Sea Angling News January 2019

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Sea Angling News Ltd. - - - Issue 279 January 2019

















A Tope of 52LB 10oz (catch and release). Caught and landed solo by Darren Braby. Gear used was a Century Kompressor Sport, Daiwa Slosh 30 loaded with 35lb Okuma Platinum. He was fishing for Tope using 8/0 Sakuma Manta Extras, 200lb wire trace and fresh black bream/herring wraps. The fish took around 10 mins to land and was leadered in on the swells. The fish would have beaten the current Channel Island record by 2lbs if claimed.



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Sea Angling News, January 2019


NEXT ISSUE COPY DEADLINE 15th JAN 2019 Shops - If you don't receive your papers by the first Tuesday in the month please can you telephone to let us know:

07825 181 694

HEAD OFFICE PROPRIETORS Keith & James Wigglesworth Sea Angling News Ltd 9 Hayfield Close Minehead, Somerset TA24 6DE

EDITOR / DESIGN & PRODUCTION Adam James Email: Tel.07523 254918

ADVERTISING James Wigglesworth 07825 181694

Printed by NEWSQUEST MEDIA GROUP Weymouth, Dorset

SAN WRITERS Aurthur Savage, Dave Roberts Wayne Hand, Rob Miller, Lee Bolingbroke, Wayne Thomas Kevin Morgan Paul Whittall, Adam James Andy & Sam Cumming James Wigglesworth Craig Butler, John Skeggs Phil Higgins Scott Smy, Richard Saxby.

Copyright Notice All intellectual property rights (including without limitation, patents, copyrights, design rights, registered design and trade designs and trade and service marks, and right to apply for any of the foregoing) whatsoever, whereinsoever and whensoever subsisting in or to any invention, ideas or information or in or to any service, goods or works (including without limitation, drawings, sketches, artwork, typography and photographs) invented, devised, made, created, acquired or written by or for the Sea Angling News (whether or not in connection with any contract with the advertiser) shall be and remain the Sea Angling News absolute property. Neither the advertiser nor any other person shall have any licence or other rights whatsoever under or in any respect of the said intellectual property rights. The advertiser undertakes that it will not reproduce or authorise or procure any other person to reproduce any of the said artwork, typography, photographs or other works. The advertiser hereby assigns all its rights (if any) in and the said intellectual property rights to the Sea Angling News. The advertiser must ensure that he/she has obtained the appropriate permission to reproduce any artwork, logos, designs, trade names and trader service marks which he has supplied to, or asked the Sea Angling News to incorporate in any advertisement to be published in the Sea Angling News newspaper. Telephone calls made to the Sea Angling News may be taped to ensure the highest quality of customer service. The views expressed by contributors to the Sea Angling News are not necessarily the views of the editor but we do try to allow free speech.


All entries must be accompanied by a clear photograph. All entries must be weighed on accurate scales and witnessed. All entries will be judged on the size of the fish, tackle used and the quality of the photograph. Weights must be submitted in pounds and ounces, metric weights may be submitted in addition to imperial weights. The Editors decision will be final in all cases.

Well here we are folks… 2019! I’m sure you all have targets and aspirations for this coming year as I know I’ve set myself a few. I know that I didn’t get to go fishing nearly as much as I had hoped in 2018 so that needs to change for starters. We hope you all enjoyed reading the paper throughout last year as much as we loved putting it together for you. We have had a few recent changes the main one of which comes into play in this very issue. Unfortunately our main sponsor Snowbee have decided to stop distributing sea fishing tackle here in the UK

so that had no option but to pull out. It was very sad to hear as we have enjoyed working closely with this great company over the last few years and we wish Simon Kidd and everyone at the company all the best as they continue to concentrate on freshwater fly fishing gear. Well as the saying goes “one door closes and another one opens”. That is very much the case here as we are extremely happy to welcome Cox & Rawle on board. They will be sponsoring our main fish of the month prize as well as featuring some of their quality products within the paper each month. Cox & Rawle as I am sure you all

know are a well established company first set up in the late 60s and still going strong to this day. We very much look forward to having them along for the ride in 2019. We do have some other exciting plans that will be implemented throughout the year so watch this space. For now I’m going to get my head round this cod fishing malarkey. I have three boat competitions coming up this month so I suppose a bit of preparation wouldn’t go a miss. Whatever you’re targeting and wherever you’re going then have fun, fish hard and stay safe.... James

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Sea Angling News, January 2019



Thames Estuary

by Lee Bolingbroke

ads of fish to be caught but unfortunately not the ones anglers really want to catch (are they ever) with whiting heading up the catches there really has been a glut of them this year and they are hungry gobbling up baits meant for higher value fish, but certainly keeping anglers busy. Still plenty of rays to be had mediums to small now being caught the big fish have probably moved out to deeper waters now to hunker down for the winter months. On every ones top of the list is codling but the codling we are catching are few and far between although the best of the codling catches last year were in January/February we can only hope but we are always optimistic you have to be in the charter game. Lots of dabs showing up now on the smaller tides Stuart Belbins boat Razorbill from West Mersea caught over thirty last week so there is plenty to entertain anglers

Email: 3

with always the chance of a codling or two. The weather has been playing havoc with our bookings, it seems you have two or three bookings with anglers gagging to fish and bugger me the very days your supposed to be out its blowing a gale (who said the charter business was easy). We have had a fantastic spring summer early Autumn charters but because of the lack of cod many anglers are refusing to book up boats in our area, its very dificult and several charter boats have sold up its the old story use them or lose them I also have been told that many angling shops are having a difficult time especially the coastal shops so come on guys there is plenty of fish to be caught and if you want the shops and boats there in the good times help support them in the difficult periods and with that in mind a happy Christmas and new year to all readers of these great publications.

“Sophie Lea” Fantastic New Fast Stable Cat Twin FTP Engines, On Deck Toilet, Massive Deck Area Heated Cab Seating. Fully Licensed & Insured for 12. Only 20 minutes from the A12. RNLI / Charter Skipper for over 20 years. Weekends & Weekdays SUPPORTING CANCER RESEARCH

Tel. evenings 01255-821255 Boat direct 07774 492856 One or two codling on Sophie Lea

whiting being caught

Plenty of whiting

Rays still plentiful on Sophie Lea

4 Email:



Sea Angling News, January 2019


'The home of Biguns & Whoppers'

Some recent noteworthy catches from our readers...



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Simon Lancastle with a cracking 16lb12oz spur dog caught on a Somerset beach mark.

Plans by the Southern Inshore Fisheries Conservation Association (SIFCA) to allow ‘ring netting’ for declining mullet stocks in the estuaries of some of England’s most famous salmon and sea trout rivers, including the Test, Itchen and Avon, have been slammed as dangerous and irresponsible by the Angling Trust and other fishery and conservation organisations. The SIFCA proposals envisage ring nets up to 6 metres deep and 350 metres long strung across 75% of the river channel. This represents a 2000 square metre wall of lethal monofilament which could cause untold damage to salmon, seatrout and bass in addition to further reducing already declining mullet stocks. The Environment Agency (EA) has expressed serious concerns about the impact of estuary netting on threatened and legally protected salmon and sea trout stocks which are highly vulnerable to ‘accidental’ capture by netsmen targeting mullet in the same locations. An EA study of Poole and Christchurch Harbour states: “Over 80% of the nets checked by Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officers over the last 25 years have contained migratory fish. Migratory fish have made up 30% of the catch in some instances. The majority of migratory fish were already badly damaged or dead and only a few able to be released when net inspections were carried out by Environment Agency Fisheries Officers ...(who)...have also observed sea trout caught as a bycatch dumped in the water off the Mudeford slipway.” In their response to the SIFCA consultation on net management in their district, which covers Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, the Angling Trust concludes: “No economic case has been made for promoting a ring net mullet fishery in which salmon, seatrout and bass will inevitably feature as a high value, and unlawful by-catch. Many of these protected species will end up being sold on the black market and the measures are likely to be used as a cover for increased poaching. Furthermore, with a declining mullet population this slow growing, low value species should really be the subject of a stock recovery programme in a sustainably managed fishery rather the target of a highly dubious proposal for further exploitation.

Antony Searle recently caught a specimen 3lb 6oz flounder while fishing up the rivers on Isle of Wight

Finally, with six principal salmon rivers within the Southern IFCA District constituting 10% of the principal salmon rivers in England and Wales and

representing an economic value vastly greater than the existing commercial mullet fishery it is difficult to accept what justification there is for bringing forward these proposals.” Andy Burt, Conservation Officer for the National Mullet Club, said: “The National Mullet Club is not calling for a complete ban on commercial mullet fishing but we do want to see our estuaries protected and the establishment of a fully documented and sustainable fishery that reverses the current trend in both fewer numbers and mature grey mullet. For such a vulnerable species it is unacceptable that further decline is countenanced under these ill-thought out and unevidenced bylaws. Both Devon & Severn and Cornwall IFCAs have fully protected their harbours and estuaries and Sussex IFCA looks likely to follow suit. We are very disappointed that Southern IFCA are not following their lead and are merely trying to give the appearance of protecting these areas whilst actually allowing commercial netting to continue almost unregulated. Please read our report 'Vulnerability and OverExploitation of Grey Mullet' for more information”. Martin Salter, Head of Campaigns at Angling Trust, added: “These netting proposals from the Southern IFCA fly in the face of both science and common sense and need a serious rewrite. The estuaries of Hampshire and Dorset include some of the most famous salmon and sea trout rivers in England such as the Test, Itchen and Frome. The tidal stretches hold wonderful bass and mullet stocks and they all need protecting from over fishing and illegal poaching with nets. Other IFCAs have brought in sensible conservation measures but SIFCA seems to be heading in the opposite direction. I would urge all anglers to make their voices heard before the consultation closes on December 7th.” The Angling Trust is encouraging anglers to study the proposals and responses from concerned organisations such as the Wild Trout Trust, the National Mullet Club and Salmon and Trout Conservation Trust and send off their own comments, with a copy to local MPs. Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust & Fish Legal and a keen salmon and sea trout angler, concluded: “It beggars belief that an organisation with the word conservation in its name can even consider permitting a net fishery that will do such damage to severely depleted stocks of a wide range of migratory and marine fish species. These dangerous and irresponsible proposals should be dropped immediately”.

Sea Angling News, January 2019


It was good to see that the spurdogs arriving along the South Devon coast as reported last month wasn’t a one-off event as more captures of this species have been reported by Plymouth and South Devon club anglers. The biggest I have head of so far is an absolute beauty of 16-3 caught by Stewart Grey of Castaways SAC. Stewart also landed other double-figure spurs during the same session and lost an absolute monster at his feet which he couldn’t land due to the massive ground swell. Steven Hone also found a good spur of 12-5 from the Slapton/Beesands area whilst another good fish of over 14lb fell to Gatty Gatland from the Kingsbridge SAC. It does seem that it is the case of rougher the better for the spurs but please take care if venturing out on the rock marks trying for them. A safer bet would be to focus on the beach marks of Slapton/Hallsands/Beesands which are all throwing up some good spurs on the right night. A few packets of squid and frozen mackerel is all you need but make sure you use either wire or 200lb mono for your traces. As well as the spurs there have also been some good-sized whiting caught by those fishing frozen fish baits at the likes of Slapton/Beesands with fish up to 1-14 having been recorded. I am also hearing about a run of speci-sized whiting from rock marks around the Torbay area with Hopes Nose producing fish up to 2-6 during the final round of the Teignmouth SAA Shore League Competition. This bodes well for

Email: 5



the remainder of the season as generally the size of whiting increase over the Xmas/ New Year period before they go out to spawn. Some good ray have been showing from the beaches of the South Hams over the past few weeks. Mark Bryce of Rodbenders SAC landed a nice spotted ray of 5-9 which was returned after weighing whilst fellow club anglers Danny Clegg and Joe Gardner landed spotted rays of 5-1 and small eyed rays of 10-2 respectively. Cracking fishing lads. The recent wet and windy weather has curtailed most planned flounder trips for many anglers as a large majority of the rivers have been in flood and whilst primarily a salt-water only estuary, Kingsbridge has also been feeling the effects of lots of freshwater run-off. With a number of flounder competitions planned this coming weekend (16th Dec) and some better forecast conditions I’m hopeful that we might see a few good fish bought back to the scales. As well as Kingsbridge a friend of mine has been doing quite well on the River Plym so this can always be considered as a good back-up option.

PLYMOUTH Purpose built Guimond 45 Sports Angler.

Built to and above MCA C.O.P.category 2 requirements. Licenced & insured for 60 miles from safe haven. Powered by Volvo D12 @ 615HP. Cruise 14-16 knots. Top speed 20 knots. State of the art electronics. Two large insulated fish-rooms. Baitwell tank.

Tel: 07999628511

Email: Website:

That’s from me for this month and this year – thanks for reading my reports. Hopefully they have given you an idea of what’s around to target each month. All that’s left to say is have a great Christmas all and hope you all have a fish-filled New Year!

Ricol Leisure

Sakuma Tel - 01305 789297 E Mail – Dany Clegg Spotted Ray 5-1

Joe Gardner Small Eye Ray 10-2

Steve Hone Spurdog 12-5

Stewart Gray Spurdog 16-3

Mark Bryce Spotted Ray 5-9

Scott Smy Whiting 1-11

6 Email:



The storms recently have been relentless along chesil making it hard for anglers to put the hours in. There have a been a few windows of opportunity in the weather with a few decent fish still to be had. Steve Harder and Ben Stockley have both been out targeting ray on the beach and after ploughing through the huge numbers of dogfish and other nuisance species they both managed to land their targets with Steve landing a PB blonde ray weighing 20lb 12oz. The cod fishing seemed to have slowed down a little. I’m sure there around but its just a case of finding the weather windows

and hitting it hard! Lee Hayler managed a cod going 11lb 6oz caught on black lug and squid cocktail and Paul Hawkins landed a cod weighing 8lb from Abbotsbury also caught on lug and squid.

With this being the last report of the year id like to say a big thank you to all that have read my reports since May and thank you for everyones photos also featured. I thought I would leave you with some of the better catches from this year.


Sea Angling News, January 2019

ANGLING TRUST SPEAKS UP FOR SEA ANGLERS IN PARLIAMENT ON FISHERIES BILL Angling Trust Campaigns Chief and former MP Martin Salter has been back in his old workplace banging the drum for recreational sea angling as a participant in the parliamentary scrutiny of the government’s new Fisheries Bill. Following the Second Reading debate last month, in which the Angling Trust briefings to MPs were extensively quoted, Martin was invited to present evidence to both the Fisheries Bill Committee and the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Select Committees who are scrutinising the proposals in detail. In written evidence to both committees the Trust stated:

Ben Stockley smalleyed ray

Steve Harder with his PB Blonde

Lee Hayler’s 11lb cod


“Recreational sea fishing...contributes an overall economic impact to the UK of well over £2bn each year as well as employing over 20,000 people. Yet, despite this, recreational fishing has never been considered as a legitimate stakeholder in the management of European fish stocks through the Common Fisheries Policy. This is at odds with other World-leading countries in sea fisheries management such as the USA, Australia and New Zealand. As a direct user stakeholder of UK fish stocks recreational fishing is reliant on access to abundant and sustainablymanaged fish stocks… There must be a binding duty in the Fisheries Bill for fishing limits to be set using scientific advice.” The Angling Trust is promoting two amendments to the Bill, which MPs have already agreed will be put to the vote. The first argues that recreational sea angling must be formally acknowledged as a legitimate stakeholder in future fisheries policy with a full seat at the table. The second calls for commercial overfishing to be ended through a legally binding duty placed on Ministers only to set fishing limits that do not exceed best scientific advice in order to rebuild fish stocks. Giving evidence to the Bill Committee on Wednesday Mr Salter said: “It is worth putting on the record that, despite the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, some 44 per cent of total allowable catch limits were set (last year) above scientifically recommended limits. We would like to see a binding duty for Ministers to set total allowable catch limits in line with scientific advice, rather

6.9m series Cheetah Marine Catamaran. Engines: Twin Yamaha 60 H.P. Outboards Cruising speed 16 – 18 knots. Licensed for 6 persons. MCA Safety Code Of Practice Category 2 and can operate up to 40 miles offshore.

than this dreadful horse trading that takes place every year at the European Fisheries Council, which is no model of sustainable fisheries management at all.” On the formal recognition of recreational sea angling on the face of the Bill he told MPs: “Your constituents who fish recreationally will tell you that for many years they have been sick and tired of seeing their recreational sea angling experience fall off a cliff edge as stocks are overfished, and in some cases get driven into parlous conditions. They feel that the recreational sector, despite its economic significance for jobs and for coastal communities, is basically being left to feed on the crumbs that are left over after commercial exploitation has had its whack. If you look at quality fishery management - at the American and New Zealand fishery conservation legislation - shares are allocated to both recreational and commercial sectors. There is proper resource sharing. There is consideration in a sensible, grown-up, policy development way - recognising the social and economic impacts of the exploitation of different stocks for different purposes... Yes, putting it on the face of the Bill would send a strong signal, and would also mean a sea change from the very discredited policies of the Common Fisheries Policy. What I think this Bill is really about is recognising that this is a new chapter for fisheries management. That is why I would urge you to support our amendment.” In later sessions other expert witnesses signalled their support for the Angling Trust proposals. The Fisheries Bill is expected to conclude its Committee stage in the Commons before Christmas prior to further scrutiny by the House of Lords. David Mitchell, Head of Marine at the Angling Trust said: “As a direct user stakeholder of UK fish stocks recreational fishing is reliant on access to abundant and sustainably-managed fish stocks. The Common Fisheries Policy has consistently failed to manage stocks sustainably and the new Fisheries Bill is a once in a generation opportunity to put this right and to usher in a new deal for sea anglers. That’s why were have been working so hard to have our voices heard in Parliament.”

Wreck fishing for bass in Lyme bay, from the river Axe in east Devon.

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 7


NOMADS CHRISTMAS OPEN On Sunday December 9th The Nomads held their annual Christmas Open, in strong westerely winds. Although the winds were strong they blew from the West which meant both Langney Point and Whitehorses had a dirty sea but very fishable!! The over-all winner with an excellent weight of 14lb 14oz is Keith Erridge. Keith caught whiting, dogfish dabs and pout fishing at Whitehorses. 2nd over-all and winner of A section was Colin Carey with 14lb 6oz. 2nd in A was Kipper Coleman with 12lb 15oz, 3rd Matt Cox with 12lb 14oz, 4th Colin Isaacs with 10lb 8oz and 5th R Jacobs with 9lb 8oz. Winner of B or Langney Point was Vernon Vivian with 11lb 14oz. 2nd Dave Rudland with 11lb 12oz. 3rd Mick Packer with 10lb 12oz (26 fish). 4th Joe Plumstead with 10lb 12oz (21 fish). 5th Colin Crosby with 9lb. Top Junior was Harvey Plumstead and Keeley Moule was runner up. The pairs winners were Colin Carey and Mick Webb with 21lb 14oz. 2nd were Keith Erridge and Tony Kirrage with 21lb 8oz. 3rd were Dave Rudland and Mike Perferct with 21lb. top nomads member was Paul Cox with 12lb 14oz. Heaviest round was a bass of 1lb 10oz for Malcolm Payne and the heaviest flat was a sole of 1lb 4oz for Colin Carey. On Monday 19th November the first part of the cod and species match was held. The winner with 5 whiting and an ell was Dan Wood with 35 points. 2nd Mike Moule with 25 points, 3rd Phil Chapman with 20 points. Biggest fish was shared between Dan Wood and Phil Chapman with a whiting of 13oz. On Wednesday 6th December The cod and species part 2 was fished and Paul Christopher won with 3 species for 45 points. 2nd Phil Chapman 3 species for 40 points and 3rd Tony Kirage also with 3 species for 40 points. heaviest flat was a dab of 4oz for Paul Christopher and the heaviest round was shared between Mike Moule and Phil Chapman with a dogfish of 1lb 9 1/4 oz. OVER FIFTIES The fourteenth over fifties match was held in Pevensey Bay on Tuesday 27th November, with 18 anglers fishing in wet and windy conditions. 1st Ian Hopper with 1lb 1/2 oz. 2nd Keith Erridge with 5 1/2 oz. 3rd Gerald Sargeant 5oz. biggest fish was a whiting of 6oz for Ian Hopper. The 15th and final match of 2018 saw 21 anglers fishing in Pevensey Bay on Monday 10th December. 1st John Ryder with 8lb5oz. 2nd Julian French with 8lb 2oz. 3rd Colin Sargeant

with 7lb 10oz. 4th Les Glazzard with 7lb 3/4 oz and 5th Tony Bush with 6lb 15oz. The heaviest round was shared between Tony Kirrage and Les Glazzard with a whiting of 13 1/2 oz. The heaviest flatfish was a lovely sole of 1lb 9 1/2 oz for Colin Sargeant. At the end of the season the eventual winner was Ian Hopper with 125 points. 2nd Tony Kirrage with 119 ppoints. 3rd Keith Erridge with 111 points and 4th Mike Perfect with 90 points. ANDERIDA On Wednesday 21st November the club fished in Pevensey Bay in windy conditions. The winner with 6lb 5 1/2 oz was Gary Banfield. 2d Jim Whippy with 6lb 3 1/2 oz and 3rd Colin Everest with 5lb 13 1/4 oz. The biggest fish was a whiting of 1lb for Jim Whippy. On Wednesday 5th December there was a big swell but favourable fishing conditions. The main fish caught were whiting but also plenty of dogfish with some pout dabs and a sole. 1st with 9lb 9 1/2 oz was Kevin Morgan. 2nd Colin Isaacs with 9lb 1 1/2 oz. 3rd Paul King with 8lb 8 1/2 oz and 4th Jim Whippy with 8lb 7 1/2 oz. The heaviest round was a dogfish of 1lb 12oz for Tim Lane and the heaviest flat a sole of 13oz for Colin Findley. The pairs semi final saw Jim Whippy and Phil Taylor go through with 13lb 12 1/2 oz and they will be against Paul King and Gary Banfield with 10lb 3oz in the final!! THE NEWHAVEN AND SEAFORD SHORE ANGLING CLUB On Thursday 22nd November the club fished the hand in hand cup at Langley Point. The winner was Shane Merrick with 4lb 4oz. 2nd Paul Weatherley with 4lb and 3rd Brian Henderson with 3lb 8oz. GENERAL With rapidly changing conditions the fishinng has been very diverse this month. Very few boat trips have been managed although Paul Stonestreet caught a lovely 18lb Thornback Ray recently from his own boat!! The beach has seen plenty of larger whiting showing but also some lovely dabs as well as plenty of dogish and a few bass. Darren Chapple has been specimen hunting again and caught a nice 9lb 6oz bass on Mackerel head amongst Eastbourne rocks on the 1st December!! Chris Voller caught a 4lb 6oz Thornback Ray in Pevensey Bay on the 16th November. We are still hopefull some cod may show later but also expecting a good year for dabs after Christmas !!

Chris Voller caught this 4lb 6oz thornback in Pevensy Bay Colin Sargeant with a 40cm 1lb 9.5 oz dover sole

Paul Stonestreet with a lovely 18lb thornback ray

Darren Chapple with a superb 9lb 6oz bass caught on mackerel head and returned alive

Harvey Plumstead Junior Nomads christmas comp winner

Keith Erridge Nomads Christmas Open match winner

Keeley Moule junior runner up in Nomads Christmas Open

LAGOON BAIT & TACKLE NOW UNDER THE NEW OWNERSHIP OF BRETT LOMAS FORMERLY OF THE BOGNOR REGIS ANGLING CENTRE Brighton and Hove's largest selection of fishing tackle for all types of fishing specialising in sea fishing.

WE ONLY STOCK GREAT BAIT! New opening hours 8am to 6pm monday to Saturday. 8am to 12 noon on Sundays. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Lagoonbaithove for catch reports and special sale items. Bring this advert into the shop and redeem your 10% discount (Limited time only, bait not included)

327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - TEL: 01273 415879

8 Email:



SILVER SPRAY & SILVER SPRAY II Two modern catamarans from Poole. Fast and spacious boats fitted with twin engines. COP 60 miles for 12 anglers. Large heated wheelhouse with toilet. Hot drinks provided and microwave available. All necessary rods, tackle and bait available.

Available for wreck, reef, banks, evening trips, 4-day Alderney and 3-day Cherbourg trips. **Bass, turbot, cod, plaice, shark specials** Both boats available for charters and individuals.

DISCOUNT WEEKDAY TRIPS MON - THURS £45 OR £450 Owner/skippers Sam & Andy Cumming Phone 07787 375 386 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2019

POOLE REPORT by Philip Higgins

The start of the month has seen weather hamper most fishing attempts but with the occasional weather window we have ventured out and found the fishing to be very good with some quality Bass being landed and most of them have been returned alive. Whilst fishing for Whiting Trevor Stallbridge and Toby Oldfield both landed good Bass at anchor on the weaker tides but during the bigger tides it is well worth some time spent drifting the usual Bass marks as they are still producing a few Bass. Whiting are the main target and are being caught in good numbers now with the hope of an illusive Cod if they grace us with their appearance this season. Amongst the Whiting are Congers in abundance mostly on the small side taking any bait you fish with including snatching Whiting from your gear up to 20 turns off the seabed at 1st we thought it was Pollack or Bass but after a few misses we started hooking the offenders and found them to be small hungry Eels. Poole Sea Angling Centre are running

the Poole Bream comp next spring on the 12th May 2019 and they have already announced dates for their winter Cod comps 17th November and 8th December 2019 for further details on these comps please call contact Andy on 01202676597. Andy supports and promotes many comps throughout the year and his latest Poole Harbour Flounder comp attracted 54 anglers with 11 Flounders being bought back to the scales and a 100% payout. Poole has several good tackle shops and to save room in your freezers bait can be pre ordered from them and collected on the day along with any last minute tackle requirements. Our local IFCA officer Sarah is organising an Open Boat Flounder comp in aid of the RNLI on Sunday 20th Jan 2019 for further details email or call Chris 07856532872 Poole Species Comp 2019 The date for next year is Friday June 7th 2019 for more info contact Sarah Medley ‘pinkdolphin75@’

Kim with a bass aboard Mistress Linda

Richard with a Whiting aboard Mistress Linda

Mistress Linda Fishing from Poole, Dorset

Skipper Philip Higgins Fast Twin Engined DS Bullet 38 Fully Licensed & Insured for 12 Persons All the Latest Electronics Full On-board Facilities, Hot Drinks Provided

Tel: 07860794183

THE ANGLING CENTRE 01308 421800 One of the largest

Angling Centres on the South Coast LIVE AND FROZEN BAITS RODS AND REELS TERMINAL TACKLE CARP TACKLE AND BAIT BOAT BOOKINGS We try to supply all types of Fishing Tackle & Baits

Stockists of

Shakespeare * Daiwa * Greys * Abu Garcia Masterline * Browning * Quantum Leeda Century * Rapala * Fox * Drennan * Mossella Speleo * Dynamite Baits * Sundridge * Shimano and lots more Open 7 days a week - please come in and browse

10a WEST BAY - BRIDPORT Tel: 01308 421800

6 High Street, Swanage, BH19 2NT Tel 01929 424989 Shakespeare – Abu Masterline Live rag – Frozen Bait Bookings taken for Deep sea Fishing Trips

The Purbecks Premier Tackle shop


Toby with a bass aboard Mistress Linda

Trevor with a bass aboard Mistress Linda

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 9


This month’s report isn’t quite as exciting as last month I’m Afraid. As you can imagine we have only been to sea a handful of times because of all the storms lately. In November we made the journey down the Northney Marina for the 2 day Northney cod comp. We forgot to invite the cod however so fishing was mostly congers whiting and a few rays. Big thanks to Bex and Ian of Kelley’s Hero Charters and Zac and Glen Cairns from Valkyrie Charters for organising and most importantly providing the bacon rolls. We will be back down there next year to have another go on 14th and 15th November. Elsewhere the best fishing has been for the bass. When conditions allow we have had seen plenty of hard fighting fish on light tackle including Craig Newman’s first ever bass of 10lb 4oz, that’s going to be hard to

beat. Ian Memish caught our biggest bass of the year so far (still a few days left to beat it) after a solid 10 minute fight the fish hit the deck unharmed with the hook lightly in the top lip. After a quick photo it was back in the landing net to oxygenate the fish and watch it swim off for another day. Definitely our best catch and release of the year, the fish would have weighed around 14lb if we had taken the time to put it on the scaes. In the bay the fishing is good with some nice whiting, rays and of course the ever abundant congers. The cod are thin on the ground as mentioned earlier but sometimes they come on late in December and continue on into February especially further west off Poole. A massive thank you to everyone who fished with us on Silver Spray Charters in 2018, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and tight lines for 2019.

Red Gill Tel – 01305 789297 E Mail –

Bass silver spray II


Craig Newman 10lb 4oz bass silver spray II

Octopus silver spray II

Bass silver spray II

Ian Memish catch and release bass silver spray II

10 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2019

Minehead Cod Challenge 2019 Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th January Entry Form Name: …………………………………………………………………………

Contact Telephone No.: ……………………………………………………

E-Mail address: ………………………………………………………………


Please enclose cheque for £120 made payable to “Minehead Cod Challenge” and mail with this entry form to The Sea Angling News, 55 Poundfield Road Minehead Somerset TA24 5ES Or pay by BACS to; NatWest, Acc. Name: The Minehead Cod Challenge, Sort code 60-14-30, Account number 57155755 ref. your name E-mail with any queries.






Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 11

BACK TO BASICS By Martin Wood So now that winter has its grip on us and the weather is creating some challenging seas and conditions to fish in I thought I would start the “back to basics” section with a good strong knot to use that won’t pull out when you have your new P.B fish on! The Improved clinch knot is a fantastic all around knot for using whether tying swivels, hooks or any type of terminal tackle. Benefits of this knot are it’s quick to tie; you can cut the tag end very close to the knot with some nail clippers making it easier for large baits to go over and is obviously very strong. How to tie the knot: 1. Start by threading the line through the eye of the hook, then make 5 to 7 (If heavy mono over 40lb then 4 wraps is sufficient) wraps around the line with the loose tag end. 2. Then thread the loose tag end of the line through the loop created closest to the hooks eye, then back around and inside the loose sec-

tion of line. 3. Then just moisten the line and Pull both ends of the line until tight, slide knot down to top of the hooks eye if needed and just re tighten. 4. Trim the loose tag end of the line if necessary with some nail clippers/scissors. With everyone concentrating on Cod so much and everyone preferring their own way with rigs and baits around the country, I thought I would be different and focus on a cocktail bait fit for a P.B Bull huss. With the Bull huss being a good sporting fish and renowned for fighting well it’s just another great target for those winter months and with being plentiful in the South & the West makes them a good target as they can grow to 5ft and in excess of 20lb and with a shore caught record of 19lb 14oz This fish can present you with great sport when a lot of fish move away due to the colder waters.

Making the bait: Take your hook in this case a 5/0 Aberdeen and thread it through your squids body keeping the head at the bottom and putting the hook through the eye and out the top of the head leaving the hook standing proud.. By putting through the eye and up out the head you release all the inky juice putting scent out there. Now wrap the snood line around the pennelled hook at the top then hook through the squid’s tail end. Cut yourself a whole fillet of mackerel, cut in just behind the pectoral fin and cut down to the spine, turn your knife 90 degrees and follow the spine down to the tail. You want the head end of the fillet up on the pennelled hook, so hook it through making sure the hook point is left standing proud. Lay the fillet so the squid runs down the middle of the inside of the fillet, Leave the skin on the outside as it looks more natural and also protects the flesh keeping scent for longer. If your fillet is slightly frozen squeeze either side of the fillet gently to curve it around the squid bait. Get your bait elastic and wrap a good few turns at the top and then work your way down the bait, you don’t have to be shy with the bait

elastic as it won’t affect the huss taking the bait at all, plus the elastic will keep your presentation nice and neat and those pesky crabs and smaller fish at bay. When you reach the main hook don’t hook the fillet just use the bait elastic and elastic it too the hook shank making sure the hook point is left clear and proud of the bait which is another benefit to an Aberdeen style hook with long shanks you can whip the bait too them a lot easier. With a Hook point left standing proud on both sides of the bait you’re ready to go this also casts well on pulley rigs should you need to get your bait a fair distance due to it being streamlined. It’s a good size bait for a good size Bull huss which prevents a lot of the smaller fish from snuffing your bait that is intended for your quarry the huss won’t find the size a problem as they have large mouths. Remember skin on Bull huss can be more abrasive than that of Dogfish and there are some pretty sharp teeth in the business end. With having a large mouth they can take baits deep so a T bar or long nose pliers is handy addition to take along. Happy hunting & tight lines!

12 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2019


By Wayne Thomas

Rock marks have yielded some good fish as autumn has moved into winter with tope the highlight of catches so far. These hard fighting members of the shark family are perhaps the ultimate reward for many hours spent waiting on rock marks waiting for the reel to scream its warning song. Ian laird landed a fine tope of 39lb 12oz and Ollie Passmore a tope of 32lb 2oz. It is likely that bigger fish will be hooked before the year is out with the season for these enigmatic fish seeming to extend each year. Spurdog have provided some exciting sport in recent seasons and I expect this trend to continue with the fishing reaching its peak in January. Last year saw the capture of a new British record specimen of 18lb to the rod of Cameron Atkinson. It

would be no surprise if this fish was beaten again this winter. Bull huss and conger are also on the prowl with specimen fish likely from a wide range of marks. Ray have been showing throughout the winter with a big blonde likely from the Ilfracombe area. It has been the best season in the estuary for flounder fishing for several years with several fish caught of around 2lb. The final flurry of Christmas Competitions should see the season close with more quality flatfish caught as they will be in prime condition before moving out of the estuary to spawn at sea. Junior angler Max Peake won Appledore Shipbuilders Christmas Flounder Competition with a fine flounder of 1lb 13.75oz.

Junior angler Max Peake with the 1lb 13.75oz flounder that won Appledore Shipbuilders Christmas Competition

Kyle Blackmore with fine brace of Taw flounder

Graham Snow thick lipped grey mullet 4lb 9.25oz

Ollie Passmore - Tope 32lb 2oz

Ian laird with a shore caught bull huss

Ian Laird with a fine tope of 39lb 12oz

Jack Phillips flounder 1lb 6oz-3

Paul Hutching with a brace of Taw flounder

SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO Josh Atkinson with a small eyed ray of 8lb 2oz

Paul Lorrimore with fine brace of bull huss

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 13





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Sea Angling News, January 2019

Sea Angling News, January 2019

Email: 15


LANGSTONE HARBOUR AREA BOAT FISHING REPORT By Neville Merritt, Southsea Marina Angling Club The last month has been brilliant for fishing if you only wanted to go out once (midweek) and catch loads of small congers. For the other 99.9% of anglers it has been pretty miserable with every weekend blown off and only a few fishable days midweek for those able to take advantage of them. Those than did steal a day for a boat trip were rewarded with conger after conger roaming around the cod grounds on the lookout for carefully presented expensive cod baits. As most were T-barred off at the side of the boat, we have a representative photo from Peter Churchill which could be one of hundreds! Other regulars were dogfish, pout and various rays. Some nice bass were caught including Team Foster, son Tom shows a 5lb 6oz while his father Robert caught a stonking bass of 13lb 9oz! There have been some whiting caught but very few cod. The one star catch of the month was a


cod of 33lb 5oz caught by Lee Birchwood in the Nab area on squid bait. The Southsea Marina Angling Club Cod Open Competition has been delayed by the weather every weekend since October and we are hoping to improve on last year’s date which was also delayed until 14th January. We thought we would get ahead of the game this year by planning it earlier. So much for that idea. To cheer us up let’s have another look at Dick Prosser’s winning cod of 18lb 12oz from January 2018. Looking back over the year we have had some good fishing. Plaice arrived early in February, Heber Crawford shows the quality of fish caught. In March we discovered we were sitting over large shoals of herring, and by targeting them with small sabikies you could catch plenty for bait or supper. Quality pollack and bass were caught on the mid Channel wrecks as shown by

BRAAS open beach comp sunday 9 dec pagham 0930 to 1430 29 people fished catch and release wind was north west with some weed and a big dump on shore 17 peple caught fish, 21 channel whiting, 1 pouting , 3 dog fish, 1 bass, 1 thornback ray

2nd Roy Arnold Falmer East Sussex 1 bass points 104.

1st Steve Osborne BRASS 1 whiting 1 pout 1 thornback ray accumulative points 154 he won the Paul Evershed memorial trophy is the second win for Steve he last won it in 2016 he did well to land the thorn back due to the sea conditions.

Shirley SAC

3rd John Delaney Fareham Hants 1 dogfish 1 channel whiting accumulative points 80.

Here is the result of our latest match which was the Club's Shore Xmas Fayre fished at Weston Shore to Hamble Common on Sunday 9th December.

Kev Johnson. By April plaice were plentiful and we had some good spells of weather. May saw the arrival of bream as displayed by Kev Johnson and John Jones. Wafters – buoyant baits use by carp anglers – made a difference when threaded on hooks baited with squid strip. By June tope had arrived and so had some great weather. Most of the summer photos show calm blue seas and sizzling temperatures. Leigh Coward shows all of this with his tope of 46lb. There was a good run of smoothhound right through the summer, Adam Houghton shows one just shy of 20lb. The best tope we recorded was Ian Drapers fish of 64lb. Bass were catch and release only during the summer so there were fewer boats targeting them but there were plenty of the calibre of this 5lber caught by our local butcher Mo Twells. The calm weather meant boats were regularly able to push further

A good entry of 33 members fished but with a strong north- westerly wind all day only 5 weighed in 6 Flounder's for 2k 360gms. Best flounder was a fish of 520gms caught by Richard Purkess. RESULT. SENIORS 1. Paul Dorey 2. Richard Purkess 3. Barry Instrell 4. John Bell 5. John Carstairs

2 fish 1 fish 1 fish 1 fish 1 fish

840gms 520gms 410gms 380gms 210gms

offshore to find prime pollack like this specimen from Bill Arnold. The sun shone on the marina as if it was the Mediterranean and mullet were caught to a very good size. The sun was still shining in August, Kev Johnson managed to actually catch a sunfish and we were regularly treated to dolphin displays. There were also a few turbot and brill caught which were very welcome. Chris Sartow shows an example. There were are few early cod in September like this one from Ray Marino. Squid fishing suddenly became very popular across the South Coast with plenty caught from boat and shore. In late October the weather hit us and here we are, waiting and hoping for a settled weekend so we can chase the last of the cod. If we have another summer like that in 2019 I don’t think we will be complaining.

16 Email:


TELBOY'S TACKLE AMLWCH, ANGLESEY SHAMROCK TACKLE - FULL RANGE NOW AVAILABLE OPEN EARLY 7 DAYS A W EEK TEL: 01407 832 9 6 5 w w w. t e l b o y s t a c k l e . c o . u k

Free Postage and Package on orders over £10


Sea Angling News, January 2019

ANGLING TRUST WELCOMES CLUBMATE NEW ONLINE CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Angling Trust has agreed a new partnership with Clubmate, an online membership management and engagement package designed to help clubs and fisheries reduce burdensome administration tasks, retain existing members and attract new joiners. The easy to use, intuitive software package has been designed for the angling community. Customisable payment options for the collection of membership fees, a real-time online booking system and help ensuring compliance with new and complex GDPR are just some of the extensive features on offer. Darren Birch, Angling Trust Club and Fisheries Development Officer, said: “Clubmate is a welcome innovation which has the potential to revolutionise and professionalise the way fishing clubs are administered.” The cloud-based software system is accessible from any computer or mobile device connected to the internet and puts an end to inefficient, paper-heavy administration systems. Seamless, online payment options, flexible booking systems, automated renewals and the creation of branded, photo ID cards for members are just some of the notable features.

The Angling Trust has this week thrown its weight behind a national initiative to recycle used fishing line and is urging anglers from all backgrounds to participate to prevent millions of metres of line being sent to landfill every year. Most coarse and sea anglers replace the line on their reels at least annually, if not more frequently, meaning that millions of metres of used line are currently thrown away each year in the UK alone. The vast majority of this line is monofilament (plastic-based) and takes hundreds of years to degrade. Until now, the only option to dispose of used line was landfill or incineration. The Anglers National Line Recycling Scheme (ANLRS) developed from humble beginnings. In 2016, a local line recycling project was launched in Sussex by the Local Independent Sea Anglers (LISA) organisation. LISA collaborated with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative to identify a viable route for recycling fishing line and following the success of local line collections, it quickly became apparent that they had developed a project that should be rolled out nationwide. The ANLRS has grown rapidly since being launched nationally earlier this year, with over 180 fishing tackle shops and many large fisheries now supporting the scheme by gathering used line in collection bins in their retail outlets and on the bank. Major tackle manufacturer Gardner Tackle is also now backing the initiative and offers discounts on its range of lines when exhibiting at the various winter angling shows. Many other manufacturers have shown an interest in supporting the scheme in varying forms. After exploring innovative recycling methods, all forms of fishing line can now be recycled through the ANLRS, including monofilament, braided line and fly fishing lines. Line can also be posted directly to

the ANLRS for recycling and volunteers have already collected more than 1.2 million metres of line within eight months of launching nationally.

Owen Chapman, creator of Clubmate, said: “We set out to create a system that anyone of any age could use, with the intention of making life easier for them and their club. We also wanted to increase

fishing participation by making clubs more accessible to new members through improvements to joining, booking and payment systems. Working in partnership with the Angling Trust we have refined our features and created a dedicated solution that will modernise the way fishing clubs are run and managed.” Non-personal member data will also provide a rich source of intelligence for the Angling Trust, creating the sport’s first realtime picture of participation levels. This will enable the National Governing Body to create bespoke development programmes, helping attract under-represented groups of people into the sport of angling. It will also provide the evidence required for further government funding, helping to safeguard the sport’s future. Darren Birch added: “This innovation brings fishing club and fishery administration into the 21st century. Most people, especially the younger generation, many of whom do not own a chequebook, expect to be able to sign up online in an instant and make a payment either by card or by direct debit. We need to be able to provide them with this option to create a sustainable future for angling. Joining and renewing needs to be simple and hassle free. Clubmate certainly ticks these boxes.” If you are interested in finding out more about Clubmate and how it can help your club, visit, call 0333 987 4677 or email

James Champkin, Campaigns Officer for the Angling Trust, said: “The ANLRS has been on the radar of the Angling Trust for some time. The ANLRS is a fantastic and long overdue project to tackle a growing problem and I’m very pleased that we’ve finally been able to formally announce our support. The Trust will be promoting the scheme through our media channels and exploring ways in which we can provide funding to allow the scheme to continue expanding.” Viv Shears, volunteer at the ANLRS, concluded: “The goal of the scheme is to complete the circle from angler disposing of the line in a recycling bin, through reprocessing and ultimately creating a product that is manufactured from recycled fishing lines. With the support of the Trust, we hope to spread the word about line recycling across all angling disciplines and make it the ‘normal’ thing to do with redundant or discarded line. To date the reaction to the scheme from shops, anglers and angling related businesses has been nothing short of phenomenal. There is a huge potential for the scheme to spread across Europe and even further beyond that. Undoubtably the key to its success is that it is run on a purely voluntary non-profit basis and has gathered grass roots support from anglers, the tackle industry and now the Angling Trust. Having achieved as much as we have in eight months, the next year will be very exciting and the scheme will help to promote angling in a positive light given the current issues around plastics and their impact upon our environment.”

WIN! A FREE FISHING HOLIDAY FOR UP TO 8 PEOPLE FOR 5 DAYS A chance to win a free fishing holiday for up to 8 people for 5 days call 07494351073 to be entered. The caravan is a 15 ft wide 8 berth 3 bedroom gas central heated comprising of 1 Double bedroom 2 single bedrooms with up to 2 beds in each with a pull out double bed in lounge T.V/DVD free wifi on site bars, restaurants and a shop on sight. 2 lakes with carp and other species swimming pool indoor and out activities for all ages and entertainment ever night walking distant of Bristol Channel beaches and the town. From London M4 and M5 and or the A370 to marine drive by train from London straight through train to Weston super mare then first bus service from outside the station straight to haven holiday site rental from £50 per person per week for more info email:

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 17



A sudden change in weather has dampened sport somewhat this month. Strong winds from the west have piled up seas making it difficult to venture too far. However, inshore marks are still showing a few decent cod though numbers are still light for the time of year. He herring drifters have again had a bumper harvest with as many fish available as are needed. The secret apparently is to get the nets in before they become too laden to handle! Sprats also showing in good numbers. With this influx of natural

bait fish, it can be difficult to get the bottom feeding fish interested in hook baits. Offshore grounds still producing large numbers of spurdogs though again, he weather is curtailing many trips aiming at this species. Rays continuing to entertain on many inshore marks. Not much more this month but with January now here we can hope for that linker of a cod from more or less anywhere in this area. Give us a call for a last minute South coast cancellation, Parties or individuals always welcome.

Mick Franks spurdog Alykat

Bonio with a bloneray

Jason with a cod

Dave Parr spurdog Alykat

John Villis thornback Ray Alykat

Another cod aboard seafire

Steve Ridout with a fine spurdog Alykat

Steve Ridout happy with his thorny Alykat

18 Email:

Sea Angling News, January 2019



Fast 10m Cougar Cat operating from Minehead Harbour Blonde ray - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey


● All the latest electronics ● Tea & coffee provided ● Full on-board facilities ● Tackle & bait available ● Experienced anglers & beginners welcome ● Full tuition provided

Call Steve on 07967 362132

Teddie Boy Charters Cod - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey

Cod - Osprey

Teddie Boy is a fast stable 9m AMC cat fully licensed and insured, code of practice 60 miles. Equipped with all the latest marine electronics. Tea & coffee, gas hob and flushing toilet. Experienced anglers, beginners and ladies very welcome. 4 hour trip £25 per person, 8 hour trip £40 per person

Rods, bait & tuition are available.

Cod - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey

Cod - Osprey

Hound - Osprey

Cod - Osprey

Blonde ray - Osprey

For all bookings and enquiries call Mike



Conger - Teddie Boy



Cod - Teddie Boy trksid=p2047675.l2559

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 19


With the past month being so unsettled the consistency to the fishing and the potential has been random as anything. When we’ve had gaps with some settled weather the codling have made themselves known with fish of 2-4lb making up catches of 1-4 codling if your lucky. As we moved into mid December. A fresh run of great conditions codling have arrived promising some good sport for the new year and the infamous spring run. Plus hopefully the bigger North Atlantic cod that migrate to feed heavily during this time of year make it up into the channel to give us all hope of that double figure cod. Now is the time to get out and target them. All you need is a bag of squid and a wrap of black lug and a dollop of luck and rod hours put in and you have half a chance. The stamp and numbers of thornback rays has improved with many doubles being recorded in multiple catches of up to 10 or more rays a session. As we move into the new year the chances of a better specimen Ray is on the cards up and down the channel. The potential for a specimen blonde ray and small eyed is very high and it possibly we could see the Bristol Channel small eyed record tumble from the Minehead area this winter. The spur dog fishing has been a bit sporadic in the Minehead area. Tides, times and conditions are important to stand a chance of success with

this species. Seeking a bit of local info over the counter at a local tackle shop will without doubt help you tick this fish off your list. With this species being so strong in numbers and size we can expect the British record set from the channel shore last winter to be broken and a near 20lber is more than possible especially along the Somerset/North Devon boarder. The Huss fishing has been pretty good with some good consistency, especially in the Porlock and Bossington area. Plenty of double figure Huss are available and are a realistic target and a welcome catch while also targeting the spurs. With so many good options open to the shore angler in the Bristol Channel during winter we are spoilt for choice. The only problem we have is deciding what to do. What a lovely problem to have. If only the fish were on the feed all the time in all conditions we would be laughing. But get the conditions, tides and weather right and it’s game on. Anyway get yourselves out there, and get stuck into some good fishing, whether it’s good old cod fishing or what ever target species your are after, just do it. You owe it to yourself to get the bug back if you’ve lost it !! Wishing you all a happy and fishy new year. Tightlines & happy hunting

Historic Harbour-side Venue ●Newly refurbished iconic pub and hotel with its fantastic Minehead harbour-side setting. ●Fine ales & river cottage style food & traditional hospitality at its best. ●Fishing parties welcome. David Searle found a fine Thornback of 11lb 6oz recently while fishing over low water

Tel: 01643 703 516


Proprietor: Ian Daniels 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead TA24 5DT Email:


Taunton angler Brad Lock broke his personal best Thornback twice in a short session at Watchet with Thornbacks of 8lb10oz and topped by one of 10lb11oz

Kyle Blackmore has found a few codling over the past month with fish over 4lb

20 Email:



Tel. Ian or Bex on 07795 538933 Email:

Sea Angling News, January 2019


11m South Catamaran with twin 330hp Iveco Turbo Charged Diesel engines. She has a top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. The boat is fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is licensed to carry 12 passengers.

VA LK Y R IE CH A R TE RS Skipper Gl Ski Glen C Cair i ns O f f iice: 02392 461717 B Boatt : 07831 878669

Individuals / Small and Large Groups Catered for Email: Mob: 07796023881 Owner: John Skeggs. Port: Lymington FREE PARKING! Now taking bookings for winter Cod fishing! A full day targeting Cod / Whiting, or you can split the day for Cod / Bass. Plenty of options!

LAST LAUGH CHARTERS By John Skeggs Nearly another year over!

Valkyrie 6 & 7 are based at Northney Marina with easy access just across Langstone bridge plus FREE secure parking. Specialising in Wreck, Reef, Pollack, Cod, Bass fishing. All the facilities you would expect onboard a modern catamaran heated cabin, seating, cooking facilities. Licensed for 12 + 2 crew 60 miles fully insured. | Email


The Angling Trust are working hard to kick out an amendment to the Fisheries Bill that could ban anglers and bait companies from fishing for sandeels. The proposal would stop UK fishers fishing commercially for Ammodytes marina but would also ban

the small-scale and sustainable fishing for Ammodytes tobianus too.


and Chris Ellis both with a conger eel of 59cm.

Win-Sum League Bonus Competition. On Wednesday evening on the 7th November Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held a Win-Sum League bonus competition at Steamer Point. The weather for the evening was very windy and 13 anglers took part. The longest round fish pool went to Paul Watson with a dogfish of 60cm. The 2nd longest round fish pool went to Ian Dancey

Inshore Black Bream fishing was fairly consistent with several fish around the 4lb mark, May and June being the better months.

Other summer species, Rays and Smoothounds appeared in good numbers. After a glorious summer,water temperatures remained unseasonally high, which could be one of the reasons as to why its been another poor Cod season. The warm sea temperatures have meant the Bass fishing has been at its best, and they should be around up to the New Year. Thanks to all my customers for their support during 2018 and hope I see you all in 2019. Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to All.

Bass - Last Laugh

Bass - Last Laugh

Undoubtedly one of the best summer's for years, despite this,the fishing threw up a lot of highs and lows. Starting with the Plaice, it was one of the best seasons for many years,lets hope it continues in the New year.

The Angling Trust are working with Ammo Baits to fight this off on behalf of the bait industry and recreational sea anglers.

Results: 1st Paul Watson 283cm, 2nd Pete Chamberlain 164cm 3rd Paul Dibden 156cm, 4th Chris Ellis 104cm 5th ------ ------ 101cm 6th Ben Daniel 87cm 7th Ian Dancey 64cm. Cod - Last Laugh

Winner - Northney Cod Comp

Bass - Last Laugh

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 21


The British Cod championship was fished from Lymington (in the Solent) on the 30th of November with plenty of fish but not many Cod. The winner with the biggest Cod and (£1000) first prize was Mr T Wateridge, with Mr Jackson coming second with another Cod. The prize for most Cod was split between them both. A big thank you to the organiser K Duell and to Lymington SFC for all their help and the venue. Looking back at the past month I don't

Whilst we are all up for promoting getting out there and going fishing yourself, heres one for those rainy rig tieing days.

know what is the most disappointing the weather or the lack of Cod, as I said before there are plenty of fish, with Conger hooking up at all states of the tide. Thorn back, Blonde, Spotted and Undulate are also on the list with Channel Whiting and Bass to be targeted, the bonus for this month is Spurdog which have arrived over the past few weeks,the females are nearly ready to pup so gentle hand required. Tight lines Art Savage.

PRIVATE VENTURE Fast Cat out of Lymington fishing the Needles area. Channel wrecking, reef fishing, 3 to 7 day Channel Island trips. Needles cod - bass fishing. evenings individuals - parties

Bigben and Sanuk are happy to announce that Pro Fishing Simulator is will be available in the UK from November 30th on PC, PlayStation®4, and Xbox One Pro Fishing Simulator is a sport fishing simulation which lets players enjoy this incredibly popular activity (more than a million French citizens love going fishing) from the comfort of their own living room. Whether you’re an expert or a novice, you’ll enjoy visiting the most beautiful fishing spots in the entire world and encountering over 75 species of realistically reproduced fish. Prestigious brands such as Strike King, KastKing, 13 Fishing, Lew’s and Vision are represented in the game, which includes over 100 pieces of official equipment.

Tel: Arthur Savage 02380-897111 Boat 07702 607216

Key features: 9 fishing areas, based on real locations across the world: from Seychelles to the Black Forest, and even Colorado. 6 fishing techniques: float fishing, fly fishing, line fishing, pole fishing, bottom fishing, and boat fishing. 79 realistically reproduced species of fish. Hundreds of pieces of equipment from official brands: 13 Fishing, JMC, Vision, Lew’s, KastKing, Outcast, Sea Eagle and Strike King. Tutorials adapted to every level, a wiki to learn even more about the fish, and more than 100 challenges to overcome. Weekly and seasonal challenges. -

Pro Fishing Simulator: fishing, as real as it gets!

Stu with T Back ray Private Venture

T Back ray Private Venture

John with Spurdog Private Venture

Spurdog Private Venture

22 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2019

Port Report So far December has been pretty grim and the forecasts show it is about to get grimmer with gales sweeping in this port report is being compiled. Several charter skippers decided to head off to more settled climes to fish the more exotic locations such as the Canary Islands, Costa Rico and Mexico. Anglers marveling at the photographs of the shore caught fish that Fish-On skipper, Josh Simmons, has been posting must be wondering how they can join him for a truly amazing angling experience. And Jamie Pullin's accounts of the boat fishing in Costa Rica featuring dorado, jack cravelle and rooster fish (the same main species that Josh is targeting on lures hurled from a stunning Mexican beach) makes you want to leap on a plane to go and join in the action. Shore maestro Ryan Casey along with fellow Weymouth Captains Katie Balem and Jack lott have provided us with great reports of an impressive variety of species taken from the shore using a multitude of methods and tactics. I imagine there will be plenty of retelling of fishing tales for Weymouth charter boat customers to enjoy when fishing with any of these skippers. The reports from the charter boats is virtually non-existent for December but various 'private' boats have managed to sneak a few hours in when local owners have spotted a brief window in the weather. The main target area is the Adamant Bank to the east of Weymouth where good sized whiting are being caught and this will continue into January and hopefully February. Apart from being just a 3040 minutes steam for most vessels, the Adamant becomes surprisingly productive for the winter months. It's probably the most likely place to catch a cod and there's always a good run of rays and conger. Expect pout, dogfish, spurdog, tope and even a stray bass. Fishing is usually carried out at anchor so check with your skipper the range of weights required with the ebb tide always running harder than the flood tide. A half mile south east of the Adamant is another well defined bank known locally as the Ten Fathom Bank which might just give a clue as to its depth. This is not as consistent as The Adamant but can sometimes produce really lively fishing with the amount of tide running over it. Turbot, brill, rays, tope, cod and bass are all possible from this mark with uptiding being a good option.

worth the longer trip if the weather allows over the next two months with a number of what can be very productive whiting marks which also produce red and tub gurnard, strap conger,rays and cod with the best cod marks well to the west off Abbotsbury.

Bass - Duchess II

Bass - Duchess II

Conger - Duchess II

Squid - Duchess II

The Kidney Bank, famous for its blonde rays, can often produce the biggest specimens in January and February and again there's always a chance of a decent bass, turbot or cod taking the big squid baits aimed at the rays. Again, this is a mainly anchoring mark with the hardest tides often fishing the best. High water down is a particularly consistent part of the day requiring 2lb lead on braid when downtiding right down to ounces over the slack tide. More anglers are opting to uptide especially with the increasing popularity of quality fixed spool reels making casting into deep water that much easier. There will now be pollack on the wrecks. Of course getting out to them will be all down to the weather with the best wrecks in the 20 to 35 mile offshore range; not the sort of distance any of us enjoys steaming out to on a lumpy sea. January to March has always been regarded as offering the very best of the pollacking. Looking back 2018 was an amazing year for the weather although we are paying for it now with these continuous gales. The clarity of the water was the best many have experienced in years and this in itself created difficult fishing particularly over the wrecks where tackle needed to be adapted to overcome this outstanding clarity. 2018 was definitely the year when Fluro-carbon proved invaluable. Thank you to everyone for supporting the Weymouth and Portland charter businesses and let's hope for a few settled days in January to allow the boats to reach the various inshore marks and offshore wrecks. Your custom is always greatly valued and we look forward to welcoming you to Weymouth in 2019, a year that promises to be very busy with a lively competition calendar plus the exciting trips planned by our enthusiastic new breed of skippers. Good Luck to all of you!

Undulate ray - Duchess II

Huss - Duchess II

Another half mile east lies the enormous wreck of the Van Opstal which is full of conger in the winter with a good variety of rays coming from the sandy banks over which the wreck lays scattered. The Shambles is always worth a try no matter what time of the year with its great variety of depths offering different species during anchoring sessions. This is the everyone knows for its turbot and brill but it can also be excellent for rays, whiting and a bonus cod in January and February. The marks to the west of Portland are well



Sea Angling News, January 2019

OFFSHORE REBEL CAT, Cop 60 miles, licenced/insured for 12 anglers, Channel Islands, wrecking specialist fishing trips Tel: JAMIE PULLIN Mobile: 07886 931406 Phone for free newsletter & individual list Contact my web site on:

Skipper - Keith Brown



Wreck, Reef, Shambles & Bank Fishing Individuals, Groups & Novices Welcome 60 Mile COP Licenced & Insured, Operating All Year 4, 6 & 8hr trips Skipper/Owner, Jeff Clarke Tel-01308425494 / 07778315778

Reef, Wreck, Shambles & Kidney Bank fishing. Individuals, Parties, Beginners welcome. 60 mile COP, Licensed & Insured. Tel: DAVE PITMAN 01305 781644 Boat 07721 320352

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Skipper Colin Baker Wreck, Reef, Shambles & Bank Fishing 60 Mile COP, Licenced & Insured Tel: 07814301708 Offshore Wrecking, Reef, Bank and Alderney Fishing Trips Free Parking



Refreshments Tackle and Rod Hire available Beginners, Experienced and Families All Welcome

SKIPPER - DAN CLARKE (01308) 488515 / 07734383440 WWW.FINSUP-CHARTERS.COM @finsupfishingcharters

Email: 23


24 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2019 www.ocean

2 - 4 - 8 HOUR TRIPS

Specialising in offshore wreck and ground fishing. Fish in a spacious twin engined 500hp 38ft Aquastar. Full time owner and skipper Dave Elliott. 60 mile D.T.I, fully licensed and insured. Hot drinks and rod hires available. Ring Dave on boat direct 07966 377145 or evening 01444 230882 Email Bass - Ocean Warrior

Blonde ray - Ocean Warrior

Sea Angling News, January 2019



David Lynes’s Baillon’s Wrasse

Lawrence King’s Orfe

Ryan Wingfield’s shore-caught Tope

The BRFC met at The Natural History Museum, London, on 22nd November 2018. Present were: Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Andrew Nellist (Freshwater Specialist), Paul Coulson (Freshwater specialist), Nigel Hewlett (Scientific Advisor, Environment Agency) and Nick Simmonds (Secretary). The committee considered and accepted the following record claims as being duly ratified: Lawrence King’s Orfe (or Ide) (Leuciscus idus (L)), caught from Newdigate Farms Fishery on 29th May, which equals the record at 8lb 5oz. Jason Touzel’s shore-caught White Sea Bream (Diplodus sargus), caught from the west coast of Jersey on 11th May and ratified at a weight of 3lb 3oz 2dr. Jason’s fish was witnessed by Roger Bryant, the previous record holder for this species. Cameron Atkinson’s shore-caught Spurdog (Squalus acanthias), from Watermouth on the north Devon coast on 24th January. Ratified at 18lb exactly. As reported in our previous press release, the claims in respect of these three fish had been approved for ratification by the respective freshwater and marine specialist groups of the BRFC and the captors had been notified of provisional record awards pending full ratification. Ratified record certificates will now be issued to the captors. Also ratified as new records were: Ryan Wingfield’s shore-caught Tope (Galeorhinus galeus), caught from Strumble Head, Pembrokeshire on 25th May. Ryan claimed his fish at a weight of 73lb 2oz but the scales test showed the scale to be reading significantly light and consequently Ryan’s fish was ratified at 75lb. Somewhat smaller is David Lynes’s Baillon’s Wrasse (Crenilabrus bailloni), weighing in at 285 grams. David caught his fish from a boat in Poole Bay on 3rd September. The Baillon’s Wrasse is listed in the “Minispecies” listing for fish weighing under 1lb and Mini-species records are recorded in grams. The last and most recently caught of our ratified records is John Varcoe’s boatcaught Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliano), which John caught on 5th October from a reef off Polzeath, Cornwall, ratified at 2lb 1oz 14dr. Because this fish is externally

Lawrence King’s Orfe

Jason Touzel’s shorecaught White Bream

Cameron Atkinson’s shore-caught Spurdog

indistinguishable from a sister species it was subjected to an X-ray examination at the Natural History Museum, to show the only distinguishing feature – a bone which is straight in this species but curved in the other! The members present considered at length Vinny Parker’s claim for the carp record following his capture of the fish known as Captain Jack from Holme Fen Fishery in Cambridgeshire and unanimously agreed that this fish should not be accepted as a British record. After the last meeting of the BRFC in November 2017 the committee publicised through its press release a range of criteria which would be applied to consideration of future coarse fish record claims. These are:

Email: 25

COX & RAWLE PRO TEAM GUIDING DIARY Guiding Diary Craig Butler With the winter cod fishing guiding season here .I always like to get out and test the waters and get a bit of action in and freshen up on the motions of cod fishing and possibly find a new gulley to target before taking out my clients to many of my sacred cod holes. Recently, I suspected the autumn codling were in at one of my favourite local beaches, the golf links beach at Minehead . So I just had to get out and see if I could tempt a few . Joining me was a friend and fellow club member Derek Hamsford. Derek lives in Coventry and often visits and stays locally, but it’s not alway possible for the two of us to get our pleasure fishing. So it was a nice change to get out with him, plus it was my birthday too, so there was no better way to spend it than fishing a favourite spot on a stunning early autumn evening. I met Derek on the beach at our chosen spot after a quick 15 minute yomp through a farm down a lane then scuttling across the edge of a golf course dodging golf balls being pinged in my direction. Derek had a couple of rods already out when I arrived two hours before high water. In no time I had a fresh lug bait out, and with in 5 minutes the first codling came in. Nothing big just the standard autumn run of the mill codling of about 2lb. This was quickly followed by a 2nd and a 3rd. Then Derek was into them . In a brief 90 minute spell we had several codling and dropped and missed a few. With 3 kept for the table because they were deep hooked the rest

were released to hopefully grow into doubles. It was a pleasant evening catching our target species and strangely all we caught were codling. Normally a few Whiting and odd bass join the party, but no bother it was the codling we wanted . Techniques were simple with up and over rigs with 200g leads to hold bottom in the strong tide . Bait was simply fresh lugworm on a pair of Cox and Rawle 2/0 uptide hooks attached to 30lb snoods. This was my first session using the Cox & Rawle uptide hook in the uk after my Norway trip and I’m totally sold on them. Strong enough to land my Halibut in Norway that I hooked while dab fishing . They are so sharp they should come with a safety warning and they stay sharper for longer than most hooks I’ve encountered over the years and one of the important things I look for in a hook when fishing mixed or rough ground is they bend out of any stone , rock or reef crevices they get hung up onto when retrieving. What is the point of using a rotten bottom weak link to the lead so it can break free only to have a hook stuck fast and then pull for a break and leave an extra snag out there. That’s the beauty of these hooks maximum effectiveness with minimal trouble. Since this session I’ve also found the longer Shank surf and uptide hooks work in the same way and I will be using these in a 3/0 & 4/0 sizes for winter cod using whole squid . Both amazing hooks that I wouldn’t be with out in my guiding and pleasure sessions for years to come.

The weight of the fish when stocked into the water from which it was caught. The length of time the fish has been in the water of capture since stocking. The origin of the fish and its history prior to stocking. Whether the fish reached the weight claimed feeding on natural food and anglers’ baits only, without supplementary feeding or other treatments. Evidence of the growth rate of the fish. Consideration of whether the fish would be able to naturally sustain its weight in the fishery concerned. The committee also made the following statement in that press release: “The BRFC does not wish to encourage any attempts to introduce record size fish via imports, or attempts to manipulate records by producing record-size fish through the use of deliberate fishery management practices. The committee has faced import and aquaculture issues in the past and ceased records for Wels Catfish and for cultivated game fish as a result.” Having considered the claim in the light of these criteria, the committee concluded that it could not accept this claim as a credible British record. The most significant factors contributing to this decision were the relatively high weight of the fish upon importation and upon stocking into the fishery, and the fact that the fishery had been subject to an artificial feeding regime for a considerable time following the original stocking.


26 Email: LDSFC Lymington and District Sea Club: Charter Boat Match Species Competitions sponsored by Lonis Angling

Fishing League 2019, Centre.

If you are looking to step up your boat match fishing? Then look no further Lymington and District Sea Fishing Club can meet your needs with its boat match species League. The league consists of six bait supplied matches, one a month from April to September, alternating from the Ports of Lymington and Poole. Charter boats include Voyager and Last Laugh from Lymington and Mistress Linda and Boney M from Poole. Any level of angling ability welcome. Please contact Robin Lane on 07876 471901 or find us on Facebook (Lymington and District Sea Fishing Club) or via our website

seasoned senior match anglers in what was a very good performance in adverse conditions. He was using a Zziplex Match Primo sea fishing rod with an Infinity 8000 reel, with three-hook clip downs and twohook clip downs. Jack would like to thank all those who have helped him achieve these results. In particular Andy Madsen team captain, Craig Butler of West Coast Tackle for supplying the bait and Steve Liddle of West Coast Angling Centre for the replacement reel. He is a Year 8 pupil at Worle Community School in Weston-super-Mare. He a member of Channel Anglers, Sea Angling Club. Jack is coached by James T Madsen and sponsored by Baytree Road Garage, Weston-super-Mare.


Shingle Bank League Competition 19th November.

Nearly one hundred anglers hit the beaches of West Somerset to compete in one of the Channels largest shore fishing events of the year. Conditions were far from ideal, with strong winds making the sea almost unfishable. Elite sea angler Jack Reynolds of Worlebury was selected for the Channel Anglers 10man team captained by Andy Madsen. On his first cast of the day he came up with a 38cm whiting followed not long after by a 45cm dog fish. The two fish made him the top scorer in his team. The catch was enough to make him equal second in the individual event which netted him a prize of £150. Jack was also partnered by Craig Butler in the Junior and Senior Pairs, although Craig blanked, Jack's haul saw them win the trophy. The





4th 6th 1lb 8th

West Bay SAC This year's Junior v Parents match which includes the Junior Shore Match Trophy was fished alongside the club's Xmas Fayre match. Due to an unfavourable weather forecast it was decided to fish from the black hut on East pier to the inner harbour. Though it was windy and cold there was no rain but the water was very coloured. Six adults and four juniors fished the match, all but two managed to catch fish. Luckily Paul Lynham managed to catch a fish with just a few minutes to go though not enough to win the match he managed to avoid the draw for the wooden spoon.

After the match we all retired to the George Hotel West Bay for a wonderful stew and the prize presentation. The top three were;

The best fish of the competition was an undulate ray weighing 12lbs 6oz caught by Ben Daniels.

The Bristol Channel Federation of Sea Anglers (BCFSA) Winter Open 'The Browning' was being fished between Minehead and Blue Anchor.


Species caught; bass, pout, rockling & conger eel.

The weather on the evening was very good and 62 fish in total were weighed for a total weight of 91lbs 2.8oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are gently put back into the after weighing.


Results: 1st Paul Debden 7 whiting 3lb 14.8oz, Keith Panks 6 whiting 3lb 13.6oz, 3rd Danny Panks 7 whiting 3lb 12.6oz, Paul Watson 6 whiting 3lb 0.2oz, 5th John Tharne 4 whiting 2lb 1.8oz, Roland Blomfield 3 whitng & 1 pouting 14.8oz, 7th Ben Daniel 3 whiting 1lb 10.2oz, Terry Kempton 3 whiting 1lb 5oz.

The trophy winner was Steve Fowles (who also won the Xmas Fayre) managed to catch four sizable fish, Last year’s winner managed to take second place and take the Junior Shore Match Trophy for the second year running.

On Monday evening the 19th November the club held a shingle bank league competition in which 14 club members signed on and 13 weighed in fish consisting of undulate rays, pouting, whiting and dogfish.

Results: 1st Ben Daniels 23lbs 1.6oz, 2nd Paul Dibden 14lbs 1.2oz, 3rd Malcolm Stote 10lbs 8.2oz, 4th Andy Hopkins 6lb 15oz, 5th John Sloper 6lb 13.6oz, 6th Terry Kempton 6lb 3.2oz, 7th Danny Panks 4lb 12.2oz, 8th Keith Panks 4lb 11oz, 9th _____ ______ 4lb 2.6oz, 10th Paul Watson 3lb 15.8oz. Report sent in from Terry Kempton.

Sea Angling News, January 2019

1st. Steve Fowles (senior) 525g sizable weight 579g total weight. 2nd. Eden Lynham (junior) 216g sizable weight 216g total weight Jack Reynolds

3rd. Aaron Chambers (junior) 136g sizable weight 208g total weight.

Shirley SAC Here is the result of our latest match which was a Shallow Boats comp on Sunday 25th November. 13 members went afloat with 9 weighing in 102 fish for 30k 880gms. Species were Pout, Dogfish, Whiting & Cod with the best fish being a Cod of 2k 080gms caught by Barry Instrell. SENIORS. 1. Barry Instrell 2. B. Patterson 3. David Neil 4. Jim Merritt 5. Paul Bryson

7 fish 26fish 17 fish 14 fish 12 fish

JUNIORS. 1. Chloe Bryson 5 fish

Wooden Spoon: Caolan Ayers.

6k 500gms 6k 440gms 4k 480gms 3k 700gms 3k 120gms



Shore Competition 23rd November. On Friday 23rd November Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held an evening shore competition at Hordle Cliff. The weather for the evening was dry with a very strong easterly wind, and 9 club members signed on. 8 weighed in fish consisting of whiting and pouting. 41 fish in total were weighed for a total weight of 21lbs 7oz. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are weighed and released straight away. Best round fish, which was also the best specimen, was a whiting of 1lb 6oz caught by Keith Panks. The flat fish pool is a rollover.

Winner - West bay SAC


Match Report: NWASAC John E. Williams 2 Day Angling Festival, Sat/ Sun 1st & 2nd December 2018, Otterspool Promenade, Liverpool (112 rods each day). This major annual fixture commemorates the North West Association’s former President, John E. Williams and once more it attracted a star-studded capacity entry from all parts of Britain and Ireland including a particularly strong attendance by Manx anglers. Saturday was fine and calm and the whiting showed in numbers from the off with a sprinkling of codling, dogfish and rockling. The top performer on this first day was Barrow’s former England International, Gareth Griffiths with 755 cms from Zone C. Sunday provided very different conditions with rain and a stiff onshore breeze, however, there were still plenty of fish with Zone D winner, former World Champion, Alan Price having a particularly busy time with an impressive 925 cms of fish,

mainly whiting, to mainly mackerel bait. There was another zone win for Gareth, Zone B, this time and his perfect score earned him the two day win and the feat of winning his third two-day match in a period of four weeks. George Smith and Alan Price tied on a zone win and second apiece but the runner-up slot was awarded to Alan on fish countback. Anglers from the Isle of Man featured strongly in the results with organiser, Bill Lindfield, the best of the locals. The North West Association would like to thank our generous sponsor, Mal Scullion of Bassboots, the staff of the Britannia Inn which hosted the event and all those who donated raffle prizes including Bonner’s Bait and Tackle. Saturday results: Zone A: 1. Gary Hutson (Cleethorpes), 547 cms. 2. Bob Gascoigne (Cramlington) 3. Nigel Conlon (Port Sunlight) 4. Ian Brookes (Birkenhead) 5. Mike Emery (Isle of Man) Zone B 1. George Smith (Grimsby), 416 cms. 2. Alan Price (Kinmel Bay) 3. Andrew Dugdale (Isle of Man) 4. Ray Corlett (Isle of Man) 5. Alan Smith (Bolton) Zone C 1. Gareth Griffiths (Barrow-in-Furness), 755 cms. 2. Gary Reid (Isle of Man) 3. Bill Lindfield (Greasby) 4. Steve Bonner (Wallasey) 5. Gordon Thornes (Connah’s Quay) Zone D 1. Ian Rycroft (Isle of Man), 748 cms. 2. Tony Roberts (N. Wales) 3. Neville Charlesworth (Withernsea) 4. Bryn Jones (Benllech) 5. Kevin Coleman (Dwygyfylchi) Roundfish Pool: Mark Leece (Isle of Man), codling, 47 cms. Flatfish Pool: B. Gascoigne, flounder, 31 cms. Sunday Results: Zone A 1. Derek Sharpe (Isle of Man), 629 cms. 2. George Dugdale (Isle of Man) 3. Martin Grossman (Southend- on- Sea) 4. B. Lindfield 5. B. Jones Zone B 1. G. Griffiths, 538 cms. 2. N. Charlesworth 3. John Wade (Isle of Man) 4. Dave Wilson (Cleveleys) 5. Peter Cracknell (Worthing) Zone C 1. Mike Fox (Holderness), 520 cms. 2. Shane Russell (Old Colwyn) 3. M. Emery. 4. Lee Thornton (Southport) 5. Ged Stevens (Barrow-in Furness) Zone D 1. A. Price, 925 cms. 2. G. Smith. 3. B. Gascoigne. 4. Stuart Dewhurst (Preston) 5. I. Brookes Roundfish Pool: equal R. Corlett & A. Smith, both codling of 47 cms. Flatfish Pool: Phil Pape (Maryport), flounder, 37 cms. Overall Two Day Results: 1. Gareth Griffiths (Barrow). 2. Alan Price (Kinmel Bay. 3. George Smith (Grimsby) 4. Nev Charlesworth (Withernsea) 5. Bob Gascoigne (Cramlington) 6. Bill Lindfield (Greasby) 7. Mike Fox (Holderness) 8. Mike Emery (Isle of Man) 9. Derek Sharpe (Isle of Man) 10 Gary Reid (Isle of Man)

L to R, George Smith, Gareth Griffiths & Alan Price

Sea Angling News, January 2019


Email: 27


7 Oct 2018

Fishing 1600-2000hrs Signing on from 1400hrs


8 Dec 2018 Fishing 1700-2100hrs Signing on from 1500hrs


19 Jan 2019 Fishing 1500-1900hrs Signing on from 1300hrs

All matches are measure and release and the signing on venue is The Hobby Horse Inn, The Esplanade, Minehead

BOGNOR REGIS AMATEUR ANGLING SOCIETY Open beach competition Sunday 10 march 2019 0930 to 1430 catch and release to be fished at Pagham Beach booking in and draw for pegs from 0830 at pagham yacht club 1 West Front Road PO21 4SY entry cost £ 8 juniors £4 pool flat £1 round £1 Penn points cash prize subject to entry Tel: John Small 07799 762377 after 5 pm

WYVERN REGION 6thJanuary is our open shore at slapton. Sign on from 11am at strete gate car park. Fishing 1pm till 6pm. Wyvern presentation evening will be on 26th jan at the RBL, Exeter. 8pm start. Everyone welcome to see all our presentation of awards for 2018. More detail Mike Spiller 01404 43397. Three Bass Bag Limit In 2019

Ricol Leisure Sakuma Tel - 01305 789297 E Mail –


The Angling Trust is in Brussels this week for the annual Fisheries Negotiations where EU ministers will agree bass fishing measures for 2019. The Trust and BASS are campaigning for a

three-fish a day bag limit for seven months in 2019 plus restricting fixed netting to a percentage of their catches. More news to follow over the coming days.

28 Email:

Sea Angling News, January 2019




By Richard Lyon-Wilson

The bass still seem to be around the Jurassic Coast, even if they are not in huge numbers. I have had a few lately around the 2-3lb mark with a couple up around the 5-6lb mark. I have had to really work for them and they have been pretty hard to find but a few of my favourite marks are still doing the business which is great to see. Unfortunately it’s been down to taking the small windows of opportunity that appear when the water clears after a storm and trying to get out before the next storm colours the water again. Good reports of nice size bass (and wrasse) from Portland which is a great venue as you can fish many spots getting out of the wind. My most successful lures of 2018: 1. The Black Minnow 12g-this lure has accounted for many bass and wrasse this summer. It can be fished over many types of ground using the sink and draw method. 2. Albie Snax and White Senkos-these soft plastics have produced nearly all my night time bass, fished very slowly over mixed ground/gullies at varying depths. Fishing fairly calm nights helps and using weighted hooks on deeper venues helps to search out the night time predators. 3. Needle lures (Jim’s lures)-these handmade lures made by James Lanfear have caught many bass for many people. Being heavy they cast miles so great for fishing features far out and also over sand eel beds along the Southwest coastline. Again, this lure seems to be deadly at night on a slow retrieve.

4. The IMA Komomo SF-125 is one of my favourite day times lures for shallow water areas and gullies. I have found the cotton candy one a very successful colour and have had some large bass on hot sunny days on a slow retrieve with the odd twitch to send the lure out sideways making it look like a distressed fish (twitching the Albie now and again also gives a great action). 5. Now to my most successful and favourite lure, the Patchinkp 125 and 100. These top water surface lures have been absolutely awesome this summer especially when the mackerel are in. The 100, being the smaller lure, still casts miles and I find easier to work on the top. This lure has accounted for 90% of my bass this summer and a few PB’s for people including myself. When the mackerel are feeding on bait fish and the bass are feeding on the mackerel, fishing over the top of them using walk the a dog technique and watching the bass sometimes competing with one another sometimes missing a few times before nailing it completely-it’s an awesome feeling! I find surface fishing the most fun out of all fishing, whether it be on the lure or fly as it is so visual and makes the adrenalin pump like you wouldn’t believe. Over the next few months I plan to write about fly fishing for bass which is my preferred way of catching them. Although next month I will explore lure rods/set ups and what line or braid to use. I will also get an advert together for guided days for the total beginner to the more experienced anglers who want to share my passion for and enjoy this incredible sport.

DEVON SEAVIEW ANGLING 14/15 Faraday hill, Plymouth PL4 0ST. Tel: 01752269698 SEATON ANGLING CENTRE The Harbour, Axmouth, Seaton Devon EX12 4AA Tel: 01297 625511 HIGH STREET TACKLE, 153 High Street, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9EZ Tel: 07516 730749

DORSET SWANAGE ANGLING CENTRE 6 High St., Swanage BH19 2NT Tel. 01929 424989 email THE ANGLING CENTRE, 10a West Bay, Bridport tel. 01308 421800 WEYMOUTH ANGLING CENTRE 2-3 St Edmunds Street, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8QU Tel 01305-777771 Email: ABBOTSBURY FISHING TACKLE Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Weymouth DT3 4JL Tel 01305 871199. Delivery service to beach available.

JERSEY MORNING WATCH TACKLE St Catherines Breakwater, St Martins Jersey JE3 6DD 01534854359

HAMPSHIRE ALLAN’S MARINE 143 Twyford Ave., Portsmouth Tel 02392 671833 ROVERS FISHING TACKLE 178a West St., Fareham, Hants PO16 0EQ Tel. 01329 220354 Fax 01329 829040 POINGDESTRES Unit 11, Southampton Trade Park, Third Avenue, Southampton, Millbrook SO15 0LE 023 8077 2958

SOMERSET VEALS FISHING TACKLE, Brunel Rooms, Unity St. Bristol, BS2 0JP. 01179 260790 THYERS FISHING TACKLE, 1A Church Street, Highbridge 01278 786934 Fax 792397 WEST COAST TACKLE The Quay, Minehead Tel. Craig 01643 705745 WEST COAST ANGLING CENTRE 53 Swain St, Watchet Tel. Steve 01984 634807

SUSSEX THE ANGLERS DEN 6 North Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6AY Tel: 01323-460441 LAGOON BAIT& TACKLE, 327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - 01273 415879 SCOTTIES 25 Southwick Square, Southwick, Brighton BN42 4FP Phone:01273 592903 PRIME ANGLING 74 Brighton Rd, Worthing BN11 2EN Phone:01903 821594 www.primeangling.

WALES TELBOY’S TACKLE Amlwch, Anglesey Tel. 01407 832965

All advertising shops are automatically included, but any other shop wishing to be listed can be for just £20 per month. This will give you your shop's name, address and phone/fax number and a bundle of the Sea Angling News each month.


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