a more expert level. Then seeing them cast well to areas which could hold fish, work the lure or fly and then hooking a fish-job done. There is nothing more rewarding and they are now hooked themselves, hopefully for life. However, it’s not all about the fishing side of it. I also try to teach about conservation and natural habitats, what the fish are feeding

Tel John Small 07799 762377 after 5 pm both are penn points competitions and cash prize subject to entry

WEST BAY SEA ANGLING CLUBS 47th Chesil Championships Sponsored by The Angling Centre West Bay Sunday 29th September 2019 Sign on at Bridport Football club DT6 5LA from 9:00am Fish 11:00am – 5:00pm 1st Prize £250, 2nd £150 3rd £100 Top lady and top junior prize plus 5 more cash prizes Entry Seniors £20 inc pools Juniors (16 & under) £10 inc pools Pools are: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Super pool & heaviest Flat & Round Fish. More info contact The angling Centre 01308 421800. Back up date if weather is bad is 27th October 2019.

NWASAC 1. Rock Channel, New Brighton Sunday 02.06.19 Fishing 15.30 – 20.00 Book on 14.00 – 14.45 Kings Parade, near clown sculpture CH45 2PB Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 2. Otterspool promenade, Liverpool, Saturday, 20.07.19 Fishing 09.30 – 14.30 Book on 07.45 – 08.15 Jericho Lane car parkL17 5AR Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 3. Town Hall / Maddock Promenade, Wallasey Sunday 18.08.19 Fishing 11.30 – 16.00 HW Book on 09.30 – 10.15 Tobin St, CH44 8DF Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 Blue Bridge, Queensferry Saturday 07.09.18 Fishing 16.45 – 20.45 Book on 14.45 – 15.30 (former British Steel access road) Pre book 07572593272 – 01516770011 Town Hall – Maddock Bank, Saturday 12.10.19 Fishing 15.30 – 19.30 Book on 13.30 – 14.15 Tobin St Pre Book 07572593272 – 01516770011 JE Williams Memorial Two Day Festival Otterspool 30th Nov & 1st December Sat 09.00 – 14.00 Sun 09.30 – 14.30 Pre Book ESSENTIAL CRAB BAN 07572593272 - 01516770011

BEXHILL FESTIVAL OF THE SEA ANGLING COMPETITION DATES 2019 Boat Competition 8th September 9am to 5pm Junior Pegged Open Beach 29th September 11am to 2pm. Beach Specimen Hunt 9am 30th September to 5pm 4th October Pegged Open Beach 13th October 9am to 2pm (Penn points match) Bass Specimen Hunt 20th October 11am to 3pm As in previous years all the competitions are organised by Bexhill Sea Angling Club on behalf of Bexhill Festival of the Sea. For further details please see:

ANGLING TRUST - WYVERN DIVISION Two day small boat festival at Salcombe will be on 7th 8th Sept. Our junior open at Mountbatten breakwater, Plymouth will be on sat 24th Aug. More details on both to follow or from Mike Spiller 01404 43397

on, how this changes at different times of year so they can match their fly or lure to suit different conditions. It is a real buzz teaching. A few weeks ago I was very lucky to be asked by a great friend, Dave Holley, to be part pf the Peters and May Pro team and represent England in the World Predator Classic in Hellevoetsluis, the Netherlands. This was an amazing tournament with a lot of the top anglers from around the world. We caught some amazing fish, including a 112cm pike around 35lbs and perch to 47cms which were also massive. The zander proved to be a little more illusive but in a lake 40 km long and 4 km wide with no inside knowledge of where to find them, we missed out on. Now, after talking to local guides, next year we should manage to conquer the zander and finish pretty high up the score board. Hopefully the Dutch weather will be cooler aswell as 37 degrees in a boat with no shade was an experience!

28 Email:

Sea Angling News, July 2019


TACKLE SHOPS DIRECTORY DEVON SEAVIEW ANGLING 14/15 Faraday hill, Plymouth PL4 0ST. Tel: 01752269698 SEATON ANGLING CENTRE The Harbour, Axmouth, Seaton Devon EX12 4AA Tel: 01297 625511 HIGH STREET TACKLE, 153 High Street, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9EZ Tel: 07516 730749

DORSET SWANAGE ANGLING CENTRE 6 High St., Swanage BH19 2NT Tel. 01929 424989 email THE ANGLING CENTRE, 10a West Bay, Bridport tel. 01308 421800 WEYMOUTH ANGLING CENTRE 2-3 St Edmunds Street, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8QU Tel 01305-777771 Email: ABBOTSBURY FISHING TACKLE Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Weymouth DT3 4JL Tel 01305 871199. Delivery service to beach available.

JERSEY MORNING WATCH TACKLE St Catherines Breakwater, St Martins Jersey JE3 6DD 01534854359

HAMPSHIRE ALLAN’S MARINE 143 Twyford Ave., Portsmouth Tel 02392 671833 ROVERS FISHING TACKLE 178a West St., Fareham, Hants PO16 0EQ Tel. 01329 220354 Fax 01329 829040 POINGDESTRES Unit 11, Southampton Trade Park, Third Avenue, Southampton, Millbrook SO15 0LE 023 8077 2958

Bream - Anna III. Inset: undulate ray

Blonde ray - Anna III.


2 - 4 - 8 HOUR TRIPS

Specialising in offshore wreck and ground fishing. Fish in a spacious twin engined 500hp 38ft Aquastar. Full time owner and skipper Dave Elliott. 60 mile D.T.I, fully licensed and insured. Hot drinks and rod hires available. Ring Dave on boat direct 07966 377145 or evening 01444 230882 Email

VEALS FISHING TACKLE, Brunel Rooms, Unity St. Bristol, BS2 0JP. 01179 260790 THYERS FISHING TACKLE, 1A Church Street, Highbridge 01278 786934 Fax 792397 WEST COAST TACKLE The Quay, Minehead Tel. Craig 01643 705745 WEST COAST ANGLING CENTRE 53 Swain St, Watchet Tel. Steve 01984 634807

SUSSEX THE ANGLERS DEN 6 North Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6AY Tel: 01323-460441 LAGOON BAIT& TACKLE, 327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - 01273 415879 SCOTTIES 25 Southwick Square, Southwick, Brighton BN42 4FP Phone:01273 592903 PRIME ANGLING 26 Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3PT. Phone:01903 821594

WALES TELBOY’S TACKLE Amlwch, Anglesey Tel. 01407 832965


Warehousing Shipping Office Furniture

Tel/Fax: 01643 705225

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