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During 2022 we conducted a materiality assessment to map sustainability topics of great importance to Seaborn and our key stakeholders. Identifying areas where we have the greatest impact is essential for our further work withsustainability. Inthisprocesstherelevantmaterialsustainabilitytopicshavebeenrecognizedandprioritized basedonaqualitativeassessmentconductedbytheprojectgroup,internalinputfromworkshops,andinterviews with key stakeholders. This ensures a holistic approach to sustainability. The sustainability topics used in the assessment were part of an extensive gross list of industry relevant sustainability topics, based on recognized standards such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative, a recognized framework for sustainability reporting) and industry experience. The results are presented in Figure 1, which depicts the relevant material sustainability topics categorized by level of priority. Level 1 drivers will be the core in our sustainability work, followed by the level 2 and 3 drivers.