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Seaford’s Sussex Day Celebrations 2020
Seafo Celeb rd’s Susse x Day ratio ns 2020
Although COVID-19 restrictions meant that, disappointingly, a physical Sussex Day event could not take place this year, on 16th June, Seaford Town Council hosted a virtual celebration.
This virtual event invited Seaford residents to celebrate Sussex Day from the comfort of their own homes. Celebrations kick-started with Seaford Contemporary Illustrators & Printmakers (SCIP) creating a video artist tutorial with Jane Robins. SCIP hosted a collage competition inspired by the tutorial and there were lots of entries and two incredible winners. Well done to all who entered!
The flag was raised, complying with the Government’s Covid-19 guidance, with only six attending and keeping at a 2-metre social distance. This was led by the Seaford Town Crier, Peter White, who read the official ‘Sussex Day Charter’ for all the people of the ancient kingdom of Sussex,
celebrating the rites and traditions of Sussex. This was followed by the Town Crier’s own more humorous ‘Sussex Day Cry’, which gave a potted history of the origins of the celebration, which marks the festival of St Richard of Chichester. The Mayor of Seaford Cllr Rodney Reed, Mayoress and Consort Mrs Ann Reed, Flag Volunteer Cllr Dave Argent, and Seaford Lifeguard’s Peter Gwilliam attended the flag raising – thank you to Mrs Pat White for taking the photographs. A huge thank you to all involved in raising the flags and in organising the virtual celebration. A special thanks to the Martello Museum for raising the Sussex flag and decorating the Tower with bunting; to SCIP for creating the tutorial; to Artwave for promoting the competition; and to Onneke who allowed Seaford Town Council to share images of her popular Sussex artwork on the led up to Sussex Day.
Images clockwise from top: Town Crier Peter White, Mayor of Seaford Cllr Rodney Reed, Mayoress and Consort Mrs Anne Reed and Flag Volunteer Cllr Dave Agent; winner of SCIP collage competition Celia Ongley, age 16; winner of SCIP collage competition for children, Holly Mouland, age 4.
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Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to all of you kind people and organisations in Seaford and the surrounding area who have given –or are regularly giving –food and finance so that we may support the many households struggling with food poverty at this time.
Before Coronavirus, we were providing food parcels for around twenty to thirty households per week; this has now risen at its height to over one hundred. We have needed a great deal of food to sustain this support... but, thanks to you, with the need has come the supply and no-one has gone without.
The need has not diminished, so we remain grateful for everything given us, be it groceries or money, to help us to keep going on behalf of those families or individuals in need.
It has been impossible to thank every one of you personally but we hope, once distancing is less of an issue, to be able to express our gratitude to you in a more tangible way.
With love and thanks from Dawn Woodgate and the Seahaven Storehouse Team
For more information, please contact Dawn on 07921 844930 or e-mail: seahavenstorehouse@gmail.com
Part of Seaford Community Church: Charitable Trust No: 293090
SEAF RD & Blatchington LTC
PLAY TENNIS at Seaford Tennis Club Courts are open every day Play from 8am-10pm Belgrave Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 2HE. Tel 01 323 895780 Email: janjoyce38@gmail.com • www.seafordtennis.com