3 minute read
Concentus Come and Sing with Us
‘Really? How can we do that with the virus?’ Read on and see how, then start enjoying all the health and social benefits of singing with a friendly helpful choir. Since the early stages of Lockdown, Concentus has been running a pilot trial in taking online choir your device. This will include help for you to join and
rehearsals using Zoom. Now, for those of you who you and then, you will are ready to start singing! Initially
have never tried Zoom, DON’T TAKE FRIGHT, but read on to see just how easy ‘Zooming’ really is. Remain assured your hand will be held to help you along from the very beginning and at every stage thereafter up to and including singing!
The aim of the trial was to investigate the mechanics of supporting existing choir members during these strange restrictive times, but also to examine the feasibility of offering this service to everybody within the community who is not associated with the choir. The purpose is to give them the opportunity to experience the many benefits of singing along with other like-minded people. Most importantly though please be aware that no
The trial proved highly successful and following requests to various grant-making bodies, Concentus have just received the wonderful news that their applications for grant funding support to take their singing to the whole community has been approved! Accordingly the National Lottery Community Fund, are still able to enjoy all of the benefits of singing
the Sussex Community Fund and Tesco Bags of Help all see great value and benefit in Concentus opening up the ability of singing together to many more people, so involving them in discovering the many great benefits that can be gained from participation within!
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Using Zoom: for people who have not used Zoom before or possibly feel ‘rusty’ in using it, be assured that Concentus is here to help! There will be one-to-one personalised help for you in downloading Zoom onto additional help in physically joining Zoom meetings! You will be able to have just as much help as you feel that you need. You will soon discover that the initial downloading of Zoom is extremely easy, as it is in actually using the service.
As a new member, you will be able to meet and chat with other ‘fledgling’ singers as well as some experienced existing members who will all be there on screen with you to answer any questions you may have. You will also learn how Concentus delivers music to you will have your own ‘beginner’ rehearsal meetings until you individually feel ready to join the rest of the choir. Likewise the more experienced singers may wish to go straight into the main choir rehearsals. The choice is yours but always remember we only want you to go at your own pace, being the one that you feel most comfortable with.
other participants can actually ‘hear’ you (unless on a one-to-one session with the Musical Director) so you can sing ‘loud and proud’ to your heart’s content in the full knowledge that your vocal renditions remain safe and secure within your own home!
Concentus remains keen to get back to physical ‘live’ rehearsals as soon as is possible and safe. Their intention is to keep Zoom rehearsals running after actual rehearsals start so that the people who are shielding or are less able to come to a rehearsal venue
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together while staying at home.
Adrian White, Musical Director, is planning for the choir to physically come together and sing in a ‘COVID-safe’ way – most likely outside during the Christmas season, restrictions permitting.
To find out much more ring Lou on 07799 116653, visit Concentus’ web page at www.concentus-sings.com or seafordchoir.com