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Teddy Treats Partners Streetfunk Classes
Teddy Treats children’s charity, one of the Mayor of Seaford’s chosen charities, has joined forces with Streetfunk to sponsor young dancers in Seaford.
Together, Teddy Treats and Streetfunk are bringing dance, energy and fun into children’s lives by providing them with an outlet where they can express themselves through dance and learn the history of dancing along the way. The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Rodney Reed, opened the first dance class in Seaford in September this year. Streetfunk is a multi-award-winning dance company/ school providing Streetdance and Hip Hop dance classes to everyone ranging from 4 years to 18 years across Sussex. It was founded by award-winning JP Omari, who is widely known in the UK Hip Hop dance scene for his dedicated work in the community dance sector over the last 15 years.
Although Hip Hop dance is at the forefront of Streetfunk’s activities, what is most important to JP are the qualities that make one not only a good dancer but also a decent, respectable and confident person through hard work, discipline and respect. In class, children learn the importance of these qualities alongside the ability to express themselves freely and have fun through dance.
‘We are committed to creating a positive lifestyle where Hip Hop dance is taught in a fun environment where discipline, hard work and respect are paramount. We stand against lethargy and cultivate passion and funk in every person’, says JP.
The Streetfunk classes are every Wednesday at the Common Room, 2 Old Tree Parade, Seaford, BN25 1LU. Beginners (6 - 8yrs) at 4pm to 5pm. Intermediate (9 - 13yrs) at 5pm to 6pm.
For more details or to book a Streetfunk class visit www.streetfunk.co.uk/ or email: info@streetfunk.co.uk Teddy Treats: tel 07951 734521. Email: teddytreatschildrenscharity@outlook.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/teddytreats. childrenscharity Photo l-r: Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Rodney Reed, Brenda Edwards, Teddy Treats Childrens Charity Founder and JP Omari, Founder of Streetfunk.
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