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Young Seabird Ambassadors
Continuing our support of the Year of Young People, we are delighted to introduce you to our seven Young Seabird Ambassadors who were selected earlier this year to contribute to our blog and support our work. Our Seabird Ambassadors all have a particular passion for nature, conservation or wildlife. Check our website www.seabirdyoungpeople. wordpress.com and read their fantastic blogs.
We are very lucky to have tapped into such enthusiastic supporters and extend a massive thank you for their work with us this year.
Tobias Bekkers Trugg
I applied to be a Seabird Ambassador because I love nature and I want to become a marine biologist when I am older. I also think people should care about nature more and not littering. I am very interested in birds. I mainly want to photograph and film birds because I find it fascinating how a pair of wings can carry a body with ease.
I volunteer at the lobster hatchery in North Berwick.
Ritchie Brand
I applied to be a Young Seabird Ambassador because I love ocean life and live next to the Seabird Centre which is one of my favourite places to visit.
I am interested in all types of sharks and seabirds. My favourite seabird is a puffin and my favourite shark is a whale shark.
Thomas Lucas
Hi, my name is Thomas and I have really enjoyed the Wildlife Club at the Seabird Centre. I applied be a Young Seabird Ambassador as I would like to carry on learning and pass information to others. I have been going to the Seabird Centre since I was little and now I am very pleased to represent it.
I am interested in conservation and protecting the seas and I like to dive and snorkel. I would also like to be a zoologist one day and protect wildlife. It’s important to protect the world we live in to make it happier for everyone.
Ruby Rutherford
I’m really happy to be a Young Seabird Ambassador! I applied because I’m interested in marine wildlife and also our environment. I am interested in lots of marine animals such as puffins, gannets, seals, dolphins and whales.
Pedro Matos
I’m really happy to be a Young Seabird Ambassador!
As a film student from the Edinburgh College, and a nature and outdoors enthusiast, I am interested in using filmmaking to support and educate about wildlife and marine conservation, so being one of the Young Seabird Ambassadors will provide me the opportunity to fulfil this ambition, meet new people with similar interests and get involved in the Seabird Centre projects.
I am interested in any conservation initiatives and environmental practices; however, marine wildlife is what really motivates me and I would like to learn and discover more about it.
Chris Cachia Zammit
I am very passionate about seabirds and love to share my passion and knowledge with other people, making them aware of the pressures that humans are putting on these species and how can we (humans) make their life easier and protect them and their habitat.
I have volunteered as a field worker in a number of seabird projects both in Malta and in the UK, these include Yelkouan Shearwater LIFE project, Shearwater LIFE. I have also volunteered, assisting ringers on Filfla, whilst ringing Mediterranean Storm Petrels.
I recently finished my internship with RSPB Scotland on Project Puffin UK, where I had to conduct census work on puffin colonies and track birds. I am also a wildlife photographer, with a number of photos being published in Maltese and Scottish publications.
Mark Pitt
I applied to be a young Seabird Ambassador as I firmly believe that our coasts require more protections from the government and that the most effective way to achieve this is to spread the message of conservation through the younger generation.
I have always had a passion for nature, particularly in all things related to birds. Seabirds have always piqued my interest due to how massive and remote their colonies are, however, and more importantly, our seabirds and other coastal animals are under intense pressures that they have not faced before. Their suffering is due to us humans, with our plastic waste and the warming oceans caused by carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions causing major losses across many seabird species.