3 minute read
Cycle Seahaven
There’s no denying that COVID-19 has seriously curtailed Cycle Seahaven’s activities and that in turn has led to reduced opportunities to support the Club’s nominated charity, Seaford Downs Syndrome and Special Needs Support Group (SDSSNSG).
Tracey Martin decided something needed to be done their canopies
and that it was time to substitute two wheels for two wings and a propeller. The idea of a charity skydive had been born. Now, Tracey is not scared of danger, as anyone who’s seen her fast MTB descents towards five bar gates can testify, but she is terrified of heights, so for this she needed a side-kick.
A quick nag to another Club member (who happened to be in a bar at the time) resulted in commitment to join the venture. All they needed now was sponsorship, good weather and a lot of courage.However, fate was to intervene. Tracey’s side-kick just ‘happened’ to fall off his bike and injure his shoulder. A replacement Gofer was required. Enter the equally terrified Kirstie Forcey, who bravely decided to stand in for the injured rider (who made a miraculous recovery the day after she volunteered). The two set about getting sponsorship for the charity from other Club members, family and anyone too terrified to say no. The jump was set for Sunday 20th September, and despite numerous rain dances, sacrifices to the weather Gods and hopes of a global aviation fuel shortage, the conditions were perfect. Tracey and Kirstie were dragged up to Headcorn Parachute Club by a group of supporters and handed over to the Tandem Instructors. There was no escape. Having been briefed on the social distancing requirements and landing techniques required to ensure they didn’t plough up the landing area, the two boarded the tin can that was masquerading as an aircraft. By Guy Reynolds (as Tracey and Kirstie were still shaking
The flight to altitude (12,000 feet, or just over 2 miles up) set their hearts racing. Whilst the spectators on the ground couldn’t see their faces, they could still hear Even the 120 mph freefall couldn’t muffle the screams until opened at
5,000 feet. Now, tandem instructors can be cruel and with their ears still bleeding, it was time for revenge. Pulling down a toggle, they put the girls’ canopies into violent spins (they would’ve experienced less G Force in a washing machine spin cycle) before both made surprisingly graceful landings on the airfield (missing the lions in the adjoining field – yes really!) They had done it! They were green, they were elated and they hadn’t been sick (or lost control of any other bodily functions!). The children of Kent had learnt some new swear words and SDSSNSG are (currently with Gift Aid) £1,377.50 better off.
Well done both of you. Those that were there know just how much courage you plucked up to do the Skydive – especially as you both have health issues yourselves.
It’s not too late to add to this total, and if you’d like to contribute to SDSSNSG, please go to the blog on our website, www.cycleseahaven.org.uk and click on the link on the article, or direct to the SDSSNSG website, or drop a few coins into the next Dr Bike collection box. Let’s boost the Club’s contribution to our nominated charity!
the swearing until the pair exited the aircraft. too much!)
Photo l-r: Kirstie Forcey and Tracey Martin.

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