Labor Day Sept. 5
The City of Seabrook’s
e-Update September 2011 Volume 3, Issue 9
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT On August 9, 2011 at a legally held, open session, special council meeting, the City of Seabrook City Council appointed the following members to the “Fair Housing Activity Statement – Texas” (FHAST) Work Group: Group One members include (2): Council Member Don Holbrook Planning Officer Sean Landis Group Two members include (3): Minority business leader Genevieve Bar School district representative Nancy Jones Community based improvement association representative O.J. Miller
ADOPTION OF THE 2009 CODE EDITIONS Seabrook City Council recently approved Ordinance #2011-04 and #2011-05 adopting the 2009 and 2011 Code Editions. For any questions, please feel free contact the Building Inspection Department at 281.291.5669.
CERT Training Class Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training begins September 29, 2011 at the La Porte Police Station. Training sessions cover disaster preparedness, fire suppression, basic disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, team organization and terrorism. With this training, CERT teams played a vital role in providing support to jurisdictions throughout the region following Hurricane Ike in 2008. If needed following a disaster, these citizen-responders use their training as part of a neighborhood or workplace team to help others when first responders are overwhelmed or not immediately available. CERT members provide immediate assistance to victims in their area, organize spontaneous volunteers who have not had the training, and collect disaster intelligence that will assist first responders with prioritization and allocation of resources when they arrive. The training is hosted by the La Porte Office of Emergency Management from September 29th-November 17th. Classes will be held each Thursday from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the La Porte Police Department building, located at 3001 N 23rd St. in La Porte. . The Seabrook and La Porte CERT teams recently joined together to form BayCERT in order to help increase awareness of CERT in the Bay Area. For more information about the upcoming class contact the La Porte Office of Emergency Management (281) 4700010, or Ronica Hall 281-326-5644 .
News from the Friends of Evelyn Meador Library The Evelyn Meador has opened on N. Meyer and is ready for all to see and use. Our new feature is drive up service for returning books and checking books out from the library. Just come and check out this service. Every Tuesday at 10:30 am, year round, they have Preschool Story time. Every Wednesday at 10:30 am, year round, they have Bookworm Babies.
Tournament Rules Seabrook 2nd Annual Saltwater Derby Friday – September 30, 2011 Entry Fee $60.00 per person: All entry fees and registration forms must be submitted NO LATER THAN Friday, September 24, 2010. There will be no entrants accepted after this DEADLINE. Click here for details.
SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 22nd This October marks the 50th anniversary of the City of Seabrook’s incorporation. We’ll celebrate with a SPECTACULAR Festival at Meador Park that everyone can take part in. Attractions include: • • • • • •
PARADE from 9:00 am to 10:00 am TRAIN RIDE around Meador Park with optional tour of our new Evelyn Meador Library ROCKWALL Climbing, plus moonwalk and other inflatables Live Music Interactive exhibits and demonstrations Games, Costume Contest….and more!
PLEASE COME OUT FOR THE PARADE at 9:00 am, THEN JOIN US FOR PARK ACTIVITIES FROM 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Don’t miss the fun!
*** Visit the city website, for parade entry forms and vendor information & applications.
Choosing appropriate plants that will flourish in our often harsh bayside climate will be the subject of our next month's garden club meeting. Linda Knowles, Master Naturalist, will present a program on Native Plants at the next Seaside Garden Club meeting on September 21st, at 12:30 pm at Carother's Coastal Gardens, 502 Pine Gully Road, Seabrook TX 77586. As always, there is no fee to attend or to join Seaside Garden Club. For more information call D. Nelson 281-474-4825
JOIN BOY SCOUTS NOW!!! FALL REGISTRATION FOR CUB SCOUTS AT THE SEABROOK COMMUNITY HOUSE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24TH AND 31ST & SEPTEMBER 7TH, 2011 AT 6:30 PM Boys who will be in 1st through 5th grade for the 2011-2012 school year are eligible to join Scouts Now!!! Some of the exciting activities that local Cub Scout Pack 389 is planning 2011-12 include: Family Camp Outs (Oct, March, May), Bayshore Pushmobile Race (Oct), Houston Aeros Tunnel Team and Color Guard (Nov), Raingutter Regatta (Dec), Camping on the Battleship Texas (Dec), Houston Rockets Benchwarmers (Jan), Pinewood Derby (Feb), Scout Night with the Harlem Globetrotters (Feb), Blue and Gold Banquet (March), Spring Break State Park Camp Out (March), Scout Fair & Mega Derby at Reliant Arena (April), Family Fun Day (May), End of School State Park Camp Out (June), Bayshore Twilight Camp (June), Summer Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch (July), Scout Day with the Astros (Sept). More information is available online at For more information on local programs, or to join immediately, contact Nick Cocchia at 713410-7742 or Pack 389 is in the Bayshore District of the Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC) and serves Seabrook, El Lago, Nassau Bay, and Taylor Lake Village. Boys mostly come to us from Ed White, Bay, Robinson, and Bay Area Charter, although all boys in the area are welcome.